All Souls' Day 2019 - Parishes Online

Page created by Javier Jenkins
All Souls' Day 2019 - Parishes Online
All Souls’ Day 2019
Robert Baeten         October 10, 2018   Lilamae Swenson           April 12, 2019
Frances Kelly         November 1, 2018   Alice Vandehei            April 15, 2019
Harold Aldrich        November 5, 2018   Ken Bain                  April 18, 2019
John McGlone         November 12, 2018   Dick Keyser                April 23, 2019
Shirley Gerarden     November 22, 2018   Francis Doulet             May 11, 2019
Curtis Collar         December 2, 2018   Dolores Holl               May 22, 2019
Genevieve Quinette   December 8, 2018    David Minten               May 22, 2019
Gerald Hermsen       December 10, 2018   Marshall Enderby           May 24, 2019
Carol Rhode          December 14, 2018   Ira Thiry                  May 26, 2019
Maureen Mommaerts    December 17, 2018   Paul Hoes                  May 27, 2019
Jeanne Krull         December 24, 2018   Mary Bradley               May 28, 2019
Tom Thomson          December 29, 2018   Ray Ebben                  May 29, 2019
Jesse Hettmann       January 11, 2019    Jennifer VanDeHei          May 29, 2019
James Vandenack      January 19, 2019    Glenn Bellin               June 10, 2019
Walter Gutowski      January 26, 2019    Marion Vissers             June 13, 2019
Ronald Pomprowitz    January 31, 2019    Ann Forseth               June 14, 2019
Lauren Horkman       February 10, 2019   Mary Ann Merckx           June 19, 2019
Patrick Meyer        February 19, 2019   Lynn Paiter               August 11, 2019
Jermaine Blean       February 21, 2019   Dave Radder               August 12, 2019
Elizabeth Acquah     March 1, 2019       Evelyn Van De Laarschot   August 13, 2019
John Gerrits         March 10, 2019      Millie Coenen             August 20, 2019
Vernon Hermes        March 16, 2019      Louis Vanden Busch Jr.    August 27, 2018
Dan Ritter           March 17, 2019      Betty Ambrosius           August 27, 2019
Joanne Albers        March 22, 2019      Robert Nordeen, Sr.        August 27, 2019
Diane Tate           March 27, 2019      Marjory Schmitz            September 7, 2019
Caroline Smet        March 30, 2019      Merle W. Kussow            September 13, 2019
Maureen Laughlin     April 4, 2019       Clarence Gossen            October 2, 2019
All Souls' Day 2019 - Parishes Online
OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH FAMILY                                                                  DE PERE, WISCONSIN
Mass Intentions                                                                + Larry Zastrow, 85, father of parishioner
                                                                               Jane Morgan and former father-in-law of
Monday, November 4           Saint Charles Borromeo                            parishioner Tim Morgan, passed away on
  7:30 a.m.                  Word Service                                      October 20 was accorded Christian burial
                                                                               here on October 25. Larry received his
Tuesday, November 5                                                            bachelor’s degree from St. Norbert College
   7:30 a.m.                + Mary Ann Merckx                                  and played a key role at Nicolet Paper for
                                                                               more than 40 years. For 20 years after
Wednesday, November 6                                             retirement, he shared his good nature by driving a Lamers
  8:45 a.m.                 + Mary Lou, Kent, Craig, & Janet      school bus. Larry was a longtime usher at our 8:15 Sunday
                             Lindsley                             Mass. He is also survived by two sons and a daughter-in-
                                                                  law, ten grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren. Larry
Thursday, November 7                                              was preceded in death by his wife, Audrey, and a son.
   7:30 a.m.                +Fr. Conrad Kratz, O. Praem.
                                                                                 + William Blamer, 87, father of parishioner
Friday, November 8                                                               Robin Therese, passed away October 23,
    7:30 a.m.                Mary Ann & Robert Merckx                             and was accorded Christian burial on
                                                                                  November 1. Bill was the former owner of
Saturday, November 9        Thirty-Second Sunday in
                                                                                  Blamer’s Auto Repair, a three-generation
                            Ordinary Time
                                                                                  business in Milwaukee and a proud
   4:30 p.m.                Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Family                     veteran of the Korean War. He was also a
                            +Veterans –VFW                                        member of the American Legion and the
                                                                                  VFW and enjoyed fishing. Bill lived every
Sunday, November 10         Thirty-Second Sunday in               day to the fullest and was proud that Mayor Norquest had
                            Ordinary Time                         declared March 23 as “Bill Blamer Day.” He is further
   8:15 a.m.                + Rick and Larry Quinette             survived by eight other children and their spouses,
                                                                  grandchildren, and extended family. Bill was preceded in
                                                                  death by his wife, Rose.
   10:15 a.m.               +Ray Buchberger
                                                                                  + Patrick Turriff, 83, husband of
+ + + At rest in the Lord + + +                                                   parishioner, Sharon Turriff and father of
                                                                                  parishioner Dale (Nancy)Turriff, passed
                                                                                  away on October 27, and was accorded
                                                                                  Christian burial through Ryan Funeral
               + Joann Leisgang, 80, mother of parishioner                        Home on October 30. Pat was a self-made
