NO REFUNDS for SPECIAL - EVENTS! - City of Kirkland

Page created by Brett Garcia
NO REFUNDS for SPECIAL - EVENTS! - City of Kirkland

                                                       for SPECIAL

26 City of Kirkland Recreation Classes & Programs Spring & Summer 2018
NO REFUNDS for SPECIAL - EVENTS! - City of Kirkland
                                                                                                                       REGISTRATION FEES/DEPOSITS
                                                                                                                       MONTHLY FEE $300
                                                                                                                       (Paid at time of registration)
                                                                                                                       RESERVE CAMP FOR THE FULL YEAR!
                                                                                                                       MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS Full fee
                                                                                                                       for your initial month is required upon
                                                                                                                       registration (fee includes a $25 deposit).
                                                                                                                       Additional months may be reserved
     For                                                                                                               by paying a $25 non-refundable, non-
                                                                                                                       transferable deposit per month per child.
    Grades                                                                                                             Monthly installment option is not available
     K-5                                                                                                               for online registration. The remaining
                                                                                                                       balance due must be paid by the 15th of
                                                                                                                       the previous month, otherwise the reserved
                                                                                                                       spot and deposit will be lost. This option is
                                                                                                                       only available for those registering for the
                                                                                                                       full school year.

                                                                                                                       ONLINE at
                                                                                                                       with full payment only
 New family
 registration                                                                                                          BY PHONE at 425.587.3336
    begins                                                                                                             IN PERSON at these locations:
   March 15                                                                                                            PKCC 352 Kirkland Ave
                                                                                                                       NKCC 12421 103rd Ave NE
for 2018-2019                                                                                                          Parks & Community Services Dept
  school year!                                                                                                         City Hall, 123 5th Ave

                                                                                                                       REFUND POLICY
                                                                                                                       The $25 deposits for the Peter Kirk After
                                                                                                                       School Camp are non-refundable and
                                                                                                                       non-transferable. For withdrawals a refund
      Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 3-6pm • Wed 1:30-6pm                                                                         less the $25 deposit will be granted if
                                (Parents must sign child out at the end of each day)                                   withdrawal request is received at least
                                                                                                                       two (2) weeks prior to the start of the new
          After-school camp offers a quality after school experience for                                               month. No refunds will be granted with less
      children grades K-5. Our staff offers a unique blend of recreation and                                           than two (2) weeks’ notice.
          educational activities in a relaxed, fun and safe environment.                                               TRANSPORTATION FROM
                 Camp will follow the Lake Washington School District calendar, and will be closed                     PETER KIRK ELEMENTARY
                  on days that school is not in session, this includes inclement weather closures.                     Transportation from Peter Kirk Elementary
                                                                                                                       to the after school program is available for a
                                                                                                                       limited number of students on a first come,
                                                                   CAMP FEES                 TRANSPORTATION            first serve basis. Students must provide their
 September 2018       Sept 4–28                                    R $300 / NR $360   3316 R $100 / NR $120     3304   own booster seat if needed. This service
                                                                                                                       is offered at an additional cost of $100 per
 October 2018         Oct 1–26                                     R $300 / NR $360   3317   R $100 / NR $120   3305   month (December 2018 and June 2019 will
 November 2018        Oct 29–Nov 30 (No camp Nov 12, 22, 23)       R $300 / NR $360   3318 R $100 / NR $120     3306   be pro-rated).
 December 2018        Dec 3–21                                     R $225 / NR $270   3319   R $75 / NR $90     3307   Health & Medications: A participant information sheet
                                                                                                                       must be filled out for each child, indicating all health
 January 2019         Jan 7–Feb 1 (No camp Jan 21)                 R $300 / NR $360   3320 R $100 / NR $120     3308
                                                                                                                       concerns, allergies and limitations. Please note City of
 February 2019        Feb 4–Mar 1 (No camp Feb 14, 15, 18)         R $300 / NR $360   3321 R $100 / NR $120     3309   Kirkland staff is unable to dispense any type of medication
                                                                                                                       to participants.
 March 2019           Mar 4–29 (No camp 3/8)                       R $300 / NR $360   3322 R $100 / NR $120     3310
                                                                                                                       All camp fees include a $25 non-refundable deposit.
 April 2019           Apr 1–May 3 (No camp Apr 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)   R $300 / NR $360   3323 R $100 / NR $120     3311   Camp is located at Peter Kirk Community Center,
 May 2019             May 6–31 (No camp May 24, 27, 28)            R $300 / NR $360   3324 R $100 / NR $120     3312   352 Kirkland Ave.
 June 2019            June 3–19                                    R $225 / NR $270   3325 R $75 / NR $90       3313

