A Deeper Look WHICH IS THE REAL SHERLOCK HOLMES? - by Jeffrey Hatcher - Commonweal Theatre

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A Deeper Look WHICH IS THE REAL SHERLOCK HOLMES? - by Jeffrey Hatcher - Commonweal Theatre
A Deeper Look

                                       photo: Peterson Creative Photography & Design

                  by Jeffrey Hatcher
A Deeper Look WHICH IS THE REAL SHERLOCK HOLMES? - by Jeffrey Hatcher - Commonweal Theatre
Jeffrey Hatcher—Playwright
                Jeffrey Hatcher is one of Min-   Regionally, his plays have been performed at Yale
                nesota’s premier playwrights.    Rep, Old Globe, South Coast Rep, Seattle Rep,
                His Broadway/Off Broadway        Intiman, Florida Stage, The Empty Space, CTC,
                credits include Three Viewings   Madison Rep, Illusion, Denver Center, OSF, ASF,
                and A Picasso at Manhattan       Milwaukee Rep, Repertory Theater of St. Louis,
                Theatre Club, Scotland Road      Cincinnati Playhouse, Cleveland Playhouse, ATL,
                and The Turn of the Screw at     Philadelphia Theater Company, Coconut Grove,
                Primary Stages, Tuesdays with    Asolo, City Theater, Studio Arena and dozens
Morrie (with Mitch Albom) at The Minetta Lane,   more in the U.S. and abroad. He is a member
Murder by Poe and The Turn of the Screw at       and/or alumnus of The Playwrights’ Center, the
The Acting Company, Neddy at American Place,     Dramatists Guild, the Writers Guild, and New
and Fellow Travelers at Manhattan Punchline.     Dramatists.

      Some articles re-printed with permission from, and gratitude to:
A Deeper Look WHICH IS THE REAL SHERLOCK HOLMES? - by Jeffrey Hatcher - Commonweal Theatre
Holmes and Watson—A Closer Look                                            1

                                                          Hatcher                      Presented by the
                                                                              Commonweal Theatre Company
                                                                                 April 5 - July 6, 2019

The Characters
WATSON—A former military field doctor and                             PATIENT 2—The second Holmes is disheveled, rest-
friend of Sherlock Holmes. He used his experience                     less and exhibits the skeptical nature of Sherlock
in the field to help Holmes solve crimes. As the                      Holmes. He wears a straitjacket.
person closest to Holmes, Watson is engaged to                        PATIENT 3—The third Holmes also looks similar
discover which of the three convincing Sherlock                       to the Holmes Watson remembers, but his head
Holmeses is the real one.                                             is shaved. He does not speak, nor can he appear
DR. EVANS—The man who has taken it upon                               to hear. His gaze is always forward, as he is in a
himself to solve the case of The Three Sherlock                       catatonic state.
Holmes. Dr. Evans is the one who requests the aid                     ORDERLY—One of Dr. Evans’s assistants. He
of Watson.                                                            wears an asylum employee uniform.
PATIENT 1—The first of the three Holmes to arrive                     MATRON—Dr. Evans’s other assistant. She wears
at the asylum and to be interviewed, Patient 1                        her own version of the employee uniform, with her
presents the demeanor we expect of Holmes; he                         hair in a bun.
is brusque and rather forward with Watson. He
wears a jacket, vest and slacks.

