AUTUMN | 2018 - IRD Duhallow

Page created by Michele Wang
AUTUMN | 2018 - IRD Duhallow
AUTUMN | 2018
AUTUMN | 2018 - IRD Duhallow
HORTICULTURE                                                                                                  PAGE


                                                                                                                                                                        Horticulture...................................................Local Training Initiative.........29

       AUTUMN | 2018

                                                                                                                                                        AUTUMN | 2018

                       Start Your Own Business....................................................SICAP................04                                               HEALTH & SAFETY                                                                                                PAGE

                       Training Delivery & Evaluation..........................................Skillnet..............05                                                 FAR First Aid..........................................................................Skillnet..............30
                       Training Needs ID & Design..............................................Skillnet..............06                                                 Manual Handling Instructor................................................Skillnet........30-31
                       Essentials Project Management.........................................Skillnet........07-08
                                                                                                                                                                        First Aid Refresher................................................................Skillnet........31-32
                       Supervisory Management...................................................Skillnet..............09
                       Time Management & Productivity using Outlook........Skillnet..............10                                                                     Health & Safety Rep Training..............................................Skillnet........32-33
                       Time Management & Productivity using Gmail.............Skillnet..............11                                                                  Manual Handling....................................................................PEIL.............33-34
                       Autism Awareness in the Workplace ..............................Skillnet..............11                                                         Basic First Aid for Farm Families.......................................SICAP................34
                       Technical Report Writing...................................................Skillnet..............12
                       An Introduction to Mediation..........................................Skillnet.........12-13                                                     HEALTH CARE                                                                                                    PAGE
                       Negotiation Skills..................................................................Skillnet..............13                                     Patient Moving and Handling.............................................Skillnet..............35
                       GDPR & Data Protection...................................................Skillnet........13-14
                                                                                                                                                                        Understanding Dementia....................................................Skillnet........35-36
                       Sage Accounting....................................................................PEIL.............14-15
                       Frontline Office & Reception Skills..................................SICAP................15                                                     Medication Management.....................................................Skillnet........36-37
                        cAREER PREPARATION                                                                                              PAGE
                                                                                                                                                                        Work Experience.................................................................Skillnet..............38
                       Styling for an Interview.......................................................PEIL....................16                                        QQI Level 5 Health Care Assistant..................................Skillnet........38-39
                       Psychometric Testing............................................................PEIL....................16                                       Pain Management..................................................................Skillnet........39-40
                       CV Preparation & Interview Skills....................................PEIL....................17
                       Networking for Employment Seminar.............................PEIL....................18                                                         End of Life Awareness Training for HealthCare Providers......Skillnet........40-41
                       Ability Training Programme................................................Ability................18                                              Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults......................................Skillnet..............41
                       Bursaries............................................................................................................53                          Communications...................................................................PEIL.............41-42
                       Job Centre..............................................................................SICAP.................53                                 Infection Prevention & Control.........................................PEIL.............42-43
                       Women’s Training Programme for Employability
                       Inclusion and Learning.........................................................PEIL.............54-55                                            HUMAN RESOURCES                                                                                                PAGE

                       Resilient Youth Initiative ReY..........................................................................55                                       Disciplinary & Grievance Procedures..............................Skillnet........44-45
                       Mentoring...........................................................................................................55                           Infection Prevention & Control.........................................Skillnet..............45
                        childcare & parenting                                                                                           PAGE                            it                                                                                                             PAGE

                       Lámh Module 1.....................................................................Skillnet..............19                                       Advanced Excel.....................................................................Skillnet..............46
                       Moms Matter.........................................................................PEIL.............19-20                                       Intermediate Excel...............................................................Skillnet........46-47
                       Special Needs Assisting.......................................................PEIL....................20
                                                                                                                                                                        Computer Skills for Work..................................................PEIL....................47
                         FINANCE & ACCOUNTING                                                                                            PAGE
                                                                                                                                                                        PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT                                                                                           PAGE
                       IPASS PAYE Modernisation.................................................Skillnet...............21
                       SAGE PAYE Modernisation.................................................Skillnet...............22                                                Personal Development........................................................PEIL....................48
                                                                                                                                                                        Assertiveness Workshop....................................................PEIL.............48-49
                         MARKETING & SALES                                                                                               PAGE
                                                                                                                                                                        Finding My Way......................................................................SICAP................49
                       An Introduction to Photoshop..........................................Skillnet...............23                                                  Women for Change Project.............The Wheel Training Links.........49-50
                       Customer Service & Complaint Handling.....................Skillnet...............23
                       Successful Cash Collection by Telephone......................Skillnet...............24                                                           Towards Occupation............................................................SICAP................50
                       Word Press Website Design..............................................Skillnet...............25
                         FOOD                                                                                                            PAGE
                                                                                                                                                                        Forklift Training......................................................................Skillnet..............51

                       An Introduction to Sugar Craft.........................................Skillnet...............26
                                                                                                                                                                        Warehouse Operative.........................................................Skillnet..............51
                       Food Safety Level 2..............................................................Skillnet...............26

                         AGRICULTURE                                                                                                     PAGE
                                                                                                                                                                        Craft                                                                                                          PAGE

                       Boom Sprayer........................................................................Skillnet...............27                                    Card Making & Paper Craft................................................SICAP.................52
                       Hand Held Pesticide Application......................................Skillnet.......27-28
                       Chainsaw Training.................................................................Skillnet...............28
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AUTUMN | 2018 - IRD Duhallow

           Course Name:                                                                        Course Name:
           START YOUR OWN BUSINESS                                                             Training Delivery & Evaluation
           Start Date:          25th September
                                                                                               Start Date:            9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th of October
           Day of the Week:     Tuesday
                                                                                               Day of the Week:       Tuesday
           Time: 		             6.30pm -9.30pm
                                                                                               Time: 		               9.30am – 5.30pm
           Duration:            6 Evenings
                                                                                               Duration:              4 Days
           Venue: 		            James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket
                                                                                               Venue: 		              James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket
           Tuition Fee:         €25
                                                                                               Tuition Fee:           €350
           Accreditation:       Cert of attendance.
                                                                                               Accreditation:         QQI Level 6 (6N4329)

