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Page created by Lois Walsh
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October 17, 2021   17 de Octubre, 2021
17 de Octubre, 2021 October 17, 2021 - cloudfront.net
ST. PETER PARISH                                                  SAN FELIPE DE JES ÚS
           Saint Peter Catholic Church
               100 Saint Peter Drive
                                                                              Readings for the week
                   P.O. Box 248
                 Douglas, MI 49406                              Sunday: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                   Is 53:10-11/Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22 [22]/Heb 4:14-16/
Parish Office:   269-857-7951                                      Mk 10:35-45 or 10:42-45
Website:       www.stpeter-douglas.org                          Monday: St. Luke, Evangelist 2 Tm 4:10-17/
Facebook:        @stpeterdouglas                                   Ps 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18 [12]/Lk 10:1-9
                                                                Tuesday: Sts. John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues,
Pastor: Fr. Fabio H. Garzón, VF                                    Priests, and Companions, Martyrs
fr.garzon@stpeter-douglas.org                                      Rom 5:12, 15, 17-19, 20-21/Ps 40:7-8, 8-9, 10,
Pastoral Associate                                                 17 [8 and 9]/Lk 12:35-38
Rick Hardy                                                      Wednesday: St. Paul of the Cross, Priest
rick.hardy@stpeter-douglas.org                                     Rom 6:12-18/Ps 124:1-3, 4-6, 7-8 [8]/Lk 12:39-48
Business Administrator                                          Thursday: Rom 6:19-23/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [Ps 40:5]/
Ralph Hensley                                                      Lk 12:49-53
ralph.hensley@stpeter-douglas.org                               Friday: St. John Paul II, Pope
Office Administrator                                               Rom 7:18-25/Ps 119:66, 68, 76, 77, 93, 94 [68]/
Geri Pantelleria                                                   Lk 12:54-59
geri.pantelleria@stpeter-douglas.org                            Saturday: St. John of Capistrano, Priest; BVM
Director of Faith Formation & Evangelization:                      Rom 8:1-11/Ps 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [cf. 6]/Lk 13:1-9
Alisha Giles                                                    Next Sunday: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time;
alisha.giles@stpeter-douglas.org                                   World Mission Sunday
Communication Coordinator                                          Jer 31:7-9/Ps 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 [3]/Heb 5:1-6/
Liliana Van Dam                                                    Mk 10:46-52
RCIA, Pastoral Care
Marianne Hoffman
Sacristan                                                                        Mass Intentions
Nancy Maslanka
                                                                Saturday, October 16
Maintenance:                  857-7951                            5:00pm † Bob Sears
Funeral Planning:             Parish Office ext. 0                         by Rose Ramirez
Pastoral Council: Pastoral.Council@stpeter-douglas.org          Sunday, October 17
Finance Council: Finance.Council@stpeter-douglas.org              8:00am † Rev. Stan Uroda
Capital Campaign: OnTheRock@stpeter-douglas.org                            By Bill & Toni Alwin
                                                                 10:30am † Mary Ellen Boedeker
External Collaborative                                                     by Phil & Beth Huffman
San Felipe de Jesús Catholic Church                             Monday, October 18
Oficina Parroquial/Parish Office: 269-561-5029                  8:30am     † Larry Rasmussen Sr.
5586 117th Ave. PO Box 558. Fennville, MI 49408                            by Mary DeBendetti
                                                                Tuesday, October 19
                                                                  8:30am † Aldo & Florence DeBenedetti
                                                                           by Mary DeBenedetti
                                                                Thursday, October 21
                The St. Peter Prayer Line unites parishioners     8:30am People of St Peter Parish (ProPopulo)
                in a spirit of Christian Charity to pray for    Friday, October 22
                the needs of our parishioners, especially:
                                                                  8:30am † Larry Rasmussen Sr.
                                                                           by Jim & Lisa Peterson
                                                                Saturday, October 23
Harry Tolson, Heidi Ann Hebrank, Rob Munski, Jerry
                                                                  5:00pm † Ray Orzehoski (Anniversary of Death)
Nielson, Fr. Pedro Rodriguez Gonzalez, Kathy Drum-
                                                                           by wife, Marianne
mett, Paula Glennie, Jack Duthler, Lorrie Gaunt, Tom
Doucette, Frances Byk, Jackie Diaz, Janet Fahey, Fr.            Sunday, October 24
John Flynn, OSA, Ronnie Hebrank, Madison McAllister,              8:00am Dan Seder & Family
Deacon Tony Nethercott, Sylvia Scurio, Br. Larry                           By Bill & Toni Alwin
Sparacino, OSA, Saúl Suárez, Jr., and all the sick on St.        10:30am † Walter Burkot
Peter’s Prayer Line. The group will continue to pray for your              by wife, Christine
request until they hear differently from you.

