Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Spring 2021 Volume 61 No. 1 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...

Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Spring 2021 Volume 61 No. 1 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
Adding New Chapters to an Old Story...

                    Spring 2021
                Volume 61 No. 1
We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation
Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Spring 2021 Volume 61 No. 1 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
CONTENTS                             March, April, and May 2021                                                                 Holy Week
 3             Holy Week                                            13

                                                                                    An Update from Mwandi
 4             Reflections on Our 2021 Stars

 6             Commitment: Serve                                    14              Stephen Ministry

		             Gardening Initiative                                 15              Formula for LifeTM

 7 Worship

                                                                                    Presbyterian Women
                                                                                    Prayer Shawl Ministry
                                                                   		               An Update on our Playground
    8          Educational Opportunities
                                                                                                                                      Palm/Passion Sunday                                     Maundy Thursday
   10          A Message from Our Pastor                            17              Church Officers and Committees
                                                                                                                                      March 28                                                April 1

   12          Giving Together                                      18

                                                                                    Thank You Notes
                                                                                    Additional Updates
                                                                                                                                      8:30 & 11:00 AM; live stream at 11:00 AM
                                                                                                                                      As this service opens we remember how the crowd
                                                                                                                                                                                              7:00 PM on site and live stream
                                                                                                                                                                                              Maundy comes from the Latin “mandatum”
                                                                                                                                      welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem and wanted to crown       meaning “commandment" and refers to the new

                                                                       20           Winter Worship Calendar                           him as king. But as the story of the passion unfolds,
                                                                                                                                      shouts of praise turn to demands for his crucifixion
                                                                                                                                                                                              commandment Jesus gives us (John 13:34-35) after
                                                                                                                                                                                              he has washed his disciples feet and shared a last
                                                                                                                                      and he is given a crown of thorns and handed over       supper with them before his crucifixion. In this service
         PUBLICATIONS                                           CONTACT INFORMATION                                                   to be mocked and killed. On this first day of Holy      we will recall this command for our lives and share the
                                                                                                                                      Week we ponder how our praise of Jesus can turn to      Lord’s Supper. (Worshipers are reminded to bring their
The deadline for the June/July/August 2021 newsletter is       Pastor/Head of Staff                                   Brian Coulter   betrayal and denial.                                    communion elements with them.)
12:00 noon on Friday, May 21. We would love to hear your       Pastor for Compassionate Ministries             Holly Shoaf-O’Kula
story!                                                         Pastor for Connectional Community                  Terry Wimberley
Please send your information via email to Anna Derr at         Director of Music                                  Daniel Hamilton or leave it in the
“Newsletter” box in the office hallway.
                                                               Director of Purposeful Education
                                                               Director of Operations
                                                                                                                   Andrea Paschal
                                                                                                              Chris Jolicoeur-Smith   Good Friday Tenebrae Service                            Easter Sunday
Watch for Weekly Updates in your email!                        Program Ministry Assistant/Creative Specialist    Joanna Hamilton      April 2                                                 April 4
                                                               Organist/Accompanist                                     Kathy Clark
Please follow the church:                                      Preschool Director                                   Mary Maddrey      Service available at              8:30 & 11:00 AM; live stream at 11:00 AM
Facebook -                              Publications Coordinator                                  Anna Derr    beginning at 3:00 PM                                    The Festival of the Resurrection of the Lord celebrates
Instagram - @aikenpres                                         Financial Secretary                                   Debby Dugan      The word "tenebrae" comes from the Latin meaning        Christ’s rising from the grave when all other
Sign up for our church app! Download "My Church by             Administrative Assistant                                Zoë Andrews    "darkness." The Tenebrae is an ancient Christian        principalities and powers that seek to entomb God’s
Pushpay" from your phone or tablet's app store and enter       Kitchen Coordinator (volunteer)                         Sandy Evans
this keyword: FPCAIKEN APP.                                                                                                           Good Friday service that makes use of gradually         will were forever defeated. As part of our celebration
                                                               Custodian                                              Jacob Pollard
                                                                                                                                      diminishing light through the extinguishing of          we will share the joyful feast of our risen Lord.
If you no longer wish to receive a hard copy of the
newsletter because you read it online, please let the church            224 Barnwell Avenue NW, Aiken, SC 29801-3904                  candles to symbolize the events of that week from the   (Worshipers are reminded to bring their communion
office know.                                                                            (803) 648-2662                                triumphant Palm Sunday entry through Jesus' burial.     elements with them.)
Thank you to Joanna Hamilton of JLHamilton Photography                  e-mail:
for capturing many of our church photos.                                      Website:
Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Spring 2021 Volume 61 No. 1 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
Michael, Katie, and Ella Kucharski                                        Anne and George Elkins

                                                                                                                                                        Art                                                            Discipline
                                                                                                                                When we first received our STAR word of art, we                 We have known our prayer partner, Charlotte Williamson, for

                               Reflections on our                                                                               thought that this would be a hard task for us to focus on
                                                                                                                                throughout the year…what do we know about art? The
                                                                                                                                more we have considered this word, art, the more we
                                                                                                                                realized all the examples of art that we have in our lives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                almost 15 years, and we were very happy to have her as our
                                                                                                                                                                                                prayer partner! We sent her a card during the week after we got
                                                                                                                                                                                                our stars and told her about what we were doing. A couple of
                                                                                                                                                                                                days later, she called us and we talked for the longest time! We

