Page created by Lance Gray
                                                           WITH US
                                                         DON’T BE LEFT

     ISSUE NUMBER 766 VOLUME 2 26 APRIL - 02 MAY 2021

                                                        WHO condemns global
                                                        vaccine divide – Again!

                                                        page 4

                                                        Risk of major measles
                                                        outbreaks as countries
                                                        delay vaccination

                                                        page 7

  ‘AFRICA’S GREEN                                       Upholding the Culture
                                                        of Hip Hop – The Roots
                                                        and Philosophy of
    TRANSITION                                          Zeus

  OPPORTUNITIES’                                        page 10
2 Echo Report                                                                                                                               Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021

                  THE AFRICAN STORY

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                                       ‘Africa’s Green transition

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Echo is published by
YMH Publishing
YMH Publishing,
Unit 3, Kgale Court, Plot 128,
GIFP, Gaborone
Postal address:                         African Development Bank             recovery in Africa. With              poverty.                                the private sector to complement
P O BOX 840,                          P r e s i d e n t D r A k i nw u m i   abundant solar, wind, hydro and          European Investment Bank             public investments.
Gaborone,                             Adesina has reminded global            geothermal energy resources,          President Werner Hoyer                     “The private sector, especially
Telephone: (267) 3933 805/6.          audiences of the continent’s           Africa’s energy transition alone      said the partnerships forged            small and medium-sized
E-mail:               vast opportunities for green           presents a $100 billion per year      in addressing the Covid-19              enterprises, is critical in                        growth.                                investment opportunity, he            crisis must now be applied to           mitigating climate change
                                        “Africa is a huge market             said. Agriculture potentially         climate change. “Africa may             and implementing adaptation
DISCLAIMER:                           offering incredible                    offers massive investments in         be the continent that is most           methods. This calls for innovative
Echo Newspaper welcomes
concise letters from readers.         opportunities. The recovery            climate-smart crops to build          vulnerable to the immediate             approaches to attract and steer
Letters must carry the                pathway offers enormous                more resilient food systems. And      effects of climate change but           financial flows toward low
full name and address of              opportunities. Recovery must           climate-resilient infrastructure      it is responsible for some of           carbon and climate resilient
the sender. Letters must              be green and build climate             offers investment potential of        the lowest greenhouse gas               development,” Adesina said.
conform to the laws of                resilience. Recovery must boost        between $130 billion and $170         emissions per head. This is also           A greener Africa must also
Botswana and to the Press
Council of Botswana’s Code            green investments,” Adesina            billion, Adesina said in a video      the continent where mistakes            focus on the circular economy,
Of Ethics. Letters will also be       said in a keynote address at the       address.                              made elsewhere can be avoided.          in which waste can be recycled
edited for length, libel and          European Union-Africa Green              Speakers emphasized the need        Africa can invest in innovative         and turned into wealth.
language.                             Investment Forum on Friday.            to build back greener collectively.   technologies and make the right         For example, a new plastic
                                        The hybrid forum was                 Several congratulated the United      choices for a sustainable and           recycling plant in Ghana has
                                      convened by Portugal and the           States, after President Joe Biden     inclusive future.”                      already created 2,300 green
                                      European Investment Bank to            on Thursday committed to cut             In a recorded message during         jobs, while converting food
                                      mobilize private and public            carbon emissions by 50-52%            the opening session, António            waste into organic fertilisers
                                      capital towards the green              below 2005 levels by the year         Guterres, Secretary General             will increase the circularity of
                                      transition in Africa. The high-        2030.                                 of the United Nations, said the         the food systems, Adesina said.
                                      level event brought together             “We need to bring everyone          gathering was an opportunity               Commending the European
                                      leading government and                 on board,” African Union              to strengthen partnerships and          Commission’s External
                                      business figures, international        Commissioner Josefa Sako said.        boost investment in Africa for          Investment Plan, Adesina said
                                      and development financial              She called for a just transition      the benefit of all.                     the Bank looked forward to
Read more Echo                        institutions, civil society and        that recognized the historical           “I see agendas converging            building a strong partnership
stories on our                        academia.                              responsibility of the developed       around financing a green                with the Commission to deliver
Facebook page by                        Adesina identified energy,
                                      agriculture and infrastructure
                                                                             world for climate change. She
                                                                             warned that measures taken
                                                                                                                   transition and greater resilience.
                                                                                                                   African countries are rapidly
                                                                                                                                                           more in the context of the new
                                                                                                                                                           EU strategy with Africa.
scanning the QR                       as key areas of investment             should not push vulnerable            s c a l i n g u p r e n e wa bl e s ,      “Africa is already green. Africa
code below with                       potential for a post-Covid-19          populations into greater              particularly solar and wind             just needs to get greener. What
your mobile phone                                                                                                  power,” Guterres said.                  is needed now is more euros to
                                                                                                                      While climate change is a huge       back Africa’s green growth.
                                                                                                                   challenge for Africa, Adesina           Think about the tremendous
                                                                                                                   urged investors to seize on the         green investment opportunities
                                                                                                                   opportunities it presents, which        available today and many more
                                                                                                                   would be worth $3 trillion by           that will emerge into the future.
                                                                                                                   2030.                                   Think differently, think Africa,”
                                                                                                                      The African Development Bank         he said.
                                                                                                                   is in the vanguard of investment
                                                                                                                   in climate adaptation, he said,           (APO)
                                                                                                                   but over 70% of the financing
                                                                                                                   needed will need to come from
Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021                                                                                     Road to Zambia Elections                                      3
Zambia must find a way to                                                                                              factors as an example. The
                                                                                                                       president’s active engagement
                                                                                                                                                          and impact of nutrition related
                                                                                                                                                          noncommunicable diseases.

