Parent Handbook - ESPERANCE PRIMARY ...

Page created by Leo Aguilar
Parent Handbook - ESPERANCE PRIMARY ...
Parent Handbook - ESPERANCE PRIMARY ...
       103 Windich Street                     PRINCIPAL:                Mr Gareth Palmer
       Esperance WA 6450
                                              DEPUTY PRINCIPALS:        Mr Todd McElroy
       PO Box 150, Esperance                                            Mr Ross Tamlin       MGR CORPORATE SERVICES:   Mrs Sharyn Dunn
                                              SCHOOL OFFICER:           Mrs Rachael McLean
       (08) 9076 3600                                                   Mrs Naomi Kipling
       8:00am to 4:00pm

    All term dates for the current year                         School development days
    and future years are available on the                       are in addition to school
    Department of Education website:                            holidays. Students do not                      attend on these days.

     TERM    START             FINISH         The below dates are subject to change.
                                              •   Thursday, 28 January 2021
             Monday,           Thursday,
      1                                       •   Friday, 29 January 2021
             1 February        1 April
                                              •   Monday, 19 April 2021
             Monday,           Friday,
      2                                       •   Monday, 19 July 2021
             19 April          2 July
                                              •   Monday 11 October 2021
             Monday,           Friday,
             19 July           24 September
             Monday,           Thursday,
             11 October        16 December

    SCHOOL HOURS                               READY TO LEARN
          Classes open: 8:30am
                                                      Water Bottle - Labelled with name
          School starts:   8:45am
                                                      Crunch & Sip
          Recess: 10:45am to 11:05am                  Lunch
                                                                                              o ut idge s
          Lunch:     1:05pm to 1:45pm                 Communication Folder                  e      fr tail
                                                                                         tm     ur     e
                                                                                    Cu to yo se d
                                                                                        s t    h e
                                                                                    po ep t ndy!
          End of day:      3:05pm                     Library Bag & Books               ke ha
                                                                                    t o


Parent Handbook - ESPERANCE PRIMARY ...
PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME .......................................................................................................4

THE A-Z OF ESPERANCE PRIMARY SCHOOL .........................................................................6

Attendance .............................................. 6               Graduation ............................................. 14

Assemblies ............................................... 7              Hat Policy ............................................... 14

Behaviour Management ......................... 8                          Homework .............................................. 15

Bicycles & Scooters ................................. 8                   Internet, Information Privacy & Security15

Birthdays ................................................... 9           Library ..................................................... 15

Bookclub .................................................. 9             Lost Property ........................................... 15

Booklists.................................................... 9           Medical Conditions & Medication ........ 16

Bullying ..................................................... 9          Mobile Phones ....................................... 16

Buses ........................................................ 9          No Dogs .................................................. 16

Business Plan .......................................... 10               No Smoking ............................................ 16

Camp ..................................................... 10             Nut Allergy ............................................ 16

Canteen ................................................. 10              Parent Helpers ........................................ 16

Collection of Children ........................... 10                     Parents & Citizens .................................. 17

Communicable Diseases ...................... 11                           Parking ................................................... 17

Communication ..................................... 12                    Reporting to Parents .............................. 17

Concerns ............................................... 13               School Board .......................................... 17

Contributions & Charges ....................... 13                        School of Instrumental Music ................ 17

Custody of Children ............................... 13                    Specialist Teaching Areas ..................... 18

Dental Care ............................................ 13               Students at Educational Risk ................. 19

Excursions .............................................. 13              Student Leadership ................................ 19

Factions & Sports Carnivals ................... 14                        Teacher-Parent Meetings ...................... 20

Gates ...................................................... 14           Tournament of Minds ............................. 21

Good Standing ....................................... 14                  Uniform ................................................... 21

TRIBES ..................................................................................................................................22

THE MAP OF ESPERANCE PRIMARY SCHOOL ......................................................................23

Parent Handbook - ESPERANCE PRIMARY ...
    It is an honour to have your child and        Staff employ evidence-based strategies
    family as part of the Esperance Primary       within a defined whole-school approach
    School community.                             to maximise the effect they have on
                                                  student learning. In addition, we
    Everything we do at Esperance Primary
                                                  constantly aim to deliver the highest
    School is about children and doing what
                                                  standards of pastoral care and
    is best for them. We look forward to
                                                  support services in order to enable our
    educating your child and seeing them
                                                  students to thrive.
    grow, discover and prepare themselves
    for lifelong learning. Please take the time   Esperance Primary School embraces all
    to explore our website to learn more          members of our community and strives
    about how we strive to achieve this.          to maintain a nurturing and welcoming
                                                  environment that promotes community
    As a school, we build on the foundation
                                                  partnerships. Our Parents and Carers,
    laid by Parents and Carers, and we
                                                  School Board and P&C are integral to our
    encourage Parents and Carers to
                                                  school community, and together we are
    become actively involved in school
                                                  committed to providing the best for our
    life. The entire staff of Esperance
    Primary School work tirelessly, and
    with overwhelming moral purpose, to           I look forward to having you, and your
    ensure all children’s academic, social        family, join our school community and
    and emotional needs are considered,           enjoy what truly is a wonderful learning
    planned for and met.                          environment.

