Brexit certainty at last? An overview of the new EU-UK trading relationship

Page created by Vincent Kelley
Brexit certainty at last? An overview of the new EU-UK trading relationship
Brexit certainty at last?
An overview of the new
EU-UK trading relationship
Following months of protracted negotiations and coming four and a half years after the UK voted to leave the
EU, 24 December 2020 saw the EU and UK finally agree the shape of their future relationship. While the Trade
and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) runs over 1,200 pages, in many key areas it is essentially a framework for
the substantial agreements and arrangements still to be put in place, and a number of its provisions simply
mirror the position agreed under other recent EU trade agreements, for example with Japan. The primary focus
is on trade in goods where zero tariffs or quotas will be imposed on goods traded between the UK and the EU,
provided that they meet the applicable rules of origin.

The end of the EU-UK transition period saw the cessation of Single Market access rights and participation in
the Customs Union for the UK. The TCA represents a fundamental change in the trading relationship from
1 January 2021 with substantially reduced market access – particularly in relation to financial and other services.
This is principally as a result of the UK being treated as a third country by the EU (and vice versa). Further, while
the TCA has largely brought clarity (although not simplicity) in relation to trade in goods, uncertainty remains in a
number of key areas.

In this publication, we consider the structure of the TCA, the key provisions most relevant for our clients and the
process for ratification.

Brexit certainty at last? An overview of the new EU-UK trading relationship
    The overarching structure of the TCA, governance of the relationship
    and dispute resolution mechanism                                       3
    The process for ratification                                           4
    Trade in goods                                                         5
    Trade in financial services                                            6
    Data protection and cybersecurity                                      8
    Digital trade                                                          9
    Telecommunications Regulation                                          10
    Civil jurisdiction and judgments                                       11
    The level playing field                                                12
    Sanctions and export controls                                          14
    Intellectual property (IP)                                             15
    Life sciences                                                          16
    Energy                                                                 16
    Taxes                                                                  17
    The ongoing effect of the Withdrawal Agreement                         17
    Next steps                                                             17

Brexit certainty at last? An overview of the new EU-UK trading relationship
The overarching structure of the TCA, governance of the relationship
and dispute resolution mechanism
Overarching structure                                      Council is co-chaired by a Member of the European
The TCA consists of seven parts which cover:               Commission and a representative of the UK at
                                                           ministerial level. It will meet at least once a year, but
−   Part 1: general and institutional provisions           can meet more often at the request of either the EU
    (including governance)                                 or the UK. Any decision taken by the Partnership
−   Part 2: trade in goods and services, and level         Council is to be by mutual consent between the
    playing field guarantees                               parties, which may lead to tensions and delay in
−   Part 3: cooperation on law enforcement and             relation to any future amendments to the TCA.
    criminal justice
−   Part 4: “thematic” issues, notably                     The EU and the UK will each be able to refer any
    health collaboration                                   issue to the Partnership Council which relates to the
−   Part 5: participation in EU Programmes,                implementation, application and interpretation of the
    principally scientific collaboration                   TCA. The Partnership Council will be assisted by a
    through Horizon                                        Trade Partnership Committee and Specialised
−   Part 6: dispute settlement, basic values and           Committees (18, with powers to create more) and,
    safeguard measures                                     in some areas such as medicinal products, by
−   Part 7: final provisions including a review            technical working groups. The TCA also envisages
    mechanism whereby the TCA will be reviewed             the possible establishment of a Parliamentary
    five years after implementation and every              Partnership Assembly, which would consist of
    five years thereafter                                  members of the European Parliament and the
                                                           UK Parliament and provide a forum to exchange
In addition to the TCA, the future relationship            views on the partnership. The need for this number
agreements comprise:                                       of bodies reflects that the TCA only constitutes a
                                                           framework in many key areas and that it is likely to
−   a series of Joint Declarations on a range of           be many years before envisaged arrangements are
    issues where further cooperation is foreseen, for      fully in place (although there are also provisions for
    example in relation to financial services              termination of the whole or parts of the TCA and
    regulatory cooperation and the declaration of          some elements of the TCA have specified
    adequacy decisions (the Declarations)                  end dates).
−   an Agreement on Security Procedures for
    Exchanging and Protecting Classified                   Dispute resolution mechanism
    Information                                            Disputes arising under the TCA are to be resolved
−   a Nuclear Cooperation Agreement                        exclusively according to the dispute resolution
                                                           procedures set out in the TCA. Neither national
The texts of the agreements were published in the
                                                           courts nor the European Court of Justice (CJEU)
Official Journal on 31 December 2020, subject to
                                                           has any role in interpreting the TCA or resolving
final legal-linguistic revision. The definitive texts of
                                                           disputes thereunder. There is no investor-state
the agreements will be published in the Official
                                                           dispute settlement procedure. Only the EU and the
Journal by 30 April 2021.
                                                           UK are able to bring claims under the TCA. The
Governance of the relationship                             participation of natural or legal persons in the
                                                           dispute resolution process is limited to the provision
Under the institutional framework provisions of the
                                                           of amicus curiae submissions.
TCA, the EU and the UK have agreed to create a
joint body, called the Partnership Council, to             Part 6 of the TCA sets out the general dispute
oversee the attainment of the TCA’s objectives and         resolution procedure applicable to disputes under
facilitate its implementation. The Partnership             the agreement except for specified carved-out

Brexit certainty at last? An overview of the new EU-UK trading relationship
sections, such as Part 3 on law enforcement and           bring itself into compliance with the TCA. This must
    judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Disputes        be done immediately, or within a reasonable time if
    relating to carved-out sections of the TCA are to be      that is not possible.
    resolved by the Partnership Council referenced
    above. There are also areas of the TCA to which           In the event of non-compliance with an arbitral
    the general dispute resolution mechanism applies          ruling, and subject to certain pre-conditions, the
    but with modifications. For example, certain aspects      aggrieved party may request temporary
    of the provisions on competition and sustainable          compensation from the defaulting party. If the
    development have a modified dispute                       amount of the temporary compensation cannot be
    resolution procedure.                                     agreed between the EU and the UK, or the
                                                              aggrieved party decides not to request
    Before invoking the general dispute resolution            compensation, the aggrieved party may instead
    procedure, unless they agree otherwise, the EU and        temporarily suspend its performance of certain
    the UK are required to engage in consultations in an      obligations towards the defaulting party (subject to a
    effort to reach an agreed solution. If consultations      number of conditions).
    fail, arbitration can be commenced. The TCA
    envisages the swift resolution of arbitrations,           The suspension of obligations or the payment of
    requiring a final ruling from the arbitral tribunal       compensation shall not be applied after: (a) the
    within a maximum of 160 days from the arbitral            EU and the UK agree that measures taken by
    tribunal’s constitution (although this deadline can be    the defaulting party bring it into compliance with
    extended by agreement between the parties).               the TCA; (b) the measure taken that was found to
                                                              be a breach of the TCA has been withdrawn or
    If the arbitral tribunal finds a breach of the TCA, the   amended; or (c) the EU and the UK have reached a
    party responsible for the breach must take the            mutually agreed solution. Back to contents
    necessary measures to comply with the ruling and

