9-Day Liver and Brain - Cleanse and Detoxification Program

9-Day Liver and Brain - Cleanse and Detoxification Program
9-Day Liver and Brain
Cleanse and Detoxification Program
9-Day Liver and Brain - Cleanse and Detoxification Program
Cleanse Description
          A cleanse is a guided treatment program that has 3 goals:

  1      To flush your liver. The liver is the major organ of detoxification for the body.
         Cleansing is a directed way to facilitate this detoxification function.

  2     To clean the connective tissue. The connective tissue makes up the majority of
        the tissues of the body. Just as the name suggests, it is the tissue that fills in all the
        spaces between and even within organs. It also gets used as a storage space for waste
        products. Cleansing helps to flush this tissue out.

  3     Remove built-up toxins from the body. If you don't empty the trash in your house
        once in a while, you end up with a problem. The same is true with our bodies. it
        improves the function of many organs and systems to periodically do a thorough
        cleaning; giving your body the tools it needs to flush out lingering wastes.

                                                                The benefits of doing this cleanse and
                                                                detox program are numerous. Not
                                                                everyone experiences every benefit,
                                                                but some common changes include:

                                                                •    increased energy
                                                                •    improved sleep
                                                                •    regulated hormones
                                                                •    decreased sugar cravings
                                                                •    weight loss
                                                                •    reduced pain
                                                                •    improved mood

                                                                We want to ensure that you have a full
                                                                understanding of the cleanse and how
                                                                it will help you reach your health goals!

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
9-Day Liver and Brain - Cleanse and Detoxification Program
Activities To Enhance The Cleanse
    The dietary guidelines and supplements that make up the core of this cleanse
    will certainly go a long way toward cleaning out your body. However, there are
    many other activities you can do to enhance the effectiveness of those core
    elements. Below are some suggestions for activities that can be done daily or as
    often as possible. They aren't mandatory, but will optimize the results you experience
    with this program.

1       Epsom Salt Baths
        Epsom salt is a salt of magnesium. When added to a hot bath, these are a great
        way to get more magnesium into your system. Magnesium is known to play a role
        in over 350 functions in the body, including energy production and detoxification.
        Magnesium is helpful in the treatment of conditions as wide-ranging as diabetes,
        hypertension, fatigue and insomnia.
        INSTRUCTIONS: In order to get the full advantage of these baths, use 4-5 cups of
        Epsom salt in a bath that is as warm as tolerable. Soak for 20-30 minutes.

        Castor Oil Massaged Into Skin Over Liver
        Area, Nightly

        Castor oil has a long history of use as a traditional medicine. More recent research
        shows that castor oil enhances local immunity and stimulates the movement of
        lymph fluid. When applied to the skin over the liver, castor oil gently enhances the
        detoxification of the liver and provides a way for the benefits of the cleanse to extend
        throughout your sleeping hours.

        Since castor oil is quite thick; just a small amount is needed. Your liver is located on
        the right side of your abdomen, tucked up under the bottom edge of your rib cage.
        A small amount of castor oil should be massaged into your skin over this area. Castor
        oil's penetrating qualities allow it to absorb into your skin and gently stimulate your liver
        while you sleep.

        It is important to note that, as an oil, it will stain any cloth that it comes into contact
        with. It is recommended that you wipe your hands thoroughly after applying it, and that
        you wear an old t-shirt to bed or use bed sheets that you don't mind staining.

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
9-Day Liver and Brain - Cleanse and Detoxification Program
3 Saunas
         If you have access to a sauna, this is a great
         way to facilitate excretion and cleansing.
         The skin is the largest excretory organ of
         the body. Many toxic substances, including
         nitrogenous wastes and heavy metals, get
         excreted most efficiently through the skin
         and the sweat.