               LuAnn (Eugene) Coonen and grandmother of                           business man who built two successful
               parishioner Corey Coonen, passed away on                           businesses -– Turriff Country Carpets and a
              September 23, and was accorded Christian                            veal farm. He enjoyed yearly trips to Marco
              burial through St. John Catholic Church in          Island with Sharon, spending time at the family cottage,
              Seymour on September 27. Joann enjoyed              making Easter ice cream with his grandkids, and fishing.
              playing cards and games, reading, golfing,          Pat is also survived by another son and daughter and their
              bowling, camping, and canning the harvest           spouses, grandchildren, and extended family.
from her garden. She was an active member of the
American Legion Auxiliary. Joann is also survived by five                         + Sherilyn Peeters, 77, mother of
other children and their spouses, grandchildren and                               parishioner Jamie (Tom) Van De Hei ,
extended family. She was preceded in death by her                                  passed away unexpectedly on October 19,
husband of 40 years, Franklin, and a daughter.                                     and was accorded Christian burial through
                                                                                   Holy Cross Parish on October 29. Sherry
                + Donald Drewiske, 63, son of parishioner,                         worked for Steiner Vending and First
                Norb Drewiske and brother of parishioners                          Northern Bank. She was a caring, wife,
                Steve (Linda) Drewiske and Mary Jo (Deacon                         mother, grandmother, and friend to all who
                Mike) Vander Bloomen passed away                                   enjoyed cooking and celebrating special
              unexpectedly on October 16, and was                 holiday traditions with her family. Sherry is also survived by
              accorded Christian burial through Ryan              her husband of 57 years, Jim, another daughter and son
              Funeral Home on October 26. Don was a               and their significant others, grandchildren, and extended
              teacher for 34 years at Abbott Pennings, the        family.
Oneida Tribe, and finally at UW-Green Bay, teaching
courses in biology and math. He enjoyed reading, running,                   ++May Joann, Don, Larry, Bill, Pat, and
trying new recipes, building furniture, painting, and being                    Sherry rest in Christ’s peace!++
outdoors. Don is also survived by his wife, Linda, two
daughters and a son-in-law, extended family, and his dogs.
                                                                 Sacrament of Baptism
                                                                     We welcome Levi Raymond Davister to the Living Body
Veteran’s Day Remembrance Mass                                   of Christ!
    All Veteran’s and Active Duty Military members, please
join us the weekend of November 9-10 during each Mass in
honor of your service to our country. We are also planning       New Robes for Altar Servers
to have a display of Veterans and Active Duty Military               Our old altar server robes were worn and in need of
members for the Masses that weekend. Please feel free to         repair. Through a generous memorial gift from a parish
drop off items in the Parish Office by November 4.               family we were able to purchase beautiful new robes in a
                                                               2 variety of sizes. We are truly grateful for this kind gift!
All Souls' Day 2019 - Parishes Online
THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                                    NOVEMBER 3, 2019
As the Leaves Fall
    As soon as the vacations are over, things in the parish start again. At Our Lady of Lourdes
lots of things are going on. One of the first things we celebrated in the parish was confirmation.
Abbot Dane Radecki came to our parish to confirm 56 young people.
    A couple of weeks ago, I was at the opening of the Religious Education program, and I was
amazed how many young people come to Religious Education on Wednesday nights. Last
Wednesday, Angela and Traci organized an appreciation dinner for all our catechists. Where
would we be without these people who offer their time to help young people to grow in their
Faith? We really appreciate what you do!
    Last week we had the Mass for the Loss of a Child. It was the second time that we had a
special Mass to remember and to mourn lost children. I think it was a good idea for our Respect
Life Ministry to bring up the idea of giving special attention to parents, grandparents, and family
members who lost a child. Several people told me how much they appreciated this. For some
parents, it was recently that they lost a child. For others, it was a long time ago. They all have
in common that they never forget their lost, loved child. I really appreciated that we, as a church
community, joined these parents in their grief, pain, memories, and prayer.
    This weekend, we remember All Saints and All Souls, two celebrations that go together. Theologically, All Souls and All
Saints cannot be separated from each other. When we celebrate All Saints, we do not exactly know who we celebrate. Some
saints we know, but there are many saints not canonized. In the feast of All Souls, we celebrate all these unknown saints
who lived here throughout the ages. I think we all know holy people, people who are not in the picture of others, but who
have a sense of holiness within them. I think of some mothers I know, who have jobs and, at the same time day in and out,
care for their children. I think of some religious I know, nuns, brothers, priests, who do their work in silence as missionaries
far away and, many times, under difficult circumstances. However, you find them everywhere, people who have a brilliance
of holiness.
    The day after All Saints we pray for All Souls, for all our departed deceased, also those who were not holy. We pray for
them and commend them to God’s mercy. With all these memories, Fall becomes a mournful time, and I think that fits with
the time of the year. Nature is losing her glamour and leaves fall down from the trees. It seems that Mother Nature is
mourning with us when we remember our lost loved ones. As the leaves fall, I wish everyone who mourns a lost loved one
strength and courage. I’m connected with you in prayer!

