CITY - TOURIST GUIDE - Turisme de Lleida

Page created by Craig Patel
CITY - TOURIST GUIDE - Turisme de Lleida
CITY - TOURIST GUIDE - Turisme de Lleida
In January 1150 the Charter of the
                            Settlement of Lleida was drawn up,
                            the document founding the city af-
                            ter the conquest and marking the
                            start of a period in which a num-
                            ber of our key institutions came
                            into being: the Fair of Sant Miquel
                            (1232), the municipal government
                            of La Paeria (1264) and the Gene-
                            ral Study (1300), the first university
                            anywhere in the Kingdom of Ara-
                            gon and the genesis of today’s Uni-
                            versity of Lleida (UdL).

                            The first stone of the Seu Vella cat-
                            hedral was also laid in the 13th cen-
                            tury (1203), along with the develop-
                            ment of the irrigation channels, the
                            basis for Lleida’s agri-food system
                            still in existence today.

                            The Charter therefore symbolises
                            the political, cultural and socio-eco-
                            nomic leap forward that the city
                            successfully made 780 years ago,
                            and has been a constant source of

                            It is against this historical back-

                            ground that in 2020 Lleida is invi-
                            ting one and all to visit a city that
                            arose in the 6th century BC, and to
                            dive into the vast legacy built up
                            ever since.

                            Its heritage of landmarks and mu-

                            seums, cultural events, conventions,
                            trade, including one of the longest
                            pedestrianised shopping thorough-
                            fares anywhere in Europe, food and
                            drink, natural settings and tradi-

                            tional popular culture provide the
                            backbone of the city’s tourist at-
                            tractions, although Lleida’s appeal
                            relies above all on its greatest trea-
                            sure: the local people.
                            We wish you all the warmest of wel-

                            Kind regards,
                            Miquel Pueyo París   Mayor of Lleida
     34 / 973 700 319
CITY - TOURIST GUIDE - Turisme de Lleida
                                                                                                                                As the Chair of the Lleida Tourism
                                                                                                                                Board, and above all speaking as
                                                                                                                                a local, it is my pleasure to welco-
                                                                                                                                me you to our city.

       Turisme de Lleida Information and Booking Centre                                                                  7      Lleida, considered the capital of
                Basic data on Lleida                                                                                     8      inland Catalonia and the gateway
                                                                                                                                to Europe, is founded on a cen-
       History		                                                                                                       10
                                                                                                                                turies-old legacy of peoples and
       Sites of Special Interest                                                                                       14       cultures who settled in this stra-
       	Seu Vella and The Suda                                                                                         15       tegic location, on the banks of
                 Templar C astle of Gardeny                                                                            18       the Segre and at the foot of the
                 Paeria                                                                                                20       hill topped by the Seu Vella, our
       	Former Hospital of Santa Maria                                                                                 21
                 Chapel of Sant Jaume                                                                                  21       ancient cathedral which is now
                 The Tanneries                                                                                         22       a candidate for World Heritage
       	Secrets of Lleida                                                                                              23       status.
       	L a Cuirassa , the jewish quarter of lleida                                                                    24
       New C athedral                                                                                                  25       We invite you to revel in its histo-
       	Sant Llorenç                                                                                                   26
       	Sant Martí Churches / Marian Academy                                                                           27       rical heritage, with the landmark
                 Modernism                                                                                             29       complex of El Turó de la Seu Ve-
                 Museum of Lleida                                                                                      30       lla, the Templar Castle of Gardeny
       	L a Panera A rt Centre                                                                                         32       and the Lleida Museum to the
                 Jaume Morera A rt Museum                                                                              34       fore, or delight in the colours and
       	Water Museum                                                                                                   36
                 The Giants house                                                                                      38       flavours of this riverside city of
       	Roda Roda Museum                                                                                               39       market gardens.

       Festivals and Cultural Events                                                                                   41       A visit enlivened by an extensive
                 Music: Enric Granados Auditorium /Orfeó Lleidatà                                                      42       offering of culture and festivities,
       	Film Festivals:
       	A nimac and L atin A merican Film Festival                                                                    45        with everything from traditional
       	E aster and Holy Week                                                                                         46        events to the avant-garde pro-
                 Theatre and Scenic A rts:                                                                                      ductions which dot the calendar
       	International Puppet Festival                                                                                 48        all year round. Because Lleida
       	Escorxador and L a Llotja Theatres                                                                            49        is a city that has something for
       	Local Holiday                                                                                                 51
                 Moors and Christians Festival                                                                        52        everyone. In May it becomes the
       	A plec del C aragol / Snail Festival                                                                          54        ultimate family destination, with
                 Pilgrimage of Sant Jaume                                                                             57        the International Puppet Theatre
       	Autumn Festival                                                                                               58        Festival, the City Fair, the Festival
       	Wine of Lleida’s Festival                                                                                     59        of Moors and Christians and the
                 MUD / Musiquem Lleida / Jazz Tardor                                                                  61
                                                                                                                                Snail Gathering, along with film
       Gastronomy                                                                                                      65       festivals, headed by Animac, and
                                                                                                                                musical performances, including
       Business Tourism and services: Lleida Convention Bureau                                                         69       Jazz Tardor in the autumn and
       	L a Llotja , Theatre and Conference Centre                                                                     70       the MUD: just some of the many
       Leisure & Shopping                                                                                              71       attractions for lovers of cultural
       Nature and Sports                                                                                               75
                                                                                                                                Welcome to our city. We are de-
       Quick Guide                                                                                                              lighted to have you here.
       	Accommodation                                                                                                 79
       	Restaurants                                                                                                   80
                Map                                                                                                   84        Paco Cerdà Esteve
                                                                                                                                President of Turisme de Lleida
                         EDITED BY:
                                        DESIGN, LAYOUT AND EDITED BY: Missatges, Gestió de Comunicació
                                        PHOTO COPYRIGHTS: ©The auhors: Turisme de Lleida, Albert Guerrero, Antonio
                                        Benavente, Actel SCCL, Associació de Moros i Cristians, River Cafè, Centre de
                                        Titelles, La Mañana, Federació de Colles de l’Aplec del Caragol, Raimat Golf Club,
                                        Carmina H. Balà, David del Val, Defoto, Eade, Euro-Studio, IEI-Diputació de Lleida,
                                        Museu de Lleida, Museu d’Art Jaume Morera, Fotodelux, Gómez Vidal, Hermínia
                                        Sirvent, Jordi Clariana, Jordi V. Pou, Julià Escudé, Laurent Sansen, Llorenç Melgosa,
      C/ Major, 31 bis - 25007 Lleida   Llorenç Rosanes, Missatges, Oriol Rosell, Parèntesi, Rafa Ariño, Renfe, Susana
                    34/ 973 700 319     Martínez, Tomás Vargas, Toni Prim and 3imedia.
        MAP OF LLEIDA: ©Josep M. Cazares
         TRANSLATION: Tradtec/ABBACongress      PRINTERS: Anfigraf
twitter/instagram: @turismedelleida     Programmes valid at 2019/12/10 (verify before your visit)

CITY - TOURIST GUIDE - Turisme de Lleida
                           The first time you visit Lleida, make sure you
                           go straight to the Turisme de Lleida Informa-
                           tion Centre at Carrer Major 31, where you’ll
                           find plenty of information on accommoda-
                           tion, restaurants, places of interest, shows,

                           Besides a wide range of documentation on
                           the places you want to visit, there is also a       #
                           bookshop and a souvenir shop.                           for families
                                                                                     and services
                                                                                     for families!

