Celebrating - First Baptist Church Tupelo

Page created by Ken Quinn
Celebrating - First Baptist Church Tupelo

 Children Celebrate the Story of Jesus’ Birth
   Sunday, December 5 ◾ 6:00 p.m. ◾ Sanctuary

Season of Joy (A Celtic Christmas Celebration)
  Sunday, December 12 ◾ 6:00 p.m. ◾ Sanctuary

        Student led Christmas Worship
  Sunday, December 19 ◾ 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
           Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall

     Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship
   Friday, December 24 ◾ 4:00 p.m. ◾ 4:00 p.m.
Celebrating - First Baptist Church Tupelo

                                                                                  Christmas Holidays
                      Matt Powell, Senior Pastor                                         CHRISTMAS EVE DAY
                                                                                         Friday, December 24
                                                                                          Church Office Closed
Silent night… or was it?                 quiet moments reveal He is still
                                         there and working. “Be still, and               Christmas Eve Service
It is rather hard to escape noise in     know that I am God.” When we stop              4:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary
this world. In fact, the world’s         our striving and worrying and slow
leading cosmologists tell us the         down enough to listen for His voice
universe began with a “big bang,”        we find He is not silent.                     SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26
and the noise hasn’t slacked up                                                    8:30 a.m. Worship Service, Sanctuary
since. I believe it was the Grinch       At the same time, any casual                     9:45 a.m. Grow Groups
who cited Christmas’ greatest                                                   11:00 a.m. Worship Service, Fellowship Hall
                                         reading of the Christmas story from
problem, “all the noise, Noise,          Luke reveals there was nothing
NOISE!” Parties, packages, relatives,
                                         silent about that first Christmas              CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY
and kids on winter break… and this
                                         night: a delivery, a crying infant,            Monday, December 27
is only to mention a few because
                                         elated parents, shouting angels, and            Church Office Closed
the list goes on and on.
                                         wondering shepherds. The first
Noise can be annoying, but noise is      Christmas was indeed a Holy night
also a blessing. Noise implies life! A   but was far from silent. I am sure
totally quiet house is an empty one,     people sleeping in the Bethlehem
and a completely silent world is a       inn were indeed
lonely one. We know that light           having a silent night,
travels faster than sound, therefore     but for the people
we can see lightning before we hear      around the manger,
the crash of thunder. The first act of   there was nothing
creation, however, was not light,        but noise.
it was sound. The sound was a voice
that broke through the eternal           Don’t get me wrong,
nothingness of precreation which         God is working in the
said, “Let there be…” The first noise    silence, but when
in the history of the universe was       heaven breaks its
not a “bang,” it was a “blessing.” A     silence, there is noise
blessing spoken into the dark that       on the earth.
literally turned the eternal night
into day.                                So, I wish you a quiet Christmas, or
                                         maybe I don’t. Maybe you need
Words spoken in the dark are a
                                         some noise, or maybe you need to       New Year’s Holiday
reoccurring theme throughout the
Scriptures: Abram was told under a       be reminded that those noises
starry sky he would be the father of     which are driving you crazy, just                 NEW YEAR’S EVE
many children, Joseph was told in a      might be the beginnings of a                     Friday, December 31
                                         blessing. My prayer for you this                 Church Office Closed
dream to take Mary to be his wife,
and a handful of shepherds were          Christmas is God would give
promised if they would run into          you a silent night, then that He            SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 2022
town, they would discover a baby         would bring you noise. So much            8:30 a.m. Worship Service, Sanctuary
wrapped in swaddling clothes.            noise, that you would not be able to             9:45 a.m. Grow Groups
                                         miss His blessing.                     11:00 a.m. Worship Service, Fellowship Hall
God still speaks and works today
but often we cannot hear and see         Merry Christmas,
because of all the distraction and       Matt and Andrea
noise. However, the occasional           Luke 2:9-14
Celebrating - First Baptist Church Tupelo

Missions & Support                                                                             Lee Allred, Executive Pastor

