Page created by Anthony Smith
                                                               Committee on Drugs

                                        Acetaminophen Toxicity in Children

ABSTRACT. Acetaminophen is widely used in chil-                                inappropriate dosing, delays in onset of symptoms
dren, because its safety and efficacy are well established.                    after a potentially toxic ingestion, delays in initiation
Although the risk of developing toxic reactions to acet-                       of NAC treatment, unintentional multiple overdos-
aminophen appears to be lower in children than in                              ing, ingestion of acetaminophen along with another
adults, such reactions occur in pediatric patients from                        hepatotoxic drug (Table 1),5 and use of adult rather
intentional overdoses. Less frequently, acetaminophen
toxicity is attributable to unintended inappropriate dos-
                                                                               than pediatric preparations.6 Failure to read and un-
ing or the failure to recognize children at increased risk                     derstand the label instructions or use of an incorrect
in whom standard acetaminophen doses have been ad-                             measuring device or preparation were cited as the
ministered. Because the symptoms of acetaminophen in-                          usual causes of unintentional overdosing.5 Use of
toxication are nonspecific, the diagnosis and treatment of                     sustained-release preparations, particularly without
acetaminophen intoxication are more likely to be delayed                       appropriate increases in dosing intervals, coadmin-
in unintentional cases of toxicity. This statement de-                         istration of an over-the-counter, fixed-dose combina-
scribes situations and conditions that may contribute to                       tion product without recognizing that it contains
acetaminophen toxicity not associated with suicidal in-                        acetaminophen, or supervision of medication admin-
tentions.                                                                      istration by another child may also contribute to such
ABBREVIATIONS. NAC, N-acetylcysteine; NAPQI, N-acetyl-p-                          Rectal administration of acetaminophen may also
benzoquinone imine.                                                            lead to toxicity, because this route of administration
                                                                               produces peak drug levels that may vary by as much
                         INTRODUCTION                                          as ninefold and often does not achieve therapeutic

       he safety and efficacy of acetaminophen in                              levels after the recommended doses are adminis-
       children are well established, especially in                            tered.7–9 The time to reach peak levels after rectal
       comparison with aspirin. In general, the risk of                        administration is substantially longer than that after
developing toxic reactions to acetaminophen appear                             oral administration,7 and the appropriate dose inter-
to be lower in children than in adults.1,2 Despite the                         val is longer (6 – 8 hours).8 Because the drug may not
very low incidence of toxic effects, acetaminophen                             be equally distributed throughout the suppository,
toxicity remains a concern, because this drug is used                          the practice of dividing a suppository may not pro-
very widely in children.3 Data collected in 1997 by 66                         vide a predictable dose. In addition, different rectal
US regional poison control centers included more                               preparations have substantially different absorption
than 10 000 cases in which N-acetylcysteine (NAC),                             characteristics that cause variation in bioavailability.9
the antidote for acetaminophen, was used.4 Of 94                               These factors create the potential for inadequate ther-
fatal acetaminophen overdose cases in which the                                apeutic effect from poor absorption as well as cumu-
reasons for exposure are known, most were associ-                              lative toxic effects from excessive or too frequently
ated with suicidal intentions. In 25% of the fatal                             repeated rectal doses.
cases, unintentional therapeutic error (n ⫽ 10) and
intentional misuse without suicidal intent (n ⫽ 14)                                                    TOXICITY
were the reasons for the exposure. This indicates a                               The toxicity of acetaminophen is closely linked to
lack of understanding on the part of the patient or                            its metabolism. With therapeutic dosing, acetamino-
caretaker regarding acetaminophen therapy. Among                               phen is predominantly metabolized by conjugation
the cases without suicidal intent, 3 deaths occurred
in patients younger than 16 years. The perceived
safety of acetaminophen may contribute to inappro-                             TABLE 1.       Concomitant Drug Therapy and Situations for
priate dosing, failure to recognize children at in-                            Which There Are In Vivo Data, Either in Adult Humans or Ani-
creased risk, and delay in diagnosis and treatment of                          mals, for Increased Susceptibility to Acetaminophen Toxicity
acetaminophen intoxication.                                                    Human
   Recent reviews identified several factors associ-                            Carbamazepine induction of CYP45032,33
ated with acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in children,                             Ethanol18,31
including: age less than 10 years associated with                               Phenobarbital36–38
                                                                                Prolonged fasting5,18
The recommendations in this statement do not indicate an exclusive course
of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking into
account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2001 by the American Acad-
                                                                                Prolonged fasting19–21
emy of Pediatrics.