                                                     • Information Office
                                Tourist Bus          • Guided Tours:
                                   in season
                                                     - Seu Vella
                                                     - Templar Castle of Gardeny
                                                     - La Cuirassa, the jewish quarter
                                                     - Secret Lleida
                                                     - Modernist Promenade
                                                     - Lleida Medieval
   GUIDED VISITS                                     - Charming corners
                                                     - Legend corners…

 TEMPLAR                                             Request about the schedule of guided tours
                                                     and ours proposals on demand for groups
                                                     and school

CASTLE OF                           Ticketing
                           of L a L lotja and
                                                     • Tourist Bus
                                                     • Store:
                           The Escorxador            - Souvenirs

Gardeny                       theaters, and
                                 also of the
                           Enric Granados
                                                     • Bookshop

 ANNUAL PROGRAMMING              Auditorium          Major, 31 bis. 25007 Lleida
  00 - 34 / 973 700 319                              34 / 973 700 319                    
                                                                        (Map E5)

                                                     - From Monday to Saturday
                                                     10am-2pm / 4-7pm
                                                     - Sundays and holidays

CITY - TOURIST GUIDE - Turisme de Lleida
USEFUL PHONES                      (34+)
 Turisme de Lleida (Municipal)       973 70 03 19
 Ara Lleida (Provincial)             973 24 54 08
 Tourist Office of the
 Catalan Government           973 24 88 40
                              973 23 84 46
 ATM Lleida                   900 10 68 48
 Lleida-Alguaire Airport		973 032 700
 Renfe railways		902 32 03 20
 Bus Station                  973 26 85 00
 Taxis                        973 20 30 50
                              973 23 99 00

                              973 22 33 00
 Post Office                  973 23 64 49
 Citizen Assistance           010
 Municipal Police             092                          Science and Technology
 Emergencies                  112                          Park to take ad­van­tage of
 Civil Protection             973 70 03 05
 Hospitals:                                                its international potential.
 Arnau de Vilanova            973 24 81 00
 Santa Maria                  973 72 72 22
                                                           Come and savour the
                                                           mix that makes up our          Lleida-Alguaire
                                                           attractive,     interesting    Airport
                                                           city. Get swept away by                                     OPENING
                                                           its age-old history, its
        Decentralized Lleida is the capital of “el
              municipal Segrià”, a large county
                                                           impressive open spaces,                                     HOURS
                                                           and fresh, natural fla-
                           on the western edge             vours... and don’t forget      URBAN                        SHOPS. Shopping is a
  Raimat is situated 14 of Catalonia that takes            to take a piece of it back                                  real pleasure in Lleida. Its
 kilometers northwest its name from the River
    of Lleida. It has 500
                                                           home with you, because         TRANSPORT                    many shops of all kinds
      inhabitants and is Segre, which crosses the          it’s there for you.                                         are open morning and
known for its extensive county. Lleida is the eco-
   vineyard plantations                                                                   The ATM coordinates the      af­ternoon from Monday
       with a modernist nomic and demographic                                             public transportation in     to Sa­tur­day.
  winery by Joan Rubió hub of inland Catalonia.
                                                           HOW                            the area of Lleida: bus,
                                                                                          city and intercity, and      RESTAURANTS. Restau-
    Following the road,
     5 kilometers away,
                            The streets of Lleida,         TO ARRIVE                      rail. It also manages the    rants serve lunch from
       we reach Sucs. In    with their rich historical                                    integrated fare system:      1.30pm to 3.30pm and
   this agricultural and    and monumental heri-           There is an extensive
farming village we can                                                                    with a single card you       evening meals from 9
visit The Vilot Park and    tage, also bear witness        public and private trans-      can move throughout          pm to 11pm every day,
     the archaeological     to the business activities     port network for trave-
 remains of a Christian                                                                   the area of Lleida (bus      although they usually
 village (12th century),    and initiatives befitting a    lling to Lleida. The AVE       and train lines). At cer-    close Sunday night and
    which was possibly                                                                                                                                 the ways
       built on a Muslim
                            major modern city that         high-speed train is a          tain times of the year,      Monday.
              settlement.   looks towards the future.      good alternative (Lleida       visitors can also see the                                    Lleida is stage
                                                           is a member of the AVE                                                                      of historical
                                                                                          sights on the Tourist Bus.   BANKS. Banks and sa-            pilgrimage routes:
                            Lleida is the capital of one   Cities network). There is      Lleida has also a large      vings banks are normally
                            of the most fertile areas in   also a modern road net-        fleet of taxis.              open to the public until             saint james way
                            Europe and its agri-food       work, including the AP2                                     2 pm from Monday to   
                            industry is one of the main    Northeast      motorway,                                    Fri­
                                                                                                                          day. And there are
                               vers of its economy.        the A2 Lleida-Barcelona        CLIMATE                      ex­ten­sive net­wor­k s of
                                                                                                                                                            ignatian way
                            Many ben­ch­mark compa-        motorway and the C25                                        round-the-clock auto-
                            nies have their hea­d­quar­    motorway linking Lleida        Lleida’s climate is con-     matic teller machines.
                            ters in Lleida, including      and Girona. Now, it is         tinental, with hot sum-
                            a large number of R&D          also possible to fly into      mers and cold winters.
                            firms that have set up in      Lleida-Alguaire airport.
 Lleida-Pirineus            the Gardeny Agri-Food
     AVE station

                                                8                                                                           9
CITY - TOURIST GUIDE - Turisme de Lleida
Indíbil and Mandoni, Ilerget leaders
                                                                                                                        The city recovered in the end               (Old Bridge), the Pont Nou (New
                                                                                                                        of the 18th century, when the               Bridge), the Pont de la Universi-
                                                                                                                        first urban-restructuring pro-              tat (University Bridge), the Pont
                                                                                                                        cesses took place under the                 de Pardinyes (Pardinyes Bridge)
                                                                                                                        Marquess of Blondel and the                 and the Príncep de Viana Bridge;
                                                                                                                        Baron of Maials, giving the city            and the Liceo Escolar, Avenida
                                                                                                                        a new urban layout in keeping               del Segre and Maristes pedes-
                                                                                                                        with its role as provincial capital.        trian walkways.
THE ORIGINS…                                                                                                            This was also the time of the En-
                                                                                                                        lightenment, and the city saw the           The early 21st century has wit-
                                                                                                                        construction of its second cathe-           nessed a significant level of
                                                                                                                        dral under the reign of Carlos III.         urban expansion and the intro-
…of the city of Lleida can be               gan on the construction of one                                                                                          duction of many different kinds
traced back some 2,500 years to             of the city’s two cathedrals, the                                           Lleida once again encountered               of facilities. Important events on
the mid-6th century BC, when                Seu Vella, a building that would                                            hard times during the first part of         the cultural live were La Llotja,
the Ilerget people, of Iberian ex-          become one of its most emble-                                               the 19th century and had to en-             Theatre and Conference Centre;
traction, settled in the area and           matic monuments. Construction                                               dure further ravages of war, this           the Museum of Lleida, which
established a small walled town             was completed in 1431.                                                      time at the hands of Napoleon.              incorporates the County and
on the Roca Sobirana (one of the                                                                                                                                    Diocesan Museums, and the
three terraces of the ancient city).        From the Low Middle Ages un-                                                Despite this, the city began to             opening of the Suda Castle and
This early settlement was known             til the 15th century the city was                                           recover during the second half              Templar Castle of Gardeny. Other
as Iltirda or Iltirta, which with           notable for being the only centre                                           of the century, and the quality of          sites of cultural interest include
the passing centuries gradually             of higher learning in the King-                                             life improved further for its inha-         the Roda Roda Museum, La Pa-
evolved into the name by which              dom of Aragon. The Estudi Ge-                                               bitants during the ensuing years,           nera Art Centre, the Jaume Mo-
the city is known today: Lleida.            neral University was founded in                                             thanks among other things to                rera Art Museum, the Water Mu-
                                            1300 by King Jaume II. Another                                              the arrival of the railway (1860),          seum and the Marian Academy.
The citizens of Ilerget led a more          important development during                                                the inauguration of the Camps
or less peaceful existence based            Medieval times was the establis-                                            Elisis Park (1864) and the intro-           This broadening range of cultu-
around agriculture and livestock            hment of the city government                                                duction of the city’s first modern          ral facilities further adds to the
farming until invaders began to             in the former Sanaüja palace in                                             development plan under the ar-              city’s allure, making it an essen-
arrive. First to come were the              1382. From this moment on the                                               chitect Josep Fontseré.                     tial destination for those who
Carthaginians, followed by the              building would be known as the                                                                                          love art, culture, learning and
Romans. Both encountered re-                Palau de la Paeria, and it remains                                          Lleida began the 20th century               history. Lleida is a must for anyo-
sistance from the Ilerget people,           the seat of the City Council to                                             as part of the Mancomunitat de              ne who wants to see a city that
who fought fiercely for their in-           this day. Another major event                                               Catalunya, subsequently living              combines its Iberian, Roman, Vi-
dependence under leaders such               towards the end of this period                                              through the turbulent events                sigoth, Arabic and Christian past
as Indíbil and Mandoni. After fi-           was the construction of one of                                              of the first part of the century            with a modern, innovative and
nally succumbing to the Romans,             the city’s most beautiful buil-                                             and suffering terrible damage               cutting-edge present.
the Ilergets gradually became               dings, the Former Hospital of                                               during the Spanish Civil War
Romanized, and around AD 250                Santa Maria, which has been the                                             (1936-1939). Reduced to 40,000
Iltirta became known as Ilerda.             headquarters of the Institute of                                            inhabitants, a great deal of re-
                                            Lleidan Studies since the organi-                                           construction work was required,
Following the fall of the Roman             zation was created in 1942.                                                 though the difficult post-war
Empire, the city fell into the                                                                                          years gradually gave way to
hands of the Visigoths, who                 The Modern Age was largely                                                  a period of urban, commer-
called it Lerita. It was occupied           marked by a period of reces-                                                cial and demographic growth.
once again between 716 and                  sion. It was a time of disease
719, this time by the Arabs, who            and wars such as the Segadors                                               Today Lleida is a modern, well
remained in what they called                Peasant Revolt, a popular upri-                                             communicated city that has en-
Larida for four centuries until             sing that lasted from 1640 to                                               joyed high levels of growth and
October 1149, when Ramon Be-                1652. The city also lost its in-                                            development over recent deca-
renguer IV conquered the city               dependence, as the Decree of                                                des and currently boasts a popu-
and brought it under Catalan                Nueva Planta introduced by                                                  lation of about 140,000 people.
administration. The following               Felipe V in 1714 stripped Lleida                                            The city’s expansion on both
year, Leyda was granted a Town              of its university and its city go-                                          sides of the River Segre has led
Charter and became home to                  vernment, while its most distinc-                                           to the emergence of a number
a great many people from the                tive monument, the Seu Vella,                                               of different districts, all of which
Pyrenean region of Pallars. Half            was closed to worshippers and                                               are connected to the city centre
a century later, in 1203, work be-          turned into a military barracks.                                            via a lot of bridges: the Pont Vell
                                                                                                                                                                    Museum of Lleida
                                       10                                                                                                                      11
CITY - TOURIST GUIDE - Turisme de Lleida
CITY - TOURIST GUIDE - Turisme de Lleida
                                                                                              Lleida , the city of Seu Vella
                                                                                              UNESCO World Heritage C andidate

