Cape St. Claire Elementary School - AACPS

Page created by Laurie Willis
Cape St. Claire Elementary School - AACPS
Cape St. Claire Elementary School
   931 Blue Ridge Drive                                                              May 2021
   Annapolis, MD 21409
   Phone: 410-222-1685
   Fax: 410-222-1687

                                                           Janet Lancaster, Principal
   Administrator’s Message:                                Rochelle Barrett, Assistant Principal
Cape St. Claire Parents/Families,

It’s hard to believe that May is here and we are half way through the fourth marking peri-
od. On Friday, May 7 interim grades for students in grades 1-5 can be viewed via parent
portal. Please use this portal to monitor your child’s progress. Please contact your child’s
teacher should you have questions about how they are progressing. Our kindergarten par-
ents will be invited to attend virtual conferences which will take place on Thursday, May
27 and Friday, May 28. You will receive an invitation from your teacher. It is expected
that a conference is held for every kindergarten student. Please make every effort to at-
tend these important meetings to discuss your child’s progress this school year and to
learn about how to maintain skills over the summer.
iReady diagnostic assessments in Reading and Math are taking place during the instruc-
tional day. These assessments help us to learn more about how your child has progressed
over the school year. In addition, the program prescribes a specific learning path for our
students based on their performance on the diagnostic. Please encourage your child to do
their best, but please do not assist them with answers as this will create a learning path
that is not matched to their learning needs. Our students are assigned to complete at
least 30-45 minutes of iReady Reading and Math per week. Our teachers and students
have set goals for time spent on iReady and lessons and assessments that are completed
and passed. Each grade level has designed their classroom-based incentives to celebrate
the achievement of their goal.
Looking for summer programs and activities for your child? Check out these free pro-
grams to keep your student progressing.
Thank you to our PTO Hospitality committee for making sure our teachers feel appreciat-
ed throughout the year and during Teacher Appreciation Week. We are truly fortunate
to have an exceptional group of professionals that not only provide excellent instruction,
but are passionate about the development and wellbeing of each student. A special thank
you to Kristin Hurff for organizing the celebration!
                                        A Look Ahead to June
                          Thursday & Friday
                                              2 Hour Early Dismissal Days
                          6/17 & 6/18

                          Friday 6/18         Last Day for Students

    Anne Arundel County Public Schools prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived
    race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic infor-
    mation, gender identity, or disability. For more information, contact: Anne Arundel County
    Public Schools, Division of Human Resources, 2644 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401.
Cape St. Claire Elementary School - AACPS
Fifth Grade Promotion
AACPS appointed a committee to establish guidelines to ensure safe and equitable
recognition for our 5th grade promotion. In reviewing those guidelines and meeting with
fellow Broadneck area peninsula principals, as well as our own team, the following will be
the schedule of events for the grade 5 promotion:
   •   Our team will create a promotion video that will be placed in the Google Classroom
       for families to view. Students will have assigned classwork to create their slide.
   •   In accordance with the AACPS committee guidelines, we will schedule each class a
       time and opportunity to drive up to the school. One student at a time will be per-
       mitted to exit the car and have a picture with the school administration, and
       teacher(s) if they desire to do so/are comfortable. Staff will be required to fol-
       low any distance protocols and masking procedures at that time, whatever remains
       in place per AACPS directives. After the student get a picture taken, they will be
       given their envelope and exit the campus. The next car will pull forward, and the
       same process will take place. More specific information and safety directions will
       be sent as the time gets closer. Our tentative date to have this event is Wednes-
       day, June 16 and Thursday, June 17 starting in the early afternoon from 2:00-
       4:00 p.m.
   •   The fifth grade team will send a save the date to their classes with specific date
       and time.

Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the coming school year is currently on-line. Eligible kinder-
garten students must be five years of age on or before September 1, 2021. The link to
register is here.

To register a child, parents should have the child’s original birth certificate, a copy of
the immunization record, and two proofs of residency (rental agreement, lease/
mortgage documents are mandatory and a current utility bill). If you have any ques-
tions or need further information, please contact the school, 410-222-1685.

Class Placements
Class configurations are compiled by the administration and staff. This is a difficult and
complex task and many factors are taken into account. When grouping children, we con-
sider students’ abilities, work habits and social skills. We will try to place students
where they will be able to work successfully with their new team of teachers and class-
mates, thereby maximizing their potential.