Doyle and Holmes by Richard J. Roberts
                                   Scottish                           In 1887, Doyle first penned his most famous
                                physician and                         creation, Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street.
                                writer Sir                            By 1891, Holmes stories had become a fix-
                                Arthur Conan                          ture of The Strand Magazine.
                                Doyle was born                            Other fictional detectives had appeared
                                in 1859 in Edin-                      before Holmes, including characters created
                                burgh, Scotland,                      by Edgar Allen Poe (“The Murders in the
                                and educated at                       Rue Morgue”) and Emile Gaboriau (“L’Af-
                                a Jesuit prepa-                       faire Lerouge”). But Holmes captured the
                                ratory school                         public imagination like few other literary
                                in Lancashire,                        figures have ever done. Doyle himself, how-
                                England. He                           ever, quickly became tired of his creation
                                studied medicine                      and killed him off in “The Final Problem”
                                at Edinburgh                          in 1893. After eight years of pressure from
                                University,                           his readers, Doyle wrote The Hound of the
                                where he was                          Baskervilles, set before Holmes’s death. This
                                inspired by the                       masterpiece only whetted the public’s appe-
brilliant deductive skills of his mentor, Jo-                         tite, and two years later Doyle resumed the
seph Bell. While in school, Doyle worked as                           series with “The Adventure of the Empty
a ship’s doctor and later ran his own practice                        House,” explaining that Holmes had faked
in Portsmouth, England.                                               his own death at Reichenbach. Ultimately,
   During these years of study and practice,                          Doyle wrote a total of four novels and 56
Doyle wrote and submitted several short                               short stories featuring Sherlock Holmes.
stories to the literary magazines of the day.                             From 1899 to 1902, Doyle served as a
From Indiana Repertory Theatre Study Guide, Richard J. Roberts, ed.
                                                                      physician in the Boer War. Upon his
2                                   Holmes and Watson—A Closer Look

Sherlock Modernized
   In the theatre world, playwrights like Jef-             music, though
frey Hatcher and Ken Ludwig keep the spirit                his outlet
of Sherlock Holmes alive. In the cinema, Jef-              is through
frey Hatcher also adapted a screenplay from                the piano,
Mitch Cullin’s novel Mr. Holmes starring Ian               guitar and
McKellen, which told the story of a retired                harmonica.
Sherlock and his struggle with early                       House even
dementia.                                                  has that one
   Today we see many works across me-                      close friend in
diums, from board games to theatre, all                    which he can
inspired by the Sherlock Holmes collection.                confide—Dr.
                                                                            Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch
Some of these works have appeared as                       James Wil-       as Watson and Holmes in the BBC series.
parodies to the original, such as the British              son, House’s
comedy Without a Clue (1988), the Canadi-                  Dr. Watson. Other references to Sherlock
an series The Adventures of Shirley Holmes                 Holmes are present throughout the show,
(1996-2000), and the more current series                   some more obvious while others may slip
Psych (2006-2014).                                         past viewers. The show Elementary is a more
   Other takes                                             straightforward adaptation of the detective
include adapta-                                            series, but with Watson depicted as a female
tions that are not                                         named Joan Watson.
so much about                                                  Sherlock Holmes has had a huge revival
crime, but still                                           in television and film, reaching out to both
mysterious, such                                           old and new fans, thanks to the moderniza-
as House (2004-                                            tion of the insightful detective. Guy Ritchie’s
2012). Here, Dr.                                           Sherlock Holmes film series, starring Robert
House uses his in-                                         Downey Jr. and Jude Law, is set to release its
credible deduction                                         third movie, which has begun shooting and
skills to solve mys-                                       has a tentative release date [in 2021]. The
terious medical                                            BBC also recently completed its own televi-
cases while, like     Hugh Laurie as Dr. House, a Holme-   sion series starring Benedict Cumberbatch
Sherlock Holmes, sian character in a hospital setting.     and Martin Freeman as the detective duo.
secretly battling an addiction to prescription
drugs. House also finds solace in playing                  From Milwaukee Repertory Theatre PlayGuide, Jenny Toutant, ed.

