Page created by Heather Fleming
Autumn 2020


In this issue:

Autumn Edition 2020

Contents                     Welcome to your Autumn edition of the Tilly Tattle.
3     Police Update
4     Credit Union           In this issue we have articles covering the Tillydrone
5     Community Council      Community Campus, local businesses in the area and
                             a petition to move the mini skateboarding ramp from St
6&7   Shop Local
                             Machar Park.
8&9   St Machar Skate Park
                             If you would like to get involved and join the editorial team
10    Gaslighting
                             or if you have ideas for the community publication, you
11    Messy Play             can easily get in touch with us. The staff at shmu are
12    Instant Neighbour      able to support and train anyone living in the area who
13    Future Choices         are interested in developing their ideas and skills in either
                             writing, photography or proof reading. So please don’t be
14    shmu
                             shy, this is your magazine written, edited and designed by
15    Health Update          the good folk of Tillydrone.
                             If you live in the Tillydrone area and would like to come
                             along to the editorial meetings or submit an article then get
                             in touch with Laura at shmu on 0752586312 or you can
                             email her on
                             You can also view this magazine alongside previous
                             editions on the shmu website
                             then click the ‘PRESS’ option.
                             Our dates for the next edition have not been set yet but
                             keep an eye out on the Tilly Tattle Facebook page for more
                             information coming very soon!
                             Tilly Tattle is a community publication and the views
                             expressed are not necessarily those of the editorial
                             team or of shmu. You can be reassured that our
                             distribution company is taking every measure to ensure
                             they are delivering your magazine safely and within
                             government guidelines.

                             Supported by
With the introduction of guidelines     With the lifting of restrictions, we   pursuing this. Through assistance
in relation to Covid 19 society was     have seen call demand rise, from       from the public, and proactive
greatly affected, with the way Police   an initial drop of 25% seen at the     work undertaken by local officers,
Scotland engaged communities            start of lockdown.                     large quantities of controlled
significantly impacted also.                                                   drugs worth five figure sums
                                        The “lockdown” also greatly
                                                                               have been recovered during the
Although the recent “local              affected criminality trends, with
                                                                               summer months.
lockdown” has now been lifted, we       instances of acquisitive crime
are aware of community concerns         coming to the fore. To address         Our work will continue, and as a
surrounding the transmission            shoplifting we’re working alongside    community policing team we will
of Covid 19 and are actively            local shopkeepers to deter             remain visible and accessible
supporting the public through high      criminality and actively pursue        within Tillydrone, endeavouring to
visibility patrols, as well as having   repeat offenders. This has been        address the issues that you raise.
a presence in licensed premises,        warmly welcomed with recent            I look forward to building on the
and public places, where people         analysis showing positive drops in     successes already achieved during
are likely to congregate. Those         reported shopliftings.                 the coming months.
breaching guidelines are actively
engaged, educated and from this         The use and supply of controlled
we are seeing positive reactions        drugs continues to be a scourge on
from the public.                        our communities, with us actively

Credit Union Day
October the 15th 2020 marks              St Machar Credit Union was started    In 1990 the credit union moved into
International Credit Union Day.          by residents of Woodside and          their first office at 22B Sandilands
                                         Seaton who were fed up of high        Drive in Woodside and stayed there
A credit union is a community
                                         interest doorstep lenders charging    until 2009, when they moved to
savings and loan provider set up
                                                                               Woodside Fountain Centre.
by community members who have            high interest rates for small loans
something in common to benefit           because they were not offered         In 2016 the credit union
their community.                         basic banking due to low incomes.     bought and refurbished the old
The idea behind credit unions is                                               Clydesdale Bank building on
                                         St Machar Credit Union is now         Great Northern Road.
that members mutually benefit
                                         open to people who live in Seaton,
and there is no profit for third-party                                         Staff from the credit union also do
                                         Woodside, Tillydrone, Middlefield,
stakeholders.                                                                  drop ins at Tillydrone Community
                                         Hilton, Heathryfold, Linksfield,
Here in Tillydrone we have St                                                  Campus where members can pay
                                         George Street, Froghall, Powis,
Machar Credit Union which has                                                  in and withdraw money.
                                         Sunnybank, Old Aberdeen,
been in the community for over                                                 For more information about St
                                         Cummings Park and Northfield.
20 years.                                                                      Machar Credit Union visit www.
International Credit Union Day           Back in 1986 a steering group or
celebrates the global credit union       came together to start the process    call 01224 276994.
movement and reflects upon the           of launching a credit union, which
achievements, and hard work of           would be the very first one in the
the movement.                            Grampian region.


