Chile Earthquake An update on CLC in Chile pg. 3

Page created by Adam Harvey
Chile Earthquake An update on CLC in Chile pg. 3

    2010 Issue No. 2             

                                    Chile earthquake victim Gaspar Sanchez

Chile Earthquake
An update on CLC in Chile   pg. 3

BookLink in action in Thailand   pg. 12

Malaysia Revival
Author John Kitchen visits Malaysia       pg. 22
Chile Earthquake An update on CLC in Chile pg. 3
Keith Beale
                                                 US Director of
                                                                                                       I  n February, images of the earthquake in Chile gained media
                                                                                                          attention and swept around the world. Today, while the
                                                                                                       Chilean tragedy is no longer in the news, the need for aid
                                           Finance and Administration
                INTERNATIONAL                                                                          has become more pressing than ever. The people in this
CLC World is published three                                                                           South American country have slowly begun the task of
times per year by CLC Ministries       Financially Speaking….                                          rebuilding the country – a process which could take up
International, 701 Pennsylvania                                                                        to ten years. The hope of a better future, however, is not
Ave., Ft. Washington, PA 19034,
a non-profit organization meeting
                                                                                                       enough to overcome the current trauma that Chileans
literature needs around the world      It is hard to go a day without hearing news about the           are living through. The thousands of people who lost
since 1941. © 2010 CLC Ministries      economy – prices going up, markets going down, who just         loved ones or possessions as a result of the earthquake
International, Inc. No part of this                                                                    and subsequent tsunami now seek not only material
                                       went out of business, or how many people are unemployed.
periodical may be reproduced
electronically or in print without
                                       The lackluster economy has been felt by all, and certainly we   help to rebuild their homes but also spiritual help to
permission. We welcome your            are no exception.                                               regain hope and the desire to live.
comments. Email us at clcworld@                            Whether due to the four large snow storms which temporarily
                                       shut down our stores or just caution due to uncertain times,
                                                                                                       After several days of complete chaos, CLC was able
CLC U.S.A. is part of an               our overall bookstore sales were down about 7% from the         to reopen the two hardest-hit bookstores in the cities of
interdenominational faith mission      previous year. Our publishing actually grew by 4%, praise       Concepción and Talca with some degree of normalcy. Unable
working in over 58 countries on        the Lord, but the overall drop meant we had to borrow           to use the actual bookstore building in Talca due to the risk of
six continents and is a member of
                                       money to pay bills, leaving us with some debt.                  aftershocks, CLC quickly built a separate room of wood in the back
The Mission Exchange (formerly
EFMA).                                                                                                 yard to serve the needs of the public. In Concepción, the second-most
                                       Everyone worked hard to find creative ways to reduce            affected city, CLC’s bookstore seems to be one of the few businesses
FINANCIAL POLICY                       costs. We negotiated lower rents, reduced utility usage and
This multi-ethnic ministry involves    travelled less, just to name a few, bringing our expenses       operating in the city center, with customers arriving constantly. Despite the
approximately 1000 people of           down 11%. At the end of the fiscal year, we almost broke        fact that both bookstores were closed for several days and that the economy
different nationalities who, by        even in net income. We have been trying to sell our Somers      of the people in these cities has been seriously affected, the distribution of
faith, trust God to supply their       Point, New Jersey missionary house to help pay bills, but       books and other materials has actually shown some growth.
needs. Gifts received for projects
                                       housing sales are still stagnant.
are used as designated. Gifts
given in excess of project funding
needs will be designated to similar    We covet your prayers for our ministry and our finances.
projects. Proceeds from book sales     Any donations to help meet needs are greatly appreciated
are used in the extension of the       and can be sent to the address shown below on the left or
work worldwide—opening and             can be donated online at For any questions
developing bookshops and mobile        about our finances, please call me at 215-542-1242.
ministries as well as publishing                                                                                   By Gerardo Scalante
and distributing literature in
many languages. Audited annual
                                                                                   In this issue...
financial reports are available                                                                        While our workers in these cities are actively involved
upon request from our office at        3 .......... Cover Story – Chile Earthquake
PO Box 1449, Ft. Washington,
                                                                                                       in distributing aid to those most affected, their own
PA 19034. Subscriptions to CLC         6 .......... Church Bookstore Harvest                           houses have also been damaged. While resources permit,
World are free. The average cost       8 .......... New UK Bookstores                                  CLC Chile will continue to help pastors and families who have
for publication and mailing for one                                                                    lost everything, and we are also distributing free literature to those
year is $8.00.                        12 .......... BookLink – Thailand
                                                                                                       desperately seeking answers to their situations.
     CLC Ministries International     14 .......... Reflections from Rebecca
        701 Pennsylvania Ave.         16 .......... Where in the World is CLC?
            PO BOX 1449
                                                                                                       In the midst of so much tragedy, it is reassuring to hear of the miraculous ways
      Fort Washington, PA 19034       17 .......... GodTunes                                           God has been taking care of His children and how this crisis has served to start
            215-542-1242              18 .......... CLC Book Reviews                                   a spiritual awakening and a desperate search for God. There is openness in the
                                      20 .......... CLC Venezuela – Warehouse Opening                  hearts of the people and opportunity to testify of the love of God such as we                                                                                  never before had.
 2                                    22 .......... Malaysia Revival                                                                                                                      3
Chile Earthquake An update on CLC in Chile pg. 3
The streets in the commercial center were              CLC staff delivering aid
                                                                                                          blocked off

