European Network of Public Employment Services - PES Capacity Questionnaire Country Factsheet Greece Manpower Employment Organisation (OAED) 2020 ...

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    European Network of Public
       Employment Services

                       PES Capacity Questionnaire
                              Country Factsheet

         Manpower Employment Organisation (OAED)

Written by ICON INSTITUT Public Sector GmbH
November 2020

                                        Social Europe
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Directorate B — Employment
Unit B.1 — Employment Strategy
Contact: Hilde Olsen

European Commission
B-1049 Brussels

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PES Capacity Questionnaire. Country Factsheet – Greece

About the Manpower Employment Organisation (OAED)

  Name of PES                   Manpower Employment Organisation (OAED)
  PES Website address 
  PES contact person and        Yannis Papadimitriou
  email address                 (

1. Background

1.1. Status of the national PES
The OAED (the Greek PES) is a public entity supervised by the Ministry of Labour and
Social Affairs and it is the main body responsible for implementing governmental policies
for promoting employment and combating unemployment, in accordance with EU-level
guidelines and Greece’s National Employment Strategy.
The main objectives of the PES are promoting employment, overseeing unemployment
insurance and social protection, maternity allowance, vocational education and training,
managing Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) for combating unemployment, and
promoting employment and vocational training (VET, apprenticeships, workplace
training) for both unemployed and employed individuals in accordance with their specific

1.2. Geographical organisation
The PES is organised according to the following structure.

  Level                    Description
  National                 Central - composed of a governor, a Management Board, general
                           Directorates and specialised Directorates.
  Regional                 Regional – there are seven Regional Directorates. The central
                           Management Board’s decisions and guidelines are implemented
                           by the Regional Directorates and by the local level bodies.
  Local                    Local employment offices (118) - made up of Employment
                           Promotion Centres (local PES/KPA2) and educational bodies. The
                           PES also runs 50 Apprenticeship Vocational Schools (EPAS), 30
                           Vocational Training Institutes (IEK), 6 Vocational Training
                           Centres (KEK), 2 Vocational Training Centres for People with
                           Disabilities, and 25-day nurseries.

1.3. Relationships and cooperation with other organisations
The PES operates and cooperates with a range of organisations and with different types
of relationships, the principal ones being as follows.
   •   The PES is governed by a tripartite Management                 Board    comprising
       representatives from the social partners and public bodies.
   •   The PES works in partnership with local providers of services to jobseekers and
   •   The PES collaborates with various labour market stakeholders, such as VET
       providers and municipalities.

PES Capacity Questionnaire. Country Factsheet – Greece

1.4. Key PES responsibilities
The key activities and tasks and the PES responsibilities within them are set out in the
table below.

  Activity/Task                                        PES Responsibility

  Implementation of services of individualised         Fully responsible*
  assistance (e.g. intensive counselling and
  guidance, job-search assistance) and follow-up
  for unemployed people provided as part of a
  planned path towards durable (re-)employment
  (cf. services as in Eurostat LMP database
  Category 1.1.2).

  Implementation of ALMP measures (any                 Fully responsible
  measures within Eurostat LMP database Cat. 2-
  7) financed by national funds or ESF (the
  European Social Fund) co-funding.

  Administration of national unemployment benefit      Fully responsible - for both
  (UB)scheme (the handling of UB claims,               unemployment benefit (UB) and
  payments, financial planning and reporting, etc.)    unemployment assistance

  Administration of social types of allowances (e.g.   Fully responsible for:
  child allowances for UB recipients), please          •   special allowance for seasonal
  specify each allowance separately:                       workers;
                                                       •   maternity allowance;
                                                       •   specific scheme for self-employed
                                                           people who have become
                                                           unemployed (craftsmen and liberal
                                                           professions, lawyers, engineers,
                                                           doctors – not farmers);
                                                       •   social tourism; and
                                                       •   summer camps for children.

