Page created by Fred Walton
Preliminary Program


CNS Tumors:
Innovative Technology                                                    Advance

That Advances Patient Care
                                                                         Deadline is
                                                                         September 6, 2018

             Jointly provided by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons
                        and the AANS/CNS Section on Tumors
Dear Colleague,

We are excited to invite you to Houston, Texas, October 5–6, for the 14th Biennial Tumor Section
Satellite Symposium, which immediately precedes the 2018 CNS Annual Meeting. Our meeting
theme this year is CNS Tumors: Innovative Technology that Advances Patient Care.
    Join us at this two-day event for engaging scientific sessions that explore technological advances
in CNS tumor care and how these innovations are impacting the care of tumor patients in the
operating room and beyond. Stay on top of immune-based therapies for CNS tumors, and discover
how big data and artificial intelligence can be leveraged to improve patient care.
    Breakout Sessions for residents, fellows, and young attendings address topics such as starting a lab, clinical trials for
beginners, and what to do after residency. Be sure to catch the best original science with four select oral abstract presentations
and discussions. We’re also pleased to offer industry-sponsored breakfast and lunch symposiums that will provide more
opportunities for learning.
    We are thrilled to welcome our 2018 Keynote Speaker, NASA Astronaut G. Reid Wiseman, who spent nearly six months on
the International Space Station in 2014.
    The 31st Anniversary Gala takes place on Friday evening at the luxurious Four Seasons Hotel Houston, and is the perfect
setting to mingle with colleagues and friends. The Tumor Section’s Career Awards will be presented for: distinguished service
(The Mark Rosenblum Distinguished Service Award), career accomplishments (The Charles B. Wilson Award), and mentoring
(The Andrew T. Parsa Mentorship Award), along with certificates for best oral and poster presentations from the open abstract
sessions during the day.
    On Saturday afternoon, the program will transition into the Sawaya Symposium honoring the career of Raymond Sawaya, MD,
who chaired the neurosurgery department at MD Anderson since its establishment in 1990 through this year. The Biennial
Tumor Section Satellite Symposium takes place at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in the heart of downtown Houston, Texas. Take
time to explore Discovery Green Park, the city’s largest green space, right outside the doors of the hotel. You’ll also want to visit
the nearby Museum District and get the best view in Houston from the JP Morgan Chase Tower Observation Deck.
    We encourage you to stay for the 2018 CNS Annual Meeting, October 6–10, for more education and networking with colleagues.
When you register for both meetings together, you will receive an automatic $100 off your CNS Annual Meeting registration.

We can’t wait to see you in Houston!


               SECTION CHAIR                              MEETING CHAIR                                  MEETING CHAIR

                MANISH AGHI                             JEFFREY WEINBERG                                   ISAAC YANG
     University of California, San Francisco         MD Anderson Cancer Center                  University of California, Los Angeles
               San Francisco, CA                           Houston, TX                                    Los Angeles, CA

Tumor Section Executive Committee

                                    Who Should Attend
   Tumor neurological surgeons, residents, fellows, medical students, nurse clinicians, and physician
assistants are welcome and encouraged to attend the Tumor Section Satellite Symposium. Educational
           sessions are directed toward these audiences and directly apply to their practices.

Symposium                       Meeting Learning                   Accreditation                    AMA Credit Designation
Description:                    Objectives:                        Statement                        Statement:

This symposium will explore     Upon completion of this            This activity has been planned   The CNS designates this live
technological advances in cns   symposium, participants will       and implemented in accordance    activity for a maximum of 13.25
tumor care and how these        be able to:                        with the accreditation           AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
innovations are impacting the                                      requirements and policies of     Physicians should claim only the
care of tumor patients in the   77 Discuss advancements in         the Accreditation Council of     credit commensurate with the
operating room and beyond.         technology, brain tumor         Continuing Medical Education     extent of their participation in
It will identify immune-based      treatments, and relevance to    (ACCME) through the joint        the activity.
therapies for cns tumors, and      outcome                         providership of the Congress
how big data and artificial     77 Develop innovative              of Neurological Surgeons and
intelligence can improve           treatment strategies for        the Tumor Section. The CNS
patient care.                      patients with brain tumors at   is accredited by the ACCME       Mid-Level
                                   diagnosis and recurrence        to provide continuing medical    Practitioners:
                                77 Discuss emerging surgical,      education for physicians.
                                   medical, radiation, and                                          Attendees will receive a
                                   immunotherapy treatments                                         certificate of attendance.
                                   to achieve the best outcome                                      Please contact your individual
                                77 Recognize new opportunities                                      membership association
                                   for computation, artificial                                      and certification board to
                                   intelligence, and big data to                                    determine the requirements for
                                   impact brain tumor patient                                       accepting credits.

