Page created by Ron Graham
The challenges and successes
     The uncertain future of
                                                                                                                                                   of opening a restaurant during
     study abroad                                                                                                                                  COVID-19

   Vol. 125 | No. 1 | May 2nd, 2021                                                                                                                 The Scout              @bradley_scout

             COVID-19 EDITION
          Dear reader,

          This edition serves to encapsulate the virus-plagued 2020-2021 school year. Faculty, staff and students
          alike were forced to adapt quickly amidst the constantly-changing local, state and national landscape.
          This edition could never fully reflect the impacts that COVID-19 had on the campus community.
          Nevertheless, we hope to present a well-representative perspective.

                                        Results from Bradley’s vaccination clinics
                                        from mild to severe, consisting        emailed students to inform them         body aches after several days,           also advised students to be
                                        of experiences including swelling,     that vaccinations were also open to     but no cases required medical            proactive and responsible about
Assistant News Editor                   pain, redness, fatigue, head or        staff, faculty and family members       attention.                               balancing both priorities.
                                        body aches and nausea.                 over 18 years old, alongside those         Higgs also assured that taking           “Please consider your final
   Following the opening of                “You may have some side             without appointments (referred to       medication for the second dose’s         exam schedule when scheduling
COVID-19 vaccine distribution           effects, which are normal signs that   as “dose savers”) at a select time.     side effects was recommended             your second dose; you might
in Peoria County, the continuing        your body is building protection,”         According to Health Services        after receiving it, as the effects are   want to consider getting it after
rollout of the vaccines officially      the CDC website stated. “These         director Jessica Higgs, the ultimate    to be expected.                          your finals are complete,” the
made its way to Bradley in the          side effects may affect your ability   turnout of the two days was                “There is a rumor floating that       email said. “While important, a
past few weeks — alongside side         to do daily activities, but they       administering 745 vaccine doses.        you cannot take medication such          vaccination is not an excuse for
effects important to consider as        should go away in a few days.”         The university’s email on April 13      as Ibuprofen or Tylenol with the         missing or rescheduling a class or
finals week rolls around.                  Bradley issued an email to          added that 411 of the doses were        vaccine,” Higgs said in an email         final exam.”
   On April 5, all Illinois residents   students on April 1 announcing         delivered on the first day.             interview. “There is no problem             Even with the university’s
16 and older in Peoria County           the eligibility, in which the              Higgs further addressed the         with taking Ibuprofen or Tylenol         recommendation,              Higgs
became eligible to receive the          university stated that while they      vaccinations’ side effects, an          for the sore arm, body aches or          confirmed how Health Services
COVID-19       vaccine.       Earlier   could schedule a vaccination in        increased area of public concern as     fever that may accompany the             would respond if cases of students
prioritization was reserved for         the surrounding area, Health           they have increased in accessibility,   shot. These are all normal immune        becoming ill from side effects
students in medical or childcare        Services did not have vaccines to      particularly due to effects reported    reactions [which] means the              during finals did transpire.
positions alongside frontline           administer directly on campus at       after second doses.                     vaccine is doing its job.”                  “We will be very … happy to
workers, and subsequently, people       the time.                                  She stated that only two               As the Moderna vaccine issued         discuss any concerns any students,
with medical conditions became             On April 9, another email from      patients of the 745 doses required      by the Markin Center is a two-dose       faculty and staff have with the
eligible.                               the university announced that the      assistance in the first 15 minutes      process, with 28 days required           timing of the vaccine and their
   At this time, the Centers for        Markin Center would host clinics       following administration and that       between each, dates for the second       ability to complete their finals and
Disease Control and Prevention          for students to receive one of 1,000   both felt normal after an additional    dose will coincide with finals           projects on time,” Higgs said.
stated that while they were largely     doses of the Moderna vaccine by        15 minutes. She further said that       week, and the email announced               For additional information
non-substantial, possible side          appointment on April 12 and 13.        a handful of students voiced            an ongoing effort to adjust vaccine      about the vaccine, visit the Peoria
effects from the vaccine ranged            On both clinic dates, Bradley       complaints of effects including         scheduling. However, the email           City/County Health Department.
A2            THE SCOUT                                                                                                                                                    April 30, 2021