Your Community Council is a             behind St. George’s Church and            Our work is not all about solving
group of residents who meet             invited some young parents to join        problems, we undertake work to
once a month to discuss                 us at a meeting where they chose          enhance our community such as:
issues involving Tillydrone,            equipment they felt would be best
                                                                                  Christmas at Tillydrone - your
trying to find a way to resolve         for our youngsters. We raised
                                                                                  Community Council did some
any problems and make                   the funds necessary, bought the
                                                                                  fund raising and bought Christmas
improvements.                           equipment and the play park was
                                                                                  lights for Hayton Road and the new
                                        built. We surrounded the play park
What do they do?                                                                  campus. We discussed how we
                                        with fencing, making it a safe and
                                                                                  could celebrate this achievement
Your community council must be          happy place for our children.
                                                                                  since this was a first for Tillydrone
consulted on all issues involving
                                        Donside Paper Mill - after the            and contacted Riverbank Primary
planning and licensing which
                                        mill was demolished, a proposal           School, invited the entire school
means we very often have visitors
                                        was made to relocate First Bus            and community to join us at a s
to our meetings to talk with us in
                                        onto the site, something our              witch on celebration. An event to be
order that we can consult with you,
                                        community voted against at several        repeated annually!
our neighbours, and ask your point
of view. In the past we have worked     public meetings. Your community           We have been busy planting spring
with our community on issues            council worked with you and were          bulbs across Tillydrone and a wild-
such as:                                successful in having the proposal         flower garden at Diamond Bridge.
                                        overturned. We now have Donside
The underpass at Hayton Road,           Village on the site.                      These are some examples of the
work which has still to                                                           work we do, we’re not always
be completed.                           Of course, our biggest campaign           successful but we try.
                                        was the Third Don Crossing. Your
Aberdon House - the                     community council held several            2020 will bring new challenges
recommendation from Aberdeen            public meetings to understand             with the building of a new nursery
City Council was to provide             the views of our residents and            school, primary school and housing.
accommodation for homeless              worked to support them against the        If you feel you have time once per
young men. We asked our                 proposal. Diamond Bridge has no           month and wish to be a member
community for their opinion and         doubt proved an asset to Tillydrone       of Tillydrone Community Council,
they told us of their concerns asking   but it has also brought increased         please do contact our secretary at:
that this proposal be stopped.          traffic into and through our
The site will soon be part of a new     community. Again, your community          Secretary.tillydrone@hotmail.
phase of building work in the area.                                               com
                                        council are working with the
St. George’s Play Park - we had         authorities to resolve the road traffic
noticed the poor play facilities        issues around Hayton Road.

