April/May 2020 - St John's Copthorne

Page created by Matthew Dean
April/May 2020 - St John's Copthorne
April/May 2020
April/May 2020 - St John's Copthorne
Local contacts                                                                 To add your organisation or change details, please
                                                                               contact the Editor – copthornemagazine@gmail.com

Allotments                                          Copthorne Village Association                        St John’s Church Office
Burstow Parish Council 01342 841880                 info@copthornevillage.org                            01342 712063 admin@copthorne.org
                                                    www.copthornevillage.org                             Vicar - Revd Wim Mauritz
Copthorne Archive
                                                        Copthorne Village Association                    01342 457064
Sue Snelling - 01342 713807
copthornearchive@gmail.com                          Copthorne Village Badminton Club
                                                    Ian Hornsby - 01342 714754
Copthorne Art Group                                                                                      David Hornsby - 07954 162319
Peter Chatfield - 01342 712010                      Copthorne WI                                         Monica Polley - 01342 713584
                                                    Sandy Ward - 01342 713076                            Treasurer
Copthorne Cots2Tots
                                                    copthornewi@gmail.com                                Chris Phillips - 01342 712668
(parent & baby/toddler group)
Annabelle Mundy - 07732 335193                      Copthorne Youth Football Club                        PCC Secretary
                                                    cyfc.sec@gmail.com                                   Cathy Sexton - 01342 716813
Copthorne Carnival
Graham Casella - 01342 714291                       Crawley Bridge Club                                  Sunshine Preschool
grahamcasella@gmail.com                             Helen Kent - 01342 719779                            07963 501762
www.copthornecarnival.co.uk                                                                              www.stjohnssunshinepreschool.co.uk
                                                    Fairway Infant School                                stjohnssunshine@hotmail.co.uk
Copthorne Chapel                                    Head: Mrs. B. Davison
www.copthornechapel.org.uk                          01342 713691                                         Worth Parish Council Worth Council
                                                                                                         Offices, The Parish Hub, Borers Arms
Copthorne Consort                                   Heatherley Cheshire Home                             Road, Copthorne RH10 3ZQ
Sophia - 01342 712742                               Volunteer Co-Ordinator                               01342 713407
                                                    Tess Ashton - 01342 712232                           clerk@worthparishcouncil.co.uk
Copthorne Cricket Club
                                                    tess.ashton@LCDisability.org                         www.worthparishcouncil.co.uk
Paul Smart - 07913 493974
www.copthorne.play-cricket.com                      Jack and Jill Pre-School
                                                    Registrar - 07756 577317
Copthorne Guides
(including Rainbows, Brownies, and
                                                                                                         Hall hire
Jo Wickes - 01342 716094                            The Little House Montessori Nursery                  Copthorne Parish Hub
                                                    Principle: Lisa Watkins -07938 524184                07853 653649
Copthorne Junior School                                                                                  Patrizia - copthornehub@gmail.com
Head: Mrs Joanna Francis                            Local Action Team - Vacant
01342 712372                                                                                             Copthorne Scout Centre
                                                    Neighbourhood Watch - Vacant                         Copthorne Guide Hall
Copthorne Ladies Club                                                                                    Lesley Dawson - 01342 716590
                                                    N T C - TS Swiftsure
Margaret Payne (President)
                                                    Commanding Officer Stephen Gilbert                   Copthorne Sports and
01342 713826
                                                    01293 571533 - swiftsure@ntc.org.uk                  Community Association
Sheila Wilson (Secretary)
                                                    Chair Gary Palmer - 07837 399196                     www.copthorne-sca.co.uk
01293 885675 / 07708704408
                                                    www.ntc.org.uk/swiftsure                             info@copthorne-sca.co.uk
Copthorne Ladies Stoolball Club                                                                          bookings_csca@outlook.com
                                                    Peter Pan Playgroup
Tracey Price - 07961 887504
                                                    General Enquiries - 07745 255501                     Copthorne Village Hall
Copthorne Players                                   Waiting List: 01342 714692                           Adele Ruddock - 07716864623
Jane Burr - 01342 712550                            www.peterpanplaygroup.co.uk                          CVH.enquiry@gmail.com
Copthorne Scouts                                    Probus Club of Horley & District                     www.copthornevillagehall.co.uk
Membership Secretary                                Derek Hanks - 01342 714411                           Copthorne Junior School
Jill Creek - 07720 533875                           www.probusclubhorley.org                             01342 712372
                                                    Royal British Legion                                 Delmar Morgan Centre
Copthorne Silver Band                               Crawley & District Branch Secretary,                 Christine Cheesmur - 01293 881153
Sheila Feasey - 07889 681268                        Michael Elliot 07791 778245
                                                                                                         Fairway Infant School
Copthorne Table Tennis Club                                                                              01342 713691
Karen Lelliott - 01342 719069

                                   (Copy) 7th May 2020 • (Distribution) 25th May 2020

Copthorne Magazine is printed on FSC approved paper and published six times a year by Copthorne Parish Church. It is issued free and is distributed by a
team of volunteers. The support of advertisers in the magazine is greatly appreciated. However the fact that an advertisement appears in the magazine does
not imply an endorsement of the product or services offered. Neither do the opinions expressed by authors necessarily reflect those of the publishers.

2        Copthorne Magazine - April 2020
April/May 2020 - St John's Copthorne
                         Our hope is that this online
                         issue of The Copthorne
                         Magazine will find its way     STOP PRESS: CORONAVIRUS
to most households in our village and that this will
help us feel connected. At this time of isolation and   By the time you read this things will have moved
social distancing, we need to find new, creative        on with this rapidly changing situation. However,
ways to show each other generosity, kindness and        we would like to echo the government guidelines...
                                                        Please don’t forget to think of friends, family or
When we were collating this issue, our focus was on     neighbours in our community who may need extra
ways to care for creation. At St John’s Church we       help with essentials; bringing food and medicine,
have been thinking about this and the theme flows
                                                        or ordering online shopping.
through these pages. At the time of writing we had
chosen sustainably sourced paper for this edition.      You can also directly help other local individuals
Ironically, events have now transpired to made this     and families in crisis who cannot afford to put food
an even more environmentally friendly version.          on the table at this time. Urgent donations are
Our connection with creation seems even more            needed for the East Grinstead Foodbank’s Easter
pertinent now. Maybe we will start to value the         Appeal (p 13) - we pray for everyone to stay safe.
simplicity of outdoor space and fresh air even
more. Some of us are enjoying the blessing of soil
and the gift of being able to grow our own fruit
and vegetables, hoping our seeds will miraculously
grow into spinach and carrots. Meanwhile, the
air is cleaner over cities enforcing strict isolation
and rivers are becoming clearer. The blossom on
the trees and the signs of spring emerging have
certainly been a comfort to me, as I contemplate
our current struggles.
So we hope you are inspired to care for your own
health, care for your community
and care for creation as we
walk through this challenging
time together.

