Children will be Children - WissensWerte bei Reinhardt - Ernst Reinhardt Verlag

Children will be Children - WissensWerte bei Reinhardt - Ernst Reinhardt Verlag

Children will be Children

       WissensWerte bei Reinhardt.
          WissensWerte  bei Reinhardt.
Children will be Children - WissensWerte bei Reinhardt - Ernst Reinhardt Verlag
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Cover photo © by _italo_ / Fotolia and © pictworks / Fotolia (see cover picture Stremme: "Keep Cool! Support
with ADHD", p. 4)
Children will be Children - WissensWerte bei Reinhardt - Ernst Reinhardt Verlag


Latest publications
Corinna Stremme: Keep Cool! Support with ADHD						      4
Anke Schlehufer: Children Love Adventures	 						5
Gabriele Schmidt-Klering: Grieving with Children					  	6
Gisela Batliner: Learn to hear easily	 							          7
Martin Schuster: Children‘s Drawings								8
Sylvia Weber: Supporting left-handed Children	 						   9

Anne Boller: My Child is starting Kindergarten	 						                        10
Margarete Blank-Mathieu: Small Difference – big Consequences?	 			            11

Christine Hagemann / Ingrid Börner: Ready for School with Montessori	 		      12
Helena Harms: Playfully learning Mathematics	 						                          13
Karl E. Dambach: Bullying at School								                                    14
Karl E. Dambach: Pupils Bullying Online	 							                              15

Behavioural difficulties
Andreas Mehringer: A brief Work on Therapeutic Pedagogy 					                  16
Joachim Rumpf: Screaming, Beating, Destroying	 					                          17

Walburga Brügge / Katharina Mohs: How Children learn to speak	 			            18
Vassilia Triarchi-Herrmann: Bilingual Education	 						                       19
Walburga Brügge / Katharina Mohs: When a Child begins to stutter	 			         20

Specific topics
Franz J. Mönks / Irene H. Ypenburg: Our Child is gifted 	 				                21
Ulrike von Chossy / Michael Bauer: Education without Religion	 			            22
Gerda Pighin: Teaching Children Values – but how?	 					                      23
Johann R. Krauss: The Adventure Playground	 						                            24
Sylvia Görnert-Stuckmann: Inventing Stories with Children	 				               25
Helena Harms: Getting to Sleep counting Sheep	 					                          26
Hans-Helmut Decker-Voigt: Into Life with Music	 					                         27

Children will be Children - WissensWerte bei Reinhardt - Ernst Reinhardt Verlag
Latest publications                                                  

Corinna Stremme

Keep Cool! Support with ADHD
Self-help guide for parents at home and
at school
(Children will be children; 43)

(Keep cool! Hilfen bei ADHS)
(Elternratgeber für Schule und Zuhause)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 43)

187 pages. bi-colour inner section
(978-3-497-02812-2) pb
 € [D] 19.90 / € [A] 20.50
also available in e-book format

Keeping your cool in the face of ADHD?
No problem!
• Tips and tricks from a mother with
experience of ADHD
• For parents of children aged between
6 and 12 years
• With numerous case studies drawn from
daily life with ADHD

Chaos is often the order of the day in the world of children with ADHD. They have difficulty in sitting
still, concentrating or controlling initial impulses. As a result, learning often takes great effort, and
conflicts are inevitable. However, parents of children with ADHD do not have an easy time of it either.
In addition to coping with the diagnosis, they are required to deal with possible medication and
manage family life at the same time, and frequently reach breaking point.

This self-help guide for parents provides key background knowledge and gives parents numerous tips
for dealing with life at home and at school. The author highlights how parents can not only protect
themselves, but also cope with family life with the necessary helping of humour and optimism.

The author
Corinna Stremme is a secondary school teacher, learning therapist, director of an association for tho-
se affected by ADHD and mother of three children, one of whom has ADHD.

