7th European Insolvency & Restructuring Congress - 28 & 29 June 2018 Stanhope Hotel Brussels Belgium - ARGE ...

Page created by Jimmie Swanson
7th European Insolvency & Restructuring Congress - 28 & 29 June 2018 Stanhope Hotel Brussels Belgium - ARGE ...
In cooperation with

   7th European Insolvency & Restructuring Congress
   28 & 29 June 2018 Stanhope Hotel Brussels Belgium

Sponsored by
7th European Insolvency & Restructuring Congress - 28 & 29 June 2018 Stanhope Hotel Brussels Belgium - ARGE ...
In cooperation with

Wednesday, 27 June 2018
} 18.00                Reception DAV Belgien

	 Welcome and presentation of the association
   Michael-Jürgen Werner, Lawyer, President of DAV Belgien, Brussels

Thursday, 28 June 2018
} 10.00 – 10.10	Welcome
                                   J örn Weitzmann,                            Dr. Steffen Koch,
                                     Chairman of the German                     Past President
                                     Bar Association's                          INSOL Europe
                                     Section on Insolvency
                                     Law and Restructuring

	                           Dr. Ulla Reisch,
                             Member of the Board, ReTurn Forum
                             Restrukturierung und Turnaround

} 10.10 – 10.40	Keynote Speaker

                               Tiina Astola,
                                Director-General, DG for Justice and Consumers,
                                European Commission, Brussels

} 10.40 – 11.15	Caught In-between Contract and Insolvency Law –
                 A Doctrinal Foundation for the Preventive Framework

                                    Prof. Dr. Stephan Madaus,
                                    Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg

} 11.15 – 11.45       Coffee break

} 11.45 – 13.00 	Panel: European Insolvency Law-Update –
                  Proposed Directive on Preventive Restructuring Frameworks

                                   Emil Radev, Bulgaria,                        Andréas Stein,
                                   MEP, Member of Legal                         Head of Unit Civil Justice,
                                   Affairs, Brussels                            DG Justice, Consumers and
                                                                                Gender Equality, European
                                                                                Commission, Brussels
                                    Béatrice Dunogué-Gaffié,
                                    President of the European association of Insolvency Practitioners’
                                    organizations ( EIP ), Paris

                Moderator: Daniel F. Fritz, German Bar Association's Section
                on Insolvency Law and Restructuring

} 13.00 – 14.00     Lunch
7th European Insolvency & Restructuring Congress - 28 & 29 June 2018 Stanhope Hotel Brussels Belgium - ARGE ...
In cooperation with

} 14.00 – 16.00	Workshop I: Challenges of digitization and legal tech in restructuring
                 and insolvency

 Erik Boerma,                                                                 Tom Brägelmann,

 Vice President, Court of                                                     Lawyer,
 Breda, IVO Rechtspraak                                                       Berlin / Munich

 Risto Hübner,


                 Moderator: Florian Bruder M. Jur. (Oxon), Lawyer, Munich

} 14.00 – 16.00	Workshop II: Restructuring of bonds under Austrian and German Law

                                    Dr. Marcus Benes,                         Dr. Hans-Georg Kantner,
                                    Lawyer,                                   Kreditschutzverband
                                    Vienna                                    von 1870, Vienna

                                    Sacha Lürken,                             Dr. Ulla Reisch,
                                    Lawyer,                                   Lawyer,
                                    Munich                                    Vienna

                 Moderator: Patrick Ehret, Lawyer, Strasbourg

} 14.00 – 16.00	Workshop III: Better results for secured creditors in or out of court?

 Mag. Albert Hannak,                                                          Peter Hoegen,
 Partner, Deloitte,                                                           Lawyer,
 Vienna                                                                       Frankfurt am Main

 Stathis Potamitis,                                                           Dr. Dorothee Prosteder,
 Lawyer,                                                                      Partner, Baker McKenzie,
 Athens                                                                       Munich

                Moderator: Dr. Andreas Spahlinger, Lawyer, Stuttgart

} 16.00 – 16.30     Coffee break

} 16:30 – 17.00 Reports on the workshops
                Presented by workshop moderators

} 18.00             Sponsor’s Reception

} 19.30	Festive Evening at KWINT
	Mont des Arts 1, 1000 Brussels

                                    Dinner speaker
                                    Professor Dr. Bob Wessels,
                                    Emeritus professor University of Leiden
7th European Insolvency & Restructuring Congress - 28 & 29 June 2018 Stanhope Hotel Brussels Belgium - ARGE ...
In cooperation with

Friday, 29 June 2018
} 9.15 – 9.30	Welcome Back

} 9.30 – 10.30 Update on ECJ and other landmark decisions on European Insolvency Law

                                 Lucas Kortmann,

} 10.15 – 11.00	Creditor Protection in Austria and the Austrian View
                 on Preventive Restructuring Frameworks

                                  Dr. Hans-Georg Kantner,
                                  Kreditschutzverband von 1870,

} 11.00 – 11.30     Coffee break

} 11.30 – 12.15	Cooperation and Group Insolvencies beyond the Scope of the EIR

                                  Paul Omar,
                                  Lecturer, DMU Leicester,

} 12.15 – 13.00	How to create an attractive insolvency hub?