balance the economy and public
                                                                                                                       in promoting healthy lifestyles    Therefore, raising awareness
                                                                                                                       in mainstream media was seen       should be an immediate priority

health in tax policy
                                                                                                                       as good leadership.                for Zambia.
                                                                                                                          The sugary drinks tax in          Our findings show that
                                                                                                                       Zambia was initiated and           there is an opportunity to
                                                                                                                       championed by the Ministry         strengthen policies addressing
  The         burden             of    excise tax on all non-alcoholic       noncommunicable diseases                  of Health. Initially, a tax rate   noncommunicable diseases
noncommunicable diseases is            beverages except water. A tax         related to nutrition. But we            of 20% was proposed. But this        in African countries through
growing rapidly across sub-            rate of K0.30 (US$ 0.02) per          believe the tension need not hurt       met strong pushback from the         measures like sugar-
Saharan Africa. The conditions,        litre was levied. This 3% tax is      the public health objectives. There     government’s economic sector         sweetened beverage taxes.
which include obesity and              well below the recommended            are opportunities to strengthen         and industry stakeholders. They      But policy measures should be
diabetes, are now leading causes       rate of 20% required to reduce        existing taxation of sugary drinks      argued this would contribute to      contextualised to the needs of
of premature deaths. In Zambia,        noncommunicable disease risk          by ensuring policies take local         a high cost of doing business.       the country. The priority of most
noncommunicable diseases               factors like obesity. Because         economic context into account.          Industry attempted to discredit      African governments is economic
account for 29% of all deaths.         of the low rate, health sector           The diseases were linked to          evidence supporting the tax.         growth.
  The consumption of unhealthy         stakeholders are suggesting that      lifestyle factors such as physical      Some suggested that the Zambian        A differential tax that
commodities – tobacco, alcohol         the tax no longer focuses on public   inactivity and unhealthy diet. But      government was bowing to             distinguishes between
and ultra-processed foods high         health. Instead, it’s a general       none of the policies we reviewed        international pressure without       international and local producers
in sugar, salt and fats – is a major   source of government revenue.         identified sugary beverages as          considering the implication of       and manufacturers may be a
risk factor for these conditions.         In our recent study, my            a driver of noncommunicable             the tax in the domestic context.     feasible starting point to balance
  To regulate the availability of      colleagues and I looked for           diseases in Zambia.                     Such strong lobbying against the     economic interest with public
unhealthy commodities, the             opportunities to strengthen              Nutrition advocates and              tax likely contributed to the low    health objectives.
World Health Organisation              this tax policy in Zambia. Our        government representatives              rate of 3% that was eventually         Taxation could also support
(WHO) recommends cost-                 focus was on sugar-sweetened          suggested that the lack of              adopted.                             public health by providing
effective, evidence-based              beverage taxation.                    diversity in people’s diets could         Respondents suggested              subsidies for fruit and vegetables,
interventions. One such measure           Our findings showed tension        be a contributor to the rise of         that revenues from the tax           or the provision of safe drinking
is a tax on sugar-sweetened            between the government’s              noncommunicable diseases.               should finance nutrition and         water. To achieve this, the
beverages. Sweetened beverages         economic and public health            Maize porridge – nshima – is            noncommunicable disease              revenues from the tax could be
are associated with a number           priorities. The government            a staple in the country and is          prevention programmes. These         earmarked for health promotion.
of health complications. These         has intentions of regulating          consumed several times a day.           would include health promotion         Health problems have their
include an increased risk of           production of harmful food            But there’s a lack of evidence in       and education, regulation of the     origins and consequently solutions
type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular        products like sugar-sweetened         this regard.                            marketing of unhealthy foods,        outside the health sector. This is
diseases and other obesity‐            beverages. But it also commits           Pol i c y m a ke r s f e l t t h e   improved food labelling, and         why consultation must expand
related diseases.                      to growing the economy by             government was well prepared            incentives for production of         beyond the health sector during
  Zambia is one of the African         investment in the manufacturing       to address the health problem.          healthy foods.                       the development of policies
countries that has acted to regulate   sector, which includes the food       They pointed to policies such as          These suggestions reflected a      addressing noncommunicable
the environment for products           and beverage sub-sector.              the strategic plan for nutrition-       perception among all respondents     diseases.
linked to obesity. In January             This has prevented stronger        related noncommunicable                 that the population was largely
2019 the country introduced an         fiscal measures to address            diseases and related risk               unaware of causes, prevention          (TheConversation.)
Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021
     4 Echo Report

WHO condemns global vaccine

divide – Again!
                                                                                                                                                                          C y r i l

                                     denounced inequities in vaccine    just 0.3%,” Tedros said in a        the WHO press conference: “The        Ramaphosa called on
   The head of the World Health      distribution and urged wealthier   report about the ACT (Access        response of too many leaders          pharmaceutical companies
Organization (WHO) has said          countries to share excess doses    to COVID-19 Tools) Accelerator      was ‘my country first’. We made       to transfer mRNA vaccine
Coronavirus vaccines remain out      to help inoculate health workers   set up a year ago.                  a different choice. We knew           technology to low- and middle-
of reach in the poorest countries.   in low-income countries.             The European Commission           that we needed to fight this          income countries “free of
said on Friday, marking the            More than 3.2 million people     said it had sealed the world’s      virus not just at home but in all     intellectual property barriers”.
first anniversary of the COVAX       have died in the pandemic          biggest vaccine supply deal,        continents and countries, from        Reuters.
dose-sharing facility.               worldwide.                         agreeing to buy up to 1.8 billion   Asia’s megacities to Africa’s           “Let us together challenge
   WHO director-general Tedros         “Nearly 900 million vaccine      doses of Pfizer’s vaccine for       most remote villages.”                vaccine nationalism and ensure
Adhanom Ghebreyesus was              doses have been administered       the next few years as a debate         Tedros also said that he was       that protecting intellectual
speaking on Friday marking the       globally, but over 81% have        rages over access to shots for      concerned about the rising            property rights does not come
first anniversary of the COVAX       gone to high- or upper middle-     the world’s poorest people.         caseload in India saying: “The        at the expense of human lives,”
dose-sharing facility. The World     income countries, while low-         Its President Ursula Von der      situation in India is a devastating   he added.
Health body head has repeatedly      income countries have received     Leyen, in a recorded message to     reminder of what the virus              The ACT Accelerator still needs
                                                                                                              can do.” India reported the         $19 billion this year, Tedros
                                                                                                              world’s highest daily tally         said adding: “That’s a drop in
                                                                                                              of coronavirus infections           the ocean compared with the
                                                                                                              for a second day on Friday,         trillions of dollars governments
                                                                                                              surpassing 330,000 new              are spending on supporting their
                                                                                                              cases, as it struggles with a       economies, and the massive
                                                                                                              health system overwhelmed           revenues that most vaccine
                                                                                                              by patients and plagued by          makers are generating.”
                                                                                                              accidents and lack of medical         Dag Ulstein, Norwegian
                                                                                                              oxygen.                             minister of international
                                                                                                                French President Emmanuel         development, told the same
                                                                                                              Macron said that one in             briefing: “Continued lack of
                                                                                                              six Europeans had been              financial support for the ACT
                                                                                                              vaccinated, one in five in North    Accelerator poses a major
                                                                                                              America but just one in 100         obstacle for its ability to deliver
                                                                                                              in Africa.                          at scale.”
                                                                                                                “It’s unacceptable,” he said.       COVAX, which has shipped
                                                                                                                France will step up vaccine       40.5 million doses to 118
                                                                                                              donations to COVAX in the           countries so far, aims to secure 2
                                                                                                              coming months, providing            billion shots by the end of 2021.
                                                                                                              500,000 shots, including
                                                                                                              from suppliers other than             ( Reuters.)
                                                                                                              AstraZeneca, Macron said,
                                                                                                              urging others to do the same.
Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021
                                                                                                                                               Echo Report                          5