           Learn the Fundamentals of Starting Your Own Business. From Business Research        The purpose of the Certificate in Training Delivery and Evaluation programme is
           and Finance, to Marketing and Sales, we cover the fundamentals of getting started   to provide training delivery personnel with the tools and techniques required to
           in Business.                                                                        effectively deliver, assess and evaluate their training programmes.
           A certificate of attendance will be provided which is required for anyone looking   Course Content:
           at applying for the BTWEA / STEA                                                    • Adult Learning Principles
                                                                                               • Setting Training Objectives
           Course Outline:
                                                                                               • Roles and Competencies of an Effective Trainer
           • Introduction to Business Plan Template & Outline of Product or Service
                                                                                               • Preparing for Delivering Training
           • Market Research
                                                                                               • Training Delivery
           • Business Planning
                                                                                               • Learning Assessment and Training Evaluation
           • Market Research
           • Refining Description of your Product or Service
                                                                                               Learning Objectives
           • Promotion of your Product or Service                                              On completion, participants will be able to:
           • Legal structure and regulatory environment                                        • Identify the key principles of adult learning and incorporate these into the design and
           • Introduction to Monthly Cash Flow Forecasting                                        delivery of their training activities.
           • Employment Law                                                                    • Set clear and specific training objectives for their programmes.
           • Tax Overview                                                                      • Outline the roles and competencies of an effective trainer.
           • Monthly and yearly cash flow for up to 3 years                                    • Explain the principles of group dynamics in a training environment.
           • Recap on sales targets.                                                           • Discuss the specific issues of equality, diversity and disability regarding training access and
           • Basic Record Keeping                                                                 delivery in the context of current legislation.
           • Sources of Finance and Government Initiatives to support enterprise               • Identify the key components in preparing for training delivery.
           • Professional Relationships                                                        • Deliver an effective training programme.
           • Providing for your Retirement                                                     • Identify appropriate assessment techniques for a training intervention.
           • Bringing it all together in your business plan.                                   •A ssess a range of models, techniques and approaches to evaluate training programmes
                                                                                               • Produce an evaluation report for a training programme, highlighting the areas of success
                                                                                                  and the opportunities for improvement.

                                                                                                      Book any of these courses on
                                                                                                        or contact 029-60633 /

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AUTUMN | 2018 - IRD Duhallow

           Course Name:                                                                                Course Name:
           Training Needs ID & Design                                                                  Essentials of Project Management
           Start Date:          6th, 13th, 20th, 27th November and 4th December                        Start Date:          22nd & 23rd October
           Day of the Week:     Tuesday                                                                Day of the Week:     Monday & Tuesday
           Time: 		             9.30am – 5.30pm                                                        Time: 		             9.30am – 5.30pm
           Duration:            5 Days                                                                 Duration:            2 Days
           Venue: 		            James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket                                    Venue: 		            James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket
           Tuition Fee:         €400                                                                   Tuition Fee:         €200
           Accreditation:       QQI Level 6 (6N4329)                                                   Accreditation:       Cert of Attendance

           Certification: Training Needs Identification and Design Certificate – Level 6 on
           the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ)                                              Day 1
           Learning Objectives: On course completion Learners will be able to:
                                                                                                       Module 1 - Defining
                                                                                                                        what project management is all about
           • Examine the internal and external environmental factors influencing training and                     Defining and understanding project management
              development requirements
           • Examine the impact of organisation strategy, policy, vision and mission on training      Module 2 - U
                                                                                                                   nderstanding the role of project governance
              and development                                                                                       Defining project roles and responsibilities
           • Assess a range of approaches and techniques to conduct a training needs
                                                                                                                    Workshop: - Defining project structures
           • Outline the stages in conducting a training needs analysis                                Module 3 - The role of the project manager
           • Assess a range of Instructional System Design (ISD) models
                                                                                                                   Workshop: - What is required to become a project manager
           • Apply a comprehensive range of specialised skills and tools in identifying the
              barriers to training and attitudes to training in an organisation                        Module 4 - O
                                                                                                                   verview and rationale behind Best-Practice Project Management
           • Devise a training plan based on prioritised training needs to include a cost                        Process and how this is applied in industry
              benefit analysis
           • Design a training intervention, that incorporates a range of design factors to           Module 5 - Application of Project Management Process
              include trainees, adult learning theories, motivation theories, objectives, exercises,                Workshop: - Showing Project Case Studies on how Best Practice is
              training methods, learning aids, location and facilities                                              applied
           • Develop appropriate training content and materials using a range of learning
              aids to include web based facilities, software, flipcharts and handouts                  Module 6 - Initiating a Project
           • Evaluate a range of performance management approaches in the context of                               Stakeholder and Communication Management
              identifying training and development needs
           • Conduct a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) to identify training and development                          Evaluation of project initiation and key project metrics
              needs for an organisation and or individual                                                           Project definition and project chartering
           • Identify TNA outcomes in terms of gaps in knowledge, skills and attitudes                              Workshop: - Defining project benefits and value and how these should
                                                                                                                    be incorporated into projects

                     Doing in house training in your company?
                          Call 029-60633 today to avail of a 15% discount
                                                                                                        Book any of these courses on
                                                                                                                                                                         Continued overleaf
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AUTUMN | 2018 - IRD Duhallow

           Day 2
                                                                                       Course Name:
           Module 7 - P
                       lanning a Project
                       Identifying, managing and controlling project                   Supervisory Management
                       scope (understanding project success)                           Start Date:          18th September
                       Evaluation of project planning and milestones                   Day of the Week:     Tuesdays
                       Cost and Time Estimation Practices                              Time: 		             6.30pm – 9.30pm
                                                                                       Duration:            10 Nights
                       Workshop: - Developing a realistic schedule using milestones
                                                                                       Venue: 		            James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket
                       Workshop: - Risk, issue and dependency management – how to do   Tuition Fee:         €350
                       it effectively                                                  Accreditation:       QQI Level 6 (6N4329)

           Module 8 - E
                       xecuting a Project                                             The purpose of this QQI Level 6 award is to equip the learner with the
                       Evaluation of project execution & control - managing change     relevant knowledge, skill and competence to work in a range of industry sectors
                       Project Leadership – what to do and when                        independently in a supervisory capacity.
                                                                                       Who should attend?
                       How to manage the project team
                                                                                       This module is designed to equip learners with essential knowledge to strengthen
                       Workshop: - Managing your stakeholders – meeting management     and develop their supervisory management skills. It is aimed at those who are
                                                                                       currently employed at supervisory level or those wishing to progress to this level. This
           Module 9 - C
                       ontrolling a Project                                           module aims to promote good practice in planning, managing and delivering a quality
                       Application of Project Control Tools                            service.
                       Workshop: - Reporting Project Performance                       Course Outline;
                                                                                       Unit 1 – Analysis and Decision Making
                       Developing and Managing Project Contracts                       Unit 2 – Quality and Customer Focus
                                                                                       Unit 3 – Planning, Organising and Prioritising
           Module 10 - C
                        losing a Project                                              Unit 4 – Strategic Planning and Change Management
                       Evaluation of project closing                                   Course Objectives;
                       Transition your project to Business as Usual                    Practise effective supervisory management skills
                                                                                       Make strategic, objective and timely decisions based on analyses of all relevant
                       Project closure – how to guarantee that project are closed
                                                                                       available information
                       Workshop: - Project Reviews and Lesson Learnt                   Appreciate the importance of developing quality systems and standards within an
                                                                                       Develop a customer oriented quality service consistent with best practice and
                                                                                       Appreciate the importance of effective communication with all stakeholders in the
                                                                                       Plan for and respond to the changing environments in a particular employment

                                                                                       Summary of Assessments
                                                                                       Skills Demonstration 60%; Portfolio (40%)

                                                                                             Book any of these courses on
                                                                                               or contact 029-60633 /

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AUTUMN | 2018 - IRD Duhallow

