STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 2022 - To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region through ...

Page created by Francis Rojas
STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 2022 - To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region through ...
2019 - 2022

To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules
football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region
through leadership, direction and governance
STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 2022 - To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region through ...
   The Commission has evolved significantly since it was established in November
   2013. From humble beginnings the operations of the AFL Goulburn Murray Region
   Administration Centre at Kialla Park Community Centre have been built to now
   include the operations of six Leagues representing 217 football and 144 netball teams
   and delivering 171 games of football and netball each week during the season.

   Over the four year term of its first Strategic Plan the Commission     also been put in place to assist clubs in managing player
   have been very active in governance and strategic planning             movements and restrict spiralling player payments. The
   with a number of reviews and projects completed. These                 program started with the introduction of player points
   projects are shaping football and netball in the region and have       in 2016 and was followed with the Allowable Player
   updated constitutions and bylaws, streamlined governance               Payments Policy in 2017. This program will continue
   and reshaped competition structures to increase pathway                to evolve as its impact is felt across our Leagues.
   connections and age appropriate playing conditions.                    The Commission has also been very active in the
   The Junior Football Future Directions Project is another major         community and this will only continue this new Strategic
   project which has been active over the past 12 months and the          Plan period. Partnerships with Sports Chaplaincy
   outcomes from this initiative will have a significantly positive       Australia and Everproof have provided support
   effect on the junior football landscape in the years to come.          and infrastructure for club volunteers around crisis
   Strong development outcomes have also been achieved with               management and child protection respectively. The
   increases in coach education initiatives, school programs,             Boot Bank recycles second hand boots for junior
   multicultural and indigenous programs and the introduction             footballers as well as raising funds for the GV Stars
   of the Youth Development Academy providing point of                    and Zaidees Rainbow Foundation. Themed rounds
   difference coaching and personal development.                          and a number of community collaborations have
                                                                          also been delivered regarding important social
   The last four years has seen phenomenal growth in female
                                                                          responsibility issues such as family violence,
   participation with Youth Girls participation soaring and the
                                                                          mental health, gambling and social inclusion.
   formation of the Northern Country Women’s League. The
   Commission has also supported the establishment of the GV              Whilst there have been terrific successes
   Giants Masters team and the GV Stars Access All Abilities team.        achieved this next Strategic Plan period presents
                                                                          an important time for the region. Capitalizing
   League Operations initiatives includes streamlining match day
                                                                          on junior development and community
   paperwork processes and a RAC Tribunal including a training program
                                                                          programs whilst addressing issues facing a
   for members, GVL Match Review Panel and increased consistency
                                                                          number of clubs who struggle to fulfil their
   in tribunal processes. Staff are also very active in assisting clubs
                                                                          own player pathway is a challenge which the
   with training provided on competition management systems,
                                                                          Commission is looking forward to working
   club administration support, increasing efficiencies and decision
                                                                          with stakeholders on over the next four years.
   making at delegates meetings and liaison on issues and compliance
   requirements. The focus in all league operations activities are to     Peter Foott
   support club volunteers and to reduce operational workload.            Chairman
   The AFL Victoria Community Club Sustainability Program has             July 2018

2 2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray
STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 2022 - To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region through ...
The social return on investment for an
average community football club indicates
                                                     VALUE OF A                               COMMUNITY
                                                                                            FOOTBALL CLUB
that for every $1 spent to run a club, there
is at least $4.40 return in social value in
terms of increased social connectedness,
wellbeing, and mental health status;
employment outcomes; personal
development; physical health; civic pride
and support of other community groups.                                                                                  RESEARCH BACKGROUND
                                                                                                  The Centre for Sport and Social Impact (CSSI) at La Trobe
                                                                                                   University was commissioned by AFL Victoria in 2016 to
                                                                                                determine the social value of a “typical” community football
                                                                                                  club; specifically its social, health and community impact.

