BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast

Page created by Rose Ruiz
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
       E !
  R  E                                              Gulf Coast

                                                              A Winter Visitor
                                                                 Spring 2021

page 14

pages 10-11

page 12-13

Clubs and
page 9

In print and online
                         S NOW BI R D S 15 T H A N N I V E R SA RY Y E A R
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast

                                                                                                                   Gulf Coast

                                                                               ON THE COVER
                                                                               Kim and Kurt Wheat retired some three
                                                                               years ago and since have spent their
                                                                               winter season among new friends at
                                                                               Destin RV Resort on Okaloosa Island,
                                                                               Fla. They enjoyed their stay so much
                                                                               they've already reserved for the 2022

    Publisher’s Welcome...................................................................................................................... 6
    Spotlight: Hugh Branyon Backcountry Trail............................................................................. 7
    Cover Couple................................................................................................................................... 8
    Clubs and Activities....................................................................................................................... 9
    Maritime history.............................................................................................................................14
    Sean of the South.........................................................................................................................18

                     Publisher: Karen Harrell / / 850.291.1266
                                              Art Director: Jahna Jacobson
                               Writers and Contributors: Karen Harrell and Louis Cooper
                                  Photography: Randy Hamilton/Hamilton Art Agency
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast

    This time last year my family had big

    My husband, adult daughter (27 at
    the time) and I were taking a long-
    planned two-week trip to Europe
    with stops in Germany and Austria,
    Paris and Normandy and finally
    London with a side trip to tour the
    Wimbledon stadium.

    Sigh. Late in 2019 one of the
    international business cable channels
    mentioned a new virus in China and
    that it was spreading quickly. My heart sunk. Just a couple of weeks later our trip
    was off and soon tourism ground to a halt.

    My husband and daughter were both able to telecommute (still are) and we mostly
    stayed home if we went anywhere we always wore a mask, dined outside or
    ordered pickup. I had no idea if I was going to be able to publish this magazine this
    season but enough businesses came forth to advertise and we pulled it off.

    Soon I am scheduled to get my first shot and my husband expects his in another
    month or two. Our summer plans are a road trip for his 60th birthday to Tennessee
    and Kentucky where he can tour a half dozen or more whiskey distilleries.
    My plan is to retrace my mother’s roots in Louisville, Kentucky, where she met my
    dad at 16, married and soon moved south.

    I hope you all have a safe trip home. We are soon launching an Instagram page and
    hope you will follow us there and on Facebook. The best way to ensure you receive
    our latest news is to sign up for our e-newsletter “Seasons.”

    Safe travels to you all. Thank you for your support. It looks like we will be back for
    our 15th season next year and I’m excited to make plans.

    Be Well.

    Karen Harrell,

         New service time: 9 a.m.
        Service also available on the
       church podcast: https://www.
        Join our Facebook page for
        updates: The Beach Church
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast

Spotlight: Hugh Branyon Backcountry Trail
Explore the Beauty & Diversity of The Backcountry Trail!
Seven trails among six distinct ecosystems make up more
than 15 miles of the Hugh S.
Branyon Backcountry
Trail complex through
Orange Beach, Gulf
Shores, Alabama and the
Gulf State Park.
Explore the timeless
beauty of the Butterfly
Garden, the mystical
Freshwater Marshes
and the Coastal
Hardwood Swamps.
Catch a glimpse of a
Bobcat on the Twin
Bridges or a White
Tailed Deer on Gulf
Oak Ridge. View an
Alligator basking in
the sun and be sure
to bring your camera
to capture the
The Trail was named
after Mr. Hugh S.
Branyon who put in
33 years as director
of the Alabama Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores,
Alabama. Learn more:
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast

From Iowa to
Okaloosa Island
Kim and Kurt Wheat, both 59, retired    Q. What led to your decision
some three years ago and since have     to choose Okaloosa Island for
spent their winter season among         your stay?
new friends at Destin RV Resort on      Kim has been to Eglin AFB
Okaloosa Island, Fla. They enjoyed      several times on work trips
their stay so much they've already      through the years. I knew I liked
reserved for the 2022 season.           the area and the people here are
                                        so friendly. Kurt wanted to be
Here’s their story.
                                        by a beach and wanted to travel
Q. Where are you from?                  the shortest distance possible
Davenport, IA                           from Iowa. The Gulf Coast fits
Q. Is this where you grew up?           the bill perfectly.
No, Kurt grew up in northern Ill. and   Q. How long do you stay?
Kim in a small town in Western Ill.     We stay for nine weeks. Kim
Q. How did you meet?                    still likes to experience a white
We met at work in our first job for     Christmas in Iowa, so we don't             Q. Any tips for
the Department of the Army.             arrive until just before the New Year.     new retirees?
                                                                                   Nothing specific
Q. How many years have you been         Q. You are RVers; how did that
                                                                                   other than to find
married?                                come about? What kind of rig do
                                                                                   some hobbies
32 years.                               you have?
                                                                                   you enjoy!
                                        We started out camping in a tent
Q. Do you have any children or                                                     Volunteering
                                        when our boys were small. That
grandchildren?                                                                     is also a
                                        didn’t last too long as we decided
We have two grown sons and no                                                      great way to
                                        sleeping on the ground was not ideal.
grandchildren, but look forward to                                                 transition from
                                        Our first “RV" was a pop-up camper.
being grandparents one day. Our                                                    workdays
                                        It felt great sleeping off the ground.
oldest son lives in Davenport, Iowa,                                               that are more
                                        We also discovered taking your own
and our youngest son lives in St.                                                  structured
                                        bed with you when you traveled
Louis, Missouri. We also have a Lab/                                               to days where you do
                                        was a fantastic way to get away
Great Dane mix dog named Rizzo.                                                    whatever you want.
                                        as a family for weekends or longer
Q. You said you both retired in         vacations. We’re currently on our          Q. Tips for new RVers?
the past three years. What kind of      sixth RV, a fifth-wheel.                   New Rvers should not be
work did you each do?                                                              afraid to ask for advice
                                        Q. This year, with the Covid, are
We both retired as civilians for the                                               from those of us who have
                                        there any activities you aren't
Department of the Army. Kurt and I                                                 been RVing for many years.
                                        getting to do? What do you enjoy
both worked in ammunition logistics.                                               By and large, RVers are a
We each worked for the                                                             friendly group of folks who
                                              We love being outdoors, so
Army for 33 years.                                                                 are happy to help. And learn
                                               Covid hasn’t really kept us from
                                                                                   campground etiquette such as
                                                doing the activities we enjoy.
                                                                                   picking up after your dog.
                                                 The one way it has affected
                                                  us in some of the friends we Q. Are there any must-do
                                                   expected to see here from       activities for you each year?
                                                    other parts of the country     Restaurants and attractions
                                                     did not make the trip         you enjoy?
                                                      this year out of Covid       We like the New Years’ Eve
                                                       caution. I hope to see      fireworks on the Okaloosa
                                                        everyone next year! We Boardwalk and the Mardi Gras
                                                         love to take walks on     activities in the area, although
                                                          the beach, go for bike those are limited this year due to
                                                           rides, play pickleball, Covid. We love to eat out at the
                                                           golf and just enjoy     many good seafood restaurants
                                                  the warmer temperatures          along the gulf. We can’t possibly
                                        and sunshine with our campground           narrow our favorite choice down to
                                        friends.                                   one!
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast

Clubs and Activites: Staying in touch during an unusual season
Wisconsin Alabama “Snobird” club                                               Florida Clubs: The Fort Walton
president Kenn Krouse isn’t used to                                            Beach, Destin and South Walton
having so much time on his hands.                                              County Snowbird clubs took a
Usually, this time of year, he has a                                           hiatus this year but are expected to
full calendar of meetings, breakfasts                                          return next season. Navarre Beach
and outings to manage for his 900+                                             implemented smaller group activities
member club. Plus, he is the point                                             this season sponsored by tourism
person and keeps a calendar and                                                officials. Perdido Key hosted its
contacts for many of the fundraisers                                           popular “Hootenanny” in February
the 10+ Alabama Snowbird clubs                                                 in two sessions to accommodate
collectively participate each season.                                          social distancing. Pensacola Beach is
                                        Owners have spent the "off-season"     expected to resume activities next
While some clubs are having informal    making repairs to prepare for high     season.
gatherings, none are sponsoring         season – Spring Break and Summer.
full meetings. But, Krouse said he is   The Pensacola Bay Bridge is expected Canadians: Panama City Beach
optimistic the 2021-22 season will      to reopen in late March, giving easier lost the majority of its Canadian       fill the void, they reached out to
return to normal with some changes.     access to both downtown Pensacola, Snowbirds this winter, and to help          neighboring states for shorter-
                                        Pensacola Beach and areas east.                                                term stays. However, officials have
This year Krouse estimated that
                                                                                                                       maintained contact with regular
maybe 40 percent of the Snowbirds       Book Now!: Snowbirds are                                                       visitors and plan to re-implement its
returned in January, and more have      encouraged to book a unit before                                               winter guest program of "Real, Fun,
trickled in since then. Like Kenn and   leaving as demand increases. The                                               Beach" activities next season.
his wife, Lora, some own property and   pandemic has allowed many people
stay six to seven months each season.   to telecommute for work, which is                                              For updates throughout the
                                        expected to continue in some form or                                           year, visit our website: www.
Hurricane Sally: Some areas have
                                        fashion. Many of those folks decided                                  and sign
seen a limited supply of condos and
                                        they wanted to work from the beach                                             up for our e-newsletter online. Also,
beach homes because of damage
                                        – who can blame them?                                                          follow our Instagram and Facebook
from September's Hurricane Sally.
BIRDSA Winter Visitor - FREE! - Snowbirds Gulf Coast
thru 2/27                                         and Lady Gaga. Tickets can be purchased
                                                                                                  Special Exhibit: Honoring African                 at or 251-369-6100.
                                                                                                  American Servicemen – Camp Gordon                 Details:
                                                                                                  Johnston WWII Museum, 1873 Hwy. 98                2/27
                                                                                                  West, Carrabelle, Fla. The museum presents
                                                                                                                                                    Multi-talented Brandon Styles
                                                                                                  a special exhibit to honor our country’s
                                                                                                                                                    presents "The Trip Down Memory
                                                                                                  African-American Servicemen who served
                                                                                                  in segregated units in both the Army and          Lane Dinner Show" - Tuesdays and
                                                                                                  the Army Air Corps, including the Tuskegee        Saturdays in February at OWA in Foley, Ala.
                                                                                                  Airmen. Details: 850-697-8575 or museum@          Seating is socially distanced and tickets are
                                                                                                                    going quickly, so guests are encouraged
                                                                                                                                                    to buy ahead of time. Tickets to the dinner
                                                                                                  thru 2/28                                         show start at $42 (with VIP upgrades
                                                                                                  Emerald Coast Theatre Company                     available). Group pricing is available upon
                                                                                                  presents: “Popcorn Falls” - Thursday              request by contacting Brandon Styles
                                                                                                  through Sunday, Feb. 12-28. The theatre           Theater & Magic Shop. Doors open at 5 p.m
                                                                                                  is located at 560 Grand Boulevard,                and dinner is served at 5:30 p.m. Details:
                                                                                                  Sandestin in Miramar Beach, Fla. Details:
                                                                                                                                                    2/26 - 28
                                                                                                  Navarre Beach Visitor Information Center
                                                                                                                                                    Vintage Market Days of Mobile - It's
                                                                                                  Snowbirds Activities - 8543 Navarre Parkway,
                                                                                                                                                    the TENTH VMD™ of Mobile event - "Vintage
  1/29 – 2/16                                                                                     Navarre FL 32566. All events take place at
                                                                                                                                                    Love"! Shop with more than 100 vendors
  Tall Ship Replica: Pinta Tours –                                                                the Navarre Beach Visitor Information Center.
                                                                                                                                                    while enjoying live music and food trucks!
                                                                                                  Limited Seating. Details: 850-981-8900
                                                                                                                                                    The Grounds at 1035 Cody Rd. N., Mobile,
                                                                                                  thru 3/13                                         Ala. Details:
                                                                                                  Americana Music at the Lodge -                    events/791168218129920
                                                                                                  Concert series in the Lodge at Camp Helen
                                                                                                  State Park are ONLINE this year, Saturdays
                                                                                                                                                    Annual Gulf Coast Orchid Show &
                                                                                                  from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Concerts are available
                                                                                                  ONLINE on their Facebook page www.                Plant Sale - Gautier Convention Center,
                                                                                         Dates            2012 Library Lane, Gautier, Miss. Beautiful
                                                                                                  include Feb. 27, and March 13. Details:           exhibits constructed by the commercial
                                                                                                       dealers, Orchid Societies from Mississippi,