           Course Name: Time
                        Management                                                           Course Name: Time
           and Productivity using                                                            and Productivity using GMAIL
           Microsoft Outlook                                                                 Start Date:          2nd October
                                                                                             Day of the Week:     Tuesday
           Start Date:      11th September                                                   Time: 		             9.30am -5.30pm
           Day of the Week: Tuesday                                                          Duration:            1 day
           Time: 		         9.30am – 5.30pm                                                  Venue: 		            James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket, Co. Cork.
           Duration:        1 Day                                                            Tuition Fee:         €150
           Venue: 		        James O’ Keeffe Institute, Newmarket, Co. Cork.                  Accreditation:       Cert of attendance
           Tuition Fee:     €150
           Accreditation:   Cert of Attendance                                               Workload & Time Management using Gmail training course will provide participants
                                                                                             with a totally practical and workable solution to managing their workload and time
           This course combines the perfect balance of theory with practical presentation    more effectively.
           Workload & Time Management using Microsoft Outlook’ training course will
           provide participants with a totally practical and workable solution to managing
                                                                                             Course Content:
           their workload and time more effectively.
                                                                                             • Time Management Principals
           Course Outline;                                                                   • Customise Gmail
           • Time Management Principals                                                      • Working with your personal calendar and tasks.
                                                                                             • Working with Gmail
           • Overview of MS Outlook Basics
                                                                                             • Working with your address book.
           • Customise MS Outlook
                                                                                             • Working with others and Data Collaboration
           • Working with your personal calendar and tasks.                                  • Working with Tasks
           • Working with email.
           • Working with your address book.
           • Working with others and Data Collaboration                                      Course Name: Autism                         Awareness
                                                                                             in the Workplace
                                                                                             Start Date:          9th October
                                                                                             Day of the Week:     Tuesday
                                                                                             Time:		              7.00pm -10.00pm
                                                                                             Duration:            1 day
                                       Book any of these courses on                          Venue:		             James O’ Keeffe Institute, Newmarket
                                                                                             Tuition Fee:         €20
                                                                Accreditation:       Cert of attendance.

                                                                                             The Autism Awareness Workshop is given by AADI. This one evening workshop
                                                                                             endeavours to give participants a clear understanding of what autism is,
                                                                                             challenge misinformation regarding this invisible disability.
                                                                                             AADI work with participants to help them to experience what it might be like to
                                          For further queries contact 029-60633              have certain symptoms of autism; how the condition affects the individual and also
                                                  e:                their family; legislation and diagnosing in Ireland; current research findings from across
                                                                                             the globe; and finally how an Autism Assistance Dog can change the world for a
                                                                                             child with autism and their family and the training that is carried out to achieve this
                                                                                             transformational support
                                                                     Continued overleaf
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AUTUMN | 2018 - IRD Duhallow

                                                                                                   • The Framework of Mediation
           Course Name:                                                                            • Exercise Sunshine Foods – checking Conflict Triggers and Conflict Boundaries and
           Technical Report Writing                                                                   Journeys of Inference
                                                                                                   • Introduce the demo - show demonstration of Mediation
           Start Date:          16th of October                                                    • The Benefits to using Mediation as a Dispute Resolution Intervention
           Day of the Week:     Tuesday                                                            • Mediation Training Mediation / Context in Ireland/Mediators’ Institute of Ireland
           Time: 		             9.30am -5.30pm
           Duration:            1 day
           Venue: 		            James O’ Keeffe Institute, Newmarket, Co. Cork.
           Tuition Fee:         €99                                                                Course Name:              Negotiation Skills
           Accreditation:       Cert of Attendance                                                 Start Date:          27th September
                                                                                                   Day of the Week:     Thursday
           Produce a piece of business writing for a defined purpose                               Time:		              9.30am -5.30pm
           Produce a piece of business writing that satisfies an organisation’s business writing   Duration:            1 day
           conventions                                                                             Venue:		             James O’ Keeffe Institute, Newmarket, Co. Cork.
                                                                                                   Tuition Fee::        €120
           Use effective and appropriate tone, language and level of formality to meet
                                                                                                   Accreditation:       Certificate of Attendance
           specified standards when writing for a business purpose

           Incorporate basic statistics and visual material in the content or in an appendix       Upon completion, the learner will:
                                                                                                    • Enhance your skills as an influencer/ negotiator
                                                                                                    • Understand how to be an effective, assertive and persuasive communicator
                                                                                                    • Understand how to negotiate in a variety of relevant work-based scenarios
                                                                                                    • Improve your impact within your own sphere of influence
           Course Name:                                                                             • Learn how to persuade and influence others as management tools
                                                                                                   Course Outline
           An Introduction to Mediation                                                             • Be aware of and classify different types of negotiation situations
                                                                                                    • Understand the stages of the negotiation process
           Start Date:          14th of November                                                    • Identify the obstacles to negotiation
           Day of the Week:     Wednesday                                                           • Evaluate your own current influencing and negotiating style
           Time:		              9.30am -5.30pm                                                      • Practice different negotiation styles and influencing tactics
           Duration:            1 day                                                               • Carry out principled and collaborative negotiations
           Venue:		             James O’ Keeffe Institute, Newmarket,
           Tuition Fee:         €110
           Accreditation:       Cert of attendance.

           Training Agenda - One-Day Introduction to Mediation Course                              Course Name:
           • What is mediation?
           • How and why does Mediation Work?
                                                                                                   GDPR & Data Protection
           • The Principles underpinning Mediation as a Process                                    Start Date:          18th September
           • The core of mediation and resolving conflict– Perceptions, Information deficit       Day of the Week:     Tuesday
              and distortion                                                                       Time:		              9.30am -5.30pm
           • Creating a Paradigm Shift                                                             Duration:            1 day
           • When conflict happens – what drives it? What happens in the brain?                    Venue:		             James O’ Keeffe Institute, Newmarket, Co. Cork.
           • The Journey of Inference.
                                                                                                   Tuition Fee::        €80
           • Identifying Issues, Positions, and Underlying Interests
           • How to Identify what is really going on for a person in conflict                      Accreditation:       Certificate of Attendance
           • Exercise – Underlying Interests and Social Drivers
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AUTUMN | 2018 - IRD Duhallow

