VRONEWS - Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators

VRONEWS - Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators
A                       VRO
                                                                     Issue 2   April 2018

                                                                     ABOUT RESCUE
 10,000                                                              AND RECOVERY

                                                                     WORKING AT

 RALLY                                                               THE ROADSIDE

                                                                     NEW MEMBER
            FUND                                                     PROFILE

                                                                     LORRIES TO
                                                                     BENEFIT FROM
                                                                     CUT IN HGV LEVY

                                                                     CHANGES IN

                                                                     THROUGH WALL

www.avrouk.com                                 The official Digital Magazine of AVRO
                            Twitter: AVROLtd
                                                            Incorporating Recovery Operator
VRONEWS - Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators
VRONEWS - Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators
                                                                                                         CONTENTS APRIL 2018
                                                                                                                                             ISSUE 02

                                                                                          TO THIS ISSUE OF AVRO NEWS

                                                                   IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                   04.             Cleanest lorries to benefit
                                                                                   from cut in HGV levy                       14.            AVRO 10,000
                                                                                                                                             mile rally 2018

                                                                   05.             MOT Changes to improve
                                                                                   air quality
                                                                                                                              17.             Member Letter to
                                                                                                                                              Mayor of London
                                                                                   Pensioner ploughs

                                                                                   Porsche through wall                                       Group PA cover-
                                                                                                                                              the business
                                    Electric vans on the up-rise
                                                                   06.             Government is changing
                                                                                   licence laws to promote

                                                                                                                                              New changes to
                                                                                   electric vans                                              MOT plating test
                                                                                   STGO Note

                                                                                   Bringing awareness about
                                                                                   rescue and recovery
                                                                                                                              20.              ROSPA

                                                                                   operators working at                                        Welcomes a
                                                                                   roadside                                                    New Member

                                                                                   Jeremy Clarkson breaks
                                                                                   down in South East
                                                                                   London                                     22.               AVRO’s Social

                                                                   09.             M23 Junctions 8 to 10
                                                                                   smart motorway project                     23.               Try our AVRO
                                                                                                                                                puzzles just
                                                                                                                                                for fun

                                                                   10.             Changes in Employment
                                                                                   Law                                        25.
                                                                                                                                                Meet the

                            Pensioner ploughs porsche into wall    11.             Don’t be fooled by digital

                                                                                   Is your broadband
                                                                                   preventing your business

        COVER                   What would you like to see
                                                                                   being up to speed.

        STORIES                featured in the next issue of
                                     this magazine?
                                                                   12.             DAF new XF 530 FAS
                                                                                   heavy recovery unit

   “Some countries               Send us your thoughts...
   were great, some
        not so”
    Page 14
                    “             jazzy@avrouk.com
                                     017885 72850
                                                                   Jazzy Bura
                                                                   jazzy@avrouk.com / 01788 572850

                                                                   Advertising contact:
                                                                   Sara Needham & Jazzy Bura
                                                                   sara@avrouk.com / jazzy@avrouk.com / 01788 572850


    SIGN UP FOR YOUR FREE                                          Jazzy Bura
                                                                   jazzy@avrouk.com / 01788 572850

      COPY OF AVRO NEWS                                            Avro contact details:
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                                                                   Tel: 01788 572850 Fax:01788 567320
Call Jazzy Bura today on 01788 572850 or email jazzy@              Email: jazzy@avrouk.com
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                                                                   c Avro Limited

                                                                                                                  AVRO NEWS                                         3
VRONEWS - Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators
Cleanest lorries to benefit
from cut in HGV levy

    Cleanest lorries to benefit                     The HGV levy is just one element of the    “Air pollution has improved significantly
    from cut in HGV levy:                           Government’s £3.5 billion programme to     since 2010, but we recognise there is

    H     aulage firms will pay less under the
          HGV levy for using cleaner lorries
    from next year, while those operating
                                                    clean up the air and reduce emissions,
                                                    which includes £255 million for councils
                                                    to improve air quality and a dedicated
                                                                                               more to do which is why we have put in
                                                                                               place a £3.5 billion plan to improve air
                                                                                               quality and reduce harmful emissions.
    lorries that do not meet the latest             Clean Air Fund of £220 million for those   Poor air quality affects public health, the
    emissions standards will be expected to         local areas with the biggest air quality   economy, and the environment, and all
    pay more. This will encourage hauliers          challenges.                                motorists, including hauliers, must play
    to use less polluting vehicles and help                                                    their part if we are to clean up our air for
    improve air quality.                            When the change comes into effect,         the next generation.”
                                                    more than half of UK vehicles will
                                                    pay less. As increasing numbers of         Find out more details about
    In a change to the rules that comes into        companies move to cleaner lorries, the     the Department for Transports
    force on 1 February 2019, the HGV levy          UK haulage industry overall will pay       announcement:
    for Euro VI lorries will be reduced by 10 per   less.                                      https://www.gov.uk/government/news/
    cent. All other vehicles will pay 20 per cent                                              cleanest-lorries-will-pay-less-to-use-uk-
    more. The cleanest lorries generate 80%         Environment Minister Thérèse Coffey        roads
    less nitrogen emissions than dirtier ones.      said:
    Those lorries that do not meet the latest
    emissions standards will be expected to
    pay 20% more.

    Roads Minister Jesse Norman said:
    “This government is committed to
    improving the air we breathe and
    delivering a green revolution in transport.
    Heavy goods vehicles account for around
    a fifth of harmful nitrogen oxide emissions
    from road transport, but they only travel
    5% of the total miles. That’s why we’re
    changing the HGV levy to encourage
    firms to phase out the most polluting
    lorries and bring in the cleanest ones.”