Requests for a specific teacher will not be accepted. The Cape St. Claire staff feels
strongly about demonstrating mutual respect for all teachers. We have a staff with
various experiences and styles, and feel all have something special to offer our communi-
ty of learners. This established process allows for thorough and equitable instructional
placements for all of our children. Thank you for your support and respect for our pro-
fessional judgment.
Cape St. Claire Elementary School - AACPS
We are very excited to welcome more of our students back for 2 days of hybrid instruc-
tion beginning Monday, May 10. These students were on our school wait list or requested
return through the recent survey. We are unable to schedule any additional students
due to staffing and the number of staff required for midday monitoring.
Please read below for important information regarding return for the hybrid learning

  • All virtual and hybrid students revert to Cape St. Claire’s hours 8:30-2:55 as of
    March 1st.
  • The schedule will look different for virtual and in-person students:
  • Hybrid students should not arrive to school prior to 8:10 as this is when staff will
    begin supervision of arrival.
  • Hybrid students should arrive by 8:30.
  • Primary students will have a 30-minute community building session with their
    teacher prior to their virtual classmates joining at 9:00.
  • Intermediate students will begin their day at 8:30.
  • Virtual primary students will log in at 9:00.
  • Virtual intermediate students will log in at 8:30.

  • Hybrid students in Cohort A will come to school on Mondays and Tuesdays.
  • Hybrid students in Cohort B will come to school on Thursdays and Fridays.
  • Wednesdays are virtual days for all students.

  • Hybrid students who requested Transportation on the Return to School Survey
    and were deemed eligible have been asked to complete a Transportation Form via
    email from Mrs. Myers. Please return the signed form via email or send it with
    your student.
  • Bus Drivers will have a checklist of eligible bus riders, only those children may
    ride the bus.
  • Seating charts will be created for buses.

  • Families are expected to do daily Health Checks (pg. 5) before sending their child
    to school.
  • Please communicate any health needs to the Health Room prior to your child’s re-
    turn 410-222-1689.
  • Medication drop-off is by appointment only.
  • Any new legal or custody paperwork should be provided to the front office prior
    to May 10.
  • Please review the AACPS Reopening Safety Guide at
    for important information, protocols, recommendations, and requirements related
    to COVID-19 and hybrid learning in schools.
Cape St. Claire Elementary School - AACPS
  • All hybrid students will be provided daily breakfast, lunch, and an evening snack
    when in school.
  • Students can still bring lunch to school if they prefer, however, to maintain social
    distancing, please ensure your child can independently open all food in their lunch
  • Students will eat in classrooms.
  • Curbside meals will continue daily from 12:00 – 12:30.
  • Playgrounds are only available to students that are attending for hybrid instruc-
    tion on their cohort days. Virtual learners and families will not be able to use the
    school playgrounds/fields during the student day 8:10-3:15.

  • Recess will be 30 minutes long and outside when weather permits.
  • Midday monitors and teachers will supervise students during this time.
  • Students will play with their cohorts in designated areas each day.

  Elementary students must bring:
  • fully-charged Chromebooks
  • headphones provided in backpack
  • Ready Common Core Math Book
  • teacher-requested materials
  • water bottle
  Elementary students should consider bringing (not mandatory):
  • three personal reading books to be used in student’s personal space
  • one small personal item, e.g., small toy, puzzle only to be used in personal space
     during midday break (Item cannot make any sounds, cannot be an electronic toy
     with a screen, and must fit fully in student’s backpack.)
  • extra face covering or mask (labeled with student’s first initial and last name)
  • pocket-sized bottle of personal hand sanitizer and tissues

  • Please do not drop off students prior to 8:10 AM. We cannot monitor student be-
     havior or social distancing prior to 8:10 AM when staff is on duty.
  • Kindergarten students will enter the building at the K Annex front doors.
      st      nd
  • 1 and 2 grade will enter through the primary hall under the covered walkway.
  • 3 grade will enter through the main entrance.
       th      th
  • 4 and 5 grade will enter from the rear entrance by the basketball courts.
  • Teachers will meet students at their designated entrances and escort them into
     the building when the 8:15 bell rings. Additional staff will assist students to their
  • Due to health protocols, everyone must wear a mask on campus and is asked
     to exit campus once students are dropped off.
  • Daycare vans and cars will drop off in the main parking lot. Students must exit
     on the curb side. Adults should remain in their vehicle. This keeps everyone
     safe as there are other vehicles moving through the parking lot that are not
     dropping off students.
  • If your student must exit from the driver’s side or you need to get out of the car
     to assist them, please park in the parking lot or over-flow field and escort them to
     the sidewalk. Students are not permitted to cross the parking lot or bus loop un-
Cape St. Claire Elementary School - AACPS
  • Dismissal begins at 2:55 and all students should be picked up by 3:10.
  • Students will be dismissed in the following order: Bus riders, Day care vans, In-
    termediate walkers/car riders, Primary walkers and car riders.
  • Kindergarten students will exit from the Kindergarten Annex.
     st   nd
  • 1 ,2     and 3rd grade will exit the primary hall.
      th      th
  • 4 , and 5 will exit the main entrance in grade order.
  • Day care vans will park along the curb in the main parking lot.
  • School Buses will pick up in the bus lane.
  • Cars will park in the overflow field. We ask that you stay in your vehicle until all
    buses and daycare vans have left campus as this is when we will begin dismissing
    walkers and car riders.
  • We need to keep sidewalks clear for student to walk to their buses and day care
    vans and then to meet with siblings and parents/caregivers.
  • Due to health protocols, everyone must wear a mask on campus and is asked
    to exit the campus once students are picked up.

