Accelerating Agri-Food - Opportunities from the Global Agrarian Revolution - June 2019 - KPMG

Page created by Randall Moran
Accelerating Agri-Food - Opportunities from the Global Agrarian Revolution - June 2019 - KPMG
Opportunities from the Global
Agrarian Revolution

June 2019
Accelerating Agri-Food - Opportunities from the Global Agrarian Revolution - June 2019 - KPMG
Accelerating Agri-Food - Opportunities from the Global Agrarian Revolution - June 2019 - KPMG
Accelerating Agri-Food   3

Transitioning from value chain to value web ............................................... 4

Playing an infinite game...and thriving through wellness .......................... 8

Stocktaking the global mega-forces ..........................................................12

Social platform ......................................................................................... 16

The Health and Wellness decade ............................................................ 20

Nature of a farm ...................................................................................... 24

How we farm ........................................................................................... 28

Products grown........................................................................................ 32

Processing and distribution...................................................................... 37

Consumers and consumption .................................................................. 40

Directing actions – Articulating impact .................................................... 44

Five impact opportunities for agri-food organisations .............................. 45

Sources .................................................................................................... 47
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    Transitioning from value
    chain to value web
                                  Our observation is that majority of        With people holding these views it is
                                  people that make the choice to work        not surprising that only 68% of people
                                  in the agri-food industry chose to do      trust organisations in the food and
                                  so because they are passionate about       beverage sector, although this is a
                                  creating safe, quality products for        positive score in comparison to general
                                  the people that eat, drink or use          trust in business at 56%.
                                  the food, fibre or timber products
                                                                             Regulators are focused on the details of
                                  that they grow.
                                                                             the rules they administer and the extent
                                  They love the challenges that come         of their jurisdiction. This means that
                                  hand in hand with a biological industry;   they often miss change happening in
                                  balancing climate, water availability      the industry globally or focus on issues
                                  and labour with market prices and          that suggest they are missing the
                                  customer demand.                           bigger picture. The reality is that most
                                                                             governments develop policy to meet the
                                  The problem that has emerged as global     needs of the majority of the population,
                                  populations have become increasingly       who are increasingly urban. Policies
                                  urbanised, is that many communities        that work effectively in urban areas
    Ian Proudfoot
    Lead Author
                                  have considerably less knowledge about     are often ineffective or have perverse
    Global Head of Agribusiness   the complexities involved in running an    consequences in rural areas.
                                  agri-food businesses as they have lost
                                  direct connections to the land. In fact,   Around the world quality food, fibre
                                  as people find out about the processes     and timber is being created by millions
                                  that have historically been used to        of farmers, growers and producers
                                  produce food, many are not liking what     every single day and it is rarely, if ever,
                                  they learning. Practices the industry      celebrated. The contributions that
                                  has used historically because the end      farmers make to their local communities
                                  justified the means are becoming           go largely unnoticed or recognised.
                                  socially and ethically unacceptable to     The investments that the industry has
                                  many consumers, who want a higher          made to better manage its impact on
                                  bar in respect of how their food           our land and water are dismissed as
                                  is grown.                                  being insufficient, rather than being
                                                                             acknowledged for the scale of what
                                  Customers are rarely exposed to the        has been achieved to date.
                                  passion of the people that grow the
                                  food that they eat, with the exception     The agri-food sector provides
                                  of those able to pay a high premium        employment, supplies the nutrition
                                  to source products directly from           and creates wealth for countries
                                  farmers markets. What they are regular     with the wide portfolio of products
                                  exposed to around the world are            grown and sold around the world.
                                  bad news stories about the agri-food       The sector has the ability to underpin
                                  system; about animal welfare issues,       the transition to a low carbon future
                                  environmental failings, price spikes or    as the full capabilities of biologically
                                  food safety scares.                        sourced materials are understood and
                                                                             their ability to substitute many products
                                  This is reflected in the results of the    we use in our day to day lives that are
                                  2019 Edelman Trust Barometer, which        currently made from non-renewable
                                  suggested that 65% of respondents          resources is capitalised on.
                                  across 27 countries agree that large-
                                  scale food and beverage production has
                                  harmed the environment and lowered
                                  nutritional standards.
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Perceptions shape consumer                 It has become clear that individual          through the farmer to the processors,
behaviours                                 consumers are intuitively making             and ultimately to the retailer and the
It is not only the threat to the social    decisions about a product based on           end consumer of the product. The
license that is focusing organisation      their perceptions of its origin and          bricks-and-mortar controlled by the
across the global agri-food sector the     provenance. Food is being categorised        retailer was the only point that the
need to on take back the narrative         as good or bad based on the personal         consumer interacted with the product,
surrounding the food system. It is also    ethics of a consumer. If a consumer          and this experience was carefully
about how customers perceive their         decides a product is bad, there is           managed by the retailer to ensure
products in comparison to a competitor’s   unlikely to be a low enough price point      that they captured the largest share of
offering. The provenance story that        to encourage a consumer to buy the           margin available from the value chain.
underlies a product contributes to         product because there is something           Much of the time, the consumer had
how its value is assessed. The positive    inherent to the product that would make      limited knowledge about the original
stories that can be told around a          it unconscionable for them to eat it. If     source of the product they were buying.
product can appear to be little more       the conclusion is that the food is good,
                                                                                        Given that, what happened on the
than spin, when the customer makes         the consumer will not pay an excessive
                                                                                        farm, orchard or fishing boat had little
a Google check and discovers nothing       price (it still has to represent value to
                                                                                        impact on a consumers perception of
but bad news about the industry.           that consumer) but they will pay an
                                                                                        a product or its value. However, it has
Customers question the integrity and       appropriate price for the attributes
                                                                                        become increasingly clear to us that
the provenance of products and if they     inherent in the product.
                                                                                        the traditional concept of a lineal value
do buy, they pay a lower price. The        The reality facing the industry is that      chain is rapidly being replaced by a
predominant narrative around the sector    the threat of eroded value, caused by        more complex series of networks and
is costing farmers, growers, processors    negative narratives, is growing every        relationships, which form a consumer
and their supply chain partner’s real      single day. The traditional value chain      centric value web.
money every single day.                    has flowed lineally: from input suppliers,

Envisaging the future: a consumer-centric value web
                                                         Food                                        Research
                                                      manufacturers                                 institutions

           Processors and                                                                          Retailers and
              exporters                                                                             distributors