                                                                                          2018 TUMOR SECTION S
                                                                                                              ATELLITE SYMPOSIUM   3
Program Schedule
                                            FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018
9:00–9:05 am
Introduction to Tumor Section Satellite
                                                      General Session II:                          1:45–2:00 pm
                                                                                                   Potential Power of T Cells for Brain
Symposium                                             Immunotherapy                                Tumor Immunotherapy
Manish K. Aghi                                        1:15–2:15 pm                                 Hideho Okada
9:05–9:15 am                                          Moderators: Nduka M. Amankulor,              2:00–2:15 pm
Opening Remarks                                       Maryam Rahman                                How do we Know if it Worked?
Jeffrey S. Weinberg, Isaac Yang                       Speakers: Amy B. Heimberger, Michael         Endpoints in GBM Immunotherapy
                                                      Lim, Hideho Okada, Ian F. Parney             Ian F. Parney
General Session I:                                       1:15–1:30 pm                           2:15–3:00 pm
OR Technology Advances                                   GBM: The Prototypical                  Break with Exhibitors
                                                         Immunological Cold Tumor Steps to
9:15 am–12:00 pm                                         Enhance Immune Surveillance            3:00–5:00 pm
Moderators: Daniel A. Orringer,                          Amy B. Heimberger                      Abstract Session II:
Akash J. Patel                                                                                  Selected Oral Abstract Presentations
Speakers: Gene H. Barnett, Shabbar F.                    1:30–1:45 pm                           and Discussion
Danish, David T. Fuentes, John Y.K. Lee                  Identifying the Appropriate            Moderators: Michael Lim, Chirag G. Patil,
                                                         Effector Immune Cells for GBM          Jonathan H. Sherman
   9:15–9:30 am                                          Immunotherapy
   LITT for Brain Tumors                                 Michael Lim
   Gene H. Barnett
   9:30–9:45 am
   Mathematical Model Based
   Predictions for LITT
   David T. Fuentes
                                                                 Breakout Sessions for Residents, Fellows,
   9:45–10:00 am
   MRI Guided LITT for the Treatment of                          Medical Students, and Young Attendings
   Infield recurrence after Radiosurgery—
   Does the Biopsy Matter?
   Shabbar F. Danish                                   Breakout Session 1:                           5:30–5:45 pm
                                                                                                     Working with Industry
                                                       5:00–6:00 pm
   10:00–10:15 am                                                                                    Michael A. Vogelbaum
                                                       Starting a Lab
   Near Infrared Fluorescent, Targeted                 Speakers: Peter Fecci, Amy B.                 5:45–6:00 pm
   & Non-targeted Dyes During Brain                    Heimberger, Viviane S. Tabar                  Questions and Discussion
   Tumor Surgery
   John Y.K. Lee                                          5:00–5:15 pm
                                                          Initial Funding: Startup Package,
                                                                                                  Breakout Session 3:
10:15–11:00 am                                            K Versus R Philanthropy,                5:00 pm–6:00 pm
Break with Exhibitors                                     Foundations                             From Residency to Job
                                                          Peter Fecci                             Discussants: Isaac Yang,
KEYNOTE SPEAKER                                                                                   Michael E. Ivan
                                                          5:15–5:30 pm
                                                                                                  Speakers: William T. Curry, Jennifer A.
                                                          Finding the Right Personnel
                      11:00–11:30 am                                                              Moliterno Gunel, Isaac Yang
                                                          Viviane S. Tabar
                      G. Reid Wiseman                                                                5:00–5:20 pm
                      NASA Astronaut                      5:30–5:45 pm
                                                                                                     Fellowship or No Fellowship?
                                                          Grant Writing for Neurosurgeons
                        G. Reid Wiseman served            Amy B. Heimberger                             5:00–5:10 pm
                        as Flight Engineer aboard                                                       Pro
                        the International Space           5:45–6:00 pm                                  Jennifer A. Moliterno Gunel
                        Station for Expedition 41.        Questions and Discussion
                        During the 165-day mission,                                                     5:10–5:20 pm
Wiseman and his crewmates spent hundreds of            Breakout Session 2:                              Con
                                                                                                        Isaac Yang
hours conducting valuable scientific research in       5:00–6:00 pm
areas such as human physiology, medicine, physical     Clinical Trials for Beginners                 5:20–5:40 pm
science, Earth science, and astrophysics. Wiseman      Speakers: Frederick F. Lang, Andrew           Finding a Job: Skull Base/
also fostered a strong social media presence           E. Sloan, Michael A. Vogelbaum                Glioma—Can One do Both in the
throughout his mission by sharing photos, personal                                                   Modern Era?
                                                           5:00–5:15 pm
tweets and short videos about life aboard the                                                        Discussants: Isaac Yang,
                                                           Building a Trial out of Things you
station.                                                                                             Michael E. Ivan
                                                           do Every Day (Lumbar Drain,
11:30–12:00 pm                                             AEDs, etc.)                               5:40–5:50 pm
Abstract Session I:                                        Frederick F. Lang                         Building a Practice
Selected Oral Abstract Presentations                                                                 William T. Curry
                                                           5:15–5:30 pm
and Discussion                                                                                       5:50–6:00 pm
                                                           The Basic Terminology: Alphabet
Moderators: Jeffrey S. Weinberg,                                                                     Questions and Discussion
                                                           Soup—INDs, DSMBs, AEDs
Isaac Yang
                                                           Andrew E. Sloan
12:10–1:10 pm
Lunch With Exhibitors