We look forward the start of the 4th marking period and a strong finish to the 2020-21
school year.

Thank you for your continued support of Cape St. Claire Elementary!

                                   School Meal Prices
                                School Year 2021-2022

    All school meals (breakfast and lunch) are free to all students effective September
8, 2021, through the last day of school in June 2022.
    Meal Benefit Applications are still required by the State and will be made available
beginning August 2021. Although meals are free, we are required to collect Meal Bene-
fit Applications for programming and funding. To complete a Meal Benefit Application
for SY 2021-2022, log onto

    If you have any questions regarding the school meals program, please email or call 410-222-5900.
Cape St. Claire Elementary School - AACPS
Dear Parents,

Over the summer many families move to new homes outside of the Cape St. Claire attendance
area. When a child transfers to another school, there are certain documents that need to be
completed and given to the family to take to the new school when they register.

If you will be moving out of the Cape St. Claire attendance area over the summer, please com-
plete the form below and return it to the school or email Mrs. Myers at by
Friday, May 21, 2021. With this information, school personnel will be able to accurately com-
plete the necessary transfer forms, which will be given to your child on the last day of school.
These transfer forms must be taken to the new school at the time of registration.


                                                                                      Janet Lancaster

Child’s Name: ___________________________________________


Child’s Date of Birth:______________________                                          Current Grade: ___________

Child will be: (Please check the appropriate box)

          ____attending another public school in Anne Arundel County

          ____attending another public school in Maryland, outside A.A. Co.

          ____attending a public school in another state

          ____attending a private school

          ____other (please explain):______________________________________________

Name of school your child will be attending: ______________________________________
From the Health Room                                Ms. Tally, RN, Ms. French, HA

          If your child has a cast or sling, or requires the use of crutches, please
          notify the Health Room and provide physician documentation regarding the
          level of activity restriction.

          Please send extra clothing to school for your children, if possi-
          ble. The Health Room may not have your child’s size or clothing
          adequate for the day’s weather.
Mrs. Bachman
                                                     301-615-1272 (Google voice texting)

                                                     Please feel free to contact me with
The School Counselor’s Corner                        any questions or concerns.

Emotional Concerns:
Recently, many children have expressed sadness and trouble coping with the effects of
the pandemic on their emotional well-being. These children may be at risk of developing
significant mental health problems, including trauma-related stress, anxiety, and depres-
sion. If you child has had any behavioral changes, they may be experiencing some strong
emotions. The 3 R’s: Reassurance, Routines, and Regulation can help.
   •   Reassure children about their safety and the safety of loved ones and tell them
       that it is adults’ job to ensure their safety.
   •   Maintain routines to provide children with a sense of safety and predictability
       (e.g., regular bedtimes and meals, daily schedules for learning and play).
   •   Support children’s development of regulation. When children are stressed, their
       bodies respond by activating their stress response systems. To help them manage
       these reactions, it is important to both validate their feelings (e.g., “I know that
       this might feel scary or overwhelming”) and encourage them to engage in activities
       that help them self-regulate (e.g., exercise, deep breathing, mindfulness or medi-
       tation activities, regular routines for sleeping and eating).
   •   If children show an ongoing pattern of emotional or behavioral concerns (e.g.,
       nightmares, excessive focus on anxieties, increased aggression, regressive behav-
       iors, or self-harm) that do not resolve with supports, professional help may be
       needed. Many mental health providers have the capacity to provide services via
       “telehealth” (i.e., therapy provided by telephone or an online platform) when in-
       person social contact must be restricted.
                                                ~ Adapted from an article by Child Trends.

Feel free to contact me if you are concerned about your child’s behavioral changes. 410-
222-1685 or email Below are the county crisis numbers:
Anne Arundel County Crisis Response System: 410-768-5522
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
Student Safety Hotline: 1-877-676-9852

Classroom Counseling Lessons:
The May and June classroom counseling lessons will focus on Career Exploration and
Transitions to the next grade level. You child may ask you about your job and how much
training/college is needed.
Interested in working at Cape St. Claire or
another AACPS elementary school?
    Now hiring: Midday Monitors for our
      elementary students on a hybrid

•                      day
     Thursday and Friday
•                      Moni-
     Work hours are 11am - 1pm each day
     Supervise classroom lunch and recess
•    No experience is necessary
     Midday Monitors will earn $14/hr
•                      ed
     Positions are in-person and temporary

Learn more & apply:

        Questions? Contact Human Resources:
                  (410) 222-5061
Kindergarten Enrollment for School Year 2021–2022
     The Anne Arundel County Public Schools are eager to welcome our newest kindergarteners.
   The 2021-2022 enrollment process for Kindergarten will open on Wednesday, May 7, 2021.
we must continue to adhere to safety and health guidelines and protocols; no walk-ins are
The primary option for submitting kindergarten enrollment is by using our Online Enrollment Portal.
   Through this portal, the parent/legal guardian will complete enrollment paperwork and upload the
   required documentation using their home computer, laptop, or smartphone, or consider utilizing
   community resources with computer/internet access. Use link listed below.
If families are unable to complete the online process, these options are available:
    Contact the school to have a staff member complete the online application by phone on their behalf
      and submit a photo of the documents to the Enrollment Secretary via email or text using Google
      Voice, or schedule an appointment for document delivery.
    Contact the school to schedule an in-person appointment; these will have limited availability and
      could likely extend into the summer months.

Parents should be certain to have their documents ready to upload prior to entering the Online Enroll-
ment Portal by saving them in PDF, JPG, or PNG format. All of the following documents are required
for all enrollments; these documents must be uploaded in the online portal in order for the system to
accept the enrollment submission:
        Parent’s proof of identity: government-issued photo ID
       Primary proof of residency: mortgage, deed, or lease
       Secondary proof of residency: utility bill, bank statement, or pay stub within the last 60 days
       Student’s birth certificate
       Student’s immunization (shot) record
   Custody order (if applicable)
A video explaining the use of the Online Enrollment Portal is available at

                 Scan the QR Code or click the link below to access
                 the online enrollment portal and upload required doc-
                 uments to initiate enrollment of your child for
                 2021–2022 Kindergarten:


                    or contact your school at 410-222-1685.
Inscripción de Kínder para el Año Escolar 2021–2022
     Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Anne Arundel están ansiosas por darles la bienvenida
              a nuestros niños para el Jardín de Niños conocido también como Kínder.
       El proceso de inscripción 2021-2022 para Kínder se abrirá el miércoles 7 de abril 2021.
    debemos seguir cumpliendo con las directrices y protocolos de seguridad y de salud,
                       no se permiten visitas a las escuelas sin cita.
La mejor opción para completar la inscripción de Kínder es mediante nuestro Portal de Inscripción en
Línea. A través de este portal, el padre/tutor legal completará la documentación de inscripción y agre-
gará la documentación requerida usando su computadora de escritorio, computadora portátil o teléfono
inteligente, o considerará utilizar recursos de la comunidad con acceso a computadora/ Internet. Utilice
el enlace que se muestra abajo en este comunicado.
Si las familias no pueden completar el proceso en línea, las siguientes opciones están disponibles:
Póngase en contacto con la escuela para que un miembro del personal complete la solicitud en línea a
través del teléfono en su nombre y envíe una foto de los documentos a la Secretaria de Inscripción ya
sea por correo electrónico o texto usando Google Voice, o programe una cita para la entrega de estos
Póngase en contacto con la escuela para programar una cita en persona; estos tendrán una disponibili-
dad limitada y probablemente podrían extenderse a los meses de verano.

Los padres o tutores legales deben estar seguros de tener cada uno de estos documentos listos para
agregar antes de ingresar el Portal de inscripción en Línea guardándolos en formato PDF, JPG o PNG.

       Los siguientes documentos son necesarios para cada inscripción; estos documentos deben agre-
        garse en el portal en línea para que el sistema acepte el envío de inscripción:
       Comprobante de identidad de los padres: un ID o identificación con foto emitida
        por el gobierno local o estatal
       Comprobante principal de residencia: hipoteca, título de propiedad o arrendamiento
       Comprobante secundario de residencia de los últimos seis días: factura de servicios públicos
        (agua, luz, cable), estado de cuenta bancario, o talón de pago de su trabajo
       Certificado de nacimiento del estudiante
       Registro o cartilla de vacunación del estudiante
       Orden Legal de Custodia (si corresponde)

Un video en español explicando el uso del Portal de Inscripción en Línea está disponible en

               Escanear este Código QR {QR CODE HERE} o haga clic
               en el siguiente enlace para acceder al portal de ins-
               cripción en línea y agregue los documentos necesarios
               para iniciar la inscripción de Kínder de su
               hijo/a para el 2021–2022:

              o comuníquese con su escuela al 410-222-1685.
Sun     Mon
           May 2021   Tue            Wed                 Thu                    Fri            Sat


 2         3           4               5                     6                    7            8
                           Teacher   Appreciation     Week

 9        10          11              12                   13                    14            15

16        17          18              19                  20                     21            22

23        24          25             26                   27                     28            29
                                                    No Kindergarten—Kindergarten Conferences

30        31
      Memorial Day
      School Closed
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