                     A guide to the three main vaccines
                                       muscle pain, chills, fever and            vaccine that requires only one          used, Higgs said.                     what we’re doing. It doesn’t take
                                       nausea.                                   dose.                                      “[The CDC and FDA are] not         as long to develop because we
News Editor                               Pfizer is an mRNA vaccine. An              A viral vector injection, Higgs     going to just go, ‘OK, it’s here      have an idea how they work.”
                                       mRNA, as Higgs said, tells cells in       said, is usually a virus that causes    and back,’” Higgs said. “There’s          Even with quick development,
   Since COVID-19 surfaced,
                                       the body to duplicate the COVID-          no harm to the human body that          going to be more information          Higgs said the vaccines went
there have been scientists and
                                       19 spike proteins. The change is          is filled with the genetic code of      about what happened and also          through multiple trials to ensure
researchers around the world
                                       recognized in the body and the            the COVID-19 virus. The body            some limitations on who should        their effectiveness. There were
working to develop vaccines. The
                                       body will learn to attack the virus       will again attack the virus and         get it would be my guess.”            4,000 participants in the trial
vaccines that have been approved
                                       with both shots.                          recognize how to handle the virus.                                            period. Testing in multiple parts
for emergency use by the U.S.
                                          The CDC further defined an                 As the CDC described, viral         Allergies                             of the globe, such as England and
Food and Drug Administration are
                                       mRNA vaccine’s function as                vector injections “contain a                While the CDC stated that         Israel, saw high rates of success,
Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson &
                                       “[containing] material from the           modified version of a different         people with allergies to eggs,        according to Higgs.
                                       virus that causes COVID-19 that           virus than the one that causes          preservatives and latex don’t have        While there are a variety of
   The Centers for Disease Control
                                       gives our cells instructions for how      COVID-19. Inside the shell of the       to worry about that appearing on      side effects, such as the ones
and Prevention had approved all
                                       to make a harmless protein that is        modified virus, there is material       the ingredients list, there’s still   listed before, the side effects may
three for distribution to the public
                                       unique to the virus.”                     from the virus that causes COVID-       a chance for serious reactions to     outweigh the symptoms of the
in a rank that would prioritize
                                                                                 19.”                                    occur.                                virus, Higgs said.
those in certain occupations or
                                       Moderna                                       As of April 13, the use and             Higgs said that polyethylene          Those that are generally healthy
health statutes. The CDC advised
                                           The mRNA vaccine, Moderna,            distribution of the Johnson &           glycol and polysorbate — two          may see less of these effects with
that people should get the first
                                       is given in two doses just like the       Johnson vaccine has been paused.        chemicals in the vaccine — are        COVID-19, but there are others
vaccine available rather than
                                       Pfizer treatment, but calls for doses         In a joint statement form the       what could cause complications        that could see fatality when
waiting for a certain brand.
                                       to be spaced out by around 28             FDA and CDC, six cases out of           when receiving a dose.                diagnosed.
   While there may be doubts about
                                       days. It was reported to have a 94        the nearly seven million already            “There really aren’t that many        “I know, those in the college
the vaccines or misinformation
                                       percent efficiency rate in its clinical   vaccinated had blood clots in           people that can’t get the vaccine,”   age may say, ‘Our age group never
spread about vaccines, Bradley’s
                                       trials, according to the CDC.             their brain. The six cases were all     Higgs said. “Those are both           really got sick in the first place, so
Health Services director, Jessica
                                           Moderna has similar possible          women with ages ranging from            chemicals that are used to make       it doesn’t make any difference,’”
Higgs, shared information about
                                       side effects compared to Pfizer.          women from ages 18 to 48.               the vaccine and they’re in a few      Higgs said. “But … the relief to be
the injections.
                                       The CDC recommends applying                   The treatment that would            other injectables, mostly cancer      able to hug your grandparents and
                                       a cool and wet cloth over the             usually be prescribed to these          treating drugs. For the most part,    not be worried about making them
Pfizer                                 injection site and using the arm          blood clots were found uneffective,     it’s a fairly rare allergy.”          sick is huge.”
    The       Pfizer        vaccine,                                             Higgs said.                                                                       The COVID-19 strain that was
                                       with the injection to reduce pain.
manufactured by Pfizer, Inc. and                                                     While it is temporarily taken out                                         found in England has affected
                                       Drinking fluids and dressing
BioNTech, is given in two doses.
                                       lightly to reduce fever discomfort        of the pool of potential vaccines, it   Doubts of the vaccine                 the youth at the same rate, Higgs
The second dose should be given                                                  may not be forever.                        While there may be people          said. Getting the vaccination could
                                       is also recommended.
21 days after the first injection.                                                   “It’s very possible that if they    on the fence about getting the        prevent a rise in mortality among
                                           Moderna was the vaccine
    Pfizer is currently the most                                                 do approve it ... there’s going to be   vaccine, Higgs said she and Health    youth and possibly even see
                                       Bradley received from the Peoria
effective vaccine in the U.S., with                                              some limitations, specifically [in]     Services are listening closely to     society go back to normal.
                                       Public Health Department to give
the CDC reporting a 95 percent                                                   the 18-45 female age group,” Higgs      what students may worry about             “The idea of getting back to
                                       to students on campus from April
efficiency rate when in clinical                                                 said. “They put some restrictions       the injection.                        normal, the idea of hanging out
                                       12 to April 13.
trials.                                                                          around it, or they may not. They           “There’s some hesitation           with friends and doing the things
    The CDC listed possible                                                      may say it’s so rare that it really     because the vaccine was developed     that college kids get to do … I
reactions to the vaccine, including    Johnson & Johnson                         isn’t outside the realm of normal.”     so quickly,” Higgs said. “Some of     think we’re all ready to go back
pain, redness and swelling at             Unlike    the       previously             Scientists should be looking        that is because we’re a lot smarter   to the things that make college
the injection site. Body reactions     mentioned vaccines, the Johnson           into alternative treatments or if       than when we developed vaccines       college,” Higgs said.
include tiredness, headache,           & Johnson vaccine is a viral vector       this vaccine can continue being         60 years ago, so we actually know