  Biden says clean energy shift                                                                                                                      based GRID Alternatives, a
                                                                                                                                                     nonprofit that installs solar

  a chance to ‘raise’ people and
                                                                                                                                                     systems and also trains low-
                                                                                                                                                     income communities and
                                                                                                                                                     groups including women, racial

  the economy
                                                                                                                                                     minorities and ex-prisoners to
                                                                                                                                                     do the work.
                                                                                                                                                       Many then find jobs in the
                                                                                                                                                     solar industry or start their own
                                                                                                                                                     business ventures, Mackie said.
  From installing solar energy        “simply making room for us           of Easy Solar, a company that in     off-grid solar entrepreneur.           “Those most impacted by fossil
in villages in Sierra Leone to        at the table, like you did today”.   five years has created about 800       In Kenya, decentralised            fuel pollution, climate-induced
making electric buses for               “Oftentimes, policymakers          jobs for young people in Sierra      renewable energy companies           disasters and burdensome
American schools, the clean           form ideas about what they           Leone and Liberia, said clean        now employ more than 10,000          energy costs must be first (in)
energy revolution the world           think is essential for workers       energy in West Africa could help     workers, most of them based in       climate solutions - they must
needs for a safer future can also     in a particular state, industry,     provide the employment needed        rural areas - a figure comparable    benefit first,” she said.
bring secure jobs with good           region, province or country.         for a fast-growing population.       to the number working for the          U. S . Na t i o n a l C l i m a t e
wages, a U.S.-led summit heard        But, really, only workers can           African nations should not        country’s state utility, Mosia       Advisor Gina McCarthy said
on Friday.                            best answer the question of how      have to “worry about a problem       noted.                               the organisation’s work was a
  Hosted by U.S. President Joe        a net-zero economy includes          we did not create” in tackling         But off-grid renewables will       reminder that clean energy “is
Biden, the second day of the          us,” she said.                       climate change, she said.            require billions of dollars in new   not a luxury for a few”.
international climate summit            Workers can and should be             But “I do believe it’s a unique   funding to expand enough to            “It’s a necessity for all of us,”
looked at how to develop clean        key allies in shaping green          opportunity to look forward...       beat energy poverty in Africa,       she told the summit. (Reuters.)
technologies and industries to        economy policies and “not an         challenge the status quo and say     she said.
replace planet-heating fossil         after-thought”, she added.           economic development does              The summit also heard from
fuels, while ensuring prosperity        Nthabiseng Mosia, co-founder       not have to be dirty,” said the      Erica Mackie, CEO of California-
for workers.
  “If we can keep the focus on
the jobs we’re going to create,
the economic opportunity, the
growth - and in my country, at
least, on union jobs - to provide
the ability to raise the economy,
raise the GDP, raise every part
of who we are - I think this is
just an incredible opportunity,”
the president said.
  One of the first people Biden
spoke to on environmental
issues as he took office was
Lonnie Stephenson, president of
the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers, he said.
  That was “because I am so sick
and tired of people talking about
how we get this (transition)
done and (they) don’t care
about jobs”.
  Biden has sought to connect
efforts to fight climate change
with opportunities to create jobs
in growth industries like green
energy as part of his $2.3 trillion
jobs and infrastructure package,
which requires approval by
  Stephenson, who heads the
largest energy union in North
America, told the event that
so far not enough employers
in renewable power, including
wind and solar energy, allowed
workers to join trade unions
and secure their labour rights.
  He noted there would be
new jobs in boosting electricity
transmission capacity, building
smart neighbourhood grids
and laying fibre optic cables, as
well as in adding nuclear and
hydrogen power and working
on carbon capture.
  “The current energy transition
can be a win for the climate and a
win for jobs as long as lawmakers
commit to implementing labour
protections that ensure new
energy jobs are good, union
jobs,” Stephenson said.
  Roxanne Brown, international
vice president at large of the
United Steelworkers, a union
with about 850,000 members,
said governments around the
world could put workers at
the centre of building a clean
energy infrastructure by
6        Business & Finance (SMME’s)                                                                                             Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021

 LEA Upskills Local Businesses
 For Growth & Success
 Atla Sa Temo Millers

                                                                                                         sector, Molepolole Consumer
                                                                                                         Cooperatives as well as individuals
                                                                                                         in and around Molepolole. With
                                                                                                         LEA’s assistance, the business
                                                                                                         participated at several seminars
                                                                                                         and exhibitions such as trade
                                                                                                         fairs, flea markets and market
                                                                                                         linkage workshops to promote
                                                                      management skills that include     their products through the
                                                                      training on record keeping         support of LEA.
                                                                      which is key in monitoring
                                                                      profitability of the business.       LEA also facilitated for the
                                                                      LEA also facilitated technology    business to carry out product
                                                                                                                                                  73 622 480 or
                                                                      audit for the business which is    testing and compliance to NFTRC
                                                                                                                                                   74 318 665
                                                                      very essential for sourcing the
                                                                      right machinery. Furthermore,
                                                                                                         requirements. In addition, the
                                                                                                         company was capacitated with
                                                                      the company was also assisted      product branding, packaging and
                                                                      to develop a business plan for     labelling. The business continues
                                                                      expansion.                         to benefit from other LEA
                                                                                                         business support services such            Facebook:
  Atla Sa Temo Millers is a LEA    team with passion for quality        In addition, LEA facilitated     as business advisory, coaching
assisted enterprise situated       production and service delivery    market access, business linkages   and mentoring services.                   Atla Sa Temo
in Molepolole Industrial Site.     to their customers.                and marketing strategies for
Directed by Mr. Ross Molaudi,                                         Atla Sa Temo Millers to network      Atla Sa Temo Millers supplies
the business mills and packages      Atla Sa Temo registered          and that landed supply deals       varied sizes of sorghum meal,
sorghum products and bi-           with LEA five months into          with various buyers that include   mosutlhwane, ntlatlawane and           ARTICLE BROUGHT
products. The business is          their operation in 2019. The       a chain of wholesalers, retail     moroko. The business currently          TO YOU BY LEA
comprised of a very enthusiastic   enterprise was offered business    stores, general dealers, tourism   employs five full time employees.