Doyle and Holmes by Richard J. Roberts (cont’d.)
return, he wrote The Great Boer War (1900)                    Doyle died in 1930 from heart disease
and The War in South Africa: Its Causes and                at his home is Sussex. The first of many
Conduct (1902), for which he was knighted.                 Sherlock Holmes societies was founded in
    Although Holmes might be considered the                1934, and such organizations still active-
literary icon of empiricism, Doyle was pro-                ly debate the finer points of the detective’s
foundly interested in spiritualism. This irony             work. Whole books have treated Holmes and
cultivated many of Doyle’s mystic beliefs,                 Watson as actual historical figures, filling in
such as fairies, psychic powers, and com-                  gaps and calculating dates from clues in the
munication with the dead. He wrote several                 stories. Nearly 100 actors have portrayed
books on the subject, including The Coming                 Holmes in more than 300 films and tele-
of the Fairies (1921), The History of Spiritu-             vision programs. Dozens of authors since
alism (1926), and The Edge of the Unknown                  Doyle have written their own Holmes stories,
(1930), where he argued that his friend Har-               novels, films, and plays.
ry Houdini had supernatural powers.
Holmes and Watson—A Closer Look                                                            3

The Originals & Adaptations of Sherlock Holmes
    William Gillette was the first to portray        stories.
Sherlock Holmes on stage, playing the char-             Michael
acter about 1,300 times. His first perfor-           Caine and Ben
mance was made in 1899.                              Kingsley played
    The Return of Sherlock Holmes was the            Holmes and
first Sherlock film with sound (1929).               Watson in the
    Basil Rathbone played Sherlock in the            comedic 1988
1939 film The Hound of the Baskervilles,             film Without a
which is regarded as one of the best film            Clue.
adaptations.                                            In 1992,
    Ronald Howard starred as Sherlock                Christopher
Holmes in the 1954 American television               Lee played an
series. It aired a total of 39 episodes.             elderly Sher-
    Lost for decades, the 1922 silent film por-      lock in the TV
trayal of Sherlock Holmes resurfaced in the          film Sherlock      American actor William Gillette as
                                                                        Sherlock Holmes (c. 1890s).
1970s. John Barrymore played Holmes and              Holmes: Inci-
Roland Young played Watson.                          dent at Victoria Falls.
    Roger Moore played Sherlock Holmes in               Robert Downey Jr. took on the role of
the 1977 film Sherlock Holmes in New York.           Sherlock in the 2009 [and 2011] film[s], that
    Peter O’Toole voiced Sherlock Holmes in          helped reboot interest in the character.
the 1983 animated series of several Holmes           From Milwaukee Repertory Theatre PlayGuide, Jenny Toutant, ed.

The Original Sherlock                                Mr. Holmes (2015): British film starring Ian
Holmes Stories by Arthur                             McKellen as an elderly Holmes thinking back on
Conan Doyle                                          his past; written by Jeffrey Hatcher, playwright of
                                                     Holmes and Watson.
A Study in Scarlet (novel)
The Sign of the Four (novel)                         Other Mystery Books
The Adventures of Sherlock                           “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” by Edgar
Holmes (short stories)                               Allan Poe, the short story that introduced litera-
The Memoirs of Sherlock                              ture’s first great detective, C. Auguste Dupin.
Holmes (short stories)                               The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. A young-
The Hound of the Baskervilles                        adult novel about a group of contestants compet-
(novel)                                              ing to solve a mystery and win a large fortune.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes                        Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Chris-
(short stories)                                      tie. A classic whodunnit with a brilliant twist.
His Last Bow (short stories)                         When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead. A young-
The Valley of Fear (novel)                           adult novel about a teenage girl solving a mystery
The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes (short stories)      in 1970s New York.