       Senior Column

                                                                        Plans fall through
                                                       It’s hard to believe it’s been four years        Junior year was surprisingly very          until COVID-19 prevented me from doing
                                                   since my life truly began. I was 17 with          eventful — in the beginning, at least. I      everything I once enjoyed and took me out
                                                   a list of dreams. My plan was to pursue           was roommates with a new friend and           of my element.
                                                   my degree in journalism, and potentially          our relationship was flourishing. I even         Now that it’s been over a year in
                                                   minor in creative writing, so I could start       landed an internship that I genuinely         the pandemic world, I have picked up
                                                   my journey as an author.                          enjoyed. This was also the year that I        many hobbies, some of which have
                                                       My freshman year was easily the               partied like my life depended on it.          completely obliterated my original plan.
                                                   most traumatizing experience I’ve ever               All that came to a halt when I had to      At this point, I’m not sure if I want to
                                                   had. I experienced my first-ever mental           get an emergency surgery. Things became       be a photographer. I loved the idea of
                                                   breakdown. I cut off all but eight inches         even worse when my recovery time              aesthetics during quarantine so much that
                                                   of my hair and was the spitting image of          overlapped with Arch Madness. This was        I developed some skills to increase social
                                                   Lord Farquaad for a good four months.             my first time going as the photographer,      media engagement. Now, I think I want to
                                                   That was also the year Nasjay Murry died,         and there was no way I was missing that       pursue a career in social media marketing,
                                                   and at that moment I knew whatever idea           opportunity.                                  which has nothing to do with my “plan.”
         Kayla Johnson                             I had of college had gone out the window.
                                                   Nothing was ever the same.
                                                                                                        So there I was, hobbling around the
                                                                                                     Enterprise Center with a donut pillow
                                                                                                                                                      This story was chaotic and eventful,
                                                                                                                                                   but it’s mine. Over these four years, I have
                                                       By my sophomore year, I had joined            in one hand and my camera dangling            learned that there’s no such thing as a
         Sports Photographer                       the Red Sea, The Scout and a couple of            from the other. Despite the pain, that        plan, just ideas.
                                                   other organizations. I only had a few             unforgettable experience made me realize         After writing this reflection, I am
                                                   friends, but they were just enough for            I didn’t want to be a writer — I wanted to    shocked. I am nothing that I wanted to
       First, I’d like to say that college is      me. Even though everything was going              be a sports photographer.                     be when I was a freshman. However, I am
   nothing like the movies.                        right, I was having an identity crisis. I            Everything was on the up until             everything that I wanted to be as a person.
       I imagined that I’d have this huge          had no idea what I wanted to do and who           COVID-19 ransacked the country and the        I have the greatest friends who have kept
   friend group who would hang out and take        I wanted to be. Because of this crisis, I         rest of the world. All of a sudden, I was     me grounded as well as a supportive
   random road trips to the city. I thought I’d    hardly remember sophomore year. All I             back at home, falling asleep on Zoom          family. I love who I am now and can’t wait
   be on the verge of starting my career by        remember is coming home that summer,              wondering when the grocery store was          to see what’s ahead for me.
   now with some internships under my belt,        getting a car and working nearly every            going to get their next shipment of tissue.
   and neither are the case at all.                day to pay off my tuition.                        I never really focused on my mental health
April 30, 2021                                                                                                THE SCOUT               A3
                     A timeline of sports during COVID-19
BY LARRY LARSON          It’s often said that sports never stop. That wasn’t the case during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, as sports
                       fans know all too well. Here’s a look at some of the sports events that shaped the first year of the ongoing pandemic on
Sports Editor          and off Bradley’s campus.
A4            THE SCOUT                                                                                                                                                April 30, 2021

  The uncertain future
    of study abroad
                                       orientations, registrations and
                                       other planning for their programs
Copy Editor                            abroad as they would for a
   As COVID-19 spread across           normal semester, but Stinson is
the world in March 2020, students      also encouraging them to make
studying abroad were forced to         a backup plan in case they are
leave countries they planned to        unable to travel in the fall.
spend the semester in and return          Stinson always encourages
home unexpectedly.                     students to make alternative
   What       hopeful     students,    plans so they are prepared for
as well as Kathleen Stinson,           all unexpected events that
administrative coordinator of          may prevent them from going

                                                                               The challenges and successes
study abroad programs at Bradley,      on their planned trips, but she
didn’t know at the time was            has emphasized it during the
that the opportunity to spend a        pandemic.

                                                                               of opening a restaurant during
semester learning in a foreign            Colton Wilder, a junior music
country would be coming to an          and middle school education
indefinite end.                        double major, was set to leave for

