Construction of Calamities in the Uttarakhand Himalaya - FutureDAMS

Page created by Derrick Adams

Construction of Calamities in                                                                        away or buried under the sludge on
                                                                                                     7 February 2021. The flood caught them

the Uttarakhand Himalaya                                                                             unawares, with only their fellow villagers
                                                                                                     calling and whistling to alert them of the
                                                                                                     waters rushing towards them.
                                                                                                        Such floods, irrespective of the reasons
Shruti Jain                                                                                          behind them, and other such occurrences
                                                                                                     that involve the natural play of snow, ice,

Hydropower projects on the                             “          ompany gaya” or “the company       sun, river, rain, and topography of the
Uttarakhand rivers have proven                                    is gone” are the anticipative      Himalayan region, are bound to happen.
                                                                  cries one hears in the videos      Much remains beyond predictability and
to aggravate the severity of
                                                       that the villagers settled at heights         only in the domain of speculations. Un-
floods, making them calamitous.                        could take of the “toofan,” the towering      certainty is increasing due to the climate
In addition, these projects have                       surge of sludgy waters proceeding             crisis, resulting in receding glaciers, altered
also increased the vulnerability                       through the gorges of the Rishi Ganga         river flows, and increased incidence of
                                                       river towards the Rishi Ganga Power           glacial lake outburst floods. The disas-
of the mountain villagers towards
                                                       Project. It was obvious to the villagers      ter prevention and minimisation systems
disasters, while giving these an                       that the surge would take down any            are found wanting more often than not.
unsettling everydayness and a                          kind of obstruction constructed in its        In such a scenario, hydropower projects
spiralling effect. Projects have                       path. After wiping out this project in        in such regions where earthquakes, land-
                                                       seconds, the waters barrelling through        slides, heavy monsoon rains, cloudbursts,
evaded accountability
                                                       Dhauli Ganga reached and swept away           avalanches, etc, are not uncommon,1
and responsibility for such                            the barrage of the Tapovan Vishnugad          should not get a go-ahead.
disasters by opportunistically                         project, about 8 kilometres (km) down-           Quite unlike their appearance, the
deeming these as devi aapda, or                        stream, near Joshimath town in Cham-          geography of these mountains-in-the-
                                                       oli district of Uttarakhand. The villag-      making is fragile, as is their ecology and
natural calamities, even as the
                                                       ers did not wish that these companies,        geology. Hydropower projects come as
line between natural and                               the hydropower projects, of which there       an onslaught on these fragile conditions.
human-made calamities has                              are 450 in the Uttarakhand mountains,         They generate as well as amplify the
become more blurred than ever.                         had come near their homes in the first        intensity and viciousness of disasters, not
                                                       place. They could apprehend and have          just damaging the environment in the
                                                       experienced that the heavy blasting by        process, but also affecting the mountain
                                                       use of explosives that the companies          people, who have shaped their lives over
                                                       employ for construction, large-scale defor-   the years to try and attain a balance
                                                       estation, and the muck they dump by the       with their surroundings.
                                                       riverbanks prove to be disastrous.
                                                           When the coming of these projects,        Exacerbating Disaster Potential
                                                       however, was forced down upon them,           The Ravi Chopra Committee (2014) that
                                                       many had to give up their agricultural        was formed under the direction of the
                                                       and forestlands and were made to feel         Supreme Court to study whether the
                                                       obliged for getting temporary jobs of         hydropower projects exacerbated the
                                                       constructing the tunnels and barrages         floods of June 2013, had established
                                                       of these projects or for other small          such a connection between the dams
                                                       “favours.” Their lives have got inevitably    and worsening of floods. The massive
                                                       tied up with these projects despite their     floods in 2013 had damaged more than
                                                       fear of and disagreement with such an         24 hydropower projects in various river
                                                       intervention, projected as development.       valleys of Uttarakhand, which intensi-
                                                       They have turned into labourers for con-      fied the destructive impact of floods on
Shruti Jain ( is a
                                                       structions that have literally shaken the     the local villages and led to the deaths of
postdoctoral fellow with the Institute of
Economic Growth, Delhi. This position is part          foundations of their homes and have           thousands. Crucially, the committee had
of the FutureDAMS consortium, an initiative            forced many to leave behind their homes       explained how the projects getting built
led by the University of Manchester and the            in search of work and secure habitation.      in the paraglacial region, that is, at ele-
International Institute for Environment and            It is these very projects which also became   vations above 2,200−2,500 metres, of
Development, London.
