Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2022 - 8 July 2021 - Central Economic ...

Page created by Aaron Ryan
Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2022 - 8 July 2021 - Central Economic ...
        of Intent
for the year ending 30 June 2022

                      8 July 2021
Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2022 - 8 July 2021 - Central Economic ...
Company Directory
Central Economic Development Agency Limited

Level 1, TSB Towers
1-19 Fitzherbert Avenue
                                      06 350 1830              Foreword                                3
Palmerston North 4410
                                                                Purpose of the Statement of Intent      4
Chief Executive

David Wright (Interim CEO)
                                                                Our Vision                              5

                                                                Our Strategic Objectives                5
Malcolm Bailey (Chairperson)
Arthur Chin
                                                                What We Do                              6
Margy Maré
Robyn O’Fee (Bobbie)                                            Where we focus our time and money      23
Robbie Pickford
Francene Wineti
                                                                Who we are                             24
Registered Office
                                                                Our Performance Measures for 2021-22   26
Morrison Creed Advisory
236 Broadway Avenue, Palmerston North 4410
                                                                Alignment with Our Shareholders        30
                                                                Monitoring Indicators                  32
Westpac New Zealand Ltd

                                                                About CEDA                             33

Audit New Zealand                                               Financial Performance                  34
(on behalf of the Office of the Auditor General)

                                                                Partner Organisations                  45
Legal Status

Central Economic Development Agency Limited (“CEDA”)
was incorporated in New Zealand on 15 October 2015
under the Companies Act 1993 (NZBN 9429042001096).
As the shareholders of CEDA are Palmerston North City
Council (50%) and Manawatū District Council (50%) CEDA is
a council-controlled organisation as defined in section 6 of
the Local Government Act 2002.                                 Front Page image: AgResearch

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                        2
Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2022 - 8 July 2021 - Central Economic ...
                                       Tēnā koutou katoa                               areas. We will continue to accelerate the        investment into significant programmes
                                       We present our Statement of Intent for          progress of the Central New Zealand              of work such as the Central New Zealand
                                       2021/21 with feelings of confidence and         Distribution Hub and attracting investment       Freight Hub, the ongoing implementation
                                       optimism regarding the local economy.           and businesses. We will proactively roll out     of the Manawatū Agritech Strategy and
                                                                                       the strategic positioning of our region in       support for positioning the region as a
                                       The latest Infometrics data indicates that      collaboration with regional and national         global agrifood hub, and continuing to
                                       Manawatū’s economy continues to recover         partners as the agrifood hub of New Zealand      build on the momentum created by the
                                       and build from the effects of the COVID-19      and global leader in our field. We will work     injection of the Strategic Tourism Asset
                                       pandemic, better than the New Zealand           collaboratively with stakeholders on the first   Protection Programme funding into
                                       average across almost every economic            year of implementation of the Manawatū           the implementation of the Manawatū
                                       indicator. Our diversified and unique           Talent Attraction and Retention Strategy to      Destination Management Plan.
                                       economy has kept our region strong              help address some of the critical talent and
                                       through the turmoil, and the collaborative                                                       Our work is made possible through the
                                                                                       skills issues facing our city and district.      strength of our partnerships. We thank our
                                       leadership shown has kept us agile in our
                                       response, but we did not lose sight of          Until New Zealand’s borders re-open, we          shareholder councils, iwi, central government
                                       the long-term strategic projects that will      will continue to face even stronger domestic     agencies and our many partners across the
                                       ultimately deliver the greatest benefits to     competition for investment, visitation,          region and country. Your support, expertise,
                                       our community. These projects remain            talent, events, and conferences. Our ability     and commitment to delivering inclusive
                                       crucial to the ongoing recovery, growth         as a region to focus on outcomes, work           growth for our community is invaluable.
                                       and confidence in our city and district,        collaboratively, and pool our resources and      Lastly, thank you to the Board of Directors
                                       creating employment opportunities for our       expertise to achieve results will be what        and the whole team at CEDA who, no matter
                                       people, contracts for our businesses, and       ensures our success. CEDA is one part of         what comes their way, see the opportunities
                                       encouraging innovation in how we work and       our regional development ecosystem, and          to deliver meaningful outcomes that will
                                       do business.                                    our work over the past year with iwi, and        support the growth and prosperity of
                                                                                       organisations such as Sprout Agritech, The       Manawatū and beyond.
                                       CEDA has made strong progress towards           Factory, FoodHQ, Rural Innovation Lab,
                                       achieving our three big goals for the region    Massey University, UCOL and Manfeild
                                       by 2025; Manawatū is recognised as one of       have helped us to make real progress             Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoua,
                                       the top three agrifood hubs in the world,       in attracting investment, accelerating
                                       Manawatū is a leading distribution hub          innovation, developing talent, and improving
                                       and leverages off its role in central New       the perception of our region nationally.
                                       Zealand, and Manawatū is renowned for its       These partnerships and the results we are
                                       exceptional lifestyle, competitive advantages   delivering together remain a priority for us.    Malcolm Bailey
                                       and is a magnet for investment, business,
                                                                                       We are projecting a deficit in 2021/22.          Chairperson
                                       and talent.
                                                                                       This is indicative of our need to realign
                                       Over the coming year we will continue to        our business to meet the altered needs of
                                       focus our efforts and resources in these        our shareholders, as well as our ongoing

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                                                                3
Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2022 - 8 July 2021 - Central Economic ...
Purpose of the                                  COVID-19 Impact
Statement of                                    We as a country are continuing to work
                                                in a challenging and seemingly constantly

Intent                                          changing environment as we work
                                                through the impacts of COVID-19. As an
This Statement of Intent is presented by        organisation whose primary objective is to
Central Economic Development Agency             support business and grow the regional
Limited (CEDA) in accordance with the           economy, CEDA has had to approach
requirements of Section 64(1) of the Local      our work with flexibility and have been
Government Act 2002 (LGA 2002).                 required to be responsive to the dynamic
In accordance with the Local Government         environment and changing needs and
Act 2002, this annual Statement of Intent       demands of our community. Although an
publicly states the activities and intentions   end may now seem in sight, we are aware
of CEDA for the next three years, and the       that we need to be prepared to adapt
objectives to which those activities will       our programmes of work in the short to
contribute.                                     medium term to achieve the outcomes
                                                required to successfully lead and support
This Statement of Intent takes the              the economic response for Manawatū.
shareholder letter of expectation
comments into consideration and includes        The objectives and outcomes presented in
performance measures and targets as the         this Statement of Intent include response
basis of organisational accountability.         and recovery projects to assist our
                                                businesses, industries, and our people
                                                through the ongoing impacts locally,
                                                nationally, and internationally of COVID-19.