          Market Readiness                       Marketing &                       Facilitation of Product                          Local & International
            Assessment                          Sales Strategies                   Testing & Certification                            Market Linkages

                                                 Visit any LEA branch for assistance.

                       Gaborone: 3957856                             Francistown: 2418036                           Molepolole: 5921006
                       Pilane: 5729146                               Tsabong: 6540196                               Ghanzi: 6597161
                       Kanye: 5403093                                Selibe Phikwe: 2613160                         Serowe: 4632071
                       Ramotswa: 5391075                             Maun: 6863146                                  Hukuntsi: 6510420
                       Masunga: 2489803                              Kasane: 6250432                                Letlhakane: 2978780
                                                  Empowering the entrepreneur to start and grow their business
Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021                                                                                                         Echo Report                   7

Risk of major measles outbreaks as
                                                                                                               close the gaps created at the start   information systems, national
                                                                                                               of the pandemic. This includes        leadership, management and

countries delay vaccination drives
                                                                                                               providing policy guidance,            coordination. We must also
                                                                                                               helping strengthen health             engage more with community
                                                                                                               systems, training health care         leaders and influencers to ensure
                                                                                                               professionals, reinforcing disease    that everyone understands the
                                                                                                               surveillance and the use of data      life-saving, transformative
   Fifteen African countries            Despite challenges, Africa was     vaccine in 40 African countries.    for action, as well as assisting      promise of vaccines,” said Dr
delayed measles immunization          declared wild polio-free in 2020.    Over 116 million children were      with periodic mass vaccination        Moeti.
drives last year as they dealt with   Vaccines are having a huge impact    vaccinated with the third dose      campaigns for a range of vaccine        WHO and Member States
the COVID-19 pandemic. While          on diseases like cervical cancer,    of the pneumococcal conjugate       preventable diseases.                 will observe the 11th African
seven of these countries have now     hepatitis and Ebola. The region      vaccine between 2015 and 2019.        “Integrated action is needed        Vaccination Week from 24 to 30
completed the campaigns, eight        has made significant gains against     Alongside the rollout of          to increase and expand access to      April 2021 – an annual campaign
remain outstanding, posing a          meningitis A in recent years and     COVID-19 vaccines, WHO is           immunization as part of primary       that unites partners in calling for
risk of major measles outbreaks.      new and underutilized vaccines       working with African countries to   health care. This must be backed      universal access to life-saving
   On the eve of the African          have been introduced, including      ensure that routine immunization    by a well-trained workforce,          vaccines and greater collective
Vaccination Week – the annual         the pneumococcal conjugate           service delivery is scaled up to    strong surveillance, health           action on immunization in Africa.
campaign for universal access
to life-saving vaccines on the
continent – new, early data
shows that an estimated 16.6
million children in Africa missed
planned supplemental measles
vaccine doses between January
2020 and April 2021 and eight
African countries reported major
measles outbreaks that affected
tens of thousands during the
period. The outbreaks were largely
due to low routine immunization
coverage or delayed vaccination
drives. In addition, the quality of
measles surveillance in Africa fell
to the lowest level in seven years
in 2020, with just 11 countries
meeting their target.
   “Recent outbreaks of measles,
but also yellow fever, cholera and
meningitis all point to worrying
gaps in immunization coverage
and surveillance in Africa. As we
fight COVID-19, we cannot leave
anyone dangerously exposed
to preventable diseases. I urge
all countries to double down
on essential health services,
including life-saving vaccination
campaigns,” said Dr Matshidiso
Moeti, World Health Organization
(WHO) Regional Director for
   Measles is highly contagious,
requiring at least 95%
immunization coverage in the
population to prevent outbreaks,
yet coverage with the first dose of
the measles-containing vaccine
has stagnated at around 69% in
the WHO African Region since
2013. Only seven countries in the
region achieved 95% measles-
containing vaccine coverage
in 2019.
   I urge all countries to double
down on essential health services,
including life-saving vaccination
   The low measles coverage
reflects a wider stagnation in
routine immunization in Africa
that, in some countries, has been
exacerbated by the pandemic
and related restrictions. Most
diseases, including tetanus,
diphtheria and yellow fever,
require 90% coverage in the
population, yet rates in Africa
remained stuck at around 70 to
75% over the last decade.
   Around 9 million children
in the African region miss life-
saving vaccines each year and
one in five children remain
unprotected from vaccine
preventable diseases, which
claim the lives of over 500 000
children under 5 years in Africa
every year.
8 Business & Finance                                                                                                                    Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021

                                                                                                                                                     Nairobi boasting accelerator
                                                                                                                                                     ecosystems, homegrown
                                                                                                                                                     unicorns and big tech offices.
                                                                                                                                                        A report from Google and
                                                                                                                                                     the International Finance
                                                                                                                                                     Corporation (IFC) shows that the
                                                                                                                                                     technology start-up ecosystem
                                                                                                                                                     is helping drive Africa’s internet
                                                                                                                                                     economy towards a projected
                                                                                                                                                     value of $180 billion by 2025.
                                                                                                                                                     The leading sectors of growth
                                                                                                                                                     in Africa’s internet economy are
                                                                                                                                                     financial technology (fintech),
                                                                                                                                                     e-commerce, health, e-logistics,
                                                                                                                                                     e-mobility and food delivery. Key
                                                                                                                                                     drivers of this transformation
                                                                                                                                                     include increased access to more
                                                                                                                                                     affordable and higher-speed
                                                                                                                                                     Internet across the continent
                                                                                                                                                     triggered by the coronavirus

The rise of African Technology
                                                                                                                                                        African technology companies
                                                                                                                                                     are facing competition from