    We look forward to                            Gareth Palmer
    educating your child and
    seeing them grow

    Our staff are committed to building
    positive relationships, with the motivation
    to inspire personal excellence in every
    student. Our dedicated and professional
    teachers maintain an environment which
    supports each child every day to achieve
    their personal best.
    Our Tribes agreements of Mutual Respect,
    Attentive Listening, Personal Best,
    Appreciations/No Put downs and Right
    to Participate drive our school values
    and allows our students to connect
    as a community and develop shared
    responsibility towards each other and our
    wider community.

Parent Handbook - ESPERANCE PRIMARY ...
Our vision is to provide an inspiring
and supportive learning environment,
   where excellence in teaching,
   empowers students to achieve
 their personal best, and to become
 respectful, responsible and resilient
     members of the community.  y

Parent Handbook - ESPERANCE PRIMARY ...

    The School Education Act 1999 requires          The Department of Education classifies
    children of compulsory school age,              any student below 90% as an attendance
    Pre-primary to Year 6, to attend school.        risk. The school will work with families
    When a child is unable to attend,               who fall below this percentage on an
    legislation requires that Parents and           individual case management basis.
    Carers forward written notification
                                                    Family holidays during school terms are
    providing a reasonable cause for the
                                                    not encouraged. School holiday periods
    absence of their child.
                                                    provide a considerable amount of time
    We encourage you to notify us on the            for families to enjoy holidays. Absence
    morning of the absence either via the           during school terms disrupts children’s
    Skoolbag app, by phoning or emailing            learning and their social development
    the school. At this time, we will note the      with friends. A written note, stating dates
    absence on our system. If a phone call or       and reasons for the holiday, is to be
    electronic explanation is not provided, a       forwarded to the Principal to consider.
    note explaining the absence is requested
    on return to school.

    Days Absent                        Total Days                Number of Years missed
                                                     of Terms

    1 Day per week                         451           9       2 years and 1 term

    3 Day per week                        1353           27      6 years and 3 term

    Average of 5 days per term             220          5.5      1 year and 1.5 terms

    Average of 10 days per term            440           11      2 years and 3 terms

Parent Handbook - ESPERANCE PRIMARY ...
Punctuality, every minute counts!
Classrooms are open at 8.30am and               If students arrive at school before 8:30am
students are expected to be ready for           they are to go straight to the courtyard
learning at 8.45am. It is essential that all    where a member of staff will be on
students are at school and in class by          duty. Children are not permitted to use
this time. When a child arrives to school       equipment or play on playgrounds during
late they are missing out on the time           this time for safety reasons. At 8.30am
to connect with their peers and do not          music is played over the school PA and
commence the day fully prepared.                students move to their classroom.

           Before      Your child has arrived early to school and must wait
          8.30am       in the courtyard.

                       Music plays over the PA and classroom doors open.
          8.30am       Your child has arrived in time to settle well and has the
                       best start possible.

                       Your child has arrived just after most children and will need
                       to get organised quickly and enter the classroom quietly.

                       Your child has arrived late and has missed the beginning of
                       the school day. Being late a few minutes can be unsettling
                       for your child and they will have missed morning
                       announcements and the preview of the day.

                       Arriving at 9.00am you will need to sign your child in late
          9.00am       at the School Office. Your child is severely disadvantaged
                       having missed the morning routine and revision activities.

School assemblies are hosted by one of          In addition to the class assemblies, special
our classes fortnightly, on Friday mornings     assemblies are held each year for:
commencing at 8:45am. Merit awards
                                                 • ANZAC Day (end of Term 1)
are presented to selected students, and
families are notified prior that their child      • NAIDOC Week (end of Term 2)
will be receiving one. We love having all        • Book Week (mid-Term 3)
of our parents and community members             • Year 6 Graduation (end of Term 4).
at school to see our students perform and
celebrate their successes.

Parent Handbook - ESPERANCE PRIMARY ...
    Our school has a safe and positive
                                                     interactions with teachers and other staff
    learning environment and has developed
                                                     and through the curriculum; and they
    processes for the effective management
                                                     are reinforced consistently in a manner
    of student behaviour.
                                                     which enhances their understanding of
    Our school uses approaches which:                responsible social behaviour.
     • Are preventative in nature;                   The Behaviour Management in School
     • Promote pro-social behaviour,                 Policy is based on the following beliefs:
       student wellbeing and the
                                                     Everyone has the right to learn, teach
       development of self discipline;
                                                     and feel safe.
     • Focus on early intervention; and
                                                     Students can learn and all staff can equip
     • Outline procedures for the
                                                     students with the skills needed to:
       management of ongoing or
       serious misbehaviour.                          • Take and accept responsibility for their
                                                        own learning and behaviour;
    Our school provides a social context
                                                      • Make appropriate decisions;
    which allows students to be supported
    whilst also being taught how to accept            • Solve social problems;
    responsibility for their own behaviour.           • Resolve conflict;
    Students are given opportunities to               • Manage their own emotions; and
    develop appropriate behaviours,                   • Restore relationships.
    self control and resiliency through