                                                       the cause of the workers being washed         which there are 76 projects of more than
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3,100 megawatt (MW) capacity in Uttara-         In the case of the 2021 floods, despite     loose soil from eroding or to enable habi-
khand, are more dangerous.                    the heavy machinery at hand, the tunnel       tat development. These rules are openly
    The paraglacial zones are sediment        or barrage sites’ clearing process re-        flouted and muck gets dumped by the
hotspots that remain in a continuous          mained most inadequate, even as the           riverbanks. Often retaining walls are not
process of adjusting to the changing          families kept waiting for some news or        suitable. Such violations have been noted
environmental and climatic conditions,        remnant of bodies of their kin trapped in     by CAG (2010) and the Ravi Chopra Com-
the committee report has explained. These     the sludge. It also showed the inefficiency   mittee report (2014). The latter also
are the zones that get formed after the re-   of the project companies in addressing        identifies muck disposal mismanagement
ceding of glaciers. In such zones, the riv-   disaster situations, and their lack of co-    as an important reason for the destruction
ers are capable of mobilising tremendous      operation with the relief and rescue op-      caused in 2013. The local people also re-
amounts of sediments from the morainic        erations. Their negligent attitude is also    lated to the author that the projects like
material left behind. In the situation of     reflected from their failure to maintain      Jaypee’s Vishnuprayag project identified
floods, the rivers then cause havoc in the    proper records related to workers’ provi-     muck disposal sites after the calamity.4
vicinity of the hydropower projects, as       dent funds or insurance. Such an atti-           The raised riverbeds, due to the huge
was witnessed at Jaypee’s Vishnuprayag        tude of disregard for the workers’ lives      quantities of muck, reduce the capacity
project barrage site, near Joshimath,         and safety has also led the local leaders     of containing the increased mass of slush
during the June 2013 disaster. Both the       to demand that a criminal case be filed       and sediment that the rivers in such
Rishi Ganga and National Thermal Power        against them.                                 regions inevitably carry in flash flood
Corporation’s (NTPC) Tapovan Vishnugad                                                      events, while the muck increases their
projects affected by the 2021 flood were      Compounding Vulnerabilities                   destruction potential. Due to excessive
also in the paraglacial region.               Most projects, like the Rishi Ganga and       use of explosives for constructing tun-
    After both the floods, of 2013 and        Tapovan Vishnugad projects, being con-        nels that often pass below the villages,
2021, the governmental narratives around      structed in the Himalayan regions, are        slopes have weakened, homes have
the dams focused on the damages caused        deceptively promoted as “run-of-the-river”    cracked and even collapsed, and fields
to these and the way they contained the       (RoR) projects. These projects, instead of    have developed fissures or subsided.
floods, rather than their damaging im-        using the natural flow of the river and       This is seen in the entire Garhwal region
pacts on the local villagers and workers      natural elevations as any RoR project         wherever hydropower projects are com-
of the projects.2 However, in both the        would, use dam structures to divert the       ing up. What chances will such rocks
calamities, it was clear that blockages       rivers in tunnels and drop it a few kilo-     and villages, shaken to the core, have to
in the path of such a surge and huge          metres downstream in order to get a           withstand any disaster?
