A Guide to the Department of Orthodontics - changing the future of oral health - UIC College of ...

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A Guide to the Department of Orthodontics - changing the future of oral health - UIC College of ...
A Guide
               to the
               Department of
               2022 Edition

changing the future
of oral health
A Guide to the Department of Orthodontics - changing the future of oral health - UIC College of ...
A Guide to the Department of Orthodontics - changing the future of oral health - UIC College of ...
about                                                                                abo

                            mission                                                                         ABO diplomate
       We offer cutting     To deliver high quality orthodontic specialty             A board-certified      Orthodontics is more than just straightening
                            care and education in a private practice setting.                               teeth. Orthodontists understand the complexity
    edge techniques in                                                                   orthodontist is    of growth, development and facial form.
         a comfortable                                                                committed to the      Treatment plans include issues related to the
    environment as we                                                           highest level of patient    jaw and bite, not just movement of teeth.
                            vision                                                                          There’s a reason orthodontists go to additional
             train future                                                              care including a     years of highly competitive orthodontic school –
                            To deliver high quality orthodontic care through
       orthodontists to     orthodontic residents under the tutelage of                comprehensive        to learn and perfect their ability in the specialty.
        deliver modern      highly experienced professionals.                   treatment approach to       A general dentist is ideal for providing regular
                                                                                                            oral health check-ups, comparable to your
      orthodontic care                                                             ensure quality work.     family doctor. Many dentists offer orthodontic
      for children and                                                                                      treatment plans but have not been trained or
                                                                                                            educated in the area.
                  adults.                                                                All of our full-
                                                                                 time faculty and most      Board certified orthodontists must re-new their
                                                                                of our part-time faculty    certification every 10 years to demonstrate
                                                                                                            their continuous commitment to excellence.
                                                                                    are board certified.

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A Guide to the Department of Orthodontics - changing the future of oral health - UIC College of ...

    New Patients Welcome                                                  Orthodontics Services
    1.                             5.                                     University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of Dentistry offers a wide range of
                                                                          orthodontic services including comprehensive treatment of bite problems, misaligned
    Initial Consultation           Treatment monitoring (by the           teeth and jaws, and jaw growth problems for children and adults.
                                   orthodontist as well as multiple
                                   board specialist faculty               •   Regular / standard metal braces, clear braces, and self-ligating braces from a variety
    2.                             orthodontists including                    of established manufacturers and companies, so that each treatment plan is
                                   interdisciplinary management               customized and tailored for each patient
    Clinical exam                  of complex cases)                      •   Orthodontic treatments for children, including early treatment and growth guidance
    diagnostic records                                                    •   Orthognathic/surgical, and cleft lip and palate treatment
                                                                          •   Comprehensive adult, adolescent and teen orthodontic treatment
                                   6.                                     •   Esthetic orthodontic treatment
    3.                                                                    •   Two-phase, and mixed dentition treatment
    Treatment Planning and
                                   Finishing and detailing                •   Advanced orthodontic diagnostics including 3D CBCT imaging, 3D facial scanning,
    Simulation (Visual Treatment                                              3D treatment simulation and intraoral scanning
    Objective) and cephalometric                                          •   Invisible orthodontics including clear aligner therapy
    analysis (growth prediction
                                   7.                                     •   Computer driven appliances
    for growing patients)                                                 •   Hidden (lingual) braces (braces fixed on the back surfaces of teeth)
                                   Retention and
                                   long term monitoring

    4.                                                                                                   advancing dentistry’s oldest specialty,
    Appliance delivery and                                                                                 treating the most difficult of patients
    treatment initiation           *We accept self-pay via financing or
                                   medical aid, if eligible.

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A Guide to the Department of Orthodontics - changing the future of oral health - UIC College of ...
Computer-Driven Custom-Made Appliances

    Cutting-edge                                                                      Robotics-aided treatment
                                                                                      •   An advanced orthodontic treatment that uses 3D
                                                                                          modeling of your mouth

    technology                                                                        •

                                                                                          Allows our orthodontic specialists to precisely
                                                                                          identify the desired teeth position for each patient.
                                                                                          Saves time and requires fewer visits for manual
                                                                                          adjustments and tightening of the braces compared
                                                                                          to traditional braces.

                                                                                      Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and digital intraoral scanning
                                                                                      •   Offers an undistorted view of the dentition
                                                                                      •   Can accurately visualize both erupted and non-erupted teeth, tooth root orientation
                               diagnostics                                                and anomalous structures better than 2D radiography.
                               3D CBCT, 3D Facial scanning, 3D Treatment              •   Digital intraoral scanning allows undercuts and model preparation to be done digitally
                               Simulation, 3D Intraoral scanner                       •   Multiple invisible retainers can be made from one scan.