VRONEWS - Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators
MOT changes coming in May                      DVSA chief executive, Gareth Llewellyn           did the work. Each year around 30
                                               said:                                            million MOTs are carried out in Great
New, tougher, defect categories –
                                               “These changes to the MOT test will              Britain.
defects will be classed as dangerous,
                                               help make sure vehicles are safer and
major and minor to protect people from
                                               cleaner. I’d urge all motorists to familiarise   With 28 per cent of cars turning up
unsafe vehicles.
                                               themselves with the new items that will be       late for test, DVSA also provides a
                                               included in the test so that they can avoid      free service for drivers to receive MOT
Tighter limits for smoke on diesel
                                               their vehicle failing its MOT. To be safe        reminders by text message or email
vehicles to help improve air quality.
                                               and responsible motorists should also            four weeks before their car’s MOT is
New checks, including: Reversing lights
                                               carry out simple vehicle checks all year         due. Over 600,000 drivers have signed
on vehicles first used from September
                                               round.”                                          up for the service since it launched in
                                                                                                November 2017.
                                               If a vehicle defect is categorised as
Daytime running lights on vehicles first
                                               dangerous or major it will fail its MOT. If      Article in courtesy of Garage Wire
used from March 2018 front fog lights
                                               a defect is identified as being dangerous,
on vehicles first used from March 2018.
                                               the vehicle should not be driven away
Emission control equipment to fluid
leaks posing an environmental risk. The        from the MOT testing station.
MOT failure documents and certificate
will be clearer and show the new defect        Strict DPF rules:
categories.                                    There will also be stricter rules on
                                               emissions from diesel vehicles fitted with a
Vehicles which are more than 40 years          diesel particulate filter (DPF). Diesel cars
old and have not been substantially            will automatically fail their MOT if there’s
changed will be exempt from the MOT            any smoke coming from the exhaust, if
test. Significant changes to the MOT           the DPF has been removed or there is
are to come into force from 20 May, with       evidence it has been tampered with.
hopes to improve air quality and make
our roads even safer. The changes              If legitimate work has been carried out on
come nearly 60 years after the MOT             the DPF, the tester will need to see proof       The changes will see stricter rules on emissions from diesel
test was introduced.                           of that, like a receipt from the garage that
                                                                                                vehicles fitted with a DPF. Image: Bigstock.

                                                                    Pensioner ploughs
                                                                    Porsche through
                                                                    Colchester car park wall
                                                                    Driver reported for careless driving and offered
                                                                    a fitness to drive course
                                                                    Pensioner     ploughs   Porsche               my friend when I said, ‘that looks
                                                                    through Colchester car park wall.             like the back end of a car’. Police
 www.commercialfleet.org   Image: PC Turner.                                                                      had cordoned off the area but
                                                                    Fortunately nobody was hurt in
                                                                    the freak accident.                           there was no ambulance or fire
                                                                                                                  service there, just a lot of men
               If you recovered                                     A 73-year-old man crashed                     working out how they were going
                                                                    through the wall of a subway                  to move it.
               this vehicle then                                    car park and on to a pedestrian
              please let us know,                                   footpath in Colchester on 5 April,            My friend arrived at my house
               we would love to                                     reports the East Anglian Daily                about 6.20pm and we left and
                                                                    Times. Fortunately, nobody was                went past it at 7.05pm so it must
                hear from you.                                      injured as a result of the incident           have happened between then.
                                                                    but the driver was reported for
                     Email                                          careless driving.                             Thankfully neither the driver or
                                                                    Lexden Road resident, Nicole                  anyone else was injured. The
               jazzy@avrouk.com                                     Rose, commented:                              driver will be offered a fitness
                                                                    “I was just going into town with              to drive course and the DVLA

                                                                                                                          AVRO NEWS                            5
VRONEWS - Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators
Allowing drivers to operate heavier
vans will enable more companies to use
alternative fuels.
The government has changed the law
surrounding driving licences in a bid to
improve the uptake of alternatively-fuelled

A law is set to be passed allowing drivers with
standard ‘Category B’ driving licences to drive
heavier vehicles than is currently permitted,
providing those vehicles use hydrogen,
hybrid or electric power-trains.

At present the standard ‘Category B’ driving
licence only allows holders to drive vehicles
weighing 3,500kg, but this is set to increase
to 4,250kg for alternatively-fuelled vans.
According to the Department for Transport
(DfT), the law change is necessary because
these vehicles often have higher kerb weights
than their conventionally fuelled counterparts,
which effectively limits their payload.
                                                  vehicles for operators, without incurring a    delighted the government has listened to the
By giving drivers an extra 750kg of weight        commercial penalty through constrained         logistics industry and taken this positive step
to use with a hybrid or electric van, though,     payload. This step will help us meet our       to make it easier for transport and freight
the DfT says it is removing the ‘payload          greenhouse gas emissions and air quality       companies to operate electric vehicles.
penalty’ of these vans, and the government        targets as set out in the Climate Change Act
hopes it will encourage fleet operators to use    2008 and Air Quality Regulations 2010.’        ‘The heavier weights of these vehicles
more low-emission vehicles. In response                                                          mean they have often been inaccessible for
to the proposal, a government statement     The new measures were welcomed by                    van operators who do not have an operator
read: ‘Due to the positive response to this the Freight Transport Association (FTA),             licence or the appropriately trained drivers.
consultation and interest amongst operators,which represents transport companies.                This [legislation] will make it cheaper and
the Government intends to proceed with      The organisation’s environment policy                easier for firms to include alternatively-
implementing this policy.                   manager, Becki Kite, said the change would           powered vehicles in their fleets.’
                                            encourage more firms to consider the move            https://www.msn.com/en-gb/cars/news/govern-
‘It is intended this approach will increase to alternatively-fuelled vehicles. ‘The FTA is       ment-changes-licence-laws-to-promote-elec-
access to cleaner alternatively-fuelled

                                                         STGO NOTE
                                                         Please note that recovery operators are breaking the law if
                                                         they recover a fully loaded artic past a place of safety or the
                                                         nearest place of repair. The problem is that anything over
                                                         a gross weight of 44 tonnes is moved under S.T.G.O. regs
                                                         and a 48 hour notice is required, in other words the gross of
                                                         the recovery vehicle and casualty vehicle would be great-
                                                         er than 44 tones if the vehicle is fully laden. They will be
                                                         stopped by VOSA and charged, as will whoever sanctions
                                                         such a move. Sadly a number of operators, whilst they are
                                                         aware, try to forget it and carry out the job to please their
                                                         customer. Any artic that is only partly loaded with the gross
                                                         weight including the recovery unit is under 44 tonnes is OK.

VRONEWS - Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators
Bringing awareness about rescue and
recovery operators working at the
roadside by Paul Anstee
Since June 2016 I took         Johnson of Call Assist for     with the people that have   industries charity RISC,
it upon myself to work         the use of his marketing       supported the campaign.     with the work on education
towards bringing awareness     department to develop                                      to help to reduce the risk
about rescue and recovery      the sign, The IVR, AVRO,       For the near future of      to loss of life or injury
operators working at the       RRRA, Professional             development I hope          to VRO’s, and again
roadside, as we are the        Recovery Magazine and the      we can get work done        developing it towards
least unprotected, and work    leaders of the organisations   towards best practice for   updating the training to the
in the most dangerous jobs     in industry who all have       working roadside through    modern roads, as our roads
in the motor industry. The     supported it, the AA’s part    the SURVIVE Group and       are getting more busy and
journey has had its ups and    of working with the DVSA       ERRI. Getting awareness the vehicles having more
downs, trying to get the       and the Highway Code. I        to the VRO through training challenging mechanical /
message out to get support,    was also able to meet a        bodies, working to get best electrical faults to rescue or
with education to the public   very influential person, Mr    practice to the members of recover the vehicles safely
about the VRO’s working        Tom Luciano in December        the public when they have a as possible.
out on the road through        last year who gave me          broken down vehicle at the We can do it as an industry
social media to Slow Down      amazing advice on the work     side of the road, when they as a whole for all.
or Move over Safely.           done in the USA.               see a broken down vehicle
                                                              for them to know what to
The people that have           I was humbled this year        do as they are approaching
been helping develop           to receive a letter of         it and the same on what to
the campaign have been         recognition through LV         do when they see a Rescue
amazing. It took three         Britannia Rescue from          and Recovery Operator
months in development to       Martin Milliner the Director   working.
get the sign right - thank     of GI Clames for the work I
you to Andrew Eade from        have been doing for nearly     Looking at how to bring
Highways England, Ben          two years, which I share       more ways in helping the



