CLASS - IX - Bal Bharati Public School, Noida

Page created by Gail Russell
CLASS - IX - Bal Bharati Public School, Noida
CLASS - IX - Bal Bharati Public School, Noida
Text Books:     1.BEEHIVE Textbook : NCERT
                2.MOMENTS, Supplementary Reader: NCERT

  MONTH             BEEHIVE                                                                                     LEARNING OUTCOME AND
                                       SUPPLEMENTARY            GRAMMAR              WRITING SKILLS
April         1. The Fun they had     The Lost Child      1. Verb Forms           1. Descriptive Paragraph Beehive 1. Paragraph Writing based
                                                                                                           on e-learning and real schools.
                                                                                                           (Proficiency in Writing)
              2. The Road not taken                       2. Subject Verb          (Person and Place)      2.Group Discussion about choices in
              (Poem)                                      Agreement                                        Life
                                                                                                           (Developing Critical Thinking)

                                                          3. Integrated Grammar 2. Informal Letter Writing Moments 1.-MCQ Question Bank
                                                          Practice                                         based on chapters
                                                          (Sentence Reordering)
May           1. The Sound of Music Adventures of Toto    1. Determiners        1. Notice                  Beehive 1. Biography (Enhancing
              2. The Little Girl    Iswaran - The Story   2. Modals             2. Diary Entry             Writing Skills)
              3. The Wind (Poem)    Teller                3. Integrated Grammar                             2&3.-
                                                           Practice 2 (Editing)                            Listening Skills Activity (Developing
                                                                                                           Listening skills for specific
                                                                                                           Moments 2. Speech on Bonding
                                                                                                           between Animals and Humans.
                                                                                                           (Inculcating Life skills) 3.-

July          1. A Truly Beautiful    In the Kingdom of   1. Connectors           1. Formal Letter writing   Beehive 1. & 3- 2. Rewriting using
              Mind                    Fools                                                                  different ending (Expressions of

              2. The Snake and the    The Happy Prince    2. Integrated Grammar 2. Descriptive Paragraph Moments 1- 2.. General Discussion
              Mirror                                                                                     about Materialistic world and
                                                                                                         emotions (Developing speaking
              3. Rain on the Roof                          Practice 3 (Omission) (Event)                 (Art Integration Activity)
              (Poem)                                                                                     & (Collaborative Learning)
                                                                                                         Acquiring team work Qualities
CLASS - IX - Bal Bharati Public School, Noida
Enactment of the story- ‘The
                                                                                                       Kingdom of Fools’ (Moments)
                                                                                                       Understanding Life Skills
August     1. My Childhood        Weathering the         1. Reported Speech    1. Story Writing        Beehive- 1. Map Reading (Critical
                                                                                                       Thinking) 2&3. –
                                                                                                       Moments 1. Group Discussion about
                                                                                                       leadership. (Honing the leadership
           2. The Lake Isle of    Storm in Ersama                                                       2. Talk about it (Sharing
              Innsfree (Poem)     The Last Leaf                                                        experiences about depressed
           3. A Legend of the                                                                          moments and overcoming the
              Northland (Poem)                                                                         same) (Understanding Life Skills)
                                                         1. Integrated Grammar 1. Report Writing       Writing Skills-Report Writing
September 1. Packing                                 -
                                                           Practice                                    (Enhancing Writing skills)
                                                         2. Clause
                                  A House is not a       1. Passive Voice                              Beehive 1. Collecting information on
           1. Reach for the Top   Home                      Process Writing    1. Speech Writing       Santhosh Yadav’s achievements
           2. No Men are                                    Expansion of                               (Enhancing Reading Skills)
October       Foreign (Poem)                                Headlines
           3. The Bond of Love                                                                        2.&4. – 3. Discussion about Bonding
           4. The Snake Trying                                                                        with the pets
           (Poem)                                                                                      (Awareness about strengthening
                                                                                                      the bond)
                                                                                                      Moments – 1.-
November 1. Kathmandu             The Accidental Tourist 1. Prepositions          1. Article Writing  Beehive 1. Collage Making
         2. The Duck and the                             2. Integrated Grammar Magazine and Newspaper (Kathmandu)
         Kangaroo (Poem)                                 Practice 5 (Gap Filling)
December 1.On Killing a           The Beggar             1.Intergrated Grammar 1. Debate Writing      Beehive 1. Reading and collecting
         Tree(Poem)                                      6& 7 (Cloze)                                 articles on Saving Trees (Awareness
         2. If I were you                                                                             about Preserving Nature &
                                                                                                      inculcating Reading Habit)

                                                                                                       Comprehend and correlate
                                                                                                       Art Integrated Activity
                                                                                                       Article Writing on the types of
                                                                                                       Vegetation and Crops in Arunachal
                                                                                                       Pradesh and Meghalaya.
                                                                                                       Based on the poem On Killing a

                                                                                                       Moments 1
CLASS - IX - Bal Bharati Public School, Noida
January    A slumber did my    Revision     Revision                                Beehive 1. General Discussion
           spirit seal(Poem)                                                    about Life and Death
                                                                                Life Skills
                                                                                (Understanding of Life and Death
                                                       Story Writing based on   and developing critical thinking)
                                                       Visual Inputs
           Revision            Revision   Revision     Revision                                       -
CLASS - IX - Bal Bharati Public School, Noida
fo"k; % fganh
        Li’kZ Hkkx&1
        Lakp;u Hkkx&1
        Full Marks – O;kdj.k&ifjp;¼Hkkx&1½

 Ekl          ikB dk uke         O;kdj.k/                        f'k{k.k&vf/kxe                            uohu f’k{k.k&;qfDr;kWa/dyk                      Xkfrfof/k/ifj;kstuk
                                jpukRed&                                                                  ,dhdj.k/varfoZ"k;h n`f"Vdks.k
vizSy        nq[k dk           'kCn vkSj in    xn~;&fo/kk ds varxZr dgkuh&fo/kk ,oa                   vkn'kZ    vuqrkue;     okpu   ,oa ^lekt esa nq[k dk vf/kdkj*& ppkZ&ifjppkZA
             vf/kdkj                           js[kkfp=&fo/kk ls laf{kIr ifjp;] ns'k esa QSys         Li"Vhdj.k]O;kogkfjd vuqHkoksa dk
             ¼xn~;½            vifBr cks/k     va/kfo'oklksa vkSj ÅWp
                                                                    a &uhp ds Hksn&Hkko dks csudkc    vknku&iznku]thou& lkis{k vuqHko]
                                               djrs gq, /kuh yksxksa dh vekuoh;rk vkSj xjhcksa dh     dkfBU;                         &
             jSnkl ds          vuqLokj ,oa     etcwjh dks Hkh iwjh xgjkbZ ls mtkxj djukA              fuokj.k]euu&fparu]ikjLifjd
             in ¼in~;½         vuqukfld        e/;;qxhu dkO;/kkjk dh lar dkO;/kkjk ls laf{kIr         ppkZ&ifjppkZ] dkO; dk jlkLoknu]
                                               ifjp;] izHkq dk gj gky esa HkDr ls Js"B vkSj loZxq.k   vkxeu&fof/k
                               vukSipkfjd&     laiUu gksuk rFkk Hkxoku dh vikj mnkjrk] d`ik
                                    i=         vkSj muds len'khZ LoHkko dk o.kZuA f’kYixr
                                               lw{erkvksa ls ifjp;A O;kogkfjd O;kdj.k dk KkuA
                              Lyksxu&ys[ku     Hkk"kk dh lajpukRed fof’k"Vrkvksa ls ifjp;A
                                               izHkkoksRiknd vfHkO;fDr gsrq l{kerk dk izfriknuA