View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com         2    Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
17 de Octubre, 2021 October 17, 2021 - cloudfront.net
29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                         29 DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO
                                                                                           From Rick Hardy
                  SAINT PETER                                                             Pastoral Associate
         A Catholic Community of
          Love, Faith, and Hope                                    Making Synodality Mentality a Reality
 Sacrament of Reconciliation
                                                                       Last Sunday, Pope Francis officially opened the process
 Saturdays 3:30pm-4:30pm                                           for the 2023 Synod of Bishops. The Holy Father’s plan is
 other times by appointment                                        ambitious and far-reaching: to consult with the members of
                                                                   the Church throughout the world. And not only members,
 Masses Open to the Public                                         but those who have walked away from the Church, often
 M,T,TH,F 8:30am                                                   with a heavy heart. And in particular, including all aspects
 Wednesday —No Mass—                                               of the laity as well as clergy and hierarchy.
 Saturday 5:00pm                                                       This Sunday, October 17, our bishop opens the local
                                                                   Synodal process with a Mass at St. Augustine Cathedral at
 Sunday 8:00am and 10:30am
                                                                   11 am. An information session follows, and you’ll be seeing
Both Sunday Masses at St. Peter                                    plenty of additional info in the parish bulletin and other com-
are live streamed                                                  munications channels.
                                                                       The Holy Father puts it this way: “Keep us from becom-
                                                                   ing a ‘museum church,’ beautiful but mute, with much past
                                                                   and little future.”
                                                                       The future of our Church is on the minds of a lot of peo-
                                                                   ple: how shall we engage young people, how shall we re-
                                                                   tain the stalwart, how will we reach out to those who have
Sunday Masses, 8am & 10:30am                                      not yet heard the call to holiness through the Catholic
Family Faith Formation, Sun 9:15am - 1:15pm
                                                                       The Synodal process will ask these questions and will
Morning Mass, weekdays at 8:30am
                                                                   listen carefully to the answers and insights that come back.
Open Vessels Women’s Faith Sharing                                Let us keep this process in our awareness and in prayer.
      Tue 9:30am - Vatican Room                                    When it’s your chance to be heard (and you’ll have at least
Flu Shot Distribution, Thurs 11:30am - 1pm                        one…) be ready to speak with candor and love for our be-
Eucharistic Exposition, Fri 9 -12pm - Chapel                      loved Church.
Catholic Men’s Fellowship,
      Sat 8 -10am Solanus Casey Room                               Making Beautiful Music Together
Baptism - San Felipe, Sat 1 - 2pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation, Sat 3:30 - 4:30pm                         Stephen Rumler’s time with us was brief, but impactful.
Vigil Mass, Sat. 5:00pm                                           He set a new standard for music ministry in our parish, and
World Mission Sunday, Sun 10/24                                   we will not go back. The search for a successor is under-
First Communion Meeting,                                          way, in two parts:
      Sun 10/24, 9:30-10am Vatican Room                                 1. Caitlin Cusack, who served for several years as Di-
Carmel, Sun 10/24, 1-3pm                                          rector of Music at St. Luke parish in Allendale, serving the
                                                                   campus of GVSU as well as the town itself, will temporarily
                                                                   serve at our Sunday morning Masses. Caitlin is an excel-
                                                                   lent pianist and vocalist with an outgoing personality and a
                                                                   very rich understanding of the Liturgy and the role of music
                                                                   in it.
                                                                        Caitlin’s position will be temporary, at her request, with
NEXT WEEKEND we will celebrate World Mission                       the option to renew, extend, and possibly make permanent.
Sunday. Pope Francis invites the entire Church to                       2. Meanwhile, we will advertise this position as open as
support mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific              of January 1, using professional channels for publicizing
Islands, and parts of Latin America and Europe, where              this opening. We don’t have a huge budget, but the appeal
priests, religious and lay leaders serve the world’s most          of a vibrant parish with a supportive pastor and assembly, a
vulnerable communities. Please keep the Pope’s                     beautiful worship space, and a fine musical instrument can-
missions in your prayers and be generous in next week’s            not be underestimated.
collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.            3. I will take the Saturday evening Masses during this
                                                                   interim period, using the selections that Stephen has pro-
                                                                   vided for now, with Caitlin’s direction going forward.