                                                                                                              AVRO NEWS    7
VRONEWS - Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators
Jeremy Clarkson breaks down in
South East London
“He seemed very calm but he did look a bit embarrassed”
                                             Jeremy Clarkson has been pictured standing beside
                                             a Citroen with its bonnet up, to the amusement of
                                             passers by.

                                             The new citreon is thought to be a press vehicle and
                                             it’s not known what the cause of the breakdown was.

                                             Onlookers said Clarkson saw the funny side but
                                             seemed embarrassed by the situation, according to
                                             The Sun.

                                             One onlooker said: “He was talking to two people
                                             on the street. There were two RAC people checking
                                             his car. He seemed very calm but he did look a bit
Article courtesy of Garage Wire              embarrassed when he saw me taking pictures.”
                                             Article courtesy of Garage Wire

VRONEWS - Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators
M23 Junctions 8 to 10
Smart Motorway Project
M23 Junctions 8 to 10
Smart Motorway Project
I am writing on behalf of Highways
England to inform you of a major
project that will be taking place on the
M23 motorway, near Gatwick Airport,
between junctions 8 Merstham and 10
Copthorne, to convert this section into
a smart motorway.

Smart motorways reduce congestion
and improve journey time reliability by
making the hard shoulder available
as a traffic lane, and use variable
speed limits to smooth traffic flow.
They also add much needed capacity
to some of the most congested parts
of our network and support economic
growth. This work will be carried
out by Kier on behalf of Highways

When will works begin?
Initial CCTV works will commence on
Monday 23 April which will be followed     vibration or increased traffic on        Kier has arranged a series of ‘Meet
by the installation of narrow lanes        diversion routes. We will work closely   the Contractor’ events within the local
on Monday 18 June to allow a safe          with local authorities and local         area from mid to late April. These
working space for our road workers.        communities to identity any specific     events are listed on the attached M23
We use narrow lanes so that we can         issues and implement measures to         J8-10 Smart Motorway Booklet as
keep the same number of lanes open         address them wherever possible.          Public Information Exhibitions. Local
when we carry out improvement work,                                                 residents and businesses will also
while also allowing additional space at    The smart motorway design                receive the information confirming the
the side of the motorway to provide a      reduces the environmental impact         events.
safer working environment.                 of increasing capacity because
                                           additional land is not required, they    How long will the works take?
How will this project affect traffic?      are also 60% more cost effective         Construction for this scheme
During construction, we will be            compared to traditional widening         commenced in March 2018 and
maintaining three narrow lanes, with       schemes.                                 following initial CCTV works on
reduced speeds of 50mph for safety.                                                 23 April, narrow lanes and traffic
Both lane closures and full closures       Working on Behalf of                     management will take place from 18
overnight will be necessary during         Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering         June 2018. This scheme is expected
construction. Full closures will take      Limited                                  to completed in March 2020.
place between 10pm and 5am and will        5 Chuchill Place, Canary Wharf,
involve clearly signed diversions. All     London, E14 5HU                          If you have any questions about this
closures will be subject to change and     Registered number 4482405                project, please contact the project
weather dependent.                         VINCI Construction UK Limited trading    team
                                           as “Taylor Woodrow”                      M23J8_10Smart@highwaysengland.
All closure information will be            Astral House, Imperial Way, Watford,     co.uk , alternatively you can write to
advertised on the Highways England         Hertfordshire, WD24 4WW                  Highways England
project webpage http://roads.              Registered number 02295904
highways.gov.uk/projects/m23-              VINCI Construction Grands Projets        You can also find further information
junctions-8-to-10-smart-motorway/          S.A.S                                    about the smart motorway project on
and Traffic England http://www.            5 Cours Ferdinand de Lesseps, 92500      our website at
trafficengland.com/ throughout the         Rueil-                                   http://roads.highways.gov.uk/projects/
project.                                   Malmaison , France                       m23-junctions-8-to-10-smart-
                                           Registered with the Trade and            motorway/ where you can sign up for
How will this project affect me?           Companies                                updates.
Construction will inevitably have          Nanterre under no. 343 088 134,
some impact on the local community,        (hereinafter                             Salman Asad
businesses and road users, for             “VCGP”).                                 Project Manager
example construction noise and

                                                                                                            AVRO NEWS         9
VRONEWS - Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators
Changes in Employment
Changes in the Employment Law as soon as May 2018
6 April saw the new financial year, new goals
and new challenges for your business.
In addition to the traditional rainfall, April
also brings with it a number of changes
in Employment Law. This gives us a good
opportunity to remind you of a few of the
changes that have happened recently or
are coming soon.

1 April 2018 saw the customary increase in
the National Minimum Wage and National
Living Wage. For workers aged 25 and
over, the National Living Wage rose from
£7.50 per hour to £7.83 per hour. Workers
aged 21 to 24 saw an hourly pay increase
from £7.05 to £7.38. For those with younger
workers, 18 to 21 year olds’ pay increased
from £5.60 per hour to £5.90 pre hour;
and under 18’s pay increased from £4.05
per hour to £4.20. The rate for apprentices
increased from £3.50 per hour to £3.70.
It is a legal requirement to pay National
Minimum/Living Wage and a failure to do
so can lead to hefty fines and claims from
workers in the employment tribunal.         The proposal in relation to employer NIC               Currently, employees are entitled to take
                                            contributions on termination payments                  a reasonable amount of unpaid time off
As of the 6 April 2018, “family friendly” has been delayed until April 2019, but the
payments will increase. The weekly rate remaining changes are expected to come in                  to deal with an emergency involving a
for Statutory maternity, parental, adoption during April 2018 as planned.                          dependant, including dealing with the death
and shared parental pay will increase from                                                         of a dependant. The Government is aiming
£140.98 per week to £145.18.                                                                       for the new law to be in force in 2020.
                                            25 May 2018 will see the introduction of
                                                 The General Data Protection Regulation
The rate of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) will        (GDPR) which will apply to all EU member
also increase in April 2018 from £89.35 per      states including the UK. We will be running
week to £92.05 per week. However, the            separate training on GDPR, but the crux of
lower earnings threshold for eligibility will    the Regulation is that it strengthens existing
rise from £113 to £116. The Government           data protection rules and increases the
proposes to make changes to taxation of          possible sanction for breaches, including
contractual and non-contractual payment          a possible maximum fine of €20m or 4% of
in lieu of notice (PILON) clauses.               global turnover – whichever is the highest! In
                                                 due course, the Government will introduce         Recovery Industry Engineering Standards
The proposals include:

                                                 new domestic legislation which will replace
  Removing distinction between                   the Data Protection Act 1998 but will be read
contractual and non-contractual PILON            alongside the GDPR.
clauses so that all PILON clauses

                                                                                                               PAS 43
are taxable and subject to National              In October 2018, the employer-backed
Insurance Contributions (NIC).                   childcare voucher scheme will be scrapped
                                                 and replaced with a new system of tax-free
  Maintaining the first £30,000 of               childcare, entitling families to claim up to
termination payment being exempt                                                                                        &
                                                 £2000 per child. This was initially due to take
from income tax.                                 place on 5 April 2018 but has been delay until
                                                                                                           ALL other Accreditation Services
                                                 October.                                             LOLER / PUWER & PSSR Inspections
  Keeping any payment solely related                                                                                         for all
to the termination of employment free                                                                         UK & ROI Vehicle Recovery Operators
                                                 Later this year we also expect to see draft
from employee NICs.                              legislation relating to CEO/worker pay gap                  Come to the Industry Experts
                                                 reporting and Parental Bereavement leave
 Aligning the rules so that employer             and pay. Under the Bill which is currently                 Contact us for a Cost Effective Quote
NICs will be payable on payments                 progressing through Parliament, employees                Office Hours : 01945 589822 & 01788 567320
above £30,000 (they are currently only           who lose a child under the age of 18 will             Mobiles : 07800 913040 - 07951 797012 - 07773 390498
subject to income tax).                          be entitled to two weeks leave, paid at the                     Email – inspectionsries@aol.com

                                                 statutory rate if they have 26 weeks’ service.             Supporting The Vehicle Recovery Industry

Don’t be fooled by digital applications -
  Operator’s licence applications moving online
  from 1 April 2018                                                                                                       However, they will still be available
  More things to moving online                                                                                            through the Contact Centre for
  Previously, we have written                                                                                             operators who don’t have access to
  about how more and more                                                                                                 the digital services though.
  things are moving online
  for operators. From 1 April                                                                                             The important role of the Traffic
  2018, this will apply to paper                                                                                          Commissioners        acting    as
  application forms relating to your                                                                                      gatekeeper to those who run
  operator’s licence. Operators                                                                                           vehicles will not change, however,
  won’t be able to download on                                                                                            how operators do some things
  GOV.UK and the Office of the                                                                                            must.
  Traffic Commissioner have
  released some information on                                                                                            Backhouse Jones has a team
  why this is.                                                                                                            dedicated to managing clients’
                                                                                                                          Operator’s Licences and most of this
  When      the    new      Vehicle                                                                                       is done digitally. This team provides
  Operator     Licensing      (VOL)                                                                                       a specialist service whereby they
  Service launched in 2016, it                                                                                            take the stress out of dealing with
  gave operators the chance                                                                                               the administration of operator’s
  to do more online. GOV.UK                                                                                               licences by doing this for operators.
  Verify which allowed operators        For compliant operators, doing things      are in fact run digitally. Broadly,    Services provided include making
  to sign an application digitally      online means their matters will be dealt   they have concluded most people        new applications and variations,
  for the first time for example.       with quicker. The average processing       do this simply because they always     managing the application process
  However, operators are being          time for online goods and PSV major        have. However, it is felt it is more   and liaising with Central Licensing
  positively encouraged to do           applications is currently 6 weeks. Paper   advantageous for operators to do       Unit in relation to any queries and
  more and more online and by           applications take nearly 9 weeks.          this online and that this is how the   additional information.
  2019, the whole system will be                                                   best service will be provided.
  paperless. If you are trying to       The Office of the Traffic Commissioner                                            If you would like to chat through
  get some extra vehicles on your       have carried out research on why           That’s why, from 1 April 2018          how these changes will affect you
  licence or pay your continuation      operators are still using paper            operators won’t be able to download    or need help registering for VOL,
  fees, not only is it easier, but it   applications when most other areas of      the paper forms from GOV.UK and        please contact Scott Bell or a
  can be more advantageous to           their business                             will need to register for VOL.         member of the regulatory team on
  do this online.                                                                                                         01254 828300.

Is Your Broadband
Preventing Your Business
Being Up To Speed?
                                                                                                                                          Article Courtesy by InReach
Are you having problems                  Ethernet connectivity from InReach                discuss your connectivity options
                                         Communications is prioritised to                  on 0300 303 3361 or email us at
with your broadband?
                                         carry voice calls while providing                 contact@inreachcomms.co.uk
The days of relying on an internet       businesses with a robust data                     Quote your AVRO membership
connection solely to view websites       service, monitored 24/7 by a UK-                  number to receive special rates.
and send emails have long gone.          based support team. This means
The reality is that most businesses      you can take advantage of fast,
(like yourself) will actually be stream- business-grade connectivity with the
ing video traffic, hosting unified com- ability to run a high-quality, low-cost
munication and voice applications,       hosted telephony service over the
conducting daily server back-ups         top. Even better, all of our Ethernet
and accessing a number of cloud-         products are backed off by an eight
based services on a daily basis.         hour fix time.
                                         You know it’s time to move from
If you’re doing all of this on a         broadband to Ethernet when:
connection which is slow and has
a realistic fix time of two or more         Your broadband is struggling to
days when an error occurs then your cope with the increase in users on
broadband service is no longer the       the network
right choice for your changing busi-        You’re having to wait days for
ness requirements. If this sounds all support - and more importantly a fix -
too familiar, how can you really be      when an error occurs
sure that your current internet pack-       You’re receiving continually poor
age is providing your business with (and often slow) service
the speeds, reliability and features it
requires?                                Want to find out more? Call us to                                                  AVRO NEWS                              11
530 FAS heavy
unit for fast-
growing RD
   High spec New XF 6x2 rigid offers up to 90 tonne trainweight for
heavy recovery work
  £¼ m investment in New XF with Boniface body and latest under-lift
  Introduction of new clean air zones reinforced need for latest Euro 6
  Recovery division fleet of RD Avery continues to grow as business