God Bless!

Fr. Peter Ambting

Meeting Schedule – Week of 11/4                                   St. John’s Homeless Shelter
Monday, November 4 — Knights of Columbus                              The shelter opened November 1. Wondering how you
                      6:00 p.m., Parish Center                    can help? Our Lady of Lourdes parishioners are signed up
Monday, November 4 — Christian Action Committee                   to provide a meal on Monday, November 25. We will be
                      6:30 p.m., Social Hall                      preparing Sloppy Joes, Coleslaw Salad (recipes provided),
Tuesday, November 5 — Young Adult Ministry                        Chips, and Desserts. We also will be providing Milk, Juice,
                      6:30 p.m., Affogato’s Coffee Shop           paper plates, and cups. You can prepare the Sloppy Joes or
Tuesday, November 5 — Men’s Group                                 the Coleslaw Salad in your own home.
                      6:30 p.m., Gathering Area                       There is also a basket that has been placed in the
Thursday, November 7 — Adult Faith Formation Team                 Gathering Area labeled “St. John’s Shelter.” If you would
                       6:30 p.m., Social Hall                     like to help, there is a “Wish List” in the Gathering Area and
                                                                  you can place what you have picked up in the basket and
OLOL Thanksgiving Help                                            Dick and Sharon Collar have offered to routinely empty the
                                                                  basket and deliver these items to the shelter. Thanks so
    If your family is in need of a basket for Thanksgiving,
please contact Carol in the Parish Office at (920) 336-4033       much to them for taking on this task again this year. It is so
or All requests will be handled         very much appreciated!!
confidentially.                                                       Please watch future bulletins for additional meals
                                                                  coming up in December and the New Year. If you have any
                                                                  questions or would like to help with this meal or future
Advent By Candlelight                                             meals, please contact Rick and Dawn Crabb at (920) 336-
   Save the date for our Annual Advent by Candlelight             4439 or email them at
Event: Thursday, December 5. More details to follow in            Thank you for helping with this ministry.
next week’s bulletin!

                                                         Daily Masses
Liturgical Schedule                                      Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7:30 a.m.
   Weekend Masses                                        Monday: Word Service 7:30 a.m.
   Saturday 4:30 p.m.                                    Wednesday: School Mass 8:45 a.m.
   Sunday 8:15 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.                       Rosary: 6:55 a.m.

   Confessions                                           Adoration
   Friday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.                          Friday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
   Saturday 3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.                              3
   or by appointment
OLOL School News                                                      Mark Your Calendars!
Dear OLOL Parish,                                                         All Aboard! We invite you to hop on the OLOL Express
     The 2019 OLOL Night of Keys is quickly approaching. I            for a fun evening to support the students of Our Lady of
attended a planning meeting last week, and I came away                Lourdes Catholic School! The 3rd Annual Night of
feeling that this was going to be the best Night of Keys              Keys event is Saturday, November 16, at 6:00 p.m., in the
ever. The National Railroad Museum is a wonderful venue.              Lenfestey Center at the National Railroad Museum. This
There are going to be great silent and oral auction items.            wonderful venue makes this a special night not to be
The NEW Piano guys are so entertaining! Awesome food                  missed! This action-packed evening will feature the
is included.                                                          ever-popular N.E.W. Piano Guys (dueling pianos), dinner,
     The best thing that you can do to help is to purchase a          ‘old school’ silent and live auctions, 50/50 and bucket
key ticket and attend the event. The next best thing you can          raffles, and our marquee event— the Key Raffle drawing for
do is to sell a key ticket to a friend or relative and bring them     a chance to win $10,000, $3,000, or $1,000! Key Raffle
along. This is a great community event and our largest                tickets will be for sale in the Gathering Area after select
fundraiser. All of the proceeds go directly to OLOL students          Masses Oct. 5 through Nov. 10. Tickets are $100 each, and
and families. We need your help so we can continue to give            includes admission for two, dinner
your children the best learning environment possible.                 and entertainment. Only 400
Thank you for your help in making this event successful.              tickets will be sold so purchase
     This Friday is All Saints’ Day. Students are required to         early! Additional raffle tickets and
BRING a Saint costume to school. Students can pick a                  General Admission tickets ($25 ea.)
favorite Saint or research a Saint of their choosing.                 can also be purchased in the school
Students will change shortly before lunch so we can eat               and parish offices. Thank you in
lunch with the Saints. All students are required to                   advance for your generous support
participate. We ask that your child’s costume focuses on the          of our event and our school.
life of the Saint. We look forward to seeing all of our Saints.
     Students are continuing to learn and practice our
social-emotional learning unit of “We Need Each
                                                                       ADVENT-ure Night
                                                                           Come join the OLOL Parish
Other.” The goal this month is to create a culture of building
                                                                       Family in one of two sessions
up versus tearing down. We are hoping that you can
                                                                       celebrating the coming of Advent.
reinforce what every student in each grade has learned this            The two sessions will be hosted
month. OLOL can achieve amazing results when we all                    on Sunday, November 24, from
embrace this philosophy.                                               4:00-5:30 PM and Monday,
                                                                       November 25, from 6:00-7:30
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the                                PM. There will be reflection, fellowship, and yummy snacks.
time, they just have the heart.”                                       Your family will be able to make an Advent wreath to take
- Elizabeth Andrew                                                     home. The cost will be $15 per family. Space is limited, so
                                                                       please make sure to register your family for one of two
The Lourdes Way,                                                       different sessions by November 20. Please register @
                                                                       https://forms.gley8m1LtvUWhJoUsY98 or call the Parish
Jeffrey Young, Principal                                               Office at (920) 336-4033.