Target readership
Parents of and other attachment figures for children with ADHD

Children will be Children - WissensWerte bei Reinhardt - Ernst Reinhardt Verlag
Latest publications                                              

Anke Schlehufer

Children Love Adventures
Wild and real experiences for children between
6 and 12
(Children will be children; 41)

(Kinder lieben Abenteuer)
(Wilde und echte Erlebnisse für 6- bis 12-jährige)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 41)

160 pages. bi-colour inner section
(978-3-497-02543-5) pb
 € [D] 19.90 / € [A] 20.50
also available in e-book format

Experiencing adventures – Exploring the world
• Real adventures with children between
6 and 12
• Plenty of stimulating tips for experiences
in nature
• Suppporting development in a playful manner

Children between 6 and 12 years want to explore and understand themselves and the world. When
they experience adventures, they feel alive, learn endurance and confidence, satisfy their curiosity
and their desire to explore.

How can parents support their children in their adventure lust and their need for autonomy, unim-
peded playing and nature experience? In this book they will find plenty of practice-oriented ideas –
for a multitude of adventures dealing with topics of childhood: Nature, elements, seasons, exercise,
friendship, fantasy, animals, building, collecting, exploring ...

The author
Anke Schlehufer, graduate biologist and nursery-school teacher, has been working with the regional
county council of youth groups Munich in the field of children and youngster work. Being the founder
of the environmental education projects as well as further education seminars focussed on environ-
mental education/education for sustainable development since 1992.

Target readership
Parents, grandparents, but also educational professionals, natur and experience pedagogues

Children will be Children - WissensWerte bei Reinhardt - Ernst Reinhardt Verlag
Latest publications                                                  

Gabriele Schmidt-Klering

Grieving with Children
Self-help guide
(Children will be children; 42)

(Mit Kindern gemeinsam trauern)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 42)

139 p. 28 ill. bi-colour inner section
(978-3-497-02680-7) pb
 € [D] 14.90 / € [A] 15.40
also available in e-book format

Grieving together
• concrete help for parents
• includes numerous examples and
• comprehensive information section with
websites, literature and media

When a close friend or relative dies, the world turns upside down. If this occurs within the family and
children are affected, parents and relatives usually experience deep feelings of insecurity. Their own
grief is exacerbated by worrying about how the children will cope the situation.

The author empathetically describes how children grieve and provides answers to pressing questions, such
as how can I prepare my child for the loss of a loved one? Where can I get help, and when is professional
support necessary? Clear examples of rituals and mutual activities to cope with bereavement and deal
with feelings and memories, as well as suggestions for tallking to and thinking things over with children
make this book a helpful guide.

The author
Gabriele Schmidt-Klering, a certified bereavement counsellor (BVT), social administrator and child
care worker, supports children and adolscents who have lost a loved one, as well as their families. She
runs bereavement groups for childrens and adolescents and advises adults on how to cope with grief.

Target readership
Parents and relatives of children affected by the prospect of death, death itself or grief, or who wish
to prepare their children for the same

Children will be Children - WissensWerte bei Reinhardt - Ernst Reinhardt Verlag
Latest publications                                                

Gisela Batliner

Learn to hear easily
A parent book for early hearing and speech
(Children will be children; 39)

(Hörgeschädigte Kinder spielerisch fördern)
(Ein Elternbuch zum frühen Hör- und
(Kinder sind Kinder; 39)

4th compl. revised ed. 2016
207 p. 24 ill. bi-colour inner section
(978-3-497-02650-0) pb
€ [D] 24.90 / € [A] 25.60
also available in e-book format

Compact Knowledge for Parents
„Your child‘s hearing is impaired“ – this
diagnosis raises many questions and
worries in parents:
• How will my child develop hearing and speech?
• How can I stimulate my child in everyday life?
• Which assistive technology is available for
hearing-impaired children and how do I handle
• What kind of professional assistance is availab-
le for hearing-imparied children and their pa-

The author provides descriptive answers to these questions and enables parents to gain confidence
again in everyday contact with their child. The practical and vivid description of numerous game
situations encourages to try them out – a must-have for all parents of children with impaired hearing.