Strong business growth, which        The New XF was specified
has seen the operator double its     with heated leather seats for
turnover in the last three years,    both driver and co-driver, LED
has seen RD Avery invest             headlights, a leather finished
around £¼ m in a DAF New             steering wheel and door trims,
XF 530 FAS recovery unit. The        driver’s airbag and a fridge,
Super Space cab of the rear          among other options from the
lift 6x2 includes a host of driver   manufacturer’s Exclusive Line
safety and comfort features,         package.
while its Boniface body and
the latest Mk.6 ‘K-Boom’ lifting     Based so close to the
equipment make it one of the         south coast with its major
most sophisticated recovery          petrochemical operations,
units in the UK.                     RD Avery has fully trained
                                     ADR technicians and also
RD Avery specified the               had the New XF fitted with
16-speed TraXon automated            a master switch that allows
gearbox and hub-reduction            instant isolation of the vehicle’s
drive axle allowing the vehicle      electrical system.
to run at up to 90 tonnes
trainweight. “A lot of the spec      Stewart Lee attended the CV
in cab terms, and even the           Show in 2017 at the invitation       builders in the business, we       Above: Images
TraXon box, was aimed at             of local DAF Dealer Adams            placed the order there and then.   of the new XF
driver comfort and safety,” said     Morey to look at the New XF          A key part of this investment in   530
Stewart Lee, RD Avery’s Head         cab and talk with his preferred      the latest truck technology was
of Recovery, “while the TraXon       bodybuilder, Boniface. “I went       the growing amount of work
box also offered great fuel          along with Ray Avery, who            we are asked to undertake
economy potential alongside the      founded the original business        in London, and now even
latest MX-13 530bhp engine.          with his wife Sue back in 1983,      Southampton is planning its
We are extremely busy and,           and we were impressed by the         own clean air zone.”
even though we are currently         look and quality of the New XF.
based between Southampton            The Boniface team told us it         Though buying new trucks for
and Salisbury, we get work that      was one of the best chassis on       the lighter end of operations,
takes us all over the UK and         the road for what we wanted to       over the years the operator had
abroad.”                             do, and, as they are probably        a strategy of investing in high-
                                     the premier recovery system

“     16-speed TraXon
                                                                       gearbox and hub-
                                                                       reduction drive
                                                             Cassie Salisbury, daughter
                                                             of founders Ray and Sue
                                                             Avery, and now the company’s
                                                             managing director, said, “We
                                                             have a terrific team in place
                                                             on our recovery business, and
                                                             ongoing investment and active
                                                             promotion of our services has
                                                             seen us go from strength to
                                                             strength in recent years. Part
                                                             of our expansion plans now
                                                             include looking at options to
                                                             our current operating base,
                                                             to give us greater space and
                                                             put us even closer to the main
                                                             road infrastructure from out of
                                                             the Southampton area.” The
                                                             operator already runs a full
Above: The new         quality used chassis to get the       workshop facility to maintain its
XF completing a        heavy recovery specs it wanted,       own fleet and offer repair and
recovery               including ex-MOD vehicles,            maintenance to vehicles being
                       with each addition to the fleet       brought in from recovery, as well
                       then fitted with new bodies and       as general services for local
Below: The finish
of the truck is to a   recovery equipment. The New           transport operator.
very high standard,    DAF XF is the first all-new heavy
improving the          recovery truck on the fleet,
recovery industry      which today numbers some 20           Local dealer support was
                       vehicles, among them four units       singled out as being important
                       with under-lifts, three with cranes   in the decision-making process.
                       and a number of lighter trucks        Said Stewart Lee, “Over the
                       for recovery of such things as        years we have had a good
                       ambulances and other authority        relationship with Adams Morey,
                       vehicles.                             often working on their behalf
                                                             to recover vehicles. We get
                                                             top levels of support and that
                                                             is vital in our business. Right
                                                             now, for instance, while we
                                                             have the standard two-year
                                                             R&M package on the New XF,
                                                             we are talking through the cost
                                                             and benefits of significantly
                                                             extending that, and Adams
                                                             Morey is working closely with
                                                             us to ensure we get the maths
                                                             right. We worked the same way
                                                             together on the acquisition itself;
                                                             it’s a relationship that helps us
                                                             get accurate answers to the
                                                             important questions.”

                                                                                        AVRO NEWS      13
To raise money for AVRO’s           stopped at 6 of them having          has just passed away in the
Benevolent Fund this year a         to bribe them all with whiskey,      town of Ozolaine in Latvia, rest
team of 5 very brave men took       cigarettes and money – hope          easy Bongo one.
on a 10,000 mile rally starting     none of them drink the next
in Dublin on 18th March and         bottle of whiskey they give!         2nd April – France/Belgium/
returning 16 days later on 3rd                                           Poland – Back on track after
April.                              29th March – Russia with snow        a little set back with an oil
                                    and potholes, still going strong     light on. 1223kms to Calais
The vehicles they drove were        but not going to make Moscow         with everyone now in a very
2 Bongo’s and were most             as still 470kms away, there is       overloaded Bongo number 2!!!
certainly not fit for purpose!!     very little heat in Bongo number
                                    1 and it is -8° outside. There       Great day of travelling which
The 5 that took part were:          have been 3 breakdowns today,        started out bad with the oil light
Eamon Kelly, Alan Sherwood,         but all seems to be OK for           but managed to cover 1498kms,
Dermot Roe, Jim O’Sullivan and      the moment. Very happy as            booked on the Euro tunnel for
Eric Crinnions.                     managed to cover 954kms in           9.20 French time and land in the
                                    trying conditions.                   UK at 8.55 to travel around the
This run was nothing like they                                           M25, up the M40, the M6, M56
had ever done before, they had      30th March – Red Square,             and A55 to Holyhead for the
no babysitters or support teams     Russia spent sightseeing but         boat home.
out with them. They were all on     -12° and the antifreeze freezes!!
their own with no fixed route or                                         3rd April – The boys are back
plans made on their travels.        31st March – Russia / Latvia         and the 10,000 mile round trip is
                                    – Head gasket has now gone,          nearly over.
Below are some snippets from        no fuel gauge, no heater, no
their journey:                      temperature gauges and leaking       They all gave up their time to
                                    diesel and water, there is cream     carry out this challenge in order
22nd March they reached             in the radiator and the steering     to help others in our industry.
Hungary/Serbia/Bulgaria hitting     has a little shake in it but other
black ice, wind and snow to         than that they are still going       A huge well done to all who
hamper their travels.               strong. Having to stop every         took part in this fantastic
                                    50kms to clean the gunge out of      achievement!!
23rd March – Turkey/Bulgaria        the radiator and fill with water.
with 2 breakdowns, Bongo            Have to make the Latvia border       Donations can still be made to
wheel clamped and heavy             which is 150kms away with the        the AVRO Benevolent Fund.
snow.                               2 Bongos or can’t leave Russia.      Please contact the AVRO office
                                    Bongo 1 can then be dumped           or Eamon Kelly for further
24th March – 4 hours spent at       once they get back to Europe.        details.
the border, bongo damaged and       Still snowing!
876km covered during heavy
rain.                               UPDATE!! Bongo number 1
                                    in Latvia – Bongo number 2 is
A challenge was completed by        in Customs with them getting
Dermot with him sitting on top of   big fines for being smugglers
the Bongo roof in his underwear     haha!!!
eating fried chicken which          Bongo number 1 has given
raised another 250 Euros for the    up, had to book into a Hotel
AVRO Benevolent Fund – well         in Latvia. They have a head
done Dermot!                        gasket with them but think it has
                                    gone too far. Bongo number
25th March – Turkey/Georgia         2 now overloaded with all the
- Massive queues that took 6        stuff from Bongo 1 and Eric’s
hours to get to the border but      fags, need to lose weight in the
managed to get the Bongo            morning and all go in Bongo
fixed.                              2, the engine has got a bit of a
                                    knock and won’t tick over and
26th/27th March – Georgia/          is leaking diesel. It stinks of
Russia                              fag smoke and has only half a
                                    bumper but should be OK!!!!
28th March – Russia, the
toughest day so far with 13         1st April – Russia/Poland/Latvia/
checkpoints to go through, were     Lithuania – Bongo number 1