 12:10-1:10 pm                                                                  31st Anniversary Gala
 Sponsored Lunch Symposium                                                              7:00–10:00 pm
                                                                                      Reception & Dinner

Program Schedule
                                 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2018
 7:00–8:00 am                                  9:45–10:00 am                                2:00–2:15 pm
 Sponsored Breakfast Symposium                 Use of Genetic Technologies in               Research (Clinical and Basic Science)
                                               Oncology Decision Making                     Mitchel S. Berger
8:00–9:00 am                                   P. Andrew Futreal                            2:15–2:30 pm
Abstract Session III: Selected Oral         10:00–10:45 am                                  Spine Oncology
Abstract Presentations and Discussion       Break with Exhibitors                           Ziya L. Gokaslan
Moderators: William T. Curry, Isabelle M.   10:45 am–12:15 pm
Germano, Won Kim                                                                            2:30–2:45 pm
                                            Abstract Session IV: Selected Oral              Metastatic Disease
                                            Abstract Presentations and Discussion           E. Antonio Chiocca
General Session III:                        Moderators: Michael E. Ivan, Gordon Li,
                                                                                            2:45–3:00 pm
Data Technology                             Debraj Mukherjee
                                                                                            Need/Benefit of Neurosurgical
9:00–10:00 am                               12:15–1:15 pm                                   Sub-specialization
Moderators: Daniel P. Cahill, Ali Jalali    Lunch With Exhibitors                           Frederick G. Barker
Speakers: P. Andrew Futreal, Bilwaj K.                                                      3:00–3:15 pm
Gaonkar, Funda Meric-Bernstam, Jun S.        12:15–1:15 pm                                  Database
Song                                         Sponsored Lunch Symposium                      Jason P. Sheehan
   9:00–9:15 am                                                                             3:15–3:30 pm
   Decision Support for Precision
   Oncology                                 Sawaya Symposium                                Skull Base
                                                                                            Jacques J. Morcos
   Funda Meric-Bernstam                     1:15–5:00 pm
                                            Speakers: Mitchel S. Berger, Frederick          3:30–3:45 pm
   9:15–9:30 am                                                                             Break
   Functional Genomic Characterization      G. Barker, E. Antonio Chiocca, Ziya L.
   of Germline Risk Variants in Low-        Gokaslan, Frederick F. Lang, Jacques J.         3:45–4:45 pm
   Grade Glioma                             Morcos, James T. Rutka, Jason P. Sheehan,       Oral Abstract Presentations
   Jun S. Song                              Jeffrey S. Weinberg, Isaac Yang                 4:45–5:00 pm
   9:30–9:45 am                                 1:15–1:45 pm                                Sawaya Symposium Conclusion
   Automating the Image Based                   History of MDACC and Sawaya             5:00 pm
   Assessment and Analysis of                   Legacy                                  Closing Remarks
   Tumors Using Pattern Recognition             Frederick F. Lang                       Jeffrey S. Weinberg, Isaac Yang
   Techniques                                   1:45–2:00 pm
   Bilwaj K. Gaonkar                            Education in Neurosurgery/              All speakers and topics are subject to change.
                                                Neurosurgical Oncology
                                                James T. Rutka

