
                                                                                                                      WELCOME        P A G E 4 - 5 & 29 - 30

                                                                                                                            A Miraval State of Mind
                                                                                                                      The “I” in Miraval represents the individual. We recognize
                                                                                                                      your intention as a unique individual and an integral part
                                                                                                                      of the greater whole. You are the I in Miraval.

                                                                                                                      EXPERIENCES        P A G ES 6 - 22

                                                                                                                            Activities & Private Sessions Menu

                                                                                                                      LIFE IN BALANCE SPA            P A G ES 23 - 2 8

                                                                                                                            Spa Menu

                                                                                                                      MINDFUL REMINDERS
                                                                                                                            Mindful Reminders &
                                                                                                                            Restaurant & Boutique Hours        PAGE 38

                                                                                                                      WEEKLY SCHEDULE            P A G ES 31 - 37

                                                                                                                      Just like you, we’re always changing. Our daily schedule

WELCOME                                  TO MI R A V AL BER K SHIRE S                                                 tells you exactly what is happening on any given day while
                                                                                                                      you’re here. Note that the classes and/or activities with
                                                                                                                      shaded boxes require advance sign-up with Guest Services.

                                                                                                                      MIRAVAL RESORT MAPS                  P A G E 3 9 - B AC K C O V E R

                                Welcome to Miraval. I am           safe and secure, and we have created new
                                grateful and honored to have       protocols (some of which are noted in the
                                you join us as we open our         following pages) designed to support your
                                doors and welcome you to our       wellbeing during your Miraval journey.
                                newest location. It would be
                                an understatement to say that      Our mission of providing a safe environment,
                                we are excited and eager to        along with authentic wellness experiences that
                                begin creating life-enhancing      support your mental, physical, and spiritual
SUSAN M. SANTIAGO               and transformative wellness        wellbeing, is more important than it has ever
Senior Vice President           experiences together.              been. We hope you find solace, tranquility,
                                                                   and respite here at Miraval where you can
       We have been busy these past few months, working with       re-center, learn tools to stay grounded, and be
       leading health and hospitality advisory boards, including   inspired to create balance as you return to your
       the Global Biorisk Advisory Council, to ensure we are       daily life. Our journey continues and we are
       surpassing the highest standards of cleanliness and         beyond thankful to be a part of yours.
       sanitation. Part of your Miraval journey includes feeling                       Susan M. Santiago


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A MIR AVAL S TAT E O F MIN D
                                                                                                                           A MIRAVAL STATE OF MIND
                                                  O UR C O MMI TMENT
                                                     T O WE LLNESS
                                                                                                             We at Miraval believe the journey to creating life in balance
                                                                                                             begins with allowing yourself to be fully present and engaged
                                                                                                             in the moment. We established device-free zones to support you                              You may be approached by a
                                                   HOW WE ARE ENHANCING THE SAFETY OF                                                                                                                    Miraval colleague to suspend
                                                                                                             in having the most rewarding and inspiring Miraval experience
                                                       OUR GUESTS & COLLEAGUES
                                                                                                             – and to give yourself permission to unplug. Use technology                             digital usage in areas not designated
                                                                                                                                                                                                               for digital devices.
                                                     •   Our class size capacity has been reduced            only in designated locations noted on the back cover map and
                                                         to uphold and honor physical distancing             honor your Miraval experience by being mindful of the moment
                                                         requirements. Reduced class sizes allow for more    and respectful of your fellow guests. *E-readers are permitted.
                                                         intimate and enriching experiences with extra
                                                         personalized attention and instruction from our
                                                         Miraval specialists.

                                                     •   Each and every Miraval activity requires
                                                         advance sign-up to secure your spot. All classes
                                                                                                                                                                                            B RIN G OUT T H E
                                                         and activities will no longer accept walk-in
                                                         participation. This allows our team to thoroughly
                                                                                                                                                                                                B EST Y OU
                                                                                                                                                                                                        MIRAVAL SPECIALISTS
                                                         clean, sanitize and set up equipment/spaces,
                                                         resulting in a seamless experience for you.                                                                             Healers. Masters. Pioneers. Our elite specialists illuminate
                                                     •   Complimentary hand sanitizers and masks                                                                                 your path toward a better you—engaging your unique spark
                                                         are provided in your welcome bag for your                                                                               to be brighter than ever. They listen closely and speak from
                                                         convenience and safety.                                                                                                 life experience, guiding an inspired journey that breaks down
                                                                                                                                                                                 barriers and allows your best self to shine through.
                               •   Masks are required in common areas and shared spaces where
                                                                                                                                                                                 They are farmers, beekeepers, artists, spiritual masters,
                                   physical distancing measures cannot be met.
                                                                                                                                                                                 nutritionists, yogis, and wellbeing practitioners. They create
                                       •   These areas include but are not limited to: spa, private                                                                              and curate our array of lectures, workshops, and private
                                           session consult rooms and shuttle transfers.                                                                                          sessions. And they give you unprecedented access in support
                                                                                                                                                                                 of your Miraval Berkshires journey.
                                       •   All common areas, dining spaces, and pool decks have
                                           been configured to promote physical distancing.                                                                                                     F O R M O R E INF O R MAT I O N P L E AS E V I S I T O U R

                                                                                                                                                                                       SP EC IA LIST SEC T IO N A T W W W . MI R AV AL B E R K S HI R E S . C O M
                                           Signage or a Miraval colleague will remind you where and
                                           when masks are required.
                                       •   All colleagues have been trained in new cleaning and
                                           sanitation procedures and will be wearing masks while still
                                           providing caring and supportive customer service.                                            PRIVATE SESSIONS
                                                                                                                     Beyond the transformative benefits of our weekly
                               •   Sanitizer stations and wipes are readily available in all spaces for              activities and intent-based itineraries, our private
                                   your personal use and peace of mind. We encourage you to use                      sessions showcase everything that encapsulates the
                                   them for the safety of you and those around you.                                  consideration and compassion embedded in Miraval
                               •   We encourage you to take advantage of our outdoor seating and                     Berkshires. Rediscover yourself by making a one-on-one,
                                   spaces including our labyrinth, two pools, Meadowview Acres Farm,                 personalized connection with your choice of specialists.
                                   hiking trails, and all outdoor activities.                                        Together, we will put a focus on you and your potential
                                   (map on back cover).                                                              while you seek answers in our tranquil refuge.
                                                                                                                          T O A D D A P R IV A T E SESSIO N T O YO UR IT INER A R Y,
                                                                                                                                          P LEA SE R EA C H O UT T O A
                                                                                                                             M IR A V A L EXP ER IENC E P LA NNER - EXT . 4740

      4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                EX P ER IEN CES • W EL L NE SS C O U N SE L IN G

                                                                                                                                              CHALLENGE. IMPROVE.
                                                                                                                                                INDULGE. RENEW.
                                                                                                                                                Whether you are coping with
                                                                                                                                              change or looking to make it, our
                                                                                                                                              broad activity and private session
                                                                                                                                                offerings will help you create
                                                                                                                                               balance and nurture wellbeing.

                                                                                                                                     RES TORIN G RESILIEN CE The constant influx of

                                                                                                                                     everyday stressors challenges us in our ongoing
                                                                                                                                     efforts to maintain a balanced life. Many are

