Broadland news Spring 2021

Page created by Rhonda Park
Broadland news Spring 2021
News and information from your local council                Spring 2021

                                    @BroadlandDC   BroadlandDistrictCouncil
Broadland news Spring 2021
    The decennial census is almost upon us.
    Households across Broadland will soon be asked to take part in the nationwide survey of housing and
    the population. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, with the exception of 1941.
    Information from the digital-first census will help decide how services are planned and funded in your
    local area. This could mean things like doctors’ surgeries, housing or new bus routes.
    Households will receive a letter with a unique access code in the post, allowing them to complete their
    questionnaire online. Paper questionnaires will be available on request. Census day is Sunday 21 March.

     For more information, visit

Broadland News is distributed
to over 62,500 homes and
businesses in the Broadland
district, three times a year.
                                          Useful contacts
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                                                                                                     8.30am – 5pm

way. Broadland News is printed            Benefits 01603 430602
on paper made from recycled
material. Events and services are         Building control - CNC Building Control
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                                          Council Tax 01603 430600
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Marketing and Communications
                                          Environmental services (bins, recycling, waste, dog fouling)
Team, Thorpe Lodge, 1 Yarmouth            01603 430534
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                                          Housing advice 01603 430641

                                          Licensing 01603 430574

                                          Planning 01603 430509
If you would like this information        Pollution control (noise, bonfires) 01603 430488
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                                          Follow us on          @BroadlandDC           BroadlandDistrictCouncil

2   Broadland News                                                      
Broadland news Spring 2021
  to the spring edition of
  Broadland News
  It is good to start to see and enjoy      loved ones and work while at the        doing the ‘day job’, such as those
  the blossom in the trees and the          same time learning how to home          in our Planning, Environmental,
  bright colours of the spring bulbs        school our children.                    Enforcement Teams (to name but a
  emerging around us bringing us            The light is growing brighter at the    few) and our refuse collectors who
  hope for the year ahead, certainly        end of the tunnel. But, sadly, we       have continued week in and week
  some warmer weather would be              are not there yet. I continue to ask    out to get our bins emptied.
  welcome.                                  for your adherence to Government        I am also proud of the help that
  The Coronavirus pandemic has              guidance, to look after yourselves      we have given to support the NHS
  affected each and every one of us,        and loved ones and to have your         and the roll out of the vaccine.
  the last year has been difficult for us   vaccine when it is your turn.           Our staff have been working
  all in so many different ways, but        I would like to take this opportunity   in the local hospital, directing
  it has also been an opportunity for       to say a big THANK YOU to the           traffic in vaccine centre car parks,
  our communities to pull together          hundreds of residents who have          contacting residents and knocking
  and show just how strong Broadland        come forward to volunteer and           on doors to make sure our elderly
  is as a district. The response from       those that continue to do so. Also      residents do not miss their
  residents has been exceptional            to our Council staff, in our Help       opportunity to have the jab.
  and I can’t thank you enough for          Hub, Economic Development,              We still have a long road ahead of us
  everything you’ve done to help us         Finance and Business Rates Teams        and we must work together, but with
  in the fight against Covid-19.            for the speed of their response in      help from our friends and partners
                                            supporting our local businesses         we will continue to look after the

  Reflecting back, who could have

       y o u
                                            and helping our most vulnerable         people who need our services the

 Give unity
  predicted, just a year ago, that so
  many of us would find ourselves           residents stay as safe as possible.     most and beat this virus.

comme l ve
  working from home. That we                Recognition also needs to be given      Councillor Shaun Vincent,
  would be using Skype, Teams and           to our staff and partners who           Leader of Broadland
  Zoom to keep in touch with our            have kept the Council running,          District Council


                                            Grants for local projects 8-10          Vaccine update                   14

              wards 2 0 20

  Community at Heart                4-7     Community Lottery                12     Business Awards              16-18                                                                         Broadland News          3
Broadland news Spring 2021
Community at Hea
The Broadland Community at Heart Awards were
presented at a virtual ceremony
The event, hosted by Chairman Karen Vincent and          Our Chairman, Councillor Karen Vincent, said:
the Council’s Managing Director Trevor Holden, was       “My heartfelt thanks go not just to our amazing and
streamed on the Council’s YouTube channel.               incredibly deserving winners, but to everyone nominated
                                                         for an award. Each nomination demonstrates the
The awards acknowledge the valuable contribution
                                                         positive difference a person or group has made and
of volunteers, individuals, businesses and community
                                                         I want to say a huge thank you to each and everyone
groups as well as the work they do in the district.      of you for your selfless work and achievements that
A judging panel chose the winners in a variety of        help to make Broadland such a special place to live.”
categories from the many fantastic nominations
made by members of the public.                           John Warren, Partner of award’s main sponsor Price
                                                         Bailey, said: “This is the fourth year running we have
Each winner received a trophy and £250 to donate         had the pleasure of being involved in these awards.
to their chosen community group or voluntary             Each year, we are moved by the amazing stories of
organisation. All the nominees received a hamper full    kindness and generosity. These wonderful volunteers
of goodies to enjoy while watching the event and to      really are at the heart of our communities and we are
thank them for their work in the community.              delighted to be able to celebrate their achievements.”

    Special Recognition Award
 Special Inspector Mike Chambers
 Mike has volunteered as a Special Constable
 in Broadland for over 15 years and has been
 in his role as Special Inspector for last 10. His
 role sees him managing the Broadland Specials
 team, working closely with both Broadland
 Police and Broads Beat officers.