    The process for ratification
    The European Commission deemed the TCA an                 2021 pending the consent of the European
    EU-only agreement (ie that all aspects of the             Parliament and conclusion by the Council of the EU
    agreement are within EU competence), under                by 28 February 2021.
    Article 217 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the
    European Union. This means that ratification by the       In relation to ratification by the UK, the European
    European Parliament will be sufficient and that           Union (Future Relationship) Bill, which implements
    individual ratification by each Member State will not     the TCA, was introduced to Parliament on
    be required.                                              30 December 2020 and passed all stages in the
                                                              House of Commons. The Bill also passed the final
    Given the TCA was agreed only days before the             stages in the House of Lords and, in the early hours
    transition period was due to end, there was               of 31 December 2020, the European Union
    insufficient time for the European Parliament to          (Future Relationship) Act 2020 received Royal
    ratify the agreement. As a result, the TCA was            Assent. Following its approval by the House of
    signed by the EU on 30 December 2020 on the               Commons, the TCA was signed by the UK.
    basis that it applies provisionally from 1 January        Back to contents

Brexit certainty at last? An overview of the new EU-UK trading relationship
Trade in goods
As set out in the introduction above, until the end of           preferential trade agreements with Japan,
the transitional period, the UK was part of                      Japanese components will be considered to
the EU’s Single Market and Customs Union. The                    be non-originating material for the purposes
freedom of movement for goods as between the                     of applying the TCA’s specific rules of origin.
UK and the EU provided under those arrangements              −   Helpfully, companies will be able to
has now been replaced by the terms of the TCA.                   “self-certify” the origin of goods and, until
                                                                 31 December 2021, supplier declarations
The key points in relation to the trade in goods                 will not be required by the UK Government,
under the TCA are as follows:                                    though businesses may be required to
                                                                 retrospectively provide a supplier’s
−   Tariffs and quotas: zero tariffs or quotas will be
                                                                 declaration after that date. Together, these
    imposed on goods traded between the UK and
                                                                 measures should relieve some of the
    the EU, provided that they meet the applicable
                                                                 administrative burden associated with
    rules of origin.
                                                                 complying with the rules of origin under
−   Rules of origin: the rules of origin are complex
                                                                 the agreement.
    and, in some respects, differ from those
    provided for in similar agreements such as the       −   Customs formalities: the agreement provides
    EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and                     for customs cooperation mechanisms and, in
    Trade Agreement (CETA). In broad terms:                  particular, allows for the mutual recognition of
                                                             the parties’ respective Authorised Economic
    −   Goods originate from a party if they are:
                                                             Operator (AEO) schemes. This will enable
        (a) wholly obtained in that party;
                                                             trusted traders to enjoy a more simplified
        (b) exclusively made from originating
                                                             approach to their customs operations. However,
        materials in that party; or (c) produced in a
                                                             as of 1 January 2021, in general terms, customs
        party and incorporate non-originating
                                                             formalities will apply to trade between the
        materials satisfying specific rules of origin.
                                                             EU and the UK.
        Specific rules of origin are provided for in
                                                         −   Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS)
        the case of many products and a number of
                                                             requirements: UK agri-exporters will be
        novel requirements are introduced. For
                                                             required to meet all EU SPS import
        example, in relation to electrified vehicles
                                                             requirements and vice versa. However, the UK
        and batteries, there are more lenient
                                                             was granted “national listed status” separately
        transitional rules that apply until the end
                                                             from the conclusion of the TCA, which means
        of 2026.
                                                             that UK exports to the EU of live animals and
    −   Production carried out in a party on
                                                             products of animal origin can continue, albeit
        non-originating material may be taken into
                                                             with greater customs formalities needing to be
        account for the purpose of determining
                                                             satisfied. The EU has also lifted a number of
        whether a product is originating in the other
                                                             plant health prohibitions and granted
        party (subject to the rules that apply in
                                                             equivalence for certain products (such as some
        relation to insufficient production). However,
                                                             seeds and propagating material), so exports of
        importantly, while bilateral cumulation is
                                                             relevant products from the UK to the EU
        allowed under the agreement, the EU has
                                                             can continue.
        successfully resisted the inclusion of
                                                         −   Technical barriers to trade and product
        diagonal cumulation. This may cause some
                                                             conformity assessments: from 1 January
        products assembled in the UK or the EU to
                                                             2021 all products exported from the EU to the
        fall outside of the TCA’s preferential tariff
                                                             UK will need to meet the UK’s technical product
        treatment. For example, even though the
                                                             regulations (and vice versa). However, to
        EU and the UK have both concluded
                                                             prevent and reduce unnecessary technical

Brexit certainty at last? An overview of the new EU-UK trading relationship
barriers and requirements, the TCA includes a            pharmaceutical, organic products and wine
        number of provisions related to technical                sectors.
        barriers to trade. In particular, the parties have   −   Trade remedies: as is provided for in the World
        agreed to a definition of international standards        Trade Organization’s (WTO) rules, the
        which identifies the relevant international              agreement allows for the parties to impose trade
        standard-setting bodies. This should maximise            remedies against one another where, for
        the extent to which the parties’ domestic product        example, there are unfair practices such as
        standards and technical regulations are                  dumping or prohibited subsidies.
        compatible. Furthermore, in relation to product
        conformity assessments, the parties have             The provisions in the TCA discussed above do not
        agreed to maintain self-certification of             apply to the trade in goods between the EU and
        conformity by the manufacturer where this was        Northern Ireland, where the Protocol on Ireland and
        applied in both the EU and the UK on the date        Northern Ireland included in the Withdrawal
        that the TCA came into force. Finally,               Agreement will apply. Likewise, goods entering
        sector-specific provisions are included to           Northern Ireland from Great Britain will constitute
        promote cooperation and reduce barriers to           imports from 1 January 2021. The treatment of
        trade in the automotive, chemicals,                  Northern Ireland under the TCA is further
                                                             discussed below. Back to contents

