Gwen was born to be a gardener, Age Concern Canterbury

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Gwen was born to be a gardener, Age Concern Canterbury
Keeping On

                                                      Gwen was born
                                                     to be a gardener,
                                                          Page 9

Phone (03) 366-0903, Fax: (03) 365-0639, Email:,
                                 Charities Commission Number: CCC29446
Gwen was born to be a gardener, Age Concern Canterbury
2        KEEPING ON                                                                                                                 FEBRUARY 2019

                      Welcome         to   activities (driving courses, home                               Happy        New    they come in a variety of ways.
                     2019 – and a          and personal safety courses or falls                          Year. I hope that     Telephone calls are the most common
                     very Happy New        prevention classes) or it may be                              the year has          as you know. Don’t talk to them or
                     Year to you all.      seeking some information related                              started well for      give them any information, especially
                      I hope you had       to older people. Our Vision is to be                          you and you had       about your bank accounts. Remind
                     an       enjoyable    the lead organisation in Canterbury                           an      enjoyable     your family to be vigilant and the
                     Christmas             that connects, supports, empowers,                            Christmas       and   young people booking function tickets
                     season with family    celebrates and respects all older                             holiday time with     on-line should be careful to use only
                     and friends.          people in an inclusive society – so                           family and friends.   the official booking address.
   Studies show that those with a          whatever your question or query          If you have made plans for the year I        Down-sizing is the popular task at
more upbeat image of growing older         relates to – call us first.              hope you have started to put them in       present. Looking in the cupboards
tend to perform better in memory and                                                place, one month has gone by already       that might not have been open for a
motor control tests. They can walk                                                  and before you know it Christmas will      while and getting right into the back of
faster and stand a better chance of          It may seem too early to mention       be here again.                             them. If you have not used something
recovering from disability. They also      Flu vaccines - but by the time the          Our gardens are looking good with       in the past year then you probably
live an average of seven and a half        next Keeping On goes to print the        the warmer weather and it is great to      will not any time soon. Anything that
years longer. So stay positive – and       flu season will nearly be on us. As      be able to sit outside and enjoy the       can be recycled can be taken to the
claim your extra 7 ½ years.                research shows, having a Flu vaccine     day. Remember to slip, slop and slap       charity shops and some places will
   At the end of 2018 we welcomed          is a more important factor in living     on the sunscreen or cover up. While        come to pick up from you. Time to
Shae to the reception position at Age      longer than exercise or being lean or    it is hot you need to drink more water,    sort out your wardrobe, again if it has
Concern Canterbury, so it will be her      overweight! (the most important factor   juice or tea. Coffee is not so good as     not been worn in the last six months
friendly voice and face that greets you    being staying socially connected).       it will dehydrate you. Look out for your   then consider if it is just taking up
when you contact us for any reason.          So I recommend that you all get the    neighbours who live alone, they might      space. Don’t keep clothing that does
   Some of those reasons might be          vaccination as soon as it is available   not be so well if they do not like the     not fit waiting for the diet to kick in, it
related to loneliness, elder abuse,        – and talk to your family about being    hot days and need encouragement to         might not happen.
earthquake related issues, the need        vaccinated – to protect them - and       eat and drink enough. Share a cup of         Best wishes to you all.
for a gardener, house cleaner or a         you also.                                tea with them.                               Trish Adams
trades or handy person, the need to          Simon Templeton                           The scammers are ever present,            President
attend one of our health promotion           Chief Executive

                         CONTENTS                                                                                Keeping On
                                                                                      OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF AGE CONCERN CANTERBURY (INC)
                                                                                       Keeping On is distributed by Age Concern Canterbury to Christchurch Malls,
                                                                                        Senior Citizen Clubs and Groups, Libraries, Medical Centres, Rest Homes,
                                                                                      Hospitals and Institutions, Housing Complexes and Agencies working with older
                                                                                       people and individuals. Keeping On is published quarterly in February, May,
                                                                                      August and November each year. Written contributions for consideration can be
                                                                                      emailed to the Editor at or contact Deirdre on
                                                                                                          Ph: (03)366-0903 or Fax: (03)365-0639.
                                                                                       The Keeping On Team: Deirdre McGrath - Editor, Mike Crean - Journalist,
  Page 3, Giving unconditionally               Page 4, Allan’s quad bike
                                                      and trailer                          Anna-Marie Hunter - Advertising Representative/Desktop Publisher.
                                                                                                       Keeping On is printed by Inkwise, Rolleston.

                                                                                      Views and opinions expressed in Keeping On are not necessarily those
                                                                                      of the Editor or Age Concern Canterbury. Neither does publication of an
                                                                                           advertisement imply endorsement by Age Concern Canterbury.

                                                                                       Keeping On Advertisers - book now
   Page 16, Mentoring youth is               Page 25 Gary Day - a man of                   for advertising space in the
                                                                                         May 2019 issue of Keeping On.
      good for your health                           many stories

 Page 6,      Regaining strength through singing.
 Page 7,      George Paterson - rower.
 Page 13,
 Page 19,
              Mistletoe and milestone for Senior Chef.
              Facing social isolation and loneliness.
                                                                                      The deadline is Friday, 19 April 2019.
 Page 21,
 Page 32,
              Strength, balance and a good yarn.
              Hugh Blackwell - war hero.
                                                                                     Please contact Anna-Marie on 331-7804.
Gwen was born to be a gardener, Age Concern Canterbury
FEBRUARY 2019                                                                                                              KEEPING ON                             3

 Giving unconditionally: Faye Garthwaite
                                                                    by Jo Cogan – Faye’s daughter
   Mum was a vibrant and young 67,                                                    would often trot down to the blood        all its beauty and wonder.
so when I received a call that she’d                                                  donation clinic in her lunch break           When I told some of my friends that
had a stroke, it was a genuine shock.                                                 to give blood, not giving a second        Mum had donated her eyes, some of
After racing to the hospital and seeing                                               thought to it. Mum was pretty frugal      them looked at me a little strange.
that Mum was “okay”, I said to her at                                                 when it came to money, but that didn’t
                                                                                                                                I could tell what they were thinking
least it was only this and not the other                                              apply here.
                                                                                                                                – “what did she look like in the
– meaning death. But things were                                                        Annette from Organ Donation NZ
                                                                                                                                casket?” They thought it might be a
not meant to be, and Mum suffered a                                                   arrived pretty soon after Mum had
devastating brain haemorrhage less                                                    passed and was so respectful of           bit gruesome. However the team at
than 48 hours later.                                                                  Mum and so kind. I will never forget      Organ Donation NZ are so extremely
   I feel so genuinely lucky to have had                                              her kindness. Annette has continued       professional and take the upmost
an hour or so with her that morning,                                                  to be a part of our lives over the last   care, there was no way you could tell
once we knew she wasn’t going to                                                      year, providing us wonderful updates      that Mum had made those donations
make it, and to say my goodbyes and                                                   on when Mum’s tissue had been             and she looked very peaceful.
lie next to her while she took her last                                               used and a little information on the         Though Mum’s death has left an
breaths.                                                                              recipients. Those updates have kept       enormous hole in our lives, to know
   Once all the family had arrived and                                                my heart full and lessened my grief
                                                                                                                                that she has saved the eyesight of
we had had the news broken to us,                                                     so significantly. To know that Mum
                                                                                                                                four individuals after her donation is
we were asked if we might like to                                                     is living on through others via her
think about organ or tissue donation                Faye with daughter Jo.            donations is so heartwarming and          extraordinary. Mum’s life was full of
for Mum. Immediately I said yes. I         really a decision for us, rather, a        something Mum would be so proud           colour and to know that these people
looked around the room at the rest         given.                                     of. Her death was not all in vain         are now seeing the world in a new
of the family who were all nodding           Mum and Dad were regular blood           and her eyes, though now in others        light after Mum’s donation is nothing
in agreement. You see it was never         donors throughout my life and Mum          bodies, are still seeing the world for    short of amazing.

