Children's Services Directorate Directorate Plan 2020/21

Children's Services Directorate Directorate Plan 2020/21
Children’s Services
Directorate Plan 2020/21
This directorate plan outlines the action the Children’s Services Directorate will take over the coming year, to support the Council’s long
term vision and strategic priorities. Our work will have due regard for equality and diversity.

Borough Vision

     ‘Grow our economy and develop our borough through co-operation and partnership,
                   improving the lives of local people and communities.’

Strategic priorities

        People                                Place                          Prosperity                       Performance

Equality and Diversity
The Public Sector Equality Duty 2011 places a legal requirement on the Council to demonstrate that it considers the needs of all individuals
in its day to day work and has due regard for the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations.
The Rochdale Way
The Rochdale Way sets out the values that are at the heart of how we approach all of the work we do. To help us make these values real
we have adopted a set of behaviours that every member of staff must demonstrate as well as two specific leadership behaviours.

                       our                                   Positive attitude        Developing myself          Improving things

                                 Using time
      Focusing                    & money
         on                        wisely
                                                                                       Communicating            Achieving shared
                                                           Achieving my goals
                                                                                         effectively                 goals

       Acting                     Working
        with                      together
                                                                                                                  Empowering &
                                                            Meeting customer            Encouraging                 Supporting
                   learning &
                                                                 needs                   colleagues                 Managing
Enabling Work Programmes
The Council is facing significant financial challenges, which means that we have reduced capacity to deliver services. We will adopt working
practices that will improve our capacity to deliver, facilitate ongoing service delivery and support us in achieving our priorities, including:

      Working across organisational boundaries
      Sharing budgets
      Sharing services with other public sector bodies
      Developing a culture of social responsibility
      Encouraging and supporting volunteering
      Looking for ways to save money
      Looking at new models of service delivery
      Making better use of data and intelligence
      Streamlining decision making
      Managing our money
Directorate Structure
The management structure of the directorate is detailed below:

                                                               Gail Hopper
                                                           Director, Children’s

               Bev Paris                         Steve Kay                  Julia Hassall         Susan Thomas
            Head of Practice               Assistant Director,           Assistant Director,        Head of the
             Improvement                  Early Help & Schools          Children’s Social Care   Safeguarding Unit
Directorate functions and services
The Directorate has responsibility for a range of service areas and activities.

Service                                      Head of Service

Children with Disabilities and Special       Michael Kemp
Educational Needs
Schools and School Improvement               Gillian Barratt
Early Years & Early Help                     Amanda Highland-Partington
Youth Service                                Diane Higgins
School Organisation and Planning             Debra Kay
First Response and Complex                   Tracy Chatterton (Acting)
Child Protection and Care Proceedings        Pamela Wharton
and Emergency Duty (EDT)
Provider Services                            Ian Godfrey
Cared 4 Children, Youth Justice              Sharon Hawkins (Acting)
Safeguarding Unit                            Susan Thomas
Practice Improvement                         Bev Paris
No Wrong Door Project Lead                   Ann Tully