                               Dolphin Imaging – powerful patient
                               communication tool                                     Lingual braces
                               Dolphin 3D allows visualization and analysis           •   Appliance (brackets, wires, and elastics) used to rearrange your teeth is mounted
                               of craniofacial anatomy from data produced                 on the backside (tongue side).
                               by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT),
                               MRI, medical CT, and 3D facial camera                  Clear Aligner Therapy
                                                                                      •   Straightens your teeth using a custom-made
                                                                                          series of aligners
                               mechanics and appliances                               •   aligner trays are made of smooth and virtually
                                                                                          invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth
                               Standard Edgewise, Pre-Adjusted Edgewise,
                                                                                      •   They gradually and gently shift your teeth into
                               Lingual, Clear Aligner treatment, Computer
                               Driven Mechanics
                                                                                      •   No metal brackets to attach.
                               Regular / standard metal braces                        •   No wires to tighten.
                               Clear braces
                               Self-ligating braces                               Accelerated Tooth Movement
                               Clear aligner therapy
                                                                                      •   Produces gentle pulses that safely and gently speed up tooth movement.
                                                                                      •   Lightweight, easy-to-use device
                                                                                      •   Clinically shown to accelerate orthodontic treatment by up to 50 percent
                               Remote Monitoring System                               •   Decreases the discomfort associated with treatment
                               Your smartphone is now able to capture tooth           •   Accelerates the tooth movement during the active phase of orthodontic treatment
                               movements and communicate them to your                 •   Reduces the overall duration of treatment
                               orthodontist.     Technology      allows    your
                               orthodontist to remotely control your treatment,
                               warning your doctor of changing conditions as
                               they occur. This makes your orthodontic
                               treatment faster and more efficient with fewer
       image source: dolphin   appointments required.
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A Guide to the Department of Orthodontics - changing the future of oral health - UIC College of ...

     Advanced Study Opportunities in the
     Department of Orthodontics
     Individualized continuing education programs in orthodontics are available for those
     orthodontists who have a serious interest in developing additional knowledge and skills
     in this field. The duration of the programs is flexible and determined upon reviewing the
     applicant’s background and objectives.

     Orthodontic Preceptorship Program
     The goal of the full-time program is to provide excellent background and knowledge in
     orthodontics. The program will enable the participants to formulate diagnoses and develop
     comprehensive treatment plans with a deep understanding of the possibilities and the
     limitations of orthodontic treatment. The participants will also have the opportunity to be
     involved in research projects with UIC faculty. The program is not intended to license
     individuals as orthodontic specialists. There is no substitute for full accredited orthodontic
     residency training to be considered an orthodontic specialist.

     Bioprogressive Technique
     The Immersion in Bioprogressive: A Two-Module Program is a continuing education
     recognition program certified by the American Dental Association (ADA). Participants to
     this program will received ADA continuing education credits from the Foundation of
     Modern Bioprogressive and Certificate of attendance the Department of Orthodontics,
     University of Illinois at Chicago.

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A Guide to the Department of Orthodontics - changing the future of oral health - UIC College of ...

                               Veerasathpurush Allareddy                                Budi Kusnoto                                    Maria Therese Galang-
                               BDS, MBA, MHA, PhD, MMSc                                 DDS, MS                                         Boquiren DMD, MS
                     We are    Professor                                                Professor                                       Associate Professor
     specialists in creating   Brodie Craniofacial Endowed Chair                        Program Director                                Director of Predoctoral Orthodontics
       spectacular healthy     Dr. Veerasathpurush (Sath) Allareddy serves as           Dr. Kusnoto is currently the interim            Dr. Maria Therese Galang-Boquiren
                     smiles.   the Department Head of Orthodontics and Brodie           department head, interim program                completed her dental degree at the
                               Craniofacial Endowed Chair. His area of clinical         director and clinical director as well as       University of the Philippines, Manila in
                 We provide    expertise is Cleft Lip/Palate and Craniofacial           tenured professor of orthodontics at the        2000. She then moved to Chicago in 2002
            comprehensive      Orthodontics and is a Diplomate of the American          Department of Orthodontics, University of       to obtain her Master of Science degree
                               Board of Orthodontics. Dr. Allareddy serves as the       Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Dr. Kusnoto          (2004) and Certificate in Orthodontics
                treatment of   Director of the Specialty Node of National Dental        obtained his master’s degree in oral            (2007). Upon graduation, she was offered
             bite problems,    Practice Based Research Network (www link is             sciences and specialty in orthodontics in       a full-time faculty position at her alma
                               http://www.nationaldentalpbrn.org/). He serves as        1998 from the UIC and undertook his             mater - University of Illinois at Chicago.
          misaligned teeth     a member of the Rapid Assessment of Evidence             fellowship in the Craniofacial Center in        Since 2007, she was appointed as the
                   and jaws,   P a n e l a n d P l a nn i ng a nd A war ds Re vi e w    1999. He has been involved in the               Director of Predoctoral Orthodontics. She
                               Committee of the American Association of                 implementation of digital technology in the     is in charge of training all dental students
            and jaw growth     Orthodontists Foundation. He has been successful         Department of Orthodontics at the UIC.          about the orthodontic specialty.
               problems for    in fostering research collaborations between             His degrees in computer science as well
                               multiple Universities and has published over 200         as in the field of dentistry/orthodontics       Dr. Galang has garnered numerous
       children and adults.    research articles in peer reviewed journals,             make his contribution significant to this       accolades for her teaching and research.
                               presented over 250 posters at regional/national/
                                                                                        project. His knowledge in growth and            This aptly resulted in her achieving
                               international scientific meetings, and collaborated
                                                                                        development of the human craniofacial           academ ic tenur e in 2017. She is
                               with close to 250 researchers affiliated to more
                                                                                        complex is complimentary to his teaching        passionate about the intersection of
                               than 25 different Universities. He is the recipient of
                                                                                        in the field of orthodontic diagnosis and       orthodontics and dental sleep medicine –
                               multiple awards including: Research awards from
                               Society of Critical Care Medicine (years 2014,           t r eat m ent planning . Dr . Kusnot o ’s       specifically in the treatment of obstructive
                               2016, 2018, and 2020); Peer Reviewer of the Year         scholarly interests are in the field of 3-      sleep apnea patients. She is a Diplomate
                               2016 Award from Cleft Palate and Craniofacial            dimensional digital imaging diagnostic          of the American Board of Orthodontics
                               Journal; Eleanor and Miles Shore 50t h                   computer system, 3-dimensional                  and Board-Eligible for the American
                               Anniversary Fellowship for Scholars in Medicine –        craniofacial growth imaging, improving          Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. She is
                               Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of             quality and efficiency of digital imaging for   also an accomplished speaker, having
                               Dental Medicine Scholarship; and the Harvard             diagnostic in orthodontic field.                given lectures in various parts of the
                               School of Dental Med icine Presidential                                                                  globe.
                               Scholarship (2008 - 2010).

