CHARTER 2019 2590 - Lucknow School

Page created by Chester Hansen

                                           The Vision for ākonga of Lucknow School
At Lucknow School we aim to develop ākonga to be Kind, Honest and Active Learners in all they do. These are our Lucknow Values.

                                                      Mā te Huruhuru, ka rere te Manu
                                                  Adorn the bird with feathers, and it will fly

                                            Values and Learning at Lucknow School
We are a PB4L School (Positive Behaviour for Learning). This means we actively teach, promote and reward children when they display our
values and make good choices. Our school values were recently reviewed in consultation with the community.

KIND.         Children will learn to respect ‘Themselves’, ‘Others’, and ‘Property’. By showing respect children will respect differences in
              individuals and cherish diversity and equity. They will set and maintain high standards for themselves in everything they do.

HONEST.       The children will be honest, act ethically and be accountable for their decisions. They will be courteous and caring. They will
              have a high sense of purpose and a desire to better themselves.

ACTIVE.       Children will be striving to achieve to their potential because they are fully involved and passionate about their learning. We will
              be looking for our positive children to develop into lifelong learners. Happy, confident and connected learners. The children will
              take risks and step outside their comfort zone to push their boundaries and continue to improve in every aspect of their lives.
                                              Lucknow School as an Inclusive School
Lucknow School welcomes all learners into the school, including learners with special needs and learners of all ethnic backgrounds. Currently
Lucknow has over 20 different nationalities represented within the roll. We aim to build a partnership with the parents, families and whanau
of these learners to ensure they receive the best possible learning opportunities. Our expectations will be that the ākonga achieve the best
they can and this will be the expectation we would share with the caregivers in the partnership we establish with them. Our school has a well-
established IEP (Individual Education Plan) for ākonga with special needs or backgrounds that require specific support to meet a range of
learning or behavioural needs. This involves a regular planning and reporting programme in conjunction with caregivers and specialist support

                                                              Māori Learners
We will recognise the cultural diversity of Aotearoa by ‘naturally’ integrating Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori. The school curriculum will
encourage ākonga to understand and respect differences and similarities between cultures. Regular, direct and indirect, Te Reo Māori lessons
will ensure all ākonga are familiar with greetings, social phrases, instructions, waiata and mihi. Cultural activities such as kapahaka festivals
and performances will also be a feature of our school programmes. A Whānau Group has been operating for a number of years aimed at
building the cultural capital and input of our whānau enabling them to share in learning experiences which enhance the students Te Ao Māori.
Teachers are aware of the Ta Taiako competencies, and these are a part of the staff’s appraisal process.

All school wide data gathering enables us to identify the attainment levels of our Māori ākonga. Māori ākonga with specific learning, social or
physical needs will be catered for with additional support as best can be within the resourcing limitations we have.
We will endeavour to enable the ākonga to understand and have knowledge of their heritage as well as strengthening the identity of these
ākonga within our school. In 2018 a plan was created in consultation with whānau with support from the BOT to directly target Māori
learners and their families. The plan ‘Whakamanawa’ has direct aims and objectives supported by the Board of Trustees, which will be
introduced and monitored over time.

The Board of Trustees will consider any requests from the Māori community to meet their needs or for instruction in Te Reo in light of the
resources and expertise available at the time.
“Schools put themselves in the drivers seat when they invest in professional development and collaborative cultures that focus on student
learning and associated improvement in institutional practices.” Michael Fullen

Our Vision and Future Learning tools are in line with the National Education Priorities.

Success for all:             Our ākonga will be given opportunities to gain the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values identified in the NZ
                             Curriculum Framework and curriculum statements.

A Safe Learning              We will provide a safe physical and emotional environment for our ākonga.

Improving Literacy           We have placed a priority for improving the achievement of our ākonga in Literacy
And Numeracy:                and Numeracy. Ākonga at risk through underachievement will be identified and monitored closely.

Better use of Student        We will gather comprehensive assessment evidence to monitor progress and achievement
Achievement                  of the ākonga that will assist to inform future teaching and learning programmes

Improving Outcomes           Using our assessment data we will identify ākonga who are not achieving, or at risk of not
For Ākonga At Risk:          achieving or have special learning needs. External support will be available if at all possible

Improving Māori              We will continue to consult with the Māori Community. We will develop a specific māori achievement plan and
Outcomes:                    set targets to improve the outcomes for our Māori ākonga.