         Use of a sauna should always follow the
         guidelines posted by any sauna facility: stay
         well-hydrated, limit time in a sauna to 15
         minutes. Leave the sauna if any symptoms
         such as lightheadedness, dizziness, or heart
         palpitations are experienced. Some people
         should avoid use of saunas altogether,
         including pregnant women, people with
         hypertension and individuals with congestive
         heart failure. If there is any question, consult
         your health care provider before utilizing a
         sauna during this cleanse.

 4 Stretches

         Daily stretching is an excellent way to enhance circulation of both blood and lymphatic fluids.
         While the blood is obviously important for carrying nutrients to cells and removing wastes, it
         is the lymphatic fluid that is doing a great deal of the work during a cleanse.

         The lymphatic system is the primary home of the body's immune system. This is because
         all of the fluid in the body circulates through the lymphatic system over time, allowing any
         bacteria, viruses or other wastes to be exposed to large numbers of immune cells. During
         a cleanse, lots of waste circulates through the lymphatic system as it moves out of the
         body. Stretching is a great way to enhance lymphatic circulation and facilitate this process.

         Any set of stretches that gently stretch the major joints of the body will work. There are many
         stretching routines and suggestions available on the web. It is important that stretching not
         be done in any way that produces pain in any joints. The goal is simply to provide a gentle
         stretch to the connective tissue around the joints and throughout your body.

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
9-Day Liver and Brain - Cleanse and Detoxification Program
5 20 Minutes Of Moderate Exercise/
          Activity Each Day

         There are a number of ways to add this component to one's daily routine. The
         important point is that it is not necessary for it to be a rigorous workout. Any increase
         in activity level above your daily average baseline is going to help with detoxification
         and with weight loss. A few simple suggestions you might considering challenging
         yourself with include:

          •    Buy a pedometer (device to count steps taken) and strive for 5000 or more
               steps each day. This is the equivalent of walking approximately 2.5 miles. If this
               seems like an easy goal to reach, shoot for 10,000 steps (5 miles) daily.

          •    Do 3 or 4 sets of semi-deep knee bends each day. This should be done while
               holding something to stabilize your balance. Don't bend so far that it causes any
               pain in your knees, and be sure to bend your knees and not your waist. Dr Eckel
               recommends Super Brain Yoga.

          •    Go for a walk after lunch and/or dinner. A moderately paced walk will facilitate
               your digestion. It will also burn off some of the energy you've just consumed at
               your meal, thereby enhancing weight loss.

                                                    Make A Commitment To
                                                  Reduce Stress In Your Life

              Chronic stress is a major contributor to poor health, chronic inflammation,
              weight gain and to the inability of many people to maintain weight loss
              over time. Chronic stress has an impact on virtually every system of the
              body. If weight loss is a goal, you should understand that stress causes an
              increase in blood sugar even if you don't eat food. As a result of this excess
              blood sugar, your body produces insulin, and insulin gives your body one
              very strong signal: store energy as fat.

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
9-Day Liver and Brain - Cleanse and Detoxification Program
Some simple suggestions for stress reduction include:

   A 15 minute leisurely walk each day. Have the intention to actually notice your
   environment: the sounds, the colors, the sights, the interactions among people
   that you might see, rather than focusing on the time. Avoid listening to music or
   other kinds of stimuli during this walk.

   Make a commitment to avoid television and/or computers at least several days/
   nights during this program. Instead, consider reading, writing, going for walks,
   meditation, or beginning a hobby or project that you've put off. For a growing list
   of resources, please check out our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/

   Start observing yourself being stressed. When you notice that you're feeling stressed,
   simply pay attention to the story that is playing in your head at that moment. Then bring
   yourself out of your head and back to your life by asking yourself, "What am I doing right
   now?" Take a moment to simply describe what you're doing in that moment (I'm sitting in
   this chair. I'm holding this pen. I'm hearing someone sneeze. Etc.).

   Remember, your whole life is nothing but moments just like this one. Conversely, stress
   is nothing other than the thoughts that are running through your head, and the body
   sensations provoked by those thoughts.

