8 12 Halifax & Calderdale CAMRA

Page created by Esther Schmidt
8 12 Halifax & Calderdale CAMRA
Big Six Nnme the countries quiz

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8 12 Halifax & Calderdale CAMRA
27. Which ocean washes up on the coasts of

 The PubPaper Quiz                                              Ecuador, Peru and Chile?
                                                            28. What American band put a Man on the Moon
                                                                in 1992 and asked What’s the Frequency,
1.    Rio de Janeiro is a city in which South American          Kenneth in 1994?
      country?                                              29. Clifton Suspension Bridge spans which river?
2.    Nostradamus was famous for making what?               30. Which online fashion retailer has bought the
3.    In mythology, Romulus and Remus were brought              Debenhams brand and website for £55 mil-
      up by which animal?                                       lion? (Jan 2021)
4.    Insulin is commonly used to treat which condi-        31. What is England’s national flower?
      tion?                                                 32. Gram flour is used to make bhajis and pakoras
5.    The term BHP is used when describing the                  – what is it made from?
      power of a motor vehicle; for what does it stand?     33. If bovine is cattle & ovine is sheep, what is
6.    ‘The Godfather’ was released in 1972; who                 lupine?
      played the title role?                                34. What puzzle won toy of the year in 1980 &
7.    In terms of height, what is the world’s largest dog       1981?
      breed?                                                35. Actress Liz Hurley has revealed that during
8.    What is the main component in glass?                      lockdown she has made 37 jars of what? (Jan
9.    Which insect is mentioned the most in the Bible?          2021)
10.   The beaver is the national emblem of which            36. Writer Michael Bond became famous for the
      country?                                                  creation of which fictional character?
11.   Which TV character said, “Live long and pros-         37. What percentage of British people believe in
      per”?                                                     ghosts - 12% 24% or 52%?
12.   Which movie features the song Ding Dong the           38. What speed was the fastest ever serve at
      Witch Is Dead?                                            Wimbledon - 100mph 148mph or 168mph?
13.   Name the edible foodstuff taken from the stom-        39. Crunchem Hall appears in which book by
      ach lining, mostly from cattle but can be from            Roald Dahl?
      other farm animals?                                   40. Which of these countries ISN’T on the UK’s
14.   Which sign of the zodiac is represented by the            new ‘red list’ of nations where people must
      ram?                                                      quarantine after returning from; Iceland, New
15.   In which town is the National Children’s Museum?          Zealand or Japan? (Jan 2021)
16.   What colour is the circle on the Japanese nation-     41. Which actor played James Bond between the
      al flag?                                                  years 1987-1989?
17.   What kind of animal is a merino?                      42. The current prescription charge is how much
18.   What is the hardest known natural material in the         per item as at January 2021?
      world?                                                43. Finlandia, Grey Goose and Wyborowa are
19.   Which crime-fighting cartoon dog has the initials         popular brands of which drink?
      “S.D.” on his collar?                                 44. According to the TV adverts, what type of
20.   The Pyrenees mountain range separates which               cakes did Mr Kipling make?
      two European countries?                               45. Which BBC historical drama is running out of
21.   Blubber comes from which creature?                        childhood diseases to feature? (Jan 2021)
22.   In what year did Elvis Presley die?                   46. What name can go before skiing and polo in
23.   What fruit is on the top of the Men’s Wimbledon           the name of two sports?
      Tennis Championship trophy, Orange, Pineapple,        47. In 1946, what company launched the portable
      Strawberry, or Banana?                                    electric drill for use by home improvers?
24.   Rods, floats, reels and nets are all pieces of        48. Which English football team plays in the
      equipment associated with which activity?                 Scottish league?
25.   The contactless payment limit could be raised to      49. Chocolate comes from which plant?
      how much, under measures being considered by          50. Boris Johnson visited which UK nation this
      the City regulator? (Jan 2021)                            week despite pleas that his journey was not
26.   What drug did Sir Alexander Fleming discover?             ‘essential’? (Jan 2021)

