9th Int. Symposium on Development Methodology - A joint event of AVL and Prof. C. Beidl - Technical University Darmstadt

9th Int. Symposium on Development Methodology - A joint event of AVL and Prof. C. Beidl - Technical University Darmstadt

9th Int. Symposium on Development Methodology
A joint event of AVL and Prof. C. Beidl – Technical University Darmstadt
9th Int. Symposium on Development Methodology - A joint event of AVL and Prof. C. Beidl - Technical University Darmstadt

The automotive industry finds itself in an unprece-      ty, complexity and ambiguity, companies have to      methodology plays an essential role in reaching
dented field of tension, which poses many simulta-       act differently, because when the environment        our targets. In addition to the use of methods in
neous challenges to all those involved. We are at       changes radically, conventional methods reach        the development and validation of conventional
the moment experiencing a worldwide economic            their limits. The automotive industry will have to   and electrified propulsion technology, we will be
slowdown in the automotive industry. This is due        adapt to this new world. It will have to make        giving special focus to the topics of digitalization,
to several factors beside the Corona impact, for        decisions under rapidly changing conditions, as      virtualization and simulation as well as the connec-
example trade policy uncertainties (Brexit). This       motives are constantly changing. For this reason,    ted vehicle. In addition, as at previous symposia,
situation is compounded by the need for massive         we have chosen the subtitle „Methods in transfor-    we would like to discuss methods from the practi-
investment in new technologies such as electric         mation – securing complex development goals in       cal side of vehicle and powertrain development.
mobility, driver assistance or Euro 7 to name just a    the VUKA world“ for the 9th International            Best practices from system development, testing,
few. The growing pressure from megatrends such          Symposium on Development Methodology on              calibration, modeling and optimization will be
as digitization, urbanization and sustainability, as    November 9 and 10, 2021.                             presented.
well as ever stricter regulatory frameworks, com-
plete the complex big picture.                          No matter where the technological journey is         We look forward to seeing you!
                                                        heading and which dynamic developments we
In this world characterized by volatility, uncertain-   will have to cope with, the use of development       Your Program Committee
9th Int. Symposium on Development Methodology - A joint event of AVL and Prof. C. Beidl - Technical University Darmstadt

•   Tailor-made event: A unique event with target-oriented issues and practical experiences for people   •   Starting and expanding networks: Take the opportunity to get in touch with selected professionals and es-
    involved with development methodology in vehicle and powertrain development.                             tablish contacts. A network for professional exchange and career development that you can come back on!

•   Comprehensive and compact: Get up to date in just two days and find out about new trends and          •   Key issues and discussion platform with relevance for users and managers in vehicle and powertrain
    developments in development methodology.                                                                 development.

•   First-hand theoretical and practical knowledge: Learn more and directly from the users about
    development methods and how to adapt the methods to changing requirements.
9th Int. Symposium on Development Methodology - A joint event of AVL and Prof. C. Beidl - Technical University Darmstadt
PROGRAM COMMITTEE                                                                  GENERAL INFORMATION

                                                                                   DATE & VENUE                                            REGISTRATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION
      Prof. Christian Beidl
                                    Dieter Gundel          Dr. Wolfgang Puntigam   November 9 - 10, 2021, Wiesbaden, Germany               www.avl.com/symposium-development-methodology
      Technical University
                                    Volkswagen AG          AVL List GmbH
                                                                                   FEE                                                     CONTACT
                                                                                   Registration fee                   1,100,- Euro         AVL Deutschland GmbH
                                                                                   Early bird (till July 23, 2021)      975,- Euro         Willi Klemens
      Christopher Christ            Dr. Olaf Herrmann      Peter Renninger
      AVL List GmbH                 DENSO AUTOMOTIVE       Daimler AG
                                                                                   University members                   550,- Euro         Peter-Sander-Straße 32
                                    Germany GmbH                                   Students                             220,- Euro         55252 Mainz-Kastel
                                                                                                                                           Phone: +49 6134 7179 453
                                                                                   Fees include proceedings, catering and evening event    Email: entwicklungsmethodik@avl.com
                                    Roland Jeutter         Prof. Bernhard Schick   (plus 19 % VAT).
      Dr. Timo Combé
                                    AVL Deutschland GmbH   Kempten University of
      Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
                                                           Applied Sciences
                                                                                   CONFERENCE LANGUAGES
                                                                                   German and English (simultaneous translation)

