Page created by Randall Francis

MARCH 2020
November 2019                       Clifford Chance | 0


Contract                                                                                                      2
 Checking authority – Authority msut be checked upfront                                                       2
 A fund of knowledge – An agreement ot provide funds is not a guarantee                                       2
 Unsettled law - Judicial change in law does not allow a contract to be set aside                             2
 The end of term – Termination of a contract does not require good faith                                      3
 Computer mistakes – Algorithmic contracts hard to escape                                                     3
Private international law                                                                                     5
  A symmetry respected – Asymmetric jurisdiction is exclusive                                                 5
Companies                                                                                                     7
 Standing in the shadows – Shadow directors owe limited responsibilities                                      7
 Good try, but… - Directors not negligent in financial crisis takeover                                        7
Courts                                                                                                       9
 Pilot docked – Disclosure Pilot explained                                                                   9
 Laying down the law – Disclosure Pilot explained some more                                                  9
 The rich pay late – Freezing injunction living expenses not to be trimmed                                  10
 Very interesting – Part 36 offers can't exclude interest                                                   10
 Funders fund losers too – Arkin cap doffed                                                                 10
Privilege                                                                                                   12
  From a land down under – Dominant purpose applies to legal advice privilege                               12
  Regulators regulated – No special privilege rules for regulators                                          12
  Scheduled prejudice – Exhibiting without prejudice note to agreement is a waiver                          13
Property                                                                                                    15
  A bit of common sense – Cryptocurrencies are property                                                     15
Contacts                                                                                                    16

       Contentious Commentary is a review of recent developments in the English courts

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CHECKING AUTHORITY                          or evidenced in writing – no writing,         UNSETTLED LAW
                                            no claim.
Apparent authority is only                                                                Overturning a settlement
available if reasonable checks              One form of guarantee is an                   agreement for common mistake of
have been made.                             obligation to "see to it" that the            law is hard.
One point to emerge (really to be           principal debtor performs his                 A common mistake of fact or law can
confirmed) from East Asia Company           obligations. If the principal debtor          lead to a contract being set aside; a
Ltd v PT Satria Tirtatama Energindo         doesn't perform, the guarantor is             common misprediction as to the
[2019] UKPC 30 is that a party              liable for damages. But how does              future does not have that result. But
cannot rely in advance of entering          that differ from an obligation to put         English common law operates under
into a contract on the representative       another in funds so that the other can        a declaratory theory, ie the courts
of the other having apparent authority      pay his debts?                                declare the law as it has always been
to do so. At the time of entering into      This was the question in Abbhi v              (even if no one knew). So is a failure
the contract, a party must believe that     Slade [2019] EWCA Civ 2175. A                 to appreciate that the courts might in
the representative of the other has         son-in-law asked a solicitor to act for       future change the law a mistake or a
actual authority. If that turns out to      his father-in-law in litigation against       misprediction? It is a mistake as to
be wrong, the party can fall back on        the f-i-l's son. The s-i-l knew, and          the current state of the law because
apparent authority, which is a species      told the solicitor, that his f-i-l couldn't   of a failure to predict the future
of estoppel by representation, but an       pay the solicitor's fees. The s-i-l said      reversal.
absence of that initial belief will cause   that he didn't want to pay the solicitor      Since Great Peace Shipping Ltd v
the contract to fail.                       directly because he thought that              Tsavliris Salvage (Internatiional) Ltd
Further, a party can't rely on apparent     doing so would increase his risk of           [2002] EWCA Civ 1407, a case of
authority if it failed to make the          third party costs liability under s51 of      common mistake of fact which laid
enquiries that a reasonable person          the Senior Courts Act 1981, so the s-         down the law on setting aside an
would have made in the                      i-l agreed with the solicitor that s-i-l      agreement for common mistake, it
circumstances, and doubts about the         would provide money to his f-i-l so           has been recognised that there are
authority of the other's representative     the f-i-l could then pay the solicitor        problems in applying that law to
do require enquiries. Authority is not,     directly. Is that a "see to it" obligation    cases of mistake of law, particularly
therefore, something that can be            or an independent primary                     judicial changes in the law (eg
glossed over or ignored in the hope         obligation?                                   Brennan v Bolt Burden [2004] EWCA
that all will be well. It matters, and      The Court of Appeal considered that           Civ 1017).
without proper diligence, the contract      it was an independent primary                 Marcus Smith J grappled with these
may fail.                                   obligation outside the scope of the           problems in Elston v King [2020]
                                            Statute of Frauds. The s-i-l was
A FUND OF KNOWLEDGE                         agreeing to pay for the litigation by
                                                                                          EWHC 55 (Ch). A bankrupt entered
                                                                                          into an income payments agreement
A funding agreement is not a                putting his f-i-l in funds before the         under threat of his trustee seeking an
guarantee.                                  due date on the solicitor's bills. The        income payments order to the same
The difference between a guarantee,         obligation to do so was not                   effect. A first instance decision
to which the Statute of Frauds 1677         dependent on any prior default by the         indicated that pension payments that
applies, and another obligation, to         f-i-l but was an absolute primary             a bankrupt could elect to take but had
which it doesn't, can be slight, not to     obligation to put his f-i-l in funds in       not yet taken could be included in an
say obscure. The consequences are,          time. So the s-i-l, who 7stopped              agreement/order. So the bankrupt
however, far from slight and anything       paying the solicitor's bills after the        agreed to pay over certain pension
but obscure. The Statute of Frauds          case was lost and whose f-i-l had             assets on that basis. A month later,
applies to a "speciall promise to           died insolvent, was obliged to meet           another first instance decision
answere for the debt default or             the solicitor's fees. Relief, doubtless,      doubted the initial one, and a little
miscarriages of another person", and        for the solicitor, who had £¼m in             later the Court of Appeal confirmed
requires the promise to be in writing       counsel's fees to pay.                        the latter decision. The bankrupt had