Covid-19 has had many impacts         local businesses in future editions.   convenient store situated right in
on society but one of the more        If you would like to get involved      the heart of the Donside Village.
positive effects is encouraging       email         We have been here for over four
people to return their focus                                                 years and are open:
                                      First up is Lurch Monster’s Tilly
to shopping locally. With
                                      Butcher. The butchers opened           Monday to Saturday 8am to 8pm
restrictions on how far we could
                                      in 2011 and is an award winning        Sunday 9am to 8pm
travel, public transport services
                                      butchers. They celebrated their
reduced and massive queues at
                                      ninth anniversary in Tillydrone        We have a great selection of
the larger supermarkets, local
                                      this September.                        items across the store at
businesses saw an increase in
                                                                             reasonable prices. We also
support from consumers.               They said: “Nine years of 5 for £20,   provide facilities including
Research by Accenture has             award winning funky sausages           Paypoint and cash machine.
shown that 56% of consumers are       and the most professional
                                                                             Recent times due to COVID-19
shopping in neighbourhood stores      unprofessional banter going.
                                                                             have been very challenging.
and buying more locally sourced
                                      “Thank you so very much to             We have been overwhelmed by
products. Their research has also
                                      everyone who has supported the         the continuing support from our
shown that 79% of consumers are
                                      shop, through all the changes and      customers, old and new, to all
planning to continue this behaviour
                                      through all the good and the bad.      the changes that we’ve had to
post lockdown.
                                      The shop has always had amazing        introduce in store.
With this in mind the Tilly Tattle    and supportive customers – you’re
                                                                             We look forward to seeing you.”
editorial team wanted to highlight    pretty flippin’ ace!”
some of the great local businesses                                           If you fancy a treat tea you can
that we have in Tillydrone.           Donside Stores is one of the most
                                                                             always turn to Qismat. The shop
                                      recent businesses open in the
Unfortunately we didn’t manage to                                            has been operating under the
                                      Tillydrone area.
get to speak to everyone who has a                                           name for over ten years and the
business in the area but we would     “Hello from all of us here at          current owners have been in the
be keen to continue to highlight      Donside Stores! We are a local         community for two years.

They said: “Tillydrone is a good        plans to use this information to help   service from a local business
community and a lot of our staff        local businesses. How have your
                                                                                Local economy – research has
live nearby. People have been           shopping habits changed during the
                                                                                shown that for every £10 spent in
really supportive of us during          coronavirus pandemic? The local
                                                                                the local economy means up to an
the pandemic, especially when           businesses we have in Tillydrone        additional £50 goes into the local
they couldn’t go out to pubs            are unique, supportive of the area      economy.
or restaurants. We were really          and need the support of local
busy but we are glad of that. The       people. If you can afford to here       Job creation – shopping local
community helps us to keep going.       are some of the benefits of             creates jobs for local people and
We actually made a point of keeping     shopping locally:                       supports local entrepreneurs.
our prices the same, despite
                                        You know the people behind              Healthier environment – choosing
increased price of products so that
                                        the product – when you know the         to shop local has a positive impact
we could help the community too.”
                                        person you’re buying from you get       on the environment. Their supply
As lockdown began to ease, an           a connection from them that you         chains are shorter and ordinarily you
organisation called Savour the                                                  can walk to them rather than drive to
                                        wouldn’t get from shopping at the
Flavours organised a survey in                                                  the large shops.
                                        larger chains.
Dumfries and Galloway to find if
Covid-19 is likely to impact people’s   Better customer service – you are
longer termed shopping habits and       more likely to get better customer