                     The Season of Giving :                                                     Merry Christmas
Three Ways to Give at Year-end that will Benefit the Kingdom
                                                                                                 to a wonderful
Prayerfully consider giving to the         October 2022, the church will be able
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for         to continue moving forward with the                  Church Family
International Missions                     project with the least amount of
I personally believe this is the most      financed debt as possible.
important offering we receive all year
long. One hundred percent of the           Prayerfully consider year-end
funds given to The Lottie Moon             giving to the regular budget
Christmas Offering support and             offering
sustain the work of 3900 plus Southern     Giving to the regular operating budget
Baptist International Missionaries         offering supports and sustains the
around the world. Our missionaries         day-to-day ministry from our home
through the International Mission
                                           base to Tupelo and beyond.
Board continue to reach new believers
and provide discipleship as borders for
many countries remain closed. Our                   Testimonies from Our International Ministry
goal this year is $100,000. Perhaps you
                                           (Unedited: Published as received.)
had planned to travel in 2021 on a
                                           The situation here is still difficult. The increase of salaries with disproportionate increase
mission journey and would have given
                                           of prices of products and utilities has created a real problem, including pastors, whom
to cover the costs of travel. Would you    their churches cannot pay according to the new scale. Even the Convention cannot
consider a gift equal to or greater than   pay their workers the minimum salary. As a result, the Seminary staff is not receiving
what you would have paid for your          the lowest salary the government pay, which is not enough neither. The stuff we are
mission journey in 2021 to help reach      receiving from the funds you are sending has been a blessing for us and for the rest of
the goal of $100,000?                      the people we are helping.

Prayerfully consider a year-end gift       The Cuban population is really struggling due to the economy, particularly the church-
to“The Harvest” Building Campaign          es. Hopefully, when the country opens their frontiers the situation will improve.
                                           We really need a breakthrough. Also, as I said before, it has been providential that
We are currently in Phase 1B-E of the      the funds are coming through M_____, since paradoxically, it is easy to buy stuff in
construction process with a contracted     Pinar rather than in Havana. Over here the corruption is higher and there are people
amount of $10,835,865 million plus         getting as much as they can in order to sell outside the system much more expensive.
approximately $225,000 in soft costs of    This is an overview of our current situation. God's provision through you and your
work to be done. This amount of work       partners has been an oasis in this extreme situation. We appreciate your willingness to
completes phase 1 which provides the       be a channel and also the desire of your church to participate in this project. God
new building just occupied, renovation     has blessed us with this help more than we expected. We are really thankful and
of the existing preschool and Youth        overwhelmed.
space, new Commons building, new
Grand Hall and expanded and
renovated Fellowship Hall, and new              Mission Journeys 2022                            Year-End Contributions
level parking and pavement. We             The plan for mission journeys in 2022           In order to receive contribution credit for
anticipate the demolition of the           are listed below. Prayerfully consider          year-end tithes and offerings, all contribu-
children’s building around the first of    where the Lord would have you serve in          tions must be turned into the church
February 2022, with a hopeful goal of      2022.                                           office no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday,
seeing the steel structure for the new                                                     December 31, 2021 or postmarked, not
                                           Across the Street/Around the Corner             date listed on the check, no later than
Commons going up by early May 2022.        March 17- 20, 2022                              December 31, 2021. All electronic giving
                                           Serving Tupelo is our goal during these         transactions must be made no later than
Building Fund Giving and Expenses          days. You can serve four days or one            11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2021. All
through November 21, 2021                  day. If you know of neighbors or                contributions received after the times
                                           widows or widowers that need help in            listed will be posted on 2022 contribution
 Pledged to Date: $6,090,193.18            our community, please email Lee at              records. Checks received in the mail will
 Collected to Date: $5,202,341.26          lallred@fbctupelo.org.                          be posted according to the postmark and
 Expenses to Date: $5,163,535.21                                                           not the date on the check.
 Balance on 11/22/2021: $48,912.20         Hawaii
                                           June 25-July 3, 2022                            For non-cash gifts – IRA charitable
                                           Working with Waikoloa Baptist Church            rollovers, marketable securities, real estate,
The challenge during the celebration                                                       other appreciated personal property –
banquet for “The Harvest” was to finish    in Waikoloa, Hawaii.
                                                                                           please contact Lee or David for FBC’s
our commitments strong. By giving to       Japan, Poland, Maine, Canada                    account information to complete timely
help complete your commitment by           Information and details coming soon.            transfers.
Celebrating - First Baptist Church Tupelo