                                                                                     Wellness Counseling                             manageable, and some are healthy and help
                                                                                                                                     us to flourish in careers and personal lives. But
                                                                                                 ACTIVITIES                          when we become overloaded or experience a
                                                                                                                                     distressing event, we can lose our balance and
                                                                                                                                     find it hard to bounce back. Susanne Lantero
                                                                               BAL AN CIN G THE BODY WITH POSITION AL                discusses how stress impacts our wellbeing and
                                                                               THERAPY In this workshop, learn techniques            provides techniques to restore resilience in mind,
                                                                               and exercises to help correct common muscle           body and spirit.
                                                                               imbalances using strain-counterstrain (SCS) and
                                                                               muscle energy technique (MET). These methods          TENSION RELEASE EXERCISES Explore how
                                                                                                                                                                                              Wellness Counseling
                                                                               are designed to help improve range of motion,         our muscles can serve as storage houses for                       PRIVATE SESSIONS
                                                                               functional strength, agility, and grace for a range   emotional memory. By communicating with our
                                                                               of daily activities, from the open road to the        muscle systems, we can access and release stored      A MINDFUL LIFE In this personalized
                                                                               driving range. Wear yoga or exercise attire and       stress. Mark Gerow gently and safely guides           consultation, Susanne Lantero offers a confidential
                                                                               come prepared to breathe, relax, feel, and lead       you through a technique of fatiguing muscles          space to address areas such as transition,
                                                                               your body into balance. 80 MIN|$45                    that surround the body’s emotional center. As         relationships, resilience, trust, grief and loss, and
                                                                                                                                     the muscles fatigue, they begin to shake, setting     physical health. Susanne’s expertise will help
                                                                               DAILY DOSE WELLNESS Mark Gerow shares                 off a chain reaction that triggers a reset of the     guide you toward improved health and wellbeing.
                                                                               his compelling personal story of recovery and         autonomic nervous system. This science-based,         50 MIN|$215
                                                                               resilience to demonstrate a method of attainable,     visceral approach uses your body as a gateway to
                                                DID YOU KNOW?                  small steps that anyone can successfully navigate.    release built up stress and anxiety and leave you     BECOMIN G BAL AN CE Focus on the physical
                                                                               If you have ever felt overwhelmed by anxiety,         feeling incredibly relaxed. This is an invigorating   body in this fully clothed, treatment-based session
                                               Rock stacking has carried
                                                                               depression, and the confusing barrage of              experience involving focused physical exercise to     that combines two well-established and clinically
                                                spiritual meaning across       available solutions, see how this simple, easy-to-                                                          recognized neuromuscular treatment approaches:
                                                                                                                                     achieve tension release. 80 MIN|$45
                                             cultures for centuries. The act   follow method can elevate your wellbeing.                                                                   strain-counterstrain (SCS) and muscle energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “If a de-stressing
                                               of balancing stones carries                                                                                                                 technique (MET) to help improve muscular-skeletal
                                                                               JOURN ALIN G F OR SELF -C ARE Creating a                                                                    function and range. Includes some intuitive                                                                    session is your top
                                             with it a practice of patience    personal practice of expressing thought and feeling                                                         massage, light touch, and vibrational therapy with                                                              priority, Miraval
                                                 and a physical effort of      in the written word is a method of self-care in the                                                         tuning forks and healing crystals. Wear yoga or                                                               Berkshires should be
                                              creating balance. Each rock      mind-body connection. When our thoughts become                                                              exercise attire. 50 MIN|$215
                                                                               visible, we begin to see ourselves, others, and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             top of mind.”
                                               can signify an intention of
                                                                               world around us in a kinder and more mindful light                                                          QI FLOW Invoke the five elements of Chinese                                                                         - V OGUE
                                               grace for thankfulness, or      by becoming inwardly self-aware and outwardly                                                               Medicine: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal
                                            offered up for another in need.    observant. Join Susanne Lantero to discover a                                                               with a short Qi Gong practice. Make this your           QI GROUNDIN G Focus on grounding yourself
                                                                               deeper understanding of how journaling can                                                                  take-home tool to manage stress at home and             spirituality with this Traditional Chinese Medicine
                                                                               positively impact your wellbeing. No prior writing                                                          strengthen your mind/body connection. Balance           (TCM) ritual. Receive and restore core Jing
                                                                               experience is needed. 80 MIN|$55                                                                            your energy with awareness and manifest vitality        (essence) through a foot/body acupressure
                                                                                                                                                                                           out of the transformation of breath, matter, and        massage. Bathe in the relaxing sounds of Tibetan
                                                                               PRIN CIPLES OF POSITION AL THERAPY                                                                          intention. You will be guided in passive stretches      Singing Bowls and feel the healing vibrations of
                                                                               Greg Dilsio will examine the principles of                                                                  inspired by Thai/Shiatsu meridian massage that          Acutonics tuning forks on acupuncture points.
                                                                               Positional Therapy. Learn how to consistently and                                                           move progressively deeper into the spine and            Cultivate feelings of security, serenity, and sense
                                                                               skillfully apply the proper corrections to common                                                           brain with CranioSacral therapy. Finally, you will      of place. 50 MIN|$225
                                                                               muscle imbalances to reduce pain and improve                                                                enter a state of profound relaxation in a Tibetan
                                                                               muscle functionality.                                                                                       Singing Bowl sound bath and healing crystal
                                                                                                                                                                                           chakra-balancing session. 100 MIN|$385
                                                                                 R E SORT CREDI T CAN B E APPL I ED TO AN Y F EE-B ASED ACTI VI TY OR P R IV A T E SESSIO N.
         6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             7
Spirit & Soul

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                EX P ER IEN CES • SP IR IT & SO U L
                                                                                                                                                                                         PRIVATE SESSIONS

                                                                                                                                                                              C HAKRA/ENERGY BAL AN CIN G Description                ORACLE READIN G When we encounter life
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “The best getaway
                                                                                                                                                                              featured to the right. 80 MIN|$250                     challenges and major decisions, we often seek                 to relax the mind.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     guidance. This reading provides insight and                   body, and spirit.”
                                                                                                                                                                              C HINESE AS TROLOGY: DES TINY READIN G                 information you need to understand complicated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      - MI CHELLE M.
                                                                                                                                                                              This reading provides insights about your              situations, anticipate the likely outcome, and gain
                                                                                                                                                                              personality traits, skills, career, health, and        an advantage in moving forward. 50 MIN|$215
                                                                                                                                                                              relationships based on the Chinese Zodiac.
                                                                                                                                                                              Discover your unique blueprint for life to guide you   SPIRIT QUES T This unifying journey integrates
                                                                                                                                                                              to your highest potential. Please provide the date     master-level Reiki, Zen Shiatsu, sound healing,
                                                                                                                                                                              and time of your birth at booking. Book at least       and indigenous healing practices to help create
                                                                                                                                                                              24 hours in advance. 50 MIN|$275                       balance. The vibrations of crystal singing bowls,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     vocal toning, and Reiki cleanse discordant
                                                                                                                                                                              C HINESE AS TROLOGY: REL ATIONSHIP                     energies and help to restore natural chakra
                                                                                                                                                                              READIN G This reading compares the birth charts        and meridian flow, while hands-on Zen Shiatsu
                                                                                                                                                                              for two people to help you both better understand      balances your physical and energetic bodies.
                                                                                                                                                                              personalities, areas of compatibility, and areas       Shamanic tools such as drums and rattles create
                                                                         WELLBEING                                    COLORS OF LIFE ENERGY The energy that                   of interaction that may need support. It is a great
                                                                                                                                                                              tool to help you explore, understand, or improve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     a rhythmic state inside your brain and nervous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     system that allow your mind to relax, release, and
                                                                                                                      flows and vibrates through living things can
                                                                               Spirit & Soul                          appear as colors in the visible spectrum. Discover      existing relationships of all kinds. Please provide    expand. Leave this experience feeling renewed
                                                                                  ACTIVITIES                          a form of specialized photography that captures         the date and time of your birth at booking. Book       and uplifted. 100 MIN|$385 • 50 MIN|$215
                                                                                                                      your image, both physically and energetically.          at least 12 hours in advance. 50 MIN|$275 •
                                                                                                                      Gain a deeper understanding of the relationship         DUET 50 MIN|$155PP                                     TAROT C ARD READIN G Learn a new way to
                                                                 AN CIENT WISDOM F OR EMPOWERED                       between colors and wellbeing.                                                                                  connect with your intuition for personal guidance
                                                                 LIVIN G Description featured to the left.                                                                    DREAMIN G ARC HET YPES There are                       with this consultation that uses Tarot or Oracle
                                                                                                                      DEMYS TIFYIN G AS TROLOGY Discover how                  many books on interpreting dreams, but their           cards. These readings are designed to access
                                                                 AN CIENT ORACLES, MODERN MESSAGES                    and why planets affect our personality, talents,        explanations can be elusive and incongruous with       your inner wisdom through the use of ancient,
                                                                 For thousands of years human beings have             health, relationships, and our future. Explore          your experience. Jess Kielman explores archetypes      mystical imagery in order to gain direction and
                                                                 developed and honed tools to glean divine            the ins and outs of planets, signs, and planetary       or metaphors to help you examine your dreams           clarity. Discover answers to your unique life
                                                                 wisdom. These ancient systems and oracles            juxtaposition so that you can begin to use              to understand what they mean to you and to             questions. 50 MIN|$215
                                                                 continue to serve as guides in the present moment,   Astrology to your advantage in your daily life.         determine what they are communicating to you.
                                                                 both practically (as strategic business planning                                                             50 MIN|$185                                            WES TERN AS TROLOGY READIN G Using the
                                                                 tools) and spiritually. Beth demonstrates how they   EXPLORIN G THE C HAKRAS Peruse the seven                                                                       date, time, and place of your birth, a Miraval
                                                                 can impact modern living and teaches you how         chakras of your energy system. Learn how they           ENERGY IMAGIN G SESSION This session                   Astrologer creates a profile that targets your
                                                                 to use various divination tools (including I-Ching   affect your mind, emotions, body, and spirit. Gain      includes a detailed reading of your 4x6 Human          specific talents and skills, plus future possibilities.
                                                                 and Qi Men Dun Jia) for insight and personal         clarity in how to balance each chakra to help           Energy Field photo as well as a live-action imaging    Receive a recording of your sessions and
                                                                 empowerment. 80 MIN|$75                              create more harmony within your whole being.            session, which shows how the colors of your            printout of your star chart. Please supply the
                                                                                                                                                                              energy field shift in real-time using biofeedback      time, date, and place of your birth at time of
                                                                 AWAKENIN G YOUR SUPERPOWERS Join                     HUMAN ENERGY PALETTE MEDITATION                         and imaging technology. Raya Buckley provides          booking. 50 MIN|$215
                                                                                                                                                                              recommendations for making the most of your                                                                          C H AKR A/EN ERGY
                                                                 this workshop and learn about your own unique        In this workshop Raya Buckley uses photos of the
                                A N C I E NT WI S D OM F OR                                                                                                                   unique energy field. For                                                                                                BAL AN C I N G
                                                                 celestial superpowers. Receive your personal         human energy field to illuminate the colors that
                                  E M P OWE R E D L I V I N G                                                                                                                 couples or groups: In addition                                                                                         This deeply relaxing
                                                                 Chinese Astrology Chart to discover your spiritual   express our core attributes of power, love, and
                                   Chinese metaphysics can       gifts, talents, and abilities. Learn how to awaken   insight. She will lead a color spectrum meditation      to individual photos and live-                                                                                   session increases vitality and
                                     reveal an illuminating      and expand them for empowered and intuitive          that energizes and clears your energy field,            action imaging sessions, you
                                                                                                                                                                              will receive a third photo that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 natural healing processes.
                                                                 living. Please supply the time, date, and place of   paving the way for clarity and grounded stress
                                   blueprint and road map                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Raya Buckley combines Reiki
                                                                 your birth at time of booking. 80 MIN|$75            reduction. 80 MIN|$45                                   reveals what your combined
                                   for your career, health,                                                                                                                   energy looks like when you are                                                                                    and Polarity Therapy in this
                                 relationships, and passions.    CLEANSIN G C HAKRAS WITH SOUND                       PL ANETARY BUZZ Unravel the mysteries of                holding hands. 50 MIN|$215
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               hands-on attunement of your
                                                                 Experience a gentle sound immersion that will                                                                • DUET 80 MIN|$185PP
                                  Learn how it can help you                                                           the planets to develop greater self-understanding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  energy flow for profound
                                                                 bring balance to your chakra system by absorbing     while creating tools to enhance your daily life.
                                 utilize divine timing to your                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 alignment of mind, body, and
                                                                 the healing vibrations of crystal singing bowls.     Astrology is a vast and ancient system that can
                                  advantage and how it can       The bowls create beautiful and peaceful tones that   seem overwhelming. Jess Kielman helps you to use                                                                                                                           soul. Human Energy Field
                                empower you to take charge       allow your mind, body, and spirit to harmonize       it to elevate your health, discover compatibility                                                                                                                          Photographs will be taken
                                        of your destiny.         energy. This workshop guides you through a           with others (professionally and personally), identify
                                                                 meditation into your heart chakra where you will                                                                                                                                                                                  throughout the session.
                                                                                                                      personal strengths and weaknesses, and explore
                                                                 explore the vibration of Divine Love living inside   where in the world we may shine. 75 MIN|$45                                                                                                                                     80 M I N |$250
                                                                 you. Learn about the healing power of sound and
                                                                 explore tones and mantras that you can use to
                                                                 balance your chakra energy system. 75 MIN|$75