Selected Holmes Film & TV Adaptations                The Maltese Falcon A 1930 detective novel by
                                                     Dashiell Hammett, later the classic 1941 film
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959): British        starring Humphrey Bogart. The quintessential
film adaptation of Doyle’s novel starring Peter      hardboiled detective thriller.
Cushing as Holmes; Cushing played Holmes in
several other films as well.                         The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-
                                                     Time by Mark Haddon. A young-adult novel
Sherlock Holmes (1984-1994): Granada Tele-           about an autistic boy who attempts to solve a
vision series starring Jeremy Brett as Holmes;       murder case. Later became a popular stage play.
Brett’s performance is often considered the quint-
essential portrayal of the detective.
Elementary (2012-): CBS television series starring
Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu as Holmes and
Watson in modern-day New York City.                  From Indiana Repertory Theatre Study Guide, Richard J. Roberts, ed.
4                                              Holmes and Watson—A Closer Look

Inspiration: Four Stories
    Holmes and Watson, although a unique                           Mormon. John tells Hope about the plan but
story, might seem a little familiar to you.                        after he throws out the suitors, a countdown
This is because the playwright, Jeffrey Hatch-                     to her marriage day is left around his farm.
er, was loosely inspired by four of Holmes’                        Hope returns to the farm to see John’s grave
most famous adventures: A Study in Scarlet,                        and no sign of Lucy. In Salt Lake City, he
“A Scandal in Bohemia,” “The Adventure of                          learns Stangerson killed John and Lucy was
the Final Problem,” and “The Adventure of                          wed to Drebber; she dies shortly after of a
the Empty House.”                                                  broken heart. As his enemies flee to London,
    A Study in                                                     so does he.
Scarlet is split into                                                 Back at Baker Street, Hope tells the story
multiple parts. Part                                               to Holmes and company and recounts their
I begins with Dr.                                                  murders. The day before his trial, Hope dies
Watson’s return to                                                 of an aneurysm as a result of a long-standing
London after his                                                   medical condition.
discharge from the                                                    In “A Scandal in Bohemia,” Holmes is
Second Anglo-Af-                                                   visited by the disguised King of Bohemia. He
ghan war due to                                                    reveals that, due to his upcoming engage-
a shoulder injury.                                                 ment, he is worried about the damage that
He tells his friend,                                               may be caused by the scandal surrounding
Stamford, that he                                                  his previous relationship with Irene Adler,
needs a place to                                                   an American opera singer. Thus, he hopes
live and is intro-                                                 Holmes will recover her evidence of the
duced to Holmes,                                                   affair. He sneaks to her wedding, in disguise,
at work in a lab; his quick analysis of his                        but ends up being forced to witness the
prospective roommate fascinates Watson and                         wedding which ends with the couple splitting
the pair move in together. Holmes is sent a                        ways. Holmes returns to Baker Street to col-
telegram asking for help at an abandoned                           lect Watson. As Adler pulls up to her home,
house. Once there, he investigates the mur-                        Holmes leaps in to protect her in the midst
der of Enoch Drebber and goes to meet his                          of a fight and is invited into her home. At
secretary, Joseph Stangerson, but he was also                      his signal, Watson throws a smoke
murdered. The word “RACHE”, which has                              bomb with the hope that Adler will
been determined to be the German word for
revenge, was left at the scene of both crimes.
They also find two pills, one of which is
poison. The scene is interrupted by a Baker
Street Irregular who summoned a cab as
requested by Holmes. The cabbie enters and
Holmes handcuffs him, declaring him Jeffer-
son Hope, the murderer.
    Part II occurs years before in Salt Lake
Valley where a man named John and little
girl Lucy are rescued from imminent death
by a group of Latter-Day Saints who offer
them sanctuary if they live under their faith;
he adopts Lucy and, later, she falls in love
with Jefferson Hope. The elders disapprove
as they want her to marry either Joseph
Stangerson or Enoch Drebber, who are both
From Arizona Theatre Company Play Guide , Katherine Monberg, ed.            A Sidney Paget illustration for “A Scandal in Bohemia.”
Holmes and Watson—A Closer Look                                           5