                                2021 Stars
                                                                                                                                                                                                both enjoyed touching base with each other after not seeing
                                                                                                                                Our daughter, Ella, provides almost daily examples              each other for a long time. We’re going to remember each other
                                                                                                                                through her love for coloring. We have even been                in our prayers, and we told her to please call us if there was
                                                                                                                                able to pass along this love and art to others in the           anything she needed that we could help her with. We plan to talk
                                                                                                                                community, as pictures have been gifted and decorate            often, and after the virus goes away, we plan to have her over for
                                                                                                                                many of Michael’s coworkers’ offices. We have also              lunch one day. And until then we plan to talk often.
                                                                                                                                passed along some of Ella’s art to our prayer partners
                                                                                                                                in hopes of sharing her joy for art with them.                  Our focus word on our Gold Star is the word discipline. To
                                                                                                                                                                                                ensure that our approach was in focus with the best meaning
                                                                                                                                We have also noticed more and more of God’s                     of the word, we consulted several sources. As you would expect,
                                                                                                                                opportunities for art in our lives. Some other examples         we found that there were a variety of meanings from which to
                                                                                                                                have been through the piano lessons for Ella and Katie,         choose. They ranged from discipline being a group of academic
                                                                                                                                and the beautiful music (art) that they have been               courses that end in a degree, to the practice of making people
       Mary Fran, Paul, CeCe, Bryant Ford,                                   Corey and Jennifer Feraldi                         learning through lessons with another church member.            obey various rules of behavior as in the military, to the meaning
              and Mary Ellis Crook                                                                                              We have also noticed God’s art in nature, from a                we felt would be the one to focus us in the best direction.

                 Servanthood                                                          Unity                                     beautiful sunrise Michael may observe at work, to the
                                                                                                                                lovely sunsets the Kucharski family enjoys looking out
                                                                                                                                from the top of the hill upon which our house sits.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Discipline can be guidance and instructions that help one to
                                                                                                                                                                                                modify personal behavior in how one conducts one’s daily life.
                                                           Unity. What a word to ponder with all that is happening during                                                                       Anne and I can receive instruction and guidance from many
Our star word is servanthood. We had a great talk          the start of the new year. Whether politics or a pandemic, there     The STAR word remains in a main area of our house so            sources, such as Church services, Bible study, online sources,
with our kids, first asking what their definitions of      have been many examples that support and push against                we can see and reflect upon it often. Through reflection        TV programs, books, etc. But that guidance and instruction
"servant" were, and then working up to ways that           what one might think of when they consider what unity means.         and prayerful consideration, we are trying to see God’s         cannot force us to modify our behavior. That discipline must
we can be servants to God. Some of the excellent           Definition-wise, unity speaks to oneness and harmony. For us,        art in the world and share that with others throughout          not be from external force. It can only be from internal force, as
ideas/comments that they came up with included:            unity speaks of love, caring and a willingness to work together      the year.                                                       we choose to become more disciplined. This will be our goal in
working with Vacation Bible School, filling the blessing   for a common purpose.                                                                                                                the coming year, as we look at our Gold Star on our refrigerator
boxes, collecting canned goods, and more. It was                                                                                                                                                each day.
really wonderful to hear the kids come around to the       We strive for unity at home, at work, at school, at church and
realization that servanthood to God, really means          in the community, knowing we need the help of others to reach
servanthood to others, and then to have that be the        the goals we have in these areas. It can be as simple as a note of
focus of Dr. Slaughter's sermon this week was the          encouragement or volunteering to assist in the community. It is
perfect connection!                                        taking the love God shares with us and sharing it with each other
                                                                                                                                           The Biblical word on the front of the star is for your pondering throughout this year. How might your “star
                                                           every day.
                                                                                                                                           word” inform your life this year? The name of the household on the back of the star are those for whom you
                                                                                                                                           can pray throughout the year. You are most welcome to let them know you are praying for them. Perhaps at
                                                           Unity, a simple word on a gold star; a word to ponder and act
                                                                                                                                           some point they might have a specific prayer request they’d like to share with you.
                                                           on all year.

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Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Spring 2021 Volume 61 No. 1 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
In thanksgiving for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               his ministry with us, a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               love offering is being
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               received for Brian.
                                  We have just entered the season of Lent, a season of drawing nearer to God, following more                                                                                                   If you would like to
                                  closely the way of Jesus and being open to the Holy Spirit’s leading. We will journey with Jesus                                                                                             participate, please
                                  to Jerusalem. In Holy Week we will meditate on his call to servanthood, his suffering and                                                                                                    mark ‘Brian’ in the
                                  crucifixion, and then celebrate the wondrous love and power of God in Jesus' resurrection.                                                                                                   memo on your check to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the church or on your
                                  How God loves us! How grateful we are!                                                                                                                                                       online contribution by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               March 14.
                                  Our gratitude becomes the basis for our service within and beyond our congregation to bring
                                  Jesus’ transforming love and justice, healing, and hope to others.

                                  In the Easter season we have the opportunity to consider how we will serve out of our gratitude.