                                                        Farmers and
           Input providers                                                                          Community
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    Technology has eroded the previously-        valuable to all stakeholders if they can
    held power of the retailer. Now every        be verified. This puts truth at the heart
    participant within the value web is          of any story being told. When a local
    able to develop direct connection with       community can verify what is really
    any other participant, including the         happening within a farming system, it
    consumer. The consumer sits at the           gives them confidence that the natural
    centre of the web, and every participant     environment, water and animals are
    organisation needs to be focused             being used in an ethical and sustainable
    on understanding the factors that            way. It will also assure a consumer
    consumers will consider in making a          that the provenance of a product is
    buy or no buy decision about a product.      intact, and it has the attributes they
                                                 would expect given its price point.
    Obtaining this understanding enables
                                                 Technologies such as blockchain and
    an organisation to maximise its
                                                 traceability services are underpinning
    contribution to delivering a product
                                                 these characteristics as a way to collate
    that consumers see as good and are
                                                 and present datasets to validate a
    prepared to pay a premium for. The web
                                                 product is what it says it is.
    also enables organisations to be better
    rewarded for the attributes that they        Ultimately, specific businesses
    bring to the table, rather than simply for   will identify and develop a suite of
    their position on the lineal value chain.    attributes that best suit the needs
                                                 of their product, based upon a deep
    Meanwhile the consumer is also
                                                 understanding of their customers’
    seeking information about the product
                                                 needs. As more companies embrace
    they are being offered, and is seeking
                                                 the principles of integrated reporting
    out a wide range of information
                                                 (IR) – and consider their performance
    before they make a buying decision.
                                                 in a wider sense than just profitability
    Uncertainty around the sustainability,
                                                 – we expect the attributes that
    efficacy, safety or quality of one product
                                                 companies choose to focus on
    in comparison to another will make
                                                 will increasingly align with a more
    the buying decision easier for the
                                                 comprehensive approach to business
    consumer. In response, organisations
                                                 reporting. The inclusion of attributes
    need to raise their game and ensure
                                                 within an IR framework enables
    that their stories are told in a way that
                                                 companies to better articulate the
    satisfies the customer’s requirements.
                                                 total contribution they are making
    This is more critical today than it has
                                                 to their community, as well as being
    ever been in the past.
                                                 transparent about their opportunities
                                                 to do better.
    Verifying attributes delivers
    fact based narratives                        Given that the agri-food sector has
    Articulating a series of verifiable          faced a regular barrage of criticism in
    attributes that can come from how a          recent years, much of it unjustified, this
    product is grown, processed, exported        represents a real opportunity. The great
    and ultimately distributed to the end        thing is that many in the industry are
    consumer assists an organisation             already doing what is needed to provide
    in capturing more value from the             their products with a compelling
    products they grow and handle. Every         attribute-based story. The industry now
    step in a production process has the         needs to front-foot this, obtain the
    potential to add attributes to a product     necessary verification and take the lead
    that consumers may find valuable.            in telling its stories in a factual way,
    For instance, the cultivar or genetics       but with the true passion that exists
    of a particular plant or animal could        across the sector for growing safe, high
    be an attribute. The soil it is grown in,    quality food, fibre and timber products.
    the way water is utilised, or how the        Organisations need to take back the
    environment is managed can all be            initiative and regain control of the
    considered attributes. The employment        narrative surrounding their products.
    conditions of people involved in the         Articulating the attributes inherent
    process can be attributes, as can the        within products will provide accurate
    channels through which a product is          stories to counter those based on
    exported, or the technology deployed         half-truths and perceptions that have
    to verify its provenance. The specific       dominated social media conversations
    attributes that are important to a local     for far too long.
    community, an individual consumer or a
    specific market will vary; depending on
    their particular interests and values.
    The reality is that many consumers
    are sceptical about claims producers
    make about their products and how
    they are produced. Claims that are able
    to be independently verified are more
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                                                                        emerging gene editing technologies).

                             Understanding                              As a consequence they are more open
                                                                        to the technologies being used in

                                                                        novel foods if the rest of the product
                                                                        attributes meet their needs.

                                                                        Inconsistent farming practices: there
                                                                        are good and bad farmers all over the
                                                                        world. Ingredients used in food are
                                                                        grown by farmers that invest in their
                                                                        land and those that exploit it but as
                             With increasing consumer interest
                                                                        consumer can’t tell whether they are
                             in and acceptance of new and novel
                                                                        buying good or bad food attracts them
                             foods, we explored with agri-food
                                                                        to novel foods that are clear about how
                             companies the factors they have
                                                                        they are grown.
                             detected underlying the consumer
                             willingness to engage with these           Organic content: premium consumers
                             products despite many of them              are increasingly seeking out products
                             being highly processed and far             that are grown in organic farming
                             from clean label.                          systems as they believe that these
                                                                        products are healthier and have greater
                             Animal welfare: while enjoying animal      nutritional density.
                             sourced foods, many consumers are
                             inherently uncomfortable with the          Affordability: the price of food is a
                             processes that deliver these foods.        bottom line for most customers around
                             Products delivering a similar experience   the world. If a novel alternative to an
                             that eliminate animal welfare risks        animal produced protein is cheaper than
                             appeal to many consumers.                  the traditional product yet delivers a
                                                                        similar experience this will attract many
                             Incomplete understanding:                  consumers to try the novel product.
                             consumers are often not given a
                             full picture of the impacts that a         Ability to feed the world: recognition
                             products supply chain has on health        that there are hundreds of millions
                             and environment. Stories told about        of people that do not have access
                             novel foods focus on attributes where      to the food and nutrition that they
                             they out perform traditional foods         need attracts consumers to novel
                             but it is difficult to obtain a complete   food products that have the potential
                             understanding of all the impacts a         to make a significant contribution to
                             product has.                               addressing malnutrition globally.

                             Focus on health and wellness: as           Demographics: groups within
                             consumers become more aware of             a community are more likely to
Chris Allan © Shutterstock

                             the impacts that food can have on their    explore novel products based on
                             health they are seeking out foods that     their willingness to explore new
                             have proven health benefits. Many          technologies. In respect of novel
                             novel foods are being designed to          foods, millennial consumers are
                             deliver specific health benefits which     seeking to understand more about
                             are appealing to consumers.                their food and are leading
                                                                        experimentation in this part of
                             Search for precise nutrition: some         the economy.
                             consumers are looking to utilise
                             technology solutions to secure better      Food safety: in some markets,
                             health outcomes. As a consequence          consumers are inherently uncertain
                             products which have proven health          about the safety of the food that they
                             benefits are easily incorporated into      eat for a wide range of reasons. Novel
                             personalised nutrition systems and into    foods that come with assurances
                             consumer diets.                            around their provenance and
                                                                        manufacturing process appeal to
                             Sustainable clean foods: many novel        consumers that lack trust in the
                             foods are able to make claims about        food system.
                             how they are produced in comparison
                             to traditional foods which appeal to       Novel tastes and textures: it should
                             consumers; these include a smaller         never be ignored that food must taste
                             environmental footprint, use of less       good and be pleasurable to eat to be
                             water, elimination of animal welfare       attractive to consumers. Products that
                             issues and reducing unskilled jobs.        introduce appealing new tastes and
                                                                        textures are likely to attract consumers
                             Genetic manipulation: consumers            to try them. A great experience will
                             are becoming more attuned to the full      encourage repeat purchases.
                             range of issues associated with the
                             use of genetic technologies (including
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                                                                                                                                         Mitch Gunn © Shutterstock
    Playing an infinite
    game.. and thriving
    through wellness