Gisela Batliner, M. A., is a teacher of the hearing impaired, clinical linguist and Montessori teacher.
She works as a freelance speech therapist, lecturer and supervisor in the field of the early develop-
ment of children with hearing impairments.

Target readership
Child care workers, remedial education workers, paediatric nurses, early development specialists,
teachers of the hearing impaired, speech therapists, parents of children with hearing impairments

Children will be Children - WissensWerte bei Reinhardt - Ernst Reinhardt Verlag
Latest publications                                                 

Martin Schuster

Children‘s Drawings
How they evolve, what they mean
(Children will be children; 35)

(Wie sie entstehen, was sie bedeuten)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 35)

4th revised and newly designed ed. 2015
176 pages. numerous illustrations. bi-colour
inner section
(978-3-497-02533-6) pb
€ [D] 19.90 / € [A] 20.50
also available in e-book format

• encourage drawing talents
• understanding children‘s drawings
• 4th edition in new layout

When children start drawing they are still unable to explain the view of the world in words. Does the
drawing of a child give us insight into the child‘s thoughts and feelings? Yes, it does, says the author
of this book – all you need to do is considering the cultural and family background. A drawing reflects
what a child thinks and feels. Even sorrow and emotional conflicts can be expressed in this way.

The author describes how children‘s drawings develop alongside with their increasing knowledge of
the world. Examples of pictures illustrate which encrypted messages can be enclosed within a child‘s

Plenty of suggestions invite parents and educators to encourage the children‘s drawing talent by
using simple tasks and games.

The author
Prof. Dr. Martin Schuster, certified psychologist, Faculty of Humanities, Cologne University.

Target readership
Parents and educators

Children will be Children - WissensWerte bei Reinhardt - Ernst Reinhardt Verlag
Latest publications                                                

Sylvia Weber

Supporting left-handed Children
With many practical tips
(Children will be children; 23)

(Linkshändige Kinder richtig fördern)
(Mit vielen praktischen Tipps)

4th updated and redesigned ed. 2014
137 p. numerous photos and illustrations
bi-colour inner section
(978-3-497-02479-7) pb
€ [D] 14.90 / € [A] 15.40
also available in e-book format

I can do that (right) hands down!

• Is my child left-handed?
• How can I support my child?
• What can I do against preconceptions?

How can I do this with my left hand? Tying a bow, using a computer, playing a musical instrument, and
in particular –how to write without cramping?

Sylvia Weber understands the questions and worries that parents are prone to. She describes impor-
tant basics in understanding handedness and explains how to determine at an early age which hand a
child favours. She also gives helpful advice in a sensible way on how to support the natural preference
for the left hand.

The author
Sylvia Weber, diploma in biology, works in counselling service for left-handed people. Main subjects:
examinations and tests of handedness with children and adults, help with the training of relaxed

Target readership
Families and all those who deal with left-handed children

Children will be Children - WissensWerte bei Reinhardt - Ernst Reinhardt Verlag

Anne Boller

My Child is starting Kindergarten
(Children will be children; 33)

(Mein Kind kommt in den Kindergarten)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 33)

108 pages. bi-colour inner section
(978-3-497-02041-6) pb
€ [D] 12.90 / € [A] 13.30
also available in e-book format

When a child enters kindergarten, usually the anticipation is huge. The parents, however, also ask
themselves a lot of questions: “Will my child be looked after well there?”, “Will she / he feel at ease?”,
“How can I support my child?”

Nearly all children manage the unknown surroundings and the new group better if a trusted person
accompanies them during the first days: Whilst Carla only exchanges glances every now and again
with her mother, Miriam frequently sits in her father’s lap. Sebastian, however, attaches himself in-
stantly to a group of children who are playing Hide and Seek.

As different as the children are, the trusted person serves as a secure base for all of them. By means of
examples from her many years of practice, Anne Boller shows how children can be supported so that
they enter kindergarten well.