                                  The Serve Forms will be sent out the week of April 12, and on Sunday, April 25, you will be
                                  invited to turn in your form at the conclusion of worship. You will also be able to complete it on
                                  our church website, mail it, or bring it to the church office during the week. The forms will allow
                                  our committees and staff know of your interests to contact you. We want to help find your place                                                              One Great Hour of Sharing is the single, largest way
                                  or service within the church, locally, and around the world.                                                                                                 that Presbyterians come together every year to work for
                                                                                                                                                                                               a better world — sharing God’s love with our neighbors-
                2021 Gardening Initiative
                                                                                                                                           Celebrating the                                     in-need around the world by providing relief from natural
                                                                                                                                                                                               disasters, food for the hungry, and support for the poor
                                                                                                                                                                                               and oppressed. Each gift helps to improve the lives of

     Stand at the Crossroads Ministries                                                                                                     Baptism of                                         people in challenging situations through three impactful
                                                                                                                                                                                               programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian
                                              This year our Mustard Seed Garden                                                                                                                Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People.
                                              Team will be supporting numerous
                                              gardening activities with this ministry
                                                                                                                                          Sloane Nicholson                                     The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering will be received
                                                                                                                                                                                               on Easter Sunday, April 4. Thank you for prayerfully
                                              and would welcome additional
                                              volunteers to assist with these efforts.                                                                                                         considering your contribution to this life-giving offering.
                                              This is a great opportunity for our                                                                                                              Contributions can be made to First Presbyterian Church
                                              high school students to learn and help                                                    Daughter of Franklin & Kendall Buchanan                with the notation: OGHS.
                                              make a difference. Ben Dugan has                                                          and Granddaughter of Brenda Buchanan
                                              already committed to work with us.                                                                                                               You can also read more about One Great Hour of
                                                                                                                                                 January 10, 2021                              Sharing at
                                              For more information on work
                                              schedules, specific planting activities,                                                                    On Sunday, May 9, we will receive the Mother’s Day offering to support Presbyterian
                                              etc., please reach out to Denny                                                                             Communities of South Carolina (PCSC). Mother’s Day is a time we set aside to remember
                                              McGurer at (803) 648-0856.                                                                                  and thank the mothers who have given so much to us. Associated with Mother’s Day, South
                                                                                                                                                          Carolina Presbyterians have a long tradition of generously supporting the PCSC Mother’s Day
    Debbie Lamb, Executive Director of                                                                                                                    Offering. This offering has been a special way of remembering and caring for older adults
    Stand at the Crossroads Ministries                      Members of our FPCA                                                                           since 1954. The monies received from the Mother’s Day Offering are used exclusively for those
                                                            Mustard Seed Garden Team >                                                                    residents who, through no fault of their own, have outlived their financial resources and need
                                                                                                                                                          assistance to remain in Presbyterian Communities.
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Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Spring 2021 Volume 61 No. 1 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
OPPORTUNITIES FOR                                                                                                          SUNDAY SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                            AFTER EASTER
               YOUTH AND CHILDREN                                                                                                                        Short Stories by Jesus:
    Camp Fellowship Summer Camp Registration opens                                                                                           The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi
    March 1 for Kindergarten – 12th grade.                                                                                                           April 11 – May 16 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                     Fellowship Hall or via Zoom
                                                                                                                             Jesus was a skilled storyteller and perceptive
Enjoy meeting new friends while living in God’s Creation participating in arts &                                             teacher who used parables from everyday
crafts, Bible study, hiking, canoeing, fishing, large group games, and worship.                                              life to effectively convey his message and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Exploring the Bible is fun!
Many weeks are available. Specialty camps like Wind & Water, Night Owl, and                                                  meaning. Life in first-century Palestine was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Games, crossword puzzles,
Base Camp Adventures are available for 6th – 12th graders. Leaders in Training (LIT)                                         very different from our world today, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                reading plans, devotions, maps,
opportunities are open for 9th – 12th graders to begin shadowing and learning how                                            many traditional interpretations of Jesus’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bible illustrations, and a space
to be a Camp Counselor.                                                                                                      stories ignore this disparity and have often
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                for parents, all can be found
                                                                                                                             allowed anti-Semitism and misogyny to color
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                at Spend
                       SUMMER YOUTH TRIPS                                                                                    their perspectives. Amy-Jill Levine, Professor
                                                                                                                             of New Testament and Jewish Studies at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                time exploring together and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                spark your child’s imagination
                                                                                                                             Vanderbilt University, offers a fresh, timely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and kindle their love for God!
                                                                                                                             reinterpretation of Jesus’ narratives.