                                                                                         List of local businesses:
                                                                                         Tillydrone Pharmacy -
                                                                                         01224 277434
                                                                                         Ray’s Fish and Chips -
                                                                                         01224 487819
                                                                                         McColl’s -
                                                                                         01224 497921
                                                                                         Nisa -
                                                                                         01224 484215
                                                                                         Golden City -
                                                                                         01224 487500
                                                                                         Qismat -
                                                                                         01224 482200
                                                                                         Lurch Monster’s
                                                                                         Tilly Butcher -
                                                                                         01224 480229
                                                                                         Donside Stores -
                                                                                         01224 379977                7
St Machar Skate Park
    A local skating group have raised      Kelly agreed, saying: “If moving it    Association who said they
    a petition to move the skate ramp      means it will be better used that      understood residents’ concerns.
    currently based in St Machar Park.     would prob be best idea but I
                                                                                  They added: “We are currently
                                           think personally if they decide to
    Aberdeen Skate Association are                                                gauging interest from our
                                           do that they should replace it with
    proposing to move the skate                                                   members to volunteer to help
                                           something else that would benefit
    ramp to Westburn Park and have                                                renovate the cycle track in St
                                           the kids of Tillydrone.”
    raised a petition to Aberdeen                                                 Machar Park if the community
    City Council.                          However, other members of              would like us to help with that.
                                           the community would rather the         We have bikers in our group who
    The Tilly Tattle editorial team
                                           ramp was left for the children of      would have the knowledge to do
    spoke to people from the Move
                                           Tillydrone to play on.                 this and are keen to help.
    the Mini campaign to find out more
    about their campaign.                  Lorraine said: “I’m pretty angry       “We are also proposing to get a
                                           that they think they can just take     pool of skateboards together and
    In their petition they claim the
                                           our kids’ stuff away. It doesn’t       offer the children of Tillydrone the
    ramp has been neglected and is
                                           matter how they use it, it’s played    opportunity to take up what is
    not used for its intended purpose.
                                           on most days. I think it would be      now an Olympic sport at
    The ramp is apparently not
                                           used more if they put the bike         Westburn Park.”
    suitable for skateboarding as there
                                           track back in, that was well used
    is a large gap between the ramp                                               Conversations between residents
                                           once upon a time.”
    surface and the coping at the top                                             and community workers now
    of the ramp which makes it difficult   Aberdeen Skate Association             have local people looking at
    to use properly, particularly for      said: “It is not our aim to alienate   applying for funding to install new
    inexperienced skaters.                 the residents of Tillydrone in any     equipment in St Machar Park so
                                           way and we would welcome any           we will keep you updated on this
    In order to address this issue
                                           dialogue between groups to try         as things progress.
    Aberdeen Skate Association are
                                           and work together to better the
    offering to fund the refurbishment                                            At the moment there is no fixed
                                           community for all.
    of the ramp but one of their                                                  timescale for this project and the
    conditions is that the ramp be         “While there is already a skate        group would require permission
    moved to Westburn Park where           park at Westburn Park it is            from the city council before
    it would be used more widely           becoming overcrowded and               anything was to happen to the
    by members of the skating              ramp skating is a totally different    ramp in St Machar Park.
    community.                             discipline from what is currently
                                                                                  What are your thoughts on
                                           on offer.”
    Tillydrone residents have had                                                 this story? Get in touch with
    mixed reactions to their proposals.    Some Tillydrone residents feel
                                           angered that something has been        or message Tilly Tattle on
    Ashleigh said: “I’ve never seen it
                                           taken away from a disadvantaged        Facebook, we would love to
    being used for anything other than
                                           community to move it to an             hear from you.
    kids run up and down it. If moving
                                           affluent area.
    it means it’s going to be used for
    its intended purpose then that can     The Tilly Tattle editorial team
    only be a good thing.”                 spoke to Aberdeen Skate