Deadline is
September 6, 2018

      Attend both the 2018 Tumor Section Satellite Symposium and the 2018 CNS Annual Meeting and
         Save $100 off your CNS Annual Meeting Registration! Please email meetings@cns.org for
                                             questions on this special offer!

                                                                                         2018 TUMOR SECTION SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM         5
general Information

Airport/Ground                      Attire                               Disclaimer                            Exhibit Hall Hours
Transportation                      Professional attire is               The material presented at the
The Tumor Section Satellite         appropriate for the meeting          2018 Tumor Section Satellite               Friday, October 5
Symposium takes place at            and in the Exhibit Hall.             Symposium has been made                    9:00 am - 6:00 pm
the Marriott Marquis Hotel,         Professional/Dressy attire is        available by the Tumor Section
which is located approximately      appropriate for the Friday,          for educational purposes only.           Saturday, October 6
10 miles from the Hobby             October 5 Anniversary Gala.          The material is not intended              8:00 am - 1:30 pm
International Airport (HOU)                                              to represent the only, nor
and 21 miles from the George        Climate/Time Zone                    necessarily the best, method or       Admittance to the Exhibit Hall
Bush Intercontinental Airport       Houston’s climate is classified      procedure appropriate for the         is by Tumor Section Meeting
(IAH).                              as humid subtropical. In             medical situations discussed, but     name badge only. Children
                                    October, expect average high         rather is intended to present an      under the age of 18 are not
Taxis are readily available         82 degrees Fahrenheit with           approach, view, statement, or         allowed in the Exhibit Hall.
outside Baggage Claim/Arrivals      the low average of 61 degrees        opinion of the faculty which may
Level, Terminals A, B, C, and E.    Fahrenheit. It is recommended        be helpful to others who face         Smoking
                                    that you check the weather           similar situations.                   The Marriott Marquis Hotel is a
Americans with                      forecast two days before your                                              non-smoking facility.
Disabilities Act                    flight for the latest weather        Neither the content (whether
The Tumor Section takes steps       and temperature information.         written or oral) of any course,
to ensure that no individual        Please use this information to       seminar, or other presentation        Speaker Ready
with a disability is excluded,      pack appropriately.                  in the program, nor the use of a      Room
denied services, segregated, or                                          specific product in conjunction       All speakers and abstract
otherwise treated differently        Houston is located in the           therewith, nor the exhibition         presenters should visit the
than other individuals because      Central Daylight Time Zone.          of any materials by any parties       Speaker Ready Room at the
of the absence of auxiliary aids                                         coincident with the program,          Marriott Marquis Hotel prior to
or services. If you require any                                          should be construed as indicating     their presentations.
of the auxiliary aids or services   Things to Do and                     endorsement or approval of the
identified in the Americans         Places to Go!                        views presented, the products              Friday, October 5
with Disabilities Act in order      For information go to                used, or the materials exhibited           7:00 am - 6:30 pm
to attend any program, please       visithoustontexas.com. The city      by the Tumor Section or by its
send your requirements              offers a variety of fun activities   Committees or Affiliates.                Saturday, October 6
directly to the CNS Meetings        and outstanding dining                                                         6:00 am - 6:00 pm
Department at                       opportunities for the business       The Tumor Section disclaims
meetings@cns.org, or by             traveler as well as families.        any and all liability for injury or
calling 847.240.2500.                                                    other damages resulting to any
                                    WiFi Service                         individual attending the meeting,     Onsite Registration
                                    For your convenience,                and for all claims which may arise    Hours
                                    complimentary Wi-Fi service          out of the use of the techniques
                                    is provided throughout the           demonstrated therein by such               Friday, October 5
                                    Marriott Marquis Hotel               individuals, whether these claims          8:00 am - 6:00 pm
                                    wherever Tumor Section events        shall be asserted by physicians or
                                    are being held.                      any other person.                         Saturday, October 6
                                                                                                                    6:30 am - 5:00 pm
                                                                         No reproductions of any
                                                                         kind, including audiotape
                                                                         and videotape, may be made
                                                                         of the presentations at the
                                                                         Tumor Section Meeting. The
                                                                         Tumor Section reserves all of
                                                                         its rights to such material, and
                                                                         commercial reproduction is
                                                                         specifically prohibited.