                                                                   R E SORT CREDI T CAN B E APPL I ED TO AN Y F EE-B ASED ACTI VI TY OR P R IV A T E SESSIO N.                  R ESO R T C R ED IT C A N BE A P P LIED T O A NY F EE-BA SED A C T IV IT Y O R P R IV A T E SESSIO N.
    8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EX P ER IEN CES • CR EAT IVE E X P RE SSIO N
                                                                          WELLBEING                                                 PRIVATE SESSIONS                                   WELLBEING
                                    S H I NRI N YO KU
                                                                                 Meditation                             Any Meditation experience on the daily schedule              Creative Expression
                              Join your guide on a calming
                                                                                   ACTIVITIES                           may be booked as a private session. Please visit                        ACTIVITIES
                               and restorative nature walk,                                                             the Discovery Cottage to book your Meditation
                             known in Japanese tradition as                                                             Private Session.
                                                                 EVENIN G MEDITATION Access inner tranquility                                                                 AN UNF ORGETTABLE C ANVAS Description
                               “forest bathing.” Open your
                                                                 by finding or creating sensations of rest in the       BREATHE YOUR S TRESS AWAY Breathwork                  featured in the Equine Activities menu on pg 30.
                                senses, hone your intuition,     body. This meditation helps to minimize suffering                                                            110 MIN|$150 Seasonally Offered
                                                                                                                        has the power to transform the way you feel in
                              and experience the outdoors        and maximize fulfillment by finding peace through      a profound way. Used by yogis for centuries
                                in a whole new way. Learn        states of physical and emotional repose.               to experience greater health and spiritual            ARTFUL PHOTOGRAPHY S TROLL Learn
                                                                                                                        connection, conscious breathwork has provided a       how to use the many functions and hidden
                             about the compounds released                                                                                                                     tricks of your camera phone. Learn how these
                                                                 FLOATIN G MEDITATION Experience the                    quick route to releasing stress and feeling better.
                               by trees that help to support     calming benefits of induced meditation while           Learn a series of take-home breathing techniques      functions work to improve light, focus, filters, and
                                 and heal immune function.       you are gently elevated above the floor in a silk      that you can easily use daily to live a more          panoramic shots. We will also cover the basics
                                                                 hammock and rocked to the soothing vibrations of                                                             of editing right on the phone. This class takes
                              Participate in guided activities                                                          centered, happy life. 50 MIN|$115
                                                                 crystal bowls. Release your mind’s stress, tension,                                                          place both inside and outside.
                             based on mindfulness practices
                                                                 or worry while you “float” weightlessly in the air.    CUS TOM MEDITATION Meditation is a
                                   and develop a deeper          May cause motion sickness. Please wear                 powerful tool for stress reduction, concentration,    BOWL OF LIGHT MEDITATION At times,
                                  connection with nature.        yoga attire. 45 MIN|$75 Coming soon                    and the deepening of wisdom. Develop or               we can all feel stuck in a loop or pattern in
                                     110 MI N | $ 5 5                                                                   strengthen your practice. 50 MIN|$115                 which improvement or movement may feel elusive
                                                                 GOODNIGHT FLOATIN G MEDITATION                                                                               or absent. Discover a meditation that reveals
                                                                 Come in your pajamas and enjoy the relaxing            FLOATIN G MEDITATION Description featured             what you hold in your own inner container -- or
                                                                 experience of floating in aerial hammocks just         to the left. PRIVATE 50 MIN|$150 Coming Soon          metaphorical bowl -- and how you can use it to
                                                                 before bed. This guided relaxation journey will                                                              break out of these patterns and move forward.
                                                                 prepare you for lucid dreaming. Drift into a           FROM S TRESS TO RES T Learn how to access             Through guided meditation, journaling, and
                                                                 calm space while listening to storytelling and         deep levels of rest and tranquility, using gentle     watercolors, this class teaches you to release the
                                                                 inspirational guidance for a peaceful night’s sleep.   stretching, self-massage, breathwork, and             weight of negative emotions and attitudes and to
                                                                 45 MIN|$75 Coming soon                                 meditation to rebalance the system and release        allow yourself to become a vessel for movement
                                                                                                                        accumulated stress. These simple techniques offer     and light.
                                                                 MEADOWVIEW EQUINE MEDITATION                           a powerful way to reboot your body’s natural
                                                                 Description featured in the Equine activities menu     capacity to heal and restore itself. 50 MIN|$115      CRAFT YOUR OWN MAL A Malas can offer
                                                                 on pg 14. 75 MIN|$75                                                                                         a greater understanding and integration of
                                                                                                                        HOW TO MEDITATE This session will introduce           conscious and subconscious thoughts, feelings,          POTTERY Experience the therapeutic and
                                                                 MEDITATION WITH MUSIC Using a                          you to everything you need to know to begin           and experiences. Discover a new way to find             meditative effects of clay as you hand mold it
                                                                 curated musical compilation to elicit positive         mindfulness meditation. You will learn highly         meaning and perspective in the present moment           into the perfect pinch pot. Release doubts and
                                                                 feelings and emotions, this sound meditation is        practical and effective practices to maximize         and throughout your life. Create your own mala          expectations and embrace the unique form you
                                                                 fun and easy to learn.                                 fulfillment and minimize suffering in your life.      and bring its grounding and centering energy            create by hand with clay and stamps.
                                                                                                                        50 MIN|$115                                           home. 120 MIN|$95
                                                                 MINDFULNESS AT MIRAVAL Practice fully                                                                                                                                SACRED GEOMETRY AND CRYS TAL GRIDS
                                                                 living your life with simple tools designed to keep    QIGON G:                                              MANDAL AS F OR MEDITATION &                             Since ancient times, people have used art and
                                                                 you engaged in the present moment.                     Flowing Movement Qigong is an ancient                 MEANIN G Experience the healing benefits of             crystals to identify geometric shapes as sacred
                                                                                                                        Chinese practice of flowing movement. Its many        creating mandalas – ancient circular images used        symbols of universal experiences. These shapes
                                                                 MORNIN G MEDITATION Profoundly impact                  benefits include diminishing anxiety, increasing      to reflect, center, and connect with others. Practice   appear in crystals as specific geometric growth
                                                                 the rest of your day by starting your morning in       energy, and fostering a sense of balance. Learn a     using mandalas to clear your thoughts, focus            patterns that can amplify or enhance energic
                                                                 the serenity of sitting meditation.                    complete and simple series of qigong movements        better, and connect to parts of yourself that are       forces. Learn the basics about crystals and how
                                        Schedule a                                                                      that you can take into your life and use as a form    not usually accessible through the conscious mind.      they can be used as tools for meditation and
                                                                 QIGON G Engage in the moving meditation                of moving meditation. 50 MIN|$115                     Participants will make their own mandalas. No           manifestation, while you assemble your own take-
                                   customized private                                                                                                                         artistic experience is necessary.                       home watercolor grid and activate it with your
                                                                 of Qigong, an ancient Chinese healing art
                                     session with one            integrating controlled breathing, posture, and                                                                                                                       intentions. 80 MIN|$95
                                    of our YOGA &                movement exercises.                                                                                          MINDFUL PHOTOGRAPHY S TROLL Take
                                                                                                                                                                              a stroll around the resort and work on creating
                                                                 SHINRIN YOKU Description featured to the left.                                                               images vs. snapping. Gain awareness of
                                                                 110 MIN|$55                                                                                                  available natural light and compositional elements          Creative Expression
                                                                                                                                                                              to create a stronger, more interesting image. No
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PRIVATE SESSIONS
                                                                 YOGA NIDRA MEDITATION Be guided into a                                                                       technical applications will be discussed. Bring any
                                                                 state of deep, meditative relaxation while staying                                                           style camera: iPhone & Android.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Any Creative Expression experience on the daily
                                                                 awake and expanding your conscious awareness.                                                                                                                        schedule may be booked as a private session.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Please visit the Discovery Cottage to book your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Creative Expression Private Session.