                                                                                            The self-reported mental health of
                                                                                            people aged 18-24 associated with
                                                                                            a football club is substantially higher
                                                                                                                                           reach 10 people in their community,
                                                                                                                                           generating increased civic pride.
                                                                                                                                           Football clubs are considered the
                                                                                            than the general population; given             hub of a community, particularly in
                                               Football clubs provide an environment

                                                                                            the higher incidence of mental health          rural and regional areas, are a focal
                                               where people are more socially
                                                                                            issues among young people, it could be         point for community efforts in times
                                               connected at every age group,
                                                                                            argued that ‘football clubs help those         of crisis and celebration and are
                                               compared to other Victorians, and are
                                                                                            at greatest risk of poor mental health’.       considered by club and community
                                               3 times more useful for developing
                                                                                                                                           members as central to shaping the
We joined this club when we moved;
                                               social networks than work, education
                                               or other community groups.                   COMMUNITY                                      identity of a township or area.

I didn’t know a single person in the           Football club social networks provide        OUTCOMES                                       ECONOMIC
                                               individuals, particularly those aged         Football clubs are increasingly engaged
town. Now I can walk down the                  15 to 24, with significantly increased       with their communities, delivering             OUTCOMES
street and know lots of people.                chances of securing employment.              a range of services such as school             As highlighted under social outcomes,
                                                                                            holiday clinics and health awareness           football clubs create direct employment
You can always be welcomed down at                                                          programs in schools, while supporting          opportunities for their communities.
the football club – it doesn’t matter who      OUTCOMES                                     other community groups’ events and
                                                                                            fund raising efforts, supporting health
                                                                                                                                           Football clubs are large consumers
                                                                                                                                           within their own communities,
you are or what your background is.            Football clubs are important and             awareness and education campaigns and
                                                                                                                                           supporting local businesses such
                                               effective vehicles for delivering            helping socially disadvantaged members
                                               health and safety campaign                                                                  as bakeries, cafes, hotels, butchers,
I know from my own experience that             messages to young people.
                                                                                            of the community participate in football.
                                                                                                                                           restaurants and local trades people.
I would not be in the career I am              Individuals associated with a football
                                                                                            A football club’s reach is significant
                                                                                                                                           The average community football
                                                                                            and extends beyond its players,
now if it was not for the contacts             club have a greater level of self-reported   coaches, administrators and volunteers;
                                                                                                                                           club in Victoria makes an annual
                                                                                                                                           economic contribution of $630,0001.
I made through football.                       wellbeing at every age group compared        for every 1 player, football clubs
                                               to a sample of the Victorian population.

                                                 Street Ryan Economic Contribution
                                                Assessments of Australian Football                                                     2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray 3
STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 2022 - To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region through ...

       • Engage local people to make decisions
         on the on the sport’s strategic
         direction and future growth

       • Minimise the cost of participation
         by sharing resources and increasing
         local revenue to reinvest back into
         the game and broader community

       • Provide operational and administrative
         support to member leagues with
         resources reporting locally

4 2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray
STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 2022 - To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region through ...
                                       FOOTBALL TEAMS                PARTICIPATION
 77                                       368                           SUMMARY
                                                              REGIONAL SNAPSHOT
                                        NETBALL TEAMS

                                      GAMES OF FOOTBALL
GOVERNMENT                             AND NETBALL EACH
AUTHORITIES                               WEEKEND

       9,000+                         215
                                       UMPIRES                        COACHES

                  4,400+                                AUSKICKERS




                                                           SCHOOL VISITS
                                                             & CLINIC

                                                                                  2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray 5
STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 2022 - To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region through ...
VISION                                         For Australian Rules Football and Netball to be the
                                                 sports of choice in the Goulburn Murray region.

