Buckle And Stand SPEAKER - REV WENDY TAY - Paya Lebar Methodist Church

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Buckle And Stand SPEAKER - REV WENDY TAY - Paya Lebar Methodist Church
Buckle And Stand
          Ephesians 6:14
Buckle And Stand SPEAKER - REV WENDY TAY - Paya Lebar Methodist Church
Extending God’s Kingdom In The City Of Refuge

 We welcome all friends and visitors to
 our worship services. If you are here for
 the first time, please inform a greeter. We
 would love to connect with you. Do take
 some time to complete the response slip
 inside the welcome pack and hand it to
 a greeter. Please join us at our Visitor’s
 Corner next to the Contact Point for a time
 of fellowship and light refreshments after
 the service.

 10th Sunday in Kingdomtide
                                               9am & 11.15am
 7.30am Peranakan Service
 Speaker: Rev Raymond Seet                     Mandarin Services
 Sermon Title: Yehova Shamma -                 Speaker: Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
 Tuhan Hadir Di-Situ                           Translation: Mrs Judith Chua
 Scripture Lesson: Yehezekiel 48:35,           Sermon Title: Freedom From Fear
 Wahyu 21:1-3, 2 Tawarikh Faisal 6-7,          Scripture Lesson: Judges 6:11-7:21
 1 Korintus 3:16                               Worship Leader: Ms Iris Tan
 Worship Leader:                               1.30pm Filipino Service
 Sdr Cheang Cheng San                          Speaker: Mr Lito Nosa
                                               Sermon Title: Blow by Blow, Blessing
 9am Sanctuary Service &                       Upon Blessing
 11.15am Celebration Service                   Scripture Lesson: Isaiah 53:5
 Speaker: Rev Wendy Tay                        Worship Leader: Mrs April Oviedo
 Sermon Title: Buckle And Stand
 Scripture Lesson: Ephesians 6:14              THU, 31 OCT
 Worship Leaders:                              7.30PM - Baptism & Confirmation Class
 (9am) Mr Samuel Ling                          		(English) Conference Room
 (11.15am) Mr Vernon Meng                      SAT, 2 NOV
                                               4.00pm - Peranakan Fellowship
 9am Youth Service                                      (Jerusalem Room)
 Speaker: Mr Joshua Heng
 Sermon Title: Jesus My Redeemer                          Wedding
 Scripture Lesson: Ruth 2:20                              Our congratulations to
 Worship Leader: Ms Kimberley-Ann Tan                     Mr Kenneth Fok &
                                                          Ms Amanda Lin who were
                                                          united in Holy Matrimony
                                                          on 19 Oct 2019.

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Buckle And Stand SPEAKER - REV WENDY TAY - Paya Lebar Methodist Church
Extending God’s Kingdom In The City Of Refuge

            New Birth                      Ways To Pray
            Our congratulations to:        Please fill in the prayer cards available at
            • Mr Benjamin Ng & Mdm         the Sanctuary entrance and place it in the
            Vermillion Goh on the birth    Prayer Box. You may forward confidential
            of their daughter, Irena Joy   concerns to the Pastors directly.
            Ng on 5 Oct 2019.
                                           You are welcome to use the 24/7 prayer
            • Mr Fu Yongyi & Mdm
                                           room in the Fellowship Hall from Monday
            Clara Yap on the birth of
                                           to Saturday or the prayer room at the
            their daughter, Rebecca Fu
                                           Sanctuary Block, Level 3 from 6.00 am to
            on 19 Oct 2019.
                                           7.00 pm, Monday to Saturday.
PLMC Inner Healing                         You may use the altar area after ministry
                                           time if you would like to pray quietly on
Ministry                                   your own.
An inner healing and deliverance ministry
that helps you enhance your personal
connection with God, empowering
                                           Cell Groups
                                          If you wish to be involved in a vibrant
you to fulfil your God-given purpose.
                                          community of believers - sharing life
For appointments or enquiries, email
                                          experiences, encouraging one another,
plihm@plmc.org or call 8119 0555.
                                          developing deep fellowship with others,
                                          praying and being prayed for, worshipping
Counselling Services                      and studying God’s Word - join a cell group
Are you feeling overwhelmed and TODAY! For more information, email
stressed with struggles in your life and cellministry@plmc.org.
need someone to share with? You can
contact our trained counsellors for an
appointment at pastoralcare@plmc.org
                                           The Manger (Cry Room)
                                          The Manger is located at Level 3 of the
or 6285 1234.
                                          Sanctuary and is strictly reserved for
                                          families with children below the age of
Use of Photos or                          3 years. Children 3 to 12 years old are
Video Recordings                          strongly encouraged to attend Silver
Please be informed that by entering Boxes*, our children’s programme at
these premises and participating in the Level 1 of the Sanctuary. We also have
worship services and other activities, Shiny Tots ministry* at 9.30am and at
you are deemed to have given consent 12pm if your child is between the ages of
for the use of your image captured in any 12 months to 30 months. If you or your
photo or video recording by PLMC for all child is unwell, please refrain from using
communication purposes. Thank you.        The Manger as the germs can spread
                                          easily. *Sessions not available on first
                                          Sunday of each month.