                                                                                                                                              Did you know? There’s an app for that!
                                                                                                                             Devotionals 365 days a year                                     Daily Prayer PC(USA) provides brief
                                                                                                                             provides devotions written by                                   services for daily prayer based on the
                                                                                                                             ministers, professors, students,                                Presbyterian Book of Common Worship,
                                                                                                                             teachers, missionaries,                                         including psalms for the day, readings
                                                                                                                             denominational leaders, and                                     from the daily lectionary, and prayers
          Cross Middle School Mission Conference                                   Montreat Youth Conference                 others who work with and                                        of thanksgiving and intercession. The
                       June 13-19, 2021                                                 July 18-24, 2021                     care for students. Typically,                                   app provides liturgies Morning, Midday,
        Rising 6th grade through completed 8th grade                Rising 9th grade through graduated high school seniors   an author writes on a single                                    Evening, and Close of Day Prayer. The
                                                                            College students are welcome to attend           theme for one week. In these devotions, you will read           calendar tool allows users to find psalms, readings, and prayers
                                                                                  and participate in Work Crew               honest struggles and questions, all in the context of           for other dates. Use the clock icon to select Morning, Midday,
                                                                                                                             real faith. The app can be found in Google Play Store           Evening, or Close of Day Prayer, overriding current time of day. The
                                         Register by April 15!                                                               and Apple App Store (search for "d365") or you may              “advanced features” menu allows users to toggle on/off various
                     Contact Andrea Paschal for more information and to register for these summer trips.                     visit in your browser. d365 is a cooperative           options and select between two versions of the Lord’s Prayer.
                                 For each trip, there is a $50 deposit due with registration,                                effort of PCUSA, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and
                               and forms are available at                                  The Episcopal Church.                                           A brief tutorial provides information about the practice of Daily
                                                                                                                                                                                             Prayer and instruction on using the app. Available in both Google
                                                                                                                                                                                             Play Store and Apple App Store.
                                                 Youth Families – Let’s set up a method for communicating. The
                                                 Purposeful Education Committee would like to set up a GroupMe chat
                                                 for the middle and high school youth. This app would allow us to share                             The Purposeful Education Committee has decided not to host the annual Pine straw Fundraiser for the Youth
                                                 information, prayers, celebrations, and worship items with the youth.                              this year. The families worked hard last year to complete the delivery of pine straw and appreciate your support
                                                 Please help us by contacting Andrea or Joanna to learn more.                                       of this fundraiser. Due to Covid-19, all trips for youth were canceled and thus we still have funds to use for the
                                                                                                                                                    coming summer. Thank you for supporting our efforts for FPCA Youth.
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Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Spring 2021 Volume 61 No. 1 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
To the beloved saints of First Presbyterian Aiken,

     It is hard to say goodbye. It is emotionally draining and spiritually exhausting. I will miss you. I will miss you
     more than you realize. I have gotten to tell many of you this in some way, shape, for form — but I know that I will
     be unable to share it with all of you personally before I go. So simply know this … I will carry the kindness and
     compassion you showed toward me and my family in my heart for the rest of my days. Thank you!

     But rather than saying a long and drawn-out goodbye again in this article, I thought I would share something
     else with you. Not many of you know this, but the Session granted me a sabbatical that was supposed to happen
     this year. I was supposed to take it this upcoming summer and I was to be gone for 13-weeks.

     In some of my paperwork for this sabbatical and in applying for grants to help us in this effort, I had to write one
     section that simply reflected my most recent experience of ministry and some of the successes we’ve had recently.
     I wanted to share with you what I wrote because it surprised me as I wrote it:

          Over the past seven years, we have written a great deal of our story together. Our church has grown in size and
          deepened in discipleship in almost every way. In the past two years, we have gained 41 new members for a total of
          639 active members. Our average numbers in worship attendance, Sunday School, and children’s programming
          have all continued to increase as well. In 2018, we began a new small group ministry initiative with an in-home
          in-depth Bible study curriculum. We had 113 registered participants split into 12 different groups the first year. Then
          in 2019, we had to expand and create even more groups for more participants to join. Our income has also grown
          significantly with our annual budgeted income breaking through the one-million-dollar barrier for the first time in
          2019 and then to almost $1.1 million in 2020.

          This past year we threw a Jubilee celebration. It was the 50th anniversary of our congregation being in its current
          location on the corner of Barnwell Avenue and Laurens Street (we moved here into our third sanctuary in 1969).
          As a part of that celebration, we challenged the congregation to give $67,000 to pay off the debt of a local
          nonprofit just a few blocks away from us. Children’s Place nonprofit is an agency that we have had a long history
          of supporting and their mission is “to protect, heal, and strengthen children and families from the impact of trauma
          in their lives through education, treatment, and prevention services.” We brought in directors from the Children’s
          Place board to talk about what they hoped to do in the future, counselors who shared some of their success stories
          in the past, and even the executive director talk about how their debt was preventing them from offering additional
          services that were needed now. Within seven weeks, we raised far more than the initial goal and were able to write
          Children’s Place a check for over $131,000. They have now paid off their debt entirely and are busy writing the next
          chapter in their story.

     I share this with you not as a humble-brag on ourselves. But I share this with you as a “WOW” to what God has
     done in our midst! I have truly enjoyed writing this most recent chapter with you in this story  but the story isn’t
     over! Keep writing. Keep dreaming. Keep following the Spirit. And know that I look forward to reading the next
     chapter you write from my new office.