The author
Dipl.-Päd. Anne Boller, Darmstadt, after many years of working as an advisor for education in a family
education establishment, has worked for 20 years now as an educator in kindergartens and child day
care centres.


Margarete Blank-Mathieu

Small Difference – big Consequences?
The kindergarten‘s contribution towards a
gender-orientated education
(Children will be Children; 20)

(Kleiner Unterschied – große Folgen?)
(Geschlechtsbewusste Erziehung in der Kita)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 20)

2nd revised edition 2002
140 pages
(978-3-497-01619-8) pb
€ [D] 11.90 / € [A] 12.30

• What kind of picture books do you offer
the children in the kindergarten?
• Do you encourage girls and boys to play
with puppets in the same way?
• Do you ask mostly the girls to help you to
• How do you involve the parents?

By entering the kindergarten little girls know at the latest that they are girls and boys know that they
are boys. Until entering elementary school children have learned, what kind of rule expectation is con-
nected with their gender. This phase in childhood is very important for developing gender identity.
This is one reason why the kindergarten – beside the
family - plays an important role in the development of the child.

Kindergarten teachers are asked for creating an atmosphere where children can expand their know-
ledge about gender, rules and identity.

The author
Dr. Margarte Blank-Mathieu, born in 1945, is working free-lanced in further vocational training.
Trained as a kindergarten teacher she first worked in different kindergartens followed by raising up
her own four children and studying social science in Tübingen. 2002 doctoral degree about gender
development and identity in pre-school age boys.


Christine Hagemann / Ingrid Börner

Ready for School with Montessori
Optimal preparation at daycare facilities
(Children will be children; 17)

(Schulfähig mit Montessori)
(Optimale Vorbereitung in der Kita)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 17)

2nd revised ed. 2009
123 pages. 28 illustrations. 1 table
bi-colour inner section
€ [D] 12.90 / € [A] 13.30
also available in e-book format

Fit for School with Montessori!

How can Montessori materials at daycare facilities be deployed for school preparation? Which
skills can be furthered? What are the qualifications needed by the educator? This book an-
swers these questions by providing a basic introduction to the pedagogics of Maria Montes-
sori. The authors make use of a comprehensive practical part to show how school preparation
with Montessori materials for five and six year olds can look like.

The authors
Ingrid Börner and Christine Hagemann, Bayreuth, are professors at an academy for social and
special pedagogy.


Helena Harms

Playfully learning Mathematics
Number fun for primary school children and
their parents
(Children will be children; 32)

(Spielend rechnen lernen)
(Zahlenspaß für Grundschulkinder und
ihre Eltern)

118 pages. 10 illustrations
(978-3-497-01994-6) pb
€ [D] 12.90 / € [A] 13.30

Mathematics is a subject that many children often find difficult. No weaknesses in numeracy
necessarily need to exist, often the children are only lacking the right feeling for numbers
and formulas. Frequently small misunderstandings lead to children failing or not getting any
further with arithmetic exercises. How can children be helped to escape these “learning

In this handbook, the author shows how problems with numeracy develop and how they can
be met. Parents learn how they can playfully convey a feeling for mathematics to their child.
With games, pirate stories and puzzles, children can discover mathematics themselves
without boring cramming and learning.

The author
Dipl.-Psych. Helena Harms, Berlin, looks after tutees in the subject of maths.


Karl E. Dambach

Bullying at School
(Children will be children; 15)

(Mobbing in der Schulklasse)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 15)

3rd revised ed. 2009
118 pages. 10 illustrations
(978-3-497-02083-6) pb
€ [D] 14.90 / € [A] 15.40
also available in e-book format

What is “mobbing”?

• What is going on in the classroom unnoti-
ced by the teachers?
• Outsider or loner?
• Do outsiders really suffer?
• Do family and friends provide the mobbing
victim with a feeling of security?
• How long does mobbing continue to have
an effect?
• How does a pupil become an outsider?
• Can mobbing spread throughout the
• Are there limits to mobbing intervention?