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A Guide to the Department of Orthodontics - changing the future of oral health - UIC College of ...
Maysaa Oubaidin, DDS, MS                          Phimon Atsawasuwan                           Mohammed H. Elnagar                                         Christina Nicholas
     Assistant Professor                               DDS, MSc, MSc, MS, PhD                       DDS, MS, PhD                                                PhD
     Associate Director of Post Graduate               Associate Professor                          Assistant Professor                                         Assistant Professor
                                                                                                    Dr. Mohammed Elnagar received his DDS                       Dr. Nicholas is research faculty who
                                                       Dr. Phimon Atsawasuwan completed his
                                                                                                    graduating with honors as class                             joined the Department of Orthodontics,
     Dr. Maysaa Oubaidin received her DDS              three-year residency in Orthodontics and
                                                                                                    Valedictorian in 2005, followed by General                  University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), in
     degree from University of Aleppo/Syria            obtained his MS in Oral Sciences from
                                                                                                    Practice Residency. After that he obtained                  2016. She received her PhD in Bio-
     with honors as class Valedictorian where          the University of Illinois at Chicago in
                                                                                                    his Certificate of specialty in Orthodontics                logical     Anthropology       from     the
     she r eceived “ Al - Bassel Awar d f or           2011 and is a diplomate of the American
                                                                                                    and Master of dental Science degree. He                     Department of Anthropology at the
     Outstanding Academic Excellence and               Board of Orthodontics. He is a tenured
                                                                                                    joined the Department of Orthodontics,
     First Graduate”. Dr. Oubaidin obtained her        associate professor at UIC.                                                                              University of Iowa (2015). Following the
                                                                                                    University of Illinois at Chicago in 2015 to                completing of her PhD studies, she did
     MS Oral Sciences degree and Orthodontic           Dr. Atsawasuwan received his DDS and
                                                                                                    earn his PhD and later became a full time                   a post- doc in the Iowa Institute for Oral
     Specialty Certificate from the University of      MS degrees in Periodontics from Mahidol
                                                                                                    Faculty. His PhD work was a clinical trial                  Health Research (formerly Dows). Dr.
     Illinois at Chicago. After her graduation,        University, Bangkok Thailand and
                                                                                                    that involved different protocol of bone-                   Nicholas’s research focuses on
     she joined UIC as Clinical Assistant              Eastman Dental Institute, University
                                                                                                    a n c h or e d m a xi l l a r y p r ot r a ct i o n f o r
     Professor. She was awarded the Research           College London, United Kingdom. Later,                                                                   craniofacial growth and development,
                                                                                                    treatment of Class III patients, In addition
     Aid Award from the American Association           he received his PhD in Oral Biology from                                                                 and she applies her interdisciplinary
                                                                                                    to evaluation of the treatment outcome
     of Orthodontists Foundation in March              the University of North Carolina-Chapel                                                                  training to tackle questions related to
                                                                                                    using 3D digital technology. His work
     2020. She is teaching and supervising             Hill. He is the President and Treasurer of                                                               growth from both anthropological and
                                                                                                    selected to be on the cover of the American
     orthodontics residents in the post-graduate       American Association of Dental                                                                           clinical   perspectives.      She     uses
                                                                                                    Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial
     orthodontic clinic, she is the course             Research, Chicago section. He publishes                                                                  geometric morphometrics to quantify
                                                                                                    Orthopedics in November 2016 issue. Dr.
     director of the “ABO Written Exam Prep/           two book chapters and more than forty                                                                    complex craniofacial phenotypes,and is
                                                                                                    Elnagar research projects involved the
     Seminar in Orthodontics”. Dr. Oubaidin            peer-reviewed articles. He receives                                                                      particularly interested in how units of the
                                                                                                    treatment Dentofacial deformities, Skeletal
     has a great experience using a wide               numerous research awards from the                                                                        cranium covary across growth. Her
                                                                                                    anchorage, 3D imaging application in
     variety of orthodontics philosophies and          National Institute of Dental and                                                                         work seeks to better understand
                                                                                                    dentistry, Dental monitoring and
     modalities including early treatment,             Craniofacial Research, AAO, AAO                                                                          variation     in    human      craniofacial
                                                                                                    Teledentistry. Dr.Elnagar published many
     Invisalign, Self-ligating Systems, clear          Foundation, and Align Technology and                                                                     ontogeny, what factors might influence
                                                                                                    articles and presented his work in many
     b r ac es a nd t h e co nve n t i o na l T wi n   presents his research at many scientific                                                                 this variation, and how variation may
                                                                                                    national/international meetings. Dr.
     Brackets. Dr. Oubaidin worked in multiple         conferences in the United States and                                                                     affect treatment. In addition to her
                                                                                                    Elnagar is teaching and mentoring in UIC
     research areas including CBCT, bone               worldwide. His scholarly interests include                                                               research responsibilities, Dr. Nicholas
                                                                                                    orthodontics clinics, He is also
     biology, and microCT. She has published           accelerated tooth movement, craniofacial
                                                                                                    orthodontics & dentofacial orthopedics                      also serves as a facilitator for small
     three articles in peer -reviewed                  biology, microRNA biology and
                                                                                                    practitioner in UIC Faculty Dental Practice.                group learning (SGL) in the dental
     journals. Dr. Oubaidin is a Faculty Dental        interdisciplinary treatment.
                                                                                                                                                                student curriculum and teaches
     Practice Provider at the College of
                                                                                                                                                                Craniofacial Growth and Development
     dentistry at UIC/ Orthodontics Department.
                                                                                                                                                                in the Orthodontics Department.