                                                                   R E SORT CREDI T CAN B E APPL I ED TO AN Y F EE-B ASED ACTI VI TY OR P R IV A T E SESSIO N.                  R ESO R T C R ED IT C A N BE A P P LIED T O A NY F EE-BA SED A C T IV IT Y O R P R IV A T E SESSIO N.
  10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       11
CONSCIOUS SEAF OOD Support high quality,
                                                                                                                                                                                  CULINARY &
                                                                                                                  sustainable, and ocean-friendly choices while
                                                                                                                  learning preparation and cooking techniques for                                                                             PRIVATE SESSIONS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EX P ER IEN CES • FAR M & BE E S - N U T RIT IO N
                                                                                                                  making seafood a healthy mainstay in your kitchen.
                                                                                                                                                                                   NUTRITION                                      HOLIS TIC NUTRITION CONSULTATION
                                                                                                                  CREATIVE C AKE DECORATIN G Join a                                                                               A personal assessment and consultation that
                                                                                                                  member of Miraval Berkshires pastry team to                       Nutrition         ACTIVITIES                  reveals how food plays a role in your energy
                                                                                                                  master whipping, creaming, and piping for your                                                                  level, digestive health, quality of sleep and mental
                                                                                                                  own miniature and multi-level cakes that you can                                                                health, as well as weight, inflammation, heart
                                                                                                                  take with you. GF available. 75 MIN|$75                  THE F OOD-MOOD CONNECTION Stress is                    disease, diabetes, and cancer prevention.
                                                                                                                                                                           a natural part of life. What and how you eat can       50 MIN|$175
                                                                                                                  CULIN ARY CON CEPTS From knife skills and                profoundly impact how you handle stress, how
                                                                                                                  cooking techniques to kitchen organization and           you process emotions, and your overall wellbeing.
                                                                                                                  equipment selection, this class offers inspiration for   Learn about the foundations of mood-enhancing
                                                                                                                  making your home kitchen a more productive and           nutrition and mindful exercises for elevating
                                                                                                                  happy place.                                             mood through food from a nutritional psychiatry
                                                                                                                  FLOWER TO ROOT COOKIN G This interactive
                                                                                                                  experience will teach you to create and cook             HEALTHY GUT, HEALTHY YOU Since the
                                                                                                                  satisfying plant-based dishes. Please alert staff of     digestive system interacts with every single system,
                                                                                                                  allergies prior to booking this event. 45 MIN|$45        organ, and cell in the body, the health of your
                                                                                                                                                                           gut bacteria has a direct impact on your immune
                                                                                                                  HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SEASON Learn why it’s                  system, cholesterol, blood sugar, allergies, and
                                                                                                                  best to eat vegetables at their peak, along with         even your mood. Join our registered dietitian in
                                                                                                                  cooking techniques, history, cultivation, health         this interactive workshop to learn how to optimize
                                                                                                                  benefits, and recipe ideas that take advantage of        your digestive health and how to determine which
                                                                                                                  seasonal harvests. 45 MIN|$45                            supplements and foods you should include or
                           Our LIFE IN BALANCE                                                                                                                             avoid. 80 MIN|$75

                                                                 CULINARY &
                            CULINARY KITCHEN                                                                      JUS T COOK F OR ME Take a seat at our
                                                                                                                  connoisseur’s table and let us enchant you               HOLIS TIC METABOLIC TUNE-UP Annie Kaye
                                is outfitted with a
                               curated selection of               NUTRITION                                       with our chef’s choice of fresh, seasonal, and
                                                                                                                  innovative culinary delights. This four-course menu
                                                                                                                                                                           spells out a balanced approach to what, when, and
                                                                                                                                                                           how to eat for healthy weight and vibrant energy.
                               Williams Sonoma’s                                                                  features one sweet and three savory dishes paired        Food is information and operates on a cellular
                              exceptional products.
                                                                             Culinary                             with red, rose, or white wines. This experience is       and sub-cellular level. While calories and energy                                                                  MIRAVAL’S
                                                                             ACTIVITIES                           designed for the adventurous foodie and may not
                                                                                                                  be adjusted for food allergies. 120 MIN|$175
                                                                                                                                                                           balance are important, honoring the rhythms of
                                                                                                                                                                           life and nature – from circadian genetics to food
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SUSTAINABLE                                         COMMITMENT TO

                                                                                                                  PL ANT -BASED BBQ Delight your taste buds
                                                                                                                                                                           quality – make food the most powerful medicine                  LIVING                                           SUSTAINABILITY
                                                          APPRECIATIN G C HOCOL ATE Join us for a                                                                          available to us today. Dive deeper into the healing                                                                 At Miraval, we use
                                                          brief history and tasting of chocolate. Learn about     with plant-based BBQ. Discover the magic of
                                                                                                                  plant-based ingredients and learn tips for taking
                                                                                                                                                                           power of food. 80 MIN|$45                                           Bees      ACTIVITIES                       biodegradable, renewable,
                                                          the effects of terroir, sample chocolates from around
                                                          the world, and see first-hand how chocolate is          your new skills home with you for a healthy and          INTENTION , MANTRA , & AFFIRMATIONS                                                                               and compostable ECO
                                                          tempered. Leave the class with your own hand-           inclusive Barbecue experience. 75 MIN|$45                F OR LIFES T YLE TRANSF ORMATION Making                                                                        PRODUCTS in our Roost Bar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  BEEKEEPIN G Welcome to the delightful and
                                                          dipped and decorated truffles. 75 MIN|$75               Seasonally offered                                       a shift to improve your eating, exercise more, or      complex world of honeybees in our introductory           for our grab ‘n go snacks
                                                                                                                                                                           improve other lifestyle choices can be challenging.    beekeeping workshop. Suit up to safely explore
                                                                                                                  RES TORIN G BONE BROTH Guests will be                                                                                                                                     and for any to-go items,
                                                          BLEND ‘N’ BAL AN CE SMOOTHIES                                                                                    Transformation is the result of practice (not          our on-site apiary and the wonders of a working
                                                          Description featured to the left.                       taken on a journey through the labor of love             perfection). Adopting an experimental and                                                                     including straws. All products
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  hive. Learn about the intricate and dynamic system
                                                                                                                  that is bone broth. Learn how it can help restore        resilient mindset is key. Learning to set intention,                                                           are made from plant-based,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of how bees communicate and work together to
                                                          C HEF’S TAS TIN G MENU This delightful,
                                                                                                                  your brain, gut, skin, ligaments, and joints while       chanting mantras, and creating and using
                                                                                                                  helping to prevent ailments. Bring this powerful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  survive, thrive, and pollinate the plants essential     100% renewable resources.
                                                          six-course dinner features four savory and two                                                                   affirmations are three powerful tools for creating     to our survival, while producing the honey that
                                                                                                                  ancestral recipe home with you.                          and sustaining lifestyle shifts. 80 MIN|$45
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Please dispose of all ECO
                                                          sweet dishes with expertly selected wine pairings.                                                                                                                      sweetens our lives. 110 MIN|$125
                                                          Sample seasonal, locally sourced culinary                                                                                                                                                                                          PRODUCTS in special
                                                                                                                  SWEET & SAVORY GLUTEN-FREE SN AC KS                      MINDFUL EATIN G Led by Miraval’s meditation
                                                          creations in this intimate, personalized, epicurean                                                                                                                                                                             compostable bins located at
                                                          adventure. Menus are based on Chef’s daily              Learn how to make delicious, gluten-free snacks          experts, learn to listen and respond intuitively to
                             BL E ND ‘ N’ BAL AN C E                                                              from scratch and create your own take-home treat.                                                                                                                       the Millhouse or The Roost.
                                   S MO OT H I E S
                                                          choices and may vary or change without notice.
                                                          24-hour cancellation required. 120 MIN|$205
                                                                                                                                                                           your body’s food needs in this experiential class.
                                                                                                                                                                           Breakfast or lunch is included.                                             Bees
                                Join us in The Life in                                                                                                                                                                                        PRIVATE SESSIONS
                                                          COC K TAIL S IN THE MANSION Enjoy a chef-                                                                        NUTRITION F OR AGIN G WELL Learn about
                             Balance Culinary Kitchen
                           for an educational smoothie
                                                          created appetizer and cocktail while you learn                           Culinary                                common metabolic precursors to pre-diabetes,           BECOMIN G A BEEKEEPER This private
                                                          about our food philosophy and hear about healthy                                                                 arthritis and heart disease and the good news          experience offers an inside look at the
                                                                                                                              PRIVATE SESSIONS
                              experience. Learn which     cooking tips and tricks. 45 MIN|$75                                                                              on how to reverse them. As you mature, your            management and care of our on-site apiary.
                             ingredients offer the most                                                                                                                    nutritional lifestyle becomes an essential tool in     Participate in seasonal care, which could include
                                                                                                                  All Culinary classes are available as a Private          maintaining health and wellbeing.
                                                          CONQUER THE BL ADE Chop your food like                                                                                                                                  harvesting honey, feeding nectar, observing
                           balanced nutrient absorption                                                           Session with one of our experts. Please visit the
                                                          a seasoned chef. Learn about the anatomy of                                                                                                                             the hive, or winterization. Gain a deeper
                                and health benefits.      a knife, blade variations, and critical cutting
                                                                                                                  Discovery Cottage to book your Culinary
                                                                                                                  Private Session.                                                                                                understanding of the joys and challenges of caring
                                                          techniques. 75 MIN|$75                                                                                                                                                  for an apiary. 80 MIN|$250