Giving the gift of life through organ donation
  Each year the lives of many                Facts about organ and tissue             UK between 1980 and 1996 you              conversation about donation that
New Zealanders are saved and               donation:                                  cannot donate your heart valves,          people struggle to make a decision.
transformed through the generosity           • People of all ages can be organ        skin and blood, this is due to the          “Having a conversation with your
of organ and tissue donors and their       and tissue donors. Some people say         risk of transmitting Creutzfeldt Jakob    family now can make the donation
families.                                  “I’m too old to be a donor” or “I’m        Disease (CJD), more commonly              decision a little easier for them at a
  Organ Donation New Zealand               not healthy enough”. However there         known as Mad Cow Disease.                 very difficult time,” Janice says.
(ODNZ) says that one donor has             are very few medical conditions that         It’s important to have a conversation     If you’ve had a conversation about
the potential to save the lives of up      prevent donation from taking place.        with your family about whether you        organ and tissue donation with your
to ten people through the donation           • Doctors will always assess your        want to be an organ or tissue donor       family, there’s nothing else you need
of organs and tissues, while also          organs at the time of your death to        in the event of your death, as doctors    to do.
transforming the quality of life for the   see if they are suitable for transplant.   will always ask your family if they         In New Zealand you can choose to
recipients and their families.             If for some reason you are unable to       know your wishes.                         have ‘donor’ on your driver’s licence,
  In New Zealand you can donate your       donate your organs, you could still          Organ      Donation      NZ    Donor    however this is an indication of your
organs (lungs, heart, liver, pancreas      help others by donating your heart         Coordinator Janice Langlands says         interest only and it is not an official
and kidneys) and tissue (eyes, heart       valves, eye tissue or skin.                families usually follow through with      organ donation register.
valves and skin) in the event of your        • Organs are only removed from a         the wishes of their family member,          For more information about organ
death.                                     donor if they are a match for someone      when they know what that person           and tissue donation visit www.donor.
  Organ donation is only possible          on a transplant waiting list.              wanted. She says it is the situations or call Organ Donation New
when someone is on a ventilator              • Funeral arrangements are not           where the family have never had a         Zealand on 0800 436 667.
(breathing machine), in an Intensive       usually affected by organ or tissue
Care Unit, usually with devastating
brain damage. Less than 1% of all
                                           donation. After a family has agreed to
                                           donation, the organs and tissues are                                                  SHOPRIDER
                                                                                                                                  “Simply the Best”
deaths happen this way.                    removed respectfully from the donor
  Tissue donation is possible in most      using normal operating procedures.                                                               SPECIALS
circumstances when people die              So there is no reason to delay funeral
– whether at home, on a hospital           arrangements. It is still possible for
ward or in a hospice. Eye tissue can       your family to take your body back
restore sight for up to four people or     to your home or to your marae and
repair eye damage, heart valves help       to have an open casket following
young children and babies born with        donation.                                   Prices from $399
congenital heart disease and donated         • People who have lived or visited
skin (removed from front and back of       the UK can still donate their kidneys,      FREE Appt & Hearing Test
thighs only) is the preferred dressing     liver, heart, lungs, pancreas and                                                       WHEELCHAIR SCOOTER
for people with severe burns.              eyes. However if you lived in the
                                                                                       Same Day Service - At appt get                SALES & SERVICE
                                                                                       tested, fitted and ‘walk out the            Variety of new and used scooters,
                                                                                                                                       wheelchairs and walkers
                                                                                           door’ with hearing aids                  Contact: Gerald & Christine
                                                                                                                                     28 Years of friendly service
                                                                                       Ph 0800 443 274                                     with a guarantee
                                                                                                                                   Phone 383 1364 or
                                                                                                                                     021 183 1177
Gwen was born to be a gardener, Age Concern Canterbury
4         KEEPING ON                                                                                                                 FEBRUARY 2019

 Allan’s quadcycle and trailer
                                                                              by Mike Crean
  If you see an aged duo riding around                                                                                          are around lower-Cashmere and
on a quadcycle and trailer, chances                                                                                             Princess Margaret Hospital, doing
are you have spotted Allan and Helen                                                                                            the various loops of Hagley Park,
Ward getting their regular exercise.                                                                                            riding out to Halswell Quarry and
  The Spreydon couple say there is                                                                                              back, and taking the cycle paths to
not much to do on their small section                                                                                           and around Canterbury University
so regular exercise is of paramount                                                                                             at Ilam. Recently they made it to
importance. Allan, 89, used to ride a                                                                                           Sumner and back, their longest ride
bicycle on his farm at Bankside, near                                                                                           yet at a total of 32km.
Dunsandel. After shifting into the city                                                                                           “I love it,” says Helen. Only bad
two and a half years ago, he found                                                                                              weather stops them going for a ride.
walking the streets was too hard on                                                                                             Even then she admits to badgering
his “gammy” knee. So he bought “an                                                                                              her husband to “get the bike out” –
old man’s bike” for $25 and hit the                                                                                             not that he needs much persuasion
roads again.                                                                                                                    of course.
  Helen, 82, would have loved to                                                                                                  Allan still drives their car but does
join him but she is blind. Besides,                                                                                             most of his trips to the supermarket for
Alan found that wherever he went                                                                                                shopping on his bike. The container in
in Christchurch, he seemed to be                                                                                                “the boot” can easily hold their usual
struggling into a head wind. No, an                                                                                             load of groceries, he says.
ordinary push-bike would not do. So
                                                                                                                                  Safety is important to the Wards.
he began making inquiries about
                                                                                                                                Both wear bike helmets, always. The
some sort of riding machine that he
                                                                                                                                quadcycle features front and rear
and Helen could share.
                                                                                                                                handbrakes, a warning bell, a rear-
  Allan’s son Stephen, who works
                                                                                                                                vision mirror, red lights at the rear
in a cycle shop at Dunedin, helped
                                                                                                                                of the bike and the trailer, and high-
them with their search. He had
been modifying electric bikes to suit                                                                                           vision flags. The trailer is easily and
people with disabilities but Allan’s                                                                                            quickly connected and disconnected.
and Helen’s requirement was a new                                                                                               The connection is a masterpiece of
challenge.                                                                                                                      precision engineering and a mystery
  Then Stephen had an idea. He set                                                                                              to most.
to work on a prototype; a quadcycle                        Allan and Helen Ward out on the quadcycle and trailer.                 Allan says his only fear is of car
and trailer combination. With the help        The nearest machine to his that          feature is that Helen seated in the      doors being flung open in his path.
of an Invercargill engineer who builds      you will see occasionally around           trailer can pedal too, which adds to       The quadcycle is not the only
power-assisted bikes for export,            Christchurch is the recumbent style        the thrust. This she does, mainly for    unusual transport vehicle in the
Stephen built the ingenious four-           of bike. But the rider on a recumbent      the exercise.                            Wards’ garage. Allan has nearly
wheeler and the trailer to hitch on         bike reclines almost flat on his back.       The power plant is a lithium battery   completed the restoration of a 19th
behind it.                                  The rider of the Ward machine sits         about the size of the chocolate box      Century governess gig. This is the
  “It’s pretty unique,” says Allan. “It’s   comfortably in a padded seat that is       that Grandma used to keep her            ninth horse-drawn carriage he has
so easy to ride, I’m sure they will be      more like an office chair.                 cotton reels in. It provides a range     restored and it will definitely be the
making more of them.”                         Allan can pedal the four-wheeled         of 40km, more or less depending on       last, he says. Restoration has been a
  More than that, the total cost was        cycle, or let the battery do the work      road gradients and wind force. It is     great hobby but it takes up time that
less than half the price of a German        while he just sits there and enjoys the    charged from a standard three-point      could be spent cruising on the quad.
machine that Allan had seen. The            ride. The other option is to pedal and     electric plug.                             (Inquiries about the quadcycle and
German bike was somewhat similar            use battery power at the same time.          The couple head out just about         trailer may be made to Allan Ward by
but cost $10,000.                           Whichever option is taken, the key         every day. Their favoured routes         phone on 967 3917).