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A Guide to the Department of Orthodontics - changing the future of oral health - UIC College of ...
Flavio Sanchez                            Grace Viana
     DDS, MS                                   BSc, MSc
     Dr. Flavio Sanchez obtained his           Grace Viana’s education includes a BSc
     bachelor in Dental Sciences at the        in Statistics (Brazilian Institute of
     University of Campinas ENCAMP-            Geography and Statistics, 1977) and an
     Brasil in 1990 and had his master’s       MSc      in    Statistics   (Institute   of
     degree and specialty in orthodontics in   Mathematics, Federal University - Rio de
     2005 from University of São Leopoldo      Janeiro, Brazil, 1983). She served as
     Mandic-Brasil.                            senior statistician for over a decade at
     Dr. Sanchez has been a professor in       the Brazilian Institute of Geography and
     the Orthodontic program at the            Statistics and later she continued her
     University of Sao Leopoldo Mandic         professional career as statistician at UIC
     since 2005 and adjunct part time          since      2000.      Her      professional
     professor at UIC on the Orthodontic       appointments in the Department of
     “Bioprogressive” program, since 2010,     Orthodontics      include     Educa-tional
     where he develops many international      Program Evaluation Coordinator (2013-
     articles and research projects on         present), Clinical Instructor (2007-
     bioprogressive orthodontics. He is co-    present), Senior Research Specialist
     Founder of the Foundation of Modern       (2007-2012) and Statistician (2000-
     Bioprogressive established on 2013 in     2007). Grace Viana scholarly interests
     Chicago. He joined UIC as full time       are concentrated in the statistical
     faculty in 2017.                          analysis of multidisciplinary clinical and
                                               behavioral science studies, as well as the
                                               design and analysis of material science
                                               studies related to Orthodontics and
                                               Dentistry in general. Since 2004, she has
                                               co-authored and collaborated in the
                                               publication of over 50 research papers, in
                                               addition to routinely co-advising MS
                                               dissertations in the Department of

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A Guide to the Department of Orthodontics - changing the future of oral health - UIC College of ...
Part-time Faculty