                                                                      See page 12 for Registration Information or Register Online at                        27
NO REFUNDS for SPECIAL - EVENTS! - City of Kirkland

Youth Art & Music

   Egg Decorating                                                                                       Move Over Mozart
                                                                                                        Advanced Piano Classes
Age 10–Adult Legend has it that as long
          as eggs (Pysanky) are decorated,                                                              Admittance need prior teacher approval.
            goodness over evil will prevail                                                             This is for the student that has already taken
           throughout the world. Dye and                                                                several sessions with Move Over Mozart.
decorate fresh eggs using a wax-relief tech-          Move Over Mozart                                  Class will focus on learning to read notes
nique that is an ancient tradition, called            Piano Classes                                     on the staff, recognizing patterns in the
Pysanky. Learn what colors and designs                A piano-learning program where children           music and identifying intervals. For more
have symbolic meaning to create your own              participate in musical activities and learn       information visit
messages. Each participant will make at               from each other as well as their teacher.         Age 5–7
least 2 eggs to take home. Youth (min age             Learn to play familiar tunes on the piano,        4543 Tue           Apr 10–June 19     5pm–5:30pm
10 years old) and adult classes combined.             read music, and basic music theory for a life-    4941 Thur          Apr 12–June 21     5pm–5:30pm
Instructor will collect a supply fee of $10 at        time of musical enjoyment. Having a piano         $121 R / $145 NR		                           NKCC
beginning of class.                                   at home is recommended but not required.
                                                                                                        4559 Tue           June 26–Aug 28     5pm–5:30pm
3314 Sat          Apr 14                10am–1pm      Class recitals are scheduled throughout
                                                      the year. New materials each session. A           4942 Thur          June 28–Aug 30     5pm–5:30pm
3315 Sat          June 16               10am–1pm
                                                      one-time, $20 materials fee, payable to           $110 R / $132 NR		                           NKCC
$30 R / $36 NR   PKCC       Instr: Larissa Chuprina
                                                      instructor, is due on the first day of class.     Age 8–12
Young Rembrandts                                      Class size is limited to 6. Additional classes    4544 Tue           Apr 10–June 19     5:30pm–6pm
Saturday Drawing Class                                may be added based on wait lists. For more        $121 R / $145 NR		                           NKCC
                Age 5 –12 Young Rem-
                                                      information visit No
                                                                                                        4560 Tue           June 28–Aug 30     5:30pm–6pm
                brandts Drawing Classes               class on 5/28.
                                                                                                        $110 R / $132 NR		                           NKCC
teach new, seasonally-inspired lessons every          Age 5–6
session that explore artistic fundamentals.           4540 Mon           Apr 9–June 18    4:30pm–5pm    Beginning Guitar Turbo
Every month includes an exciting lesson in            $110 R / $132 NR		                         NKCC   Charged!
Art History. Media includes pencils, col-                                                               Age 15–Adult This fast-paced course
                                                      4530 Tue           Apr 10–June 19   4pm–4:30pm
ored pencils, Sharpies, and colored markers.                                                            covers all the basics—from tuning and
No class on 5/26.                                     4531 Tue           Apr 10–June 19   6pm–6:30pm
                                                      4534 Thur          Apr 12–June 21   4:30pm–5pm    strumming, all the way up to common
4497 Sat Apr 14–May 5          10:15am–11:15am        4535 Thur          Apr 12–June 21   6pm–6:30pm    chord progressions. Learn major, minor and
4498 Sat May 12–June 9         10:15am–11:15am                                                          7th chords, basic rhythms and beginning
                                                      $121 R / $145 NR		                         NKCC
4499 Sat June 23–July 14       10:15am–11:15am                                                          theory. Good for acoustic styles. Must be at
                                                      4547 Mon           June 25–Aug 27   4:30pm–5pm
4500 Sat July 28–Aug 18        10:15am–11:15am                                                          least 15 years old at the start of class.
                                                      4551 Tue           June 26–Aug 28   4pm–4:30pm
$52 R / $62 NR		                           NKCC                                                         3889 Mon           Apr 9–June 4   6:30pm–7:30pm
                                                      4552 Tue           June 26–Aug 28   6pm–6:30pm
                                                      4555 Thur          June 28–Aug 30   4:30pm–5pm    3890 Mon           June 18–Aug 6 6:30pm–7:30pm
Young Rembrandts                                                                                        $98 R / $118 NR   NKCC          Instr: Scott Lawson
Saturday Cartooning Class                             4556 Thur          June 28–Aug 30   6pm–6:30pm
                                                      $110 R / $132 NR		                         NKCC   Guitar Song Workshop
                Age 5–12 Learn to create
                exciting cartoon imagery              Age 7–8                                           Age 15–Adult A great sequel for those
filled with dynamic characters and expres-            4541 Mon           Apr 9–June 18    5:30pm–6pm    who have taken the TURBO CHARGED
sive personalities. You will develop visual           4548 Mon           June 25–Aug 27   5:30pm–6pm    GUITAR class with a focus on songs. Or for
story-telling skills by drawing humorous              $110 R / $132 NR		                         NKCC   intermediate players who know basic major
sequential images. Young Rembrandts                                                                     and minor chords, and maybe even starting
teaches all-new lessons every week. Media             Age 9–12
                                                                                                        to get into barre chords. Learn and practice
includes pencils, Sharpies, and colored               4542 Mon           Apr 9–June 18    6pm–6:30pm    your favorite songs using basic techniques.
markers. No class on 5/26.                            4549 Mon           June 25–Aug 27   6pm–6:30pm    Acoustic and Electric.
4501 Sat Apr 14–May 5          11:30am–12:30pm        $110 R / $132 NR		                         NKCC
                                                                                                        3891 Mon           Apr 9–June 4   5:15pm–6:15pm
4502 Sat May 12–June 9         11:30am–12:30pm                                                          3892 Mon           June 18–Aug 6 5:15pm–6:15pm
4503 Sat June 23–July 14       11:30am–12:30pm                                                          $98 R / $118 NR   NKCC          Instr: Scott Lawson
4504 Sat July 28–Aug 18        11:30am–12:30pm
$52 R / $62 NR		                           NKCC