    It is essential that children have a good        All students riding bicycles or scooters to
    understanding of road safety from                school are required to consider the safety
    a young age. Parents are requested to            of themselves and others. For this purpose,
    remind children of appropriate                   the following rules apply to cyclists:
    road safety behaviour on their way
                                                      • All riders MUST wear a helmet. Failure
    to and from school.
                                                        to do so will result in a warning and
    Bicycles and scooters are to be housed              the student will be asked not to ride
    in the racks provided, before school,               their bike.
    and not used during the school day. All           • All riders must walk their bikes and
    riders are encouraged to bring a lock               scooters on school premises.
    for their bicycles and scooters to ensure
    their security. The school does not take
    responsibility for lost or stolen bicycles and

Parent Handbook - ESPERANCE PRIMARY ...
BIRTHDAYS                                        BOOKCLUB
You are welcome to send a cake to                Scholastic book club order forms go
school with your child on their birthday.        home twice a term. The preferred way for
Small cupcakes are preferable and much           families to order and pay for Bookclub is
easier to share with classmates.                 via the online LOOP platform.
Please do not send food that contains            Books usually take 2-3 weeks to arrive. Our
nuts. We appreciate your cooperation             school librarian coordinates this program.
in being aware of these products and
avoiding them being present at school.
Our canteen, Seahorse Snacks, offers a
birthday cupcake service.

 BOOKLISTS                                        BULLYING
A personal item list (booklist) is distributed   In line with both our Positive Behaviour
in Term 4 for the following year.                School Policy and community
                                                 expectations, bullying is not tolerated at
Pre-ordering these items ensures your
                                                 our school. Children are encouraged,
children have everything they require at
                                                 in all instances, to be good citizens who
the start of the school year. Booklists can
                                                 are compassionate, caring and respectful
be found on our website.
                                                 and to report all acts of bullying so that
                                                 action can be taken.

Parents are responsible for providing staff with their child’s bus roster, including bus
name/number and when the student will be using the service. Please advise staff at
your earliest convenience if there are changes.

Esperance ‘In Town’ Buses                        Regional ‘Out of Town’ Buses
The West Beach and Castletown areas are          Generally, these buses cater for students
serviced by a daily bus service.                 living in the rural areas north and west of
A fare is charged for this service and           the school. Students travelling on
SmartRider cards are required to travel          Regional School buses must register with
on these buses.                                  School Bus Services.
Please contact the School Office for             To apply for this Student Transport Assistance
SmartRider information and Esperance Bus         go to
Service on 9072 1717 for bus information.

Parent Handbook - ESPERANCE PRIMARY ...
BUSINESS PLAN                                  CANTEEN
     The school’s new Business Plan will            Our canteen, Seahorse Snacks, operates
     operate from 2021 to 2023. The plan has        Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for
     been developed in association with the         lunch and recess snacks.
     School Board and staff, and sets a clear,
                                                    Lunch orders must be placed before
     strategic direction for the school over the
                                                    school at the canteen or online at
     next three years.
     The plan outlines what we will do
                                                    Pre-primary and Kindergarten students
     and what you will see as we work to
                                                    can order lunch only and orders are
     continuously improve. The plan has
                                                    delivered to the classrooms. Older
     student engagement and achievement
                                                    students collect their orders from class
     at its core and an emphasis on quality
                                                    baskets outside the canteen. Please note
     teaching practice.
                                                    that the canteen does not manage a
     The plan includes 4 focus areas:               credit facility for students.
      • Excellence in Teaching & Learning           The canteen is always looking for parent
      • Success for all Students                    volunteers or donations of dry pantry
                                                    goods, so if you are available to help out
      • Inclusive Learning Environment
                                                    please leave a message for our friendly
      • Community and Relationships                 canteen manager, via the School Office.
     A copy of our Business Plan can be found
     on our website. Alternatively, drop into the
     School Office to pick up a hard copy.

     All Year 6 students participate in an
     annual camp. This is usually five days
     duration and full details are sent home
     well in advance.

     During School Hours                            After School Hours
     In certain circumstances, such as illness,     At times, parents can be unavoidably
     medical appointments, etc, it may be           delayed, causing them to be late when
     necessary to collect children from school      collecting their children from school.
     during school hours. Parents and Carers        In such instances, please phone the
     are required to complete Passtab (an           school, so that supervision arrangements
     electronic sign in and out process) at the     can be made.
     School Office before picking up child/ren
     from their classroom/s. This is a necessary
     legal requirement for reasons of safety
     and duty of care.
     The Passtab process is also used by any
     adult who enters our school grounds.

The Communicable Disease Guidelines provided by the Western Australian Health
Department state that the below common ailments require exclusion from school.
Parents and Carers will be asked to collect their children if they are suspected of having
an infectious disease and to seek medical advice.