   Since that mid-semester change,     Japan just a few weeks after word
there hasn’t been much stability in    of the pandemic got to the U.S
future plans. The study abroad         to further his studies and assist
office canceled the May interim        in teaching students English in a
                                       local school.                           BY MALLORY CLARK
of 2020 and the May-term and
January interim of 2021. Stinson          “Vividly, I can remember             Contributor
said this was a decision made by       preparing for the Bradley
                                       Symphony         Orchestra      dress      The pandemic has caused some businesses to shut their doors for good. The economic recession left
the Bradley administration and
                                       rehearsal and my phone blowing          restaurants that bustled with customers to be nothing more than pick-up spots for delivery drivers. However,
the study abroad office, citing a
                                       up with emails [on March 1st] …         some businesses opened or had their start in the pandemic.
lack of safety and an abundance
of restrictions in the locations in    hearing that my program might be
which the trips were planned.          cancelled,” Wilder said.
   Students who want to go on             Within six days, his program
semester-long trips are responsible    was completely canceled and he
for much more of the planning          enrolled in a similar program in
of their trips during any year, as     Copenhagen for the fall semester
opposed to May-term and J-term         of 2020. This program was soon
classes that are planned by the        cancelled as well.
study abroad office. As a result,         “I was not only frustrated,”            The beginning of the pandemic          Dang Banh Mi & Poke in                Co-owner Dan Stambaugh
students have been much more           Wilder said. “I was crushed.”           forced restaurants and businesses      Campustown has also been              has been working hard to satisfy
hopeful, yet have no clear vision         Wilder is now set to go to           to close their doors just as the       navigating the pandemic, and          customers after reopening Ernie’s
about the future of these programs.    Copenhagen in the fall of 2021,         Boyds were working hard to open        Nhung Dang, the wife of the owner,    Dairy Dream earlier this month
   For this reason, many students      and if this program is cancelled,       theirs.                                has experienced it firsthand.         after years of operation in Peoria,
who had planned to go abroad this      he will be out of time in his college      Alicia and Azadia Boyd                 After a short soft opening on      experiencing difficulties with
semester inevitably ended up not       career to study abroad.                 opened their restaurant, Wing          March 12, 2020, the restaurant was    supplies and employment as costs
being able to.                            With lots of help from Stinson       Work, in June of 2020 — almost         required to close its doors and       have increased 30 percent.
   “Programs were set to run …         and the program in Copenhagen,          three months later than originally     only serve carry-out and delivery        With rising food prices
but actually, what happened to         Wilder is confident his experience      planned.                               service.                              and higher minimum wage,
the students this spring is the        abroad will happen. He has picked          Alicia Boyd, owner of the              “I still remember that day; it     Stambaugh has had to make some
university administration pulled       up extra hours at work, applied for     Wing Work restaurant in the            was such a unique situation,”         adjustments. The new procedures
the plug on study abroad,” Stinson     various scholarships and received       Northwoods Mall, faced quite a         Dang said.                            that ensued have been demanding
said. “It was just, overall, the       different types of funding for the      few challenges while the world            After having to remove dine-       for the restaurant.
pandemic and the liability that        experience and hopes all this work      was on lockdown.                       in options, the restaurant was           “Rethinking how you are going
[Bradley] might be responsible for.    and stress will pay off when he            “We ran into issues because         struggling to get up and running      to do things with masks, hand
That’s the main concern that I’m       finally gets to go.                     places like the sign store stopped     again.                                sanitizers and such has been a
aware of.”                                “Hopefully, all of this hard         production, [so] we couldn’t get a        “It was hard for us to get our     challenge,” Stambaugh said.
   As of right now, small groups       work will pay off when [I] study        sign,” Boyd said. “A lot of places     name out there and let people            However, Stambaugh has
of students are planning to go         abroad in the Fall… third time’s        were not answering their phones        know we exist,” Dang said. “For a     learned lessons from the pandemic.
abroad for the fall semester 2021 to   the charm,” Wilder said.                … we had to stay on our toes and       new restaurant with no customer          “We are a cook-to-order place,
countries such as Denmark, Ireland        Stinson said at least 20 students    constantly call people.”               base, it was even harder during       so it takes a little longer and
and England. While Stinson             are interested in going abroad in          It was frustrating for Boyd to      COVID-19.”                            people have a lot more patience
and the students are remaining         the spring of 2022.                     continually delay their opening           Despite       the     marketing    since 2019,” Stambaugh said.
hopeful, they are planning for both       “Hopefully, by then the worst        day.                                   challenges during a pandemic, the        With lots of positive reviews
the best and the worst.                will be over,” Stinson said. “I know       “That was the scariest part; that   slow start was beneficial. Their      on Facebook and eager customers,
   “We      haven’t     had     any    there’s a lot of students that are      was the toughest part,” Boyd said.     team was able to address the kinks    Stambaugh is hoping that his great
cancelations or heard anything yet     brokenhearted about everything.         “We had to continue just to stay       of its workflow process, namely       team will keep Ernie’s up and
… we know the student demand is        We know it’s going to get back          hopeful.”                              having only carryout, to make         running.
there and students are just dying      to normal at some point. We’re             Fortunately, Wing Work has          operations more efficient and train      “In the future, I want to keep
to go,” Stinson said.                  crossing our fingers it’s sometime      found some success along the way       great employees.                      the employees I got,” Stambaugh
   Students are continuing with        soon.”                                  and has found loyal support in the        It has been a little over a year   said. “We have a real good crew
                                                                               Peoria community.                      since Dang Banh Mi & Poke has         right now with good kids that
                                                                                  “Our biggest success has been       opened and the owner has high         want to work. I want to keep that
                                                                               the way people have embraced us        hopes for the future.                 tradition and hire local.”
           We Would                    Your Follow                             as a family,” Boyd said. “The way         “I am hoping we can get more
                                                                               that people wanted to support and      customers and tell people that
                                                                               help a business … this town has        there is a poke and boba restaurant
                    Facebook:                                                  really come together during the        in Peoria,” Dang said.
                    The Scout
                                                                                  Wing Work is looking into
                                                                               finding a second location
                    @bradley_scout                                             with more sit-down tables and
                                                                               continuing their success that they
                                                                               have worked to grow.
April 30, 2021                                                                                                                                                  THE SCOUT                        A5
   Senior Column
                                                                                             A peaceful farewell
                                                    eyed kid looking to be a smashing success.        hit hard. I can still remember the feeling     with me for the rest of my life.
                                                    I put myself 100 percent into schoolwork,         of disappointment wash over as I was              If I could go back in time to my
                                                    Greek life and being of service to almost         looking in the mirror, knowing that was        freshman year in 2017, I would give that
                                                    anyone I considered to be a friend at the         not me. That was not the person I knew I       young kid a big bear hug and tell him this:
                                                    time. I was doing so many things, but I           was inside. It made me cry.                    “All the pain and challenges ahead will
                                                    had no idea what direction I wanted to go.            I was blaming others for my                not end you. It will create new chapters in
                                                       I would soon realize that I was burning        unhappiness, when deep down I knew             your life that are going to make you wiser,
                                                    the candle at both ends; I was trying to be       that it all stemmed from the choices I         kinder and stronger.”
                                                    everything to everybody.                          was making in my life. I had to change            It has been one heck of a journey these
                                                       As sophomore year rolled around, it all        my attitude, habits and people whom I          past four years and I would not change one
                                                    came to a head. I was inviting negativity         was giving unnecessary time and effort         thing about it, from the stuffy University
      Conor McEntee                                 from others into my life, letting them            towards. Once I swallowed that hard pill,      Hall dorm room my freshman year to my                     determine my self-worth. I dealt with this        everything became so much clearer.             turbulent sophomore and junior years,
      Copy Editor                                   by avoiding responsibilities and going out            As this unprecedented senior year          to the wonderful professors at the Slane
                                                    every weekend to excess while playing             occurred, I finally felt like me again. I      College, to my rowdy Sigma Chi brothers
                                                    immature games with myself and the                stopped beating myself up for past             and my lovingly dysfunctional Scout
                                                    people I cared about. I was in a state of self-   mistakes, and learned that one person’s        family. It has all made me who I am today
                                                    pity and utter confusion about who I was          view of me did not dictate my self-worth.      and I am forever grateful for it all.
                                                    and who I wanted to become. This vicious          I also realized that success is defined on        While I will miss everyone and
   The end of my four years at Bradley is
                                                    cycle continued into my junior year.              my own terms and not anyone else’s. I          everything at Bradley, I am looking
finally approaching. These years would
                                                              Then, COVID-19 happened,                made the most of this year that would not      forward to the new chapter ahead. Thank
be best described through the words of
                                                    forcing me, as it did with everyone across        have been possible if it had not been for      you for everything.
author Charles Dickens: “It was the best of
                                                    the globe, to be with myself, void of all         that rough one-and-a-half-year period. I
times, it was the worst of times.”
                                                    the distractions that kept me from doing          failed a lot, but I learned some meaningful
   In the beginning, I came in as a wide-
                                                    so. One day, the truth finally hit me and         lessons from each failure that will stick

