Page created by Stephanie Blake
y to
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                             S E
            Co el


                     N U
                   O         A  N D
                 S       U  B
                   YA  B
                         S H T  U CK ER
                     HIGH TEA
                   BL        E OLI
                  RA CKA
                 M MBL STO
                  U         ER NE
                    SI         S        PROGRAM
      WE PHO RA
      SYM HEST


        ST A NY

                              E         6-10 APRIL




Tickets can be purchased through our website
                                                                                           TUE 6                          WED 7                                                       THUR 8                                                         FRI 9                                                  SAT 10
                                                                                                            Yoga in                                                           Yoga in                                                     Yoga in                                                            Yoga in
                                                                              7:00am                       the Gorge                                                         the Gorge                                                   the Gorge                                                          the Gorge



                                                                                                            Disc Golf                                                         Disc Golf                                                  Disc Golf                                                          Disc Golf
                                                                                                                                                              DPAW Walk in
                                                                              9:00am                                                                            the Park
                                                                                                                                           Cultural                                                           WASO                                                            Friday                      Collaborative
                                                                              9:30am                                                      Story Time                                                        Wombat Stew                                                     Soundings                     Art & Karijini
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bush          Kids Zone
                                                                                                                        Collaborative                                                      Collaborative                  Guided Bush                    Collaborative                                                     Guided Bush
                                                                              10:00am                                   Art & Karijini                                                     Art & Karijini                 Culture Walk                   Art & Karijini                                                    Culture Walk
                                                                                                            Sistar’s     Kids Zone                                            Sistar’s      Kids Zone                                     Sistar’s        Kids Zone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Two Brothers,                   Kids Tie Dye
                                                                                                           Dreaming                                                          Dreaming                                                    Dreaming
                                                                              10:30am                                                                                                                                                                                       One Guitar                      Workshop
                                                                                                           Workshop                                                          Workshop                                                    Workshop
                                                                                                                                         Spear Making                                                         Bandima
                                                                                                                        Kids Tie Dye                                                       Kids Tie Dye                                                  Kids Tie Dye
                                                                                                                                          & Throwing                                                         for Damper
                                                                              11:00am                                    Workshop                                                           Workshop                                                      Workshop
                                                                                                                                          Workshop                                                               & Tea
                                                                                                                                                          |                                                                                                                  Language
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Book Reading
                                                                              11:30am                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      by May Byrne


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BIRINGGA WIYAN MADA
                                                                               1:00pm                                                                                                                                                    (Banjima for “will see you in the afternoon”)
                                                                              2:30pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Workshop

                                                                                                                        Bush Tucker
                                                                              3:30pm                                     High Tea                                                                                                         Runway
                                                                                                                                                                              Music in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Show in
                                                                                                                                                                             the Gorge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the Gorge


                                                                                                                                                                                            Plein Air
                                                                              5:30pm                                                                                                                                                                     Exchange &
                                                                                         Welcome to
                                                                              6:30pm       Country
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Makers                            Yurlu
                                                                                         in Memory         Live Music                                                                                                                                                       Live Music      Markets                          Lounge
                                                                                          of Smiley        at the Eco                                                                                                                                                         at the
                                                                              7:00pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Gates open
                                                                                        Proudly brought      Retreat                                                                                                                                                        Eco Retreat
                                                                                         to you by the                                                                                                                                                                                                                      @ 3.30pm
                                                                                        Banjima People
                                                                              7:30pm     and Banjima                      Fervor                                                                                            Fervor
                                                                                          Native Title                  Degustation       Experience                                                                      Degustation
                                                                                           Aboriginal                        1           Film - Stories                                                                       2
                                                                              8:00pm      Corporation.                                    of Country
                                                                                         Gates open                                                                          Jam Session
                                                                              8:30pm     @ 5.30pm




                                                                                                          VENUE   KEY         AIRSTRIP              FORTESCUE        FALLS          VISITORS   CENTRE            KALAMINA   GORGE          ECO   RETREAT                  CIRCULAR   POOL              TICKETED   EVENT           FREE
The 2021 Karijini Experience is held
                               on the traditional lands of the
                               Banjima people in Karijini National
                               Park. Banjima people also have close
                               associations with Eastern Guruma,
                               Yinhawangka and Nyiyaparli Pilbara
                               language groups.
                               The Karijini Experience acknowledges Aboriginal people as
                               the First Australians. We are committed to reconciliation and
                               believe the Karijini Experience is an example of how we can
                               all respectfully celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal culture, its
                               people and the Traditional Owners of the land on which the
                               event is taking place.

                               We are honoured to deliver this Experience within the
                               stunning Karijini National Park and we ask that you respect
                               all Parks and Wildlife regulations including:

                               - You must have a current park pass to be able to enter Karijini
                                 National Park. These can be purchased at the self-registration
                                 stations, at the Visitors Centre or at the Eco-Retreat.
                                 Alternatively, purchase passes on the Department of Parks and Wildlife
                                 WA website, with the opportunity to receive 50% off if you are an RAC

                               - Please take your rubbish with you out of the park, as bins are
                                 not provided (except the bin that is located adjacent to the
                                 water tank near the Visitors Centre).

                               - Glass & alcohol are not permitted within the gorges.