                                                                                                                                                     foreign technology companies
                                                                                                                                                     setting up headquarters in Africa.
                                                                                                                                                     Twitter recently announced
                                                                                                                                                     its African headquarters will
By Emmanuel Allottey                 single market with a combined         continent has the highest mobile     economy in Africa is the             be in Ghana. Amazon, the
                                     gross domestic product (GDP) of       penetration and fastest growing      continent’s leader in technology     biggest company in the world
  Technology offers Africa the       $3.4 trillion. This will facilitate   digital adoption rate in the         start-ups. Jumia was the pioneer     has greenlighted South Africa
opportunity to leapfrog from         regional economic communities         world.                               of Africa’s first e-commerce         to be the home to its African
a poverty stricken, under-           to become more integrated with           All these factors present         service that listed on the New       Headquarters. Google has
developed continent to become        increased market access for           the perfect combination              York stock exchange (NYSE).          opened an artificial intelligence
leaders in the 4th Industrial        technology companies.                 for exponential growth and           Another notable innovation           lab in Ghana, the first for the
revolution. The African continent      Africa has the enabling             economic prosperity. The             that has emerged in East             company on the continent.
has remained resilient in the        factors that make the growth          explosion of technology hubs         Africa is Mpesa – a mobile              The emergence of technology
face of numerous challenges,         of technology companies               and incubation centres is driving    phone based money transfer           giants has the potential to
however an emerging area for         conducive. The continent will         a start-up and innovation culture    service, payments and micro-         leapfrog Africa into the 4th
growth and dominance is in the       have the youngest, fastest            on the continent supported by        financing service, that is driving   industrial revolution with the
technology industry.                 growing, and increasingly             partnership with businesses and      financial inclusion. Cities that     resilient growth of the African
  The African Continental Free       urbanized workforce by                governments.                         have emerged as regional tech        technology sector.
Trade Area will create the largest   2050. In addition, the African           Nigeria, home of the largest      hubs are Cape Town, Cairo, and

                                                                                                                                                       primary school model uses a
                                                                                                                                                       technology-based approach
                                                                                                                                                       and offers a curriculum taught
                                                                                                                                                       by internally trained teachers.
                                                                                                                                                       The cost of providing teaching
                                                                                                                                                       material to students is greatly
                                                                                                                                                       reduced with the use of online
                                                                                                                                                       learning and technology.
                                                                                                                                                       As more players enter the
                                                                                                                                                       private education space and
                                                                                                                                                       compete for market share,
                                                                                                                                                       the competition is expected
                                                                                                                                                       to improve the quality of
                                                                                                                                                       education and lower the cost
                                                                                                                                                       of delivering private school
                                                                                                                                                         Rapid population
                                                                                                                                                       growth, rural to urban
                                                                                                                                                       migration combined with
                                                                                                                                                       mismanagement of resources
                                                                                                                                                       have caused a deterioration

The Business of Private
                                                                                                                                                     in the quality of education in
                                                                                                                                                     public schools. Government
                                                                                                                                                     policies for inclusive growth,

Education in Africa
                                                                                                                                                     the eradication of poverty
                                                                                                                                                     and exclusion, increased
                                                                                                                                                     investment in education and
                                                                                                                                                     human development, and
                                                                                                                                                     good governance to ensure a
By Emmanuel Allottey                 education. Entrepreneurs              exponentially grown in the last      cost can be fully recovered          fairer distribution of assets will
                                     are looking to capitalise on          decade with lucrative returns.       through the school fees and          reduce the long term effects of
  Africa is booming with             the disruption caused by the          Private investors have started       other additional fees. The fee       inequality between private and
business opportunities. The rise     coronavirus pandemic to               investing in the acquisition of      structure can be itemised to         public education.
of the middle class has increased    introduce low-cost private            international schools across         allow for different amounts             Quality education has been
the demand for private schools as    education models underpinned          different countries and building a   to be charged for the different      linked to improved career
an alternative to public schools     by technology.                        brand to differentiate themselves    services offered. The fees levied    prospects with an increased
to ensure their children get a         The population of Africa            from competition.                    are not regulated can be adjusted    likelihood to secure a high-
good education. School closures      will double in the next 25              The biggest driver of the cost     to maximise profitability.           status occupation and higher
resulting from the Covid-19          years, reinforcing the market         of private school education is         The accelerated adoption           wages. For parents seeking to
pandemic has triggered the           for both public and private           the quality of teaching staff,       of technology in Africa has          secure their legacy, private
review of traditional learning       education. The number of              seconded by the infrastructure       provided the opportunity to          school education is the best
models and ultimately the value      new Private schools opened            and extracurricular activities       reduce the cost of education.        foundation for their children
derived from private school          and enrolment in Africa has           provided by the school. This         In Tanzania, a low-cost private      to succeed.
Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021
                                                                                                                                       9 Echo Report

Debswana expects
new strategy to
create at least $900
mln in extra revenue
   Debswana Diamond Company,         network,” Balopi said.          output by 38% this year to pre-      the easing of travel restrictions
a joint venture between the            Initial costs of converting   pandemic levels of 23 million        and jewellers reopen after
Botswana government and              the mine to underground are     carats, a company official told      lockdowns.
Anglo American’s De Beers,           estimated at 65 billion pula.   Reuters in February, as the global
said on Friday that its new            Debswana plans to increase    diamond market recovers with           (Reuters.)
business strategy adopted last
year should enable it to create
at least 10 billion pula ($924
million) in additional revenue
over the next four years.
   The five-year strategy,
adopted at the beginning of
2020, includes restructuring of
mines and is aimed at improving
efficiencies throughout the
group’s operations.
   It is being accelerated after
Debswana was hit hard by
the coronavirus pandemic.
Earnings almost halved last
year as sales and production
were hampered by domestic
and global shutdowns and
restrictions on movement.
   The new plan has already
seen the company close one of
its smaller low-grade mines,
while a 47-year-old processing
plant was decommissioned at
another mine.
   In 2021 the company plans to
make savings of at least 2 billion
pula through the restructuring
of parts of the organisation, its
head of transformation and
innovation Thabo Balopi told
a briefing with investors and
   Debswana’s parent company
De Beers last year adopted a new
business transformation model
which sought to restructure
mines, expand in jewellery and
overhaul diamond sales.
   As mines get deeper and
costlier to run, Debswana
is looking to convert its
flagship Jwaneng mine into
an underground mine.
   Preparations are already
underway to prepare the
company and its workforce
for the transformation after
50 years of open cast mining.
   Under the current “Cut 9”
open-cast expansion project,
Jwaneng’s lifespan is being
extended to 2034, with
underground mining expected
to start thereafter.
   “The shift to underground
is expected to produce about
9 million carats annually and
extend the mine’s lifespan by
a further 20 years,” Balopi said.
   “Early access is expected
by 2023 with full production
from 2034. At full operation,
Jwaneng will be the world’s
largest underground mine with
a more than 360 km of tunnel
10 Echo Report                                                                                                                          Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021