Disease                      Length of Exclusion

Chickenpox                   Exclude until all vesicles have crusted, approximately 5 days

Conjunctivitis               Exclude until discharge from eyes has ceased

                             Exclude until diarrhoea has ceased for 24 hours. For high risk groups
Diarrhoea                    (hcw, food handler, child care staff) exclude for 48 hours after
                             symptoms cease
Hand, Foot & Mouth
                             Exclude until vesicles have crusted/dry
                             Exclude until 14 days after onset of illness or 7 days after
Hepatitis A
                             jaundice appears
                             Not excluded if the person can maintain hygiene practices to
                             minimise the risk of transmission. If the person cannot comply with
Herpes simplex
                             these practices (e.g. because they are too young), they should be
(Cold Sores)
                             excluded until the sores are dry. Sores should be covered with a
                             dressing where possible.
                             Exclude until after antibiotic treatment has commenced. Lesions
                             on exposed skin surfaces should be covered with a waterproof
                             dressing. Young children unable to comply with good hygiene
                             practice should be excluded until sores are dry

Measles                      Exclude for 4 days after the onset of rash

                             Exclude until after treatment completed

Molluscum contagiosum        Do not exclude

Mumps                        2 days prior, to 5 days after parotitis (swollen salivary glands)

(B19 erythema                Exclusion not necessary
infectiousm, fifth disease)

Ringworm, scabies,           Exclude until person has received antifungal treatment for 24 hours.
pediculosis (lice),          For head lice exclude until hair is treated, lice removed. For scabies,
trachoma                     trachoma, exclude until person has received treatment

                             Exclude for 4 days after onset of rash
(German measles)

Streptococcal infection
                             Exclude until person has received antibiotic for 24 hours
(including scarlet fever)

                             Exclude until 5 days after an appropriate antibiotic treatment or for
Whooping cough
                             21 days from the onset of coughing

Worms (intestinal)           Exclude until diarrhoea has ceased
     Quality communication at all levels is a key component of our operations.
     We acknowledge the role of parents as partners and welcome your involvement and
     communication. We aim to communicate effectively with our diverse community, and
     therefore we use a range of strategies and mediums to suit the different needs and
     preferences of Parents and Carers.
     Please ensure that your phone number and email address are provided to the school
     and are always up to date. It is also important to make sure emails from the school do
     not appear in your spam folders.

           Email                                         Newsletters
     From time to time it’s appropriate for        The school newsletter is emailed fortnightly
     Parents and Carers to be contacted            on Wednesdays and also published on the
     directly via email, for example, for          school website and Skoolbag app. Our
     consultation with parents or for              newsletter is designed to keep you up to
     matters relating to the School Board          date with current and upcoming events
     as well as school reports. Please ensure      at the school.
     your preferred email address is
                                                   The newsletter also includes information
     provided to the school.
                                                   from the Esperance Primary School
                                                   Board and the P&C. The newsletter is a
                                                   wonderful way for us to share
           Facebook                                and celebrate the achievements
                                                   of your children.
     The school Facebook page is
     used to share positive news stories           We urge Parents and Carers to read
     from around the school.                       the newsletters regularly to be
     Be sure to follow @EsperancePS so you         informed of what is happening in our
     can stay up-to-date.                          school community.

           Website                                       Skoolbag
     The school website provides a                 Our Skoolbag app will allow you to:
     comprehensive overview of our school.          • Receive up to date information on the
     Visit                  happenings in our school
                                                    • View current and past newsletters
                                                    • View up to date canteen menus,
           Seesaw                                     term planners and handbooks
     The Seesaw Family app is a                     • Receive notifications of
     communication platform between                   upcoming events and add them
     teacher and parents. The app allows for          to your calendar
     students to digitally showcase what they       • Email absentee requests and
     are learning in their classroom and with         change of student details via the
     specialist classes. Parents and Carers will      e-form function
     be provided with a QR Code to connect
     to their child’s classroom.

CONCERNS                                      CUSTODY OF CHILDREN
If you feel you have cause for concern        If there are formal arrangements in place
about any aspect of the school’s              that relate to the custody and access
activities, please inform the Teacher,        of your children, particularly in relation
Deputy Principal or Principal.                to any Court Orders or other formal
                                              directions that may be in place, please
If other parents talk to you about anything
                                              provide the necessary information and
to do with the school that they are not
                                              copies of documents to the Principal at
happy about, advise them to come in
                                              time of enrolment. If in the future there are
and let us know. No problem can be
                                              any changes to the arrangements/orders
solved if we don’t know of its existence.
                                              on file, please advise the Principal.
Early knowledge of concerns can often
resolve problems quickly.
                                               DENTAL CARE
 CONTRIBUTIONS                                The school hosts a Dental Therapy Centre
 & CHARGES                                    onsite. The centre provides free general
                                              dental care to all eligible school children
In line with Department of Education          who have completed a School Dental
policy, each year the School Board            Service enrolment form. To find out more,
endorses a Contributions & Charges            please call 9071 1781.
Schedule. Voluntary contributions in
curriculum areas are an important part
of assisting the school to provide             EXCURSIONS
essential value adding resources
                                              Educational and sporting excursions are
and services for your children.
                                              arranged for classes throughout the year.
In addition, a possible charges schedule      Written information is sent to parents prior
exists to show the maximum amount             to excursions, and parents must provide
families can be asked to pay in a school      their written consent in order for their child
year for extra-curricular activities          to attend.
(eg: excursions, camps, swimming lessons)
                                              It is desirable that all class members
and student acquisitions (eg: Leaver’s
                                              participate in planned excursions which
shirts and jackets).
                                              are part of the teaching program. To find
Payments for contributions and charges        out more, please contact your child’s
can be made by cash, cheque, credit           classroom teacher.
card or direct deposit:
ACCOUNT NAME:     Esperance Primary School
BSB:              306037
ACCOUNT NO.:      4162150
Note: Please use the student’s surname
as a reference.