14      AVRO NEWS
Smiles all around, as their 10,000 mile
race comes to a finish

                                                    They carried on in
                                                    the coldest weather

                                  “I had a trip of a lifetime with 4 lads who I
                                  got to know with over 14000 k done and
                                  over 18 countries, what a trip.

                                  I would like to say many thanks to
                                  Eamon, Jim 007 Dermot and Eric the
                                  singer, for putting up with me. Some
                                  countries were great, some not so and
                                  what could you say about police states,
                                  lots of story’s about that with hours and
                                  hours queueing at boarders etc. Anyway
                                  we made it! Thank you to all of you who
                                  were involved and many thanks to my
                                  wife and family for the time I have been
                                  away and keeping the office going.”

                                  Alan Sherwood

                                             AVRO NEWS                      15

               No. of pages           (including this one):      1

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                                                within 5 day
 but to run with the advert below.

                               Derek Beahan
                                                                                                Donations can still be made to
 .50                             Recovery                                                        the AVRO Benevolent Fund.
                   LIGHT RECOVERY                                                               Please contact the AVRO office
                                                                                                   or Eamon Kelly for further
                  HEAVY RECOVERY                                                                           details.
            Phone: 01 453 4567 / 24 Hour Call-Out: 086 255 9188
 rr advert and      Email: info@derekbeahanrecovery.ie
  er changes
ent,                    www.derekbeahanrecovery.ie

 : 93-31-04
                                                 “Well done to everyone that took part!”

me that will appear on our bank statement in order for us to process the payment effi ciently.

 ve signed your agreement, no further changes can be made.

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           Tel: 0402C o. C arlow
                      41390        info@choicemedia.ie
  E : thecalendarcompany@eircom.net