                                     lexander Bornemann,
                                    A                                      David H. Conaway,
                                    German Ministry of                     Lawyer,
                                  Justice and for Consumer               Charlotte, North Carolina
                                  Protection, Berlin

                                  Andrew Payne,

                 Moderator: Frank Tschentscher, LL. M. (NTU), Lawyer, Hamburg

} 13.00 – 13.15	Closing remarks

                                  Frank Tschentscher,
                                  INSOL Europe

 Daniel F. Fritz,
 German Bar Association´s Section on
 Insolvency Law and Restructuring
In cooperation with

p Information for participants:
$ Conference language           The conference language is English

$ Registration	Please complete and return the enclosed registration form or use the internet
                link: www.anwaltakademie.de/anmeldung/EIRC2018. You will receive a written
                confirmation of your registration together with our invoice.

$ Conference fee	€ 590,00 (incl. 21 % Belgian VAT) participation fee for the lectures including conference
                  material as data files, lunch and coffee.
                  € 125,00 (incl. 21 % Belgian VAT) participation fee for the festive evening including food
                  and drinks.

$ Cancellation / Refund          ny cancellation or changes must be received in writing by letter, fax or e-mail.
                                Telephone cancellations and changes are not accepted. The following conditions
                                apply to all refunds:

                                a. Registrations cancelled more than 14 days before the conference will be
                                    refunded 95 % of the fees.

                                b. Registrations cancelled less than 14 but more than 5 days before the
                                    conference will be refunded with 50 % of the fees.

                                c. Registrations cancelled less than 5 days before the conference will not be
                                    eligible for a refund.

$ Certificate of attendance      certificate of attendance will be sent automatically, provided you have confirmed
                                your presence in the lists of attendance (mornings and afternoons).

$ Location                       tanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce 9, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium,
                                phone: +32 220 / 515 11, fax: +32 201 / 15 15

$ Location Festive Evening      KWINT, M
                                        ont des Arts 1, 1000 Brussels

$ Hotel accommodation            tanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce 9, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium,
                                phone: +32 220 / 515 11, fax: +32 201 / 15 15
                                We hold a certain amount of rooms (€ 225,00, included breakfast and € 9,28 city tax
                                per night). Please return the registration form to us. The rooms have to be paid directly
                                to the hotel. More hotels: www.hrs.com

$ Photographs                    lease be aware that participants will be photographed and filmed and the records
                                might be published.

$ Information / Enquiries	Conference office of the Working Group on Insolvency Law and Restructuring
                           DeutscheAnwaltAkademie – jurEvent, Michaela Jürgens,
                           Littenstrasse 11, 10179 Berlin, Germany
                           phone: +49 30 / 72 61 53 183, fax: +49 30 / 72 61 53 188,
                           e-mail: juergens@anwaltakademie.de
                                                                                                                            Status 26.04.2018
In cooperation with

Registration Form
7th European Insolvency & Restructuring Congress 28 & 29 June 2018

$ Return to: +49 30 / 726 153 188
Personal information:








Programme attending:

[ I
   will attend the 7 th European Insolvency & Restructuring Congress from 28 & 29 June 2018
    € 590,00 per person (incl. 21 % Belgian VAT)

    There will be 3 workshops on Thursday, 28 June 2018. Please select one of them:

w[ Workshop I:	Challenges of digitization and legal tech in restructuring and insolvency
 [Workshop II: 	Restructuring of bonds under Austrian Law
w[ Workshop III: Better results for secured creditors in or out of court?
 I will attend the festive evening on Thursday, 28 June 2018. I will be accompanied by                                  person/s
  € 125,00 per person (incl. 21 % Belgian VAT) incl. food and drinks

To book an accommodation please use the form attached.

Special dietary requirements:

[ None             [ Vegetarian               [ No beef               [ No pork               [ No sea food                  [ Others 
I've read and hereby accept the information for participants and in particular the terms and conditions relating to cancellation.

Any cancellation or changes must be received in writing by letter, fax or e-mail.
Telephone cancellations and changes are not accepted. The following conditions apply to all refunds:
a. Registrations cancelled more than 14 days before the conference will be refunded 95 % of the fees.
b. Registrations cancelled less than 14 but more than 5 days before the conference will be refunded 50 % of the fees.
c. Registrations cancelled less than 5 days before the conference will not be eligible for a refund.

[ I would like to transfer the registration fee after receipt of the invoice.
[ I would like to pay the registration fee by credit card.
Please charge the invoice amount to my credit card:                                [ Visa Card                 [ Mastercard
CARD NO.		                                                                                        VALID UNTIL

DATE 		                                                                                           SIGNATURE
                                                                                                                                                         Status 26.04.2018
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