                                                                                                  americana-concerts                                and across the country! And a plant sale.
                                                                                                                                                    Hosted by the Gulf Coast Orchid Society. Fri.
                                                                                                  thru 3/28                                         -Sat., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
                                                                                                  22nd Annual Gulf Coast Winter                     Free event! Details: http://www.gcorchids.
                                                                                                  Classic Horse Show - Harrison                     org/
                                                                                                  County Fairgrounds. 15321 County Farm
  5/7-9                                                                                                                                             2/27
                                                                                                  Rd, Gulfport, Miss. Recurring weekly on
  Gulf Coast Hot Air Baloon Festival - Downtown OWA, 100 N OWA Blvd,                                                                                Jumble Sale - Lyndell Conference Center,
                                                                                                  Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
  Foley, Ala. Foley is the spot for high-flying adventure and family fun at                                                                         423 Lyndell Lane, Panama City Beach, Fla.
                                                                                                  Saturday. Check website for Grand Prix
  the Gulf Coast Hot Air Balloon Festival. Enjoy the entertainment, arts and                                                                        28th Annual Orange Beach Seafood
                                                                                                  Field times. The event is free. Details:
  crafts displays and more at the festival site daily. Balloon flights, glows                                                                       Festival & Car Show – The Wharf, 4830
                                                                                         or 228-832-
  and tethered rides (weather permitting) add to the fun at dawn and                                                                                Main St., Orange Beach, Ala. Come out to
  dusk. Details:                                                                                              spend the day with family and friends while
                                                                                                  thru 5/30                                         enjoying loads of tasty food, live music
Please note that events can change or may         Thurs/Fri/Sat                                   Celebrate Vegas: OWA Theater                      on two stages, and over 125 arts & crafts
be canceled because of the changing rules                                                         - Wednesday through Saturday at 7 p.m,            vendors! Presented by The Orange Beach
                                                  Alabama Gulf Coast Music Hall –
surrounding COVID-19 safety. Call or check                                                        and Sundays at 3 p.m. "Celebrate Vegas"           Sports Association. Details: https://alwharf.
                                                  Dancing, BBQ, live music and more! Dance
websites or social media before heading out                                                       features tributes to Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Cher   com/ or 850-233-5065 or
                                                  the night away to country, oldies, ‘50s,
to an event.                                      pop and blues. 12615-A Foley Beach
                                                  Express, Foley, Ala. Details: https://
Boardwalk Talks at Dauphin Island
Sea Lab Estuarium - The Northern                  Last Saturday of each month
Gulf Institute presents informal talks about      Trash Bash with the Navarre
the Gulf of Mexico region. 101 Bienville          Beach Sea Turtle Conservation
Blvd, Dauphin Island, Ala. First and third        Center - Help remove marine debris to
Wednesdays, 11:15 a.m. FREE. Details: www.        protect sea turtles! Volunteers collect trash or 251-861-2141                from different areas along the 4.5 miles
Winter Wednesdays, Bellingrath                    of Navarre Beach and record data that is
                                                  forwarded to state and federal agencies.
Gardens and Home - Sessions are
                                                  Meet in the main Navarre Beach Parking
held each week in the Magnolia Room from
                                                  Lot near the Sand Crab Pavilion. Limited
10:30 to 11:30 a.m., Jan. 6 to Feb. 24. Mobile,
                                                  supplies of gloves, buckets and pickers are
Ala. Register: 251-459-8864. Details: www.
                                                  provided, or bring your own. 8 to 10 a.m.
                                                  Details: https://navarrebeachseaturtles.
2/27                                              3/21-21
Shrimp and Grits Festival -                       PBR's Elite Unleash The Beast
HarborWalk Village, 10 Harbor Blvd, Destin,       - Pensacola Bay Center, Pensacola,
Fla. 12 to 4 p.m. The inaugural Shrimp & Grits    Fla. Watch the world’s best bull riding
Festival will showcase shrimp & grits dishes      athletes go up against the toughest
from favorite local restaurants. Live music,      animal athletes in an 8-second man
craft cocktails and more. Benefitting Boys        versus beast duel. Details: http://www.
& Girls Club of the Emerald Coast. Details:
2/28                                              Spring Jam 2021 – 1451 Navarre Beach
                                                  Causeway, Navarre, Fla. Cat Country 98.7
Navarre Beach Bridal Expo - 8375
                                                  Spring Jam 2021 starring LoCash with
Gulf Blvd. Navarre FL 32566. Save the Date!
                                                  special guests Gabby Barrett and Gone
The Navarre Beach Bridal Expo takes place at
                                                  West. Event benefits Santa Rosa Kids
the beautiful Springhill Suites Navarre Beach.
                                                  House and is presented by Gulf Winds
Details: Springhill Suites Navarre Beach 850-
                                                  Credit Union. Join us on the beach behind
                                                  Juana’s Pagodas and Sailors Grill for this
3/5                                               all-ages show. Doors open at 3 p.m.; show
Gulf Shores Police Association Golf               starts at 5 p.m. Bring a small beach towel
Tournament 2021 - Peninsula Golf Club,            to sit on - no chairs allowed. Details:
20 Peninsula Blvd, Gulf Shores, Ala. 10:30 a.m.
registration and 1 p.m. start. Team entries       html
due by Feb. 8. Golf, range balls, carts, lunch,   3/27
hole contests, team and door prizes included.
                                                  Ye Olde Brothers Brewery Craft
Details: Julie Netemeyer, Julienetemeyer@
                                                  Beerfest - 4458 Highway 87, Navarre, or Sgt. Josh Hoguet, jhoguet@
                                                  Fla. Join us for the annual Ye Olde
                                                  Brothers Brewery Craft Beer Fest from
3/5-7                                             11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets include entry to
2021 Emerald Coast Boat and                       event, live entertainment, beer tasting
Lifestyle Show - Aaron Bessant                    from your favorite local breweries and a
Amphitheater, 600 S Pier Park Dr, Panama          souvenir glass. For the People’s Choice
City Beach, FL. Show opens Friday at 10           Award and 10% of all tickets sold will be
a.m. More than Just a Boat Show- fishing,         donated to the winning brewery’s charity
fitness, boating, cycling, kayaking, outdoors,    of choice. Details: 850-684-1495 or www.
paddleboarding and more. Details: www.                            3/26 – 5/28
3/6-7                                             Bands on the Blackwater Spring
Gulf Coast Renaissance Faire &                    Series - 5158 Willings St., Milton,
Pirate Festival - 8604 Bobby Brown Rd.,           Fla. 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday nights. Pull
Milton, Fla. The Gulf Coast Renaissance Fair      up your boat or bring a lawn chair and
& Pirate Festival is a fun and education way      relax while listening to some great
to experience the Middle Ages. Everyone is        music! Details:
invited to dress up as renaissance characters     BandsOnTheBlackwater or call the City of
(not required) for aexciting weekend              Milton at 850-983-5400
of history, music, food, arts, crafts, live       4/17
entertainment and games. Featuring historic
                                                  Navarre Beach Vintage Festival
learning demonstrations and medieval              - 8640 Blue Heron Ct., Navarre Beach,
characters. Do not miss out on a real Jousting    Fla. 9 a.m. There will be classic cars,
tournament! Details:                  motorcycles, and surfboards on display
3/12-13                                           along with live music and food vendors.
The 2021 Festival of Flowers:                     The Navarre Fundraiser for the Navarre
All Creatures Great And Small -                   Beach Lifeguards & Jr. Lifeguards.
Cathedral Square, Downtown Mobile, Ala.           Free admission at the Navarre Beach
Teams of florists go head-to-head creating        Fire Rescue-Lifeguard Headquarters
amazing creatures from flowers. Benefitting       in the Navarre Beach Marine Park.
the Cardiac Care Unit at Providence Hospital.     Details:
Details:                    events/1408012376196805