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                           Feilding Farmers’ Market   4
Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2022 - 8 July 2021 - Central Economic ...
Our Vision                                         Our Strategic
Manawatū 2025; New Zealand’s
most progressive region
Our vision is bold and purposefully so, it         Achieving our vision                                                                                             n d b u sin e ss s u p
                                                                                                                                                           ā ori, a                        por
encompasses the ambitions of both our
                                                                                                                                                    t,   M                                       tg
                                                   CEDA works across the three strategic                                                        n                                                     ro
shareholder Councils. It requires our region
                                                                                                                                             me                                                            up
                                                   pillars of economic development; People,                                              n
to move from comfortable to ambitious,                                                                                                er                                                                        sa
from reactive to future focused, and to move
                                                   Place and Business, and our success is                                        ov                                                                                  r
                                                   underpinned and enabled by the strength


with an increased cadence and sense of

                                                   of our relationships with our regional and

resolve. We believe that Manawatū has the
                                                   national partners.


leadership and the ingredients to reposition                                                                                                                     Attract, retain


itself on the national stage - a vibrant and       Our core objectives, programmes and                                                                            and develop

                                                                                                          u nc

innovative region that will be first choice for    activities are all aligned to these pillars, and                                                               talent in the
talent, business, and investment.                  are designed to create the environment,

                                                                                                      ip s w ith c o

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 c e s sf u
                                                   stimulus, outcomes, and impact that
Our three big goals that show we are on our
                                                   will power our economic prosperity and
way to achieving this vision are:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 lly delivering
                                                   achieve our vision for Palmerston North
                                                   city and Manawatū district.                                                                 Attract, retain                  Profile the

                                                                                                      rt n e rs h
              Manawatū is recognised as one                                                                                                     and develop                      region to
                                                   These key objectives guide the
              of the top three agrifood hubs in                                                                                                business and                  attract people,
                                                   development of our short and medium-
              the world                                                                                                                        investment in                  business and

                                                                                                                e Pa
                                                   term programmes of work as articulated

                                                                                                                                                 the region                    investment

                                                   through this Statement of Intent for

              Manawatū is a leading



              distribution hub, and leverages

                                                   When considering how to prioritise our

              off its role in central New
                                                   efforts, and based on our current resources
                                                   and functions, we focus on programmes
                                                   and activities that offer the greatest
              Manawatū is renowned for its         opportunities for economic prosperity.
              exceptional lifestyle, competitive
                                                   These are identified through research,
              advantages, and is a magnet for
                                                   monitored, and reviewed using the latest
              investment, business and talent
                                                   data, and viewed through a regional,
                                                   national, and international lens.
To achieve this vision CEDA must work in
partnership with our shareholders, central
government, Māori, local iwi, industry, and
other regional stakeholders - it cannot be
achieved alone.

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                              5
Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2022 - 8 July 2021 - Central Economic ...
We Do

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021   Mainfreight Distribution   6
Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2022 - 8 July 2021 - Central Economic ...
                                                               Manawatū: New Zealand’s most
                                                                  progressive region 2025
                                 •     Manawatū is recognised as one of the top three agrifood hubs in the world
 GOALS                           •     Manawatū is a leading distribution hub, and leverages off its role in central New Zealand
                                 •     Manawatū is renowned for its exceptional lifestyle, competitive advantages, and is a magnet for investment, business and talent

 3-YEAR STRATEGY                 •     Shared Vision, Diversified Funding, Agrihub Establishment

 STRATEGIC PILLARS                              People                                   Business                                     Place                              Partnerships

                                 Attract, retain, and develop talent in     Attract, retain, and develop, business    Profile the region to attract people,   Effective relationships with councils,
 SOI OUTCOMES                    the region                                 and investment in the region              business, and investment                central government, Māori, local iwi,
                                                                                                                                                              and business support groups

                                 Talent & Skills Attraction and Retention   Destination Management Plan, Agritech Regional Identity, Agrihub PR Machine,      Service Level Agreement, Partnership
                                 Strategy, Te Aho Tāmaka Strategy           Strategy, Business Expansion and      featuring the region through media          and Funding Agreements
                                                                            Retention Strategy, Regional Business
 STRATEGIES/                                                                Partner Programme, business start-
 PROGRAMMES                                                                 up and innovation, Inward Investment
                                                                            Strategy, Central New Zealand
                                                                            Distribution Hub Strategy, Food and
                                                                            Fibre Strategy

                                 Pathways to employment and career          Develop visitor sector capability, grow   Regional marketing, direct media        Outcomes aligned with partnership
                                 development programme, leader              media and tourism trade engagement,       features, and social   agreements, research, data and
 PROJECTS/                       attraction, leader engagements,            develop a Rangitāne o Manawatū            media engagement                        insights, economic updates (incl. Māori
 ACTIVITIES                      facilitation of leaders aligning support   Māori Tourism Plan, Agritech Strategy                                             business), stakeholder and business
                                 to regional projects                       implementation, deliver NZ AgriFood                                               community e-newsletters, business
                                                                            Week                                                                              planning, reporting to councils

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Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2022 - 8 July 2021 - Central Economic ...
Attract, retain and
                                       develop talent in
                                       the region
                                       Kia whakamanea, kia mau, kia
                                       whakawhanake i nga taranata o te rohe

                                       Through our data and research, we know      development of the people they already
                                       that the biggest barrier to business        have, the recruitment of students to
                                       growth in the region is the ability to      the region, along with an understanding
                                       attract the right people for the job. The   of the future needs of our sectors and
                                       development of a talent pipeline for        businesses is key to the region being able
                                       the region that includes the attraction     to grow and prosper by 2025, becoming
                                       of those with the skills and experience     recognised for our exceptional lifestyle
                                       our businesses need, the training and       and competitive advantages.