           Course Content;                                                                             Client Profile
           • Identifying key changes in Data Protection legislation and how they will impact your     It is important that each client have basic computer experience and a working
              organisation.                                                                            knowledge of the keyboard, mouse and be able to switch on and off a PC.
           • Identifying Individuals rights and your organisations obligations under the regulation.
           • Obtaining consent and knowing your legal basis for processing.
           • Awareness of liabilities & penalties under the GDPR.
           • How to effectively conduct a data audit for your business.
           • Raising Staff Awareness
                                                                                                       Course Name: Frontline                               Office &
                                                                         This is a PEIL co
                                                                                               ur se
                                                                          Supporting Women             Reception Skills
                                                                           Returning to the
           Course Name:                                                                                Sector:		            Office Administration
                                                                             Workforce                 Start Date:          Friday 5th October
           Sage Accounting                                                                             Day: 		              Fridays
                                                                                                       Time:		              10am -1pm
           Date:                  Wednesday 12th & Thursday 13th of September                          Duration:            1 morning per week for 10 weeks
           Time: 		               9.30am-5.30pm.                                                       Venue: 		            James O’Keeffe Institute Newmarket Co Cork
           Duration:              2 Full Days                                                          Accreditation:       QQI minor award NFQ Level 5
           Venue: 		              James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket                                  Availability:        Limited Spaces Available
           Accreditation:         Certificate of Attendance
                                                                                                       Programme Description: The purpose of this training is to equip learners with
           Sage is one of the leading accounts software applications used in business today            the knowledge, skills and competences required to carry out reception related tasks
           for processing accounts and producing various financial reports.                            and operations as a front line representative in a range of organisations.
           The aim of this training course is to provide participants with the necessary skills        Course Content & Learning Outcomes: Learners will:
           & knowledge which will enable trainees to manage their own suppliers, customers,            • Examine the skills, functions and responsibilities of a receptionist or front line
           produce sales invoices & credit notes and allow each participant to learn skills               office representative within an organisation.
           which will help them to process various reports at month end including VAT                  • Explore the range of telecommunications network equipment used within a
                                                                                                          reception and or front office context, to include, telephone management systems,
           Returns monthly statements etc.
                                                                                                          electronic directories and computer networks.
           Course outline                                                                              • Apply a range of communication skills including personal, interpersonal and
           • Introduction                                                                                 technological proficiencies using effective tone, pitch, use of voice and body
           • Irish Tax System                                                                             language.
                                                                                                       • Produce reception material to include notices, inventory of equipment, stock
           • Suppliers                                                                                    requisitions, petty cash system, diary, post log, visitors log and telephone messages.
           • Customers                                                                                 • Respond quickly in pressurized reception related circumstances requiring fast and
           • Nominal Accounts                                                                             efficient comeback.
           • Invoices, Credit invoices (returns)                                                       • Display a professional approach to receiving visitors, use effective customer service
           • Bank Accounts                                                                                skills, upkeep of visitor’s log book, use initiative around unexpected visitors and
           • Departmental Accounts                                                                        maintain composure when dealing with complaints.
                                                                                                       • Apply a range of general administrative skills within the reception and or front
           • Trial Balance
                                                                                                          office context, to include filing, booking and preparing for board meetings or
           • Profit & Loss                                                                                conferences, organising visitor waiting area, arranging appointments, preparing an
           • Monthly reports                                                                              itinerary, making reservations, providing information to visitors, ordering stationery,
           • Debtors – Creditors                                                                          dealing with incoming and outgoing postal dispatches and courier services.
           • Customer statements
           • Vat Returns
           • Month End
           • Year End

                                                                             Continued overleaf
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                                                                                                                                                                                                          CAREER PREPARATION
                     Course Name: Styling                            for          This is a PEIL co
                                                                                                        ur se      Course Name: CV                                               This is a PEIL co
                                                                                   Supporting Women                                                          ur se
                     an Interview                                                   Returning to the               Preparation & Interview SuRepporting Women
                                           27th November 2018
                                                                                                                                                turning to the
                     Start Date:
                     Time: 		              10.00am-1.00pm
                                                                                      Workforce                    Skills Workshop              Workforce
                                           1.30pm-3.30pm                                                           Start Date: 	October 2018
                     Duration:             1 Day                                                                   Time: 		       10.00a.m-4.00p.m
                     Venue: 		             IRD Duhallow, James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket                       Duration:      3 Days
                     Accreditation:        Certificate of Attendance                                               Venue: 		      James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket
                                                                                                                   Accreditation: Certificate of Attendance
                     This interactive ‘Dressing for an Interview’ workshop, will teach you which colours &
                     style of clothes will suit your shape, personality and lifestyle. The evening workshop will   Your CV is the first impression that a prospective employer gets of you, so it
                     look at those “Finishing Touches” to include hair, makeup, interview techniques and           needs to be a carefully composed document. The aim of this workshop is to leave
                     body language. The morning session will include a colour demonstration on each                the participants feeling stronger, more assured, and more determined when
                     person, advice on the best styles for your body shape, proportion and scale and we            seeking employment. This 3-day workshop will help you to produce an effective
                     will finish by discussing interview looks (for different sectors) and how to create a         CV that will give you a better chance of being successful in your search for a job.
                     working wardrobe that works for You so you look and act the part and you get the              The workshops will also focus on critical success factors for sitting an interview.
                                                                                                                   Who should attend?
                                                                                                                   Anyone who wants to sharpen their skills and create a CV which will help them
                                                                                  This is a PEIL co                to stand out in front of future employers.
                                                                                                        ur se
                                                                                   Supporting Women
                     Course Name:                                                   Returning to the
                                                                                                                   Course Content
                                                                                                                   • Preparing a high quality curriculum vitae for seeking employment.
                     Psychometric Testing                                             Workforce                    • Improve your interview skills & become more confident in an interview situation.
                                                                                                                   • Assistance with putting together an action plan.
                     Start Date:           TBC                                                                     • Help to prepare a high quality cover letter.
                     Time: 		              10.00am-12.30am
                     Duration:             1 Day                                                                   Course Outcomes
                     Venue: 		             James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket                                     • Feel more confident in your preparation for making a job application and
                     Accreditation:        Certificate of Attendance
                                                                                                                   • Understand the needs of your potential employer and learn how to
                                                                                                                      communicate your skills and experience to the employer’s needs.
                     Psychometric testing is designed to find job-relevant information and will include a
                     combination of aptitude and personality tests which measure your job-relevant
                     cognitive abilities and personality. Psychometric tests can be very useful in career
                     planning, helping you to understand more about your personality, interests, aptitudes
                     and skills and how these might shape your career, personal choices and your return to
                     the workforce.