    Change is constant and it                  flowing into technologies that have the      producers ultimately sell their products
    always will be. We instinctively           potential to reshape every aspect of the     into around the world. We often hear
                                               agri-food value chain, from what a farm      people talk about the market as if it is
    search for new knowledge and
                                               is and how things are grown, through         a single, uniform construction. Maybe
    use this information to look for           to new products, and to the way              in the past this was a reasonable
    better, more efficient ways to             products are processed, distributed          approximation of reality, when channels
    do things. The agri-food industry          and ultimately consumed.                     to the consumer and the range of
    has constantly evolved; in what                                                         product options available were limited.
                                               In our view, the world has not only
    it produces, how it interacts              entered the fourth industrial revolution,    However, the technologies of the fourth
    with consumers and how it                  it has also entered the first global         industrial revolution are fragmenting
    uses natural resources.                    agrarian revolution. The basic premise       markets into an infinite number of
                                               of both revolutions is the same; the         niches, aligned to the specific wants
    Industry leaders recognise that the        fusion of biological, digital and physical   and needs of consumers around the
    pressure for change is unrelenting and     technologies to create exponential           world. As we note later in this report,
    likely to accelerate for the foreseeable   solutions that have the potential to         the one size fits all solution has gone,
    future. As a consequence, the need         transform industries and the way that        to be replaced by a model that is
    to continue the transformation of          we live our lives.                           trending towards mass personalisation
    organisations to become more                                                            and, eventually, solutions that deliver
                                               We see the agri-food sector as being
    collaborative, agile and resilient is                                                   one size fits one products.
                                               at the centre of the fourth industrial
    an ongoing and significant focus for
                                               revolution as combining the biological       The global market in the next decade
    many organisations in the global
                                               (a plant or animal), with the physical       will be comprised of millions of niches.
    agri-food sector.
                                               (a tractor or a spade) and digital           We expect that each of these niches
                                               (knowledge and insight) has been             will align with one of a number of key
    Recognising the extent of disruption
                                               what the industry has always done            food system streams that reflect the
    It is hard to comprehend the extent        to grow food and fibre products.             ability of an individual consumer to
    of disruption the agri-food system         We do, however, distinguish the              make choices in respect of the food
    is facing globally. The reality is that    revolution in the agri-food sector           they eat and the way it is integrated
    much of what is considered usual           from the wider revolution because            into their daily lives. Given that markets
    agricultural practice today would not      the sector effectively missed the first      are evolving rapidly it is hard to predict
    be that alien to the Vikings or the        three industrial revolutions, and is         with accuracy what these food system
    Romans. While we have introduced           consequently facing more significant         streams will ultimately end up being,
    new equipment in some parts of the         disruption over the next decade or           but we foresee seven primary streams
    world, increased scale, and improved       so than any other sector of the              which are likely to encompass the
    the genetic qualities of which has         global economy.                              bulk of consumers around the world;
    improved yield and raised production of                                                 subsistence, sustenance, first choice,
    the plants grown or animals raised, the    The agri-food market of the future           flexible, integrated, ethical and
    fundamentals remain largely the same                                                    premium. More details are provided
                                               While food and fibre producers are
    – tend the land, feed the animals, add                                                  on the following.
                                               facing dramatic change within their
    sun and water and wait for a product
                                               own farming operations, the wider            Recognising that the expectations on
    to grow. As a consequence, the
                                               transformation of society will have          producers are different for consumers
    industry has been ripe for disruption
                                               a material impact on the markets             in each of these streams is critical to
    for decades. Significant money is now
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Accelerating Agri-Food    9

determining where the products an               accelerates it can’t be overlooked that         organisational objective is to build the
organisation grows are targeted. It is          each doubling adds 100% more users.             capacity and resilience to stay in the
important for producers to recognise            It is difficult to move beyond models           game, and thrive in an ever-changing
that they are very unlikely to be able to       that are built on historic data and trends,     world while competitors fail or exit
feed the world, by developing markets           but it is critical that organisations do        the market. The problem for many
across each of these seven streams, but         take this step to stand a better chance         traditional businesses, is that if you
in most cases maximising the value of           of capturing the opportunities in front         try to play an infinite game with a
their product will require them to target       of their organisation.                          finite mind set you will struggle to
consumers in niches in more than one                                                            match your competitors for innovation,
                                                Recognising that you are playing
stream, recognising that each requires                                                          effort, morale and performance.
                                                an infinite game
a tailored strategy and approach.
                                                                                                Surviving in an infinite game requires
                                                In an environment of dramatic and
The challenge for organisations is                                                              organisations to enhance existing, and
                                                continuous disruption, the biggest risk
that they are being required to make                                                            develop new, capabilities to enable
                                                facing organisations is maintaining
decisions on the niches they should                                                             them to retain a sustainable and
                                                relevance. In the past, organisations
target based on their expectations                                                              impactful position in the markets
                                                developed strategies which used
about how the system may evolve,                                                                that they choose to play in.
                                                language like winning, beating the
and the assumptions they have
                                                competition or leaving nothing on the           Internationally, we observe many
formed about which of the 45 trends
                                                table. The focus today is on long term          companies using the UN Sustainable
shaping the food system, discussed
                                                sustainability and earning the right to         Development Goals to define the
on the following pages, will have the
                                                serve customers and partners. This              impact they seek to have and reporting
most dominant impact on consumer
                                                change in language is reflective of a           their progress.
behaviour and demand.
                                                change in the ground rules surrounding
                                                                                                Our conversations during the year
While we make predictions about                 markets that the pace of innovation and
                                                                                                have assisted us in identifying a range
the future of the food system, the              disruption is imposing.
                                                                                                of organisational capabilities that
speed and extent of disruption the
                                                Well known business commentator,                have not always been a priority in
sector is facing mean that the past
                                                Simon Sinek, suggests that what we              agri-food companies, but which need
does not provide a reliable predictor
                                                are observing is a fundamental shift            to be developed in response to the
of what will happen in the future. The
                                                in how business works, from a finite            substantive changes that are occurring
adoption of technology over the last
                                                game (with rules, a start, a finish and         in how markets are functioning. We
decade has illustrated that the world
                                                result) to an infinite game; a game with        have summarised the attributes we
is not linear, with many technologies
                                                changeable rules, where players come            believe will help organisations to thrive
following exponential adoption curves
                                                and go and there is no endpoint. The            in their infinite game on page 9.
that start slowly. However, as adoption