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Develop the talent pipeline                                                         Lead and support the regions attraction
to grow a skilled workforce                                                         and retention of talent, skills, and
and better utilise the existing                                                     investment
labour market
                                                                                    Attract Talent and Investment                      and how to use this as part of their overall
                                                                                    for the Manawatū’s Future                          strategy to attract people and to build
As the region works towards the               attracting the talent, developing                                                        organisations capabilities in workforce
Manawatū positioning itself as one            the skills of Manawatū’s existing                                                        planning, social procurement, capability
                                                                                    Key to CEDAs leadership is working with            development planning and succession
of the top three agrifood hubs in the         workers, integrating new workers
                                                                                    our partners to collaboratively develop            planning.
world and strengthening our place as          and their families into Manawatū’s
                                                                                    approaches to overcome the challenges the
a distribution and logistics hub it’s vital   community, and making it easier for
                                                                                    region faces in attracting and retaining talent,
that we have the right talent and skills      new arrivals, both from overseas
in the region. We know through the            and elsewhere in retaining talent
                                                                                    skills, and investment and to leverage the         Develop the Skills of Existing
                                                                                    opportunities that will address labour force       Workers and Residents
development of the Manawatū Talent            to maintain a diverse and skilled
                                                                                    needs, whether in the short or long term.
and Skills Framework that we need to          workforce across Manawatū.                                                               While attracting and retaining talent is
take a multi-pronged approach, from                                                 CEDA has established the Central Region            important, so too is the need to develop
                                                                                    Talent and Skills Advisory Group with              the existing workforce. This supports career
                                                                                    representatives from iwi, education,               development and progression and ensures
                                                                                    community stakeholders and central                 workers skills and knowledge keeps pace
                                                                                    government. The Advisory Group will lead           with change in their work.
                                                                                    the implementation of the Manawatū Talent
                                                                                                                                       CEDA will lead the creation of a series of
                                                                                    and Skills Attraction and Retention Strategy,
                                                                                                                                       regional micro-credentials for people and
                                                                                    including the formation of sector specific
                                                                                                                                       workplaces including partnering with iwi to
                                                                                    Working Groups.
                                                                                                                                       develop training tools on Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
                                                                                    The Working Groups will co-create Sector
                                                                                                                                       Additionally, CEDA will enable, connect and
                                                                                    Profiles and Plans, and Pathways to
                                                                                                                                       facilitate people and employers to Pathways
                                                                                    Employment initially for the Primary Sector;
                                                                                                                                       to Employment and Career Development
                                                                                    Dairy, Beef and Sheep, Horticulture and
                                                                                                                                       activities, that create opportunities for
                                                                                    AgriTech/AgriFood, and Infrastructure and
                                                                                                                                       inspiration, information, motivation and
                                                                                    Construction sectors.
                                                                                                                                       a call to action, whether entering the
                                                                                    We will work with our partners to co-              workforce, looking at changing career
                                                                                    design tools to empower organisations to           or looking at career and professional
                                                                                    understand their brand and reputation              development.

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Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2022 - 8 July 2021 - Central Economic ...
Integrate New Workers                            region that has played a significant role in
and Their Families into the                      their journey. Te Aho Tāmaka reaches out
                                                 to highly accomplished individuals, who
                                                 have a strong connection to Manawatū.
Integrating new workers and their families       It celebrates our leaders who are making
into Manawatū’s community is about making        a difference, both globally and in New
it easier for new arrivals, both from overseas   Zealand, who are positively contributing to
and elsewhere in New Zealand, to settle in       their communities and industries.
Manawatū and build the connections that
                                                 Te Aho Tāmaka is an integral part of CEDA’s
they will need to thrive.
                                                 commitment to attract, retain and develop
Our first step in the talent reception           talent in the region, as well as raising
and integration space is to facilitate the       the national and international profile of
development of tools and an action learning      Manawatū. We are building a network of
workshop that will empower organisations         renowned leaders and advocates, who can
to build a reception and integration             foster pride in the region, raise our profile,
programme for their business that is             connect, develop, and grow our future
connected to the region’s reception and          leaders and ultimately support us to build
integration approaches.                          a stronger and more prosperous economy
                                                 and region. This is achieved through the
                                                 identification of new leaders, engagement
Te Aho Tāmaka Leaders                            with current leaders and connecting them to
Programme - Growing the                          people and business in the region through
Region                                           mentoring, engagement, and investment
The high calibre group of leaders that are       opportunities.
now part of Te Aho Tāmaka continue to be         The kaupapa has become more
strong ambassadors for our region while the      recognised throughout the region through
profile of the kaupapa rises. The addition of    engagements and the production of content
former All Black captain and business leader     such as videos, leader Q&A’s and webinars.
Dr David Kirk, MBE, to Te Aho Tāmaka in          This will be built upon over the next year
October 2020 reinforced the importance           and Te Aho Tāmaka will continue to be a
of the programme and the desire of our           kaupapa that connects to and supports all
high achieving leaders to give back to the       the work CEDA does.

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                              Sort It Careers Expo   10
Attract, retain and
                                       develop business
                                       and investment in
                                       the region
                                       Kia whakamanea, kia mau tonu, ka
                                       whakawhanake i nga pakihi me nga
                                       haumi o te rohe

                                       Business development and expansion        magnet for investment, business, and
                                       in the region, and attracting business    talent. We have a strong competitive
                                       and investment to the region, is at the   edge to achieve these outcomes with
                                       core of economic development and at       our central location, comparatively
                                       the forefront of CEDA’s objectives for    affordable land and development
                                       Manawatū to be a leading distribution     costs, a diverse labour pool, and a
                                       hub, be recognised as one of the top      growing culture of innovation and
                                       three agrifood hubs in the world, and a   entrepreneurship.

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                    11
Developing our priority sectors through
Support our sectors of strength to     sector strategy implementation, cluster
grow through targeted business         development and partnerships with
development actions, retention         Māori.
initiatives and activities
                                       Destination Management Plan                      for visitors and residents alike. This includes
                                                                                        the continued development and growth
                                       The Destination Management Plan was
                                                                                        of trade and industry partnerships, driving
                                       developed to establish a shared vision
                                                                                        the development of cultural tourism, and
                                       and plan on what the future of the visitor
                                                                                        our core functions as the Regional Tourism
                                       sector for Palmerston North city and
                                                                                        Organisation for Palmerston North and
                                       Manawatū district will look like, taking
                                       into consideration the perspectives of the
                                       visitor, mana whenua and iwi, our residents,     The Destination Management Plan will
                                       the business community, and central and          remain a ‘live’ document to ensure we
                                       local government. A cohesive approach to         can respond to changing trends and
                                       managing the growth of the visitor sector        opportunities while keeping the vision and
                                       in our region will enable us to leverage and     purpose front and centre. Working with key
                                       target investment into the region through        stakeholders and partners including councils,
                                       central government funding channels, as well     mana whenua, national body organisations
                                       as commercial investors.                         such as Air New Zealand and Tourism New
                                                                                        Zealand, will ensure a coordinated and
                                       CEDA will focus on implementing year
                                                                                        targeted approach now and into the future.
                                       two and three of the action plan including
                                       partnering with Rangitāne o Manawatū to
                                       implement the co-developed Māori Tourism
                                                                                        Manawatū Agritech Strategy
                                       Strategy, identification and development
                                       of opportunities and experiences, and            Manawatū’s deep agritech innovation
                                       stimulating visitation from New Zealanders       ecosystem is being developed as part of our
                                       and ultimately from around the world.            goal to strategically position the region as
                                                                                        one of the top three agrifood hubs in the
                                       A specific focus will be given to building the
                                                                                        world by 2025. The Agritech Strategy gives
                                       capability of key visitor sector operators
                                                                                        life to this goal, with various stakeholders
                                       who work in the tourism trade space, which
                                                                                        responsible for delivery including FoodHQ,
                                       in turn will stimulate growth in the visitor
                                                                                        Sprout Agritech and The Factory.
                                       economy and provide quality experiences