     Grace and Peace,

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Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Spring 2021 Volume 61 No. 1 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
Do you have a special work
                                                                                                                                           project you would like to
                                                        Dear Church Family,
                                                                                                                                           do in our community?
     Dear First Presbyterian Church,                    I am excited to tell you that, while coordinating the Christmas Store this                                                               If so, the Mission Committee
                                                        year, I have found out what Santa’s elves really look like. They do not have                                                             would like to partner with you
     Thank you for the many ways that you               green tights and pointy hats and ears. In fact, they really look a lot like the                                                          and help support your work
     partner with ACTS. The Reverse Advent              people who go to our church and live in our community. In fact, they really                                                              efforts.
     food drive that members supported during           ARE the people who go to our church and live in our community!!!!
     the month of December will supplement our                                                                                                                                                   The Mission Committee has not been able to plan a church wide service day as
     Food Pantry and enable us to serve families        They are Will Callicott, Rob and Amy Gray, and Earl Beckham who                                                                          we have in the past. We know that there are small groups and individuals that
     who are food insecure.                             bought and delivered 42 bicycles. They are Mary Maddrey and her                                                                          work with agencies or places in the community on their own and spend time
                                                        preschoolers and their parents who collected gifts for their Christmas                                                                   helping them with certain needs they have. There are plenty of opportunities
     We celebrate the ACTS Christmas Store              project. They are Kathy Kent and Rachel D’Entremont who cleaned and                                                                      out there that have need for some hands-on service projects. In partnering
     which served a record number of children           stocked the store. They are Tommy and Melissa Patterson, Linda McGurer,                                                                  with the mission committee, you can help with your time and we can help cover
     during this year of Covid. Even during the         Jean Schwalbert and granddaughter McCall, Jean Covington, Carol                     A crew of our church recently replaced fencing for
                                                                                                                                            Stand at the Crossroads Ministries.                  some costs of materials you might need. Please allow us the opportunity to
     most difficult of circumstances, 166 children      Palmer, Kaye Cauthen, Sheila Krist, Debby and Lindsey Dugan, Kathy                                                                       partner with you and to share the story of what Presbyterians are doing in our
     received Christmas gifts that their parents        Kent, Cindy and Jerry Fuller, and several ladies from the Church of Jesus                                                                community. Let us know what your project is and how we might be able to help.
     were able to hand select. The commitment           Christ of Latter-day Saints who were clerks during the 27 hours that the
     of Beth Beckham and other members who
     support this initiative with financial gifts and
                                                        store was open. They are Zoë Andrews and Jacob Pollard who helped
                                                        with the gifts and sign-ups. They are personnel from ACTS, including
                                                        our own Suzanne Jackson, who signed up clients and donated gifts and
                                                                                                                                                            An Update from Mwandi by Bruce Eberhard
     volunteer manpower allowed us to serve
                                                                                                                                          Covid, Covid, Covid! I’m getting sick of hearing about it!                The American Board this year will probably have to
     families in need with dignity and grace.           cheered the most. They are a law firm in Aiken that sent two cartloads of
                                                                                                                                          Zambia is experiencing a second wave of infections and as                 supplement the income the Simba guest house that would
                                                        toy donations and Dollar General in Beech Island that collected toys in a
                                                                                                                                          a result the water and solar projects at Mwandi are now                   normally be used to pay housekeeping staff. The board
     2020 has presented challenges to all of us         box during the Christmas season. They are a neighborhood in Woodside
                                                                                                                                          in limbo. All the material for the water project is on hand               has already sent money to the hospital to supplement their
     as we have faced living with the impacts           of 30 families under the guidance of Darrell Finney who collected toys
                                                                                                                                          and awaiting installation. Contract workers are reluctant                 personal protective equipment.
     of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is hard to            and donated hundreds of dollars. They are Pitter Patter which donated
                                                                                                                                          to go there because of potential exposure. Mwandi now
     anticipate when these challenges will be           toys and stocking stuffers. They are the Kisner Foundation that provided
                                                                                                                                          has 7 cases, 6 of them staff including our project manager
     behind us. However, we do know that                money for athletic equipment. They are YOU – those who donated clothes
                                                                                                                                          Lawrence Kamba and his wife. Fortunately for the hospital
     because of the ongoing commitment of First         and toys and thousands of dollars to the store. And, they are the very
                                                                                                                                          they were in the process of converting the TB Ward to a Covid
     Presbyterian Church, ACTS will continue            proud parents who purchased gifts and left with gratefulness and dignity.
                                                                                                                                          Ward and the conversion was completed before these cases
     to serve many in our community who are
                                                                                                                                          appeared. Zambia, as of January 30, had 1,029 cases with 18
     struggling during this trying times.               We call this program Giving Together. What an appropriate name for an
                                                                                                                                          deaths and 369 recoveries (How reliable these numbers are is
                                                        effort that uses so many people and gives so much. Because of you, little
                                                                                                                                          anyone’s guess but is at least a minimum).
     Please know that your contribution brings          elves, we were able to provide Christmas for 166 children from 58 families.
     hope and compassion to those who need a            Because of you, we were able to sell (for $3/each) 42 bicycles – many for
                                                                                                                                          The United Church of Zambia (UCZ) has asked Keith
     hand up.                                           children who had never had a bike. Your generosity and enthusiasm and
                                                                                                                                          and Ida, the Scottish missionaries, to remain in their posts
                                                        prayers were the reason for this success.
                                                                                                                                          in Lusaka until August. The UCZ is experiencing a 40%                     This is the TB ward being refurbished. It is far better looking
     With Gratitude,
                                                                                                                                          decrease in offerings and the money crunch is preventing the              now than when Jim Kelley and I had to crawl around on the
                                                        One more Giver, Jesus – the Ultimate Giver, the Reason for the Season,
                                                                                                                                          hiring of replacements at this time. Apparently, the transfer             rickety roof and repair leaks, plug up the holes that were
     Suzanne K. Jackson                                 and in whose name we dedicate this project.
                                                                                                                                          to Mwandi to assume their job as Mission Support for Health               allowing bats to get in between the ceiling and roof, and then
     Executive Director
                                                                                                                                          and Special Needs will not take place until August or later.              to tear down the ceiling tile so as to remove the accumulated
                                                        Many Thanks,
                                                                                                                                          Presently they are dividing their time between Mwandi and                 guano. That was to make the building suitable for TB
                                                                                                                                          their present UCZ responsibilities which takes them to all                patients. Ahh! Fond memories.
                                                        Beth Beckham
                                                                                                                                          regions of the country.
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Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Spring 2021 Volume 61 No. 1 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
An Important Update from
                              Questions to Ponder
                               Janine Ushe, M.Div. Pastoral Staff with Stephen Ministries                                                      Formula for Life                                                                 TM