                                                            R E SORT CREDI T CAN B E APPL I ED TO AN Y F EE-B ASED ACTI VI TY OR P R IV A T E SESSIO N.                      R ESO R T C R ED IT C A N BE A P P LIED T O A NY F EE-BA SED A C T IV IT Y O R P R IV A T E SESSIO N.
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        13
                                                                                                                                                                                                   & OUTDOOR ADVE N TURE                               OUTDOOR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        EX P ER IEN CES • ADVE NT U RE & BIKIN G
                                                                                                                                                                                                       AC TIVITIE S AN D
                                                                                                                                                                                                      PRIVATE S E S S ION S :
                                                                                                                                                                                                 C LOS E D- TOE D S HOE S , HAT,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Adventure           ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                                             Equine        ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                 S UN GL AS S E S , S UN S C RE E N ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     AN D WATE R BOTTL E .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              HATC HET THROWIN G Discover a new way
                                                                                                                                  AN UNF ORGETTABLE C ANVAS Tap into your                                                                     to see why we miss the target with our intentions
                                                                                                                                  creative spirit by using the side of a horse (that’s                                                        sometimes. Throw a real hatchet and learn to
                                                                                                                                  right, a horse!) as your canvas. We use a living                                                            combine breath, focus, and intention to hit the
                                                                                                                                  canvas to remind us to stay present and grounded                                                            mark in one smooth motion. 50 MIN|$45
                                                                                                                                  in our storytelling. Wear sturdy, closed-toe shoes,
                                                                                                                                  and bring a hat, sunscreen, and water bottle.                                                               THE WAY OF THE ARC HER Find out how
                                                                                                                                  Note that this can be a messy experience.                                                                   archery can be the quintessential activity for
                                                                                                                                  110 MIN|$75 Seasonally offered                                                                              practicing mindfulness. Combine intention, focus,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              presence, stillness, and breathwork to perfect your
                                                                                                                                  HEALIN G THE HERD This lecture offers an                                                                    aim and center yourself. 105 MIN|$45
                                          AVIAN ADAP TAT I O NS                                                                   introduction to Miraval’s special herd of rescue
                                                                                                                                  horses and an overview of our unique equine
                                                                                                                                  programs that are based on relationship, intuition,
                                                                                                                                  and trust. Learn about the power of connection
                                                                                                                                  between horses and humans, and how horses can                                                                           PRIVATE SESSIONS

                                                                                SUSTAINABLE                                       carry us on a journey of learning and healing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              HATC HET THROWIN G Description in Outdoor

                                                                                   LIVING                                         MEADOWVIEW EQUINE MEDITATION
                                                                                                                                  Explore this unique meditation experience that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Adventures activities menu above.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              INQUIRE F OR PRICIN G                                          HYDRATION
                                                                                                                                  allows your active mind to settle inward and                                                                                                                           Staying hydrated will help
                                                                             Farm & Garden                  ACTIVITIES            unite with your body. Engage with a horse while                                                             THE WAY OF THE ARC HER Description in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      you acclimate to our beautiful
                                                                                                                                  exploring mindfulness, connection, and balance.                                                             Outdoor Adventures activities menu above.
                                                                                                                                  Wear closed-toe, sturdy shoes, comfortable long                                                             INQUIRE F OR PRICIN G
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Berkshire Hills environment.
                                                                           AVIAN ADAPTATIONS:                                     pants, and sunscreen. Remember your Miraval                                                                                                                          Flowater stations are located
                                                                           A Lesson in Resilience In this program guests          water bottle! 75 MIN|$75
                                                                           will be personally introduced to a bird of prey,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      throughout the resort. See the
                                                                           while learning about their life and ways. Guests       MEADOWVIEW FARM & BARN TOUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        map on the back cover for
                                                                           will have the opportunity to connect with these
                                                                           special beings and explore for themselves the
                                                                                                                                  Tour the Meadowview barn and gardens and
                                                                                                                                  meet our medley of plants, birds, and animals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Equine                                     OUTDOOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      station locations. Please bring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       your reusable water bottle to
                                                                           power of life re-envisioned. Themes emphasize the                                                                         PRIVATE SESSIONS
                                                                           natural history, science and symbolism of these
                                                                                                                                  Learn about sustainable practices, biodynamic
                                                                                                                                  principles, and a vision for responsible                                                                            ADVENTURE                                           all classes and activities.
                                                                           animals as well as a service component of direct       agriculture’s role in our health and earth care.       Miraval equine private offerings are created
                                                                           interaction and caretaking. 75 MIN|$75                 Get to know our hens that provide our restaurants      for our guests to experience the power of these                  Biking       ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                                  with fresh eggs, along with our bees and raptors       majestic horses as a reflective medium for                                                                       Our Wellbeing experts
                                                                           C HIC KEN KEEPIN G This class covers the life                                                                 healing and exploration. Our talented equine
                                                                                                                                  (including red-tailed hawks, owls, and vultures).                                                                                                                       recommend drinking
                                                                           cycle and needs of a chicken. Learn how to raise,      Taste seasonal, fresh crops straight from the          professionals customize and tailor the time to       COUNTRY ROAD RIDIN G Miraval Berkshires
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          64 oz. a day while at
                                                                           handle, and care for a backyard flock, and how         field and ask questions about your own growing         hold sacred space for deep connection and an         Exclusive. Build on the concepts and skills taught
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Miraval Berkshires.
                                              EQUINE ETHICS                to set up a small coop to give hens safe access to     endeavors. Be sure to bring your phone to take         authentic experience.                                in Fundamentals of Biking with this physically
                                                                           a pasture. This fun and hands-on class will offer an                                                                                                               challenging, five-to-seven-mile, back-country road
                                            At the Equine Experience,                                                             pictures with our gentle friends.
                                                                           opportunity for you to collect eggs in the coop and                                                           AN UNF ORGETTABLE C ANVAS Description in             ride. Techniques will be taught during a ride that
                                             we often say that it’s not    bond with a hen.                                                                                                                                                   takes you through changing routes with scenic
                                                                                                                                  MINDFUL GROOMIN G Enjoy mindful practice,              Equine activities menu to the left.
                                            about the horse. But when                                                             beautiful scenery, and connecting with the horses.     PRIVATE 105 MIN|$150 • SEMI-PRIVATE                  spots, including Downtown Lenox and Laurel Lake.
                                           it comes to caring for them,    MEADOWVIEW FARM & BARN TOUR                            110 MIN|$75                                            105 MIN|$125 Seasonally offered
                                                                           Description featured in the Equine activities menu                                                                                                                 FUNDAMENTAL S OF BIKIN G Miraval
                                              it is all about the horse.
                                                                           to the right.                                          MIRAVAL EQUINE EXPERIEN CE Practice  ™                 MEADOWVIEW EQUINE MEDITATION                         Berkshires Exclusive. Learn basic road riding skills,
                                             At Miraval, we hold their                                                                                                                                                                        including balance, control, and navigation. This is
                                                                                                                                  living life in the moment as you work with             Description in Equine activities menu to the left.
                                           hooves close to our hearts.                                                            specially selected horses and our expert               PRIVATE 110 MIN|$150 • SEMI-PRIVATE                  a class of one-to-three miles designed for the guest
                                           Their safety, wellbeing, and                                                           facilitators. Perform equestrian ground skills and     110 MIN|$125                                         with no previous biking experience.