     All students in Years 1 to 6 are placed      During Term 1, all students from Years
     into one of four factions – Flames           1 - 6 are involved in athletics training
     (blue), Knights (gold), Dragons (green)      culminating in the Faction Athletics
     or Redbacks (red). Faction Captains          Carnival. This day is one of the highlights
     are elected from Year 6 students and         of the year and attracts large numbers of
     have special duties and responsibilities     Parents and Carers. Pre-primary have their
     to perform. Factions are aimed at            “sports day” later in the year.
     fostering community spirit, cooperation,
                                                  Students who excel in our Faction Carnival
     responsibility and leadership. On carnival
                                                  in Years 3-6 are selected to represent
     day, students wear a “sun” appropriate
                                                  the school in Athletics at the Interschool
     shirt in the colour of their faction.
                                                  Sporting Carnival.

      GATES                                        GRADUATION
     School gates are locked between              In December all Year 6 students
     9:00am and 2:45pm. If you need to attend     participate in a graduation to celebrate
     school between these times, please enter     the end of their primary schooling.
     via the School Office. See the School Map    It includes a Formal Graduation
     on page 23 for gate locations.               Ceremony held in the school’s
                                                  gymnasium, followed by a morning
                                                  tea for all guests, families and students.
      GOOD STANDING                               Student activities are also planned for the
     Good Standing is a status all Esperance      afternoon following Graduation.
     Primary School students are granted at
     the beginning of every school year. It        HAT POLICY
     is the responsibility of each student to
     maintain their Good Standing. Students       The school has a policy that children are
     with Good Standing are eligible to           to wear a wide-brimmed hat when doing
     participate in Esperance Primary School      physical education and when outside at
     rewards and other school activities.         play all year round. Esperance PS hats
                                                  can be purchased from the School Office
     Students who lose their Good Standing
                                                  or Haslams in Andrew Street, Esperance.
     will lose the privilege to participate in
                                                  Please ensure your child’s name is marked
     events including excursions and school
                                                  on their hat.
     based activities, camp, sporting events,
     discos and other special events. Students    Kindergarten students will be provided
     who lose Good Standing will not be           with a school hat at the beginning of the
     eligible to receive Merit Certificates        year. This hat has been kindly donated by
     or Faction Certificates until they            Haslam’s on Andrew Street, Esperance
     regain Good Standing.                        and will stay at school.

HOMEWORK                                       LIBRARY
Homework for primary school children           Esperance PS is extremely fortunate to
should be minimal, so a balance of play,       have an amazingly spacious and
rest and exercise can be achieved. In the      well-equipped Library available to
early years homework should largely be         students and staff.
informal and non-compulsory.
                                               Classes visit the Library once a week to
As children move towards the upper             borrow books; please ensure your child
primary years they should progressively        brings their library bag to school on their
be exposed to more structured homework         class’s borrowing day. School library bags
requirements in order to facilitate a          are available to purchase from the School
smooth transition to secondary school          Office. Students can also access the
through the development of good study          Library before school and at lunchtimes
habits. Homework should always be seen         on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
as a vehicle to enhance student learning
outcomes and foster positive school/
home partnerships.
                                                LOST PROPERTY
                                               All clothing items found will be put in the
 INTERNET, INFORMATION                         lost property box, located outside the
                                               back of the School Office. Students and
 PRIVACY & SECURITY                            parents are welcome to look there at any
All students access and use the internet       time to recover lost items.
under supervision whilst at school. When       We ask for your assistance by ensuring
enrolling your child, you will be required     that all personal belongings are clearly
to sign a permission form granting rights to   labelled with your child’s name to assist us
access the internet whilst at school.          in returning items misplaced by children
Department of Education policy requires        within the school grounds.
written permission before photos of
your child/ren can be used on printed
material such as newsletters, newspapers,
television, video and/or internet. Formal
enrolment documentation requests parent
authorisation/permission for this to occur.

