7-10 Mathematics Curriculum - Transforming lives through learning - Catalyst ...

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7-10 Mathematics Curriculum - Transforming lives through learning - Catalyst ...
Transforming lives through


7-10 Mathematics
Welcome to the Mathematics 7-10
High Quality Curriculum Resource
Pack, a suite of teacher and
student resources and activities
that will help you and your
teachers deliver engaging and
impactful mathematics lessons.

  These resources have been identified as high-
  quality by a working group of CECG teachers and
  leaders across our Archdiocese.

  We will work with you to identify student and
  teacher learning needs and integrate the most
  relevant high-quality curriculum resources into
  teaching and learning programs.
Comprehensive high-quality curriculum resources
Name              Description                                    Strands               Proficiencies /    Purpose               Cost   Contact
                                                                                       Aspects of Working
Cambridge         Supports effective mathematics teaching        •   Number and        L   Fluency           •   Introduction    $     Mark Burke
textbooks –       and learning across the curriculum. Tried          Algebra           L   Understanding     •   Consolidation         Anna Keppel
CambridgeMATHS    and tested in CECG classrooms, students are •      Measurement and   L   Problem solving   •   Real-world            Beth Bright
NSW Years 7-10    familiar with the resource and trust its rigor     Geometry          L   Reasoning             application
and Essential     and fidelity to the curriculum. The resource   •   Statistics and    L   Communicating     •   Self-guided
Mathematics for   includes regular formative and summative           Probability                                 remote learning
the Australian    assessments, a variety of questions for each
Curriculum        topic, and a mind map for each topic. The
                  textbooks may not precisely align with school
                  teaching and learning programs and teachers
                  need to use their discretion to refer to
                  relevant parts of the textbook. The supporting
                  teacher resources (free with text purchase)
                  are also particularly useful to build teacher
                  understanding of curriculum concepts.
Complementary high-quality curriculum resources
Name           Description                                               Strands              Proficiencies /    Purpose                Cost Contact
                                                                                              Aspects of Working
Brilliant      Provides an engaging platform for students (and           •   Number and       L   Fluency           •   Self-guided     $      Karen Bahmann
               teachers) to work through algebraic thinking,                 Algebra          L   Understanding         remote learning
               numerical and logical reasoning, algorithms, and          •   Measurement      L   Problem solving   •   Extension
               geometric problem solving. It has lots of great               and Geometry     L   Reasoning         •   Enrichment
               problems that students can work through to fill           •   Statistics and   L   Communicating     •   Teacher
               gaps in their understanding or to extend their                Probability                                companion
               understanding in target learning areas. It also has
               potential as a tool to build the capability of new
               or out-of-field teachers, particularly with respect
               to number theory, algebra and logic without
               rote memorisation, visual representation, and
               algorithmic thinking. Note: this resource does not
               provide extensive teacher instructional supports
Cambridge Go   A digital resource designed for use in conjunction •          Number and       L   Fluency           •   Introduction    $      Mark Burke
               with the Cambridge textbooks. It can be used to               Algebra          L   Understanding     •   Consolidation          Anna Keppel
               develop both students’ and teachers’ mathematical •           Measurement      L   Problem solving   •   Real-world             Beth Bright
               understanding.                                                and Geometry     L   Reasoning             application
                                                                  •          Statistics and   L   Communicating     •   Self-guided
                                                                             Probability                                remote learning