28 City of Kirkland Recreation Classes & Programs Spring & Summer 2018
NO REFUNDS for SPECIAL - EVENTS! - City of Kirkland
Youth & Teen

Youth & Teen General Programs
                                                                                                              Self Defense
                                                                                                              for Teen Girls Only
                                                                                                              Age 14–19 This 3-hour class will educate
                                                                                                              teen girls about potentially risky situa-
                                                                                                              tions. We will cover dating violence, how
                                                                                                              assailants target and test potential victims,
                                                                                                              personal safety, and more. Students will
                                                                                                              learn strikes to vulnerable targets, releases
                                                                                                              from grabs, and how to safely remove one-
                                                                                                              self from threatening situations. Class size
                                                                                                              limited to 15.
                                                                                                              4308              July 7                      1pm–4pm
                                                                                                              $60 R / $72 NR   NKCC             Instr: Strategic Living

                                                                                                              Self Defense
                                                                                                              for Girls Off to College
                                                                                                              Age 17–25 Learn simple and effective
                                                                                                              ways to stay out of harm's way on and
                                                                                                              around campus. In this short seminar, we
                                                                                                              will address 2 ways to identify possible
                                                       Junior Marine Engineering                              evil-doers, 3 strategies to evade them, and
Creating in the Kitchen
                                                                                                              4 techniques to neutralize their ill intent.
with Karen                                                              Age 4 – 6 What causes                 Some of this class will be physical, some
                  Age 3–8 Your child will                              something to sink or float?            verbal. Class size limited to 15.
                 practice creativity and culi-         How can engineers help explore and navi-
                                                                                                              4311              Aug 4                  12:30pm–4pm
nary skills while learning kitchen safety and          gate the oceans of the world? In this class,
                                                       through open and focused exploration,                  $70 R / $84 NR   NKCC             Instr: Strategic Living
developing healthy eating habits. Plan, prep,
and prepare for a gastronomic good time!               students explore the concepts of marine
                                                                                                              Dinner & Dessert with Karen
Note Location: McAuliffe Park, 10824 NE                engineering and mechanics, harnessing the
116th St. Kirkland, 98034 (enter off of                power of water, and discovering designs that           Age 5–8 Come have some fun learning to
108th Ave NE). No class on 5/28. $10                   help us navigate the seas. $35 supply fee              create a three course meal fit for your family
supply fee payable to instructor the first day         payable to the instructor at the first class.          dinner including dessert! Each day we will
of class.                                                                                                     have new recipes and will talk about: pick-
                                                       4518 Wed         Apr 11–May 16       1pm–1:45pm
                                                                                                              ing fresh and healthy ingredients, chopping,
Age 3–5                                                $100 R / $120 NR NKCC            Instr: King County    measuring, and the correct cooking method
                                                       		                             Engineering for Kids
3696 Mon          Apr 9–June 4    2:30pm–3:30pm                                                               needed for each course. Location: McAu-
3698 Mon          June 11–July 30 2:30pm–3:30pm        Shark Tank for Kids                                    liffe Park, 10824 NE 116th St. Kirkland.
$80 R / $96 NR   McAuliffe Park    Instr: Miss Karen                                                          To enter the park, head north on 108th Ave
                                                                          Grades 4–8 A life-changing
                                                                                                              NE from NE 116th St., then turn into the
Age 4–8                                                                  project-based experiential           1st driveway on the right.
3697 Mon          Apr 9–June 4 3:50pm–4:50pm           program that transforms children into
3699 Mon          June 11–July 30 3:50pm–4:50pm        confident future entrepreneurs. It boosts              Age 5