In summer 2009, the revised version of “Bullying at school” was published. In this book, Karl E.
Dambach presents the typical behavioural patterns that are learnt at an early age in school. He offers
concrete guidelines on how teachers and parents can help the bullied pupils and makes suggestions
for improving social behaviour in the school.

The author
Karl E. Dambach, born 1945, two children, director of studies at Werner-Heisenberg-Schule in
Rüsselsheim, teaching function at occupational schools, minor studies: pedagogy and psychology,
instructor and head of department at the study seminar for occupational schools in Wiesbaden with
the main focus on education and sociology.


Karl E. Dambach

Pupils Bullying Online
Prevention and Intervention Strategies
against Cyber-Bullying
(Children will be children; 36)

(Wenn Schüler im Internet mobben)
(Präventions- und Interventions-
strategien gegen Cyber Bullying)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 36)

2nd reviewed ed. 2012
122 pages. 5 illustrations. 5 tables
(978-3-497-02314-1) pb
€ [D] 14.90 / € [A] 15.40
also available in e-book format

Volatile Topic: Cyber-Bullying
•   Pupils and teachers alike are becoming
•   Concepts and suggestions for taking
    action in terms of prevention and in-

Cyber-Bullying via Internet, e-mails and mobile phones is a growing issue among children and teena-
gers. Teachers are becoming victims of electronic bullying as well. Legal and technical measures such
as deleting the respective online sites rarely help.

The author suggests introducing a feedback culture in class. That way pupils learn to give each other
feedback and to address teachers and fellow pupils alike with their criticism. They don’t have to blow
off their steam online at home any longer. Apart from supporting socially responsible actions through
teaching at school, cooperation with parents and coaching of bullying victims are also subject of this
book. Specific examples show how these ideas are put into effect.

The author
Karl E. Dambach, Director of Studies and Head of department with educational work focus at a Tea-
chers’ Training College, freelance instructor in the field of further education of teachers.

Behavoural difficulties                                      

Andreas Mehringer

A brief Work on Therapeutic
On dealing with “difficult” children
With an afterword by Roland Merten
(Children will be children; 12)

(Eine kleine Heilpädagogik)
(Vom Umgang mit „schwierigen“ Kindern)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 12)

13th ed. 2013
98 pages
(978-3-497-02414-8) pb
€ [D] 14.90 / € [A] 15.40
also available in e-book format

This book is a classic in therapeutic pedagogy! Dr. Andreas Mehringer (1911-2004) offers
simple advice in the best sense of the word from his many years’ experience as manager of
a children’s home. This book will be helpful to educators and all those working in kindergar-
tens, schools and homes; for leaders of child and youth groups; those studying therapeutic
pedagogy and social pedagogy and, last but not least, for parents – also foster and adoptive
parents – themselves.

The author
Dr. Andreas Mehringer (1911-2004), long-time director of the Munich orphanage in

Behavoural difficulties                                              

Joachim Rumpf

Screaming, Beating, Destroying
Dealing with aggressive children
(Children will be children; 21)

(Schreien, schlagen, zerstören)
(Mit aggressiven Kindern umgehen)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 21)

120 pages
(978-3-497-01629-7) pb
€ [D] 12.90 / € [A] 13.30

Parents often feel helpless when their children behave in an extremely aggressive way. Should they
ignore their child‘s behaviour? How should they react? What is going to happen tomorrow if they
give in today? Is it always good to be consistent? Often parents are exposed to well-meant advice
such as: slapping the child has never done any harm.

The way how to deal with aggressive behaviour is as complex as the phenomenon itself. Depending
on the situation it is sometimes better to ignore the child. Sometimes, however, the child should bear
the consequences for his behaviour. At other points giving in could also be an appropriate reaction.
Therefore it is impossible to give general advice. For parents it is more important to get as much in-
formation about aggressive behaviour as possible. Besides they should know about the different ma-
nifestations of their child‘s aggressive behaviour and the reasons for it. The parents should be advised
on how to deal with the aggressive behaviour of a child and how to establish positive conditions in
the child‘s surroundings and in the family.