          16      AVRO NEWS
Member Letter to
           Mayor of London
On Consultation over introduction of ULEZ and Direct Vision
Jeffrey Johns of Boleyn            and a company like ours will       the main priority has been to      showman’s vehicles have been
Recovery sent the following        usually have a fleet replacement   sort out the public transport      granted an extension then,
letter to the Mayor of London in   plan as part of its budget         vehicles.                          surely any other vehicle that
February 2018 on behalf of his     planning to ensure the fleet is                                       must be specially built such
Company:                           rotated.                         I feel that, due to the specialist   as a recovery truck should
                                                                    nature of recovery vehicles,         also be granted an extension?
The letter and response           However, with the introduction    and the constraints put on           This would then allow enough
has been printed with the         of the new ULEZ and direct        the industry by the number           lead time to have new trucks
permission of Mr Johns:           vision standards, I feel we       of suppliers who convert and         manufactured and hopefully
                                  are being unfairly pressured      build these vehicles, that           also allow enough time for
                                  to invest in new trucks by        recovery vehicles should also        the exhaust manufacturers to
REF: Consultations over
                                  Transport for London (TfL) when be granted an exemption or             also complete designs for new
introduction of ULEZ and
                                  others are exempt. We have        extension from the new ULEZ          filtration systems to be fitted to
direct vision standards
                                  contacted all the major suppliers standards. Companies like ours       non-Euro 6 vehicles.
                                  of after-market exhaust filter    provide an essential service that
As a small recovery operator in
                                  kits and none of them currently   keeps London’s traffic flowing,      I realise that other HGV
Barking (around thirteen trucks),
                                  have a completed design for       and unlike other areas of the        operators have probably already
any changes in HGV standards
                                  upgrading ‘normal’ HGV’s.         country, London is already           written to you, however, as a
greatly affect our business
                                  Their priority has been to        hard to operate in due to the        recovery operator we do not use
                                  design systems for the bus fleet congestion and so recovery            standard vehicles and any new
We currently have a mixed fleet
                                  in London, which they have        charges are higher due to the        designs come at a premium and
of vehicles with the majority
                                  now designed, and their next      length of time it may take to        take a long time to produce and
being slidebed recovery trucks
                                  priority is to design systems for drive to a casualty. If we were      so I feel that we in the recovery
and three heavy recovery
                                  coaches. They therefore have      then required to pay several         industry should be given extra
vehicles. These vehicles are
                                  no set date (or indeed price) for hundred pounds a day in order        consideration in any planning.
specialist vehicles which
                                  the completion of any design      to still be able to operate in       This also brings me onto the
although starting from a normal
                                  for heavy goods vehicles and      London this cost would have to       second reason I am writing to
HGV chassis have been
                                  so the only option is to look at  be passed on to the customer         you and this is the improvement
completely rebuilt to incorporate
                                  replacing vehicles in order to    which would dramatically raise       of road safety in London by
all the recovery attachments
                                  have Euro 6 standard vehicles.    recovery charges in the area.        introducing the direct vision
such as cranes, underlift etc.
                                  However, with an average          If specialist vehicles such as       initiative.
This puts the prices for such
                                  wait time over one whole year
vehicles anywhere between
                                  for the design and build of a
£120,000 and £250,000, and
                                  new recovery truck this is also
with the small profit margin
                                  unrealistic, especially as all
available in the recovery
                                  recovery firms who operate in
industry this limits the amount
                                  London will also be looking to
of money available for fleet
                                  procure new vehicles and so
replacement. A regular haulage
                                  this waiting time is likely to be
operator will usually utilise
                                  even longer.
their vehicles for between 8 to
16 hrs per day depending on
                                  In my opinion the decision to
how many drivers they have
                                  move forward with the new
on shifts, and their vehicle cost
                                  emissions standards has been
less than a large recovery truck.
                                  rushed and there has been an
Whereas a heavy recovery
                                  unfair advantage by Transport
truck, due to the nature of
                                  for London who have had their
recovery, may only attend a
                                  systems designed first in order
couple of breakdowns during
                                  to have their vehicles ready
the day and so have a low
                                  before anyone else. This has
utilisation. This means that
                                  caused a log jam in the design
recovery operators have to pay
                                  of compatible systems and
more for their trucks and have
                                  now companies like ourselves
a limited amount of utilisation.
                                  are being given unrealistic
So, any investment in new
                                  timescales when there are
vehicles must need serious
                                  currently no aftermarket exhaust
consideration before committing
                                  filtration systems available as
                                                                                                           AVRO NEWS                      17
As the major push with TfL is         London. This would only add
                                                                            within improving safety for all       to the already high level of
                                                                            road users in London, are there       congestion within the city and
                                                                            any plans for investing in the        would not be good for the day to
                                                                            design of new safety standards        day operation of London.
                                                                            for vehicles and if so how would a    Yours sincerely
                                                                            company such as ourselves apply       Jeffrey Johns
                                                                            to such assistance? I see this as     Compliance Manager
                                                                            an opportunity for London to be       Boleyn Recovery & Fleet
                                                                            seen as leading the way to safety     Services Ltd
                                                                            within the industry and if we can
                                                                            get assistance with designing         N.B. Since this letter Mr
                                                                            such a vehicle, London would          Johns has received a
 Currently all heavy recovery           mean it would have to be a
                                                                            be able to say they led the way       response back stating:
vehicles are based on                   complete new design and we
                                                                            setting the standards for all other   “Thank you for taking the time
tradition truck chassis designs         have already spoken to some
                                                                            cities to follow.                     to write to us and providing
(most are Arctic tractor units          of the major designers for
                                                                            With the current consultations        your feedback on our proposals
extended and converted with             recovery trucks, and due to the
                                                                            going on for both the ULEZ and        for a Direct Vision Standard
a bespoke recovery body).               fact that it would need to be
                                                                            the direct vision standards, all I    and changes to the Ultra Low
This means they are high                designed from the ground up
                                                                            can ask is that consideration goes    Emission Zone.
vehicles with the driver’s cab          (as existing recovery designs
                                                                            into the recovery industry and
being some of the highest on            would not fit these chassis)
                                                                            the fact that we do have different    The consultation period for
the roads. Boleyn however is            then prices would be increased
                                                                            requirements to standard heavy        both of these consultations has
looking into the possibility of         compared to traditional designs.
                                                                            vehicle operators. We are not         now closed. However, rest
getting a new type of recovery          They have said that once the
                                                                            asking for a 100% exemption           assured that we will consider
tuck designed using the                 design has been done the
                                                                            from any standards, just a            representations from the vehicle
Mercedes Econic chassis.                costs would reduce and if other
                                                                            common-sense approach that will       recovery sector as part of the
                                        recovery operators also took
                                                                            allow enough time for changes         consultation process.
This is the same cab as used            to the new design then they
                                                                            to take place, especially with the
on most refuse vehicles which           would start to reduce further.
                                                                            time constraints for new vehicle      We are currently considering
gives greater all-round vision          This would be a major step for
                                                                            production due to the specialised     all feedback provided to both
and places the driver a lot             safety in the inner-city recovery
                                                                            nature of the vehicles. Without       consultations and plan to report
closer to the ground therefore          world but is a large financial
                                                                            our service, the city of London       our findings later this year.”
eliminating blind spots. This           commitment for a firm such as
                                                                            would suffer immeasurably
would be a first in the recovery        ours. I have enquired if grants
                                                                            and if the current plans do not
industry and could become               are available to assist and
                                                                            change then there will be severe
the new standard for recovery           have been told that no such
                                                                            implications on the ability of
vehicles. However, this would           assistance currently exists.
                                                                            recovery operators to work within

