Christmas Club Start saving for Christmas today - The Post Office Christmas Club Card is issued by Bank of Ireland.

Christmas Club Start saving for Christmas today - The Post Office Christmas Club Card is issued by Bank of Ireland.
Christmas Club
      Start saving for
      Christmas today

  The Post Office Christmas Club Card is issued by Bank of Ireland.

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Christmas Club Start saving for Christmas today - The Post Office Christmas Club Card is issued by Bank of Ireland.
Post Office Christmas Club Card
      • Apply for a Post Office® Christmas Club Card
      • Get your Post Office® Christmas Club Card
      • Top up your Card by as little as £2 whenever you want
      • Your money will be unlocked on the 1st November
      • Spend your card in thousands of the UK’s leading retail outlets
      • Avoid large credit bills in the New Year

          The Post Office® Christmas Club card is issued by Bank of Ireland.
          The Christmas Club card is not a credit card or charge card; nor is it a debit
          card. It is a prepaid card which means that money must be loaded onto the
          card and used via participating retailers. Interest will not be payable in
          respect of card balances.

                                            How to Apply

                 Bring along a form of ID listed in the application form to any Post Office®
                 branch, along with the application form (see back of this leaflet)

         2       You will be given a Post Office® Christmas Club Card there and then

         3       Load as little as £2 and you’re up and running!

                            You must be 18 years or older to apply
                            for the Post Office Christmas Club Card

   FEB 2012                                                                                    PL7021

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Christmas Club Start saving for Christmas today - The Post Office Christmas Club Card is issued by Bank of Ireland.
Spend your Post Office® Christmas Club Card
       at all these top retailers...


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How it works
      Once your Christmas                                      Your money is unlocked...
      Club Card is activated...
                                                               From the 1st November to 31st January
      You can put aside as much or as little as                your Christmas Club Card will be unlocked
      you like to the value of £1,000 (in                      and you can spend the funds available on the
      multiples of £1, minimum load £2),                       Card at the fantastic range of Christmas Club
      whenever you wish.
                                                               retailers. See previous page for the great
      Simply pop into any Post Office® branch.
                                                               retailers where you can spend.
      Your money is protected by the Irish
                                                               You can also choose to buy One4all Gift Cards
      Deposit Guarantee Scheme.
                                                               in your local Post Office® branch with your
      At the end of October we will write to you               Christmas Club Card. The One4all multi-store
      to let you know how much money you                       Gift Card can be given as a gift or can be
      have put away and will send you a                        spent in thousands of outlets nationwide.
      selection of special offers for a range of
      leading UK retailers.                                    See or pick up a
                                                               One4all Gift Card Directory at your local Post
                                                               Office® branch for the full list of One4all

                                                               The Christmas Club Card is not a credit card
                                                               or charge card; nor is it a debit card. It is a
                                                               pre-paid card which means that money must
                                                               be loaded onto the card and used via
                                                               participating retailers. Interest will not be
                                                               payable in respect of card balances.

                                      The Post Office® is a member of the Christmas Prepayment Association (CPA), the
                                      Christmas savings industry trade association. We adhere to the Code of Practice
                                      developed by the CPA to ensure we provide our customers with the best possible
                                      services and to ensure improved security of our customer’s money.


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A perfect gift
       this Christmas.
       You can choose to use your Post Office
       Christmas Club Card to purchase
       One4all Gift Cards in your
       local Post Office.

      • Can be used in over 17,000 outlets,
        and with many online retailers
      • Can be credited with a value
        from £10 to £400
      • Available in a range of designs suitable
        for birthdays, weddings and more
      The One4all Gift Card is issued by the
      Bank of Ireland.

       An ideal gift
       A One4all Gift Card is a quick and easy way
       to mark an occasion, say ‘thank you,’ or just
       give that last-minute gift.