Grampian Women’s Aid                                 Gaslighting
Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic         Their reality and being becomes that of        10. Everyone Else is A Liar
in which a person, to gain power and         the abuser.                                    The gaslighter may tell the person
control of another individual, plants                                                       everyone else is against them and
                                             5. Words Versus Actions
seeds of uncertainty in another person’s                                                    that everyone is lying. Such action
                                             A gaslighter will talk and talk to convince
mind. The self-doubt and constant                                                           further blurs the victim’s sense of reality
                                             a person of their concern for them.
questioning slowly cause the individual                                                     and increases their dependence on
                                             However, their actions will not reflect
to question their reality.                                                                  the gaslighter.
                                             the words.  
Gaslighting can happen to anyone.                                                           Gaslighting is a form of mental and
                                             6. Love and Flattery
Abusers carry out gaslighting                                                               emotional abuse. The sooner the signs
behaviours slowly and deliberately so        A gaslighter will tear a person down,
                                                                                            are recognised, the sooner the victim
that the person it is happening to does      build them back up and tear them
                                                                                            can take steps to find help. If you
not realise it. The abuser disproves         right down again. This abusive pattern
                                                                                            recognise the signs and believe you,
concerns time and again to the point a       becomes reality for the victim and the
                                                                                            or someone you know, is in a
person does not recognise the reality of     praise associated with the building back
                                                                                            gaslighting relationship, we can help
what is happening.                           up convinces them to think the abuser
                                                                                            and support you.
                                             isn’t all bad.
10 Signs of Gaslighting Behaviour                                                           Contact Us
                                             7. Confusion
1. Blatant Lies                                                                             During these uncertain times
                                             A gaslighter instils constant and
You know the person is lying, often                                                         Grampian Women’s Aid are still
                                             consistent confusion leading the victim
and with ease, yet they say they do                                                         providing all support services.
                                             to become desperate for clarity. As the
not recognise this in their behaviour.
                                             person searches for clarity from the           Women seeking support should
You begin to have self-doubt, question
                                             abuser, the cycle continues, and the           reach out to us by calling 01224
everything and become uncertain of the
                                             abuser’s power increases.                      593381 or emailing info@
simplest matters.
                                             8. Projecting
2. Deny, Deny, Deny                                                                         visiting
                                             A gaslighter projects their actions on to
You know what they said. They deny                                                          contact-us/
                                             their victim. For example, if the gaslighter
ever saying it. They ask you to prove                                                       When we’re closed, Scotland’s
they said it. You start to question your     is a liar and a cheater, they accuse
                                                                                            Domestic Abuse and Forced
memory. Perhaps they were right, they        the victim of being a liar and a cheater.
                                                                                            Marriage Helpline is available 24/7
never said it. Increasingly you question     The person feels that they constantly
                                                                                            via phone on 0800 027 1234, email
your reality and accept theirs.              need to defend themselves for things
                                                                                   or web chat
                                             they have not done.
3. Using What You Love Against You                                                          at Specially
                                             9. “You’re crazy”                              trained staff are available to offer
This is a manipulative tactic used by
                                             The gaslighter knows the person is             support and information for anyone
the gaslighter, causing the person to
                                             already questioning their sanity. They         experiencing domestic abuse, those
question themselves and things they
                                             also know the victim is searching for          concerned about someone else and
hold close. For example, if the person
                                             clarity. Hence, when they call the person      professionals with questions.
loves their job, the gaslighter will find
issues with it. If they have children, the   crazy, the person believes it.
gaslighter will make them believe they       The gaslighter will also tell other people
should not have had them, that they’re a     the victim is crazy or mad. Hence, if
poor parent.                                 the victim ever approaches those
                                             people for help, they
4. Losing Your Sense of Self
                                             will most likely
The gaslighting continues methodically       not be believed.
and continuously over a long period of
time. The victim, over time, becomes
a different person. Self-confidence
disappears, and the victim becomes
a shadow of their former self.

Why Messy Play?
The team at Aberdeen Play Forum              the water inside the tub so that the       Jelly, wonderful to squish and squeeze
have a passion for play! It is our job       floor does not become slippery)            and it smells amazing! You could even
to promote children’s right to play                                                     try burying toys and objects in the
                                             Older children can help prepare
and raise awareness of the important                                                    mixture before setting.
                                             and set up the messy play. Also
role play has in supporting children’s
                                             encourage them to help with cleaning       Cereal. Add a cereal of your choice to
development and fostering their physical
                                             up any spillages.                          a basin/container. (A good addition here
and mental wellbeing.
                                                                                        would be kitchen utensils or toy animals).
                                             Have fun!
Sensory play is important because it
                                                                                        Dye yoghurt with food colouring for
provides children with opportunities to      Think about clothes!                       some finger-painting fun!
experiment, problem solve and make
                                             Put children in old clothes or strip       Taste safe mud. All you need is two
decisions. It supports the development
                                             them down to their nappy                   cups of plain flour, 1 tablespoon of cocoa
of both fine and gross motor skills,
and language. Furthermore, sensory                                                      powder and two cups of water to create
                                             Use mum/dad’s/older siblings old
play has been proven to build nerve                                                     this taste safe mud. Perfect for your own
                                             tops for cover ups
connections in the brain and also helps                                                 mud kitchen or for some dinosaurs to
                                             Have face cloth/wipes handy for a          stomp in!
to develop and enhance memory.
                                             quick clean up
Messy play, describes materials such                                                    NON-MESSY SENSORY PLAY
                                             Contain the mess!
as, paint, sand, slime, water, clay or mud                                              Here are some mess free sensory
that provide a sensory experience for the    Use the bathtub or outdoor area            play ideas:
child. Messy play enables children to
                                             Lay down a wipe clean tablecloth/          Fill plastic bottles with materials such
explore texture, sensations, imagination,
                                             tarp/towels                                as coloured water, sequins, glitter etc.
and of course get messy and have
                                                                                        Try dried beans, rice, bells or stones
fun! Messy play activities can be cheap      Have towels and a bin bag handy for
                                                                                        to create interesting sounds.
and relatively easy to provide for your      a quick clean up
                                                                                        (Remember and seal the lid with
children at home. However, it can be
                                             TASTE SAFE MESSY PLAY FOR                  superglue or duct tape)
daunting for many families. The team at
                                             BABIES AND TODDLERS                        Create your own texture boards. Using
Aberdeen Play Forum have some top
tips to encourage you to try messy play      Babies and toddlers love to explore        superglue attach various textured items
at home with your children.                  using their mouths, this does not mean     such as colourful scourers, stones, fur,
                                             that they cannot get involved with messy   cork etc to a large piece of cardboard.
                                             play. Here are some ideas for taste safe   Get out your kitchen utensils and
Be positive and prepared
                                             messy play:                                pots and pans to create your own
Keep it simple (very few and                                                            musical instruments.
                                             Cooked or uncooked pasta shapes
simple materials)
                                             (there are loads of recipes online         Make an indoor den, close the curtains
Set ground rules before you start and        explaining how to dye pasta for an         and create cool effects with torches, fairy
explain why (for example, try to keep        optional twist!)                           lights and glow sticks.

