Cathedral of St. Helena - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEmbER 25TH,2018 - Catholic Printery

Page created by Marie Hogan
Cathedral of St. Helena - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEmbER 25TH,2018 - Catholic Printery
Cathedral of St. Helena

     November 25th,2018
Cathedral of St. Helena - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEmbER 25TH,2018 - Catholic Printery
Rev. Msgr. Kevin S. O’Neill              Father Christopher Lebsock                               Deacon Bob Fishman
          Pastor/Rector                            Parochial Vicar                                  Director of Faith Formation
   Mr. Michael Vreeburg         			            Jason R. Phillips 			                                   Mr. Louis Gloege
   Pastoral Associate Liturgy   			              Director of Music 		                                     Business Manager

                                                                       Cathedral of St. Helena Parish Office
                                                             Location:.................530 N. Ewing St., Helena, MT 59601
   November 25th- December 2nd                             .
                                                             Office Hours...Mon, Wed & Thurs........9:00 am - 4:30 pm
                                                                                                   Tues 9-11:45 am 12:45-4:30 pm
         Liturgical Calendar                                                                                  Friday 9:00 am- 2:00 pm
            at your                                          Fax...................................................................... 449-5113
     Cathedral of St.               Helena                   Rectory Emergency..............................................449-0280
                                                             Good Samaritan Store...........................................442-0780
                                                             KNEH Catholic Radio....97.3 live
Sunday, November 25- Our Lord Jesus Christ,
			                  King of the Universe                                        EVENTS OF THE WEEK
       7:30 am - Mass
       9 am - Mass                                          Monday, Nov. 26 -
       11 am - Mass
                                                            * Journey Gathering, 7-8:30, Brondel
Monday, November 26 - Ordinary Weekday                      Tuesday, Nov. 27 -
       7 am - Mass; Rosary after Mass                       * Office Closed 11:45-12:45 Staff Attends Mass
                                                            * God’s Love Dinner Meeting - Rm 110, 5:30 pm
Tuesday, November 27 - Ordinary Weekday                     * RCIA - Brondel Center, 6:00-7:30 pm
       7 am - Mass; Devotions; Rosary after Mass            * Divorce Care - Room 108, 6:30-8:30 pm
       12 noon - Mass; Devotions
                                                            Wednesday, Nov. 28 -
Wednesday, November 28 - Ordinary Weekday                   * Advent Rejoice Presentation - Brondel, 10:30-11:30
       7 am - Mass; Rosary after Mass                       am
       12 noon - Mass                                       * Faith Formation - Grades 1-8, 3:45-5 pm
                                                            		                  Grades 9-12 7:00-8:15 pm
Thursday, November 29 - Ordinary Weekday                    * Advent Rejoice Presentation - Brondel, 6-7 pm
       7 am - Mass; Rosary after Mass
       12 noon - Mass
Friday, November 30 - Saint Andrew, Apostle
  7 am - Mass; Rosary after Mass;
			Adoration until 4 pm                                                               PLEASE NOTE
Saturday, December 1 - Ordinary Weekday                            CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE
       8:30 am - Rosary
       9 am - Mass                                                December 24 - 5 pm and 12 midnight
              Reconcilliation after Mass until 11 am                    December 25 - 10 am
       5 pm - Mass
Sunday, December 2- First Sunday of Advent
  7:30 am - Mass                                                   Cathedral of St. Helena Parish Advisory
  9 am - Mass- Rite of Acceptance-Liturgy of the                              Council Members
		        Word for Children
  11 am - Mass                                                Rick Ahmann			                                  Jack Berry
                                                              Jim Carney			                                   Curtis Chisholm
                                                              Terry Cosgrove			                               Cathy Givler
                                                              Billie Jo Meglen		                              Nate McCarthy
                                                              Donna Weiner			                                 Kathy Ramirez
Cathedral of St. Helena - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEmbER 25TH,2018 - Catholic Printery
Join Us
                                                                   to provide meals for God’s Love
                                                              We invite you to join us with this wonderful project.
                                                              Our next meals (ham, mashed potatoes, green beans,
         MARRIAGE PREPARATION                                rolls, and Christmas desserts) will be December 11th
Diocesan policy states that couples wait 6 months from       and (BBQ chicken sandwiches, salad, chips, and cob-
the time they first approach a priest regarding marriage.    bler/ice cream) will be January 15th. There are oppor-
During that 6 month period the couple must participate in     tunities to help with the meals including prep, cook-
preparatory classes for the Sacrament of Marriage. For in-     ing, baking, and/or serving the meal at God’s Love.
formation, contact Kathy Surbrugg at 442-5825.
                                                                 Our next meeting to plan the upcoming meals is
                                                              Tuesday, November 27th at 5:30pm in the Cathedral
                                                              Center, Room 110. We will also be making St. Nicho-
                                                                las Day bags for God’s Love during the meeting.
                                                               If you would like to help with these meals or future
                                                              meals for God’s Love, please contact Carolyn Parry
                                                              at or through the Parish
                                                                               Office at 442-5825.