03/13                                             5/15-16
2021 Foley BBQ & Blues Cook-Off!                  Pensacola JazzFest - Seville Square,
- Foley Heritage Park, Foley, Ala. Welcome        downtown Pensacola. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
spring with the 13th Annual BBQ & Blues           Saturday; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.
Cook-Off. Event benefits the South Baldwin        Details: (850) 433-8382; jazzpensacola.
Chamber Foundation. Details: 251.943.5590         com
or visit
     Snaps! Winter visitors and vendors gathered for the annual Fort Walton Beach Winter Guest Fest presented by Crystal Shores Realty.

               $96 Cleaning, Exam, Xray
                          10% off services
                         with cash payment
                         Free Assessment*                           Expiration March 31, 2021. Check website for complete information.
Snowbirds learned about the reefs sunk at
Navarre Beach (below) and the Perdido Key
Chamber sponsored the Hootenanny Snowbird
welcome at the Flora-Bama (right).

Maritime history subject of a 6,000-artifact online collection
By Louis Cooper
Thousands of local maritime               years now,” Wells
historical artifacts in the collections   said. “We're glad that
of six Northwest Florida institutions     the project is now
have been curated into a single           available, especially
digital resource, just in time to enjoy   for students and
from the comfort of your condo's          scholars who
Wi-Fi.                                    are facing many
                                          challenges doing
“The purpose
                                          historical research
of the Gulf
                                          during the pandemic.”
Coast Digital
History                                   The project
Project is                                encompasses 6,388
to facilitate                             unique items –
access and                                totaling more than
exploration of                            20,000 individual
our region's                              computer scans –
rich history,”                            that tell the story of
said Dr.                                  the region's maritime
Jamin Wells,                              heritage during
an assistant Dr. Jamin Wells              the nineteenth and
professor of                              twentieth centuries.                     Lighthouse                              exploring funding opportunities to
history at the University of West                                                  • Promotional materials for local       expand the depth and breadth of
                                          The artifacts were supplied by the
Florida.                                                                           ports and early coastal tourism         this digital resource," Wells said.
                                          Destin History and Fishing Museum,
“Whether you're a student working         the Gulf Breeze Area Historical                                                  "While 6,300 documents and six
on a research paper, a genealogist        Society, the National Aviation           "One of the strengths of this           collaborating institutions might
researching a family member, or a         Museum Library, the Pensacola            collection of documents and             sound like a lot, we've only scratched
person interested in the area's past –    Lighthouse and Maritime Museum,          photographs is how they shed            the surface of exploring the region's
this project has something for you.”      the UWF Historic Trust, and the          light on changes and continuities       history."
The online resource, located at           UWF Archives and West Florida            in everyday life over the past 200,       History Center at the UWF Libraries.     years," Wells said. "While at the
launched in December 2020, but the                                                 same time they provide valuable
                                          Items in the project include:
convergence of the virtual resource                                                insights into historical events, from
                                          • The official catch log of the Destin
in a socially distanced world is a                                                 destructive hurricanes and wartime
                                          Fishing Rodeo from the 1950s to
coincidence.                                                                       experiences to a period of profound
                                                                                   political and cultural upheaval."
“The genesis of this project dates        • Handwritten letters from the
back to 2017, and we've been              nineteenth century                       The website is organized according
working diligently on it for several      • Logbooks from the Pensacola            to the institution that owns the
                                                                                   materials with a comprehensive
                                                                                   search engine. For example,
                                                                                   searching the term “hurricane” brings
                                                                                   up 49 items. The first is a photo
                                                                                   of damage at Warrington Beach,
                                                                                   near Pensacola Naval Air Station,
                                                                                   following a hurricane in 1916. The
                                                                                   National Aviation Museum Library
                                                                                   supplied the image.
                                                                                   The Gulf Coast Digital History
                                                                                   Project was funded through a 2017
                                                                                   National Maritime Heritage Grant
                                                                                   from the National Park Service and      "We have so much to learn about
                                                                                   support from UWF. Those who             how the Gulf Coast (community) we
                                                                                   worked on the project included UWF      live in came to be," he added.
                                                                                   students and interns and the staff at
                                                                                                                           "We hope to expand both the
                                                                                   each partner institution.
                                                                                                                           geographical and temporal reach of
                                                                                   "We hope this project continues to      this project in the years to come."
                                                                                   grow and evolve, and we're actively