                                                                       OLOL Apparel Sale Ends November 4
                                                                           Time is running out to order your OLOL apparel. The
                                                                       last day to order apparel items will be Sunday, November 4.
                                                                       This is a great opportunity to purchase OLOL apparel and
                                                                       show your pride in our school. With the upcoming
                                                                       basketball season it is also a great way to show your team
                                                                       spirit! Oh...and don't forget Christmas is coming up. The
                                                                       apparel items make great Christmas gifts!!
                                                                           Items are available in youth and adult sizes. Samples
Second Sunday Food and Fellowship                                      are available in the school office during the day for try-on or
    Please join the OLOL Youth Ministry on Sunday,                     just to see and feel. Orders can be placed online by
November 10 from 6:30-8:30 PM for our “Second Sunday                   visiting
Food and Fellowship.” Please enter on the south side. We               lady-of-lourdes/ and will be shipped to the school by
will make and share a meal together followed by casual                 November 18 for pickup.
conversation about topics that relate to the lives of teens.               Any questions please contact Kathy Kocken
                                                                       at or 339-8557.

                                                                       OLOL Holiday Support
                                                                            The Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas seasons are
                                                                       quickly approaching! As in the past, if your family or a
Children of God Program                                                parish family you know is in need of assistance with food or
  Please encourage your children to join our Children of               gift items, please contact Carol at the Parish Office by
God Program on Sunday, November 3, during the 8:15                     Monday, November 4. All requests are kept confidential.
                                                                       Knights of Columbus
Young Families Ministry                                                  The De Pere Knights of Columbus will be meeting at
   Please join the Young Families Ministry on Sunday,                 7:00 PM Monday, November 4, at Our Lady Of Lourdes
November 3, after the 8:15 Mass. Yummy snacks and                     Parish Center. Prior to the meeting, at 6:00 PM, they will be
babysitting will be provided.                                       4 having an initiation ceremony for new members.
                                                   Sunday, October 13, 2019
Approximately 30 parishioners attended the annual meeting of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish on Sunday, October 13,
following the 10:15 a.m. Mass. Fr. Peter Ambting, O. Praem, called the meeting to order at 11:35 a.m. and began with a

Fr. Peter he feels Our Lady of Lourdes is a strong, welcoming parish. We have many people participating in our liturgies, and
they run very well.

There are some challenges that we plan to work on in the coming year such has enhancing our music and becoming
more welcoming to families and children. We would like to make one of our Masses family friendly, including liturgical
text, homilies, and music. We have recently formed a team of people who will begin training to lead Small Church
Communities. Fr. Peter would also like to consider traveling to the Holy Land with a group from OLOL. In addition to
these projects, we need to prepare for the diocese One by One Capital Campaign.

We finished the 2018-19 fiscal year with a deficit of $43,245. This can be attributed to a decline in stewardship (parish
support), as parish support was down $41,115 from 2017-18. We had planned to run at a small deficit as we expected a
decline. We believe this will change if we can get more people engaged.

Thanks to the generous gifts from parishioners and the memorial gifts in our Wish List fund, we were able to complete
several important building and grounds projects:

• Installed snow stops on the church roof • Added moveable fence to the school playground • Replaced air conditioner
condenser unit in the Parish Center • Automated Parish Center entrance doors • Replaced parts on church bells

LOOKING AHEAD 2019-20 – Joe Draves:
As Fr. Peter mentioned, there are several things we plan to focus on in the coming year including a family/children’s
liturgy, forming Small Church Communities, and looking at additional ways to enhance our faith experience. Joe
mentioned the Praise & Worship Band that was formed recently has been getting a very positive response. Katie
Summers shared that the teams she has formed for Young Adults and Adult Faith Formation are working ways to engage
new and current parishioners ages 18 and older. There has been a very good response to the Young Adult events that
have been held so far. The Hospitality Committee has also planned some great events including a hot dog meal for the
Religious Education families and a potluck for all parishioners.