 ebZ         jghe ds          milxZ&izR;;      xn~;&fo/kk ds varxZr dgkuh&fo/kk ls laf{kIr                vkn'kZ vuqrkue; okpu ,oa         jghe ds nksgksa dk xk;u
             nksgs ¼in~;½                      ifjp;] i'kq&if{k;ksa ds izfr lân;rk dh Hkkouk dk         Li"Vhdj.k]O;kogkfjd vuqHkoksa dk
                                okD;&Hksn      iYyouA in~;&fo/kk ds varxZr e/;;qxhu dkO;/kkjk          vknku&iznku]thou& lkis{k vuqHko]
             fxYyw                             dh lar dkO;/kkjk ls laf{kIr ifjp;] ekuo ek= dks                     dkfBU; &
             ¼iwjd&ikB½        'kCn&fopkj; vkSj; vkpj.k dh ulhgrA f’kYixr              fuokj.k]euu&fparu]ikjLifjd
                                               lw{erkvksa ls ifjp;A Hkk"kk dh lajpukRed                ppkZ&ifjppkZ] dkO; dk jlkLoknu]
                                               fof’k"Vrkvksa ls ifjp;A                                           vkxeu&fof/k
                               lan’s k&ys[ku
                                               O;kogkfjd O;kdj.k dk KkuA izHkkoksRiknd
                                               vfHkO;fDr gsrq l{kerk dk izfriknuA
tqykbZ       ,ojsLV%esjh       vifBr cks/k     xn~;&fo/kk ds varxZr ;k=k&o`Rrkar fo/kk rFkk           vkn'kZ    vuqrkue;     okpu   ,oa    ^,d Hkkjr Js"B Hkkjr* & ds varxZr vius&vius
               f’k[kj                          laLej.k&fo/kk ls laf{kIr ifjp;] cpsanzh iky ds         Li"Vhdj.k]O;kogkfjd vuqHkoksa dk     {ks= esa dhfrZeku jprh Hkkjrh; efgykvksa ls lacaf/kr
               ;k=k           Lyksxu&ys[ku     f'k[kj rd igqWapdj frjaxk ygjkus ds iy&iy ds           vknku&iznku]thou& lkis{k vuqHko]     fp= ,oa tkudkjhA ¼lkewfgd izLrqfr½ & vaxszth]
              ¼xn~;½                           C;ksjs ls :c: gksukA i'kq&if{k;ksa ds izfr lân;rk      dkfBU;                         &     ^dyk&fo/kk* ,oa lkekftd foKku ds lkFk
                               vukSipkfjd&     dh Hkkouk dk iYyou] cky&lqyHk 'kjkjrksa ls             fuokj.k]euu&fparu]ikjLifjd           ,dhd`rA
CLASS - IX - Bal Bharati Public School, Noida
vknehukek              i=          ifjp;A in~;&fo/kk ds varxZr e/;;qxhu dkO;/kkjk       ppkZ&ifjppkZ] dkO; dk jlkLoknu]
            ¼in~;½                            dh uTe&dkO;/kkjk ls laf{kIr ifjp;] dqnjr ds          vkxeu&fof/k
                                              lcls uk;kc dfj’es vkneh dks vkbZuk fn[kkrs gq,
            Le`fr                             mldh vPNkb;ks]a lhekvksa vkSj laHkkoukvksa ls
           ¼iwjd&ikB½                         ifjp;A f’kYixr lw{erkvksa ls ifjp;A Hkk"kk dh
                                              lajpukRed fof’k"Vrkvksa ls ifjp;A
                                              O;kogkfjd O;kdj.k dk KkuA izHkkoksRiknd
                                              vfHkO;fDr gsrq l{kerk dk izfriknuA
  vxLr      rqe dc             okD;&Hksn      xn~;&fo/kk ds varxZr O;aX;&fo/kk ls laf{kIr ifjp;]   vkn'kZ    vuqrkue;     okpu   ,oa ^vfrfFk nsoks Hko%* mfDr dh leh{kkA
            tkvksxs&                          ekuo&thou esa gYds&QqYds {k.kksa dk egRoA            Li"Vhdj.k]O;kogkfjd vuqHkoksa dk
            vfrfFk           'kCn vkSj in     in~;&fo/kk ds varxZr vk/kqfud dkO;/kkjk dh           vknku&iznku]thou& lkis{k vuqHko]
            ¼xn~;½                            dFkkRed dfork ls laf{kIr ifjp;] lekt esa QSys        dkfBU;                         &
                              vifBr cks/k     va/kfo'oklksa vkSj ÅWp
                                                                   a &uhp rFkk tkfrokn dks         fuokj.k]euu&fparu]ikjLifjd
            ,d Qwy                            csudkc djukA f’kYixr lw{erkvksa ls ifjp;A Hkk"kk     ppkZ&ifjppkZ] dkO; dk jlkLoknu]
            dh pkg         vuqPNsn&ys[ku      dh lajpukRed fof’k"Vrkvksa ls ifjp;A O;kogkfjd       vkxeu&fof/k
            ¼in~;½                            O;kdj.k dk KkuA izHkkoksRiknd vfHkO;fDr gsrq
                                              l{kerk dk izfriknuA

  flracj                                                                  iqujko`fRr ,oa e/;l=h; ijh{kk

  vDrwcj     dhpM+ dk         vifBr cks/k     xn~;&fo/kk ds varxZr ys[k&fo/kk ls laf{kIr ifjp;]    vkn'kZ    vuqrkue;     okpu   ,oa ^D;k dhpM+ ^xanxh* gS\*& ,d fopkjA
               dkO;                           ekuo&thou esa dhpM+ ds egRo dk izfriknuA             Li"Vhdj.k]O;kogkfjd vuqHkoksa dk
              ¼xn~;½        vukSipkfjd i=     O;kogkfjd O;kdj.k dk KkuA izHkkoksRiknd              vknku&iznku]thou& lkis{k vuqHko]
                             vuqPNsn&ys[ku    vfHkO;fDr gsrq l{kerk dk izfriknuA                   dkfBU;                         &
                              lan’s k&o.kZu                                                        ppkZ&ifjppkZ] dkO; dk jlkLoknu]

Ukoacj      vfXuiFk           vifBr cks/k     in~;&fo/kk ds varxZr vk/kqfud dkO;/kkjk ls laf{kIr   vkn'kZ    vuqrkue;     okpu   ,oa ^thou la?k"kZe; gS] blls ?kcjkdj Fkeuk ugha
               ¼in~;½                         ifjp;] thouiFk ij feyus okyh dfBukb;ksa ls dHkh      Li"Vhdj.k]O;kogkfjd vuqHkoksa dk pkfg,*& vuqHko&izLrqfr&
                            vukSipkfjd i=     u ?kcjkus dh izsj.kkA xn~;&fo/kk ds varxZr           vknku&iznku]thou& lkis{k vuqHko] laxhr ds lkFk ,dhd`rA
             gkfen [kkWa                      laLej.k&fo/kk ls laf{kIr ifjp;] tkfrxr HksnHkko      dkfBU;                         &
            ¼iwjd&ikB½       laokn&ys[ku      rFkk fofHkUUk lhek,Wa Hkwydj ,drk dh izsj.kkA        fuokj.k]euu&fparu]ikjLifjd
                                              O;kogkfjd O;kdj.k dk KkuA izHkkoksRiknd              ppkZ&ifjppkZ] dkO; dk jlkLoknu]
                                              vfHkO;fDr gsrq l{kerk dk izfriknuA                   vkxeu&fof/k

  fnlacj    /keZ dh           vifBr cks/k     xn~;&fo/kk ds varxZr fuca/k&fo/kk ls laf{kIr ifjp;] vkn'kZ vuqrkue;        okpu        ,oa ^/keZ ,drk dk ek/;e gS*μ ppkZ&ifjppkZ
             vkM+                             ekuo&thou esa /keZ ds vkSfpR; dk izfriknuA Li"Vhdj.k]O;kogkfjd             vuqHkoksa   dk
¼xn~;½           'kCn&fopkj     in~;&fo/kk ds varxZr vk/kqfud dkO;/kkjk ls laf{kIr    vknku&iznku]thou& lkis{k vuqHko]
                                          ifjp;] 'kgjh thou dh okLrfodrk ,oa foMacuk ls         dkfBU;                        &
         u, bykds         milxZ&izR;;     ifjp;A 'kgjksa ds chpks&
                                                                 a chp cls Vksyksa ds thou dh   fuokj.k]euu&fparu]ikjLifjd
          esa¼in~;½                       okLrfodrk ,oa foMacuk ls ifjp;A O;kogkfjd             ppkZ&ifjppkZ] dkO; dk jlkLoknu]
                          vukSipkfjd i=   O;kdj.k dk KkuA Hkk"kk dh lajpukRed fof’k"Vrkvksa     vkxeu&fof/kA
         [kq’kcw jprs                     ls ifjp;A izHkkoksRiknd vfHkO;fDr gsrq l{kerk dk
          gSa gkFk                        izfriknuA