  Copthorne Open Gardens 2020
    New    we have Wanted
          Gardens       decided in this current
   climate of Coronavirus to cancel The                    BURSTOW GARDEN ALLOTMENTS
    We would loveOpen
                   to inviteGardens
                             you to joindue   on May
                                        our friendly
                                                        At Burstow Gardens Allotments we can offer you a plot
   31st  2020. group of amateur gardeners in opening
    your garden, 31 MAY 2020 from 1-5pm in aid of St     size to suit your needs, a friendly community, fresh air
   On   a moreHospice
    Catherine's   positive note the                     and exercise, (with advice available, if you want it, from
   local community have raised                           those who think they know what they’re doing!). Why
   £1,180   inMay
    Sunday 31   20192020for                             not come along and have a look - we’re situated opposite
   St.  Catherine’s Hospice,
    1-5pm                                                                   the Jubilee Pavilion.
   by  leavingOpen   Gardens
                                                           There is currently no waiting list! Please ring Ken
   donations for the
                                                               Luttman on 01342 713527 before 6pm,
   plant stall in
                                                                  or email ken.luttman41@gmail.com
   Clay Hall Lane.
                                                        We’re always looking for sources of manure - but no more
                                                                pallets needed for the time being, thanks.
                                                         New! Follow us on Instagram at copthorne_allotments
                                                        for lovely photos taken at our wonderful allotment site.

 To join us please contact:
 Amanda 01342 713122
 Chris 01342 713919                                                        Copthorne Magazine - May 2020             3
April/May 2020 - St John's Copthorne
Add to the rainbows! Colour a rainbow and put it up in your window for

              children to spot on rainbow treasure hunts!

 Copthorne Magazine - April 2020
                                                                                                                                             Be Connected in Copthorne
                                                                                  in rainbows and putting them up in their windows.
                                                                            Add to the rainbows! Children across the country are colouring

and your household are well and have    If you need a spot of help and would like a
you need, let your neighbours know by      healthy neighbour to connect with you
April/May 2020 - St John's Copthorne
Wim writes…
As we come to terms with Coronavirus COVID-19             environment, being fully present in your household,
many of us are wondering how to go about our              your garden (if you have one). If you’re able to, go
daily lives. A lot of us in Copthorne are staying at      for a safe walk and observe nature. It is Spring and
home, are working differently or starting home            the blossom is appearing everywhere. Look at the
schooling. You may be wondering how you can               trees and let God know about all the things that
walk in faith, resist fear, and support those who are     are on your heart.
most vulnerable.                                          Psalm 23, is a poem accredited to King David and
The first thing is that following the advice of experts   is well known for its encouraging words and the
– especially about washing our hands regularly and        writer’s trust in God in the midst of life’s greatest
self-isolating if we have key symptoms – is a really      worries. He profoundly states that, ‘Even though I
important place to start.                                 walk in the darkest valley, I fear no evil for you are
One way to avoid being taken by fear is turning our       with me.’ These words offer hope that even in our
attention to helping someone. Is there a person in        darkest fear God is with us.
your life, or your community, that you could call on      There are many initiatives offering help and a
the phone and see if they’re okay?                        range of prayer suggestions and activities to do at
Perhaps they can’t get to the shops – could you           home. Perhaps the most simple suggestion is to set
pick up some groceries for them? Perhaps they are         your alarm clock at midday, to pause for moment
self-isolating and feeling lonely – could you put         and to pray the Lord’s Prayer.
something through their door?                             We are in this together. Let’s look after ourselves
But what else can you do in times of uncertainty?         and our communities, gain courage from each
There may be different ways to reflect, to find a         other, and walk together in hope and faith.
time to pray, to connect with your immediate              Every blessing!

                 Be Connected in Copthorne - We are now bringing you
              services over the internet, just visit www.copthornechurch.org

                                                                            Copthorne Magazine - May 2020          5
April/May 2020 - St John's Copthorne
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6         Copthorne Magazine - April 2020
April/May 2020 - St John's Copthorne
Chapel Lane, Copthorne
    Part of the Countess of
   Huntingdon’s Connexion.
                              As you may be aware, the Chapel            families and/or friends (coronvirus
 For more details please      was very busy last year assembling         permitting). For the early followers of
  phone 01342 713172          Christmas shoe bags for the children       Jesus they had planned for a lovely
                              in Sierra Leone. As you can see from       Passover supper, but Jesus turned it
copthornechapel.org.uk        the smiling faces in these pictures, the   on its head on the Thursday evening,
                              bags are always very much looked           when he shared that he was going to
                              forward to and appreciated! We shall       be leaving them. But he also promised
                              be doing the same again this year.         not to leave them alone.
                              I am sure many of us had been              Unfortunately, due to the outbreak of
                              expecting a hard, cold winter, and of      coronavirus, the Chapel is now closed
                              course there is nothing to say that        until further notice. We were due to
                              we won’t have snow. I can remember         meet for our Easter services (Maundy
                              many Easters when we have had snow         Thursday service and Good Friday
                              on the ground.                             service) however we regret that these
                                                                         are now cancelled.
                              As we approach Easter we may
                              well have plans to celebrate with our
                                                                                      Pastor Gordon Hamilton

                                                   Here is a reminder of what the NHS are asking us all to do
                                                   to keep ourselves and others safe...

   For the
 village by
the village

                                                                              Copthorne Magazine - May 2020        7
April/May 2020 - St John's Copthorne
         h orne

All sections helped at the          Voyagers Beavers have had          Scott Troop scouts have made
Senior Citzens Party on the         a visit from the RNLI, been        knot boards, learnt about
8th of February, doing magic,       learning about space and           international scouting and
dancing and singing songs           have been practising circus        made videos about scouting.
from the Gang Show.                 skills.
                                                                       Mallory Troop scouts have
                                                                       been doing science
                                                                       experiments, food tasting and
                                                                       took part in a wide game.

                                    Oak Pack cubs have been
                                    making mug trees, been
                                    bowling and took part in the
Smugglers Beavers have been         ‘Great Cub Bake Off’.
celebrating Chinese New
                                    Ash Pack cubs learnt about
Year, learning home skills and
                                    energy, took part in a wide
have been on a night walk at
                                    game and made pancakes.
the end of which they had hot

                                                                         VE DAY 75
                                                                         CAN YOU HELP?
                                                                         If you think you can help
                                                                         with our village celebrations
                                                                         for VE Day (see p12) please
                                                                         contact john.dawson@
                                                                         egscouts.org.uk. Watch
                                                                         out for more details on the
                                                                         “Copthorne Locals” page on

         If you would like to add your child to the waiting list for Scouting please visit our website
    1stcopthorne.scoutsites.org.uk or contact us at joincopthornescouts@outlook.com or 07720 533875

April/May 2020 - St John's Copthorne

                           RbLP_TL_C                   BrLP_TL_C


Copthorn               1st & 2nd                   1st & 2nd                   1st & 2nd
        e District                     Copthorn                    Copthorn                    Copthorn
                                               e                           e                           e

 Girlguiding has had the biggest overhaul to its programme in
 over 100 years. Girls and young women still follow the same ethos
 and values but the programme is presented in a more up to date
 way. This spans from Rainbows from age 5 through to Rangers to
 age 17.

 There are new activities and badges which are built around six
 core themes; Know Myself, Express Myself, Be Well, Have
 Adventures, Take Action and Skills for My Future. This gives girls
 the opportunity to focus on connecting with other people,
 exploring the world around them and to work independently.