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Buckle And Stand SPEAKER - REV WENDY TAY - Paya Lebar Methodist Church
Extending God’s Kingdom In The City Of Refuge

 Infant & Child Baptism
 If you desire to have your children to
 be baptized, kindly obtain registration
 form at the Contact Point and submit
 completed form by TODAY (latest).
 One parent must have already been
 baptized or attending the present BMC.
 Session for parents:
 Monday, 4 Nov 2019/7.30pm-9.30pm
 Venue: Music Room
 Baptism Service:
 Sunday, 22 Dec
 2019 (During
 Worship Services)
                                               A Quiet Day with the Lord
                                               As the end of the year approaches, you
 Contact: Andy at                              may want to spend a quiet day with the
 andy@plmc.org for                             Lord to pause, listen and reflect with
 further enquiries                             Him. This one-day guided prayer retreat
                                               will include guided bible meditation and
 Life Service Retreat                          space for personal reflection and prayer.
 Have you ever felt that you have a            Lunch will be provided.
 calling in your life for full-time ministry   Email soohoong@plmc.org for more
 and are not sure if you heard correctly,      information. Places are limited and
 or just didn’t know how to go about           registration is on a first-come-first-served
 confirming and/or even processing it?         basis.
 In the past few years, we have had the        Date: Saturday, 23 Nov 2019
 joy of journeying with some individuals       Time: 9.00am-5.00pm
 and helping in the discerning process.        Venue: Cluny Guest Home, OMF
 If you are considering entering full-time     Singapore, 2 Cluny Road, S(259570)
 ministry, we invite you to join us for a      Facilitators: PLMC Spiritual Direction
 Life Service Retreat. Places are limited      Team
 and registration is on a first-come-first-    Cost: $30 per person (includes lunch)
 served basis. Please contact Daphne           Closing Date: 10 Nov or when places are
 at 6285 1234 or daphne@plmc.org for           taken up
 more information or to register.
 Date: Saturday, 9 Nov 2019
 Time: 8.15am to 5.30pm
 Venue: Paya Lebar Methodist Church

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Buckle And Stand SPEAKER - REV WENDY TAY - Paya Lebar Methodist Church
Extending God’s Kingdom In The City Of Refuge

                                             Missions Preparatory
                                             Course: Pre-Mission Trip
                                             Are you thinking about joining a Mission
                                             Trip? This compulsory pre-trip training
                                             session is designed to prepare and
                                             equip church members who are going,
                                             planning to go or thinking of going on
                                             missions trips. The course will give a
Discipleship                                 better understanding of what is involved
                                             in cross-cultural mission trips. Please
& Nurture Connect                            register at the Contact Point or contact
If you are a trainer, trained facilitator,   Daphne at missions@plmc.org by noon,
involved in adult education or like to       10 November 2019.
explore ministry opportunities with          Date: Sunday, 10 Nov 2019
Discipleship & Nurture ministry, we like     Time: 2.30pm to 5.30 pm
to know you and connect with you.            Venue: Conference Room, L3
Do leave us your name and contact at
the Contact Point or email
kwangmeng@plmc.org and we will               Wise Women Camp
connect with you.
                                             (for Singles)
                                             Take a moment to reflect on our
Surviving the Holidays                       existence as the beloved women of God
If you are separated or divorced, the        and be a Wise Woman who applies the
holidays can be a lonely, stressful,         Word of God into her daily life. Two
depressing time. But there’s hope. Join      places are available with a subsidy of
us for an encouraging seminar that           $50 per participant on a first-come-first-
will help you survive the holidays and       served basis for this camp organized by
discover new ways to enjoy them again.       Forerunner Foundation Pte Ltd. Please
For more information, please call Grace      register TODAY at the WSCS Booth in the
at 6285 1234 or email grace@plmc.org         Fellowship Hall. Details of the camp are
Date: Wednesday, 11 Dec 2019                 on the WSCS noticeboard.
Time: 7.30pm
Fee: $10 (including refreshments)