      Dr. Moritz Frobenius          Eike Martini
                                                                                   HOTEL RESERVATION
      AVL Deutschland GmbH          Valeo Siemens
                                    eAutomotive GmbH                               We have negotiated some attractive prices with a num-
                                                                                   ber of hotels in Wiesbaden. You find the hotel list at
                                                                                   Please book your accomodation directly at the hotel
                                                                                   and settle your hotel bill at departure.
9th Int. Symposium on Development Methodology - A joint event of AVL and Prof. C. Beidl - Technical University Darmstadt
DAY 1 – TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2021                                                                                      Dr. A. Schmitt – AVL SET GmbH; F. Haag – AVL       11.30 Testing Method for ADAS/AD Systems using an
                                                                                                                       Software and Functions GmbH                              Open and Consistent Toolchain
08.45 Welcome and Opening of the 9th International Symposium on Development Methodology                          12.00 DENSOs novel validation approach for electri-            A. Fábián, Dr. K. Kovács – AImotive; Dr. C.
      Prof. H. List – AVL List GmbH                                                                                    fied powertrains via virtual development plat-           Gutenkunst, A. Sehgal – AVL Deutschland GmbH
                                                                                                                       form                                               12.00 Modeling Cybersecurity Risks according to ISO/
Session 1: Keynote; Chairman: Prof. C. Beidl, Technical University Darmstadt
                                                                                                                       T. Lux, R. Scheer – DENSO AUTOMOTIVE 		                  SAE 21434
09.00 The post-Covid world                                                                                             Deutschland GmbH; Y. Bergheim,                           D. Leopold – itemis AG; J. Mendoza –
      S. Schneider – Deutsche Bank AG                                                                                  Prof. J. Andert – RWTH Aachen                            AVL Software and Functions GmbH
09.30 Electrified high performance mobility – Audi Sport on its way into the future                              12.30 Lunch                                              12.30 Lunch
      Dr. S. Grams – Audi Sport GmbH
10.00 Coffee break                                                                                               PARALLEL SESSION 3A                                      PARALLEL SESSION 3B
                                                                                                                 Emission Optimization; Chairman:                         ADAS/AD – Validation Assistance Systems;
PARALLEL SESSION 2A                                        PARALLEL SESSION 2B
                                                                                                                 Dr. T. Combé, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG                Chairman: G. List, AVL List GmbH
System Optimization E-drive; Chairman:                     ADAS/AD; Chairman: Prof. B. Schick,
                                                                                                                 14.00 Methods for the Evaluation of eFuel Potentials     14.00 Attribute Development of Active Lane
E. Martini, Valeo Siemens eAutomotive Germany GmbH         Kempten University of Applied Sciences
                                                                                                                       on the Combustion and Emission Behavior of               Departure Warning Systems
10.30 EPSO – Electric Powertrain System 			                10.30 An approach to manage 275 Million miles of            DISI Engines                                             M. Becker – MdynamiX AG; M. Balzer –
      Optimization                                               driving data: Data management in Autonomous           J. Villforth, P. Feuerer, Dr. A. Casal Kulzer –          CARIAD SE; K. Riedlmüller, Prof. B. Schick –
      R. Chandran, M. Reymann, D. Fritsch – Valeo                Driving development                                   Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG; Prof. M. Bargende –         Kempten University of Applied Sciences; D.
      Siemens eAutomotive Germany GmbH                           E. Lappano, Dr. J. Zehetner, Dr. J. Tao,              IFS University of Stuttgart                              Neidlein – Audi AG
11.00 Smart and standardized methodology for                     H. Schneider – AVL List GmbH                    14.30 Achieving EU7 targets with smart calibration       14.30 Methods for Simulation-Based Homologation of
      optimization of an E-drive system                    11.00 JUPITER data platform: ROS-based vehicle and          methods for hybrid operation strategies                  a Lane-Keeping-Assist System
      A. Shekkeri – Hitachi Astemo Europe GmbH;                  data platform for autonomous driving research         S. Scheidel, D. Swamidass, M. Ivarson, H. 		             E. Klotz , S. Riedmaier – TÜV SÜD Autoservice
      A. Ravi, F. Duchi, M. Sulzer – AVL List GmbH               J. Haselberger, Prof. B. Schick – Kempten             Mayrhofer – AVL List GmbH; V. Nottrott – AVL             GmbH R. Hettel, Dr. T. Düser – AVL Deutschland
11.30 Optimizing performance and robustness of a                 University of Applied Sciences; M. Pelzer –           Deutschland GmbH                                         GmbH; D. Schneider, Prof. B. Schick –