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                  12
CEDA will lead the implementation of the         New Zealand AgriFood Week
Agritech Strategy next 3-year action plan and
                                                 New Zealand AgriFood Week is a pivotal
will support a number of initiatives such as
                                                 lever in the regions strategic positioning
the Roaming Networker Programme, which
                                                 as a global agrifood hub. Sitting at the
gathers market intelligence on the activity in
                                                 intersection of agriculture, science and
region, including research and development,
                                                 technology, the Week is about excellence
investment, and businesses created, and
                                                 in agrifood and agritech, inspiring the next
the Sprout Agritech global accelerator.
                                                 generation of scientists, change makers,
Partners to the strategy will support the
                                                 innovators, leaders, and consumers. Key
implementation of key projects each year,
                                                 partners include our shareholder councils,
including Massey University, The Factory, the
                                                 AgResearch, Rangitāne o Manawatū, Ministry
Rural Innovation Lab, FoodHQ and others.
                                                 of Business, Innovation and Employment,
CEDA will lead an ‘agrifood communications       ASB, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise,
and public relations cluster’ to collectively    FoodHQ, Fonterra, The Factory, Sprout
profile and cement our position as the           Agritech and Beef + Lamb NZ.
leading agrifood hub in New Zealand, and
                                                 CEDA will continue to lead the
ultimately being recognised as one of the
                                                 implementation of the 3-year strategy,
top three in the world. Through targeted and
                                                 positioning the event to become nationally
systemic media campaigns, we will ensure
                                                 and then globally recognised. This includes
our city and region becomes synonymous
                                                 working with a steering group of industry
with the words ‘agrifood hub’, collectively
                                                 leaders to develop a topical, thought
showcasing the depth of expertise and
                                                 provoking theme for 2022, building a
activity that is happening here, building
                                                 deepened events programme, enhanced
our profile and recognition as a top global
                                                 marketing and media profile, greater
agrifood hub, therefore lifting our ability to
                                                 audience focused content, and strategically
attract investment, business, and talent.
                                                 selected partnerships to increase funding
                                                 and participation.

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                            Fonterra   13
Retaining businesses in the region                                                             Facilitate access to specialist innovation,
through engagement and identification                                                          business development and start up
of barriers to growth                                                                          expertise
Business Retention Strategy                  The Strategy includes support for businesses      Supporting innovation and start-                  Supporting research and
                                             expanding in the region through helping           ups in the region                                 development
Cities and regions that are competitive
                                             businesses to overcome barriers to
in attracting and retaining businesses                                                         Fueling innovation is key to fostering our        Businesses that enter the research and
                                             investment and expansion, investor after-
and investors have well defined retention                                                      competitive advantage as a region, and in         development phase are supported by
                                             care, and monitoring business sentiment
strategies. CEDA is an important link                                                          creating jobs and investment opportunities.       CEDA through the Regional Business
                                             and confidence to ensure that an enabling
between businesses, local government, and                                                                                                        Partner programme facilitating access to
                                             business environment is being created.            The Innovate Programme, delivered by The
support institutions, and having developed                                                                                                       research and development grants and
                                             This will ensure that existing investors and      Factory, and supported by CEDA, has been
the Manawatū Business Retention and                                                                                                              expertise through Callaghan Innovation,
                                             businesses continue to play a vital part in our   designed to help potential entrepreneurs
Expansion Strategy in partnership with                                                                                                           Massey University and Crown Research
                                             local economy; both in terms of contribution      transform ideas into early-stage start-up
stakeholders, we now move into leadership                                                                                                        Institutes. Research and development is
                                             to growth in regional Gross Domestic              businesses. Our work includes funding and
of its implementation.                                                                                                                           key to building innovation capability in the
                                             Product and employment creation.                  mentoring support to help facilitate and
                                                                                               grow the next generation of innovators and        region and potential job creation. CEDA
                                                                                               entrepreneurs.                                    connects businesses from around the region
                                                                                                                                                 into the grant process and supports their
                                                                                               The Sprout Agritech global accelerator            applications.
                                                                                               selects national and international start-ups
                                                                                               and businesses to undergo an intensive            Student experience, fellowship or career
                                                                                               mentorship process to accelerate innovation       grants facilitated through Callaghan
                                                                                               with a view to commercialising technology.        Innovation, link tertiary students directly to
                                                                                               The Accelerator is rapidly becoming a highly      businesses to further support their research
                                                                                               effective mechanism to attract start-up           and development activities. CEDA connects
                                                                                               interest in the region, and as a key partner of   students to the opportunities to support
                                                                                               Sprout, CEDA provides funding and support,        business research and development,
                                                                                               and works with Sprout on the selection            along with developing their own academic
                                                                                               process to ensure successful outcomes for         capability, supporting the development of
                                                                                               the programme and highlight the capability        regional capability.
                                                                                               we have within the region.
                                                                                               Sprout and the Innovate Programme are
                                                                                               important contributors to the strategic
                                                                                               positioning of the region as a global agrihub
                                                                                               and centre of innovation, making us a
                                                                                               magnet for investment, business, and talent.

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                      AgResearch                                                                                                         14
Develop and grow businesses by
delivering information, advice, and
Regional Business Partner                       access to research and development grants
Programme                                       and support. The programme also offers
                                                one-to-one mentorship through Business
CEDA supports small to medium businesses
                                                Mentors New Zealand.
through the delivery of the Regional Business
Partner programme on behalf of New              Increased business capability leads
Zealand Trade and Enterprise, Callaghan         to increased staff retention, business
Innovation and Business Mentors New             competitiveness, expansion, and growth.
Zealand, for the Manawatū-Whanganui             We are focusing on increased Māori
region.                                         Business uptake in the programme, and will
The programme’s purpose is to build the         work with regional district councils, economic
capability of businesses through connections    development agencies and approved
to expertise and resources. This includes       service providers to increase awareness of
development in business planning and            the programme across the region and in
sustainability, financial management and        addition, strategically focus the programme
systems, marketing and sales, exports,          at developing our priority sectors.
succession planning and governance, and