Reporting:                   We will inform the ākonga and their parents on the achievement of individual ākonga. We will also inform the
                             community on student achievement as a whole
            Develop and implement a broad curriculum which recognises the holistic needs of all ākonga.

      Objectives                        2019 Actions                              2020 Actions                              2021 Actions
 Increase Reading to 80%   • Track and report on specific targets.   • Track and report on specific targets.   • Track and report on specific targets.
       & 70% Māori         • Reading Together Programme              • Reading Together Programme              • Reading Together Programme
                           • IEP, RTLB, RTLit, GSE support for       • IEP, RTLB, RTLit, GSE support for       • IEP, RTLB, RTLit, GSE support for
                             ākonga with diverse needs.                ākonga with diverse needs.                ākonga with diverse needs.
                           • Accelerating Achievement Plans          • Accelerating Achievement Plans          • Accelerating Achievement Plans
                             Investigated                            • Syndicate Data & Individuals            • Syndicate Data & Individuals
                           • Syndicate Data & Individuals              Monitored                                 Monitored

 Increase Writing to 70%   • Track and report on specific targets.   • Track and report on specific targets.   • Track and report on specific targets.
      & 60% Māori          • Reading Together Programme              • Reading Together Programme              • Reading Together Programme
                           • IEP, RTLB, RTLit, GSE support for       • IEP, RTLB, RTLit, GSE support for       • IEP, RTLB, RTLit, GSE support for
                             ākonga with diverse needs.                ākonga with diverse needs.                ākonga with diverse needs.
                           • Accelerating Achievement Plans          • Accelerating Achievement Plans          • Accelerating Achievement Plans
                             Investigated                            • Syndicate Data & Individuals            • Syndicate Data & Individuals
                           • Syndicate Data & Individuals              Monitored                                 Monitored

Increase Numeracy to 80%   • Track and report on specific targets.   • Track and report on specific targets.   • Track and report on specific targets.
       & 70% Māori         • Maths Together Programme                • Maths Together Programme                • Maths Together Programme
                           • IEP, RTLB, RTLit, GSE support for       • IEP, RTLB, RTLit, GSE support for       • IEP, RTLB, RTLit, GSE support for
                             ākonga with diverse needs.                ākonga with diverse needs.                ākonga with diverse needs.
                           • Accelerating Achievement Plans          • Accelerating Achievement Plans          • Accelerating Achievement Plans
                             Investigated                            • Syndicate Data & Individuals            • Syndicate Data & Individuals
                           • Syndicate Data & Individuals              Monitored                                 Monitored
Objectives                          2019 Actions                              2020 Actions                            2021 Actions
Nurture our tamariki within   • Māori Achievement Plan - Implement       • Māori Achievement Plan - Review        • Māori Achievement Plan - Implement
a supportive environment      • Whanau Group                             • Whanau Group                           • Whanau Group
 which celebrates diversity
                              • School Sports Co-ordinator – aims to     • School Sports Co-ordinator – aims to   • Embed schoolwide use of Sign
    and inclusiveness.
                                increase sports participation              increase sports participation            Language
                              • Continue to build on schoolwide use of   • Embed schoolwide use of Sign
                                Sign Language                              Language
   Address the disparity      • Whakamanawa Implement                    • Māori Achievement Plan Review          • Māori Achievement Plan Implement
 between Māori and Non-         -   See Annex 1                          • Termly Māori whanau hui                • Termly Māori whanau hui
 Māori, through a targeted    • Termly Māori whanau hui                  • Kaumātua Involvement                   • Kaumātua Involvement
    achievement plan.
                              • Kaumātua Involvement where

    Develop spaces and        • Develop room 10 into a multi-purpose     • Assess Space requirements and needs      Review Charter Goals
programmes which promote        Tech Hub.                                  to create a plan for 2019.
 the Arts, Problem Solving,   • Social Lego into Library Space
   and Hands on Learning
                              • PLG – The Arts
 Professional Development     •   Growth Coaching – AW                   • Reassess and Develop plan              • Implement Reviewed Plan
      aimed at teachers       •   Reo Māori – All Staff
   understanding of how
                              •   Internal PD – BW to lead
   learners learn and the
 different stages of human    •   Plan 2020 External PD
     brain development.