 As part of an Advent series the SS. Cyril & Methodius                         DID YOU KNOW?
 St. Joseph Men’s Group will host Dr. Eric Hall (Theol-           That the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
   ogy Professor at Carroll College) on Thursday, De-             King of the Universe is the final Sunday in
  cember 6 and 13, who will present: Strength, Manli-             this liturgical year. Next Sunday we start a
  ness, and Spiritual Vitality. Dr. Hall will speak from
  7:00 – 7:45 a.m. on both days. The presentation will            new year so Happy New Liturgical Year!!
  be preceded by Mass at 6:30 a.m. All Catholic men
                       are invited.

  Next Sunday, December 2, is Charitable
  Giving Sunday. This month we are collecting for
  the Kid Packs through Helena Food Share. You can place
  your food donations in Mary’s Chapel and a basket will
  be available for monetary contributions.

                                                             Join us for coffee and doughnuts next Sunday,
                                                              December 2, following the 9 am Mass. Come
                                                              down and visit with your fellow parishioners.
                                                             Be sure to thank Jack Berry and the team from
                                                                   Good Samaritan. They will have an
                                                                  informational table available as well.

                                                                                Vocations Prayer
                                                               Heavenly Father, please abundantly bless these men who are
                                                              in formation for the priesthood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
                                                              Grant them gifts of wisdom, knowledge and most of all, gen-
                                                              erous hearts, that they may be enflamed with love for You
                                                              and Your Church. Through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.

                                                                  Deacon Nathan Scheidecker
                                                                  Matthew Christiaens		               Tyler Frohlich
                                                                  Dillon Armstrong			                 Kyle Tannehill

Cathedral of St. Helena - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEmbER 25TH,2018 - Catholic Printery
            Mary Jo Walsh
                                                                         MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
        JACK BENNETT                                              We are planning a Parish Mission to help us kick
             Tom & Pat Herrin
                                                                  off the Advent Season. Join us in the Brondel
                                                                   Center on Wednesday, November 28th for
                                                                  either the 10:30 -11:30 am or 6-7 pm session.
                                                                  Fr. Mark Toups, Sister Miriam Heidland and Fr.
    HEART AND HOME MINISTRY                                       Josh Johnson will share insights into the details
CONCERNING HOSPITAL VISITS AT ST PETER’S                                of Mary’s life as she welcomes Jesus.
                                                                    You will receive a prayer journal with daily
As you check into the hospital for in-patient services,                 meditations for each week of Advent.
you will be asked if you would like to be visited by the                Come One Come All to Prepare for
clergy-in this instance clergy is understood in the broad
sense of lay ministry and distribution of Holy Commu-                        Your Best Advent Ever!
nion at the hospital. Please respond “yes” if you would
like to be visited by one of our parish Extraordinary                       PRAYER FOR A NEW BISHOP
Ministers of the Eucharist.                                     O great St. Helena, patroness of our diocese, who for love
                                                               of Our Lord made pilgrimage to the Holy Land to mark the
A special thanks go out to all of our ministers who trav-     sites of His Pascal Mystery, grant, I pray, that you would in-
el to area hospitals, care facilities and the homebound to   tercede to the Father on behalf of our Diocesan Church as we
bring prayer, hope and Eucharist to those unable to join     await the appointment of our next bishop. Grant that we will
us at the Lord’s Table.
                                                               be sent a spiritual shepherd after the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
                                                              the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for us, His sheep.
                                                                Pray to God that we will be given a bishop who is faithful
       SPECIAL INTENTION                                     and just, holy and wise, loving and zealous. May he be com-
                                                               pletely devoted to the Lord and to the service of the people
            SR. RITA McGINNIS
            Deacon Bob & Karen                                 entrusted to his care, so that the Diocese of Helena may ex-
                                                               perience a springtime of growth in holiness and the number
                                                                  of souls drawn to the Lord through His Church. Amen