We will continue to assist Jeff Young in his efforts to increase and maintain enrollment at OLOL School. Thanks to a
generous estate gift from a parish family, we were able to offer Half-Price Tuition promotion, which resulted in 14 new
students this fall. In addition, the school was able to hire a part-time counselor from the diocese.

Several additional building projects are also proposed for the coming year:
• Resurface south church parking lot • Painting the church • Installing a frequency drive on the church blowers
• Enhancing lighting in the choir area

Fr. Peter introduced Bob Summers. Bob served as the Team Lead for the Parish Mission Planning. Parish Mission
Planning was done to establish the areas we would like to address with funds generated from the diocese capital
campaign. It focuses on evangelization to our parish, school, and community. Our team met for several months and
through the process established five goals which will be highlighted in future bulletins.

Fr. Peter shared that the diocese One by One Capital Campaign will launch at Our Lady of Lourdes on January 1. The
amount that we have been asked to raise is based on 115% of the average of our parish support over the past three
years. This is not the same formula used to determine our Bishop’s Appeal goal. The Campaign is not an assessment. If we
fall short, we will not be billed for the difference. Also, the parish will receive 50% of what we raise. We will need to draft a
case statement which specifies how we plan to use our portion. The goals we established in the Parish Mission Planning
will help guide us. The Bishop’s Appeal will still be held during the capital campaign, so parishioners will be asked to
contribute to both.

Joe opened the meeting to questions.

The meeting closed with a prayer at 12:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Gibson
Recording Secretary

Readings for November 3-10                                       2019 Bishop’s Appeal – Help Us Finish!
Sunday:      Wis 11:22—12:2/Ps 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13, 14           As of Tuesday, October 29, with the 2019 Bishop’s
             [cf. 1]/2 Thes 1:11—2:2/Lk 19:1-10                  Appeal goal of $110,099, there have been 475 gifts
Monday:      Rom 11:29-36/Ps 69:30-31, 33-34, 36 [14c]/Lk        totaling $100,076. This is about 91% of our goal. A
             14:12-14                                            parishioner recently had an excellent suggestion. We have
Tuesday:     Rom 12:5-16b/Ps 131:1bcde, 2, 3/Lk 14:15-24         more than 1,500 families in our parish. If 500, which is just
Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10/Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9 [5a]/Lk               one-third of our families, made a donation of $25 or added
             14:25-33                                            an additional $25 to their original donation, we would our
Thursday:    Rom 14:7-12/Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14 [13]/Lk           not only meet, but exceed our 2019 Bishop’s Appeal
             15:1-10                                             goal! Please consider helping us out. God bless you for
Friday:      Rom 15:14-21/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [cf. 2b]/        your generous support!
             Lk 16:1-8
Saturday:    Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8, 9 [5]/1       Your Financial Support At OLOL
             Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22                       Freely Receive - Freely Give
Next Sunday: 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14/Ps 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15 [15b]/2        Weekend of October 26/27
             Thes 2:16—3:5/Lk 20:27-38 or 20:27, 34-38
                                                                 Parish Support..............$6,157.00
                                                                 Offertory Collection…………..$620.84
                                                                 Total............................. $6,777.84
                                                                 Parish Support Budget for July 1– October. 31.............$304,900
                                                                 Parish Support Income through October 27............$261,307
                                                                 Amount needed to make budget through Oct. 31….…$43,593
Blood Drive
    Thank you to the following donors from the Blood Drive
on October 14: Clif Kane, Mary Gossen, Sue Sands, Amy            Active Duty Military and Veterans
Vandenberg, Don VanDenLangenberg, Marge Michulsky,                   If you have a family member on active duty and would
Terry Johnson, Felicity Bieker, Abbey Buchberger, Carol          like to have their information listed or updated for the
Enderby, Lynn Scannell, Marsha Zink, Gary Thomson, Tom           bulletin, please call the Parish Office at (920) 336-4033 or
Hofmann, Bob Terhar, Tammy Wagner, Mark Smith,                   email us at before November 4.
Marlene Geurts, Nancy Mooren, John Van Deurzen.
    Also many thanks to these volunteers: Rose Ann               Thank You to Respect Life Ministry
Schweitzer, Dorothy VandenLangenberg, Carol Hamblen,                 “A very sincere thank you for the October 24 Mass for
Liz McDonald, Marlene Wilmet, Carol Augustian, Olivia            the Loss of a Child. The caring and effort by the Respect
Augustian, Trevor Augustian, and Paul and Ann Koehler.           Life Ministry members is faith-filled and so heartwarming.”
    The next blood drive is Thursday, December 12.                                        —Gratefully, Jim & Barbara Furlong