MEDICAL CONDITIONS                             NO DOGS
      & MEDICATION                                  To ensure the safety of all members of the
     Please advise the School Office if your        Esperance PS community we require that
     child suffers from a condition that            dogs do not enter school grounds, with
     requires our attention and support. This       the exception of service dogs or dogs
     includes conditions such as asthma,            visiting as part of educational programs
     allergies or other medical conditions. It      with approval by the Principal.
     is important that you provide the school       We thank all of our Parents, Carers and
     with an Action Plan provided by your           community members in advance for
     family doctor if your child has a known        respecting these guidelines.
     medical condition. A confidential record
     of students with specific conditions is
     maintained within our electronic                NO SMOKING
     records system.
                                                    Parents and Carers and visitors are
     It is preferable that prescription and non-    asked to adhere to the Department of
     prescription medication is administered        Education Policy prohibiting smoking on
     to your child at home before and after         school grounds.
     school. However, we acknowledge
     that medication may be required to be
     administered whilst your child is at school.
     If this is the case, you must complete the      NUT ALLERGY
     appropriate Health Care Plan which can         Some of our students have allergies to
     be obtained from the School Office.            nuts. All staff are made aware of specific
                                                    students via their Medical Plans including
                                                    photographs, emergency response
      MOBILE PHONES                                 planning and medication advice. Parents
                                                    and Carers will be made aware if there
     Students are not encouraged to bring           is a student in their child’s classroom that
     mobile phones or electronic devices to         has a nut allergy. In these circumstances
     school. However, where parents require         it would be appreciated if you could
     that their child carries one to and from       consider the selection of food that you
     school it must be handed in to the School      send with your child to school.
     Office upon entering school where it
     will be signed in and securely stored.
     Students can collect items at the end of
     each day. The use of mobile phones and          PARENT HELPERS
     electronic devices is not permitted during     Parent and Carer assistance in the
     school hours. School staff will contact        classroom and with school activities
     families whenever necessary, and Parents       is always very welcome. It provides
     and Carers can contact the School Office       Parents and Carers the opportunity to
     on 9076 3600 if they need to urgently get      take an active part in class activities
     in touch with their children.                  and to develop an understanding of
     Neither the school nor the Department of       how children learn. At the same time
     Education will accept any responsibility if    parent help enables teachers to give
     mobile phones or electronic devices are        more individual attention to members
     lost, damaged or stolen.                       of the class.
                                                    If you wish to assist in the classroom,
                                                    please contact your child’s teacher or
                                                    watch for posts on Seesaw asking for
                                                    assistance with special school events.

PARENTS & CITIZENS                              SCHOOL BOARD
The Parents & Citizens (P&C) is a great         In Independent Public Schools such as
opportunity for parents, teachers and           Esperance PS, the School Board plays a
community members to support the                key role as the peak governance body.
learning and infrastructure of the school.      The Board takes part in establishing and
Meetings are held twice per term. A             reviewing the school’s objectives,
notional membership fee of $1 is payable        priorities and general policy directions,
each year and ensures copies of the             and evaluates the school’s performance
minutes of each meeting and the right to        in achieving them.
vote at meetings.
                                                The Board meets eight (8) times a year
Funds raised by the P&C contribute to the       and consists of 11 members:
funding of programs and facilities within
                                                 • Four (4) members of staff
the school, which makes for a better
educational experience for our kids! To          • Five (5) parents or caregivers
find out more, send a message to the P&C          • One (1) community member
secretary at           • The Principal
                                                The Board functions within its Terms of
 PARKING                                        Reference, which are compliant with the
                                                School Education Act (1999) and School
The map on page 23 of this handbook             Education Regulations (2000). A copy of
shows school entry points and parking.          the Terms of Reference can be found on
The Staff Carpark indicated on the map          our website.
is for staff parking only. For Kindergarten
                                                If you are interested in finding out more
and Pre-primary students there is limited
                                                about the operations of the Board, feel
parking outside the early childhood entry.
                                                free to contact the Principal on 9076 3600.
Other parking options:
 • Cinema Car Park
                                                 SCHOOL OF
 • Coleman Street – near the entry gate
   onto the school oval                          INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC
 • Civic Centre Car park                        In Year 4 students complete an expression
 • Car park near the gym                        of interest form to determine eligibility
Due to safety concerns please do not park       for inclusion in School of Instrumental
along Stubbing or Windich Streets.              Music (SIM) program. This program is
                                                administered across the state by the SIM
                                                and caters for nominated students in
 REPORTING TO PARENTS                           Years 5 & 6. It provides tuition in selected
                                                instruments from specialist teachers
Written reports are distributed via email
                                                during school time. Further information is
to parents at the end of Semesters 1 and
                                                available through the School Office.
2 in each year. All students will receive a
formal report detailing their progress
and achievement in key learning
areas, indications of student attitude,
behaviour and effort as well as detailed
comments and an opportunity to request
parent interviews.
Parents and Carers are reminded to
contact class teachers throughout the
year to discuss their child’s progress. Paper
copies of reports are available on request.
     Digital Technologies
     Esperance Primary School recognises the
     importance of 21st century learning and
     aims to equip our students with the critical
     and creative thinking skills and
     problem-solving techniques to become
     valued members of our local and
     global communities.
     The Digital Technologies curriculum is
     explicitly taught across all year levels from
     1-6 by our Digital Technology Teacher,
     in the designated ICT lab. Students
     learn about key understanding and skills
     involved in computer coding as well as
     learning about computational thinking,
     the design process, digital systems,
     collecting, managing and analysing
     data and creating solutions using digital
     devices. Students are challenged to use
     critical and creative thinking to solve
     real world problems.
     Digital Technology is further integrated
     into classroom practice and core subject
     areas with school supplied shared iPads
     from Years K-3 and a successful BYOD iPad
     Program from Years 4-6.