Lead Cabinet Members
Cabinet members with relevant portfolio holder responsibilities oversee Council Directorates
      Cllr Kieran Heakin – Cabinet Member for Children’s Services
      Cllr Rachael Massey – Assistant Lead Member for Children
Directorate Responsibilities
The Directorate has the following responsibilities:
      Leadership, strategic development and effectiveness of local authority children’s services
      Effective commissioning of services that meet the needs of all children and young people including the most disadvantaged and
       vulnerable children and their families
      Working closely with partner agencies to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people
      Ensure the safeguarding and welfare of children through clear and effective arrangements to protect children and young people from
       harm – through an effective Local Children’s Safeguarding Partnership and effective service delivery
      Shared responsibility with officers and members of the Local Authority as effective and caring corporate parents for cared for children
       and care leavers with key roles to improve their educational attainment, provide stable and high quality placements and solid planning
       for when they leave care
      Promote the interests of all children and young people parents and families and work with local communities to stimulate and support
       a diversity of school, early years and 16-19 provision that meets local needs
      Ensure that there are enough school places to meet demand
      Ensure fair access to schools in accordance with School Admissions and Appeal codes
      Provide suitable home to school transport arrangements where necessary
      Promote a diverse supply of strong schools, encouraging good schools to expand where there is a need for additional school places
      Promote high quality early years provision, help develop the market, securing free early education for three and four year olds and for
       disadvantaged two year olds, providing information, advice and assistance to parents and ensuring that there are sufficient Sure Start
       children’s centre services to meet local need and sufficient childcare for working parents
      Provide Early Help Services/support to children and families at the earliest opportunity to improve outcomes
      Secure access to sufficient education and recreational leisure time activities and facilities for young people to support their well-being
       and personal and social development
      Promote children and young people’s engagement in public decision making so that they can influence local commissioning
      Promote participation in education or training of young people, including 16-19 year olds (or 25 for those with learning difficulties/
      Ensure that disabled children and those with special educational needs (SEND) access high quality provision to meet their needs
      Ensure that Education, Health and Care Plans for children with SEND are person centred, fully identify their needs and are produced
       in a timely manner.
      Secure alternative provision for children outside mainstream education or missing education to receive suitable full time education
      Ensure coherent planning between all agencies providing services for children involved in the youth justice system to ensure their
       health, education and safeguarding needs are met
      Secure services that meet local need, recognising the benefits of prevention and early intervention and where possible integrate with
       other agencies to offer early help to children, young people and families
      Provide challenge and support to schools to ensure we improve pupils achievement at all stages.
Connected Strategies
The directorate works in accordance with the following strategies and plans:
      Rochdale Locality Plan
      Children and Young Peoples Partnership Plan
      Rochdale Borough Safeguarding Children Partnership Plan
      Community Safety Partnership Strategy
      Early Help Strategy
      Readiness for School Strategy
      School Improvement Strategy
      Integrated Commissioning Strategy
      SEND Improvement Strategy
      Corporate Parenting Strategy
      Domestic Abuse Strategy
      Neglect Strategy
      Youth Offending Service Plan
      Sufficiency Strategies for Early Years and Children’s Placements
      Child Adolescent Mental Health Transformation Plan
      Ofsted Improvement Plan
      Relationships Manifesto
Directorate Actions
The table outlines the action that will be taken over the coming year, to support improvement and our direction of travel. It highlights the work
that must be undertaken to support the action. Business as usual activities are not included.

 Section 1 - Early Help and Schools

Ref           Directorate          Action       Action                   Work                Work due         Work          Strategic      Enabling
                Action             owner       completion date           requirements         date            owner         Priority       work

NDP1       CYPP Priority 3 –     Steve         March 2020          Embed                                     Gillian        Performance Working
           Children and          Kay                               Communication and        March 2021       Barratt                    across
           young people in                                         Language strategy                                                    organisatio
                                                                   within the 50
           our Borough will                                                                                                             nal
                                                                   settings by;
           aspire and                                              Revisiting training                                                  boundaries
           achieve through                                         Monitoring
           education                                               implementation and
           Implement the
           Improvement                                             Extend the EYFS
           Strategy to                                             CLL strategy to the
           improve pupil                                           remaining 18
           achievement at                                          primary settings and
                                                                   into year 1 classes
           all key stages
                                                                   Implement EYFS /
                                                                                            July 2021
                                                                   Year 1 support and

                                                                   To develop Year 10
                                                                   and catch-up strategy
To strengthen the
support and challenge     December
to under-performing       2020
secondary settings by
ensuring: Robust data

Deployment of School
Improvement Partners      October 2020
Establishing bespoke
support plans.

Complete SEND Peer        December
Reviews in all            2020 (is this
secondary schools to      too early – I
ensure that the           think this has
teaching is well-
                          to happen on
matched to the needs
of SEN support pupils     the return in
to enable improved        September)
progress through key
stage 3 and 4

To ensure all primary
schools have              March 2021
participated within a
SEND peer review or a
SEND audit of practice
focusing on pupils’
emotional mental health
of pupils

Work with schools and
partners to implement     July 2021
the recommendations
from the Inclusion
To work with schools
                                                to determine              March 2021
                                                intervention and
                                                catch-up strategies to
                                                minimise the impact of
                                                Covid19 on
                                                educational outcomes

NDP2   CYPP Priority 3 –   Steve   March 2021   Review of the             March 2021      Debra Kay   Place /      Looking at
       Children and        Kay                  availability of primary                               Performanc   new models
       young people in                          and secondary                                         e            of service
                                                school places and
       our Borough will                                                                                            delivery.
                                                negotiation of
       aspire                                   additional places
       and achieve                              with schools and DfE
       through education                        for 2021.