Desmos         This free online resource includes a range of             •   Number and       L   Understanding     •   Introduction    Free   Chris Higgins
               student activities and tools, including a range of            Algebra          L   Problem solving   •   Consolidation          Jamie Kemp
               online calculators. Worked examples and advice            •   Measurement      L   Reasoning         •   Real-world
               to teachers helps to support effective pedagogy,              and Geometry     L   Communicating         application
               including by supporting teachers to facilitate            •   Statistics and                         •   Self-guided
               meaningful mathematical discourse, pose                       Probability                                remote learning
               purposeful questions and elicit and use evidence
               of student thinking. The resource is not aligned to
               the Australian Curriculum or NSW Syllabuses but
               covers many of the same topics. Teachers should
               use their discretion to select activities that fit with
               the school-based scope and sequence.
Complementary high-quality curriculum resources
Name             Description                                         Strands              Proficiencies /    Purpose                Cost   Contact
                                                                                          Aspects of Working
Education        This resource is aligned to the middle years and •      Number and       L   Fluency           •   Introduction    $      Chris Higgins
Perfect          secondary curriculum and can be used to help            Algebra          L   Understanding     •   Consolidation          Jamie Kemp
                 fill gaps in student understanding. It provides  •      Measurement      L   Problem solving   •   Real-world
                 clear feedback to the teacher about student             and Geometry     L   Reasoning             application
                 progress. It may be especially useful to inform  •      Statistics and   L   Communicating     •   Self-guided
                 assessments and homework tasks.                         Probability                                remote learning
                                                                                                                •   Teacher
Enrichment       This resource can be used to extend students        •   Number and       L   Fluency           •   Introduction    $      Chris Higgins
Maths for        and “enrich” a topic. The questioning is creative       Algebra          L   Understanding     •   Consolidation          Jamie Kemp
Secondary        and by design encourages discussions and            •   Measurement      L   Problem solving   •   Real-world
School           further questioning. The resource is easy to            and Geometry     L   Reasoning             application
Students         follow and the worked answers to questions          •   Statistics and   L   Communicating     •   Self-guided
                 provide helpful detail for both teachers and            Probability                                remote learning
                 students. It is engaging and easy to use.

Estimation 180   Both resources contain problems that may be         •   Number and       L   Fluency           •   Introduction    Free   Karen Bahmann
and Which One    used as lesson starters or “brain breaks” within        Algebra          L   Understanding     •   Consolidation
Doesn’t Belong   lessons. They include low floor/high ceiling        •   Measurement      L   Problem solving
                 problems that are accessible to a range of              and Geometry     L   Reasoning
                 students.                                           •   Statistics and   L   Communicating
Excel Maths      This resource usefully supports revision and        •   Number and       L   Fluency           •   Introduction    $      Mark Burke
                 can help inform assessment items.                       Algebra          L   Understanding     •   Consolidation          Anna Keppel
                                                                     •   Measurement      L   Problem solving   •   Real-world
                                                                         and Geometry     L   Reasoning             application
                                                                     •   Statistics and   L   Communicating     •   Self-guided
                                                                         Probability                                remote learning
Freefall         This online resource can be used to support         •   Number and       L Fluency             •   Consolidation   $      Chris Higgins
Mathematics      fluency.                                                Algebra                                                           Jamie Kemp
                                                                     •   Measurement
                                                                         and Geometry
                                                                     •   Statistics and
Complementary high-quality curriculum resources
Name           Description                                        Strands              Proficiencies /    Purpose                Cost   Contact
                                                                                       Aspects of Working
Geogebra       This free resource is especially useful to         •   Number and       L   Fluency           •   Introduction    Free   Mark Burke
               support the teaching and learning of graphing.         Algebra          L   Understanding     •   Consolidation          Anna Keppel
                                                                  •   Measurement      L   Problem solving   •   Real-world             Beth Bright
                                                                      and Geometry     L   Reasoning             application
                                                                  •   Statistics and   L   Communicating     •   Self-guided
                                                                      Probability                                remote learning
HOTmaths       Student resource with links to the Cambridge       •   Number and                             •   Introduction    $      Chris Higgins
               textbook. It is useful for student revision and        Algebra                                •   Consolidation          Jamie Kemp
               additional practice and includes interactive       •   Measurement                            •   Real-world
               widgets, a task manager, and quiz making               and Geometry                               application
               functionality.                                     •   Statistics and                         •   Self-guided
                                                                      Probability                                remote learning