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                             Tim Buys Auto Services   15
Inward Investment Strategy
Attract                                Implementation, with regional partners
business and                           Attracting domestic and international              responding to further opportunities that           Central New Zealand
investment to                          investors is a core part of CEDA’s goal
                                       for Manawatū to become a magnet
                                                                                          benefit our regions strengths and vision.          Distribution Hub

the region                             for investment, business, and talent.
                                                                                          CEDA will work alongside our shareholders,
                                                                                          regional partners, New Zealand Trade
                                                                                                                                             Linked to our investment profiling initiatives,
                                                                                                                                             Manawatū offers exceptional locational
                                       International best practice in investment          and Enterprise, and relevant commercial            advantages for businesses, giving the region
                                       promotion requires strategic marketing,            parties, to enable targeted information to         significant potential to become a leading
                                       proactive targeting of carefully identified        be used for specific investment attraction         national distribution hub.
                                       investors and intermediaries, investment           opportunities and ensure a consistent and
                                       facilitation to ensure that prospects are                                                             The Central New Zealand Distribution Hub
                                                                                          strategic approach to raising the profile and
                                       converted into realised projects and a                                                                Strategy builds on the region’s comparative
                                                                                          recognition of our city and region’s collective
                                       targeted approach to investor after-care.                                                             advantages to increase distribution
                                                                                          strengths, and successes, as a competitive,
                                                                                                                                             capabilities and freight volumes, significantly
                                       CEDA’s work will focus on our sectors of           compelling investment destination.
                                                                                                                                             contributing to economic growth of the
                                       strength in agrifood, transport and logistics
                                                                                                                                             region. The Strategy, led by CEDA, will be
                                       and the visitor sector, profiling the region for
                                                                                          Te Āpiti – Manawatū Gorge                          a priority focus with the execution of a
                                       investment, developing a targeted pipeline,
                                                                                                                                             targeted funding strategy, identification and
                                       and removing barriers to investment.               tourism opportunity
                                                                                                                                             targeting of investment from the transport
                                                                                          Te Āpiti – Manawatū Gorge presents                 and logistics sector, and central government
                                                                                          the region with an opportunity to create           advocacy priority activities.
                                       Investment profile of the region
                                                                                          significant tourism activities to cement Te
                                       Through the investment profiles of the five        Āpiti as a North Island visitor icon, bringing
                                       priority investment zones across the city          significant economic benefit to the region         Regional Food and Fibre Strategy
                                       and region, CEDA will lead the positioning         and leveraging off the investment and
                                                                                                                                             In conjunction with regional stakeholders
                                       of Manawatū as a strategic investment              development of Te Ahu a Turanga over the
                                                                                                                                             and partners, CEDA will lead the
                                       location, targeting public and private             next five years.
                                                                                                                                             development of a regional Food Strategy to
                                       investment opportunities and leveraging our
                                                                                          Following a successful feasibility study and       position Palmerston North and Manawatū
                                       relationships with central government to
                                                                                          evaluation of the tourism development              to accelerate government and private
                                       further advocate for our region’s significant
                                                                                          opportunity in and around Te Āpiti, and a          investment into food innovation in the
                                       strengths and opportunities.
                                                                                          subsequent Business Case outlining two             region, including for FoodHQ. Food science
                                       The priority zones include the Central New         priority areas of focus, CEDA will work with       and innovation is an area of city and regional
                                       Zealand Distribution Hub (which includes           key partners and stakeholders to identify          competitive strength and vital to being a
                                       North East Industrial Zone), Kawakawa Road         and attract targeted investment into Te Āpiti      top three global agrifood hub, and the food
                                       precinct in Feilding, Palmerston North CBD,        focused on built infrastructure that will drive    innovation capital of New Zealand.
                                       Longburn Industrial Park, and the Food             the development of visitor experiences and
                                       Precinct. While specific focus will be placed      commercial product into the area. This work will
                                       on these zones, CEDA will remain agile in          be done in conjunction with Te Āpiti’s Master
                                                                                          Plan, led by Palmerston North City Council.
CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                                                                      16
Profile the region
                                       to attract people,
                                       business and
                                       Tohu ki te rohe hei kukume i te iwi,
                                       pakihi me te haumi

                                       Profiling the region to highlight our    advantages and is a magnet for
                                       strengths, our people and our places     investment, business, and talent.
                                       through a shared regional identity,      A coordinated approach to better
                                       targeted storytelling and partnerships   showcasing the strengths of our region
                                       ensures Palmerston North city and        and profiling our successes is key to
                                       Manawatū district is renowned for        achieving recognition as one of the top
                                       its exceptional lifestyle, competitive   three global agrifood hubs by 2025.

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                      17
Lead and develop stories of Manawatū,
Profile Manawatū locally,                                                            creating a narrative and a unified
nationally, and globally                                                             positioning, incorporating the cultural
                                                                                     heritage of iwi
Positioning our region as one of the top   strengths and successes, building
three agrifood hubs in the world and       pride and awareness in our people,        Regional Identity Project                          Featuring the region through
cementing our position as the primary      New Zealanders and beyond, to lift
                                                                                     Leveraging the Regional Identity and               media
distribution hub for the lower North       our region’s ability to attract people,
Island will ensure we are leveraging       business, and investment here.            the strategic positioning of Palmy as the          Our work with local, national, and
our collective strengths while carving                                               innovation capital of New Zealand, CEDA will       international media ensures a strong and
                                           This work interlinks across CEDA’s        work with our shareholders and partners
out our place in New Zealand and                                                                                                        consistent regional presence and rhetoric
                                           core focus areas of People, Place         to raise the profile of the city and region as
beyond with a unique and compelling                                                                                                     across all traditional and digital channels.
                                           and Business ensuring a strategic         a compelling destination for investment,
narrative.                                                                                                                              CEDA will continue to leverage existing media
                                           approach to our regional profile          business and talent through targeted story         relationships and proactively build new ones
CEDA will lead a coordinated public                                                  telling.                                           to pitch stories and features to national and
relations and communications
                                                                                     This work will be carried out through CEDA’s       local media organisations and publications to
approach to profiling our regions
                                                                                     projects and strategic plans including inward      attract investment, business, visitation, and
                                                                                     investment, destination management, talent         talent.
                                                                                     and skills attraction and retention, and           In our role as the Regional Tourism
                                                                                     business attraction and retention. Using           Organisation for Palmerston North
                                                                                     CEDA’s key channels, and working with              and Manawatū, CEDA works with key
                                                                                     regional stakeholders and media partners,          national organisations including Tourism
                                                                                     we will positively build the profile of our city   New Zealand, Air New Zealand, Tourism
                                                                                     and region, and collectively build on our          Industry Aotearoa and more to ensure
                                                                                     distinct and respected value proposition           we are maximising our relationships and
                                                                                     through the Regional Identity to build             opportunities to build the profile and
                                                                                     momentum and awareness of the city,                reputation of the city and region as a
                                                                                     district, and region.                              desirable place to live, visit, work and do
                                                                                     The messaging and tone, imagery, campaign          business.
                                                                                     work, digital presence and every touch point
                                                                                     we have going forward, will support our on-
                                                                                     going work to profile the region’s distinctive
                                                                                     and compelling proposition.