                                    The readings are on page 1209 in the hymnal
        Organ Prelude
        Introit: Dignus est Agnus
        The Lamb who has been slain is worthy to receive power, and divinity, and wisdom, and strength, and honor;
        let glory and dominion be his forever and ever.
        Processional Hymn: Rejoice, the Lord is King! #564
        Ordinary of the Mass is Mass for the Parishes, Jason Phillips
        Gloria: from A New Mass for Congregations, Carol Andrews
        Responsorial Psalm:
        The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty.
        Hymn: Crown Him with Many Crowns, #571
        Communion Antiphon: Sedebit Dominus
        The Lord will sit on his royal throne forever; the Lord will bless his people in peace.
        Hymn of Praise: To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King #570
        Organ Postlude

Cathedral of St. Helena - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEmbER 25TH,2018 - Catholic Printery
                                                 by Deacon Bob Fishman
This week in the readings we celebrate Christ as King. How cool is that! There are many times throughout the year
when I love being a Catholic and this is one of them. In Hebrew many of the Jewish prayers contain the phrase “Blessed
art thou oh Lord our God King of the universe”…I love to celebrate our Lord as King. I think it is because that is the
way I feel He should be treated. Sometimes I see our Lord treated so poorly in the media, in society and sometimes
even in our Churches. Do we realize who it is we are addressing in our prayers and in our worship? I know there have
been times in my own life when I have not shown my Lord the respect and honor He deserves. It is then even a greater
mystery unfolds from this King of galaxies and creator of all. The mystery is this…That He humbled Himself to
become one of us and as if that was not enough, He taught us of Heavenly things, He established His Church, and then
He gave up His very life in the ultimate of love for us. Do we ever take time to really contemplate this? That is why I
love this day, for it provides us the opportunity to address God as the King He is and to wonder at the child He became.
Think about it, the Eternal One stepped into time. The one who created the Heavens was able to gaze up and look upon
them as He sat in His Mama Mary’s lap. Love, wisdom and God’s own word took on flesh and dwelt among us. He did
not demand Earthly platitudes normally given to kings and rulers. He did not force people into submission as a dictator
might. No, instead He went through our human experience and showed us God’s wisdom and love in person, and last
of all He conquered man’s greatest fear even death itself in His glorious resurrection. So this week, think about these
things. Try giving our Lord a little extra respect and perhaps think of Him as the King He is and all of the wonderful
things He has done for you. If you do these things, kneeling will come easier, your praises will be louder, and you can
join all of creation in proclaiming Jesus Christ is Lord and King. Let Him reign in you this very day…Something to
ponder…May God richly bless you always…

                                                                       WAYS TO DEEPEN YOUR FAITH
                            Every Friday from 8 am                  from Deacon Bob Fishman the Director of
                         until 4 pm, Adoration of the                          Faith Formation.
                         Blessed Sacrament takes place
                         in the Cathedral. Come and                               YouTube Videos
                         spend a little time on your                      Bishop Barron in Liverpool UK
                         lunch hour before the Blessed
                         Sacrament. This is a wonder-
                         ful opportunity to consecrate
                         one hour to Our Lord at the
                         Hour of his Passion. Please
                         join anytime following the
                                7:00 A.M. Mass.

    Access to the restrooms during adoration is via the                 3312 Dunlap Drive
     elevator. The outside doors of the Brondel Center                  Helena, MT 59602
      are locked following the 7 am Mass on Fridays. UGANDA SISTER MINISTRY UPDATE: Fr.
                                                        Julius offers thanks “once again for the huge recep-
                                                        tion you accorded me this summer and for all of the
                                                        love and support!” Donations received will be used for
           BAPTISM PREPARATION                          continued development of Holy Trinity School. The
Baptism Preparation is offered every two months at the Julius Foundation supports the Ugandan mission of
Cathedral of St. Helena Parish. Our next class will be native priest Father Julius Bwowe, which the Cathe-
 Thursday, December 13 at 6 pm in room 110 of the dral Parish has identified as our sister ministry. To
Cathedral Center. To sign up for the class, please call learn more or to help with the Foundation, contact Te-
                 the office at 442-5825.                resa at 461-6543. To donate, visit www.thejuliusfoun-
                                               We are always grateful for your prayers.