                                                        Special Recognition Award

                                                        Broads Beat Police
                                                        Broads Beat are currently in the 25th year of reducing
                                                        marine crime in the Broads area. They provide a
                                                        High-Vis presence in the rivers Bure and Yare and
                                                        have worked extra hard to maintain safety and order
                                                        during the influx of visitors as lockdown was lifted in
                                                        the summer and people went on staycation.

4   Broadland News                                                      
Broadland news Spring 2021

art Awards
                 Chartered accountants
                    Price Bailey are the
                   award’s key sponsor.

  Safer Broadland                                                      wards 2 0 20
 Broadland Special Constabulary
 Broadland Specials are volunteer police officers
                                                      Good Neighbour or Friend of the Year
 who support emergency response, neighbourhood
 policing and events.                                Julie Douglass
                                                     Julie leads the Good Neighbours Group for the
                                                     Coltishall and Horstead area along with her team
                                                     of dedicated
                                                     volunteers. She
                                                     has been helping
                                                     people in the
                                                     by collecting
                                                     and shopping,
  Young Person of the Year
                                                     as well as
 Evie Sansom                                         taking people
 Every year 11-year-old Evie                         to medical
 raises money for autism charity                     appointments.
 Sunbeams Play by writing to
 celebrities and asking them for                      Environmental Champion of the
 their support. This year, she                        Year sponsored by Barnwell Print
 took her fundraising efforts
 one step further by completing                      Tina Johnson
 24 mini challenges and raising                      Tina makes Lingwood a cleaner and
 over £300 for Sunbeams and                          safer place to live. She runs the village
 the NHS.                                            TerraCycle scheme, collecting waste such as crisp
  Carer of the Year                                  packets, toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes to be
                                                     re-purposed and bought. All the funds raised are
 Kayleigh Griggs                                     then donated to local causes in the village.
 Kayleigh has been
 caring for people
 with disabilities
 since she was 14.
 She has worked in a
 variety of different
 settings, always
 going the extra mile
 to offer the best
 support possible.                                                             Broadland News         5
Broadland news Spring 2021
Community Group of the Year                  Inspiration of the Year

SENsational Families                         Jackie Hamilton
This local charity                           Jackie founded
works tirelessly for                         TherapyAid in 2019 to
children with special                        try and give something
educational needs and                        back. The charity
their families. They offer                   provides support
advice and support                           to unpaid carers in
to parents and carers                        Norfolk to support
to help them through                         their wellbeing. During
difficult times.                             lockdown, Jackie and
                                             TherapyAid began
                                             delivering wellbeing
                                             hampers and offering
                                             sessions over Zoom, as
                                             well setting up a book
                                             and podcast club.

 Volunteer of the Year                        Business Community Support of the Year

Michelle Thackham                            Hug a Mug Café
When Michelle is not                         Hug a Mug is a community café, offering fresh
working as Deputy                            brewed coffee, home-baked cakes, savouries and
Sister at Cromer                             light lunches. They host regular events, including
Hospital’s Dialysis Unit                     a mini produce market, a free jigsaw library, book
or fulfilling her role as a                  swaps and regular craft stalls.
Councillor for Coltishall,
she volunteers as a
treasurer and trustee
for Coltishall and
Horstead Preschool. On
top of this, she recently
became a director of
Coltishall Activities and
Sports Trust.

    Sporting Achievement of the Year
    sponsored by CiM Signs & Graphics

Mandy Foyster
Mandy has been a
marathon runner for
many years, and has
completed many marathons, one dressed
as a sheep. Along the way, Mandy has
raised money for various charities.
During lockdown she organised several
virtual races including the Sheepy Shuffle
half-marathon which raised £6,500 for
Mirkwood Rest Home for Retired Sheep.
6   Broadland News                                           
Broadland news Spring 2021
                         to everyone nominated
                           for a Community at
                               Heart Award                             Broadland News   7
Broadland news Spring 2021
Councillors award grants
    to local community groups

                                                                                  Photo taken pre-COVID-19 restrictions

    Each of our district councillors    One recent example of grant          resident, and pupils from local
    has a Member grant of £500 to       money benefitting residents is in    school Fairhaven C of E VA Primary
    help deliver community projects     South Walsham, where Councillor      School who enjoyed getting
    within their wards.                 Nigel Brennan allocated £350 of      involved by designing the signs.
    A wide variety of worthy causes     his grant budget to cover the cost   “It is hoped these signs will
    have benefitted over the last two   of four new speed awareness          reinforce the existing road safety
    years, with the grant scheme        signs in the village.                initiatives within South Walsham
    making a real difference to         The project came about following a   and continue to provide
    communities across Broadland.       suggestion from a South Walsham      enhanced safety for pupils
                                                                             walking to and from the school
                                                                             for years to come,” Cllr Brennan
                                                                             Schemes that benefitted earlier
                                                                             in the year include Drayton
                                                                             Youth Football Club, supported
                                                                             by Councillor Adrian Crotch,
                                                                             and Sprowston Community
                                                                             Hub, supported by Councillor
                                                                             Breanne Cook.
                                                                             Drayton Youth Football Club
                                                                             has expanded over the past
                                                                             couple of years and currently
                                                                             has around 100 young players,