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with sulfate and glucuronide. Approximately 5% to            acetaminophen toxicity through competitive inhibi-
10% of the drug is oxidized by CYP450-dependent              tion of CYP2E1.31 Concurrent treatment with 1 or
pathways (mostly CYP2E1 and CYP3A4) to a toxic,              more of the medications in Table 1 may be likely
electrophilic metabolite, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone            among children with chronic illnesses, which should
imine (NAPQI).10 NAPQI is detoxified by glutathi-            be considered in decisions to treat with acetamino-
one and eliminated in the urine or bile. The NAPQI           phen.5,18 –21,30 – 40 Finally, clinical signs of liver dis-
that is not detoxified may bind to hepatocytes and           ease, such as fever or abdominal pain, are often
produce cellular necrosis. Usually, because of the           treated with acetaminophen. Whether hepatic injury
relatively small amount of NAPQI formed and the              from underlying conditions, such as viral infections
adequate supply of glutathione, acetaminophen has            or metabolic diseases, is exacerbated by acetamino-
an excellent safety profile.                                 phen remains uncertain. Many reported cases of se-
   A threshold acetaminophen dose associated with            vere hepatotoxicity in children have been attributed
hepatic toxicity in children has been difficult to es-       to cumulative toxicity from repeated doses rather
tablish because of inaccurate recollection of the in-        than acute intoxication from a single massive over-
gested dose, doses administered during several days,         dose.5 Severe toxicity has been observed despite ap-
and prolonged release products. Rumack and Mat-              parently reassuringly low acetaminophen levels.3,6
thew11 in their landmark 1975 study did not indicate         The Rumack and Matthew nomogram of acetamin-
a minimum dose for toxicity, but emphasized pro-             ophen levels and time after dose was developed for
longation of the half-life of acetaminophen from liver       prediction of risk in acute intoxications so that a low
toxicity. Reports of liver toxicity in pediatric patients    level does not eliminate the possibility of toxicity
have suggested a minimal, single acetaminophen               caused by chronic ingestion of acetaminophen.11 The
dose of 120 to 150 mg/kg of body weight may be               health care provider should consider acetaminophen
associated with hepatoxicity.12,13 Two reports of hep-       toxicity in any child who has received acetamino-
atotoxicity in association with dosages reported to be       phen who has signs of acute hepatic dysfunction,
in the therapeutic range6,14 may represent inaccurate        even if acetaminophen levels are not in the toxic
memory of the administered doses or a narrower               range. If the levels are in the toxic range after long-
acetaminophen therapeutic window because of asso-            term treatment with acetaminophen, it is an ominous
ciated conditions. Such conditions might include in-         finding associated with a high risk of mortality.6
herited differences in hepatic enzyme activity, mal-            Acetaminophen intoxication typically includes 4
nutrition, ethanol ingestion, drug interactions, or          phases.41 The first consists of anorexia, nausea, vom-
concomitant medical disorders. Theoretically, an in-         iting, malaise, and diaphoresis, which may provoke