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Gwen was born to be a gardener, Age Concern Canterbury
FEBRUARY 2019                                                               KEEPING ON   5

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                         To find out more about our 7 friendly villages in
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Gwen was born to be a gardener, Age Concern Canterbury
6         KEEPING ON                                                                                                                     FEBRUARY 2019

 Regaining strength through singing
                                                                           by Becky Manawatu
  Sue Robertson, 67, always imagined                                                                                                 The volunteer musicians include
that she’d be the grandmother who’d                                                                                                Westport’s Ukulele Ladies. Sue says
be bouncing on the trampoline with                                                                                                 she is grateful to local musicians
her grandchildren into her 90s.                                                                                                    including Jocelyn Alford, Penny
However, since being diagnosed with                                                                                                Walsh and Min Jaeger.             Two
Parkinson’s in 2011 - an incurable                                                                                                 busloads of O’Conor Home residents
neurodegenerative disease which                                                                                                    come along to each session, and
causes tremors and muscle rigidity                                                                                                 afterwards everyone has a cup of
she has had to let that idea go. Her                                                                                               tea and baking. When possible, Sue
husband, Peter, says redefining the                                                                                                bakes something to bring.
way she sees her future is a “loss                                                                                                   Sue, a former primary school
she is coming to terms with.” Like                                                                                                 teacher who retired reluctantly at 59,
many people with Parkinson’s, Sue’s                                                                                                feels her own speech has improved
progressive loss of speech makes it                                                                                                through singing.       Research says
hard for her to communicate. About                                                                                                 singing is processed in many more
a year ago she started researching                                                                                                 areas of the brain than speech.
ways to counter it.                                                                                                                Parkinson’s can cause a person to
  She found there were many choirs                                                                                                 have shallow breathing and a quiet
and singing groups around New                                                                                                      voice.
Zealand for people with Parkinson’s                                                                                                  Singing helps co-ordinate and
who’d suffered speech loss because                                                                                                 strengthen the muscles improving
of a stroke. Sue decided to start a                  Peter and Sue Robertson at a singalong in the Salvation Army Hall.            breathing and vocals.        Sue has
singalong group recognising the              for an hour, twice each month, for        volunteer musicians’ melody. They           also started a Mah Jong (Chinese
need for one in Westport.                    over a year - thanks to Sue and the       have a song list of about 50, and           card game) group and a pudding
  She sought assistance from the             friends who have rallied around her.      sometimes creative types, like local        club, whereby a group of about 30
community, including Buller REAP,            About 30 to 40 people meet on the         poet Ken Hill, provide alternative          people head out and sample different
and formed a group. Since then it            first and third Tuesday of the month      lyrics to well known songs - for a          desserts on cafe and restaurant
has met at the Salvation Army Hall           and exercise their voice boxes to the     laugh.                                      menus around town.
                                                                                                                                     Sue’s balance and posture are
Gentle and effective exercise while sitting watching TV                                                                            deteriorating, and she is prone to
                                                                                                                                   falling. Recently she broke five ribs.
  AIRCYCLE exerciser provides                                                             • anyone wishing to increase             “I haven’t got much strength in my
gentle exercise without weight-bearing                                                 strength and remain independent .           top - so I’m going to do some boxing,”
or strenuous activity. Inflatable,                                                        By helping to prevent Deep Vein          she smiles. She has a boxing bag at
simple to use, soft on feet and easily                                                 Thrombosis and Overuse Syndrome             home.
carried in a pocket or purse you can                                                   it makes an ideal gift for:                   (Article previously published in the
use it from the comfort of your chair                                                                                              Westport News and reprinted with
                                                                                          • office workers who sit at a desk for
while sitting – reading, having coffee,                                                                                            permission).
                                                                                       long periods.
watching TV or travelling.
                                                                                          • travellers on planes or buses .

  Originally designed to help people
                                                                                          Made in NZ, many hospitals,
with arthritis, the AIRCYCLE exerciser
                                                                                       rest homes, arthritis educators,
is hugely successful with helping
                                                                                       diabetes clinics, podiatrists and
relieve circulatory and foot, leg and
                                                                                       physiotherapists use or recommend            When you are old
hand problems. See the attached ad
                                                                                       it.                                          wearing sensible heels
for a list of conditions it helps.
                                             Parkinson’s or M.S.                          See the advertisement below or
  A woman from Te Horo invented
                                               • those waiting for hip or knee         visit or ring Sue
this simple device to help relieve
                                             replacements.                             0800 14 14 15.                        A      you read stories
her husband’s severe arthritic pain
and stiffness. His arthritis carers
were so impressed with the relief                                                                                                   of sailing the oceans alone
and increased joint mobility he                                                                                                     of a hut on the long curve
experienced they thought it should                                                                                                  of an empty beach
be available to other sufferers.                                                                                                    of kicking footholds
  “Aircycle is even better than the
information says. The pain in my
                                                                            Arthritis aid and                                       into an untrodden bush track
knees has gone and although I use
                                                Gentle exercise            circulation booster                                      of saving something on a lone
a walker I don’t need it around the            while watching TV             TAKE THE PAIN OUT OF XMAS
house anymore. I can move more                     or reading                                                                       solitariness
freely and have much less pain in                                                          Helpful for:     RRP
                                                                                                                                    and all that stuff of challenge
both my hands and feet. My feet are                                   * Relieving arthritic and joint pain $39.90
                                                                                                                                    and free movement,
warmer too and now I don’t need bed                                   * Diabetic foot care           * Cold hands & feet
socks which I’ve worn for years” Gay,                                 * Aiding prevention of DVT * Sciatica
Rotorua.                                                              * Reducing swollen ankles * Stroke rehabilitation             that you never really did
  By helping to increase joint flexibility                            * Cramps & restless legs       * Parkinsons & MS              but thought you might.
and muscle strength, balance and                                      * Building muscle/preventing falls
mobility can be improved. Hence               Available in pharmacies, Diabetes Christchurch, More Mobility and
AIRCYCLE is used to aid:                                                                                                            (From the book ‘Dried Figs’ by
                                              Aspire Canterbury, view at or call 0800 141415 or
  • those affected by a stroke,                   post $44.90 (P&P included) to PO Box 313, Waikanae, 5036.                         Helen Jacobs).
Gwen was born to be a gardener, Age Concern Canterbury
FEBRUARY 2019                                                                                                          KEEPING ON                                7