                                        March 13
                                   vs. Knoxville, Tenn.
                                        6:35 p.m.

                                        March 14
                                   vs. Knoxville, Tenn.
                                        7:05 p.m.

                                        March 26
                                     vs. Macon, Ga.
Happy Hour Daily 4-6 p.m.               7:35 p.m.
Check website for golf specials.        March 27
                                     vs. Macon, Ga.
   Visit the Legends Premium            7:05 p.m.
           Bar and Grill
                                         April 1
                                   vs. Huntsville, Ala.
                                        6:35 p.m.

Baseball season swings into the Gulf Coast
Minor league baseball is returning to   “We’re just excited to be able to        and Tennessee in the North Division.
the Gulf Coast in 2021. After being     play baseball again and have fans
                                                                                 The Blue Wahoos play at the
shut down because of the pandemic,      here,” said Blue Wahoos president
                                                                                 Blue Wahoo Stadium in
the Pensacola Blue Wahoos and the       Jonathan Griffith. “It feels great. To
Biloxi Shuckers will begin play in      have the ownership we have with
May in Double-A baseball.               Quint and Rishy Studer who kept all
                                        of us fully employed was huge.
Teams will play 120 games this
season, including 60 home games.        “I think everyone is relieved that
Both the Blue Wahoos and the            we are going to have baseball. And
Shuckers will have their home           for the community. I think everyone
openers on May 11.                      wants to be able to get out and see
                                        games and have family activity.”                                                                      Stadium
                                        Under the new Professional                                                                           capacity limits
                                          Development License system                                                                     are expected to
                                             through Major League                                                                       be implemented to
                                                 Baseball, the Blue                                                              ensure fan safety during
                                                  Wahoos will play as                                                            the 2021 season and will
                                                  part of the Double-A                                                      be announced leading up to
                                                    South league, which                                                 the season. Game times and the
                                                                                 while the Shuckers play in MGM Park    teams’ promotional schedule will be
                                                       features Pensacola,
                                                                                 in Biloxi.                             released at a later date.
                                                       Biloxi, Mississippi,
                                                      and Montgomery             The Blue Wahoos are affiliated         For more information, visit www.
                                                    in the South Division        with the Florida Marlins, while the and www.
                                                   and Birmingham,               Shuckers are an affiliate of the
                                               Chattanooga, Rocket City,         Milwaukee Brewers.