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
9-Day Liver and Brain - Cleanse and Detoxification Program
Shopping List and
    One Week Menu Plan
        NOTE: The following foods should be avoided during the cleanse process:
        • Dairy
        • Wheat
        • Eggs
        • Soy
        • Peanuts
        • Sugar
        • Caffeine

    These foods are minimized because they are the most common allergenic foods. If the
    foods can be completely eliminated, that's ideal. If not completely eliminated, no one
    of these food groups should be eaten two days in a row, and it should be a very limited

    It is strongly recommended that you avoid caffeine in all forms: coffee,
    tea and chocolate

    Shopping List
        Apples                                                 Blueberries / Raspberries / Strawberries
        Apricots (fresh)                                       Cherries
        Blackberries                                           Figs (fresh)
        Cantaloupe / Melons                                    Kiwi
        Nectarines                                             Pears
        Peaches                                                Prunes

    *     All the above vegetables can be consumed raw, juiced, steamed, sauteed, or baked.

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com

       Artichoke                                                Asparagus
       Avocado                                                  Bamboo Shoots
       Beets & Beet Tops                                        Bok Choy
       Broccoflower                                             Broccoli
       Brussels Sprouts                                         Cabbage
       Carrots                                                  Cauliflower
       Celery                                                   Chives
       Cucumber                                                 Dandelion Greens
       Endive                                                   Kale
       Kohlrabi                                                 Leeks
       Lettuce                                                  Okra
       Onions                                                   Parsley
       Sea Vegetables                                           Snow Peas
       Spinach                                                  Squash
       Sweet Potato & Yam                                       Swiss Chard
       Watercress                                               Zucchini

       All beans, except soy                                   Lentils (brown, green, red), and split peas.

   *     All the above beans can be dried or canned.

   Non-Gluten Grains
       Amaranth                                                Millet
       Quinoa                                                  Rice-Brown, White, Wild
       Teff                                                    Buckwheat


       Apple Cider                                             Balsamic
       Red Wine                                                Rice
       Tarragon                                                Ume Plum

   Cereals & Pasta

       Cream of rice                                           Gluten-free Oats
       Puffed Millet or Rice                                   All Rice pasta
       100% Buckwheat Noodles (Read Label!!)                   Sweet Potato Noodles
       Quinoa                                                  Quinoa Pasta

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
Breads & Baking

    Arrowroot                                                 Baking Soda
    Rice Bran                                                 Gluten Free Breads
                                                              Flours: Rice, Teff, Quinoa, Millet, Tapioca, Amaranth,
    Quinoa flakes
                                                              Garbanzo Bean, Coconut


                                                             Fresh Ocean Fish - Pacific Salmon, Ocean Char, Halibut,
    Free-Range Chicken, Turkey, Duck
                                                             Haddock, Cod, Sole, Pollock, Tuna, Mahi-Mahi
    Water-Packed Canned Tuna (Watch For Added Protein
                                                             Wild Game
    From Soy)

 Dairy Substitutes
    Nut Milk (Almond, Cashew)                                Rice Milkss
    Coconut Milk                                             Hemp Milk

   Herbal Tea (non- caffeinated)                             Mineral Water
   Pure Unsweetened Fruit or Vegetable Juices                Spring Water

 Nuts, Nut Butters & Seeds
   Almonds / Almond Butter                                   Flax seeds
   Hazelnuts (Filberts) / Hazelnut Butter                    Pecans /Pecan Butter
   Poppy Seeds                                               Pumpkin Seeds
   Sesame Seeds / Tahini                                     Sunflower Seeds /Sun Butter

 Fats for Cooking

   Coconut Oil                                              Lard/Tallow
   Red Palm Oil                                             Olive Oil (low heat sautéing)

 Fats for Dressings (No heat please)