The author
Dr. Joachim Rumpf, father of two children. From 1968 to 1973 teacher at primary and secondary mo-
dern schools. From 1973 to 2000 director of a children‘s home. From 1976 to 1997 lecturer for social
work at PH Freiburg.


Walburga Brügge / Katharina Mohs

How Children learn to speak
Normal and disturbed speech development
(Children will be children; 9)

(So lernen Kinder sprechen)
(Normale und gestörte Sprachentwicklung)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 9)

7th revised and redesigned ed. 2013
116 pages. bi-colour inner section
(978-3-497-02362-2) pb
€ [D] 14.90 / € [A] 15.40
also available in e-book format

• Development of speech
• General conditions of speech development
• Progress of speech
• Defective speech development
• Promotion of speech development

In the course of their speech development many children show peculiarities in syntax or in
phonation. How long is it normal for a child to make mistakes in speech? What can parents do
to support their child’s speech development? This book gives parents and teachers an over-
view of normal speech development and explains the conditions necessary for it. Possible
disorders are illustrated and clarified. The authors offer numerous tips on how parents can
assist in speech development and how to find competent counselling.

The authors
Walburga Brügge and Katharina Mohs are logopaedists in Hamm, Westphalia.


Vassilia Triarchi-Herrmann

Bilingual Education
How can I support my child
(Children will be children; 25)

(Mehrsprachige Erziehung)
(Wie Sie Ihr Kind fördern)
(Kinder sind Kinder, 25)

3rd revised ed. 2012
155 pages. numerous illustrations
(978-3-497-02272-4) pb
€ [D] 17.90 / € [A] 18.40
also available in e-book format

In places where people of different nationalities, cultures, and religions live together, children grow
up speaking two or more languages. The process of this language development is always exciting for
the parents and educationalists involved. How do these children deal with being bilingual? What sorts
of difficulties can crop up? How should parents react when the child switches languages? How can
parents, educators and teachers support these children?

In this book the author offers answers to these questions about multilingual education, as well as tips
for daily life. She acquaints the reader with the idea of being bilingual, and demystifies fundamental
notions. Explanations about the development of bilingual children are illustratively presented. From
this basis, Triarchi-Herrmann who herself has a rich treasure of experience as a language therapist and
mother of a grown bilingual child, gives practical tips on how parents can support the development
of their bilingual children.

The author
Dr. Vassilia Triarchi-Herrmann, M.A., lecturer at the Dillingen Acadamy for Teacher Training and Staff
Management. Lecturer at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, faculty of psychology and peda-
gogy. Language therapist and teacher of bilingual children, mother of a bilingual child.


Walburga Brügge / Katharina Mohs

When a Child begins to stutter
Guide for parents and teachers
(Children will be children; 2)

(Wenn ein Kind anfängt zu stottern)
(Ratgeber für Eltern und Erzieher)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 2)

4th completely revised ed. 2006
87 pages. 15 illustrations
(978-3-497-01869-7) pb
€ [D] 9.90 / € [A] 10.20
also available in e-book format

When pre-school children don’t speak fluently it is not necessarily the beginnings of a stut-
ter. How can one distinguish between stammering that can arise during speech development
and an incipient stutter? When should parents seek help? How can parents encourage their
child’s speech development?

In this completely revised edition the authors emphasize the need for a positive environment for
speech development and present guidelines on one’s behaviour when dealing with children who
stutter. In addition to this they discuss the situation in kindergarten and school. In the appen-
dix the reader will find a glossary with explanations of the most important specialist terms. The
book is rounded off with suggestions for games and books for encouraging children.

The authors
Walburga Brügge and Katharina Mohs are logopaedists in Hamm, Westphalia.