                               Please visit the Parks and Wildlife website for more information:
The Karijini Experience began in 2013
                       with the inaugural Karijini Dinner
                       Experience created by a small team
                       that wanted to activate the Karijini
                       National Park.
                       In subsequent years it has grown from a culinary event under the
                       stars attended by 75 people to a thriving annual multi-arts event
                       with a focus on celebrating local Aboriginal culture.

                       The Nintirri Centre Inc. is an innovative and progressive
                       not-for-profit organisation that delivers the annual Karijini
                       Experience together with the Tom Price CRC, a cog within the
                       diverse organisation. Our committed and passionate staff bring
                       together sponsors, content providers, volunteers and in-kind
                       supporters to produce this incredible celebration.

                       To be a cultural catalyst for connecting the community and
                       raising the profile of Karijini National Park and the surrounding
                       Inland Pilbara.


                       To develop and deliver an uplifting, authentic celebration that
                       offers the opportunity for people to come together and be
                       enriched through connecting to this Country and its people,
                       while generating economic benefits
                       to the region.
Care for Country and it will Care for you                                         The Shire of Ashburton is pleased to be part of the 2021 Karijini Experience
                                                                                                               as a community sponsor.
                             The Banjima People welcome you to the

                                                                                                                                                                                              PRINCIPAL COMMUNITY SPONSOR
                                                                                                               The festival celebrates the unique arts
                             Karijini Experience and the community’s

                                                                                                               and cultural community within our Shire
                             traditional lands within Karijini National Park.
                                                                                                               and broader Pilbara region, showcasing
                             Karijini’s ancient landscape, its gorges and waters, remain a special cultural    our distinctive tourism offering to a local,
                             and spiritual place for the Banjima community, a deep connection shared
                             with the neighbouring Eastern Guruma and Yinhawangka People. These                intrastate and interstate audience.
                             three communities, from Elders to the younger generations, all form part of
                             Karijini’s ongoing story.
                                                                                                               We are also pleased to be working alongside Banjima Native Title Aboriginal
                             For the Banjima People, the Karijini Experience creates an important space        Corporation on this esteemed event and in delivering positive outcomes for
                             for visitors to gain a unique understanding of the Pilbara’s diverse Indigenous   the community and supporting the traditional owners culture and values on
                             cultures; celebrate their rich traditional knowledge and languages and learn      a regional stage.
                             the importance of caring for the land.

                             Maintaining a healthy Country continues to be a focus for the Banjima
                             community, which works together with local organisations, companies and
                             other Aboriginal corporations, to run conservation and cultural projects
                             alongside its Indigenous Ranger program.

                             The Banjima community and its representative organisation, Banjima Native
                             Title Aboriginal Corporation, proudly supports Karijini Experience 2021 as its
                             Principal Cultural Sponsor. Find out more information on Banjima People and
                             Banjima Native Title Aboriginal Corporation’s projects at
Tickets can be purchased through our website

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Tickets can be purchased through our website
                                                                            WELCOME TO                                                                                    WEDNESDAY 7 APR I L

                                                                            THE KARIJINI                                                                                YOGA IN THE GORGE
                                                                            EXPERIENCE                                                                                      6.30am – 7.30am                 $15.

                                                                            PROGRAM 2021                                                                                    Meet at Fortescue Falls car park (Dales Gorge)

                                                                                                                                                                        Start your day with an amazing yoga session at the magnificent setting of
                                                                                                                                                                        Fortescue Falls.

                                                                                                                                                                        Please be at the Karijini Experience meeting point in the Fortescue Falls carpark at
                                                                            Our festival hub is at the Karijini                                                         6.15am and ensure you have adequate water, hat, sunscreen and comfortable walking
                                                                                                                                                                        shoes. A limited number of mats are available, if you have one please bring your own.
                                                                            Airstrip opposite the Karijini Visitors
                                                                            Centre. Please note the location of
                                                                                                                                                                        DISC GOLF
                                                                            each event below as there are various
                                                                            locations across the National Park.                                                             8am – 9am                     Airstrip

                                                                            All events are FREE unless noted.                                                           This fun and inclusive sport, Disc Golf is played much like traditional golf, but
                                                                                                                                                                        instead of a ball and clubs, players use a flying disc. Come and have a go at it
                                                                                                                                                                        for yourself with our local Disc Golf expert.

                                                                              TU E S DAY 6 A PR I L
                                                                                                                                                                        KIDS TIE DYE WORKSHOP
                                                                                                                                                                            9am – 12pm                      $10                       Airstrip

                                                                            WELCOME TO COUNTRY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                PROGRAM OF ALL EVENTS
                                                                                                                                                                        The Tom Price Arts Hub encourages children to absorb the colours of Karijini
                                                                                                                                                                        around them – literally! Taking a white shirt and ‘pilbaraising’ it through
                                                                                                                                                                        appreciation of the colours of the earth, its rich mineral content and staying power,
                                                                                6pm – 9pm (Gates open at 5.30pm)                             Airstrip                   children will have the ability to add their own creative flair through the tying and
                                                                                                                                                                        knotting of their patterns along with getting down and dirty with these amazing
                                                                            In Memory of Smiley. Proudly brought to you by the Banjima People
                                                                                                                                                                        earthen tones that enhance this stunning region. Price includes materials.
                                                                            and Banjima Native Title Aboriginal Corporation.