   Avocado Oil                                              Grapeseed Oil
   Pumpkin Oil                                              Sesame Oil
   Sunflower Oil                                            Walnut Oil

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
Herbs, Spices & Extracts
       Anise                                                   Basil
       Bay leaf                                                Caraway Seeds
       Cardamom                                                Celery Seed
       Cinnamon                                                Coriander
       Cumin                                                   Dandelion
       Dill                                                    Dry Mustard
       Fennel                                                  Garlic
       Ginger                                                  Marjoram
       Mint                                                    Nutmeg
       Oregano                                                 Parsley
       Rosemary                                                Saffron
       Sage                                                    Salt-Free Herbal Blends
       Savory                                                  Sea Salt
       Tarragon                                                Thyme
       Turmeric                                                Vanilla extract (pure)


      Stevia                                                  Coconut Crystals


      Coconut Aminos (soy sauce substitute)                  Mustard (made with Apple Cider Vinegar)
      Nutritional Yeast                                      Dried Sea Weed

  Things to watch for
  •     Corn starch in baking powder and any processed foods
  •     Corn syrup in beverages and processed foods
  •     Vinegar in ketchup, mayonnaise & mustard is usually from wheat or corn
  •     Breads advertised as gluten-free which contain oats, spelt, kamut, rye
  •     Many amaranth and millet flake cereals have oats or corn
  •     Many canned tunas contain textured vegetable protein which is from soy; look
        for low-salt versions which tend to be pure tuna, with no fillers
  •     Multi-grain rice cakes are not just rice. Purchase plain rice cakes.


1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
Other Suggestions
  Remember to Drink Your Water, half your body weight in ounces, throughout the day,
  every day!!

  Ideas for snacks to have around:
  •   almonds
  •   walnuts
  •   cashews
  •   berries
  •   granola (gluten free)
  •   baby carrots or other veggies
  •   fruit (fresh or dried)
  •   rice cakes with almond butter
  •   rice chips and hummus
  •   dolmas (rice and olive oil wrapped in grape leaves)
  •   smoked salmon
  •   cashew or almond butter on a banana or apple slices

 7 Day Menu Plan & Food Suggestions
 Also be sure to search online for recipes to make these or hundreds of other dishes that
 are free of dairy, wheat, soy, egg, peanuts and sugar.

 Many online resources offer recipes for healthy sauces, curries, salad dressings and
 other foods. Also, if you want to find the calorie content of any given food you can try
 the calorie database at www.caloriedatabase.com or https://cronometer.com/

Preparing your Liver Detox drink- Resilience Whey
or Everything Good (Vegan Variety)

There are a few options, and it depends on your taste. The most co=on preference is to
prepare the Liver Detox drink separate from the Greens drink.

The Liver Detox drink can be made in a glass or a blender. Use water, a non-dairy milk (hemp,
rice milk, almond milk, etc.) or a 50/ 50 blend of water and organic unfiltered apple juice. Add
the powder and mix. If this is done in a glass, there will likely be clumps of powder that don't
fully mix in. The Greens can be added to this same glass and stirred in, or can be drunk in a
separate glass or water.

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
If you strongly dislike the taste of either drink, you can blend in 1/2 cup of berries to
    add sweetness and a smoother texture. Also, for a smoother and creamier texture,
    consider adding 1tbs of unfiltered, raw coconut oil. This may need to be warmed prior to
    adding in order to liquefy.

    Another option is to make a warm smoothie. This will taste better if you're using rice or
    almond milk. Simply warm the milk on the stove top (not a microwave) prior to adding it
    to a glass or blender. Don't make it hot, just warm. This will keep any coconut oil liquefied
    and give a smoother texture.

    Ultimately, neither the Liver Detox nor the Greens is likely to be one of your favorite
    tasting drinks. However, the goal is to find a formula for the drinks that is tolerable so that
    you can get these important nutrients into you throughout this cleansing program.