     BYOD Program
     The school’s BYOD (iPad) program
     begins in Year 4. Students are exposed
     to an enquiry based approach that
     encourages them to investigate,
     design, produce, evaluate and
     collaborate across curricula areas
     through the use of iPads. We will continue
     to ensure that the implementation of
     BYOD iPads will provide a strong focus
     on pedagogy first, technology second.
     Information on the BYOD program can be
     found on our website.

     Students who do not have their own
     device will have some access to school
     iPads, however this may not be 1:1.
     These devices are used on a rotational
     basis between the Learning Areas and are
     made available as often as practical.

The Arts                                       STUDENTS AT
All children in Years 1 – 6 receive one        EDUCATIONAL RISK
hour of Visual Arts Education per week.
This is planned and implemented by our        At Esperance Primary School we have
Visual Arts Teacher. The program has been     processes in place to identify and
designed to be innovative, engaging           support students at educational risk
and related to every child’s individual       to progress towards the achievement
everyday world.                               of their academic, behavioural and
                                              social-emotional goals. This process may
All students must have a clearly labelled     involve the staff, Parents and Carers and
old shirt or art smock to protect their       agencies working together to develop,
school uniform during art class.              implement and monitor Individual
                                              Education and/or Behaviour using plans to
Languages-French                              address the specific needs of the child.
At Esperance Primary School all students      A School Psychologist is based at the
from Years 1 to Year 6 learn French           school two days a week. Support is
for one hour per week by our school’s         provided for those students who may
Languages Teacher. The French program         have educational, behavioural or
engages students through a variety of         emotional needs. Parents/Carers wishing
learning experiences aiming to develop        to utilise this service should contact their
knowledge, understanding and skills           child’s teacher, Principal or the Learning
to communicate proficiently in French,         Support Coordinator.
acquire essential communication skills for
intercultural capability and develop an
                                               STUDENT LEADERSHIP
understanding of the role of language
and culture in human communication.           The school provides opportunities for
                                              Year 6 students to take on formal
Physical Education                            leadership roles in the school. There
                                              are eight student councillor positions,
The school has a Physical Education           including Head Boy and Head Girl and
Teacher who will develop skills and           sixteen faction captain positions.
undertake a range of programs
developing students’ fundamental              Information about the nomination process
movement skills, organised sport              is given to students in Term 4 prior to
programs, faction sporting activities and     the new school year. Students who are
carnivals. Students who show skills or        selected have opportunities to build their
interest may also have the opportunity        skills with time management, organisation,
to participate in inter-school sport          public speaking and responsibility, laying
competitions. This program aims to            the foundation for future leadership roles
develop in each student, skills, fitness and   as they grow older.
a positive attitude to be able to live and
enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle.
Suitable clothing must be worn. Children
will only be excused from these sessions
for health reasons and a note is required.
Appropriate footwear and a hat are
also required.

     It is hoped that Parents, Carers and
     Teachers will have informal contact on
                                                          Get the facts – from
     a regular basis throughout the school
     year. For the times when a longer,          03       both sides
     more formal conversation is required             Sit down with your child and write
     it is best to organise a meeting with            down his or her version of the
     the teacher. Should a situation or issue         situation. If it’s a problem with
     arise at school please follow a line of          grading or schoolwork, bring
     inquiry as follows:                              along examples that illustrate
                                                      your points. Then go through the
                                                      issues with the teacher and listen
     01          Start with the
                                                      to their perspective.

                                                          Decide on a solution
           The first step is to contact your      04       together
           child’s teacher to set up a phone
                                                      Work with the teacher to come
           call or face-to-face meeting. It
                                                      up with ideas of how to resolve
           is often not possible to allocate
                                                      the situation. There should be
           the time and attention that’s
                                                      items for you/your child to
           required in the rush just before
                                                      address and items for the teacher
           and just after school, when
                                                      to address. Have the teacher
           teachers, parents and students
                                                      make a copy of the list for both
           are busily preparing and
                                                      of you, and then schedule a
           attending to the multitude of
                                                      follow-up appointment to see
           tasks that take place.
                                                      what progress has been made.
                 Don’t be afraid and
     02          think positively                05       Follow-up on your end
                                                      If a teacher has asked you to
           Many of us feel like children              work on some issues with your
           again when we have to meet                 child at home, it’s important
           with the teacher or Principal.             that you do so. You certainly
           While these educators are in               expect the teacher to follow
           positions of authority, they’re            through with what he or she has
           also adults just like you who              promised, so it’s only fair that
           are interested in your child’s             you do the same. If the problem
           education and eager to make                is still unresolved you should take
           the situation better. Don’t worry          it to the next level and make
           that raising issues with them will         an appointment to see the
           “hurt” your child in the classroom.        Deputy Principal.
           Leaving problems unresolved can
           be more problematic.                  06       Be realistic
           In preparation for the meeting,            Not every school year will be
           envisage that everything will              perfect, but by dealing with
           work out for the best. A positive          situations calmly and by focusing
           attitude makes it easier for               on the solutions – not the
           everyone to calmly discuss the             problems, you’ll be making the
           issues and find solutions.                  best of the year for you and
                                                      your child.