                                                                                                                                                                        COLLABORATIVE ART & KIDS ZONE
                                                                            Be Welcomed to Country by our Traditional Owners as part of the official
                                                                            opening of the 2021 Karijini Experience; gain a sense of the beautiful Karijini
                                                                            country and the Banjima culture. The official welcome will be followed by a
                                                                            smoking ceremony, musical performance and a Corroboree, where you will
                                                                            get the opportunity to join in with your family. This is a memorial event for our               9am – 12pm                    Airstrip
                                                                            good friend and family member Smiley.
                                                                                                                                                                        Each day we provide free activities under the big tent for you and your
                                                                            This event is alcohol & smoke free and requires BYO chairs. BBQ is provided. Parking is     children to participate in as you please in between other scheduled activities
                                                                            available at the event or a return bus service is available via a separate booking on our   and workshops. There will be a collaborative art piece each day that you can
                                                                            ticketing page, departing from Tom Price VIA Dales Gorge Campground or the Karijini         make your mark on, and games for everyone to enjoy.
                                                                            Eco Retreat. Please book with your ticket from one of the two departing locations as
                                                                            there are limited numbers. See the “how to get here” page on our website for more           Children must be supervised at all times.
                                                                            booking information.
Tickets can be purchased through our website

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tickets can be purchased through our website
                                                                            CULTURAL STORY TIME                                                                Arrive at dusk and take in the spectacular sun set views at Circular Pool.

                                                                                                                                                               This event is BYO refreshments and an 18+ event. Parking is available at the event or a
                                                                                                                                                               return bus service is available via a separate booking on our ticketing page, departing
                                                                                9am – 10am                 Airstrip                                            from Tom Price VIA Dales Campground and the Airstrip OR from the Karijini Eco
                                                                                                                                                               Retreat, please book with your ticket from one of the two departing locations. See the
                                                                            Join Banjima Traditional Owners for stories about their culture and song.          “how to get here” page on our website for more booking information.

                                                                            SISTARS DREAMING WORKSHOP                                                          LIVE MUSIC AT THE ECO RETREAT
                                                                                9am – 12pm                   $105                     Visitors Centre              6pm – 8pm                     Eco Retreat

                                                                            A Sistars Dreaming Workshop is designed to take you on an immersive                Sit back and relax over dinner with some live acoustic music by Wade Morrison.
                                                                            journey deep into yourself and connect with the immense energy at Karijini.
                                                                                                                                                               Reservations to dine at the Eco Retreat can be made directly to them on (08) 9425 5591
                                                                            The three sisters bring together their special gifts of traditional healing with
                                                                            bush medicine, energy balance and alignment, meditation and clairvoyance.
                                                                            This is an interactive workshop with movement, participation, live clairvoyant
                                                                            readings, hands on healing and, most of all, fun and laughter.
                                                                                                                                                               EXPERIENCE FILM – STORIES
                                                                                                                                                               OF COUNTRY
                                                                            SPEAR MAKING & THROWING
                                                                            WORKSHOP                                                                               6.30pm – 9.30pm               Airstrip

                                                                                                                                                                     $25 per adult, children 14 and under free / add a cheese board for $10
                                                                                10am – 12pm                Airstrip
                                                                                                                                                               Relax in our Karijini open air theatre while viewing some incredible films
                                                                            Spend time with Traditional Owners and learn about the cultural importance         produced by up-and-coming Australian film makers. For the adults, wine and
                                                                            of tool and weapon making while they demonstrate how they make them                beer will be available at the bar, and you can pre-purchase a cheeseboard for one
                                                                            and show you how to throw a spear.                                                 with your ticket to enjoy while connecting to Country through film and story.

                                                                                                                                                               Parking is available at the event or a return bus service is available via a separate
                                                                            BUSH TUCKER HIGH TEA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         PROGRAM OF ALL EVENTS
                                                                                                                                                               booking on our ticketing page, departing from Tom Price VIA Dales Gorge Campground
                                                                                                                                                               or the Karijini Eco Retreat. Please book with your ticket from one of the two departing
                                                                                                                                                               locations as there are limited numbers. See the “how to get here” page on our website
                                                                                                                                                               for more booking information.
                                                                                2.30pm – 4.30pm              $80                      Airstrip

                                                                            Take the opportunity to relax with a fine cup of tea, delicious food and listen
                                                                            to some live music by Adele Oliver at a long table high tea inspired by native
                                                                            Australian foods and presented by locally owned Aboriginal catering company          THU RSDAY 8 APR I L
                                                                            Bush Lolly Cafe. Bush Lolly are developing and supporting the Australian native
                                                                            food industry to create an identifiable cuisine that Australia can be proud of.
                                                                                                                                                               YOGA IN THE GORGE
                                                                            FERVOR DEGUSTATION
                                                                                                                                                                   6.30am – 7.30am                 $15

                                                                                6pm – 10pm                   $240                     Circular Pool
                                                                                                                                                                   Meet at Fortescue Falls car park (Dales Gorge)
                                                                            This astounding one of a kind dining experience presented by Fervor, is a          (See description Wednesday)
                                                                            long-table 10 course degustation focused on fresh, locally sourced produce
                                                                            and sustainably foraged native ingredients. Each course is crafted with
                                                                            passion and prepared before your eyes, bringing out the taste and excitement
                                                                            of the region with each dish.
Tickets can be purchased through our website

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tickets can be purchased through our website
                                                                            DISC GOLF                                                                         SISTARS DREAMING WORKSHOP
                                                                                8am – 9am                    Airstrip                                             9am – 12pm                       $105                        Visitors Centre

                                                                            (See description Wednesday)                                                       (See description Wednesday)

                                                                            DPAW WALK IN THE PARK                                                             BANDIMA FOR DAMPER & TEA
                                                                                8am – 10am                   Meet at Fortescue Falls car park (Dales Gorge)       10am – 12pm                    Airstrip

                                                                            Take a walk through Dales Gorge with a Karijini Parks and Wildlife Ranger,        Come and bandima (sit and stay for a while) with the Banjima Wirrilimara
                                                                            learn about the local flora and fauna from a local expert.                        Tucker families and help make some damper and tea.