                                                                   Continued in the next page...

                                                               3       View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com
17 de Octubre, 2021 October 17, 2021 - cloudfront.net
29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                            29 DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO
                                                                     Rick Hardy’s article continue here…
                 Gospel Meditation
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                            Baptismal Font

“What do you wish me to do for you?” Whether we realize it,              The Font is working, but not completely finished. Still to
this is a question God is always asking. It’s an important           come: A more powerful pump for the large pool, so that the
question because the answer we provide will reveal a great           water movement will be visible and the filtration will be im-
deal about where our hearts lie. Our requests of God can             proved. Also, the small bowl’s flow is slowly being regulat-
often appear very noble and altruistic. They consist of re-          ed for better circulation. The water in the upper bowl
quests for healing for someone in need of prayers, success-          comes from and returns to the pool and is thus filtered and
ful resolution of a personal conflict, assistance in overcom-
                                                                         The bowl will also be re-leveled.
ing a disease and myriad other desires for both ourselves                Glass for the Ambry (the box area below the bowl that
and others. We are especially concerned about those we               will contain the vessels of the holy oils) is due to arrive
love and can easily find ourselves bringing their struggles to       soon.
God for a hearing in our prayer.                                         Finally, the fish shaped symbol, “Ichtys” is installed in
                                                                     the bottom of the pool. It completes the design and gently
Is that really all that prayer is about? The woman in today’s
                                                                     points the way to the altar through the water of Baptism.
Gospel, having been put in her place by Jesus, was only
looking out for the wellbeing of her sons. She was doing
what mothers do, protecting and securing the livelihood of
her children. But she was sadly mistaken, her request was                     Votive Candles
not granted. We all make this same misguided mistake from            Remember your departed loved ones
time to time. The goal of prayer is not to convince God of           by purchasing a votive candle to be lit
the worthiness of our agenda or to gain a hearing. Some-             for seven days and placed before the
times we believe that the more we multiply our prayers or            altar on All Souls Day. Sign up slips
                                                                     are available in the Gathering Space.
discover the right combination of supplications that we will         These sign up slips are provided to
receive more of                                                      indicate the deceased’s name and
God’s attention.                                                     note if you would like the candle sleeve
That’s not how it                                                    to be returned after the six days.
works. Even                                                          Cost of each candle is $5.00.
though God de-
sires to hear,
know, and be an
intimate part of
what is on our
minds, it goes
much deeper.
What we need from God is a relationship. It’s a relationship
that guides and immerses us in the very stuff of life and in
the direction of the Gospel. This relationship sees God’s
kingdom and agenda, not our own, as what is most im-
portant. It builds the strength of character necessary to
bring God’s Gospel into a world that may not receive it with
open arms. It may cause us discomfort and suffering. We
are asked to heroically journey with God through suffering,
hardship, ridicule, and even death! Ultimately, our desire
from God must become our desire for God. It is only when
this happens that the powerful words “thy will be done” will
be found with sincerity and humility on our lips. Whatever
God wishes becomes what we wish as we see this glorious
union of wills. Our humble lives will then become powerful
witnesses, and what happens to us in God’s eternal king-
dom the result of his mercy. We become true servants and
find ourselves discovering God’s definition of success. That
definition has nothing at all to do with status, income, or

                                                                 4       View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com
17 de Octubre, 2021 October 17, 2021 - cloudfront.net
ST. PETER PARISH                                              SAN FELIPE DE JES ÚS

          Pick-up your empty Box of Joy TODAY.
          So far 20 filled boxes have been returned!

 Inside the box you will find a brochure with details about
   what to pack. The deadline for returning your packed
       Boxes of Joy will be Sunday, November 7.

                                                                   From the Diocese of Kalamazoo

                                                                              For month of October
                                                                              Each October the Church in the United
                                                                              States celebrates Respect Life Month.
                                                                              As Catholics, we are called to cherish,
                                                                              defend, and protect those who are most
                   First Communion                        vulnerable, from the beginning of life to its end, and at every
       (students who have already celebrated their        point in between. During the month of October, the Church
                   1st Reconciliation)
                                                          asks us to reflect more deeply on the dignity of every human
           Sunday, October 24 at 9:30am
                                                          life. For resources and ideas to help build a culture of life this
               In the Vatican Room
                                                          October and throughout the year go to
           (students in 8th grade or older)               October is Respect Life Month in the U.S. Catholic Church and
          Sunday, November 7 at 9:30am                    kicks off a year-long observance to help Catholics understand,
                In the Vatican Room                       value and become engaged with building a culture that cher-
                                                          ishes every human life. This year’s theme is St. Joseph,
                                                          defender of life, inspired by the Year of St. Joseph declared by
                                                          Pope Francis. Learn more about upholding the sanctity of
 Get the Flu Shot                                         every human life at respectlife.org/respect-life-month.
       Not the Flu
 St Peter Catholic Church
 Flu Shots Administered by                                The Miracles That Made
 Ascension Borgess
 Thursday October 21                                      Pope John Paul II
 11:30 am to 1:30 pm                                      a Canonized Saint