8   Broadland News                                                      
Broadland news Spring 2021
from an under 14’s side right
 down to the mini kickers.
 After receiving funding from
 Tesco the Club bought extra
 equipment and goal posts but
 they were struggling to store
 them. The grant will help pay
 for new storage facilities.
 Club Chairman Paul Dodimead
 said: “The grant was really
 welcome and so very needed,
 it will make storing our
 equipment much easier.”
 Social enterprise, Independence
 Matters also benefitted from a
 grant, with Councillor Breanne
 Cook giving £500 to Sprowston
 Community Hub.
 The money will go towards
 sensory equipment such as
 infinity mirrors, a sensory mood
 cube and fibreoptic lights.
 Business Support Officer for the
 organisation Julie Milton said:
 “It might not seem a lot, but it
 will make such a difference to
 the people we support.”
 Meanwhile, in Thorpe St
 Andrew tails will soon be
 wagging thanks to a new dog
 agility course made possible
 through the grant scheme.
 Cllr Trudy Mancini-Boyle, Cllr
 Sue Lawn and Cllr Jonathan
 Emsell each committed their
 £500 member grant to the                                 From left to right : Cllr Lawn, Cllr Emsell, Cllr Mancini-Boyle &
 project, which should be open                            Thorpe St Andrew Town Council representatives.
 for our four-legged friends in
 early 2021.                        at Fitzmaurice Park for this, as          enclosed area to exercise their
 Thorpe St Andrew Town Council      it has sufficient space and is            dogs in.
 is supporting the project with     away from traffic which might             Charitable organisation Vedic
 additional funding and through     otherwise distract dogs using the         Cultural Society of East Anglia
 the construction of some           equipment.”                               will also be able to better host
 equipment in-house.                He added that feedback from               community gatherings for years
 Town Clerk Thomas Foreman          local residents about the                 to come following a £300 grant
 said: “The Town Council has        proposals has been positive               awarded by Cllr Grant Nurden,
 dedicated an area in the           with dog owners pleased with              which enabled the purchase of
 Queen Elizabeth II woods           the prospect of a new safe and            new equipment.                                                                          Broadland News                  9
Broadland news Spring 2021
Cllr Nurden with Vedic Cultural Society of East Anglia
 representatives at the Annual Indian Summer Fair.
 Picture taken pre-COVID-19.

 This furniture was needed for                   became popular and have helped
 the Annual Indian Summer Fair                   to foster a greater sense of               This new
 at the organisation’s Hindu                     community among residents.
 Temple in Tunstall and will be
                                                                                      initiative promotes
                                     Sprowston Youth Engagement                       sustainable living
 reused at future Summer Fairs,      Project (SYEP) has benefitted from
 as well as at other community       £700 in grant money to help it                   and environmental
 gatherings and events               support young people in the area.                awareness among
 throughout the year.                SYEP runs a weekly teen café, a                  young people by
 In Sprowston, various groups        Community Greenhouse project                     encouraging them
 have benefitted from cash           that also meets weekly, and
 injections, with Cllr Judy Leggett, provides 1:1 support for young                   to grow food for
 Cllr Ian Moncur and Cllr John       people who have been referred by                 themselves.
 Ward allocating their budgets to schools or the Police.
 local groups.                       Around £300 was awarded to                       Councillor Judy Leggett
 Sprowston Community Churches                    The Papillon Project to create and
 received £300, which covered                    develop an allotment at Sprowston
 the cost of coffee making                       Community High School, which         Cecil Gowing Infant School
 equipment, crockery, a storage                  is hugely beneficial to the mental   to enable new trees to be
 unit and toys.                                  and physical health of pupils and    planted on school grounds.
 This enabled regular events                     the wider community. If you think your community
 to be set up for residents       In addition, Sprowston East         group could benefit from a
 who had recently moved into      councillors gave nearly £200 to     grant, please contact your
 new housing in Sprowston         the Eco Council at Sprowston’s      local councillor.
 that is some distance from
 the established Sprowston
 community activities and groups.                      For more information, visit:
 The coffee drop-ins, hosted at               and search
 the newly opened White House                          ‘Member Grants’ or email
 Farm Primary School, quickly                

10   Broadland News                                                              
Your Own
Have you ever wanted to have a go at growing your
own food? You don’t need an allotment or even
your own garden to get started – all you need is a        Cllr Vincent said “Gardening and growing your own
windowsill and some time to give seeds a little TLC.      food can be fun, rewarding and a cheap hobby that
Using her member grant, Council Chairman Karen            can boost your mental health and wellbeing. It is also
Vincent is supporting a new “Grow your Own”               a great way to get children involved and encourage
initiative in her Ward of Old Catton and Sprowston        healthy eating.”
providing residents with free seeds to grow at home.      The pack includes sunflower seeds and to create
These include microgreens which are packed full           a little competition it would be great to receive a
of nutrients, quick and easy to grow. They will           picture of you and your tallest sunflower.
thrive inside on a windowsill and can be grown and        If you would like some free seeds and live in Old
harvested all year round.                                 Catton or Sprowston please email
It is also a great way to reuse plastic food packaging with your name and
from your weekly shop or takeaway, as you can plant       address. We have a limited number of seeds available
the seeds in these small tubs.                            and they will posted on a first come, first serve basis.

Last Summer, you may have noticed that we weren’t
mowing our public open spaces as much as usual.
Instead, we left areas uncut to encourage a more
                                                          Cllr Leggett added: “Help us to support our wildlife
diverse range of flowers and grasses and provide
                                                          and leave a no-mow patch in your lawn and you could
food and cover for a wider range of insects, which in
                                                          be enjoying a thriving mini meadow this summer.”
turn support birds and mammals such as hedgehogs
and bats.