amounts of debris generated after the         head to produce electricity. The riverbed        Further, due to blasting-induced distur-
collapse of blockages compounded the          stretch between the diversion dam and         bances, water springs have disappeared,
severity of the flood. Rivers burst           the powerhouse remains mostly dry, as         and agricultural lands have lost their
through with greater force after obstruc-     tunnels extend from 10 km–20 km and           moisture. Fruit-bearing trees die and the
tions, preventing the flood from subsid-      rivers get channelised in these. The          milking animals stop giving milk, with
ing in the normal course after reaching       Tapovan Vishnugad project had a pro-          the associated livelihoods getting de-
wider riverbeds and gentler slopes. And       posed tunnel of 12 km. The Ravi Chopra        stroyed. The wild animals due to blast-
it is not only one project that obstructed    Committee report (2014: 35) notes how a       ing and loss of forests have started fre-
the flow and added to the debris, but a       series of dams every 20−25 km of each         quenting the villages. Human–animal
cascade of projects on each river.            river in Uttarakhand could convert the        conflicts have increased as they attack
    It was, in fact, the presence of these    rivers into a “series of ponds (reservoirs    humans and destroy crops. In so many
projects that generated the calamity, as      behind the dams) connected by pipes           ways, these projects have pitted humans
they became the reason for human casu-        (tunnels)” and “lead to synergistic cu-       against nature. Villagers also have lost
alties. Not only the project structures       mulative impacts, especially when the         access to forests, rivers, pastures, and
but also labourers’ tin sheds were built      zone of influence of one dam overlaps         cremation grounds (Jain 2016). Disasters,
by the river, as against the traditional      with that of the neighbouring dams.”          thus, have assumed an everydayness in
wisdom of having human settlements               These projects’ practices of blasting      the villages where hydropower projects
away from it. Officers’ townships remain      for construction as well as the irrespon-     are coming up. Like their rivers, however,
at a safe distance while labourers are        sible dumping of muck generated by the        the carrying capacity of the people, that
pushed to bear the risks without even         excavation of tunnels, add to the vulner-     is, their bearing potential for any disas-
basic systems in place, like a siren sys-     ability of people and the whole region,       ter has been stretched to such an extent
tem to alert them or basic safety equip-      making them more susceptible to bear-         that most express a wish to migrate away
ment. The projects fail to take such basic    ing damages.3 According to the rules,         from the pahars (mountains).
steps despite projects like that of the       muck disposal sites are to be developed          The impacts of these hydropower pro-
NTPC having suffered damages in floods        as usable terraces that are covered with      jects increase manifold due to the pres-
of 2012 and 2013 as well.                     fertile soil for plantation, to protect the   ence of not just numerous such projects,
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but also other mindless construction ac-               is put on them. In people’s minds, the            arbitrariness and corruption (Jain 2016).
tivities like the Char Dham highway pro-               linkage of project construction with dis-         Moreover, the disaster potential of the
ject with its similar heavy deforestation,             asters is clear, but they are not able to         so-called “small” projects in the moun-
blasting, and muck-dumping practices.                  hold the companies accountable, and               tains is also not less, as was evident in
Further, the impacts of such activities in             the links become visible to the outside           the case of the Rishi Ganga project.
mountain villages are often not immedi-                world only in the case of calamities like
ate but are more permanent with a spi-                 the floods of 2013 and 2021.                      ‘Small’ Projects
ralling and cumulative effect. It may                     For instance, the villagers of Chayeen,        The Rishi Ganga project that com-
also not be immediately clear whether a                where many homes and fields had caved             pounded the flood impacts in the case
land subsidence happened due to mon-                   in or developed fissures, related to the          of the Chamoli flood, was operating on
soon rains, or blasting done for a road or             author how the Jaypee company depos-              the Rishi Ganga river that joins Dhauli
drawdown effect of a power project reser-              ited a sum of a mere `80 lakh from its            Ganga at Reini village, about 23−24 km
voir. While the project authorities argue              corporate social responsibility (CSR) funds       upstream of Joshimath. The Dhauli
that land sinks and landslides happen                  to the district authorities and distributed       Ganga joins the Alaknanda river near
even in the areas where the projects are               blankets to fulfil its responsibility towards     Joshimath. The project site near Reini