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therefore agreed to hand over to his        THE END OF TERM                           that the positions of two traders need
trustee more than he was obliged to                                                   to be closed out, so it went into its
have done.                                  A termination right is not a              digital market place to find what bids
                                                                                      there were from market participants.
Could the income payments
                                            The ability to end a contract in          The computer went down the list of
agreement (categorised by the judge
                                            accordance with its terms is a right,     bids on the system, matching enough
as a settlement agreement since it
                                            not a discretion to be exercised by       to effect the close out. All very
compromised the trustee's right to
                                            balancing different interests. So         normal.
apply for an income payments order)
                                            decided the judge in Taqa Bratani Ltd
be set aside for common mistake?                                                      Unfortunately, D had introduced a
                                            v Rockrose UKCS8 LLC [2020]
                                                                                      glitch into its algorithm a couple of
Marcus Smith J decided that the             EWHC 58 (Comm), a case about an
                                                                                      days earlier which no one had
correct approach was first to construe      operator of a North Sea oil field under
                                                                                      spotted. This meant that there was
the settlement agreement to see,            a joint venture agreement.
                                                                                      very little liquidity in the market. This
whether, as a matter of construction,
                                            The operator could be removed by a        resulted in some of the close-out
anyone was taking the risk of a
                                            unanimous vote of the other joint         contracts being made on bids from C
change in the law. If one party had
                                            venturers (the contract wasn't strictly   that were 250 above times the
accepted the risk, end of story.
                                            terminated, but the judge thought that    market rate (10 BTC to 1 ETH rather
If neither party was taking the risk,       the same applied). The other joint        an 0.04 BTC to 1 ETH). Like D, C's
the judge thought that there would          venturers so voted, and the judge         trading operation operated entirely by
not be a common mistake if the law          decided that they were entitled to do     algorithm.
assumed by the parties was only as          so whatever their reasons. As a
                                                                                      The reason C's off-market bids were
laid down at first instance, a fortiori a   matter of interpretation, there was no
                                                                                      in the D's system was that C's trading
controversial first instance decision.      fetter on the right, and no term was to
                                                                                      algorithm needed always to have
In those circumstances, the parties         be implied that the operator could
                                                                                      some bids there to avoid the
would be predicting whether the             only be removed in good faith and
                                                                                      algorithm falling over, and so the
higher courts would follow or overturn      not in a capricious, perverse or
                                                                                      programmer included prices that
the first instance decision. But if the     arbitrary manner.
                                                                                      were way off the market but at which
law was well-established and
                                            Commercial players can't expect the       C would be happy to trade because it
unquestioned, before being
                                            court to rescue them with a               could not fail to make money.
"dramatically" overturned, then there
                                            benevolent interpretation or an           Equally, the programmer knew that it
would be common mistake.
                                            implied term that they didn't think to    was thoroughly unlikely that anyone
Needless to say, the real world
                                            write down.                               would in fact wish to trade at that
seldom fits into such tidy categories –
                                                                                      those prices.
what about a controversial, but             COMPUTER MISTAKES
binding, CA decision (Three Rivers                                                    After the trades were executed and
(No 5) springs to mind)?                    A computerised contract is not            the cryptocurrencies transferred
                                            vitiated by a mistake.
                                                                                      between the relevant accounts,
On the facts, Elston fell into the
                                            Computers, at least without real AI,      people at D found out about the
former rather than the latter category.
                                            do what they are programmed to do,        trades and purported to undo the
The parties appreciated, or should
                                            no more and no less. If two               contracts, including reversing the
have appreciated, that the decision
                                            computers are told to enter into a        transfers between the accounts. The
they relied was only first instance and
                                            contract on certain terms, they do so.    Singapore Court of Appeal agreed
was controversial. Their mistake was
                                            But can that contract be set aside if,    with the first instance judge that D
to think that the decision would stand
                                            when humans look at the contract          had no contractual right, express or
the test of time; that was, legally, a
                                            after the event, they consider it         implied, to reverse transactions in
misprediction rather than a mistake
                                            absurd? No according to the               this way.
and, as such, was incapable of
                                            Singapore Court of Appeal in Quoine
vitiating a contract.                                                                 D's main argument to justify its
                                            Ltd v B2C2 Ltd [2020] SGCA(I) 02.
                                                                                      conduct was that the contracts were
                                            D was a trading platform for              void or voidable for mutual or
                                            cryptocurrencies operated entirely be     unilateral mistake. D argued that C
                                            algorithm. The algorithm decided          knew or must have known that no

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one would enter into contracts at the     conditions governing transactions on
prices posted, and so there had been      the exchange. The terms could have
insufficient meeting of (digital) minds   allowed the reversal of trades when
to form a contract.                       problems occurred. But they didn't.
                                          The (Singapore) courts declined to
The majority of the Court disagreed.
                                          step in to rescue a party that failed to
There was no relevant mistake since,
                                          help itself.
at common law, the mistake must be
as to a term or the subject matter of     (The Singapore Court did not need to
the contract. There was no mistake        decide whether cryptocurrencies are
as to either; any mistake was as to       property: cf AA v Persons Unknown
underlying assumptions as to the          [2019] EWHC 3556 (Comm) below.)
prices at which deals would be done.
Insofar as there is a doctrine of
equitable mistake (not clear, in
English law at least) and there was a
relevant mistake, there must be
constructive knowledge of the
mistake by the counterparty and
unconscionability on its part. That
had to be judged by reference to the
knowledge of the person who
programmed the computer, plus
anything else he might know up to
the time of the contract. Here again
the court saw no mistake, nor any
unacceptable conduct. The contract
therefore stood.
Lord Mance, recently retired from the
UK's Supreme Court, was freelancing
in Singapore (along with a retired
Chief Justice from the High Court of
Australia) and dissented in Quoine.
He took the view that, for equitable
purposes, the issue was not what the
programmers knew, nor was the
investigation limited by the date of
the contract. He considered that the
test was the objective (and
retrospective) one of what would
reasonable humans have known or
believed had they known of the
circumstances that actually occurred.
He considered that a reasonable
person would, on this basis, have
known of the computer error by D
and, as a result, should not be able to
enforce the contract (ie equity can
step in after the event and do the
right thing).
The case might be thought to arise
from the inadequacy of the terms and