Tkuojh     'kqdzrkjs ds    vifBr cks/k    xn~;&fo/kk ds varxZr vkys[k&fo/kk ,oa                 vkn'kZ    vuqrkue;     okpu   ,oa ^tfy;kWoa kkyk ckx* & ,d fopkjA
          leku ¼xn~;½                     laLej.k&fo/kk ls laf{kIr ifjp;] xka/kh th rFkk muds   Li"Vhdj.k]O;kogkfjd vuqHkoksa dk
                          vukSipkfjd i=   lgk;d egknso nslkbZ ds thou ls izsj.kkA               vknku&iznku]thou& lkis{k vuqHko]
         fn;s ty mBs                      O;kogkfjd O;kdj.k dk KkuA xka/kh th ds vVy            dkfBU;                         &
          ¼iwjd&ikB½       laokn&ys[ku    bjknksa ls izsj.kkA O;kogkfjd O;kdj.k dk KkuA         fuokj.k]euu&fparu]ikjLifjd
                                          izHkkoksRiknd vfHkO;fDr gsrq l{kerk dk izfriknuA      ppkZ&ifjppkZ] dkO; dk jlkLoknu]

Qjojh                                                                            iqujko`fRr ,oa okf"kZd ijh{kk
Entre Jeunes 9 'Coursebook'
SetRite 9 ‘Assignment Workbook'

                                                                                          ACTIVITIES WITH ART
 MONTH        LESSON              LEARNING OBJECTIVES            GRAMMAR                                               LEARNING OUTCOMES
April      L - 1. La          •   se présenter /           • Er et Ir verbes,        • Jeu de rôle (à l’école)    Les étudiants pourront se
           famille                                                                   (Role play among friends     présenter, s'informer sur
                                  présenter quelqu'un        nombres, articles       at school)
                                                             définis et indéfinis,                                les liens familiaux et
           L – 2. Au          •   s'informer sur les liens
                                  familiaux                  préposition,                                         décrire une personne.
                              •   donner / demander    • l’adjectif
                                  des informations       démonstratif,
                                                         accord des
                              •   décrire une personne   adjectifs et
                              •   identifier quelqu'un   adjectif possessif

May        L - 3. Une         •   les activités            • les articles            • Parler des preferences a Les étudiants pourront parler des
                                                                                                                activités quotidiennes et
           journée de             quotidiennes               contractes et             l’aide de la peinture    des repas français, dire
           Pauline                                           partitifs                 (Students to explain     l’heure et exprimer l'ordre.
                              •   l'heure
                              •   exprimer l'ordre         • les verbes                their preferences
                                                             pronominaux               through drawing)
                              •   proposer quelque
                                  chose                    • les verbes
                              •   les repas                  irréguliers
July       L – 4. Les         •   parler du temps / de     • futur simple et                                      Les étudiants pourront utiliser
           saisons                la météo / des             proche                                               futur simple, futur proche
                                  activités                                                                       et impératif.
                                                           • impératif
                              •   donner des conseils
                              •   couleurs
August      L – 5. Les       •   Poser des questions   • Passe compose et • Decrivez votre sport favoris.     Les étudiants pourront poser
            voyages                                                       (Students to describe their         des questions, décrire des
                             •   Décrire des habitudes   imparfait        favorite sport in French.)
                                                                                                              habitudes au passe et
            L – 6. Les           au passe              • Verbes
                                                         pronominaux                                          écrire une carte postale.
            loisirs et les   •   Carte postale /
            sports               itinéraire              • Prépositions
                             •   Sports et loisirs       • Interrogation
                             •   Raconter ses vacances • Expressions avec
                                 et réserver une place   être et avoir
September                                                              Révision

October     L - 7.           •   Exprimer        son     • Pronoms                                            Les   étudiants pourront
            L'argent de          point de vue, son         personnels                                         exprimer son point de
                                 désir            et       (direct et                                         vue, son désir et
            poche                son    intention          indirect)                                          son intention et parler
                             •   Exprimer la quantité    • Négations                                          de l’argent de poche.
            L - 8. Faire         et la qualité           • Conditionnel
            des achats       •   Gagner / dépenser         present
                                 son argent de poche
November L - 9. Un           •   Exprimer les souhaits • pronoms y & en            •   Jeu de rôle au         Les étudiants pourront
         diner en                                      • pronoms                                              exprimer les souhaits et
                                 et les vœux             interrogatifs                 restaurant (Role
         famille                                       • passe récent                  play at restaurant)    les vœux et donner l’avis /
                             •   Donner l’avis /
                                 l’opinion             • pronoms toniques          •   L’interview (Role      l’opinion.
            L – 10. La
            mode             •   Interviewer un                                        play - Interview)
December L - 11. Les         •   Exprimer la condition   • Pronoms relatifs        •   Decrivez une fete.    Les étudiants pourront utiliser
                                                           simples                     (Students to describe pronoms relatifs simples et
         fêtes                                           • Phrases                     their favorite        parler d’une fête.
                             •   Parler d’une fête
                                                           conditionnelles             festival.)
January     L - 12. La       •   Décrire un pays      • La récapitulation                                    Les étudiants sauront du mot
            francophon           francophone (Sénégal) générale                                              ‘francophone’.

February                                                                Revision

Chapter                Une journee de Pauline
Subject Integrated     French and Visual Art
Learning               Students will learn to express their preferences.
Description            Students will make a poster in which they will show their preferences with the help of drawing and describing them in French


Chapter                  Les loisirs et les sports
Subject Integrated       French and Sports
Learning Objectives      Students will learn about sports.
Description              Students will describe their favorite sport in French language.


State Paired With        Meghalaya / Arunachal Pradesh
Topic of the Project     Any Art form of the above mentioned states.
Subjects Integrated      French, Art and History
Learning Objectives             Students will learn about the diverse culture of our country.
                                They will learn different art forms.
                             They will be able to integrate French with different art forms.
Description              Students will have to select any one of the art forms of the above mentioned states. They will have to describe it in French language
                         with the help of a PPT or a video.
MONTH          UNIT/TOPIC            ACTIVITIES/INNOVATIVE                                             LEARNING OUTCOMES
                                    Lab activity:                        Students would be able to –
                                     To construct square                 Represent natural numbers, integers, rational numbers on the number Line and
                                       root spiral.                         terminating / non-terminating recurring decimals on the number Line through
         Number system               To verify identity                    successive magnification.
                                       (a+b+c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab +    Recall of Laws of exponents with integral powers. Rational exponents with
                                       2bc + 2ca.                           positive real bases.
                                    Worksheets:                           Method of Rationalization.

                                     MCQ based.                          find Factors and multiples. Zeros of a polynomial.
                                     Hots questions.                     State the Remainder Theorem with examples. Statement and proof of the
                                     Questions based on                    Factor Theorem.
                                       simple concepts.                   Recall of algebraic expressions and identities.
         Polynomials                Audio Visual teaching
                                     Smart class module.

         Introduction to Euclid’s   Lab activity:                        Students will be able to-
                Geometry             To find the area of                 Define common/obvious notions, axioms/postulates and theorems. The five
             Lines and angles          triangle when its base                postulates of Euclid.
                                       and height are given.              Recall if a ray stands on a Line, then the sum of the two adjacent angles so

                                    Worksheets:                              formed is 180O and the converse.
                                     MCQ based.                          Recall if two Lines intersect, vertically opposite angles are equal.
                                     Hots questions.                     Results on corresponding angles, alternate angles, interior angles when a
             Lines and angles        Questions based on                     transversal intersects two parallel lines.
                                       simple concepts.
                                     Interior angles
                                     Exterior angles
Lab activity/ Art Integrated       Students will be able to:
                                    activity:                           Recall The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 O.
                                    To verify Pythagoras theorem and    If a side of a triangle is produced, the exterior angle so formed is equal to the sum
         Lines and angles(contd.)   condition of congruency by paper     of the two interior opposite angles.
                                    cutting method                      Recall rules of congruency i.e. SSS, ASA, SAS and RHS.
                                                                        Prove of the angles opposite to equal sides of a triangle are equal and vice
                                    Worksheets:                          versa.
                                     MCQ based.                        Define triangle inequalities and relation between ‘angle and facing side'
                                     Hots Questions

                                                                         inequalities in triangles.
                                     Questions based on
                                      simple concepts.
                                    Quiz based on different
                Triangles           concept can be organize.