  Administration of benefits for people with           Not responsible
  disabilities or handicapped people, please specify
  which exact group(s) are covered:

  Approval of layoffs by employers. Please specify     Not responsible
  if this concerns specific conditions or situation

  Licensing and supervising private employment         Not responsible
  agencies (PrES), please specify whether this
  covers PrES, temporary work agencies, or
  another type of service provision by private

  Implementation of the Apprenticeship                 Fully responsible
  Programme at the OAED EPAS (Apprenticeship
  Vocational Schools) addressed to young people
  aged 16-23.

  Notification of apprenticeship places and the        Fully responsible
  placement of apprenticeship candidates**

PES Capacity Questionnaire. Country Factsheet – Greece

  Activity/Task                                              PES Responsibility

  Careers advice and guidance for young people               Not responsible
  still in education

  Acting as Managing Authority for the ESF                   Intermediate body

  Managing training centre for jobseekers (that are          Fully responsible
  an integral part of the PES)

  Issuing of work permits for third-country                  Not responsible
  nationals (e.g. dealing with applications,
  approving then issuing, keeping records,
  reporting, etc.)

  Other – please specify:                                    None

* Implementation of individualised assistance services, including: a) identification of jobseeker needs and
characteristics; b) labour market information; c) setting up an Individual Action Plan (IAP); d) job-search
assistance and follow-up based on the IAP; e) implementation of group counselling services, comprising:
vocational guidance, job search techniques, business initiative counselling, aimed at reintegrating
jobseekers into the labour market. The implementation of counselling services are in direct relation to the
implementation of ALMPs.
** Apprentices study at the OAED Vocational Schools (EPAS).

1.5. PES good practices
Examples of good practice in the Greek PES identified by the European Network of PES
are listed below.

                  PES Practice: Acquisition of work experience for new entrants to the
    EN                                                                                                 2015
                  labour market

    EN            PES Practice: New jobs for the unemployed (OAED) programme                           2015

                  PES Practice: Promotion of self-employed for new entrepreneurs and
    EN                                                                                                 2015
                  creation on new enterprises

                  PES Practice: Two-year employment promotion programme with social
    EN                                                                                                 2015
                  security contributions subsidisation

Source: EC DG EMPL, PES Practices:

2. Annual expenditure
Total PES expenditure increased by EUR 492.1 million or 21% between 2017 and 2019,
reaching EUR 2 792.6 million by the end of the period. Within this total, expenditure on
all types of benefits increased by 24% and expenditure on ALMPs also increased by
51%. No data on expenditure are available from 2010 to 2016.
The principal source of funding for PES activities are Social Security Contributions, with
additional amounts from the Government Budget and the ESF.

PES Capacity Questionnaire. Country Factsheet – Greece

Table 1. Annual expenditure summary (EUR million)

  Expenditure category           2014        2015      2016        2017        2018          2019
  Total PES                           N/A       N/A        N/A    2 300.5      2 384.9      2 792.6
  All types of benefits               N/A       N/A        N/A      958.8      1 044.0      1 192.6
  ALMPs                               N/A       N/A        N/A      320.0       281.4            482.1
  Staff costs                         N/A       N/A        N/A         96.5         96.7         100.8
  Staff training costs                N/A       N/A        N/A         0.03         0.02          0.03
  Budget intended for                 N/A       N/A        N/A          0.0          0.0           0.0
  other institutions
  Other expenditure                   N/A       N/A        N/A      925.3       962.8       1 017.1

Source: Annual PES Benchlearning Data Collection.

3. Human resources
The total number of PES staff fell by 14 FTE or less than 1% over the period 2017-2020,
reaching 3 430 FTE (Full Time Equivalent) at the end of April 2020. Staff numbers
increased slightly between 2019 and 2020, principally due to new staff recruitment to
cover PES current activities.
The proportion of all staff directly and exclusively servicing jobseekers increased to 10%
in April 2020, though other staff also provide services to clients, yet not necessarily
exclusively. In addition, the proportion of staff directly and exclusively servicing
employers was steady at 5% at the end of April 2020. At the same time, around 50%
of all PES staff were in front-of-office duties (i.e. in contact with clients).
In 2020, there are plans to recruit additional staff to cover PES existing needs. Changes
in the allocation of staff are also likely to occur in 2020 to implement a recently
introduced organisational structure.
Overall staff turnover in 2020 was 3.22%, mostly due to staff retirement and transfer
to other state agencies.