                                                  PLAY FAIR                                                  PLAY TO SUCCEED

  VALUES                                          Respect, integrity, honesty, empathy and a
                                                  great work ethic earns us the right to play.
                                                                                                             We rise to every challenge and do what we
                                                                                                             say we will do – we own the outcome.
                                                                                                             We thrive on pushing the boundaries beyond what
                                                  PLAY AS ONE TEAM                                           we have done before to achieve the extraordinary
                                                                                                             for our people, fans, partners and the community.
                                                  We work as one team because we
   PLAY WITH PASSION                              achieve better outcomes.
   We love what we do. Passion, energy, fun       We bring out the best in each other by embracing
   and perseverance is at the heart of our        our diverse range of ideas, skills and backgrounds
                                                  to achieve individual and shared success.
   sport and is what drives how we work.
                                                  We celebrate our wins and always have each other’s back.

6 2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray
STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 2022 - To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region through ...
                                    FOR AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL AND NETBALL TO BE THE
                                     SPORTS OF CHOICE IN THE GOULBURN MURRAY REGION
                                                                                         KEYS TO SUCCESS
                           Embedding diversity in everything we                      Ultimate collaboration with all football           Easy accessibility and clear pathways to
                            do across gender, culture and ability.              stakeholders working together to grow the game.        participate and progress through the game.

        PARTICIPATION                               COMMUNITY                                       ENGAGEMENT                                 DEVELOPMENT
       Develop and Support pathways to             To support leagues, their                       Develop stakeholder and community          To build relationships with the
      increase participation in order to           clubs and schools to provide                   engagement initiatives that                 community to develop fans
     facilitate the growth of Australian          quality environments to                         add social value and support               for all levels of the game
     Rules Football & Netball                     motivate all stakeholders                      program accessibility, equality
                                                                                                 and inclusive environments

  TALENT                                       FACILITIES                                     & CULTURE                                   SUSTAINABILITY
 To establish best practise                   To advocate for and collaborate                 To attract, develop and retain             Ensure that AFL Goulburn Murray
programs to identify, attract and            on facility development for the                 quality people and develop                 and its members have a responsible,
develop the best participants                network of community football                   a high performance culture                 sound and sustainable business
                                            leagues, their clubs and schools                in line with our values                    model to enable long term growth
                                                                                                                                       of football and netball in the region

             PLAY TO                                   PLAY WITH                                               PLAY                              PLAY AS ONE
         WIN                                  PASSION                                                  FAIR                                    TEAM
                                                                                                                                          2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray 7
STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 2022 - To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region through ...
                                                 Develop and Support pathways to increase participation in order
                                                 to facilitate the growth of Australian Rules Football & Netball.

                                                     FOOTBALL                                                UMPIRING
                                                     › Work with clubs to identify and maximise              › Develop regional Umpire Strategy
                                                       their own playing pathway                             › Continue to promote and develop
                                                     › Maintain and Increase Participants                      the Umpire Diverse Academy
                                                     › Implement Female Football Strategy                    › Improve recruitment and retention
                                                     › Foster pathway opportunities and increase               programs for umpires
                                                       multicultural participants into local clubs           › Implement a full time umpire’s resource
                                                     › Promote AFL Vic. indigenous programs
                                                                                                             SCHOOLS AND OTHER PROGRAMS
                                                     › Assist clubs in developing & implementing
                                                       junior development plans                              › Identify schools currently without football teams
                                                                                                             › Grow and develop primary school competitions
                                                     NETBALL                                                 › Improve and increase the engagement
                                                     › Support Netball Vic Development programs                and activity of school ambassadors
                                                     › Support growth of netball participation

                                                     › Promote Auskick as integral first step
                                                       in junior football pathway
                                                     › Develop standalone centres for multicultural groups
                                                     › Continue to roll out and implement
                                                       Auskick programs and support
                                                     › Encourage club alignment to Auskick centres