Portfolio Holder for Environmental Excellence Cllr
Judy Leggett said: “The number and diversity of
insects and wildlife is in decline, but we can do
something to help. We are rewilding many areas that
we look after, leaving the grass long to help our flora       Do your bit for nature and
and fauna recover.”                                                                       leave a no-mow
                                                             patch in your garden, or gro
                                                                                          w wildflowers in
                                                            pots and planters. Tag your
                                                                                        social media photos
We look after more than 150 open spaces and                  #rewildingbroadland for yo
last year many of our wild patches thrived, full of                                      ur chance to win
                                                                 free seed packets and othe
colourful flowers including Ox-eyed Daisies, Bee                                             r goodies.
Orchids, Pyramidal Orchids, Evening Primrose,               For more advice and ideas
                                                                                       about how you can
Selfheal, Yarrow, Lady’s Bedstraw and various                         rewild your garden, visit
Vetches, Hawkbits and Speedwells. We also noticed      
an increase in insects in these areas, most notably                                         rdening,
moths and butterflies.                                                  rewild-your-garden                                                                     Broadland News          11
Raise money for local good
                           causes and be in with a chance
                           of winning up to £25,000
Tickets for the new Broadland
Community at Heart Lottery are              We’re thrilled to see people
on sale now, so you can support       supporting our community lottery and
local good causes, while being in
                                      getting behind causes that are close to
with a chance to win the £25,000
jackpot!                              their hearts. I wish all players lots of luck
Players have a 50 to one chance
                                      in our first ever draw and I want to thank
of winning one of the prizes          them for helping to directly benefit people
which, aside from the top cash        in our district.
prize, include £2,000, £250, £25
or three free tickets.                Cllr Trudy Mancini-Boyle, Deputy Leader of Broadland District Council
What makes our new community
lottery special is that while
players have fun trying to win
big, money from ticket sales goes
directly to local groups, charities
and non-profit organisations.
All players have to do is pick a
local good cause to receive 50%
of the £1 ticket price when they
go online to buy tickets. So far
more than 50 good causes have
joined the weekly community
lottery, all keen to benefit from
this fun way to raise funds.          Jeremy Cocks from Aylsham St          the Community at Heart Lottery is
                                      Giles Cricket Club said: “We signed   fantastic.”
Clare Lincoln from Sprowston          up as a good cause because
Youth Engagement Project said:                                              It’s free for good causes to register
                                      we are expanding the coaching
“We feel it’s a great way for                                               for the Community at Heart
                                      sessions we are providing to
people to donate to charity while                                           Lottery and there is no deadline
                                      Aylsham youth, from ages five
having the opportunity to win                                               for applications – go to www.
                                      through to 13. Cricket can be an
something themselves. It has                                       to
                                      expensive game to play, especially
been difficult in terms of funding                                          sign up or buy tickets.
                                      in the higher age groups where
some of the important projects        a lot of protective equipment is      Lottery management company
we deliver and broadening what        needed, and our coaches need          Gatherwell has been appointed
we do to reach even more young        to attend accreditation courses.      to run the scheme, having already
people. Having an opportunity like    Funding can be especially hard        launched similar lotteries in
this is really important and means    to find during the Covid-19           Portsmouth, Corby, Peterborough,
a lot to us as a small charity.”      pandemic, so any funding through      and many other areas.

     For more information, head to our Community at Heart lottery page:, email or call 01603 430591.

12   Broadland News                                                    
2nd Reepham Scout

                                    Charmaine swings it
                                    for Horsford
                                    We have worked with Horsford         The councils removed the
                                    Parish Council to rejuvenate         dilapidated old equipment at
                                    three of the village’s play areas.   Park View and replaced it with
                                    Park View was the first to be        not one, but three swings, 2
                                    completed in April 2020 followed     slides, a roundabout, climbing
                                    by play areas in Coltsfoot Road      frames, sensory boards, extra
                                    and Beckside. The £70,000            seating and much more.
                                    project was inspired by 10
                                    year-old-resident Charmaine               When I heard we
                                    Blythe, who petitioned the Parish    were getting the new play
                                    Council to ask for a new swing at    area, I felt really happy
                                    Park View play area by Horsford      and excited, as we finally
                                    Village Hall.                        had something to do.
                                                                         Charmaine Blythe
                                    Charmaine said: “The play area
                                    had hardly any play equipment
                                                                         The project was such a success
                                    and what was there was old and
                                                                         that the councils also worked
                                    wasn’t any good.”
                                                                         together to rejuvenate two other
                                    With the help of her parents,        play areas in the village, one at
                                    Charmaine petitioned the local       Coltsfoot Road and the other at
                                    community for improvements to        Beckside.
                                    the play area and gathered over
                                    a hundred signatures.              Our portfolio holder for Housing
                                                                       and Wellbeing, Cllr Fran
                                    The family presented the           Whymark, said: “Charmaine is
                                    petition to the Parish Council. As
                           Member                                      an inspiration and thanks to her
                                    a result, working in partnership,
                                                                       and the collaborative work of the
   If you would like your good      the parish council and
                                                                       two councils, children in Horsford
   cause to benefit from our        Broadland District Council drew
                                                                       have fantastic play facilities that
   lottery, please email:           up plans for a much needed new
                                    play area.                         will be enjoyed by children for or                                           many years to come.”
   call 01603 430591.                                                                Broadland News        13
Vaccine update
The NHS is currently offering the coronavirus               “We all want to try to
(COVID-19) vaccine to people most at risk from the          protect ourselves but we
virus.                                                      have got to think about
The vaccine is safe and effective, giving you the best      protecting other people
protection against coronavirus and Broadland District       as well. The more people
Council’s Vice-Chairman, Cllr Roger Foulger, recently       who get vaccinated and
received the vaccine, along with his wife.                  the sooner it happens, the
                                                            better. I can understand      Cllr Leggett
Cllr Foulger said: “We received a text message from         people feeling unsure but
our surgery so we called them back immediately and          it all went smoothly and I felt fine after and it is
arranged to have the first dose of the vaccine the          important to think about the future, about being safe
following day. We felt extremely keen to get it done.”      for our families and friends,” Cllr Leggett said.
Cllr Foulger and his                                        He added “I am very impressed by the number of
wife, received the                                          people who are volunteering to help the NHS, and
vaccine at their local                                      support the vaccination programme. This has really
hospital.                                                   brought out a tremendous sense of what people can
“When we arrived,                                           and will do in an emergency – it’s very encouraging.”
we saw a doctor                                             The vaccines approved for use in the UK have met
who asked us about                                          strict standards of safety, quality and effectiveness
allergies, health                                           set out by the independent Medicines and
problems and            Cllr Foulger and his wife, Brenda
                                                            Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
medications. They ran through a thorough checklist.
Then we waited in another room – socially distanced         Any coronavirus vaccine that is approved must go
– and they called us through when they were ready. It       through all the clinical trials and the same safety
was very orderly. The jab itself was completely painless    checks that all other licensed medicines go through.
and we sat for 15 minutes afterwards enjoying socially
distanced tea and biscuits, so they could make sure we       To get your jab you must be registered with a GP
were fit to leave. We had no problems at all.”               surgery – please do this if you are not currently
Cllr Foulger and his wife have also received their           registered. The current vaccine is given in two
second dose. He said: “Getting vaccinated is doing           doses – the first dose should give you good
what is absolutely required. I would strongly                protection from coronavirus and the second dose
recommend that anyone offered the vaccine has the            (given three to 12 weeks later) provides longer
jab. It’s in everybody’s interest.”                          lasting protection.