Khan Academy   This free resource is not aligned with the         •   Number and       L Fluency             •   Introduction    Free
               Australian Curriculum or NSW Syllabuses but            Algebra          L Understanding       •   Consolidation
               covers the same topics – it is up to the teacher   •   Measurement
               to select relevant sequences and situation             and Geometry
               them within the school-based scope and             •   Statistics and
               sequence. The resource includes a combination          Probability
               of explanatory videos as well as quizzes that
               check for understanding. It may be particularly
               useful to help catch-up students with extended
               absences or those who have missed a topic.
Math O Magic   This resource provides worksheets on a range       •   Number and       L Fluency             •   Consolidation   $      Chris Higgins
               of topics that can be used to support fluency          Algebra                                                           Jamie Kemp
               and help consolidate understanding.                •   Measurement
                                                                      and Geometry
                                                                  •   Statistics and
Complementary high-quality curriculum resources
Name           Description                                         Strands              Proficiencies /    Purpose                Cost Contact
                                                                                        Aspects of Working
Maths 300      Supports the development of productive student      •   Number and       L   Fluency           •   Introduction    $    Katrina
               dispositions to Mathematics. Use of this resource       Algebra          L   Understanding     •   Consolidation        McGregor
               relies on the teacher having access to basic        •   Measurement      L   Problem solving   •   Real-world
               manipulatives such as blocks and counters –             and Geometry     L   Reasoning             application
               required manipulatives are listed clearly in the    •   Statistics and   L   Communicating     •   Assessment
               task. The resource gives teachers creative ideas        Probability                                ideas
               about how to teach the curriculum.
Maths Online   A student resource for flipped classroom           •    Number and       L   Fluency           •   Introduction    $    Beth Bright
               environments and may also usefully support              Algebra          L   Understanding     •   Consolidation
               student revision and additional practice. It has   •    Measurement      L   Reasoning         •   Self-guided
               quiz making functionality and includes informative      and Geometry     L   Communicating         remote learning
               videos.                                            •    Statistics and

Maths Space    Provides a platform for revision and consolidation •    Number and       L   Fluency           •   Consolidation   $    Kathleen Garvie
               and may be particularly useful to inform homework       Algebra          L   Understanding     •   Real-world
               tasks. It is aligned to the curriculum from Year   •    Measurement      L   Reasoning             application
               3 and can support teachers to fill gaps in the          and Geometry     L   Communicating     •   Self-guided
               understanding of a diverse range of learners.      •    Statistics and                             remote learning
               It collates and presents exceptionally detailed         Probability
               student data to help guide teacher planning.
               Associated teacher professional development is
Mr Bodgers     Demonstrates how an experienced maths teacher •         Number and       L   Fluency           •   Introduction    $    Chris Higgins
               explains concepts and communicates maths – it           Algebra          L   Understanding     •   Consolidation        Jamie Kemp
               may be a particularly useful resource for an      •     Measurement      L   Problem solving   •   Self-guided
               out-of-field or beginning teacher. It is a useful       and Geometry     L   Reasoning             remote learning
               auxiliary resource that can be linked/embedded    •     Statistics and   L   Communicating
               in the LMS and/or left for relief teachers. Time        Probability
               efficient way to move through fluency work/
               flipped classroom model so that lesson time with
               the classroom teacher can be devoted to achieving
               deeper understanding and consolidation. Excellent
               resource for students revising, working ahead, or
               catching up on missed work.
Complementary high-quality curriculum resources
Name          Description                                           Strands              Proficiencies /    Purpose                Cost   Contact
                                                                                         Aspects of Working
New Zealand   Aligned with the New Zealand Curriculum but           •   Number and       L   Fluency           •   Introduction    Free   Katrina
Maths         covers many of the same topics as the Australian          Algebra          L   Understanding     •   Consolidation          McGregor
              Curriculum. It provides a range of clear, rich        •   Measurement      L   Problem solving   •   Real-world
              lessons and tasks to build students’ conceptual           and Geometry     L   Reasoning             application
              understanding. The resources link to external         •   Statistics and   L   Communicating     •   Assessment
              assessment tools. It also includes resources              Probability                                ideas
              to build teacher capability and to help parents
              support their children’s learning.
Nrich         Linked to the English curriculum, Nrich provides a    •   Number and       L Problem solving     •   Consolidation   Free   Beth Bright
              selection of engaging problems and investigations         Algebra          L Reasoning           •   Real-world             Karen
              organised by year level. Problems are organised       •   Measurement      L Communicating           application            Bahmann
              by concept and are easily searchable, allowing            and Geometry
              teachers to align it to the Australian Curriculum /   •   Statistics and
              NSW Syllabuses and their school-based teaching            Probability
              program. Teachers may need to scaffold and
              unpack tasks for students. The tasks encourage
              students with varying levels of understanding to
              explore the same concept, supporting an inclusive
Open Middle   Provides a range of stand-alone questions and       •     Number and       L   Understanding     •   Consolidation   Free   Beth Bright
              opportunities for students to demonstrate their           Algebra          L   Problem solving   •   Real-world             Karen
              reasoning. Designed with a “closed beginning”       •     Measurement      L   Reasoning             application            Bahmann
              and “closed ending” so all students begin at the          and Geometry     L   Communicating
              same point and achieve the same outcome, all        •     Statistics and
              questions are designed with an “open middle” so           Probability
              there are multiple ways to approach the problem.
              Some teacher work would be required to align the
              resource with the Australian Curriculum / NSW
              Syllabuses and to situate the questions within your
              school-based scope and sequence.
Complementary high-quality curriculum resources
Name            Description                                          Strands              Proficiencies /    Purpose                Cost   Contact
                                                                                          Aspects of Working
Peter Blake     Provides videos and auxiliary material that could    •   Number and       L   Fluency           •   Introduction    Free   Chris Higgins
Maths           be used as a student resource and to support a           Algebra          L   Understanding     •   Consolidation          Jamie Kemp
                flipped classroom environment.                       •   Measurement      L   Problem solving   •   Real-world
                                                                         and Geometry     L   Reasoning             application
                                                                     •   Statistics and   L   Communicating     •   Self-guided
                                                                         Probability                                remote learning

