ASIA'S TOP 50 LARGEST LAW FIRMS - PLUS - | Asian Legal Business

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ASIA'S TOP 50 LARGEST LAW FIRMS - PLUS - | Asian Legal Business
                                                         LARGEST LAW FIRMS
                                                         RESILIENCE IN A PANDEMIC YEAR

                                  CHARTING INDONESIA’S
                                      FINTECH GROWTH
                               WE HEAR FROM SINGAPORE
                                     LAW FIRM LEADERS

MCI (P) 041/02/2020                OFFSHORE LAW FIRMS
                                    LOOK AHEAD TO 2021
issn 0219 – 6875
KDN PPS 1867/10/2015(025605)
ASIA'S TOP 50 LARGEST LAW FIRMS - PLUS - | Asian Legal Business

Invitation of Judges for the CIETAC Cup

Dear Friends and Colleagues in Arbitration,

We are pleased to invite you to act as an arbitrator in the 18th
CIETAC Cup International Commercial Arbitration Moot Com-
petition (“CIETAC Cup”). This year, the oral hearings will be
conducted online during 15th-20th November, 2020.

CIETAC Cup is organized by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”), receiving
support from Vis Moot, the ICC, the HKIAC and SIAC. Since 2000, CIETAC Cup has been successfully held 17
times. Last year, the 17th CIETAC Cup attracted more than 700 contestants from over 60 prestigious law schools in
Mainland China, and over 150 arbitrators, lawyers and experts from over 10 countries and regions to seat as judges.
The CIETAC CUP aims at fostering the study of international commercial arbitration and training future leaders in the
area of alternative dispute resolution by introducing international moot court, improving students’ legal accomplish-
ment, publicizing international arbitration and promoting cooperation and exchanges between domestic and foreign
arbitration communities. The CIETAC Cup is the first official Pre-Moot of the Willem C. Vis Commercial Arbitration
Moot Court, using the same set of case and arbitration rules. The competition is in English.

    Those of you who
    Have interest in international commercial arbitration moot competition;

    Have relevant experience in international commercial arbitration, and are able to handle English cases profes-
    sionally; and

    Would like to perform the duty earnestly and diligently as an arbitrator during the competition.

    are welcome to be the 18th CIETAC Cup Arbitrator (Judge). Please visit to register and find the
    calendar of events. If you have any inquiry, please feel free to email us at

    We hereby sincerely invite you to join us this year and look forward to seeing you online this November.


                                                               China International Economic and
                                                               Trade Arbitration Commission

ASIA'S TOP 50 LARGEST LAW FIRMS - PLUS - | Asian Legal Business

      Playing catch-up

                             has consistently        28                      past several months
COVER STORY                  faced change            Playing catch-up        to embrace change               BRIEFS
                             each year, as new       Fintech in Indonesia    and transform
20                           technology appears      is rapidly growing,     themselves, and as              3
ALB Asia Top 50              and economic            buoyed by a young       a result, are well-             The Briefing
Largest Law Firms            and political           population, quick       placed to tap into the
2020                         developments impact     Internet adoption,      potential of the year           4
The coronavirus              work.                   and innovative          ahead.                          Forum
pandemic will                Rankings by ALB, text   new businesses.
doubtlessly impact           by Elizabeth Beattie    However, lawyers        39                              6
the global legal                                     say that policies and   Law Awards                      Explainer
market for many                                      regulations need        coverage
years to come.               FEATURES                to keep up with         Winners, photos                 7
While in the past,                                   this growth, so as      and more from the               Appointments
the addition of              14                      to ensure business      ALB SE Asia Law
new headcount                The Singapore           innovation continues    Awards 2020 and the             8
has been viewed              dialogue                and customers are       ALB Indonesia Law               Q&A
as a key metric of           With a most unique      not left out in the     Awards 2020.
growth, during               year winding to         cold.                                                   11
the uncertainty of           a close, law firm                               48                              Deals
2020, retaining              leaders in Singapore    32                      ALB Asia
talent, adapting             look back on some       Onwards, upwards        Who’s Who 2020                  13
smartly, harnessing          of the lessons they     COVID-19 has            Profiles of key                 League Tables
technology and               learnt, and also        impacted the legal      law firms across
flexibility are winning      the ways they put       industry globally,      Asia, including                 Plus:
signs. But while             both clients and        and offshore law        their practice area             - CIETAC
the pandemic may             employees in focus      firms have not been     strengths, notable              - Walkers
be the headline,             during a difficult      immune. However,        lawyers and contact
the legal market             time.                   they have used the      information.

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                     A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – N OVE MB E R 2020   1
ASIA'S TOP 50 LARGEST LAW FIRMS - PLUS - | Asian Legal Business
Does size really matter?
                                                   It is a question we are asked – and we ask ourselves
                                                   – whenever we begin to compile our annual Asia Top                                                              HEAD OF LEGAL MEDIA BUSINESS,
                                                   50 rankings. The short answer is not always; when                                                               ASIA & EMERGING MARKETS

                                                   it comes to the quality of a firm, and the standard of                                                          Amantha Chia
                                                   services it provides, size is not always the best indicator.                                          

                                                   Smaller firms have their unique advantages in that                                                              MANAGING EDITOR
                                                   they can be nimble and flexible, and offer, in some
                                                                                                                                                                   Ranajit Dam
                                                   cases, closer, more personalized attention to their                                                   
                                                   clients as compared to their larger counterparts. Larger
                                                   firms come with issues of their own – keeping a large
                                                                    workforce happy and engaged is just                                                            Elizabeth Beattie
                                                                    one of them – and I personally know a
                                                                    number of lawyers who have swapped                                                             EDITORIAL ASSISTANT
                                                                    a 100-lawyer firm for a 10-lawyer outfit                                                       Aparna Sai
                                                                    and have been more satisfied as a result.                                            
                                                                         But size can be – and please note
                                                                                                                                                                   COPY & WEB EDITOR
                                                                    the use of can – an indicator of not just
                                                                    the breadth of services provided by                                                            Rowena Muniz
                                                                    the firm, but also how well it is doing
                                                                    in a specific market. Success usually                                                          SENIOR DESIGNER
                                                                    leads to expansion, and an established                                                         John Agra
                                                                    brand showing stable growth can be                                                   
                                                                    an attractive destination for younger                                                          TRAFFIC/CIRCULATION MANAGER
                                                                    attorneys. Clients are also left happier
                                                                                                                                                                   Rozidah Jambari
                                                                    with the “one-stop-shop” that has all                                                
                                                                    the answers as opposed to firm that has
                                                                    some of the answers, and then refers                                                           SALES MANAGERS

                                                                    you elsewhere for others. Geographical                                                         Amy Sim
                                                                                                                                                                   Sales Director, SE Asia, India and Japan
                                                                    reach is also a bonus. So, despite the                                                         (65) 6870 3348
                                                                    caveats mentioned in the previous                                                    
                                                                    paragraph, size does have its undeni-                                                          Felix Cheng
RANAJIT DAM                                        able advantages, and it is those that we celebrate in                                                           Sales Manager
                                                   our list of Asia’s largest firms.                                                                               (852) 2843 6943
Managing Editor,                                                                                                                                         
Asian Legal Business                                     Apart from the ALB Top 50 list, we also have
Thomson Reuters                                    several other very topical features. These include an                                                           Krupa Dalal
                                                                                                                                                                   Sales Manager
                                                   article on how Indonesia’s booming fintech scene                                                                (91) 22 6189 7087
                                                   needs an enlightened regulatory approach to help                                                      