     Create Plans and         • Development of MU Job Descriptions       • Implement changes to G&T                 Review Charter Goals
Programmes to support the       to create G&T programme aimed at           programmes as advised by review.
needs of both Special Needs     meeting the needs across the school.     • Access and Applications to RTLB and
     Pupils and those
                              • Access and Applications to RTLB and        GSE as needs arise.
 acknowledged as Gifted &
         Talented.              GSE as needs arise.
                                       Develop ākonga that are confident, connected, and active learners.
       Objectives                            2019 Actions                                2020 Actions                                  2021 Actions
   Create systems which        • Discussion and planning created            • Investigate external PD providers to       Review Charter Goals
   develop and enhance           through the Curriculum Review.               support building student agency
     ‘Student Agency’          • Set aside reg staff discussion time in     • ULearn 2020 Teacher conference
                                 staff meetings and team meetings.
                               • Support change through resourcing.
  Create a culture which       • Regular staff Prof readings                • Regular staff Prof readings                Review Charter Goals
supports a Growth Mindset      • Staff Facebook Page                        • Staff Facebook Page
   in staff and ākonga.
                               • Teacher Registration Portfolios – target   • Teacher Registration Portfolios – target
                                 ākonga and teacher inquiries.                ākonga and teacher inquiries.
                               • Staff Hauora - Implement                   • Staff Wellness Programme - Review

   Ensure pedagogy is the      • Effective PD Contracts – Fit for Purpose   • Effective PD Contracts – Fit for Purpose   Review Charter Goals
 driver for change and the       a) Te Reo – Sharron Fabish + MAC             a) ULearn / ICT PD
 tool for improving success      b) Curriculum Review                         b) PB4L – Tier 3?
                                 c) Māori Achievement Cluster                   c) Māori Achievement Cluster
   Ensure elements of choice   • As a part of the School Curric Review –    •   Implement changes and offer support      •   Review and evaluate changes from
and student voice are valued     promote discussion and sharing of              through PD from Curric Review.               Curric Review.
       and planned for           ideas into promoting elements of
i) Discovery Learning
                                 Student Choice
ii) Passion Projects/PINs
iii) Electives                 • Walk throughs to focus on where
                                 elements of SC are available
    Where possible create      • School Curriculum Review and               •   Implement changes and offer support      •   Review and evaluate changes from
 learning opportunities that     Development                                    through PD from Curric Review.               Curric Review.
are hands on and purposeful    • Walk through’s – Focus Agency/PB4L
   within a context which
                               • Investigate, develop, promote ideals of
     excites our children.
                                 Discovery Learning and/or ‘Play Based’
                                 learning across the school where appr.
Grow our inclusive and vibrant school culture which embraces our core values and promotes our ‘School identity’.

      Objectives                          2019 Actions                               2020 Actions                                2020 Actions
 Create a vibrant school     • MLE Furniture – Senior School            • MLE Furniture – Middle School              Review Charter Goals
   environment which         • Junior Discovery Extension               • External Learning Spaces Development
 supports creativity and
                             • Native Area enhancement
    social interaction.