                                              welfare are our highest              Farm & Garden                                  get a chance to notice personal patterns that may
                                                                                      PRIVATE SESSIONS                            be holding you back from the life you want to live.    MINDFUL GROOMIN G Description in                                                                              Flowater stations are located
                                          priority. We uphold a mindful
                                            and respectful practice for
                                                                                                                                  ** Not a riding class. 110 MIN|$75                     Equine activities menu to the left.
                                                                                                                                                                                         PRIVATE 110 MIN|$150 • SEMI-PRIVATE                                     Biking                               around the resort. See the map
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       on the back cover for station
                                                                           AVIAN ADAPTATIONS:
                                              every single one of our                                                                                                                    110 MIN|$125                                                     PRIVATE SESSIONS                             locations. Please bring your
                                                                           A Lesson in Resilience Description in the Farm
                                                   equine offerings.       & Garden activities above. 75 MIN|$125                                                                                                                                                                                       reusable water bottle to all
                                                                                                                                                                                         MIRAVAL EQUINE EXPERIEN CE ™                         MOUNTAIN BIKIN G |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          classes and activities.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Description in Equine activities menu to the left.   PRIVATE 110 MIN|$75 • SEMI-PRIVATE
                                                                             R E SOR T CREDI T CAN B E APPL I ED TO AN Y FEE-B ASED ACTI VI TY OR P R IV A T E SESSIO N.                 110 MIN|$150                                         110 MIN|$55
 14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15
CRATE S TAC K Miraval Berkshires Exclusive.             GIANT’S L ADDER This element is a true test
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Challenge Course

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             EX P ER IEN CES • CHAL L E NG E C O U RSE
                                                                                                                                     Engage in a life-sized game of Jenga as you and         of communication and teamwork – it is almost
                                                                                                                                     your group use a series of crates to see how high       impossible to complete alone. A 35-foot ladder                    PRIVATE SESSIONS

                                                                                     ADVENTURE                                       you can stack and climb them.                           is strung between two trees and requires two
                                                                                                                                                                                             guests to help each other move from level to          BLUEBIRD CLIMBIN G EXPERIEN CE Miraval
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ZEN FOR MEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The world of wellness is
                                                                                      Challenge Course                               EAGLE’S RUN ZIPLINE Miraval Berkshires                  level while on a dynamic belay. The higher you
                                                                                                                                                                                             climb, the more difficult the task becomes, as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Berkshires Exclusive. Bluebirds are some of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                shifting. Conventionally,
                                                                                                                                     Exclusive. Fly like a raptor through our stunning                                                             the most unique Berkshire residents. They are
                                                                                                                                     Berkshire forest. Soar over 450 feet at a nine-         rungs of the ladder get further and further apart,    bright, brilliant, colorful, and mate for life. The       improving health focused on
                                                                                                                                     degree pitch, achieving a maximum speed of              requiring heightened collaboration and focused        Bluebird Climbing Experience is designed to               the physical. Personal value
                                                                             BARRED OWL COURSE Miraval Berkshires                    25 mph as you leap off of our 50-foot-high              communication.                                        foster teamwork, communication, and cooperative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            was measured by productivity.
                                                                             Exclusive. Like the wise barred owl, this course        canopy platform. 105 MIN|$150                                                                                 problem-solving between partners as you navigate
                                                                             is characterized by a slower, more cerebral                                                                     HIGH WILD WOOSEY Miraval Berkshires                   your way into the beautiful Berkshire canopy               Spas were for perfume and
                                                                             experience in physical problem-solving. Your guide      FALCON COURSE Miraval Berkshires Exclusive.             Exclusive. Get ready for a high and wild adventure    of the Meadowview forest. Activities include a            pampering, and men had no
                                                                             dynamically belays you through four traditional         Adventurers seeking more of a challenge are             in this double-guest experience. Climb with a         combination of the Vertical Playpen, Quantum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             place in them. Not anymore.
                                                                             challenge elements for a climb that becomes             in for a treat with the Falcon Course, which is         partner to a height of 25 feet and move out onto      Leap, Giant’s Ladder, High Wild Woosey.
                                                                             progressively more difficult. Set new goals and be      higher off the ground and includes more difficult       two angled foot cables while being dynamically        105 MIN|$225PP Minimum 2 people
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Men are visiting spas and
                                                                             fully present as you swoop, owl-like, to a height       elements. Set your own goals in this high-level,        belayed. Lean and rely on each other for support                                                                  wellness resorts in greater
                                                                             of 25 feet in the company of your peers and             static, self-belayed challenge course, choose your      as you move, hand-to-hand, along the element.         FULL MOON NIGHT CLIMB Under the                               numbers — and they’re
                                                 L E A P OF FAI T H          the lofty canopy of trees. The ultimate practice        climbing level, and join others for a community         The element widens as you progress to the point       powerful energy and light of the full moon, take to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               reaping the benefits and
                                          Miraval Berkshires Exclusive       of communication and teamwork, this course              climbing experience. Challenge yourself with            of a horizontal body position. This is a trust and    the skies and challenge yourself on our Red Tail
                                                                             offers elements designed to challenge you with a        seven high-level elements that are each unique          communication experience that will challenge you      Hawk and Falcon courses. Climbing by natural                    returning for more.
                                                Surrender to a free-fall
                                                                             progression of difficulty. Your experience includes     and progressive. Climb into the sky for a beautiful     to think about how to communicate positively with     moonlight and supported by some of the most
                                            state. Utilizing Eddy Current    a combination of the Cat Walk (walk across a            canopy tour of the Berkshire forest at a height of      yourself and your peers. Minimum 2 people             advanced equipment in the climbing industry,
                                           Technology, you will climb to     20-foot beam, 25-feet in the air), Islands in the Sky   50 feet off the ground. Elements include the Raider                                                           enjoy the experience of night climbing with the
                                            the top of our forest canopy     (a series of platforms progressively spaced apart,      Bridge, Zipline, Log Bridge, Pogos, Hang-in-the-        LEAP OF FAITH Description featured to the left.       nocturnal residents of the forest. End the experience
                                                                             ending at 30-feet high and 30-feet long), Multi-Vine    Balance Walk, Space Loops, and DNA Bridge.              105 MIN|$150                                          with a ride on the Eagle’s Run zip line and feel the
                                               platform 50 feet into the
                                                                             Traverse (walk on a foot cable using progressively      105 MIN|$150                                                                                                  exhilaration of night flight. Don’t miss this unique
                                            treetops. There we will hook     spaced hanging ropes, 40-feet high and 35-                                                                      QUANTUM LEAP ™ Join a small group of Miraval          class: it only happens once a month and space is
                                           you into the Flight Line device   feet long), and Postman’s Walk (two-line cable          FLYIN G SQUIRREL Miraval Berkshires Exclusive.          guests to climb on a dynamic belay and assist         limited to the first 20 guests to sign up.
                                          that safely allows you to stand    footbridge with supporting rope). 105 MIN|$150          Frolic like the playful creatures of the outdoors and   each other to balance on platforms in a 35-foot       105 MIN|$225PP 20 person maximum
                                                                                                                                     take flight 35 feet above ground. Wearing a full        maple tree. Once situated, take a leap of intention
                                            on the edge of the platform,                                                                                                                     and reach your goal by high fiving a ball that sits
                                                                             CLIMBIN G WALL Seize the opportunity to                 body harness and helmet, you are lifted up while                                                              OFF -PROPERT Y CLIMBIN G Travel to Pinnacle
                                               take a deep breath, and       conquer our 45-foot climbing spire in a class-like      you hold a rope. Work cooperatively with the            six feet away from the platform.                      Mountain to work on climbing, belaying,
                                           experience the Leap of Faith.     setting that delves into climbing and belaying          instructor and your group to lift and release you in                                                          rappelling, and moving on natural rock at 80
                                                                             techniques with an emphasis on safety.                  this liberating journey.                                RED- TAILED HAWK COURSE Miraval                       feet. This is a four-hour climbing event for all skill
                                           Glide into a 25-foot free fall,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Berkshires Exclusive. Begin your challenge            levels. Lunch and climbing gear will be provided;
                                           then continue descending the                                                                                                                      experience here with this mid-level, static, self-    bring your camera and layered clothing for
                                          next 25 feet as you are safely                                                                                                                     belayed course that takes you 35 feet off the         possible changes in weather. 24-hour cancellation
                                              and slowly lowered to the                                                                                                                      ground. Utilizing some of the most progressive        required. 105 MIN|$250PP
                                                                                                                                                                                             climbing equipment in the industry, this course
                                             ground at a rate of six feet-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MAN WITH A PLAN
                                                                                                                                                                                             gives you the ability to set your own goals and       SOUL FLIGHT EXPERIEN CE Miraval Berkshires
                                          per-second. Experience a pure                                                                                                                      make your own choices with each climb. Join           Exclusive. The Miraval Soul Flight Experience is           • Fuel up with a healthy
                                            moment of bliss as you face                                                                                                                      other guests for a community climbing experience      an opportunity to challenge your perceived limits              breakfast in the
                                           your fears and feelings in this                                                                                                                   that you can tailor to your own parameters. This      and explore concepts of situational identification.        Harvest Moon Restaurant
                                                                                                                                                                                             is an opportunity to choose your own adventure        Perched atop a 50-foot tower and utilizing Eddy
                                             juncture of suspension and                                                                                                                      as you make your way through eight unique and                                                                      • Get outside and try
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   current technology, experience a 25-foot free-fall
                                               release. 10 5 M I N | $ 5 5                                                                                                                   progressive elements. These include the Stargate,     and a gentle glide to the forest floor on our Leap        C LI M B I N G WALL pg. 16 or
                                                                                                                                                                                             Zigzag Ladder, Hugging Post, Buoy Walk, Islands       of Faith. The experience continues on the Eagle’s            N AT UR E WALK pg. 18
                                                                                                                                                                                             in the Sky, Seesaw Ridge, Pirate’s Crossing, and      Run zip line that offers a bird’s eye view of our
                                                                                                                                                                                             Suspended Log Walk. 105 MIN|$150                      wetlands as you take flight at 20 mph through the                • Head to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   canopy of the beautiful Berkshire forest.                  Life in Balance Spa for a
                                                                                                                                                                                             VERTIC AL PL AYPEN Miraval Berkshires                 105 MIN|$225PP                                           REJUVENATING BACK pg. 23
                                                                                                                                                                                             Exclusive. Engage with a partner in this series of                                                             or REL AXATION MASSAGE
                                                                                                                                                                                             vertical challenges. This tandem climbing activity    WARRIOR C HALLEN GE The Miraval warrior                            pg. 24
                                              REQUIRE D F OR A LL                                                                                                                            requires positive communication, planning,            challenge is a chance for you to experience both
                                            OUT DOOR ADV ENT URE                                                                                                                             and execution of complex tasks at height and          the Red Tail Hawk course and the Falcon course             • Unwind with a mindful
                                               ACT IVIT IE S A ND                                                                                                                            demonstrates how we can excel with the support        in one climbing session. Comprised of 15 unique            cocktail at The Roost Bar
                                              PRIVAT E SE S S IONS :                                                                                                                         of community and camaraderie.                         elements at heights of 35 -50 feet into the canopy                 & Lounge
                                          CLOSED - TOE D S HO ES , HAT,                                                                                                                                                                            of the trees, this challenge lets you pick your own
                                          SUN GL ASSES, S UNS CR EEN ,                                                                                                                                                                             course as we explore the idea of choice and how
                                             AND WAT ER BOT T LE.                  FA LCON CO U R S E                                                                                                                                              our choices influence our experiences.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   105 MIN|$250PP