                                    Audio Visual teaching aids:
                                     Smart class module.
                                     Different software can be
                                      used like Geo Gebra.
                                    Lab activity:                      Students will be able to:
                                                                        Define the Cartesian plane, coordinates of a point, names and terms associated
                                     To verify that sum of
                                                                          with the coordinate plane, notations, plotting points in the plane.
          Coordinate geometry         external angles of aregular       Prove that diagonal divides a parallelogram into two congruent triangles.
                                      polygon is 360°.                  Recall in a parallelogram opposite sides are equal, and conversely. If a pair of its
                                    Geo gebra as a tool can be            opposite sides is parallel and equal.

                                    used for Coordinate
Lab activity:                      Students will be able to:
                                       To verify mid-point
             Quadrilateral(contd.)       theorem.                         Proof of Midpoint theorem i.e. in a triangle, the Line segment joining the
                                       To verify that the quadrilateral     mid points of any two sides is parallel to the third side and in half of it and its
                                         obtained by joining the mid         converse.
             Linear equation in two      points of the sides of the       Understand that a Linear equation in two variables has infinitely many
                    variables            quadrilateral is a                  solutions.

                                                                          Draw graph of Linear equations in two variables.
                                                                          Find area of a triangle using Heron's formula (without proof) and its application
                                       MCQ based.
                                       Hots question based.                 in finding the area of a quadrilateral.
                                       Based on simple
                Heron’s formula          concepts.
                                      Audio Visual teaching aids:
                                       Smart class module.
                                       Different software can be
                                         used like Geo Gebra.

                                       Lab /Sports Integrated
                                       activity:                     Students will be able to:
                                       To find the area of a right
                                        circular cylinder.            Find surface areas and volumes of cubes, cuboids, spheres (including
                                       To transform a square into a     hemispheres) and right circular cylinders/cones.
                                        triangle both having equal

            Surface area and volume     area.
                                       To find the area of
                                        basketball court and
                                        badminton court
                                       MCQ based.
                                       Hots question based.
                                       Based on simple concepts.
Lab activity:                    Students would be able to:
                                    To transform a square into a    Understand the concept of collection of data, presentation of data —
                                      triangle both having equal      tabular form, ungrouped / grouped, bar graphs, histograms (with varying
                                      area.                           base Lengths), frequency polygons. Mean, median and mode of ungrouped data.
                                    To prove that triangle with     Proof of parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallels have

                                      same base and between           the same area.
                                      same parallel have equal
           Area of parallelogram   Worksheets:
               and triangles        MCQ based.
                                    Hots question based.
                                    Based on simple concepts.
                                   Lab activity:                    Students would be able to:
           Area of parallelogram    To verify the following
                                      properties of cyclic           Proof of triangles on the same (or equal base) base and between the same parallels

            and triangle(contd.)
                                                                      are equal in area.
                                   1. Sum of interior opposite       Proof of the angle subtended by an arc at the center is double the angle subtended
                                       angles is 180.                 by it at any point on the remaining part of the circle.
                  Circles          2. Exterior angle is equal to     Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal.
                                       opposite interior angle.
                                   Worksheets:                      Students would be able to:
                                    MCQ based.                      Construct bisectors of Line segments and angles of measure 60 o, 90 o, 45 o etc.,
               Construction         Hots question based.              equilateral triangles.

                                    Based on simple concepts.       Construct triangle given its base, sum/difference of the other two sides and
                                   Audio Visual teaching aids:         one base angle.
                                    Smart class module.             Construct triangle of given perimeter and base angles.
                Probability         Different software can be       Understand experiments and observed frequency approach to probability.
                                      used like Geo Gebra.             Focus is on empirical probability.


 MONTHS CHAPTER                  SUB TOPICS                         LEARNING OUTCOMES                                  PRACTICAL / PROJECTS
 April & Motion        •   Describing        motion,    •   Differentiate between scalar and vector   To observe, analyse and plot the graph for different
 May                       motion along a straight          quantities                                values of position, velocity and acceleration.
                           line,                        •   Explain the difference between distance   Link for the simulation:
                       •   uniform and non-                 and displacement, speed and velocity
                           uniform motion,                  with examples                   
                       •   rate of change of motion,    •   Derive the three equations of motion
                           velocity & acceleration,         graphically.
                       •   graphical representation     •   analyses and interprets graphs and
                           of motion, equations of          figures such as, distance-time and
                           motion          (graphical       velocity-time graphs.
 June      Motion      •   Numerical based on           • explain uniform circular motion, and
                           equations of motion            reason out that why it is known as an
                       •   Uniform Circular motion.       accelerated motion
                                                        • critically analyse the different types of
           Force and   • Balanced and                     motion.
           Laws of       unbalanced forces,             • State Newton’s First Law of Motion with
           Motion      • first law of motion,             the help of real-life examples
                       • inertia and mass,
 July      Force and   • second law of motion,          • State Newton’s Laws of Motion with the      EXPERIMENT
           Laws of     • mathematical                     help of real-life examples                  To study the third law of motion using two spring
           Motion        formulation of second          • Formulate the laws mathematically and       balances.
                         law of motion.                   solve numerical based on them
                       • Third law of motion                                                
                       • Conservation of                                                              cnt=1
August    Gravitat-    • Gravitation,                 • Explain gravitational force and derive it     Art Integrated Project
          ion          • Universal law of               between any two objects                       The Newtonian Toy
                         gravitation,                 • Define free fall and calculate the value of   Design a toy using waste materials which describe any
                       • importance of Universal        g                                             one or more laws of Motion given by Newton.
                         law of gravitation,          • applies learning to hypothetical              Present your toy and explain the concept in form of a
                       • free fall,                     situations, such as, weight of an object      video .
                       • to calculate the value of      at moon, weight of an object at equator
                         ‘g’.                           and poles, possibility of life on other
                                                        planets, etc.

Septem-                                                                Half Yearly Examination

October   Floatation      •   Thrust and Pressure,      • measures physical quantities using          Simulation:              Buoyant             force.
                          •   Archimedes’ Principle       appropriate apparatus, instruments,
                          •   Buoyancy                    and devices, such as, weight and mass       orce.html
                          •   Elementary idea of          of an object using spring balance, mass
                              Relative Density.           using a physical balance, volume of         Experiment: To determine the density of solid (denser
                                                          liquid using measuring cylinder, etc.       than water) by using a spring balance and a measuring

                          •   Work,                     • explain the scientific conception of
          Work &          •   Work done by a              work                                        t=9
          Energy              constant force,           • Calculate the amount of work done on
                          •   Energy,                     an object
                          •   forms of energy,          • define energy and classify mechanical
                          •   kinetic energy.             energy into kinetic and potential
                                                        • explain the concept of kinetic energy
                                                          with the help of examples and derive
                                                          its expression.
November Work &    • Potential energy,           • explain the concept of potential           EXPERIMENT
         Energy    • potential energy of an        energy with the help of examples           Establishing the relation between the loss in weight
                     object at a height,           and derive its expression.                 of a solid when fully immersed in a) Tap water
                   • law of conservation of      • State the law of conservation of           b) Strongly salty water with the weight of water
                     energy.                       energy                                     displaced by it by taking at least two different solids
                   • Rate of doing work,         • Define power and give its SI unit.
                   • commercial unit of          • Establish the relation between
                     energy- kWh.                  commercial unit of energy KWh and