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Buckle And Stand SPEAKER - REV WENDY TAY - Paya Lebar Methodist Church
Extending God’s Kingdom In The City Of Refuge

 MWS CFSC Requests                         GLOWING YEARS
 for Support                               MINISTRY (GYM)
 Some of the beneficiaries of MWS          1. GYM Discovery Walk -
 Covenant Family Service Centre (CFSC)     Bt Panjang Park
 have requested for the following          Date: Saturday, 9 Nov
 items. If you would like to donate the    Time: 6.45am
 items, please contact Rebekah or Gaylin   Venue: PLMC Plaza
 of CFSC at 6282 8558. MWS Covenant        Cost: $2
 Family Service Centre - Hougang would
 like to thank the PLMC members who        2. TRAC Seniors Ministry -
 responded to our request for laptops,     God Takes Little and Makes Much
 fridge, piano, washing machines, TV,      Sermon by Bishop Emeritus Dr
 wardrobe, and baby cot. Thank you all     Robert Solomon
 for your generous donations to meet our   Date: Wednesday, 13 Nov
 beneficiaries needs! God bless.           Time: 2.30pm-4.00pm
 • Two Washing Machines                    Venue: Faith Methodist Church Level 4
 • Fridge                                  Worship Hall, 400 Commonwealth Drive
 • Microwave                               (Commonwealth MRT Station)
 • 3-Burner Gas Stove
 • Sofa                                    3. TRAC BOSC 19th Anniversary
 • Dining Chairs                           Lunch - Ban Heng Pavilion
 • Plastic Toyogo Drawers/Cupboards        Restaurant, Harbour Front
 • Baby Walker                             (Registration Closed)
 • Baby Carrier
                                           For more details, refer to the GYM
 • Baby Stroller
                                           Notice Board opposite the breakfast
 • Breast Pump And Baby Bottles
                                           counter in the Fellowship Hall or contact
                                           Patrick Teo at 9696 0355 or Evelyn Chua
 New Praise &                              at 9112 2091.

 Worship Songs
 Take a listen to the new songs we would
 be singing during our worship services:
 1. Jesus I Come (Awaken Generation) -
 2. King of Kings (Hillsong Worship) -

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Extending God’s Kingdom In The City Of Refuge

PrayerFocus                                  Testimonies
1. As we begin to think and plan for the     I would like to thank God and give Him
year-end Christmas events and activities,    all glory and praise! Since April this
let us seek the Lord and ask Him to          year, I have had to take charge of some
show us what He would have us do as a        family issues. During that tiime, I was so
church to bring His love and salvation to    overwhelmed and anxious as to how to
our loved ones, our community and the        overcome one challenge after another. I
nations.                                     was spiralling down into depression with
                                             each passing day and month. I could
2. Pray for guidance for the various         only pray and confide in God. Time and
church committees, organisations and         time again, God spoke to me through His
ministries as we work on the programmes      words, comforting me, telling me not to
and activities for 2020 to be presented at   worry but to trust Him, assuring me that
the 1st Local Conference in January.         He is in control and the problems are in
                                             His hands. Although I believe He is on
3. Continue to pray for God’s assurance      control, I continued to fret and had more
and peace for parents, teachers and          and more breakdowns. Finally, after six
those taking the year-end exams.             gruelling months, there was closure
                                             for all the issues. God had carried me
4. Pray for peace to return to Hong Kong.    through all the challenges. Praise the
Pray against the destruction of property     Lord!
and the economy. Pray for the people’s       On hindsight, I could see God’s hands
needs and concerns to be addressed. We       at work, answering my prayers and
also continue to ask the Lord to help us     directing the paths every step of the way
to know how to pray for and reach out to     according to His way, His time and His
our broken world.                            plans. He has shown me He is faithful. All
                                             I need is to trust Him and believe. I know
                                             that I will still have to face challenges in
Electronic Funds                             future, but I know who holds the future.
Transfer for Tithes and                      All I need to do is to trust and obey Him.
                                             All glory and praise to God! - p
If you wish to tithe via GIRO, interbank     Last Sunday, I came to church with a
transfers, or internet banking, you may      severe pain on my shoulder. Pastor Alex
do so using the following details:           prayed for me. I praise and thank God
Account Name: Paya Lebar Methodist           that the pain is completely gone and I
Church • Bank Name: DBS BANK LTD Bank        can lift up my hand. To God be the glory!
Code: 7171 • Branch Code: 023 • Account      Thank you Jesus! - Doris Teo
Number: 023-905121-9