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Terms & Conditions
    Please retain for future reference.                              ‘Gift Voucher Shop’ means The Gift Voucher Shop Limited,
                                                                     having its registered office at 4 The Merlin Centre, Acrewood
    Introduction                                                     Way, St Albans, Herts., AL4 0JY.
                                                                     ‘Participating Retailer’ means a supplier of goods and/or
    The Post Office Christmas Club Card (the “Card”) is a payment    services in the United Kingdom which has agreed to accept
    card that enables you to make payments to Participating          the Card as payment for goods and/or services.
    Retailers and to purchase gift cards at Post Office® branches    ‘We’ (or “we”), “us” and “Bank of Ireland” means the Governor
    from money you have deposited with the Bank of Ireland           and Company of the Bank of Ireland whose head office is at
    through the Post Office.                                         40 Mespil Road, Dublin 4, Ireland and any business or other
    For your own benefit and protection, you should read these       person to whom any or all of our rights and responsibilities
    terms and conditions carefully before completing and signing     under this Agreement may be transferred or delegated.
    the Application Form. If you do not understand any point,        ‘You’ (or “you”) and “Your” (or “your”) means the person who
    please ask us for further information.                           purchased the Card or the person in possession of the Card.
         •   The Card is available in sterling (£) only.
      •      You can deposit money on your Card at any               2. Card
    		       Post Office branch. You must have your Card             2.1 The use of the Card is subject to the terms of our
    		       with you.                                                   Agreement with you as varied by us from time to time
      •      The Card is issued by Bank of Ireland subject to            under clause 6 below. The current version of the terms
    		       these terms and conditions.                                 and conditions is available at
                                                                or by calling Gift
      •      Gift Voucher Shop administers the Card programme            Voucher Shop on 0845 2771 444. Usage of the Card
    		       for the Bank of Ireland (but money deposited on the         constitutes your acceptance of these terms and
    		       Card is held by Bank of Ireland not the Gift Voucher        conditions.
    		       Shop or the Post Office).
                                                                     2.2 We will open a Card account and activate a Card for you
      •      You must be over the age of 18 and a UK resident to         when:
    		       be issued with the Card
                                                                       (a) we hold a correctly completed and valid application
      •      Certain limits apply to the Card. A maximum balance     		 form from you;
    		       of £1000 may be held on the Card at any time.
                                                                       (b) we have received at least the minimum amount of
      •      The minimum amount you may pay into the Card is         		 cash required to open the account as required in
    		       £2. The amount you pay into the Card must be a          		 Clause 7.1;
    		       multiple of £1.
                                                                       (c) we have completed such checks as we believe are
      •      Certain fees and charges apply to your Card; see        		 necessary and/or appropriate to confirm your
    		       Clause 5 of these terms and conditions.                 		 identity and address.
      •      You will not receive any interest on the balance on     2.3 We reserve the right to refuse to open a Card account
    		       your Card. (A range of interest paying accounts is          or to accept any deposit.
    		       available through the Post Office – ask at your local
    		       branch for details.)                                    2.4 You have 14 days from the day you receive your Card to
                                                                         change your mind. If you would like to cancel your Card
    1. Definitions                                                       write and tell us (enclosing the Card) at the address
                                                                         below and we will refund the balance without deducting
    ‘Agreement’ means the agreement between you and the                  any redemption fee: The Git Voucher Shop, 4 The Merlin
    Bank of Ireland, which includes the bullet points above and          Centre, Acrewood Way, Hertfordshire AL4 0JY.
    the terms and conditions below.                                  2.5 The Card is issued in the name of the purchaser but the
    ‘Business Day’ means any day from Monday to Friday                   Card itself will not be personalised. We will assume,
    excluding bank or public holidays in England.                        unless and until you tell us to the contrary, that the
    ‘Card’ means the Post Office Christmas Club Card, a payment          person who uses the Card at any time is the rightful
    card denominated in sterling, or any replacement card which          user of the Card.
    we issue to you from time to time.                               2.6 Please record your Card number and retain any
    ‘Card Purchase’ means any transaction whereby the Card is            lodgement receipt as proof of ownership; the Card
    used to pay for goods and/or services at Participating               number will be needed to redeem your Card balance or
    Retailers or at the Post Office®.                                    if your Card is lost or stolen (see Clauses 9 and 10 of
                                                                         these terms and conditions).
    ‘Expiry Date’ means the date which is 24 months from the
    date of last financial transaction.