                                                             SCOUT                    ON
                                                                                     Students’ Views
                                                   What are the pros and cons of online learning?
                                   PROS                                                                                                                 CONS

     “I like online classes because if I have an early class, I don’t have to                                               “I have group chats for my classes, but it’s more of discussing lectures
  wake up early (I’m a morning showerer) and get ready and go to class, I                                               and less of hanging out. in middle school & high school I met my best
  can just roll out of bed & open my laptop. I also like how the exams and                                              friends through in person classes. Obviously, this year, I made friends
  homework assignments are online, so I can do them at my own pace.                                                     regardless, but it was definitely harder.”
  Taking tests in person has never been my favorite thing.”
                                                                                              KYLIE BJES

                                                                                           Freshman, Nursing

     “A big pro is online classes are being able to sleep a little bit longer for                                           “A con for me, though, is losing the personability of the classroom
  the morning classes because I don’t need to get ready and walk across                                                 element. It’s harder to form relationships with my professors and
  campus.                                                                                                               classmates through a screen.”

                                                                                          KAMRYN SAMOSKA

                                                                                         Sophomore, Psychology

     “Pros: Being able to study on my own terms in my own house is                                                         “Cons: If WiFi isn’t working, it makes it much harder to be a part
  definitely something I enjoy. Accessing class is that much easier.”                                                   of class. It’s also frustrating not being able to know your classmates or
                                                                                                                        being able to see your professor in person.”

                                                                                          SHERIDAN HURTIG

                                                                                         Senior ,Television Arts

     “Pros: Being able to study on my own terms in my own house is                                                         “Cons: If WiFi isn’t working, it makes it much harder to be a part
  definitely something I enjoy. Accessing class is that much easier.”                                                   of class. It’s also frustrating not being able to know your classmates or
                                                                                                                        being able to see your professor in person.”

                                                                                            SARAH SAMUEL

                                                                                     Graduate Student, Accounting
A6            THE SCOUT                                                                                                                                                         April 30, 2021

                                                            SCOUT                    ON
                                                                                  Professors’ Views
                                                     What are the pros and cons of online learning?
                                    PROS                                                                                                                 CONS
       “Live delivery of courses also makes interactive demonstrations
    possible, which can really enhance the material, especially in a class
                                                                                                                            “The cons of online classes are best summarized as lost engagement.
    like Brain and Behavior [PSY201]. The necessity of working online, on
                                                                                                                        There is a noticeable and very real benefit to sharing a space, where
    the other hand, has motivated me to be more creative in my delivery,
                                                                                                                        we enjoy much more of an exchange than the one-way transmission
    making use of supplementary video recordings summarizing
                                                                                                                        of information.”
    primary literature, and posting much more comprehensive and well-
    organized resources.”                                                                 JOSEPH HARRIS

                                                                                   Assistant Professor, Psychology

       “The shift to online teaching has forced instructors to try new                                                     “As a developmental psychologist who studies social interactions
    formats and technology that they otherwise may not have used                                                        and communication, I can definitely say the immediate drawback
    before. While there has certainly been a learning curve in this                                                     of online classes is the negative impact it can have on student
    process, the ultimate benefit has been the opportunity to re-evaluate                                               engagement. That’s why something as simple as turning on a camera
    the content of our courses and, in some cases, transform and innovate                                               during a Zoom meeting can make a huge difference. Sometimes we
    our teaching practices.”                                                                                            just need to see another face to feel connected.”
                                                                                        VALERIE SAN JUAN

                                                                                   Assistant Professor, Psychology

                                                                                                                           “The cons are many. The biggest is the lack of interaction, not
                                                                                                                        just in class itself, but in the hallways and those few minutes before
       “The only pro is that online is a way to keep students and faculty                                               and after class. That’s when we can really get to know our students
    safe.”                                                                                                              and they can get to know us better. Those online classes where I had
                                                                                                                        students I’ve taught before the pandemic were so much better than
                                                                                                                        those with new-to-me students.”
                                                                                           KEVIN CAPIE

                                                                                        Instructor, Journalism

        •   Remote learning has allowed us to adapt safely as needed to                                                     •    I miss the opportunity to talk to students just before or after
            stem the spread of COVID, without hardly missing a beat.                                                             class, to find out where they’re from, what their plans and
            It’s an amazing time to be alive!                                                                                    hopes are, and so on.