herited increased activity of CYP2E1 could increase          administration of additional doses of acetamino-
conversion of acetaminophen to its toxic metabolite,         phen. In the second phase, those first-phase signs
NAPQI.15,16 Individuals who are heterozygous for             resolve and are replaced by right upper quadrant
glutathione synthetase deficiency (a rare disorder)          pain or tenderness, liver enlargement, and oliguria in
may have a limited capacity for detoxification of            some patients. Bilirubin and hepatic enzyme levels
NAPQI through conjugation with glutathione.17                become elevated, and the prothrombin time becomes
Children with a family history of hepatic toxicity to        prolonged. In the third phase, usually 3 to 5 days into
acetaminophen have an increased risk of developing           the course, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and malaise
a toxic reaction.                                            reappear, along with signs of hepatic failure, includ-
   Nutritional and drug-drug interactions are more           ing jaundice, hypoglycemia, coagulopathy, and en-
likely than genetic differences in metabolism to             cephalopathy. Renal failure and cardiomyopathy
contribute to toxicity at conventional doses of acet-        may also develop. The fourth phase is associated
aminophen. Fasting is associated with increased              with recovery or progression to death from complete
acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in humans18 and ani-            liver failure. Acetaminophen poisoning also may
mals19 apparently because of increased metabolism            present as central nervous system depression, shock,
to NAPQI.20,21 The contribution of fasting to acet-          hypothermia, and metabolic acidosis.42 Because de-
aminophen toxicity in humans is unclear, because             lays in treatment with NAC are associated with
the interruption of feeding is not quantified and is         worse outcomes,43,44 early treatment is indicated
associated with chronic alcohol intake, vomiting, or         when acetaminophen hepatotoxicity is considered
diarrhea.18,22 Protein-calorie malnutrition,23,24 obesi-     likely. Even delayed therapy may be beneficial.45
ty,25 and poorly controlled diabetes26,27 are associ-        Therefore, treatment should be considered even if 24
ated with increased activity of CYP2E1 that may              hours or more has elapsed since the last dose of
increase formation of NAPQI. Detoxification may be           acetaminophen was given.6
reduced in patients with chronic protein-calorie mal-
nutrition, who also have low glutathione levels.28                                 TREATMENT
Numerous drugs may affect acetaminophen elimina-                Several treatment regimens for acetaminophen
tion or NAPQI detoxification and some of their ef-           overdose have been proposed, but those best studied
fects on CYP2E1 activity are variable (Table 1). Iso-        involve NAC.43– 47 Treatment instituted within 6 to 8
niazid first inhibits then enhances NAPQI formation          hours after an acute ingestion should begin with a
as it is cleared.18,29,30 Ethanol ingested chronically       dose of activated charcoal; however, later treatment
increases CYP2E1 activity and depletes glutathione,          does not include charcoal unless a second toxin was
which enhances susceptibility to acetaminophen tox-          ingested.47 Intravenous administration of NAC over
icity,1,18,31 whereas acute ethanol ingestion reduces        a 10-hour period (rapidly) is associated with a higher