Worship Ministry                                                                        RANDY WOOD, Worship Pastor

                                                            Sunday, December 12, 6:00 p.m. FBC Tupelo Sanctuary
                                                          With all that is going on in our day and time…strife, unrest, discord,
                                                          anxiety, rebellion, anguish, turmoil, confusion, sadness, and all that our
                                                          world offers, we have a HOPE! We have JOY! What great timing to
                                                          celebrate a Season of Joy. Our Adult Choir and orchestra will lead us
                                                          to worship the Lord this Christmas with the … Season of Joy. But the
                                                          angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will
                                                          cause great joy for all the people.” (Luke 2:10)

                                                          We will combine the passion of Celtic music and traditional anthems
                                                          this Christmas as we celebrate Christ’s birth. A standout offering is the
                                                          stunning overture, which features fiddles, penny whistles and bagpipes.
                                                          Our choir and orchestra will present “Carolin’ Reel,” Chris Tomlin’s
                                                          “Emmanuel (Hallowed Manger Ground),” Travis Cottrell’s “Jesus
                                                          Saves,” along with the beautiful choral arrangements “Noel” and
                                                          “Breath of Heaven.” Phillip Keveren’s “O Holy Night” and “Joy to the
                                                          World” will stir the souls of our worshippers. Our congregation will
                                                          openly express praise as they sing “A Festival of Carols.” Please mark
                                                          this date on your calendar and come enjoy the gift of God’s Son in
                                                          this ... Season of Joy.

             December 5 at 6 p.m. FBC Tupelo Sanctuary
It is called "that most wonderful time of the year" for good reason … because it is!

It will be a wonderful evening of worship on December 5, as our children celebrate
the story of Jesus’ birth. Our children will present the timeless story of Jesus
through scripture and a blend of new songs, carols, and hymns. Familiar Christmas
carols in new settings like “O Come, All Ye Faithful,” “Joy to the World,” “Angels
We Have Heard on High” and “I Adore You” with “O Come, All Ye Faithful” will
allow you to worship and express praise to our God. Pray for our children as they
prepare for this special service.

                                                                                          Sunday, December 5
                                                                                           Children Celebrate the Story of Jesus’
                                                                                           Birth, 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

                                                                                          Sunday, December 12
                                                                                           Season of Joy (A Celtic Christmas
                                                                                           Celebration), 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary
                                                                                          Sunday, December 19
       JESUS, INTO THIS WORLD FOR YOU AND FOR ME.                                          Student led Christmas Worship
      “Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they          8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary, 11:00 a.m. in
      shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”              the Fellowship Hall

                God with us makes for a Merry Christmas!                                  Friday, December 24
               Merry Christmas, dear friends at FBC Tupelo.                                Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship
                                                                                           4:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary
                        RANDY AND MARILYN WOOD
Celebrating - First Baptist Church Tupelo

                                                                                          LOTTIE MOON
Sunday                                                                                    CHRISTMAS
8:30 a.m.        Morning Worship (S);
9:45 a.m.        Group Groups for all ages                                                OFFERING
11:00 a.m.       Morning Worship (FH)
4:30 p.m.        Bible Drill (Tweens Rm.)                          Let’s Advance
8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday worship services are
available at First Baptist Church Tupelo on Facebook and at
                                                                   God’s Kingdom
www.fbctupelo.com online. 9:45 a.m. Sunday Grow Groups
will continue to be available at First Baptist Church Tupelo on
Facebook and at www.fbctupelo.com online.

Monday                                                             Together, we can bring help and hope to a
9:00 a.m.        ESL (Adult Educational Bldg.)                     hurting world. Today, you
                                                                   can transform lives
Wednesday                                                          with the Gospel.
9:00 a.m.        “Book of Revelation” for Ladies (Rm. 120-121)
5:00 p.m.        Handbell Choir (Handbell Room)
5:45 p.m.        Men’s Bible Study (Rm. 110-112)
6:00 p.m.        Choir/Worship Team Rehearsal (Choir Rm.)
                 ESL (Adult Educational Bldg.)