                                                 GIVING TREE UPDATE
                      Join us December 3rd & 10th at 1:00 pm in the Brondel Center! We will be sorting toys.
                                    If you or someone you know needs Christmas Assistance.
                     Applications for our Giving Tree project are being taken at the Good Samaritan from No-
                         vember 5th through December 12th Monday through Friday from 9 am until 3 pm.
Cathedral of St. Helena - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEmbER 25TH,2018 - Catholic Printery
Knights of Columbus Online
                                                             You don’t need to have a Facebook account!

Men: Are You Ready to make a change? If you’re
 too busy to participate in Knights of Columbus
Council activities right now but want to be a mem-            “It would be easier for the world
       ber, on-line membership is for you!                     to survive without the sun than
                                                               to do without Holy Mass.” – St.
 Montana communities need strong Catholic men                             Padre Pio
  to answer the call to lead with faith, protect our
 families, serve others and defend our values. For
  over 130 years, Knights of Columbus have done
  exactly that, standing up for the Church, serving      PERPETUAL ADORATION OPPORTUNITY
the least among us, and strengthening our parishes                 IN HELENA!!!
                     and families.
All practicing Catholic men, 18 years old and over
can now join the Knights of Columbus online in a
            simple streamlined process.
  As a member, you join a worldwide community
 of nearly two million men, including almost five
thousand right here in Montana who stand together
                united in our faith.
Men have a duty to lead, protect, serve and defend.
The world needs more committed unified Catholic        Jesus greatly desires us to spend more time with Him
    men to answer the call. Will you answer?           so that He can shower us with graces. We now have a
                                                       special opportunity in Helena to spend real time with Him
 Visit to join and avail your-     each week in His Real Presence! Jesus told St. Faustina
  self of the many benefits of membership in the       that "people have time for everything, but they have no
Knights of Columbus for $30 per year. Enjoy all of     time to come to Me for graces.” Let's make the time to
        the great benefits we have to offer!           receive those graces and adore our Savior!
                                                       WHAT: Eucharistic Adoration (one hour of prayer in the
                                                       presence of Jesus in the Eucharist)
                                                       WHEN: from 12:00 pm (noon) to 10:00 pm
     There is nothing so great as the                  WHERE: Trinity Chapel (located inside the entrance of
  Eucharist. If God had something more                 Trinity Hall at Carroll College)
  precious, He would have given it to us.              HOW TO SIGN UP: Pick one hour within 12 pm to 10
          ~ Saint Jean Vianney                         pm that you want to spend adoring Jesus each week, and
                                                       let Leslie White (406-202-3909) or Maria Hurlbert (406-
                                                       422-5682) know which hour works best for you.

                                             What if you were following a plan for your money that you KNEW
                                           worked? With Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, you CAN
                                           take control of your money, get out of debt, and create a plan for your
                                            future. If you’re interested in learning more, e-mail Deacon Steve at
                                    or call him at (406) 431- 8452. On-line signup is
                                           necessary and Deacon Steve can provide you the link! Classes start at
                                            Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church January 10, 2019! We meet
                                              from 6:30pm to 8:00pm for nine weeks. Don’t miss this chance to
                                                        establish a new financial model for your family!
                                            The FPU classes cost $129.99 which includes all the class materials,
                                            workbooks, etc. and a one year membership to the on-line resources,
                                             including the videos, plus additional specific videos, and an on-line
                                                             and application based budgeting tool.
Cathedral of St. Helena - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEmbER 25TH,2018 - Catholic Printery
Our Lord Jesus Christ,                                                                     First Sunday of Advent
                        King of the Universe                                                                          December 2, 2018
                             November 25, 2018
                                                                                                                         Jer 33:14-16
                               Dn 7:13-14                                                                The Day is to come when all will be fulfilled.
                      His kingdom is everlasting!
                                                                                                                      Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14
                               Ps 93:1-2, 5                                                                     “To you, O Lord, I lift my soul.”
               “The Lord is king; He is robed in majesty”
                                                                                                                       1 Thes 3:12--4:2
                                Rv 1:5-8                                                            As we await the coming of Christ, let us love one another.
        To Jesus Christ be the glory and power foerver and ever!
                                                                                                                      Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
                               Jn 18:33-37                                                              We must be on guard for the coming of Christ.
             Jesus’s kingdom is one of cosmic dimensions.