        •   The commute is pretty easy.                                                                                     •    The majority of students in my classes do not have their
                                                                                                                                 cameras on, and I don’t mandate they do. But I do miss
        •   I still get to wear a shirt and tie :)                                                                               seeing their faces.
                                                                                      CHRISTOPHER MARSH

                                                                                       Instructor, Advertising

        “Learning new, remote teaching technologies has been helpful.                                                      “From an instructor’s perspective, it is very difficult to assess a
    Many of these technologies will be utilized to enhance my teaching                                                  student’s understanding remotely. The lack of direct interaction with
    after we return to in-person learning. Several of these technologies                                                students represents a challenge to both the instructor and student.
    provide students with the opportunity to review lectures multiple                                                   In order to enhance student understanding I’ve had to provide
    times compared to in-person lectures representing a single exposure                                                 additional remote interactions with students to help clarify complex
    to lecture content.”                                                                                                topics and understanding.”
                                                                                            CRAIG CADY

                                                                                     Associate Professor, Biology

                                          Dealing with the side effects of Moderna
    With the first round of       nausea and chills, in addition      Avoid strenuous                     Stay hydrated                    Take the day off                    Get lots of rest
campus vaccines occurring         to the arm soreness associated          activity                   Dehydration may exacerbate          Since predicting your body’s       As college kids, it isn’t always
last week, many students are      with shots.                       Overworking your body with      symptoms like headaches and         reaction to the vaccine is        easy to get a full night of sleep.
preparing for their second dose       Luckily, there are several   a weakened immune system is      exhaustion. Drinking water          impossible, it’s best to be       However, if you don’t take the
during finals week.               things you can do to prevent     never a good idea. Take a rest   before and after injection is one   prepared. If you have classes     time to care for your body
    Already, the second shot of   these symptoms according to      day and spend time focusing      of the best ways to avoid these     the day after receiving the       prior to the vaccine, you will
Moderna has earned notoriety                    on your health. Your body will   symptoms. In order to stay          vaccine, notify your professors   pay the price later. In the days
for its extreme side effects.                                      thank you later.                 hydrated, it’s also best to avoid   that you might be feeling ill.    leading up to the second shot,
Many students have missed                                                                           the consumption of alcohol.         Don’t push yourself too hard;     aim to get a full nine hours of
class and several professors                                                                        Since alcohol is a diuretic, it     exercise      self-compassion.    sleep.
have canceled classes because                                                                       naturally dehydrates the body.      Additionally, try to schedule
of these side effects.                                                                                                                  your appointment on a day
    Vaccine recipients have                                                                                                             where a final is not due in the
reported      muscle     pains,                                                                                                         next two days, so you have
headaches, fever, exhaustion,                                                                                                           ample time to focus on your
                                                                                                                                        physical health.
April 30, 2021                                                                                                                                                      THE SCOUT                          A7
          THE SCOUT                                              Senior Column

                                                                                   The beauty of losing control
Editor-in-Chief 		               Haley Johnson
Managing Editor 		               Angeline Schmelzer
                                                                                                           notebook, and I started planning.               our Zoom calls to former nights around
News Editor		                    Valerie Vasconez                                                                                                          the table in the office and felt resentful
                                                                                                               In psychology, the term “locus of
Assistant News Editor            Sam Mwakasisi                                                                                                             about this contrast.
                                                                                                           control” describes the extent to which
Copy Editors 		                  Conor McEntee                                                                                                                 When cases rose on campus in
                                                                                                           we, as humans, feel we can control our
			                              Ellie Hawkins                                                                                                             September and the university announced
                                                                                                           outcomes. Having an external locus of
                                                                                                           control is to believe we are powerless          restrictions were to remain after the all-
                                                                                                           to our environments, our situations.            student quarantine, two very important
                                                                                                           By contrast, having an internal locus           realizations surfaced to me.
                                                                                                           of control is to believe we hold inside             First, I needed to stop waiting for
Sports Editor 		                 Larry Larson
                                                                                                           ourselves the ability to impact our             “normal.” Second, I was missing out on a
Assistant Sports Editor          Joey Wright
                                                                                                           circumstances.                                  lot by doing so.
                                                                                                               Since entering Bradley, I lived my life         It was through months of anguish
                                                                                                           with a firm belief in my internal locus of      and waiting for the world to return to
                                                                                                           control — that my efforts would culminate       normal that I realized I was neglecting the
                                                                    Haley Johnson                          in an established pattern of success. For       present by harboring the past. There was
Voice Editor 		                  Jade Sewell                           example, If I studied five hours for my         a certain beauty in letting go of my sense
Assistant Voice Editor           Daniel Kerns
                                                                    Editor-in-Chief                        stats exam, I’d get an A. If I chose to join    of control, in forgetting about the way
                                                                                                           Greek life, I’d socialize more. If I research   things are supposed to be and the way life
Design                                                                                                     and prepare for my interviews, I’ll land        should be lived.
                                                                 When I was asked to be the next           the internship. My mind was a well-oiled            Sometimes we stayed on the Zoom
Graphic Editor		                 Kyle St. John               Editor-in-Chief last February, I was          machine of input and output functions.          calls just to joke around, despite it being 1
                                                             absolutely paralyzed by the question.             This all changed in March of 2020.          a.m. We played virtual Jeopardy and Mad
Digital                                                          I sat across the table from the then          As     university      emails,      event   Libs. We laugh-cried at each others’ April
                                                             – Managing Editor and Editor-in-Chief         cancelations and internship terminations        Fool’s Day stories. I experienced these
Content Manager 		               Ben Sullivan                — probably the most dedicated, punctual,      flooded my B-mail, I was left scrambling        moments for what they were instead of
                                                             Google Calendar-scheduling, room-             for my locus of control. This feeling           what they would have been, and I found
Photo                                                        commanding individuals I’ve ever met,         wasn’t exclusive to me though; it was felt      so much happiness there.                                       aside from professors.                        across the globe.                                   As I write this column, I am in isolation
                                                                 I watched these two work tirelessly,          For months, I felt as though everything     for COVID-19; you could say it’s certainly
News Photographer                Morgan Patrick              balance meetings with administration,         we put into our life before the pandemic        a way to pay homage to our COVID-19
Sports Photographer              Kayla Johnson               recruit at job fairs, conduct hours of        was lost to our external circumstances          edition. Right now, I battle the same sense
                                                             countless interviews, pull overnighters       — birthdays, holidays, jobs, the college        of powerlessness I experienced when this
Podcast                                                      with graphic designers and wake up at         experience. I felt entirely powerless.          all began. Despite this circumstance, I am                                     6 a.m. every time someone slept through           The ideas and training I prepared for       able to remind myself that while I cannot
                                                             distribution. They somehow did all this       back in February in order to lead The           always control the outcomes, I can still be
                                                             and more without breaking a business          Scout became almost entirely irrelevant         present. I can be thankful for an editorial
Advertising                                                  casual dress code. Seriously, I can count     in our sudden shift to digital publications.    team that shows up outside my window                                          on one hand the number of times I saw         The office we’d come to know as a place         with posters and gifts in a way that is
                                                             Tony Xu in a T-shirt.                         of laughter, obnoxiousness, helpfulness,        unique to this year. Time is too precious
Advertising Manager              Jalen Craglione                 Squeezing my hands into tight little      sleeplessness       —     but     ultimately    to lose in comparisons.
Advertising Representative       Marilyn Gutierrez           fists at that table, I was grappling with a   togetherness — suddenly had a capacity              To Angeline, my favorite little planner:
                                                             question of my own: how in the hell am I      limit of four.                                  Know that my experience was much
                                                             going to do that?                                 I’ll be honest; I was not optimistic        different from Tony’s and yours will be
                                                                 So, I took a deep breath, a pen, a        about this year, despite the tone I knew I      much different from mine. No matter
                                                                                                           had to take in leadership. I kept comparing     where it takes you, remember to enjoy it.
Chris Kaergard       