                                             CLC Chile Director Isaac Zuniga
                                             (green shirt) giving out literature
God miraculously spared the pastor
     who sleeps in this bed

                                                                                           Gaspar Sanchez was grateful for
                                                                                          help after his house was destroyed
                                                                                                                                            Removing the rubble any way possible

             A village street on the coast           This damaged church steeple by our
                                                      store means we are closed for now

                                                                                          The street is blocked in front of our bookstore

                                                                                                                                                        Totally destroyed

CLC member Sergio by the back gate of the
           Talca bookstore                          Aid for earthquake victims

         Donate to Chile Relief fund online at
 4                                                                                                                                                                             5
Chile Earthquake An update on CLC in Chile pg. 3
Remarkable Results in Sharon Hill
                        By Shirley
                           Shirley Brockenborough

     n 2007, CLC opened its Word              and Ms. Haley was so impressed with the         God’s Word in the hands of the
     of Life Bookstore at First African       bookstore staff that she surprised us and       people at their different levels of
Baptist Church of Sharon Hill,                returned for the discussion of her book!        understanding. Our 16 bookstore
Pennsylvania, a neighborhood of                                                               volunteers have become the go-to
Philadelphia. I was asked to manage           A second offshoot and perhaps the most          people when it comes to finding
the new venture along with a team of          precious, is the Teen Girls Book Club.          the right resource. We often sense
dedicated volunteers, but did we know         It started out simply by asking one of          special needs and are able to
anything about running a bookstore?           our members to lead the girls through           provide for that specific situation.
NO! Could we select appropriate               reading and discussing a book called            This always leads people back to
materials to stock the shelves or even        Staying Pure. This book opened the door         the Bible, often they just need
operate a cash register? NO! It was all       for safe discussion of the problems and         someone to guide them there.
brand new to us. It                                             situations our teen girls
is amazing to look                                              face each day. Our church     Our little store has also become a
back now and see how Not only do they read, but they is in an area where teen                 hub to meet the needs of smaller
God put just the right       do service in and out of the       pregnancy and drop-out        churches in our area. Requests
people in place and                     church!                 statistics are alarming,      for church supplies and books
how He used CLC to                                              so the church becomes         continue to grow. We see this as an
lead us through the training period.          these girls’ oasis. Soon the girls told their   effective way to spread God’s Word
                                              friends, and many of the young ladies           and bring His church together in
Listen to what has come out of this small from the neighborhood came for the                  ministry.
bookstore in the last three years!            discussions and eventually joined our
                                              congregation, often bringing their entire       For our volunteers, the greatest
The first was the Women’s Book Club.          families with them! The single reading          reward is the joy we receive from
The ladies have now read many helpful         selection turned into an ongoing event          serving in God’s garden. Thank
books, but more importantly, have             and eventually from a “girls club” into         you, CLC, for accepting us as part
discussed how their lives often parallel      a “young ladies group.” They are now            of the awesome challenge placed
the books. Through discussion, they have into their fifth book and loving every               upon you to take God’s Word into
found a greater understanding of their        moment. The best part for me has been           a starving world. It is the seed
own lives and a realization that they aren’t seeing the transformation from girls             that can change lives and produce
alone. This realization helps them gain       into young ladies. Their decorum is             remarkable results!
self-confidence, and many have moved          remarkably different. Not only do they