George Paterson, a South                                                               “I believe the second half of one’s life is
                                                                                    meant to be better than the first half. The first
   Island trump card                                                               half is finding out how you do it. And the second
                                                                                           half is enjoying it.” ~ Frances Lear
                                by Mike Crean
  Once it was Oamaru versus the
Commonwealth. George Paterson
was a trump card for the South Island
                                                                                  Loneliness and social isolation
town.                                                                                Loneliness is indiscriminate. There       When people are no longer able
  Hanging on the bedroom wall in his                                              is an abundance of research on this       to drive, that’s where Driving Miss
Christchurch apartment is a much                                                  subject in New Zealand currently          Daisy comes in! Driving Miss Daisy
                                                                                  and young people are just as likely       is the connection from home to the
treasured gold medal. George, 86,
                                                                                  to feel lonely as older generations.      community. They make it their priority
moved to Christchurch in 1969. He
                                                                                  It is known that levels of loneliness     to ensure each and every journey is
won the medal while rowing for New                                                in this country are escalating and as     filled with laughter, kindness and
Zealand at the 1962 Commonwealth                                                  anyone who has ever experienced           positivity.
Games in Perth, Australia.                                                        it will agree, the feeling can seem          Driving Miss Daisy clients can have
  The powerful rower was representing                                             insurmountable once it settles in our     the same driver every time which is
Oamaru, as well as New Zealand, at                                                tummies and our lives.                    great for building relationships. The
the Games. All five members of the                                                   The importance of being aware          drivers also love to catch up with the
Gold Medal crew, four oarsmen plus                                                of and talking about loneliness and       clients and will do everything possible
the cox, were from Oamaru. George                                                 lack of social relationships has been     to make the journey enjoyable. That
admits in these days of professional       Rower George Patterson and below       proven to be as bad for health as         can be as simple as a trip to the
sport, with national training and              the rowing legacy medal            smoking.                                  supermarket or regular hairdresser
                                                   he was awarded.                   There can be many reasons for          appointments. Sometimes, it can be
events based at Lake Karapiro, near
                                                                                  being lonely, such as health, mobility    more adventurous and include trips
Hamilton, it is hard to believe Oamaru
                                                                                  impairment, sensory loss, changes         further afield; outings to the beach
could produce a crew to beat the other
                                                                                  to driving ability and bereavement.       for a breath of fresh air or coffee with
finalists: England, Scotland, Canada                                              There are all sorts of things happening   friends; anywhere the heart desires.
and Australia. After all, the Oamaru                                              as we age which can make getting             Driving Miss Daisy is committed to
Rowing Club had only a dozen senior                                               out of the house increasingly difficult   helping clients get out and about, so
rowers. Yet, in the grand final of the                                            and so social isolation can cause         every client can live life to the full and
rowing fours, George and his mates                                                loneliness.                               enjoy every moment.                     A
surged to victory.
  George explains further. Up to
the 1960s, New Zealand did not                                                        Driving Miss Daisy
select rowers from around the
country to form composite crews for      Gold Medals that his mates won.
                                                                                      – we’ve got Canterbury covered!
international competition. Instead,      Rowing in the first heat, he suffered
winning crews from the annual            from high-altitude sickness and “blew
national championships went on to        out”. Unfit to row in the semi-final
represent the country.                   or final, he was replaced by Warren
  The Oamaru Four won the 1962           Cole.
national championship in February.          George then retired from rowing,
So, in October, the southerners          married and moved to Christchurch.
headed for Perth – and rowing glory.     He coached at club and secondary
  Rowing legend Russell (“Rusty”)        school levels for many years, while
Robertson of Oamaru was a major          working as a builder and a brewery
factor in the club’s success, George     representative.
says. Rusty was a top coach. A former       Looking back he recalls the
oarsman, he broke his back in a car      enormous controversy that raged
crash and took up coaching instead.      through the ‘60s over the change
                                                                                      Keep your independence and freedom
  “Rusty was a real thinker. Everyone    from club crews representing New             with our safe, reliable companion
believed in him,” George says. When      Zealand, to national selections. Many        driving service.
New Zealand changed to “composite”       opposed the change, George says, but
                                                                                      We can drive and accompany you anywhere:
crews, selected from all over the        centralisation of the sport, including       • Shopping trips
country, Rusty went on to coach at       first-class facilities at Karapiro and       • Medical and personal appointments
national level. Among many triumphs,     at Twizel’s Lake Ruataniwha, has             • Social outings, meetings, church
Rusty took the national Eight, to        helped sustain New Zealand’s high            • Airport drop-offs and pick ups
Canada and the United States in          status internationally.                      Total Mobility cards accepted in most Canterbury areas, and an
1967. There the Kiwis, including            One effect of the change has been         ACC approved provider.
                                                                                                                                                                     C005020 AC Canterbury

George, won the North American           the weakening of club structures as          Bookings are essential – call today and make your next outing a pleasure!
Championship.                            top rowers are scooped up for national
  Maybe there was some ill-feeling       training camps at Karapiro. Never            North Canterbury        Ph:   (03)   312   2936
towards the “upstarts” from way-         again could Oamaru beat the world.           Redwood                 Ph:   (03)   352   4596
down-south, because Rusty was            This does not trouble George. Rather,        Harewood                Ph:   (03)   358   9466
eventually squeezed out by the “big-     it adds to the nostalgia he feels as         Riccarton/Selwyn        Ph:   (03)   347   1009
boys” up north. But not before taking    he looks back on the camaraderie of          St Albans               Ph:   (03)   423   9831
the national Four to Olympic Games       great days in rowing’s amateur era.          Cashmere                Ph:   (03)   423   9778
victory in Mexico in 1968. George was       “Crew members became very close           Wigram                  Ph:   (03)   325   7153
                                                                                      Ashburton               Ph:   (03)   307   7237
in that squad too, along with sporting   friends. We would die for one another
                                                                                      Timaru                  Ph:   (03)   683   1073
household names: Dudley Storey,          in the boat. There was some rivalry;
Dick Joyce and Russ Collinge. Sadly,     we were very competitive. But it was
though, George missed out on the         all positive,” he says.
Gwen was born to be a gardener, Age Concern Canterbury
8         KEEPING ON                                                                                                                    FEBRUARY 2019

Pass the wholegrain carbohydrates
                                                       by Wendy Scanlon, Senior Chef Coordinator, Pegasus Health