not sited, they ignore the fact that these             them. It depicted this as a natural ca-           village falls within the Nanda Devi Na-
are necessarily taking place in all the                lamity, devi aapda. Many such examples            tional Park and its buffer zone, and is a
areas where projects have come up.                     are available in the case of other projects       United Nations Educational, Scientific
Valdiya (2014: 1663) explains how the                  as well. Even in the case of storage dams         and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
project sites are situated in the zones of             like the Tehri dam, the impact is not just        world heritage site. This region near
high seismicity and close to active thrusts,           immediate submergence, but the cracks in          Joshimath with the Lata and Reini vil-
and that these tend to sink due to blasting,           homes, land subsidence and landslides             lages is an important site of the Chipko
   The belts of active faults are made up of de-       due to the drawdown effect of the reser-          movement. In fact, it is seen as the epi-
   formed rocks—many-times folded, sheared,            voir lake. By identifying damaged homes           centre of the Chipko movement in the
   shattered and even crushed rocks. These             on the mountains along the rim of the             popular discourse, and for some time
   rocks understandably easily break-up, fall-
                                                       reservoir as “collateral damage,” the com-        now has become the epicentre of hydro-
   off, creep and slide or slump down when
   excavated or shaken by earthquakes and
                                                       pany has absolved itself of any accounta-         power projects.5
   explosions, and sink under loads. These in-         bility to rehabilitate them as other project         The locals of this region question how
   cidences are bound to pose a threat to the          affected and displaced. Compensation              a destructive project could have been
   various structures built in the project areas.      is provided citing devi aapda as a reason,        allowed there, while they are not allowed
   Due to the heavy presence of such pro-              and only to individuals, not to the vil-          to beat their traditional drums, take
jects in the Himalayan region and their                lage, further creating an opportunity for         away simple herbs, graze their animals,
impacts on its ecology and village life, as
well as the impacts of the climate crisis,                    SIO                  EPWRF India Time Series
again generated by humans, the line be-                    PA                         (
tween human-made and natural causes                      EX
of calamities is much blurred. For instance,                         Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops
the Ravi Chopra Committee (2014: 36)
report observes,                                          Cost of Cultivation and Cost of Production data have been added to the Agricultural
                                                          Statistics module of the EPWRF India Time Series (ITS) online database. This
   It is speculated that when large fractions of
                                                          sub-module contains statewise, crop-wise data series as detailed below:
   river lengths go dry due to multiple projects
   on them, changes in the micro climate may                   ● Depending upon their importance to individual states, cost of cultivation and
   occur. The temperature in the river valley                    cost of production of principal crops of each state are given in terms of different
   may increase … In the long run it may also                    cost categories classified as A1, A2, etc.
   speed up the melting of nearby glaciers.                    ● Items of cost include operational costs such as physical materials (seed, fertiliser,
                                                                 manure, etc), human labour (family, attached and casual), animal and machine
   But the project agencies have been
                                                                 labour (hired and owned), irrigation charges, interest on working capital and
able to evade accountability and respon-                         miscellaneous, and fixed cost such as rental value, land revenue, etc, depreciation
sibility towards the calamities they have                        and interest on fixed capital.
created, either in the form of cracked                         ● In addition, the following related data are given: value of main product and
homes and disappearance of water springs                         by-product (rupees/hectare), implicit rate (rupees/quintal), number of holdings
or in the form of intensifying floods, by                        and tehsils used in the sample study, and derived yield (quintal/hectare).
opportunistically terming these as natu-                  The data series are available on annual basis from 1970–71.
ral calamities. The villagers have found                  Agricultural Statistics module constitutes one out of 21 modules of EPWRF ITS covering
it exceedingly difficult to establish the                 a range of macro-economic, financial sector and social sector indicators for India.
