PLANNING STATEMENT Land West of Frensham Pond Hotel Bacon Lane Churt - March 2021 - Planning Alerts | UK

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PLANNING STATEMENT Land West of Frensham Pond Hotel Bacon Lane Churt - March 2021 - Planning Alerts | UK
Planning Statement
                                Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt


Land West of Frensham Pond Hotel
           Bacon Lane

                  March 2021


      Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
PLANNING STATEMENT Land West of Frensham Pond Hotel Bacon Lane Churt - March 2021 - Planning Alerts | UK
Planning Statement
                                                     Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt


1.0   Introduction
      •   Background

2.0   The Site and its Context

3.0   The Proposal

4.0   Planning Policy Framework

5.0   Compliance with Planning Policy
      •   Principle
      •   Impact on the character of the area
      •   Impact on Neighbouring Amenity
      •   Highways
      •   Drainage
      •   Ecology
      •   Pollution

6.0   Conclusions


                           Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                      Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt


1.1   This statement has been prepared to accompany an application submitted to East
      Hampshire District Council ("Council") for a change of use of land to equestrian, the
      formation of a sand school, laying of permeable surface along an existing internal access
      track and provision of hard standing around existing (“the Proposal”) on land west of
      Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt (“the Site”).

1.2   This statement demonstrates how the Proposal complies with both national and local
      planning policy and advice and should be read alongside the plans.

1.3   The applicants are local residents who have recently purchased the Site. The site, as
      currently exists, benefits from existing stables and storage space as well as defined
      paddock areas for the grazing of horses. The existing arrangement is shown on the
      drawing extract below, with the stables at the north and gated access on the western
      edge of the Site.


                           Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                       Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt

1.4   The applicants are keen equestrians and wish to exercise and school their horses (which
      graze on their paddocks) in all weathers. To do this safely, an all-weather sand school
      is proposed. It is noted that there is an existing area that has been historically levelled
      and used for such purposes, however, it is uneven and potentially dangerous for horses.

1.5   The existing gated access into the site leads to an established track but the lack of any
      surface material renders it difficult to pass in inclement weather. Similarly, the existing
      stable buildings do not benefit from the usual hardstanding apron around their frontage
      which presents difficulties in managing and maintaining the horses.

1.6   This application has been designed to remedy the practical issues that currently exist as
      well as ensure the proper management of the site.


                           Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                        Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt


2.1   The Site forms part of a larger triangular parcel of land that extends to 8.5acres. It is
      located to the west of Frensham Pond Hotel, on the western side of Bacon Lane. It is
      understood to have historically formed part of Home Farm, Wishanger Park. Access to
      the site is via a shared gated access located to the south west of the application site that
      provides vehicular access from Bacon Lane.

2.2   The Site is relatively level although there is some change in levels, as shown on the
      topographical survey that comprises part of this submission. There are trees located to
      the north of the site as well as landscaping and trees along the boundary with Bacon Lane.
      The boundaries of the site are defined by post and rail fencing. Within the site the land
      has been divided into smaller paddocks with post and tape used to define these.

2.3   There are existing stables and storage at the north western tip of the site, set forward of
      the existing tree screen. These provide accommodation for several horses together with
      storage space for tack and other items.

2.4   There is an existing gated entrance into the site with an established track that leads up to
      the stable buildings.

2.5   The area is rural in character and much of the immediate land around the site is in
      equestrian use. The closest residential property lies to the east, on the opposite site of
      the Bacon Lane.

2.6   The site is discreet in the wider landscape by virtue of the topography and screening.
      Glimpse views from Bacon Lane are only achieved in winter months and from no other
      public vantage point.


                            Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                       Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt


3.1   Planning permission is sought for the construction of an all-weather sand school that
      would extend to 25m x 40m, a standard size for training and schooling purposes. The
      arena would be defined by post and rail fencing extending up to 1.2m in height and
      finished with a compacted pre-mixed riding surface. The sand school would be located
      to the immediate east of the stable yard and would be for personal use only. Please refer
      to the drawing extract below.

3.2   Access to the stables and proposed sand school is via an existing gated entrance and track,
      the position of which is shown on the drawing extract above. The internal track within
      the site is used be vehicles and it is proposed to install a geotextile membrane on top of
      which compacted MOT Type 1 would be placed. This permeable surface would respect
      the alignment of the established track and lead directly to the existing buildings.


                            Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                      Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt

3.3   A modest area of hardstanding is proposed immediately forward of the stables and
      storage buildings. This would provide an area to clean and attend to the horses and is a
      typical arrangement. The depth of the hardstanding has been kept as modest as possible
      whilst ensuring it is fit for purpose.