    Trade in financial services
    For financial services, the TCA is the thinnest of       covering general services provisions as opposed to
    deals. As expected, it makes no attempt to               the specific section on financial services.
    reproduce the freedoms of movement, and
    establishment and provision of services, that UK         Such commitments as are provided are subject to
    businesses benefited from when the UK was a              the so-called “prudential carve-out”. This is a
    member of the EU. With the end of the passporting        reservation of each party’s right to adopt or maintain
    regime, UK market participants will now be treated       measures for prudential reasons, including in order
    in the same manner as other third country                to protect the interests of consumers of financial
    participants, with access rights being limited           services and to preserve financial stability and the
    accordingly. While the TCA sets out provisions that      integrity of financial markets. This overrides all other
    are similar to those seen in other recent EU free        provisions of the TCA, albeit that the TCA provides
    trade agreements, the terms covering financial           that such measures under the prudential carve-out
    services are comparably slimmer, and marginally          should not be used as a means of avoiding
    less favourable, than those set out in the CETA          commitments under the TCA. In practice the
    which the UK Government had suggested, at                prudential carve-out largely guts the TCA’s
    certain intervals during the negotiation process, it     commitments relating to market access as they
    was seeking to achieve.                                  apply to financial services. Subject to the prudential
                                                             carve-out, the TCA commits each party to maintain
    While the European Commission states that the            its markets open for financial services operators
    TCA provides for a significant level of openness for     from the other party seeking to supply services
    trade in services and investment, going beyond the       either through a commercial establishment or on a
    baseline provisions of the WTO’s General                 cross-border basis. In relation to subsidiaries, the
    Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), the TCA           TCA confirms existing third country access to, and
    only has a small number of provisions governing          treatment in, both jurisdictions with respect to legal
    financial services regulation. This is due in part to    form and equal treatment with domestic and other
    the fact that the provisions on non-discrimination       foreign firms. As regards branches of third country
    and market access are incorporated in the section        firms, the ability to regulate on a national basis is

Brexit certainty at last? An overview of the new EU-UK trading relationship
reserved. Two key general exceptions apply to           cooperation set out within the TCA (beyond the
financial services – namely, that such services are     provision on international standards). Instead, the
exempted from the general Most Favoured Nation          non-binding Declarations confirm that the EU and
provision and that subsidiaries are exempt from the     the UK have agreed to “establish structured
right of the relevant state to impose a specific        regulatory cooperation, with the aim of establishing
legal form.                                             a durable and stable relationship between
                                                        autonomous jurisdictions”. Such cooperation will be
For cross-border trade in financial services, the TCA   based on a shared commitment to preserve
ensures that national treatment provisions apply        financial stability, market integrity, and the
and that the ability to provide those services cannot   protection of investors and consumers. The
be made conditional upon commercial                     arrangements will allow for:
establishment (again, subject to the prudential
carve-out). Although it should be noted that, similar   −   bilateral exchanges of views and analysis on
to CETA, the EU and UK both have a right to adopt           regulatory initiatives and other issues of interest
measures to limit cross-border trade except in          −   transparency and appropriate dialogue in the
limited circumstances, for example reinsurance.             process of adoption, suspension and withdrawal
                                                            of equivalence decisions
The financial services section confirms that the        −   enhanced cooperation and coordination
EU and UK commit to ensuring that internationally           including in international bodies as appropriate
agreed standards (for example prudential, AML and
tax-avoidance measures) in the financial services       The EU and the UK intend to agree a memorandum
sector are implemented and applied in their             of understanding by March 2021 to establish the
territories. In addition to confirming that any new     framework for this cooperation.
service that could be supplied under existing
regulation is covered by the agreement (and             Equivalence decisions
therefore subject to the same local licensing regime    The TCA does not include any provisions regarding
as local firms), the TCA guarantees access for EU       the equivalence frameworks for financial services
and UK firms (as applicable) to any self-regulatory     on the basis that these are unilateral decisions of
bodies required for the conduct of their business       each party and are not subject to negotiation. The
and to public clearing and payments systems.            Declarations include a statement that, as part of the
                                                        proposed regulatory cooperation framework, the
The position regarding the transfer of data is          “Parties will discuss, among other things, how to
discussed further below but the financial services      move forward on both sides with equivalence
section states that confidential information relating   determinations between the EU and the UK, without
to consumers (but not clients or counterparties that    prejudice to the unilateral and autonomous
are not consumers) and their affairs and accounts       decision-making process of each side.”
which is in the possession of public entities cannot
be disclosed between EU and UK authorities. That        When the TCA was agreed, the European
is unless required under the provisions on law          Commission confirmed that it had assessed the
enforcement and judicial cooperation in criminal        UK’s replies to the Commission’s equivalence
matters. Facilitations for short-term business trips,   questionnaires in 28 areas. The Commission states
temporary secondments and intra-group transfer of       that a series of further clarifications will be needed,
highly skilled employees are envisaged by the TCA,      in particular regarding how the UK will diverge from
and these provisions extend to financial services.      EU frameworks after 31 December 2020, how it will
                                                        use its supervisory discretion regarding EU firms
Regulatory cooperation on                               and how the UK’s temporary regimes will affect EU
financial services                                      firms. For these reasons, the Commission stated
Unlike other recent EU trade agreements, there are      that it cannot finalise its assessment of the UK’s
no detailed provisions regarding regulatory             equivalence in the 28 areas and therefore will not

Brexit certainty at last? An overview of the new EU-UK trading relationship
take decisions “at this point in time”. The             In this table, we summarise existing third country
    assessments are therefore expected to continue.         provisions within EU financial services legislation
    The Commission has confirmed that it has taken          and outline whether the European Commission has
    note of the UK’s equivalence decisions announced        taken an equivalence decision for each provision in
    in November 2020 (and notes that these were             relation to both the UK and other third countries. We
    adopted in the UK’s interest) and concludes by          also highlight whether relief is available under the
    stating that the “EU will consider equivalence          UK regulators’ temporary transitional powers or
    [decisions] when they are in the EU’s interest”.        because of a UK equivalence decision.
                                                            Back to contents