 Each section of a girl’s Guiding journey is appropriate to her age
 and badges to recognise her achievements are awarded.

 The most special award a Brownie Guide can obtain is The Gold
 Award. 2nd Copthorne Brownies are very proud of Jessica Corbin
 who was recently presented with The Gold Award.

                                                                    Do something amazing – help us to
                                                                    give girls in and around Copthorne
                                                                    more opportunities for fun,
                                                                    friendship, challenge and

   Girlguiding Copthorne District (Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers) - Registered as a Charity: No 1033759
             For Volunteering Opportunities, Membership Information and Hall Bookings please contact us -

April/May 2020 - St John's Copthorne
Be Connected in Copthorne - We are now bringing you
              services over the internet, just visit www.copthornechurch.org

                                                  Harvest Festival 2020 - Sat 26th & Sun 27th September
                                                  Classes for this year’s Flower and produce show are:
                                                  • Best Autumn Photograph
                                                  • Best Painted Stone
                                                  • Best Lego Model of a Car
                                                  • Best Song Title on a Plate
     OUR CHURCH CONTINUES TO BE                   • Best Model using an Eggbox
      ALIVE AND ACTIVE, BUT OUR                   • Best Flower Arrangement in a Kitchen Utensil
                                                  • Best Floral Buttonhole
        BUILDINGS MUST CLOSE                      • Best Cake including a Vegetable
                                                  • Best 4 Homemade Rock Cakes
     Following advice from the Church of          • Best Basket of Homegrown Garden Produce
       England and our government all             • Best Homemade Jar of Jam
                                                  • Best Homemade Jar of Chutney
     public worship and social events are         • Heaviest Potato
     suspended, and our church building,
         office and parish hub are now            CONTACT ADDRESS:
         closed. You can enjoy church             St John’s Church Office (at the Church) Church Road,
                                                  Copthorne RH10 3RD (Mon, Wed & Thu: 9am – 2 pm)
           services online see below.
                                                  Church : 01342 712063 or admin@copthorne.org
                     You can find updates and     Parish Hub: 07853 653649 or parishhub@gmail.com
                      enjoy church services at:   Vicar:      01342 457064 or vicar.copthorne@gmail.com
                                                  Curate:     01342 717561 or curate.copthorne@gmail.com

10     Copthorne Magazine - April 2020
Take our quiz that we completed in church as part of our ‘Care for
Creation’ services recently and see if you’re surprised by the answers and
inspired to make a change in your life ... Answers can be found on page 26 of the magazine.
Question 1: How many train trips        Question 8: Dropping the             Question 14: Which industry has
from London to Madrid would             thermostat by 1o Celsius saves       the highest carbon footprint?
be the equivalent of one flight in      you how much on your heating
                                                                             A: Aviation industry
carbon consumption?                     costs?
                                                                             B: Car industry
A: 2   B: 3     C: 5      D: 7          A: 1%      B: 3%     C: 5%
                                                                             Question 15: What percentage
Question 2: How much beef (on           Question 9: Approximately how        of plastic in the world has never
average pp) do we eat in the UK         much global electricity output       been recycled? More or less
(kg) per year?                          is produced from renewable           than 60%?
A: 94 kg      B: 184 kg     C: 254 kg
                                        A: 1%      B: 5%     C: 10%          Question 16: How many
Question 3: How many chickens                                                millions of tons of plastic has
does the UK through away each           Question 10: How much have           been exported to China since
year?                                   song thrushes declined since 1970?   2012? More or less than 1 million
A: 50,000                               A: 23%      B: 35%    C: 56%
B: 550,000                                                                   Question 17: How many millions
                                        Question 11: How many                of people are displaced in the
C: 50,000,000                           graveyards are there in the UK?      world due to climate disasters
                                        A: 8,000     B: 14,000   C: 21,000   each year?
Question 4: How many pints of
milk does the UK through away                                                More or less than 50 million?
each year?                              Question 12: How many
                                        churches are there in West           Question 18: How many pounds
A: 10,000                               Sussex? More or less than 200?       of plastic waste ends up in our
B: 100,000                                                                   oceans each year?
                                        Question 13: How many                A: 5 billion pounds
C: 100,000,000
                                        passengers fly from or to Gatwick    B: 12 billion pounds
                                        every year in millions? More or
Question 5: How much money              less than 50 million?                C: 18 billion pounds
in food waste does the average
household in the UK through
away?                                              Sports injury or aching muscles and joints?
A: £270       B: £470      C: £670                                             Osteopath Jo Barber can help relieve
                                                                               the pain of backache, headaches, sports
                                                                               injuries, frozen shoulder, whiplash,
Question 6: Which uses less                                                    arthritis and many other ailments.
water, washing a full load                                                     AXA PPP and BUPA recognised.
of dishes by hand or in the                                                    www.natures-medicine.co.uk
                                                                                                           The Ark
Question 7: True or False?                                                                              Turners Hill
Appliances that are turned off                                                                           RH10 4RA
don’t use any electricity.                                                                         01342 712266

                                                                             Copthorne Magazine - May 2020             11
                                                         The Village Green
                                                  New date to be confirmed
                                                             10am to 10pm
                                Decorated ‘Street                        Miniature Garden
                                Furniture’ – Prizes for the              Competition – start planning
                                best decorated fence, lamp post,         your design. Size guidance –
                                hedge etc close to your property.        approx. 30cm square but we
                                Judging will be at lunchtime.            won’t be measuring and it could
                                                                         be round!
                                Fun Dog Show in the
                                morning – classes include dog            Fancy Dress Competition
                                with the waggiest tail, dog              – costume of the era – why not
                                most like its owner, best child          come in dress of the era anyway.
                                handler and canine fancy dress           Best Dressed Picnic
                                (wartime of course). More to
Fri 8th May                     be announced nearer the day.
                                                                         Competition – bring your
                                                                         picnic and enjoy the evening

POSTPONED                       Free Children’s Tea Party
                                – Teatime street party in Church
                                                                         entertainment. Dust off those
                                                                         candelabra’s and tiaras.
We hope to announce a new       Road for those aged 11 and               Those bringing full sized tables, chairs and
celebration date later in the   under. Please be aware that we           gazebos will be asked to sit at the sides and
year.                           CANNOT cater for food allergies
                                                                         rear of the spectator area.