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A SYMMETRY RESPECTED                       was not legally binding, for culpa in     governed by English law. There
                                           contrahendo (ie pre-contractual           were no conflicting jurisdiction
An asymmetric jurisdiction clause          liability) on the basis that E had used   clauses.
is exclusive under Brussels I.
                                           its negotiating power to avoid
                                                                                     It was reasonably foreseeable that
In a world of competition between          providing a binding obligation while at
                                                                                     disputes about the comfort letter
different courts, it is not surprising     the same time inspiring in AB trust
                                                                                     would involve the loan agreement.
that judges should defend the              that E would adhere to its
                                                                                     Even without assuming that sane
jurisdiction of (and therefore work        commitment in the comfort letter (ie
                                                                                     businessmen wouldn't want disputes
coming to) their forum. Jacobs J           the act of refusing to enter into a
                                                                                     arising from the same relationship to
certainly did so in Etihad Airways         binding contractual obligation created
                                                                                     be decided by different courts,
PJSC v Flöther [2019] EWHC 3107            a binding non-contractual obligation).
                                                                                     Jacobs J was satisfied as a matter of
(Comm) in taking a wide view of a
                                           The loan agreement was governed           interpretation that the tentacles of the
jurisdiction clause and a purposive
                                           by English law and included an            loan agreement's jurisdiction clause
view of the Brussels I Regulation.
                                           asymmetric exclusive English              adhered to the comfort letter.
Air Berlin is, despite its name and        jurisdiction clause applying, in the
                                                                                     But to work, a jurisdiction clause
home, an English company that did          usual way, to all claims brought by
                                                                                     must apply to "disputes… which may
its transactions under English law,        AB arising out of or in connection
                                                                                     arise in connection with a particular
including those entered into when it       with the loan agreement. The
                                                                                     legal relationship" (article 25(1) of the
was flying nervously towards the           comfort letter was silent as to law and
                                                                                     Brussels I Regulation) – you can't slip
runway of insolvency. Its main hope        jurisdiction (doubtless for the usual
                                                                                     into a contract a jurisdiction clause
of avoiding the deadly descent was a       reason that including either could
                                                                                     that applies to unknown disputes
shareholder, E, which entered into a       make a comfort letter look more
                                                                                     about extraneous matters. AB
package of agreements in attempted         legally binding). In Etihad Airways, E
                                                                                     argued, essentially, that the "legal
salvation, including a loan agreement      sought various declarations from the
                                                                                     relationship" in question was that of
for €350m. E would not, however,           English court designed to stymie the
                                                                                     lender and borrower under the loan
agree to lend the higher sums              German proceedings. AB (through
                                                                                     agreement, and the comfort letter
accountants considered were                its insolvency administrator) applied
                                                                                     claims arose from a different
required to save AB. That led AB's         to stay the English proceedings.
                                                                                     relationship. Jacobs J was satisfied
auditors to question whether they
                                           AB's stay application turned on three     that the relationship referred to in the
could sign off AB's accounts on a
                                           issues: the width of the jurisdiction     jurisdiction clause was wider than just
going concern basis. So the package
                                           clause in the loan agreement; the         the loan, and that the requirements of
eventually signed between AB and E
                                           scope of article 25 of the Brussels I     article 25 were met.
also included a comfort letter in which
                                           Regulation; and whether an
E expressed an intention to provide                                                  Despite all this, the English court, as
                                           asymmetric jurisdiction clause is an
the necessary support to AB. This                                                    the court second seised, would still
                                           exclusive jurisdiction clause for the
satisfied AB's directors and auditors,                                               have been obliged to stay its
                                           purposes of article 31(2) of Brussels
and the accounts were signed off.                                                    proceedings unless the asymmetric
                                                                                     clause in the loan agreement was an
AB still went bust, not least because
                                           Jacobs J decided that, as a matter of     "exclusive" jurisdiction clause within
E refused a drawdown under the loan
                                           English law, E had a sufficiently         the meaning of article 31(2) of the
agreement because, it said, the
                                           arguable case that the jurisdiction       Brussels I Regulation. Jacob J
conditions precedent to the
                                           clause in the loan agreement              agreed with Cranston J in
drawdown were not then met.
                                           extended to AB's claims on the            Commerzbank AG v Liquimar
AB's German insolvency                     comfort letter. The jurisdiction clause   Tankers Management Inc [2017]
administrator started proceedings in       was very wide, and the comfort letter     EWHC 161 (Comm) that asymmetry
Berlin against E for breach of the         and the loan agreement were closely       isn't inconsistent with exclusivity.
comfort letter or, if the comfort letter   related as part of a single package       The purpose of article 31(2) was to
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prevent a party from ignoring its
obligations under a jurisdiction
clause. The clause gave the English
courts exclusive proceedings over
any claims started by AB; by starting
proceedings in Germany, AB was in
breach of its obligations under the
clause. That was what article 31(2)
intended to prevent.
E's triumph in London therefore
moves the focus back to Berlin,
where the court has been
deliberating on a stay application by
E for eleven months. Prima facie, the
Berlin court must recognise the
Jacob J's judgment and decline
jurisdiction (article 31(3)). But that
may not necessarily be the end of the