    Data protection and cybersecurity
    The EU Commission’s consideration of the UK’s           to flow cross-border from the EEA to the UK,
    adequacy in the context of the protection of            without the need for appropriate safeguards, until
    personal data and cross-border transfers was never      the earlier of adopted adequacy decisions and with
    due to be part of the TCA. However, the agreement       an initial period of up to four months from 1 January
    and ancillary documents do include provisions that      2021, automatically extendable to 1 July 2021. This
    address some aspects of personal data protection,       grace period is intended to provide sufficient time to
    at least in the short term.                             allow for the completion of the adequacy
                                                            assessment process and should avoid significant
    International data transfers                            business disruption that would arise from
    Under UK data protection law, although each EEA         restrictions on personal data transfers.
    state is now considered to be a “third country”,
    personal data may continue to be transferred from       It is worth noting that the arrangement will only
    the UK to those EEA states without need for further     continue to apply to the extent the UK does not
    appropriate safeguards on the basis of their            change its data protection laws (away from those in
    inclusion in adequacy regulations under the             place on 1 January 2021), nor exercise certain
    UK Data Protection Act 2018 (Schedule 21). The          “designated powers” regarding data transfers during
    approach to transfers of personal data from the EEA     this period without Partnership Council approval
    to the UK remains more complex but perhaps,             (including, for example, granting adequacy
    reassuringly, a Joint Declaration of the EU and the     decisions to new third countries, issuing UK
    UK specifically notes the European Commission’s         standard contractual clauses, approving certain new
    intention to launch the procedure for adoption of       certification mechanisms and draft codes of
    adequacy decisions for the UK (under both the           conduct, approving new binding corporate rules,
    GDPR and Law Enforcement Directive) as well as          authorising new contractual clauses and
    its intention to work closely with others involved in   administrative arrangements).
    the process.
                                                            Therefore, despite the UK now being subject to a
    The adoption of adequacy decisions would allow          separate (if near identical) data protection regime
    personal data to continue to flow                       (replacing the GDPR with the UK GDPR,
    cross-border from the EEA to the UK, without the        supplemented by the amended Data Protection Act
    need for appropriate safeguards. However, the           2018, and accounting for Article 71 of the
    process first requires a proposal from the European     Withdrawal Agreement regarding “stock” personal
    Commission, an opinion from the European Data           data), it will not be able to exercise all of its powers
    Protection Board (and EU Member State approval)         fully without consequence for a number of months
    and is therefore not a quick procedure.                 or until adequacy has been obtained. However,
                                                            given the relatively short-term nature of the
    In the interim, the TCA provides for a bridging         restrictions, the inclusion of exceptions to enable
    mechanism that enables personal data to continue        the UK to make changes to ensure alignment with

Brexit certainty at last? An overview of the new EU-UK trading relationship
EU rules (perhaps useful to enable adoption of         things, on enforcement of personal data protection.
equivalent new standard contractual clauses or to      It remains to be seen how this cooperation will work
re-approve existing binding corporate rules) and the   in practice.
clear advantages to business, this is perhaps a
small price to pay.                                    Law enforcement cooperation
                                                       Finally, the TCA addresses personal data in the
Sounding a note of caution, although these             context of law enforcement and criminal record
provisions may imply an EU desire to grant             exchange, with provisions regarding the sharing of
adequacy, a decision is not certain and so the UK      passenger name record data, vehicle registration
ICO prudently calls for organisations to consider      details, DNA, fingerprint data and sharing of
and implement other appropriate safeguards to          personal data with EUROPOL and EUROJUST.
enable EEA to UK data transfers in preparation for a   The EU and the UK are committed to ensuring that
July 2021 cut-off.                                     personal data is processed in compliance with data
                                                       protection regimes and specific account is made,
Data localisation
                                                       amongst other things, for the potential onward
More generally, the TCA preamble calls out the         transfers to third countries, requiring consent of the
need to balance facilitating opportunities for         authority that provided the information and
business and consumers through digital trade and       appropriate safeguards regarding the protection of
the protection of personal data. This is further       personal data. More significantly, it is possible for
reflected in the agreement as a way of not             the EU or the UK to suspend law enforcement
restricting cross-border data flows, for example       cooperation where it considers that there are
through data localisation requirements or use of       serious or systemic deficiencies in the way the other
particular approved/certified or sited computing       is protecting personal data and those deficiencies
facilities (to be reviewed within three years, with    have led to a relevant adequacy decision ceasing to
scope for earlier amendment). That said, the TCA       apply.
does acknowledge that nothing shall prevent the EU
or the UK from adopting or maintaining measures to     Cybersecurity
protect personal data (including regarding             With regard to cybersecurity, the TCA makes
cross-border transfers) so long as there are           provision for cooperation between the EU and the
instruments enabling transfers where conditions to     UK with a view to exchanging information, sharing
transfer apply generally.                              best practice and taking cooperative action to
                                                       promote and protect cyberspace. This cooperation
Future cooperation and development of
                                                       is envisaged to occur through international bodies
standards                                              and forums as well as between the CERT-EU and
In any event, while the EU and the UK reaffirm the     UK computer emergency response teams; the EU
right to regulate to achieve privacy and data          Cooperation Group and UK national authorities (on
protection policy objectives, they also confirm that   invitation and voluntarily); and ENISA and the UK
they will ensure a high level of data protection and   (on invitation and voluntarily, with financial
shall endeavour to work together to promote high       contribution). Back to contents
international standards, cooperating, among other

Digital trade
The TCA aims to facilitate digital trade between the   be concluded by electronic means. Provisions are
UK and the EU. Most significantly, the agreement       also included in the agreement covering online
provides that the parties shall not impose customs     consumer trust, unsolicited direct marketing
duties on electronic transmissions and, subject to     communications (so-called “spam”) and open
certain exceptions, must ensure that contracts can     government data. The UK Government has stated

Brexit certainty at last? An overview of the new EU-UK trading relationship
its belief that the agreement “will promote trade in
     digital services and facilitate new forms of trade in
     goods and services”. Back to contents