                                                   it grow, offshore lawyers’ predictions for 2021 and a                                                           Romulus Tham
                                                                                                                                                                   Delegate Sales Executive
                                                   managing partner roundtable featuring Singapore law                                                             (65) 6870 3035
                                                   firm leaders. We hope you enjoy reading this issue, and                                               
                                                   do not hesitate to contact me or my team if you have                                                            Steven Zhao
                                                   any questions or suggestions.                                                                                   Account Manager
                                                                                                                                                                   (86) 10 6627 1360
                                                                                                                                                                   Yvonne Cheung
                                                                                                                                                                   Sales Director, Key Accounts and South China
                                                                                                                                                                   (852) 2847 2003

                                                                                                                                                                   SENIOR EVENTS MANAGER

                                                                                                                                                                   Julian Chiew
Asian Legal Business is available by subscription. Please visit for details.                                                 
Asian Legal Business has an audited average circulation of 11,402 as of 30 September 2016.Copyright is reserved throughout. No part of this publication can be
reproduced in whole or part without the express permission of the editor. Contributions are invited, but copies of work should be kept, as Asian Legal Business    AWARDS MANAGER
can accept no responsibility for loss.

MCI (P) 041/02/2020                                                                                                                                                Caryl Aquino
issn 0219 – 6875                                                                                                                                         
KDN PPS 1867/10/2015(025605)

Thomson Reuters
18 Science Park Drive Singapore 118229 / T (65) 6775 5088 / F (65) 6333 0900
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2          ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – N OV EM B ER 20 20                                                                                                        W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM
ASIA'S TOP 50 LARGEST LAW FIRMS - PLUS - | Asian Legal Business

                                                         SG LAUNCHES
                                                                                                                   IN THE NEWS

                                                         ROADMAP FOR
                                                                                                            UK consultant lawyer firm
                                                                                                         nexa law has launched a virtual
                                                                                                        GC platform that brings together
                                                                                                       former GCs. The nexaGC platform
    77% - Percentage of “stand-out lawyers”                                                            aims to assist businesses that are
     who say that when it comes to remote                 Singapore’s Ministry of Law                    growing rapidly but are unable
   working, the number one challenge to the            (MinLaw) has unveiled the Legal
  firm’s bottom line is difficulty in developing                                                        to justify the cost of establishing
   business, according to a survey by Acritas.
                                                     Industry Technology and Innovation                      their own in-house legal
                                                       Roadmap (TIR) to assist the legal                  departments or of hiring firms
                                                      profession in adopting technology.                          for the service.
                                                           The TIR aims to “promote

                                                   innovation, technology adoption and
                                                       development in Singapore’s legal
         UNDERSTAND THEIR                          industry in the next decade,” MinLaw
                                                      said in a press release. Catering to             63 PERCENT
         CLIENTS’ BUSINESS                            both law firms and in-house legal
                                                       departments, the TIR “highlights
    The 2020 Dynamic Law Firms                          key trends that industry players                  Increase in Asia-Pacific mergers and
    Report, produced by Thomson                      should be aware of in deciding how                acquisitions in Q3 of this year, according to
                                                                                                         Refinitiv data. The surge was driven by
       Reuters Peer Monitor with                      best to forge ahead amidst a time                technology companies and conglomerates
   key insights from Acritas, finds                   of disruption and uncertainty.” The               making strategic moves as they emerge
    that the most successful firms                    TIR also offers practical advice on                          from the pandemic.
   in terms of revenue per lawyer,                  the types of solutions that can assist
   overall firm profit, and average                   these players in mapping out their
     profit margin, are more likely                           tech adoption plan.
      to be recognized for having                                                                                  IN THE NEWS
      business savvy lawyers who
  understand their client’s business
                                                            QUOTE UNQUOTE
    and deliver strategic, practical
   advice. They also have partners
   who lead a strong team, which
     helps to justify the increased
                                                     “WE’RE GOING TO                                   DLA Piper has launched a global
                                                                                                       online environmental, social, and
     leverage in clients’ eyes, and                   PLAY UNTIL THE                                   governance (ESG) portal to “help
   are more effective at attracting
     higher-value work through a                     WHISTLE BLOWS.”                                     companies around the world
                                                                                                       transition to and thrive in a more
    brand proposition that creates                                                                     sustainable future.” The firm says
      confidence in their ability to                   A lawyer for outgoing U.S. President
                                                                                                       the portal will provide views and
                                                       Donald Trump tells CNN that Trump’s
  handle complex M&A or litigation.                 legal team is looking for enough evidence            insights of sustainability and
       The report can be found at                   to build cases aiming to cast doubt on the         ESG-related topics from thought                 validity of the presidential election outcome.          leaders around the world.

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                                    A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – N OVE MB E R 2020     3
ASIA'S TOP 50 LARGEST LAW FIRMS - PLUS - | Asian Legal Business
FORUM                                                                            but ultimately, having the right people is most

RISING TO THE CHALLENGE                                                          ROHAN RAICHAUDHURI, regional general
                                                                                 counsel APAC and company secretary, Sigfox
                                                                                 We have had time to get used to working from
                                                                                 home (WFH) during the pandemic, and the crit-
During a year unlike any other, the pressure has been on                         ical factor for me has been management of
                                                                                 time. WFH has posed unique challenges for me,
in-house lawyers to lead their teams through uncharted
                                                                                 amplified by young children. Multiple aspects,
territory. But it’s not just about the work — lawyers are also                   including routine, discipline and enhanced fitness
ensuring their staff emerge ready to tackle an increasingly                      played (and continues to play) a vital role. I’ve had
challenging legal landscape.                                                     to increasingly prioritise my matters (requesting
                                                                                 inputs from clients on expected timelines), be
                                                                                 prepared with specific queries for a well-struc-
                                                                                 tured and efficiently strategised conference or
                                                                                 video call to expedite the process and ensure
           HOW HAS THE IN-HOUSE ROLE                                             business-critical items are not affected. I echo
          ADAPTED SINCE THE PANDEMIC                                             our company’s policy of placing significance on
                                                                                 employee well-being. I’ve organised and partic-
            BEGAN, AND HOW ARE YOU                                               ipated in conference and video calls frequently
          ENSURING YOUR TEAM DOESN’T                                             through the pandemic with colleagues based in
                                                                                 the region and globally covering multiple topics
             SUFFER FROM BURNOUT?                                                outside of work, including mental health. Open
                                                                                 channels of communication are paramount and
                                                                                 with improved access to technology communi-
                                                                                 cations platforms, we are all better able to stay
                           VINCENT NG, general counsel, Klook                    in touch and cover for and support each other
                           In-house lawyers have had to become even              during such an unprecedented period during our
                           more agile, adaptable and empathetic since            lifetime. There is light at the end of the tunnel
                           the pandemic. As the world entered the new            with a possible vaccine in the horizon – however,
                           normal, our customer expectations and busi-           let us pray for the more than 1.1million families
                           ness demands also changed. Our legal team             who have lost loved ones, while we must continue
                           has had to be creative and take on an entrepre-       to take precautions and stay safe!
NG                         neurial mindset to support the rapid adoption
                           of new ideas in our business. For instance, we        PARVEEN MAHTANI, chief legal officer,
                           launched Klook Live!, which uses live-streaming       Mahindra Lifespaces
                           as a channel to engage with our customers.            Since the pandemic began, there has been a
                           We’ve also had to be empathetic not only with         digital acceleration. Conferences are now organ-
                           customers, suppliers and service providers, but       ised through Microsoft Teams and documents are
                           first and foremost, with our colleagues who           being shared through tools such as WeTransfer.
                           are facing business pressures and challenges.         One has to re-evaluate the value proposition and
                           Empathy and frequent communications are the           automate processes to be able to handle the
RAICHAUDHURI               key to ensuring our colleagues are doing fine.        increased complexities. In a time of distance,
                           Before the pandemic hit, we were already fully        we have to get close to the business and under-
                           set up for working and collaborating remotely.        stand its priorities. I organise knowledge-sharing
                           Since we set up the legal team in 2018, we have       sessions and online team-bonding activities to
                           been having weekly team meetings via Zoom             keep the team constantly energised and moti-
                           with our 14 colleagues across five offices, so that   vated. People need a sense of belonging and
                           everybody feels engaged and gets to hear what         purpose. We must facilitate communication of
                           other team members are working on. When we            the achievements within the company and cele-
                           began working from home this year, we increased       brate the smaller successes so that they continue
MAHTANI                    the frequency of manager one-on-one catch-            to feel connected with the company.
                           ups with team members. We are also very fortu-
                           nate to have a group of empathetic managers
                           and motivated colleagues. Technology helps,