into other ministries of our church. One      read, but they do service in and out of
of the most exciting experiences was          the church!                                             ofLife
a women’s breakfast and book signing                                                               a
with author Patricia Haley and her book       Another blessing has been to witness                         CLC Christian
Chosen. The ladies were so excited to have the transforming power of the written                            The Christian Bookstore with a Worldwide Mission
a nationally known author in their midst, Word. Through CLC we are able to put
6                                                                                                                                                              7
Chile Earthquake An update on CLC in Chile pg. 3
I  t was on November 16, 2009 that
   the news broke about the financial
struggles of IBS-STL (UK) and Wesley
Owen, the UK’s largest chain of Christian
bookstores with 40 shops. Facing the
reality that many of the shops might have
to be closed, CLC began praying about
the situation and those affected by it. Our
leadership team asked what we could/
should do if we are serious about our
Purpose Statement. “I have never sensed
such a sense of peace in a CLC committee
meeting when what is on the table is so
huge and the challenges so great,” said
CLC UK Director Phil Burnham. CLC
made the decision to purchase six of the
shops, while another organization took                                                              Our priority has always been serving our
on eight more. Twenty-six shops closed           There are many personnel needs in our UK
                                                ministry (bookshops, distribution, IT, finance,     customers. This was quite a challenge                   CLC CamBridge
their doors while looking for a way to                                                              when we were having supply problems
                                                 HR, website, publicity…) and you might be
keep going, and several have subsequently                                                           with STL. We couldn’t operate as we
                                                 just the person to fill it! Please contact us at
reopened. “We have no doubt that we                                                                 would have liked, and at times we were
have done the right thing before the Lord                                                           very unsure of what was happening. We
and before His people in taking over                                                                praise God that CLC bought us and the
the bookshops in Bolton, Cambridge,                       CLC BoLton                                other five stores. We are now trying to
Coventry, Guildford, Kingston upon                                                                  replenish our bookshelves so as to give the
Thames and also Stockport, where CLC                                                                excellent service that has made this store
had a bookshop in our early days back                                                               a popular place to visit. This was the very     Manager Sarah MacKenzie
in the 1940’s,” says Burnham. “We have                                                              first STL shop many years ago, and it has a
taken on some excellent, capable and                                                                                                                We are quite a small team here in
                                                                                                    rich heritage. We have always known it to       Cambridge. Pamela Churchard, our
experienced bookshop staff in these                                                                 have a place in God’s plan.
shops. In the early days there were many                                                                                                            Senior Sales Assistant, and I work full
questions going back and forth as we                                                                                                                time. Lucinda Sparrow works four days
                                                                                                    The challenges of the Internet, store           per week and Dominic Barton works three
tried to integrate the two bookshop           Manager Julian Gittings                               closures and so on are going to mean that
systems. Our hope and prayer is that                                                                                                                days a week.
                                              The CLC Bolton team is made up of                     we have to make our priority ongoing
the result is both a stronger and a more                                                            customer care, and to this end we are
                                              me and David who both work full time,                                                                 Our main focus in Cambridge is to serve
versatile organization going forward.                                                               always seeking to improve in knowledge
                                              plus Peter and Joy who work part time.                                                                the Christians well and to see the gospel go
We are thrilled that we are able to keep                                                            and training. Please pray for us as we
                                              We are helped immensely by up to nine                                                                 out through the books and other materials
these six places of witness and ministry                                                            adjust to be being part of the CLC family
                                              volunteers, some of whom do a whole                                                                   we sell. Another specific goal is to sell at
open, and wish it could have been more.                                                             and the challenges that this year will bring.
                                              day, while others do partial days but are                                                             least one Bible every day and in the future,
While we have suddenly gained quite                                                                 We aim to glorify God on the high street
                                              regulars over the years. I am sure I can                                                              to do even more! This shop was remodeled
a few employees, as you will see below,                                                             and to be an ongoing Christian presence
                                              speak for them all when I say our shop is a                                                           nearly five years ago which has made such
volunteers play a vital role in all these                                                           and resource center for the local churches.
                                              friendly place with a good atmosphere. Yes,                                                           a huge difference. With the changeover
                                              we work hard, but we are also good friends            - Julian Gittings, CLC Bolton Manager           from Wesley Owen (STL) to CLC, we
                                              and get together socially.
8                                                                                                                                                                                             9
Chile Earthquake An update on CLC in Chile pg. 3
may do some more rearranging to make        am sure they already knew the answer.         forward and see more people impacted
the shop look different and fresh!          They just needed to talk!                     for the Lord. It is exciting to know we
                                                                                                                                                 CLC stoCKport
                                                                                          have great events to look forward to and
It has been great becoming a part of CLC    We were honored to have worked with           to be able to build stronger relationships
International! We have been made to feel    STL in the past, and the experience with      with local churches. My experience with
so welcome into the family. We would        CLC has been very good so far also. It is     CLC, if I were to sum it up in one word,
appreciate your ongoing prayers for our     great to be a part of this family.            would be compassion. Compassion for
team and the work we do in here in                                                        staff and compassion for the lost – and
Cambridge.                                  - Angela Adams, CLC Coventry Manager          that’s always a good thing.