The seven primary food system streams
   SUBSISTENCE:                                                                      INTEGRATED:
   Food availability is not assured and consequently these                           Food is fully integrated into lifestyle, the consumer can
   consumers will eat whatever food is available when                                afford foods that provide functional and nutraceutical
   it becomes available, often as a result of their own                              properties when necessary and regularly invest in premium
   farming activities, with little concern about the nutritional                     food products and eating at ‘experience’ restaurants when
   composition or safety of the product.                                             they are spending time with family and friends.

   SUSTENANCE:                                                                       ETHICAL:
   This consumer has sufficient economic capability to buy                           Consumers which put the provenance of the product
   the food they need for them and their family. Their focus is                      central to their buying decisions. They generally do not have
   on sourcing enough nutrients to enable them to function in                        financial constraints on their purchasing decisions, likely to
   daily life and continue to generate income to buy more food                       be open to purchasing organic products, novel foods and
   in future.                                                                        experimenting with vegan and flexitarian diets.

   FIRST CHOICE:                                                                     PREMIUM:
   Greater economic capacity provides some ability to make                           Consumers where the cost of food presents no
   choices about the food eaten which sees consumers start                           financial constraint and their focus is entirely on the
   to seek out animal proteins (or equivalents) as an alternative                    experience that a product delivers. They wish to
   to plant based foods. Priority is given to providing safe,                        engage in novel food trends quickly. They focus on
   nutritious food to children.                                                      the attributes of a product and how expensive it is
                                                                                     in making purchasing decisions.
   Consumer has the financial capability to choose from a wider
   range of food options and the attributes of the product start
   to inform the choices that are made. There is the capability
   to eat out on occasion and to invest in more expensive foods
   for special events.
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     The bottom lines in a fragmented,                   Food is central to future              Volume to…value, values or wellness?
     disrupted agri-food sector                          of the health system:                  The mantra over the last five years for
     Having explained why we believe               The connection between what people           many agri-food organisations as markets
     the agri-food sector is now experiencing      eat and health outcomes is irrefutable.      have become more complex and
     the first global agrarian revolution, our     As the social impact and costs of            disrupted, has been that we need to
     view that markets are fragmenting             curative healthcare systems place an         accelerate the shift of our products from
     into millions of niches, highlighted          increasing burden on government and          ‘volume to value’. While this is easy to
     that there are 45 identifiable global         society, there is no doubt that policy       say it is not nearly as easy to deliver on,
     disruption trends, and explained that         settings will shift towards preventative     as many organisations have found. As a
     the fundamental rules underpinning            care models. This places food at the         consequence, some organisations have
     markets have shifted. We only see             centre of the health system of the           started to talk about making a shift from
     opportunity in the agri-food sector           future and increases focus on a food’s       ‘volume to values’ which makes a lot of
     if you are prepared to approach               nutritional density, functionality and       sense. While activities adding value to a
     your future with the right mind-set.          impacts on health outcomes (both             product can be replicated or superseded
                                                   positive and negative). Recognising          by a competitor, underpinning a product
     The speed and extent of change
                                                   this shift presents a myriad new             with a set of values that reflect an
     can be viewed as a challenge or an
                                                   opportunities for food producers able to     organistatons ethics and morals is
     opportunity. The only person that is
                                                   verify the therapeutic outcomes their        significantly harder for a competitor
     able to determine the lens you choose
                                                   products contribute to, but also flags       to replicate or displace.
     to use is you. We believe that the only
     practical choice is to view disruption as     risk for products that contain ingredients   We think that there is an opportunity
     an opportunity, to understand the key         that are perceived to be bad for health.     to take this position one further step.
     bottom-lines shaping the industry and         It also suggests the space that has          We suggest that organisations
     then to buckle in for what will be an         traditionally existed between the food       should aspire to transition from
     exhilarating ride.                            and pharmaceutical sectors will become       ‘volume to wellness’.
                                                   increasingly blurred, as businesses from
     We believe there are three bottom-lines       both sectors explore opportunities in        We believe ‘volume to wellness’
     shaping the future of the agri-food sector:   functional and nutraceutical foods.          encapsulates growing products that
                                                                                                have attributes consumers aspire to
      1    Sustainability is                             Diets will transition as
                                                    3                                           inherent within them, and that are
           a non-negotiable:                             consumers personalise                  unpinned by a clearly articulated set
                                                         experiences:                           of ethics and morals. However it
     To maintain social license the reality is
     that it is no longer appropriate to just      The last decade has seen the protein         goes further, and says our focus is
     do enough; there is a need to listen          wave wash through the food system,           on producing products that promote
     to all relevant voices, including those       with consumers placing significant focus     wellness; wellness for the consumer
     from minority communities, and do             on the protein they eat. However, we         that eats the product and also wellness
     the right things for the organisation,        believe this central focus will evolve in    for our community and wellness for
     stakeholders and the wider community.         the coming decade. We expect a second        our environment.
     While conversations often focus on            wave to come through the sector, shifting    Thriving in the infinite games
     climate, land and water, achieving true       the focus of consumers from purely           requires organisations to make bold
     sustainability requires an organisation       protein towards the complete nutritional     commitments to secure a sustainable
     to think far more holistically about the      density of their food as recognition grows   place in the game and derive fair value
     systems they interact with. This requires     that there are many other nutrients, oils,   from what they create. We believe as
     thinking beyond financial metrics and         fats and minerals that are important to      we move into the 2020s, a decade
     environmental consequences to include         health. Secondly, consumers are thinking     that will be dominated by health and
     analysis of human, social, intellectual       far more about the foods they eat and        wellness themes, now is the time to
     and technological dimensions in               where they come from; we have heard          place wellness front and centre in our
     decision frameworks. It is becoming           many times in recent months that there       agri-food story if we really want to
     apparent, that as more organisations          is place for ‘good food’, whether it is      secure our share of the value we grow.
     think about the wider impact they have        produced from plants or animals, but no
     on a value chain, circular thinking is        place for ‘bad food’, any food produced
     being designed into business models,          without awareness of the impact it
     with greater effort being made to             has on health and the environment.
     find partners to extend the life of           We also believe consumers are taking
     non-renewable resources.                      more control of their diet. In seeking
                                                   personalised experiences, they are
                                                   transitioning from conventional food to
                                                   nutrition arrangements that align with
                                                   their lifestyle, world view and ethics.
Accelerating Agri-Food   11