 Monday, November 26                          Thursday, November 29  PLEASE HAVE ALL CONTRIBUTIONS
               Rv 14:1-5                        Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9
               Ps 24:1-6                                Ps 100:1-5    FOR 2018 INTO THE PARISH OFFICE
               Lk 21:1-4                               Lk 21:20-28     BEFORE DECEMBER 31 IN ORDER
 Tuesday, November 27                           Friday, November 30 FOR THEM TO BE INCLUDED IN YOUR
             Rv 14:14-19
             Ps 96:10-13
                                                     Rom 10:9-18
                                                       Ps 19:2-5
                                                                     STATEMENTS FOR 2018 INCOME TAX
             Lk 21:5-11                               Mt 4:18-22                  PURPOSES
Wednesday, November 28                          Saturday, December 1
              Rv 15:1-4                                    Rv 22:1-7
            Ps 98:1-3, 7-9                                 Ps 95:1-7
             Lk 21:12-19                                  Lk 21:34-36

                                                 Mountain View Family Health Care, PC
                                                      Providing quality, Catholic based
                                                      health care for the entire family.

                                              Same day appointments available.
                                                                                               Chris VanHorssen
                                                                                                                  Resurrection Cemetery
 900 N Last Chance Gulch #101 • 442-0288   (406) 442-1231 • 2619 Colonial Dr                        DNP, APRN     Bring Peace of mind to
                                                                                                                   you and your family.
                                                                             black                                Start planning today.
                                                                                kic k off h olida y sa vin gs
                                                                                                                  (406) 442-1782           CATHOLIC FUNERAL & CEMETERY SERVICES
                                                                                                                                            A MINISTRY OF THE DIOCESE OF HELENA



                                                                                                                                             Want to advertise
                                                                                                                                             on this bulletin?
                                                    under new & improved ownership
                                                  3297 Dredge Dr. • Helena, MT • 406.996.1012
                                             Store Hours: Mon - Sat 10am - 7pm • Sun 11am - 6pm
                                                                                                                                               Sheila Miller
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Cathedral of St. Helena - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEmbER 25TH,2018 - Catholic Printery
Please tell these adver tisers you saw them on your Sunday Bulletin
                                               Quality Repair • Value Price
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                                                                                                           Veterinary Hospital
       Mike Miller                                                                                                                         Large & small animals
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                                                                                         Serving the Helena area for 30+ years
 Call for info: 442-5420                                                                  Wally & Mary Dhane - Parishioners              (800) 640-6145 • 449-6144

               Wishing you
                                               BLOOMQUIST LAW FIRM, P.C.
                                                                                           St. A1900ndrew        School
                                                                                                     Floweree • 449-3201
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              and every day.                   Oil and Gas Law         Real Estate Law
                                               Natural Resource Law Water Rights                         Full day kindergarten - 12th                                                                            Kevin McDuffie
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      BOOKS & GIFTS                                                              Wholesale                                                                                                          Chris M. Marcille
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                                                                                 & Supply                                                                                                           227-6096
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                                                                                                                                      purr-veyor of fun cat toys
     Tues-Fri 9:30-5:30 / Sat 10-4             Ask about our free gift certificates for new customers                                       David de Gil – Parishioner         prov
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                                                                                              Robert Kolar
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                                                                                          STEPHEN D. BEHLMER, M.D.
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                                                                                            JEFFRY A. GOLDES, M.D.

    HELENA ORTHOPAEDIC CLINIC                                                           DEBRA J. REMILLARD, PA
                                                                                              Jody Isbell, PA-C                              Auto and RV Collision Repair
                                                                              Mailing Address: 825 Great Northern Blvd., Suite 204 • P.O. Box 5043 • Helena, MT 59604
                 PETER D. HANSON, M.D.                                                    Megan Gittings, APRN-C
              SALVATORE GIOVENCO, P.A.
                                                                                        Lindsay McCarthy, APRN-C                          We work with all insurance companies
                                                                                       Store Location: 825 Great Northern Blvd., Suite 204 • Helena, MT 59601
                                                                                          Kara Addison, APRN-C
    Total Joints • Foot & Ankle • General Orthopaedics                                        50 South Last Chance Gulch                      2308 Euclid Ave • 442-6543
          2442 Winne Ave             457-4100
                                                                                              (406) 442-3534                                  Travis Johnston, Parishioner

 For Advertising Call Sheila Miller 800-616-4138 or email 
Cathedral of St. Helena - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEmbER 25TH,2018 - Catholic Printery Cathedral of St. Helena - OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEmbER 25TH,2018 - Catholic Printery
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