                                                                                                                                                                                               R ESO R T C R ED IT C A N BE A P P LIED T O A NY F EE-BA SED A C T IV IT Y O R P R IV A T E SESSIO N.
  16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          17
                                                                                                               take you on one of two hikes: an easy 1.5-mile
                                                                  OUTDOOR                                      stroll offering views of Beaver Pond through a                                                               KAYAKIN G Designed for guests who have some

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  EX P ER IEN CES • WATE R & WIN T E R SP O RT S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            paddling experience, this activity begins with a
                                                                 ADVENTURE                                                                                                    OUTDOOR
                                                                                                               protected wildlife sanctuary or a more rigorus
                                                                                                               850 vertical-foot hike that spans three miles                                                                review of the basics of kayaking. Learn advanced

                                                                                                               round trip to the top of Lenox Mountain. Enjoy                                                               kayak strokes and better boat movement skills.
                                                                     Hiking       ACTIVITIES                   views of Mt. Greylock, Taconic range and the                                                                 Expect a moderate pace as we focus on stroke
                                                                                                               Catskill mountains.                                                                                          improvement and developing a connection
                                                                                                                                                                                   Water Sports                             with the water to move your boat with graceful
                                                                                                               SHIRE ROAD RUN Enjoy a three-to-five-mile                               ACTIVITIES                           effectiveness. 105 MIN|$75
                                MI NDF UL                GOULD MEADOWS HIKE Gould Meadows
                                                         is an easy 1.5 mile stroll through a beautiful        morning run with Program Manager Emilie. Explore
                            P ROP E RT Y S T RO L L                                                                                                                                                                         MINDFUL KAYAKIN G Come and enjoy a
                                                         hardwood forest, taking us down to the lake’s         the rolling hills of the Berkshires and soak in the
                         Join us for a relaxing stroll                                                         energy of the surrounding lakes and mountains.                                                               mindful paddle around beautiful Laurel Lake. In
                                                         edge at Stockbridge Bowl. Feel free to dip your                                                             C ARDIO KAYAKIN G Join Programs Director
                        through Miraval Berkshires.      toes in or go for a swim in this lovely Berkshire                                                           Luke Bloom for a vigorous paddle around some of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            this class we learn to utilize our boat as a tool
                                                                                                               S TEVEN’S GLEN HIKE This 1.4-mile round                                                                      for nature immersion, reconnecting to the natural
                           Enjoy views of October        lake. Bring a towel.                                                                                        the best high alpine lakes of the Berkshires. This
                                                                                                               trip hike guides you to one of Berkshire County’s                                                            world while gently gliding across the placid
                           Mountain Hike and the                                                                                                                     class will move at a fast pace and is an amazing
                                                                                                               most dramatic sights. Lenox Mountain Brook                                                                   waters of the Berkshires. 105 MIN|$75
                                                         ICE GLEN HIKE Get ready to clamber over,                                                                    core and upper body experience. A mindful
                           surrounding hills while                                                             cascades down a steep, rocky ravine through
                                                         under, and around giant boulders in a glacial                                                               floating meditation marks the halfway point as we
                           we explore the cultural                                                             a carefully laid out trail system on 129 acres of                                                            S TAND UP PADDLEBOARDIN G Description
                                                         ravine. The sides of the ravine are covered with                                                            focus our energy on the smooth, graceful trip back
                                                                                                               protected forest.                                                                                            featured to the right. 105 MIN|$75
                               significance of           old growth pine trees and majestic hemlock. Ice                                                             to Miraval. 105 MIN|$75
                              Berkshire county.          can be found in the ravine well into the summer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            S TAND UP PADDLEBOARD YOGA Description
                                                         months. This out-and-back hike is 1.6 miles of                                                              FUNDAMENTAL S OF KAYAKIN G Learn about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            featured in the Yoga activities section on pg 20.
                                                         breath-taking terrain and is a wonderful adventure
                                                         through Berkshire history.
                                                                                                                                 Hiking                              the parts of a kayak and paddle and how to
                                                                                                                                                                     efficiently use the two together. An introduction to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            105 MIN|$100
                                                                                                                           PRIVATE SESSIONS                          basic kayak strokes and boat movement allows
                                                         KENNEDY PARK HIKE Kennedy Park is a hidden                                                                  you to enjoy your connection to the water and
                                                         gem in the middle of historic downtown Lenox. The
                                                         park has miles of groomed trails that have great
                                                                                                               MIRAVAL OFF -PROPERT Y HIKE:
                                                                                                               Advanced Advanced hikes are designed for
                                                                                                                                                                     the beautiful Berkshire scenery. A slow, steady
                                                                                                                                                                     pace with lots of breaks offers plenty of time for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Water Sports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       S TAN D UP
                                                         lookouts and soothing streams. Immerse yourself in    those in peak physical condition and seeking          personal instruction and discovery.                                PRIVATE SESSIONS                            PADDLEBOAR DI N G
                                                         the wonder of nature with this special hike.          a challenge. These hikes explore longer, more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Designed for guests that
                                                                                                               strenuous terrain, where climbing steep slopes        FUNDAMENTAL S OF S TAND UP                             KAYAKIN G • PRIVATE 110 MIN|$115 •
                                                         L AURA’S TOWER HIKE Laura’s Tower is an               and crossing water features are the norm. Expect      PADDLEBOARDIN G Learn how to paddle while              SEMI-PRIVATE 110 MIN|$95
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 have some paddle boarding
                                                         out-and-back 2.5 mile hike that starts by crossing    a strong, steady pace as we will hike between         standing up. Join us for this introduction to basic                                                            experience, this activity
                                                         the Housatonic river foot bridge. Travel through      eight and fourteen miles with elevation changes       paddleboard strokes and board movement as you          S TAND UP PADDLEBOARDIN G •                           reviews the parts of board
                                                         old growth forest and start the steep climb to        exceeding 3000 ft. PRIVATE 105 MIN|$115 •             deepen your connection to the serene waters of         PRIVATE 110 MIN|$115 • SEMI-PRIVATE
                                                         an observation tower that has stunning views of                                                             the high-alpine lakes of Berkshire county.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and paddle and how to
                                                                                                               SEMI-PRIVATE 105 MIN|$95                                                                                     110 MIN|$95
                                                         Stockbridge, Lee and Lenox.                                                                                                                                                                                               use them together. Learn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 advanced strokes to improve
                                                         MINDFUL PROPERT Y S TROLL Description
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     board movement and
                                                         featured to the left.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 enhance your connection to
                                                         MONK’S POND HIKE The Monk’s Pond trail
                                                         is an easy 2.5 mile hike over the Yokun Ridge to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     OUTDOOR                                      the water by incorporating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                mindful breathing techniques.
                                                         a secluded pond that was once the main water
                                                         source of the Shadowbrook estate. This ridge has a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ADVENTURE                                    This deliberate approach to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                paddling takes you on a fluid
                                                         long history and features an abundance of wildlife.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Winter Sports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                trip around the premier, high-
                                                         N ATURE WALK Miraval Berkshires Exclusive.                                                                                                                                          ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                alpine lakes of the Berkshires.
                                                         We offer three miles of beautiful, blooming,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       105 M I N |$75
                                                         on-property trails for you to explore. Enjoy a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CROSS COUNTRY SKIIN G An introduction to
                                                         pleasantly paced hike while learning about the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Nordic ski gear, basic philosophy, technique, and
                                                         local flora and fauna.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            movement principles. Trek through the snow at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            picturesque Wyndhurst Golf Course to learn the
                                                         OCTOBER MOUNTAIN HIKE The Roaring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            basics of classical Nordic cross-country skiing.
                                                         Brook trail is part of the October Mt. State
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            INQUIRE F OR PRICIN G Seasonally offered
                             RE QUIRE D F OR A LL        preserve. This 2.5 mile up-and-back hike travels
                           OUT DOOR ADV ENT URE          along a stunning mountain stream the entire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SN OW SHOEIN G HIKE Strap on a pair of
                              ACT IVIT IE S A ND         time, filling your ears with the meditative sounds                                                                                                                                                                         REQUI RED F OR ALL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            snowshoes and raise your heart rate with a 1-3
                             PRIVAT E SE S S IONS :      of rushing water. Waterfalls are plentiful on this                                                                                                                                                                       OUTDOOR ADV ENTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            mile gentle hike that gains 300-500 ft elevation
                        CLOSE D - TOE D S HO ES , HAT,   classic New England hike.                                                                                                                                                                                                   ACTI V I TI ES AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            across the picturesque Berkshires hills. All
                        S UN GL ASSES, S UNS CR EEN ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PRI VATE SESSI ONS:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            levels are welcome. INQUIRE F OR PRICIN G
                            AND WAT ER BOT T LE.         OLIVIA’S OVERLOOK HIKE This trail                                                                                                                                                                                      CLOSED- TOED SHOES, HAT,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Seasonally offered
                                                         provides views of Monument Mountain and West                                                                                                                                                                           SUN GL ASSES, SUNSCREEN ,
                                                         Stockbridge. Two miles of easy grades and wide                                                                                                                                                                            AND WATER BOTTLE.
                                                         tread make for a great way to spend some time in
                                                         the fresh air of the Berkshires.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19
MORNIN G S TRETC H Start your day with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           head-to-toe stretch class designed to prepare you
                                                                       YOGA &                                                                                                    YOGA &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       EX P ER IEN CES • F ITNE SS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           for a full day of Miraval activities.