Organisational capabilities
to thrive in the infinite game
Long term focus                              Address points of friction first
A goal for any organisation playing an       Too often organisations seek to build
infinite game is to earn the right to        consensus around the points of
continue to play. Looking to extract         agreement and in doing so overlook the
the last dollar at the expense of a          (often critical) matter over which there is
relationship does not make sense if          no agreement. While it is uncomfortable
you are wanting to continue playing.         to focus on the points of friction,
Balancing an immediate return with the       ultimately addressing these issues will
need to leave something on the table         drive better outcomes and enhance
to build trust requires continuous and       the likelihood of building long term,
careful focus.                               sustainable relationships.

Own your own problems                        Report on the right metrics
When faced with challenges, too many         Historically the only metrics that
organisations look to a third party, often   mattered were those calculated from
the government, to provide solutions         the profit and loss account. If you
to their problems. The reality is nobody     are looking to make a sustainable
else has an incentive to solve a problem     contribution to an industry this will
as quickly the organisation itself.          require an organisation to report on a
Owning your own problems and actively        wider range of metrics which reflect
seeking to find solutions is critical if     the impact that the organisation has
you want to secure your position in an       on its customers, business partners,
infinite game.                               community and environment. Using the
                                             UN SDG’s as a framework to achieve
Hire ahead of the curve                      this is an option for every organisation.
The quality of people that an
organisation employs shapes its culture.     Keep an eye on the extremities
People are critical to creating successful   A business looking to survive in the
businesses that can thrive and grow in       infinite game should not ignore what
disruptive environments. Organisations       is happening on the extremities of
should make every effort to over-hire        their organisation. If a small fraction
in advance of growth to provide the          of customers are unhappy and the
capacity to innovate faster and respond      organisation is not listening, there are
to unexpected disruption.                    now channels for the marginalised to be
                                             heard and this can quickly undermine an
Seek good advice                             organisation. There can be no tolerance
In a sector that is experiencing             for non-performance.
significant change, such as agri-food,
there will be a wide spectrum of             Innovation comes from anywhere
opinions about how any market is             We have learnt over recent decades
likely to evolve. Being open to a range      that innovation does not come from
of opinions by encouraging internal          boardrooms or brainstorming sessions.
discourse and seeking external advice        It comes from somebody saying “what
will build a better understanding of the     if we did this?” Organisations need
opportunities in front of an organisation    mechanisms that encourage their teams
and provide it with the courage to do        to bring forward innovative ideas. They
the right thing.                             also need to sense global business
                                             model innovation to identify seeds of
Ensure financial resilience                  ideas that could deliver a step forward if
Playing an infinite game requires            applied to the agri-food sector.
ongoing investment in innovation
to respond to threats as they arise.
Organisations need to have the
capability to make investments when
required. This means they have to
balance a desire for growth with prudent
financial management to guarantee
their balance sheet has the resilience
to withstand an unexpected shock or
support an opportunity to be grasped.
12   Accelerating Agri-Food

     Stocktaking                                        The ‘mega’ mega-forces

     the global
                                                                      Transitioning to a low carbon
                                                                      future is unstoppable
                                                                        Higher incidences of extreme
                                                                        weather events together with
                                                        increasing scientific consensus that human

                                                        activity is contributing to an increase in global
                                                        temperatures has resulted in governments,
                                                        companies and civil socity all making
                                                        commitments to take actions to transition
                                                        to a lower carbon future in an attempt to
                                                        restrict the increase in temperatures to as
                                                        close to 1.5 degrees celsusius as possible.
     The mega-forces shaping the
     world’s future are evolving                                      usion technologies accelerate
                                                                     exponential change in daily lives
     as scientific discovery and
                                                                      The increasing ability to fuse
     knowledge become available.                                      biological, digital and physical
                                                        technologies reshapes all aspects of day to day
                                                        life, creates opportunities for new business
                                                        models that redefine how businesses work
                                                        across many sectors of the economy and
                                                        delivers the ability to transform agriculture
     The Agenda in 2014 highlighted 14 trends
                                                        given that fusing a biological product
     across economics, politics, demographics,
     social infrastructure, technology and the          with knowledge and physical tools is the
     environment that our research suggested were       fundamental core of the sector’s activities.
     shaping the multipolar world in which we live;
     a world where a disruptive externality can
     come from anywhere at anytime. The report
     highlighted the rapid impact that the Ebola
     outbreak in West Africa had on people all over
     the world during 2014.
     We reviewed the mega-forces in 2016 and
     unsurprisingly concluded there was little
     change. We did highlight that given the
     breadth of applications being developed using
     fusion technologies, that it had become clear
     these products are going to have a more
     fundamental and transformational impact on
     society than we had previously envisaged.
     Rolling forward to 2019, we have identified the
     fusion revolution as one of two mega mega-
     forces, the other being the transition to a net
     zero carbon position given the consequences
     of doing nothing.
     In addition to identifying these two overarching
     themes, we concluded three new mega-
     forces need to be incorporated into the
     analysis based on our research. Awareness of
     the fundamental impacts these new forces
     (Generation Voice will fight for its future,
     inequality can no longer be overlooked and we
     must be able to do that with plants) are having
     has become apparent recently in response to
     concerns over climate change and the political
     consequences of large groups in communities
     feeling excluded or left behind by economic
     growth. Some of the other forces have been
     renamed to sharpen their focus but the overall
     conclusion is that our world has only become
     more complex, or more multipolaral, in the last
     five years.
Accelerating Agri-Food   13

                                                              17 GLOBAL
Challenging the global
status quo
                                                                 LOW CARBON
              Geopolitical instability
              is a fact of life
              The increased ability to consume and
                                                                 FUSION TECH
              share information using digital channels
creates an environment that can rapidly accelerate
groundswell political movements. This is seeing
unexpected political leaders coming into power, often            GEOPOLITICS
based on the positions that they take on a single critical
issue for disenfranchised groups with the community.