     Children ask lots of questions. When my kids were a little younger, I fielded dozens of “why” questions a day:
     “Why do I have to take a nap?” “Why aren’t there dinosaurs anymore?” “Why can’t I cut my sister’s hair?”                                                      On a visit to Mwandi, Zambia in late 2008, a mission team from FPC saw the need
                                                                                                                                                                   for infant formula for babies who were born HIV negative, but the mothers were HIV
     Lately, though, they’re asking more “when” questions—questions I’ve found harder to answer:                                                                   positive. Also, these mothers were often very malnourished and could not nurse their
         • “When will we go back to school?”                                                                                                                       babies. In early 2009, Catherine Vandegrift started the Formula for Life™ (FFL)
         • “When can we travel again to see Pop Pop?”                                                                                                              project to raise money for this purpose. We hoped that we could raise a few thousand
         • “When will things go back to normal?”                                                                                                                   dollars. Also, we hoped that a HIV vaccine could be developed and this disease would
     All of us, adults included, probably have our own “when” questions right now. As I’ve been telling my children,                                               be conquered. Now, 12 years later the FFL project is still raising money because no HIV
     we may not know the answers—but we do know God loves us. And we can pray for confidence in God’s                                                              vaccine has been developed, and one is not expected in the foreseeable future. So, the
     goodness and mercy.                                                                                                                                           need for infant formula will continue.

     In the midst of uncertainty, I’ve found comfort in the book Cries of Faith, Songs of Hope. Author John Gugel                                                  We send $1,500/month to Ida Waddell, who is a Scottish missionary and trained nurse
     draws on his experience as a pastor and his struggles with chronic illness to address many deep, heartfelt                                                    at Mwandi. She buys the infant formula and works with the local hospital to distribute
     needs through a collection of prayers, reflections, stories, and more.                                                                                        it. Our money buys enough formula to feed 40-60 babies at a time, depending on the
                                                                                                                                                                   price of the formula. Ida says that the FFL project has saved the lives of more than 500
     One prayer from the book, a response to Psalm 118, really connected with me recently, so I wanted to share it                                                 babies. To date, all of the money sent to Mwandi has been raised by the FFL team by
     with you.                                                                                                                                                     selling necklaces, etc., and from donations. None has come from the church budget.
        READING                                                   PRAYER
        O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;                What does the future hold, Lord? What                    Because of the Covid virus restrictions, we participated in only one show in 2020. Our 2020 show sales were only about 10%
         His steadfast love endures forever!...                   will become of me? Why do I find more                    of 2019 show sales. Our walk-in sales were nil. We have our necklaces listed on Etsy, a popular website for arts and crafts. Sales
        The Lord is my strength and my might;                     questions than answers? Where are you,                   on Etsy have not been good. We are currently trying to expand the reach of our mission story and customer base by “boosting”
         He has become my salvation...                            Lord? Do you care? Send me your Spirit.                  our Formula for Life™ Facebook page. An anonymous donor is paying for this.
        I shall not die, but I shall live,                        Give me confidence in your great promises
         And recount the deeds of the Lord...                     and unwavering hope in your lavish mercy.                Another anonymous donor is offering to match all donations to Formula for Life™ up to a total match of $5,000. If you would
        Open to me the gates of righteousness,                    Let me feel your tender compassion. Be                   like to also match donations by others, please contact Debby Dugan.
         That I may enter through them                            with me, Lord. Lead me into the future
         And give thanks to the Lord.                             where you are. Grant me a living faith and,              Please donate generously to this very important mission project. Thank you.
        Psalm 118:1, 14, 17, and 19 (NRSV)                        by the strength of your arm, lighten my
                                                                  load. Cheer my heart, sustain me by your                 P.S. Catherine Vandegrift, age 97,
                                                                  mighty power, and lead me in the paths of                is still making and selling necklaces
                                                                  your own choosing.                                       where she lives at Shadow Oaks.
                                     From Cries of Faith, Songs of Hope: Prayers for the Times of Our Life by John Gugel

     When I shared this prayer with my kids one morning, my daughter said, “I’m glad God is with me in the ups
     and downs and side-to-sides.” I feel that way too—even if I’m not able to answer all the “when” questions yet.