                                                Support the delivery
       Provide                                  of two secondary Free     Commencing
       sufficient                               Schools which are         2020 for
       school places                            required in the           delivery 2020
                                                Borough for 2021 and
       for all children                                                   to 2023
                                                2022 respectively, the
       within       the                         Council has approved
       Borough                                  release of sites for
                                                Commence the              March 2021
                                                development of 75         and beyond
                                                place Free Special
                                                School (ASC) with DfE
                                                and New Bridge Trust.
Design a Family          September   Amanda       People    Looking at
NDP3   CYPP – Priority 2    Steve   March 2021   Offer to be delivered    2020        Highland-    / Place   new models
       Children and         Kay                  across localities                    Partington             of service
       young people in                           following the review                                        delivery
       our Borough will                          of Early Help and        March
       live                                      Early Years Services     2021
       longer and with                           that when                (first
       better health and                         implemented will         stage of
       wellbeing.                                deliver relational and   delivery)
                                                 integrated early help,
                                                 parenting and school

                                                 Re-designate with
                                                 Dfe all Children’s     January
                                                 Centre reach areas     2021
                                                 and undertake
                                                 deferred clawback
       Realign early                             agreement process
       help, relational                          to ensure service
       and school                                buildings are co-
       readiness                                 terminus with
       services on an                            localities and the new
       integrated                                service.
       locality footprint
       to ensure                                 Youth Service to
       effective                                 complete community       January     Diane
       mainstreaming                             profiles/needs           2021        Higgins
       of the Family                             analysis based on
       Service Model.                            young people’s
                                                 needs in the

                                                 communication of         January     Diane
                                                 alternative curriculum   2021        Higgins
                                                 programmes offer to
                                                 school to extend high
                                                 quality youth
NDP4   CYPP Priority 3 –   Steve   March 2021   Write jointly         September   Michael   People /     Working
       Children and        Kay                  and implement         2020        Kemp      place /      across
       young people in                          next 5 year                                 performanc   organisatio
       our Borough will                         SEND                                        e            nal
       aspire and                               Strategy,                                                boundaries
       achieve through
       education                                Increase the
                                                affective use         December
        Continued                               of SEND               2020
        implementation                          Support Plans
        and embedding                           to embed the
        of the SEND                             graduated
        (Special                                response to
        Educational                             reduce
        Needs/                                  need/depende
       Disabilities)                            ncy on EHCP.

                                                capacity in           January
                                                Rochdale to           2021
                                                needs to
                                                reduce need to
                                                seek external

                                                Re-design the
                                                formulation of        November
                                                EHCPlans with         2020
                                                Health, Care and
                                                Education to ensure
                                                that the plans are
                                                affective and acted
Implement a Joint
                                                Health/Social Care       September
                                                and Education            2020
                                                Quality assurance
                                                EHCP framework.

                                                Introduce the role of
                                                Dedicated Social         December
                                                Care (EHC) officer       2020
                                                (in line with the
                                                DMO/DCO role).

                                                Extend the current
                                                unassessed short         October 2020
                                                break offer to
                                                increase impact.

                                                To implement
                                                support plan writing     October 2020
                                                across with social

                                                Implement the
                                                Preparing for            December
                                                adulthood agenda         2020
                                                across agencies.

NDP5   CYPP Priority 3 –   Steve   March 2021   Digitisation of Early                   Amanda       Place /      Working
       Children and        Kay                  Years assessments        March 2021     Highland-    Performanc   across
       young people in                          through the GM Early                    Partington   e            organisationa
       our Borough will                         Years App in                                                      l boundaries /
       aspire and                               partnership with                                                  Making better
       achieve through                          Northern Care                                                     use
       education                                Alliance and in line                                              of data
                                                with the GM                                                       and
                                                digitisation strategy.                                            intellige
Improve the          Review and update                  Amanda       People
quality and          service strategy to    July 2020   Highland-
integration of age   ensure childcare                   Partington
related              sufficiency in
assessments,         response to covid.
and ensure           Increased childcare
continued            brokerage;
sufficient           communication with
childcare across     childcare providers;
the borough          implement a flexible
following the        funding approach
impact of Covid
Section 2 - Directorate Wide

NDP6     CYPP – Priority 1   Gail     March 2021   Provide more                         Bev Paris   People /     Making better
         Children and        Hopper                development          March 2021      / Heads     place /      use of data
         young people in                           opportunities for                    of          performanc   and
         our Borough will                          employees from black                 Service     e            intelligence
         be kept safe from                         and minority ethnic
         harm                                      communities.

