Page created by Shane Wright

 12th March 2021
World Book Day
Another year and another fantastic World Book
Day at Belmont School. With the bubble system,
we couldn’t celebrate all together but the
atmosphere around the school was full of
enthusiasm and positivity.

Our focus throughout the day was on inspirational
stories from literature. However, it also gave us a
chance to reflect on the inspirational stories from
around the globe in the past year.

 Additionally, we were treated to a book reading by Jago
 Hartland, a young local author, who read his book ‘The
 Dogsitter with Cystic Fibrosis’ online. It was great to hear
 Jago’s story and to also feel inspired by his approach to
 life as he battles cystic fibrosis.

We were also lucky enough to be visited by Elsa and
Olaf who dropped off some books for our library
courtesy of Morrisons supermarket. It was a lovely
gesture from Morrisons and the books will certainly be
well used!
Finally, many staff dressed up for the day and read from their favourite childhood stories. Please look
out for their readings on Dojo via School Story!

All in all, the day served a wonderful purpose in promoting the importance of reading and the love of

Anything you can do at home to reiterate the message would be much appreciated. Sometimes all it
takes is one book to turn a reluctant reader into a keen one!
 Mr James Farrer-Grover, English Coordinator
Updates from Mr Day
What a few weeks this has been! Our remaining few children have successfully returned and the school
has taken another step closer to the lively, friendly, productive and social learning environment that the
staff and children have missed so much. We can’t say there have not been some very anxious young
people, a few tears and the odd disagreement as the whole school community of over 200 children and
staff come together, but I have been impressed once again by the team work from the staff and the
partnership and support from the parents and carers, thank you all so much.

No school is ever perfect, but as I write today I am told by Mary and Lou, our wonderful attendance
officers, that again we have over 97% attendance this week. This is amazing and only achieved by
partnership working.

 The pressure on the teaching profession is well reported in this
 day and age. The Belmont governors and school leaders remain
 very appreciative of the commitment and hard work of all the
 staff and we try and encourage and keep them going (especially
 during the pandemic). However, sometime it’s the simple things
 that make us smile and keep us on top form. Like this week, I
 received an anonymous donation of 2000+ tea bags and large
 tub of coffee from Amazon. With no label or message, I was
 confused when the finance team said they had not ordered
 them, so I took them home to Mrs Day who said “Why would I
 buy 2000 tea bags from Amazon you fool, where would we put
them!” So, I have returned them to school and the staff team are drinking away right now 
If you are our mystery donor, thank you so much - 72 staff will be enjoying a cuppa for weeks to come.

From Monday we continue to improve the Belmont buildings and facilities with the building of two new
large classrooms with toilets and break out rooms. Although I have no plans to create additional
student numbers from next September we really wanted to create additional learning spaces and break
out areas for interventions and sensory breaks for our children. The new facilities are in addition to our
new soft play area that will open in the summer term. These will make a huge positive impact on school
life and facilities.

The contractor for the project is Carter’s who have a strong reputation for successful work within special
schools and will maintaining the highest standards and respect of our learning environments. The
construction area will be behind the main secondary building so primary students will hardly be aware
of the works. To help prepare our secondary students they have been watching this video during the
week . If children have any questions or concerns please link with their
class team.

Please be assured that despite these works we are planning to make no changes to lessons or pick up
and drop off arrangements. The changes for secondary students will be linked to play spaces and PE
lessons and the children are aware now. It’s a very exciting project that will be completed by August

Finally, I’d like to thank our Covid 19 testing team who have been wonderful for many months now.
From next week our secondary students, who have been tested in school, will now be tested twice a
week. As before we will continue to send out updates via ClassDojo. With all the many other measures
the school still feels very safe and clean with all playing their part to ensure our progress out of Covid 19

Yours with thanks and best wishes
Kevin & Team Belmont
Jaguars’ favourite books
For World Book Day Jaguars class drew a front cover of their favourite book or reading materials, they
then researched their chosen book to find out who the author was, when it was first published and who
illustrated the book. They worked independently and used the iPads to search for the information
needed and all created a great piece of work.