Budgeting in
A steering group, made up
community representatives from
Tillydrone, Seaton and Woodside,
has been meeting virtually to
plan and progress a participatory
budgeting (PB) event.

The concept of PB originated in
Brazil and the idea is that local
people can vote on how local
authority money is spent.

There was a total of £13,000,
with £10,000 coming from Fairer
Aberdeen and £3,000 coming
from Police Scotland.

The themes for potential
projects are:                        Instant Neighbour foodbank
1. Young people
                                      The Instant Neighbour foodbank          Use of the foodbank has increased
2. Mental health                      is still open and has been open         massively over recent months but
                                      throughout lockdown and anyone          the kind donations from churches,
3. Safety in your community.
                                      who finds themselves facing food        communities and businesses have
                                      insecurity is welcome to come           meant we have been able to stay
The closing date for applications
                                      and register.                           open and offer assistance to those
was the start of October
                                                                              who need and donations are
                                      During lockdown we have given out
Voting will take place towards end                                            always welcomed.
                                      over 3,500 parcels.
October with the final voting day                                             We have access to an industrial
being 29th October. This will be      These parcels contain dry, ambient
                                                                              chiller now as well so have the
done both online and on paper         tinned goods and the items we
                                                                              ability to hand chilled and fresh
forms.                                always run out of are, unsurprisingly
                                                                              food out to our beneficiaries which
                                      pasta sauce, tinned meals, tinned
                                                                              gives a much more substantial
Votes will be counted on              fruit and tinned puddings.
                                                                              food package.
30th October and successful           We also like to give out tea, coffee,
applications announced shortly                                                Food can be donated at our St.
                                      milk and biscuits as well as tinned
afterwards.                                                                   Machar premises anytime between
                                      beans and soup.
                                                                              Monday and Friday from 8.30-4.30.
For more information email            The foodbank is open Monday             We encourage people to reach out
udecide.tillywoodsea@gmail.           to Friday, 10am-1pm and 2-4pm.          by phone or e-mail to check what
com.                                  No referrals required to use            speciofic items we may be running
                                      this service.                           short of.
                                      We have been open throughout            Thanks to everyone who has
                                      lockdown for people to come             helped in anyway over this period
                                      and receive help and have been          of uncertainty.
                                      partnered up with other foodbanks
                                      and Aberdeen City Council to ‘Feed
                                      the City’

Local Teenagers
                                          step up in aid of
                                          helping Disabled