link between hydropower project prac-                     For more details, visit or e-mail to:
tices and their impacts, even as this burden
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or cut grass in this region, as it has been     benign. Both “RoR” and “small” projects      conditions of the region. Moreover, it has
declared a protected zone. Not only was         remain but an appropriation of the lan-      employed different private companies for
the project allowed, but it was also            guage of alternatives to create confusion    different activities, like barrage construc-
allowed to undertake excessive blasting,        and gain some legitimacy for these.          tion and excavation of tunnels, enabling
stone crushing, tree felling, illegal mining,      Small projects do not reflect the es-     it to shirk off its responsibilities on to
and reckless dumping of muck next to            sence and spirit of small as visualised by   these sub-players. In the initial period,
the riverbed. These practices continued         the socio-environmental movements,           it employed the use of a tunnel boring
despite the project changing three own-         that is, projects owned and run by the       machine (TBM), which has been stuck at
ers in the last 15 years, all three busi-       community that remain accountable for        one end of the tunnel since 2009. Mean-
nessmen who had no experience or his-           them, and whose design and functions         while the company switched to excavating
tory of running hydro projects,6 leave          suit and emerge from the local condi-        the tunnel from the other side. The TBM
alone in such a sensitive zone. The Reini       tions and needs. Instead, smallness in       had punctured an aquifer that discharged
village petitioned in the high court in         the case of “RoR” projects has been used     “about 60–70 million litres daily, enough
2019 and also approached the National           only as a convenient excuse for exemp-       to sustain 2–3 million people” (Bisht and
Green Tribunal (NGT) seeking the stop-          tion by the private players from the envi-   Rautela 2010: 1271), wasting away water
page of such destructive practices, but         ronmental impact assessment (EIA). The       that must have accumulated over years
did not get much in the way of relief           draft EIA Notification, 2020 has further     under the Auli oak forests.
(Mazoomdaar 2021).                              diluted conditions by providing that            Its EIA report shows how it conveni-
   The conservation-related regulations         such small projects will need neither        ently ignored expert opinions. It has been
in this region have meant the severing of       EIA, nor public consultation, alongside      noted therein that the Geological Survey
the organic link of the villagers with          paving the way for them to come up           of India (GSI) advised it to shift its site
their environment, and curtailment of           within the buffer zone of the protected      downstream after encountering hot water
their livelihoods depending on it. More-        and eco-sensitive areas (Pradhan 2020).      springs during drilling. GSI was appre-
over, the push for such development                Further, these projects compound the      hensive that hot water springs would be
here defeats the purpose of the conser-         disastrous impacts of other small and        encountered during the driving of the
vation efforts. Eventually, many of the         large projects. The smaller mountain         tunnel. However, the company reports that
descendants of the Chipko movement,             rivers are not more manageable or con-       it did not follow this suggestion as it would
the symbols of ecological consciousness         trollable, for which such projects strive.   have caused loss to the project of about
and conscience, have been reduced to            Even small rivers tend to carry with         a hundred megaunits (MU) (National
become small-time contractors or being          them large silt loads, constituting rocks    Thermal Power Corporation Ltd 2004).
employed as workers for destructive pro-        and big boulders, which they mobilise           Hearing a plea of the residents of
jects. Battered after the 2021 disaster,        flowing through steep slopes. In the 2013    Tapovan against muck mismanagement
the villagers are afraid to live in Reini       disaster, the debris carried by the Khiron   by the NTPC in 2019, the NGT directed an
and are demanding to be relocated.              Ganga led to the destruction of the Vish-    expert committee with the Uttarakhand
   Technically, the Rishi Ganga at 13.2 MW      nuprayag project. Similar was the story      Pollution Control Board (UPCB) as the
was a small project (less than 25 MW).          of the Asi Ganga river in Uttarkashi dur-    nodal agency to conduct a site visit
Small projects, however, are but a smaller      ing the 2012 flash flood.                    (Gram Pradhan & Residents of Tapovan v
version of the large projects in Uttara-                                                     State of Uttarakhand 2020). The UPCB,
khand, with the same design of dams             Tapovan Vishnugad Project                    after observing non-compliance of the
diverting rivers in tunnels, causing river-     The flash flood of February 2021 destroyed   actions suggested by it, fined the NTPC
beds to dry, and involving the same             the barrage of the 520 MW Tapovan            `57,96,000 on “polluter pays” principle,
practices of blasting, deforestation, and       Vishnugad project, getting built near        for violating muck disposal site mainte-
muck dumping that makes them equally            Tapovan and Dhaak villages, about 14−15      nance norms that resulted in “severe mass
hazardous. Like the large “RoR” projects,       km uphill from Joshimath. It flooded         erosion” and damage to the environment.