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                                                                                     This is a PEIL co
                                                                                      Supporting Women
                                                                                                           ur se
                                                                                                                       Course Name: Lámh                         One
                                                                                       Returning to the                Start Date:           TBC
                     Networking for                                                      Workforce                     Time: 		              7.00pm – 9.30pm
                     Employment Seminar                                                                                Duration:             2 Nights
                                                                                                                       Venue: 		             James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket
                     Start Date: 	Monday 15th of October 2018                                                          Tuition Fee:          €100
                     Time: 		       7.00pm-9.00pm                                                                      Accreditation:        Cert of Attendance
                     Duration:      1 Evening Workshop
                     Venue: 		      James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket                                                Course Overview:
                     Accreditation: Certificate of Attendance                                                          This course is for staff members and professionals who have started to work in an environment
                                                                                                                       where Lámh is used and covers 100 Lámh signs and how to support a
                     This two-hour Information Seminar will cover a wide range of topics relating to the               Lámh user.
                     importance of networking for employment. Topics covered on the night will include:                Qualifications Required:
                     • What is networking?                                                                             No previous Lámh training required.
                     • Potential benefits of networking                                                                Course Content:
                     • Barriers to networking
                                                                                                                       • Module One Lámh signs (100+)
                     • Networking for introverts
                                                                                                                       • Alternative and augmentative communication (AAC)
                     • Exploring your existing network & investing in what you have
                                                                                                                       • Lámh – brief history and development
                     • Building a job search network
                                                                                                                       • Lámh signing environment
                     • Online networking
                     • Existing networks for women nationally and locally                                              Upon completion participants should be able to:
                     • Creating Networking Goals                                                                       • Use the 100+ signs from the Module One Book
                                                                                                                       • Use Lámh as an effective communication tool
                     Course Name: Ability Training                                                                     • Contribute to assessment or decision-making around Lámh use
                                                                                                                       • Participate effectively in an established Lámh environment.
                     Start Date:            TBC
                     Time: 		               TBC                                                                        Course Name: ‘Moms
                                                                                                                                     Matter’- A group
                                            6 Months
                                            James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket
                                                                                                                       for Mothers who work
                                                                                                                                              This is a PEIL co
                     Accreditation:         Certificate of Attendance                                                  in the Home             Supportin
                                                                                                                                                                ur se
                     The Ability Programme will assist young people with disabilities aged 15 to 29 years to                                                                                          g Women
                     develop the confidence and independence required to identify and follow progression
                                                                                                                       Start Date:           Wednesday 12th of September                      Returning to the
                                                                                                                       Time: 		              10.30am-12.00pm
                     routes into employment, education and training based on both their potential and their
                                                                                                                       Duration:             6 Weeks
                     needs. For the purpose of the Ability programme, people with disabilities refers to people
                     with physical or sensory disabilities, mental health conditions, acquired disabilities,           Venue: 		             James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket
                     intellectual disabilities, hidden disabilities and people on the autistic spectrum. In order to   Accreditation:        Cert of Attendance
                     qualify for support, Ability participants must also be:
                                                                                                                       These workshops will be geared specifically at mothers who work in the home or
                     • in receipt of disability allowance or invalidity pension; or                                    mothers whose children have grown up and have left the home. The sessions will be
                     • in receipt of illness benefit for more than three months; or                                    aimed at rebuilding mothers’ self-esteem as well as enabling them to find confidence
                     • other referrals may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.                                        in their own abilities, not just as caregivers, but as individuals, separate from everybody
                     Work experience placements, work shadowing and volunteer placements will be facilitated           else. The project aims to build strong relationships and a support network through
                     for participants on the programme. The Ability Programme promotes employment                      which women can gain friendship, support, and encouragement to strive for more
                     prospects and meaningful social roles for young people with disabilities. Participants will be    positive outcomes for themselves. As the series progresses the mothers will have the
                     encouraged to become more active in their own communities and they will also be                   opportunity to voice issues present in being a stay at home mom, what they feel could
                     supported to access social/recreational/sporting/ activities and opportunities within their       combat these issues, and what they wish others knew.
                     own communities.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Continued overleaf
     18                                                                                                                                                                                                                      19

                                                                                                                                                                                                                FINANCE & ACCOUNTING
                        Some of last year’s Moms commented that Moms Matter was “a group of like
                        -minded women of various ages with a different story to tell from each and every one    Course Name: IPASS
                                                                                                                             – PAYE
                        learning more about themselves”.
                        Sessions will include – My Identity; Getting to Know Me Again (Part 1); Coping with
                                                                                                                Start Date:          TBC
                        the Hustle and Bustle of Everyday Life; Getting to Know Me Again (Part 2); Being a
                        “Good Enough” Mom and Becoming Integrated.                                              Day: 		              TBC
                                                                                                                Time: 		             7.00pm – 9.00pm
                                                                                                                Duration:            6 Weeks
                                                                                 This is a PEIL co              Venue: 		            James O’Keeffe Institute Newmarket
                                                                                                     ur se      Fee: 		              €99
                                                                                   Supporting Women
                        Course Name: Special                                                                    Accreditation:       Cert of Attendance
                                                                                    Returning to the
                        Needs Assisting QQI                                           Workforce                 IPASS is in regular contact with Revenue via regular stakeholder updates, workshops for
                        Level 5                                                                                 payroll software developers and general correspondence regarding the redesign of the
                                                                                                                PAYE system which will be effective from 1st January 2019.
                        Start Date:    Thursday 27th September-13th
                        		December 2018                                                                         What will it involve?
                        Time: 		       6.30 p.m-9.30 p.m.                                                       PAYE Modernisation will involve an “Employer Submission” to Revenue each time an
                        Duration:      1 Night a Week for 10 Weeks                                              employee is paid. The Employer Submission will contain information similar to that which
                        Venue: 		      James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket                                      currently appears on an employer’s P35 return.
                        Accreditation: 5N1786 QQI Level 5

                        The purpose of the Special Needs Assisting course is to equip the learner with the      Will it create additional work for payroll operators?
                        knowledge, skill and competence in the practices and principles underpinning the        It is envisaged that the workload for employers using payroll software will not increase
                        role of a Special Needs Assistant to enable the learner to work effectively under       as the majority of payroll software products should be capable of communicating
                        direction in a special needs assisting capacity.                                        electronically with
                                                                                                                Revenue (e.g. obtaining new tax credit certificates, facilitating Employer Submissions, etc.)
                        Learning Outcomes                                                                       without the need to upload or download files as currently happens. P30s, P35s and P45s
                        • Explore the role and responsibilities of the Special Needs Assistant                  will be abolished with employers submitting this information to Revenue electronically in
                        • Examine the qualities and skills of an effective Special Needs Assistant              the Employer Submission.
                        • Examine relevant legislation in relation to disability
                        • Explore the rights of children with disabilities in relation to personal autonomy,
                                                                                                                What impact will it have on employees?
                           participation and decision making
                        • Relate effectively and appropriately to children who present with additional         P60s will be abolished for employees who instead will have access to their pay and tax
                           needs                                                                                record online which will be updated on an on-going basis throughout the year as they
                        • Use care routines in feeding, toileting and general hygiene                           are paid. This will enable Revenue to carry out periodic reviews to identify if employees
                        • Maintain appropriate relationships with children parents, primary carers, teachers   are utilising their tax credits and SRCOP to the maximum effect (e.g. where an employee
                           and other members of the multidisciplinary team                                      has 2 employments) and, where applicable, employees will be prompted to reallocate
                        • Work effectively with children who present with disabilities under the direction     tax credits and SRCOP.
                           of the classroom teacher
                        • Assist children with disabilities in a range of activities, ensuring equality of
                           opportunity through working in a safe and professional manner
                        • Reflect on personal practice working with children, their parents or guardians
                           and colleagues ensuring that children’s individuality is promoted and that their
                           needs are met
                        Assessment Method
                        Skills Demonstration 60%
                        Learner Record 40%