Wednesday, December 1
4:45 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
              Pizza (FH)
              Serving the Community (FBCT Parking Lot)
                                                                   FBC Tupelo Goal:
Thursday, December 2
11:00 a.m.     JOY Choir (Choir Rm.)
11:45 a.m.     JOY Luncheon (FH)

Sunday, December 5
4:00 p.m.     Children’s Choir Rehearsal (S)
                                                                                 100% of your gifts
6:00 p.m.     Children’s Choir Musical (S)                              To the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
                                                                        directly support IMB missionaries and
Wednesday, December 8                                                                 their ministries overseas.
4:45 p.m.     Wednesday Night Supper (FH)
5:30 pm.      Cookies & Caroling (GH)                                                      IMB.ORG/GENEROSITY
6:00 p.m.     Student Christmas Party (Youth Bldg.)

Friday, December 10
6:00 p.m.      Parents’ Night Out
                                                                    SUNDAY NIGHT MEAL, ADULT BIBLE STUDY, STUDENT
Sunday, December 12                                                EVENTS, CHILDREN’S CHOIR, AND SLAM WILL NOT MEET
9:45 a.m.     Happy Birthday, Jesus, Party (Preschool)                      DURING THE MONTH OF DECEMBER.
6:00 p.m.     Adult Choir & Orchestra Christmas Program (S)
                                                                    WEDNESDAY NIGHT KINGDOM KIDZ WILL NOT MEET
Friday, December 17                                                DURING THE MONTH OF DECEMBER. THERE ARE OTHER
6:00 p.m.      Late Night Christmas Party (Children)              EVENTS PLANNED DURING SOME DECEMBER WEDNESDAY
                                                                    NIGHTS. PLEASE SEE KIDZONE (PAGE 7) FOR DETAILS.
Sunday, December 19
8:30/11:00 a.m. Student led Christmas Worship (S/FH)

Friday, December 24
Christmas Eve—Church office closed
4:00 p.m.      Christmas Eve Service (S)
                                                                  Lynda Kelly, Gina Smith, Michael, Tanya, Holly-Grace and
Monday, December 27                                               Chrestman Kelly, Richard and Debbie Garrett, Mark and
Christmas Holiday—Church office closed                            Shelia Vernon, Tom and Mona Swindle
Celebrating - First Baptist Church Tupelo

Discipleship & Education                                                        RICKY YOUNG, Discipleship Pastor

                                          Reading the Bible through this month takes us to the end of
                                          the book. I surely hope you have received a blessing as you have read through
                                          God’s amazing Word this year. This month we will read through Hebrews,
                                          James, 1 and 2nd Peter, 1st, 2nd and 3rd John, Jude and Revelation. It is unclear
                                          who wrote the book of Hebrews, but it was written to encourage the original
             JOY CHOIR                    readers and us today to remain committed to our faith in Jesus. James, written
       Thursday, December 2               by the half-brother of Jesus, is a book filled with wisdom and insight. He draws
         In the Choir Room                heavily from the Proverbs, especially the first 9 chapters, the Sermon on the
                                          Mount and other of Jesus’ teachings to teach us to receive wisdom and to live
                                          out our faith with our actions, to be careful with our words and to come near to
         JOY LUNCHEON                     God. In his two epistles, Peter reminds us that we are not made for this world
       Thursday, December 2               but for another, that we need to stand true to our core beliefs, and to remember
          11:45 a.m. in the               the Lord is coming back soon. John, in his three letters, tells us that God forgives
           Fellowship Hall                us when we ask for forgiveness, we need to walk in the light of His love, obeying
        Enjoy a good meal and             His commands and to selflessly support God’s work. Jude encourages us to
       the FBCT Staff will lead in        stand firm in the truth of the Word and reject false teaching. The Revelation is a
        a Christmas celebration.          message John received while in exile on the Island of Patmos. The book can be
                                          challenging to understand, but in the end, he reminds us that no matter how
              Lunch is $5.
       Call the church office or
                                          difficult life may be in this world, in the end we win!!! We, who are believers get
       sign up at the Welcome             to spend eternity in the amazing heavenly home God has prepared for us. Enjoy
        Center, lower lobby or            reading and closing out this year of digging into God’s Word. We are promised
        outside the Sanctuary.            that it., “never returns void.” God bless you.