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                                                                  18
Grow engagement on regional web and
digital platforms for increased promotion
of and information on the region

Manawatū and social                     of being recognised as a top three global
media                                           agrifood hub, from our regional social
                                                media channels and the regional website
Digital marketing plays a key role in
                                                Manawatū, through to partner
connecting with our main audiences and
                                                websites and national platforms.
profiling the region’s strengths to attract
talent and investment to the region,            The Visual Library will
showcase our lifestyle advantages, tell our     continue provide new, fresh content and
region’s story, and build increased awareness   assets to provide our partners, stakeholders
of the breadth of what Palmerston North and     and media with fresh, engaging imagery and
Manawatū has to offer.                          content of the city and region. This works to
                                                ensure we can collectively profile the region
Digital platforms are one of our biggest,
                                                on a local, national, and global stage under a
most efficient, tools in owning our narrative
                                                consistent rhetoric.
as a region, and in achieving our ambition

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                             Limestone Creek Reserve Glow Worm Caves   19
Lead inclusive
                                       and sustainable
                                       development for
                                       the region
                                       Te arahi i te whanaketanga ohanga me
                                       te pumau mo te rohe

                                       Our work cannot be done in isolation,   and partnerships with key regional and
                                       and the strengths of our region         national stakeholders, central and local
                                       rely on working together to use our     government, Māori, and iwi are key to
                                       combined strengths, connections,        ensuring our strategic outcomes for the
                                       and skills to compete nationally and    city and district.
                                       globally. Collaborative relationships

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                      20
Develop strategic partner                Building on relationships with
relationships, leveraging                shareholders, central government
opportunities                            agencies, key regional stakeholders,
                                         local iwi and Māori, and business
One of CEDA’s major roles is the
aligning of shared outcomes of key
                                         support groups
stakeholders in our region, connecting
shared opportunities, providing a
shared voice, and co-ordinating our      Strategic relationships with local partners,    including the ongoing profile and use of the
region’s collective capability. We       other regions, and national organisations       Regional Identity, Manawatū Destination
believe this is key to achieving the     such as Rangitāne o Manawatū New Zealand        Management Plan, the Rangitāne o
vision and goals for the region.         Trade and Enterprise, Callaghan Innovation,     Manawatū Tourism Strategy, and Te Āpiti –
                                         Tourism New Zealand, Regional Tourism           Manawatū Gorge tourism opportunity.
                                         Organisations New Zealand, Education            The development of partnership agreements
                                         New Zealand, The Factory, Sprout Agritech,      with iwi and Māori business networks
                                         Manawatū Chamber of Commerce, Talent            continues to enable the support of iwi
                                         Central and Immigration New Zealand,            partnership projects to increase employment
                                         enable CEDA to connect, discover and            opportunities and skill development for
                                         leverage mutual opportunities.                  Māori. Further to this, the focus this year will
                                         We regularly review our current partnership     be to support the Māori business sector, and
                                         agreements and workplans and ensure new         iwi social procurement targets and support
                                         plans where relevant are in place to ensure     programs, that build capability for Māori
                                         that we are working effectively together        business to be well positioned to tender
                                         in identifying opportunities and reducing       for contracts for regional infrastructure
                                         barriers across all that we do.                 development projects.
                                                                                         We will also continue to work on developing
                                                                                         CEDA’s internal capability to support the
                                         Iwi partnerships and
                                                                                         strategic relationship with Tangata Whenua,
                                         engagement                                      ensuring we have meaningful relationships
                                         Further to our support of Māori business        with iwi and Māori organisations.
                                         through the Regional Business Partner
                                         programme and Māori sector development,
                                         CEDA continues to work collaboratively
                                         with local iwi through our strategic projects

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                  21
Data and                                   Economic impact information regularly communicated
Insights                                   to stakeholders and business, including iwi and Māori
communications                             business sector
on the                                     CEDA works with national agencies including      overview of the region’s economy, from the       businesses and communities have access to
performance                                MarketView, Statistics New Zealand,              drivers through to barriers to growth.           and understanding of what is happening in

of the region’s
                                           Destination Think!, Tourism New Zealand,         Partnering with Palmerston North City            the local economy, the impact it may have on
                                           Infometrics and Ministry of Business,            Council and Manawatū District Council, and       their businesses, and even identify shared

                                           Innovation and Employment to provide the         key industry leaders, CEDA works to analyse      project opportunities.
                                           latest information from the visitor and retail   the data and insights of our economy and
                                           sectors, our sectors of strength and key         provide context and commentary around
                                           growth indicators such as GDP, population,                                                        Māori economy data and
                                                                                            how the region’s economy is performing
Through our partnerships and research      housing prices, consents, visitor spend and      in a local and national context, in an easily    insights
CEDA are the ‘go to’ for insights and      more. These relationships ensure CEDA, and       absorbable manner.                               CEDA is working closely with Palmerston
data on the local economy and national     our region, has a voice in the discussions                                                        North City and Manawatū District Council’s
                                           for addressing and future proofing the data      This includes publishing this information
trends across priority sectors including                                                                                                     economists, key Māori sector leaders and iwi,
                                           gaps that we face as a nation, and in key        on a regular basis through targeted
the visitor economy. We have a crucial                                                                                                       to provide analysis and commentary around
                                           sectors including the visitor sector.            communication channels such as 60
role in enabling the coordination,                                                                                                           how the Māori economy is performing in
                                                                                            Seconds (e-newsletter) and Quarterly
connection, and delivery of outcomes                                                                                                         the region and in a national context. We will
                                                                                            Economic Updates, and engaging media to
by striving for the transparency and                                                                                                         communicate and publish this information
alignment of the many economic             Business and stakeholder                         help profile our economic pulse. This will
                                                                                            cover data, insights and trends on the visitor   on a six-monthly basis to better engage with
development projects and initiatives       communications                                                                                    our Māori businesses and community, and to
                                                                                            and retail sectors, our sectors of strength
that are underway or are planned           Providing comprehensive regional data                                                             provide greater insight and visibility into what
                                                                                            and key growth indicators, and updates on
across our region. To ensure best          and insights is crucial to help businesses,                                                       is happening specifically in the local Māori
                                                                                            regional projects and economic development
practice and smart investment of           investors and residents make informed                                                             economy as a way of identifying barriers,
                                                                                            activities, ensuring our stakeholders,
resources, funds, and expertise, aall of   decisions and providing easy to understand                                                        trends and opportunities.
CEDA’s areas of work are underpinned
with data and insight, enabling us to
achieve high impact results for our city
and region.                                Business Plan development to ensure alignment
                                           with shareholders
                                           Delivery of CEDA’s annual business plan
                                           to Palmerston North City Council and
                                           Manawatū District Council to ensure delivery
                                           on the outcomes of the Statement of Intent
                                           and alignment with shareholder objectives.
CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                                                                       22
Where we focus
our time and
                                                                                                                         Our funding