- Sarah MacKenzie, CLC Cambridge Manager             CLC guiLdford                        - Phil Perello, CLC Guildford Manager         Manager John Watkins

                                                                                                                                        CLC Stockport has a team of six staff and
          CLC Conventry                                                                             CLC Kingston
                                                                                                                                        two volunteers. I have been in Christian
                                                                                                                                        bookselling since 1971, while the others
                                                                                                                                        have been with us for about six years.
                                                                                                                                        Our volunteers include Fiona, who gives
                                                                                                                                        us one or two days a week, and Ken,
                                                                                                                                        the former manager of a Wesley Owen
                                            Manager Phil Perello

                                            The Guildford staff consists of me, three                                                   We aim to serve the local community,
 Claire (left) with Manager Angela Adams                                                  Manager Esther Domschitz (left) and Blodwen
                                            part time workers (Lauren, Rhiannon                                                         churches and Christians with Bibles,
We have a wonderful mix of staff and        and Iris) and two volunteers (Barbara and     There are three full time members of the      Christian literature and other related
volunteers here in Coventry! I work full    Peter). Barbara has given over ten years of   staff in Kingston – myself, Graham and        products. We are the only Christian shop
time, Anne works four days, and Claire      faithful service and is still an absolutely   Blodwen. We also have Fiona who works         in the area. In the summer, we supply the
is in three days a week. Diane, Lydia and   integral part of the shop.                    part time and Ann, our volunteer.             books for a number of outreach camps.
Rachel work part time. Oliver and Ali are                                                                                               My vision is to continue to do this work
our lovely volunteers.                      Our goal is to serve the local Christian      Our goal is to serve the Lord by helping      effectively and to encourage the reading
                                            community and provide a place of prayer       everyone who walks through our doors.         of good Christian books.
Our vision for the bookshop is to make      and discipleship through our resources.       In the future, we hope to reach out more
it inviting and comfortable for everyone,   We have recently started an open prayer       to local churches and develop closer          The demise of Wesley Owen (STL) was
and to constantly evaluate what we do to    ministry in the shop which has been very      relationships with them. We also hope for     very sad for all of us, and we feel for
make sure that we are in line with God.     successful with many people requesting        more adequate staff levels, more training     colleagues who lost jobs or who face an
A young couple came into the shop a         prayer. We also introduced rental             and an improved computer system, so as        uncertain future. So far, CLC has been
couple of months ago because friends had    DVDs and CDs which have helped our            to better serve our customers.                very positive with a warm welcome. We
told them they could come here and ask      revenue and built people up in the Lord,                                                    even got an email from Italy! We are
anything without feeling condemned.         especially those on limited budgets. These    We all are very delighted about the warm      looking forward to shaping the shop
They asked Lydia what the Bible’s view      are just small changes but they give our      welcome we have received from the CLC         more to fit the local situation and are
on abortion was, and after a discussion     community another reason to stop in and       family. Together, we look forward to          already enjoying the greater measure of
they went away not feeling condemned        shop with us!                                 facing the many challenges in advancing       freedom in stock purchasing which will
but knowing what had to be done. We                                                       His kingdom through literature.               help us to achieve that.
haven’t seen them since, but I know they    Going forward my expectations are high!
                                                                                          - Esther Domschitz, CLC Kingston Manager      - John Watkins, CLC Stockport Manager
felt at ease coming in and asking, and I    My team and I hope to drive the ministry

10                                                                                                                                                                                11
Chile Earthquake An update on CLC in Chile pg. 3
               c an’t even begin to tell you how      Person after person came to us, some with       through on their way across Asia, taking
               MANY PEOPLE have been                  tears in their eyes, just thanking us for all   your books with them. I would like your
               blessed over the last three years by   the free supply of things that they can’t       help in getting another container here with
        the container of donated literature you       even find in their home countries. We had       the huge variety you gave us the first time,
        sent. Your books and Bibles have gone         to ship materials for some people as they       to continue to be a blessing to thousands
        out into the surrounding countries of         simply could not fit in their suitcases the     of people who work in this region of 250
        Burma, Cambodia, China, Laos and              things they so desperately wanted. There        million people.
        Vietnam among others.                         were Indians, Chinese, Singaporeans,
                                                      Pakistanis, Thais, Cambodians, Vietnamese,      May the Lord continue to bless CLC
        About a year and a half ago, an               Laotians, Burmese and many other people         Christian BookLink as you have blessed
        international cell church conference was      from other countries! Some offered money        millions through this literature outreach.
                                                      to help offset costs, which we quickly
                                                                                                      Kendall Cobb
        held here for about 300 participants
        from 30 to 40 countries and all               declined. We shipped many boxes for
                                                                                                        Chiang Mai, Thailand
        denominations. We set up SIX long             participants without pay, as we could see
        tables on the first day of the conference.    just how much they needed the supplies.
                                                                                                             For information on how to give books or
                                                                                                            funds for BookLink go to
        The next morning I received word                                                                              and click on BookLink
        that the tables had been cleared off          That conference is just one example of the
        by the participants who were going            many ways your literature has been used. I
        wild over the HUGE variety and                want you to know your 40 foot container
        quality of materials being given away         was one of the biggest blessings that could
        freely. We were constantly asked, “Is         have come to this large missions center of
        this really free?” We quickly brought         Chiang Mai which so many people pass
        another truckload of materials to fill
        the tables. By the end of that day, they
        were cleared AGAIN! We filled them
        the third day, and the tables were again
        swarmed with people looking for
        anything for church ministry, Sunday
        school, age-appropriate children’s
        materials, worship materials and church
        growth materials.
Chile Earthquake An update on CLC in Chile pg. 3
English.” Another guy approached the                    and tell them about God’s love. However,