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2.7 You can increase the balance on your Card (up to a total       (b) take all reasonable care of the Card and every
        of £1000) by paying in cash at any Post Office branch.       		 sensible precaution to prevent your Card being lost,
        You will be issued with receipts for each transaction. You   		 mislaid or stolen;
        must have your Card with you when you make a                   (c) keep your transaction receipts safe and dispose of
        deposit.                                                     		 them carefully;
    2.8 You may use the Card, in accordance with any                   (d) keep a careful record of the Card number (without
        instructions issued by us from time to time, until the       		 which you cannot redeem the balance on the Card
        Expiry Date while there is a positive balance on your        		 or ask for a replacement if it is lost or stolen);
        Card. You must have your Card with you when making
        any Card Purchase.                                             (e) never give your Card number or any other Card
                                                                     		 information to anyone unless you know who they
    2.9 Your Card account will be closed at the Expiry Date. Any     		 are and why they need such information;
        balance left on your Card on the Expiry Date shall be
        returned to the registered Card holder in the form of            (f) tell us if you change your address;
        One4All Gift Cards sent by post to the last address you        (g) take all reasonable steps to ensure that mail
        have given us.                                               		 delivered at your address will be secure.
    2.10 The Card belongs to us. It must be returned to us (cut      3.2 We recommend that you protect your Card from
        in half vertically) immediately upon request. We or any          scratches and exposure to magnets which may damage
        person acting on our behalf (including Gift Voucher              the Card.
        Shop and Post Office Limited) may retain the Card at
        any time without notice to you. Your Card will not be        4. Using your card
        retained nor will we ask for it back unless there are        4.1 The Card may be used for Card Purchases between 1st
        good reasons.                                                    November in one year and 31st January in the next
    2.11 You may request repayment of any credit balance                 year. Any balance on the Card after 31st January can be
        outstanding on the Card by calling GVS on 0870                   carried forward to the next year, may be redeemed in
        0854141. A Redemption Fee will be applied in                     accordance with clause 9 below, or may be left on the
        accordance with Clauses 5 and 9. In addition, if the             Card until the Expiry Date.
        redemption is in excess of £800 you may be requested         4.2 The Card may only be used in Participating Retailers’
        to provide sufficient documentation to validate your             outlets or at a Post Office branch for the purchase of
        name and verify your current address.                            One4all Gift Cards. The list of Participating Retailers is
    2.12 If we, or any other person, debit or credit an amount to        available online at; the list of
        your Card by mistake, you agree that we may make any             Participating Retailers may change from time to time.
        necessary correcting entry to your Card without having       4.3 We will debit the amount of all Card Purchases to your
        to seek your prior approval.                                     Card immediately. You must not use the Card to spend
    2.13 You may terminate this Agreement at any time on 30              more than your Card balance at any time. If you
        days advance notice. If you terminate this Agreement in          attempt to spend more than your Card balance your
        accordance with this clause we will refund the Card              transaction will be declined.
        balance by Post Office Payout letter to the latest address   4.4 You must not:
        you have given us (without deducting any redemption
        fee).                                                          (a) use the Card after the Expiry Date or after any
                                                                     		 notification of its withdrawal is given to you;
    2.14 We reserve the right to terminate the Christmas Club
        Card at any time. If we do so we will give you at least        (b) use the Card after this Agreement has been
        60 days advance notice and refund the Card balance by        		 terminated;
        Post Office Payout letter to the latest address you have     		      or
        given us, (without deducting any redemption fee).                (c) use the Card as payment for any illegal purchase.
    2.15 We may terminate this Agreement with you (without           4.5 You cannot stop a Card Purchase after it has been
        terminating our Agreement with other holders of Cards            authorised.
        at the same time) if we have reasonable grounds for
        doing so. If we do this, we will give you at least 60 days   4.6 We will issue a Card statement annually in October. This
        advance notice unless there are good grounds (for                will detail all transactions on the Card since the previous
        example reason to suspect dishonesty or breach of any            statement. You can also obtain your Card balance or
        law or regulation to which we are subject) for                   obtain information about previous Card Purchases by
        terminating the Agreement sooner. Following                      logging onto or by
        termination, we will refund the Card balance by Post             calling Gift Voucher Shop on 0845 0822 480. You are
        Office Payout letter to the latest address you have given        responsible for monitoring your Card balance and for
        us, (without deducting any redemption fee).                      ensuring that there are sufficient funds on your Card at
                                                                         all times to pay for Card Purchases.
    3. Protecting your card                                              The up to date Card balance and any recent
    3.1 You must:                                                        transactions will be available to view online within one
                                                                         Business Day.
        (a) treat the Card as if it were cash;                                                                                        7