      20                                                                                                                                                                                                              21
FINANCE & ACCOUNTING                                                                                        Course Name:
                       Course Name: SAGE
                                                                                                            An Introduction to Photoshop
                       PAYE Modernisation
                                                                                                            Start Date:          9th October
                       Start Date:         25th September                                                   Day: 		              Tuesday
                       Day: 		             Tuesday                                                          Time: 		             9.30am – 5.30pm
                       Time: 		            9.30pm – 5.00pm                                                  Duration:            1 Day
                       Duration:           1 Day                                                            Venue: 		            James O’Keeffe Institute Newmarket
                       Venue: 		           James O’Keeffe Institute Newmarket                               Fee: 		              €120
                       Fee: 		             €150                                                             Accreditation:       Certificate of Attendance
                       Accreditation:      Cert of Attendance                                               Course Content:
                       What is changing?                                                                    • File types                                 • Magic Wand
                                                                                                            • File management                            • Lasso Tools
                       The current cycle of annual reporting and reconciliation means that employees        • Image sizes                                • Text
                       must wait until theend of the year for any tax refunds due to them, and they run     • Crop, cut, copy & paste                    • Flattening layers
                       the risk of having to settle an unexpected bill for underpayment.                    • Resolution                                 • Creating masks
                                                                                                            • Layers                                     • Extracting an image
                       PAYE Modernisation aims to ensure that employees receive their full entitlements     • Dodge & Sponge tools                       • Gradients
                       throughout the year, so they don’t have to wait for a year-end reconciliation. The   • Mask Filters                               • Saving files for various output
                       process will require employers to submit their pay, tax and other deductions to      • Automatic Adjustments & Tonal changes
                       Revenue every time a payroll is run, starting from 1 January 2019. In return, it     • Selection tools
                       will ensure that employers and employees have the most accurate and complete
                       information, so that the right tax deduction is made at the right time. This will
                       particularly benefit employees who have more than one job.

                       How will it work?                                                                    Course Name: Customer
                                                                                                                             Service &
                       The expectation is that the reporting process to Revenue will be fully integrated
                                                                                                            Complaint Handling
                       into the payroll run, and managed by payroll software, where it is used. Indeed,     Start Date:          5th October
                       Revenue describes PAYE Modernisation as “a by-product of the employer payroll        Day: 		              Friday
                       process”. As such, although the frequency of reporting will increase, the process    Time: 		             9.30am – 5.30pm
                       of reporting to Revenue will be streamlined, cutting admin costs. The system         Duration:            1 Day
                       will automatically generate an end-of-year reconciliation for the employer, for      Venue: 		            James O’Keeffe Institute Newmarket
                       example. With more regular reporting, it will no longer be necessary to file forms
                                                                                                            Tuition Fee:         €120
                       P30 (monthly or quarterly return), P35 (end of year return), P45 (employment
                       termination), P46 (new employee) and P60 (employee end of year certificate).         Accreditation:       Cert of Attendance
                       These forms currently take a significant amount of time to complete and file, and    Providing outstanding customer service can make the difference between gaining, keeping,
                       there were 2.5 million reports or payments under their requirements in 2016.         or losing a customer. In this one-day training course, you gain foundational knowledge,
                       Thanks to PAYE Modernisation, they will all be eliminated.                           leverage proven techniques, and apply best practices that will help develop and maintain
                                                                                                            mutually beneficialrelationships with your customers, while continuing to grow your
                       The new system will also help to reduce the hidden costs of payroll: error and       customer base
                       employee contact. Greater accuracy and transparency will reduce the time spent
                       fixing errors and fielding queries from employees. Employees will be able to view    Learning Outcomes; Upon completion, participants will be able to;
                       and manage their tax with their online Revenue account.                              • Adopt a confident, consistent approach that ensures great service
                       Although 2019 might seem a long way off, you can start preparing now.                • Apply best practice communication techniques to connect with your customers
                                                                                                            • Choose and apply techniques that create customer loyalty and exceed expectations
                                                                                                            • Respond positively and constructively to customer problems

      22                                                                                                                                                                                                    23

                                                                                                                                                                                          MARKETING & SALES
                    Course Name: Successful
                                        Cash                                                                  Course Name:
                    Collection by Telephone                                                                   Word Press Website Design
                    Start Date:          26th October                                                         Start Date:        18th September
                    Day of the Week:     Friday                                                               Day of the Week:   Tuesdays
                    Time: 		             9.30am – 5.30pm                                                      Time: 		           6.30pm – 8.30pm
                    Duration:            1 Day                                                                Duration:          6 Evenings
                    Venue: 		            James O’Keeffe Institute                                             Venue: 		          James O’Keeffe Institute Newmarket
                    Fee: 		              €120                                                                 Accreditation:     Cert of Attendance
                    Accreditation:       Cert of Attendance
                    Course Aims                                                                               Course Content:
                    The aim of this one day workshop is to help staff achieve a greater appreciation of
                    the importance of making proactive outbound calls and to become more effective            • Login
                    in their ability tocommunicate, persuade and influence customers to pay debts over        • Introduction to the Dashboard
                    the telephone. Participants will learn the necessary skills of using the telephone to     • Setting up a WordPress Site
                    build confidence, deal with objections calmly and effectively negotiate to collect cash   • Adding your content
                    whilst maintaining positive customer relations.                                           • Adding Image or other media
                                                                                                              • Basic HTML Formatting and Links
                    Course Outline:
                    • The importance of an organised approach and prioritising calls for successful cash     • Editing Existing Content
                       collection                                                                             • Saving and Publishing Content – Posts versus Pages
                    • Communicate effectively with customers in a professional and personable manner          • Categories and Tags
                    • Understand why people won’t pay and know how to deal with each of them                  • Media Library
                    • The AIMS of cash collection – be taken seriously and get on their top payers list       • Comments
                    • The importance of planning and preparation before contacting the customer               • Appearance – Themes, Widgets and Menu
                    • Have the positive attitude, create the right impression and make the connection         • Plugins – Adding New Plugins
                    • Learn to really listen to customers, ask the right questions to understand the         • Users – Adding, Deleting and Editing
                       situation                                                                              • Tools & Settings
                    • Use the right tone of voice to persuade customers and maintain relations
                                                                                                              • Introduction to CSS
                    • Become more assertive and successfully deal with delays and excuses on the
                       telephone                                                                              • Search Engine Optimisation
                    • Recognise typical excuses versus genuine cases                                          • User Testing
                                                                                                              • Maintaining your Site
                    Learning Outcomes:
                    Upon completion, the learner will:
                    • Develop a systematic and effective approach to cash collection                                                           Book any of these courses on
                    • Apply highly developed communication skills for improved cash collection and
                       customer relations
                    • Motivate debtors to pay – understand their motives and what they will gain by                             
                    • Communicate with clients confidently and professionally in all situations, even
                       under pressure
                    • Apply the 5 steps of successful collection and think POWER
                    • Understand why people won’t pay and apply various collection styles on each call                                            For further queries contact 029-60633
                    • Begin every day with confidence through proper preparation and planning                                                             e:
                    • Open each conversation with confidence and a clear objective of what you want
                       to achieve
                    • Develop the necessary skills of persuasion so customer will want to pay