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STANDING IN THE                           GOOD TRY, BUT…                            global financial crisis. The state of
SHADOWS                                                                             HBOS was such that the combined
                                          Directors' duties to shareholders         entity required governmental
Shadow directors owe limited              are limited.
                                                                                    recapitalisation, which seriously
duties.                                   Parts of Sharp v Blank [2019] EWHC        diluted existing Lloyds' shareholders.
A shadow director is someone in           3078 (Ch) have an avuncular, even         A group of shareholders made the
accordance with whose directions or       condescending, air to them. It was        basic complaint that, if the takeover
instructions the directors of a           all very difficult way back then in       had not happened, they would have
company are accustomed to act             2008 - who really knows what was          been a lot better off. The directors
(section 251 of the Companies Act         happening anyway? - but people who        breached their duties, the Bank was
2006). A person can become a              were doing their best shouldn't be        vicariously liable for the directors'
shadow director even if his or her        condemned just because things             conduct, so the Bank should pay – ie
instructions do not extend over all, or   arguably didn't turn out as well as       part of the value in the Bank now
even most, of the company's               hoped. That's just the way it goes        should be transferred from all
activities or affairs. But in those       sometimes. That's not quite how the       shareholders to a few of them.
circumstances, the fiduciary duties       recently retired Norris J put it – his
                                                                                    Directors owe their duties to the
owed by the shadow director reflect       judgment would have been far
                                                                                    company, not directly to
the nature and extent of the              shorter had he done so – but that's
                                                                                    shareholders. But Lloyds' takeover of
instructions given, not necessarily       one distinct flavour.
                                                                                    HBOS required shareholder
extending to the full gamut of            Another flavour that emerges from         approval, and the circular soliciting
obligations owed by real directors –      the judgment is that Lloyds Bank had      that approval included a statement
the duties of a shadow director only      been looking acquisitively at the         that the directors accepted individual
apply to the instructions he or she       declining HBOS for some time, but         responsibility for its contents. The
gives.                                    knew that competition issues would        directors therefore owed a standard
This gave the Cs a problem in             likely prevent any takeover. Come         duty of care to shareholders for the
Standish v The Royal Bank of              the financial crisis, with HBOS in real   contents of the circular. The judge
Scotland plc [2019] EWHC 3116             danger of joining its compatriot RBS      decided, however, that this duty did
(Ch). They complained that a              in the government's hands, the            not extend to stock exchange
representative of the Bank's global       authorities were keen to usher HBOS       announcements or analysts' calls
restructuring group (for whom the         into apparently safer hands, even to      about the takeover (the judge was,
Bank was vicariously liable) had          the extent to brushing aside those        indeed, puzzled as to why the
become a shadow director, pleading        competition concerns. The                 shareholders bothered to argue
his insistence on the company             opportunity for a takeover was there,     about these other items given the
appointing a "turnaround consultant"      and those then in charge of Lloyds        position on the circular).
of his choosing as chairman, and          were keen to seize what was likely to
                                                                                    But, the judge thought, the test for
then instructing the consultant to        be their only chance to upsize
                                                                                    liability on the circular was whether
sack the managing director. But the       considerably rather than be boring,
                                                                                    no reasonable director could have
Cs' claim to financial loss arose from    cautious old Lloyds Bank as usual.
                                                                                    come to the conclusion that the
the company's entering into two           But, as it transpired, opportunities
                                                                                    directors came to. The judge was
restructurings, which gave the Bank a     can be poisoned chalices, and a
                                                                                    satisfied that, in the strained
substantial shareholding in the           (relatively) sound bank plus a failing
                                                                                    circumstances of the time and on the
business. There was no causal link        bank does not necessarily equal a
                                                                                    basis of the information available to
between the matters giving rise to the    sound bank.
                                                                                    them (they aren't obliged to second-
shadow directorship and the alleged       Sharp v Blank concerned Lloyds            guess everything their advisers say),
wrongs or losses. The claim was           Bank's takeover of HBOS in                the directors' recommendation of the
therefore bound to fail, and was          September to November 2008, at the        takeover to the shareholders (96% of
struck out.                               very height (or in the depths) of the     whom voted in favour) was within the

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bounds of the reasonable. The basic      resort facility from the Bank of           failures in the circular did not cause
claim therefore failed.                  England, which had been structured         the shareholders any loss.
                                         to ensure that it did not need to be
It was also accepted that the                                                       There were doubtless other issues
                                         disclosed to the market (its sensitivity
directors owed an equitable duty to                                                 (reflexive loss?) but the judge
                                         was such that the lawyers advising
include sufficient information in the                                               considered his judgment already
                                         Lloyds on the deal weren't told about
circular to enable shareholders to                                                  "overlong" at 280 pages, and did not
make an informed decision about the                                                 extend it further by trespassing on
takeover. Directors must be "fair,       But, critically, the judge decided that    areas not necessary for his decision.
candid and reasonable", but don't        these matters would not have been
                                                                                    The judgment can be seen as a
have to include absolutely everything.   plastered in large red print across the
                                                                                    sensible recognition that the
Norris (ex-)J decided that the           front of the circular, in effect
                                                                                    director's lot is tough, especially
directors had omitted from the           announcing to the world that HBOS
                                                                                    when the financial world is in chaos,
circular two things that they should     was on the verge of failure. Rather,
                                                                                    and judges (who lack commercial
have mentioned. The first was that       these matters would have been set
                                                                                    experience) shouldn't second-guess
Lloyds had extended an                   out in a nuanced way to avoid
                                                                                    retrospectively business decisions.
"extraordinary" repo facility to HBOS    scaring the markets too much. This
                                                                                    Some shareholders may, however,
in order to help keep HBOS alive (the    might still have led to HBOS's share
                                                                                    see it differently.
directors convinced themselves that      price going down 10-15%, but it
this was in the ordinary course of       wouldn't have changed the
business); the second was that           shareholders' vote. The takeover
HBOS was using a lender of last          would still have been approved; the