3.4   The Proposal does not require the removal of any trees or hedgerow.


                           Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                       Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt


      National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) March 2012
4.1   The revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) confirms that plans and decisions
      should apply a presumption in favour of sustainable development. For decision taking
      (para.11) this means:-
      •       approving development proposals that accord with an up-to-date development
              plan without delay; or
      •       where there are no relevant development plan policies, or the policies which
              are most important for determining the application are out-of-date, granting
              permission unless:
                   - the application of policies in this Framework that protect areas or assets
                      of particular importance provides a clear reason for refusing the
                      development proposed; or
                   - any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably
                      outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this
                      Framework taken as a whole.

4.2   The Framework advises (para 38) that: “Local planning authorities should approach
      decisions on proposed development in a positive and creative way …… Decision-makers at
      every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where

4.3   Paragraph 170 states that decisions should recognize the intrinsic character and beauty
      of the countryside and minimize impacts on biodiversity.

      Development Plan
4.4   The development plan for the purpose of this appeal comprises the East Hampshire
      District Local Plan: Joint Core Strategy and the East Hampshire District Local Plan: Second
      Review (2006).


                            Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                     Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt

      Joint Core Strategy
4.5   The following policies are of relevance;
            • CP1 Presumption in favour of sustainable development
            • CP19 Development in the Countryside
            • CP20 Landscape
            • CP29 Design
            • CP31 Transport

      East Hampshire District Local Plan: Second Review
4.6   The following policies are relevant:
              • C12 Equestrian Uses


                           Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                       Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt



5.1   Joint Core Strategy (JCS) Policy CP19 states that the principle of sustainable development
      in the countryside is to operate a policy of general restraint and is permissive of
      development subject to a number of criteria, one of which is that there is a genuine and
      proven need for a countryside location.

5.2   Is held that equestrian activities usually require a countryside/rural location and in this
      regard the sand school and the works associated therewith have a genuine need for this
      rural location.

5.3   The land does not compromise high quality agricultural land and has been used for grazing
      for many years. The formal change of use of land to equestrian and the formation of an
      exercise arena would facilitate appropriate countryside recreational activities. The sand
      school would be used only for personal purposes. The principle of the Proposal is thus
      acceptable in principle subject to all other policy matters being satisfactorily addressed.

5.4   Saved Policy C12 of the Local Plan: Second Review specifically relates to equestrian uses.
      It does not explicitly refer to all weather arenas or a ménage but in presenting a robust
      case, the Proposal is assessed against the criteria of this policy.

      a.      N/A although it should be noted the Proposal would be well located in relation to
              existing stables.

      b.      The Proposal may lead to less reliance of the Bridleways that may otherwise
              occur, with exercising being undertaken on the sand school in lieu of the
              Bridleways, particularly in the winter months. Notwithstanding this, the area
              benefits from good network of Bridleways and there is good accessibility to this
              network from the Site. Accordingly, there are significant areas of riding land and
              bridleway routes in very close proximity to the Site.

      c.      The Proposal would not cause or exacerbate conflicts between equestrian and
              other users of the public highway.

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                            Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                       Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt

      d.      The sand school is discreetly located at the northern end of the site. It would be
              set back from Bacon Lane and would be viewed in the context of existing stables.
              It would be enclosed with low, 1.2m high, post and rail fencing which would not
              appear prominent in short or longer distance views. The sand school would not
              be visually intrusive or indeed visible from public vantage points. The closest
              residential property lies to the east on the opposite side of Bacon Lane, with
              intervening paddocks, hedge screening and the road itself.

              The land has been used for equestrian purposes prior to the applicant’s purchase
              and this use is not incompatible with the residential property to the east,
              particularly having regard to the separation distances and landscape features.
              No external lights are proposed and the no harm to the living conditions of
              neighbouring properties would arise.

      e.      The impact of the Proposal on the character and appearance of the area is
              considered in greater detail below. However, in summary, the sand school is not
              excessive in scale, is discreetly located and defined by low post and rail fencing.
              No lighting is proposed. The provision of permeable surface material on an
              existing track is a typical finish in rural areas. It would not appear urban or
              prominent in the local landscape. No element of the proposed works would not
              cause harm to the character of the local landscape.

5.5   For the reasons set out above, the Proposal is compliant with Policies CP19 and C12 of
      the development plan and there is no policy obstacle in this regard.


5.6   Policy CP29 of the CS seeks to secure good standards of design for development that
      “respects” the areas characteristics. It requires development to be “sympathetic” to its
      setting in terms of scale, height and massing, its relationship to adjoining buildings and
      space around it.