      drive inverter by combining simulation and 		              Porsche Engineering Services GmbH; Prof. S.                                                                    Kempten University of Applied Sciences; D.
      testing                                                    Müller – Technical University Berlin                                                                           Djukic – Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
      F. Duchi, M. Ivarson, K. Kralj – AVL List GmbH;
9th Int. Symposium on Development Methodology - A joint event of AVL and Prof. C. Beidl - Technical University Darmstadt
15.00 How much will hot-spots cool down? Analysis        15.00 A Model-Based approach for automation and               DAY 2 – WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2021
      of city air quality for modern propulsion                traceability of validation activities – clarified for
      technologies                                             Advanced Driver Assistance Systems                      PARALLEL SESSION 5A                                     PARALLEL SESSION 5B
      T. Steinhaus, Prof. C. Beidl – Technical 		              C. Mandel, M. Wäschle, S. Lutz, Dr. M.
                                                                                                                       Powertrain Components in the Loop; Chairman: Prof.      Safety Engineering; Chairman: R. Jeutter,
      University Darmstadt                                     Behrendt – IPEK Institute of Product Engineering
                                                                                                                       C. Beidl, Technical University Darmstadt                AVL Deutschland GmbH
                                                               at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
15.30 Coffee break                                       15.30 Coffee break                                            09.00 Verification of electric axle simulation models   09.00 An integrated safety approach for risk and
                                                                                                                             via a coupled eAxle-in-the-loop approach                requirements management for DNN
PARALLEL SESSION 4A                                      PARALLEL SESSION 4B                                                 T. Wolff von Gudenberg, M. Wankmüller, Dr. M.           L. Bublitz, B. Schäfer – P3 Automotive GmbH;
                                                                                                                             Maier, T. Bartsch – Robert Bosch GmbH                   Prof. J. Lau, Prof. S. Sargato – University of Aveiro
Testing and Validation; Chairman:                        Data Analytics/AI;
                                                                                                                       09.30 Prediction of fuel system efficiency impact on    09.30 Calibration of functional safety for the drive of
D. Gundel, Volkswagen AG                                 Chairman: P. Renninger, Daimler AG
                                                                                                                             total powertrain efficiency by EIL                      an electrical vehicle
16.00 Powertrain Virtual Testing @RENAULT                 16.00 Digitalization of validation fleets to minimize              S. Revidat, T. Rau, K. Lee – Hyundai Motor 		           Dr. S. Huettinger – Valeo-Siemens eAutomotive
      H. Colin – Renault SA; V. Nottrott – AVL 		                testing mileage                                             Europe Technical Center GmbH                            Germany GmbH; C. Santer, Dr. M. Ringdorfer –
      Deutschland GmbH                                           N. Tiwari – Suzuki Motor Corporation; C. 		                                                                         AVL List GmbH
16.30 Vehicle Model Factory – Automated 		                       Simon, Dr. M. Erich, G. Schagerl – AVL List GmbH      10.00 Coffee break                                      10.00 Coffee break
      Generation of Validated Digital Twins from 		       16.30 Statistical Method to assess the Data Quality of
      Road Measurements                                          Transient Tests Cycles                                PARALLEL SESSION 6A                                     PARALLEL SESSION 6B
      M. Oswald, Dr. P. Schöggl, J. Schlager,                    A. Ney – AVL List GmbH; Dr. M. Chandran, M.
                                                                                                                       System Optimization; Chairman: Dr. O. Herrmann,         Virtual Engineering; Chairman: Dr. W. Puntigam,
      M. Teitzer, A. Fleck – AVL List GmbH                       Mallick, A. Raghuvanshi – AVL Big Data India
                                                                                                                       DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Germany GmbH                           AVL List GmbH
17.00 Remote testing - future perspective and                    Pvt. Ltd.
      possible alternative in times of crisis             17.00 Advanced Analytics and Big Data – Data-driven          10.30 Focus on virtualization: Rapidly available 		     10.30 Enhancing consistency in development projects
      E. Torgovnikov, T. Kappel, J. Wüstenberg – 		              product development at Daimler Trucks                       model-based calibration for gasoline hybrid             by employing a digital model master
      Volkswagen AG; S. Lange, S. Kullmann – AVL                 Dr. M. Wöhr, A. Schwarz, Dr. M. Weirich – 		                powertrains in a software-in-the-loop test              C. Kürten, S. Boog, M. Rios-Pindl, Dr. A.
      Deutschland GmbH; M. Hollander – AVL List                  Daimler Truck AG                                            environment                                             Elsäßer – MAHLE International GmbH; K.
      GmbH                                                                                                                   F. Eberhard, L. Schiller – AVL List GmbH; M.            Bause, Prof. A. Albers – IPEK Institute of