Specific topics                                              

Franz J. Mönks / Irene H. Ypenburg

Our Child is gifted
A parent‘s guide
(Children will be children; 14)

(Unser Kind ist hochbegabt)
(Ein Leitfaden für Eltern)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 14)

5th revised and redesigned ed. 2012
151 pages
(978-3-497-02259-5) pb
€ [D] 16.90 / € [A] 17.40
also available in e-book format

Parents and teachers often complain that it can be a long and wearying task to find the right
educational support and help that the gifted child is so sorely in need of. Can the mentally
gifted be recognized in infancy? Are gifted children problematical? How can educational and
school problems be avoided? These and other related questions are answered in this book.

The authors
Prof. Dr. Franz J. Mönks is professor for psychology and pedagogics for gifted children at
the University of Nijmegen, Netherlands, head of the Centre for Research on gifted children
and president of the European Associatoion für Gifted Children.
Irene H. Ypenburg, publicist and editor of a range of material for elementary school.

Specific topics                                                     

Ulrike von Chossy / Michael Bauer

Education without Religion
Arguments and Ideas for Parents
(Children will be children; 40)

(Erziehen ohne Religion)
(Argumente und Anregungen für Eltern)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 40)

146 pages. bi-colour inner section
(978-3-497-02367-7) pb
€ [D] 19.90 / € [A] 20.50
also available in e-book format

Successful Education without Religion
•   Arguments for values without religion
•   Hands-on tips for how to deal with
    religious festivals
•   Support for dealing with educational

More than a third of all German-speaking people considers themselves not religious – number
increasing. This trend within society poses a crucial question: How can parents educate their children
without falling back on religious values and ideas?

The authors show a successful way of having a non-religious attitude towards education. Based on
findings from brain research and developmental psychology, they discuss how to deal with important
topics such as life crises, death and mourning. Parents get hands-on tips, e.g. on how to deal with re-
ligious and nonreligious festivals throughout the year, selecting suitable day-care centres as well as
how to deal with religious education and rituals at school. Helpful addresses and reading tips round
off this book.

The authors
Ulrike von Chossy, graduate social pedagogue, head of the humanist primary school in Fürth. She is
a mother of two.
Michael Bauer, graduate political scientist, is chairman of the Association of Humanists Germany/
National Association Bavaria, and managing director of the Humanistisches Sozialwerk Bayern. He
lives in a patchwork family with two children.

Specific topics                                                

Gerda Pighin

Teaching Children Values – but how?
(Children will be children; 27)

(Kindern Werte geben – aber wie?)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 27)

2nd revised ed. 2005
102 pages. 8 illustrations
(978-3-497-01747-8) pb
€ [D] 9.90 / € [A] 10.20

• How does the conscience develop?
• From respect to the courage of one’s con-
victions – which values are important today?
• How do we transmit values?

Children should be able to assert themselves in kindergarten, at school and later in their ca-
reer. They should also be tolerant and empathetic. Parents would like to bring them up to be
questioning adults, but without belittling or disparaging other points of view. They should be
courageous, responsible, bold, helpful and peace-loving. Easier said than done.

Gerda Pighin offers parents and grandparents a guide for a modern approach to the teaching
of values, so that our children will be able to shape the world of tomorrow in a beneficial way.

The author
Gerda Pighin is from Hamburg and a journalist. Her work focuses on children’s development
and education, psychology and health.

Specific topics                                              

Johann R. Krauss

The Adventure Playground
Planing, Foundation and educational work
(Children will be children; 24)

(Der Abenteuerspielplatz)
(Planung, Gründung und pädagogische
(Kinder sind Kinder; 24)

131 pages
numerous photos and charts
(978-3-497-01652-5) pb
€ [D] 9.90 / € [A] 10.20

What do we have to think about when foun-
ding an association?
• How can we integrate children and young
• Which regulations do we have to mind?
• How can we work out a plan, how can it be

Suitable places for children are rare in urban areas, children are banned from the courtyards
and the pavements for a long time. It is therefor even more important to offer children and
young people suitable places. The adventure playground presents a natural, elemental space
for experience: working with wood or other materials, to learn the contact with animals, to
form the earth with your hands or with tools, to have fun with other people, to plan projects
and discuss your intentions. Johann R. Krauss uses his experience he has gathered for years at
the adventure playground and gives answers to basic questions which people would certainly
ask when planning an adventure playground.