  You often read about “low carb”           and 20-21 grams for men (65 years            bread. Cooking does not destroy             • There’s no single food or food
diets and how we should be cutting          +), whereas 30g is a good target to          fibre so high-fibre foods don’t have to   group that is a magic bullet for health.
back on carbohydrates but hold on           improve health. Here’s a few tips for        be rough.                                 Up your wholegrains but also enjoy
a minute, not all carbohydrates are         helping you up your intake.                    • Make changes slowly to give your
                                                                                                                                   plenty of vegetables, fruits, legumes,
created equal. Highly processed                How to up your wholegrains                body a chance to adjust. Drink plenty
carbohydrates such as white bread,             • New Zealanders get most of our          of fluid.    Increasing wholegrains       nuts, seeds, oily fish and reduced-fat
cakes, biscuits and sugary drinks are       wholegrains from bread and breakfast         without added fluid can cause a sore      milk and milk products. Variety is the
often referred to as having empty           cereals, so it’s important to look for       gut.                                      spice of life!
calories. They provide calories for         whole grains and check the fibre
our body to use, but that’s it. There is
very little of the good stuff – vitamins,
                                            content on these products. Aim for
                                            more than 5g dietary fibre per 100g
                                                                                             Everyday                               Overnight
minerals, fibre, etc. They also don’t       when you are checking the label.
give us a feeling of fullness. Having
meals and snacks based on these
foods will mean our bodies are
                                            Swap white bread for wholemeal or
                                            wholegrain. If you’re comparing two
                                            cereals or breads that you enjoy, go              Muesli                                  Oats
missing out on vital nutrients. It also     for the one with more dietary fibre.
makes it likely we will crave more             • Oats make a great breakfast
sugary foods and may cause us to            choice, either as porridge, muesli
overeat because we never feel full.         or soaked with added yoghurt and
  On the flip side, wholegrain              fruit. See our recipes for some new
carbohydrates such as wholegrain            breakfast ideas.
bread and breakfast cereals, brown             • Try brown rice instead of white rice.
rice, oats, barley, wheat germ, millet      If you live alone or with one other, you
and quinoa, not only provide us with        can now buy handy pouches that take
calories but also many nutrients like       just 90 seconds in the microwave. Or
dietary fibre, B vitamins, vitamin E        make a larger amount and freeze in           500g, Wholegrain oats
and healthy fats.                           portions. Brown rice salad is a lovely       ¼ cup Pumpkin seeds
                                                                                                                                    ¾ cup Wholegrain oats
  Wholegrains are important for             way to enjoy this nutty grain.               ¼ cup Sunflower seeds
                                                                                         ¼ cup chopped almonds                      ¾ cup Milk or water
wellbeing. They can reduce our                 • Mix and mingle your grains – try
                                                                                         ½ cup Boiling water,                       1 tablespoon Lemon juice
chances of getting heart disease            bulgur (cracked wheat) in a salad,
and type 2 diabetes. If you have            add a sprinkle of wheat germ to your         2 tablespoons Brown sugar                  1 grated Apple with skin left on
diabetes they help stabilise blood          morning porridge or a barley-based           1 teaspoon Vanilla or cinnamon             ¼ cup Sultanas
sugars. They also help maintain a           soup in the winter.                          Method                                     1 chopped Pear with skin left on
healthy weight by giving us a feeling          Making changes                            1. Preheat oven to 150°C.                  ¾ cup Low fat, unsweetened
of fullness so we don’t overeat.               • Make changes that you enjoy.            2. Place oats, seeds and nuts in a         yoghurt
Wholegrains are high in dietary fibre.      There’s no point forcing yourself to eat     large roasting dish. Mix well.             Method
Fibre feeds the good bacteria in our        porridge if you don’t like porridge!         3. Mix boiling water with sugar and        1. Combine oats and milk/water
gut and prevents constipation.                 • Change what you can manage. If          vanilla/cinnamon, stir to dissolve.        in a covered bowl or container,
  We know that older New Zealanders         you find you can’t chew like you used        4. Add to oat mixture and mix well.        refrigerate overnight.
don’t have a high daily intake of           to, choose softer options like well-         5. Bake for around 20 minutes,
                                                                                                                                    2. In the morning, stir in lemon
dietary fibre: 16-17 grams for women        cooked barley or softer wholemeal            stir then return to oven. Stir every
                                                                                                                                    juice, apple, sultanas, pear and
                                                                                         10 minutes until the mix is golden
         Senior Chef is a free 8-week cooking class focused on                           brown and dry (at least an hour).
                      cooking for one or two people.                                     6. Turn heat off and leave muesli          3. Serve.
     It’s all about improving your cooking skills, inspiring you in                      to cool in oven.                           Serves 2. You can use any
  the kitchen, using nutritious meal ideas and easy to make recipes,                     7. When cool store in an airtight          fruits or nuts you enjoy: banana,
                        and meeting new people.                                          container.                                 blueberries, strawberries, grapes,
  For further information or to book into a class call us on 374 1639.                   Makes around 10 x ½ cup serves.            dried apricots, etc.

   Life Without A Car
     Plan ahead - do what you enjoy

       Courses to be held at Community Facilities in Canterbury.
         10.00am to 12.30pm or by arrangement. Book now!
                  Phone Age Concern Canterbury 366-0903
                  or email
Gwen was born to be a gardener, Age Concern Canterbury
FEBRUARY 2019                                                                                                      KEEPING ON                            9

Gwen, born to be a gardener
                                                                            by June Peka
  Looking back (“something that                                                                                         still calls home.
happens more and more often                                                                                               “We had a traditional marriage.
these days”) Gwen Rasmussen                                                                                             Laurie looked after everything
wonders if she was born to be a                                                                                         outside and I looked after the
gardener. It wasn’t a career option                                                                                     family and did the inside stuff.
when 12-year-old Gwen left school                                                                                       In fact, I felt a bit hard done by if
in 1941, after six years soaking up                                                                                     I had to go outside and water the
everything the education system                                                                                         garden or pull a few weeds. Then
had to offer.                                                                                                           when Laurie died in 1985 I was left
  “I didn’t start till I was six, which                                                                                 with the outside and the inside so
was quite common at that time,                                                                                          I thought I’d better pull my socks
but I managed to get through                                                                                            up.
to Standard Six with the older                                                                                            I tried a few garden classes,
children. I do remember it was a                                                                                        but they seemed to be mainly
bit tough, but I must have been                                                                                         for older women interested in
quite smart I think, because we all                                                                                     ornamentals. I needed something
passed.”                                                                                                                more basic. I ended up reading a
  It wasn’t all just the three Rs                                                                                       lot and experimenting, and I got
either.                                                                                                                 marvellous help and advice from
  “There was a 2-bedroom cottage                                                                                        the folk at Oderings.
in the school grounds. Two girls at                                                                                      Gwen’s garden today means her
a time would move into the cottage                                                                                      vegie bill all year round is “almost
with a couple of guests – say a                                                                                         non-existent” It’s a picture of
teacher and parent. We girls did all
                                                                                                                        DIY health, with compost heaps,
the housework, laundry, cleaning,
                                                                                                                        rainwater   tanks,    pea   straw
and cooking, and were marked
                                                                                                                        bedding and covered strawberry
for our efforts. I may have only
                                                                                                                        patches, among the beans and
been 12 but I was quite capable. I
                                                                                                                        brassicas. The golf clubs planted
remember having to remake a bed
                                                                                                                        handle-down along the garden
once or twice, that’s all.”                                       Gwen Rasmussen proudly showing her
                                                                           garden produce.                              paths by son Blair, are for Gwen
  At that tender age Gwen took her
                                          didn’t know I was a gardener.             married Laurie Rasmussen and        (who recently turned 90) to steady
place with other family members
                                          When granddad went blind, I was           they shifted to Christchurch        herself.
at the Ross and Glendining
                                          eighteen and he paid me to weed           where they rented a home owned        “I do love my pretty garden out
factory in Dunedin. Starting in
                                          his carrots. I didn’t know weeds          by Laurie’s employers. Then 62      front, but the vegie garden is
the cardboard and packaging
                                          from carrots even then.”                  years ago, they moved into and      where I’m happiest. I should’ve
department, she made shoe boxes
                                            In her early twenties Gwen              later bought the state house Gwen   been doing it all my life.”
for a time before moving upwards
to the mantle factory where she
became a seamstress, making                  FR ANCO DAL DIN
ladies clothing, school wear and             027 484 2739
uniforms, and equipment for the              03 355 6555
war effort.                        
  “I got a good grounding in basic           Licensed Agent REAA 2008