Table 2. Staffing summary (FTE, as of 30 April each year)

  Staff category                                             2017        2018         2019         2020
  Total PES staff*                                            3 444       3 367       3 411         3 430
  Of which (absolute and in % of total PES staff):
  Front office staff                                             N/A      1 428       1 611         1 706
  % front office staff                                           N/A          42%      47%           50%
  Exclusively servicing jobseekers                               177          181          241           350
  % exclusively servicing jobseekers                             5%           5%           7%        10%
  Exclusively servicing employers                                125          130          146           167
  % exclusively servicing employers                              4%           4%           4%            5%
  Staff turnover (for all reasons – figures for                  2%           N/A     2.28%        3.22%
  calendar year)

*The total PES staff figure comprises permanent PES staff and permanent VET teaching staff. Hourly-paid
teaching staff are not included.

Source: Annual PES Capacity Survey.

PES Capacity Questionnaire. Country Factsheet – Greece

4. Registered unemployed
The number of registered unemployed jobseekers increased by 64 747 or 8% between
2014 and 2019, ending the period at 918 990. No information is available on ALMP

Table 3. Registered unemployed jobseekers and participants in ALMPs
         (average monthly stock each year)

  Client Group                    2014          2015         2016      2017        2018        2019
  Registered unemployed          854 243       885 296       910 825   871 830    864 255    918 990
  Participants in ALMPs**             N/A           N/A         N/A        N/A        N/A           N/A

*The number of people registered with the PES, who are available for the labour market and who are, or
should be, looking for a job, excluding those on any active labour market policy (ALMP) measure.
** The number of people participating in ALMP measures in the following categories (according to the LMP
database): Training (Category 2); Job rotation and job sharing (Category 4.3); Sheltered and supported
employment and rehabilitation (Category 5); Direct job creation (Category 6).
Source: Annual PES Benchlearning Data Collection.

5. Job vacancies
The monthly average of job vacancies notified to the PES decreased by 584 or 13%
between 2014 and 2019, reaching 3 802 in 2019. The proportion of monthly average
job vacancies notified to the PES that were filled stood at 52% in 2020. Of the vacancies
notified, 40% were filled within 60 days of notification in the same year.
The share of the job finders who found their present job with PES involvement at any
point has decreased slightly between 2014 and 2019 ending the period at 5.7%.

Table 4. PES Job vacancies

 Vacancy measure                         2014       2015      2016     2017      2018       2019
 Vacancies notified to the PES           4 386      6 277      1 337    3 260    3 696      3 802
 (monthly average inflow) *
 Vacancies notified to the PES                N/A      N/A       N/A     N/A     1 384      1 976
 that were filled (monthly average
 outflow at the end of the month)
 Vacancies notified to the PES                N/A      N/A       N/A     N/A       N/A      1 526
 that were filled within 60 days of
 notification (monthly average
 outflow at end of month) *
 Share of the formerly                    8.0%       6.7%      5.9%     7.1%      5.4%      5.7%
 unemployed who stated in
 Eurostat's Labour Force Survey
 that the PES was involved at any
 moment in finding their current
 job (proxy for vacancies filled
 with PES assistance) **

* Annual PES Benchlearning Data Collection.
** European Union Labour Force Survey (EU LFS).

PES Capacity Questionnaire. Country Factsheet – Greece

6. Active labour market policies (ALMPs)
Five new employment measures were introduced in 2019 (see Table 5). Four
amendments were made to existing measures last year (see Table 6).