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4.7 Deposits to the Card will normally be available for          6.2 We can make a change under clause 6.1 above for any of
        viewing online within one Business Day from the date             the following reasons:
        of deposit. If a deposit is made between 1 November            •      to reflect any change in market conditions, banking
        and 31 January, the money will not be available to           		       practice, alterations in the cost of maintaining the
        spend until one Business Day has elapsed.                    		       Card;
    4.8 If at any time you believe that a Card Purchase has            •      to comply with legal or regulatory requirements,
        been incorrectly debited to your Card you must notify        		       recommendations or codes of practice;
        The Gift Voucher Shop immediately by calling
        0845 2771 444 and in any event within thirteen                   •    to reflect changes in technology;
        months of the date of the Card Purchase. If requested,         •      to introduce a new service or improve the service we
        you must put your query in writing. We will investigate      		       already offer you; and;
        the transaction and, if appropriate, reinstate the balance     •      to correct any errors, to make the terms of this
        on your Card on completion of our investigation if the       		       Agreement clearer or more favourable to you; or for
        transaction is found to be fraudulent, unauthorised or       		       any other valid business reason.
        completed without any negligence on your part.
                                                                     6.3 We may change the terms of this Agreement under
    4.9 If the amount of a purchase which you wish to make               clause 6.1 above by amendment or addition to or
        using your Card is greater than the available balance,           deletion of the existing terms. If the change is to your
        you can pay the difference in cash or by another                 disadvantage we will tell you about it by writing to you at
        payment method.                                                  least 60 days before we make the change and if you
    4.10 Neither Bank of Ireland, Post Office Limited, nor Gift          redeem the balance on your Card within 60 days of the
        Voucher Shop will be liable for defects in any goods or          date of the notice, we will not charge any Redemption
        services paid for using the Card. Any queries or                 Fee. If the change is not to your disadvantage we may
        complaints about such goods or services should be                make it immediately and tell you about it by advertising
        addressed to the relevant Participating Retailer(s).             in the press.

    5. Fees                                                          7. Restrictions on use
    5.1 The amounts of fees and details of when they will be
        payable are set out in the table below. All fees will be
                                                                        of the card
        debited directly to your Card as they arise.                 7.1 The following limits will apply to the Card:
                                                                         Minimum Load Amount £2
           FEES                                                          Maximum Amount to be held on Card £1000
                                                                         The amount you pay onto the Card must be in
           Category                             Amount
                                                                         multiples of £1.
           Card Issuance Fee                    Nil                  7.2 If at any time:
           Card maintenance Fee                 Nil                    (i) you are in breach of any of the terms of this
                                                                     		 Agreement; or
           Lodgement Fees                       Nil                    (ii)   we have reasonable grounds to suspect fraud, theft
           Card Usage Fee at retailers or                            		       or dishonesty;
                                                Nil                  		       we will be entitled to take such steps as we consider
           Post Office
                                                                     		       reasonably necessary to restrict your right to use the
           Card Replacement Fee                                      		       Card, which, without limitation, shall include, without
           (if the Card is lost or stolen                            		       prior notice to you, refusal to authorise a Card
                                                £5 per Card
           and we issue a replacement                                		       Purchase, suspension, withdrawal or cancellation of
           Card at your request)                                     		       your Card.
           Redemption Fee (this applies         £5 or the            7.3 You may only hold one Card. We reserve the right to
           where you contact GVS to             balance on               cancel any duplicate Card issued to you in breach of this
           redeem the Card in accordance        your Card if             condition (whether or not through our error).
           with Clauses 2.11 and 9).            lower than £5
    5.2 Fees and charges will be payable to Gift Voucher Shop.
                                                                     8. Restricted transactions
                                                                     8.1 The Card can be used for Card purchases in the
    6. Changes                                                           United Kingdom only; the Card may not be used abroad.

    6.1 We may at any time increase or decrease any fee or           8.2 The Card may only be used to pay for purchases at
        charge payable under this Agreement or change any                Participating Retailers or to purchase One4All Gift Cards
        other term of this Agreement for any reason set out in           at Post Office branches during the period commencing
        clause 6.2 below.                                                1st November and ending 31st January in each year.
                                                                     8.3 The Card cannot be used in automated teller machines
                                                                         (“ATMs”) to obtain cash.