         Workforce                                 Implement the
         stability is                              recruitment and         March 2021   Heads of
         maintained and                            retention strategy to                Service
         strengthened                              reduce the number of
                                                   children who
                                                   experience a change
                                                   in social worker

                                                   Establish mechanisms
                                                   to ensure that staff at March 2021   Bev Paris
                                                   every level in the                   / Heads
                                                   organisation influence               of
                                                   strategy and practice                Service
Section 3 Children’s Social Care

NDP7     CYPP – Priority 1    Julia     March 2021   Build and                 December     Tracy        People    Working
         Children and         Hassall                develop the               2020         Chatterton   / place   across
         young people in                             locality based                                      /         organisationa
         our Borough will                            social work offer.                                  perfor    l boundaries /
         be kept safe from                                                                               mance     making better
         harm                                        Further develop No        March 2021   Ian                    use of data
                                                     Wrong Door / ACT                       Godfrey /              and
         Safely stabilise                            to:                                    Tracy                  intelligence
         and reduce the                                                                     Chatterto
         number of                                   Support children                       n/                     Looking at
         children in need                            edging towards care                    Rozanne                new models
         of protection and                           to live successfully in                Stevens                of service
         children cared for                          the community                                                 delivery
         through                                     Support children in
         embedding                                   care to live in family
         innovative                                  placements Promote
         approaches                                  the safeguarding of
                                                     enabling them to
                                                     have security in their

                                                     Implement the             September    Michelle
                                                     Strengthening             2020         Rhodes
                                                     Families (NEST)

                                                     Embed our relational      March 2021   Heads of
                                                     practice model to                      service
                                                     manage risk and
Embed the Family
                                                  Services Model to        January 2021   Michelle
                                                  identify and respond                    Rhodes /
                                                  to neglect at the                       Amanda
                                                  earliest stage in                       Highland –
                                                  families                                Partington

                                                  Implement a service      January 2021   Sue Thomas
                                                  wide engagement
                                                  strategy for young
                                                  people, parents and

                                                  Implement and            January 2021   Mike Blower
                                                  embed the Child
                                                  First Offender
                                                  Second Strategy
                                                  (incorporating the
                                                  Youth Violence
                                                  Strategy and HMIP
                                                  inspection action

NDP8   CYPP – Priority 1   Julia     March 2021   Implement the            March 2021     Ian           People /      Working
       Children and        Hassall                sufficiency strategy                    Godfrey       performance   across
       young people in                                                                                                organisational
       our Borough will                           Implement Project                                                   boundaries /
                                                                                                                      making better
       be kept safe from                          fostering to restore
                                                                                                                      use of data /
       harm                                       in-house fostering                                                  intelligence
                                                  services to a
       Secure                                     position of growth. In
       permanence for                             particular
       more children,                             implement:
       ensuring there
are sufficient                             - Mocking Bird
       local placements                           - PACE practice
       and choice where                            model
       children need to                           - Secure Base
       be cared for /                             - Supported lodgings
       adopted                                     provision

                                                  Implement the            December     Ian Godfrey /
                                                  Permanence               2020         Mike Blower
                                                  Strategy 2019/20

                                                  Review and embed
                                                  the functions of the     October      Mike Blower
                                                  Post Order &             2020
                                                  Permanence Team
                                                  to achieve success
                                                  for children living
                                                  with their family in
                                                  the community.

NDP9   CYPP – Priority 1   Julia     March 2021   Revise and review        December     Sue             People /    Working
       Children and        Hassall                the Rochdale             2020         Thomas          place /     across
       young people in                            Safeguarding                                          performance organisational
       our Borough will                           Children Partnership                                              boundaries
       be kept safe from                          infrastructure in
       harm                                       order to embed
                                                  relational practice
       Children’s                                 across the
       Services lead                              partnership
       relational                                 Implement a
       practice within                            Contextual               March 2021   Tracy
       partnership                                Safeguarding                          Chatterton
       arrangements                               approach to                           / Rozanne
                                                  understand and                        Stevens
                                                  respond to young
                                                  people’s experiences
                                                  of significant harm
                                                  beyond their families.
Support Adult Services
to implement a         March 2021   Tracy
transitional                        Chatterton/
safeguarding response,              Rozanne
providing support and               Stevens
safeguarding beyond
18 years.
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