New Santa Rosa, Fla., park welcomes RVers
The pandemic has spawned
a renewed interest in
recreational vehicles and
a spate of new parks are
cropping up nationwide.
By this next summer,
Florida’s “NEXT BIG THING’’
is scheduled to open just off I-10 in
Santa Rosa County.
The 60-acre Splash RV Resort &
Waterpark will feature paved roads
and full-RV hookups and concrete
RV pads, 80 cabins and even a
collection of Conestoga Wagons, the
ultimate option for Florida “glamping”
space. The park will include a variety
of amenities including lazy river, three
additional pools, fire pits, golf cart
rentals, dog park, ampitheater and
The location is an easy jump-off spot
to hiking the Blackwater State Forest
and canoe, kayak and tube Coldwater Creek in the north and enjoy the peace
and serenity at Navarre Beach to the south.
Reservations are being accepted now: or (850) 626-
8500. Review plans online at www.splashrvresort.
A Little Good                                        She was so excited
                                                     that she practiced                                                        Find your copy of
About a year ago. Before the pandemic. I saw
                                                                                                                             Snowbirds Gulf Coast!
                                                     for two weeks
him across the crowded restaurant with his           beforehand.
elderly parents. They didn’t look like they’d
aged a bit. But he did. His face was lean, his       On the night of                                        Snowbirds Gulf Coast prints four editions each winter: Holiday, January, February and
skin was wrinkled, he was gaunt. And he still        the performance            Sean of the South           Spring that are distributed regionally from Panama City Beach, Fla., west along the
had his trademark sense of humor.                    her husband and                                        Florida panhandle to the Alabama Gulf Coast and Biloxi Visitor Center.
                                                     children were                                          We also push out .pdf versions of the print edition through our e-newsletter (sign
I told him I hardly recognized him.                  sitting in the front row eating onion rings.           up online) and Facebook page: Snowbirds Gulf Coast (“Like” the page to receive
“Yeah,” he said, “it’s this new diet I’m on, it’s    She sang her heart out and received a five-            information.) Find us at more than 300 condo lobbies and RV parks, plus dozens of
called being sick, the weight just falls off.”       person standing ovation. Three people were             golf courses, restaurants, medical facilities and attractions from Panama City to the
This is not his best joke, I’m not sure whether I    immediate relatives. Two were cousins.                 Alabama Gulf Coast.
should laugh.                                        After a few gigs, a man from a nearby private
                                                                                                            Area libraries, senior centers                           Navarre Beach Visitor Information Center
                                                                                                            All Southern Vacation locations                          Panama City Beach Visitor Center
Then he gave me the real story. It’s a long one,     school called her and told her that he had             Biloxi Visitor Center                                    Panama City Chamber
I don’t have room to tell it all. He became very     seen her perform. He said the school he                Bodenhamer Center, Gulf Shores                           Pensacola Beach Visitor Center
ill with an autoimmune disease. Doctors said         worked for had just lost their music teacher.          Dauphin Island Chamber of Commerce                       Pensacola Visitor Center
he was dying. His parents were braced for            He asked if she would apply to teach music.            Destin Chamber of Commerce                               Perdido Key Visitor Center
the worst. His mother and father became his          She is happy to report that she has been a             Destin West                                              Sandpiper Cove
caregivers.                                          music teacher for almost two years now, and            Emerald Coast Convention and Visitor Center              Santa Rosa County Visitor Center
His parents tell me that for two years, they did     her school’s pandemic-style virtual Christmas          Eastern Shore (Al) Chamber of Commerce                   Seaspray
a lot of talking to the sky, asking for help.        program was a glorious technological train             Fort Walton Beach Recreation Center (FWB                 Village Baptist Church, Destin

Doctors still can’t explain how he was cured.        wreck. She still sings with a folk band                Club locale)                                             Walton County Visitor Information Center
                                                     sometimes. Although gigs are hard to come by           Mobile Visitor Center                                    Rouses Gulf Shores and Orange Beach
Maybe it was the treatment. Maybe it was                                                                    Alabama Welcome Center at I-10/Florida Line              South Baldwin Chamber of Commerce
something else. They aren’t sure. All anyone         during the coronavirus era.

                                                                                                            Condo lobbies throughout the coast                                               Gulf Coast
knows is that one day he woke up better. No          Let’s see, what else?                                  RV Park offices throughout the coast
traces of illness are left.                         Oh, I almost forgot. I got a letter in the mail         Majestic Oaks RV Resort
“Now all I have to do is gain weight,” he tells me. from a 71-year-old woman in North Texas. The
I have another friend I wanted to tell you          letter said that her dog recently died. A yellow
about. I grew up with him. We once went to          Lab named Duke.                                           Thank you to all of our Snowbirds Gulf Coast partners!
Mardi Gras together when we were young               Duke was born in a shelter. She adopted him and
                                                                                                           Show your support by patronizing our advertisers! Tell them Snowbirds Gulf Coast sent you! We are grateful to
men—which is another long story that I don’t         loved him for six years until he got hit by a car.    our loyal partners who have helped bring this magazine to you for the past 14 years!
have time for. Let’s just say that I almost          A few weeks after his death, she got a call
ended up as a permanent smear on a New                                                                     30A Farmers Market                    GT's on the Bay                       Rouses Market
                                                     from the same shelter. The shelter said that          AARP Mobile Alabama                   Holiday Isle Properties               Santa Rosa County Tourism
Orleans sidewalk.                                    a man had dropped off a dog because he                Andrews Institute                     Hollywood Casino Bay St. Louis        Santa Rosa Island Authority
A few years ago my friend had the worst              couldn’t care for it anymore due to his job. The      Baptist Health Care                   Juana's Pagodas                       Seaspray Condominiums
year of his life. His marriage sort of fell apart.   shelter was asking her to adopt it.                   Beau Rivage Resort & Casino           LEGENDS at OWA                        Shrimp Basket
His wife left him and took their son with her.       “No thanks,” she told them, “I just lost a dog,       Bellingrath Gardens & Home            Luna's                                Sinfonia Gulf Coast
Next he lost his business, then his money. He                                                              Boomtown Casino Biloxi                Magnolia Grill - Fort Walton          Swift-Coles Historic Home
                                                     and I’m not ready for another.”
became suicidal.                                                                                           BuzzCatz                              Beach                                 The Grove 55+ Active
                                                     “Well, that’s why we’re calling you,” they told       Culver's                              Magnolia RV Park Biloxi               Community
One night, while asleep on his brother’s sofa-       her. “This is Duke’s brother, from the same litter,   Dauphin Island                        Native Cafe                           Visit Coastal Alabama/Dauphin
sleeper he had decided that he was going to          six years ago. He’s an identical yellow Lab.”         Dentrement Dental                     Needle Rush Point Condos              Island
end it all on the following day. He had even                                                               Destin West                           Pensacola Beach Community             Wind Creek – Atmore
worked out how he would do it.                       That was all she needed to hear. Even though          Distro Data                           Church                                Majestic Oaks RV Resort
                                                     it was evening, she drove clear across town           El Matador Condominiums               Perdido Bay Golf
He says he whispered to the ceiling, “You’re
                                                     to the shelter, still wearing her ratty pajamas.      Fun Boats Dolphin Cruises             REALTOR® Viktoriya Morris
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gulf Coast