$80 R / $96 NR   McAuliffe Park    Instr: Miss Karen   creativity, challenges conventional thinking,          3701 Tue–Thur Aug 7–9                         1pm–3pm
                                                       and promotes collaboration, self-confidence,           $124 R / $149 NR McAuliffe Park        Instr: Miss Karen
                                                       and leadership. $25 material fee due first day
                                                       of class to instructor. Access to computer             Age 6–8
                                                       outside of class required for research.                3700 Tue–Thur July 31–Aug 2                   1pm–3pm
                                                                                                              $124 R / $149 NR McAuliffe Park        Instr: Miss Karen
                                                       Afterschool Edition
                                                       4782 Wed          Apr 9–May 30           4pm–6pm
                                                       Homeschool Edition
                                                       4783 Wed          Apr 9–May 30            1pm–3pm
                                                       $315 R / $378 NR NKCC       Instr: Kurious Minds LLC

                                                           See page 12 for Registration Information or Register Online at                        29
NO REFUNDS for SPECIAL - EVENTS! - City of Kirkland
Youth & Teen

Youth & Teen General Programs

Polly-Glot Spanish for                                    Home Alone Safe Kids 101
Elementary Youth                                          Age 9–13 This three-hour home alone class
                                                                                                                  “I wanted to tell you how much our two
Age 5–9 Language immersion classes use a                  will help your 9 to 13-year-old take the next
                                                                                                                   grandchildren enjoyed the Children’s
variety of developmentally age-appropriate                step in independence while giving you peace
                                                                                                                   Triathlon. They came away with such
activities to introduce new themes and                    of mind. Topics include: responsibilities
                                                                                                                   a sense of pride and accomplishment.
words. Games, music, crafts, stories and                  when staying home alone, simple first aid and
                                                                                                                      It was extremely well organized.”
dance are featured in each classes to create              abdominal thrusts for choking victims, how
an inter-active and fun learning process.                 to navigate the online world, and fire safety.
                                                          We’ll also discuss the truth behind abuse,             This non-competitive, non-timed event
4622 Thur          Apr 12–June 14          4pm–5pm
                                                          abduction, and stranger danger. All partic-               provides an excellent opportunity
$168 R / $202 NR   NKCC               Instr: Polly-Glot                                                            for youth to experience the sport of
                                                          ipants will receive the Safe Kids 101 book.
Young Ladies & Gentleman                                                                                              triathlon. Athletes participate in
                                                          4303 Sat          June 2               9am–12pm
                                                                                                                   50 yard swim/splash, ½ mile bike, and
Age 6–11 Manners are the key to building                  4304 Sat          July 28              9am–12pm
                                                                                                                  ½ mile run. Online registration will close
positive friendships and strong self-con-                 $42 R / $50 NR   NKCC       Instr: Super Sitters LLC
                                                                                                                  September 7th. Day of event registration
fidence. This fun, hands-on workshop
explores the value of kindness and respect                Super Sitters                                            will be available beginning at 10:15am
                                                                                                                  however; participants are encouraged to
for others and their practical applications               Age 11–15 Students completing this course
                                                                                                                          register prior to the event.
in introductions and handshakes, table                    will be better prepared to provide a safer and
manners, personal care, posture, telephone                more positive infant/child care experience.
etiquette and more. Bring supply fee of                   The class includes parent expectations, basic
$5 payable to the instructor for Etiquette                first aid, home and fire safety, Heimlich
Booklet.                                                  maneuver, telephone tips, toys and activ-
4464 Sat            Apr 21          9:30am–12:30pm        ities and infant care. Participants receive
4465 Sat            July 21         9:30am–12:30pm        a Babysitting 101 handbook and a course
$46 R / $55 NR     NKCC             Final Touch School    completion card. Bring a morning snack, a
                                                          sack lunch, and a drink.
                                                          4301 Sat          Apr 28                9am–2pm           Race begins at 11:00am
                                                          4302 Sat          July 14               9am–2pm          Check in begins at 10:15am
                                                          $50 R / $60 NR   NKCC       Instr: Super Sitters LLC
                                                                                                                      $34 • Registration #4289