                                                                          THE OLD CATHEDRAL

                                                                          The outs­tanding fea­tu­res of the inte-
                                                                          rior include the stonework in the na­
                                                                          ves, which show the influence of the
                                                                          ar­ti­sans from Tuscany, Toulouse and
                                                                          Pro­ven­ce who wor­ked on the cathe-
                                                                          dral throug­hout the 13th century, as
                                                                          well as the re­mains of Gothic mural
                                                                          pain­  tings. After the con­se­
                                                                                                        cration of
                                                                          the temple, work continued into the
                                                                          14th century, when the cloister was
                  The Seu Vella old cathedral, also known as “Lleida
                                                                          com­ple­ted and cons­truc­tion work be­
                  Castle”, is de­finitely the city’s most em­ble­ma­tic
                                                                          gan on the bell tower and lasted until
                  This unique cathedral sits on top of the hill over-
                                                                          The Seu Vella is a site of the 1714 Rou-
                  looking the city and affords magnificent views of
                                                                          te, the War of the Spa­nish Succession.
                  Lleida and the su­rroun­ding countryside of Se­grià
                  coun­ty. Construction of the ca­thedral began in
                  1203, but the bell tower was not com­pleted until
                  1431. The first master buil­der was Pe­re de Coma.
                  Ac­cor­ding to his­to­rians, the ca­thedral was built
                  on top of a for­mer Mus­lim mosque. The temple
                  was the first buil­ding to be com­pleted and was
                  con­se­crated for worship in 1278 and dedicated
                  to the Vir­gin Mary. It has a Latin cross floor plan
                  with a nave and two aisles.

Admission: Ask for the price.
First Tuesday of each month: Free

Turó de la Seu Vella. Lleida
34 / 973 230 653
(Map E4 nº48)

                                14                                                                           15
CITY - TOURIST GUIDE - Turisme de Lleida
THE CANONJA                                                                      THE CASTLE OF
The entrance to the Seu Vella is
through the Canonja, the name
given to the set of buildings that
housed the priests and canons
                                                                                 THE KING LA SUDA
who made up the Chapter at the
cathedral. These buildings date
from the second half of the 12th
century to the 16th century, and
include the remains of the old
church of Santa Maria l’Antiga,
different chapels, the Pia Al­moï­
na (canon’s house), the Chapter
room, the archive, and the De­ca­
nóa or Vault House.

Besides the current entrance
doorway in La Canonja, there
are other doorways of great cul­                                                                              L ast
tural interest, such as the Anun­                                                                          C aliph of
ciata doorway (13th century),                                                                           Cordoba ref­ u­ge,
the “Fillols” doorway (13th-14th                                                                     venue of the A ragon’s

centuries), the Sant Berenguer                                                                      Crown origin or witness
                                                                                                     of the loyalty oath of the
doorway (12th century), and the           electric bells from the mid-20th                        catalan and ara­go­ne­se nobles
Apostles’ doorway (14th-15th              century that have an essentia-                      to In­fan­te James (later James I the
cen­turies), as well as the three         lly liturgical function. They are                   Conqueror). These are so­me of the
doors from the cloister (13th             called Bàrbara, Pu­rí­s­sima, Crist,               his­to­r i­c al facts that the Suda C as­tle
                                                                                           or K ing C as­tle has lived within the walls
cen­tury), which provide a clear          Marieta and Meuc.
                                                                                                           during its exis­tence.
example of the style of ar­   chi­
tec­tural sculpture known as the
Llei­da School.                           THE CLOISTER                                 So outs­tanding epi­sodes in the his­tory of Llei­
                                                                                       da, Ca­ta­lo­nia and, of course, of Spain have been
                                                                                      de­ve­lo­ped in this building si­tua­ted at the top of
                                          This 14th-century rectangular
THE BELL TOWER                            cloister is a unique, open clo­is­
                                                                                     the Seu Vella’s hill, crowning the So­ve­reign Rock.
                                          ter, located on the west side of
                                                                                    A privileged and a strategic site that holds a cas­tle
The oldest bells are from the             the cathedral. It has a gallery
                                                                                   of Mus­lim origin that dates from the year 882 where
15th century: They are called Sil-        with five ogival arches and ele­
                                                                                   Lleida has o­pened an Interpretation Cen­tre.
vestra, which rings on the hours,         gant tracery windows that pro­vi­
and Mònica, which rings on the            de breathtaking views of the city
                                                                                   This Cen­tre, located in the royal hall of the Castle, has a
quarter hours. The other five are         and the countryside beyon.
                                                                                  museum area with in­for­ma­tion panels and an au­dio­vi­sual
                                                                                  that shows the history of the building.

                                                                                  The cultural equi­   pment is com­    ple­ted with a viewpo­
                                                                                  terrace where you could ob­serve the lands­cape. It is the
                                                                                  highest ac­ce­s­sible po­int of the city.

                                                                                                                     Admission: Ask for the price.
                                                                                                                     First Tuesday of each month:

                                                                                                                     Turó de la Seu Vella. Lleida
                                                                                                                     34 / 973 230 653
                                                                                                                     (Map E4 nº48)

                                     16                                                                         17
CITY - TOURIST GUIDE - Turisme de Lleida
The C astle of the Templar
K nights of Gardeny is a
unique space that offers vi -
sitors the chance to take an
exciting journey into the past
and learn more about one
of the most in­ter ­esting and
controversial com­munities in
Lleida’s history.

In the second half of the
12th century, the Order of
the Knig­hts Templar built a
mo­nas­tery com­plex on Gar-
deny Hill, a stra­tegic raised
out­crop that had fre­  quen­
tly been used as a mi­li­tary
camp, pro­bably sin­ce Ro­man

In the 17th and 18th centu-
ries the old Me­die­val com­
plex was ex­     pan­ ded and

trans­for­med into a new mi-
litary fort, designed in res­
pon­se to the new defensive
needs re­sul­ting from the in­
tro­duc­tion of ar­tillery: walls
flanked with bas­     tio­
                         ns and
su­rroun­ded by open spaces,
moa­t s and con­tention walls.