they also involve excavating for diver-         its tunnels with debris, where hundreds      This was upheld by the NGT in an order
sion, main, and adit tunnels, and con-          of labourers were working. The arrange-      dated 18 February 2021 (NTPC Limited v
struction of road networks, cofferdams,         ments by the company of keeping a tab        Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board 2021).
diversion dams, residential structures,         on the exact number of workers, alarm            During my doctoral fieldwork in this
and powerhouses. Thus, even a small             systems to alert them of the danger, or      region in 2015 (Jain 2016), local people
project built in this manner involves what      ensuring their safety were missing.          had related that due to the company’s
Valdiya (2014: 1663) terms as excessive            The NTPC, a thermal power company,        muck dumping practices, at places, the
“tampering with the natural balance” in         has been invested in the construction of     width of the Dhauli Ganga had decreased
these zones of “very weakened rocks.”           this hydropower project for more than 15     to one-fourth of its size. The company had
From the projects that are getting built        years. Its practices have remained rather    devised a dubious method of evaluating
in Uttarakhand, neither are the large           irresponsible and show a lack of thor-       the impact of blasting when met with
ones green, nor the small projects              oughness in appraising the geological        complaints by the villagers of cracks in
46                                                                              MARCH 27, 2021   vol lVI no 13   EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

their homes. It pasted strips of glass at              the surrounding villages have settled on      the locale makes one wonder if, in the
the cracks and told people that the                    an ancient landslide that is sinking (also    long term, the mountains will stand only
breaking of these strips would prove if                reiterated by Valdiya [2014]); it is a de-    to showcase the technological ingenuity
blasting had any impact on the creation                posit of sand and stone, not hard rock        and development, as “sterile monuments
of such cracks. After this exercise, never             that could hardly take the pressure of        bereft of people who trodded on them
again did the company come back to                     the township itself. The report had rec-      lightly” (Berreman 1983).
check the strips, and people eventually                ommended restrictions on heavy con-              The hydropower projects by becom-
plastered the gaps themselves.                         struction work, blasting, heavy traffic,      ing a cause of cracks in homes, weak-
   In a few villages, women complained                 felling of trees, and even on agriculture     ened slopes, and subsidence of village
that milking animals gave less milk as                 (Jain 2016). However, despite the geo-        land, have made the pahar and paharis
they consumed the blasting powder on                   logical and environmental vulnerability       more vulnerable. The trauma of events
the grass and many of the pregnant ani-                of the area, many hydropower projects         like that of 2013 and 2021, and the imag-
mals aborted. Water springs had dried at               were planned around Joshimath. The            es of damages caused to their kin and
many places after the project work started.            tunnel of the Tapovan Vishnugad project       homes haunt them and it becomes diffi-
Faced with acute water shortage, they                  “traverses all through the geologically       cult for them to feel at home in their vil-
were provided with temporary arrange-                  fragile area below Joshimath” (Bisht          lages. Monsoon months have become a
ments of water supply with hose pipes,                 and Rautela 2010: 1271).                      nightmare for most villages as landslides
which people complained was not clean.                                                               and cloudbursts have become more
In the Dhaak Tapovan area, villagers                   Deception of Development                      common, especially in the Garhwal re-
had complained of significantly reduced                Over the years, as the work of a hydro-       gion with its numerous “RoR” projects
yields of potato and rajma (kidney                     power company persists and proceeds,          and the Tehri dam.
beans), falling to even one-fourth of the              along with the protests, compromises also        When calamities like the 2021 flash
earlier yields. Valdiya (2014: 1663) ex-               get materialised. Often in remote areas,      floods strike, understandably the de-
plains that the tunneling procedure is                 project companies gain entry by promis-       mands of scrapping projects in the sensi-
like opening the underground drainage                  ing basic amenities that the government       tive Himalayan region become loud.
that significantly alters the groundwater              has failed to provide, for instance, a        Questions also get raised, for instance,
regimes of the mountains. This results in              health facility, or a stretch of road, and    by Bhatt ( 2021), on the brazen mindless-
“drastic lowering of groundwater table                 more importantly, promises of providing       ness of pushing for colossal structures
and attendant drying up of springs and                 work, so that men need not migrate.           like the 315 m high Pancheshwar dam on
dwindling of surface flow in streams.”                 However, these projects have provided         the Mahakali river in the Ganga basin.