                                                                                                                    Participants will receive swim cap,
                                                                                                                             T-shirt & ribbon

30 City of Kirkland Recreation Classes & Programs Spring & Summer 2018
NO REFUNDS for SPECIAL - EVENTS! - City of Kirkland
Youth & Teen

Youth & Teen Dance, Movement & Gymnastics
Hip Hop Girls 1
Age 5–7 In this high-energy, age appro-
priate class, girls will learn the latest moves
to "today's" (clean version) of music. Build
self-esteem, enhance your coordination
and stay fit. Wear comfortable clothing
and shoes, and bring a water bottle to class!
4395 Thur Apr 12–June 21           4pm–4:45pm
4396 Thur July 5–Aug 30            4pm–4:45pm
$64 R / $77 NR		                          NKCC

Hip Hop Boys 1
Age 5–7 Boys can benefit from dance
and the concentration and strength that
dance builds. These classes are designed
to encourage athleticism and to feel more
comfortable and accomplished in an envi-
ronment designed just for boys.
4397 Thur Apr 12–June 21        4:50pm–5:35pm
4398 Thur July 5–Aug 30         4:50pm–5:35pm
$64 R / $77 NR		                          NKCC        Ballet 1 Youth                                       Teen Ballet
                                                      Age 5–7 This class introduces ballet tech-           Age 10–16 Learn ballet technique, dance
Youth Hip Hop
                                                      nique to the older student while challenging         vocabulary, practice exercises at the barre,
Age 7–11 Bust a move in this fun, high                the younger experienced student. Ballet              stretching and center floor work. This fun,
energy, street dance style class taught to            vocabulary, alignment, posture, strength,            invigorating class for boys and girls is a
“cleaned-up” versions of fast paced Hip               and fluidity will be the focus through barre         balance of activities and musical awareness.
Hop music. For newbies and kids with                  exercises, floor, and center work. Prereq-           No class on 3/19, 5/28.
experience. Wear comfortable clothing and             uisite for 5 year olds: Preschool Dance B
shoes, and bring a water bottle to class!                                                                  4228 Mon Mar 26–Apr 30           4:15pm–5:15pm
                                                      or equivalent experience. 5 year olds must
                                                                                                           4229 Mon May 7–June 18           4:15pm–5:15pm
4399 Thur Apr 12–June 21        5:45pm–6:30pm         register by phone at 425.587.3350. Bring
                                                      your cameras for Parent Watch day on the             4230 Mon June 25–July 30 4:15pm–5:15pm
4400 Thur July 5–Aug 30         5:45pm–6:30pm
$64 R / $77 NR		                          NKCC        last day of session. Leather soled ballet shoes      $66 R / $79 NR PKCC        Instr: Marco Carrabba
                                                      required. No class on 5/26.                          4232 Mon Aug 6–20                 4:15pm–5:15pm
Ballet/Tap Combo C                                    4458 Sat Apr 14–June 23       11:30am–12:15pm        $33 R / $40 NR PKCC         Instr: Marco Carrabba
Age 5–7 For students who have completed               $80 R / $96 NR NKCC                Instr: Miss Jen
Ballet/Tap Combo B. We’re are going to be             4459 Sat July 7–Sep 1         11:30am–12:15pm
busy developing & expanding on the skills             $64 R / $77 NR NKCC
that were introduced in Combo B. Parents
may join us for the last class to watch and
take pictures. Ballet and tap shoes required.
4451 Tue Apr 10–June 19         5:45pm–6:30pm
$88 R / $106 NR NKCC             Instr: Miss Osiris
4455 Tue July 3–Aug 28          5:45pm–6:30pm
$72 / $86 NR    NKCC             Instr: Miss Osiris