                                          Reading God’s Word in December:
                                          December 1: Hebrews 1-2, Psalm 25; December 2: Hebrews 3-4, Psalm 26; December
                                          3: Hebrews 5-6, Psalm 27; December 4-5: Hebrews 7-10, Psalm 28-29; December 6:
                                          Hebrews 11-13, Psalm 30; December 7: James 1-3, Psalm 31; December 8: James 4-5,
                                          Psalm 32; December 9: 1 Peter 1-2, Psalm 33; December 10: 1 Peter 3-5, Psalm 34;
                                          December 11-12: 2 Peter, 1 John 1-2, Psalm 35-36; December 13: 1 John 3-4, Psalm
                                          37; December 14: 1 John 5, 2 John, 3 John, Psalm 38; December 15: Jude, Psalm 39;
    Merry Christmas and                   December 16: Revelation 1-3, Psalm 40; December 17: Revelation 4-6, Psalm 41;
                                          December 18-19: Revelation 7-10, Psalm 42-43; December 20: Revelation 11-13,
     a Big “Thank You”                    Psalm 44; December 21: Revelation 14-16, Psalm 45; December 22: Revelation 17-18,
  TO OUR SUNDAY MORNING                   Psalm 46; December 23: Revelation 19-20, Psalm 47; December 24: Revelation 21-22,
         TEACHING TEAM                    Psalm 48; December 25-31: Catch up days
 You have done an amazing job this
  year and have led our classes and
ministered to our people so well. It is
a blessing to have such gifted people
 who work hard to prepare and lead
                                            From the Youngs to our FBC family,
     our Bible study each week.             We wish you a very Merry Christmas.
                                            We are so blessed to be a part of this
Please be sure to thank your teacher        family of faith. We have seen God’s
 for all of their hard work and make        hand at work in our family all year and
sure they know you don’t take them          we are so grateful for the way God is
                                            leading and blessing. We have also
 for granted. They are a special gift       seen God move in tremendous ways
             from the Lord.                 in our church family throughout 2021.
                                            Our prayer for you is that you enjoy
                                            time with family and people you love
                                            through the holidays and that we step
     OUR SUNDAY MORNING                     into 2022 with excited and expectant
SCHEDULES WILL NOT CHANGE FOR               hearts anxious to see how God is
  DECEMBER 26 AND JANUARY 2.                going to work in our families and in our
                                            church. Merry Christmas and God
  We will have worship services at          bless you and yours.
  8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary and            Ricky
 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Grow Groups will meet at 9:45 a.m.
Celebrating - First Baptist Church Tupelo

KidZone                                                           CARRIE DEVENNY, Director of Children’s Ministry
                                                                           BETSY O’NEAL, Director of Preschool

                                               PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT FOR BIRTH THROUGH SIXTH GRADE
        PIZZA AND                              Friday, December 10th from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. The cost is $8.00 per
                                               child or $20 maximum for a family. To ensure there are enough workers,
                                               you must prepay by Sunday, December 5th to secure your spot. See Kim
                                               in the church office or sign up at the Grow Group drop off and pick up
                                               location. Drop off and pick up will be at the north door beside the play

      Wednesday, December 1
        Family Pizza Night
      Begins at 4:45 p.m. in the
           Fellowship Hall
        We will need families
           and children to                                             Friday, December 17
       Serve the Community                                            6:00 p.m.—10:00 p.m.
  Hot dogs and Chips at 5:45 p.m.
      in the West Parking Lot                                       Cost is $5.00 to sign up.
                                                                  There are 50 spots available.
                                                                 See Kim in the church office or
                                                                   sign up at the Grow Group
                                                                      drop off and pick up

                                               CHILDREN’S CHOIRS will                 EXTENDED SESSION volunteers
                                               perform their Christmas Musical        are greatly needed during our
                                               on December 5th at 6:00 p.m. in        8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship
                                               the Sanctuary. They will rehearse      services. If you are not signed up
                                               at 4:00 p.m. that afternoon.           and would like to, contact Betsy.

     Two Years—Kindergarten will
  celebrate the birth of our Lord and
       King during Grow Group
  Our gift to Jesus is our Lottie Moon
          Christmas Offering.

