2020-2021 Tryout Information - Snohomish School District

2020-2021 Tryout Information - Snohomish School District
2020-2021 Tryout Information
2020-2021 Tryout Information - Snohomish School District
Due to the COVID-19 related school closures, tryouts will be different this year. However, our
mission, goals, and code of ethics remain the same.

The mission of the GPHS Cheer Program is to:
   Promote and uphold school spirit, unity and pride.
   Represent the school to the highest degree.
   Set an example of good behavior and sportsmanship at all times.
   Promote the development of lifelong values and skills.

The goals of the GPHS Cheer Program are to:
    Stunt, dance, and sideline cheer at varsity football games.
    Sideline cheer and dance at girls’ and boys’ basketball games.
    Promote spirit for sports and clubs during all sports seasons.
    Support and perform at pep and recognition assemblies.
    Perform community service and participate in non-cheer community or school events.

The GPHS Cheer Program’s Code of Ethics
   Emphasize the ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, integrity, accountability, and fair
   Abide by all school, district, and league rules, as well as local, state and federal laws.
   Show courtesy to all visiting teams, competitors, hosts and officials.
   Respect the integrity and judgment of all sports and competition officials.
2020-2021 Tryout Information - Snohomish School District
Participation in cheerleading is voluntary, not mandatory. It is a
privilege, not a right, and may be revoked when a cheerleader
violates the rules and regulations. Cheerleaders and mascots
are expected to always give 100% commitment and dedication
to their coaches, squad, and school. The advisor reserves the
right to revoke any, or all, cheerleading privileges at any time.
Just as in all other GP athletics and activities, the advisor has
the right to determine whether a member participates in any
given cheer activity.

Cheerleaders should always serve as ambassadors and
representatives of Glacier Peak while at school and in the
community. While making mistakes is human nature, those
mistakes could reflect on the squad, the advisor, Glacier Peak,
and the Snohomish community and thus may result in
restricted or revoked cheer privileges.
2020-2021 Tryout Information - Snohomish School District
We are often asked if we are a club or a sport.
GPHS Cheer is technically an ASB club, but
recognized by the WIAA as a performance
 Advisors have to meet coaching requirements
   of WIAA
 Participants must adhere to sport contracts and
   rules of WIAA
 Coach/advisor has ultimate control in the
   decision-making process.
 ASB fund rules apply
2020-2021 Tryout Information - Snohomish School District
   Participating in cheer is a way to build one’s
    character & skills.
   We have strict rules and expectations, for a reason!
    Consequences for not following them can be quite
    serious for both the individual and the squad.
   Cheer is a pathway to growth. Criticisms are
    constructive & are necessary. One must be able to
    accept criticisms and follow instructions (without
    complaining!) in order to participate in cheer.
   We are a team that works together. Those that
    want to cause or be involved in gossip or “drama”
    are not encouraged to join cheer.
2020-2021 Tryout Information - Snohomish School District
   Represent GPHS and greater
    Snohomish community at ALL times – in and
    out of uniform, in and out of school
   Standards of acceptable behavior are
    higher than those of other students
   It is difficult to coordinate Running Start and
    GP Cheer schedules at the same time.
   It is difficult to do competitive cheer and fall
    season GP Cheer at the same time.
       If you want to do competitive cheer, we suggest you
        try out for the fall season only.
During tryouts, candidates will have the
opportunity to select the season(s) they’d like to
participate in: fall, winter, or both. ALL members
will attend spring uniform fittings, spring and
summer practices, camp, and fundraiser activities
regardless of which season they are participating
   Practices 2 times a week, no longer than 2
    hours each
   ALL cheer events are expected to take priority
   Absences (excused or unexcused) affect everyone
   Take part in fundraisers, and to pay their bill in
    full by the set deadlines
       Limited district funds (more out-of-pocket expenses)
   Commitment from June through March
   June practices and camp are for everyone, then
    split into “squads” in July/August
   Members must be adaptable, willing, and able to
    learn and memorize material QUICKLY
If you make the squad, you are agreeing to make a full commitment to
this program by putting cheer at the highest priority. If you are
absent, it affects the entire squad and is unfair to those who make the
full commitment. Driver’s education classes, work, illness, doctor’s
appointments, vacations, etc. may not be avoidable, but still affect our
squad. You must notify Ms. Zanol well in advance of an absence and
be prepared to pay consequences for missing practice or an event
(from benching for a single event to removal for repeated absences).

No positions will be refilled if a removal or benching occurs
throughout the season.

This year, being a member of the GPHS Cheer Squad is expected
to cost participants approximately $700. Some fundraising is possible
through boosters, but some of the expenses will be out-of-
pocket. Please be prepared for this financial commitment.
Additional information about the GPHS
Cheerleading program can be found in the GPHS
Cheer Handbook, such as code of conduct, attendance
policy, and uniform expectations. Please email Coach
Zanol if you have any questions or concerns. If
selected as a member of the GPHS Cheerleading
squad, you are committing yourself (and your
family!) to participating in a time-consuming,
thankless but very fun activity. It is a priority of this
program to maintain the highest level of decorum,
performance, and appearance throughout the year.
Your child has expressed an interest in becoming a member of the varsity cheer squad at GPHS for the2020-2021 school year. If
selected, there are certain personal and financial responsibilities and obligations that your student must assume in order to
qualify and remain a member in good standing.