Bisht and Rautela (2010: 1271) also ex-                neither appropriate or required employ-       Bigger than the Tehri, this 5,040 MW
plain how this happens,                                ment opportunities nor electricity to         dam will affect lakhs of trees as well as
   sudden and large scale dewatering of the
                                                       the villagers. Even though the projects       protected areas, as it involves impound-
   strata has the potential of initiating ground       become operational, the feeling of fear       ing an area of 116 sq km in this region of
   subsidence in the region … Reduced ground           and apprehension in this calamity-bat-        high seismicity and ecological sensitivi-
   moisture regime would result in depleted            tered region and the discontent attached      ty. Such disasters-in-making ought to be
   biomass availability and crop produce … It          with their opportunist strategies to gain     stopped when it is clear that even im-
   would also impact floral and faunal diversity.
                                                       entry and operate in the area means that      pacts of the Tehri dam are still unfolding
   Like other projects in the area, the                the project companies never really gain       as the reservoir has led to destabilisation
NTPC also ignored the concerns and                     legitimacy in the area.                       of the mountains on its rim on which
opinions of the local people in the public                These projects have been pushed hard       hundreds of villages reside.
hearing held in Joshimath. There, how-                 as development by the state government           Calamities like the Chamoli flash floods
ever, remained a strong opposition to                  despite all kinds of disasters and diffi-     make some dangers of hydropower pro-
the NTPC project in the town of Joshi-                 culties that they have resulted in. That      jects visible to the world. But the every-
math, as well as in the affected villages.             most paharis (mountain dwellers) wish         day disasters that the villagers are fac-
The company employed many strategies                   to flee from the pahar or are forced to       ing ought to be accounted for as well. By
to break the protests. Police cases were               migrate in search of livelihoods and safe     stalling such projects that are taking
filed against many. The youth of many                  places to stay, is a deafening pronounce-     away from people their livelihoods, water
villages were initially given and then ex-             ment of the failure of the development        sources, the safety of homes, and rivers
pelled from work. Gifts were distributed               path taken by the state, and frustration      that are crucial for dwelling as well as
in the villages and to the eminent per-                of the aspirations behind the movement        letting go of their dead, a bigger disaster
sons of Joshimath by the company to                    for statehood. The high rate of outmigra-     can be prevented in Uttarakhand. This
smoothen its work ways (Jain 2016).                    tion, the existence of thousands of “ghost”   disaster is the fear that the paharis now
   Protesters in Joshimath banked on                   villages (Kapur 2015), and development        feel in their own homes and the erosion
the Mishra Commission report, that way                 that remains unconcerned with the local       of their identity and sense of belonging-
back in 1976 had said that the town and                concerns and needs, and unsuitable for        ness with the pahar.
Economic & Political Weekly   EPW   MARCH 27, 2021   vol lVI no 13                                                                           47

notes                                                       Tapovan are Malari-Jhelum (114 MW), Jhelum-         Hindustan (2021): “Barrage Nahi Hota to Jyada ho
                                                            Tamak (126 MW) and Tamak-Lata (250 MW).                 Sakta tha Nuksaan,” 9 February.
1    This particular area of Chamoli district has al-
                                                            The Alaknanda has many projects in different        Jain, Shruti (2016): “Practices and Ideologies of
     ready seen the highest magnitude flood of the
                                                            stages, with a few being the Vishnuprayag               Development: People’s Responses to Hydropower
     last 600 years in the Alaknanda floods of 1970
                                                            project (400 MW) near Joshimath, and the                Projects in Uttarakhand,” unpublished PhD
     (Ravi Chopra Committee 2014) and an earth-
                                                            Vishnugad Pipalkoti project (444 MW) and                Thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
     quake of 6.8 on the Richter scale in 1999.