the only one who can stop me, if you give a          Also at the time, she says—and this was               Good Time Tours                       ResortQuest Gulf Coast
damn about me, you will.”                            actually written in her letter—that she “wasn’t
The next morning, he was awoken by the               even wearing a bra.” Older women can be a
sound of a car in the driveway. It was his wife      little too forthcoming.
and son. She had driven three hundred miles          She burst into the shelter, “totally unbound,”
overnight on a whim. She couldn’t explain why,       she points out, and many young men had to
but she wanted to patch things up. They are          divert their eyes.
together today.
                                                     The dog was the spitting image of Duke. She
He’s never told anyone what I just told you. So      took him home. His new name is Luke, in case
try to keep that to yourself if you don’t mind.      you’re curious. Though, if it had been me, I
Here’s another. I got an email from a gal who        would have named him “Of Earl.” But that’s
told me that all her life she wanted to play         beside the point. Speaking of points, you were
music. But you know how life goes. You don’t         probably wondering if there was a point to this
always get everything you want.                      column, there is:
She married, had two kids, there was no time         Don’t give up. Not yet.
for music. Instead she worked a job that she
hated and found herself in charge of the             Help is on the way.
soccer carpool. She was falling apart inside.
Until one fateful week.                               Sean Dietrich is a columnist, and novelist, known
                                                      for his commentary on life in the American South.
She got a call. A complete stranger offered           Learn more at
her the lead role in a local acoustic folk band.

COVID-19 updates from Baptist Health Care
Submitted by Baptist Health Care
The first case of COVID-19 in             Because COVID-19 can affect               is about 50%. After the
Northwest Florida was diagnosed           anyone and can cause serious,             second dose, immunity
just over a year ago and has spread       life-threatening illness, taking          jumps to greater than 90%.
with concerning speed throughout          appropriate preventive measures is        That’s why those being
the area ever since.                      extremely important.                      vaccinated are strongly
                                          • Avoid gathering in groups,              urged to get both doses,
COVID-19 is a respiratory illness              particularly indoors.                which are given several
that is spread through respiratory        • Wear a mask any time you                weeks apart, for maximum
droplets produced when people                  are with people outside your         protection.
who are infected with the virus                household.
cough, sneeze, sing, talk or breathe,     • Wash hands often with soap and          Both may cause side effects
especially in enclosed areas. It can           water for at least 20 seconds or     that can include pain at
cause a wide range of symptoms                 use a hand sanitizer containing      the injection site, fatigue,
from mild to severe.                           at least 60% alcohol if soap and     headache, body aches,
                                               water are not available.             chills and fever.
Symptoms may appear two to 14                                                       These are signs that your
days after exposure to the virus and      • Stay home when sick, cover
                                               coughs or sneezes with a tissue,     body’s immune system is
include cough, shortness of breath                                                  being activated to ward
or difficulty breathing, fever, chills,        avoid close contact with people
                                               who are sick, clean and disinfect    off subsequent COVID-19
muscle pain, headache, sore throat,                                                 infection. Most side effects
congestion or runny nose, nausea               frequently touched surfaces
                                               daily, and avoid touching your       resolve within 24 to 48
or vomiting, diarrhea and/or a new                                                  hours.
loss of taste or smell. If you develop         eyes, nose and mouth.
any of these symptoms, be sure to                                                   Keep in mind that stopping             feet apart from people outside
                                          COVID-19 vaccination is one of the
get tested for COVID-19. If you test                                                a pandemic requires using all tools    your immediate household, avoid
                                          strongest tools available to fight this
positive, you should follow isolation                                               available. The vaccine is important,   crowds and poorly ventilated spaces,
                                          pandemic by providing an important
guidelines recommended by the                                                       but it can’t fight COVID-19 alone!     and wash your hands frequently.
                                          layer of protection. Studies show
Centers for Disease Control at cdc.                                                 That’s why you should continue         For more information, visit
                                          that about a month after receiving
gov.                                                                                to wear a mask, stay at least six
                                          the first dose of vaccine, immunity
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