     24                                                                                                                                                                                        25
       Course Name: An
                   Introduction                                                                     Course Name: Boom                            Sprayer
       to Sugar Craft                                                                               Start Date:            24th & 25th October
                                                                                                    Day of the Week:       Wednesday & Thursday
       Start Date:          6th September
                                                                                                    Time: 		               9.30am – 5.30pm
       Day: 		              Thursdays
                                                                                                    Duration:              2 days
       Time: 		             6.30pm – 9.30pm
                                                                                                    Venue: 		              James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket
       Duration:            6 Weeks
                                                                                                    Tuition Fee:           €120
       Venue: 		            James O’Keeffe Institute Newmarket Co. Cork
                                                                                                    Accreditation:         QQI Level 5 (5N1797)
       Tuition Fee:         €99
       Accreditation:       Cert of Attendance                                                      Course Content
                                                                                                    • Describe how infestations of pests (weeds, diseases, insects and vertebrates) affect
       Course Description: Learn the art of Sugar Craft with leading baker Lynn Smith                  crop growth and reduce quality
       of Edible Art. Participants will learn the essential skills of Sugar Paste, Flower Making,   • Describe the range of pest control methods available to farmers and growers
       Modelling, Piping and Decorating.                                                            • Explain the terminology used to categorise pesticides for crop
                                                                                                    • Describe principles and procedures for the safe handling, storage application and
                                                                                                       storage of pesticides Including PPE
                                                                                                    • Summarise laws and regulations relating to poisonous substances including record
       Course Name: Food                        Safety Level 2                                         keeping
                                                                                                    • Explain the principles of application technology necessary for the proper application
       Start Date:          7th November                                                               of pesticides.
       Day: 		              Wednesday                                                               • Interpret pesticide label information correctly
       Time: 		             9.30am – 5.30pm                                                         • Prepare boom sprayer for work.
       Duration:            1 Day                                                                   • Make up a pesticide spray mix in accordance with good practice
       Venue: 		            James O’Keeffe Institute Newmarket Co. Cork                             • Store a boom sprayer and personal protective equipment in a safe and efficient
       Tuition Fee:         €120
                                                                                                    • Apply a pesticide mix with a boom sprayer in a safe and efficient manner.
       Accreditation:       Cert of Attendance

       Course Content:
                                                                                                    Course Name: HandHeld
       • Food Safety
       • Microbiological Hazards
                                                                                                    Pesticides Applications
       • Food Contamination                                                                         Start Date:            7th & 8th November
                                                                                                    Day of the Week:       Wednesday & Thursday
       • HACCP from Delivery to Storage
                                                                                                    Time: 		               9.30am – 5.30pm
       • HACCP from Food Preparation to Service                                                     Duration:              2 days
       • Personal Hygiene                                                                           Venue: 		              James O’ Keeffe Institute, Newmarket, Co. Cork
       • Pest Control                                                                               Tuition Fee:           €120
                                                                                                    Accreditation:         QQI Level 5 (5N0731)
       • Cleaning and Disinfection
       • Food Safety Law and Enforcement                                                            Programme Description:
                                                                                                    This programme has been designed to enable participants to develop the knowledge & skills
       • Allergens
                                                                                                    necessary to understand the infestations of pests and the best control measures.

                                                                                                    Course Content:
                                                                                                    • Describe how infestations of pests (weeds, diseases, insects and vertebrates) affect crop growth
                                                                                                       and reduce quality and control methods available to farmers and growers

 26                                                                                                                                                                                                          27
AGRICULTURE   • Explain the terminology used to categorize pesticides for crop production
              • Describe principles and procedures for the safe handling, storage, application and disposal   Course Name: Local Training
                 of pesticides
              • Summaries of laws and regulations relating to poisonous substances to include pesticide       Initiative (Horticulture)
                 residues and maintenance of adequate records                                                  Sector:		        Horticulture
              • Interpret pesticide label information
                                                                                                               Start Date: 	March 2019
              • Prepare a hand - held applicator for work, including calibration, in accordance with
                 practice and manufacturer’s instructions.                                                     Day of the Week: Full Time (5 days per week)
                                                                                                               Time: 		         9.30pm – 4.00pm
                                                                                                               Duration:        44 Weeks – 2 Weeks Summer Break
                                                                                                               Venue: 		        James O’Keeffe Institute Newmarket Co Cork
              Course Name:                                                                                     Accreditation:   Horticulture Level 4 or 5 (To be Confirmed)

              Chainsaw Training                                                                                Programme Description:
                                                                                                               Are you interested in a FREE full time programme whereby you will gain the skills necessary
              Start Date:            TBC                                                                       to grow your own produce, learn landscaping techniques and perhaps go on to further training,
              Day of the Week:       TBC                                                                       set up a business, or gain employment? In addition to the modules below participants will have
              Time: 		               9.30am – 5.30pm                                                           the opportunity to complete other accredited training such as Forklift Training for experienced
              Duration:              2 days                                                                    and Inexperienced operators, PHECC First aid responder (FAR), Tools maintenance training,
              Venue: 		              James O’ Keeffe Institute, Newmarket, Co. Cork                            Site Dumper Training, Customer service etc.
              Tuition Fee:           €220 (additional costs if PPE gear is to be hired by the trainee)
              Accreditation:         Cert of Attendance and Card                                               Course Content: Modules will include:

                                                                                                               • Plant Identification, Care and Maintenance
              Course Content:
                                                                                                               • Safe Horticultural Practice
              • Health & Safety Work Act                                                                       • Growing Vegetables
              • PPE                                                                                            • Plant Propagation
              • Maintenance of Chainsaw & Preparation for Use                                                  • Hard Landscape Construction
              • Safe Handling Use of Chainsaw (Cross Cutting)                                                  • Establishing Turfgrass
              • Refuelling Procedure                                                                           • Computer Training
              • Chainsaw Shutdown and Storage Procedure.                                                       • Personal effectiveness
                                                                                                               • Work experience
                                                                                                               • Requirements

                                                                                                               Eligibility: Participants must be eligible to participate on a SOLAS Local Training Initiative –
                                                                                                               information on eligibility can be obtained by contacting IRD Duhallow directly. This course is
                                                                                                               offered by IRD Duhallow CLG in partnership with SOLAS Training services.

                                                                                                                     Training Cancellation Policy: Training courses which are
                                                                                                                  cancelled over 7 days in advance of the training date shall incur
                                                                                                                  no cancellation fee. Training courses which are cancelled within
                                                                                                                   7 days of the scheduled training date shall incur a cancellation
                                                                                                                     fee equal to 50% of the cost. Registrants who fail to attend
                        Doing in house training in your company?                                                 training for whatever reason will be charged 100% of the full fee.
                            Call 029-60633 today to avail of a 15% discount                                           Please note that all cancellations must be put in writing.

   28                                                                                                                                                                                                                29

                                                                                                                                                                                                               HEALTH & SAFETY
                                                                                                                 of its characteristics or of unfavourable ergonomic conditions, involves risk, particularly
                  Course Name: FAR                     First Aid                                                 of back injury, to employees.’