     Telecommunications Regulation
     Authorisation, use, access and                          benefit trade and enhance consumer welfare) and
     interconnection                                         to encourage suppliers of public
                                                             telecommunications services to make information
     There was little change to the UK
                                                             on international roaming rates publicly available.
     telecommunications regulatory framework after the
                                                             The establishment of the “Roam like at Home”
     end of the Transition Period. The TCA’s
                                                             international mobile roaming regime was intensely
     requirements in respect of authorisation, use,
                                                             political and following the end of the Transition
     access, allocation of spectrum and numbering,
                                                             Period, the legal basis to require UK mobile
     number portability and interconnection of networks
                                                             operators to allow their customers to roam in the
     and services, as well as the TCA’s measures to
                                                             EEA without roaming surcharges, and vice-versa,
     protect competition, have been largely
                                                             has ended. It has been replaced with transparency
     grandfathered in from the previous EU electronic
                                                             and consumer protection requirements, which (in
     communications framework, and the new European
                                                             the UK at least) have already been in place since
     Electronic Communications Code, that UK
                                                             the anti-bill-shock regulations made in 2019. It will
     government had already announced that it would
                                                             be interesting to see whether operators in the UK
     implement at the end of 2020.
                                                             and EEA begin to increase charges for cross-border
     The TCA ensures the continued rights and                roaming, which would likely start with a change in
     obligations of suppliers of telecommunication           the underlying wholesale roaming rates.
     networks and services to negotiate the
     interconnection of those networks and services,
                                                             Investment restrictions
     including in relation to the confidentiality of         The TCA also limits the ability of the UK to impose
     information revealed at such negotiations. However,     joint venture requirements or certain foreign capital
     the TCA diverges from the previous regime in            restrictions on investments from the EU, or vice-
     obliging the UK and the EU to require major             versa, with regards to the provision of
     suppliers of telecommunications networks or             telecommunications networks or services. This
     services to provide interconnection at any              clearly is expressed in different terms from the
     technically feasible point in the network in a          Maastricht Treaty’s requirement for free movement
     non-discriminatory and timely manner upon request.      of capital, and does not have the history of
     This approach, which derives from the WTO Basic         interpretation of the free movement of capital. It will
     Telecommunications Agreement and can be found           be interesting to see whether governments on either
     in many other free trade agreements, is                 side seek to introduce restrictions which will be
     considerably broader than the provisions of the         challenged under this aspect of the TCA.
     EECC, which the UK is implementing. The UK had
     in any case previously announced that it did not
                                                             Net neutrality
     intend to implement interconnection requirements of     Following the end of the Transition Period, the Open
     the EECC for number-independent services (eg            Internet Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 is no longer
     OTT messaging).                                         directly applicable in the UK. However, under the
                                                             TCA both the EU and UK must continue to require
     International mobile roaming                            that suppliers of internet access services manage
     The TCA requires EU-UK cooperation to promote           network access in a non-discriminatory, reasonable,
     transparent and reasonable roaming rates (to            transparent and proportionate way and enable

users to use devices of their choice (subject to           aligned with EU law, Ofcom is no longer required to
security requirements).                                    take utmost account of BEREC recommendations in
                                                           this context, UK courts’ interpretation of these
UK law retained net neutrality requirements in the         retained requirements may diverge from the position
Open Internet Access (Amendment) (EU Exit)                 as interpreted in the EU. Back to contents
Regulations 2018. Whilst these remain generally

Civil jurisdiction and judgments
The TCA does not provide for continued                     consent at the latest within one year after they were
cooperation between the UK and the EU on civil             notified of an application to re-accede.
jurisdiction and judgments. This is unsurprising. The
UK Government has made it clear that, rather than          It is unclear at this stage what position the EU will
seeking to agree bespoke arrangements on civil             take on the UK’s re-accession. The likelihood of
justice as part of the TCA, it would instead seek to       consent is certainly greater than it would have been
re-accede to the Lugano Convention 2007 as an “off         had no agreement been reached on the future
the shelf” solution for continued civil judicial           relationship, but the fact that the TCA has been
cooperation following the end of the transition            agreed does not make consent inevitable, not least
period. The Lugano Convention provides for the             because the UK-EU relationship is no longer based
allocation of jurisdiction and the enforcement of          on the UK’s participation in the Single Market.
judgments in civil and commercial matters as
                                                           If the EU does consent to the UK’s re-accession to
between Contracting States and is broadly similar to
                                                           the Lugano Convention, the Convention will come
the Recast Brussels Regulation (the primary
                                                           into force on the first day of the third month
jurisdictional regime applied between the UK and
                                                           following the deposit of the instrument of accession.
EU Member States prior to the end of the transition
                                                           In that scenario, the position on civil justice as
period). However, the Lugano Convention applies
                                                           between the UK, the EU and Switzerland, Iceland
more broadly than the Recast Brussels Regulation,
                                                           and Norway will be almost exactly as it was when
covering Switzerland, Iceland and Norway as well
                                                           the UK was an EU Member State. In particular,
as all EU Member States.
                                                           English jurisdiction clauses will be respected and
The UK was a Lugano Convention Contracting                 English judgments enforced in all Lugano
State until the end of the transition period. In April     Convention Contracting States on essentially the
2020, in anticipation of its participation coming to an    same basis as before the transition period came to
end on 31 December 2020, it deposited an                   an end. Any concerns that commercial parties may
application to re-accede to the Lugano Convention.         have had in this area should therefore fall away.
The UK’s re-accession requires the consent of all
                                                           Until that point, we are effectively in a “no deal”
current Contracting States. Switzerland, Iceland and
                                                           scenario on civil jurisdiction and judgments.
Norway have all indicated their willingness to
                                                           Currently, therefore, the only applicable multi-lateral
consent, but the EU has not yet clarified its position.
                                                           regime on jurisdiction and judgments between the
It has been suggested that the EU has delayed
                                                           UK and the EU is the Hague Convention on Choice
making a decision because the European
                                                           of Court Agreements 2005. The UK had been party
Commission has seen the issue as bound up with
                                                           to the Hague Convention since 1 October 2015 in
the wider negotiations on the future relationship.
                                                           its capacity as an EU Member State, meaning its
Now that an agreement has been reached, we
                                                           participation in that capacity came to an end at the
anticipate that the EU will confirm its position shortly
                                                           end of the transition period. However, the UK
and in any event by April 2021, as the Contracting
                                                           Government was proactive in re-acceding in its new
States are required to endeavour to give their
                                                           capacity as an independent Contracting State, and
                                                           the Hague Convention therefore came into force in