December Sound    • Production of sound,         • Visualize sound as waves and explain       EXPERIMENT
                  • propagation of sound,          that sound cannot produce without a        Verification of the Laws of reflection of sound.
                  • sound requires a medium        vibrating object.
                    to travel,                   • Explain the different characteristics of
                  • sound waves as                 sound waves.                               nt=1
                    longitudinal waves,          • draws labelled diagrams of human ear.
                  • characteristics of a sound   • explains processes and phenomena
                    wave.                          how bats use ultrasonic waves to catch
                  • reflection of sound;           prey
                  • echo and SONAR.
                  • Structure of the Human
                    Ear (Auditory aspect only)

January                                           Revision
Text Book: Science and Technology (NCERT)

  Month                     LEARNING OBJECTIVES               PRACTICAL/ACTIVITY                               LEARNING OUTCOMES
                          To understand the                                                Students will be able to-
                           physical nature of matter.
APRIL/MAY                 To comprehend the                                                  Perceive the physical nature of matter.
             Matter in     characteristics features                                           Analyse the nature of particle.
             our           and nature of particle.                                            To Interpret the existence of three sates of matter.
             Surroundi    To understand the state of   To determine the boiling point of     Derive an understanding that states are interchangeable.
             ngs           matter.                      water.
                          To make the learner          To determine the melting point
                           understand that matter       of ice.
                           can change its state.

                                                                                            Students will be able to-
JULY         Matter in     To analyse the effect of
             our            change of temperature       To see the rate of evaporation in    Analyse that state change takes place due to change of
             Surroundi      and pressure on states.     change of conditions                  temperature and pressure
             ngs           To understand the                                                Know the concept of evaporation
                            phenomenon of                                                    Perceive the factors that effect on evaporation
                            evaporation.                                                      e.g Temp., Wind, Humidity and Surface area.
                           To make the learner
                             understand about the
                             factors effecting
 To know about elements,         To prepare                          Students will be able to-
                        compounds and mixtures          (a) a mixture                        Identify elements, compounds and mixtures.
                       To know the types of             b) compound using ion fillings ,    Identify types of mixtures
                        mixtures                        sulphur powder                       Compare types of solution on basis of its features.
                       To define solution and its
            Is matter   types                           c)distinguish on basis of :
AUGUST      Around us  To compare the
            Pure        properties of Solution          Appearance i.e. homogeneity and
                                                        Heterogeneity.                         Calculate the concentration of solution.
                                                        Behavior towards Magnets.             Understand the use of sublimation as separation
                                                        Behavior towards carbon sulphide       technique in case of
                                                         as solvent. Effect of heat.           Sand, ammonium chloride and salt
                         To be able to calculate the   To separate components like sand,
                          concentration of solution      ammonium chloride and salt by
                         Sublimation and its           sublimation.
                         Separation technique as
                                                                                             To compare the features of different solutions like
                                                        Prepare solutions like chalk         transparency, filterability, Tyndall effect
                         To understand properties      solution,                            To carry out the following reactions and classify them as
            Is matter     of colloidal solution,        sugar/ salt solution and starch      physical chemical changes.
SEPTEMBER   Around us     suspension and true           solution.                            (a) Iron with CuSO4 solution in water, Burning
            Pure          solution                                                           Of Mg in air, Zn with dilsulphuric acid, heating
                         Physical and chemical         Compare properties on basis of – Of CuSO4, Sodium sulphate and Barium
                          changes                       Transparency, filterability, tyndall chloride
                                                        effect and stability
                       Laws of chemical                                                     Students will be able to
            Atoms       combination                     Experiment law of conservation        Understand law of chemical combination and Daltons
OCTOBER     and        Atom, Molecule,                 of mass                                   atomic theory
            molecules   Compound                                                              Know atom, molecule, atomic mass and calculate
                       Atomic mass, Molecular                                                    molecular mass
                        Mass, Ions, Formula                                                   Arrive at different chemical formulas
                        writing.                                                              Solve mole concept problems
 Atomicity, Mole Concept
                        Structure of an atom,                                 Students will be able to
                         Thomson model, Ruther                                  Understand the different models proposed by chemists
NOVEMBER   Structure     ford Model of an atom                                    and their failures
           of Atom       and its drawbacks, Bohrs
                         Model of an atom

                                                                               Students will be able to
                        Filling up of electrons in
                         shells of atom                                         Know the presence of electrons in each shell of K, L, M,N
           Structure    Distribution of electrons in                           Define valency, atomic number and mass number
DECEMBER   of an         different orbits                                       Understand Isotopes and know about its application
           Atom         Valency, Atomic
                         number,Mass number
                        Isotopes and its

JANUARY/                                                  REVISION/PRACTICAL
FEBRUSRY                                                    EVLUATION
                                                        ANNUAL EXAMINATION
Book: Science and Technology (NCERT)

  MONTH         TOPICS              SUB-TOPICS            LEARNING OUTCOMES               INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGY                       PRACTICALS

April        Improvement in Crop yield,                    To analyses the types of    Collecting information of crops   To determine the mass
             food           variety/production              crops used and to make       and variety improvement           percentage of water imbibed by
             resources      improvement, manures            a record about the          Research on the types of          raisins.
                            and fertilizers                 nutrient they have.          nutrients                         To prepare stained temporary
                                                           To make them aware          Distinguish between manure        mount of onion peel.
                                                            about different steps        and fertilizers.
                                                            necessary to grow crops     Visualization of cropping
             Improvement in cropping patterns, crop         and harvest.                 pattern with diagram
             food resources protection, animal             To get knowledge about      Interactive discussion about
                            husbandry, cattle               the various aspect of        animal husbandry.
                            farming, fish and bee           animal husbandry like
                            keeping                         Feeding ,Breeding,
                                                            Heeding and weeding                                             Prepare a ppt taking variety
                                                           To Get Knowledge            To observe various variety,         of crops grown, methods of
                                                            about the crops and          keep statically record of the       growing and tools used in the
                              Types of crops in             various practices used       products in terms of input and      form of pictures, statics,
             Integration with various states specially                                   output                              graphs etc.
                                                            to grow them in
             Economics        in Palampur
July        Cell - the                               To make them                Interactive discussion on            To prepare stained temporary
            fundament                                 comfortable in               discovery of cell, osmosis,          mount of human cheek cells to
            al unit of                                understanding the            plasmolysis and comparison           record the observations and
            life                                      concept of using             between prokaryotic and              draw their labelled diagram.
                          Compound microscope,        microscope.                  Eukaryotic cell.
                          discovery of cell,         To help them in             Making diagrams of plant cell
                          osmosis, plasmolysis,       developing idea about        animal cell with visualization of
                          Deplasmolysis,              primitive cell and the       organelles structure and their
                          prokaryotic cell,           cell evolved.                function.
                          Eukaryotic cell, plant
                          cell, animal cell, cell
                          organelles, and their

August      Tissues         Plant tissues,           To make                     Demonstration of tissue with         To study permanent slides of
                          meristematic                understanding about          the help of diagram drawn on         plant/Animal   tissues     -
                            tissues, permanent        various categories of        board.                               parenchyma              and
                          tissues Simple              plant tissues and their     Display of types of tissue with      Sclerenchyma.
                            parenchyma,               location structure and       the help of charts.
                          collenchyma,                function.
                             complex tissues -       To develop skill of         Use different vegetables                  Chart making
                             xylem and phloem.        making drawing of            casting to design Plant tissues           Poster making
            Art              Structure of Plants      various tissues and          and comment upon their                    Scrap Book
            Integration      and animal tissue        study their functions        structure and function