                                                                                             counter with a card, chuckling to himself.              their belief in asking God for physical
                                                                                             He told me he was an atheist giving                     healing made me uncomfortable at first. I
                                                                                             the card to his friend as a joke. I don’t               came to realize, though, that they simply

                                                 from                                        know what the card said, but I knew it
                                                                                             contained God’s Word and silently prayed
                                                                                             that God would use it to touch the heart of
                                                                                                                                                     believe in the power of the Holy Spirit.
                                                                                                                                                     I have been convicted that although I
                                                                                                                                                     believe in my head God can do anything,

                                               Rebecca                                       this guy or his friend.

                                                                                             One guy asked me to help him
                                                                                             pick out a Bible for his girlfriend.
                                                                                             He was not
                                                                                                                                                     I’ve always made sure not to ask too
                                                                                                                                                                                 much of Him.
                                                                                                                                                                                 I was afraid
                                                                                                                                                                                 to see God
                                                                                                                                                                                 fail. I thank
                                                        By Rebecca Williams                  religious at                                                                        Him that He
                                                 Recent American college graduate spending
                                                   a year with CLC in Sheffield, England
                                                                                             all, he said,                                                                       is teaching me
                                                                                             but she was                                                                         to ask even for
                                                                                             attending an                                                                        what seems
                                                                                             Alpha course                                                                        impossible –
        t seems hard to believe that I have    around here close at 5:00 or 6:00.
                                                                                             (a course                                                                           and to expect
       already been in Sheffield for almost    Another cultural adjustment! We had a
                                                                                             which allows                                                  it. He wants our involvement in
 five months! In a way I feel like I have      lovely time together, regardless, and I am
                                                                                             people to                                                     His work. What a wonderful thing
 been here for ages – I can no longer          thankful for Annalena’s friendship.
                                                                                             discuss and discover the truth of God – see             that we have direct access to His infinite
 count the times I’ve walked down the
                                                                                   , and he wanted to support                 power through Christ!
 hills of my neighborhood, Crookes,            Work in the bookshop is going well. I
                                                                                             her new interest.
 toward Sheffield’s city center for another    understand more and more how things
                                                                                                                                                     Please pray for me as I live, work and
 day in the bookshop.                          operate and am feeling comfortable
                                                                                             God has been teaching me a lot about                    learn here in Sheffield. Pray for my new
                                               with my job. Even though I’m often
                                                                                             Himself during my time here. The                        relationships to grow deeper and to be
 It’s Sunday afternoon and I’ve just come      working behind the scenes, I also spend
                                                                                             Anglican-Baptist church I attend is                     glorifying to God. Pray for a love for our
 in from a walk in the rain with one of my     a lot of time working with customers. It
                                                                                             different from any church I’ve ever been                customers that would cause me to be
 new friends. Annalena is from Germany,        sometimes seems like all of the people
                                                                                             to in the States. I was first attracted to              sensitive to their needs. Pray that I would
 and we hit it off well because we have one    looking for truth come in on the same
                                                                                             St. Thomas Crookes because of its strong                continue to see what God wants to show
 thing in common: we aren’t English! As        day. Or maybe it’s just that those are the
                                                                                             emphasis on finding practical ways to                   me, and for wisdom to understand.
 we walked, we laughed together about          days when my heart and mind are most
                                                                                             serve the people of Crookes and Sheffield
 the people we saw fishing and playing         open to it. Here is something from a
 tennis in the rain. Rain sure doesn’t stop    journal entry about one of those days:
 the English, and apparently it’s rubbing
 off on us! We                                 A Muslim man came in, as they often
 stopped by                                    do, not knowing that CLC is a Christian       Bookstore Team members - various locations in US and overseas
                                                                                             Duties include assisting in the day-to-day running of a CLC bookshop, processing sales, card and cash
 Starbucks to                                  bookstore. As he stood at the counter         handling, customer service and other associated tasks.
 warm up with                                  writing notes in the cards he’d bought,       Wholesale Team member - various locations in US and overseas
 a coffee, but                                 I began to talk with him and was able         Duties include order picking and shelf replenishment, preparing items
 forgot that                                       to give him an English-Arabic New         for delivery, stock control, handling telephone enquiries, plus various
                                                                                             administration work.
 the coffee                                                 Testament to “help him study
                                                                                             Also placements in IT, Design and Administration
 shops                                                                                       CLC’s missionaries do not receive salaries. CLC does, however, cover
                                                                                             housing and utilities in some areas.