                                     Liturgical Ministers for November 9/10
                  Eucharistic Minister         Lector              Usher              Mass Server                Hospitality
                Jim Begotka              Michael Pankratz    Carol Brennan        Kaylin Nelson           Greeters
                Mary Cowan               Sue Pankratz        Jean Hoes            Nicki Waystedt          Eric Ruechel
                Michael Pankratz                             VOLUNTEER                                    Janet Ruechel
 Saturday       Sue Pankratz                                 VOLUNTEER            Cross Bearer            VOLUNTEER
 November 9     Bob Summers                                  VOLUNTEER            VOLUNTEER               VOLUNTEER
 4:30 PM        Katie Summers                                VOLUNTEER
                Mary Summers                                                      Music Ministry          Coffee/Juice
                Deacon Mike                                                       Mary Lauer and          Eric Ruechel
                Laura Yaklin                                                      Jody Strnad             Janet Ruechel
                Owen Yaklin
                Debbie Boulanger         Margy Eastman       Carol Augustian      Isabel Derouin          Greeters
                Mary Conard              Ron Van Dyck        Matthew Burns        Jacob Shefchik          Carol Augustian
                Linda Shimek                                 VOLUNTEER                                    Kim/Megan Burns
 Sunday         Mary Van Dyck                                VOLUNTEER            Cross Bearer            VOLUNTEER
 November 10    Ron Van Dyck                                 VOLUNTEER            Branden Boulanger
 8:15 AM        John Vande Ven                               VOLUNTEER                                    Coffee/Juice
                Mickey Vande Ven                                                  Music Ministry          Kim/Megan Burns
                Deacon Mike                                                       Angelus Choir and
                Janice Voyles                                                     Pam Dufek
                Thomas Voyles

                Mary Daly                John Kimmeth        John Fink            Abbie Micke             Greeters
                Bob Decker               Kathy Decker        John Wilmet          James Micke             Draves Family
                Lisa Draves                                  VOLUNTEER                                    Kathy Draves
                Laura Gerarden                               VOLUNTEER            Cross Bearer            VOLUNTEER
                Joy Nowak                                    VOLUNTEER            VOLUNTEER
 November 10                                                                                              Coffee/Juice
                Ed Oliveira                                  VOLUNTEER
 10:15 AM                                                                                                 Kathy Draves
                Rose Ann Schweitzer                                               Music Ministry
                David Van Sistine                                                 Alleluia Attitude and   Draves Family
                Deacon Mike                                                       Mary Slavek
                Jeanine Zeamer
                VOLUNTEER                                    6
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Directory                                                                                               BAPTISM - Parents must be registered, active Catholics
PARISH CENTER OFFICE - 336-4033                                                                                                    4 months prior to Baptism. First-time parents are required
Parish Business Manager - Carol Gibson                                                                                             to attend a Baptism Prep Program before their child is
Financial Secretary - Kathy Kocken                                                                                                 baptized. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements.
Parish Secretary - Katie Summers
                                                                                                                                   Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 9 a.m.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP - Register with Parish Office.                                                                                   Saturdays 3:30 to 4:15 p.m.
Members 18 years and older - please register individually.                                                                         CONFIRMATION - Confirmation is celebrated in fall of the
All are welcome to be an active part of our parish family.                                                                         Senior year for our high school students after participation
Your most important contribution is your regular presence at                                                                       in the preparation program. Contact the Religious
Sunday Mass. Beyond that our material support is based on                                                                          Education Office for further details.
Christian Stewardship of time, talent, and treasure.
                                                                                                                                   MARRIAGES - Weddings to initiate Christian Marriage are
BULLETIN - Announcements due by Monday morning.                                                                                    celebrated for persons who have demonstrated an active
Please email the Parish Office,                                                                           practice of our Faith. At least six months notice is required
PARISH TRUSTEES                                                                                                                    for the required Diocesan Marriage Preparation Program.
Joe Draves, 339-0698                                                                                                               New parishioners contemplating marriage in our parish
Alisa Gerke, 360-6913                                                                                                              must be registered with the parish and show active
                                                                                                                                   participation for at least 6 months prior to setting a
OUR LADY OF LOURDES SCHOOL & PRESCHOOL                                                                                             wedding date. Weddings can be scheduled any time on
Principal, Jeff Young, 336-3091                                                                                                    Friday afternoons or on Saturdays, no later than 1:00 p.m.
Site Advisory Committee, Katie VerBoort, 632-4264
                                                                                                                                   SACRAMENT of the SICK - The Sacrament of the Sick is
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER 337-0443                                                                                                celebrated communally during Advent and Easter. If
Coordinator Grades 1-8— Angela Bieda                                                                                               you’re anticipating a hospital stay, please call the Parish
Coordinator for Grades 9-11—Traci LaCrosse                                                                                         Office. In an emergency, call anytime!