                                                                                                                 the Culture
                                                                                                                 of Hip Hop –
                                                                                                                 The Roots and
                                                                                                                 Philosophy of
                                                                                                                 seemingly insurmountable; “I         I am good.” Zeus said.
                                                                                                                 know that feeling and trust me          Zeus said collaboration is
                                                                                                                 your work will carry you further     important and that Hip Hop is
                                                                                                                 than you think at times.”            a fusion genre, great for fusing
                                                                                                                                                      different talents together be it
                                                                                                                    He cited Stevie Wonder as         emcees together or emcees with
                                                                                                                 an influence and Nasir Jones as      vocalists or with instrumentalists
                                                                                                                 his favorite artists and locally     and producers. “For me it’s just
                                                                                                                 credited Nomadic, who was the        the vibe, in terms of what I look
                                                                                                                 first person he heard rapping        for in collaboration. I look for
                                                                                                                 in Setswana as another major         something that I like to begin
                                                                                                                 influence.                           with. With a lot of young artist
                                                                                                                    Zeus also highlights Kwaito       I will just ask them to send me
                                                                                                                 and its transition to Motswako       something and if I like it I will
                                                                                                                 as well as Bongo Muffin as other     go with it. Also the individual,
                                                                                                                 influences of his music.             I may be a bit old school but
                                                                                                                    “The biggest lessons of my        there is something to being able
                                                                                                                 career are to believe in you and     to connect with that creator as
                                                                                                                 to have a vision and begin with      well, I think it helps the process,”
                                                                                                                 the end in mind. You have to         said Zeus.
                                                                                                                 have a good sense of where you          Zeus said he is revamping his
                                                                                                                 want to go before you get there.     website which should be up in
                                                                                                                 If I could do anything differently   a matter of a few weeks and
                                                                                                                 I don’t think I would because I      will release “Draking” as a free
                                                                                                                 appreciate everything, I have        tape. “After that there will be
                                                                                                                 been through from the highs          my official album release since
                                                                                                                 to the lows and where it has led     I left Sony.
                                                                                                                 me today and the insight this           Zeus said he is very much into
                                                                                                                 has given me. I like who I am        film and television as well now.
                                                                                                                 complete with my limitations         He did a post-grad in motion
                                                                                                                 and shortfalls as well as the        picture film and television,
                                                                                                                 challenges I seek to overcome.       majoring in producing at AFDA
                                                                                                                 I wouldn’t want to change            Botswana. “I grew up loving
                                                                                                                 anything, I saw a Kobe Bryant        cinema and television as much
                                       wouldn’t really put down to any        highlights Zeus cited some         interview where he has said          as I love music and that’s across
By Ryan Blumton                        one specific moment but rather         important and inspirational        ‘If you could do things over it      formats from film to animation
                                       the collection of those things.”       milestones such as his track       changes the specialness of each      to comedy, drama and sports,”
In this week’s Echo Arts,              Zeus said that being a child in the    “Imagination” being nominated      one of those moments’ so I think     said Zeus.
we speak to recording and              late eighties his earliest memories    for a Channel O award, his first
performing artist Game Goabane         have been the influence for his        major nomination though he
Bantsi a.k.a Zeus about his music,     art and that the name he chose         did not win that, the following
inspirations, African music and        was inspired from the animated         year “Gijima” from his official
career highlights. Zeus is among       movie Hercules where he first          debut album after he went
Botswana’s most celebrated and         heard of Zeus, the king of the         independent won. “That was a
awarded artists. He has made a         Gods and Greek mythology and           huge one because Best Hip Hop
mark on the African continent as       Zeus’s ability to walk amongst         Music Video for the Channel O
one of Southern Africa’s biggest       men and leave a legacy.                African Music Video Awards in
Hip Hop artists. Zeus said about         Zeus said about African              2009 was mind-blowing, looking
how his career began; “How             identity; “I believe Afrocentricity    at how we bootstrapped that
I began my career has always           is important and to express            whole project.”
been a hard question.                  African identity in the things           Zeus won the award going up
   Do you begin your career            we do as Africans. It’s not just       against huge household names
when you are sitting home as           for us as artists but all of us even   in Southern African Hip Hop
a kid watching TV or listening         in business and architecture or        such as the late greats HHP and
to the radio and you hear or see       in any sphere of life. I always        Pro-Kid as well as MI Abada,
something that inspires you            give an example of the east, if        seemingly against the odds and
that pushes you to that craft or       you look at eastern philosophies       worked with manager Tshepo
is it the first time you walk into     and how they have found a home         Sikwane and Tshepo Seeletso,
studio or the first time I went to     in contemporary spaces, so no          the video producer. Zeus said
rap activity jam or the first time     matter what field you are in           that winning that award remains
I got into a cypher at school. For     the African identity can shine         one of the biggest sources of
me it’s all those things.              through.”                              motivation for him and had
   It’s a long period of time that I     Looking back on his career           advice for those facing the
Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021   Echo Report 11
12 Arts   Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021
Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021                                                                                                                    13 Travel