4     ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – N OV EM B ER 20 20                                          W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM
ASIA'S TOP 50 LARGEST LAW FIRMS - PLUS - | Asian Legal Business

                                                                                              other female directors act, how others
                                                                                              contribute to the company”.
                                                                                                    To prepare women for board-level

                                                                                              leadership, there needs to be sufficient
                                                                                              gender representation at a management
                                                                                              level. Recently, a Reuters poll conducted
                                                                                              between September and October found
                                                                                              that 17 percent of Japanese firms had
       Corporate Japan’s lack of gender                                                       no female managers, while 71 percent
diversity is a widely known issue. While                                                      of firms said women accounted for less
investors and the government have been                                                        than 10 percent of management.
pushing for greater female representa-            But while certainly companies are                 Changing Japanese corporate
tion on company boards, women only           pushing to ensure they meet investor-            culture is still highly challenging, says
reportedly represent just six percent        and government-driven targets, Koshi             Koshi, but companies and individuals
of board members at listed Japanese          believes it is important to ensure               can lead by example.
companies today, even though it repre-       companies do understand the impor-                     “Since getting elected as an outside
sents a modicum of progress compares         tant reasons that underpin encouraging           corporate director in March, I have been
to three percent back in 2016.               female leadership.                               asking company executives and other
     Since Shinzo Abe, Japan’s former             “My view is that Japanese compa-            board members questions related to
prime minister, launched his govern-         nies are trying to have more female              the status of female managers and their
ment’s “womenomics” drive some               directors, but some companies do not             strategy in regards to promoting female
seven years ago to encourage female          fully understand why they have to do             managers. I believe that female board
leadership, companies have sought to         that,” says Koshi. “Certain foreign inves-       members are responsible to serve as a
encourage greater representation. But        tors strongly ask companies to have              reminder to corporate Japan that diver-
progress has been slow, for a variety of     female directors, and this call is also          sity is an important issue of corporate
factors.                                     being echoed by Japanese investors.              governance.”
     Naomi Koshi, a former mayor of          The Japanese government                                              When speaking to
Otsu City who is currently a partner at      is also active in changing                                      employees, Koshi said she
Japanese law firm Miura & Partners, has      policies and laws. Finally,                                     gained feedback about the
started campaigning to improve gender        the Tokyo Stock Exchange                                        impact of her presence:
diversity in the country’s boardrooms this   is helping by introducing                                       “Some female employees
year. In her experience, women can play      a new corporate govern-                                         said its good I’m on the
a significant role as company directors.     ance code under which                                           board, because earlier it
“I believe we can bring a different point    gender diversity in corpo-                                      was all men. With the pres-
of view,” she says.                          rate boards is required.”                                       ence of a woman, they feel
     But Koshi tells ALB that struc-              But while Japanese                                         encouraged.”
tural barriers must still be tackled. She    companies are making                                                 While more female
mentions an example from when she was        efforts to be compliant,                                        leaders are clearly needed,
mayor of Otsu, where a common issue for      says Koshi, there is still                                      when it comes to making
working mothers was the inability to find    some way to go before                N AO M I   KO S HI         a structural shift, it’s
childcare. “In 2005-2009, 60 percent         there is a true shift in                                        also important that male
of women quit their jobs after having a      mindset. There are also challenges               leaders are supportive and inclusive,
child because they couldn’t find nurs-       when it comes to ensuring that women             says Koshi.
eries,” she says. “So, I focused on that     in power are sufficiently supported.                   “Male directors must understand
issue, and over eight years I built more          “Based on my experience as mayor, I         the importance of different viewpoint
than 50 nurseries for approximately          was almost always minority as a woman,           of female directors and more diversi-
3000 children. It had an almost instant      such as only woman surrounded by                 fied and inclusive board can make the
impact… the number of working mothers        older men. That kind of situation some-          company more innovative,” Koshi says.
with children under the age of five has      times made it difficult that my voice be
increased by 70 percent”.                    heard. That would also happen in the             Westlaw Japan and Miura & Partners
     She feels this type of problem-         boardroom,” says Koshi, explaining that          will be hosting a virtual seminar led by
solving can be applied to corporate          these issues can appear when there is a          Koshi on Dec. 3 called ‘Women on Board’
culture in Japan. “They can change their     lack of understanding around existing            for Japanese corporates and the legal
culture, and not only their corporate        barriers. “We need more female directors         industry. More details can be found here:
culture, but also their corporate values     in the boardroom. Also, female directors
and outcomes,” says Koshi.                   should share good practice to know how           premium/201203.html

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                           A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – N OVE MB E R 2020   5
ASIA'S TOP 50 LARGEST LAW FIRMS - PLUS - | Asian Legal Business
EXPLAINER                                               He adds that within his circles,    large amount of revenue and it’s
                                                   “everybody” is keenly looking at this    a large amount of revenue — but

                                                   award. “I think it has garnered a lot    it also gives an opening for many
                                                   of interest from both the legal and      other companies that may be sitting
                                                   the business community,” says Nair.      on the sidelines, to jump into an

                                                        The award also highlights how       arbitration with the government of
                                                   India’s arbitration scene is maturing.   India,” says Nair. “So, for the govern-
                                                   “In the large metro cities, it is used   ment, it is going to set a precedent

                                                   prominently,” says Nair. “While in       if they don’t challenge it.”
                                                   the past, there have been some                  Although, the reasons for
                                                   problems around delays, increas-         appealing it might be less than