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PILOT DOCKED                               LAYING DOWN THE LAW                       was irrelevant. The question was
                                                                                     whether a reasonable and
Vos C lays down the law on the             Missing documents are not                 proportionate search had been made,
Disclosure Pilot.                          necessarily an objection to
                                                                                     not whether some stones remained
It widely accepted that the explosion                                                undisturbed: "keywords are intended
in the number of documents caused          On 19 February 2019, Marcus Smith         as a first trawl, to produce a
by digitalisation requires something       J joined a new party to an action,        manageable corpus of potentially
to be done about disclosure. The           allowed amendment to the pleadings,       relevant documents: they are not
Disclosure Pilot now taking place in       and ordered disclosure. He ordered        intended to capture every relevant or
the Business & Property Courts is          disclosure by reference to the old        potentially relevant document".
something, but it is not universally       rules, neither he nor the parties         Likewise, the fact that different
popular (is there any evidence or          appreciating that this should have        search terms may have produced a
reasonable expectation that initial        been done by reference to rules of        different outcome was irrelevant, at
disclosure with pleadings and an           the Disclosure Pilot, in PD51U.           least unless it could be shown that it
additional list of issues will really      Later, C whinged about D's                was a better outcome.
save money later in the litigation?).      disclosure and demanded more,
                                           again by reference to the old rules.      The judge pointed out the differences
In McParlane & Partners Ltd v                                                        between applications under PD51U,
Whitehead [2020] EWHC 298 (Ch),            By the time the matter got to court,      §17, and PD51U, §18. The former
Sir Geoffrey Vos sought, perhaps, to       everyone realised that the application    applies where an extended
rescue the Disclosure Pilot. He said       had to be reframed under the new          disclosure order has not, or not
that Extended Disclosure (ie court         rules, but the judge obviously couldn't   adequately, been complied with.
ordered disclosure after initial           get too cross since everyone was at       There, the court can make another
disclosure and lists of issues) must       fault. But do bear in mind that almost    order if it is "appropriate" and making
be fair, disproportionate and              everything about disclosure in the        the order would be "reasonable and
reasonable, and that it should not         B&PCs now falls under the new rules       proportionate". The latter deals with
become a disproportionately costly         no matter when the action started.        an application in effect to vary a prior
exercise. Lofty sentiments but, in                                                   order, for which it is necessary to
                                           In Agents' Mutual Ltd v Gascoigne
practical application, not easy. Views                                               show that the order is "necessary for
                                           Halman Ltd [2019] EWHC 3104 (Ch),
can diverge as to what proportionality                                               the just disposal of the proceedings"
                                           the disclosure whinge concerned a
and reasonableness require.                                                          as well as "reasonable and
                                           universe of over 2 million documents
                                           reduced by word searches to 30,000,       proportionate". In order words,
Vos C emphasised that the list of
                                           which were manually inspected,            you've generally got to get the
issues for disclosure should be big
                                           leading to the disclosure of 95           disclosure order right first time
picture, not unduly granular or
                                           documents. C complained that this         because any subsequent adjustment
complex, and limited to those issues
                                           was too few. Marcus Smith J               will be difficult (a point also made by
upon which one or more of the
                                           rejected that argument. Unless it         Hildyard J in SL Claimants v Tesco
parties is likely to have undisclosed
                                           was obvious that documents must           plc [2019] EWHC 3315 (Ch), below).
documentation (ie documentation not
already included in initial disclosure).   exist that had not been disclosed, a      Marcus Smith J stressed that word
What documents the parties might           small number was not on its own a         searches on the universe of
have is therefore the starting point in    ground for objection.                     documents collected from relevant
drafting the list of issues for                                                      custodians should not be conducted
                                           C also complained that the search
disclosure, and should trim its scope.                                               unilaterally (though, again, he
                                           terms used were too narrow. An
                                           example of a hypothetical relevant        couldn't complain too much since his
                                           document that the search terms            order said nothing about
                                           would have missed was given.              cooperation). Parties must try to
                                           Marcus Smith J said that the fact that    agree search terms.
                                           documents may have been missed

March 2020                                                                                                    Clifford Chance | 9