                                                                            Be sure to wear a hat, comfortable footwear and bring drinking water.

                                                                                                                                                              MUSIC IN THE GORGE
                                                                            KIDS TIE DYE WORKSHOP
                                                                                                                                                                  3pm – 4.30pm (arrive by 2.30pm)                                $125

                                                                                9am – 12pm                     $10                        Airstrip                Kalamina Gorge
                                                                            (See description Wednesday)                                                       Newman Return Bus Package Available

                                                                                                                                                              You are nestled amongst the rock giants of the Pilbara at the bottom
                                                                            COLLABORATIVE ART & KIDS ZONE                                                     of Kalamina Gorge, where you will be indulged with music from a West
                                                                                                                                                              Australian Symphony Orchestra (WASO) String Quartet and then from Tura
                                                                                                                                                              New Music’s Sonus Ensemble.
                                                                                9am – 12pm                   Airstrip
                                                                                                                                                              First the magnificent WASO String Quartet will perform classical favourites
                                                                            (See description Wednesday)                                                       whilst bringing to life the beautiful and natural surroundings of this stunning

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         PROGRAM OF ALL EVENTS
                                                                                                                                                              landscape. Rebecca Glorie and Cerys Tooby on Violin, Rachael Kirk playing the
                                                                                                                                                              Viola and Fotis Skordas playing the Cello. Whether you’re a classical music fan
                                                                            WASO ‘WOMBAT STEW’                                                                or not, this will be a magical musical experience not to be missed.

                                                                                                                                                              Then The Sonus Ensemble featuring Stephen Pigram, Genevieve Wilkins,
                                                                                9am – 10am                   Airstrip                                         Tristen Parr and Tos Mahoney present a wealth of original, new music. Sonus
                                                                                                                                                              is a meeting of cultural forces, ancient and contemporary, through songs
                                                                            West Australian Symphony Orchestra Strings section will perform a short           of outback Australia and newly commissioned music for this performance,
                                                                            family concert with the story Wombat Stew while learning more about the           celebrating the sounds of the North West.
                                                                            string instruments.
                                                                                                                                                              Seating is provided; please bring drinking water and sensible shoes for entering the
                                                                            One day, on the banks of a billabong, a very clever dingo caught a wombat         gorge. Please note that if you would prefer to drive yourself, 4WD is required to access
                                                                            ... and decided to make ... wombat stew! A classic Australian story in which      Kalamina Gorge, glass and alcohol are NOT permitted within the gorges.
                                                                            a dingo catches a wombat and decides to cook him in a stew. All the other
                                                                                                                                                              You can also purchase a return bus trip from Newman thanks to our Platinum
                                                                            bush animals hatch a plan to save their friend. Tricking the dingo into using
                                                                                                                                                              sponsor Go West. The return bus trip home will depart from the Newman Visitors
                                                                            mud, feathers, flies, bugs and gumnuts in his stew, the result is something       Centre at 11am and depart from Kalamina gorge after the event, arriving at the
                                                                            the dingo will not easily forget!                                                 Newman Visitor Centre at approximately 8pm. This booking is made through a
                                                                                                                                                              separate ‘event’ on our ticketing page.
                                                                            Hear the differences and similarities of the Violin, Viola and Cello and meet
                                                                            the musicians after the concert. Featuring: Rebecca Glorie (Violin), Cerys
                                                                            Tooby (Violin), Rachael Kirk (Viola) and Fotis Skordas (Cello).
Tickets can be purchased through our website

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tickets can be purchased through our website
                                                                            PLEIN AIR PAINTING WORKSHOP                                                               KIDS TIE DYE WORKSHOP
                                                                                4.30pm – 6.30pm                 $100                        Airstrip                      9am – 12pm                  $10                     Airstrip

                                                                            Immerse yourself into the incredible scenery of Karijini’s National Park for some         (See description Wednesday)
                                                                            admiring, sketching and painting with award winning marine and landscape
                                                                            artist, David Hooper.