                                                         See page 12 for Registration Information or Register Online at                31
Youth & Teen

                                                                                                            Ice Skating
                                                                                                            Age 4–Adult Our professional learn-to-
                                                                                                            skate staff will teach a progression of skills to
                                                                                                            ensure safety and provide an understanding
                                                                                                            of the basic fundamentals of ice skat-
                                                                                                            ing. Whether you are a beginner or would
                                                                                                            like to enhance your present skill level we
                                                                                                            encourage children and adults to join.
                                                                                                            Classes will include 30 minutes of professional
                                                                                                            instruction and 30 minutes of practice/free
                                                                                                            skating time. Registration deadline is: Two weeks
                                                                                                            prior to start of first class. Please visit www.kirk-
                                                                                                   to find information you need to
                                                                                                            know before the first day of class.
                                                                                                            Sno-King Ice Arena, 14326 124th Ave NE
                                                                                                            Age 4–Adult
Youth Sports & Fitness                                                                                      4751 Tue          Apr 24–June 5       10:45–11:45am
                                                                                                            4752 Tue          July 10–Aug 21      10:45–11:45am
Mighty Mite Martial Arts                             Learnin' the Ropes                                     Age 5–Adult
Age 4–6 Miller Martial Arts Academy                  Age 5–12 Our classes are designed to teach             4749 Wed           Apr 25–June 6             6–7pm
introduces Martial Arts to boys and girls.           the sport of jump rope while instilling                4750 Wed           July 11–Aug 22            6–7pm
Learn non-violent conflict resolution, better        positive character qualities in youth of all           $149 R / $179 NR		                Sno-King Ice Arena
concentration and listening skills, and build        ages! Participants will receive high quality
coordination, flexibility and self-control. At       instruction in single rope, shared rope, long          Dream Team Cheer Squad
this age there will never be contact between         rope, double dutch and more. All classes are           Age 7–18 Be a part of the Kirkland Parks
participants. The last week of class we will         taught by a trained instructor, and we make            cheer squad! You'll learn dances, cheers,
have a graduation ceremony to a Mighty               sure to provide a fun, safe, and inviting              and beginning tumbling. There will be
Mite White Belt. Location: Miller Martial            atmosphere! Jump rope is great for building            opportunities to perform too including
Arts Academy, 8920 122nd Ave NE Kirk-                hand eye coordination, foot work, cardio-              at the Seattle Storm and UW! Previous
land. No class on 5/26.                              vascular health, and overall general fitness.          experience is not required. Cheer classes
4491 Wed         Apr 11–May 30 2:45pm–3:15pm         3877 Thur         Apr 12–May 10          4pm–5pm       are run by Eastside Dream Elite Cheer &
4492 Sat         Apr 14–June 9   11am–11:30am        $66 R / $79 NR   NKCC      Instr: Learnin' the Ropes   Dance,
$38 R / $46 NR		               Miller Martial Arts   3879 Thur         May 24–June 21         4pm–5pm       (Some extra uniform costs may be incurred
                                                     $55 R / $66 NR   NKCC      Instr: Learnin' the Ropes
                                                                                                            for this class). No class on 5/17.
UK Elite Soccer Individual                                                                                  3941 Thur         Apr 12–June 14      5pm–6:30pm
Development                                          Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga                              $125 R / $150 NR NKCC     Eastside Dream Elite Cheer
Age 5–14 The UK Elite Soccer Individual              Age 16–Adult Classes combine your favor-
Development Program offers the best pos-             ite yoga routines and put them on the water!
sible professional training for young soccer         Both yoga and stand up paddle boarding
players. Players are divided into groups that        are great for building better balance, coor-
match our age-specific curriculum. Players           dination, endurance, and body strength.
will learn technical and tactical aspects of         We begin class on shore to go over the basic                       Cheer Camp
soccer using a variety of skill based games          fundamentals of SUP; water safety, proper
and drills.                                          paddle positioning, stroke technique, and                              See page 8
AGE 5-8 4611 Tue Apr 9–May 21 4:30pm–6pm             more. All levels welcome. All equipment
AGE 9-14 4612 Tue Apr 9–May 21 6pm–7:30pm            provided.
$105 R / $126 NR		         Juanita Beach Park        4212 Wed July 11–Aug 1               6pm–7:15pm
                                                     4213 Thur July 12–Aug 2             12pm–1:15pm
                                                     4526 Sat        June 30–July 21 10:30am–11:45am
                                                     4527 Wed Aug 8–29                    6pm–7:15pm
                                                     4528 Thur Aug 9–30                  12pm–1:15pm
                                                     $110 R / $132 NR Juanita Beach Pk Lindsay Lambert