                           7 REASONS TO
                                                                       FIT N ESS                                                                                                 FITN ESS                                  POWER CYCLE Cycle indoors in this high-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           intensity cardio class. An upbeat playlist helps to
                           PRACTICE YOGA
                                                                              Yoga                                                                                                      Fitness                            channel your inner athlete as you pedal through
                         1 . Improves muscle tone,                         ACTIVITIES                                                                                                 ACTIVITIES                           intense intervals that offer unique challenges to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           body and mind.
                            flexibility, strength,
                                and stamina                                                                                                                                                                                RELEASE & REBUILD Description featured to
                                                          NIA A sensory-based movement practice that                                                               ABS & GLUTES Join us for a nonstop, core
                       2 . Aids in alleviating cravings   draws from martial arts, dance, and healing arts.                                                        conditioning class with exercises targeted to           the right.
                                                          It empowers people of all shapes and sizes by                                                            strengthen and tone your abs, glutes, hips, and legs.
                             3 . Stimulates the           connecting the body, mind, emotions, and spirit.                                                                                                                 ROLL WITH IT Using a full foam roller, you can
                               immune system                                                                                                                       AEROBIC WALK Start your day with an early-              give yourself a deep tissue massage and improve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           your flexibility.                                         BODY MINDFULNESS
                                                          RES TORATIVE AERIAL SILKS YOGA Learn                                                                     morning, fast-paced, guided walk around our
                          4 . Improves circulation                                                                                                                 Golf Course Trail.
                                                          to use aerial yoga silk as a prop to enhance and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           SHOULDERS SET FREE Similar to the format of
                        5 . Improves concentration        assist your yoga stretches. The silks encourage                                                                                                                                                                           The Body Mindfulness Center
                                                          greater supported traction and decompression of                                                          AQUA C ARDIO FITNESS A powerful and fun                 our highly popular Happy Hips class, this class
                               and creativity                                                                                                                                                                              will increase the mobility and stability of the entire    (BMC) is a haven for fitness
                                                          the body through various poses in a traditional                                                          class designed to burn calories and build muscle,
                           6 . Boosts self-esteem         yoga framework. Achieve greater physical,                                                                strength, coordination, and flexibility in the          shoulder girdle using both a foam roller and a           enthusiasts and novices alike.
                                                          mental, and emotional relaxation through gentle                                                          BMC pool. Coming soon                                   green stretch-out strap.                                   Shake up your routine with
                           7 . Creates a sense of         suspension in the silks. Coming soon                                                                                                                                                                                       a workout on state-of-the-art
                            wellbeing and calm                                                                                                                     C ARDIO DRUMMIN G Join us for this high-                SPIN & SCULPT An indoor cycling class that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           incorporates weights, bands, and movements to              Technogym machines: The
                                                          POWER FLOW YOGA This type of yoga                                                                        energy cardio workout that combines traditional
                                                          creates fiery energy within the body and provides                                                        aerobic movements with the powerful beat and            challenge your upper extremities and keep your               Skill Mill & Skill Row.
                                                          a challenge that you can overcome. Advanced                                                              rhythm of the drums.                                    legs moving for a full-body workout.
                                                          practitioners have an opportunity to workshop
                                                          certain postures or practice with the comfort of                                                         HAPPY HIPS Using self-myofascial release                S TRETC H & REL AX Unwind during this                        GUEST FAVORITE
                                                          knowing the instructor can assist with any pose.                                                         techniques, along with hip joint opening exercises      45-minute head-to-toe stretch series where we will           FITNESS CLASSES
                                                                                                              S TAND UP PADDLEBOARD YOGA Practice                  and a series of yoga-based hip stretches, we will       hold stretches longer and focus on breath.
                                                          RES TORATIVE YOGA Learn to rest deep in your        yoga on stand-up paddle boards. This class           improve the flexibility and mobility of your hips and                                                             • CARDIO DRUMMING
                                                          yoga postures in this practice known as “active     challenges you to embrace all the elements of        help you walk away from this class with happy hips.     TENSION RELEASE EXERCISES Description in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • HAPPY HIPS
                                                          relaxation”.                                        nature with a total-body workout. Reflect on the                                                             Wellness Counseling activities menu on pg 6.
                                                                                                              rewards of stretching into savasana on your          HIIT In this HiiT (high-intensity interval training)    80 MIN|$45                                                • SHOULDERS SET FREE
                                                          SLOW FLOW YOGA Flow from one posture to             floating sanctuary. 105 MIN|$100                     inspired class, you will cycle through quick,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ZEN BOOTC AMP Experience the challenge of a                          • HIIT
                                                          the next while moving slowly and intentionally.                                                          intense bursts of exercise, followed by short
                                                          By slowing down, we can focus on detailed           VINYASA YOGA Vinyasa Yoga is a flowing,              recovery periods.                                       high intensity cardio and strength class using the
                                                          alignment and fluid breath movement.                dynamic sequence of poses that is one of the most                                                            natural landscape around Miraval as our gym.
                                                                                                              popular styles of yoga in the United States. This    KIC KBOXIN G Kickboxing incorporates kicking
                                                                                                              type of practice involves synchronizing the breath   and punching for a dynamic, challenging
                                                                                                              with a continuous flow of postures.                  experience. Keep your body guessing as you use
                                                                                                                                                                   your personal power in every style of kick and
                                                                                                              YOGA GROOVE A lively flow practice with fun          punch throughout our rounds.                                                                                         R ELEASE & R EB UI LD
                                                                                                              and funky tunes.                                                                                                                                                      Miraval Berkshires Exclusive.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Join Miraval Trainer Tariq
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for his unique, kickboxing-
                                                                                                                                  Yoga                                                                                                                                                based class. Slow down to
                                                                                                                          PRIVATE SESSIONS                                                                                                                                          break down movements, then
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      intensify with a faster pace
                                                                                                              BOGA YOGA Challenge your balance and your                                                                                                                                  and added repetitions.
                                                                                                              core in this engaging, floating yoga workout using                                                                                                                        Allow yourself to release
                                                                                                              our Boga Fit Mat at the BMC pool. Please wear                                                                                                                         negative patterns, frustrations,
                                                                                                              Yoga attire. You will get wet. Coming soon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and barriers. Learn to replace
                                                                                                              CUS TOM YOGA Any yoga experience on                                                                                                                                    them with positive movement
                                                                                                              the daily schedule may be booked as a private                                                                                                                              and liberating thoughts
                                                                                                              session. INQUIRE F OR PRICIN G
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and feelings.

                                                            R E SORT CREDI T CAN B E APPL I ED TO AN Y F EE-B ASED ACTI VI TY OR P R IV A T E SESSIO N.              R ESO R T C R ED IT C A N BE A P P LIED T O A NY F EE-BA SED A C T IV IT Y O R P R IV A T E SESSIO N.
 20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               21
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