       Saleh Al-Kharsa                             Benjamin Belavsky                            Dale Benjamin                                   Kyint Chwa
       DMD, MS                                     DDS, MS                                      DMD, MS                                         DDS, MS
       Dr. Saleh Al-Kharsa obtained his dental     Dr. Benjamin Belavsky grew up in the         Dr. Dale Benjamin is a graduate of the          Dr. Kyint Chwa is a clinical associate
       degree at Tufts University School of        north Chicago suburbs, where he              University of Florida (Bachelor of Science,     professor in the Department of
       Dental Medicine in Boston,                  currently resides. He completed his          Microbiology and Cell Science, 2005). He        Orthodontics, University of Illinois at
       Massachusetts, where he immersed            undergraduate education at the               went on to pursue dentistry at the              Chicago. He also taught at
       himself in all f ields of dent ist r y.     University of Illinois at Urbana-            University of Florida College of Dentistry      Northwestern University Dental School,
       Fascinated with facial pro-portion and      Champaign and received a BS in               (DMD, 2009) where he received an award          Orthodontic Department as clinical
       symmetry, he continued on to                Integrative Biology. Following this, he      for Clinical Excellence in Orthodontics. Dr.    assistant professor before he joined
       specialize in orthodontics at the           received his DDS, and later, his MS and      Benjamin completed his orthodontic              UIC.
       Universit y of Illinois at Chicago.         Orthodontic specialty certificate, from      training at University of Illinois at Chicago    Dr. Chwa began his dental education at
       To provide the best and most up-to- date    the University of Illinois at Chicago        department of Orthodontics in 2012 with a       the Institute of Dental Medicine in
       treatment for his patients, Dr. Al-Kharsa   College of Dentistry.                        Master’s Degree in Oral Sciences,               Yangon, Myanmar where he received
       realizes that his profession takes a        His     scholarly    interests     include   Certificate in Orthodontics. He subse-          his Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree
       special dedication to life-long learning.   Invisalign, clinical application of          quently achieved board certification from       in 1984. After that he completed his
       He currently holds a part-time faculty      tradition- al versus self-ligating braces,   the American Board of Orthodontics in           internship residency training at
       position at the University of Illinois at   patient hygiene/plaque control, multi-       2013.                                           Department of Pedodontics and
       Chicago where he enjoys sharing his         disciplinary treatment, patient educa-       Dr. Benjamin is a third generation dentist      Orthodontics at Institute of Dental
       knowledge with his students as well as      tion and satisfaction, orthodontic educa-    and has a strong appreciation for               Medicine and Departments of Plastic,
       staying on the cutting edge of all          tion at the undergraduate and post-          multidisciplinary dental treatment. He is       Maxillo-facial and Oral Surgery and
       emerging techniques and technologies        graduate level.                              engaged in private clinical practice and        Dental Outpatient Department at
       in his profession.                                                                       shares his knowledge and expertise with         Rangoon General Hospital, Yangon,
       Dr. Saleh Al-Kharsa employs multiple                                                     the orthodontic residents at UIC as a part-     Myanmar. He continued his education
       techniques and appliances to suit his                                                    time clinical instructor.                       at Northwestern University Dental
       patient’s needs from conventional                                                                                                        School in Chicago and received his
       metal braces to clear aligner treatment.                                                                                                 Doctor of Dental Surgery in 1992. He
       To ensure the best possible outcome                                                                                                      obtained his Certificate of specialty in
       for his patients, Dr. Al-Kharsa makes                                                                                                    Orthodontics and Master of Science
       sure to gain their cooperation and                                                                                                       degree from Northwestern University in
       actively involves them during all phases                                                                                                 1994. He has been practicing full time
       of their treatment.                                                                                                                      and teaching part time since.