                                      TEMPLAR HOUSE                                 THE HISTORICAL COMPLEX
                                      OF GAR­DENY                                   The historical complex at Gar­deny is one of the most im­pres­sive exam-
                                                                                    ples of Knights Templar architecture in Ca­ta­lonia du­ring the second
                                      (12th-14th cen­tu­ries). After the con-       half of the 12th cen­tury.
                                      quest of the city of Lleida in 1149, the
                                      Knig­hts Tem­plar were given se­ve­ral        Though ex­ten­sive mo­di­fi­ca­tion during the 17th and 18th centuries
                                      pro­per­ties, including Gar­deny Hill, in     chan­ged the la­yout of the former Medieval complex, many ele­ments
                                      payment for the help pro­vided during         of the original structure still survive. Perimeter walls flanked by towers
                                      the sie­ge. The first re­fe­ren­ce to the     su­rround an inner spa­ce housing a number of buil­dings arranged
What can be seen today of             com­mand post at Gar­deny da­tes from         around a cen­tral courtyard.
this historical complex are           1156 and the first com­     man­ der was
the re­mains of the imposing          Bro­ther Pe­re de Cartellà, who pla­yed       The­ s e buil­
                                                                                                 dings include the living quar­   ters, a solid two-storey
cas­tle which, together with          an ac­tive role du­ring the sie­ge of the     tower with se­v eral rooms, sto­ra­g e buil­dings, residential quar­ters
the cas­t­les in Miravet, Mon-        ci­t y. Thanks to many con­tri­bu­tio­ns      and the Homage Tower. To one si­d e is the Ro­m a­n esque Chur­c h of
zón, Pe­nís­cola and the city         made lar­  ge­ly by the landed gen­    try,   San­ta Ma­ria de Gar­d eny, a sin­g ular building of great de­v o­tio­nal
of Tor­to­s a, form part of the       the Tem­plar House of Gardeny amas­           sig­nificance in its day.
Domus Tem­pli Knig­hts Tem-           sed con­si­de­ra­ble wealth. In order to
plar Do­ mi­ nions Route. This        ma­nage the different or­ga­ni­zations
trip back in­to the past gives        that had been es­ta­blis­hed, it be­ca­me
visitors a chan­  ce to get to        necessary to create new administra-
know much of the Tem­plar             tive positions and set up new com­
heritage in the old Kingdom           mand posts, such as those at Corbins                                                     Admission: Ask for the price
of Aragon.                            and Bar­bens. As a re­sult of this ex­pan­                                               Turó de Gardeny
                                      sion, in the 13th century the Tem­plar                                                   Lleida
                                                                                                                               34 / 973 700 319
                     2020/3/1         House of Gardeny be­ca­me one of the                                           
                                      Knights Tem­plars’ main ad­mi­nis­trative                                                (Map A6 nº3)
              XIV The Tem­pla­r                                                                                                GPS Latitude: N 41 36.727
                A­tht­le­tic R a­ce   bases in the Kingdom of Ara­gon.                                                              Longitude: E 0 36.531

                                          18                                                                           19
                                                                               OF SANT
     THE PAERIA                                                                  JAUME.
        PALACE                                                                EL PEU DEL
                   The Palau   de la   Paeria   is the seat of the city ’s
                                                                                        Cultural Property   This tiny chapel, which was ori­      ginally
                                                                                     of National Interest
                   government.                                                (Generalitat de Catalunya).   dedicated to Our Lady of the Snows,
                                                                                                            dates back to the time of the Muslim oc-
                   The building has two main faça­des; one of                                               cupation and stands in what was then a
                   Medieval style looks out over Plaça Paeria,                                              Christian district. It is now de­di­cated to
                   while the other, a 1929 neo-Medieval re­mo­                                              St. James the Apos­tle. Inside the chapel,
                   de­lling of the neoclassical struc­   ture, over­                                        whi­ch stands on the route taken by pil-
                   looks the River Se­gre. Built in the 13th cen-                                           grims travelling to Santiago de Com­pos­
                   tury, it was given to the city by the Sanaüja                                            tela, you could admire the sculp­tu­re of
                   family in 1383. The Pae­ria is the name given                                            St. Ja­mes by Jaume Gort whi­ch is ca­rried
                   to Lleida City Council and it de­ri­ves from the                                         every yea­r in pro­ces­sion throug­hout the
                   term paer (from the Latin pa­tia­ri or man of                 Lleida                     streets on the eve of 24 July, St. Jame’s
                   pea­ce), an honour conferred in 1264 by King                  (Map D5 nº33)              day (see pa­ge 57).
                   Jau­me I.

                   OUR LADY OF THE PAERS                                           THE
                   The Paeria’s grand chamber houses a 15th                    ANCIENT
                   century Gothic altarpiece (1451 to 1454)
                   which originally adorned the altar in the old
                   chapel. It shows Mary flanked by Archangels
                   Gabriel and Michael and surrounded by four
                   “paers”. (Room closed to the public, visitable             OF SANTA
                   with arranged visits).

                   THE DUNGEON                                                                              Built in the Gothic-Plateresque style of
                                                                                                            the 15th and 16th cen­tu­ries and used
                   The city’s jail was housed in the basement in                                            for many years as a hos­pi­tal, this buil-
                   1486, with se­parate cells for men and wo­                                               ding fa­ces the New Cathedral and looks
                   men. La Morra was the name given to the                                                  out over the main street. One of its most
                   chamber used to house pri­so­ners who had                                                stri­
                                                                                                                k ing fea­
                                                                                                                           res is the main faça­   de,
                   been con­dem­ned to death, and gra­ffiti car-                                            along with the array of shields em­bla­zo­
                   ved by inmates during the 16th and 17th cen-                                             ned with Llei­da’s coa­t s of ar­ms.
                   turies can still be seen on the walls.
                                                                                                            A par­ti­cular feature of this mag­ni­fi­cent

                   THE CITY ARCHIVE                                                                         building is its beau­  tiful central court-
                                                                                                            yard, where an imposing stone stair­case
                                                                                                            leads to a splendid gallery of pointed
                   The treasures held in the City Archive include                                           arches.
                   a 14th-century Usage Book, the Cabinet of
                      vileges (a magnificent Ba­        ro­
                                                          que cabinet)                                      This historic building is cu­    rren­
                                                                                                                                                 tly the
                   and, of par­ti­cu­lar in­ter­est, the Carta Pobla or                                     hea­d­quarters of the Ins­ti­tute of Llei­dan
                                                                                 Plaça Catedral s/n
Plaça Paeria, 1    People’s Charter, the first cons­titution for the             Lleida                     Stu­dies, and its rooms and cour­t ­yard are
Lleida             citizens of Lleida, dating from 1150.                         34 / 973 271 500           used for a variety of tem­porary ex­hi­bi­
34 / 973 700 300                                                       
(Plan E5 nº39)                                  (Map D5 nº21)              tio­ns.

                             20                                                                                 21
THE TANNERIES                                  ARCHEOLOGICAL TOUR
The Tanneries, located at num­ber
9 on the R ambla de Ferran ave-
nue, are the most ancient and the
best conserved in Spain.

Composed by two wor­     k s­
now restored as a part of six
tanneries of the 13th century.

Both who have been re­co­vered
con­tain the canalization used
in the Middle Ages, which gives
the vi­si­tor a clear idea of the use
of this essential element during
the trans­   formation process of
the skin.

A dry or salt skin came to the
wor­k shop and be­ca­me trans­for­             Secret Lleida is a tour de­sig­ned by Turisme de Lleida to show visitors
med in­to a soft, supple leather               Roman and Me­dieval traces in the city. Re­mains of walls or even the
                                               city ’s M e­dieval prison that have sur­v i­v ed the passage of time in for­gotten
ready to be used to make glo-                  corners: sec  ­ ret spaces that await disc­ ov­ ery by those who want to get to
ves, hats…                                     know L leida through its arch  ­ aeol­ ogical rem  ­ ains.