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8.4 The Card may be used to purchase goods or services by             issuing any replacement Card. A fee will be payable to
        telephone, mail order or the internet from selected               Gift Voucher Shop for any replacement Card in
        Participating Retailer outlets in the United Kingdom; the         accordance with Clause 5 above; the amount of
        relevant outlets will be listed on                                this fee will be deducted from your Card balance. from time to time.         10.5 If you find a Card after having reported it lost or stolen,
    9. Redemption                                                         you must notify Gift Voucher Shop immediately; you
                                                                          must not use the Card.
    9.1 You may at any time prior to the Expiry Date request us      10.6 You must co-operate fully with any reasonable enquiries
        to redeem the balance on the Card in whole or in part by          which we or the police make into any fraud, loss, or theft
        calling the Gift Voucher Shop on 0845 277 1444 and                relating to your Card.
        quoting the Card number. In order to allow any
        outstanding Card Purchases to clear, the Gift Voucher
        Shop will refund the requested amount to you by Post
                                                                     11. Participating Retailers
        Office Payout letter, minus any fees, within fifteen         11.1 It will be necessary in all cases, for a Participating
        Business Days of such a request. You must not use your            Retailer to obtain authorisation from us or our agents to
        Card after you ask us to repay the full balance to you.           honour the Card for a particular Card Purchase; this is to
        The appropriate redemption fee, as set out in Clause 5,           ensure that there are sufficient funds on your Card. We
        will apply.                                                       may refuse to authorise a Card Purchase at any time if
                                                                          there are insufficient funds on your Card.
    9.2 If you wish to redeem more than £800 in any calendar
        year, you may be required to submit additional               11.2 A Participating Retailer may not be able to obtain
        documentation to us for purposes of identification in             authorisation from us in some circumstances (for
        accordance with our customer due diligence process.               example, if there is a problem with the phone line
                                                                          between the Participating Retailer’s premises and our
    9.3 For the avoidance of doubt, redeeming the balance on              authorisation centre). If this happens neither Bank of
        your Card will not terminate this Agreement. If you wish          Ireland, Post Office Limited nor Gift Voucher Shop will be
        to terminate this Agreement then Clause 2.13 will apply.          responsible if you are unable to use the Card for a

    10. Theft, loss or misuse                                             particular Card Purchase. Furthermore, neither Bank of
                                                                          Ireland, Post Office Limited nor Gift Voucher Shop will be
    		 of card                                                            liable for the refusal of any Participating Retailer to
                                                                          accept or honour the Card for any reason.
    10.1 You should treat the Card as if it were cash. If the
         Card is lost, stolen, damaged or fails to operate           11.3 You must sign a receipt for each Card Purchase; the
         correctly or if the Card number becomes known to                 amount of the Card Purchase must be confirmed with
         any unauthorised person you must immediately                     the Participating Retailer at the time of authorisation.
         notify Customer Services (details below). You must          11.4 If a Participating Retailer becomes liable to make a
         quote the Card number; if you do not quote the Card              refund to you we will not credit the amount of any
         number we will not be able to cancel the Card or                 refund to the Card; refunds are a matter between you
         issue a replacement Card. If your notification is                and the relevant Participating Retailer.
         made orally it must be confirmed in writing within
         fourteen Business Days. Notification should be made to:     12. General
         Gift Voucher Shop,                                          12.1 Bank of Ireland will not be liable for any delay or failure
         PO Box 52796,                                                    in performing any of its obligations in respect of the use
         London EC1P 1ZA                                                  of the Card where such delay or failure occurs because
        Telephone: 0870 0854 141                                          of any circumstances beyond Bank of Ireland’s
    10.2 Provided that you have not acted fraudulently or without         reasonable control.
         reasonable care you will remain liable for any debit to     12.2 The books and records kept by Bank of Ireland or on its
         the Card by the unauthorised use of the lost or stolen           behalf shall, in the absence of an obvious error,
         Card, subject to a limit of £50. If you have acted               constitute sufficient evidence of any facts or events relied
         fraudulently, or without reasonable care you may be              upon by Bank of Ireland in connection with any Card
         liable for the entire loss.                                      Purchase or matter or dealing in relation to your Card.
    10.3 If a Card Payment is disputed, we have the burden of        12.3 Bank of Ireland may disclose details of your Card to Gift
         proving fraud or lack of reasonable care, providing you          Voucher Shop and to any person acting as its agent in
         co-operate with us and with the police in any 		                 connection with the use or issue of the Card.
                                                                     12.4 This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in
    10.4 Subject to Clause 10.1, if there is a credit balance on          accordance with English law if you are ordinarily resident
         your Card at the time when the Card is lost or stolen, we        in England or Wales, Scottish law if you are ordinarily
         will cancel the Card and Gift Voucher Shop will send a           resident in Scotland and Northern Irish law if you are
         replacement Card to you at the registered address of the         ordinarily resident in Northern Ireland.
         card holder. To allow for the processing of any pending
         Card Payments, we will wait 15 Business Days prior to       12.5 The Post Office and the Gift Voucher Shop may enforce
                                                                          those terms of this Agreement that refer or relate to
                                                                          them respectively.