     Your Stephen Ministry here at First Presbyterian prays that you also experience God’s faithfulness through all                                                                      X Mwandi
     of life’s ups, downs, and side-to-sides during this difficult pandemic time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ida and Keith Waddell, Mission Partners in Mwandi

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Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Spring 2021 Volume 61 No. 1 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
Presbyterian Women                                                                                                                                           Church Officers and Committees
Presbyterian Women are continuing to meet monthly for this year’s Bible study, Into the Light:
Finding Hope Through Prayers of Lament. Members of Circles 1 and 2 are meeting at 10:00
a.m. on the second Monday of each month in the Fellowship Hall, following the guidelines
adopted by our task force; several members are Zooming from home. Leaders for the
remaining lessons are Marti Healy, Terry Wimberly, and Paul Ebel. Our studies will continue
through May, and all women of the church are invited to attend. Please contact the church if
you would like to attend or participate through Zoom.

We are grateful for your contributions in November which enabled us to raise $820 for
the Thank Offering, one of two yearly PW offerings. This offering benefits projects both
nationally and internationally, and over 40% of them are health related.

                                                                                                                                                                      Session                                                 Diaconate
Prayer Shawl Ministry                                                    Welcome Newborn Babies!                                                                  Clerk: Susan Budney
                                                                                                                                                Committee                          Ruling Elders                 Committee                          Deacon
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry started in the fall of 2007, and so far we     Please be sure to let us know if you are expecting a new baby,
have made over 813 prayer shawls, and over 765 have been given           grandbaby, or great-grandbaby in your family! Some of our              Commitment                         Bobby Calfee, Chair           Card Ministry                      Lestine Bush
away. We continue to pray for all those who have received a prayer       Presbyterian Women have made beautiful knit baby items which           Endowment                          Terry Montgomery, Chair                                          Jean Covington
shawl. Prayer shawls are available to give to anyone -- church           we’d like to share with you for your new family member! Let us know                                       Andrew Guerry                 Care Giver Respite                 Bob Hinds
members and those who are not members of our church. Please              before the arrival time, so you'll have the gift ready to deliver at
let us know of someone who might enjoy receiving this special gift       your convenience!                                                      Finance                            Terry Montgomery, Chair       Congregational Outreach            Bob Hinds
from our church.                                                                                                                                                                   Andrew Guerry                 Extended Communion                 Jean Covington
                                                                         Please contact Robbie Knox to ask about getting baby items or          Memorial                           Kim Abney, Chair
Please contact Robbie Knox or the church office to ask about             with your questions and suggestions.                                                                                                    Flower Delivery                    Jeana Carter
getting a prayer shawl or to see how you can help!                                                                                              Nominating                         Ashby Reynolds, Chair         Memorial Service Receptions        Janice Cadwallader
                                                                                                                                                Personnel                          Andy Ploeger, Chair                                              Liz Cox
                                                                                                                                                                                   Mary Helen Simons             Meal Delivery                      Burt Starks
                                Safety First!                                                                                                   Congregational Life                Ashby Reynolds, Chair
                                                                                                                                                                                   Hugh Verenes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Medical Equipment                  Chick Warner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Minor Home Repair                  Chick Warner
Everyone will be noticing a huge void at the end of the Preschool Playground. The large                                                         Educational/Youth Ministries       Lindsay Tucker, Chair
                                                                                                                                                                                   Paula Luther                  Transportation                     Corey Feraldi
tree in the corner of Henderson Lane and Newberry Street was removed on Presidents'
Day. It was almost completely dead and posed a significant danger of dropping large                                                             Mission                            Vic Sowers, Chair
limbs on to the playground and surrounding area. The decision was made to take it down                                                                                             Mike Loftus
safely and efficiently using the services of Quality Tree Service of Aiken. Additionally, the
dead trees along Henderson Lane and one dead limb on the very old                                                                               New Member/Hospitality             Brenda Guerry, Chair                                Trustees
longleaf pine in the playground were removed. The remaining stumps                                                                              Presbyterian Women                 Barb Magrath
along Henderson Lane and in the office parking lot will be ground up in                                                                                                                                          Becky Reynolds        Dave Muhlbaier         Doug Cook
                                                                                                                                                Preschool                          Frank Townsend
the very near future. Together with the City of Aiken it was determined
that this was the best course of action to protect our children, teachers,                                                                      Worship                            Phyllis Britt, Chair
church property, and our surrounding neighbors as well as those who                                                                                                                Bailey Shafer
park in that area.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Thank you for your many contributions so far this year. Here are the upcoming
Special thanks to Denny McGurer and Chick Warner for keeping vigil                                                                                                                 items. Please leave your contributions in the baskets in the narthex wings.
while the work was being done. As you can see from the pictures Denny
and Chick took, the tree was very rotten inside, and it was just a matter of                                                                                                             March                         April                       May
time before it proved to be even more dangerous.
                                                                                                                                                                               Soap (dish, bath, or laundry)        Peanut Butter               Pasta Sauce
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        17
Adding New Chapters to an Old Story - Spring 2021 Volume 61 No. 1 We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation - First Presbyterian ...
Dear Members of First Presbyterian,                                   Thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers I received