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Sharon Durfee                               Laurence Golden                            Edward John                                  Min Kyeong Lee
     DDS, MS                                     DDS, MSD                                   DDS, MS                                      DMD, DMSc
     Dr. Sharon Durfee received her              Dr. Laurence Golden grew up on the         After graduating from the University of      Dr. Min Kyeong “Irene” Lee is a Visiting
     Bachelor of Science Degree and a            Northwest Side of Chicago, is an Eagle     Illinois Dental School, Dr. Edward John      Clinical Assistant Professor and Robert
     Master of Science Degree in Physiology      Scout of the Boy Scouts of America and     spent two years in the Army Dental Corp      and Donna Litowitz Term Chair at UIC
     from      The      Pennsylvania     State   enjoyed coaching competitive swimm-        stationed in Germany, spending an            Department of Orthodontics. She
     University. She earned her Doctorate of     ing. He is a graduate of Marquette         additional year traveling the world. He      received her dental and orthodontic
     Dental Surgery Degree from The              University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with    returned to the U of I, teaching part-time   trainings at Harvard School of Dental
     Northwestern University College of          a Bachelor of Science (Chemistry with a    in the Crown and Bridge Department           Medicine. Dr. Lee was the recipient of
     Dentistry      and      completed     her   minor in Biology) in 1994.                 prior to beginning his orthodontic           the Harvard University Presidential
     Orthodontics Residency Degree at the        Upon graduation, Dr. Golden was            training. Graduating from the University     Scholarship from 2010 to 2014, which
     University of Illinois Dental School.       awarded the American Association of        of Ilinois Orthodontic Department, Dr.       provided full tuition support for her
     Dr. Durfee is an active member in many      Orthodontists Award as well as the         John received the Down’s Award for           DMSc in oral biology and orthodontics
     Dental and Orthodontic Organizations        American Association of Oral Biologists    Outstanding Clinician.                       residency programs. Dr. Lee is a big
     and continually updates her education,      Award. He completed a hospital dental      After retiring from a most successful        data analytics researcher with an
     to stay on the cutting edge of              residency program in Anesthesiology,       private practice, Dr. John has once again    interest in examining hospital-related
     orthodontic technology. Additionally,       Emergency Room Medicine, Internal          returned to academia, a part of his          outcomes using nationwide datasets
     she is an Attending Staff doctor on the     Medicine, Pediatric Dentistry, Oral &      professional career, which he has            such as the Nationwide Inpatient
     Illinois Masonic Medical Center Medical     Maxillofacial Surgery and prostho-         always loved. His educational objective      Sample and Nationwide Emergency
     Team. She has taught Dental Residents       dontics at the University of Illinois at   has always been to encourage students        Department datasets. Following her
     enrolled in a General Practice Dental       Chicago and the University of Chicago      to never stop learning while striving to     residency training, she completed a
     Residency program for 22 years,             in 1999. Dr. Golden completed his          become the best clinician possible.          clinical fellowship in Craniofacial and
     teaching orthodontic diagnostic and         orthodontic residency at Case Western                                                   Special Needs Orthodontics at
     treatment procedures.                       Reserve University (Cleveland, OH)                                                      Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and
     Dr. Sharon Durfee has been in               with a Master of Science in Dentistry                                                   was the recipient of the American
     orthodontic practice for over 20 years.     and Certificate in Orthodontics in 2003.                                                Association of Orthodontists Cranio-
     She loves to work with each individual      Upon graduation, Dr. Golden was                                                         facial Anomalies and Special Care
     patient, addressing his or her growth       awarded the residency’s highest honor,                                                  Training Award in 2016.
     and development, and helps to direct        the ‘Clinical Excellence Award.’                                                        Dr. Lee’s scholarly interests focus on
     the patient’s teeth and jaw into the most                                                                                           big data analytics and cleft and cranio-
     ideal position possible.                                                                                                            facial clinical outcomes research.

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Qingshan Li                               Yana Nedvetsky                                Noor Obaisi                               Ralph Robbins
     DDS, PhD                                  DDS                                           DDS, MS                                   DDS, MS
                                                                                             An Illinois native, Dr. Noor Obaisi       Dr. Ralph Robbins was born in Chicago
     Dr. Qingshan Li received his dental       Dr. Yana Nedvetsky received her dental        grew up in Lincoln, IL. She attended      and has never left the area. Raised in
     degree     from     Henan      Medical    degree from Case Western Re- serve            the University of Illinois at Urbana-     the north side of Chicago and attended
     University in China. In 1999, he          University in Ohio were she was
     studied at Christian – Albrechts -                                                      Champaign,      from     which     she    high school in the northern suburbs. He
                                               awarded the Dean’s Award for                  received her BS in Honors Biology.        attended University of Illinois receiving
     Universität in Germany pursuing his       Excellence in Oral Medicine, Oral
     Ph.D. in Dentistry and a certificate of                                                 She completed her dental training         his B.S. degree in 1971. Obtained his
                                               Pathology, and Oral Radiology. She            followed by a residency in                D.D.S. degree in 1975 and his
     orthodontics.        He      practiced    then went on to obtain multiple
     orthodontics while serving as a full-                                                   Orthodontics at the University of         Certificate of Specialty in Orthodontics
                                               certificates at different institutions such   Illinois at Chicago. She is a             in 1977 both from Loyola University of
     time faculty in the Department of
                                               as oral surgery, pediatric dentistry, and     Diplomate of the American Board of        Chicago. Dr. Robbins has been an
     Orthodontics at Christian-Albrechts-
                                               advanced surgery, to name a few. She          Orthodontics. Currently, Dr. Obaisi is    Assistant Clinical Professor since 1996.
     Universität. In 2014 He completed his
                                               joined the Department of Orthodontics         engaged in private clinical practice in   Currently he is Co-Director of the
     second specialty residency in
     Orthodontic at Eastman Institute of       at the UIC College of Dentistry as a          the Chicago- land area. She has           Interceptive Orthodontic Clinic. Clinical
     Oral Health at the University of          clinical assistant professor in 2007 and      returned to UIC Orthodontics              interests are functional occlusion, and
     Rochester. Since then, Dr. Li has         continues to teach. Dr. Nedvetsky             Department as a part-time Clinical        interdisciplinary treatment, with an
     been     engaged        in   practicing   currently serves as the chairwoman of         Assistant Professor.                      emphasis on adult perio/ restorative
     Orthodontics in private practices         the by-laws committee in the Chicago          Her scholarly interests include:          treatment.
     around the suburbs of Chicago along       Dental Forum, and has served as the           Dental esthetics, practice manage-        Dr. Robbins is a member of the
     with serving as a part time faculty in    chair of the hospitality committee in the     ment, multi-disciplinary treatment,       American Dental Association, American
     the UIC Orthodontics Department.          Academy of Operative Dentistry.               dental materials.                         Association of Orthodontists, Illinois
     His scholar interests include:            Her scholarly interests include: bone                                                   Society of Orthodontists, Chicago
     accelerated tooth movement, clear         biology, biology of orthodontic tooth                                                   Dental Society, Chicago Dental Forum
     aligner therapy, temporary anchor-        movement, and biology of bone graft-                                                    Study Club, and the PDL Seattle Study
     age devices, self-ligating braces with    ing.                                                                                    Club. He maintains a full-time private
     active early principles                                                                                                           practice, yet always enjoys his time at
                                                                                                                                       UIC. He enjoys golfing with his wife and
                                                                                                                                       spending time with his grandchildren.