                                                                                                                             Council funding 75%
                                                                                                                             Central Government funding 21%

CEDA receives funding from Palmerston North                                                                                  Industry contribution 4%
City Council and Manawatū District Council, its                                                                              Other revenue 0.2%
shareholders, and also funding from institutions
and central government partners for initiatives
that bring benefit to the wider region and New
All of this funding gives us the ability to invest in
local businesses and engage in specific sector                                                                           How we’re going to allocate our funding
work that is important to the region and beyond.
Further specific funding is also received from
commercial organisations for sponsorship of                                                              Governance
programmes and joint projects that assist to
highlight the regions strengths, and attract
talent, business, and investment to the region.
Additional central government funding has
been received for specific sector support after
the impacts of COVID-19, to be spent in this
financial year.                                                                                   Inward Investment

                                                                                Talent & Skills Attraction & Retention
1.      Marketing costs where directly related to an activity are included in
        the budgeted costs for that activity
                                                                                                Sector Development
2.      Sector Development expenses include expenses in relation to
        additional central government funding for COVID-19 impact
                                                                                    Business Retention & Expansion
3.      Business Retention and Expansion includes the Regional Business
        Partner programme costs

4.      Employee and operating expenses where not directly related to an
                                                                                                                         0            200,000           400,000   600,000   800,000   1000,000
        activity have been allocated on a percentage of expenditure basis

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                                                                             23
Who we are
CEDA is a team of people who are passionate about our region. We are thought leaders,         Te Tiriti o Waitangi
subject matter experts, and doers, working together with the common purpose of prosperity
                                                                                              We recognise the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and acknowledge the importance of
for all our communities. Our success is underpinned by our people, connections, and
                                                                                              partnering with local iwi and recognition of Tangata Whenua in the region through localised
networks locally and globally.
                                                                                              partnering. Our focus will continue to be on Participation through our growing relationships
We are committed to operating efficiently and effectively, and as a future-focused            with regional iwi and mana whenua. Through Partnerships, we aim to work together with our
organisation, to supporting initiatives that enhance and protect our natural and built        regional iwi for agreed outcomes that benefit the region, and we will ensure Protection is a
environment.                                                                                  priority focus by incorporating te reo and tikanga across our projects and programmes.
Our values:

                                                                                              Sustainable Development Goals
                                                                                              We are also committed to sustainable practices in both our office environment and the
OUR PURPOSE                 Believe in what       Be proud and            Together we can     environment within which we work and live and value diversity in both our team at CEDA and
Drive and                   you do and how        take ownership          achieve more        our commitment to promoting diversity in age, culture, ethnicity, and gender in all that we do.
facilitate the              you do it                                                         The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global
creation and                                                                                  goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”.
growth of                   Mauria te pono        Whāia te iti            Naku te rourou
                                                                                              The Goals were set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be
economic wealth             Believe in yourself   kahurangi, ki te        naku te rourou ka
                                                                                              achieved by the year 2030.
in Manawatū and                                   tuohu koe, me           ora ai te iwi
                                                  he maunga teitei                            The CEDA team have worked together to come up with CEDA’s top three Sustainable
beyond                                                                    With my food
                                                                                              Development Goals that we will work on implementing across CEDA and all the activities and
                                                  Seek the treasure       basket and yours
                                                                                              projects that we undertake to make the most impact.
                                                  that you value most     the people will
                                                  dearly, if you bow      thrive              Our top three Sustainable Development Goals:
                                                  your head, let it be
                                                  to a lofty mountain

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                                                                        24
Naku te rourou
noku rourou ka
ora ai te iwi
With my food basket and yours
the people will thrive

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021   He Ara Kotahi Bridge   25
Our Performance
                                       Measures for
                                       CEDA’s performance measure framework identifies quantifiable measures of our
                                       programmes and activities aligned to our key strategic outcomes. These form the basis
                                       of our accountability and will be reported on six-monthly. In our reporting, additional
                                       commentary will be used to inform on the delivery and effectiveness of the full range
                                       of CEDA’s activity.

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                             26
Service Level Statement               Performance Measure                2021/22*                                       2022/23*                                   2023/24*

 Attract, retain and develop talent in the region
 Develop the talent pipeline           Lead and support the               Lead the delivery of the Manawatū              Lead the delivery of the year two          Lead the delivery of the year three
 to grow a skilled workforce,          regions attraction and             Talent and Skills Attraction and               action plan through the establishment      action plan though the development of a
 and better utilise the                retention of talent, skills, and   Retention Strategy, year one action plan,      of a regional brand ambassadors            programme to integrate people into the
 existing labour market                investment                         including the creation of a pathways to        programme                                  region and/or workplace
                                                                          employment and career development

                                                                          Deliver year two of the Te Aho Tāmaka      Deliver the year three action plan in          Review and update the strategy based
                                                                          three-Year strategy, including two         leveraging leaders support to enable           on the three-year outcomes
                                                                          leaders aligning their support to relevant investment in the region
                                                                          regional projects, building business or
                                                                          talent capability

 Attract, retain, and develop business and investment in the region
 Support our sectors of                Development of priority            Implementation of the Destination              Implement the year three action plan,      Review of the Destination Management
 strength to grow through              sectors through sector             Management Plan year two actions, to           to monitor community sentiment, and        Plan, and Conference Sector Strategy
 targeted business                     strategy implementation,           lift visitor sector business capability, and   deliver campaigns for visitor attraction   with iwi and stakeholders based on
 development and retention             cluster development and            develop the Māori Tourism Plan                                                            outcomes
 initiatives and activities            partnerships with Māori.