Registration and Housing Information

Online Registration                 Cancellations/                        Ways to Secure                     Hotel Change/
Go to cns.org/tumor to register     Refunds                               Housing                            Cancellation Policy
online. Visa, MasterCard or         Requests for registration             Hotel reservations for the         The deadline date for new
American Express are accepted       cancellation must be made in          2018 Tumor Section Satellite       reservations is September 25,
for payment. Online advance         writing and sent to:                  Symposium are made in              based on availability. The hotel
registration is the most                Tumor Section Satellite           conjunction with the 2018 CNS      requires a deposit of one night’s
immediate and secure method             Symposium                         Annual Meeting.                    room and tax to reserve your
of registration.                        CNS Registration and                                                 room. Please make any changes
                                        Housing Center                    Please visit cns.org/tumor to      or cancellations through
Paper Registration                      6100 Plano Pkwy                   review housing availability and    the CNS housing bureau,
Detach and complete the                 Suite 3500                        book your hotel through MCI,       MCI, through September 25.
advance registration form               Plano, TX 75093                   the CNS official housing vendor.   Beginning September 26 and up
on page 9 with credit card              Email: cns@mcievents.com                                             to 72 hours prior to your arrival,
information and send by one of          Fax: 972.349.7715                                                    changes and cancellations must
the following methods:                                                    Deposit                            be made directly with your
                                    All qualifying refunds will be        A deposit of one night’s room      reserved hotel. Please refer
Fax (credit cards only):            processed following the 2018          and tax is due at the time your    to your housing confirmation
972.349.7115                        Tumor Section meeting. Please         hotel reservation is made. This    for your individual hotel’s
Email: cns@mcievents.com            allow four to six weeks for           payment must be submitted with     cancellation policy.
Mail with check or credit card      processing.                           your registration fee and will
information to:                                                           be charged to the credit card
    Tumor Section Satellite         Refunds will be made in               provided. Please make checks       Beginning
    Symposium                       accordance with the following         payable to: CNS Registration       September 26, 2018
    CNS Registration and            schedule:                             and Housing Center, 6100 W.        77 All changes, cancellations,
    Housing Center                  77 Cancellations received on or       Plano Parkway, Suite 3500,            or questions regarding your
    6100 W. Plano Pkwy                 before 5:00 pm September 13,       Plano, TX 75093. All rooms            reservation must be made
    Suite 3500                         2018, will receive a full refund   are subject to applicable             directly with the hotel.
    Plano, TX 75093                    less a $100 processing fee.        state and local taxes. A small     77 If cancellation notice is not
                                    77 No refunds will be made for        portion of your room rate will        received according to the
For wire transfers or questions        cancellations received after       be used to help defray the cost       hotel policy, the deposit will
regarding the 2018 Tumor               September 13 or for no-shows.      of registration and housing           be forfeited. Your individual
Section Satellite Symposium call                                          services. Hotel reservations          hotel’s cancellation policy
847.240.2500.                                                             requested without deposit will        can be found in your emailed
                                                                          not be processed.                     confirmation.
A confirmation will be sent to
you via email or fax (if no email
address is supplied) or via mail
(if no email or fax number is

      Attend both the 2018 Tumor Section Satellite Symposium and the 2018 CNS Annual Meeting and
          Save $100 off your CNS Annual Meeting Registration! Please email meetings@cns.org for
                                                 questions on this special offer!