           Thank You Notes
                                                                                                                                                Thank you so very much for the dinner you provided to us.      from First Presbyterian. The moment I put on the beautiful
                                                                                                                                            The food was delicious and after the stress of the last month      prayer shawl, I felt the healing warmth of God's love.
                                                                                                                                            it was a complete relief to have food ready for family coming         I am blessed to have you all in my life.
                                                                                                                                            in for the service. Mom's in heaven now and joined Dad there          Sincerely,
                                                                                                                                            on his birthday, so God's plan is as it should be. Thank you for      Judy Loftus
                                                                                                                                            your support.
     Dear First Presbyterian Church Family,                              Dear Church Family,
                                                                                                                                                Robin & Deno Verenes
         I want to thank you for the kindness and caring you have             Thank you so much for the meals that were sent home to
     shown me as my hip heals.                                           our family during Maci's outpatient surgery. She loved the
         The prayer shawl is soft and warm, and I feel so much           beautiful prayer shawl and the meals were delicious! What a
     love and comfort as I wear it.                                      blessing to not worry about meal planning while caring for a
         We enjoyed the friendship meal very much. The food was          little one who is not feeling well. Thank you for praying over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Recently we’ve received numerous donations of
     delicious and enjoyed by all of us.                                 us and her while she healed!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        flower vases in all shapes and sizes. Thank you for
         I feel blessed to have such a wonderful church family.               The Anderson Family
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          your donations. We’ve restocked the shelves for
         I send love and prayers to all,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the team members who deliver flowers on Sunday.
         Norma Bauer                                                     Dear Friends,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           If you have extra vases at home, please deliver
                                                                              I appreciate your thinking of me at Trinity. I wish I could
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          them to one of the local organizations for resale
     My Dear Church Family,                                              still come with Cam to church, but those days are gone. I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            or to a florist. When we need to replenish our
        Thank you so much for all your prayers and for reaching          can hear the church bells when I am outside, and it is such a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            stock, we’ll notify you through the newsletter.
     out to Maureen and me during our second go round with               soothing sound.
     Covid. I am positive it helped us get through the last month.            Love to all,                                                   We welcome Chris Jolicoeur-Smith
     Your friendship means so much to us.                                     Barbara Scott
        Thank you again!
                                                                                                                                             as our new Director of Operations!
        Chick Warner                                                     Dear First Presbyterian Church Family,                                        You may reach Chris via email at
                                                                            I want to thank you for the flowers you gave me from            
     Dear FPCA Family,                                                   the church service. They are beautiful, and I'm still enjoying
         Our most sincere thanks for your prayers, thoughts,             them.
     cards, and inquiries about my recovery from surgery and the            It is nice that my church family members are so caring
     ensuing complications. I'm on the mend...although a slow            and keep in touch with me as I get better each day.
     one. With God's grace I'll continue to do so. We can't tell you        With love and prayers,                                                       Updated
     how much it means to Pam and I to know our church family is
     so strong and always with us. You're a special group...I know
                                                                            Norma Bauer                                                             Contact Information
     God is "well pleased" with our congregation!                        Dear Church Family,                                                                      Dick Keeler
         Thanks again and God bless,                                        Thank you for the prayer shawl, prayers, and support                                 8511 Chesham
         Vic Sowers                                                      given to us on the death of my brother. Each and every one                        San Antonio, TX 78254
                                                                         was greatly appreciated.                                                          Email:
     Dear Prayer Group,                                                     Yours in gratitude,                                                           Cell number: 210-243-4296
         Thank you for your card remembering my birthday.                   Wayne Rickman
         It was a day to be remembered for a long time with many                                                                                                 Fred Hoefle
     calls, cards (over 100), cakes, and other goodies.                  Dear Church Family,                                                                   104 Marissa Lane                                             We are missing some of the insulated First
         We are still living with restrictions on our activities, soon       Terry and I would like to thank you for the cards and                           Lexington, SC 29072                                        Presbyterian bags used for delivering meals. If you
     to be lifted (maybe!).                                              flowers we received. Even though we are apart now we                         Email:                                have one of the blue, insulated bags, please return it
         Live every day.                                                 deeply appreciate how connected we feel with everyone.                                                                                       to the church office so they can be used to take meals
                                                                                                                                                              Jean and John King
         Laugh a lot.                                                        Blessings and love,                                                                                                                        to more people. If you are hesitant about bringing
                                                                                                                                                            11330 Countryway Blvd.
         Love without limits!                                                Terry & Barbara Montgomery                                                                                                               them by the church, please contact the church office,
                                                                                                                                                                    Apt 332
         Ben Rouse                                                                                                                                                                                                     and someone will be happy to pick it up. Thank you!
                                                                                                                                                               Tampa, FL 33626

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Spring Worship Calendar
      March                                        April                                                             May
 7 3rd Sunday in Lent                         1     Maundy Thursday                                            2 5th Sunday of Easter
   Communion                                        Communion                                                    Communion

 14 4th Sunday in Lent                        2 Good Friday                                                    9 6th Sunday of Easter
                                                                                                                 Mother's Day Offering
 21 5th Sunday in Lent                        4 Easter Sunday
                                                Communion                                                      16 7th Sunday of Easter
 28 Palm/Passion Sunday                         One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
                                                                                                               23 Day of Pentecost
                                              11 2 Sunday of Easter

                                                                                                               30 Trinity Sunday
                                              18 3 Sunday of Easter

                                              25 4th Sunday of Easter

First Presbyterian News
The First Presbyterian News (USPS-328-770) is published quarterly by First Presbyterian Church, 224 Barnwell Avenue NW, Aiken, SC 29801. Periodicals
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