Maybe you can use this time     and dietary requirements, but you        Evening Festival of Music
at home to start making         could still join in by bringing your     – including Proms style concert,
poppies, fancy dress and        own food as appropriate.                 ‘tea dance’ with instruction,
planning street furniture                                                community singing and much flag
                                Team Tug o’ War
decorations!!                                                            waving.
                                Tournament – could your
                                family, organisation, pub, club,         Make a Poppy to add to the
                                street, business etc. field a team?      Poppy Memorial – any medium –
                                Get in training now!!                    maximum size flower 30cm.
                                Fun Races for ALL the                    Ceremonial
                                Family! – egg & spoon, sack              Commemorations
  ‘WARTIME                      race, skipping, three-legged are all     throughout the day – Last Post,

  COPTHORNE’                    possibilities!
                                Activity Stalls – all at 20p a
                                                                         Churchill’s Speech, Piper, Flag
                                                                         Ceremonial, Church Bells and Cry
  Exhibition in St. John’s                                               for Peace.
                                go – a couple of £’s will keep you
  – start looking for the       busy for the afternoon.                  Sunday 10.30am Service
  memories you have                                                      of Celebration and
                                Teas, Bar, Barbeque and
                                                                         Commemoration at St.
  hidden away and let           Ice Creams to keep you
                                                                         John’s Church – “Tribute to
  the Copthorne Archive         energised all day long.
                                                                         the Millions”.
  scan them so they can
  be shared – photos,                                                   This is a charity event – surplus
  newspapers, ration                                                    funds will be donated to SSAFA
  books, forces documents                                               – THE FORCES CHARITY
  – anything of the era.
  Please see the Copthorne      CAN YOU HELP? There is a lot to do!
                                Many hands make light work so please volunteer –
  Archive article opposite      contact john.dawson@egscouts.org.uk. Watch out for more
  for further information       details on the “Copthorne Locals” page on Facebook.
  and contact details.          The Green will be a licenced premise for the duration of the event therefore
                                alcohol must not be consumed on the Green by anyone under the age of 18.
Copthorne Village Millennium Group
                                                    The Copthorne Archive,
                                                    The Parish Hub, Borers Arms Road,
                                                    Copthorne RH10 3ZQ
                                                    Facebook: The Copthorne Archive
                                                    Tel: 01342 713807

                                                             Copies of our book Copthorne, The Story So Far
                                                             are available for £10 - a very interesting read for
                                                             anyone new to the village.
                                                             The Copthorne Archive CD - on sale for £5 -
                                                             contains St John’s Church Baptism Records 1877
An exhibition to celebrate                                   to 1887, and Marriage Records 1882 to 1916, plus
the 75th anniversary of                                      many photos, maps, plans etc not included in the
Victory in Europe will be                                    Copthorne book.
held in St John’s Church                                     Proceeds from sales of books
to tie in with the VE                                        and CDs help defray the
celebrations.                                                cost of running the Archive
The exhibition will give a
flavour of life in Copthorne                                 Don’t forget, copies of
during the war years.                                        our book Copthorne,
                                                             the story so far are
We’ll be including the December 1939 newspaper
                                                             available for £10 - a
article we reproduced in the last edition of the             very interesting read
Copthorne Magazine, which gave a fascinating                 for anyone new to the
insight into the life of our village during the              village.
preceding year.
There will be many other photos, newspaper reports
and memories from the Copthorne Archive, some
of which were included in the chapter Copthorne
at War, in our book Copthorne, The Story So Far.
Can you contribute anything to the exhibition
relating to those war years in Copthorne?
Please do get in touch if you have anything you
would like to share with us for the exhibition - it
doesn’t need to have a military connection,
although that would be great - it could be a
photo of your house as it was during the war years,
a newspaper cutting reporting a wedding at St
John’s, your school report from Copthorne CE
Primary School, an obituary, your family’s memories
of how Copthorne was affected by the wartime
restrictions, etc.
We look forward to seeing you on the 8th May and
hope you enjoy the exhibition.
Other Projects: Interviewing and recording of
people’s lives in Copthorne continues - please
do get in touch if you would like to share your
memories and thoughts on any aspect of living in
Copthorne. Scanning and archiving continues as
and when we have time. We’re always pleased
to receive any documents, maps, deeds, photos,                Jubilee Community Centre, Charlwoods Road, East
family history etc, or to scan and return them if you wish   Grinstead OPEN Mondays from 1- 3pm, Wednesdays
to retain the documents. We can scan up to size A3.              from 10am - 12 noon & Fridays from 1- 3pm.

                                                                               Copthorne Magazine - May 2020       13
Copthorne WI
                                          The knitters of the WI have been busy making a
                                          climate scarf. It is long and stripy, is mainly blue
                                          at one end and has lots of red at the other end.
                                          Each stripe represents a year, starting in 1919 and
                                          ending in 2018. The colour of a stripe represents
                                          the average temperature for the year with
                                          blues for the colder years, through beige and
                                          brown to reds for the hottest years. It shows very
                                          graphically how the climate is changing. It’s not
                                          the greatest piece of knitting ever - there are a
                                          mixture of wools and it has been worked on by
                                          a number of different people. Any knitter will tell

            DO YOU NEED                   you that is not the way to produce a beautiful
                                          piece of knitting. But that is not important, its

     PHYSIOTHERAPY                        message is important. If anyone would like to
                                          know more about our scarf, to share it with
     BUT CAN'T GET TO A CLINIC?           others, to use it as a talking point about climate
                                          change…. please contact us.
     WE WILL COME TO YOU                  copthornewi@gmail.com

                   01293 365011                               SCOOP THE POOP!
                                                              One of our readers has written
                                                              to us concerned about the
       Quote Copthorne Magazine to get                        continual issue of dog poo in
        10% off your initial assessment                       our village.
                                                              We’d like to urge every dog
                                                              owner to be respectful of our
                                                              surroundings so please, please
                                                              pick up after our furry friends.
                                                              Spread love - not poo!



                                                   Copthorne Scouts
                                                     and Guides
                                               Jumble Sale
                                                  Saturday 13th June
                                                   At the Scout & Guide Centre
                                                        Borers Arms Road
                                                    Bric-a-brac from 12 noon,
                                                      Clothing from 12.30pm
                                                           50p entrance

14     Copthorne Magazine - April 2020
Christian Aid Week
10th to 16th May 2020

With every gift, we help Rose
stop this climate crisis
In Kenya, the rains haven’t come. Again. For
villagers who farm the land, that means life is
getting even harder. Rivers are bone dry, and crops
wither in the fields. The drought is starving people
of food, water and the chance to earn a living.
At 67 years of age, Rose walks for six hours to
fetch water for her grandchildren. She tries hard
to give them the kind of life she remembers from
when she was a girl: when the rivers flowed with
water and the crops bore fruit.
Grandmother Rose shouldn’t have to go
hungry. A simple earth dam, built with the help
of Christian Aid’s partners and your donations,
could completely change her life. This Christian
Aid Week, you can be one of the hundreds of
thousands of our supporters who give, act and
pray to stop the climate crisis driving people like
Rose to hunger.
Act to call for a New Deal for Climate Justice to
help restore creation and build a world where
everyone can thrive.
Pray for a radical change of heart for politicians,
and that, as a global community, we will care for           Happy Feet Song and Dance Company
people living in poverty.                                      is a unique, friendly and inspiring
                                                            theatre school established in Copthorne
This year sadly we will not be able to run the
                                                                       village 25 years ago.
village house-to-house collections.
                                                             Classes are offered for ages 3 and up in
However if you feel that you can support                    Musical Theatre, Jazz, Lyrical, Tap and
Rose and her community please donate                                         Singing..
online at www.christianaid.org.uk

                                                       For more information or to book a free
                                                         trial contact principal Sarah Jones
                                                                Phone: 07950 470493