                                                                 ECONOMIC BALANCE
              Economic influence will continue to shift
              as wealth grows in emerging economies
              For most of recorded time, the world’s
              largest economies were Asian. The shift of         NEW GOVERNMENT
the balance of wealth to Europe and, ultimately, North
America is a relatively recent phenomenon driven by
the rapid industrialisation of these countries from the
late 1700s. The first three industrial revolutions largely
bypassed other economies and their influence declined.
The growth emerging economies delivered as the
west struggled to recover from the GFC demonstrated              MILLENNIALS
the wealth pendulum is swinging towards emerging
economies and returning east towards Asia, disrupting
the perspectives we have held for centuries on economic
                                                                 AGEING POPULATION

              Leading in a integrated and instantly
              informed world requires new capabilities           URBAN DWELLERS
               While physical distances remain the same
               and national borders rarely move, technology
has eliminated the time delays that were inherent in             VOICE FIGHTS
most cross border transactions 25 years ago. A faster,
technology enabled world is highlighting the constraints of
government, legacy international institutions and treaties
and the challenges of regulating in a connected world. A         FUTURE HEALTH
new approach to government is required based on greater
responsiveness and more collaborative approaches
to regulation.
              Inequality can no longer be overlooked

               The gap between the haves and have nots
                                                                 DATA PLATFORMS
               has grown around the world, largely out of
               sight of those with influence and power in
our communities. The benefits of economic growth have
not been shared evenly, with many in the community               ENERGY SECURITY
believing they have received no benefits. Technology
gives marginalised communities a voice. There is a need
to listen to concerns being expressed and take action to
ensure the benefits of growth are shared more evenly, to         MORE WITH LESS
ensure the long term stability of society.

                                                                 IMPACT WHY

14   Accelerating Agri-Food

           Future world citizens                                       Empowering infrastructure
                          Millennials facilitate the connected,                      Preventative medical systems
                          instant access economy                                     enhance human health outcomes
                          Millennial consumers are leading                            Innovation drives the discovery of
                          the adoption of digital solutions                           new solutions to a growing range of
           that provide instant access to the products and             healthcare challenges facing society, however the
           services that they require without the constraints          cost of these solutions make it challenging to provide
           of long term asset ownership. New solutions that            access to all but the most affluent members of our
           increase lifestyle flexibility are rapidly replicated and   society. As a consequence, governments around the
           adopted, globally accelerating the development              world focus attention on developing new primary
           and growth of increasingly innovative business              care models that reshape lifestyle fundamentals,
           models. The use of digital solutions means that             with the objective of preventing the illness and
           millennial consumers are no longer confined to              creating a fundamentally more healthy soceity.
           the choices available in their physical location.
                                                                                     Education delivered beyond
                         Anything but ‘generation done’                              the classroom multiplys impact
                         exerts their economic muscle                                   A high performing education system
                            People aged over 65 represent the                           underpins aspirations for growth and
                            fastest growing segment of the global      development in any society. The impact of an education
           population, driven by increased life expectancy and         system depends heavily on the quality of its teachers
           falling birth rates around the world. As the population     and the effectiveness of the channels used to deliver
           ages, the proportion of the population available to         knowledge and enhance learning. As technology evolves
           support the associated health and welfare costs of          the constraints of traditional educational relationships
           declines putting presure on core social services.           built in a classroom disolve, enabling the best educators
           However, the ageing population are also consumers           to have an amplified impact on global society than has
           and in many parts of the world they have spent a            not been possible in the past.
           lifetime generating wealth which they will use to secure
           products and experiences that enhance their lives.                        Democratising data unleashes its
                                                                                     potential for all of society
                          Urban survivors are empowered                               A world with billions of connected
                          to become urban thrivers                                    devices will see data lakes continuing
                          The growth of cities and urban areas         to grow expotentially. Data is only valuable if insights
                          around the world continues to accelerate,    can be extracted from the lake that create benefits
           driven by migration from rural areas and natural growth     for organisations or for soceity in general. The more
           in the population. The evolution of smart technologies      relevant data that can be targeted towards answering
           to integrate work, mobility, nutrition and lifestyle        a question, the better the quality of the answer. This is
           elements into day to day life, changing the nature          best achieved if organisations recognising the value of
           of urban living from one of battling the system to          data is maximised, by sharing it with others to help find
           survive to one where life is enhanced by cities that are    the solutions to the biggest questions facing society.
           designed to work with and for their residents.

                          Generation Voice fights
                          for its future
                            Generation Voice, those members of the
                            community born after 2000, complete
           their schooling and enter into full productive economic
           and political life. This generation, and their children,
           will live with the consequences of climate change and
           they are not about to sit back and let their future be
           sacrificed without a fight. Generation Voice will be the
           most activist generation the world has seen, using the
           power of digital technology, to protect what is left of
           planetary resources for future generations.
Accelerating Agri-Food   15

Seeking indefinite
sustainable living
              Energy security is now
              everybody’s responsibility
                Concern society is consuming finite energy

                                                               Alexandros Michailidis © Shutterstock
                resources too quickly, at the expense of
the environment, has driven investment into renewable
energy technologies but has also made it economic to
recover fossil fuel reserves that were uneconomical                                                    “I don’t want you
to utilise. The need to transition to a lower carbon
future while meeting increased energy needs, driven
                                                                                                       to be hopeful.
by economic growth, will require individuals to take                                                   I want you to
ownership for their energy security in respect of both
generation and usage, through solutions scaled to be                                                   panic. I want
embedded into day to day lifestyles.                                                                   you to feel
              Infinite search for ways to                                                              the fear I feel
              do substantially more with
              a declining resource base
                                                                                                       every day. And
              A larger population and the emerging wealth                                              then I want
of communities globaly is fuelling a growth in demand
for consumers products. These goods utilise natural
                                                                                                       you to act.”
resources in their production. The wave of demand is                                                   Greta Thunberg
increasing stress on already limited resources, increasing
prices and putting more focus on how products are
used. Sustainable resource management becomes an
increasing focus for governments and societies who will
seek to influence how resources are utilised to generate
more output from less input.

              Impact rather than profit becomes
                                                               By Liv Oeian © Shutterstock

              the core of many organisations’ why
               Historically, the profit motive has been the
               primary driver undelying business. While
some businesses, particularly co-operatives and mutual
societies, have operated for the benefit of their members,
the majority have measured their success based solely
on the profit they create. Driven by the challenges facing
society, a new breed of businesses are emerging that
have a primary focus on addressing a social failing that
too many in society overlook rather than reporting a profit.
Having a positive impact increasingly dominates the why
in society.