     DumaTau: A Luxury
     Destination Designed to
     Reflect a Serious Purpose
  The completely rebuilt             travel restrictions, made this an   wellness area has been carefully    boxes’ containing compelling           Enhanced cooling has been
DumaTau and brand new Little         interesting build – without very    aligned so that it appears to       details about elephant and wild      provided by plunge pools,
DumaTau, set on the very edge        dedicated contractors this could    merge with the dark waters          dog – both key species used to       extensive overhangs, and
of Osprey Lagoon in northern         not have been as successful.        beyond – an impression that is      explain DumaTau’s conservation       covered decks. In keeping
Botswana’s Linyanti Wilderness       Everybody pulled together and       affirmed by the charcoal colour     purpose. Additional curiosity        with a design philosophy that
Reserve, present an elegant          we are humbled to have been able    of the pool.                        boxes are also found in the          embraces innovation as well
design that effortlessly blends      to work in these trying times          Sustainability and celebrating   interpretive library, further        as tradition, the guest rooms
a sense of place with a clear        with such a stellar team”, notes    the sense of purpose are also       bringing these important stories     also feature customised spot-
conservation purpose, providing      Anomien Smith, lead architect       key to the DumaTau story –          to life. The Linyanti is a vital     cooling for the bedroom areas
impactful and life-changing          from Luxury Frontiers.              adherence to Wilderness Safaris’    migration corridor for elephants,    – a first for Wilderness Safaris.
journeys to this extraordinary         “The previous DumaTau was         long-standing ban on concrete       and serves as a diispersal hub       The redesigned guest rooms also
wilderness area.                     much loved by guests, and           in its camps meant that when        for wild dog, and it is therefore    feature expanded lounges and
  The vision for DumaTau             therefore our intention was         it proved necessary, one of the     crucial that the Linyanti is         bathrooms, with the outdoor
was brought to life through a        not to completely change the        original guest rooms could be       protected, with conservation         shower just a step away. The
collaboration between Luxury         original tented camp, but rather    disassembled and relocated with     tourism playing a vital role.        camps are 100% solar-powered
Frontiers and Artichoke              to enhance what was already         minimum disruption. Flexibility        The tiles on the main bar are     and all hot water is heated by
Interiors, in association with       there”, Anomien explains.           in the design of the expanded       illustrated with a hand-painted      solar geysers. Water-efficient
artist Gina Waldman, and               The extraordinary lagoon-         rooms meant that they could         map of the Linyanti area, while      showerheads, tap aerators and
Wilderness Safaris’ in-house         side setting – which regularly      be built around existing trees.     the copper waterlily installation    cisterns also feature.
design and development team.         attracts herds of elephant and         The simple yet characterful      in the spa ties the ideas of           Guests who stroll to the
The brief to the architects and      other wildlife – is key to the      timber cladding effect used         relaxation and revitalisation        centrally located Osprey Retreat
designers focused on the need to     architecture and design of          throughout the camps has been       to the lagoon-side setting. The      will discover not only a pergola
revitalise the camp and align it     DumaTau with its seven guest        achieved through repurposing        colour palette chosen by Câline      with daybeds, a Safari Boutique,
with the standards of Wilderness     suites and one family suite, and    wooden decking from the old         runs throughout the camp décor,      and deli spaces with delicious
Safaris’ Premier offering, while     Little DumaTau, comprising just     DumaTau. The explorer tented        thereby providing a leitmotiv        fresh and healthy snacks, but
retaining the soul of the original   four spacious guest suites. The     style was retained, while the       that connects each area back to      a welcoming ‘cool deck’ with
DumaTau.                             dining room and guest rooms         reclaimed timber adds another       the Linyanti region. Her chief       in-pool loungers.
  “We are extremely proud to be      have been reorientated to offer     architectural layer to enhance      inspiration was the presence           “We’re confident that the
opening these camps during this      more expansive views out over       the guest tents and other areas.    of waterlilies on the lagoon –       architecture and design of
time, emphasising our ongoing        the water, with the floating deck   In keeping with the ethos of        while the obvious step might         the camps will delight former
commitment to conservation           and fire pit lowered so as not to   avoiding waste, even the pallets    have been to echo the hues of        guests of DumaTau as well as
tourism in the region. COVID-19,     impede the vista. The main pool     used to transport items to the      the blooms, Câline was drawn         visitors who are discovering the
and the resulting lockdowns and      at the central Osprey Retreat       new camp have been pressed          to the undersides of the leaves,     remarkable Linyanti region for
                                                                         into service as cladding. On        hence the berry, blush, terracotta   the first time. With the camps’
                                                                         closer inspection, the details on   and greens, which inform the         extremely remote location, small
                                                                         the hand-dyed cushions reveal       DumaTau colour scheme –              number of suites and luxury
                                                                         themselves to have been cut         colours that immediately evoke       of space, alongside stringent
                                                                         from old game-drive vehicle         the wilderness beyond, and send      COVID-19 health and safety
                                                                         tyres – another way to close the    a welcoming message to guests.       protocols, we are confident that
                                                                         circle of the camp’s relationship      “All good design should tell      DumaTau will quickly become a
                                                                         with its surroundings.              a story”, comments Câline,           top Botswana safari choice for
                                                                            Lead interior designer, Câline   and DumaTau is a place with          discerning guests”, concludes
                                                                         Williams-Wynn, worked closely       more stories than most. In our       Kim Nixon, Wilderness Safaris
                                                                         with Gina Waldman to enhance        choice of colours, materials and     Botswana Managing Director.
                                                                         the authenticity of DumaTau’s       techniques, we’ve endeavored
                                                                         narrative, with each guest          to stay faithful to its rich           (WildernessBlogger)
                                                                         room featuring curated art and      history, while introducing the
                                                                         impact-driven décor, as well as     importance of the Linyanti to a
                                                                         two unique, life-size ‘curiosity    new generation of safari-goers”.
14     Echo Report                                                                                                                                        Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021

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  Dated at Gaborone on this 13th day of April, 2021.

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                                                                                                                                                                        said would come into effect “at
                                                                                                                                                                        the earliest opportunity”, could
                                                                                                                                                                        fall foul of the International
                                                                                                                                                                        Cricket Council, who disapprove
                                                                                                                                                                        of government intervention.
                                                                                                                                                                           “I have decided to invoke
                                                                                                                                                                        my powers ... by de-funding
                                                                                                                                                                        and de-recognising CSA‚“
                                                                                                                                                                        Mthethwa said in a letter to
                                                                                                                                                                        CSA on Friday.
                                                                                                                                                                           “I will‚ as soon as possible‚
                                                                                                                                                                        also inform the ICC of my
                                                                                                                                                                        decision and provide them
                                                                                                                                                                        with my reasons for doing so.”
                                                                                                                                                                           CSA’s interim board released
                                                                                                                                                                        a statement in response, calling
                                                                                                                                                                        it a “sad day” for cricket in the
                                                                                                                                                                           “Only the Members Council
                                                                                                                                                                        can retrieve the situation
                                                                                                                                                                        now by resolving to support
                                                                                                                                                                        an expedited procedure (for
                                                                                                                                                                        the new MOI),” interim board
                                                                                                                                                                        chairman Stavros Nicolaou said.
                                                                                                                                                                           A Special General Meeting
                                                                                                                                                                        was held last Saturday where it
                                                                                                                                                                        was expected that the Members

South African government
                                                                                                                                                                        Council would achieve the 75%
                                                                                                                                                                        majority vote in favour of a
                                                                                                                                                                        change to the MOI, but instead

de-recognises Cricket SA
                                                                                                                                                                        only six unions were in favour,
                                                                                                                                                                        while three abstained.
                                                                                                                                                                           Those that voted against said
                                                                                                                                                                        they did not have enough time
                                                                                                                                                                        review the changes, something
                                                                                                                                                                        the interim board have denied.
  S p o r t s m i n i s t e r Na t h i              participation in future                             holding out against agreeing     Mthethwa, as well as the          South Africa’s next
Mthethwa has turned up the                          international tournaments                           a new Memorandum of            CSA’s interim board, see this    international series is not until
heat on Cricket South Africa’s                      in doubt.                                           Incorporation (MOI) for the    as a necessary step to ensure    June when they are due to tour
(CSA) embattled Members                               The all-powerful Members                          organisation that would        good governance after years of   the West Indies for test and
Council after stripping                             Council, which is made up                           allow for a greater number     graft allegations, which have    limited overs matches.
them of the right to run the                        of the presidents of the 14                         of independent directors on    bedeviled the organisation.
game, putting the country’s                         provincial unions, has been                         its board.                       The move, which Mthethwa         (Reuters.)
Echo Newspaper 26 April - 02 May 2021                                                                                                             Sports 15