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8 12 Halifax & Calderdale CAMRA
16. Where does a car with the letters CH come
  The PubPaper Extra Quiz                                   from?
                                                        17. What is the highest number on a bingo card?
1. What was the middle name of Wolfgang Mozart?         18. Who wrote the poem “Daffodils”?
2. What was Alex Haley’s slave drama, screened in       19. What ‘P’ describes heavy, slightly sweet rye
    the 1970s and still one of the most watched dra-        bread originating from Germany?
    mas in the US TV history, called?                   20. Red, fennec, arctic and bat-eared are four
3. Which two seas are joined by the Suez Canal?             types of what animal?
4. What is the brand name of the oldest sewing          21. Rory Gallagher International Tribute Festival
    machines?                                               takes place annually in the Irish town of his
5. Which German Count invented the rigid airship?           birth, name it?
6. What was, in England, the northern frontier of the   22. Duel was the first TV Movie directed by
    Roman Empire?                                           which film Director?
7. Which French town is known for its mustard?          23. What Olympic sport uses a planting box?
8. What was the occupation of Victorian heroine         24. The carpel bones form which joint in the
    Grace Darling’s father?                                 body?
9. Which author wrote the book “Our Man in Havana”?     25. Where would you usually find a Derailleur
10. What is the national anthem of France?                  system?
11. What is the modern name for Constantinople?         26. Which drink gets its name from a county in
    (There’s a song about it)                               Kentucky?
12. What is the name of the channel which separates     27. Victor Laszlo, Captain Louis Renault and
    Ireland from Wales?                                     Sam are supporting characters in which clas-
13. Which Greek hero of the Trojan War had a weak           sic film of 1942?
    spot in his ankle?                                  28. In the name of the Classic Blues musician
14. Winner of four medals, name the most talked             B.B. King, what does “B.B.” stand for?
    about athlete who took part in the 1936 Olympics    29. What is the technical term used for the point
    held in Munich?                                         of origin of an earthquake?
15. To which of our senses does the word, “Olfactory”   30. What Native American method of sending
    refer?                                                  messages involves a blanket and a fire?

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8 12 Halifax & Calderdale CAMRA
1.  Brazil                  19. Scooby Doo         36. Paddington
                                   2.  Predictions             20. France &               Bear
                                   3.  Wolf                        Spain              37. 52%
                                   4.  Diabetes

                                                               21. Whales             38. 148 (2010)
The Quiz                           5.  Brake Horse
                                   6. Marlon Brando
                                                               22. 1977
                                                               23. Pineapple
                                                               24. Fishing
                                                                                      39. Matilda
                                                                                      40. New Zealand
                                                                                      41. Timothy Dalton
                                   7. The Great                25. £100               42. £9.15
                                       Dane                    26. Penicillin         43. Vodka
                                   8. Sand                     27. South              44. Exceeding good
                                   9. Locust                       Pacific                ones (cakes)
                                   10. Canada                      Ocean              45. Call the Midwife
                                   11. Mr Spock                28. R.E.M.             46. Water
                                   12. The Wizard of           29. Avon               47. Black & Decker
                                       Oz                      30. Boohoo             48. One - Berwick
                                   13. Tripe                   31. Rose                   Rangers
                                   14. Aires                   32. Chickpeas              Football Club
                                   15. Halifax                 33. Wolf               49. Cacao
                                   16. Red                     34. Rubik’s            50. Scotland
                                   17. A sheep                     Cube
                                   18. Diamond                 35. Marmalade

Best pretend headlines of the week: (Fake News)
Poorly made origami scandal unfolds.
HS2 protesters lobby for Chris Grayling to be put in charge.
‘Are traffic wardens really key workers?’.
Urgent call for shanty singers to be placed at bottom of vaccine list.
Panic ensues after everyone writes a book under Lockdown.

                                                     Big Six Picture Quiz
1. Amadeus                16. Switzerland                                                          France
2. Roots                  17. 90                                             Wales
3. The                    18. William
    Mediterranean             Wordsworth              Australia
    Sea and the Red       19. Pumpernickel
    Seas                  20. Fox
4. Singer                 21. Ballyshannon                                                       India
5. Count (Von)            22. Stephen
    Zeppelin                  Spielberg
6. Hadrian’s Wall         23. Pole vault               Italy              Netherlands
7. Dijon                  24. Wrist
8. Lighthouse             25. On a Bicycle
    keeper                    (gears)
9. Graham Greene          26. Bourbon
10. La Marseillaise       27. Casablanca                                      Spain
11. Istanbul              28. Blues Boy                                                           Iceland
12. St George’s           29. Epicentre
    Channel               30. Smoke signals
13. Achilles                                                     Mexico                           Canada
14. Jesse Owens
15. Smell                                                                  South Africa

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