The Judge accepted that defining            therefore, D could prove that he           pay money will be treated as
search terms was not necessarily            spent vast sums on living prior to the     including interest.
easy, and it was only possible to tell if   injunction, he must be allowed to do
                                                                                       Faced with this, it is somewhat
the terms produced a manageable             so afterwards. The court will not
                                                                                       curious that C in King v City of
universe of documents after a search        reduce the amounts to what it
                                                                                       London Corporation [2019] EWCA
was done (he didn't say what a              considers reasonable or take a view
                                                                                       Civ 2266 should make an offer to
"manageable universe" was – not             as to what D can afford going
                                                                                       settle (which C then beat) expressed
necessarily an easy concept). This          forward, even if this might mean that
                                                                                       to be under Part 36 but which stated
meant that the use of search terms          there will be nothing left to meet an
                                                                                       that it did not include interest. Either
was an iterative process and, he            eventual judgment.
                                                                                       the offer was outside the rigid
thought, an iterative process that
                                            But the Court also recognised that         confines of Part 36 or it included
should also be a co-operative
                                            defendants may exaggerate their            interest (and was therefore more
process. Agreement must be
                                            expenditure, thereby dissipating           generous than C intended).
reached before a manual review of
                                            assets (to grant a freezing injunction
the product of the search is                                                           In King, the Court of Appeal decided
                                            in the first place it must be shown
undertaken since that is where, he                                                     that a Part 36 offer cannot exclude
                                            that the defendant will dissipate
thought, the expense comes.                                                            interest, that it was inconceivable that
                                            assets). As a result, courts are
                                                                                       an offer that excluded interest could
THE RICH PAY LATE                           entitled to exercise a "healthy
                                                                                       be converted by the rules into one
                                            scepticism" regarding defendants'
Living expenses under a freezing                                                       that included interest, and so the
                                            assertions as to their pre-injunction
injunction must reflect prior                                                          offer fell outside Part 36. The Court
expenditure, however high.                                                             also rejected C's ingenious argument
£80,000 per month in living expenses        But if a defendant can prove that he       that an offer that excluded interest
would be enough for most people.            spent outlandish sums, then he must        was an offer to settle part of the
But not if you have to keep up              be allowed to continue to do so even       claim, which is permitted.
(rented) homes in Monaco and on             if it looks as if the defendant will run
                                                                                       So despite having beaten his
Park Lane, not to mention employ            out of money in the near future. It's
                                                                                       purported Part 36 offer, C could not
private security, pay school fees etc       not for courts to take decisions of this
                                                                                       then lay claim as of right to the usury
etc. All while subject to a freezing        sort for defendants, or even to police
                                                                                       and other goodies that Part 36
injunction. And you are running out         that defendants are actually
                                                                                       allows. The City won on a
of money.                                   continuing to spend the amounts they
                                            previously spent. A freezing
The question for the Court of Appeal        injunction is there to retain the status   FUNDERS FUND LOSERS
in Vneshprombank v Bedzhamov                quo and to prevent dissipations            TOO
[2019] EWCA Civ 1992 was whether            outside the ordinary course.
in considering the living expenses                                                     The Arkin cap no longer fits.
that should be allowed under a              (If there is a proprietary claim, it
                                            might be different.)                       In 2005, the judiciary was deeply
freezing injunction, the court should                                                  concerned about access to justice.
look only to what D had actually been       VERY INTERESTING                           Legal aid had disappeared in civil
spending by way of living expenses                                                     cases, conditional fee agreements
before the freezing injunction or           A Part 36 offer cannot exclude
                                            interest.                                  were still novel, and litigation funders
whether it should also take a view as                                                  were a rare and exotic breed.
to what D could afford as the case          Part 36 is a "self-contained
went along.                                 procedural code about offers to            As a result, in Arkin v Borchard Lines
                                            settle" (CPR §36.1(1)), it is "carefully   Ltd [2005] EWCA Civ 655, the Court
The Court of Appeal was firmly of the                                                  of Appeal succumbed to the
                                            structured and highly prescriptive"
former view, ie the only question is                                                   argument put forward by this exotic
                                            (Gibson v Manchester City Council
what was D spending before the                                                         breed that if courts imposed
                                            [2010] EWCA Civ 726, [4]), and an
freezing injunction. The purpose of a                                                  potentially limitless costs on funders,
                                            offer not made in accordance with
freezing injunction is not to provide                                                  the funders would all close down their
                                            CPR 36.5 will not have the near
security to C, nor to prevent D from                                                   businesses, leaving to the rich alone
                                            automatic consequences of Part 36.
spending available funds on living                                                     the ability to enter the halls of justice.
                                            CPR §36.5(4) says that an offer to
expenses in the way he did before,
nor to allow C to oppress D. If,

March 2020                                                                                                         Clifford Chance | 10

To avoid this threat, the Court of        oblige courts (below the Supreme         virtually all funding agreements put
Appeal invented the Arkin cap, ie a       Court) to don the eponymous              funders at the head of the queue for
funder funding a losing case should       headgear? No, again. Courts have a       any recoveries from the litigation
only be ordered to pay in costs an        wide discretion on costs under           (even though funders assiduously
amount equal to its funding (ie if a      section 51 of the Senior Courts Act      deny controlling the litigation they
funder put up £2.5m, its maximum          1981, and Arkin merely offers a          fund).
exposure would be £5m). This, the         pointer, not a rule. Indeed, the Court
                                                                                   The Arkin cap hasn't gone entirely.
Court of Appeal considered at the         in ChapelGate thought it was a
                                                                                   But it will no longer fit many, possibly
time, would allow litigation funders to   pointer confined to cases on facts
                                                                                   most, cases. Funders have often
sleep more comfortably in their beds      similar to those in Arkin, ie where a
                                                                                   used the argument that their
and thus preserve access to justice.      funder had only funded a particular
                                                                                   presence strengthens a case
                                          aspect of the costs (experts' fees and
But times are now more cynical.                                                    because it shows that the claimant
                                          bundles in Arkin).
Funders have pots of cash chasing                                                  can fund the litigation through to the
money-making litigation. Will they        A funder's potential return is, the      end, so defendants should settle.
really shut up shop just because their    Court thought in ChapelGate, a           Now, perhaps, the response will be
costs' risk is somewhat elevated?         significant factor in the exercise of    that funding provides someone who
No, according to the Court of Appeal      discretion under section 51 – the        is good for the costs of the successful
in ChapelGate Credit Opportunity          more the funder stands to gain, the      defendant, who therefore doesn't
Master Fund Ltd v Money [2020]            more it should be treated as the real    need to settle.
EWCA Civ 246. But does Arkin              defendant for costs purposes. And

March 2020                                                                                                  Clifford Chance| 11