                  Start Date:           26th -28th September                                                     Course Content
                  Day of the Week:      Wednesday - Friday
                  Time: 		              9.30am – 5.30pm                                                          This comprehensive 5 day Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) Specific Purpose
                  Duration:             3 Days                                                                   Manual Handling Instruction (level 6) certificate course covers all the aspects of
                  Venue: 		             James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket, Co. Cork                            instructing in Manual Handling as outlined in component specification 6N0233. This
                  Tuition Fee:          €200                                                                     is an intensive and highly interactive course which will equip the learner with the
                                                                                                                 knowledge, skill and competence to effectively design and deliver manual handling
                  The First Aid Responder will possess the following general skills.                             training in the workplace and to become a manual handling instructor. Participants
                                                                                                                 are trained in instructional skills techniques as well as the theoretical and practical
                  The ability to:                                                                                aspects of manual handling. Participants on the programme will receive a QQI Level
                  • Deal with Life threatening or potentially life threatening conditions in the pre-hospital   6 Manual Handling Instruction Certificate.
                     environment until arrival of emergency medical services.
                                                                                                                 • Unit 1 – Legislation Requirements and Health Benefit
                  • Provide First Aid Response for conditions not thought to be life threatening but are        • Unit 2 – Anatomy and Back Care
                     necessary to prevent further harm before the emergency medical services arrive.             • Unit 3 – Ergonomics Principles and Risk Assessments
                  • Provide pre-hospital First Aid Response in a wide range of environments including home      • Unit 4 – Manual Handling Principles and Techniques
                     and recreational settings.                                                                  • Unit 5 – Planning and Design of Manual Handling Training Programmes
                  • Display the requisite personal skills including composure, competence and self confidence   • Unit 6 – Delivery of Manual Handling Training
                     while understanding their limitations.
                  • Recognise and be able to cope with the additional challenges provided by “Special           What to Expect:
                     circumstances” for which additional training must be completed.                             • Highly participative and interactive course
                                                                                                                 • Presentations by participants
                                                                                                                 • Practical flexibility and strengthening exercises
                                                                                                                 • Practical Risk Assessment Workshops
                  Course Name: Manual                               Handling                                     • Course assessment – presentation and written exam

                  Instructor                                                                                     Summary of Assessments:
                                                                                                                 • Skills Demonstration 60%
                  Start Date:           30th & 31st Oct & 1st, 5th & 6th Nov                                     • Examination (Theory Based) 20%
                  Day of the Week:      Weekdays                                                                 • Assignment 20% (to be completed in learners’ own time)
                  Time: 		              9:30am – 5:30pm
                  Duration:             5 Days
                  Venue: 		             IRD Duhallow, James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket
                  Tuition Fee:          €350
                                                                                                                 Course Name: First                       Aid Refresher
                  Accreditation:        QQI L6                                                                   Start Date:           6th & 7th September
                                                                                                                 Day of the Week:      Thursday & Friday
                  Become a Manual Handling Instructor and reduce the risks in your workplace.
                                                                                                                 Time: 		              9:30am – 5.30pm
                  This 5-day QQI Level 6 Manual Handling Instruction course will equip the learner               Duration:             2 Days
                  with the knowledge, skill and competence to effectively design and deliver manual              Venue:		              James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket, Co. Cork
                  handling training in the workplace as a Manual Handling Instructor.                            Tuition Fee:          €120
                                                                                                                 Accreditation:        Cert of Attendance
                  Regulation 68 of the 2007 regulations defines ‘manual handling of loads’ as: ‘any
                  transporting or supporting of a load by one or more employees and includes lifting,            The course is highly interactive with each theory session being followed by
                  putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying, or moving a load, which, by reason                   demonstration, practical tasks (including AED DVD for unit 4) and assessment of
                                                                                                                 individual skills.

                                                                                   Continued overleaf                                                                                  Continued overleaf
    30                                                                                                                                                                                                              31

                                                                                                                                                                                                    HEALTH & SAFETY
                                                                                                         Course Content
                  Course Content
                                                                                                         • Safety legislation
                  • Unit 1: First aid in the workplace                                                   • Role of the Safety Rep
                  • Unit 2: Patient assessment                                                           • Safety Management
                  • Unit 3: Respiratory emergencies                                                      • Emergency Preparedness
                  • Unit 4: Cardiac first response                                                       • Accident Investigation Techniques
                  • Unit 5: Wounds and bleeding                                                          • Safety Auditing
                  • Unit 6: Altered levels of consciousness                                              • Risk Assessment Principles
                  • Unit 7: Musculoskeletal injuries                                                     • How Incidents / Accidents Occur
                  • Unit 8: Burns and scalds, chemicals, electric shock                                  • Fire Safety Management
                                                                                                         • Manual Handling Risks
                  Course Objectives                                                                      • PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
                  Learners who successfully complete this course will:                                   • Toolbox Talks
                                                                                                         • Occupational Health
                  • Understand the responsibilities of the occupational first aider.                     • Accident / Incident Investigation
                  •B e familiar with health and safety legislation on first aid provision in the
                    workplace.                                                                           Methodology:
                  •B e able to provide treatment for preserving life or minimising the consequences     The course is presented in units and includes problem based learning and practical
                    of injury until the arrival of medical aid.                                          exercises.
                  •B e able to provide treatment in the workplace for injuries which do not require
                    the attention of a medical practitioner or nurse.                                    Assessments
                  • Be able to co-ordinate first aid arrangements in the workplace.                      Two assignments to complete and, a one-and-a-half-hour exam based on the course
                  • Successful participants will be registered as Occupational First Aiders              material will take place on the last day of the course
                  • Demonstrate up-to-date practical skills
                  • Explain new developments in First Aid

                  Pre-Course Requirements Participants must hold a current Occupational First                                                                           This is a PEIL co
                  Aid Certificate. Occupational First Aid Refresher training must be attended within 2   Course Name: Manual                                                                ur se
                  years of original certificate.                                                                                                                         Supporting Women
                                                                                                         Handling                                                         Returning to the
                  Assessment/Certification Assessment is continuous throughout the course and                                                                               Workforce
                  you receive a certificate of attendance on the day.                                    Start Date:          Friday 24th November 2017
                                                                                                         Time: 		             10.00am-1.00pm
                                                                                                         Duration:            1 Half Day
                                                                                                         Venue: 		            IRD Duhallow, James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket
                                                                                                                              Certificate of Attendance valid for 3 years
                  Course Name: Health                         and Safety                                 Tuition Fee:
                                                                                                         This training programme is aimed at providing all persons at work with proper
                  Rep Training                                                                           techniques when lifting, carrying, loading, pushing and supporting heavy loads.
                                                                                                         Manual Handling training is a requirement of all workplaces. Manual Handling is a
                  Start Date: 26th – 29th November                                                       physical activity that takes place in every workplace, and in some cases the activity
                  Time: 9:30am – 5.30pm                                                                  does not pose problem. However, it can be a potential workplace hazard when
                  Duration: 4 Thursdays                                                                  an employee is required to handle very heavy loads, which could result in a back
                  Venue: James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket, Co. Cork                                   injury. The type of manual handling activity that needs to be assessed is defined
                  Tuition Fee: €350                                                                      in Regulation 68 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work, (General Application)
                  Accreditation: QQI Level 5                                                             Regulations 2007
                                                                                                         • Course Content:
                                                                                                         • Legislation

                                                                            Continued overleaf                                                                              Continued overleaf
    32                                                                                                                                                                                                  33
You can also read