5.7   The Proposal is well related to existing stables in its immediate setting. The submitted
      details demonstrate that the sand school does not require excessive cut and fill and is
      defined by a simple, low level post and rail fence. It would be partially concealed from
      views from public vantage points by existing landscaping and would be read against the
      backdrop of woodland that lies beyond the site itself.

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                           Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                        Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt

5.8    The arena extends to 25m x 40m which is not excessive for personal use. The Proposal is
       not therefore excessive in size for its purpose.

5.9    The provision of MOT type 1 on the existing track within the site is designed to avoid
       vehicles churning the land during inclement weather. It is informal, permeable and the
       width is not excessive for its purpose. The surface would not be visible from public
       vantage points and is a typical treatment in rural areas, such as this.

5.10   The hardstanding around the stables is required for animal welfare. It has been kept as
       modest as possible whilst ensuring it remains functional and fit for purpose. It would be
       read against the stables and would not represent an incursion into an undeveloped part
       of the site. The hard surfacing would not be visible from public vantage points.

5.11   For the reasons presented above, the proposals would not be visually intrusive or harmful
       in the local landscape and would fully comply with Policy CP29.


5.12   Policy CP27 of the JCS seeks to protect the amenity of neighbouring properties whilst
       criterion c) of Policy C12 requires equestrian development to protect the living conditions
       of existing and future occupants.

5.13   The equestrian use of the land is not incompatible in the context of the closest
       neighbouring properties to the site. The discreet siting of the sand school, adjacent to
       the existing stables, would not cause harm to any neighbouring occupier. The arena is
       for personal recreational purposes only and no floodlighting is proposed.

5.14   The proposed permeable surface on the existing track and hardstanding forward of the
       stables would not cause harm to neighbouring properties by virtue of the separation
       distances, intervening road and landscape features.

5.15   The modest scale of the Proposals and their discreet position would not lead to conditions
       prejudicial to the amenities of neighbouring occupiers along Bacon Lane.

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                             Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                        Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt


5.16   There is an existing gated access from Bacon Lane (beyond the southern tip of the site) to
       a shared track that serves a number of parcels of land, one of which being the application
       site. The proposals do not impact the existing access from Bacon Lane.          There is a
       further gated access from the shared track into the application site and again, the
       proposals do not impact this.

5.17   The laying of compacted MOT type 1 will enhance accessibility through the site to the
       existing stables. Vehicles will continue to park in the area forward of the stable complex,
       as per the existing arrangement.

5.18   The personal use of the sand school will not generate any material change in levels of
       traffic using the local roads.

5.19   The Proposal would not lead to conditions prejudicial to highway safety and is compliant
       with Policy CP 31 of the JCS.


5.20   Policy CP25 states development should not increase the risk of flooding elsewhere and
       where possible reduce flood risk overall and that all development will be required to
       ensure that there is no net increase in surface water run-off. Policy CP26 states that
       development will be required to protect the quality and quantity of water.

5.21   The Site is not located within a Flood Zone. Water run-off will be via soakaways and
       details are included as part of the application.


5.22   Policy CP21 states that development must maintain, enhance and protect the District’s
       bio-diversity and its surrounding environment.

5.23   Horse related activities and uses are compatible with a countryside location and are not
       normally deemed to have detrimental impacts on protected species.

5.24   The Proposal would not impact on existing hedgerows or trees.

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                             Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                       Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt


5.25   The sand school and associated works would not generate any risk of pollution. The siting
       of the Proposal would avoid noise, air or smell pollution to local residents.

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                            Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
Planning Statement
                                                        Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt


6.1   The Proposal seeks consent the provision of a sand school, surfacing an existing track and
      hardstanding forward of existing stables, all in association with personal equestrian
      purposes. No commercial use is proposed or intended.

6.2   For the reasons set out above, the proposal embraces the principles of sustainable
      development for which there is a presumption in favour of. Equestrian development is
      appropriate in the rural area. The scale, siting and design of the proposals have been
      influenced by the topography of the site, existing landscape features and the preference
      to cluster the sand school close to the existing stables. Individually and collectively, the
      proposals would not appear visually prominent in long or short distance public views and
      would not appear incongruous or harmful in their rural setting.

6.3   For the reasons set out herein, the proposal complies with all relevant development plan
      policies and with central government advice. In our judgement no other material
      considerations weigh against it.

6.4   We therefore respectfully ask the Council to grant planning permission for the proposal.

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                            Tel: 01420 489851 or 07766 650569
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