Covid-19 has had a damaging effect         Ryan said: “Helping the most               and take pride in the community work
on the whole of society, however it’s      vulnerable is a really good feeling.”      they both do. They hope that with
not all doom and gloom!                    Lucas Mackenzie (13) from                  them doing this appeal, it’ll raise much
                                           Tillydrone is also doing his Saltire       needed funds and inspire other young
Two local teenagers, who are
                                           Awards and volunteers his time with        people to volunteer.
lifelong friends, have stepped
forward to help support their local        Future Choices.                            The funds they hope to raise will help to
community, particularly those that         Lucas added: “I’m so excited to            provide vital support to help those most
are physically disabled!                   help the most in need during this          vulnerable adults post Covid-19, and
                                           tough time.”                               to help engage them in social inclusion
Ryan Bannerman (14) from
                                                                                      by breaking down the social isolation
Northfield, currently doing his Saltire    For both teenagers, the challenges
                                           of going back to a new school routine      barriers, they have had to endure
Awards, volunteers his time for
                                           and academic year is a hurdle in itself    since March
local charity Future Choices. Future
Choices provides social inclusion and      so trying to help the community via an     You can check out their special film
recreational activities, however due       online fundraiser is very commendable.     and view their Crowdfunding page
to the current pandemic, the charities     Both Ryan and Lucas have learnt a          at
activities are currently suspended.        great deal by doing their Saltire Awards   support-ryan-and-lucas

Volunteers receive award which is
 equivalent to an MBE
 shmu has been honoured with
 The Queen’s Award for Voluntary
 Service, the highest award a
 voluntary group can receive in the
 UK - the equivalent to an MBE.
 The Queen’s Award for Voluntary
 Service recognises outstanding
 work done by volunteer groups in
 their local communities and was
 established in 2002 to celebrate the
 Queen’s Golden Jubilee.
 We support over 200 volunteers
 on a weekly basis, and our
 CEO Murray Dawson said “It’s
 an incredible honour for our
 organisation to have secured
 the Queen’s Award for Voluntary
 Service. We just wouldn’t exist
 without our amazing volunteers
 and everyone has played a part in
 our story over the last 20 years.
 Absolutely fantastic news.”
 Our Volunteer Coordinator Tracy
 Ewing summed up the importance
 of our volunteers by adding:
                                        The commitment and dedication of      commitment to support local
 “We’re incredibly lucky to have
                                        the staff and volunteers was also     communities says a lot about who
 so many talented and committed
                                        praised by Trustee and volunteer      they are, and the vital part they
 volunteers at shmu, with almost
                                        Abeer Eladany who said they have      play in our great big shmu family”.
 100 volunteers still volunteering
 and rising to the challenge            a “profoundly positive impact on      Representatives of shmu will
 during COVID-19. Whether               the wider local communities”, and     receive the award from Barney
 writing articles for community         that she was “thrilled that they      Crockett, Lord Lieutenant of
 magazines, recording radio             have been recognised with this        Aberdeen later this summer,
 shows, participating in our Tell       prestigious award as shmu always      with two volunteers from shmu
 Us campaign, or supporting other       inspires, motivates and holds the     being invited to a garden party at
 volunteers with technical queries      cultural banner across the region”.   Holyroodhouse in July 2021, along
 our volunteer community has            Finally, our Chair Jillian Evans      with other recipients of this
 never been stronger. I’m proud to      paid tribute to the volunteers who    year’s award.
 support and be part of such a loyal    “make SHMU one of Aberdeen’s
 and creative team who are              most valuable assets. Their
 very deserving of such a               energy, enthusiasm and
 huge award.”