The author
Johann R. Krauss, Heilbronn, graduate social worker, graduate educator. He worked on the
adventure playground in Freiburg-Weingarten from 1991 to 1999, is co-founder and initia-
tor of of two adventure playground and founder of the „Horker Spielkarre“ in Heilbronn.

Specific topics                                               

Sylvia Görnert-Stuckmann

Inventing Stories with Children
(Children will be children; 22)

(Mit Kindern Geschichten erfinden)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 22)

123 pages. 8 children‘s drawings
(978-3-497-01644-0) pb
€ [D] 9.90 / € [A] 10.20
also available in e-book format

Telling children stories and inventing stories with them is a skill everybody is able to learn.
With a little bit of practice you will easily discover the numerous topics and themes everyday-
life has to offer. At the same time story-telling promotes our childrens‘ linguistic develop-
ment, stimulates their imagination and improves the relationship between parents and child.

In her book Sylvia Görnert-Stuckmann explains why stories are important for the child‘s de-
velopment and how story-telling can help to solve conflicts. She gives many examples of how
you can work creatively with one child or a group of children. Besides she has collected plenty
of stories she invented together with children. You can profit from the examples and stories
given in this book by using them to support your child in a playful way. You will see –it means
not only fun for your child!

The author
Social worker Sylvia Görnert-Stuckmann has got one daughter. Further training in client-
centred negotiation. She worked as a lecturer in a school for patient care.

Specific topics                                              

Helena Harms

Getting to Sleep counting Sheep
Guide for a good night’s sleep for parents
and their children
(Children will be children; 34)

(Mit Wolkenschäfchen in den Schlaf)
(Ratgeber für ausgeschlafene Eltern und
ihre Kinder)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 34)

117 pages. 9 illustrations
bi-colour inner section
(978-3-497-02059-1) pb
€ [D] 14.90 / € [A] 15.40

“My child won’t sleep”. This lament is often heard from parents whose children are already of
preschool or school age. This new guide by Helena Harms explains why even older children
can still be struggling with sleeping problems. The author shows how parents can lovingly
and gently help their children achieve better sleep patterns, how to deal with their night-
mares, defuse bedtime arguments and how to quickly and surely help even little bundles of
energy to relax. In addition to important information about children’s sleeping behaviour and
biorhythms, numerous good-night stories which create a relaxing ritual offer the parents
incentive as well as reading suggestions and eliminate the child’s fear of going to sleep.

The author
Dipl. psych. Helena Harms, Berlin, relaxation trainer and mother of two children.

Specific topics                                                 

Hans-Helmut Decker-Voigt

Into Life with Music
(Children will be children; 31)

(Mit Musik ins Leben)
(Kinder sind Kinder; 31)

213 pages. 15 illustrations
bi-colour inner section
(978-3-497-01928-1) pb
€ [D] 18.90 / € [A] 19.50
also available in e-book format

• How do the experiencing of music and the
hearing of the child develop?
• What effect do early rhythms have on us?
• How does music influence the development
of the personality?

While it is still in the womb, a baby experiences rhythms, musical dynamics and melodies
through the heartbeat of the mother, her voice and noises from the outer world.

The author describes exciting research results on the experiencing of music from pregnancy
until early childhood. For each stage of development he offers suggestions on how to ac-
company children playfully with music, how to stimulate and encourage them: for instance,
in shared rituals, with singing and games involving rhythm and movement. The parents will
learn one thing in particular: to listen carefully so as to be in tune with the individual rhythms
of their child.

The author
Prof. Dr. Hans-Helmut Decker-Voigt, director of the Institute for Music Therapy at the
College of Music & Theatre, Hamburg, free-lance writer.

editorial deadline 09/18

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