rescue her precious item – the photograph.                            House” concerns
The next morning, Holmes and the King go                              the murder of the
to the safe, but Adler has replaced the pic-                          Honorable Ronald
ture with one of her in a dress and a note                            Adair. The man had
revealing that she is only keeping the letter to                      no enemies and was
protect herself. Holmes keeps the letter and                          found in his locked
Watson reveals that Holmes has continued to                           sitting room with
call her “the woman.”                                                 an open window
    “The Final Problem” begins with Holmes                            above a 20-foot
visiting Watson’s house and telling him he                            drop, surrounded by
survived three murder attempts that day as                            papers and money;
Moriarty wants him off his trail. Watson,                             the police learn he
following his instructions, meets a disguised                         won a lot of money
Holmes on the train. As the train pulls away,                         in working with            Paget for “The Empty House”
they see Moriarty on the platform and their                           Colonel Sebastian Moran. The corpse was
attempt to escape intensifies. Now in Stras-                          found with a soft-point bullet at the back
bourg, Holmes learns Moriarty’s accomplices                           of his head but no one is sure from where
have been arrested and he tells Watson to                             the gun was fired. On the way there, Wat-
go, but he refuses. Now in Switzerland, they                          son runs into an elderly book collector who
head up to Reichenbach Falls. Watson is                               is revealed to be Holmes! He explains to a
given a letter by a boy requesting his exper-                         joyous Watson that he was able to throw
tise at the hotel. Despite knowing it is a trap,                      Moriarty over the waterfall yet caught him-
Holmes sends Watson back. Upon his return,                            self and was able to pull himself back up.
there is a set of footprints and note from                            He explains what he was doing during the
Holmes telling his friend he is about to fight                        past three years, but the conditions of Adair’s
Moriarty. Watson sees the sign of a strug-                            murder intrigued him, and thus he returned.
gle and an implied fall to the death – both                           Holmes, convinced that Adair was killed by
Holmes and his nemesis are no more.                                   Moriarty’s cohort Colonel Sebastian Moran,
    Written three years after Holmes’ sup-                            places a wax bust at the empty house across
posed death, “The Adventure of the Empty                              from Baker Street which Moran shoots, thus
                                                                      revealing his involvement in Adair’s murder.
The Joy of Mystery
by Risa Brainin                                                       minds, that some people even believe that he
    What is it about mysteries that we love                           was a real person! I recently went to the Sher-
so much? There is something so satisfying                             lock Holmes Museum in London, which is
about solving a mystery, right? It is fun, it                         a replica of Holmes’s house on Baker Street,
is challenging, and when you reach the end,                           complete with wax figures of characters. It
you feel a sense of accomplishment. Sherlock                          was a bit strange to be there in the “home”
Holmes is the great icon of mystery stories in                        of a fictional character! There are enormously
modern fiction. Since the character was born                          long lines—every single day—to get into this
in 1887, he has been brought to life in literal-                      museum. The fan base is extraordinary.
ly thousands of ways, including novels, short                            So, with all of the zillions of portrayals
stories, plays, radio dramas, TV shows, films                         out there, how does one tell a new tale about
and even video games. He holds the Guinness                           this very old and beloved character? Leave it
record for “most portrayed movie character                            to Jeff Hatcher to figure that one out. Hatch-
in history.”                                                          er has taken the period of time between Sir
    Whether you have read the books or not,                           Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Final Problem,”
we all have an image of the character. In fact,                       where Holmes is supposedly “killed” by his
the character is so specifically etched in our                        arch nemesis Moriarty, and “The Adventure
                                                                      of the Empty House,” when he
From Indiana Repertory Theatre Study Guide, Richard J. Roberts, ed.   returns. In that moment, Hatcher
6                                     Holmes and Watson—A Closer Look
hypothesizes a wonderful mystery.                            sometimes sardonic) sense of humor, he is a
   I’ve always been a huge fan of Jeffrey                    master of dramatic tension and release. Oh,
Hatcher’s work, and have enjoyed directing                   how I adore anything Hatcher! He knows
several of his plays over the years. What I                  that if you are here tonight, you likely know
love most, and something most evident in this                and love Sherlock Holmes. If you do, get
piece, is his ability to weave a complex story               ready to enjoy a new classic tale. If you are
with humor and pathos. You get all of the fun                new to Mr. Holmes, we hope you’ll enjoy
of solving a Sherlock Holmes mystery, and                    stepping into his world tonight to solve the
you get a little bit more. With his ironic (and              mystery.