The visit also shows an ancient                A visit to the archaeological site at the Pa-
water mine.                                    lau de la Paeria reveals the remains of a
                                               buil­ding dating back to Roman times whe-
                                               re nu­me­rous ob­jects from the 5th cen­tury
                                               AD were discovered.

                                               In the ba­ se­
                                                            ment of the Enric Gra­    na­
                                               Mu­ni­cipal Au­di­to­rium, are the remains of
                                               a Ro­man domus.

                                               Oving on to No. 47 An­selm Clavé Street,
                                                   tors can see the re­ mains of the city
                                               walls from both the Arab (9th and 10th
                                               centuries) and feudal (12th-14th cen­turies)
                                                                                                      Arranged visits for groups
                                               periods.                                                        34 / 973 700 319

Free admission
Ask for visits

Rambla de Ferran, 9
34 / 973 225 428
                                                                                                            Visitas concertadas                                                                     Avda. Fontanet, 26
(Map F4 nº67)                                                                                                            Lleida

                                              CITY ARCHIVE                            23
                                                                                                              34 / 973 222 641
   LA CUIRASSA                                                                 The New Cathedral was built bet­ween 1761 and 1781
                                                                               with en­do­w­ments from the people of Lleida, King
    JEWISH QUARTER OF LLEIDA                                                   Carlos III and Bishop Joa­quín Sánchez. Built in the
                                                                                    que style with hints of Fren­ ch academic
                                                                               classicism, the main entrance is topped with
     A fter being forgotten for more than 500 years, the                       the coat of arms of the Borbon fa­mi­ly.
   former home of L leida’s Jewish populace now opens its
  doors. Step inside and explore the streets of its history!
                                                                               A staircase leads to three ar­       ched
                                                                               doorways fitted with iron gates and
                                                                               flanked on each side by towers. In-
                                                                               side, the nave and two aisles are li-
                                                                               ned with slim Corin­thian columns
                                                                               su­pporting roun­ded arches. The
                                                                               choir, crea­ted in the Baroque
                                                                               style by Lluís Bo­ nifas Massó,
                                                                               was destroyed du­     ring the
                                                                               Spanish Ci­vil War (1936).

                                                                               The Cathedral houses a
                                                                                       re by Josep Obiols
                                                                               of Our Lady of Montserrat,
                                                                               the patron of Ca­   talonia,
                                                                               whom pilgrims visit on 27
                                                                               April each year. Also ce­le­
                           During the mediaeval era –from the Christi-         bra­ted on 2 Fe­brua­r y each
                           an conquest of the city in the middle of the        year is the feast of the
                           12TH century, down to the final expulsion of        Verge del Blau (or Bruised
                           the Jews at the end of the 15TH century– the        Virgin), named be­cau­se of
                           jewish quarter of Lleida (La Cuirassa) was not      the damage done when
                           a walled neighbourhood, but it did have en-         its sculptor, finding that
                           trance gateways. Living side-by-side made           his appren­ tice had com-
                           it easier for the Jews to maintain their tra-       pleted the work to a higher
                           ditions, and protected them from popular            artistic stan­dard than his
                           uprisings.                                          own, threw a ha­    m­  mer at
                                                                               the finished work.
                           The Cuirassa became one of the most im-
                           portant Jewish communities of the Crown             The New Cathedral is also
                           of Aragon, and was the site of the Western          home to the Chapter Archive,
                           Collective, the institution that administered       re­
                                                                                 garded as the richest ec­    cle­
                           the affairs of the Jewish community in this         sias­tical ar­ chive in Catalonia,
                           part of the Principality. It is estimated that in   with a co­   llec­
                                                                                                tion of more than
                           the middle of the 14TH century around five          13,000 books, 16,000 parchments
                           hundred Jews lived in Lleida, some 13% of           and a huge number of codices and
                           the city’s total population.                        ear­ly ma­nus­cripts. One of the jewels
                                                                               in the collection is the Lleida Bi­ble, an
                           The quarter linked to the former Coiraça of         historic illuminated co­dex and the largest
                           the Moorish era, a protrusion from the city         of the an­cient Spa­nish bibles in exis­ten­ce.
                           wall heading down the hill which houses the         The­re is also a periodicals library, a music ar-
                           Old Cathedral; and from which it took its           chive and a collection of maps and pho­to­gra­phs.
                           name. Today, the archaeological excavations
                           reveal the remains of the Pogrom House, the
                           parchment workshop or the remains of se-
                           veral streets that bring us close to a way of
Guided Tour every          life that you can listen following the “Voices
3rd Sunday of the month:
Turisme de Lleida          of La Cuirassa” (the QR/audio with the story        Plaça Catedral s/n. Lleida
34 / 973 700 319           of the different characters that lived in the       34 / 973 269 470                                              
(Map E5)                   jewish quartier).                                   (Map D5 nº19)

                                     24                                                                           25
SANT LLORENÇ                                                 SANT MARTÍ                        Sant Martí
                                                                                                 (Map D3 nº30)

This church, which acted as the dioce-                                Dating originally from the 12th century, this
san seat on two separate occasions,                                   Romanesque chur­ch became the chapel of the
was originally built in the Romanesque
                                                                      Estudi General University in 1300 and the pla-
style, though it includes later Gothic
additions and ornamentation.
                                                                      ce where the most important academic events
                                                                      we­re held. It was converted into a barracks in
Regarded as the most important re-                                    1648, during the Se­gadors Peasant Revolt, and
ligious buil­ding after the Seu Vella, it                             was used as a municipal prison in the 19th cen-
has a nave and two aisles, all of the                                 tury. In 1893, Bishop Messeguer Costa ordered
same heig­  ht, and three ap­  ses. The                               its restoration as a church. Now, ­se­ve­ral cultu-
Ro­ma­nes­que central nave is the ol-                                 ral activities are ce­le­bra­ted.
dest, while the two aisles, along with
the side cha­pels and oc­ta­go­nal bell
tower, which was restored in 2002,
are in the Gothic style (15th century).

Work on the original building, whi­ch
began at the end of the 12th century,
was carried out by sculp­tors and cra-
ftsmen who had wor­ked with master
ar­chi­tect Pere de Coma on the Seu

Vella. The church houses some im-
portant Gothic al­    tarpieces, the lar-
gest dedicated to Sant Llo­renç him-
self. Others are de­    di­
                            ted to Santa

Ursula (at­tri­bu­ted to Jaume Cas­ca­lls),
Sant Pere and Santa Llúcia. Other im­
por­tant works of art in­clu­de a statue
of the Verge dels Fillols that ori­ginally
stood in the Seu Vella, and Santa Ma-
ria de la Can­   de­le­
                      ra, a 15th cen­tury
Gothic pie­  ce showing Sant Blas at-                        Ever since it was founded in 1862, the Marian Academy
tributed to the painter Mateu Ferrer.                        has been a powerful symbol for the city. The large buil-
The church also houses the tomb of                           ding itself is of extraordinary size and value, with its
Ramon de Tàrrega and the fi­gu­re of                         Neoclassical façade on which six crests stand out. In­si­de
Sant Crist Trobat restored by Jaume                          the building there are artistic treasures everywhere you
Perelló. The Gothic door overlooking                         look: the Noucentiste ves­tibule de­co­rated with Greek
the Plaza Sant Josep carries the coat                        marble, the im­perial stairway, the theatre and, natura-
of arms of Be­ren­guer de Gallart.                           lly, the chapel.

                                                                         The chapel has been nic­k ­na­med the Sistine
                 Plaça Sant Llorenç                                      Chapel of Ma­rian Art owing to the 300 m2
                 (Map C5 nº13)                                           of frescos dating from 1871 that decorate
                                                                         the chapel. They are uniques, not only for
                                                                         their ar­tis­tic va­lue, but also because this is
                                                                         the only place in the world whe­re the whole
                                                                         life of the Vir­gin Mary is presented in ar­tis­tic
                                                                         form. The chapel, in Flo­ren­tine Gothic style,
                                                                         is pre­sided over by the figure of the White
                                                                         Virgin. The white statue was sculpted from
                                                                         the wood of a linden tree, and its colour was
                                                                         the origin of the name of the Patron Saint
                                                                         of Lleida. Ano­ther important feature of this
                                                                         small sanctuary is its co­llec­tion of wrought
                                              Lleida                     iron. Besides being the most complete co­
                                              Arranged visits            llec­tion in the city, it is unique for being the
                                              34 / 973 266 161
                                           work of Antoni Guerra, con­sidered the best
                                              (Map B6 nº66)              20th-century artist in his field.