                     The Capsules
                     Detox Formula: Specially formulated for naturopathic liver and brain
                     detoxification. You will take 2 capsules 3x's a day

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
Daily Schedule, Days 1 & 2

                                Breakfast - Limit caloric intake to 600 calories. Take 2 capsules of
       6am to 9am
                                Detox Formula with your meal.

       9am to 11am              Snack - limit to 100 calories

                                Lunch - Limit caloric intake to 600 calories. Take 2 capsules of
       11am to 1pm
                                Detox Formula with your meal.

       1pm to 4pm               Snack - limit to 100 calories

                                Dinner - Liver Detox smoothie using ½ cup of powder and
       4pm to 7pm               2 rounded tsp. of Greens Formula. Take 2 capsules of Detox
                                Formula with your drink.

       Bedtime                  Epsom salt bath, mindfulness meditation, gentle stretches

      Keep in mind...

      Our bodies tend to "expect" to be fed at particular times throughout the day. Often
      we will seek out food at these times even when we're not actually feeling hungry. Stay
      tuned in to your true appetite, rather than being guided by your conditioned meal
      times. It can be surprising to note how often we seek out food even when we aren't
      actually hungry, but are simply seeking taste. Many times our hunger pangs are a signal
      that we are dehydrated, so drink a glass of water or herbal tea when this occurs.

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
Daily Schedule, Days 3 & 4

                                Breakfast -Limit caloric intake to 600 calories. Take 2 capsules
       6 am to 9am
                                of Detox Formula with your meal.

       9am to 11am             Snack - Limit calories to 100
                               Lunch - Liver Detox Smoothie using ½ cup of powder and 2
       11am to 1pm             rounded tsp. of Greens Formula. Take 2 capsules of Detox
                               Formula with your drink.

       lpm to 4pm              Snack - See suggestions at the bottom of page 8

                               Dinner - Liver Detox Smoothie using ¼ cup of powder and
      4pm to 7pm               2 rounded tsp. of Greens Formula. Take 2 capsules of Detox
                               Formula with your drink.
      Bedtime                  Epsom salt bath, mindfulness meditation, gentle stretches

      NOTE: The reduced Liver Detox powder dose during dinner on days 3 & 4 help
      your body gradually accommodate the reduced calorie intake of day 5. Gradual
      calorie reduction aids the metabolic transition of the body, helps to clean fat
      tissue of stored toxins and facilitates weight loss.

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
Daily Schedule, Days 5
                              Breakfast - Liver Detox Smoothie using ½ cups of powder and
     6am to 9am               2 rounded tsp. of Greens Formula. Take 2 capsules of Detox
                              Formula with your drink

     9am to 11am              Snack - Limit to 100 calories

                              Lunch - Liver Detox Smoothie using ½ scoops of powder and
     llam to 1pm              2 rounded tsp. of Greens Formula. Take 2 capsules of Detox
                              Formula with your drink.

     lpm to 4pm               Snack - Limit to 100 calories

                              Dinner - Liver Detox Smoothie using ¼ cup of powder and
     4pm to 7pm               2 rounded tsp. of Greens Formula. Take 2 capsules of Detox
                              Formula with your drink.

     Bedtime                  Epsom salt bath, mindfulness meditation, gentle stretches

    Keep in mind...

    Hunger is the biggest challenge on day 5 (and for some people, hunger is a challenge
    throughout the program). While you can use snacks and drinks to help curb that, it's
    also a healthy part of the cleanse/ detoxification process.

    Many of the chemicals that accumulate in our bodies are fat soluble. That means,
    once they're in our systems, they will get stored in fat cells and can remain there for
    years. As such, the only way to get those waste products out is to burn fat as energy.

    As your body makes this shift from using sugar to using fat as fuel, there is often
    hunger that goes along with it. In fact, this hunger is precisely what typically prevents
    people from switching to a fat-burning metabolism. Once the shift has taken place,
    hunger subsides.