                                                                            In this 2 hour workshop, local attendees will be inspired through their own
                                                                                                                                                                      COLLABORATIVE ART & KIDS ZONE
                                                                            discoveries, given a detailed but not exhaustive introduction to oil and acrylic
                                                                            painting, tools, techniques, tips, and tricks. All materials needed for the day will          9am – 12pm                Airstrip
                                                                            be supplied and once the group settles into an ideal, serene environment to
                                                                            paint, one on one assistance from David will be available.                                (See description Wednesday)

                                                                            Parking is available at the event. See the “how to get here” page on our website for
                                                                            more booking information.
                                                                                                                                                                      SISTARS DREAMING WORKSHOP
                                                                            THE JAM SESSION                                                                               9am – 12pm                  $105                    Visitors Centre

                                                                                                                                                                      (See description Wednesday)
                                                                                7pm – 10pm                    Airstrip

                                                                            Bring your instruments and join our musicians for a Jam Session in the heart
                                                                            of the National Park; a fun night of music. Join in or sit back and enjoy the
                                                                                                                                                                      FRIDAY SOUNDINGS
                                                                            vibe, drinks available for purchase at the bar.
                                                                                                                                                                          9pm – 10am                Airstrip
                                                                            Parking is available at the event or a return bus service is available via a separate
                                                                            booking on our ticketing page, departing from Tom Price VIA Dales Gorge Campground
                                                                                                                                                                      Members of Sonus Ensemble will lead a workshop for all comers exploring
                                                                            OR the Karijini Eco Retreat. Please book with your ticket from one of the two departing
                                                                            locations as there are limited numbers. See the “how to get here” page on our website     improvisation and soundscape creation. If you have an instrument bring it
                                                                            for more booking information.                                                             along, but everyone has a voice and there is endless found objects to create
                                                                                                                                                                      simple percussions sounds from.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PROGRAM OF ALL EVENTS
                                                                              FRIDAY 9 A PR I L                                                                       GUIDED BUSH CULTURE WALK
                                                                                                                                                                          9.30am – 10.30am          Visitors Centre
                                                                            YOGA IN THE GORGE                                                                         Take a guided bush walk with our Aboriginal Tour Guide trainees to learn
                                                                                                                                                                      about the cultural history and native plants of the region.
                                                                                6.30am – 7.30am                 $15

                                                                                Meet at Fortescue Falls car park (Dales Gorge)                                        TWO BROTHERS, ONE GUITAR
                                                                            (See description Wednesday)
                                                                                                                                                                          10am – 11am               Airstrip

                                                                            DISC GOLF                                                                                 Join the Yabu Band, which is headed by Wongutha Kalgoorlie-born brothers,
                                                                                                                                                                      Delson and Boyd Stokes, as they sing some songs and talk about how music
                                                                                                                                                                      and storytelling shaped their childhood and taught them their Culture.
                                                                                8am – 9am                     Airstrip
                                                                                                                                                                      As children, brothers Delli and Boyd Stokes only had one guitar, so they had
                                                                            (See description Wednesday)                                                               to learn how to play it together – at the same time!
Tickets can be purchased through our website

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tickets can be purchased through our website
                                                                            BANJIMA LANGUAGE WORKSHOP                                                                   LIVE MUSIC AT THE ECO RETREAT
                                                                                11am – 12pm                   Airstrip                                                      6pm – 8pm                    Eco Retreat

                                                                            A rare opportunity to learn the basics of the Banjima language with the                     Sit back and relax over dinner with some live acoustic music by Wade Morrison.
                                                                            Traditional Owners who still use the language today.
                                                                                                                                                                        Reservations to dine at the Eco Retreat can be made directly to them on (08) 9425 5591

                                                                            RUNWAY SHOW IN THE GORGE
                                                                                                                                                                        FERVOR DEGUSTATION
                                                                                3pm – 4.30pm (arrive by 2.30pm)                                $125
                                                                                                                                                                            6pm – 10pm                     $240                       Circular Pool
                                                                                Kalamina Gorge
                                                                                                                                                                        (See description Wednesday)
                                                                            The Art of Everyday: West Australian Indigenous Fashion Showcase.
                                                                            Celebrating the places we call home.

                                                                            You are invited to immerse yourself in the wonders of Karijini’s rich history,
                                                                            deep in Kalamina Gorge, between the ancient rocks and running waters, for                     SATU RDAY 10 APR I L
                                                                            a unique fashion experience. This Indigenous Fashion Showcase highlights
                                                                            the dynamic emerging and established Western Australian traditional and
                                                                            contemporary textile art and designs.
                                                                                                                                                                        YOGA IN THE GORGE
                                                                            Directed by one of Australia’s leading Aboriginal art curators, the Runway
                                                                            Show is a celebration of innovation and a new frontier of Aboriginal fashion,                   6.30am – 7.30am                $15
                                                                            combined with a live concert from the West Australian Symphony Orchestra
                                                                            strings featuring Rebecca Glorie on Violin, Cerys Tooby on Violin, Rachael Kirk
                                                                                                                                                                            Meet at Fortescue Falls car park (Dales Gorge)
                                                                            on Viola and Fotis Skordas on Cello.
                                                                                                                                                                        (See description Wednesday)
                                                                            Seating is provided; please bring drinking water and sensible shoes for entering the
                                                                            gorge. Please note 4WD is required to access Kalamina Gorge, glass and alcohol are

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PROGRAM OF ALL EVENTS
                                                                            NOT permitted within the gorges. Parking is available at the event or a return bus
                                                                            service is available via a separate booking on our events booking page. See the “how to
                                                                            get here” page on our website for more booking information.
                                                                                                                                                                        DISC GOLF
                                                                                                                                                                            8am – 9am                    Airstrip
                                                                            BANJIMA CULTURAL                                                                            (See description Wednesday)
                                                                            EXCHANGE & AWARENESS
                                                                                3.30pm – 7.30pm                  20 per adult / Children 14 and under free
                                                                                                                                                                        KIDS TIE DYE WORKSHOP
                                                                                Airstrip                                                                                    9am – 12pm                     $10                        Airstrip