8 2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray
STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 2022 - To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region through ...
To support leagues,                            CLUBS                                                    GMCA
                                               › Provide formal and informal training and support for   › Implement new accreditation structure
their clubs and schools                          club volunteers to assist them manage their workload   › Conduct a Governance review of GMCA
to provide quality                             › Develop club best practise resource for                › Increase participation in the Coach
                                                 retention and recruitment of volunteers
environments to motivate                                                                                  Co-ordinator program
                                                                                                        › Deliver AFL GM Coaching Strategy
all stakeholders.                              STAKEHOLDER & COMMUNITY OUTREACH
                                               › Revamp and update Health Services Strategy             SPORTS TRAINERS
                                               › Evolve Themed rounds program                           › Develop annual sports trainers education program
                                               › Implement Sports Chaplaincy Australia
› Manage transition of PDFNL and MFL             program in all Leagues
  into the Region Administration Centre
                                               › Grow AFL GM’s status as a community leader
› Establish a singular regional governance
  model for junior leagues                     UMPIRING
› Establish female football pathway            › Manage GVFUA transition to into
› Implement consistent junior rules              Region Administration Centre
› Establish regional Area Agreement            › Employ full time umpiring resource
› Implement Netball Coach of the Year Awards   › Establish umpire MOU encompassing all leagues

                                                                                                                        2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray 9
STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 2022 - To promote, manage and develop Australian Rules football and netball in the Goulburn Murray region through ...
Develop stakeholder and community engagement
initiatives that add social value and support program
accessibility, equality and inclusive environments

    RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT                               › Identify and nurture current and additional
    › Continue to Facilitate and promote strong             multicultural community ambassadors to
      working relationships with leagues, clubs, umpire     promote football in new communities
      associations and Local Government Authorities       › Leverage Richmond Next Generation Academy
    › Produce a club help resource to assist in             partnership to enhance relationships in
      the reduction /elimination of umpire abuse            multicultural and indigenous communities
      and bad behaviour towards umpires
    › Continue to develop functional and relevant
      communication channels for stakeholders
    › Maximise media usage and exposure for
      initiatives, programs, clubs and Leagues
    › Educate on, and promote, responsible
      use of social media platforms
    › Implement annual Communications
      Matrix for all Leagues
    › Establish Multicultural Reference Group
    › Manage and continue to develop connection
      with indigenous communities and stakeholders
    › Establish a regional Reconciliation Action Plan
    › Develop a cultural awareness “document” to
      be shared amongst clubs and stakeholders
To build relationships with the community
to develop fans for all levels of the game                                         DEVELOPMENT
 › Grow AFL 9s social competition                      › Present and represent community football
 › Multicultural Reference Group to lead fan             netball clubs as positive social role models
   development activities in appropriate communities   › Present, encourage and promote football netball
 › Leverage Richmond FC Next Generation Academy          clubs and umpire associations as inclusive,
   partnership for fan development programs              family oriented and friendly environments
 › Incorporate Netball Vic (Vixens) in                 › Promote and support club initiatives that present
   fan engagement activities                             the game and member clubs in a positive manner
 › Maximise participation for AFL                      › Promote and represent the role of football
   player appearance program                             netball clubs in the community
 › Development links with community                    › Encourage and promote success
   programs and festivals                                stories in community football to media
                                                         and the broader community
 › Leverage Goulburn Murray based AFL and AFLW
   players as role models in our community

                                                                                                             2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray 11
   To establish best practise programs to identify,
   attract and develop the best participants

   V/LINE CUP & YOUTH                               PLAYER PATHWAYS
   DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY                              › Ensure all players receive opportunity
   › Integrate Youth Development Academy and          to access elite player pathways
     V/Line into one program (players & coaches)      Foster strong links between club,
   › Promote interleague as key selection program     interleague and talent programs
     for Youth Development Academy and V/Line       › Ensure netball junior interleague
   › Focus VLine Cup and Youth                        opportunity is provided
     Development Academy programs                   › Promote importance of
     on point of difference coaching                  junior interleague
   › Leverage Next Generation Academy partnership   › Promote link between community
     for coach education, player development,         and TAC Cup programs for both
     indigenous and multicultural access              male and female players