Cllr Foulger praised the NHS staff carrying out              You will be contacted when it is your turn to have
COVID-19 vaccinations, and said it was great to see          the jab so please do not call your local surgery
how excited they were about it.                              or hospital. When you are contacted it is really
                                                             important that you keep your appointment so if
“I would like to compliment the hospital on the              you need help with transport please contact our
excellent way it was organised and the enthusiasm            Help Hub on 01603 430431.
of the staff, which is admirable given the pressure
they’re under at the moment,” he added.                      For up to date information about the coronavirus
                                                             crisis, visit
Former Chairman, Cllr Ken Leggett, also received both
doses of his Covid vaccination recently. He welcomed         Vaccines are being given to groups in order of their
the opportunity to be vaccinated and described the           priority. To find out which group you are in visit:
whole process as “extremely well organised”.       

14   Broadland News                                                        
If you could benefit from some gentle exercise,        Broadland lose weight and keep it off for good. If
 losing weight or making some improvements to           you struggle to stay motivated, you can join in our
 your diet, then our new Broadly Active Facebook        virtual coffee morning, Broadly Brew, which puts
 page can help you.                                     you in touch with like-minded people who can
 We have put all our health and fitness advice in one   support and encourage you to achieve your goals.
 place, so follow and like our page for help on how     The new Facebook page will also include
 to improve your health, fitness and mood.              information about our popular exercise referral
 Each week our instructors set exercise challenges      scheme, Broadly Active, which has already helped
 to help you stay active and are on-hand to answer      around 5,000 people over the last 15 years to build
 your questions and give you advice.                    up their fitness and improve their health.

 Portfolio holder for Housing and Wellbeing, Cllr       The scheme is great for people with conditions
 Fran Whymark, said: “Even if you’ve never exercised    such as high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis,
 before, we can help. Our low impact challenges can     high cholesterol, stress, anxiety and depression.
 be done in your living room and will ease you into a   Our professional instructors can guide you through
 new fitter you.”                                       a programme of exercises which will help you to
                                                        manage your condition and improve your fitness. If
 You will also be able to access healthy eating tips,   you feel you could benefit from the exercise referral
 tasty low-fat recipes and more from our Why            scheme, please mention it next time you see a
 Weight? Scheme, which has helped residents of          health professional who will be able to refer you.
                                                        If you’d like a taste of what to expect, take a look at
                                                        our range of YouTube videos (
                                                        channel/UCj7Hf43ELyvgWcpesDAgVJw) that offer
                                                        simple home exercises for anyone who struggles
                                                        with their mobility or has health conditions that
                                                        require lower levels of exercise.

                                                         To access all our health advice, please like and
                                                         follow us @Broadlyactive on Facebook, or for
                                                          more information about our exercise referral
                                                          scheme, please visit
                                                                       or call 01603 430487.                                                                    Broadland News            15
Local businesses
shine at awards
Nine local companies have been recognised for
their excellence, innovation and best practice at            Congratulations to
the inaugural Broadland & South Norfolk Councils’
Business Awards – with two of the local businesses           all the winners:
celebrating double wins.
                                                            SNAP won our Excellence in Digital Creative and
All 12,500 businesses that have an operating base           ICT award, sponsored by InTouch Systems. With its
in Broadland and South Norfolk were able to enter           cashless payment system, SNAP is revolutionising the
the awards. Members of the public were also able to         haulage sector and modernising industry procedures
submit nominations for the Retailer of the Year award.      right across the UK and Europe using its in-house
This is the first time that the councils have held a        designed technology.
joint Business Awards and, as the planned ceremony          “Technology and ICT have played a huge role in
was cancelled due to the pandemic, winners were             our ongoing mission to digitalise the haulage
announced on our social media channels.                     industry. We are thrilled to have been awarded the
                                                            Excellence in Digital and ICT Award,” said Managing
      Broadland is a great place                            Director Mark Garner, who described SNAP as “a
to do business and I am proud                               proud local business”.
that as a council we are doing                              SNAP also won the Business Growth award,
all we can to help businesses of                            sponsored by Big Sky Living. The company
all sizes.                                                  demonstrated a strong performance in every area
                                                            of growth – turnover, profit, customer base, market
Broadland District Council Chairman                         share, territory and new products.
Cllr Karen Vincent
                                                            Mark said: “Having established a presence in the
Broadland District Council Chairman Cllr Karen              haulage industry, we have focused on growing our
Vincent said: “It was a privilege to present                offer to help customers in both the UK and Europe.”
the awards to recognise our local businesses
and congratulate them on their outstanding
achievements, from tackling Type 2 Diabetes to
conserving ancient woods. These awards showcase
the incredible diversity of business across the district.
“It is especially important we recognise the
achievements of our local businesses given the
challenging year they have had. The determination
and resourcefulness shown by all is epitomised by
award winner myDNAhealth, which adapted its
business to help in the fight against Covid.”