sewing there. I’m a bit sorry I
wasn’t able to go into clothing
design, which I’ve always enjoyed,
but what I learned there has stood
me in good stead for life anyway.
In those times you never left a job
unless you knew you could move
upwards, better yourself. When
I was about 16 my brother-in-law
realised there was a big demand
for children’s shoes not being met
in the post-war years, so we went
into that for a while. It added a
string to my bow but I didn’t enjoy
it much, and so I soon moved up
to the knitwear department. I still
Gwen was born to be a gardener, Age Concern Canterbury
10        KEEPING ON                                                                                                                     FEBRUARY 2019

 New evidence of identity
    card for seniors
  The Kiwi Access Card has replaced
the 18+ Card and can be used as an
evidence of age and identity card
throughout New Zealand.
  The card has been specifically
designed with New Zealand’s over
60s and retired community in mind,
to ensure they have a reliable and
secure evidence of identity card
that is affordable and that be can be
applied for easily at New Zealand
Post.                                         Applications for the new Kiwi
  The new card gives users the              Access Card are available now and
freedom needed to access goods and          can be made via NZ Post. Application
services throughout New Zealand.            forms can be picked up from any NZ
  It is an easy and convenient way of       Post outlet or downloaded from the
confirming identification, especially       website.
for those who do not hold a valid             The Kiwi Access Card will retail at
driver licence and/or passport.             $55 including GST.

Easy living - Maltworks Villas a new place to call home
  Maltworks Villas offers buyers a                                                                                               Convenience is amplified by the
unique opportunity to create a stylish,                                                                                          build of shops alongside Maltworks
low maintenance lifestyle for those                                                                                              Village, which will offer a Café, Dairy
that are young at heart and wanting                                                                                              and Hairdresser so it really will mean
to maintain their independence within                                                                                            a literal “pop out to the shops” when
an environment where a high value                                                                                                you need something.
has been placed on a real sense                                                                                                    It more than delivers on its promise
of community. With a communal                                                                                                    to provide lifestyle living with minimal
clubhouse available enjoy the                                                                                                    upkeep, freeing you up to pursue
camaraderie of new friends or utilise                                                                                            recreational activities and travel.
for private use should you require.                                                                                                Immaculate in presentation, as only
  These stylish lifestyle village                                                                                                a relatively new build often is, this is
units have all the advantages of                                                                                                 a superb example of easy living with
the renowned natural micro-climate                                                                                               everything you need and nothing you
environment of the Heathcote Valley                                                                                              don’t.
and surrounding Port Hills. Their                                                                                                  Buyers who are serious about
freehold unit titles allow you to benefit   102m2 – 200m2 your options are           the bonus of solar heating generating       investing in good living need to take
from the growth in capital value of         wide-open, allowing you to decide        considerable savings on power bills,        a good hard look at Maltworks Villas
your villa. You can list and sell your      what configuration would suit your       some as low as $20 per month.               and everything this development and
villa with whomever you choose and          needs best, with the single level          Its peaceful and sought-after             the community has to offer.
retain the full sale proceeds with no       options ideal for those who want to      location allows an easy commute               A showhome is open for viewing
fee payable back to the developer.          future-proof their living.               to the city and all the delights of         on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday
  With a variety of different plans to        Every advantage is taken of the        Ferrymead, Redcliffs and Sumner             1-2pm, or arrange a viewing by
choose from with 2 or 3 bedrooms            sun and all the villas come insulated,   Villages as well as the cafes,              appointment. Call Michelle on 3524-
and larger floor plans ranging from         double-glazed, with heat pumps and       markets and restaurants of Lyttelton.       900,             A

                                                                                                     MALTWORKS VILLAS
     Your country in the city                                                             HEATHCOTE 60 PORT HILLS ROAD
                                                                                                 PRICED FROM $480,000
                                                                                                                         Maltworks Villas, designed for the over 50’s, is situated
                                                                                                                         on the old Maltworks site. Located in an excellent
                                                                                                                         micro-climate position in the middle of the beautiful
                                                                                                                         Heathcote Valley.
                                                                                                                         Immerse yourself in this newly developing community
                                                                                                                         and enjoy the company of like-minded neighbours.

                                                                                                                         · Freehold unit title, so you retain 100% ownership.
                                                                                                                         · Lifestyle village, NOT a retirement home.
                                                                                                                         · No fees on exit, you recognize the full capital gain.
                                                                                                                         · 2 and 3 bedroom villas, double garage options.
                                                                                                                         · 11 different plans to choose from.
                                                                                                                         · Sizes vary from 102m2 – 200m2.
                                                                                                                         · Pick your own internal colours prior to construction!
                                                                                                                         · Body Corporate weekly fees kept to a minimum.
                                                                                                                         · Onsite caretaker mows your lawns (sell your
                                                                                                                           lawnmower!), maintains roadside gardens and
                                                                                                                           house exterior, house insurance and windows
                                                                                                                           cleaned quarterly.
                                                                                                                         · Clubhouse facility for social gatherings.