                                                                      Copthorne Magazine - May 2020     15
NEWSLETTER - Spring 2020
No doubt like me you are looking forward to           called the “Electors Meeting” and is where all are
Spring, and hopefully less rain!                      welcome to express their views on what projects
                                                      they would like the Council to pursue, or indeed
The rain has had a serious impact on road
                                                      on any item of interest to them. Refreshments
surfaces, and potholes have increased in number
                                                      will be served after the meeting – I look forward
and size. See the Love West Sussex article
                                                      to seeing you there.
below for information on how to report these to
West Sussex County Council, the body that has         In the meantime, if you have any issue that you
responsibility for roads.                             would like the Council to address, please contact
                                                      one of the Councillors below, or our Clerk.
The Council will be holding its Annual Parish
Meeting on 6th April at 7.30pm in the South           Elaine Anscomb, Chairman
Room at the Parish Hub. This is sometimes

The Copthorne Neighbourhood Plan steering             copthorneneighbourhoodplan. Alternatively, hard
group have been working on preparing evidence-        copies are available to view at the Parish Office in
based documents.                                      the Parish Hub.
Both the Heritage and Local Green Space               If you have any questions, please contact
Assessments are now out for consultation from         the Parish Clerk on 01342 713407 or nplan@
9th March to 6th April 2020.                          worthpc-gov.uk, or you can drop into The Parish
                                                      Hub on Monday 16th March between 10-12am or
You can find copies of these together with
                                                      Thursday 2nd April between 6-8pm to meet with
a questionnaire for you to complete with
                                                      members of the Neighbourhood Plan steering
your views and opinions at www.worth-pc.
                                                      group to discuss your views.
gov.uk - just click on the Neighbourhood
Plan option - or find us on Facebook at @

Mid Sussex District Council is currently consulting   and shrubs to help the site blend into the natural
on proposals for eight permanent pitches on land      surroundings. There will also be a footpath to link
off Old Hollow. This proposed scheme revises          the site to Copthorne village.
the previous application, having fewer pitches
                                                      This consultation commenced on 18th February
on a less dense site. The proposal includes a site
                                                      and will run until midnight on 31st March 2020.
manager’s office, a landscaped open area for
children’s play and adequate parking and private      The plans and an explanation of the proposals
amenity space on each pitch. A protective barrier     are available to view online at www.wyg.com/
along part of the perimeter will reduce noise and     planning/consultations/hollow-copse.
this will be accompanied by the planting of trees

A reminder that we are still looking for volunteers   If you are interested in becoming involved in a
to form a local Flood Action Group in Copthorne.      Flood Action Group, please contact the Clerk.
Activities would include assisting in routine         Full training will be given; more information can
maintenance thus reducing flood risk, being           be found on the West Sussex County Council
involved in discussions on future plans and works     website under “Flood Action Groups”.
and helping to reduce the impact should a flood
occur. Localised flooding could be monitored via
volunteer Flood Wardens.

16    Copthorne Magazine - April 2020
Spring 2020
You may recall that Gatwick Airport published          there is a three month period during which
a Masterplan in 2018. Based on the results of          the proposals are compliance-tested, followed
this consultation it is preparing to progress          by a six month period of examination. After
bringing the standby/emergency runway into             examination, there is a further six months during
operation alongside the main runway. This would        which the report is written, and the Secretary
increase passenger capacity from 47 million to         of State makes a decision. At the moment, the
70 million by the mid 2030s. To do so it must          timetable is to submit the Order in April 2021,
lodge a Development Control Order with the             with a decision by mid 2022.
Government, which is a way of seeking planning         The Parish Council is currently considering its
permission for these proposals.                        approach to the imminent consultation, balancing
The Airport will be holding a public consultation      its deliberations between the impact on local
on its proposals which will run from May to July       infrastructure that increased air traffic and
2020.                                                  passenger numbers might have, and the fact that
Once the Development Control Order is lodged,          the airport is a significant employer in the area.

Did you know that you can apply to the Parish          of receipt, and a report must be given to the
Council for a grant? It gives grants of up to          Annual Parish Meeting in April. Contact the Clerk
£750 to village organisations during the year.         for an application form and guidance notes.
The money must be spent within six months

Dog bins are emptied by MSDC on Mondays;               The Council has been in discussion with MSDC
some well-used bins are emptied on Thursdays           in relation to providing more bins in the village;
too. If you need to report an overflowing bin,         however, there is no more capacity on the
please do so via wastematters@midsussex.gov.           rounds so this is not possible. Well-wrapped dog
uk, including the bin reference number painted         poo bags can be disposed of in your household
on the front.                                          waste, if you cannot find space in a nearby dog

In the last newsletter we advised that the             laying of 3.7kim of new main along the B2028
works by SES Water were to commence in                 between the roundabout at the junction with
February. The start date has now been put back         B2037 and the A22. Traffic will be managed via
to 16th March, finishing June 2021. A reminder         temporary lights, followed by a road closure in
that the works are to be on West Park Rd to            the spring, once the M23 have been completed.
accommodate the redevelopment of the Haskins           More information can be found via seswater.
Snowhill Garden Centre. This will involve the          co.uk/westparkroad.

The South Room is situated on the first floor of       There is a coin operated hot drinks machine
the Parish Hub, serviced by a fully accessible lift,   should hirers prefer, plus a chilled water cooler.
and is available to hire through the Parish Council.
                                                       The room itself has capacity for 40 persons
Use of the kitchenette with kettle, fridge and         seated in conference style or 54 seated in
microwave is included in all hires. Limited            theatre style. There is access to free Wi-Fi,
crockery and utensils are available. If more           and Audio/Visual equipment is available at an
substantial catering facilities are required, the      additional cost
ground floor kitchen may be available at an
additional cost.

Potholes seem to be very bad at the moment,            overhanging vegetation and much more via
due to the ongoing rain. A reminder that you can       love.westsussex.gov.uk
report potholes, damage to inspection covers,

                                                                        Copthorne Magazine - May 2020       17
Spring 2020
Council meetings take place every other week.              notice. Unless otherwise stated all meetings are
See our website for further details. Agendas               open to the public and are held at 7:30pm at the
are published on the council’s notice boards               Parish Council Offices, First Floor The Parish Hub,
and website, with at least three working days’             Borers Arms Road, Copthorne.

Parish Councillor Contact Details
To assist compliance with data protection, any email contact regarding council matters should be made via the email
addresses listed below.
Copthorne & Worth Ward
Graham Casella         Graham.casella@worth-pc.gov.uk                                 07710   019516
Tony Dorey             Tony.dorey@worth-pc.gov.uk                                     07802   359123
Andrew Dymond          Andrew.dymond@worth-pc.gov.uk                                  07834   486098
Trevor Hodsdon         Trevor.hodsdon@worth-pc.gov.uk                                 07771   810220
Bob King               Bob.king@worth-pc.gov.uk                                       07851   332918
Chris Larkin           Chris.larkin@worth-pc.gov.uk                                   01342   714350
Eddie Lord             Eddie.lord@worth-pc.gov.uk                                     01342   714905
Chris Phillips         Chris.phillips@worth-pc.gov.uk                                 01342   712668