                                                   ingly companies prefer arbitration       rational. “The government of India is
                                                   because its faster and enforcement       the largest litigator. They will file an
                                                   is much better, at least in places       appeal for everything under the sun.
                                                   like Delhi and Mumbai. “I think we       Therefore, unless someone really
                                                   are seeing a very fast tilt towards      impresses upon the government of
        Telecom giant Vodafone Group               accepting arbitration as a priority      India, and says ‘you have no case’,
recently won an international arbitra-             mode of resolving disputes.”             it is quite likely the government will
tion case against the Indian government,                                                    challenge it,” he adds. “For them
bringing one the country’s most high-              WHAT ARE THE IMMEDIATE                   to take a pragmatic decision that
profile disputes — a $2 billion tax claim —        R AMIFIC ATIONS OF THIS                  they will not appeal in this particular
to a close. According to an international          AWARD?                                   case — I really doubt it.”
arbitration tribunal in The Hague, India’s         Nair predicts that the award is likely          Finally, there is the enforce-
government has breached an investment              to spur similar actions in the future.   ment issue. “We’re also waiting to
treaty agreement between India and the             “This was an award that was given        see how resistant the government
Netherlands with its imposition of a tax           in response to retrospective tax,        will be when it comes to Vodafone
liability on Vodafone, Reuters reported.           so in that aspect, this will open a      trying to enforce this award in India.”
The tribunal has directed India to pay             floodgate for all those companies               “Unlike commercial arbitration
$5.47 million to Vodafone in compensa-             that have suffered the same fate.        awards, there is no specific statutory
tion for its legal costs.                          There are already other investment       regime for enforcement of invest-
     The ruling concludes one of the               treaty arbitrations underway where       ment treaty arbitration awards,”
most controversial disputes in India               the retrospective tax measure has        Nair says.
under international treaty agreements,             been challenged,” he says.                      He points out that the Indian
and while the country’s finance ministry                “Though this is an international    Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
has said it will study the award, lawyers          award and binding only between the       1996 does not provide for this, so
and businesses in the world’s most popu-           parties, it will certainly have some-    should the government challenge
lous democracy are studying the latest             thing of a persuasive value, so even     enforcement, “we would be in new
developments carefully. And the reason             companies that are sitting on the        territory”.
for that is India’s government is currently        sidelines could be emboldened to                “This has not happened previ-
embroiled in more than a dozen similar             take action based on this award,”        ously as India has complied with
cases against companies over tax claims            Nair believes.                           investment treaty awards, and not
and contract cancellations.                             Given that the government           challenged enforcement,” he adds.
                                                   of India is a “big litigator”, the              Once the court issues an order,
    HOW HAS THE NEWS BEEN                          ruling will be “a very welcome step      Nair is hopeful the government
    RECEIVED D OMESTIC ALLY ?                      for companies that have had tax          will comply on its own, without
    Dheeraj Nair, a partner at J. Sagar            disputes or are having tax disputes      challenging enforcement “as
    Associates, says that this is a good           in India,” he adds.                      non-compliance would send out a
    step from the investors’ perspec-                                                       negative message to the investor
    tive, “because as an investor, there           WILL THE GOVERNMENT                      community globally”.
    is a sense of comfort that they can            CONTEST IT ?                                    “But for reasons mentioned
    actually get an award in an arbitra-           Nair believes that there’s a good        above, the decision of not chal-
    tion tribunal against a sovereign...           possibility the award will be chal-      lenging will have to come from the
    Companies and investors look at                lenged. “The government is going         top most authority,” he adds.
    India as a very lucrative option, as           to be in a bit of quandary with this
    long as they feel that their money             award, because if they decide not
    is safe.”                                      to challenge it, then they lose a

6     ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – N OV EM B ER 20 20                                       W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM
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                                                                                                     SINGAPORE’S A&G OPENS

                                                                                                     OFFICE IN VIETNAM
                                                                                                            Singapore’s largest law firm
                                                                                                     Allen & Gledhill has opened an office
                                                                                                     in Vietnam, making it the second Big
                                                                                                     Four firm to have a physical presence
                                                                                                     in the latter country.
                                                                                                          Located in Ho Chi Minh City,
                                                                                                     the new office is led by partner Oh
     YVONNE FOO                 TIMOTHY HAYNES                   NITESH JAIN                         Hsiu-Hau. It will provide clients with
        L E AV I N G                  L E AV I N G                  L E AV I N G                     legal services in areas such as M&A,
       Clyde & Co                     Walkers             Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas
                                                                                                     banking, finance, capital markets,
        JOINING                       JOINING                        JOINING
 Harry Elias Partnership            Kobre & Kim                      Trilegal                        corporate and commercial matters,
       P R AC T I C E                P R AC T I C E                 P R AC T I C E                   energy, infrastructure and projects,
      Construction           Insolvency & Restructuring             Disputes                         and international arbitration.
       L O C AT I O N                L O C AT I O N                L O C AT I O N                         In 2014, fellow Singapore Big
       Singapore                    Hong Kong                       Mumbai
                                                                                                     Four firm Rajah & Tann established
                                                                                                     a presence in Vietnam following an
                                                                                                     association with local law firm LCT
                                                                                                     Lawyers. In the same year, RHTLaw,
                                                                                                     another Singaporean firm, entered
                                                                                                     into a tie-up with Vietnam’s PBC
                                                                                                     Partners. In 2016, PBC merged with
                                                                                                     RHT to form RHTLaw Vietnam.

    SUNG UK PARK               SEUNG-KOOK SYNN                   PAUL JP TEO                         BAKER BOTTS LATEST TO
                                                                                                     ANNOUNCE BEIJING CLOSURE
        L E AV I N G                  L E AV I N G                  L E AV I N G
      Kim & Chang                    SK Group                    Baker McKenzie
        JOINING                       JOINING                        JOINING
      Yoon & Yang                   Yoon & Yang                   Mayer Brown
                                                                    P R AC T I C E
                                                                                                             Energy-focused U.S. law firm
       P R AC T I C E                P R AC T I C E
          M&A                           M&A                        Arbitration                       Baker Botts has become the latest
       L O C AT I O N                L O C AT I O N                L O C AT I O N                    firm to announce plans to shutter its
          Seoul                         Seoul                      Singapore                         Beijing office. The 13-year-old office
                                                                                                     currently has five partners and three
                                                                                                           With that, Baker Botts becomes
                                                                                                     the second American and fourth inter-
                                                                                                     national law firm this year, after Vinson
                                                                                                     & Elkins, Stephenson Harwood and
                                                                                                     Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner (BCLP),
                                                                                                     to depart from the Chinese capital.
                                                                                                           According to a statement from
                                                                                                     managing partner John Martin, the
    JEREMY WHITE                 NICK WILLIAMS                 MICHAEL WONG                          decision was “not taken lightly,” but
        L E AV I N G                  L E AV I N G                  POSITION
                                                                                                     “in the best interests of the firm and
     Baker McKenzie                  K&L Gates                  Asia-Pacific Chair                   its clients.”
        JOINING                       JOINING                       P R AC T I C E                         The firm also reportedly reduced
   Morrison & Foerster             Hogan Lovells                       M&A                           its headcount by 50 people globally.
       P R AC T I C E                P R AC T I C E                FIRM NAME
       Corporate                   Restructuring                 Baker McKenzie
                                                                                                           In China, Baker Botts continues
       L O C AT I O N                L O C AT I O N                L O C AT I O N
                                                                                                     to maintain an office in Hong Kong.
         Tokyo                       Singapore                        Taipei                         That office opened in 2005.