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12.6 All communications under this Agreement                               13.4 Your right to information
          will be in English.                                                        You have a legal right to receive a copy of the
     12.7 Bank of Ireland and/or Gift Voucher Shop may record or                     information we hold about you by applying in writing to
          monitor phone calls with you for training purposes, to                     us at:
          enable instructions to be verified and to assess whether                   Gift Voucher Shop Limited,
          our service standards are being met.                                       PO Box 52796,
                                                                                    London EC1P 1ZA,
     13. Use of your information                                                     A fee will be payable.
        – data protection                                                       14. Complaints
     13.1 Considering your application                                          If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the service offered,
          The Card is issued by Bank of Ireland, which is the data              please contact Customer Services on 0845 2771 444 or
          controller. The personal information which you have                   write to Customer Services at; Gift Voucher Shop Limited, PO
          provided to us may be used in the manner set out in                   Box 52796, London EC1P 1ZA.
          this Clause 13.                                                       They will be pleased to help and explain the complaints
     13.2 Use and disclosure of your information                                procedure in more detail. A copy of the Complaints Procedure
          The personal information which we hold about you may                  is available upon request. Bank of Ireland and Gift Voucher
          be shared with and cross-checked by other businesses,                 Shop will try and resolve your complaint as soon as possible.
          including Bank of Ireland group companies, fraud                      Often however, the complaint will need to be investigated. If
          prevention or credit reference agencies, our suppliers,               this is the case, Gift Voucher Shop will write to you within five
          agents or subcontractors and anyone who introduced                    Business Days to acknowledge receipt of your complaint and
          you to us:                                                            tell you how long it might be before your complaint is
          (i) to verify your identity and/or address;                           resolved.

       (ii) to trace debtors, recover debt, to prevent fraud and                If your complaint cannot be resolved, you may refer it to the
     		 money laundering;                                                       Financial Ombudsman Service (the “FOS”). The FOS is an
                                                                                independent body. You can contact the FOS at South Quay
          (iii) to manage and administer your Card; and                         Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, Docklands, London E14 9SR;
          (iv) to carry out statistical analysis and market research.           Telephone 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123.
          This information will also be shared with the Post Office             email:
          and Gift Voucher Shop so that they may carry out                      website:
          statistical research and analysis, compliance and
          regulatory reporting and administration in respect of the
          Card. If you want to receive details of those fraud                   Compensation Scheme
          prevention agencies from whom we obtain, and with                     Deposits with Bank of Ireland are protected by the Irish
          whom we may record, information about you, please                     Deposit Guarantee Scheme. Eligible deposits are protected
          write to us at the address shown in Clause 13.4 below.                up to the value of E100,000 per depositor, per institution.
          You have a legal right to these details.                              Full details can be found on or by contacting
     13.3 Transfer of your information abroad                                   the Central Bank of Ireland on 00353 1 224 6000.
          From time to time, we may disclose or transfer
          information about you to previously approved persons or
          companies who are based outside of the European
          Economic Area. We will only do so provided such
          persons or companies agree to give your information the
          same level of protection as we are required to give it in
          the UK and act solely on our instructions. Such transfers
          abroad will be for the purpose of managing and
          administering your Card.