Tournament of Minds has been a part of
Esperance Primary School since 1992. The
real world benefits of this time intensive
program give Esperance Primary School
students a platform to demonstrate
academic excellence.
Students are selected at the end of the
Critical and Creative Program in Term 2 to
form a team of seven students who then
go on to compete at regional, state and
even national levels against other primary
school teams from around the world.
More about the Tournament of Minds
program can be found at

 UNIFORM                                      Uniform Price List

The school takes great pride in all           Available from Haslams, on Andrew Street
students wearing the school uniform.          Shirts (white or blue)                     $27.50
All uniforms can be purchased from
Haslams on Andrew Street, with the            Shorts                                     $19.95
exception of the girls skorts,tartan skirts   Jacket (microfibre)                         $45.00
and dresses which are available from
                                              Jacket (fleecy with hood)                   $39.95
the School Office.
                                              Trackpants (microfibre)                     $26.95
Please ensure your child wears
appropriate shoes and minimal, if any,        Trackpants (fleecy)                         $16.95
jewellery to and from school. For health      Hat                                        $15.00
and safety reasons, all students are
encouraged to tie their hair back, if it is   Available from the School Office
shoulder length or longer.                    Skorts                                     $23.00
It is customary for our Year 6 students       Tartan Skirt (size 2 – 8)                  $40.00
to vote on a special shirt that they are
allowed to wear to celebrate their last       Tartan Skirt (size 10 – 16)                $42.00
year in primary school; details go home       Girls Dress (size 4 – 14)                  $50.00
in Term 1. Year 6 students also have the
                                              Hat                                        $15.00
option to purchase a Leaver’s Jacket.
                                              Prices may vary due to supply and demand
                                              Updated 17/6/2020

     Tribes is a research based process                                   Whilst moving through these stages
     that creates a culture that maximises                                participants will demonstrate the 5
     learning and human development.                                      agreements; Attentive Listening, Mutual
     This process requires learning how to                                Respect, Appreciation/No Put Downs, The
     build a community through 3 stages of                                Right to Participate/The Right to Pass and
     group development; Inclusion, Influence                               Personal Best/Personal Responsibility.
     and Community.

     Attentive Listening                                                  The Right to Participate/
     We will treat people the way we want to
                                                                          The Right to Pass
     be treated.                                                          We have the right to pass in certain
                                                                          activities, and know that the more we
     Mutual Respect                                                       participate the more we gain.
     We will listen with our eyes, ears, bodies,
     hearts and minds.
                                                                          Personal Best/
                                                                          Personal Responsibility
     Appreciation/No Put Downs                                            We are responsible for our own learning
     We speak kindly to others and think of                               and our own behaviour.
     other people’s feelings.

                                 #:ŌLUJ                                    &K:_DCœD:CÖ`KL]
                                                                                                            Group Challenge & Support

                                                 &bAœ_Ù]û                                                  Constructive Thinking
                                                                                                            Social Skills
                                                                                                            Shared Responsibility

                                INCLUSION                                                                   Calling Forth Personal Gifts
                                                                                                            Celebrating Achievements
                                Ü&×üDœWIœDSWUçLUJ                           INFLUENCE
                                   Presenting Self
                                   Stating Needs & Expectations
                                                                                 Setting Goals
         Mutual Respect            Being Acknowledged
                                                                                 Managing Conflict
                                                                                 Making Decisions
         Attentive Listening
                                                                                 Celebrating Diversity

         No Put-downs

         Right to Pass
         Right to Participate

         Personal Best/

                                             Facilitator’s Role: Transfer Responsibility to Group

                       ESPERANCE PRIMARY SCHOOL

                                                                                         Coleman Street
                                                                                                                            Coleman Street Parking

                                                                                                                                                     Coleman Street

                               1                              2

                                                                           5                                                                                                            Civic
                                                 4                                                                                                   Entrance

Stubbing Street

                               7                              8                9

                                                11                                 14
                                                                  Main Entrance
                                                                                                       Kindy / Pre School
                                         Staff Parking Only
                                                                                                                  16                                 Parking
                                                                                                                                                     near gym
                                                                                                                                                                      Pink Lake Road

                                                                                           Parking                                             irs

                                                                                    ich S
                                      Cinema                                              t re e

                      Entry Gates                    1 Dolphin Cove                    5 Undercover Area                    9 Junior Playground                 13 Administration
                      Bike Racks                     2 Twilight Cove                   6 Canteen                            10 Sharing Circle Area              14 Blue Haven
                      Parking Areas                  3 Nature Playground               7 Hellfire Bay                       11 Staffroom                        15 Gymnasium
                      Crosswalk Attendant            4 Library                         8 Lucky Bay                          12 Dental                           16 Kindergarten

Esperance Primary School
       103 Windich Street, Esperance WA 6450
       (08) 9076 3600
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