                                                    UMPIRE & COACH PATHWAYS
                                                    › Promote V/Line and important umpire
                                                      talent identification programs
                                                    › Encourage coaching linkage and professional
                                                      development opportunity between
                                                      Academy, VLine and TAC Cup programs

12 2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray
 To advocate for and collaborate on facility
 development for the network of community
football leagues, their clubs and schools

   › Develop Regional Facility Strategy          › Continue to drive the development
   › Foster and maintain Relationships             of Kialla Park Master Plans
     with candidates and members of local,         to serve the best interests of
     state and federal governments                 football and the community
   › Foster and maintain Relationships           › Maintain and develop the AFL Goulburn
     with staff and Councillors of                 Murray office facility to ensure it best
     local councils and shires                     serves the needs of member Leagues
   › Continue to monitor and implement           GRANTS PROGRAMS
     support and upgrades for club facilities
                                                 › Continue to promote availability of
   › Establish a best practice document            grants programs to assist member clubs
     to assist clubs in facility upgrades
                                                 › Continue to support and represent
   › Ensure facility upgrades and                  member clubs in grant application
     development upgrades include                  process to funding bodies as necessary
     appropriate facilities (where applicable)
   › Establish event and facility management
     policies for clubs hosting finals

                                                                                              2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray 13
     & CULTURE                                                         To attract, develop and retain quality people and develop
                                                                       a high performance culture in line with our values

     CLUB DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM                                                                                       STAFF DEVELOPMENT
     › Develop a Club Development strategy                   CONSOLIDATE AFL GM OFFICE                              › Develop Staff Manual documenting RAC
     › Deliver training programs for club volunteers as      › Incorporate league history into office environment     policies, procedures and practises
       per identified need (e.g. SportsTG, MyNetball)        › Promote the office as a ‘drop in’                    › Develop a staff development plan to ensure staff are
     › Deliver timely support and assistance to                facility for club volunteers                           provided opportunity to grow and develop in their role
       club volunteers on an ‘as needed’ basis               › Adopt and implement AFL Policies as they             › Benchmark staff salaries across other
     › Deliver annual club information and education forum     evolve (e.g. Child Safety, Drug & Alcohol, etc)        Commissions to ensure parity and equality

14 2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray
                                                                                                       Ensure that AFL Goulburn Murray
                                                                                                     and its members have a responsible,
                                                                                                          sound and sustainable business
                                                                                                       model to enable long term growth
                                                                                                      of football and netball in the region

› Manage growth against income                      › Grow business partnerships to grow                 SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM (CCSP)
› Achieve continuous improvement and growth           investment in the region                           › Ensure successful implementation of the Community
                                                    › Grow licence agreements to achieve                   Club Sustainability program across all affiliates
PLANNING                                              economies of scale for club benefit                › Implement education programs for club
› Continue to monitor and develop yearly action     › Grow marketing and sponsorship opportunities         stakeholders about the CCSP
  plan and measure against Strategic Plan
BRANDING                                            › Investigate funding from AFL Victoria and
› Strengthen AFL Goulburn Murray                      Netball Victoria for relevant programs
  Brand as representative of football               › Secure grants from non-football/
  and netball clubs in the region                     netball grants programs
› Obtain and leverage financial returns from the    › Ensure annual audit of business and
  brand for reinvestment in programs and services     league finances
› Leverage community partnerships for               › Provide guidance and assistance for leagues
  development and growth of community clubs           and clubs to improve financial performance
› Engender club and community awareness
  and respect for the brand

                                                                                                                       2019-2022 Strategic Plan AFL Goulburn Murray 15

                      Kialla Park Community Centre
                      Reserve Street, Kialla VIC 3631
                    PO Box 1253, Shepparton VIC 3630
        T: (03) 5823 9800 E:

                   AFLGoulburnMurray            AFL_GM             AFL_GM

                      M: 0403 555 707 E:
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