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                                A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – N OVE MB E R 2020   7
ASIA'S TOP 50 LARGEST LAW FIRMS - PLUS - | Asian Legal Business
Q&A                                                                                      ALB: You’ve been recognised for your
                                                                                         work around diversity and inclusion.

                                                                                         What are some of the initiatives in
                                                                                         place at Freshfields, and what is the
                                                                                         secret to creating a firm culture that

                                                                                         supports this?
                                                                                         DAWSON: Freshfields is a people busi-
                                                                                         ness and our people expect to be treated
                                                                                         with respect, consideration and cour-
Georgia Dawson, Asia managing partner at Freshfields                                     tesy. One of our key strengths as a
                                                                                         global organisation lies in our diverse
Bruckhaus Deringer, was recently named as the firm’s new
                                                                                         perspectives and ideas. We must lead by
senior partner. This made her the first woman to lead the firm in                        example, working as a team, supporting
its lengthy history, and also made Freshfields the first Magic Circle                    one another and giving credit where it
firm to appoint a female leader. She tells Asian Legal Business                          is due. These and other principles are
about her plans to transform the storied firm.                                           set out in a framework known as “Being
                                                                                         Freshfields” that guides our standards of
                                                                                         behaviour to build the organisation that
ALB: You have announced that you          when almost all our people worked              we all want. We encourage honest feed-
expect Freshfields to evolve. Can you     remotely. I was hugely impressed by            back and provide a safe space to speak
tell us a little about what this evolu-   how well our IT colleagues managed             up if someone fails to observe these prin-
tion will look like?                      that transformation, and also how our          ciples. We empower our people through
DAWSON: It is vital that Freshfields      people adjusted and embraced collabo-          various employee networks (for women,
is an organisation where people want      ration tools on an unprecedented scale.        black and minority ethnic colleagues,
to work, and where they feel they can     An illustration of this was                                    those with disabili-
reach their full potential. I think there the 14-billion-pound ($18                                      ties, LGBT+ and others)
are three key elements to achieving       billion) Mastercard litiga-                                    to provide construc-
this: Inclusiveness – creating a work-    tion in the UK, which was                                      tive feedback and ideas.
place where our people feel they belong;  run entirely by remote                                         We nurture our diverse
engagement – ensuring our people feel     teams and culminated                                           talent through spon-
there is a good dialogue across the       in a virtual hearing in                                        sorship and mentoring.
organisation on how we can continu-       the UK Supreme Court.                                          This year, we piloted
ously improve; and empowerment –          We are doing what we                                           a reverse mentoring
giving people the tools, the know-how     can to maintain face-to-                                       programme which I was
and the confidence they need to achieve   face interaction internally                                    pleased to take part in.
their full potential. Combining these     and with clients, albeit                                       My mentor and I freely
elements to create a common purpose       over Microsoft Teams           “We are doing what              exchanged ideas and
and a shared value system for all our     and similar platforms,          we can to maintain             I found it particularly
people is something that the new lead-    and moving forward that      face-to-face interaction          useful, for example, to
ership team will be focused on in the     looks set to continue.          internally and with            learn whether our efforts
coming years.                             Focusing on attracting          clients, albeit over           to support colleagues
                                          and retaining talent post-     Microsoft Teams and             during the current
ALB: The pandemic has led to changes      COVID will also be impor-     similar platforms, and           pandemic had been
in Freshfields’ working culture, such as  tant. It is clear that there   moving forward that             effective and how we
flexibility in some offices. I’m curious  are new skills, viewpoints    looks set to continue.”          might improve. We also
to know if there are any other COVID-     and backgrounds that             G E O RG I A DAW S O N        attach importance to
influenced changes we might see in        are going to be benefi-                                        allies who are not part of
the business going forward?               cial to advance the legal profession in        any minority group – we believe they
DAWSON: COVID-19 brought about an         the years ahead, and we will be looking        play a key role in championing inclusion
expedited need for agility and meant      closely at how we bring together teams,        for diverse colleagues. We frequently
that we had to adapt to working virtu-    marshal our knowledge and resources            pool efforts and ideas with clients, which
ally practically overnight. It was the    and deliver end-to-end solutions to            leads to thoughtful discussions about
first time in the firm’s 277-year history clients.                                       both internal engagement and support,
                                                                                         and also how we can work together in
                                                                                         our communities to lead change for the

8    ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – N OV EM B ER 20 20                                          W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM

Strengthening cooperation and innovation, turning challenges into opportunities:
Reflections on the development of international arbitration in the time of COVID-19
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has an unprecedented                                                                                the CIETAC online arbitration hearing platform. Arbitration
impact on the global economy and poses severe challenges                                                                          participants from the United States, Canada, Australia,
to international dispute resolution. The pandemic has                                                                             Sweden, Hong Kong, and nearly 40 cities in the mainland
forced all international arbitration practitioners to think                                                                       have participated in the online hearings.
over how to turn crises into opportunities.
                                                                                                                                  Meanwhile, drawing on the unique advantages of having a
Strengthening coordination and collaboration in the inter-                                                                        network of sub-commissions and cooperative institutions
national arbitration community becomes necessary and                                                                              around the world, and the integration of the headquarters
particularly important amid the pandemic. The COVID-19                                                                            and branches, CIETAC has explored a variety of arbitration
pandemic broke out in China in late January this year.                                                                            hearing modes include online, offline, and a combination
China International Economic and Trade Arbitration                                                                                of online and offline hearings, so that participants in
Commission (CIETAC) acted promptly to contact the                                                                                 different jurisdictions, time zones and places are able to
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law                                                                              join the arbitration hearings in real time, simultaneously,
(UNCITRAL), and more than 80 related international                                                                                and without delay, and the complex and even tailored
arbitration institutions and organizations, explaining the                            Wang Chengjie                               arbitration hearing needs of different cases are met. In
Chinese government’s decision and deployment on the                          Vice Chairman & Secretary General                    June this year, an international arbitration case accepted
prevention and control of the pandemic, and briefing                            E:                        by the CIETAC Hong Kong Arbitration Center with the
CIETAC’s measures responding to the pandemic, thereby                                                                             seat of arbitration in Hong Kong was heard using the
paving the way for Chinese enterprises to participate in                                  CIETAC                                  combination of online and offline approach, with partici-
arbitration activities during the pandemic. During this                6/F, CCOIC Building, 2 Huapichang Hutong,                  pants in four cities of two countries in two continents.
period, nearly 40 international arbitration institutions,                    Xicheng District, Beijing 100035
including the UNCITRAL Working Group III, the Singapore                       T: 010 8221 7788, 6464 6688                         Furthermore, to satisfy the needs of arbitration in the
International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), and the Asian                        F: 010 8221 7766, 6464 3500                         post-pandemic era, CIETAC steps up efforts to further
International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), sent letters to                            E:                            strengthen the IT construction of the case management
CIETAC, expressing their supports for China in fighting                             W:                             system, designing a comprehensive network covering
against the pandemic and their confidence in China’s                                                                              arbitration tribunals, parties concerned and arbitral insti-
victory over the pandemic. In mid-March, the pandemic                                                                             tutions to build an “expressway” for hearing cases online,
has spread with alarming speed globally. CIETAC took             in filing cases during the pandemic. Statistical data show       and promote online arbitration all-round services, so as
immediate actions to contact more than 50 international          that online case filing has become an important channel          to provide the parties with more convenient and efficient
arbitration institutions and organizations, and provided         for parties to submit arbitration applications to CIETAC,        arbitration services.
assistance and supplies to more than 30 institutions             and a total of 693 cases have been filed through the online
according to their needs and worked together with the            system from January to October this year. The number of          Because of the pandemic, arbitration institutions need
international arbitration community to fight against the         cases accepted by CIETAC has not been negatively affected        to assume more social responsibilities, and provide more
pandemic. At the same time, CIETAC joined the Arbitration        by the pandemic. As of October 31, 2020, CIETAC accepted         risk prevention suggestions for arbitration participants,
and COVID-19 Initiative jointly initiated by 13 major interna-   2,883 cases this year, indicating a year-on-year increase of     so as to prevent disputes beforehand and minimize
tional arbitration institutions and organizations including      6.7%. Among the cases accepted this year, 615 are foreign        possible losses. In this regard, CIETAC launched a legal
the International Centre for Settlement of Investment            related cases, representing a year-on-year increase of           risk prevention column, “共克时艰, 玉汝于成” (“Working
Disputes (ICSID) of the World Bank, the International            19.19%, with parties coming from 70 countries and regions.       together to overcome difficulties”), on its official website
Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) of the American                                                                              and WeChat account on January 30 this year, and
Arbitration Association (AAA), the German Arbitration            (2) Comprehensively using technologies to advance the            organized top arbitrators and experts to use their expertise
Institute (DIS), and the Vienna International Arbitral           arbitration procedures. In April this year, CIETAC issued        to compose over 100 industry observations and early-
Centre (VIAC), to try our best to actively participate in        the Guidelines on Proceeding with Arbitration Actively and       warning reports with regard to the analysis of legal issues
international cooperation in response to the pandemic.           Properly during the COVID-19 Pandemic, advocating that           faced by ten major industries, including international
In addition, building on the Beijing Joint Declaration           the arbitration tribunals and the parties concerned should       trade, finance, construction projects, insurance, and pan-
of the Belt and Road Arbitration Institutions issued in          comprehensively use online case filing, electronic service,      entertainment, the performance risks of contractual trans-
tandem with more than 40 domestic and foreign dispute            online arbitration hearing, online mediation and other           actions, and previous case studies and industry response
resolution institutions in 2019, CIETAC continues to roll out    procedures and measures, and adopt technologies such             recommendations and in-depth researches, and the
clearer and more specific cooperation arrangements and           as electronic signatures and electronic seals of arbitrators,    forecasts on key industries, types of disputes and issues
promote the development of diversified dispute resolution        so as to minimize the impact of the pandemic and actively        involving the pandemic situation and relevant prevention
mechanisms globally, to make positive contributions to           and steadily advance the arbitration procedures. From            and control measures. Furthermore, CIETAC carries out
the development of international arbitration in response         January to October this year, CIETAC has concluded               online and offline public benefit activities including
to the pandemic.                                                 2076 cases, among which, significantly more cases were           training, lectures, visits and the “CIETAC Live” lectures,
                                                                 concluded by means of document-only examinations or              and holds international high-end conferences such as the
Another lesson we’ve learnt during the pandemic is that          settlements compared with previous years.                        China Arbitration Summit 2020, with a total of nearly 2
innovation by using the rising digital technology is one                                                                          million participants. With these high-quality activities,
of the ways we must take in international arbitration in         (3) Adopting diversified online hearing approaches.              CIETAC hopes to find novel and practical approaches
order to overcome difficulties and promote the orderly and       CIETAC developed a smart platform for arbitration                to effectively promote the development of the industry.
efficient operation of arbitration procedures in difficult       hearings in April this year, and released the CIETAC
times. CIETAC made full use of the Internet technology           Provisions on Virtual Hearings (Trail) to resolve the            COVID-19 has spread worldwide in 2020. The international
and adopted a series of important measures to tackle             procedural and technical issues of online hearings for           arbitration is faced with huge crisis and challenges, but
challenges during the pandemic:                                  users, including identity verification of arbitration partici-   vitality potential and new opportunities are also found
                                                                 pants, electronic evidence submission and display, online        in responding to this crisis. It is time for us to reconsider
(1) The further improvement and wide application of online       simultaneous record, electronic signatures by scanning QR        and uphold the flexibility, confidentiality, procedural
case filing. At the beginning of the outbreak, CIETAC            code, arbitration tribunal deliberations, “back-to-back”         legitimacy and party autonomy principles in arbitration
adopted the online case filing system developed in 2019          mediation, among others. With the procedural norms and           procedures. By strengthening international cooperation,
to enable online case filing functions such as real-time         technical guarantee, all arbitration hearing participants        advancing technological innovation, and assuming social
consultation, identity verification, and online submission of    can participate in online hearings “without leaving their        responsibility, the international arbitration will be led from
arbitration documents, facilitating the parties concerned        homes.” Up to now, 216 cases have been heard through             this “worst times” to a “better era”.

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                                                                A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – N OVE MB E R 2020               9

                                                                                            for U.S. listings by Chinese companies,
                                                                                            notwithstanding some of the regulatory
                                                                                            headwinds,” Lin notes.

                                                                                                 And even though the pandemic
                                                                                            has slowed a lot of business activity to
                                                                                            a crawl, the IPO markets in Hong Kong
                                                                                            and New York are “generally quite busy,”
                                                                                            says Lin.
        Despite a raging pandemic, in         of reasons why you see a strong pipeline           “In Hong Kong, we have seen
the first half of 2020, the Hong Kong         of Chapter 19C transactions.”                 Chapter 19C HKEx secondary listings as
IPO market outperformed last year,                  But, while it might these factors       well as a very strong pipeline of Chapter
boasting 64 new listings with funds           may work in Hong Kong’s favour, the           18A biotech IPOs,” observes Lin.
raised reaching $87.5 billion, according      traditional route for Chinese companies            Meanwhile, further afield in the U.S.,
to PwC. Based on KPMG data, at the end        listing in the U.S. has not entirely slowed   notwithstanding the U.S.–China tensions
of the third quarter, Hong Kong ranks         down — despite some ambiguity.                and risk of financial de-coupling, “we’ve
third globally in terms of IPO fundraising          “There is still some concern around     seen a very solid year of IPO listings
and number of listings in the year to         whether the U.S. government will imple-       by Chinese companies, but also Asian
date. In part, this upward trajectory is      ment rules that would eventually result       sponsors pursuing SPAC IPOs, one of the
due to the trend of U.S.-listed China-        in de-listings, and for some time compa-      hottest trends in U.S. ECM,” Lin notes.
based companies carrying out secondary        nies hesitated and weighed different               Since COVID-19 first hit and the
listings in Hong Kong, and this trend is      options, but we still see a lot of compa-     financial markets showed volatility, the
continuing to gather steam.                   nies pushing ahead with U.S. IPOs and         picture has improved, with the overall
      Headlines suggest a healthy,            listings — this has been a record time        market “very robust,” says Lin.
and somewhat ground-breaking few                                                                 There are a couple of reasons for
months ahead. Even though China                                                             this, among them is the relatively low
killed the hopes of Alibaba-backed                                                          yield for other types of investment, “so
fintech company Ant Group’s plans for                                                       there is a tremendous investor appetite
a $35-billion simultaneous IPO in Hong                                                      for equity, particularly in the growth
Kong and Shanghai, Reuters reports                                                          areas of technology, such as biotech in
that ridesharing app Didi is said to be                                                     Hong Kong,” Lin says.
weighing up a 2021 Hong Kong IPO                                                                 “I think from the perspective of
valued at more than $60 billion.                                                            companies, there’s a real rush to capture
      As Chinese companies seek to hedge                                                    the window, because everyone under-
their positions with a secondary listing                                                    stands that financial markets can be
venue, concerned about the impact of                                                        cyclical and that this is a very good time
U.S. regulators potentially imposing new                                                    to raise capital because the markets are
rules that force the delisting of these                                                     very receptive,” he adds.
firms, Hong Kong has emerged as “a                                                               This has led to restlessness from
natural place” to-do list, says James C.                                                    clients, who are eager to “get their
Lin, partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell.                                                      IPOs done”, in part, due to concerns
      But other aspects make the city                                                       around what will happen next year with
an attractive harbour for such listings.                                                    uncertainty and “concerns about global
“For one thing, they’re closer to their                                                     macroeconomic factors and lingering
customer base,” says Lin, adding that                                                       effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and
this enables companies to be closer to                                                      whether that’s going to have a macro
the people “who use their products and                                                      adjustment to slow down the markets,
understand their business.”                                                                 says Lin. “I think this combination of
      There’s also “a lot of liquidity in                                                   factors is leading to a lot of activity in
Hong Kong, including potential bene-                                                        IPOs and general capital raising.”
fits from Stock Connect and southbound                                                           With the next year fast bearing
investor money” to consider, notes Lin.                                                     down, these trends are unlikely to end
“In the end, secondary listings in Hong                                                     anytime soon.
Kong has helped companies raise their                                                            “Based with what we’re seeing in
profiles with investors closer to their                                                     the market, and in the pipeline, we think
home base and potentially an increase                                                       there’s still a very strong interest,” says
in their valuation. So those are number                                                     Lin.