FROM A LAND DOWN                             The Court of Appeal started by                 response reveals any legal advice, it
UNDER                                        agreeing with comments in ENRC                 might be privileged, but if not, the
                                             that the decision in Three Rivers (No          lawyer's part of the chain can be
All categories of privilege require a        5) [2003] EWCA 474, regarding the              redacted. As ever with privilege, this
dominant purpose.                            identity for privilege purposes of the         may involve some fine judgements.
In Waugh v British Railways Board            lawyer's client within a corporate
                                                                                   also raised a question of
[1980] AC 521, the House of Lords            entity, was wrong. Unfortunately,
                                                                                            waiver, ie whether revealing one
decided that litigation privilege only       they also agreed that it is binding in
                                                                                            email the recipients of which included
applies to documents created for the         its errant ways, and so must await
                                                                                            lawyers waived all parts in the chain,
dominant purpose of the conduct of           the Supreme Court for correction.
                                                                                            including from lawyers, and other
litigation. But there has been doubt         Then the Court of Appeal went on to            communications on the same subject
ever since as to whether a dominant          dominant purpose. They noted that              matter. The Court of Appeal decided
purpose test also applies to legal           the dominant purpose test had been             that it did not.
advice privilege, ie the dominant            imported from Australia, where it
purpose, not merely a purpose, of the                                                       The test is what is the "transaction"
                                             applies both to litigation privilege and
creation of a communication must be                                                         for which the document has been
                                             legal advice privilege, that other
to seek or give legal advice.                                                               disclosed, ie what is the party that
                                             common law jurisdictions take the
                                                                                            has disclosed it trying to prove and,
In SFO v Eurasian Natural                    same approach, and that the (obiter)
                                                                                            in the light of that, does fairness
Resources Corporation Ltd [2018]             direction of English law was to apply
                                                                                            require that all other related
EWCA Civ 2006, the Court of Appeal           it to both limbs (the noble exception
                                                                                            documents be revealed? The Court
said, obiter, that it did not think that a   being ENRC). So the Court decided
                                                                                            took a narrow approach to the
dominant purpose test added                  that dominant purpose is a
                                                                                            "transaction", holding that all the
anything of value to legal advice            requirement of both limbs of legal
                                                                                            CAA's disclosure had been intended
privilege, but in R ( v The         professional privilege as a matter of
                                                                                            to show was that there were different
Civil Aviation Authority [2020] EWCA         English law.
                                                                                            views within the CAA, and that the
Civ 35, the Court of Appeal decided,         What does this mean in practice?               content of any legal advice was not
ratio, that there is very definitely a       Perhaps not that much. If                      relevant to this.
dominant purpose test for legal              correspondence is to or from a
advice privilege.                                                                           The bottom line is that privilege
                                             lawyer only, it is likely to be privileged
                                                                                            needs a case to go to the Supreme involved a spat between             (as long as the lawyer is acting in a
                                                                                            Court to sort out some serious
the CAA and the airline over the             legal capacity) – why, other than for
                                                                                            issues. But only a case where
latter's failure to join a "voluntary"       the dominant purpose of seeking
                                                                                            privilege really, really matters will go
mediation scheme dealing with                legal advice, does anyone incur the
                                                                                            that far up the judicial hierarchy.
passenger complaints. The CAA                expense of communicating with
tried to shame the airline into joining      lawyers, at least external lawyers?            REGULATORS
by critical press releases and a leak        If the correspondence is to lawyers            REGULATED
of correspondence to the Daily Mail,         and non-lawyers, the dominant
which duly published a story adverse                                                        There is no privilege exception for
                                             purpose test comes more to the fore.           regulators.
to the airline.                              If the dominant purpose of the
                                             communication overall is legal                 Regulators have wide-ranging
The overall issue was whether the
                                             advice, it is privileged in its entirety; if   powers to extract documents from
CAA had acted within its powers,
                                                                                            third (ie non-regulated) parties. In
while the immediate question was             not, it is not privileged. But if the
                                                                                            Sports Direct International plc v The
whether internal CAA emails sent to          lawyer then replies, that reply is likely
                                                                                            Financial Reporting Council [2020]
various people, including inhouse            to be privileged even though the
                                                                                            EWCA Civ 177, the FRC argued that
lawyers, were privileged. The                replies of others are not. It gets more
                                                                                            these documents included privileged
answer was no.                               difficult if a non-lawyer then responds
                                                                                            documents as long as the FRC was
                                             to the lawyer's privileged reply or
                                             uses the same email chain. If the              bound by an obligation of

March 2020                                                                                                             Clifford Chance | 12

confidentiality and the documents           unlike the Law Society's, did not         privilege in a document, don't
could not be used against the party         come close.                               mention its contents.
that provided them (always the case
for documents held by a non-                CRIMINAL RELEASES                         (Cf BGC Brokers LP v Tradition
regulated party). This amounted to          Reading a document in a criminal          (UK) Ltd [2019] EWCA Civ 1937
an argument that third parties could        trial does not destroy the                below.)
not raise privilege as a reason for         document's confidentiality.
failing to supply documents to                                                        SCHEDULED PREJUDICE
                                            You might think that reading out parts
regulators.                                 of a document during a criminal trial,    Including confessions of
                                            and inviting the judge then to read       wrongdoing in a settlement
This argument succeeded at first
                                                                                      agreement removes without
instance. This success derived from         the first three (out of nine) of its
                                                                                      prejudice protection.
Lord Hoffmann's interpretation in R         pages, would put paid to any
(Morgan Grenfell & Co Ltd) v Special        confidentiality in that document. But     BGC Brokers LP v Tradition (UK) Ltd
Commissioner [2003] 1 AC 563 of             not according to Hildyard J in SL         [2019] EWCA Civ 1937 is a
Parry-Jones v The Law Society               Claimants v Tesco plc [2019] EWHC         somewhat eccentric case, but it
[1969] Ch 1.                                3315 (Ch).                                nevertheless contains a warning for
                                                                                      those drafting settlement
In Parry-Jones, the House of Lords          The document concerned was the            agreements.
decided that the Law Society could          note of an interview between an
obtain privileged documents from a          inhouse lawyer at Tesco and Tesco's       The case concerned employees of C
solicitor it regulated where the            external lawyers setting out what the     who were found to have been leaking
privilege belonged to the solicitor's       inhouse lawyer knew about Tesco's         confidential information to employees
client. If that were not so, how was        overstatement of its commercial           of D. C settled with one of its
the Law Society supposed to regulate        income prior to the overstatement         employees (S), the settlement
solicitors since most documents held        becoming public, Tesco's shares           agreement including in a schedule
by solicitors are subject to privilege?     crashing and Tesco being sued by its      notes of a without prejudice meeting
In Morgan Grenfell, Lord Hoffmann           shareholders (Tesco itself agreed a       between C, S and their respective
suggested that the reason behind this       fine of £129m under a deferred            lawyers in which S confessed to his
decision was either that disclosure to      prosecution agreement, but the three      crimes and misdemeanours.
the Law Society, which was bound by         executives charged with personal          The purpose of including the note in
an obligation of confidentiality, was       offences were all acquitted). The         the schedule was so that S could
not an infringement of the solicitor's      note was originally privileged, but the   warrant that what he said at the
client's privilege or that, if it was, it   Cs contended that the use of the note     meeting was the whole truth and
was a technical breach that was             at the criminal trial resulted in its     nothing but the truth. The agreement
impliedly authorised by the Law             losing its confidentiality and,           asserted that the notes were without
Society's statutory rules. In Sports        therefore, ceasing to be privileged.      prejudice and that neither party was
Direct at first instance, the judge felt    Hildyard J considered that there is a     waiving that "privilege". C then sued
obliged to echo this approach.              difference between the information in     D. In disclosure, C supplied D with a
In Sports Direct in the Court of            a document and the document itself.       copy of the settlement agreement,
Appeal, Rose LJ felt no such                Whether references to the                 but redacted the schedule. D
compunction. SDI withheld                   information in a document are             demanded an unredacted copy of the
documents on the grounds of                 sufficient to cause a loss of             settlement agreement.
privilege and was, she said, entitled       confidentiality in the document as a      In BGC Brokers, the parties agreed
to do so absent statutory rules to the      whole is a matter of degree. In this      that the meeting between C and S
contrary. It was obvious nonsense to        case, he decided that the references      was without prejudice. The notes
say that disclosure to a third party's      were insufficient to destroy              were not therefore disclosable. But
regulator did not infringe privilege.       confidentiality, nor was the criminal     they also agreed that the settlement
For a statute to override privilege, it     judge's reading of the document           agreement was disclosable. The
had to be express or a necessary            sufficient to require the document's      issue was whether the inclusion of
implication; there was no lesser test       disclosure to the public following the    the notes in the settlement
for regulators. The FRC's rules,            criminal case. Nevertheless,              agreement was enough to render
                                            generally, if you don't want to lose