Crawley Down Ward
Elaine Anscomb                   elaine.anscomb@worth-pc.gov.uk                       01342   715213
Phillip Coote                    Phillip.coote@worth-pc.gov.uk                        01342   713443
Alex Cruickshank                 Alex.cruickshank@worth-pc.gov.uk                     01342   714328
Les Flanagan                     Les.flanagan@worth-pc.gov.uk                         07763   121124
Ian Gibson                       Ian.gibson@@worth-pc.gov.uk                          01342   716790
John Hitchcock                   John.hitchcock@worth-pc.gov.uk                       01342   716831
Chris Mayor                      Chris.mayor@worth-pc.gov.uk                          07710   039277
Kerry Scott                      Kerry.scott@worth-pc.gov.uk                          01342   712213
Roger Webb                       Roger.webb@worth-pc.gov.uk                           01342   719029

Mid Sussex District Councillor Contact Details
Copthorne & Worth Ward
Paul Budgen Paul.budgen@midsussex.gov.uk                07710 184331
Chris Phillips Chris.phillips@midsussexgov.uk           01342 712668
Crawley Down & Turner Hill Ward
Phillip Coote Phillip.coote@midsussex.gov.uk            01342 713443
Ian Gibson     Ian.gibson@@midsussex.gov.uk             01342 716790
Roger Webb     Roger.webb@midsussex. gov.uk             01342 719029

West Sussex District Councillors Contact Details
Imberdown Ward
Heidi Brunsdon		                   Heidi.brunsdon@westsussex.gov.uk                    01342 327200

Worth Forest Ward
Bill Acraman		                            Bill.acraman@westsussex.gov.uk               01444 400079

Parish Council Officers
Clerk		                                   Jennifer Nagy                     clerk@worth-pc.gov.uk
Finance Officer		                         Ellen Smith                       rfo@worth-pc.gov.uk
Assistant Clerk		                         Tracy Cruickshank                 astclerk@worth-pc.gov.uk

                  The Council Offices are open to the public 9:30 am to 12 noon Monday – Friday.
     Worth Parish Council, First Floor, The Parish Hub, Borers Arms Road, Copthorne, West Sussex, RH10 3ZQ
                                        Tel: 01342 713407 www.worth-pc.gov.uk

18     Copthorne Magazine - April 2020
                                                                                                    INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS

                                                                                                     THE CARING AND PROFESSIONAL
                                                                                                       SERVICE FOR WHICH WE ARE
                                                                                                       RENOWNED IS AVAILABLE AT
                                                  Outstanding EYFS
                                                       Mud Kitchen                                     38-40 Broadfield Barton,
                                                      Forest School
                                           Bumps, Babes & Toddlers*                                      Crawley, RH11 9BA
                                                  *Fridays during term time only
                                                             10.00am - 11.30am                           01293 552345 (24hrs)
                                                         Open Morning                              www.themartinsfuneraldirectors.co.uk
                                                        Saturday, 2 May
                                                    10.00am to 12 noon                                  Free parking in front of the premises
                                                                                                        or if you wish arrangements can be
  “Copthorne Prep has given both our children                                                                  made in your own home
  the most wonderful start to their education”
                                                               (Year 4 & Reception Parent, 2019)

       An independent day and boarding prep school for boys and girls
     aged between 2-13 years offering an excellent all round education ...
          … and your children can be looked after 48 weeks a year!

NURSERY . PRE-PREP . PREP . DAY . BOARDING                                                         An established family concern owned by Alex Jones and family
01342 712311 . www.copthorneprep.co.uk

              Open Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Saturday 8:30 - 1:00 pm
                                     FREE PARKING
                                                      EASTER OPENING TIMES
                                                     GOOD FRIDAY 10:00 - 1pm
                                                   EASTER SATURDAY 10:00 - 1pm
                                                     EASTER MONDAY CLOSED

                                                                                                                    Copthorne Magazine - May 2020                 19
Pre - School                                               Co r n e r
                                               Peter Pan Playgroup

Spring is coming and that’s exciting for       With all this unsettled weather, we’ve        We have had lots of lovely topics since
all after so much rain. The children are       been helping our feathered friends by         coming back after Christmas, with
growing as fast as the plants in the garden.   making bird feeders for the children to       Space, Dinosaurs, Emotions and making
This all ties into our continued celebration   hang in their gardens. They had great         beautiful gifts for Valentines. The children
of the world, growing, inside and out and      fun mixing bird seed with lard, whilst        have enjoyed learning and exploring
the weather. The children have planted
                                               getting slightly messy in the process,        through the topic and each area of
their own seeds to watch grow at home,
                                               and also threading cheerios onto              development.
giving them the opportunity to discuss the
growth in preschool. The free flow garden      pipe cleaners. We’ve still managed to
                                               get into our garden and as soon as            We’ve started back after February half
allows children to move freely indoors and
                                               muddy puddles are spotted, they have          term with the topic Spring. The weather
outdoors, however they please.
                                               enormous fun splashing around just like       is starting to get better now, and we have
Inspired by being outdoors and reading
                                               a certain pig.                                been out planting our seeds to grow
the book “Stick Man” the children enjoyed
making their own versions. For pancake                                                       flowers and to grow our vegetable patch.
                                               World Book Day was once again
day we made edible pancakes inside, mud                                                      The Mud Kitchen has been a hit with all
                                               upon us with more amazing costumes
ones outside and paper ones at our craft                                                     the new children.
                                               including Zog, Cat In The Hat and
table. Making mud pies and sand castles
                                               The Highway Rat! We spent a lovely            We have been making some new
in the garden are always firm favourites.
                                               morning sharing favourite books the           improvements with lots of new education
Encouraged by the EYFS framework,
                                               children had brought in from home, and        equipment and resources, so we look
free flow play is said to provide a richer
                                               using our story sacks they re-enacted         forward to more exploring and learning, to
learning environment for young children,
building on environmental awareness,           well known stories.                           help the children learn and grow.
decision making and encouraging                We’ve also focused more on hygiene            With a high demand, we are pleased to
independence and child led activities. We      including singing a special hand              say we are able to offer extra hours, so
truly are fortunate to have such a lovely
                                               washing song, and how it contributes to       as of Easter we will be opening until 1.15
garden to integrate into our daily learning.
                                               keeping healthy.                              with a lunch club Wednesday, Thursday
                                               Open term time for children aged 2 to         and Friday.
Monday 9-12 Lunch club 12-1 (Our World,
Tuesday 9-12, Wednesday 9-12, 12-3,            school age, Mon-Fri, 9.15am-3.15pm,           If you are looking for a pre-school, then
Thursday 9-12 Lunch club 12-1 (Music           with the option of an early start from        we are open Monday to Friday 9.15 to
and Movement), Friday 9-12                     either 8.45am or 9am, 30 hours free           12.15, with the option of an early start at
Jack and Jill welcome children from age        entitlement available for eligible working    8.45 and the option of 5 lunch clubs until
2 and accept government funding. If you        parents of 3-4 year olds or 15 hours
                                                                                             1.15 and 2 afternoons on Monday and
have a child who is ready for preschool,       free entitlement available for children
                                                                                             Tuesday until 2.30.
get in touch, we would love the opportunity    aged 3 years+ and eligible 2 year olds.
to show you around. jackandjilregistrar@       Optional lunch clubs are available each       Please take a look at our new updated
yahoo.co.uk                                    day until 1.15pm. Please feel free to         website.
Our website is being rebuilt but further       email or telephone if you would like to
information is always available on our         visit. Further details are available on our
Facebook page.                                 website.