                                                          The process of canonization in
                                                          the Catholic Church requires two

                                                          The first miracle for John Paul’s canonization was
                                                          the healing of Sister Marie Pierre from Parkinson’s
                                                          disease through his intercession.

                                                          Pope John Paul II's Second Miracle. The second miracle
                                                          leading to the canonization of John Paul II concerned a
                                                          50 year old woman from Santiago, Costa Rica, Floribeth
                                                          Mora Diaz.She suffered a brain aneurysm in April, 2011.

View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com   5   Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
17 de Octubre, 2021 October 17, 2021 - cloudfront.net
ST. PETER PARISH                                             SAN FELIPE DE JES ÚS

           Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...
               Una Venta Muy Exitosa                               La Adoración del Mes de Octubre

          ¡¡¡ Hemos sacado más de $11,000                   HOY DE LAS 6 P.M. HASTA LAS 8 P.M.
           en la venta del Goose Festival !!!               Comenzamos a las 6 p.m. con el Santo
                                                            Rosario. A las 7 p.m. rezamos Vísperas de
  Con la bendicion de Dios, la cooperacion del clima y el   la liturgia de la Iglesia. Hay momentos para
  trabajo y sacrificio de muchos hemos ganado hasta el      devociones personales o para leer un libro
 momento $11,059,75. Los gastos de una parroquia son        espiritual. Pueden venir por el tiempo que quieran, sea
   muchos y algunos son desconocidos. El dinero de la       15 minutes o 2 horas. Si no han venido
 venta suple los importantes ingresos cada semana de la     antes, vengan a regalarle a Jesús un rato de su tiempo.
 colecta del domingo. Gracias a todos por su dedicacion
                                   a esta parroquia que        Sacramentos de Iniciación para Adultos
                                  hace de San Felipe una
                                 maravillosa comunidad.     Las personas mayores de 16 años
                                                            que quieren recibir los sacramen-
            La Colecta para las Misiones                    tos de Bautismo, Comunión o
                                                            Confirmación pueden venir este
 El próximo domingo celebraremos                            jueves para más información sobre
 el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones.                        el proceso y para comenzar.
                                                             Les invitamos a la Misa de las 6:30 y después
 El Papa Francisco invita a toda la
                                                            tendremos la reunión.
 Iglesia a apoyar a las diócesis en
 África, Asia, las Islas del Pacifico
 y partes de América Latina y Eu-                                 La Misa en honor de
 ropa, donde sacerdotes, líderes                                    San Judas Tadeo
 religiosos y líderes laicos sirven a
 las comunidades más vulnerables del mundo.                      Jueves 28 de Octubre
 Por favor sigan orando por las misiones del Papa                     6:30 p.m.
 y sean generosos en la colecta de la semana entrante
 para la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe. Tiene       Honramos a San Judas junto con
 sobre especial en su caja de sobres.
                                                            San Simón en su fiesta el jueves
                                                              28. Todos están invitados.
    Oren por los 33 candidatos de San Felipe
 que se van a confirmar...el Sábado 30 de octubre a
       las 10 a.m. en la catedral de San Agustín.
     Pedimos por ellos que el Espíritu Santo continúe
                                                             La Campaña Anual del Obispo             Meta: $7,700
                 guiándolos en su vida.
        Recordamos a los 40 jóvenes que todavía                 Comprometido: $4,050 Compromisos: 17
        están en la preparación para que crezcan
               en la vida cristiana católica.                Ayúdenos a terminar de pagar este compromiso
                                                               que tenemos con la Diócesis y pondremos su
                                                                          nombre en un globo.
                                                             ¿ Saben Uds. que pueden donar en línea directa-
                                                               mente de su cuenta bancaria y lo acreditan a
                                                                     San Felipe? Pueden hacerlo al:
View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com     6   Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
17 de Octubre, 2021 October 17, 2021 - cloudfront.net
29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                     29 DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO

       Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...
             La Corresponsabilidad Diaria
                                                               San Felipe de Jesús Catholic Church
                  ¿Qué hay para mi?                                              5586 117th Ave.
Creo que todos hemos sido culpables de mirar una                                   PO Box 558
situación y preguntarnos qué hay para nosotros. No                              Fennville, MI 49408
importa si se trata de una asignación particular de              Oficina Parroquial/Parish Office: 269-561-5029
trabajo, alguien en la parroquia que pide ayuda con la          Página Web/Website: www.sanfelipe-fennville.org
venta de pasteles para el viaje misionero o tu cónyuge            En caso de emergencia: Llame al Coordinador
preguntándote si te puedes hacer cargo de la compra de              Parroquial (Joe Marble) al 269-501-9865.
comestibles esta semana. A menudo, nuestra primera
reacción a una de estas solicitudes es un suspiro pro-
                                                                            Lecturas de la semana
fundo y el pensamiento: "Si hago esto, ¿qué obtendré?"
                                                                          del 17 de octubre del 2021
A veces nos sorprende darnos cuenta de que los
Apóstoles no fueron diferentes. Tendemos a idolatrar a        Domingo siguiente: 29º Domingo
                                                                del Tiempo Ordinario
estos contemporáneos de Cristo como gigantes que                Is 53, 10-11/Sal 32, 4-5. 18-19.
caminaron con el Salvador. Pero en realidad, estos              20. 22/Heb 4, 14-16/
individuos eran simplemente seres humanos que                   Mc 10, 35-45 o 10, 42-45
luchaban por comprometerse con la tarea de la                 Lunes: San Lucas, evangelista
corresponsabilidad diaria.                                      2 Tm 4, 10-17/Sal 144, 10-11.
                                                                12-13. 17-18/Lc 10, 1-9
En los Evangelios, tenemos vistazos de ellos anhelando        Martes: San Juan de Brébeuf y San Isaac Jogues,
elogios y afirmación. Los vemos compitiendo por                  sacerdotes, y compañeros, mártires
posiciones de poder dentro del grupo de los doce. Los            Rom 5, 12. 15. 17-19. 20-21/Sal 39, 7-8. 8-9. 10. 17/
vemos esperar recompensas terrenales como el honor y             Lc 12, 35-38
la admiración. Los vemos actuando mucho como                  Miércoles: San Pablo de la Cruz, sacerdote
nosotros.                                                        Rom 6, 12-18/Sal 123, 1-3. 4-6. 7-8/Lc 12, 39-48
Pero al final, los vemos transformados por la gracia de          Rom 6, 19-23/Sal 1, 1-2. 3. 4 y 6/Lc 12, 49-53
Dios. Como todos los santos, su santidad proviene de          Viernes: San Juan Pablo II, papa
su compromiso con su llamado. Ellos tropiezan, y                 Rom 7, 18-25/Sal 118, 66. 68. 76. 77. 93. 94/
mientras tropiezan, siguen confiando en Dios. Siguen             Lc 12, 54-59
volviéndose hacia Él. Siguen pidiendo ayuda. No se                             Sábado: San Juan de Capistrano,
rinden solo porque siguen fallando.                                                sacerdote; BVM
                                                                                   Rom 8, 1-11/Sal 23, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6/
Nos define lo que damos cuando no tenemos ninguna                                  Lc 13, 1-9
esperanza de ser reembolsados, recompensados o                                  Domingo siguiente: 30º Domingo
reconocidos. Los Apóstoles entendieron esto,                                       del Tiempo Ordinario; Domingo
eventualmente, y dieron correspondientemente. La                                   de la Misión Mundial
                                                                                   Jr 31, 7-9/Sal 125, 1-2. 2-3. 4-5. 6/
mayoría de ellos dio su propia vida.                                               Heb 5, 1-6/Mc 10, 46-52
                       Recuerda, ellos son como
                       nosotros. Si ellos pueden hacer-                     Su Aporte a la Parroquia
                       lo, nosotros también podemos.
                                                                      Domingo XXVIII del Tiempo Ordinario –
                       - Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
                                                                                 10 de octubre
             OCTUBRE ES EL MES DEL ROSARIO                               Colecta de Domingo $ 654.50
                                                                        La Venta de Tamales $ 11,059.75
                Rezamos el Rosario públicamente
                                                                       Gracias por apoyar a su parroquia.
                  todos los jueves a las 6 pm.

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