Zambia – Mwape relishing big test at
Tokyo Olympics
  Copper Queens Zambia coach   Football Tournament debut,       2004 and Beijing 2008, The       because when we qualified for         “Yes, we are going to a
Bruce Mwape has described      was drawn in Group F against     Netherlands who are the 2019     the Olympics, we already had        tournament to play big names
the Tokyo 2020 Olympic         three previous FIFA Women’s      FIFA Women’s World Cup           a very good idea about the          like Brazil, but to say that
Women’s Football Tournament    World Cup runners-up at the      runners-up and defending         exact caliber of opposition we      Zambia is afraid of them is
draw made on April 21st at     competition scheduled in Japan   European champions, and          would be expecting in Japan,”       wrong because we will not
FIFA headquarters in Zürich,   from 21 July to 6 August 2021.   China, who won Olympic           Mwape said.                         be facing Lions but our fellow
Switzerland as “expected and     Zambia will face the 2007      silver at Atlanta 1996 and         “So, there is nothing             footballing sisters. We will
unavoidable”.                  FIFA Women’s World Cup           finished second at the 2009      surprising and there is no way      prepare and face them on the
  Zambia, who will be making   runners-up Brazil, who also      FIFA Women’s World Cup.          one can say these are tough or      pitch, and the 90 minutes will
their Olympics Women’s         won Olympic silver at Athens       “We are happy with the draws   easy groups. We will respect all    tell.”
                                                                                                 our opponents, but we will not        Meanwhile, the Copper
                                                                                                 fear them,” he added.               Queenss have started their
                                                                                                   The Copper Queens will            preparations with a couple of
                                                                                                 be facing all three Group F         high-profile friendlies over
                                                                                                 opponents for the first time        the last six months, starting
                                                                                                 at senior level.                    in November 2020 when they
                                                                                                   Zambia’s route to the             beat fellow Olympic finalists
                                                                                                 Olympics saw them first beat        Chile 2-1 away in Santiago.
                                                                                                 Zimbabwe 5-0 at home in a             This April, Mwape’s team
                                                                                                 single-legged tie, before beating   later lost 3-1 to South Africa in
                                                                                                 Botswana 1-0 home and 2-0           Johannesburg during a month-
                                                                                                 away.                               long pre-Olympics training
                                                                                                   In the penultimate stage,         camp in Lusaka.
                                                                                                 they were held by Kenya 1-1 in        A third friendly scheduled
                                                                                                 Nairobi before winning 1-0 in       for the weekend of April 24
                                                                                                 Lusaka. Cameroon later handed       in Lusaka against Kenya was
                                                                                                 Zambia their only defeat on         cancelled due to operational
                                                                                                 the final round with a 3-2 win,     reasons in the visitors’ camp.
                                                                                                 but the Copper Queens won             “ We h ave s t a r t e d o u r
                                                                                                 the second leg 2-1 at home to       preparations, but the only
                                                                                                 qualify on away goals rule. They    d r awb a c k h a s b e e n t h e
                                                                                                 will be making their Olympic        COVID-19 pandemic. It has
                                                                                                 debut in Tokyo.                     really been a challenge securing
                                                                                                   “People must remember that        friendlies, but while we are
                                                                                                 we qualified on merit, and I am     trying to organize for them,
                                                                                                 sure that even our opponents        we shall continue to prepare
                                                                                                 have heard about us and have        for the Olympics at home,”
                                                                                                 some level of respect for us        Mwape concluded.
                                                                                                 qualifying to the Olympics,”          (Cafonline.)
                                                                                                 Mwape said.
                                              THE AFRICAN STORY

                                                                                                               Echo Newspaper 26 April2021 - 02 May 2021

    Motsepe takes up office
    at CAF headquaters
  President of Confederation        administration and to share with      to give the administration the         to be here, and I need people         He told CAF executives “we
Africaine de Football (CAF)         you our vision and expectations.      necessary impetus. We must             who will do a good job. There       need you to come with pride and
Patrice Motsepe has settled at      It is important to stress that        keep the promises we made to           is a lot to do, and we need you     without any uncertainty. Real
the organisation’s headquarters.    under the leadership of General       the football community, and I          to give 100%.”                      success takes time to happen,
Accompanied by CAF General          Secretary Veron Mosengo-              know we will leave a great legacy         He expressed his optimism        and you are real leaders.”
Secretary Veron Mosengo-            Omba, we have a competent             for this continent,” Motsepe said.     about his mission success,            “Success is built on trust. We
Omba, and FIFA Council member       staff to do a good job.”                Dr. Motsepe was delighted            convinced that the current team     are going to be successful, and we
Hani Abou Rida, Dr. Motsepe met       “Today’s meeting is a follow-       to take up his office at CAF           will make Africa proud.             will be judged on our results.”
CAF Top Management present          up to our first meeting held in       headquarters and to meet his              Since his election on 12 March     President Motsepe hit the
in Cairo, before settling in his    Rabat on the evening of my            staff members. After his election      in Rabat, Morocco, Dr. Motsepe      ground running last month after
office.                             election as CAF President. What is    in Rabat, he immediately met           has always recalled the ambitions   he was elected by operating
  A staff composed mainly           essential is that we must all share   with CAF delegation present            he has for CAF, highlighting        from his office in his native
of managers and directors           the ambition to make African          in Morocco then.                       that of making African football     South Africa and visited DR
welcomed him in the premises        football more competitive at            “I was planning to come here         more competitive on the global      Congo earlier this month for
located in 6 October city, Cairo.   the global level. Together with       earlier, but as you know the           scale. Financially, CAF will need   the launch of a pilot interschool
  “Today, I am happy to             your GS Mr. Veron, we have the        sanitary restrictions did not          to mobilize more resources for      competition project in Africa.
speak to those in charge of the     right person and the expertise        allow it. Today I am delighted         football.                           (Cafonline.)
You can also read