                                                                                                                                                    Michelle Tait
                                                                                                                                                    M 027 668 6268 P 03 352 4900
FEBRUARY 2019                                                                                                             KEEPING ON                              11

Attention homeowners - new insulation and downlight subsidies available
  Have you checked on the health                                                                                               offers low interest loans towards the
of your home lately? It’s the perfect                                                                                          cost of insulation, heating and simple
time now to make sure you have                                                                                                 ventilation, to be paid back via rates
enough insulation in your ceiling and                                                                                          bills over nine years.
underfloor, as this contributes greatly                                                                                          Make use of the cheaper summer
to the health of your home, and the                                                                                            months to help spruce up your home!
health of you and your family.                                                                                                 If you start making improvements
  In particular, those with respiratory                                                                                        now, you’ll be in a warmer, drier,
conditions and other illnesses                                                                                                 cosier home before you know it and
aggravated        by    cold,    damp                                                                                          the dreaded winter blues won’t be so
environments, can benefit immensely                                                                                            bad!
from improving their ceiling and                                                                                                 In addition to insulation, CEA also
underfloor insulation.                                                                                                         provides a free energy advice hotline
  Community Energy Action (CEA) is                                                                                             on 0800 GET WARM, and free
                                          Card (CSC) or a Super Gold ‘combo         insulation subsidies above) as well
the only service provider in Central                                                                                           recycled curtains through the Curtain
                                          card’,                                    as your SuperGold Card discounts.
and North Canterbury that can offer                                                                                            Bank.
                                            Or:                                       If affordability is a problem, and/or
insulation subsidies through the                                                                                                 To discuss any of the above
                                            • The home is located in an area        you don’t qualify for the above subsidy,
Government’s insulation scheme,           identified as lower-income; contact       CEA has interest free payment plans        services don’t wait…..Give us a call
Warmer Kiwi Homes.                        CEA to find out if your address           available.                                 on 0800 GET WARM, email info@
  Qualifying homeowners could             qualifies.                                  Funding towards the installation, or visit
receive up to 92% off the costs of          Unsure whether you have a               of LED downlights may also be              for more information to see how we
insulation, if;                           SuperGold ‘combo card’? Check             available. Please call CEA for further     can help you create and maintain a
  • You are a homeowner, living in the    the back of your card, and if it states   information.                               healthy home!
home,                                     the initials CSC, it can be used in         CEA is also a registered provider of
  • The home was built before 2008,       replacement of your Community             the new Healthier Homes Canterbury
  And either;                             Services Card – meaning, you will         Rate scheme provided by The
  • Have a valid Community Services       qualify for health subsidies (such as     Regional Council (ECAN). This

                                          Co-living as a housing option
                                            Since 1987 approximately 250            person having their own furnishings          “Co-housing        combines        the
                                          senior    co-housing      communities     such as whiteware, they are shared         autonomy of private dwellings with
                                          have been successfully established        among the residents, normally on           the advantages of community living”,
                                          in Denmark. In co-housing, people         a schedule. Could co-living be a           writes Dr. Jo Williams, senior lecturer
                                          organise their lives together and         solution to the pressure on older          in Sustainable Urbanism at the
                                          share common areas, like a kitchen        people for housing in New Zealand?
                                                                                                                               Bartlett School of Planning in London,
                                          or garden, while maintaining private        This communitarian way of living
                                          rooms to live privately. This gives the   is gaining popularity all over Europe,     who has been researching this way
  That you can apply to the                                                                                                    of living.
Christchurch City Council for a           individual the perfect opportunity to     and it has its origins in Scandinavia.
                                          balance social interaction with similar   Collective housing models have               “The key to success is the social
rates postponement.
                                          people when they feel like, and their     been a tradition in the region for the     focus of co-housing, co-housers’
  Rates     payments     may     be
                                          own personal time and space. The          last 200 years, but the first modern       keenness to build a sense of
postponed for any ratepayer
                                          sharing aspect also means cost            co-housing community was built in          community and their very positive
aged 65 years or over. Younger
                                          savings, for example rather than each     Denmark in 1964.                           attitude towards social interaction.” A
ratepayers may also qualify
in cases of extreme financial
hardship.       Postponement is
effectively a loan from the council
to the ratepayer, and a fee will be
charged each year.
  The      Rates     Postponement
Policy is intended to help owner-
occupiers, particularly those on a
fixed income, to continue living in
their homes when they do not have
the financial capacity to pay their
rates, or where payment would
create financial hardship.
  Up to 100% of all rates charged
may be postponed, including
arrears owing from previous
financial years.
  All postponed amounts, including
the added annual fees, will become
payable when the property is sold
or no longer used as the primary
place of residence.
  Contact the Christchurch City
Council for more information or to
make an application.
12          KEEPING ON                                                                                                                         FEBRUARY 2019

Enduring Powers of Attorney Seminar: Enduring Power of Attorney
  With advances in medicine resulting               cover your house but includes your
in people living generally longer,                  finances and investments. You decide                   Hear Harmans’ Lawyers
there is a greater need for robust                  whether the attorney/s may act while
procedures to be in place to protect                you have mental capacity or only if                        discuss the issue
us as we age. A common concern is                   you lose mental capacity and you
what happens when we are no longer                  can add other conditions.                          here at Age Concern Canterbury,
able to make our own decisions. Loss                  Choosing your attorney is one of
of capacity brought on by illnesses,                the most important steps you take                  24 Main North Road, Papanui on
especially in old age, is not at all
uncommon and Enduring Powers
                                                    in setting up an Enduring Power of
                                                                                                        Monday, 25th March at 1.00pm.
of Attorney are a key safeguard to                    For a Personal Care and Welfare                         Light refreshments will follow the discussion.
protect our wishes in relation to our               Attorney you may want to select
care and property.                                  someone who knows you well and
  There are two types of Enduring                   whom you can rely on to respond to         To book your place or for further information please
Powers of Attorney: one in relation to              your preferences and so having your           phone Age Concern Canterbury on 366 0903.
personal care and welfare, and one                  attorney living close by is helpful.
in relation to property.                              For your Property Attorney you
  An Enduring Power of Attorney in                  should choose someone able to
relation to Personal Care and Welfare               handle money matters easily and
appoints one person as your attorney                responsibly. There is a statutory
to make decisions about your care                   requirement that your attorney
- such as where you are to live and                 maintain financial records and make
whether you are properly cared for.                 these records available to any person
This Enduring Power of Attorney is                  you have stipulated should receive        Exclusive and personal guided tours
only activated when you are certified               them.
as having lost mental capacity by a                   At Harmans we have a specialist          Homestead Tours is a company              and wineries allows for a truly unique
qualified health provider.                          seniors’ team to help with any queries   which offers exclusive, personally          experience and ensures each day is
  An Enduring Power of Attorney                     and to assist you to set up deeds that   guided holidays in the South Island         full of delightful surprises.
in relation to Property allows you                  best meet your needs. Give Phillipa      of New Zealand.                               These are holidays with a difference
to appoint one or more attorneys to                 Shaw a call on 352-2293 to arrange         The tours are organised and               – not just another garden tour!
manage and make decisions about                     an appointment to discuss your           escorted by Rachel Harper who lives           The exceptional itineraries that
your property. Property doesn’t just                situation.                           A   in the picturesque heart of the South       we have planned are suited most
                                                                                             Island of New Zealand. Her private          definitely to both men and women. In
                                                                                             network of connections makes the            fact it is often the men who are taken
                                                                                             tours both original and exclusive.          by surprise at the level of interest the
                                                                                               From the Pacific Ocean to the             tours hold for them.
                                                                                             snow-capped Southern Alps you                 It is a great testament to the quality
                                                                                             will be taken into delightful country       of the tours and the fun we have
                                                                                             homes and gardens and entertained           that so many of our clients return
                                                                                             by the very generous owners who             to partake in our other tours. Early
                                                                                             will tell you something of their history    bookings are essential as many of
                                                                                             and purpose. We are also treated            our tours do book out.
    Protecting                                                                               to delicious meals by our hosts,
                                                                                             delivered in a truly rural style. Be
                                                                                                                                           So if you would like to join the fun,
                                                                                                                                         please email for further details, and

    you through                                                                              prepared to gain weight on our
                                                                                                                                         an application form.
                                                                                               An accent on local history, culture,        P: Rachel on 03 693 9366
    all stages                                                                               local artists and craftspeople, galleries            A

    of life
      We guide seniors through the legal issues that affect them.