YOUTH MINISTRY - 337-0443, Traci LaCrosse, Facilitator                                                                             FUNERALS - In the event of a death in your family, please
                                                                                                                                   contact the Parish Office for Pastoral Care or to schedule
FINANCE COUNCIL - Chairperson, Paul Albers, 680-1511                                                                               and prepare a funeral.

PASTORAL COUNCIL– Chairperson, Arie DeWaal, 489-4249                                                                               MOUNT CALVARY CEMETERY - Kathy Kocken, 336-4033

          930 Main Ave DePere                                                                                                                          1911 W. Wisconsin Ave. • Appleton WI, 54914               Mason Contractor
                                                                                                                                                        MATT VARGO - Division Manger
            336-9556                                                                                                                                     Cell 920-378-2294 • Cell 920-621-6001
                                                                                                                                                                                                        WM. A. HEIN CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.
      Serving Daily 11am - 10pm                                                                                                                                 Emergency 920-735-9055                               920-336-9411

                         Steve Cribben                                                                Four Generations of Fine Dining
                                     Parish Member                                                             Since 1918
                                 3049 Ramada Way
                                        Green Bay
  ELECTRONIC RECYCLING & REFURBISHING                                                              200 North Broadway                                                                   De Pere, Wisconsin 54115          (920) 336-6131

                                                         KEVIN SOMMERFELD
                                                      BASEMENT CONTRACTOR
                                                         Residential - Commercial - Farms
                                                              Foundations - Footings
3080 HOLMGREN WAY	336-8250
                                                     2060 Cottonwood Ct. Office: (920) 339-9948                                                            Contact Jim Braun • • (800) 950-9952 x2446
     GREEN BAY, WI 54304                             De Pere, WI 54115   Mobile: (920) 621-1495

                                                                                                                                                                                                     400 Reid Street                 920-336-2275
                                                                                                                                                                                                     De Pere

                                                                    (920) 336-0781
                                                     Residential • Commercial • Industrial
                                                      3131 Market St. • Green Bay, WI 54304                                                                                        CALL FOR DELIVERY
      Dr. Kevin P. Rosteing
           Proud Parish Supporter
                                                                                                                                                       Twohig Rietbrock Schneider
                                                                                                                                                           and Halbach S.C.
                                                      DINE IN ♦ CARRY OUT ♦ DELIVERY ♦ CATERING
                                                             337 Main Ave. • De Pere, WI 54115
                                                                                                                                                            Atty. Troy R. Schneider
                                                                                                                                                                   PARISH MEMBER
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Flooring, Inc.
         Mercy Family Practice                       ♦ Gyros
                                                              920-339-0048 •
                                                                   ♦ Hummus        ♦ Chicago Dog                                                          Legal Representation in Farm,                      David J. Koehler
       1500 Heritage Rd, De Pere
                                                     ♦ Chili       ♦ Falafel       ♦ Greek Fries                                                          Business and Estate Planning               700 Cormier Road
                                                     ♦ Salads      ♦ Kids Menu     and Much More
Ph: (920)347-1990   Fax: (920)347-1991               Hours: Mon. – Sat. 11am-8pm | Sun. Closed                                                                 Call 920-849-4999                     Green Bay, WI 54304                   592-0700
                                                                                                     Dan Popkey’s De Pere Tax                                                                         WE BUY GREEN BAY PACKERS TICKETS
                                                       VAN RITE & FATHER INC
The Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Hot Spot of De Pere
 The Nicolet Restaurant of DePere                                                                  Full Tax Service                      Same Day                                                                      • Best Prices Paid • Easy Drop off
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Check out our new menu items                                GENERAL CONTRACTING
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                                                                                                            Historic Post Office Building                                                                                     Call Today!!!
525 Reid St. | 920.336.8726
 Sun 7am-8pm • Mon-Thur 5:30am-8pm
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                                                                                                                     920-621-8126                                                                     Order On-line @
        Fri & Sat 5:30am-8pm                             •                                                   125 S. BROADWAY • DE PERE, WI 54115

			                                                              For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                             Our Lady of Lourdes, DePere, WI                                   B 4C 01-0661
The UPS Store
         Festival Foods Marketplace
 1041 Main Ave                      Tel (920) 632-7567
                                                            11am-11pm                                           Plumbing, Inc.                                                                                              Insurance Service Center, LLC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Auto • Home • Business
 De Pere, WI 54115                                                                                                                                                                                             Life • Health • Farm
       • Shipping Services • Packaging Services               LUNCH BUFFET                 DINNER BUFFET           Serving De Pere and                                                                                                     Carrie Baeten
• Document Finishing Services • Mailbox & Postal Services   Mon-Sat: 11am-1:30pm            Mon: 5pm-8pm
                                                                      FRIDAY SEAFOOD BUFFET 5-8PM
                                                                                                                    Surrounding Areas                                                                                                      920-964-2142
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Parish Member
          • Faxing Services • Copying Services                   330 Reid St., West De Pere • 337-6666
Parish Supporter                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                       Scott Baeten             De Pere, WI
                                                                                                              Mount Calvary                            Parish Member