A cheerleader must be able to attend all meetings, camps, practices, and games. If a cheerleader plans to hold a job or a position
in another club, it is imperative that there are minimal, if any, conflicts with the cheerleading calendar. While absences may
be excusable/valid or unavoidable, arriving late, missing or leaving a cheer event early for vacation, work, driver’s ed, doctor’s
appointments, etc. may result in consequences. A calendar will be provided to assist in scheduling.

Cheerleaders must pay for uniforms, equipment, and other supplies. The squad coordinates with the cheer booster club to
fundraise for many of the expenses, which may total approximately $700.

It is an honor and a privilege to be a Glacier Peak Cheerleader. As a cheerleader, participants will be expected to make sacrifices
that other students and athletes are not required to make. Good leadership, sportsmanship, academics, and cheer skills all
go together. Furthermore, a cheerleader is expected to be a positive, responsible young person who always displays
appropriate teenage behavior, all while managing time appropriately so that academic standards are met.

Family involvement is important to the GPHS Cheerleading program. Cooperation among coaches, athletes, parents and school
personnel is essential. Families must make commitments to our program to assure such cooperation. We ask that families:
➢     attend meetings offered by the cheer boosters or coaching staff, as their schedule will permit.
➢     work closely and cooperatively with all school personnel to assure an appropriate academic and cheer experience for
      their child.
➢     assist their child in attending all scheduled practices, performances and events.
➢     require their child to abide by all rules and regulations of the Snohomish School District, Glacier Peak High
      School, WIAA, and the GPHS Cheer program.
➢     acknowledge the ultimate authority of the coach/advisor to determine squad organization and activities. Support their
      decisions and actions, recognizing that they are trained professionals.
➢     promote mature behavior from students and parents during athletic contests in accordance with the WIAA’s Just Play
      Fair program.

Please read all tryout information carefully with your child before signing the Parent Acknowledgement and Permission Form.
Note: Athletic clearance paperwork (RankOne) will only be required from those candidates that are selected for the squad.

Glacier Peak High School has established a tradition of excellence and the cheerleading squad is a significant part of that. We
look forward to continuing this journey with the GPHS cheerleaders.
   Currently registered / enrolled for the 2020-
    2021 school year in the Snohomish School
    District, entering grades 9-12 @ GP.
   At least a D in 5 of 6 classes in the last grading
   Good attendance, acceptable class performance
    and be in good standing with teachers and
   Candidates shouldn’t have any significant
    school disciplinary or attendance history.
   April 24: Tryout materials available
   May 1: Tryout application and parent
    acknowledgement form DUE by 1 p.m.
   May 22: Tryout video DUE by 1 p.m.
   May 29: Fall and Winter squads announced
   June 22-24: Cheer camp @ GPHS (subject to
    change...may be in August)
   1st practice TBD
   July: Captains’ practices (TBD)
   August 3: Practices resume
   August: Student Start Up - $100 participation
    fee and ASB card payment DUE
1. Finish watching this presentation with your
parent/guardian. Email Coach Zanol if you have
2. On your own, learn basic cheer skills and
prepare the tryout materials provided.
3. Submit a complete application by deadline.
4. Parents: complete the Parent
Acknowledgement and Permission Form by
5. Prepare a video performing the material and
send to lisa.zanol@sno.wednet.edu by deadline.
FEMALES                 MALES
 Quarter break dance    Partner stunt

 Sideline chant         Sideline chant

 GP Fight Song          GP Fight Song
   Sharp, precise                GPA
    movements                     Overall coach
   Loud, audible voice            impression (skill level,
    projection                     “coachabilty,”
   Energetic and full of          attitude/personality,
    genuine enthusiasm             genuineness, etc.)
   Correct arm, hand, and        Application (timeliness,
    leg/foot position              completeness,
                                   responses, etc.)
   Correct rhythm and
   Memory - few mistakes,
    if any; recovers quickly
    and seamlessly
FEMALES                     MALES
 Jumps: good height,        Stunt
  straight back, position      has a spotter
  of legs, smooth prep         smooth and strong
  into execution, soft          prep into execution
  landing,                     holds stunt with
  facial expression             confidence
 Rallies: words,              clean, strong and safe
  motions, genuineness          dismount
 Kicks: straight arms
  and legs, pointed toes
   GPA
   Overall coach impression (skill level,
    “coachabilty,” attitude/personality,
    genuineness, etc.)
   Application (timeliness, completeness,
    responses, etc.)
   Be patient!
       As noted in “Important dates,” there is a week in between
        when videos are due and when the squads will be announced.
        Allow time for review of applications and tryout videos, as we
        work very conscientiously to make the difficult decisions that
        will ultimately result in the squad announcements.
   Be gracious!
       If you didn’t make the squad, please don’t take it personally!
        There are only a few spots available to a large number
        of candidates and in the best interest of the squad and school, a
        cohesive squad is identified. If you have questions about your
        own tryout, please email Coach Zanol.
   Be proud!
       You put yourself “out there” by trying out for the squad, and
        for some people, that takes a lot! No matter the result, you
        should be proud of your efforts.
   If you have questions, please email Coach
    Zanol (lisa.zanol@sno.wednet.edu).
   Begin to learn tryout material while staying
    home /practicing social distancing.
     You will find the tryout material on Coach Zanol's
      YouTube channel in a playlist called "2020-2021
      Cheer Tryout Material"
     https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI2m_Fh
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