             We must be able to do that with plants

            Modern lifestyles rely on access to a
            vast array of consumer products many
            of which are made from non-renewable
resources. As their availability becomes tighter and
costs increase the search for alternative, more
sustainable alternatives accelerates. Utilising the
properties inherent within plants through the
application of modern bio-technologies will
unlock sustainable solutions that will superseed
products made from plastics, metals and other
non-renewable sources.
                                                               Liv Oeian © Shutterstock
16   Accelerating Agri-Food

     Social platform
     Global population growth is predominately occurring in some of the poorest, most
     environmentally-challenged, water-stressed regions of the world; areas where sufficient
     nutritious food is often difficult to find. With over 800 million of the world’s population
     regularly malnourished, the food system is clearly not delivering effectively for everybody.
     The UN has sought to highlight the scale of the challenge through the Sustainable
     Development Goals (SDG’s).

     Yet the food system is expected to          tough, unskilled physical work, often in        preventative healthcare strategies
     deliver more every day. Food issues         harsh weather conditions, with anti-social      which have a strong focus on educating
     however are not confined to emerging        hours and low pay; hardly a great story         communities on dietary matters. The role
     economies, many developed countries         to tell the world. The reality has generally    that ‘food as medicine’ will play in the
     have significant levels of nutritional      not been so bleak and employment                future of the healthcare system as well
     deficiency across their populations         across the sector is increasingly               as the agri-food system should not be
     which is creating significant social and    demanding more skills to respond to new         underestimated. The impact that health
     economic costs that governments are         technology and consumer expectations.           and wellness will have on the global
     having to deal with. These are big issues   If producers fail to meet employment            agri-food system in the coming decade
     that impact every member of society         standards that are acceptable to                is explored in more detail from page 18.
     and as a consequence they should            consumers, they may find themselves             Several countries are implementing
     not be left entirely to governments         being considered modern slave masters           legislation to combat food-related
     to resolve; as they require broad           and having the market access of their           illnesses; with the UK, Ireland and
     community responses. Sustainability,        products restricted, as more countries          Spain introducing sugar taxes. In
     in its widest sense, lies at the core of    introduce Modern Slavery legislation.           the US, the 2018 Farm Bill proposes
     the food system. Communities need           The ability for stories to go viral through     a Produce Prescription Program, to
     to produce sufficient food within the       digital platforms shows the power of            encourage the prescription of food
     confines of the productivity capacity of    society setting standards, and amplifies        as medicine.
     the environment. Technologies such as       the impact for those that chose to ignore
     genetic modification need to be explored,   the rules. There is a threat to the image             Food production costs
     even though the long-term effects are       of an organisation and its ability to recruit         will increasingly reflect
     not fully understood. Governments need      and retain top employees, as well as to               the true costs of consuming
     to develop food systems that extend         the sustainability of their supply chain, if          natural capital
     beyond their borders to achieve food        employees are reported to be mistreated         Food spend as a percentage of income
     security, and ensure their communities      in any form. Corporate responsibility           has consistently fallen in recent decades
     are responsibly educated on what            groups are calling on organisations to          (the analysis on page 15 comparing
     constitutes healthy food. It is unlikely    imbed transparent reporting into their          the increase in median income in the
     we will ever have a truly sustainable       strategy. In 2017 Nestle and Unilever           US to movements in the prices of a
     food system unless we collectively take     implemented best practice on slavery            range of products and services over
     responsibility to implement substantive     reporting, with Nestle reporting on             the last 30 years, demonstrates this
     solutions. Leaving food issues              11 key human rights risks relating to           clearly). At the same time production
     unaddressed increases the risk of           its businesses as a way to increase             costs have reduced, due to productivity
     social imbalances destabilising society.    transparency.                                   improvements and an increase in the
     In history, food inequality has resulted                                                    scale of many producers, however the
     in social unrest, economic migration,              Governments pivot towards                reduction in cost has not been sufficient
     war and terrorism.                                 preventative healthcare                  to enable producers to hold their margins.
                                                        to address fundamental                   Some argue that the costs of producing
           Modern slavery becomes                       health issues                            food are currently materially understated
           a growing issue in the                The World Health Organization has               as farmers, growers and fisherman
           agri-food sector                      reported that non-communicable                  have historically not paid for the natural
     Society expects all employers to treat      diseases (NCDs) cause more than 70%             capital they have consumed in growing
     their employees fairly. This includes       of deaths worldwide every year - with           products; most producers do not pay for
     factors such as paying a fair wage,         food being strongly connected to these          the soil nutrients or ecosystem benefits
     providing safe and sanitary conditions      illnesses as one of the top four behaviour      that the plants they grow utilise, some
     for workers and families to live and work   risks. NCDs include lifestyle illnesses         are charged for water but for many this
     and providing them with opportunities to    such as diabetes, metabolic syndromes           remains an asset that they can access
     develop useful skills and experience. The   and heart disease. The cost of treating         freely. An analysis performed by KPMG
     agri-food sector globally has often been    these diseases is unsustainable for many        in 2010 suggested that charging the
     viewed as a poor employer, providing        governments, resulting in them adopting         food production sector for the natural
Accelerating Agri-Food   17

199 0 -20 18
                                                                                                               +181%      +182%      +189%

                                                                                +117%     +118%     +130%
                 +66%         +78%            +82%

       VEHICLE    FA R E S     HOME                             FROM HOME      EARNINGS             PRIMARY  N U R S E R Y, DRUGS    CARE
                                                                                                   RESIDENCE  SCHOOL

     Prices grew slower than earnings                                                                   Prices grew faster than earnings
18   Accelerating Agri-Food

                              assets it consumes directly and indirectly
                              would result in a charge that amount to
                              224% of the industry’s EBITDA. Given
                              the focus from retailers to keep prices
                              down, it is clear that food prices around
                              the world currently do not reflect the
                              true costs of production, in particular the
                              costs of natural capital consumed. We
                              expect there will be moves made by
                              governments around the world, as part
                              of the response of individual countries
                              to climate change, to charge farmers
                              for the natural capital they consume.
                              This would overtime result in food
                              prices increasing to better reflect the
                              true costs of the inputs into the food
                              production process.

                                    Philanthropy and social
                                    impact-centred business
                                    models to proliferate
                              With over 800 million people being
                              failed by the global agri-food system,
                              the industry offers huge scope for
                              entrepreneurs and philanthropists to
                              have life-changing impacts on the global
                              community. Many start-up businesses
                              are being formed with either a dual
                              purpose (profit and impact) or a purpose
                              beyond profit, particularly to reduce
                              the number of people suffering from
                              under-nutrition. We have observed that
                              many of these start-up enterprises are
                              receiving funding from a range of high
                              net wealth individuals as they direct their
                              philanthropic activities towards some of
                              the biggest challenges facing the global
                              community. For example the Bill and
                              Melinda Gates Foundation is collaborating
                              with private sector enterprises, NGOs
                              and governments with the goal of
                              preventing 1.8 million malnourishment
                              related deaths by 2020. Corporate social
                              responsibility (CSR) is also evolving. It
                              is no longer sufficient to sponsor the
                              local football team, organisations are
                              investing in impact projects that align
                              with an articulated purpose that they have
                              adopted (be that empowering women in
                              rural communities, investing in skills for
                              young people or promoting nutritional
                              improvement). Consumers are expecting
                              companies to be taking an active role in
                              supporting the vulnerable in the global
                              community. Demonstrating a strong
                              commitment to purpose is a also key
                              platform for attracting the best talent to
                              an organisation. The social enterprise
                              One Acre Fund supports over 135,000
                              farmers in East Africa through a
                              market bundle approach; providing
                              local farmer groups with agricultural
                              education, loans for planting materials,
                              market training and crop insurance.