                                                                                                   2018 TUMOR SECTION SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM   7


           2018 ANNUAL EETING
           HOUSTON, TEXAS | OCTOBER 6-10, 2018

             Advance Registration Deadline: September 6, 2018
            Attend both the 2018 Tumor Section Satellite Symposium and the 2018 CNS Annual Meeting and Save $100 off
             your CNS Annual Meeting Registration! Please email meetings@cns.org for questions on this special offer!
       HOUSTON, TEXAS • OCTOBER 5-6, 2018
  REGISTRATION FORM                                                                           You may also register online at www.cns.org/tumor

Name                                                           Tumor Section Member ID#         Daytime Phone Number (Include country code if applicable)

Organization/Company                                                                            Alternate Phone

Address				                                                                                     Preferred Email Address—confirmations are sent via email

City                       State                         Zip                      Country

  Required NPI Number                                                                            Americans with Disabilities Act:
  Please provide us with your NPI (National Provider Identifier)
  Number_____________________________________________________                                       Please check here if you may require special accommodations
                                                                                                 or services in order to attend. You will be contacted by a Tumor
  Please help us collect accurate attendee demographics                                          Section representative.
  by indicating which practice setting most applies to you.
    Private Practice    Academic Institution
    Mixed Academic/Private Practice       Hospital Employed
                                                                                                 Special Dietary Restrictions:
    Military    Retired    Other___________________________________
  ____________________________________________________________                                       Vegetarian
                                                                                                     Other (please specify)
Advance Registration Deadline is September 6, 2018                                               ____________________________________________________________
Registration Fees
Please circle the appropriate registration fee:                                                      None
                                           On or before 9/6                After 9/6
Tumor Section Member                                  $375                     $475
Non-member                                            $575                     $675              Exhibitor E-mail/Phone Opt-out:
Residents/Fellows*                                    $100                     $200                Check here if you do not want your phone number
Physician Assistants                                  $250                     $350              encoded.
Nurses                                                $250                     $350
                                                                                                   Check here if you do not want your e-mail address
Medical Students**                                    $50                      $100              encoded.
*All Domestic Residents: Your Program Director must sign the statement below:
I certify that the individual named above is a Resident in a neurosurgical training program
accredited by the ACGME and the Residency Review Committee for Neurosurgery.
                                                                                                Friday, october 5
Program Director (Print Name)
                                                                                                31st Anniversary Gala
                                                                                                One ticket is included in registration fee.
Program Director Signature 		                     Date

**Medical students must provide copy of student ID                                                I will be attending the 31st Anniversary Gala.
                                                                                                  I would like to order additional tickets.
                                                                                                Quantity__________@ $150.00 each
HOTEL ROOM RATES                                                                                        Single/Double
                                                                                                        Room Rate Only             Room Rate with local/state tax and fees*
   Marriott Marquis Houston – Headquarters Hotel                                                             $ 269                      $ 314.73
   (connected to GRB Convention Center)
   Embassy Suites by Hilton Houston Downtown                                                                 $ 239                      $ 279.63
   Four Seasons Hotel Houston                                                                                $ 305                      $ 359.10**
   Hampton Inn Houston Downtown                                                                              $ 239                      $ 279.63
   Hilton Americas – Houston (connected to GRB Convention Center)                                            $ 269                      $ 314.73
   Homewood Suites by Hilton Houston Downtown                                                                $ 239                      $ 279.63
   Westin Houston Downtown                                                                                   $ 219                      $ 256.23
*Tax rates subject to change.
**An additional State Cost-Recovery Fee of $2.25 will be charged per room per night. The fee will not be included in the one night room and tax deposit.