 Sponsors of Broadland & South Norfolk Business Awards 2020

16   Broadland News                                                      
myDNAhealth won the Excellence
in Life Sciences award, sponsored
by Norwich Research Park.
Founded in 2014, myDNAhealth
provides in-depth testing results
designed to give vital information,
which allows for personally
tailored lifestyle changes, to
improve health and wellbeing.
A commitment to use the latest
technology and analytical tools
ensures reliable, consistent and      myDNAhealth
relevant results.
Bernie Williams, Co-founder and       Ansible Motion won the              Ansible Motion is another of our
CEO of myDNAhealth, said: “We         Excellence in Advanced              double award winners, also taking
are very happy and honoured           Manufacturing award, sponsored      home our International Business
to win this award, which is a         by Mirus Aircaft Seating. Based     Growth award, sponsored
testimony to the myDNAhealth          at Hethel Innovation Centre,        by Hethel International. This
scientific and technology             Ansible Motion creates Driver-      award recognised its investment
teams who are committed to            in-the-Loop simulators for          in securing a pipeline of
developing evidenced-based            vehicle engineering and their       international orders resulted in a
products and technologies             unique immersion technology         doubling of their exports in 2019.
aimed at promoting wellness           places drivers and engineers into
and optimising healthy ageing.”       compelling virtual worlds.

                                                                          Credo Asset Finance won the
                                                                          Excellence in Financial Services
                                                                          and Insurance award sponsored
                                                                          by Jarrold Training. Established
                                                                          in 2005, Credo Asset Finance
                                                                          has already brokered over
                                                                          £400m to more than 8,000 local
                                                                          businesses in Norfolk and Suffolk
                                                                          and considers itself the premier
                                                                          trusted Business and Personal
                                                                          Asset Finance specialists. Its
                                                                          philosophy is based on treating
                                                                          each customer as though they
                                                                          are their only one, and building
                                                                          long lasting relationships with the
                                                                          vehicle and supplier networks.
                                                                          Fran Brown, Marketing Manager
 Credo                                                                    of Credo Asset Finance, said:
                                                                          “Now in our 15th year, Credo                                                                 Broadland News        17
Asset Finance are thrilled to win   The Norfolk Mead won in the          products, initially inspired by a
this award, and we dedicate it      Visitor Economy Experience           30-year-old marmalade recipe.
to our Founder Simon Gray who       category, sponsored by Adnams.       All products, such as shortbread
passed away in September. For       As a luxury destination in           and a gin liqueur, can be found in
Simon looking after the customer    Norfolk, it provides excellence in   stockists nationwide.
was everything, and he would        hospitality across its bedrooms,     Emmaus Norfolk & Waveney won
have been delighted for us to be    restaurant, spa treatment rooms,     the Environmental Impact award,
recognised in this way.             and event venue.                     sponsored by UEA’s Low Carbon
“We understand how this year        Owner James Holliday said:           Innovation Fund. The charity
has been a challenging one for so   “Our ethos has always been to        provides a home, meaningful
many people, so it is a big boost   continually evolve, adapt and        work and a sense of belonging to
for the company to be recognised    expand our luxury offer. This        formerly homeless people.
for helping so many businesses at   resolve has helped us through this   Our Slice of Country Life was
a local level. We all feel we won   challenging year for hospitality     awarded Retailer of the Year –
this for Simon.”                    where the resilience of our staff    the category that members of the
Flint Vineyard was the Innovation   and our new services including       public submitted nominations for,
in Agriculture, Food and Drink      takeaway afternoon tea, have         and sponsored by Fosters Solicitors
sponsored by Pasta Foods. In an     helped us to continue to weather     LLP. This arts and crafts gift shop
idyllic Waveney Valley, family-     the storm.”                          in Diss is a successful hybrid of
owned Flint Vineyard’s state-of-    Simon’s Table Ltd was the New        high street and online, mixed
the-art fermentation equipment      Business award winner, sponsored     with a strong community focus
and techniques perfectly blend      by CNC Building Control. Husband-    and partnerships with other local
with age-old tradition and a        and-wife team Simon and Nicola       businesses.
passion for making English wine.    Rawcliffe produce a range of tasty

 The Norfolk Mead

 The headline sponsor of the awards was Fosters Solicitors and the media partner was Greatest Hits
 Radio Norfolk and North Suffolk. For more information on our winners visit

18   Broadland News                                                 
 local people
 Four notable former Broadland residents have been       drive a fairground roundabout, is also to receive a
 recognised with a blue plaque.                          plaque.
 We first launched the scheme in 2019,                   Canon John Patteson is commemorated for his
 commemorating five of the district’s most               work as a priest in Thorpe St. Andrew and as
 pioneering women. Since then, we have received          chaplain for the 1st Volunteer Battalion Norfolk
 nominations for four distinguished men who have         Regiment, as well as for his work for the Church of
 all had a significant impact on Broadland and the       England Young Men’s Society.
 wider area.                                             His brother Henry Staniforth Patteson will also
 One of the new plaques remembers the work of            receive a plaque, is also remembered for the huge
 socialist George Hewitt, who was born in Horsham        contribution he made to the City of Norwich. He
 St. Faith. George became well known for fighting        was Sheriff of Norwich, Deputy Lieutenant of
 hard to get a fair deal for agricultural labourers in   Norfolk and later Mayor. He was also president of
 the early twentieth century.                            the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society.
 Samuel George Soame, a pioneering engineer from         For more information on any of the amazing
 Marsham, who is famous for the production of an         people that we have recognised through our
 early steam car – the Soames Steam Wagonette            scheme, please visit our website
 – as well as for making the first steam engine to