Night Owls new skills
Night Owls class have been busy making their foxes based on the theme of ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’. For
many it was the first time they had used a sewing machine, a task which they really enjoyed.
The foxes were made for their Asdan qualification during their Asdan lessons.

Diary date - Years 9 & 10
 The Immunisation Team will be in school on Monday 22nd March for Year 9 & 10
 DTP/MenACWY vaccination.

 Please return consent forms to school.
Pizza Success!

Casey from Foxes class was delighted with his pizza pack from Morrisons at the end of last term. He got
stuck in to making his pizza straight away and was keen to show us all his hard work. An amazing success
– well done!
And thank you once again to Morrisons supermarket for all the generous donations they gave to parents
of Belmont pupils.

New Staff Profiles
 Ms L Taylor, LSW Monkeys Class
 ‘Hi I am Leanne Taylor, I have 3 children, 2 grandchildren and 2 more on the
 I have worked in the childcare sector for 16 years, starting as a nursery
 assistant through to a nursery manager. In 2007 I decided to open my own
 childcare business with 16 children enrolled, I successfully achieved ‘Good and
 Outstanding’ Ofsted inspections grades. To continue to challenge my
 professional development I became a qualified lecturer teaching Childcare and
 Early Years at New College in Swindon. By the end of the first year I was
 promoted to Head of the Early Years and Childcare Department and
 Programme Lead to Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 programmes. I continued to
 progress within my role by becoming the Lead IV within our department.
 During my time as a teacher I was able to work with many learners with a
variety of differentiated learning needs and able to support my learners by achieving 100% pass rate in
all of their exams and course work.
I came to Belmont due to a change in personal circumstances, since joining Belmont I have enjoyed my
time getting to know the staff and working with the pupils with specialist needs. I am hoping to further
my skills and experience by working specifically in the SEN sector.’

Miss C Bridgeman, LSW Giraffes Class
‘I’ve recently moved back to Gloucestershire after spending twelve
years as a teacher in a large mainstream primary school in High
Wycombe. My passions and interests include reading, cooking,
gardening and keeping fit.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my first term as an LSW in Giraffes’ class
and I’m really excited to be part of the Belmont team.’
Scooter Donations
Belmont would like to thank all the generous people that have given us their spare bikes and scooters.
Our children use these during break and lunchtimes and it gives them a different way of learning
through play. We are very grateful for these donations as the children thoroughly enjoy scooting around
the school playgrounds with the wind blowing through their hair.
We would like to continue to invite donations for bikes/ scooters to Belmont so that the children can
make the most of their playtimes. Please contact us if you can help!

Short Breaks Action Group in Gloucestershire
On behalf of the newly formed Action Group for Short Breaks in Gloucestershire, we should be grateful
if you would fill out the attached questionnaire (follow the link below) giving a detailed picture of the
demand for short breaks, or holiday activities for young people with disabilities, in Gloucestershire. This
group represents parents, schools, short break providers, parent carers' organisations and local
charities. We are aware that there is an urgent need for short breaks and other activities, now that the
Covid restrictions have been relaxed and with the Easter Holidays looming. Organisations such as
Allsorts and The Chamwell Centre are planning to run a service which is being rapidly put together with
the support of Gloucestershire County Council. We are aware that there have been several different
questionnaires circulating and we plan to join up the results, but to give a more in-depth picture, we
should be very grateful if you would kindly complete the attached questionnaire, following this link:

F@B - Update on Fundraising
We are continuing to look at ways to fundraise and support school during this
challenging time. In spite of the restrictions over the last year and continuing difficulties
presented by the pandemic, F@B received over £6,000 in income in 2020.
We have with sadness decided that due to the continuing uncertainty over restrictions we
will not hold a Summer Fair this year, hopefully this will be back in 2022. We will, however, hold our
annual grand raffle and are in the process of collecting donations and prizes for this. If anyone has any
contacts with local companies who would be willing to donate please get in touch. The raffle will be held
in September to provide a welcome to new parents joining.
We still need new “voices” to come forward to assist with events, publicity, grant applications and the
like. Please come and have your say it is YOUR association!

As always you can get in touch, via, through the school office or via the Belmont
Parents support group on Facebook.
 Carolyn Jones, Treasurer and Acting Chair Friends@ Belmont
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