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
Daily Schedule, Days 6 & 7

                                   Breakfast-Limit caloric intake to 600 calories. Take 2 capsules
          6am to 9am
                                   of Detox Formula with your meal.

          9am to 11am              Snack- Limit calories to 100

                                   Lunch- Liver Detox Smoothie using ½ cup of powder and 2
          11am to 1pm              rounded tsp. of Greens Formula. Take 2 capsules of Detox
                                   Formula with your drink.

          1pm to 4pm               Snack - Limit calories to 100

                                   Dinner - Liver Detox Smoothie using ½ cup of powder and
          4pm to 7pm               2 rounded tsp. of Greens Formula. Take 2 capsules of Detox
                                   Formula with your drink.

          Bedtime                  Epsom salt bath, mindfulness meditation, gentle stretches

       Keep in mind...

       If one of your goals for this cleanse program is weight loss, then now you are in
       prime time to make that happen. Your body has significantly shifted itself over to
       the use of fat, instead of glucose (sugar), for energy. Any increase in your daily
       activity level now will go further than before in helping you lose more weight.

       Mild-to-moderate exercise each day will go a long way. Consider jumping rope,
       using a stair climber or elliptical machine, swimming, or even some longer walks
       (30-45 minutes) as ways to increase your energy expenditure.

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
Daily Schedule, Days 8 & 9
                                Breakfast - Limit caloric intake to 600 calories. Take 2 capsules
       6am to 9am
                                of Detox Formula with your meal.

       9am to 11am              Snack - Limit to I00 calories

                                Lunch - Limit caloric intake to 600 calories. Take 2 capsules of
       Ilam to 1pm
                                Detox Formula with your meal.

       1pm to 4pm               Snack - Limit to I 00 calories

                                Dinner - Liver Detox Smoothie using ½ cup scoops of powder
       4pm to 7pm               and 2 rounded tsp. of Greens Formula. Take 2 capsules of
                                Detox Formula with your drink.

       Bedtime                  Epsom salt bath, mindfulness meditation, gentle stretches

     Keep in mind...

     Congratulations, you're in the home stretch! Now that your body has been
     through a full weeks of cleaning itself out, you're getting even more benefit from
     each dose of the liver and digestive supplements you're taking. The general
     "housecleaning" has been done; now you're "detailing" the clean-up.

     Now that you can clearly see the light at the end of the tunnel, you might be
     tempted to cut the cleanse short by a meal or even a day. Don't Do It! These final
     days are important, because you're now able to digest and assimilate more of
     the food you are eating than you were before the cleanse. If you stop the cleanse
     and go back to your old eating habits, you'll lose this benefit.

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
Ending the Program
     At the end of a program like this, your body overall - and your digestive system in
     particular - will be more sensitive to types of food and liquid that have been avoided. You
     are strongly encouraged to resist the urge to celebrate your accomplishment by eating a
     big meal with foods and drinks you've done without for the past 9 days.

     An ideal end to this cleanse program looks like this:

     Day 1: Introduce gluten back into your diet. Note any symptoms that might cause
     symptoms for you, such as fatigue, upset stomach, joint pain, etc. Do not introduce of
     the other avoided foods.

     Day 2: Introduce dairy back into your diet. Again, note any symptoms this produces.

     Day 3: Introduce egg back into your diet and note symptoms.

     Day 4: Introduce soy back into your diet and note symptoms.

     Day 5: Introduce sugar back into your diet and note symptoms.

        Total calorie intake through these days can go up to 1200-1500, though this
        number is obviously different for different people depending on body type,
        activity level, etc. For an individualized nutritional plan it is important to speak
        with a health care professional trained in nutrition counseling.

1020 SW Taylor St • Suite 330 • Portland, Oregon 97205 . tel (503) 287-4970 • fax (503) 221-5454 • www.naturecuresclinic.com
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