    Enhance our online       •   Regular School Facebook page updates   •   Regular School Facebook page updates     Review Charter Goals
  presence and regional      •   Class Facebook Pages                   •   Class Facebook Pages
brand to ensure Lucknow
                             •   Sports Uniform – Update and increase   •   Sports Uniform – Update and increase
is represented positively
 and continues to grow.      •   Staff wear                             •   Media Coverage of Success
                             •   Media Coverage of Success
 Provide a wide range of     • Sports Coordinator Role                  • Sports Coordinator Role                   • Sports & Robotics Coordinators Role
opportunities for ākonga     • Robotics MU & continued                  • Budget to support competing at a          • Budget to support competing at a
  to represent Lucknow         development – Robocom and FLL              regional and national level.                regional and national level.
regionally and nationally.
                             • Kapahaka opportunities
 Promote all cultures and    • Timetable days throughout the school     • Timetable days throughout the school      • Timetable days throughout the school
celebrate our multilingual     calendar which celebrate different         calendar which celebrate different            calendar which celebrate different
        diversity              cultures / countries special               cultures / countries special                  cultures / countries special
                               days/weeks                                 days/weeks                                    days/weeks
  Introduce and trial the    • As per PB4L Tier 2 training and          • As per PB4L Tier 3 training systems req   Review Charter Goals
 strategies developed to       systems req
  meet the needs of our
   PB4L Tier 2 learners.
Promote learning that encourages innovation and creative problem solving through the strategic and purposeful use of new
                                     and emerging technologies in authentic settings
          Objectives                            2019 Actions                             2020 Actions                        2021 Actions
 Provide resources which enhance    • 1:1 iPads in SNR school                •   1:2 iPads in MID school         Review Charter Goals
   opportunities to support 21st    • Robotics & Coding Phase 2              •   1:6 in JNR school
  Century learning in a balanced      -    Resources for Middle School       •   Robotics & Coding Phase 3
                                      -    Increase Ev3s                     •   First Lego League & Robocom
                                    • Lego First League & Robocom            •   Apple Schools Tour USA

  Develop creative spaces which     • Junior Discovery Extension             • Play Based Learning               Review Charter Goals
 allow for authentic learning and   • Native Reserve enhancement             • ICT team sharing sessions
     the promotion of the Key
                                    • ICT team sharing sessions              • Walk and Talk Staff Meetings
                                    • Walk and Talk Staff Meetings           • Staff facebook page – Sharing
                                    • Staff facebook page – Sharing            practice
                                      practice                               • Middle School Furniture
                                    • Snr School Furniture
  Promote learning experiences      • Lego Robotics – FLL & Robocom          • Lego Robotics – FLL & Robocom     Review Charter Goals
     which develop a ‘green         • School Curriculum review - spotlight   • Implementation of Curric Review
 conscience’ and promote future       on students having a Green               with spot light on a Green
   problem solving in the now
                                      Conscience.                              conscience.
                                    Māori Achievement Plan
                                                           annex 1