                                    Environmental regulation
                                    crystallises a step change in agri-
                                    food technology and investment
                              Governments have committed to address
                              levels of greenhouse gas emissions from
Accelerating Agri-Food    19

economic activities in their respective         focus in an attempt to ensure that more          to the cost of the capital to they are
countries. The Paris Agreement saw most         of the national food supply is eaten. The        able to secure. To secure green funding
countries commit to keeping the increase        World Economic Forum initiated a                 arrangements there are expectations
in global temperatures well below 2°C           five action initiative bringing together         being placed on organisations to report
with an ambition to keep it close to 1.5°C.     farmers, government, civil society               on their ESG performance using a
Delivering on the commitments that              and the private sector, facilitating             recognised framework, such as Integrated
have been made is likely to result in most      partnerships at regional and country             Reporting, and provide an assessment of
governments introducing regulations that        levels, and encouraging the exchange             the impact they are having on society. As
target activities that generate emissions.      of knowledge around food security.               a consequence, there are opportunities
Given that the farming of livestock is                                                           for organisations that have adopted clear
a significant creator of methane gas,                 The challenge of feeding the               strategies to manage and reduce their
one of the key greenhouse gas, we                     world attracts talented young              impact on the environment and to actively
expect these regulations will ultimately              people into the agri-food sector           support their community, to translate their
have impact across the agri-food value          The young people that are now coming             actions into cost reductions. Lenders are
web. Responding to new regulatory               into the workforce have grown up in a            finding creative ways to reward those
requirements will likely attract ethical        technology-enabled world; they expect            that are proactive in addressing critical
investors to the industry, will spark           instance access to knowledge and insight,        issues. In addition, the growing power
innovation that will benefit all farming        they have a strong value system and a            of the consumer voice on social and
systems, and increases the amount of            voice that they are willing to use when          ethical issues is benefiting the financial
technology being deployed across the            they see activity that is not aligned to         performance of organisations that have
industry. Companies are already taking          their values. It is predicted that Millennials   taken steps to enhance the sustainability
matters into their own hands in line with       will comprise 75% of the workforce by            of their business practices. The Financial
consumer expectations, proactively              2025, and they will likely have the greatest     Times reported an analysis of more than
implementing systems to ensure carbon           spending power of any generation in              300 of the world’s largest companies
use is captured and actionable steps are        history. Evidence indicates that the             across a range of sectors found that
taken to reduce emissions. We expect            millennial generation reacts positively to       those with more ethical operations make
to see companies and regions pushing            companies and organisations that can             bigger profits.
hard to achieve zero carbon status for          clearly articulate their purpose and values
their products as this is an attribute that     and is prepared to take steps to bring                  Bringing activist campaigners
ethical consumers are prepared to pay a         these commitments to life. This means                   to the table to become part of
premium for. Arla Foods, a Danish dairy         that they are attracted to a workplace or               the solution
co-operative announced in March 2019            industry that is contributing to society,        The agri-food sector has always been
that it will target a 30% reduction of          rather than operating solely for financial       subject to challenge by activists; perhaps
greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and            benefits. Roles that enable them to use          more so than any other sector of the
will work towards zero carbon by 2050,          skills to improve society are of particular      global economy (with the possible
noting that setting the target focuses          interest – and opportunities in the agri-        exception of the energy sector at certain
each of the co-op’s dairy farmers               food sector to mitigate malnutrition             points in history). However there is a
on what they can do to improve                  and environmental degradation will be            unique paradox involved in the nature of
their businesses.                               appealing to many. We consequently               the challenge that is placed on the sector.
                                                expect to see companies across the               Organisations are coming under scrutiny
       Food security and affordability          agri-food sector recruiting employees            as one of the largest users of natural and
       remain a key priority for almost         into a wide range of roles with a                human resources (be that land, water,
       every government in the world            commitment to let them use the skills            the oceans or soil or as a major employer
For many governments the availability           and experience that they develop                 globally of people) which has a range of
and affordability of food is a top priority,    during a sabbatical period to make a             positive and negative benefits on the
as failures to deliver sufficient food to       contribution to helping the world to             community and society. It cannot be
their population can lead to social unrest      feed itself.                                     overlooked that the collective purpose
and ultimately could result in leaders                                                           in using these resources, to provide
being changed (via the ballot box or other             Finance arrangements                      people with sufficient food, is undeniably
means). Governments are taking different               increasingly take account                 positive. The very reason the sector exists
approaches to setting up resilient and                 of how a borrower manages                 is to feed the world. This provides a solid
secure national food systems. Some                     ESG in their organisation                 framework for working with those who
countries lack the ability to produce all the                                                    may oppose various activities within
food they need to feed their populations        To date, the investment that organisations       the sector. When setting policies and
and as a consequence governments,               have made into addressing environmental          operating practices, more organisations
either directly or through sovereign            and social risks they face have                  are inviting a diverse range of perspectives
wealth funds, are making international          predominately been seen as a cost.               to the table. This helps them to design
investments designed to secure access           However, this is changing rapidly as             robust frameworks that enhance rather
to sufficient supplies of product to meet       investors and lenders around the world           than detract from their social license to
domestic demand. Other countries are            start to place more focus on the activities      operate. Companies need to ensure they
making significant investments to develop       of the companies they are providing              listen to every voice so communities are
domestic production, including securing         capital to and the impact that these             assured the sector is working with them,
access to novel growing practices and           activities have on the environment and           not against them, to maintain their social
new technologies. There are also initiatives    the wider community. The consequence             licence to operate.
to diversify diets to reduce reliance on        of this is a growing amount of green
products that are more susceptible to           financing arrangements being entered into
supply issues. Enhancing food handling          around the world, which is forcing those
practices and encouraging agri-food             raising capital to link their Environmental,
companies to minimise waste are also a          Social and Governance (ESG) performance
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