Problemo        This resource is designed to support the             •   Number and       L Problem solving     •   Introduction    Limited Karen Bahmann
                development of problem-solving skills using real-        Algebra          L Reasoning           •   Consolidation   free
                work application. It includes a range of specific    •   Measurement      L Communicating       •   Real-world      access,
                strategies that apply to a range of problems.            and Geometry                               application     then $
                It provides guidance to support teachers’            •   Statistics and
                questioning of students, which may be particularly       Probability
                useful for out-of-field or early career teachers.
                The resources also links to competitions including
                the Australian Mathematics Competition and the
                Maths Challenge.

reSolve         This resource contains a range of well-planned       •   Number and       L   Understanding     •   Introduction    Free   Kathleen
                and explicit investigations along with supporting        Algebra          L   Problem solving   •   Real-world             Garvie
                materials for teachers, such as pre-prepared         •   Measurement      L   Reasoning             application
                PowerPoints.                                             and Geometry     L   Communicating
                                                                     •   Statistics and
STatistics      Set of peer reviewed lesson plans based on           •   Statistics and   L   Fluency           •   Real-world      Free   Karen Bahmann
Education Web   Statistics and Probability. Resource provides            Probability      L   Understanding         application
(STEW)          guidance to teachers on the tasks, areas for                              L   Problem solving
                extension and suggestions on how to support                               L   Reasoning
                discussion. Also includes suggestions on how                              L   Communicating
                to implement technology to support statistical
Complementary high-quality curriculum resources
Name               Description                                           Strands              Proficiencies /    Purpose              Cost    Contact
                                                                                              Aspects of Working
New                This is a good teacher reference resource and       •     Number and       L Fluency           •   Consolidation   $       Kathleen
Elementary         provides a range of quality questions that would be       Algebra          L Understanding                                 Garvie
Mathematics        particularly useful for extension purposes.         •     Measurement      L Problem solving
Syllabus D                                                                   and Geometry
                                                                         •   Statistics and
Pearson            This is a useful diagnostic tool for teachers. It     •   Number and       L Fluency           •   Formative or    $       Karen Bahmann
Diagnostic         provides evidence of students’ prior learning and         Algebra          L Understanding         summative
(formerly          details of common misconceptions and how to           •   Measurement                              testing
known as           address them. The tests cover topics across the           and Geometry                         •   Pre and post
SMART tests)       curriculum, and tests are continually added.          •   Statistics and                           tests
                                                                             Probability                          •   Student

YouCubed           This resource provides rich tasks with multiple       •   Number and       L Problem solving   •   Introduction    Free    Beth Bright
                   entry points to build student conceptual                  Algebra          L Reasoning         •   Consolidation   with    Kathleen
                   understanding. There are a range of resources         •   Measurement      L Communicating     •   Real-world      $ add   Garvie
                   available to teachers and students, including             and Geometry                             application     ons
                   explicit lesson plans and online courses. This is a   •   Statistics and
                   US resource that is not aligned to the Australian         Probability
                   Curriculum or the NSW Syllabuses, but it covers
                   many of the same topics. Teachers should situate
                   tasks within your school-based scope and
Video, including   These videos align with the Australian Curriculum     •   Number and       L Understanding     •   Self-guided     Free    Kathleen
- Maths @          / NSW Syllabuses and can be used to support               Algebra          L Communicating         remote learning         Garvie
Merici; Eddie      teacher content knowledge. They are also              •   Measurement                          •   Teacher support
Woo’s Wootube      particularly useful to support students who may           and Geometry
                   have experienced extended absences.                   •   Statistics and
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