                                         26                                   27
            MODERNIST TOUR

ESCORXADOR                                    CA­SES DE BALASCH
MUNICIPAL THEA­TRE                            Map C5 No. 5 (Rbla. Aragó, 31)
Map B5 No. 2                                  A group of three buildings de­sig­
(Lluís Com­panys)                             ned by Morera in 1914, with ga­
The old abattoir, designed by                 lleried windows extending over
Francesc de Paula Morera Ga­te­               two floors. Particularly outs­tan­
ll, is the city’s most im­    por­tant        ding are the use of marble, the
example of Modernist ar­chi­tec­              stucco flowers and the car­pen­try
ture. It un­derwent a number of               details.
mo­di­fi­ca­tio­ns and finally clo­sed
for business in 1984. It has now              CASA BERGÓS
been converted into a first-class             Map F4 No. 50 (Pl. de la Sal
cultural facility.                            /Clot de les Monges)
                                              This early 20th-century building
CASA MELCIOR                                  is notable for its balconies, art
Map E5 No. 38                                 nouveau moul­   dings, wrought
(Pl. Sant Fran­cesc)                          ironwork and the use of both
A double-fronted building de­sig­             floral and geo­me­tric designs.
ned by Francesc de Paula Mo­re­
ra Gatell that stands out for its             CASA XAM-MAR
stai­ned-glass galleried win­do­              Map D5 No. 24 (Blondel, 9)
ws, sto­ nework, carpentry and                This house (Francesc de Pau-
wrought iron and tiling de­tail.              la Mo­ re­
                                                       ra Gatell 1920-1950) is
                                                   ble for its large galleried
CASA MORERA. DE LA LIRA                       win­dows and or­na­mental sto­
Map D5 No. 15 (Blondel)                       nework. The main entrance was
Built in 1922 with a decorated                large enough to allow carriages
façade that draws its ins­pi­ra­tion          to drive into the courtyard.
from the sha­ pe of a lyre, this
house is an ori­gi­nal and unique             CASA BARÓ. LA VI­NÍ­COLA
exam­ple of Catalan Mo­dernism.               Map C6 No. 11 (Blondel, 100)
                                              Known popularly as “La Viníco-
CASA MAGÍ LLO­RENS                            la” after the wine bu­si­ness that
Map D5 No. 27                                 operated for many years on the
(Ma­jor, 74-76)                               ground floor, this house dates
An artistic façade with wroug­ht-             from 1921. Its faça­de on an an-
iron balconies and stone flo­wer              gle with bal­co­nies is finished in a
motifs on the ground floor.                   rich range of co­lours.

   The Museum of Lleida, whi­ch incorporates            Ca­thedral Trea­sure. Among the 974 works of
   the Lleida Coun­ty and Diocesan Museums,             art and ar­chaeo­lo­gical pieces on permanent
   ope­ned its doors in November 2007 as the            dis­play at the mu­seum are items from the
   flagship of Lleida’s mu­seu­ms. A tour around        Bronze Age (from the Genó site in Ai­to­na),
   its more than 7000 squa­re metres of ex­hi­          the Iberian Era (the Gebut site in Soses) and
   bition spa­ce pro­vides a great in­tro­duc­tion      the Ro­man period (a Roman villa from Ro­me­
   to the city’s history, starting with pre­his­toric   ral, in Albesa).
   times and con­ti­nuing right through to the
   present day.                                         There are also items from the Visigoth sett­
                                                        le­ment at El Bovalar, in­clu­ding the outstan-
   The works displayed at the mu­seum come              ding baptismal font. Other interesting items
   from the merger of two century-old collec-           in­clu­de rock-crystal chess pieces from Ager
   tions and a desire to unite the items that re-       (dating from the Fa­ti­mite period, 9th cen-
   present the heritage of the city and its area        tury), Ro­ma­nes­que altarpieces, stone sculp­
   of influence under one roof. One of these is         tu­res from Seu Vella, the mural pain­tings of
   the co­llection of sacred art from the Dioce-        Pia Almoina, Gothic panel paintings from the
   san Museum, the most re­       cent incarnation      Herrero studio, 14th century sculpture from
   of the museum created in 1893 by Bishop              what is known as the School of Lleida, and
   Mes­se­guer. The other is the ar­chaeo­logical       Flemish tapestries and clo­thes worn by Pope
   collection of the Institute of Lleidan Studies       Calixtus III.
   (IEI), which traces its origins back to the Mu­
   seum of Antiquities foun­ded in the mid-19th
   century, who­  se co­ llection passed into the                      Ask for hours, prices and visits
   hands of the IEI in 1942. The museum also                           First Tuesday of each month: Free
                                                                       Sant Crist, 1. Lleida
   houses the coin collection from the Pro-                            34 / 973 283 075
   vincial Council’s Nu­mis­ma­tic De­par ­t­ment,           
   along with so­me pieces from the so-called                          (Map C5 nº65)

             30                                                                            31
                                 The A rt Centre of L a Panera                     At the same time, the Cen­    tre is
                                         is a cult  ­ ur­ al fac­ il­ ity that     designed as a pla­  t form for the
                                 offers an opp         ­ ort­ un­ it­ y to keep    creation and ex­hibition of the vi-
                                           up with the most rec            ­ ent

                                   ­ el­ op­ m
                                de v         ­ ents in art through a               sual arts in Spain, with a view to
                                           ser­ ies of exh­ ib­ it­ ion ­ s and    building bridges bet­   ween vi­sual
                                                   ­ iv­ it­ y prog
                                                ac t                ­ ram­m­ es.   crea­
                                                                                       tivity and the creativity ori­
                                                                                   nating from other cultural fields.
                                   A com­mit­ment to su­pport
                                 and pro­mote con­temporary
                                art is bac­ked up with guided
                                      visits for every­body and
                                  free access to a spe­cia­lized
                                  reference li­bra­r y housed in
                                        the Document Cen­tre.

                                The Centre’s work is foun­ded
                                         on the conviction that
                                 con­tem­po­rary art re­pre­sents
                                             an es­sen­tial key to
                                 un­ders­tan­ding the world we                     THE OLD CORN
                                 live in and the pro­ble­ms and
                                 is­sues that affect it, not only                  EXCHANGE
                                    in terms of artistic creation
                                  but also throug­hout society                     AND MAR­KET
                                                         at lar­ge.
                                                                                   The building that houses the Art
                                                                                   Centre of La Panera dates back to
                                                                                   the Con­   su­ late period of the 12th
                                                                                   and 13th centuries, one of the most
                                                                                   pros­ perous episodes in Me­      dieval
                                                                                   Llei­da. El Almodí, as the building
                                                                                   was then known, was the city’s
                                                                                   trading house and the pla­ce where
                                                                                   many goods we­re tra­ded, such as
                                                                                   cereals, oil and grapes. The origi-
                                                                                   nal co­lo­n­na­de from the Me­dieval
                                                                                   building, a line of 21 stone columns
                                                                                   rising to a height of 5.7 metres, still
                                                                                   sur­vives. In 1606, El Almodí was
                                                                                   ac­quired by the Ca­thedral Canons,
                                                                                   who en­clo­sed it within a pe­ri­me­ter
                                                                                   wall and built another floor abo-
                                                                                   ve the ori­    ginal colonnade, giving
                                                                                   the buil­ding the form it has today.
                                                                                   It was used to store and sell the
                                                                                   pro­ du­ce co­   llected by the Canons,
                                                                                   hen­ce its present name, La Pa­ne­ra
                                                                                   dels Canonges (The Canons’ Pan­
                                                                                   try). With the seizure of the mo­
                                                                                   nas­te­ries in 1835 it pas­sed into the
                                                                                   hands of the Paeria, or local go­
                                                                                   vernment, which offe­red it to the
                                                                                   army. In 1860 it be­ca­me the ca­val­
                                                                                   ry barracks, and was sub­       se­
                                                                                   tly used as a po­lice sta­tion before
                                                                                   being re­tur­ned to the Pae­ria at the
                                                                                   end of the 1980s. The decision was
Panera Square, 2
Lleida                                                                             taken to turn it into an art centre,
Free admission                                                                     and recent re­fur­bish­ment work has
34 / 973 262 185                                                                   re­vea­led the Medieval co­lo­n­na­de in
(Plan D4 nº29)                                                                     all its glo­r y.