18.30 Transfer to the evening event, beginning at 7 PM with a welcome cocktail followed by dinner                            Wüstner, D. Stemmer – Mercedes-AMG GmbH                 Product Engineering at Karlsruhe Institute of
                                                                                                                                                                                     Technology (KIT)
9th Int. Symposium on Development Methodology - A joint event of AVL and Prof. C. Beidl - Technical University Darmstadt
11.00 Development and application of a Model- 		            11.00 Engineering Method for Future Cross Domain         14.30 Fuel cell propulsion systems for heavy duty          14.30 Scenario-based validation of highly automated
      Based Calibration (MBC) methodology for 		                  Automotive Systems                                       application: Layout and optimization using 		              electric vehicles in urban environments
      crank angle control at engine stopping based                Dr. M. Johannaber, Dr. T. Schwartzkopff, U. 		           model-based development approaches                         Dr. C. Schyr, M. Nestoriuc – AVL Deutschland
      on semi-physical engine friction model                      Schulmeister, M. Boumans – Robert Bosch 		               H. Zlojo, A. Kuznik, Prof. C. Beidl – Technical            GmbH
      M. Halamek, J. De Smet, K. Kamiya – Toyota                  GmbH                                                     University Darmstadt; Dr. S. Barth, F. Rass – 		     15.00 CityInMotion – A virtual urban test
      Motor Europe                                          11.30 Multi Domain Simulation (MDSim) at                       Honda R&D Europe (Deutschland) GmbH                        environment for automated mobility
11.30 Next Generation Data-Based Models powered                   Porsche AG                                         15.00 Hybrid PEM fuel cell systems: Analysis of drive            R. Degen, H. Ott, Prof. M. Ruschitzka –
      by AI                                                       Dr. M. Wierse, M. Gaida, T. Haid – Dr. Ing. h.c.         cycles and dimensions                                      Cologne University of Applied Sciences; F.
      S. Milojević, Dr. D. Rether, Dr. M. Grill, Prof. M.         F. Porsche AG; Dr. M. Benedikt – VIRTUAL 		              Dr. S. Gößling, F. Smyrek, M. Bahr, N. Nickig –            Klein – HHVISION | Hoersch und Hennrich
      Bargende – IFS University of Stuttgart                      VEHICLE Research GmbH                                    ZBT GmbH                                                   Architekten Gbr; R. Shankavaram – AVL
12.00 How simulation can support the improvement            12.00 Simulation Platform DIVe for virtual 			                                                                            SCHRICK GmbH; Prof. M. Leijon –
      of transient engine performance of HD                       Development of Functions and Calibration                                                                            Uppsala University
      hydrogen engines while maintaining lowest                   Dr. K. Hoffmann, T. Weyand – Daimler AG            15.30 Coffee break                                         15.30 Coffee break
      NOx emissions
      Dr. L. Virnich, Dr. P. Recker, Dr. V. Huth, T. 		                                                              Final Keynotes; Chairman: Prof. C. Beidl, Technical University Darmstadt
      Durand – FEV Europe GmbH
                                                                                                                     15.40 Accelerating the automotive transformation – Key Learnings and Measures
12.30 Lunch                                                 12.30 Lunch
                                                                                                                           F. Loogen – e-mobil BW
                                                                                                                     16.10 The race to e-mobility: a revolution in product and method
PARALLEL SESSION 7A                                         PARALLEL SESSION 7B
                                                                                                                           L. Stiegler – Volvo Car Corporation
Battery/Fuel Cell; Chairman: Dr. M. Frobenius, AVL          ADAS and Humans;                                         16.40 Closing Remarks
Deutschland GmbH                                            Chairman: C. Christ, AVL Deutschland GmbH                      Prof. C. Beidl – Technical University Darmstadt; R. Jeutter – AVL Deutschland GmbH

14.00 Keep it cool! – A Thermal Simulation Study of         14.00 Driving experience in virtual development
      the TESLA Model 3 Cell                                      through next level DiL simulation
      Dr. J. Richter, Dr. M. Schönleber – Batemo 		               M. Böhle, Prof. B. Schick – Kempten University
      GmbH                                                        of Applied Sciences; S. Vorderobermeier – AB
                                                                  Dynamics Europe GmbH; M. Niegl – MdynamiX
9th Int. Symposium on Development Methodology - A joint event of AVL and Prof. C. Beidl - Technical University Darmstadt

There is the possibility for students to apply for sponsored places by Daimler, Denso, Valeo Siemens, VW und
AVL, which are free of charge. Information on this topic is available online at
9th Int. Symposium on Development Methodology - A joint event of AVL and Prof. C. Beidl - Technical University Darmstadt

AVL Deutschland GmbH     Phone: +49 6134 7179 0          www.avl.com/symposium-de-
Peter-Sander-Straße 32   Email: avld-marketing@avl.com   velopment-methodology
55252 Mainz-Kastel
                                                         May 2021, Classification Public
9th Int. Symposium on Development Methodology - A joint event of AVL and Prof. C. Beidl - Technical University Darmstadt
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