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     Others recognise that as a           That means it can use weekly      Group Personal Accident
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18      AVRO NEWS
New changes to
MOT plating test
AVRO’S Views
Please note these are              however it is not yet ironed out    Testing, as we explained in
currently only our views on        that if you have a ballasted        our meeting, our main concern
the information we have            front axle on your heavy which      is the vehicle’s braking system
been provided with after           puts it into design weights         compliance with Construction
providing scenarios for DVSA       category during its journey to a    and Use Regulation 15 Brakes.
to consider, the headline          casualty vehicle before being       We have now finalised the list
paragraphs below are extracts      deployed for under lift duties      of information we need and I
from responses from DVSA to        may not be allowed under            have attached it here.
our questions.                     plating test conditions on a
                                   roller brake tester and may well    There are a number of vehicle
The important note is that         come under STGO.                    conversion specialist and
if your heavy falls into the                                           consultants who have been          Boniface breakdown vehicles
exemption or roadworthiness        Any kerbside weight of a heavy      providing this type of brake       were intended for use under
category then you should           which exceeds the UK weights        data for converted goods           Special Types at 40mph. The
surrender the road fund            for the axle configuration          vehicles for thirty years.         Ministry Plates we issue show
licence then re tax for 12         technically becomes STGO            We have compiled a lot of          design weights at the normal
months while we continue to        , 3 axle = 26 ton, 4 axle =         this information into ‘Case        highway speed limit. For this
find some common ground to         32ton, for vehicles below the       Histories’ for converters to       purpose, even if a vehicle has
have all the vehicles, hopefully   GVW for testing purposes            use with repeat conversions.       been converted from 4X2 to
roadworthiness tested and or       your heavy needs to have a          I enclose a list of these          6X2, the design axle weights
plated to allow us to provide      kerbside weight of at least 60%     consultancies.                     shown on the original vehicle
a service without resorting to     of its gross weight to ensure                                          manufacturer’s VIN plate would
restrictive STGO regulations       sufficient weight on each axle      My suggestion is that before       be of the most use to us for
for all of our fleets.             to carry out a roller brake test.   embarking on testing is            plating purposes.
                                                                       that you check with the
The impending changes where        We have managed to                  consultancies on the list          The American F450 specs did
a road recovery vehicle can        negotiate a discount from           to see if they can match           have a solution to downrate
no longer be declared exempt       agencies who would be               converted breakdown vehicles       to 6500kgs then it could come
are extremely complicated and      prepared to investigate the         to converted goods vehicle         under the new regulation
AVRO along with others have        options for using the test          ‘Case Histories’ that they         to allow class 4 with the
been in communication with         results from previous goods         already hold. If they can match    stipulation of at least one
DVSA in an attempt to create       vehicle conversions to issue        converted breakdown vehicles       passenger seat and a loading
order out of disarray.             certification that should satisfy   to a previously converted          area to the rear of the cab
                                   DVSA                                goods vehicle ‘Case History’ it    such as a pick up type bed,
Many converted underlifts in                                           would be more economic than        however a members vehicle
the past have been declined        Please see responses from           carrying out the whole suite of    was presented with its dollies
a plating test to receive a        DVSA:                               tests from scratch. Obviously      etc removed from the top of the
VTG5 and have been forced                                              due to the costs of testing that   lockers but because the tops of
down the Roadworthiness         RRV = Road recovery vehicle            has been carried out the ‘Case     the lockers slope down to the
route achieving a hand written  Vehicles used as an RRV                Histories’ are Commercial in       spec lift a test was declined by
certificate.                    under STGO and claiming                Confidence but for a fee the       the policy department at VOSA
                                the P & T exemption would              consultancies will make them       with the suggestion “ if it had
A tractor unit or rigid that    only be able to use those              available..                        more of a pick up type bed”
has been converted to a         vehicles if when carrying out                                             they may accept it for test.
heavy underlift that has an     recovery work they had to              Secondly we will have to
extra axle added and no new     go above C&U weights and               establish axle design weights.     Not sure if any operators wish
official manufacturers plate    dimensions and/ or Authorised          For the purpose of those to be     to downrate and modify their
added will have to have some    Weights Regulations limits and         shown on the Ministry Plate        lockers to look like a load bed
form of certification from an   therefore could not comply with        we will use the original vehicle   area and test the theory.
authorised converter of chassis the detail of that legislation.        manufacture’s design weights.      We have also been advised
conversions to enable the truck Accordingly if a light vehicle,        In many cases we will have         that no vehicle under 12001kgs
to be registered with DVSA and say a solo tractor unit or light        these on the vehicles’s original   can be operated under STGO
undertake a plating test.       rigid were the casualty then an        DVSA goods vehicle plating         for road recovery operations.
                                exempt RRV could not recover           record.
A manufacturers supplied        it.”
chassis with an applicable                                             I spoke with John Ruffles at J
plate and with heavy recovery                                          R Consultancy yesterday and
equipment installed should      Heavy underlifts                       he confirmed that the plated
satisfy DVSA for a plating test For the purpose of Plating and         weights he determined for

                                                                                                            AVRO NEWS                   19
The Royal Society for the
Prevention of Accidents
Richford Motor Services Ltd           not only employees but all those
handed RoSPA Gold Award for           who interact with it.” For more
health and safety practices           information about the RoSPA
ROSPA announced today that            Awards visit www.rospa.com/
Richford Motor Services Ltd           awards
has been awarded the Gold
Achievement Award for best            ABOUT THE ROSPA
practice Health and Safety            ACHIEVEMENT AWARD:-
practices and initiatives. Richford   The esteemed Health and Safety
Motor Services Ltd has set the        Achievement of the Year Awards
standard for innovation and           were introduced to acknowledge
creativity within the vehicle         and reward the exceptional
recovery industry being the first     work and the results gained by
Company in this business sector       Companies leading the way in
to win this prestigious gold award.   their respective business sector,
Richford Motor Services Ltd will      in the face of an ever increasing
receive the prestigious award at      competitive market.
the Hilton Awards ceremony on
July 4th 2018.                     ABOUT RICHFORD MOTOR
                                   SERVICES LTD
“This award is a testament to      Richford Motor Services Ltd
the skill, ingenuity, commitment   of Alfreton Derbyshire was
and vision of our employees that established in 1990, providing
have embraced health and safety 24 hour breakdown for lights
best practices initiatives” – Phil and commercial vehicles. The
Richford Managing Director         Company operates 24/7 365 days
                                   of the year with over 140 vehicles
Julia Small, RoSPA’s head of       all equipped with the latest
qualifications, awards and events, technology with the Company also
said: “The RoSPA Awards are        recently purchasing innovative
the most highly-respected in the vehicle recovery equipment to
health and safety arena, with      cater for all eventualities no
almost 2,000 entrants every year, matter how big or small and
and allow organisations to prove the confined space to operate.
excellence in the workplace,       For more information visit www.
demonstrating a commitment to richfordmotors.com
the wellbeing of

AVRO Welcomes a New Member!
AVRO would like to introduce our newest member, Cambrian
Car Care from Bridgend
 Cambrian Car Care Ltd adheres to the          their vehicle quickly and get them back
 highest possible standards and has            on the road.
 been trading since 1981. They are
 dedicated to delivering high quality          Their specialist equipment and
 services for their customers; these           experience allow them to undertake
 include private clients as well as            all types of difficult on and off road
 leading motoring organisations such as        recoveries and their super low
 Green Flag, AA, Britannia Breakdown           approach vehicles allow them to
 and Allianz. They provide a wide              recover and transport sports and
 range of garage repairs and servicing         classic cars safely and professionally.
 along with full 24/7 workshop facilities,     Cambrian, can currently boast ten
 such as exhaust and tyre repairs                                                                Recovery
                                               recovery vehicles.
 to their customers from breakdown
 organisations, consequently this              Their performance figures reflect the
 enables them to fix a higher percentage       local knowledge that their recovery
 of vehicle breakdowns.                        team possess for the area and it is also
                                               indicative of the high level of service
 The customer experience is very               they provide. Cambrian have a solid
 important to them so they have                foundation as their track record shows
 invested in their experience. Their fleet     and their future mission is to build on
 includes a comprehensive selection            these by investing into their business.
 of specialised recovery vehicles fitted
                                                                                              Car Servicing
 with the latest satellite navigation
 tracking systems so that they can find
 a customer quickly and the control
 room can see at a glance where their
 vehicles are located. Each vehicle in
 their fleet has been carefully chosen
 to fulfil a specific role relevant to their
 customer’s needs. They have invested
 heavily in diagnostic equipment so
 that they can readily identify problems
 at the roadside. They also carry
 a comprehensive range of parts
 and machinery so if a customer is                                                             Wax Oiling
 unfortunate enough to break down they
 can repair
                                                                                          AVRO NEWS           21
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