    Our friendly and experienced Seniors Team offers specialised legal advice
    so you have peace of mind and feel confident when it comes to making
    decisions that are right for you and your family.

    Our Seniors Team can help with:

    •   Wills                                   •   Rest Home Subsidies
    •   Trusts                                  •   Estate Planning
    •   Funeral Trusts                          •   Asset Protection
    •   Occupation Right Agreements             •   Sale and Purchase of Property
    •   Enduring Powers of Attorney

    We are conveniently located in our Papanui office, but if you can’t get to us
    we can come to you through our Home Visit Service.

      Contact Phillipa Shaw
      P (03) 352 2293 E A 485 Papanui Road, Christchurch
FEBRUARY 2019                                                                                                                      KEEPING ON                           13

Mistletoe and milestone for Senior Chef
  Christmas     celebrations     were                                                                                                 confidence boost and Pauline now
combined with a significant milestone                                                                                                 trusts me to do most of the cooking
for Senior Chef Graduates in                                                                                                          at home,” says Peter.
December.                                                                                                                                Senior Chef Programme Co-
  Senior Chef is a free programme                                                                                                     ordinator Jane Callahan says the
administered by Pegasus Health that
                                                                                                                                      programme has evolved a lot since it
supports older people living alone
                                                                                                                                      began in 2009.
or with one other person, to live
with better health, through practical                                                                                                    “Now anyone over 60 years can
cooking skills, meal planning,                                                                                                        attend, while Māori or Pasifika can
budgeting, shopping tips and good                                                                                                     attend from 55 years. A referral
nutrition. It also provides social                                                                                                    from a GP is welcome, however it
interaction and encourages people                                                                                                     is now possible for people to refer
to get out and about, therefore                                                                                                       themselves,” says Jane.
countering loneliness.                                                                                                                   A Christmas themed quiz, great
  The programme welcomed its 2000th          From left to right, Jane Callahan, Senior Chef co-ordinator; Shirley Pettigrew, our
                                                                                                                                      food and the chance to catch up with
participant in 2018 which made its               2000th Senior Chef graduate; Wendy Scanlon, Senior Chef co-ordinator.
                                                                                                                                      class buddies led to a great turnout at
annual Christmas celebrations even         retired and Pauline still working.           of food at the classes. My biggest
more special.                                Peter says he’d always been happy          compliment was when I made Kumara             the event and enthusiasm to spread
  Woolston resident Peter De Wit           to cook but his wife didn’t completely       soup for my son and he asked to keep          the word about Senior Chef to their
came along to Senior Chef classes          trust his abilities.                         the leftovers,” says Peter.                   friends and family.
at the suggestion of his wife, Pauline.      “I learned everything from how to            “I look at dishes now and think ‘I             More information can be found at
It has been a real help with Peter         read a recipe to the nutritional value       could make that’. It’s given me a   

Raising the awareness of Epilepsy Mature Moves is about helping people
                                                                                           If you are considering moving into a       help. Step-by-step you can have
   Epilepsy is one of the most common                                                   smaller home ... perhaps a retirement         things sorted and organised with
brain disorders apart from strokes. It                                                  village or residential care, and you          minimal fuss and stress.
occurs in about 1% of the population.                                                   feel you could use some help Mature              Along with this wonderful service,
It is the common cold of neurology;                                                     Moves could be your answer.                   they can also organise selling things
                                                                                           They are a Christchurch based              you no longer require, or gifting them
it can strike at any age, without
                                                                                        company with local people helping             if you desire to family or charities.
much regard to gender, economic
                                                                                        older people to downsize and move,               They can also clean homes inside
circumstance or ethnicity.                                                              when the need arises.                         and out, and complete the gardening
   Many people are aware of the                                                            They understand that sometimes             to get houses ready for sale.
seizures that involve someone falling                                                   your family are not positioned to                Mature Moves is about helping
down and convulsing but there are                                                       help as they might like or have time          people. You let them know what you
many more types of seizures and                                                         restraints. True to their motto ... to        need help with and they will set about
epilepsy.                                                                               treat you like they treat their own           showing you just what they can do to
   A seizure is when there is a                                                         families ... the team at Mature Moves         help you.
                                                                                        can pack up, declutter and move all              A visit and consultation is free of
temporary disorganisation of the
                                                                                        of your belongings and furniture to           charge, with no obligation to use their
electrical and chemical activity in your
                                                                                        your new home.                                services. However, if you feel they
brain. The different kinds of seizures                                                     Then they unpack and set up your           may be of assistance a quotation can
depend on where in the brain this                                                       new home to the very last detail.             be provided for your consideration.
                                              People with epilepsy face many
disorganisation occurs and how                                                          Setting up the home just the way you             You can call Mature Moves on 0800
                                           of the same difficulties as those
much of the brain has been involved.                                                    like it.                                      777 214 to talk about your move.
                                           people without the diagnosis: work,             Decluttering can be a bit                     We are sure Sharon and Gary can
If a seizure occurs in one focused
                                           relationships, and emotions but for          overwhelming, however, it is made             help you to lighten the load and make
area of the brain, this is now termed
                                           some the diagnosis may feel like it is       much easier with some understanding           your move a smooth transition. A
a focal seizure. If the whole brain is
                                           causing additional barriers.
immediately affected this is termed a
generalised seizure.
   Onset of epilepsy may occur for
                                              It is the role of the Support Educators
                                           at Epilepsy New Zealand to help
                                                                                          Are you thinking of moving?
a number of reasons for example;
brain injury, genetic factors, strokes
                                           these individuals to learn effective
                                           ways to cope and continue living their          Could you use some help?
                                           lives with minimal inconvenience.
and vascular problems, illness or
                                           When possible the educator will visit
   Some research suggests the most         individuals and their families and help
common age of seizure onset is in          them get a better understanding of
people over 65; stokes often being         their condition, giving them strategies
the possible cause. The reason for         to work through the changes they                      We can help you ....
the new onset of seizures for many         may need to make.                                Downsize        Setting up your new home
individuals may never be discovered,          If you or somebody you know                   Declutter       Preparing your house for sale
this is why research continues.            needs support, advice or a better                Pack Up         Cleaning: inside & out
                                           awareness around epilepsy please
                                                                                                                                     Phone           Gary or Sharon
For most new cases the diagnosis                                                            Relocate        Rubbish removal/gardening
often depends on the observations          contact Epilepsy New Zealand on:                 Unpack          Selling & gifting items
                                                                                                                                               0800 777 214
witnessed by family members which             Freephone number 0800 37 45 37.               Storage         Estate Clearance                 Mobile 021 570 702
are invaluable to the specialists,            Or ccontact Canterbury/West Coast
as they carry out their neurological       branch directly on either 027 2706689                        Email:
examination.                               or 022 3677895.                                      
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