                                                                            Join us for an afternoon of sharing the local Aboriginal culture; the Banjima               (See description Wednesday)
                                                                            culture. You can participate in a tool and weapon making workshop, learn
                                                                            about preparation for song and dance, view a cultural awareness presentation
                                                                            by Banjima Elder Maitland Parker about the cultural history of the area and
                                                                            learn how the Banjima people stay connected to their culture in modern times.
                                                                                                                                                                        COLLABORATIVE ART & KIDS ZONE
                                                                            This event is alcohol & smoke free and requires BYO chairs. Parking is available at the         9am – 12pm                   Airstrip
                                                                            event or a return bus service is available via a separate booking on our ticketing page,
                                                                            departing from Tom Price VIA Dales Gorge Campground or the Karijini Eco Retreat.            (See description Wednesday)
                                                                            Please book with your ticket from one of the two departing locations as there are limited
                                                                            numbers. See the “how to get here” page on our website for more booking information.
Tickets can be purchased through our website

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tickets can be purchased through our website
                                                                            BUSH MEDICINE WORKSHOP                                                         THE YURLU LOUNGE
                                                                                9am – 11am                Airstrip                                         Proudly brought to you by the Shire of Ashburton.

                                                                            Join local Pilbara woman, Josie Alec, learn about how traditional medicines        4pm – 10pm (gates open at 3.30pm)                         Airstrip
                                                                            were made and watch as she makes a range of natural creams, washes and
                                                                            oils from Aboriginal healing plants. These remedies have been used by her            $60 per adult, children 14 and under free / $150 VIP
                                                                            ancestors for thousands of years.
                                                                                                                                                           Newman Return Bus Package Available

                                                                            GUIDED BUSH CULTURE WALK                                                       Reflect on the magnificent night sky as you sit back in the Yurlu Lounge
                                                                                                                                                           and enjoy a line-up of West Australian musicians. Yurlu is the Banjima word
                                                                                                                                                           for Country or Earth, so bring your own chairs for a magical night of music
                                                                                                                                                           immersed under the Karijini night sky.
                                                                                9.30am – 10.30am          Visitors Centre
                                                                                                                                                           You can also indulge yourself with a ticket to the VIP Lounge, with catering
                                                                            (See description Friday)
                                                                                                                                                           from roving restaurant sensation Fervor, with drinks included.

                                                                            BOOK READING WITH MAY BYRNE
                                                                                                                                                           Proudly brought to you by the Shire of Ashburton, our exciting 2021
                                                                                                                                                           performers are Vikki Thorn, The Sonus Ensemble, The Yabu Band, Tre Amici,
                                                                                                                                                           The Blackstone Ramblers and For Sure. It’s going to be a great showcase of
                                                                                                                                                           West Australian music, and a beautiful evening under the stars for the whole
                                                                                11am – 12pm               Airstrip                                         family.
                                                                            Listen to local Banjima author, May Byrne, read her book Banjima (Milyuranba   Food will be available for purchase for general admission ticket holders from
                                                                            Bunjima) and discuss kinships.                                                 local food vendors and if you are over 18 you can purchase beer, wine and
                                                                                                                                                           spirits from our bar. Proof of age is required and children must be supervised
                                                                                                                                                           at all times. Gates open at 3.30 pm.
                                                                            SISTARS DREAMING WORKSHOP                                                      Parking is available at the event or a return bus service is available via a separate
                                                                                                                                                           booking on our ticketing page, departing from Tom Price VIA Dales Gorge Campground
                                                                                12pm – 3pm                  $105                   Visitors Centre         or the Karijini Eco Retreat. Please book with your ticket from one of the two departing
                                                                                                                                                           locations as there are limited numbers. See the “how to get here” page on our website

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PROGRAM OF ALL EVENTS
                                                                            (See description Wednesday)                                                    for more booking information.

                                                                            MAKERS MARKETS
                                                                                3.30pm – 10pm             Airstrip

                                                                            Showcasing the best handmade, artisanal wares from regional and remote
                                                                            Western Australia, the Makers’ Market is sure to inspire. Be sure to bring
                                                                            plenty of cash so you can pick up some treasures.
Wittenoom Rd
                                                                 Hamersley                                     Gorge
                                                          5km      Gorge
                                                                                                                                                                  G U I DE T O R E G I O N
                                                                                                            Pool                                                     A ND VE NUES

                                                                                                             Oxer           Red
                                              22km                                                          Lookout        Gorge                                                                       261km
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to Port
                                                                                               14km                                                               (Auski Roadhouse)
                                                                          Karijini Eco Retreat
                                                                          and Camp Ground                                       Knox               Kalamina
                                                                                                                                Gorge               Gorge
                                                                                                Water             3km               6km                                                             Great

                                                                                                                      J                           Karijini                      Dales
                                                                                                                            10km                  Visitor Water                Camp                  Hwy
                                   68km to                                                                            Gorge
                                                                                                                                                  Centre Tank                  Ground
                                  Tom Price                                         26km
                                                                                            Banjima Dve                                                         10km
                                                  30km    Mt Bruce Rd                                                            The Airstrip                                       Circular
                                                                                                                                                   8km                                Pool
                                                                                                                                                             Fern Pool
                                                                                      Park Entry                                        Park Entry           Fortescue          Gorge
                                     LEGEND                                          (Fees apply)                                      (Fees apply)            Falls            30km