                   32                                                              33
      JAUME MORERA             The Jaume Morera Art Mu­seum of Llei-
                               da is a public mu­seum, whose mission
                               is to bring together a collection of mo-
                               dern and contemporary art within whe-
                               re the contributions of Lleida’s artists are
                               appro­pria­te­ly contextualised. It also aims
                               to conserve, study, interpret and exhibit
                               this art as a way of ex­plai­ning the history
                               of mo­  dern and contemporary artistic
                               ma­nifestations and, through the deplo-
                               yment of a range of cul­      tu­
                                                               ral services,
                               to encourage and facilitate its visitors’
                               un­ders­tan­ding and critical appreciation
                               in the contemplation and en­jo­yment of
                               art. This mission is embodied in the re-
                               solute pre­ser­vation and con­servation of
                               its collections, whi­ch span the whole of
                               the twen­tieth century and are projected
                               towards the twenty-first cen­tury, espe-
                               cially in the Museum’s programme of
                               temporary ex­hi­bitions and a wide rea-
                               ching edu­cative pro­gra­mme that is ad-
                               dressed at different public sectors.

                               The Museum is owned by the local
                               Council but also benefits from the as-
                               sistance of the De­pu­ta­tion of Lleida and
                               the Mi­nis­try of Culture of the Ge­ne­ra­litat
                               de Catalunya.

                               One of the key research and dis­
                               semination activities of Jau­  me Morera
                               Art Museum is the or­ga­nization of tem-
                               porary ex­ hi­bitions of its own design,
                               in coordination with other mu­       seu­ms
                               and as the site of ex­hi­bitions that travel
                               throug­hout Spain. The museum specia-
                               lizes mainly in exhibitions designed to
                               provide a historical review of the main
                               artistic ten­den­cies of the 20th century
                               and re­tros­pective shows on well-known
                               artists, particularly those con­    nected
                               with the city of Llei­da.
Major, 31 (Edificio Casino).
Free admission
34 / 973 700 419
(Plan E5 nº34)

                                    34                                           35
Free admission
                                                                                               Ask for visits
                                                                                            34 / 973 211 992

                                                                                           La Canadiense Camp
                                                                                   Av. Miquel Batllori, 52. Lleida

                                                                                                  Pla de l’Aigua
                                                                                         Underground Reservoir
                                                                                           C/ Múrcia, 10. Lleida
                                                                                                (Map D4 No.12)

                                                                             MAIN BUILDING:                               PLA DE L’AIGUA
                                                                             LA CA­NA­DIEN­SE CAMP                        UN­DER­GROUND
                                                                             Barcelona Traction, Light &                  RE­SER­VOIR
                                                                             Power Co. Ltd., informally
                                                                                                                          Lleida’s drinking-water mu­seum.
                                                                             known as “La Canadiense”, built
                                                                                                                          It is a large underground re­ser­
                                                                             this camp in 1914 to house the
                                                                                                                          voir in the heart of Lleida that
                                                                             la­bourers who came to the area

                                                                                                                          was built in 1784 to supply the
                                                                             to construct the Seròs Ca­nal. La
                                                                                                                          city with drinking water as a way
    THE                                                                      Canadiense set up in different
                                                                             parts of Catalonia to lay out the
                                                                                                                          of overcoming the de­fi­cien­cies
                                                                                                                          of Medieval ins­ta­lla­tio­ns and
                                                                             power grid in the region.
                                                                                                                          fig­hting epidemics. The large re­
                                                                                                                          ser­voir has 25 sto­ne pillars and
                                                                             Since 2004, the newly restored
                                                                                                                          a capacity of 9 million litres (C/
                                                                             building has been used as the
                                                                                                                          Múrcia 10 - Plaça del Dipòsit).
                                                                             Lleida Water Mu­  seum hea­ d­
                                                  MUSEUM                     quar ­ters.

                                                                             On display here is the permanent             ICE WELLS
                                                                             exhibition “The Force of Water.
Water has traditionally played an important role in Lleida, owing to                                                      Located in the northen and col­
                                                                             Dr. Pearson and the Cons­   truc­
its geographic lo­ca­tion beside the River Segre. An ex­ten­si­ve net­work                                                dest part of the Seu Vella’s hill,
                                                                             tion Work on La Canadiense in
of canals and waterways has been de­ve­lo­ped since the city was foun­                                                    ideal for ice conservation. Built
                                                                             Lleida”, which reflects the basic
ded, ma­k ing Lleida the centre of one of the largest irrigated areas in                                                  in the 17th century, the biggest
                                                                             role played by Lleida in the pro­
Spain. In fact, the Seròs Canal, a major source of hydroelectric power,                                                   has a capacity of 842 m3 and
                                                                             duction of hydroelectric power,
passes through the city, which re­cei­ves its drinking-water supply from                                                  500 m3 the small one. They
                                                                             thanks to the work done by en­gi­
the Pinyana Canal, the oldest canal still in use in Ca­ta­lonia. This is a                                                were restored in 1994.
                                                                             neer Dr. Pearson and the hydro­
territory museum with different points of interest around the region.        electric power company known
                                                                             as La Canadiense.
                                                                                                                          WATER ROUTES
                                                                                                                          Long walks around the city and
                                                                                                                          the market gardens that offer us
                                                                                                                          a vision of the water ar­chi­tec­tu­re
                                                                                                                          throughout history.
                                                                                                                          • Monumental Fountains
                                                                                                                          • Pinyana Canal
                                                                                                                          • Seròs Canal
                                                                                                                          • Fontanet Irrigation ditc

                                                                                                                          “WATERS OF THE
                                                                                                                          (Canadiense Camp)
                                                                                                                          Collection of more than 2,000
                                                                                                                          bottles from around the world
                                                                                                                          grouped by countries.

                                   36                                                                                37
 #                                                                                                  RODA MUSEUM
                                                                                        Lleida’s Roda Roda Museum is lo­c ated in
     families                                                                        an old mechanical wor ­k s­hop that has been

                      THE                                                           rest­ o­red to res­pect the original struc ­ture as
                                                                                   clo­sely as pos­si­ble.

                  GIANTS HOUSE                                                    It houses a collection of vintage auto­mo­bi­les, mo­
                                                                                tor­bikes and en­gines, as well as a number of scale
                                                                                models that illustrate the history and de­      ve­lo­
     The Museum of Popular Culture, the House of the Giants, is a               of the automotive in­dus­try. A visit to the Roda Roda
   vist to the festive troupe of traditional and popular culture of the         Museum will take you back in time and in­vi­te you to
  city of L leida .
                                                                                reflect on te­ch­no­lo­gical pro­gress and the social chan­
                                                                                 ges it has broug­ht.
 A trip to the identity of the city of Lleida through 12 giants that form the
current group of Giants of Lleida (the most valuable group in Catalonia),          The items in the mu­seum co­llec­tion remind us
the Bigheads of the local troupe, the Dancing Horses, “the Marraquets”              of the fundamental need of human trans­port
of Lleida and a graphic collection about the Marraco, the dance of “Basto-            since time im­me­morial.
nets”, the dance of the Moors and Christians or the “Moixiganga”.
                                                                                                              Free admission
                               Free admission                                                                  Ask for visits
                                Ask for visits                                                            Santa Cecília, 22. Lleida
                           Av. Blondel, 64. Lleida                                                           34 / 973 212 635
                              34 / 973 700 393                                             
                                                                                      (Plan G6 nº63)

                                       38                                                      39

MUSI                                                       JULIÀ CARBONELL
                                                                               SYM­PHONY OR­CHESTRA
                                                                               The Lleida symphony orchestra offers a sta-
                                                                               ble cycle as part of the regular Auditorium

                                                 Pl. Josep de Prenafeta s /n   MUNICIPAL BAND
                                                        34 / 973 700 639       The Municipal Band ac­counts for part of the
                                                            plano F3 nº56      annual pro­gra­mme.