September   Tissues       Animal tissues,            To help them in             Using visual aid through smart      To study permanent slides of
                          epithelial tissues,         understanding complex        board.                              Striped muscle fibers and nerve
                          connective tissue -         structure of animal         Hands on activity to observe        cells. Record their observations
                          blood, lymph, tendons       tissues with the help of     slide of various tissues under      draw labeled diagrams
                          ligaments, bone,            live examples of their       microscope
                          cartilage muscular          body actions.
                          tissue, nervous tissue.
 To develop skill to relate      Classification analysis with   To study the external features
                                  Classification bases,      evolution and classification.   the help of few common
           Diversity in living                                                                                              of root, stem, leaf & flower of
                                  relation between          To give technique to learn      features and examples of
           organism                                                                                                         Monocot and Dicot Plant.
                                  classification and         classification in a simple      organism help them to
                                  evolution, Five                                                                            To study the characters of
                                                             way                             collect data to learn.
                                  kingdom                                                                                      spirogyra/agaricus,
                                                            To arrange all phylum and
                                  classification,            division of plant kingdom in                                      moss/fern, Pines and an
                                  Kingdom Monera,            a chart which help them in                                        angiospermic plant.
                                  Protista, Fungi,           learning process faster                                         Draw and give two
                                  Plantae And                                                                                  identifying features of the
October                           Kingdom Animalia.                                                                            groups they belong to.
                                                            To help them out in
                                                             distinguishing between
                                                             Sign and Symptom and
                                                             acute and chronic                                             To make a case study of any
                                 Signs and Symptoms,         diseases.                                                       one Communicable and Non
           Why do we fall ill                                                                                                communicable diseases.
                                 Organ and Tissue                                            The survey of family case
November                         Specific Manifestation,                                     history and discussion about  A  group of four students will
                                                            To make them to think
                                 Principles Of                                               various diseases are used     script a role play for an diseases
                                                             and research about
                                 Treatment, Antibiotics                                                                    and will act to show the
                                                             infectious and non-
                                 and Vaccines,                                                                             symptoms and sign.
           Why do we fall                                    infectious diseases.
December   ill?
                                                            To develop skill of
                                                             observing diseases and
                                  Role Play to learn         their symptoms with the
                                  Symptoms of                help of Role play.              The distinction between
           Art Integration                                                                   Various topics like
                                  various types of
                                                                                             symptoms and sign and
                                                                                             acute and chronic diseases.
January    Natural          Air, role of            To develop skill of        Drawing various             To Study the characteristics of
           Resources        atmosphere, air          observing and drawing Bio- biogeochemical cycles and   Earth worm, Cockroach, Bony fish
                            pollution, water - a     geochemical cycles         discussion about nutrient   and Bird. Draw diagram and
                            wonder liquid,                                      cycling.                    record identifying features.
                            water pollution,
                            minerals and soil,
                            bio – geochemical

January    Revision/Periodic Assignments and
           Test-III          Sample Papers.

February   Final Exam
                                                                                          PEDAGOGY/ART                 ACTIVITY/PRACTICAL/
                                                                                        INTEGRATION/INTER                    PROJECT
                                                                                     DISCIPLINARY APPROACH
April    The French     French Society during the     Students would get          Map skills: on an outline map   Activity: Make a timeline of the
         Revolution     Late Eighteenth Century        familiarize with distinct   of France label locate or       important events of French
                         The struggle to survive      ideologies, extracts of     identify the following:         Revolution
                         Growing middle class         speeches, political          Bordeaux
                         The Outbreak of the          declarations as well as      Nantes
                            Revolution                 the politics of              Paris
                         France becomes a             caricatures, posters and
                                                                                    Marseilles
                            Constitutional             engravings.
                            Monarchy.                 Students will learn to
                         France abolishes             interpret these kinds of
                            Monarchy and becomes       historical evidences.
                            a Republic
                         The Reign of Terror
                         A Directory rules France
May      The French     Role of Women in              Familiarize with the        Group discussion on the ideas
         Revolution     Revolution                     names of people             and philosophies of
         (Contd.)       The Abolition of Slavery       involved the different      Rousseau, Montesquieu.
                        The Revolution and             types of ideas that
                        everyday life                  inspired the revolution,
                                                       the wider forces that
                                                       shaped it.
                                                      Know the use of written,
                                                       oral and visual material
                                                       to recover the history of
July       Russian       The age of Social change -     Identify about the Social    Make a project on Impact of     Map skills: on an outline map of
           Revolution    Coming of socialism in          Changes that took place      Russian Revolution and          World label ,locate or identify
                         Europe                          as a result of               emergence of socialism on       the following:
                         Russian Revolution - The        Industrialization.           Indian freedom fighters and     Major Countries of First World
                         course of event                Describe the emergence       discussed the same in class.    war.
                                                         of socialism in Europe

August     Russian       Changes after October          Explain the important                                        Central Powers- Germany,
                                                         factors leading to the                                       Austria-Hungary, Turkey
           Revolution    Revolution - The First War
                                                         Russian Revolution.                                          Allied Powers- France, England,
           (Contd.)      The Global influence of the
                         Russian Revolution and the     List the impact of Russian                                   Russia and U.S.A.
                         USSR                            Revolution

Septembe   Nazism and                                  Analyze the personality       Map skills: on an outline map   Students to draw a comparison
r          the Rise of   Establishment of the Racial    of Adolf Hitler               of World label, locate or       between the condition of
           Hitler        State and the Racial Utopia   Describe the Birth of         identify the following;         women in Nazi Germany and
                         Birth of the Weimar Republic   Weimar Republic               Major Countries of Second       women in France during French
                         Effects of War, Political     List the factors              World war.                      Revolution.
           MID TERM      Radicalism and Economic        responsible for economic      Axis Powers- Germany, Italy
           EXAM          Crisis                         crises in Germany in          and Japan.
                         Years of Depression            1923.                         Allied Powers- UK, France,
                                                                                      Former USSR, U.S.A.

October    Nazi          Hitler's Rise to Power         Explain the causes for the
                          The destruction of            rise of Hitler
                            Democracy and               Criticize the condition of
                            Reconstruction               Germany during the Nazi
                          The Nazi World View           rule.
 Discuss the critical            Territories under German       Make a presentation on holocaust
                             Youth in Nazi
November   Nazi                                     significance of Nazism in       Expansion-(Nazi Power) -       survivors, their experience about
                                                    shaping the politics of         Austria, Poland,               Nazi Cult.
                             The Nazi Cult of
                                                    modern world.                   Czechoslovakia (Slovakia),
                              Motherhood and
                                                   Familiar with the speeches      Denmark, Lithuania, France
                              the art of
                                                    and writings of Nazi leaders.   and Belgium.
                             Ordinary People and
                              the crimes against
                             Knowledge about
                              the Holocaust
                             Internal Assessment
                              : Assignments and

                            Why Deforestation?        List the causes for          Presentation on uses of        Students to gather information on
December   Forest society
                            Land to be Improved,       deforestation in India       forests and its conservation   other forest rebellion in colonial
                            Sleepers on the tracks    Recognize the rise of        using charts, posters etc.     India and discuss the causes for the
                            and Plantations            commercial forestry                                         same.
                            The Rise of
                            Commercial Forestry
                            How were the lives
                            of people
                            affected, how did
                            Forest Rules affect
                            Cultivation, who
                            could hunt New
                            Trades, New
                            Employments and
                            New Services
January        Forest society   Rebellion in the        Understand how the life of
                 and              Forest                   the people was affected
                 colonialism      ● Bastar Rebellion       due to commercial
                 (Contd.)         Forest                   forestry.
                                  Transformations in      recall the rebellion of
                                  Java                     Bastar
                                  ● Dutch Scientific      Analyze the forest
                                  Theory, Samin's          transformation which took
                                  Challenge                place in Java due to the
                                  ● War and                influence of the Dutch
                                  ● New
                                  Developments in
  February       Revision

  March          Annual Exam.

TEXT BOOK: India and contemporary world –I (Textbook in History for Class IX)
April     What is         Features of Democracy            Develop conceptual skills    Organizing a Debate
          Democracy?      Arguments for and against         of defining democracy.         on Positive and
          Why             Democracy                        Understand how different       negative aspects of
          Democracy?      Broader Meaning of Democracy      historical processes and       Democracy.
                                                            forces have promoted         Art Integration:
                                                            democracy.                     Showcasing the
                                                           Develop a sophisticated        significance of
                                                            defence of Democracy           Democracy through
                                                            against common                 cartoon Illustrations.

May      Constitutional    Apartheid in South Africa                                    Project: Draw the
         Design            Constitution of South Africa                                 comparison among the
                           Comparison between preamble                                  constitution of various
                           of India, South Africa and                                   democratic countries.