      Like our Facebook page!                       Like our Facebook page!                  For further details, please call, email or
      Jack & Jill Preschool Copthorne                Peterpan playgroup Copthorne            pop in and see us at the Parish Hub
The Delmar Morgan, Copthorne Bank,             Village Hall, Copthorne Bank                  The Parish Hub, Borers Arms Road,
RH10 3QX Tel: 07756 577317                     RH10 3RE Tel: 07745 255501                    RH10 3ZQ Tel: 07963 501762
www.jackandjillcopthorne.co.uk                 www.peterpanplaygroup.co.uk                   www.stjohnssunshinepreschool.co.uk
jackandjillregistrar@yahoo.co.uk               info@peterpanplaygroup.co.uk                  email: stjohnssunshine@hotmail.co.uk

20       Copthorne Magazine - April 2020
Welcome to Coach House Nursery! It
has been another exciting term and we
are eager to share what we have been
up to. The children have been reading
lots of books ready for World Book Day
where they dressed up as their favourite
                                                at Copthorne
book characters linking with the whole           Parish Hub
school theme as ‘goodies’ and ‘baddies’.
They were treated to a visit from Chris       A great place to meet new
Wormall, an illustrator and author who        people if you have just had a
has written successful books such as
                                              baby or have a toddler/pre-
George and The Dragon, Two Frogs
and The Wild Girl. He spoke about his         schooler that likes to play!
journey into becoming an author and           Come and have a chat and a
even helped the children create their own     coffee and let your child enjoy
fictional character.                          socialising with others.
The goodies and baddies theme
linked nicely with their current topic;
Superheroes. The role-play areas have
                                              • Separate baby area with
                                                mats and baby toys                   FOOTCARE
                                                                                      In the comfort of your own home
been transformed into ‘Superhero
Headquarters’ where the children
                                              • Wide range of toys &                  Lynda Handyside
enjoyed dressing up as their favourite
                                                activities                            MAFHP, MCFHP
                                                                                      Registered memberof the British Association
                                                                                      of foot health professionals

superheroes. Now they are ready to use        • Baby weighing scales                  Are your feet complaining of corns, thick
                                                                                      toenails, calluses, ingrowing toenails,
their ‘Super Powers’ to save the world!                                               verrucae?

The topic for Pippins and Acorns was          • Outdoor play area with
                                                ride-on toys/playhouse                Call 07813094395
all things ‘Frozen’, and the children                                                     Facebook/footcare in your home

were thrilled with all the activities which
                                              • Song time
included a penguin hunt in the woods
and penguin yoga. This term they are on
                                              Suggested donation £2.00 per child.
a journey into the jungle to learn about
the different animals that live there. So     For more info, contact
                                              Annabelle on 07732 335193
far, they have been banana printing,
made jungle animals out of paper plates
and snake printing.                                                                     ONE
                                                                                     CALL US TODAY ON 01342 717 727
                                                                                           AND LET US HELP!

                                                                                            Delivering exceptional construction
                                                                                                 services in the South East
      Like our Facebook page!
     Copthorne Prep School                                                                                       07977 536 022
The Coach House Nursery,                                                                   mannersconstructionltd@gmail.com
Copthorne Prep, RH10 3HR                                                                   mannersconstructionltd.com
headspa@copthorneprep.co.uk                                                                       DIGGER HIRE AVAILABLE

                                                                                    Copthorne Magazine - May 2020                   21
Try these 6 exercises regularly at home to
                                      help you build your strength and balance

Physios say these simple exercises can help improve co-ordination and balance.
Get on your feet and try them daily – or at least twice a week!

Sit tall near the front of a sturdy chair    Stand tall, with on hand your support.        Stand tall, holding the back of a sturdy
with your feet slightly back. Lean           Put one foot directly in front of the other   kitchen-type chair or kitchen sink, then
forwards slightly and stand up (with         to make a straight line. Look ahead, take     lift your heels off the floor, taking your
hands on the chair if needed). Step          your hand off the support and balance         weight onto your big toes. Hold for
back until your legs touch the chair then    for 10 seconds. Take the front foot back      three seconds, then lower with control.
slowly lower yourself back into the chair.   to hip width apart. Then place the other      Repeat 10 times.
Repeat 10 times.                             foot in front and balance for 10 seconds.

Stand tall holding the same support,         Stand tall, with one hand on a support        Stand close to your support and hold
then raise your toes - taking your weight    like a kitchen cabinet. Look ahead and        it with one hand. Balance on one leg,
on your heels. Don’t stick your bottom       walk 10 steps forwards placing one foot       keeping the support knee soft and your
out. Hold for three seconds, then lower      directly in front of the other so that the    posture upright. Hold the position for 10
with control. Repeat 10 times.               feet form a straight line. Aim for a steady   seconds. Repeat on the other leg.
                                             walking action. Take the foot back to hip
                                             width apart, turn around and repeat in
                                             the other direction.

In view of the current uncertain situation with
regard to COVID 19 and restrictions in place to
protect everyone the Carnival Committee have
postponed this years event. If we are able, we
would like to organise something later in the year
when things improve.
In the meantime please follow the rules STAY AT
HOME unless really necessary. The sooner everyone
does this then the sooner we come out the other
Please stay safe, and hopefully we can celebrate
later in the year. Don’t forget that our Facebook
page is being continually updated with what is
going on so please check it out.
Graham Casella Chairman - 714291

22      Copthorne Magazine - April 2020
MONDAY  AVAILABLE FOR HIRE                                                                                18.30 Piyo with Janet Hanspal
        Enquiries to                                                                                      19.30 Vinyasa Yoga
        bookings_csa@outlook.com                                                                          http://www.newmoi.co.uk

TUESDAY 10.00 Baby Ballet Classes                                                                         17.30 Slimming World
        www.babyballet.co.uk/babyballet-school/                                                           19.30 Slimming World

WEDNESDAY 09.00 Slimming World                                                                            19.15 Ballroom Dancing Lessons
          11.00 Slimming World                                                                            www.dance2night.co.uk or email

THURSDAY                    11.00 Seated Pilates              18.30 Mutts with Manners - Pavilion
                            12.00 Pilates stand & mat         19.30 Mutts with Manners - Pavilion
                            www.facebook.com/PilatesontheMove		www.muttswithmannersdogtraining.com

FRIDAY                      09.15 Piyo with Janet Hanspal                                                 16.00 Happy Feet Song & Dance Company
                            10.15 Legs Bums and Tums
                            www.newmoi.co.uk                                                              Various classes & times. Term time only.
                            12.00 Walking Football - Field.

SATURDAY Copthorne Youth FC Matches and Copthorne FC Football Matches. Field.

       10.00 Make it Fit - fun filled group training session suitable for all fitness levels!
       Find Make it Fit on Facebook

See website for more details: www.copthorne-sca.co.uk. News & blog. This programme is a guide only and may change or cancel at short notice. It is your responsibility
to check details with each individual organiser. This report has been compiled to the best of her knowledge & belief by Suzanne Jones.