Elections in 2021
 On Thursday 6 May residents in Broadland will go
 to the polls to have their say on who represents
 them at Norfolk County Council and as the Norfolk
 Police and Crime Commissioner. Neighbourhood
 Planning Referendums will be taking place for
 Spixworth and Taverham and in a small number of
 parishes there may also be by-elections.
 There are a number of ways for you to cast your
 vote and have your say in May. You can vote in a        Where possible, a one-way system will be in place
 polling station, you can appoint someone you trust      with hand sanitiser available when you enter and
 to vote on your behalf, this is known as a proxy        leave.
 vote or you can cast your vote by post.
                                                         Screens will be in place, for the safety of our staff
 Due to the current circumstances we understand          and voters and the polling stations will be cleaned
 that some people may be concerned about visiting        on a regular basis.
 a polling station, but we can assure you that we
 are taking additional measures to make voting as        We would also ask you to bring your own pen or
 safe as possible.                                       pencil to use when voting.

 Our polling stations will have two-metre floor
                                                           More information about postal and proxy
 markings and signage to encourage physical
                                                           voting can be found by visiting
 distancing and the wearing of face coverings.
                                                                                                                     Broadland News           19
Working together to
beat homelessness
The last year has left some people      ensure robust systems are in place
struggling to pay their bills and for   to help prevent people becoming
the first time ever they may be         homeless, particularly during this
facing the daunting prospect of         difficult time. While the effects of
becoming homeless.                      this pandemic have not yet been
As a Council we do all we can to        fully realised, we are ready to
                                        support our residents who need         Daniel said: “It was a really nice
prevent homelessness and have
                                        our help, when they need help. “       place and we were so grateful to
been working across the Greater
                                        One such household that found          have somewhere to stay.” However,
Norwich area with South Norfolk
                                        themselves in need, were the Keen      the family all had to sleep in one
and Norwich City Council for many
                                        family.                                room, which “wasn’t easy with a
years to help keep a roof over our
                                                                               one and two-year-old.”
residents’ heads.                       Daniel and Emma Keen and their
                                        two young children first found         The Council gave the family help
Right now, this work is even more
                                        themselves in difficulty in January    and advice to manage their debts,
crucial than ever and last year we
                                        after Daniel lost his job.             and during the height of lockdown,
worked together with 25 other
                                                                               helped the family secure a new
organisations to develop a new          “We were struggling to pay the         home through a local housing
Greater Norwich Homelessness            bills and our rent and we fell into    association in Broadland.
Strategy to prepare for the effects     arrears,” reveals Daniel. “Our
of the pandemic and help beat           landlord was also trying to sell the   “We can’t believe how things
homelessness in the area for good.      house.”                                have turned out,” said Daniel.
                                                                               We couldn’t have picked a better
The strategy determines the key         When the family was given notice       house. We are forever indebted
drivers for homelessness over           by their landlord, they found          to the people at the Council who
the next five years and ensures         themselves at risk of homelessness.    helped us so much. We talk about
resources are put in place to help
                                        The family contacted the council       it every day. Without them who
meet the demand.
                                        who quickly found them temporary       knows where we would be now,
Our Portfolio Holder for Housing        accommodation.                         they changed our lives.”
and Wellbeing, Councillor Fran
Whymark, said:
                                         If you’re homeless or threatened with homelessness, please contact
“The strategy underlines our             us on 01603 430641, or email
commitment to work together to

     How to get
                                                       How you access housing support and advice is changing
                                                       - from April we will be launching our online customer
                                                       portal, where you will be able to manage your housing

     help with                                         need including accessing social housing.
                                                       By moving much of the system to an online portal you

     housing                                           can now access our service at the time that suits you
                                                       best. We will still be available via phone, post and emails
                                                       but the portal will be available 24 hours a day, seven
                                                       days a week.

20   Broadland News                                                       
New homes for greater
Being able to stay in your own
home for longer is an important
factor in the wellbeing of our
residents and work has begun on
a new Independent Living Scheme
in Acle.
The new scheme, developed
alongside Norfolk County Council
and Saffron Housing Trust, will
provide 58 affordable 1 and 2 bed
independent living apartments.
The ‘Living Well for Norfolk’
homes are for people over 55,
whose current home no longer
meets their needs.
Broadland District Council
Chairman Councillor Karen
Vincent said: “We must look after     Housing list or as shared            For more information visit Norfolk
our older residents by ensuring       ownership.                           County Council’s website and
we are providing the homes and        Local Councillor Lana Hempsall,      search for ‘Living Well Homes’.
support they need to remain           who is Portfolio Holder for          If you are interested in the shared
independent for longer.”              Planning, said: “I am delighted      ownership apartments, please
The new homes are close to local      that we are building these           register with Help to Buy South
amenities, such as shops and          homes in Acle. They provide an
hairdressers and they offer 24/7      alternative to residential care,     For applicants in housing need
emergency care.                       with the assurance that help is      within Acle, please contact the
The Council gave planning             there if residents need it. This     Council’s Housing Options Team
permission for the scheme.            also means people can stay           to express an interest in the
Once completed the affordable         close to family and friends, while   affordable rented properties, by
apartments will be available for      continuing to be part of the wider   calling 01603 430641, or emailing
rent through the Broadland’s          community.”                