23                                                                                                                                                                                 24
Jacqueline Rosen                           Matthew Sagun                                Isaac Yue
     DDS, MS                                    DDS, MS                                      DMD, MS
                                                Dr. Matthew Sagun was born and raised        Dr. Isaac Yue is a third generation
     Dr. Jacqueline Rosen is      a    native                                                engineer that grew up in the great town
                                                in Chicago, where he still lives with his
     Chicago area resident, having grown
                                                wife and three boys. He graduated from       of Midland, Michigan. He is passionate
     up in the northern suburbs. She
                                                the University of Illinois at Urbana-        about the field of orthodontics and
     currently resides in Northbrook with her
                                                Champaign, receiving his Bachelor of         believes in evidenced-based, life- long
     husband, Bill.
                                                Science in Biology. He received his          learning. His orthodontic journey guided
     Dr. Rosen received her bachelor's
     degree from Northwestern University.       D.D.S. at the University of Illinois at      him to study at some of the best
     She continued her studies at               Chicago, College of Dentistry. Dr. Sagun     institutions in the world. Dr. Yue joined
     Northwestern University Dental School      then went on to gain years of experience     the UIC Department of Orthodontics in
     where she earned her doctor of dental      in general dentistry, which included a       2005 and has been teaching numerous
     surgery and her master's degree in         year in a hospital dental residency          c o ur s es a nd sem i n ar s in c l u d i ng :
     orthodontics.                              program, treating medically compro-          Orthodontic Technique, Diagnostic
     She has been working in her own            mised and special needs patients and         Procedures, Insurance, Orthodontic
     private practice in Buffalo Grove and      several years in private practice in the     Anchorage, and Biomechanics. He is the
     Highland Park for over 30 years.           north suburbs of Chicago. He went on to      course director for Biomechanics and
     Dr. Rosen has two children, including a    complete his specialty training at the       Biomaterials preparing dental students
     daughter who joined the practice in        University of Illinois at Chicago,           and residents for clinical practice based
     2017 upon her completion of her            receiving his Certificate in Orthodontics    on biomechanical principles.
     orthodontic residency at the University    and his Master of Science in Oral            As an educator, Dr. Yue is following the
     of Southern California, and her son        Sciences.                                    lead of some phenomenal educators
     Rob who is working on his master's         His scholarly interests include growth       who have served as great role models.
     degree in accounting.                      and development, self-ligating braces,       He has been recognized with numerous
     Dr. Rosen is actively involved in the      multi-disciplinary treatment and early       ADA/AADR awards and is currently
     Chicago Dental Society and is current      orthodontic intervention.                    obtaining his Mast ers in Dental
     president of the North Suburban            Dr. Sagun is in private practice full-time   Education. Dr. Yue also supervises
     Branch.                                    and enjoys sharing his time and              residents in their clinical cases as well as
     Dr. Rosen is thankful for the oppor-       knowledge       with   the    orthodontic    their research endeavors during their
     tunity to work with the University of      residents at UIC as a part-time Assistant    three-year program.
     Illinois orthodontic residents to share    Clinical Professor.
     her knowledge and experience.

25                                                                                                                                             26
Adjunct Faculty