                                                            Srinagar project (330 MW) downstream.               Kapur, Manavi (2015): “The Ghost Villages of
2    For instance, the union power minister who
                                                        6   This holds true for most hydropower projects            Uttarakhand,” Business Standard, 17 July.
     reached the site after the floods claimed that
                                                            in Uttarakhand, where project companies are         Mazoomdaar, Jay (2021): “Behind Hydel Project
     the Tapovan Vishnugad barrage mitigated the
                                                            from backgrounds that have nothing to do with           Washed Away, A Troubled Trail to Accident in
     damages and work on it should start soon
                                                            hydropower. Further, project trading like this          2011,” Indian Express, 11 February, https://indi-
     (Hindustan 2021). Similar claims were made
                                                            absolves the seller company of any irregulari-
     for the Tehri dam in the 2013 floods. The chief
                                                            ties carried out in clearances and payments as          project-uttarakhand-flash-flood-glacier-burst-
     minister in his tweet of 8 February 2021 also
                                                            well as its responsibilities towards the affected       chamoli-district-7183561/.
     defended the projects by saying that such
                                                            villagers.                                          National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd (2004):
     calamities should not become a reason for
     “propaganda against development.”                                                                              “EIA Study for Tapovan Vishnugad, Hydroelec-
3    For instance, in the 2013 floods, thousands of                                                                 tric Project, District Chamoli, Uttaranchal,”
                                                        References                                                  Centre for Environment, Water & Power Con-
     cubic metres of muck piled by the riverside
     by the Srinagar project buried the houses of       Berreman, Gerald D (1983): “The U P Himalaya:               sultancy Services (I) Ltd, Haryana.
     Srinagar town.                                         Culture, Cultures and Regionalism,” The Hima-       NTPC Limited v Uttarakhand Pollution Control
4    Such observations throughout this article              laya: Nature, Man and Culture, O P Singh (ed),          Board (2021): Appeal No 05/2021, National
     about project practices and impacts are made           New Delhi: Rajesh Publications, pp 227−65.              Green Tribunal order dated 18 February.
     on the basis of the doctoral fieldwork conduct-    Bhatt, Naveen (2021): “Pancheshwar Bandh Ban            Pradhan, Amruta (2020): “Draft EIA Notification
     ed during 2012−15 by the author in Uttara-             Sakta hai Badi Aapda ki Vajeh,” Hindustan,              2020: Dilutes EIA Process & Encourages Viola-
     khand. This multisite ethnographic work in-            8 February.                                             tions,” South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and
     cluded the area affected by the Tehri dam and      Bisht, M P S and Piyoosh Rautela (2010): “Disaster          People, 23 June,
     the projects coming up on Alaknanda and                Looms Large Over Joshimath,” Current Science,           23/draft-eia-notification-2020-dilutes-eia-pro-
     Mandakini rivers, amongst others (Jain 2016).          Vol 98, No 10, p 1271.                                  cess-encourages-violations/.
5    The Rishi Ganga has two proposed projects,         CAG (2010): “Performance Audit Report of Hydro-         Ravi Chopra Committee (2014): “Assessment of
     Rishiganga I (70 MW) and Rishiganga II (35             power Development Through Private Sector                Environmental Degradation and Impact of
     MW) in addition to the damaged project. In             Participation, Uttarakhand for the Year 2008-           Hydroelectric Projects during the June 2013
     addition to the Tapovan Vishnugad project, the         2009,” Comptroller and Auditor General of India,        Disaster in Uttarakhand,” report submitted
     NTPC also has the proposed Lata Tapovan                New Delhi.                                              to the Ministry of Environment and Forests,
     Project (170 MW) upstream, whose work has          Gram Pradhan & Residents of Tapovan v State of              Government of India, New Delhi.
     not progressed due to a stay by the Supreme            Uttarakhand (2020): Original Application No 61      Valdiya, K S (2014): “Damming Rivers in the Tec-
     Court. Other bumper-to-bumper proposed pro-            of 2019, National Green Tribunal order dated            tonically Resurgent Uttarakhand Himalaya,”
     jects on the Dhauli Ganga upstream of the Lata         2 January.                                              Current Science, Vol 106, No 12, pp 1658−68.

                                                            EPWRF India Time Series
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