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Extending God’s Kingdom In The City Of Refuge

 Women’s Society                            PLMC Men’s Ministry
 of Christian Service                       (“MM”) VISION
                                            For every PLMC man to know the
 (WSCS)                                     Authentic Manhood which God has
 PLMC WSCS is 83 years strong! The
                                            intended for men, to live the Overcoming
 WSCS ministry centres on four main
                                            Life and to lead courageously as servant
 pillars to help our women find a place
                                            leaders in his home, the community and
 of belonging where they can serve
                                            the nations.
 God, grow together as sisters-in-
 Christ and encourage each other in         THE QUEST FOR AUTHENTIC MANHOOD
 their Christian walk. Programmes and       We meet on alternate Saturday mornings
 activities are planned and organised       to examine our manhood development
 with the intent of these four areas        as we uncover the masculine identity of
 of ministry - Discipleship & Nurture,      man, the role of Husband in marriage,
 Missions, Outreach & Social Concerns       the power of Dad in raising healthy
 and Witness & Evangelism. They             children. Our core curriculum follows
 provide a platform for women to be         the Man’s Fraternity series developed by
 equipped in the areas of leadership and    Pastor Robert
 servanthood for the general ministry of    Lewis.
 the local church. Come and talk to us      MEN’S CELL GROUP seeks to energise,
 at the Fellowship Hall, to find out more   encourage and strengthen men through
 and serve with other women in your         regular worship, bible study and prayer
 own unique ways.                           fortnightly on Wednesday nights.
                                            We have various Interest Groups like
                                            Bowling, Cycling, Table Tennis, Golfing
                                            and Archery for men and their families.
                                            These groups are also the outreach arm
                                            to the community.

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Extending God’s Kingdom In The City Of Refuge

come together to rededicate our lives,
                                              Parking of Cars
                                       • All worshippers are kindly
building a stronger Men’s community,   reminded       not     to    park
cheer one another on as we continue    indiscriminately along Joon Hiang
this lifelong manhood journey.         Road.
                                       • All worshippers are welcome
Close to 250 men have gone through to park at PLMGSS and use the
the various MM Programme. Be part of free shuttle buses to PLMC every
our PLMC Men’s Community! Meet us Sunday.
at our MM booth in the Fellowship Hall
today.                                 Timings: Every 15 minutes, from
                                              8.00am to 1.45pm.
Join us today! Visit the link below           Bus schedule from both PLMC &
or scan the QR code to join                   PLMGSS:
https://forms.gle/HuSQmqSAiyVe1CqF6           0800, 0815, 0830, 0845, 0900,
                                              0915, 0930, 0945, 1000, 1015,
                                              1030, 1045, 1100, 1115, 1130,
                                              1145, 1200, 1215, 1230, 1245,
                                              1300, 1315, 1330, 1345.
                                              Pick-up/drop-off points:
                                              PLMC: Near the playground at
                                              PLMC, behind the lift at Covenant
Thank You For Walking                         Block
                                              PLMGSS: Carpark next to the
Up To The Sanctuary!                          canteen
We would like to express our appreciation     Number of parking lots avaliable at
to members and friends who have heeded        PLMGSS: 70 lots
our appeal to worshippers to leave the        Please note that PLMGSS will close
Sanctuary lift for those who need it (i.e.    its gates at 2.30pm sharp. We seek
the elderly, those with mobility issues and   your kind understanding to remove
on wheelchairs, and those with prams          your vehicles and vacate the school
and strollers). As you might know, the lift   premises before then.
is very old, and we are making this appeal
in order to extend its lifespan. In the
meantime, we will continue to explore
better solutions to the issue. Thank you
for your kind cooperation.
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