July      Constitutional Making of the Indian              Understand the process of                               Activity :Making of Preamble
          Design (Contd) Constitution                       Constitution making.
                         Guiding Values of the Indian      Develop respect for the
                         Constitution, Philosophy of        constitution and
                         Constitution, Institutional        appreciation for
                         Design                             Constitutional values.
                                                           Recognize Constitution as
                                                            a dynamic and living
August      Electoral        Need for Election, Conditions       Understand representative    Make a video using        Students to form a political party
            Politics         for Democratic Elections,            democracy via competitive    adobe spark on            and prepare manifesto, from
                             Political Competition, System        party politics.              conducting Elections in   cabinet and present their plan
                             of Elections in India, Electoral    Familiarize with Indian      India.                    and policies
                             Constituencies, Reserved             electoral system.
                             Constituencies, Voter's List,       Reason out for the
                             Nomination of Candidates             adoption of present Indian
                                                                  Electoral system.

September   Revision         Internal Assessment :
            Mid-Term         Assignment and notebook
October     Electoral         Election Campaigns                 Develop an appreciation                                Activity: organizing Mock
            Politics          Polling and counting of Votes       of citizen’s increased                                 Elections in classroom taking
            (Contd.)        Independent Election                  participation in electoral                             following points into
                            Commission Challenges to free         politics.                                              consideration:
                            and fair Elections                   Recognize the significance                              Voter’s List
                                                                  of the Election                                         Nomination of candidates
                                                                  Commission.                                             Election Campaigns
                                                                                                                         Polling and counting of votes.
November    Working of     How is major policy decision          Get an overview of central   Presentation on the
            Institutions   taken                                  governmental structures.     Powers of President,
                             Decision Makers : Parliament,       Identify the role of         Prime Minister,
                           Prime Minister and President           parliament and its           Parliament and
                            Independent Election                  procedures.                  Judiciary.
                            Commission                           Distinguish between
                            Challenges to free and fair           political and permanent
                            Elections                             executive authorities and
December     Working of      Political Executives and         Understand the               Power Point              Debate on “Is Democratic Rights
             Institutions    Permanent Executives Powers       parliamentary system of      Presentation on          given to all in India.”
             (Contd.)        of Prime Minister and             executive’s accountability   fundamental Rights and
                             President                         to the legislature.          Duties.
                             The Judiciary                    Understand the working
                             Internal Assessment:              of the Indian Judiciary.
                             Assignment, notebook and
                             enrichment activity.
January      Democratic      Need for Rights                  Recognize the need for
             Rights          Rights in Democracy               rights in one’s life.
                             Rights in the Indian             Identify and be able to
                             Constitution (Six fundamental     comprehend the
                             Rights) Expanding Scope of        Fundamental Rights given
                             Rights                            by the Indian Constitution
                                                               to its citizens.
                                                              Create awareness
                                                               regarding the process of
                                                               safeguarding rights.
 February     Revision

 March        Annual Exam.

 MONTH         UNIT/ CHAPTER                  SUB TOPICS             LEARNING OUTCOMES           INTEGRATION/INTER
APRIL    Ch-1. India—Size and          Location and size           Students will be able to                            Map work as per NCERT list
         Location                      India and world             Identify the location of
                                       India's Neighbours          India and the Indian

MAY      Ch-2. Physical features of   The Evolution of Himalayas;   Students will be able to    Videos of movement of   Map work as per NCERT list
         India                         Major Physiographic         Understand the major        plates, mountain
                                         division                   landform, features and      building can be shown
                                       The Himalayan               the underlying geological   to the students.
                                         Mountains                  structure; their
                                                                    association with various
                                                                    rocks and minerals as
                                                                    well as nature of soil

JULY     Ch-2. Physical features of      The Norther Plains,                                                           DISASTER MANAGEMENT
         India (Contd.)                  The Peninsular Plateau,                                                       PROJECT
                                         The Indian Desert,
                                         The Coastal Plains,
                                         TheIsland Groups

AUGUST   Ch-3. Drainage                The Drainage system in      Students will be able to   Maps and satellite       Map work as per NCERT list
                                        India                       Identify the river systems images can be shown to
                                       Difference between          of India and explain the   the students.
                                        Himalayas and               role of rivers in the
                                        peninsular rivers.          human society
   The Himalayan River
                                       The Peninsular River
                                       Role of Rivers and Lakes
                                        in the Economy.
                                       River Pollution and
                                        causes and measures
                                       National River
                                        Conservation Plan
SEPTEMBER    Ch-4. Climate           Weather and climate.         Students should be able      Maps and satellite       Map work as per NCERT list
                                     Climatic controls.           to                           images can be shown to
                                     Factors affecting India's    Identify various factors     the students.
                                      Climate                      influencing the climate
                                     The Indian Monsoon           and explain the climatic
                                                                   variation of our country     Making of Rain Gauge.
                                                                   and its impact on the life
                                                                   of the people.
                                                                   Explain the importance
                                                                   and unifying role of

                                                          MID TERM EXAMINATION
OCTOBER     Ch-4. Climate(Contd.)    Seasons: Hot weather                                      Graphical
                                      season, Cold weather                                      Representation and
                                      season, Advancing                                         Interpretation of 10n
                                      Monsoon and                                               yrs Temperature Data .
                                      Retreating monsoons.
                                     Distribution of Rainfall
                                     Monsoon as a Unifying
NOVEMBER Ch-5. Natural Vegetation    Factors affecting            Students should be able    Make an advertisement       Map work as per NCERT list
         and                          distribution of Natural      to                         on the conservation of
         Wildlife                     Vegetation.                  Understand the nature      trees/wild animals.
                                     Ecosystem and Biomes.        of diverse flora and
                                     Types of Natural             fauna as well as their
                                      vegetation                   distribution.
                                     Wildlife                     Develop concern about
                                     Conservation measures.       the need to protect the
                                                                   biodiversity of our
DECEMBER    Ch-6. Population            Population size and       Students will be able to   Graphical data              Project work (To be done in
                                         distribution by numbers   analyze the uneven         presentation of density     Winter Break)
                                         and density               nature of population       of population, sex ratio,   Student will collect the data
                                        Population growth and     distribution and show      literacy rate.              from the census of India
                                         Processes of Population   concern about the large                                website
                                         change                    size of our population.    Introduction of
                                        Age composition, Sex       Identify the different    thematic mapping by
                                                                                              directing student to do     on sex ratio of India , density
                                         ratio Literacy Rate.      occupations of people
                                                                                              shading method.             of population of India and
                                        Occupational structure,   and explain various
                                                                   factors of population                                  literacy rate of India and will
                                         Health and Adolescent                                                            make a map .
                                        Population.
                                                                   Explain various
                                        National population       dimensions of National
                                         policy 2000               Population Policy and                                  Map work as per NCERT list
                                                                   understand the needs of



                CHAPTER                                         INNOVATIVE
 MONTH                               SUB-TOPIC                                             LEARNING OUTCOMES                   PRACTICAL/
                                 Organization of           Interactive              Students will be able to
April –     The Story of          production                 discussion on Non-        Be aware of non-farm activities
             Village             Farming in Palampur        Farm activities in          in rural sector.
             Palampur            Land is Fixed              Uttar Pradesh             Know about the benefits of non-
                                 Is there a way one         (Case studies on Gur –      farm activities for rural
                                  can grow more from         making, shops,              economy.
                                  the same land?             bullock cart for          Have critical thinking to
                                 Will the land sustain?     transport, etc.)            understand the relationship            ________
                                 How is land                                            between non-farm activities and
                                  distributed between                                    holistic development in a
                                  the farmers of                                         village.
                                 Who will provide the
                                 The capital needed in
May –        The Story of        Non-Farming
             Village              activities
             Palampur            Dairy, small-scale
             (Continuation)       manufacturing in               _________            __________                             __________
                                  shopkeepers and

July /       PRE-TERM
August                         Story of Sakal and                                    Students will be able to             Students to find out
             People as          Vilas                                                  Have awareness about the           the different types of
             Resource           Economic activities                                      different types of urban          unemployment found
                                by Men and Women                                         unemployment.                     in Noida. Presentation
                               Quality of population                                  Improve their                      of any two types of
                               Education and Health           ________                  communication skill and           unemployment found
                               Unemployment                                             confidence.                       here in the form of a
                               Story of a Village                                                                         talk show.