March 2020                                                                                                    Clifford Chance| 13

them part of the agreement, and          C also asserted litigation privilege on   could not therefore attach to that use
therefore disclosable, or whether they   the basis that the notes reflected        of the notes.
retained their underlying protected      evidence gathered for the purposes
                                                                                   BGC Brokers is eccentric on its facts,
status despite being included in the     of its claim against D. The Court
                                                                                   and somewhat unsatisfactory on
settlement agreement.                    accepted, for the purposes of
                                                                                   multiple levels (is a settlement
                                         argument, that the notes were made
The Court of Appeal was clear,                                                     agreement always outwith without
                                         for the dominant purpose of collecting
though without much, if any,                                                       prejudice? Gnitrow Ltd v Cape plc
                                         evidence, but decided that their
reasoning, that D was entitled to see                                              [2000] 1 WLR 2327, 2332C? Limited
                                         subsequent inclusion in the
the full, unredacted, settlement                                                   waiver?). But it is nevertheless a
                                         settlement agreement was not for
agreement. By exhibiting the notes                                                 cautionary tale about what you can
                                         that purpose. It was for the purpose
to the agreement, without prejudice                                                safely include in a settlement
                                         of extracting representations and
protection was lost.                                                               agreement.
                                         warranties from S. Litigation privilege

March 2020                                                                                                   Clifford Chance | 14


A BIT OF COMMON SENSE                     not historically frozen in choses in      elsewhere). Teare J allowed service
                                          possession or in action (bitcoin being    on all parties by email.
Cryptocurrencies are property.            neither) but extends to the inventions
                                                                                    Teare J ordered that the application
AA v Persons Unknown [2019]               of modern computer science that look
                                                                                    be in private. That is obviously right
EWHC 3556 (Comm) is an everyday           property-like. And since bitcoin is
                                                                                    as far as the immediate
story of contemporary                     property, an injunction could be
                                                                                    consequences are concerned – if the
fraud/blackmail. A Canadian               granted on the (easier) proprietary
                                                                                    fraudsters were alerted, the bitcoins
insurance company was hacked, its         basis to prevent its dissipation rather
                                                                                    would presumably migrate elsewhere
data encrypted, and it was told that it   on the (harder) freezing injunction
                                                                                    in a crypto-instant. But the judge
could have the key to unencrypt the       basis.
                                                                                    also thought that identifying the
data on payment of (after negotiation)
                                          But there was a jurisdictional            parties might lead to revenge attacks,
US$950k in bitcoin. The Canadian
                                          problem, though it wasn't ventilated in   though the persons likely to do that
insurer's UK insurer paid, the key
                                          any detail, doubtless because of the      are the fraudsters, and they will have
was given and the data unlocked,
                                          absence from the hearing of the           to be told about the injunction at
and the Canadian insurer proceeded
                                          exchanges or the fraudsters. The          some point. The judge also pointed
with its business (in, presumably, a
                                          insurer aside, there was no               to the risk of potential copycat attacks
state of some embarrassment).
                                          connection to the jurisdiction (the       on the Canadian insurer or its
But the insurer's insurer wanted its      location of the fraudsters was            insurer.
money back. It traced most of the         unknown). The case being one of
                                                                                    The fraudsters are unlikely to turn up
bitcoin to an exchange operated by        obvious fraud, the judge was in a
                                                                                    in court, whether in England, the BVI
BVI companies which, it said, should      benevolent mood. He decided that
                                                                                    or anywhere else, to fight the case.
be able to identify the account           this was a case of tortious damage
                                                                                    So the real question will be whether
holders/fraudsters from the               being suffered within the jurisdiction
                                                                                    the BVI exchange complies with the
exchange's KYC procedures. Step           since the insurer is here and paid
                                                                                    English injunction or whether it feels
one to retrieving the bitcoin was         money from an account here. This
                                                                                    it is able, or obliged, to ignore it,
some sort of interim relief to stop the   met the jurisdictional "gateway" in
                                                                                    either as to retaining the bitcoin or
bitcoin moving on.                        PD6B, §3.1(9).
                                                                                    disclosing the names on the account
Teare J accepted that bitcoin is          He also thought that section 25 of the    holding the bitcoin.
property, reciting with little comment    Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act
the recently published semi-official      1982 was available (interim injunction
legal statement to that effect –          in support of substantive foreign
basically, the concept of "property" is   proceedings, even though there was
                                          no suggestion of any proceedings

March 2020                                                                                                   Clifford Chance| 15


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