HOTEL RESERVATIONS                                                       Special Requests                    Two (2) Beds

                                                                                                             Crib (additional fee may apply)
  S     M    T     W     T     F     S                                                                       Rollaway bed (additional fee may apply)
 30     1    2     3     4     5     6                                   Please note, the Tumor Section cannot guarantee bed type or special
                                                                         requests as this is subject to availability upon arrival at the hotel.
                                                                         If your preferred hotel choice is not available, you will be contacted and
                                                                         confirmed into the next available hotel.
ARRIVAL DATE 		                    DEPARTURE DATE                            Please check this box if you are interested in reserving a suite. (A CNS housing
                                                                             center representative will contact you regarding suite availability and rates.
                                                                             In the meantime, a standard room will be assigned.)

Please Note: Each hotel has its own cancellation policy and some may charge an early departure fee. The individual hotel’s policies will be listed in your e-mail
confirmation. Any cancellations not made within the hotel’s cancellation policy will result in forfeiture of your one night’s room and tax deposit. The deadline date
for new reservations based on availability is September 25, 2018. The hotel requires a deposit of one night’s room and tax to reserve your room. Please continue to
make any requests/changes by e-mailing cns@mcievents.com or calling 800-931-9543 through September 25, 2018. Beginning September 26, 2018, changes and
cancellations must be made with your assigned hotel.

                                                                                                                                              HOTEL DEPOSIT $____________

PAYMENT                                                                 Credit Card Authorization: Credit card will be charged immediately for
Subtotal Registration                $_________________                 registration fees. (US dollars drawn on a US bank)

Subtotal Hotel Deposit               $_________________                Visa		                     American Express                      MasterCard
Subtotal Gala                        $_________________
                                                                     CREDIT CARD NUMBER                                                     EXPIRATION DATE (MONTH/YEAR)
                          TOTAL $_________________
                                                                     NAME OF CARDHOLDER (PRINT)
      Check: Full payment must accompany your
      registration form. Make check (US Dollars drawn                BILLING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT THAN REGISTRANT)
      on a US Bank) payable to: CNS Annual Meeting
      Registration and Housing Center, 6100 W. Plano                 SIGNATURE
      Pkwy, Suite 3500, Plano, TX 75093. (Any checks                By signing this form: I authorize the CNS Registration and Housing Center to charge my credit card for the total payment
      received from an overseas bank will be returned.              due, acknowledge that the CNS registration cancellation policies are in effect, and grant the CNS the right to use photos
      Any checks returned for insufficient funds are                taken at the Tumor Section Satellite Symposium which include me in promotional materials for future meetings.
      subject to additional charges.)                               These fees are subject to audit and in case of error, the CNS Registration and Housing Center reserves the right to
                                                                    correct the error and charge the appropriate fees.

Registration Cancellation Policy: Full registration refunds, less a $100 processing fee, will be granted if written requests for cancellation are received by 5:00 pm CT on September
13, 2018. Course, seminar, and event tickets will be refunded in full until September 13, 2018. No refunds of any kind will be given after this date, regardless of cause. Refunds will
not be given for no-shows. Any changes to existing badges after the published cut-off date of September 13, 2018, are assessed a $50 processing fee. Written requests may be
emailed to cns@mcievents.com, faxed to 972-349-7715, or mailed to the CNS Annual Meeting Registration and Housing Center, 6100 W. Plano Pkwy, Suite 3500, Plano, TX 75093.

Please RETURN TO CNS REGISTRATION AND HOUSING CENTER You may also register online at www.cns.org/Tumor.
Fax:     972-349-7715              Mail: Tumor Section Satellite Symposium
         (credit card only)              CNS Registration and Housing Center
                                         6100 W. Plano Pkwy, Suite 3500
                                         Plano, TX 75093
Exhibitors at        Arbor Pharmaceuticals
                                BioD, LLC
the 2016 Tumor                    Brainlab
Section Satellite               Carl Zeiss
Symposium                   DePuy Synthes
                         Monteris Medical
                             Tocagen, Inc.

           Join us this year for more!
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