32 City of Kirkland Recreation Classes & Programs Spring & Summer 2018
Youth & Teen

                                                                                                              Got AN
                                                                                                              We’ve Got Space.
                                                                                                                  Wedding? Party?
                                                                                                                 Reunion? Meeting?
                                                                                                             The Peter Kirk Community Center and
                                                                                                               North Kirkland Community Center
                                                                                                             can meet these needs and more. Both
Youth Ice Hockey                                                                                              centers feature hardwood floors, full
Youth Ice Hockey 1                                   Youth Hockey 2                                         kitchens and usage of tables and chairs.
Age 4–10 Beginner ice skaters will learn the         Age 4–10 This class is ideal for boys and              For information and availability please
fundamentals of ice skating, become com-             girls that have either taken Hockey 1 or have          give us a call or go to
fortable on the ice, learn the basic hockey          basic skating skills and are ready to move                  under “How Do I?” and select
stance, stride, knee bend, use of edges and          onto a full hockey curriculum. Players play                “Rent a City Park or Facility”
how to hold a stick.                                 in game situations, in FULL hockey gear
Please note: Registration closes two weeks in        for this class. Course fee includes jersey,
advance. No class on 5/26, 6/30.                     distributed mid-season, and end of the
                                                     year award.
Please visit for addi-
tional information about class and equipment         Equipment required: Full hockey equipment
rental.                                              required. (Note below equipment can be rented)
                                                     Once registered for the class, contact SnoKing at
Sno-King Ice Arena, 14326 124th Ave NE               425.821.7133, ext. 100, one week prior to start
No Equipment Rental                                  of class to arrange for equipment rental pickup.
4701 Sat Apr 7–May 12           10:45am–11:30am      Prerequisite and Requirements: Hockey 1 or basic
4755 Sat May 19–July 7          10:45am–11:30am      ice skating skills. Must be registered with USA
4756 Sat July 14–Aug 18         10:45am–11:30am      Hockey and will be given instructions on how to
$95 R / $114 NR		               Sno-King Ice Arena   do so prior to the 1st day of class. Annual mem-
                                                     bership cost is $49 for ages 7 and up. (No fee for 6
With Equipment Rental
                                                     years and younger.) Registration closes two weeks
Once registered for the class, contact SnoKing at    in advance. No class 5/26 & 6/30.
425.821.7133, ext. 100, one week prior to start                                                                Peter Kirk Comm. Center
of class to arrange for equipment rental pickup.     Please visit for addi-
                                                     tional information about class and equipment                 352 Kirkland Ave, Kirkland
4759 Sat Apr 7–May 12           10:45am–11:30am                                                                         425.587.3360
4760 Sat May 19–July 7          10:45am–11:30am
4761 Sat July 14–Aug 18         10:45am–11:30am      Sno-King Ice Arena: 14326 124th Ave NE, Kirkland       North Kirkland Comm. Center
$125 R / $150 NR		              Sno-King Ice Arena   No Equipment Rental
                                                                                                                 12421 103rd Ave NE, Kirkland
                                                     4757 Sat           Apr 7–Aug 4   11:30am–12:30pm                   425.587.3350
                                                     $245 R / $294 NR		               Sno-King Ice Arena
                                                     With Equipment Rental                                             Heritage Hall
                                                     4762 Sat           Apr 7–Aug 4   11:30am–12:30pm               203 Market St, Kirkland
                                                     $325 R / $390 NR		               Sno-King Ice Arena                425.587.3300

                                                           See page 12 for Registration Information or Register Online at       33
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