Blackjack                                                    Mendelssohn’s lieder
    A small, easily concealed club made from a weight          Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) was a renowned
    wrapped in leather attached to a coil spring. It           German composer, pianist, and conductor. Lieder
    features a strap or lanyard by which to carry the          ohne Worte (Songs without Words) includes eight
    weapon on the non-weighty end.                             volumes of six short lyrical piano pieces each.
Braces                                                       Penny dreadful
    Another term for suspenders.                               Cheap, sensational popular literature produced in
Calling card                                                   Britain during the 19th century. Costing only a pen-
    Personal calling cards were immensely popular              ny per installment, these serial stories featured lurid
    among the upper classes during the Victorian era:          tales about criminals or the supernatural.
    similar to business cards, calling cards were pre-       Plumber’s rocket
    sented when making social visits or enclosed when          A smoke bomb that creates a thick cloud of smoke.
    sending gifts.                                             Victorian plumbers used smoke rockets to release
Colloquies                                                     smoke into pipes as a way of testing for leaks.
    Conversations.                                           Schooner
Cutter                                                         A small sailing vessel with two or more masts. The
    A small, lightweight boat designed for speed rather        schooner’s speed and ability to sail in shallow waters
    than to hold many passengers.                              once made it a popular choice for both pirates and
                                                               recreational boaters.
Derringer Pistol
    This term refers broadly to any small handgun that       Scotland Yard
    is not a revolver or semiautomatic pistol. The term        The headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service
    comes from a misspelling of the name of Henry              in London. The name comes from the location of the
    Deringer (1786-1868), inventor of a small handgun.         original headquarters, which had a rear entrance on
                                                               a street called Great Scotland Yard.
Deus ex machina
    This Latin phrase literally means “god from the ma-      Shallop
    chine” and is used to describe a plot device where-        A light sailboat typically used for coastal fishing; can
    in an apparently unsolvable problem is suddenly            carry roughly a dozen individuals.
    resolved by the unexpected intervention of a new         Skiff
    character, object, event, or ability.                      A shallow, flat-bottomed boat with a sharp bow and
Garotte                                                        a square stem, easily handled by one person.
    A wire, cord, or other apparatus used for strangling;    Stiletto
    widely used in the 17th and 18th centuries as assassi-     A thin dagger with a long, needlelike point, primarily
    nation devices.                                            used for stabbing, dating back to 15th century Italy.
Hypnoid State                                                Strychnine
    The Victorian practice of hypnotherapy was a pop-          A highly toxic, colorless, bitter alkaloid frequently
    ular treatment for a variety of ailments, endorsed by      used as a pesticide. When inhaled or swallowed, it
    the British Medical Association in 1892.                   causes poisoning that results in muscular convulsions
Inspector                                                      and eventual death via asphyxiation.
    In the British police force, inspector is the second     Subliminal
    supervisory rank, senior to a sergeant, but junior to      Subconscious, something that is present but of which
    a chief inspector.                                         a person is not fully aware.
Lake District                                                Superintendent
    A mountainous region in northwest England with 20          Superintendent is the fifth-highest rank in the British
    major lakes, famous for its beautiful landscape.           police force. A superintendent ranks higher than an
Mass delusion                                                  inspector or a chief inspector.
    A condition in which a group of people share the         Truncheon
    false belief that they are all some famous figure. The     A short, thick stick carried as a weapon by law
    Napoleon Delusion is a popular stereotype of the           enforcement or security personnel.
    beliefs of delusional patients.
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