the UK in that new capacity immediately following         enforcement may be more time consuming and
     the end of the transition period. The Hague               costly. However, this is not the case in all
     Convention requires Contracting State courts to           Member States.
     respect exclusive jurisdiction clauses in favour of
     other Contracting State courts and enforce related        Parties considering including asymmetric or
     judgments, but it is more limited in scope than the       non-exclusive English jurisdiction clauses in their
     EU regime or the Lugano Convention, applying only         transaction documents must therefore consider on a
     where parties have agreed an exclusive jurisdiction       case-by-case basis whether a judgment pursuant to
     clause and only where that clause was agreed after        such a clause will be enforceable in the Member
     the Hague Convention came into force in the               States in which their counterparty is based or holds
     jurisdiction chosen under the clause. Where               assets. In light of this, pending any UK accession to
     exclusive English jurisdiction clauses are                the Lugano Convention, we may see a shift by
     concerned, it is unclear whether EU Member State          commercial parties towards including exclusive
     courts will treat the relevant date for these purposes    English jurisdiction clauses in their contracts with a
     as 1 October 2015 or 1 January 2021 (the                  view to ensuring they fall within the scope of the
     European Commission has suggested it is the latter        Hague Convention regime. If the UK is not
     date, although the UK takes the opposite view).           permitted to accede to the Lugano Convention,
                                                               we may see a continuation of that trend in the
     Where the Hague Convention does not apply, the            longer term.
     question of whether English jurisdiction clauses will
     be respected and related judgments enforced in            Finally, the TCA has no impact on the position on
     Member State courts will be a question of national        governing law. Save where there are specific
     law in the relevant State. In many Member States,         regulatory or political drivers for a change of
     English jurisdiction clauses and judgments falling        approach, this means there continues to be no
     outside the scope of the Hague Convention will            reason to move away from English governing law
     continue to be respected and enforced as a matter         clauses in commercial contracts. Back to contents
     of national law, although the process of

     The level playing field
     The obligations related to the level playing field for        practices which have as their object or effect the
     open and free competition and sustainable                     prevention, restriction or distortion of
     development were reportedly subject to intense                competition; (b) abuse of dominant position; and
     negotiation between the EU and the UK in light of             (c) for the UK, mergers and acquisitions, and,
     concerns that the UK may seek a competitive                   for the EU, concentrations, which may have
     advantage through subsidies and lower                         significant anticompetitive effects.
     regulatory standards.                                     −   Subsidy control: the parties have agreed to a
                                                                   comprehensive body of rules governing
     The key components of the level playing field under           subsidies granted to “economic actors”. The
     the TCA are as follows:                                       rules are subject to a number of exceptions
                                                                   such as subsidies in response to natural
     −   Competition law: the parties agree to maintain
                                                                   disasters and subsidies related to the
         competition law that effectively addresses
                                                                   audio-visual sector. In broad terms, the parties
         anti-competitive business practices and which is
                                                                   are obliged to maintain an effective system of
         enforced by an operationally independent
                                                                   subsidy control to ensure that six principles are
         authority or authorities in a transparent and non-
                                                                   met. These principles include a requirement for
         discriminatory manner. The anti-competitive
                                                                   subsidies to be proportionate and appropriate to
         business practices that are specifically identified
                                                                   a public policy objective that cannot be achieved
         are: (a) agreements, decisions and concerted

through other less-distortive means. Certain              in the fight against climate change. Importantly,
    forms of subsidy are prohibited including                 the TCA provides that the UK and the EU will
    unlimited state guarantees and most export                cooperate on carbon pricing and will give
    subsidies. The TCA provides that the parties              “serious consideration” to linking their respective
    must ensure that their courts are competent to            carbon-pricing systems (although there is no
    review subsidy-related decisions and the                  obligation to do so). Any link between the
    available remedies must include recovery of a             EU Emissions Trading System and the UK
    subsidy from its beneficiary.                             carbon pricing system would be subject to a
−   Labour and social standards: each party has               separate negotiated agreement.
    the right to set and modify its own policies and      −   Taxation: the TCA commits each party to
    priorities, determine levels of protection and            implementing principles of good governance
    adopt and amend laws relating to labour and               relating to tax, including global standards on tax
    social standards. However, a non-regression               transparency and exchange of information and
    clause applies, such that the UK and the                  fair tax competition. Each party is required to
    EU cannot weaken or reduce their labour and               maintain the level of protection agreed in the
    social levels of protection in certain areas (as in       OECD at the end of the transition period in
    place at the end of the transition period) in a           relation to exchange of information, interest
    way that would affect trade or investment                 limitations, controlled foreign companies and
    between themselves. This includes                         hybrid mismatches, and to retain their current
    enforcement, meaning that, while a party can              requirements in respect of public country-by-
    exercise its reasonable discretion regarding the          country reporting by financial institutions.
    allocation of enforcement resources, it must not
    fail to effectively enforce those labour and social   Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Paris Agreement and
    laws and standards in a way that impacts trade        greenhouse gas reduction targets are specifically
    or investment. In addition to the non-regression      dealt with by the TCA. Under these provisions, each
    clause, the TCA further contains provisions           party reaffirms its ambition to achieve climate
    under which the parties commit to respecting,         neutrality by 2050 and commits to effectively
    promoting and implementing multilateral labour        implementing the United Nations Framework
    standards and agreements (eg the fundamental          Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and the
    ILO Conventions) and to working together on           Paris Agreement. The UK and the EU also agree to
    trade-related aspects of labour policies              promote the mutual supportiveness of trade and
    and measures.                                         climate policies and to facilitate the removal of
−   Environment and climate: the TCA contains a           obstacles to trade and investment in goods and
    non-regression clause in respect of                   services relevant to climate change mitigation and
    environmental and climate change levels of            adaptation. Apart from the carbon and
    protection, which follows the same formulation        climate-related commitments, the environmental
    as that relating to labour and social standards.      and climate obligations in the level playing field
    The TCA also requires each party to have in           provisions specifically cover trade and biological
    place an effective system of carbon pricing as at     diversity, forests, marine biological resources
    1 January 2021, covering greenhouse gas               and aquaculture.
    emissions from electricity and heat generation,
                                                          Finally, each party commits to respecting
    industry and aviation (although there is a
                                                          internationally recognised environmental principles,
    derogation for aviation, which is able to be
                                                          including the: (a) precautionary principle; (b) polluter
    brought within the carbon pricing system within
                                                          pays principle; and (c) principle of preventative
    two years). These carbon pricing systems must
                                                          action. As part of this, the UK and the EU reaffirm
    respect the level of protection in place as at the
                                                          their commitments to procedures for evaluating the
    end of the transition period and must be
                                                          likely environmental impact of a proposed activity,
    maintained so long as they are an effective tool
                                                          including environmental impact assessments where