                                                                          Implementation of year four of the             Implement the year five action plan        Implement the year six action plan
                                                                          Agritech Strategy action plan, to grow         including outcomes to support              including delivery of NZ AgriFood Week
                                                                          the sector, attract investment, increase       positioning the region as a global
                                                                          research and development activity,             agrihub, including delivery of NZ
                                                                          develop talent and skills, and increase        AgriFood Week
                                                                          the national and global profile of the
                                                                          region, including delivery of NZ AgriFood

                                       Retain businesses in the           Implement year one of the Business             Implement year two of the strategy         Implement year three of the strategy, to
                                       region through engagement          Retention and Expansion Strategy               through structured business                ensure that business expansions occur
                                       and identification of barriers     through structured business                    engagements and facilitating the
                                       to growth                          engagements, identifying specific              resolution of constraints
                                                                          business expansion constraints and
                                                                          facilitating resolutions

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                                                                                           27
Service Level Statement               Performance Measure               2021/22*                                     2022/23*                                   2023/24*

                                       Facilitate access to specialist   Partner with The Factory, Sprout             Partner with The Factory, Sprout           Partner with The Factory, Sprout
                                       innovation, and start-up          Agritech and Callaghan Innovation to         Agritech and Callaghan Innovation to       Agritech and Callaghan Innovation to
                                       expertise                         deliver start-up and innovation support      deliver start-up and innovation support    deliver start-up and innovation support

                                       Develop and grow                  580 businesses supported through             620 businesses supported through        670 businesses supported through
                                       businesses by delivering          CEDA business development                    CEDA business development               CEDA business development
                                       information, advice, and          programmes and activities including the      programmes and activities including the programmes and activities**
                                       support                           Regional Business Partner Programme**        Regional Business Partner Programme**

 Attract business and                  Implementation of Inward          Identify and support three key               Identify and support five key investments Identify and support five key investments
 investment to the region              Investment strategy with          investments to the region including Te       to the region including Te Āpiti          to the region including Te Āpiti
                                       regional partners, through        Āpiti development project                    development project
                                       the attraction of investment
                                                                         Central New Zealand Distribution             Strategy year three implementation in      Strategy year three implementation
                                       to the region including key
                                                                         Hub strategy implementation through          the development of funding options and
                                       regional projects
                                                                         development of business cases for            solutions for projects
                                                                         multiple infrastructure projects

                                                                         Development of a Food Strategy for           Food strategy year two implementation      Strategy year three implementation
                                                                         the region identifying investment

 Profile the region to attract people, business, and investment
 Profile Manawatū locally,             Lead and develop the stories      Leverage the regional identity to attract    Grow profile and narrative of the city     Grow profile and narrative of the city
 nationally, and globally              of Manawatū, creating a           people business and investment to the        and region, with 10 content pieces         and region, with 12 content pieces
                                       narrative and a unified           region, with 8 content pieces published      published targeting key audiences          published targeting key audiences
                                       positioning, incorporating
                                                                         40 direct media features published           50 direct media features published         55 direct media features published
                                       the cultural heritage of iwi
                                                                         profiling the region across people, place,   profiling the region, with a reach of more profiling the region, with a reach of more
                                                                         and business with a reach of more than       than 2.7 million***                        than 2.8 million***
                                                                         2.5 million***

                                       Grow engagement on                11% increase in ‘sessions’ on                12% increase in ‘sessions’ on              13% increase in ‘sessions’ on
                                       regional web and digital          Manawatū, and social media           Manawatū, and social media         Manawatū, and social media
                                       platforms for increased           engagement****                               engagement                                 engagement
                                       promotion of and
                                       information on the region

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                                                                                       28
Service Level Statement               Performance Measure                    2021/22*                                             2022/23*                                             2023/24*

 Lead inclusive and sustainable economic development for the region
 Develop strategic partner             Continue to build on                   Partnership agreements and workplans                 Partnership agreements and workplans                 Partnership agreements and workplans
 relationships, leveraging             relationships with                     reviewed and agreements in place with                reviewed                                             reviewed
 opportunities                         shareholders, central                  key central government agencies
                                       government agencies, key
                                                                              Iwi partnership projects implementation              Iwi partnership projects implementation,             Iwi partnership project implementation
                                       regional stakeholders, local
                                                                              underway                                             including identification of additional               underway
                                       iwi and Māori, and business
                                       support groups
                                                                                                                                   Stakeholder satisfaction survey increase
                                                                                                                                   on previous year to 75%

 Data and insights                     Economic impact                        Set baseline for audience engagement                 Grow audience engagement across key                  Grow audience engagement across key
 communications on the                 information regularly                  across key communications including                  communications including economic                    communications including economic
 performance of the region’s           communicated to                        economic updates, Maori economy data                 updates, Maori economy data and                      updates, Maori economy data and
 economy                               stakeholders and business,             and regional news                                    regional news                                        regional news
                                       including iwi and Māori                Set baseline now from 20-21 year
                                       business sector

 Work plan aligned to delivery Development of Business                        Business Plan developed and delivered                Business Plan developed and delivered                Business Plan developed and delivered
 of Statement of Service       Plan with outcomes on                          to shareholders by 31 October*****                   to shareholders by 31 October*****                   to shareholders by 31 October*****
 Performance                   delivery of the Statement of

*these objectives or outcomes may be impacted by CEDA’s requirements to be adaptable and responsive to the needs of the regional economy due to the impact of COVID-19
** assuming continued funding of the Regional Business Partner programme by NZTE and Callaghan Innovation
***reach measured by media and/or publication audience/readership
**** increase in sessions for 2021/22 to be based on a baseline of 250,000 because of additional activity in the 2020/21 financial year due to Strategic Tourism Assets Protection Programme funding received in response to COVID-19
***** Dependent on Statement of Intent being signed off by 30 June

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                    29
Alignment with Our Shareholders
It is imperative that CEDA’s objectives are             CEDA plays a critical part in delivering
aligned with our shareholder council’s                  outcomes identified in the relative Long-
plans and visions for the city and district.            Term Plans as outlined below:
The Palmerston North City and Manawatū
District Councils signed Long Term Plans
outline these objectives.

                   PNCC Long Term Plan Outcomes                 CEDA Service Level Statement alignment

                   Create and enable opportunities for          •   Develop a talent pipeline to grow a skilled workforce, and better utilise the existing labour market
                   employment and growth                        •   Lead and develop programmes and initiatives to attract more students to the region
                                                                •   Support our sectors of strength to grow through targeted business development and retention initiatives and activities
                                                                •   Attract business and investment to the region
                                                                •   Profile Manawatū locally, nationally, and globally
                                                                •   Develop strategic partner relationships, leveraging opportunities
                                                                •   Data and insights communicated on the performance of the region’s economy

                   Provide infrastructure to enable             •   Attract business and investment to the region
                   growth and a transport system that           •   Support our sectors of strength to grow through targeted business development and retention initiatives and activities
                   links people and opportunities

                   Diversify the economy to reduce              •   Develop a talent pipeline to grow a skilled workforce, and better utilise the existing labour market
                   reliance on traditional industries           •   Deliver information, advice, programmes, and initiatives to attract more students to the region
                                                                •   Support our sectors of strength to grow through targeted business development and retention initiatives and activities
                                                                •   Attract business and investment to the region
                                                                •   Profile Manawatū locally, nationally, and globally
                                                                •   Develop strategic partner relationships, leveraging opportunities
                                                                •   Data and insights communicated on the performance of the region’s economy

CEDA Statement of Intent 8 July 2021                                                                                                                                                         30
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