Table 5. New ALMPs introduced in 2019

  Intervention name                                     Target group(s)             Types*
  Πρόγραµµα δεύτερης επιχειρηµατικής ευκαιρίας          Formerly self-employed        7, 6
  πέντε χιλιάδων (5.000) ανέργων, πρώην                 unemployed people, who
  αυτοαπασχολουµένων, µε στόχο την επανένταξή           have terminated their
  τους στην αγορά εργασίας                              business activity.

  Second business chance programme aimed at
  integrating five thousand (5,000) formerly self-
  employed unemployed people into the labour

  Πρόγραµµα προώθησης στην αυτoαπασχόληση µέσω          Unemployed people aged        7, 6
  της οικονοµικής ενίσχυσης επιχειρηµατικών             18-66
  πρωτοβουλιών 10.000 ανέργων, ηλικίας 18-66 ετών
  Self-employment promotion programme aimed at
  financially supporting the business initiatives of
  10,000 unemployed people aged 18-66

  Επιδότηση θέσεων εργασίας του έργου με κωδικό         Unemployed people,            4, 6
  “EGF/2017/003 Gr/Attica Retail” που                   formerly employed in
  συγχρηματοδοτείται από το Ευρωπαϊκο Ταμείο            retail, in the region of
  Προσαρμογής στην Παγκοσμιοποιηση, περιόδου            Attica and 10 other
  2014-2020, με τίτλο: «Ενέργειες που αφορουν           Regions of Greece, who
  απολύσεις σε επιχειρήσεις στον Κλάδο 47 της NACE      are beneficiaries of the
  Αναθ. 2 (Λιανικό Εμπόριο, εκτός από το Εμπόριο        programme and who have
  Μηχανοκίνητων Οχημάτων και Μοτοσυκλετών) στην         upgraded their
  επιπέδου NUTS 2 Περιφέρεια Αττικης (El30) και         qualifications through
  άλλες 10 Περιφερειες Της Χωρας».                      vocational counselling
                                                        and vocational training
  Job subsidisation of the “EGF/2017/003 Gr/Attica
                                                        measures implemented
  Retail” programme, co-funded by the European
                                                        through actions preceding
  Globalisation Adjustment Fund 2014-2020, and
                                                        the 4th Action of the
  titled: “Actions about dismissals in businesses of
                                                        same programme.
  Division 47 of NACE Rev. 2 (Retail Trade, excluding
  the trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles) in the
  NUTS-2 level Region of Attica (El30) and 10 other
  Regions of Greece”.

  I) Πρόγραμμα προεργασίας για 300 ανέργους νέους,      I) Unemployed people          4, 6
  ηλικίας 18-30 σε επιχειρήσεις του ιδιωτικού τομέα     aged 18-30.
  και σε επιχειρήσεις, φορείς, οργανισμούς του          II) Unemployed people
  δημοσίου τομέα που ασκούν τακτικά οικονομική          aged 22-39.
  δραστηριότητα, στην Περιφέρεια Δυτικής
  II) Ειδικό πρόγραμμα απασχόλησης 250 ανέργων
  ηλικίας 22-39 ετών στην Περιφέρεια Δυτικής
  Μακεδονίας και στα νομικά πρόσωπα δημοσίου και
  ιδιωτικού δικαίου αυτής και τα οποία δεν ασκούν
  οικονομική δραστηριότητα

  I) Pre-work programme aimed at hiring 300
  unemployed young people, aged 18-30, in private,
  public enterprises, entities and organisations

PES Capacity Questionnaire. Country Factsheet – Greece

  Intervention name                                            Target group(s)                 Types*
  regularly engaging in economic activity, in the
  region of Western Macedonia.
  II) Special employment programme aimed at hiring
  250 unemployed people aged 22-39 in the region of
  Western Macedonia, and in legal entities of public
  and private law in the same region which do not
  engage in economic activity.