appropriate. As is the case under the labour and        question with the relevant provisions. Where the
     social standards provisions, the parties also commit    final report determines that a party has not
     to implementing the multilateral environmental          conformed to its obligations under the relevant
     agreements, protocols and amendments that they          provisions, the parties will discuss the measures to
     have ratified and to working together on trade-         be implemented by the respondent party to address
     related aspects of environmental and                    the non-conformity. Where there is a disagreement
     climate policies and measures.                          on the measures taken, a party may ask the original
                                                             panel of experts to consider the matter, after which
     −   Trade and sustainable development: the UK           it will again deliver its findings. Temporary remedies
         and the EU commit to enhancing the role of          may also be available in disputes regarding
         trade and investment in achieving                   certain provisions relating to labour, social
         (economically, socially and environmentally)        standards, the environment and climate, being
         sustainable development and recognise the role      “non-regression areas”.
         of trade in promoting the responsible
         management of supply chains. In this regard, in     The TCA also includes a novel unilateral
         addition to the measures outlined above, the        rebalancing procedure in the event that significant
         parties agree to promote trade in goods and         divergences emerge as between the parties in
         services that contribute to better social           relation to labour and social standards,
         conditions and sound environmental practices,       environmental or climate protection, or with respect
         among other things. They also agree to              to subsidy control. If material impacts on trade or
         encourage corporate social responsibility and       investment arise as a result of such significant
         responsible business conduct, including through     divergences, either party may take “appropriate
         putting in place associated policy frameworks       rebalancing measures to address the situation”. An
         and supporting the implementation of relevant       assessment of such impacts must be based on
         international instruments, such as the OECD         “reliable evidence and not merely on conjecture or
         Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the    remote possibility” and the measures must be
         UN Guiding Principles on Business and               “restricted with respect to their scope and duration
         Human Rights.                                       to what is strictly necessary and proportionate in
                                                             order to remedy the situation”. A notification and
     The TCA establishes specific avenues to resolve         consultation procedure in relation to rebalancing
     disputes regarding the application of the level         measures involving the Partnership Council has
     playing field provisions concerning labour and social   been established with disputes ultimately being
     protections, environmental and climate change           settled by an arbitral tribunal. Examples of where
     protections and trade and sustainable development,      rebalancing measures may be used could include
     as outlined above. These bespoke dispute                where one party significantly increases its levels of
     resolution procedures displace the general dispute      protection related to the environment resulting in an
     settlement system and, in its place, establish          increased cost of production and hence a
     procedures for convening a panel of experts. Under      competitive disadvantage. In such a case, the other
     these procedures, a panel of experts can be             party could adopt rebalancing measures such as
     requested to examine a matter and deliver a report      imposing tariffs. Back to contents
     making findings on the conformity of the measure in

     Sanctions and export controls
     The TCA does not substantively cover sanctions          accompanying Political Declaration. This position
     cooperation in contrast with the positions set out by   was foreshadowed in the UK Foreign Secretary’s
     the EU and the UK in Article 127(2) of the              letter to the EU Security and Justice Sub-Committee
     Withdrawal Agreement and the UK’s                       of the House of Lords in November 2020 in which

Mr Raab stated that the UK did not “see the need              By way of contrast, the TCA does contain provisions
for a Treaty to govern our [sanctions] cooperation”.          addressing transparency in respect of export control
So, as the European Commission has stated, “[a]s              licensing procedures. However, the TCA is not
of 1 January 2021, there will therefore be no                 expected to impact directly on either the EU or the
framework in place between the UK and the EU to               UK’s export control regimes, since the TCA
develop and coordinate joint responses to foreign             expressly states that it does not require a party to
policy challenges, for instance the imposition of             grant an export licence or prevent a party from
sanctions on third country nationals or economies”.           implementing its commitments under United Nations
Indeed, the UK’s autonomous imposition of human               Security Council Resolutions and multilateral non-
rights-related sanctions last July heralded its               proliferation regimes and export control
emergence as an independently sanctioning State               arrangements. The TCA also does not prevent a
(see our publication here) and, no doubt,                     party from adopting, maintaining and implementing
considerable further divergences will emerge                  independent sanctions regimes. Back to contents
between the UK and the EU’s sanctions regimes.
For further details on the UK’s post-Brexit sanctions
regimes, see our publication here.

Intellectual property (IP)
The IP section of the TCA sets out minimum                    unregistered designs disclosed in the EU and the
standards for IP protection and enforcement                   UK, but unfortunately this did not make it into the
procedures that already exist in UK and EU laws. It           agreement. This is disappointing as it complicates
also confirms the parties’ commitment to comply               the decision as to where new designs should be first
with international agreements to which they are               disclosed. First disclosure in the UK will only
already a party (eg TRIPS). There is a general                provide protection in the UK (not the EU) and vice
recognition that the UK will now have separate                versa, and it is not clear yet whether any online
systems, eg to register and protect trade marks and           disclosure will be deemed to take place
designs and to suspend the release by customs of              simultaneously in the UK and the EU, thereby
goods suspected of infringing IP rights. The parties          providing protection in both territories.
are also free to determine their own rules for the
exhaustion of IP rights. The TCA does, however,               Overall, therefore, the TCA doesn’t affect the
include a general commitment to cooperate and to              arrangements that have already been put in place
exchange information on IP issues, such as the                for the future protection and enforcement of
enforcement of IP by customs, police and judicial             IP rights in the EU and the UK. The Withdrawal
authorities, to coordinate to prevent the export of           Agreement, as implemented in the UK, deals with
counterfeits and to educate and promote public                IP rights and civil proceedings that were already in
awareness of IP policies. Notably, while the TCA              existence on 31 December 2020, the most
recognises that the UK will have a separate scheme            important of which is the “cloning” of registered
for the protection of geographical indications (GIs),         EU rights into comparable UK rights. The UK has
there is a specific review clause so the parties can,         also introduced new national rights to ensure that
if it is in their interests, try to agree new rules for the   there is domestic protection for unregistered
protection and enforcement of their domestic GIs.             designs first disclosed in the UK and databases
                                                              created by UK-based entities. Back to contents
The UK had suggested during the TCA negotiations
that there should be some reciprocal protection for