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frequency of allergic and anaphylactoid reactions                    dation that parents search the entire label of
(angioedema, hypotension, bronchospasm)43 than is                    any over-the-counter product for acetamino-
oral administration. Longer infusion periods (48                     phen content, especially those recommended
hours or longer) of NAC result in improved toler-                    for colds, cough, fever, headaches, or general
ance and reduced adverse effects.44,46 The treatment                 aches and pains.
of hepatotoxicity in children caused by subacute                 f) recommend that parents inform the pharmacist
overdosing of acetaminophen is difficult. Therefore,                that their child is taking acetaminophen when a
consulting a toxicologist or another expert should be               new prescription is filled.
considered.                                                      g) caution parents against allowing drug admin-
                                                                     istration by children.
         ALTERNATING WITH IBUPROFEN                              h) provide patient-specific advice regarding pro-
   Some pediatricians recommend alternating admin-                   fessional follow-up for children who continue
istration of acetaminophen and ibuprofen every 2                     to have fever and/or other signs or symptoms.
hours, although no clinical trials of this treatment        3.   Sustained-release preparations should not be sub-
have been identified. The pathways of metabolism                 stituted for immediate-release preparations with-
for acetaminophen and ibuprofen are quite different              out changing the dosing interval.
and do not affect each other. They have quite differ-       4.   For children with refractory fever and for those at
ent half-lives in children, averaging 4.5 hours for              increased risk of developing acetaminophen tox-
acetaminophen and 1.0 to 2.0 hours for ibuprofen.48              icity,2,50 –53 consider different antipyretics or ad-
The Physician’s Desk Reference for Nonprescription               junctive treatment, such as tepid water sponge
Drugs lists dosing intervals of 6 to 8 hours for ibu-            bathing54 –56 (although its effectiveness is contro-
profen oral suspension (Motrin [McNeil Consumer                  versial) with directions to avoid measures that
Products Co, Fort Washington, PA])49 and every 4                 induce shivering.
hours up to 5 doses per day for acetaminophen (Ty-          5.   Because early symptoms of acetaminophen toxic-
lenol [McNeil Consumer Products Co, Fort Washing-                ity are nonspecific, health care providers are ad-
ton, PA]).49 Thus, the 2 drugs should not be admin-              vised to include acetaminophen toxicity in the
istered in the same schedule (every 4 hours) on the              initial differential diagnosis in many illnesses, es-
basis of pharmacokinetics or current dosing recom-               pecially those with unexplained hepatic dysfunc-
mendations. Alternating doses every 6 hours might                tion and obtain detailed information regarding
be used so that 1 drug or the other is administered              acetaminophen therapy. A complete history
every 3 hours. Given the absence of published safety             would:
and efficacy data related to the practice of alternat-           a) describe the exact drug formulation(s), the
ing acetaminophen and ibuprofen, it is prudent for                   dose, the route, the dosage frequency, and the
health care providers to exercise discretion when                    number of doses.
considering this sequence of therapy.                            b) identify the individual(s) administering the
               RECOMMENDATIONS                                   c) seek information about “hidden” sources of
1. Most acetaminophen therapy is begun without                       acetaminophen in over-the-counter drug use,
   direct advice from health care providers; there-                  in particular all cold and pain preparations, as
   fore, instruction regarding appropriate pain and                  well as alternative or herbal remedies.
   fever therapy should be incorporated into well-               d) include information on concomitant drug ther-
   child visits.                                                      apy, particularly hepatotoxic drugs and drugs
2. Optimally, written, specific information about                     metabolized by the enzymes involved in acet-
   acetaminophen is given to parents as part of well-                 aminophen toxification or detoxification
   child visits and reviewed with parents during                      (Table 1).
   subsequent visits. Appropriate information that               e) include an assessment of dietary status, partic-
   would convey individualization of therapy for a                   ularly whether there is chronic undernutrition
   specific child should:                                            or recent fasting.
   a) include the dose, frequency, duration of ther-        6.   In caring for children whose differential diagnosis
      apy, and the specific strength and formulation             includes acetaminophen toxicity but whose acet-
      for the individual child.                                  aminophen blood concentration and history do
   b) state clearly the danger of substituting alterna-          not match, it is important to recognize that either
      tive dosage forms, in particular, adult for pe-            piece of information may be misleading, particu-
      diatric preparations.                                      larly in cases of chronic, unintentional acetamin-
   c) recommend that rectal acetaminophen therapy                ophen overdosage. Likewise, acetaminophen is
      should be avoided unless specifically discussed            often used to treat children who have symptoms
      with the health care provider and that direc-              of liver dysfunction caused by various conditions
      tions be followed.                                         (eg, viral hepatitis, metabolic disease).
   d) dispel the misconception that, even with over-        7.   Although the relative safety of acetaminophen has
       the-counter drugs, “more is better.”                      been clearly demonstrated and toxicity is infre-
   e) warn that many preparations contain acet-                  quent, health care providers need to be aware that
      aminophen and that the simultaneous use of                 some children appear to be at increased risk of
      more than 1 product containing acetamino-                  developing acetaminophen toxicity, including
      phen may be dangerous. Include a recommen-                 those with chronic diseases treated with several

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Acetaminophen Toxicity in Children
                                  Committee on Drugs
                                Pediatrics 2001;108;1020
                              DOI: 10.1542/peds.108.4.1020

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Acetaminophen Toxicity in Children
                                 Committee on Drugs
                               Pediatrics 2001;108;1020
                             DOI: 10.1542/peds.108.4.1020

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