10    ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – N OV EM B ER 20 20                                           W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM

                                                 Rajiv Luthra and Mohit Saraf,      1. However, the mediation proved fruitless, and
                                          equity partners at India’s L&L            litigation resumed.

                                          Partners, have been involved in a              Where this leaves the lawyers is not yet clear,
                                          public tussle over differences related    although media reports said that L&L partners

                                          to dilution of shareholding at one        Apurva Jayant and Samarth Gupta had quit the
                                          of the country’s largest full-service     firm, and that 23 lawyers had joined Saraf’s new
                                          law firms.                                equity.
                                Luthra and Saraf currently own 66.6 percent              L&L has not yet responded to ALB's request
                            and 33.4 percent of shares in the firm, respectively,   for comment.
                            but have differing ideas when it comes to freeing            Initially called Luthra & Luthra Law Offices,
                            up equity to admit more partners into the equity        L&L Partners was founded by Luthra in 1990, with
                            partnership, according to reports.                      Saraf joining the firm in 1995. The firm has more
                                This led to a lawsuit at the Delhi High Court,      than 70 partners across four offices – New Delhi,
                            which ordered both parties to mediate until Nov.        Mumbai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad.


                $9 BLN
                SK Hynix’ acquisition of
                                               $2.1 BLN $1.45 BLN $1 BLN
                                               Brookfield Asset                Shimao Services’                  GIC and TPG’s
                Intel’s NAND SSD               Management’s                    Hong Kong IPO                     Investment in
                Deal Type: M&A                 acquisition of                  Deal Type: IPO                    Reliance Retail
                Firms: Bae Kim & Lee;          RMZ Corp assets                 Firm: Allen & Overy               Ventures
                Kim & Chang; Skadden           Deal Type: M&A                  Jurisdictions: China,             Deal Type: M&A
                Arps Slate Meagher &           Firms: AZB & Partners;          Hong Kong                         Firms: Cyril Amarchand
                Flom                           Cyril Amarchand                                                   Mangaldas; Davis Polk
                Jurisdictions: South           Mangaldas; Khaitan &                                              & Wardwell
                Korea, U.S.                    Co                                                                Jurisdictions: India,
                                               Jurisdictions: Canada,                                            Singapore, U.S.

                $853 MLN $751 MLN $451 MLN $371 MLN
                Mubadala Investment’s          ADIA’s Investment               Everest Medicines’ IPO            Genor Biopharma’s
                investment in                  in Reliance Retail              Deal Type: IPO                    Hong Kong IPO
                Reliance Retail                Ventures                        Firms: Kirkland & Ellis;          Deal Type: IPO
                Ventures                       Deal Type: M&A                  Skadden Arps Slate                Firms: Freshfields
                Deal Type: M&A                 Firms: Cyril Amarchand          Meagher & Flom; Tian              Bruckhaus Deringer;
                Firms: Cyril Amarchand         Mangaldas; Davis Polk           Yuan Law Firm; Zhong              Skadden Arps Slate
                Mangaldas; Davis Polk          & Wardwell                      Lun Law Firm                      Meagher & Flom
                & Wardwell; Skadden            Jurisdictions: India,           Jurisdictions: China,             Jurisdictions: China,
                Arps Slate Meagher &           UAE                             Hong Kong                         Hong Kong
                Jurisdictions: India,

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                             A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – N OVE MB E R 2020   11

                                                        North Asia Announced M&A Legal Rankings                                                                                         North Asia Announced M&A Financial Rankings

                                                                                                         Value                        Market                                                                                                                      Value                                             Market
        Rank                                                          Legal Advisor                                     Deals                                            Rank                               Legal Advisor                                                              Deals
                                                                                                        ($MLN)                        Share                                                                                                                      ($MLN)                                             Share

            1                                                     Nishimura & Asahi                   86,750.6          112             10.7                                 1                          Morgan Stanley                                       153,388.5                     54                              18.8
            2                                                Mori Hamada & Matsumoto                    81,721.3         95              10.0                               2                China International Capital Co                                   136,082.5                    64                                 16.7
            3                                                       White & Case LLP                    66,152.6         24               8.1                               3                         Goldman Sachs & Co                                      128,049.2                    39                                 15.7
           4                                                       Sullivan & Cromwell                 60,091.8          10               7.4                               4                                    Nomura                                        105,142.0                   74                                 12.9
           5                                            Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer                  57,483.9         19                7.1                              5                                    Deloitte                                      62,066.3                    86                                      7.6
           6                                                       Latham & Watkins                     47,252.3         34               5.8                               6                                        UBS                                       60,544.1                    17                                      7.4
            7                                          Nakamura, Tsunoda & Matsumoto                   46,648.5           4               5.7                               7                       China Securities Co Ltd                                     51,833.0                   12                                      6.4
           8                                           Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton                44,343.2           5               5.4                               8                     Plutus Consulting Co Ltd                                     48,999.8                    38                                      6.0
           9                                                       Morrison & Foerster                  43,174.0         16               5.3                              9*                        The Raine Group LLC                                       40,000.0                    1                                       4.9
           10                                                       Fangda Partners                     41,104.6         94               5.1                              9*                                  Zaoui & Co                                      40,000.0                    1                                       4.9

 (*tie) Based on Rank Value including Net Debt of announced M&A deals (excluding withdrawn M&A)                                                                      (*tie) Based on Rank Value including Net Debt of announced M&A deals (excluding withdrawn M&A)