                                                                               FAMILY CONCERTS
                                                                               In this combination of narration and music,
                                                                               the Auditorium offers an in­  teresting pro-
             GRANADOS                                                          gramme for fa­mi­lies.

              MUNICIPAL                                                        THE BUILDING
                                                                               The modern Enric Granados Mu­nicipal Au-
                                                                               ditorium was designed by Lleidan architects
             AUDITORIUM                                                        Ramon Ar­tigues and Ramon Sanabria. Many
                                                                               other professionals also participated in the
                                                                               construction process, including Higini Arau,
REGULAR SEASON PRO­GRA­M­ME                                                    who holds a PhD in Acoustic Physics. Of note
FROM JANUARY TO MAY                                                            is the prismatic shape of the triple façade and
AND FROM OCTOBER TO DE­C­EM­BER                                                the way the roof becomes a four­th façade
The Enric Granados Municipal Auditorium’s                                      when viewed from the Seu Vella. Built with
regular season pro­gra­mme caters to the va-                                   slabs of natural stone to create an austere
ried tas­tes of a large, diverse group of peo-                                 effect, the air chamber has rigid insulation
ple.                                                                           to protect the building’s excellent acous­tics.
                                                                               Don’t miss a visit to the ar­chaeo­logical re-
CON­CER­TS                                                                     mains in the ba­sement.
Orchestras and soloists perform in a wide va-
riety of concerts, with current musical trends                                 SYMPHONY HALL
from all over the world.                                                       The Symphony Hall is located on the ground
                                                                               floor and is the larger of the two audito-
                                                                               riums, with an area of 880 m2 and sea­ting
                                                                               for 803 people. The spec­ta­cular vaulted cei-
                                                                               ling is covered with varnished cedar panels.
                 Tickets sale

               Ticket office                                                   CHAMBER MUSIC HALL
             Monday-Friday                                                     The second hall of the au­di­to­rium is lo­ca­ted
        from 17.30 to 20.30 h                                                  in the first ba­se­ment and is used mainly for
  fine and weekends festivos
                                                                               chamber mu­sic. It has an area of 360 m2 and
      2 hours before concert
                                                                               seats 245.
              On line 24h
 www.latemporadalleida .cat

                                                                                      ORFEÓ LLEIDATÀ
                                                                               Programming of the Orfeó Llei­da­tà, organi-
                                                                               zation foun­ded in 1861.

                                                                                                         C/ Sant Martí 60-62
                                                                                                            34 / 973 233 554
                                                                                                        www.orfeolleidata .cat

                                  42                                                    43
2020/2/27 - 3/1


Animac is an international fes­tival speciali-
zing in creative film-making, new techniques
and new creative forms. It is a non-com-
petitive festival that is open to everyone in
the world of animated filmmaking. It puts
emphasis on works that com­bi­ne animation
with other art for­ms.

                           34 / 973 700 325


The Latin American Film Festival of Lleida is
an important annual opportunity to bring
together La­    tin American directors and ac­
tors. Besides the films shown in the Official
Competitive Section, the festival also fea-
tures short films, advertisements, exhibits,
children’s matinees and a wide range of pa-
rallel activities. One of the awards given du-
ring this event is the Ángel Fernández Santos
Prize, which is awarded to programmes and
per­so­na­li­ties that promote film culture..

                           34 / 973 238 017
                 mostra@mostradelleida .com
                    www.mostradelleida .com

Lleida Bishopric
34 / 973 268 628
mcs@bisbatlleida .org
www.bisbatlleida .org

2020/4/10 - 13                                           OLY WEEK
EASTER                                                                GIFTS OF LLEIDA
Holy Week in Lleida has tra­di­tio­nally been characterized by the
penitential processions which began in the 14th century and
reached the height of their splen­dour four centuries later. Two
processions are con­si­de­red the highlight of Holy Week in Lleida.         C/ MAJOR 31 BIS
The procession of the Virgin of Sorrows, which dates from
                                                                              25007 LLEIDA
1753, leaves at 8 pm on Palm Sunday from the Oratory of the
Virgin of Sorrows in Carrer Cavallers, seat of the Con­gre­ga­tion
of Sorrows. The spectacular religious parade, headed by the
Armats (Roman squadrons), fea­tures floats that represent the
seven sorrows of the Virgin Ma­ry, the robes of the different
bro­therhoods, the popular Sant Llo­renç float bearers and the
tabernacle of the Virgin of So­rrows.                                   WWW.TURISMEDELLEIDA.COM

On the night of Good Fri­day, the solemn and penitential pro-               34 / 973 700 319
cession of the Holy Burial, organized by the Congregation of
the Holy Blood, leaves from the Church of the Holy Blood. The
procession, headed by the Armats de la Sang, is an overwhel­
ming display of ima­gery on the passion and death of Christ,
including the statue of the Prostrate Christ and the ta­bernacle
of the Virgin of So­li­tu­de..

                                   46                                            47
ARTS                                                                         Lleida has a regular theatre sea­son. The Llotja, the
                                                                                  Escorxador Mu­ni­ci­pal Theatre, the Teatre Prin­ci­pal
                                                                                  and the former Convent of Santa Te­     resa offer a
                                                                                  wide ran­ge of per­for­mances all the year.

                                                                                  LA LLOTJA
 CENICS                                                                           La Llotja theater stands out for its wide and diverse bill-
                                                                                  board shows –theater, dance, concerts, monologues,
                                                                                  opera, musical theater…– for all kind of audiences.

                                                                                                                       Av. Tortosa , 6-8. Llei­da
                                                                                                                            34 / 973 239 698
                                                                                                 Ticket office and www.latemporadalleida .cat
                                                                                                              General /amic de la llotja tickets:
                                                                                                         Turisme de Lleida (Major, 31. Lleid ­ a)

       34 / 973 270 249                                                           ESCORXADOR THEATRE
centre@ titelleslleida .com                                                         The Escorxador Theatre’s main auditorium has seating for
                                                                                  310. There is also a smaller stage for experimental and
                                                                                  mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­r y arts, and a multipurpose Café-Theatre.
                                                                                  The impressive panel presiding over the theatre lobby is
                                                                                  the work of artist Fre­de­ric Amat.

                                                                                  Lluís Companys s /n. Lleida
                                                                                  34 / 973 279 356
                                                                                     ­ re@paeria .cat

                                           2020/5/1 - 3
                                                                                  Ticketing: Ticket office
                                                                                  and www.latemporadalleida .cat

                                   PUPPETS                                        MUNICIPAL THEATRE SCHOOL
                                                                                  The Escorxador Theatre is also the site of the Municipal
                XXXI INTERNATIONAL PUPPET THEA­TRE FESTIVAL                       Theatre School, where drama classes, acting symposia
                                                                                  and mo­no­gra­phic courses are held.
The Puppet Festival fills the most emblematic parts of Lleida’s main
pedestrian tho­roug­hfare (Plaça Paeria, Plaça Sant Francesc, the cour-
tyard of the IEI and Plaça de l’Hort de Santa Teresa) and the city’s
theatres with puppet shows for children and adults.
                                                                                  JULIETA AGUSTÍ THEATRE
Held right before the Summer Festival, this unique event at­tracts pu­
p­pet companies and cultural pro­grammers from all over the world.                The Convent of Santa Teresa (originally occupied by dis­
The people of Lleida and visitors will enjoy over 25 shows and 70                 cal­ced Carmelite nuns) dates from 1704 and is currently
per­for­man­ces in di­f fe­rent spaces around the city. Companies from all        trans­for­med into the Julieta Agustí Theatre. In fact, its
over the world offer a complete pro­gra­mme for all ages, with some               Baroque church is now a thea­tre with seating for 185
performances free of charge and others at low prices.                             people. The engravings and pain­tings on the cupola of the
                                                                                  church are of special interest, as are the coats of arms of
The festival or­ga­ni­zers have also arranged di­f fe­rent cultural ac­tivities   old Lleidan families. The convent has fulfilled many roles,
such as exhibitions, a photography com­petition, pu­p­pet wor­k s­hops            in­clu­ding a hospital during the War of the Spanish Suc-
and much mo­re. All these features make the festival a one-of-a-kind              cession and a sanctuary for refugees during the Spanish
activity in Spain.                                                                Civil War.

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