Gone are the days where Hepatitis              The treatments no longer involve
C was a life sentence – where                  injections and are administered in
testing and treatment processes and            tablet form, taken daily, and are
medications were often worse than              prescribed over a number of weeks.
the disease itself.                            This course of medication can now
                                               cure the virus in as little as eight
The opportunities of having a simple
                                               weeks and involve no serious side
and easy to access testing service has
been greatly increased by the recent
                                               effects, anything reported as being
                                               minimal and minor.
                                                                                           New Building
introduction and roll out of dry blood
spot testing (DBST) being provided             It’s also really encouraging to hear that   Developments
at local pharmacies across the city            liver biopsies are no longer routinely
and in branches in the Shire. This is          used. Blood testing or ultrasound           in Tillydrone
in addition to DBST services which             scans are now customarily used to
are provided within NHS sites and GP           check the health of your liver.             Tillydrone is seeing lots of new
practices as well as being available                                                       building developments in the area.
                                               So, the message we wish to strongly
within the NHSG Sexual Health Clinic
                                               convey is simply this, “See It. Treat It    Some of you may have noticed
and as a service availed to clients of
                                               and Beat It” and you could be cured         building work happening near
Alcohol and Drugs Action (ADA) in
                                               of the virus and its symptoms within        Aberdeen Lads Club.
Aberdeen. For details contact their
                                               eight weeks. You will also be doing
helpline 01224 594700 or website                                                           This development is going to become
                                               your part in fulfilling the World Health                                                           an early years facility with space for
                                               Organisations and our Scottish
This testing process is non-invasive           Governments pledge to, eliminate            40-50 children.
and only involves a single pin                 Hepatitis C within the next decade!         It is an Aberdeen City
prick to a finger to provide the
                                               More information available at               Council development.
required sample. This is then sent
                                      and www.
off for testing. Results are returned
confidentially and directly to

yourself. A full list of participating local
pharmacies addresses, and contact
details is available on our website

New and much improved Hepatitis C
treatments have been available now
for the last three years and record a
cure rate of around 95%.

Community Contacts
Aberdeen City Council Helpline - 0800 0304 713   Oldmachar Medical Practice
Alcoholics Anonymous - 0800 9177 650             Old Aberdeen Medical Practice
Drinkline - 0300 123 1110                        01224 486702
CRIME                                            Tillydrone Clinic
Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111                     01224 276723
DRUGS                                            Woodside Medical Group
Alcohol and Drugs Action Helpline                01224 492828
01224 594700 or 07927192706
                                                 LOCAL COUNCILLORS:
Narcotics Anonymous
                                                 Councillor Alex McLellan
0300 999 1212
                                                 07500 999522
Emergency - G-Dens - 111
                                                 Councillor Jim Noble
DOCTORS                                          07748 760557
NHS 24 Emergency - 111                 
POLICE                                           Councillor Ross Grant
Non-Emergency - 101                              07738688458
If you have a power-cut - 105
                                                 DOMESTIC ABUSE SUPPORT
Gas Emergency - 0800 111 999                     Domestic Abuse is not acceptable. It is not your fault
WATER                                            and you are not alone.Domestic Abuse is when you
Scottish Water Emergency - 0800 0778 778         are hurt, bullied or frightened by:
HOUSING                                          Your husband or wife. Your boyfriend or girlfriend
Emergency Repairs - 03000 200 292                Your current or ex-partner

Family Planning - 0345 337 9900                  Their behaviour can be; controlling, physical, sexual,
                                                 financial or emotional.
Mental Health Aberdeen - 01224 573892
Breathing Space - 0800 838 587                   Help and support
                                                 There are services available to support you, and
Samaritans - Need to talk
                                                 they are still open. You do not have to wait for an
01224 574 488 or 116 123
                                                 emergency to get help. Tell someone you trust
SOCIAL WORK                                      or contact:
Adult Protection - 0800 731 5520
                                                 National Domestic Abuse Helpline Free and
Joint Child Protection Team                      confidential advice. Open to all. 24 hours a day.
01224 306877 or 0800 731 5520                    Telephone: 0800 027 1234. Website:
VSA Carers Support - 01224 358631                Grampian Women’s Aid
Age Scotland - 0800 1244 222                     Telephone: 01224 593381. Website:
CFINE 01224 596156                     
Financial Advice at CFINE 01224 531386           Rape Crisis Grampian Telephone: 01224 590932.
Pathways 01224 682 939                           Website:
Citizens Advice 01224 586255
St Machar Credit Union 01224 276994              LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline
                                                 Telephone: 0300 999 5428 or email
                                                 Men’s Advice Line
                                                 Telephone: 0808 801 0327
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