This new approach will put you in control of            Some residents have already been sent review
finding your new home. You will be able to see          forms, to enable us to ensure their application is
where properties are available and make bids, if        up to date. If you have received a review form and
you think a property is appropriate for you. We are     not returned it but wish to stay on the Housing
making it possible for you to see every property        Register, please contact us immediately.
that becomes available in both Broadland and            Until our online portal opens in April you are able
South Norfolk and the average waiting times in          to access our housing service on our website.
each area to help you make an informed choice.
At the beginning of April all residents on the            For more details of the changes happening
Housing Register will receive a letter from us with       and for updates please visit
details of your housing band and how to log on to
the portal and view available properties.                                                                  Broadland News          21
Celebrating three decades
of tree champions
Protecting the environment
and the future of Broadland has
always been a priority for the
council and for 30 years we have
supported a fantastic network
of volunteers that champion the
growing of trees in our District.
Broadland’s 37-strong team of
volunteer Tree Wardens, plant, look
after and raise awareness about
our local trees. They are the eyes
and ears of the Council, helping to
ensure our ancient and precious
trees are cared for and preserved.
Their role provides a multitude of
opportunities to make a difference
to the local area. They help to
look after local woodland, arrange
tree planting days, set up tree
nurseries and work with schools
to inspire the younger generation.
They also recommend trees
to us for protection with Tree
Preservation Orders and monitor
                                       Top: Bex Cross, our Tree Warden for Hellesdon, with John Fleetwood planting in Mountfield Park
and comment on applications for        in Hellesdon. Bottom left: John Fleetwood, Tree Council CEO Sara Lom and Andrea Rowlands,
works to preserved trees.              Broadland Tree Warden for Freethorpe, with three of Freethorpe’s Junior Tree Wardens. Bottom
                                       right: Three Freethorpe Junior Tree Wardens planting trees in Wrongs Covert.
To celebrate the 30-year anniversary
of the Tree Warden Network in
Broadland, local Tree Warden           Broadland Tree Warden Co-                       The Council helps with purchasing
Jo Parmenter will be planting a        Ordinator John Fleetwood has                    the trees, guards and stakes.
commemorative disease-resistant        been a Tree Warden since the                    Last year we allocated £5,000 to
Elm in Reedham, which was              Council first set up the scheme                 support the newtwork. This meant
donated by the Tree Council.           in 1991 and has been the East                   that 1,243 trees and 205 meters
                                       Anglian Representative on the                   of hedgerow could be planted.
Portfolio holder for Environmental
Excellence, Cllr Judy Leggett          National Committee of Tree                      John added: “We are always
said: “We are very grateful for        Wardens for the past three years.               looking for more volunteers, we
the contribution the work of the       He said: “Since 2018, we have                   provide all the training, all you
Broadland tree wardens make            been an independent network,                    need to have is a love of nature
to our Environmental Strategy.         but we are very lucky in Broadland              and a passion for trees.”
I look forward to working with         to have the continued support of                If you would like to find out more,
the wardens as we plan and             the Council. By investing a little in           please contact John Fleetwood
implement our mission to plant a       us, we are able to deliver a lot out            email: john.fleetwood@hotmail.
tree for every Broadland resident.”    in the community.”                              com, or call 01603 716297

22   Broadland News                                                                 
Community shop
   and café open

A group of local residents saw         Our East Area Team Manager for         for visitors to enjoy and for the
an opportunity to create a new         planning, Nigel Harriss said: “This    garden to grow produce to sell in
community enterprise so they           is an excellent example of the         the shop.
teamed up with surrounding             local planning authority working       Last year, after a great deal of
businesses, including the learning     together with stakeholders in a        hard work and cooperation, The
disability hospital, to find a         positive creative way to secure,       Walled Garden Community Shop
suitable site.                         not only the future of the once        and Café, opened. The venture has
                                       derelict walled garden, but also       enjoyed a strong start, welcoming
They identified a derelict Victorian
                                       a development and that will            hundreds of customers in its first
walled garden in a prime location
                                       improve the economic, social           week, and continues to grow in
near the church and school in
                                       and environmental conditions           popularity as word has spread.
Little Plumstead. The eager group      of the area. It has also helped
of volunteers knew that with           deliver on objectives identified
careful restoration they could         in the Great and Little Plumstead
transform the site into a visitor      Neighbourhood Plan.”
attraction and a beautiful spot to
host community events.                 The Community Benefit Society
                                       raised the necessary funds and
Together, they formed a                coordinated construction of the
Community Benefit Society,             shop and café. The restoration
with any profits going back            of the walled garden, led by the
into the business. The group           parish council, ran in parallel with
has received support from the          this project. The aim of the group
Parish Council and from teams          was to provide an attractive area
at Broadland District Council in
Planning, Conservation (with the         Visit to find out more and next
garden wall renovation), Growth          time you’re in Little Plumstead, make sure you pop in.
Delivery, Environmental Health           Follow @thewalledgardenshop on Instagram and Facebook,
advice and Licensing.                    and @wallgardenshop on Twitter, for updates.                                                                     Broadland News 23
C9 10017
                                                     Delivered by

                                                                                         Broadland District Council, Thorpe Lodge, 1 Yarmouth Rd, Norwich NR7 0DU
 Help Hub
The Help Hub is available for anyone who
needs support, for example:
•	To obtain basic essentials
• If you’re feeling isolated or lonely
•	If you’re worried about issues at home
   including relationships
• If you have oney worries
• COVID-19 related help

                                                                                         If this item is undelivered or for postal address:
T: 01603 430431

 Business Support
If you or your business requires any
COVID-19 support or advice please
get in touch.
T: 01603 980441

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