                                                                                             For more information on available opportunities, please contact:
                                          Annalena and Rebecca at the park                   Marge Almack -                                                                       15

Chile Earthquake An update on CLC in Chile pg. 3
Unscramble each word to reveal a country where CLC is present.


                                           N Z R AT W E D S I L


                                                                                                              My co-pilot in this feature is Phil VanVeldhuizen, the music buyer for our USA
                                               MIBALOCO                                                       shops, while I (Amanda Lutes) edit the UK edition of this magazine and run a
                                                                                                              shop there. Being involved in music buying, we are exposed to some amazing
                                                                                                              stuff that we’d like to share with you, and you should find a little something for
                                                                                                              everyone! So buckle up, friend, because we are going on a musical journey!

                                                                                                              Starting us off is the brand new album by rock/praise group Casting Crowns,
         CLC has been operating as a Christian ministry since 1941, having started in                         Until the Whole World Hears. The name alone should really give away the
     Colchester, England, during the World War II. Over the years, the work has extended                      theme of this album. The thing that I really love about CC is their way of totally
       around the world, now operating in 58 countries with nearly 200 bookshops, 20                          committing to creating music that everyone can say, “Yeah, I’ve been there” or
                     distribution warehouses and 20 publishing houses.                                        “I’ve felt that way.” Their music takes you to that place, but they don’t just leave
                       ~YOUR PURCHASES MAKE THIS POSSIBLE!                                                    you there wallowing, they take you from there straight into a place of praise! If
            6. Philippines   5. Colombia   4. Pakistan   3. Russia   2. Switzerland   Answers: 1. Swaziland   you’ve never experienced Casting Crowns, then please take the time! Their multi-
                                                                                                              lead vocals, amazing harmonies and pure musical genius are not to be missed!

                                Want To Know More?
                                                                                                              Alright, now this is for all you fun-loving pop fanatics who might not want to
          Discover more about each country we are in by emailing us at                                        admit it. Shhh . . . I won’t tell! Britt Nicole – check her out! Not only is she an with ‘PF Subscribe’ as the subject heading.                                     amazing vocalist with a really great vibe, but she also writes most of her own
                                                                                                              stuff. Being as she is only in her early twenties, you really wouldn’t think that
We will send you our free bi-monthly publication, Prayer Fuel, which will bring you                           she’d have much to write about, but boy, you’d be wrong. Her newest album,
         up-to-date prayer & praise points from all around the CLC world.                                     Lost Get Found, is about not missing the opportunities that God gives us daily
                                                                                                              for reaching out in love to those around us. Don’t settle for trying to get the
THERE IS NO GOING “UNDERGROUND’’ WHEN THINGS GET DIFFICULT!                                                   most from life when God offers you the best from life! Go on an adventure with
 Please join us in prayer for the protection and ministry of our teams and shops.                             My final pick for this issue is a bit of ”Hip Hope” as I like to call it. Group
                                                                                                              1 Crew = crazy rhythms, amazing vocals, plus lyrical genius when it comes
                                                                                                              to praising God! If you are a fan of the “Black Eyed Peas” style, than this is
                                                                                                              a group you should seriously consider adding to your collection. Their newest
                                                                                                              album is called Ordinary Dreamers and it is truly fun listening. They are filled
                                                                                                              with pure joy and love for our Savior and are really stressing in this album the
                                                                                                              importance of spending time fellowshiping with Him!
16                                                                                                                                                                                                 17
Chile Earthquake An update on CLC in Chile pg. 3
BOOK REVIEWS - Available Now!                                                                  BOOK REVIEWS - Available Now!

     Let’s Go! - Warren W. Wiersbe                                                              The Beauty of God for a Broken World -
     The Epistle to the Hebrews for Twenty-first-Century Christians                             John K. LaShell
     ISBN-13: 978-1-936143-07-8    $8.99                                                        Answering Moral Objections to the God of the Bible
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                                    Warren Wiersbe unfolds principles from the book of
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                                    produce a vibrant, productive faith.                                                       church or its representatives done you harm? Are
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                                        • Be warned about careless living                                                      Do you have doubts and questions you hesitate to
                                        • Get an eternal point of view                                                         voice?
                                        • Encounter the grace of God
                                                                                                                               John LaShell draws on insights from one of America’s
                                    Come along with Wiersbe and grow in your walk with
                                    the Lord. Mature in your faith and discover the calling                                    great thinkers, Jonathan Edwards, to explain God’s
                                    God has for you.                                                                           attractiveness. He writes both for those who suspect
                                                                                                                               God is unlovely and for those who want to love Him
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                                                         From the White House to the World
                                                         ISBN-13: 978-1-936143-09-2    $13.99
                                                                                                                                                          CLC Publications has
     In the 1960s Harry Dent entered political service for love                                                      BOOKS FOR                           been producing the type
                                                                                                                     THE DEEPER                          of books that honor God
     of country and freedom. When the Watergate scandal                                                                                                and draw people toward Him.
     broke and Dent was accused, his efforts toward freedom                                                          LIFE                               WHEN YOU BUY ONLINE
     seemed wasted. But Dent was found to be “more of an                                                                                      
     innocent victim than the perpetrator.” He could not deny
                                                                                                                                              YOU SAVE
     God’s grace as he and Henry Kissinger were the only two
     of Nixon’s staff not given prison sentences.