           Objectives                    2019 Actions                                 2020 Actions                              2021 Actions
Kaitiaki Group Formation    • Review Group formation and                  • Review, regroup, set annual plan        • Review, regroup, set annual plan
                              purpose. Prioritise and set tasks for
Mihi & Pepeha               • School Pepeha which acknowledges            • Establish guidelines for format and
                              this area, for students who req it.           language to be used during a
                                                                            welcome mihi by students to visitors.
Te Reo Māori                •   Prof Dev – Sharron Fabish with staff
                                (80 hours MOE funded)
Tikanga                     •   Formalise our expectations around          •      New staff Induction                •     New staff Induction
                                tikanga within the school setting.
                                -    Any outcomes must be recorded
                                     formally and sessions taught to
                                     staff, with annual refreshers each
Whakatauāki                 •   Create a whakatauāki which                • Whakatauāki presented to the school
                                represents Lucknow School and its           to use across all settings
Māori Achievement Cluster   •   Attend all MAC meetings, and reflect      • Attend all MAC meetings, and reflect    • Attend all MAC meetings, and reflect
                                on the messages and ideas which             on the messages and ideas which           on the messages and ideas which
                                come out.                                   come out.                                 come out.
                            •   National Wananga for MAC                  • National Wananga for MAC                • National Wananga for MAC
Tuakana – Teina             •   Keep our Buddy Class approach and
                                build on the concept of Tuakana-
                                Teina through positive relationships
                                and teaching one another.
Whānau Group                •   Termly meetings to inform whānau of       • Termly meetings to inform whānau of     • Termly meetings to inform whānau of
                                progress at school, upcoming events,        progress at school, upcoming events,      progress at school, upcoming events,
                                celebrate successes and discuss work        celebrate successes and discuss work      celebrate successes and discuss work
                                ons.                                        ons.                                      ons.
Kapahaka                    •   Grow and promote involvement in           • Grow and promote involvement in         • Grow and promote involvement in
                                Kapahaka across the school. Ensure          Kapahaka across the school. Ensure        Kapahaka across the school. Ensure
                                curriculum time is available.               curriculum time is available.             curriculum time is available.
• Enter competitions and show cases        • Enter competitions and show cases        • Enter competitions and show cases
                                such as; Tama Turanga & Ngāti              such as; Tama Turanga & Ngāti              such as; Tama Turanga & Ngāti
                                Kahungunu Primary Schools Festival.        Kahungunu Primary Schools Festival.        Kahungunu Primary Schools Festival.
                              • Ensure clashes are avoided by pre-       • Ensure clashes are avoided by pre-       • Ensure clashes are avoided by pre-
                                planning dates where possible.             planning dates where possible.             planning dates where possible.
Pōwhiri & Mihi Whakatau       • Annual pōwhiri for new families on       • Embed practice                           • Embed practice.
                                day 1 of term 1, and a ‘Mihi
                                Whakatau’ each term.
                              • Protocol to be developed
Meet & Greet all new whānau   • Principal to allocate time for all new   • Principal to allocate time for all new   • Embed practice.
                                families. Chance to make                   families. Chance to make
                                connections and form relationships.        connections and form relationships.
                                Set up meeting times with teachers         Set up meeting times with teachers
                                (15 minutes) to do the same.               (15 minutes) to do the same.
                              • Mana Enhancement Training?
Poroporoaki –                 • Develop a plan to farewell our           • Embed Poroporoaki practice.              • Embed Poroporoaki practice.
Year 6s                         Intermediate and support our years 5
                                children into the leadership area of
                                the school. Term 4.
Māori Representation          • BOT elections 2019.
Environment                   •   Pou / Waharoa, carvings, etc.          • Review Environment for current
                              •   Native environment, green spaces.        needs.
                              •   Signage in English and Māori.
Staffing Appointments         •   When advertising for new staffing      • New staffing appointments, a             • New staffing appointments, a
                                  appointments, a strength or keenness     strength or keenness to embrace and        strength or keenness to embrace and
                                  to embrace and nuture Te Ao Māori is     nuture Te Ao Māori is essential.           nuture Te Ao Māori is essential.
Celebrating Culture           •   Country flags to be displayed in the   • Manuhiri: Inviting guest speakers,       • Manuhiri: Inviting guest speakers,
                                  hall to promote cultural identity.       local icons such as Magpie players,        local icons such as Magpie players,
                              •   Manuhiri: Inviting guest speakers,       council members, high achieving            council members, high achieving
                                  local icons such as Magpie players,      māori.                                     māori.
                                  council members, high achieving        • Annual Matariki Celebrations             • Annual Matariki Celebrations
                                  māori.                                 • Celebrating culture across the           • Celebrating culture across the
                              •   Annual Matariki Celebrations             curriculum: Arts, Myths and Legends,       curriculum: Arts, Myths and Legends,
                              •   Celebrating culture across the           Science, Technology, etc.                  Science, Technology, etc.
                                              NAG 8                                    NAG 3
                                       Assessment Reporting                    Personnel Management
                                 •     Review MOE Reporting                  • Staff Appraisal
                                       requirements and ensure they          • Principal Appraisal
                                       are met.                              • Support Staff Appraisal

     NAG 6 & 7                                                                                                          NAG 4
Documentation & Self Review                                                                                            Finance
•   BOT Elections                                                                                          •   Budget Preparations
•                                                                                                          •
    Policy Review                                                                                              Audit requirements
•   Charter & Strategic Plan                                                                               •   Annual report
•   Roles & Responsibilities                                                                               •   Fundraising Opportunities
•   Charter Review & Review of                                                                             •   Property Projects
    Goals for 2019

                                                NAG 4                                      NAG 5
                                               Property                                Health & Safety
                                     • Planting Programme
                                                                                • Playground Maintenance
                                     • Discovery Garden Ext
                                                                                • Hazard ID
                                     • Native Reserve Upgrade
                                                                                • Maintenance Checklist
 Date                   Consultation with        Means             Outcome
 2018                   Whānau                   Whānau Hui        Feedback for creation of Māori plan
 2018                   Kaitiaki Roopu           Hui               Te Ao Māori support.

Date school will lodge reviewed charter                       by 31 March 2019

Additional References
School Budget
Lucknow Primary School Strategic Plan
Lucknow Primary School Policies and Procedures
Lucknow Primary School Curriculum
Māori Action Plan
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