  Προώθηση της απασχόλησης μέσω προγραμμάτων                   Unemployed people                     4
  κοινωφελούς χαρακτήρα συμπεριλαμβανομένης και                selected according to
  της κατάρτισης, σε πενήντα έξι (56) Δήμους και               social criteria
  τριάντα επτά (37) Υπηρεσίες του Υπουργείου                   (unemployment spell,
  Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας / Φορείς διαχείρισης             family status, disabilities,
  προστατευόμενων περιοχών για 8.933 θέσεις                    etc.).
  πλήρους απασχόλησης

  Employment promotion through public works
  programmes, including training, in 56 municipalities
  and 37 services of the Ministry of the Environment
  and Energy/ Bodies managing protected areas, for
  8 933 full-time jobs

* Classification of ALMPs according to the EU LMP database: Client services (1.1.), including Information
services (1.1.1.) and Individual case management (1.1.2.); Training (Category 2); Employment incentives
(including job rotation and job sharing) (Category 4); Sheltered and supported employment and rehabilitation
(Category 5); Direct job creation (Category 6); and Start-up incentives (Category 7).
Source: Annual PES Capacity Survey.

Table 6. ALMPs modified in 2019

  Intervention name                           Target groups        Type     Main modifications

  Ειδικό Πρόγραμμα Ενίσχυσης                  Unemployed           4, 5,   •   No period of compulsory
  Εργοδοτών για την πρόσληψη 2.000            people with          6           job retention
  ανέργων, ατόμων με αναπηρίες                disabilities, ex-                (modifications for the
  (ΑμεΑ), απεξαρτημένων από                   drug addicts,                    remaining 1 200
  εξαρτησιογόνες ουσίες,                      ex-convicts,                     positions).
  αποφυλακισμένων, νεαρών                     young offenders              •   No compulsory 2-month
  παραβατικών ατόμων ή νεαρών                 or young people                  unemployment spell for
  ατόμων που βρίσκονται σε κοινωνικό          in social peril                  the beneficiary target
  κίνδυνο, και Πρόγραμμα                                                       group.
  επιχορήγησης 50 θέσεων                                                   •   The third-year extension
  Εργονομικής Διευθέτησης του χώρου                                            of the programme is not
  εργασίας για άτομα με αναπηρίες                                              an option, and the
  (ΑμεΑ)                                                                       subsidy percentage rose
                                                                               to 90% and up to a
  Special employer support
                                                                               maximum of €800.
  programme aimed at hiring 2 000
                                                                           •   Employers can be
  unemployed people with disabilities,
                                                                               enterprises in the form of
  ex-drug addicts, ex-convicts, young
                                                                               public entities.
  offenders and young people in social
  peril. Subsidy programme for 50                                          All amendments were
  jobs with ergonomic workspace                                            introduced through a
  arrangement for people with                                              relevant Ministerial Decision
  disabilities**.                                                          issued on 13 July 2020.

PES Capacity Questionnaire. Country Factsheet – Greece

  Intervention name                            Target groups         Type     Main modifications

  Υλοποίηση προγραμμάτων Μαθητείας             Young people          2        E-application of candidates
  στις 50 Επαγγελματικές Σχολές                aged 16-23 who                 (students) & E-application of
  (ΕΠΑΣ)                                       have completed                 hourly-paid teaching staff at
                                               at least the first             the EPAS for the school year
  Implementation of apprenticeship
                                               grade of the                   2020-2021
  programmes at OAED’s 50
  Apprenticeship Vocational Schools

  Αναγγελία θέσεων Μαθητείας από               Young                 2        The modification concerned
  εργοδότες -Τοποθέτηση σε θέσεις              apprentices                    an increase in the
  Μαθητείας στις ΕΠΑΣ ΟΑΕΔ                                                    apprenticeship subsidy
                                                                              amount (Partnership
  Announcement of apprenticeships by
                                                                              Agreement 2014-2020)
  employers - Placement of students
                                                                              from €11 to €14.5 (in
  in apprenticeships at the OAED
                                                                              2019), and then, as of 3
                                                                              October 2020 to €16.54.
                                                                              The subsidy was adjusted to
                                                                              reflect the increase in the
                                                                              minimum daily wage, as
                                                                              defined in the National
                                                                              General Collective Labour