Life sciences
     The TCA was never likely to contain many                   Secondly, at a cost proportional to its GDP, the UK
     provisions of immediate operational significance to        will remain an associate member of Horizon Europe
     the Life Sciences industry. Even in the event of a         so that UK companies and academic institutions
     “no deal”, tariffs on finished medicinal products and      can bid for certain grants to take part in Horizon
     most active pharmaceutical ingredients would have          Europe research projects.
     remained at 0% by virtue of the Most Favoured
     Nation application of the WTO Pharmaceutical Tariff        The industry is currently wrestling with immediate
     Elimination Treaty. There are two welcome pieces           effects of the Northern Ireland protocol to the
     of news for the industry, nevertheless.                    Withdrawal Agreement which, at least until the
                                                                people of Northern Ireland have their say in four
     Annex TBT-2 provides for mutual recognition of             years’ time, preserves the application of EU
     Good Manufacturing Practice Inspections carried            pharmaceutical regulatory law, including the single
     out by the MHRA and EU competent authorities.              market for medicines and medical devices, in
     Although this falls far short of the industry’s original   Northern Ireland. In the meantime the MHRA
     ambition of a comprehensive mutual recognition             continues to issue more and more detailed
     agreement covering marketing authorisations, batch         guidance on how its new “GB” pathways for the
     release and even medical devices, it will avoid at         approval of medicinal products and medical devices
     least some duplication of effort, expense and delay        in England, Wales and Scotland will operate.
     in the respective UK and EU pharmaceutical                 Back to contents
     regulatory cycles.

     As regards energy, the TCA aims to put in place            The key point to note is that there remain
     arrangements that will, in due course, facilitate trade    substantial new aspects to be agreed by
     and investment between the UK and the EU in                30 June 2026 (when the energy part of the TCA
     respect of energy and raw materials and to support         ceases to apply, unless extended). These include
     security of supply and environmental sustainability,       new arrangements for electricity trading aimed at
     particularly in respect of climate change. To help fill    maximising capacity on electricity interconnectors
     in some of the gaps (such as for the new electricity       (to be agreed by April 2022) and arrangements for
     trading arrangements), a “Specialised Committee            extensive technical cooperation between respective
     on Energy” has been established.                           EU and UK transmission system operators and
                                                                between regulatory authorities in order to facilitate
     To this end, the TCA addresses trading of gas and          the agreement. Further, there is a requirement for
     electricity over interconnectors; cooperation on           energy regulators in the UK and the EU to
     network development, information and other                 cooperate in particular areas including markets,
     aspects relevant to security of supply; integration of     networks, infrastructure planning and offshore
     renewables into energy markets; and cooperation            energy. Guidance on certain areas is due from the
     as regards the North Sea, including its renewable          Specialised Committee on Energy as soon as
     energy opportunities. Commitments are made in              practicable, and this body will have certain ongoing
     relation to fair competition, transparency, market         supervisory involvement.
     access and prohibiting market abuse, subject to
     certain exceptions (for example on public                  In summary, the high-level principles set out in the
     policy grounds).                                           TCA still leave much to be discussed and agreed.
                                                                Back to contents

By contrast with the extensive provisions on VAT,        businesses can expect an increased burden of
customs and social security cooperation, the TCA         administration in order for intra-group payments of
says relatively little about corporate taxes. Tax        dividends and interest to be paid or received free
issues are covered by the parties’ wider agreement       of withholding.
to cooperate on current and emerging global issues
of common interest. While preserving their               The level playing field provisions will give the UK
decision-making autonomy, this includes                  some additional flexibility in the tax area. The UK
endeavouring to maintain dialogue and coordinating       has already taken advantage of this by announcing
positions in multilateral organisations, so we can       that it will not implement in full the provisions of
expect to see continued cooperation between the          DAC 6 (the controversial EU mandatory disclosure
UK and the EU in the tax area within the G-20 and        rules contained in the Directive on Administrative
the OECD where it is in the parties’ interests to        Cooperation), limiting the rules to those required by
do so.                                                   the OECD standards. This is a very welcome
                                                         change and applies retrospectively, although as
As widely expected, the TCA does not preserve the        businesses have invested significant resources in
withholding tax exemptions for intra-group               preparing to comply with the higher standards of
payments of dividends, interest and royalties            DAC6, there may be mixed feelings at least about
contained in the Parent and Subsidiary Directive         its timing. Another consequence of the agreement is
(2011/96/EU) or the Interest and Royalties Directive     that tax rules will no longer be subject to the
(2003/49/EC). It is therefore necessary to look to       European Commission’s increasingly activist
double tax treaties to eliminate the effect of any       approach on state aid, but will instead be governed
withholding on such payments. While the UK has           by the provisions on subsidies within the TCA. It is
tax treaties with all the EU member states, they do      to be hoped that this will increase certainty for
not all provide for zero rates of withholding on         businesses in the UK. Back to contents
dividends, interest or royalties. At the very least,

The ongoing effect of the Withdrawal Agreement
It is worth noting that the Withdrawal Agreement will    govern trade in goods between the EU and
continue to have effect despite the TCA being            Northern Ireland and goods entering Northern
agreed and following its ratification. This is because   Ireland from Great Britain will count as imports. This
it covers a number of issues arising from the UK’s       means that such goods will need to comply with
withdrawal from the EU that are of continuing            EU product rules and be subject to checks and
relevance – for example, certain rights of UK and        controls for safety, health and other public policy
EU citizens and the specific arrangements agreed         purposes, including all necessary SPS controls
as part of the Protocol on Ireland and Northern          applicable between the EU and the UK.
Ireland. As mentioned above the TCA will not             Back to contents

Next steps
With so much still to be agreed and put in place         the implementation of these agreements and the
under the framework of the TCA and through other         progress of the arrangements envisaged. Please
future relationship agreements, it is clear that         speak to your usual A&O contacts or the contacts
negotiations will continue for years. We will monitor    listed below for further information. Back to contents

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