                                                                                           Events on campus

                      The Scout
          (309) 677-3067 |
        1501 W. Bradley Ave., Sisson Hall 319
                   Peoria, IL 61625

   All letters to the editor must be received by 5 p.m.
Tuesday for inclusion in Friday’s issue. Letters longer
than 500 words will not be accepted. The Scout reserves
                                                                Homecoming 2020

the right to edit letters for inappropriate content.
All letters must include the writer’s name, contact
                                                                                                              Late Night BU

                                                                                                                                                              Recess 2021

information and relationship to Bradley. Responses to
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following their appearance in the Scout. Any emails
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  All content published are propety of The Scout and
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   The Scout is published by members of the
undergraduate student body of Bradley University.
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those of the university.
A8          THE SCOUT                               April 30, 2021

          Timeline of COVID-19 communications at Bradley

Managing Editor

   As the pandemic progressed
with evolving information from
around the world, Bradley had
to adapt, sometimes shifting its
messages a few times in the same
week. The university continued
to keep students and faculty
informed of campus operations
and provided information and
additional sources about COVID-
19 guidelines, symptoms and
April 30, 2021                            THE SCOUT   A9

Timeline of COVID-19 communications at Bradley cont.
A10           THE SCOUT                                                                                                                                                      April 30, 2021

                    2020-2021 COVID-19 cases in review
                                      which were too many positive               steady increase in cases.              percent positivity rate the week            On Jan. 12, the university
                                      tests to self-isolate, not screening          On the week of Sept. 3, the         of Sept. 24 after 23 cases resulted      announced an initial two-week all-
Editor-in-Chief                       fast enough or lack of personal            average positivity rate rose to 8.33   from 256 tests.                          campus quarantine to begin the
                                      protective equipment (PPE).                percent after 18 of 216 tests were         The rest of the fall semester’s      second semester. During this time,
    In mid-summer, the university         In-person      learning        was     positive.                              weekly positivity rates did not          the university planned to test more
announced its plans to return to      only possible so long as Illinois             As a result of this spike, the      surpass 5.84 percent, which was          students — with a target of 500 —
campus in the fall of 2020, along     remained in Phase 4 of Gov.                university enacted an “all-student     reported on the week of Nov. 12.         in anthe effort to better assess the
with schools like Illinois State      Pritzker’s Restore Illinois plan.          quarantine” from Sept. 8 to Sept.          Second semester: relatively low      prevalence of COVID-19 following
University and the University of      These considerations were to be            23 in which all in-person classes      rates                                    the extended winter break.
Illinois system. On July 29, the      compounded with external factors           were to be conducted online                According       to    University        Quarantine         restrictions,
university released its COVID-19      in the Peoria area like availability       and students were to leave their       Spokesperson Renee Charles, the          including the delay of in-person
surveillance testing procedures.      in the local hospitals, the rise of flu-   residences only for essential          Virus Response Team felt it had a        classes, were lifted on Feb. 8 after
    The goal was to randomly select   like illnesses, the rise of positive       errands.                               firmer grasp on effective strategy       only two positive cases from 498
anywhere from 250 to 300 students     cases, shortages of PPE and the               The rate nearly doubled on the      and implementation after the first       tests the week of Jan. 28 and one
each week to undergo nasal swab       inability to keep testing people.          week of Sept. 10 at 14.46 percent,     semester.                                positive case of 580 the week of
testing in order to gauge the             First semester: an initial spike       when 47 of 325 tested positive. The        “We learned some valuable            Feb. 24.
prevalence of COVID-19. Those             During the first full week of the      escalation reached its peak — and      lessons from the past year and              The semester’s first six weeks
selected each week were notified      fall 2020 semester, the university         the highest positivity rate as of      heard loud and clear from students       of positivity rates did not exceed
via email if selected and were then   tested 349 students and nine tests         publication — the week of Sept. 17     how consistency was important,”          one percent. As of publication, the
expected to book an appointment       returned positive for COVID-19,            at 16.40 percent.                      Charles said. “Our entry strategy        highest recorded weekly positivity
online through Bradley Health         making the average positivity rate            Cases dropped significantly         of tight restrictions at the start and   rate during the second semester
Services at no cost.                  2.58 percent.                              during the all-student quarantine.     then loosening for the spring was        was on April 1 at 4.35 percent after
    The July 29 email also included       The following weeks saw a              The uUniversity reported an 8.98       derived from these lessons.”             17 of 391 students tested positive.
considerations in moving online,
April 30, 2021                                                                                                                                          THE SCOUT                      A11