                                                                                                               Cemetery                                             (920) 336-3171
                                                                                                              OLOL PARISH CEMETERY                                                                            • Fast Reliable Service • Cost Efficient
                                                                heating & ventilating, inc.                   1100 W. Main Ave., DePere                                                   • Flexible Scheduling • Fully Insured
                                                                  819 Morley Road                          Sales & Burials               336-4033                                                                 Call for a FREE ESTIMATE
                                                                       499-6969                            Sexton                        336-6920                We're on Facebook!                         Tim Gilson • 362-0058 |

                                                                           mbrosius                                                                                           • Curb Cutting
                                                                            Outdoor Power                                                                                     • Demolition
                                                                   - Gravely - Ariens - Grasshopper                                                                           • Core Drilling                                       Open Daily
                                                                        - Simplicity - Stihl - Toro                                                                           • Excavating
                                                                - Outdoor Power Equipment Specialist                                     (920)                                • Wall and Floor Sawing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   5am - 2:30pm
                                                               Factory Appointed Service Professionals
                                                                                                         336-7179                               • Removal and Disposal
             920-437-3001                                      840 N. 9th, De Pere (Glory & Ashland)            1358 Mid Valley Dr, # B - DePere       Office (920) 983-0678 / Cell (920) 366-8281                                         920-336-4575                                 Area’s BEST Friday Fish Fry!             Tony Fisher               926 Oak Street • 347-0508
                                                                                                                                                                                    920-337-0733 Ph.
                                                                                                               VALLEY                    Inc.                                       920-337-9329 Fax

                                                                                                           Concrete Steps & Iron Railings
                                                                                                               1472 Mid Valley Dr.                           THE SANDERS’ FAMILY
                                                                                                           De Pere, WI         336-9381                105 Fort Howard Ave. De Pere, WI 54115

       A Safe Place To Call Home                                                                                                                                                                                                Open To The Public
     A Community Based Residential Facility (CBRF)
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                   920-336-9137                                                                                                                                                                                (Located on the St. Norbert Campus)                                                                                                                                                                                      Please Call On Us For Reservations • DePere, WI                                                                                                                                                                         When Family & Friends Are Visiting

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                                                                                                                                                            18 Months
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  Visit these locations: De Pere                                                                                                                                                                                             845 Prosper Road, De Pere
 502 Redbird Circle                     336-8472                                                                                                                                                                                    920.336.3174
 920 Main St.
(across from Festival Foods)
                                        351-0076                                                                                                            NO Down                                                      “Our experience.
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1415 Lawrence Dr. (In WalMart)

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                                                                                                                                                        *Subject to credit approval. Financing for

       Save up to thousands and give your                                         General Manager                                                       Green Sky consumer credit program is
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Adam Turriff
      family peace of mind by pre-planning.                                                                                                                                                                                      (920) 217-5498
 2121 Riverside Drive • (920) 432-7585

                                                           | 262.289.1105                                                      regard to race, color, religion, national origin,
                                                                                                                                                        sex, or familial status. Prior sales excluded.                      Parish Member

              Salon West LLC.                                                                                                                                                                                                               2130 Velp Ave.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Green Bay
                   Full Service Salon                                                                                                                                                                                                         494-4585
  103 Fort Howard Ave, De Pere WI                                                                                                                                                                                                           1685 Main St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Green Bay
               920/336-3061                                                                                                                                                                                                                   469-3366

                              ANIMAL HOSPITAL
                               (920) 468-5800

          Dr. Margy Terhar Eastman                                                                                                                                                                               R. Scott Mathewson
        Dr. Cheryl Landwehr Skaletski
               Dr. Roberta Riedi                                                                                                                                                                                   920-983-1315
                   ~ Parish Member ~                                                                                                                                                                  

                                                                                                                                Serving Green Bay       Call LPi today for advertising info                 KK SEW & VAC INC.
                                                                                                                                the Fox Valley and                 (800) 950-9952
                                                                                                                                all of Northeast WI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    815 Main Ave, De Pere
                                                                                                               FOR ALL YOUR PEST CONTROL NEEDS
                                                                                                               pCommercial pResidential pFarm
                                                                                                           Scott Elsner 920-373-0306 O: 920-632-4230
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Monday-Friday 9am to 6pm
                                                                                                                                                                            Saturday 9am to 1pm • Closed Sunday

			                                                                      For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                       Our Lady of Lourdes, DePere, WI                                       A 4C 01-0661
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