  Πιλοτικό πρόγραμμα απασχόλησης               Unemployed            2        Penalties for incomplete
  ανέργων ηλικίας 45 ετών και άνω,             people aged 45                 attendance of the courses;
  εγγεγραμμένων στο μητρώο                     and over who                   procedures for the
  ανέργων του ΚΠΑ2 Ελευσίνας                   are registered                 certification of the
                                               with the                       knowledge acquired.
  Pilot employment programme aimed
                                               Elefsina KPA2
  at hiring unemployed people aged
                                               (local PES)
  45 and over who are registered with
  the Elefsina KPA2 (local PES).

* Classification of ALMPs according to the EU LMP database: Client services (1.1.), including Information
services (1.1.1.) and Individual case management (1.1.2.); Training (Category 2); Employment incentives
(including job rotation and job sharing) (Category 4); Sheltered and supported employment and rehabilitation
(Category 5); Direct job creation (Category 6); and Start-up incentives (Category 7).
** Note: the employer subsidies for the (first) job creation programme with disabled beneficiaries also support
the employers for the (second) ergonomic workspace arrangement programme, aimed at the rehabilitation of
the people with disabilities hired within the framework of the programme.
Source: Annual PES Capacity Survey.

PES Capacity Questionnaire. Country Factsheet – Greece

The following table shows the types of ALMPs that are primarily used for each of the
client sub-groups listed in the table.

Table 7. Types of ALMP for specific client groups

                   Target       Young          Long-term         Older           Disabled      Refugees*
                    group       people        unemployed        workers
  Type of ALMPs                under 25)
  1.1.1 Information
                                    √               √               √               √
  1.1.2 Individual case
                                    √               √               √               √
  2: Training                       √               √               √               √                 √
  4: Employment
                                    √               √               √               √
  5: Supported
  employment and                                                                    √
  6: Direct job creation                                                            √
  7: Start-up incentives            √               √               √               √

Source: Annual PES Capacity Survey.
*Applies only to those with a temporary or permanent resident permit (status).

7. Main targets for measuring and monitoring performance
Table 8 lists the main strategic targets set by the PES for 2020 for all clients and for
sub-groups. The first column describes the general objective, while the second and third
columns specify the indicators and targets set.

Table 8. Main targets for measuring and monitoring performance

  Objective                              Indicator, including target group                  Target(s) set
                                         and time frame where applicable
  Strengthen the mediating role of       Share of Individual Action Plans (IAP)             80%
  OAED in the labour market and
                                         Share of referrals within wage subsidy             100%
  improve PES performance

                                         Share of referrals for vacancies                   100%

                                         Number of contacts with employers                  Increase 20%

                                         Share of new vacancies                             Increase 10%

                                         Share of placements within wage                    100%
                                         subsidy programmes

                                         Number of vacancies filled                         Increase/ Not
                                                                                            applicable yet
                                         Average time for wage subsidies                    30 days
                                         applications approval

                                         Average time for issuing benefit                   40 days

PES Capacity Questionnaire. Country Factsheet – Greece

  Objective                              Indicator, including target group     Target(s) set
                                         and time frame where applicable
  Increased number of                    Annual number of EPAS students        Increase by
  Apprenticeship Vocational School                                             20% on the
  (EPAS) students in the 2020-                                                 school year
  2021 school year compared to                                                 2020-2021
  the 2019-2020 school year.

  Increased number of Vocational         Annual number of IEK students         Increase by
  Training Institute (IEK) students                                            20% on the
  in the 2020-2021 school year                                                 school year
  compared to the 2019-2020                                                    2020-2021
  school year.

  Programme take-up rate                 Proportion of unemployed people who   80%
                                         were hired on New Job Creation
                                         Programmes, and proportion of
                                         unemployed people who started their
                                         own business on Programmes for New

Source: Annual PES Capacity Survey.

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