     Ronald S. Jacobson                            Terry Sellke                                  Spiro Megremis                             Nelson Oppermann
     DDS, MS                                       DDS, MS                                       MS, PhD                                    DDS, MS
     Dr. Ronald S. Jacobson officially joined      Born in Chicago, Dr. Terry A. Sellke is a                                                Dr. Nelson Oppermann obtained his
                                                                                                 Dr. Spiro Megremis is the Director,
     his father, Dr. Bailey, in the practice in    native Illinoisan. His fervor for Illinois                                               Orthodontics Specialty        Certificate
                                                                                                 Research and Standards of the Science
     1989, though he spent plenty of time          extends to his academic background,                                                      in 1993 from Dentists Association
                                                                                                 Institute of the American Dental
     there while he was going to school. As        having enrolled in the University of                                                     of Sao Paulo and master’s degree in
                                                                                                 Association (ADA) and Adjunct Clinical
     a little boy, he used to sit and watch his    Illinois undergraduate and dental                                                        oral sciences focus in orthodontics in
                                                                                                 Associate Professor of Biomaterials in
     Dad prepare lectures on orthodontics          school. He graduated with his                                                            2003 from SL Mandic dental School -
                                                                                                 Orthodontics, University of Illinois at
     and cleft lip and palate, and he made         Doctorate of Dental Surgery in 1971.                                                     Campinas - Brazil. Dr. Oppermann has
                                                                                                 Chicago. Dr. Megremis has a BS and MS
     his mind up early to follow          in his   Two years later, he achieved a                                                           been involved with the Bioprogressive
                                                                                                 in     mechanical    and     biomedical
     father’s footsteps. Dr. Jacobson spent        specialty degree in orthodontics. In                                                     and Sectional Mechanics Studies. His
                                                                                                 engineering (BME), respectively, from
     his undergraduate years at the                1974 he received a Master’s degree in                                                    connection to Dr Robert Ricketts years
                                                                                                 Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology,
     University of Wisconsin in Madison. He        orthodontics, the same year that he                                                      ago and presence in several studies on
                                                                                                 and a PhD in BME with a focus on
     attended       Northwestern      University   opened the first office of what was to                                                   those subjects help this development.
                                                                                                 biomaterials from Northwestern Univer-
     Dental School (Doctor of Dental               become Drs. Sellke and Reily, Ltd. In                                                    Dr. Oppermann’s knowledge in growth
                                                                                                 sity, where he was a NIH/NIDCR Fellow.
     Surgery) where he finished with a             1980, Dr. Sellke became a Diplomate of                                                   and development of the human
                                                                                                 He has over 20 years of research
     Master of Science in Orthodontics. He         the American Board of Orthodontics.                                                      craniofacial complex together to
                                                                                                 experience related to medical and
     taught in Northwestern’s Graduate             He taught orthodontics at the University                                                 Ricketts cephalometric analysis and
                                                                                                 dental materials and equipment. At the
     Orthodontic Department for 11 years as        of Illinois College of Dentistry for over                                                diagnostics system gives another
                                                                                                 ADA, he leads scientists and engineers
     an associate professor until 2000.            35 years, where he earned the titles of                                                  perspective to treatment planning. He
                                                                                                 who perform general and applied dental
     Dr. Jacobson thoroughly enjoys his 22-        full professor, master clinician, co-clinic                                              is also involved as adjunct speaker
                                                                                                 re- search, including laboratory testing
     year participation as the orthodontic         director, and master’s thesis advisor.                                                   professor at the Department of
                                                                                                 of dental materials and products using
     member of the Craniofacial Team at            Dr. Sellke lectures domestically and                                                     Orthodontics at the University of Illinois
                                                                                                 standard and novel test methods.
     Children’s Memorial Hospital in               inter- nationally on clinical orthodontics                                               at Chicago. Apart of those attributions
                                                                                                 Dr. Megremis also serves as Convener,
     Chicago (now Lurie’s Children’s               as well as another of his passions,                                                      Dr. Oppermann is an active and
                                                                                                 Chair, Vice-Chair and US expert on
     Hospital in Chicago) and continues to         applying business principles to the                                                      enthusiastic professor and lecturer,
                                                                                                 various ASTM, ANSI/ADA, and ISO
     teach the residents in the orthodontic        practice of orthodontics. Dr. Sellke has                                                 being visited many countries for
                                                                                                 Medical and Dental Standards Groups.
     /craniofacial component of the Pediatric      published dozens of articles on                                                          teaching with articles published based
     Dental Program. He also teaches as a          orthodontics in professional journals                                                    on Bioprogressive Therapy field.
     visiting associate professor in the           worldwide.       His    text     on    the
     Graduate Orthodontic Department at            Bioprogressive Orthodontic Philosophy
     University of Detroit Mercy Dental            has been translated into four
     School and the University of Illinois at      languages.

27                                                                                                                                                                                       28
Visiting Faculty

     Vincent Arpino
     Samuel Berkowitz
     Dan Bills
     Gregory Defelice
     Myung-rip Kim
     Edward Lin
     Spencer Pope
     Michael E. Stone

29                          30

For appointments and more information
     (312) 996-7505
     (312) 996-7506

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I-290 in the Illinois Medical District at
the NE corner of Paulina and Polk.

Car: Park in the Paulina St. garage at
Paulina and Taylor Street. Disabled
visitor access is available in front of
the building on Paulina Street.

Train: CTA Polk Pink line station is
across the street.

Bus: 7-Harrison, 9-Ashland,
                                                      801 South Paulina Street, Rm 131, Chicago, IL 60612
12-Roosevelt, 157-Streeterville/Taylor
buses have stops nearby.
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