                                          Sealed Road                                     3.5km                  Karijini Dve                                                                      162km to
                                                                           55km to           Punurrunha                                             2km
                                          Unsealed Road
                                                                          Tom Price          (Mt Bruce)
                                                                                                                                                               Ranger HQ


                                                                          KarijiniKarijini Experience
                                                                                    Experience                Karijini Eco Retreat                              Karijini
                                                                                                                             Karijini Eco Retreat Karijini Visitor CentreVisitor Centre Ranger HQ     Ranger HQ
                                          Camp Ground                   0499 559   494  (enquiries)
                                                                                0499 559 494 (enquiries)    08 9425 5591 (bookings)
                                                                                                                           08 9425 5591 (bookings)      08 9189  8121 08 9189 8121   (Emergency only)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Emergency only)
                                                                            08 9189 8013 (reception)
                                                                                                                           08 9189 8013 (reception)
                                                                                                                                                        08 9189 8147 08 9189 8147
                    TO OUR 2021
                    SPONSORS &
                                                                                                     IBN works with a range of partners to deliver programs and services to help
                                                                                                     to improve the lives of the Yinhawangka, Banyjima and Nyiyaparli people.
                                                                                                     They provide support and opportunities to more than 1,500 people and their
                                                                                                     families in three key ways:

                                                                                                     - Community Programs. Financial assistance during emergency or crisis.
                                                                                                     - Field Officers. Personal support to the IBN Community.
                                                                                                     - Projects and businesses. Building sustainable and positive futures through
                                                                                                       education, employment, business enterprise, and cultural support.

                                                                                                     Visit for more information.

                                                                                                                                                                                      PLATINUM SPONSORS
                    Bennco Group and Bennco Engineering have established themselves as a             Go West Tours is Western Australia’s leading supplier of modern charter,
                    professional, honest and reliable building and engineering services contractor   rental and tour vehicles, servicing the mining, education, tourism and
                    within the Tom Price, Paraburdoo and greater Pilbara region - servicing the      government sectors as well as private groups.
                    domestic, mining, industrial, commercial and local government sectors
                    and are always supporting local community initiatives such as The Karijini       Our safe, reliable service and first class safety record has made Go West the
                    Experience.                                                                      integrated transport provider of choice across regional and metropolitan
                                                                                                     centres and remote sites. We aim to ensure that every client’s experience with
                    Check out & to find out              Go West Tours exceeds their expectations.
                    more about these great local companies.
                                                                                                     For more information, visit the Go West Tours website at:
Karijini Experience was the recipient of a grant from the Regional and Remote   What an amazing state you live in. Loads of space and loads of opportunities
                Festivals Fund delivered by the Department of Local Government, Sport and       for your dreams to come true. By playing Lotterywest games, you get to help
                Cultural Industries with Royalties for Regions funding from Department of       your dreams, and those of WA, come to life.
                Primary Industries and Regional Development.
                                                                                                Last financial year alone, almost $282 million was given back to WA’s
                The department works collaboratively with government, community                 communities, thanks to you playing. And this giving spreads out to make an
                organisations, peak bodies and other stakeholders to create a vibrant,          already great lifestyle in this state, greater.
                inclusive and connected WA community.

                                                                                                                                                                                   GOLD SPONSORS
                Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (GAC) was created in 1996 to represent the        Australian Executor Trustees (AET) support the Karijini Experience through
                collective interests of the Traditional Owners, the Banjima, Yinhawangka and    the Small to Medium Stabilisation Fund. Their investment is seeking to
                Nyiyaparli peoples of the Pilbara region of Western Australia.                  develop local industries and help us provide Tourism Training for our
                                                                                                Traditional Owners.
                GAC is one of Australia’s leading Aboriginal Corporations and is member-
                based with 1,800 Traditional Owners. GAC works to implement a wide range        It is our shared vision to increase the benefits of tourism in our community for
                of transformation initiatives to benefit the lives and futures of the Gumala    a more economically sustainable future.
                                                                                                For more information on how AET can work with your community please visit
                                                                                                their website at

                  TOURISM WA ACTING
                                                                                                     EXPERIENCE A
                  MANAGING DIRECTOR,
                  DERRYN BELFORD
                                                                                                     S TA R S T U D D E D
                  Karijini Experience 6 – 10 April 2021                                              S P E C TAC U L A R
                  Tourism WA is a proud supporter of the Karijini Experience through its
                  Regional Events Scheme. The scheme was created to support smaller
                  and emerging events in regional Western Australia to boost tourism and
                  increase community vibrancy.
                  The Regional Events Scheme also plays
                  an important role in positioning Western
                  Australia as an exciting destination to visit
                  and a great place to live by showcasing
                  and promoting a region’s unique and
                  diverse attractions.
                  To help regional communities rebuild their economies in response to the
                  COVID-19 pandemic, 77 regional events across the State have been funded
                  through the 2020-21 Regional Events Scheme. This includes the Regional
                  Aboriginal Events Scheme which has a funding pool of $150,000 exclusively
                  allocated to events delivering Aboriginal activities and experiences.

                  When people travel to regional areas they spend money which creates
                  jobs and supports businesses. In 2019-20 visitors spent $9.0 billion across
                  the State, 49 per cent of which was spent in regional areas.