September    Mid Term
October        Poverty as   A      Two Typical Cases        Preparation of           Students will be able to
               Challenge            of Poverty               Graphs on                 Estimate and perceive the rate
                                  Poverty as Seen by       Vulnerable groups of        of poverty amongst various
                                    Social Scientists        India and Inter-            communities of India like the
                                   Social Exclusion and     State Disparity             Scheduled castes, scheduled
                                    Vulnerability                                        Tribes, etc.
                                   Poverty Line                                       Find out reasons of poverty in
                                   Poverty Estimates                                    states like Orissa, Bihar, Uttar
                                   Inter-State                                          Pradesh, etc.
                                    Disparities                                        Analyze reduction in poverty in
                                                                                         states like Goa, Delhi, West       _______
                                                                                         Bengal, Punjab, etc.
                                                                                        Know steps taken by the
                                                                                         government to minimize
                                                                                         poverty in various states.
November      Poverty As A         Global Poverty
            Challenge              Scenario
               (Continuation)      Causes of Poverty
                                   Anti – Poverty
                                    Measures                 ________                   ________                            _______
                                   The Challenges
                                                            Collecting               Students will be able to
                                 What Is Food                information on           Understand the need of
December       Food Security      Security?                   ‘subsidies’ provided       subsidies given to farmers.
               In India          Who Is Food-                by the government        Develop critical thinking on how
                                  Insecure?                   to the farmers.            with the help of subsidies,
                                 Food Security in India    (How are these              farmers can improve their
                                 What is Buffer Stock?       subsidies helping to       income and lifestyle
                                 What Is the Public          ensure food security      Realize the source of subsidies,
                                  Distribution System?        in India?)                 i. e. the revenue of the           _______
                                 Current Status of          (In the notebooks           government.
                                  Public Distribution         make a write-up in
                                  System                      200-250 words
                                 Role of Co-operatives       supported with
                                  in Food Security            relevant data which
                                                              may be collected from
                                                              a suitable source.
               POST - TERM                                    Mention the source.)
January        Revision
February       Annual Exam

                        EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS (CLASS IX)

            MONTH                TOPIC                SUB TOPICS                                       PEDAGOGIES            PRACTICAL /
            APRIL         MONEY-WHAT IS IT?        History of money          Students learn         Explanation of     Introduction to
                                                   Evaluation of money        about the               the History of       NSE NSMART
                                                   Currencies                 concept of              Money and its        software
                                                                               money and it            Evolution           (NSE Learn to
                                                                               evolution                                    trade)
                          COMMUNICATION            Methods of                Demonstrate            Listing dos and   - Trading Skill
                          SKILLS                    communication              knowledge of            don’ts of            Accelerator
                                                   Meaning and                various methods         appropriate       - Function Key
                                                    Importance of              of                      methods of           Accelerator
                                                    Communication skills       communication           communication
                                                   Elements of               Identify elements
                                                    Communication              of
             MAY          MONEY- EXCHANGE          Basics of Money           Students gain          Discussion of     Numeric Speed
                          SYSTEM                   Division of Labour         knowledge of            Division of         Accelerator
                                                   Money as Currency          financial skills        labour,            Lesson 1 to 25
                                                                               and investments         Specialisation      (Level 1)
                                                                                                       and Money
                          COMMUNICATION            Perspectives in           Identifying the        Group
                          SKILLS                    Communication              factors our             discussion on
                                                   Factors affecting          perspectives in         factors affecting
                                                    perspectives in            Communication           communication
   Visual Perception                                   Demonstration
                                    Writing Skills                                       and practice of
                                                                                          sentences and
                                                                                          paragraphs on
                                                                                          topics related in
                                                                                          the subject
JULY       KEY CHARACTERISTICS      Medium of Exchange         Learners learn          General             Numeric Speed
           OF MONEY                 Standard of Value           about the                discussion of         Accelerator
                                    Store of Value              significance of          Money as a           Lesson 1 to 25
                                                                 Money and its            medium                (Level 2)
                                                                 vital functions
           WHAT IS FINANCIAL        Setting Goals              Students build          Explanation of
           PLANNING?                Analysing Information       foundation for           Financial
                                    Creating and                money                    planning using
                                     implementing a Plan         management               examples
                                    Monitoring and
                                     Modifying a Plan
           SELF MANAGEMENT          Self Management            Students                Role play
           SKILLS                   Self Management             understand the           exercises on self
                                     Skills                      meaning of self          building
                                    Self Confidence-            management               confidence
                                     factors and tips            and its factors
  AUGUST   WHAT IS INCOME           Incoming Money             Learners learn          Explanation of      Numeric Speed
                                    Income                      about the                the topic with        Accelerator
                                    Taxes                       meaning of               calculations         Lesson 1 to 25
                                    Deductions from             income and its                                 (Level 3)
                                     Income                      relevance in
                                                                 financial planning
           ICT SKILLS               Introduction to ICT        Students learn to       Discussion of
                                    Role and Importance         identify various         importance of
                                     of ICT in daily life        components of            ICT by
                                    ICT tools                   computer system          preparing,
                                    Basic components of                                  collages and
                                     computer System                                      posters.
   Hardware, Software,
                                     Input, Output and
SEPTEMBER     WHAT IS EXPENSES      Fixed Expenses            Learners learn        Discussion of      Numeric Speed
                                    Variable Expenses          about the speed        the topic with     Accelerator
                                    Building your Own          and accuracy for       their meaning      Lesson 1 to 25
                                     Budget                     financial market                          (Level 4)
                                    Pay Yourself               operations while
                                     First(P.Y.F.)              working on nlt
              ICT SKILLS            Peripheral Devices        Students learn        Practicals based
                                    Operating System           about computer         on various
                                    Files and Folders          system and             computer
                                    Common Desktop             basic computer         operations and
                                     Operations                 operations .           their usage
                                    Connecting with the
                                     world using Internet
                                     and its applicaions

    OCTOBER   WHAT IS BANK?         What is Bank?             Students learn        Discussion on       How to write
                                    What does it do?           how to work in         different types      details on a
                                    How to open a Bank         Banks and how          of Bank              cheque
                                     Account?                   Banks operate          accounts
                                    How to deposit and
                                     withdraw cash from a
                                    What are bank
                                     account holder’s
                                    Types of bank
                                     accounts? What is
                                     electronic banking?

              ENTREPRENEURIAL       Types of Business         Learners learn        Group
              SKILLS                                            about business ,       Discussion on
   Entrepreneurship-           and                    role and
                                    Meaning,                    entrepreneurship       features of
                                    characteristics, role                              Entrepreneurshi
                                    and rewards                                        p

NOVEMBER   WHY SAVE?               What is Disposable          Students learn       Discussion in     Function Key
                                    Income and Saving?          the importance         class about        Accelerator
                                   How to calculate            of Saving              various            Lesson 1 to 25
                                    Simple interest and                                methods of         (Level 1)
                                    Compound Interest                                  saving
                                   The Rule of 72

           GREEN SKILLS            Environment –              Learners learn        Group
                                    Introduction                about the              discussion on
                                   Relationship of             protection and         hazards of
                                    society and                 conservation of        deteriorating
                                    environment,                our economy            environment
                                    ecosystem and
                                    factors causing
                                   Natural resource
                                   Environment
                                    protection and
DECEMBER   SETTING GOALS           Goal                       Students learn        View of           Function Key
                                   How to Set a Goal?          how to set goals       students and       Accelerator
                                   SMART Goals                 and achieve them       their group        Lesson 1 to 25
                                   How to achieve Goals        effectively            discussion         (Level 2)
           SYSTEMATIC SAVINGS      What is Savings            Students learn        Explanation
           AND INVESTMENTS         Investments and             about the various      method on
                                    Types of Investments        investments            savings and
                                   Time Value of Money         available in the       investment
                                   SIP                         market
                                   Net Asset Value
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