                                               The Children and Preschool
                                               Departments would like to invite all
SLAM will not meet in December. It will        Church members to join us on
resume in January.                             Wednesday, December 8 as we go caroling
                                               and bring joy to our homebound, widows/
KINGDOM KIDZ will not meet during the          widowers. Meet in the Grand Hall at 5:30 p.m.
month of December. It will resume on           for cookies and to make cards. It will take a large
January 12th.                                  group of people so we ask that you join us as we carol
                                               and deliver cards and cookies to so many of our faithful
BIBLE DRILL will not meet during the month     church family. We also need some parents to help drive.
of December. It will resume on January 12th.
Celebrating - First Baptist Church Tupelo

MATT POWELL, Senior Pastor                     BUDGET OFFERING                          BUILDING FUND
matt@fbctupelo.org                             Annual Budget            $3,020,000.00     October 31                    $21,096.00
LEE ALLRED, Executive Pastor                   Weekly Budget Requirement $58,077.00       November 7                    $50,780.63
lallred@fbctupelo.org                          Budget Received                            November 14                   $48,838.00
RICKY YOUNG, Discipleship Pastor                 October 31                $47,287.29     November 21                   $32,822.00
ryoung@fbctupelo.org                             November 7                $67,655.41
RANDY WOOD, Worship Pastor                       November 14               $49,302.30   Balance as of 10/01/17        $10,106.15
rwood@fbctupelo.org                              November 21               $72,249.74   Received after 10/01/17    $5,202,341.26
ANDREW MAYHAN, Student Pastor                  Required to Date          $464,616.00    Expenses Year to Date      $5,163,535.21
andrew@fbctupelo.org                           Received to Date           $433,494.15   Current Balance               $48,912.20
Director of Children’s Ministry
Director of Preschool Ministry
                                                        ANDREW MAYHAN, Student Pastor

                                                First Tupelo Students and Parents,
December 5                                      I hope you all had a wonderful time with family during Thanksgiving.
 8:00 a.m. Mike Flowers, Matthew Wafler
10:30 a.m.  Phil Daughdrill, Cory Dewett        December is a pretty light month for student ministry. The only event we
December 12                                     have will be December 8th. This will be our annual student ministry Christmas
 8:00 a.m.       Mike Ivy, Zane Sawyer          party. Every year we ask that students bring a new toy to be donated to an
10:30 a.m. Danny Dickey, Lane Ferguson          orphanage. We take care of the rest of the evening and we always have a
                                                blast. The party will start @ 6:00 p.m. in the New Youth Facility and we will
December 19
                                                conclude at 8:00 p.m. Dinner will be served.
 8:00 a.m.           Shad Lamb, Jeff Moon
10:30 a.m.           Sam Hall, Clint Howard
                                                We will not meet on December 15th (exam week), December 22nd and
December 26                                     December 29th (Christmas Break). We look forward to seeing everyone on
 8:00 a.m.           Phillip Poe, Larry Pugh    January 8, 2022.
10:30 a.m.          Ian Ikemori, Jay London
                                                Make Christ’s Name Known,
                                                Andrew Mayhan

December 5                                                   DAY SCHOOL JOB OPPORTUNITIES
 8:30 a.m.                  Stanley Downs
                                                         Part-time positions are available during the afternoons.
11:00 a.m.                Jonathan Chaney
                                                     Applicants should contact the Day School office at 662-718-0018.
December 12
 8:30 a.m.                   Charlie Leckie
11:00 a.m.                    Will Cockrell                                                                             THE EVANGEL
                                                                                                                       (USPS076300) is
December 19
                                                                                                                       published Monthly
 8:30 a.m.                       David Hall
                                                                                                                        by First Baptist
11:00 a.m.                      Lee Walker
                                                                                                                        Church, 300 N.
December 26                                                                                                               Church St.,
  8:30 a.m.                 Danny Kennedy                                                                              Tupelo, MS 38804.
 11:00 a.m.                       Joe West                                                                                Periodicals
                                                                                                                        postage paid at
                                                                                                                       Tupelo, MS 38804.
                                                                                                                         Send address
December 1                                                                                                                changes to:
Pizza and cookies                                                                                                       THE EVANGEL
                                                                                                                       300 N. Church St.
December 8
                                                                                                                       Tupelo, MS 38804
Vegetable Beef/Broccoli/Potato Soup,
Pimento Cheese Sandwich, Chess Bars
Celebrating - First Baptist Church Tupelo Celebrating - First Baptist Church Tupelo
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