                  Events play an important role in this, and Tourism WA is proud to support
                  a range of sporting, cultural, arts and culinary events across the State,
                  to give people a reason to travel, encourage them to stay longer, and do
                  more while they are here.

                  We hope everyone enjoys this event and
                  takes the time to explore the Pilbara region.
                  Derryn Belford
                  Acting Managing Director, Tourism WA
                                                                                                WA N D E R O U T YO N D E R                  WESTERNAUSTRALIA.COM

                                                                                                Instagram @WesternAustralia | Facebook @ExtraordinaryWesternAustralia | #wanderoutyonder
We believe regional arts have the power
                                                                                              Perth’s most respected event
                                               to change lives. Regional Arts WA
                                                                                              management company keeps things
                                               celebrates and strengthens the regional
                                                                                              stress-free and running on time
                                               arts sector and is the state’s only multi-
                                                                                              for a timeless event. Superior site
                                               arts organisation with a purely regional
                                                                                              management also means pack up
                                               focus. Our service delivery is diverse and
                                                                                              and clean up will meet all venue hire
                                               includes funding for projects big and small,
                                               development support and advocacy.


                                                The City of Karratha is a dynamic local       West Australian Symphony Orchestra
                                                government in the Pilbara region of           (WASO) is a not-for-profit company
                                                Western Australia. Just a stone’s throw       that thrives on the enthusiasm,
                                                away from the beautiful Karijini National     passion and support of our entire
                                                Park and boasting the ancient rock art of     community. We harness this energy
                                                Murujuga National Park and 42 islands of      to create events and programs across
                                                the Dampier Archipelago.                      the State to stimulate learning and
                                                                                              participation in a vibrant cultural life.

                                                Our mission is to improve Quality
                                                of Life and our responsibility is to
                                                preserve it. Since 1966, our clients have     Pilbara Food Services are a proudly
                                                chosen us because we care about               locally owned and operated family
                                                the food we cook, the resources we            business. We supply only the finest
                                                use, the people we employ and the             quality fresh, frozen and dry goods,
                                                communities we serve.                         all delivered with the highest level
                                                                                              of customer service to our clients
                                                                                              throughout the Inland Pilbara
                                                                                              Region and beyond.

                                                                                                                                            SILVER SPONSORS
                                THE PILBARA SPECIALISTS SINCE 1986

                                                                                              Onsite Rental Group (Onsite) is your
                                                                                              specialist B2B equipment hire partner.
                                                                                              We deliver Total Rental Management
                                                               Mine Tour                      solutions to a vast majority of Australia’s
                      Gorge Tour                     Adult $35 | Children under 14 $17.50     largest Mining, Oil & Gas, Construction,
                  Adults $190 | Seniors $185           Family 2 adults 2 children and         Industrial, infrastructure, Government
                    Children under 14 $90               additional children free $99          and Event organisations. Our mantra –
                                                                                              ‘our knowledge, your choice’.
                     For more details, contact our friendly team (08) 9189 2032
ACHM have worked very closely with
                  The Commission works to make the             the Banjima people, the Traditional
                  Pilbara a great place to do business,        Owners of the land on which our
                  build a career, raise a family and invest.   event is held, as their native title
                                                               anthropologists and cultural heritage
                  Responsible to the Minister for              management since 2005, recording
                  Regional Development, and provides           thousands of heritage sites of
                  the regional link between government         enormous cultural significance to the
                  policy and planning and regional             Banjima people.
                  aspirations and needs.
                                                               Visit to find out more.

                                                               Proudly locally owned and operated,
                                                               North West Brewing Co is the Pilbara’s
                  North West Mining & Civil Pty Ltd is a
                                                               first and only craft brewery. An
                  leading provider of Civil Construction,
                                                               extensive range of tasty craft beers,
                  Earthworks, Scaffolding, Plumbing
                                                               handcrafted on site, with a beer to suit
                  and Waste removal.
                                                               any palate. Also serving lunch and
                                                               dinner daily!

                                                               Locally owned Tom Price company
                  Australia’s North West is the Regional       offers high temperature water jet/
                  Tourism Organisation marketing the           blasting cleaning for all of your plant
                  Pilbara and Kimberley Regions with           and mobile equipment requirements
                  their outstanding natural beauty             including weed and seed for site
                  and attractions including rugged             transfer. Also offering building
                  gorges, thundering waterfalls, pristine      maintenance and local distribution
                  coastline and unique wildlife.               of industrial lubricants and chemical
                  Visit to learn

                                                                                                          BRONZE SPONSORS

                                                               Over 35 years’ experience in the
                  The gateway to Karijini with vibrant
                                                               Pilbara. Trusted contractors within the
                  landscapes, historic mining towns
                                                               Mining & Building Industry, providing
                  and home to the world-renowned
                                                               a wide range of services for our
                  Martumili Artists art centre -
                                                               Western Australian clients.
                  established by Martu people across
                                                               Committed to safety and quality.
                  the Pilbara region, using strong
                  influences from Aboriginal art history.

                      “Tura New Music’s annual program is supported by the State Government
                      through the Department of Local Government, Sport, and Cultural Industries,
                      in association with Lotterywest and The Australian Government through the
                      Australia Council, its arts funding advisory body.”

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                     RU   KARIJINIEXPERIENCE
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