     In 1978 Harry Dent embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ
     that his daughter Ginny had faithfully lived out before
     him. Realizing that true freedom is found in Christ, Dent
     entered full-time ministry. His subsequent work around
                                                                                                Welcome to                                            ON ALMOST EVERY TITLE

     the world, especially in Romania, has resulted in blessing                                 CLC PUBLICATIONS
     for thousands.

18                                                                                                                                                                                         19
left behind and new schools were found    before the official opening. A booksellers
                                                                                                       – all with the purpose of seeing this     convention had been planned to coincide
                                                                                                       essential literature ministry reborn.     with the opening, and so a week of
                                                                                                       From the beginning of this process, a     frenetic activity took place as floors were
                                                                                                       noteworthy decision was made. One         laid, ceilings installed, paint applied and
                                                                                                       tenth of any profit made by CLC           furnishings moved in.
                                                                                                       Venezuela would be given away as a
                                                                                                       thank offering to the Lord. That might    CLC celebrates 40 years of working in
                                                                                                       have seemed an easy decision when there   Venezuela this year, and what better way
                                                                                                       are only losses, but the Lord has           to start such an anniversary year than to
 Until this point…God!                                              By Neil Wardrope
                                                                                                       blessed this decision! We praise             inaugurate a brand new headquarters!
 40 years in Venezuela                                              CLC International Director         God that there has been an
                                                                                                       increasing amount to give away
                                                                                                                                                     The CLC Venezuela team was joined
                                                                                                                                                      by more than 40 independent
 Friday, January 29, 2010, will go down           response of many publishers who both                 each year!                                     booksellers from across the country,
 as a red-letter day in the history of CLC        exercised patience and gave assistance.                                                              eight publishers from the United
 Venezuela. A brand new CLC distribution                                                               As the work stabilized, the team                 States and representatives
 center was dedicated to the Lord so that         While that was encouraging, the need                 turned its thoughts to expansion.                from CLC Colombia and our
 ever increasing volumes of Bibles and            to reduce expenses meant that painful                In 2008, a bookshop was opened            International Office in giving thanks to
 Christian books can be sent around the           choices had to be made regarding team                in Merida and then another was opened     the Lord for this wonderful provision.
 country. However, the prospects were not         members, and we had to say farewell to a             in 2009 in the eastern city of Puerto
 always so bright . . .                           number of long-time CLCers.                          Ordaz. At the same time, plans were       In 1980 a small book was written about
                                                                                                       made to buy a property in Valencia for    the first ten years of CLC Venezuela. It
 In 2003, CLC Venezuela was in a                    Another difficult decision was to relocate         the construction of a new distribution    was titled Hasta Aqui…Dios meaning
 desperate state. The national economy              our headquarters and distribution center           warehouse and headquarters. Progress      “Until this point …God.” That sentiment
 was held hostage, and our CLC team                 from Barquisimeto to Valencia – a large            at times seemed painfully slow, and the   continues to echo 30 years later, as we trace
 struggled to deal with                                            and more centrally located          keys were handed over just ten days       the hand of God in this thriving work.
 the consequences.                                                 city, with the added benefit
 Debts to suppliers                                                of being close to a major                                                            Neil       Carlos       The Padillas
                                                                                                   Gamaliel Padilla and Family
 quickly mounted, and                                              port. Such decisions are                                                           Wardrope   from Unilit