                                                                                                  Any North Asia Involvement Announced M&A Activity - Quarterly Trend*

                                                                                 Series1                   Series2
                Rank Value US$ Billion

                                                       440                                                                                                                                                                                                          403.0              5,000
                                                                                                                      373.7                                                                     353.8

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             No. of Transactions
                                                                                                           324.2                                                                                                                                                                       4,000
                                                       340                                                                             279.8       280.3
                                                                                                                           268.4   256.1               255.1                                                               273.8
                                                                                            252.9               243.9                          242.8                                                       248.5                                                                       3,000
                                                                                                                               218.7                       229.6                                       219.4           197.4
                                                       240                      200.6   191.5
                                                                                    168.0                                                  173.8                                                                   176.3
                                                                                                                                                                                                               158.9               167.5                                               2,000
                                                                       149.7142.8                                                                                                                                              137.4
                                                       140 93.5115.2                                                                                                                                                                                                        106.5
                                                        40                                                                                                                                                                                                                             0
                                                             1Q 13       3Q 13    1Q 14       3Q 14   1Q 15     3Q 15      1Q 16          3Q 16          1Q 17           3Q 17          1Q 18          3Q 18          1Q 19          3Q 19           1Q 20          3Q 20

        Southeast Asia / South Asia Announced M&A Legal Rankings                                                                                                    Southeast Asia / South Asia Announced M&A Financial Rankings

                                                                                                         Value                        Market                                                                                                                      Value                                             Market
        Rank                                                          Legal Advisor                                     Deals                                            Rank                               Legal Advisor                                                              Deals
                                                                                                        ($MLN)                        Share                                                                                                                      ($MLN)                                             Share

            1                                  Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer                          21,187.8          16              11.7                                1                                JP Morgan                                        30,717.8                    20                               17.0
            2                                                        AZB & Partners                    20,562.6          82              11.4                               2                           BofA Securities Inc                                    20,441.4                    17                                  11.3
            3                                                Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas                  20,183.8         88              11.2                               3                         Goldman Sachs & Co                                       19,485.4                    15                                10.8
           4                                                      WongPartnership LLP                  14,940.9          27               8.3                               4                             Morgan Stanley                                        18,308.1                   11                                  10.1
           5                                                      Davis Polk & Wardwell                 13,812.3          4               7.7                               5                                        UBS                                        16,410.4                   16                                      9.1
           6                                                          Allen & Overy                     13,700.5         22               7.6                               6                          HSBC Holdings PLC                                       15,955.5                    9                                       8.8
            7                                                           Linklaters                      13,300.9          3               7.4                               7                                Credit Suisse                                      15,511.4                   11                                      8.6
           8                                                         Allen & Gledhill                   12,972.6         24               7.2                               8                                    Nomura                                         13,740.7                   16                                      7.6
           9                                            Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu                     12,501.0         15               6.9                               9                                    Deloitte                                       12,446.1                   23                                      6.9
           10                                                Mori Hamada & Matsumoto                    12,358.5         10               6.9                              10                                    Barclays                                      10,859.9                    5                                       6.0

 (*tie) Based on Rank Value including Net Debt of announced M&A deals (excluding withdrawn M&A)                                                                      (*tie) Based on Rank Value including Net Debt of announced M&A deals (excluding withdrawn M&A)

                                                                                       Any Southeast Asia / South Asia Involvement Announced M&A Activity - Quarterly Trend*

                                                                                    Series1                 Series2
                                                         210                                                                                                                                                                     1,600
                              Rank Value US$ Billion

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  No. of Transactions

                                                         160                                                                                                                                                                     1,200
                                                                                                                                                                           118.0                                                 1,000
                                                         110                                                         79.9                                                                     84.7      84.3 84.0                800
                                                                                                      77.3                               68.3 73.6 70.1      72.9 73.6 74.5     75.2               70.8           77.1 75.6
                                                                                            64.0                          65.9                                                       66.3                                        600
                                                                        52.7      44.0 47.5                46.7                48.3 53.5                44.6
                                                             60              39.0                42.1           41.8                                                                                                             400
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            12.0 200
                                                             10                                                                                                                                                                  0
                                                                  1Q 13     3Q 13     1Q 14     3Q 14     1Q 15     3Q 15     1Q 16     3Q 16     1Q 17     3Q 17     1Q 18    3Q 18     1Q 19    3Q 19     1Q 20     3Q 20

     *League tables, quarterly trends, and deal lists are based on the nation of either the target, acquiror, target ultimate parent, or acquiror ultimate parent at the time of the transaction. Announced M&A transactions excludes withdrawn deals. Deals with undisclosed dollar values are rank eligible but with
        no corresponding Rank Value. Non-US dollar denominated transactions are converted to the US dollar equivalent at the time of announcement of terms. NORTH ASIA: China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan; SOUTHEAST ASIA: Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei,
                                                                 Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Timor-Leste; SOUTH ASIA: India, Afganistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Data accurate as of 10 November 2020.

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                                                                           With a most unique year winding to a close,
                                                                           law firm leaders in Singapore look back on
                                                                           some of the lessons they learnt, and also
                                                                           the ways they put both clients and employees
                                                                           in focus during a difficult time.

                                                                                             BY R ANA JI T DAM

                                                                             for a more flexible work arrangement. For example, all
                                                                             of us have quickly adapted the use of Zoom for meet-
                                                                             ings, and the use of multiple screens to carry out our
                                                                             work (instead of paper bundles). We have adopted more
                                                                             applications for our office processes such as approval of
                                                                             payments, instead of paper forms. Some of our lawyers
                                                                             have even told me that they were surprised that they
                                                                             managed to get their work done with less paper than
                                                                             before or at all.
                                                                                  This crisis has also presented our lawyers and
                                                                             staff the unique opportunity to innovate and expand
                                                                             the remote working capabilities of the firm both in
     PATRICK ANG             JERRY KOH          ANTHONY MCKENZIE             Singapore and also regionally in, Cambodia, China,
     Rajah & Tann          Allen & Gledhill            Carey Olsen
                                                                             Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines,
                                                                             Thailand and Vietnam where we operate.
               In what major aspects have you seen the pandemic              JERRY KOH, joint managing partner, Allen & Gledhill:
               impact the firm and its work to date?                         We have had to make significant adjustments to the
               PATRICK ANG, managing partner, Rajah & Tann                   way we work and interact within Allen & Gledhill and
               Singapore: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the firm           with our clients. As COVID-19 is highly contagious, we
               had just moved to our new premises at Marina One.             spared no effort to ensure the safety and wellbeing of
               Over the years, we had upgraded our use of technology         our people, who are our most important asset.
               and applications and started a transition to a less-paper          Technology was one of the tools which we lever-
               office. We had in our management discussions talked           aged on to continue our operations as close as possible
               about a more flexible work arrangement and in 2020,           to pre-COVID days. Video conferencing and regular
               started permitting our lawyers to work from home on           virtual catchups have enabled us to keep in touch with
               a very limited basis. No one could have foreseen that         one another within our firm and to maintain our rela-
               just a few weeks after, the entire firm would be working      tionships with clients.
               from home as the default position.                                 Supporting our clients through this period has been
                    The pandemic’s impact on our work environment            a top priority for us and we made a concerted effort to
               has been swift. It has accelerated our longer- term plans     ensure that we are in constant communication with them

14   ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – N OV EM B ER 20 20                                            W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM
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