       Bank of Ireland is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and the Prudential Regulation Authority and subject to limited regulation by
       the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of the bank’s authorisation and regulation by
       the Prudential Regulation Authority, and regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from Bank of Ireland on request. Bank
       of Ireland is incorporated in Ireland with Limited Liability. Registered Office, Head Office, 40 Mespil Road, Dublin 4. Post Office Limited is
       registered in England and Wales. Registered No 2154540. Registered Office 148 Old Street, London EC1V 9HQ. Post Office and the Post Office
       logo are registered trade marks of Post Office Limited.



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The Post Office Christmas Club Card Application Form
       Please complete in BLACK INK and write in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS
       inside the boxes. This helps us process your application faster

       1. Your Details
            Surname                                                  Initial
            First name                                               Title   (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss)

           Date of birth
        D D M M Y
       				                       Y    Y     Y     Applicants must be at least 18 years old and UK residents.

            House/Flat number                    Address line 1

            Address line 2

            Town                                            County                                     Postcode
                                                                                            Please provide in case we need to contact you about
            Contact telephone number                                                        your card. (This is not for marketing purposes.)

           To activate your account you will need to provide a password of between 5 and 21 characters
           Please tick one of the following of which your password is the answer to:
           mother’s maiden name            place of birth           memorable place

       2.	Identification
           In order for your application to be processed you will need to provide at least one form of
           identification from the list below.
           UK Driving licence (paper - not more than 10 years old / or photocard)
           Drivers Number:

           Valid From Date:                        Valid To Date:
             D D M M Y            Y    Y     Y       D D M M Y                   Y    Y    Y
           Full UK Valid Passport (not more than 10 years old)
           Passport Number:

           Date of issue:                          Expiry Date:
             D D M M Y            Y    Y     Y       D D M M Y                   Y    Y    Y
           Residential Utility Bill (not more than 3 months old)
           Utility Name:

           Account Reference Number:                                             Expiry Date:
                                                                                     D D M M Y                    Y      Y      Y
           NI Electoral Card (not more than 10 years old)
           Reference Number:                                                     Expiry Date:
                                                                                     D D M M Y                    Y      Y      Y

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3.    Declaration and your signature
   	The Card is issued by the Bank of Ireland (“we” or “us”), which is the data controller. The
      personal information which you have provided to us may be used in the manner set out below.
      The personal information which we hold about you may be shared with and cross-checked by
      other businesses, including our group of companies, fraud prevention or credit reference
      agencies, our suppliers, agents or subcontractors and anyone who introduced you to us:
   		i. to verify your identity and/or address;
          ii. to trace debtors, recover debt, to prevent fraud and money laundering;
          iii. to manage and administer your Card; and
          iv. to carry out statistical analysis and market research.
   	This information will also be shared with Post Office Limited and The Gift Voucher Shop Limited
      so that they may carry out statistical research and analysis, compliance and regulatory
      reporting and administration in respect of the Card. From time to time, we may disclose or
      transfer information about you to previously approved persons or companies who are based
      outside of the European Economic Area.
      We will only do so provided such persons or companies agree to give your information the
      same level of protection as we are required to give it in the UK and act solely on our
      instructions. Such transfers abroad will be for the purpose of managing and administering
      your Card.
      Bank of Ireland, The Gift Voucher Shop Ltd and Post Office® Ltd may wish to communicate
      marketing messages about this product to you from time to time. If you do not wish to receive
      such communication please tick this box
   	Bank of Ireland may undertake electronic checks to confirm your identity and permanent
      address with a credit reference agency. If these checks are not successful we may need to
      contact you to confirm your identity and address.
   	I have read the information under data protection in the Terms and Conditions (Clause 13).
      Keeping you informed
      Post Office Limited and our trusted partners would like to contact you about other
      products, services and offers that might be of interest to you. By submitting this form you will
      be indicating your consent to receiving marketing communications by post, phone, email, text
      and other electronic means unless you have indicated an objection by ticking the relevant
      box(es) below:
      Post 		           Telephone             Email		           Text and other electronic means
      By signing I accept the Terms and Conditions set out in this brochure.

       Signature				                                     Date

                                                            D D M M Y               Y    Y    Y
   4. What to do next
   	Please hand your completed form and payment (cash) to a member of staff.
       Promo Code


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