 it looked certain that                                            always very emotional,
 the whole operation                                               and Barquisimeto was
 would go under.                                                   where CLC started its first
 An international                                                  bookshop in Venezuela.
 evaluation team          And so the “new” CLC Venezuela was born. Although the bookshop
 was sent and then a                                               remains, the old headquarters
 rescue plan was put into operation which           with all its memories had to be sold.
 involved much change.
                                                                                                   CLC Venezuela Staff
                                                    And so the “new” CLC Venezuela was
 An immediate call went out to the CLC              born. The team, led by Gamaliel Padilla
 world for significant emergency funds.             and Pablo Sanchez, was overseen by
 The response was generous and uplifting            Regional Director Gerardo Scalante. The
 – a clear demonstration of fellowship.             work and commitment of these men and
 Some immediate debts were settled, and             their families cannot be overstated. When
 a plan for repayment of our suppliers was          the headquarters was relocated to Valencia
 put in place. It was wonderful to see the          in 2004, homes were sold, friends were                                                                                                     21
   n 2007, CLC sent its book Revival          Malaysia and preach this message of              special music. In time came my opportunity      Allan, from the Philippines. Soon after
   in the Rubble by John Kitchen to a         biblical revival personally. Follow John         to preach. When I was done, the pastor          we embarked, Daniel began asking me
   dynamic young publisher named              as he tells how God worked through this          asked any who wanted to respond to stand        questions regarding the Bible and theology.
Lawrence James in the country of              invitation:                                      and come forward. People began to almost        For the next four-and-a-half hours he
Malaysia. Having read through the book                                                         leap from their seats and stream to the         fired one question after another at me. Just
twice, he was so moved by the message         This past year I went to Malaysia for nearly     front of the room. The pastor looked a bit      as soon as I could answer a question, he
of biblical revival and so convinced of his   a month, during which time I preached            shocked and asked, “How many of you are         would follow it with another. Daniel has
country’s need for this kind of move of       twenty-eight times! I primarily preached         coming to receive Christ for the first time?”   been a Christian for over twenty-five years,
God that he contacted CLC to request          the message of revival that is outlined          At least thirty-five hands shot into the air!   but he told me that he had only started
the rights to print and distribute the        in Revival in the Rubble and found in            He led them through a prayer to receive         reading his Bible about three years ago.
book locally. This was key, as importing      the book of Nehemiah. In one four-day            Christ as their Savior. Then he said to me      He said repeatedly, “Pastor, people can’t
books from overseas makes them too            stretch I preached eleven times, all different   in English, “I had planned on having you        grow without reading their Bible! You can’t
costly for the average Malaysian. CLC         messages and all required to be at least one     pray personally with each person who came       be a growing Christian if you don’t read
granted this permission, and in 2007          hour long.                                       forward, but there are just too many of         the Bible!” Three years ago someone sent
the Malaysian edition of Revival in the                                                        them!” So I came and prayed for them as a       him an NIV Study Bible. He now reads
Rubble was released.                                                                           group, humbled by the opportunity.

Lawrence soon began
receiving calls from
pastors who reported
that when they read the
book they were moved
to tears, knowing that
the message of biblical
revival was needed in
their local church and
among the believers at
large. A pastor from China purchased a
copy of the book in Singapore, and then
reported its powerful impact upon his
life. On the Malaysian island of Penang,                                                                                                                       order at
a troubled young woman told her story         One Sunday afternoon I had the honor
to Ming Su, the manager of a Christian        of speaking to a group of people who were        Who knows what will come of these who           through it about every two months! Soon
bookstore. Ming Su recommended                immigrants from the country of Nepal.            are finding new life in Christ? Some of         Allan was jumping in with his questions as
Revival in the Rubble. Months later, they     Their country has long been closed to            them may return to their native Nepal and       well. As we neared our destination, Daniel
saw each other and the young woman            traditional missionaries and is under            carry with them the eternal gospel of Jesus     said, “Pastor, you have to understand. I
said, “You will never know what God did       great turmoil. But, I was told, these who        Christ, capable now of evangelizing their       have been waiting for years to ask these
for me through that book! My life was at      have come to Malaysia are open to the            own people!                                     questions of someone!”
a crossroads when I came to see you, and      gospel. I expected a few dozen people to
God has done a great work in my life.”        have gathered, but was shocked when we           Some of my most significant ministry            What a joy to find hearts so hungry after
                                              entered the room and found it jammed to          happened informally. One such occasion          the truth of the Word of God! Oh, that
One day while in prayer, God implanted        overflowing with hundreds of young Nepali        occurred while on a long car trip. I was        more were so desirous of understanding and
in Lawrence’s heart the idea to invite        people! The service unfolded before me,          being driven by Lawrence and with               applying the Scriptures to their lives!
CLC author John Kitchen to come to            complete with Nepali cultural dance and          us were Daniel, an Indonesian, and
22                                                                                                                                                                                           23

CLC’s purpose is

                  CLC Bookcenters
 Center City Bookcenter             Northfield Bookcenter
      730 Chestnut Street               529 Tilton Road
     Philadelphia, PA 19106           Northfield, NJ 08225
          215-922-6868                   609-641-4764

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          215-242-4790                   856-866-2688

                CLC Church Stores
 Word of Life Bookcenter         Bread of Life Bookcenter
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    Sharon Hill, PA 19079          Philadelphia, PA 19150
        610-461-1108                    215-276-7200

       CLC Bookcenter               inSPIRE Bookcenter
       Mount Airy COGiC           Abundant Life Fellowship
      6401 Ogontz Avenue            4151 Route 130 South
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