    We are sorry to say that all hiring in the Pavilion officially ended last Friday
    (20th) There will however be regulars posts/videos/livestreams from our hirers
    - probably in line with our timetable, so please watch out for them and support
    them - just likes + hearts and comments will be great!

  Care for Creation Quiz Answers: Question 1: A. 7 train trips, Question 2:
  B. 12,144,000,000kg (184 kg pp), Question 3: C. 50,000,000 chickens,
  Question 4: C. 100,000,000 pints of milk, Question 5: B: 470 per household,
  Question 6: Handwashing uses up to 50% more water than water saving
  energy efficient dishwasher, Question 7: False - Many appliances with
  clocks or remote sensors still use electricity, Question 8: C. 5%, Question 9:
  C. 10%, Question 10: 56%, Question 11: B. 14,000 – equivalent to a national
  park!, Question 12: 280 churches in West Sussex, Question 13: Gatwick
  46 million passengers per year, Question 14: Aviation industry has lower
  carbon footprint than cars (16% versus 74%), Question 15: 90.5% of plastic
  waste has never been recycled, Question 16: British companies have
  shipped more than 2.7 million tons of plastic waste to China and Hong
  Kong since 2012, that’s two-thirds of the UK’s total waste plastic exports,
  Question 17: 25 million people displaced and become climate refugees
  every year, Question 18: 18 billion pounds of plastic waste ends up in our
  oceans each year; enough to cover every foot of coastline around the
  world with five full rubbish bags of plastic every year.
                                                                                                                                  Copthorne Magazine - May 2020     23
Flower and Produce Show                      Going back as far as my                                                    The next
A village tradition                          grandparents there was a Flower                                         Flower and
                                             and Produce Show in the village                                            Produce
Well it’s time to start thinking             hall. My grandfather would                                               show is on
ahead about this year’s Flower               help my uncle (Stanley Relf-                                         Saturday 26th
and Produce Show in September.               Arnold) to prepare his fruit and                                    September, for
There are many different classes             vegetables ready for showing.                                         more details
to enter . . . baking, photography,          My mother tells me that any                                               about this
craft, vegetable growing, Lego               produce that was ripening too                                          year’s entry
building and more. I think it is nice        quickly, or blooming too early                                         classes see
to join in something that has been           would be hung on strings down                                               page 4.
a village tradition for so many years.       the garden well to hold them
For the last six years I have                back ready for the show.
entered the craft section as it’s            I can remember as a little girl
something that appeals to me,                the thrill of entering the hall after
but if you have green fingers,               judging to see if my uncle had
are artistic, or are a whizz in the          won any certificates or cups,
kitchen there will be something              which he did on a regular basis.
that you can enter, and I heartily
                                             So again, I would like to
encourage you to do so.
                                             encourage you all to join in, and
At last years show I entered a               be part of village life, and enter
model of an owl made of junk,                at least one of the classes.
and a bible story picture using
                                             Come on don’t be shy, be brave,
any medium (I used the quilling
                                             and have a go. You never know
method). I was lucky enough to
                                             you may enjoy yourself, and at
win two first prizes.
                                             the same time bring enjoyment
I want to encourage as many                  to those around you. Remember
people as possible to participate            all classes are open to children
this year, and make it a true                as well as adults.
community event.                                                 Kim Rowland

            Morning                      Afternoon                    Evening                       HIRERS DIRECTORY
                                                  Springfit                                         St John’s Sunshine PreSchool
 Mon                Gentle Yoga                                        Penrhyn PT
                                                  Gymnastics                                        07963 501762
                                                  Springfit            Copthorne Consort            stjohnssunshine@hotmail.co.uk
 Tues                                                                                               Springfit
                                                  Gymnastics           Penrhyn PT                   Mon to Wed 3.30 - 6.30pm
                                                                                                    07763 720692 - 0203 478 0203
                    Wobble seated                                      Penrhyn PT                   info@springfit.org
 Wed                                     Cots2Tots                                                  Penrhyn PT
                    exercise                                           Act One Beginners
                                                                                                    07763 720692 www.penrhynpt.co.uk
                                                                                                    Copthorne Art Group
 Thurs                                   Copthorne Art Group           Penrhyn PT                   Thursday 2 - 4pm 01342 712010
                                                             Please n                               Term time Wed 1.30 - 2.30pm
                       Penrhyn PT                      Friday Frie ote:       Various options for   Copthorne Consort
                                                      be on Frida s will now                        Tues 7.30 - 9.30pm 01342 712742
 Fri                   Private                                    y 17th Apri hiring available.
                                       Friday Friends (instead of the usual l                       Act One Beginners
                       Training                            3rd April).        Contact the Hub       Drama Classes for children
                                       Tea Afternoon/                                               5.30-7.30pm (term-time)
 Sat                   Both the Main Hall and South Room are available for hire                     Tea Afternoon
                                                                                                    Molly Judd 01342 712394
 Sun                  Both the Main Hall and South Room are available for hire                      NEW! Wobble seated exercise starting
                                                                                                    22nd April 10.30am with Flint
Activities in the Main Hall   Activities in the South Room              Sunshine PreSchool          Physiotherapy 01342 523449

CONTACT If you wish to enquire about hiring the hall, please contact Patrizia:                      NEW! Starting 4th May. Mondays
copthornehub@gmail.com 07853 653649 www.copthorneparishhub.org                                      9.30am Gentle Yoga (Babies Welcome)
Copthorne Parish Hub, The Parish Hub, Borers Arms Road, Copthorne RH10 3ZQ                          07795095719

24       Copthorne Magazine - April 2020
                                                                Home visiting Physiotherapist
                                                                    Extensive NHS and private experience

                                                                •      Treatment & management of joint pain
                                                                •      Falls prevention programmes
                                                                •      Improving mobility, balance & strength
                                                                •      Enabling independence following
Recycling Update                                                       illness or hospital admission
Fairway Infants School has sent off its second                  •      Rehabilitation following joint
consignment of CRISP PACKETS, this time totalling                      replacement surgery
8kg! They have also collected a bin liner-full of
dropped off to our nearest East Grinstead collector. They
will be sent off to the recycling firm GHS to be made into
hard plastic toys for children, such as slides and other
garden toys... and also more bottle tops! In the process,
and in collabotation with the rest of the area, over £70
has been raised for Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Unfortunately due to the recent coronavirus
outbreak, Fairway regrets that it will be
suspending all collections until further notice.
                                                                   01342 523449 / 07572 107064

                                We’re passionate about

                                                       residents’   lives
                                At Francis Court, we understand that choosing a
                                care home can be stressful for everyone involved.

                                We offer residential, nursing and dementia care,
                                and all-round support to make things easier.

                                To find out more about living at Francis Court,
                                call us on 01342 889468                                       Care Home Provider
                                or visit careuk.com/francis-court                              of the Year 2019

     Francis Court care home
     Borers Arms Road, Copthorne, West Sussex RH10 3LQ

                                                                              Copthorne Magazine - May 2020        25
At St John’s Church we have been thinking about how to care for creation....
                                             in our lives, in our church, in our community and globally.
                                            These are some ideas for our lives that we hung on our tree.

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                                                                                                      aste ● sow wild

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