                                 Top five biggest mistakes
                                    recorded on Zoom
BY JADE SEWELL                                                                                     Pink penis sculpture appears in BBC news segment.
Voice Editor                                                                                          On Jan. 26, BBC viewers got more than they bargained for when they tuned into a
                                                                                                   segment about job struggles in the pandemic. Yvette Amos, the interviewee, had left
   With many Zoom lectures being recorded and the false sense of privacy that comes with           her dildo on the bookshelf behind her, and many were quick to take to social media to
attending class and working in one’s own home, many people have committed egregious                comment on it. One user stated “Yvette Amos, national hero. She knows a bookcase isn’t
errors while participating in virtual meetings.                                                    just for decoration. When in need, we all turn to our bookcases.” Amos’ mistake was our
                                                                                                   comedic gain and served as a good reminder to check our surroundings before turning on
                                                                                                   our camera.

Attorney stuck as a kitten in court.                                                               Students send “private” chats in virtual classrooms.
   In February, lawyer Rod Ponton entered a court hearing on his secretary’s computer. To              While this crisis isn’t unique to one student or instance, the discovery that chats are not
his horror, he was trapped in a kitten filter. “I’m not a cat,” Ponton clarified for the court.    so private was a shocking reality for many. At the beginning of the pandemic, Faith Bryant
Judge Roy Ferguson of Texas’ 394th judicial district responded, “I can see that.” Although         learned this the hard way when her professor sent her an email stating, “My class session
this situation was hilarious, the actual context of the case was quite serious: Ponton was         is not the appropriate time to be sending messages like ‘I’m a bougie a**, ratchet a**, freak
representing the state of Texas in a case involving a person attempting to flee the U.S. with      b****...’” While Bryant certainly wasn’t the only student to experience this, she did teach an
contraband and illegally obtained cash. This hilarious instance reminds all parents to check       entire generation of college students to watch what they send on video conferencing apps.
their camera screen before entering important meetings.

                                                                                                   The “New Yorker” suspends Jeff Toobin for
Woman resigns after using the toilet on Zoom.                                                      masturbating in a meeting.

   Frances Cogelja, a trustee of the board of education in Hackensack, New Jersey, resigned           Last October, reporter Jeff Toobin was caught masturbating on camera during an election
in November of 2020, shortly after using the restroom on Zoom without turning off her              simulation. This meeting featured journalist Jane Mayer as establishment Republicans;
camera. The meeting’s participants, including the students present, all got a clear view           Evan Osnos as Joe Biden, Toobin as the courts and Masha Gessen as Donald Trump,
of Cogelja using the toilet. After Cogelja finished, the board’s vice president Scott James-       amongst others. Toobin, who thought he was off-camera, was clearly seen jerking off. He
Vickery addressed the lewd behavior. “As far as I’m concerned, while our teachers are              later released a statement, saying “I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I
being professional, and you’re at home sitting on the toilet.”                                     was off-camera. I apologize to my wife, family, friends and co-workers.” This should go
                                                                                                   unsaid, but it’s important to refrain from “self-pleasure” when in the middle of a video call.
                                                                                                   Some things can definitely wait.

      Senior Column
                                                         Sunsets over the Murray Baker Bridge
                                                   colleges as a CS major. Then, through           an old connection, it was easy to accept.      memories I’ve made over the course of
                                                   competitive speech my senior year, I                It would be easy for me to say this        my five years here. All of the all-nighters
                                                   found my voice. I realized that I wanted        school year wasn’t worth it. After all, I      (regardless if they were in the library or
                                                   to become a journalist to speak for the         didn’t get the extra year I thought I would,   elsewhere), the one-off food runs and the
                                                   voiceless.                                      my dream internship got canceled and I         2 a.m. porch talks will live in my heart
                                                       Knowing           that       Bradley’s      got my heart broken.                           rent-free.
                                                   communications school had a great                   Despite all of that, this extra year          As this sunset turns to dusk, I started
                                                   reputation, and having played sports            taught me so much about what I want in         to realize I may never talk to many of the
                                                   for the majority of my life, it was an          my career, in my relationships and in my       people I made so many of these memories
                                                   obvious choice. Upon arrival at freshman        friendships.                                   with again. So, I want to thank everyone
                                                   orientation, I decided to pick up a sports          I learned that having conversations        from The Scout, BUTV, Lambda Chi Alpha
       Hernan Gutierrez                            communication major.                            with coaches and players, getting to know      and anyone else who has loved me into                     With two majors that had zero overlaps      them and telling their stories is why I love   this moment.
       Sports Reporter                             in classes, I knew my junior year that I        journalism. I learned that in relationships,      My mental health has been the most
                                                   would probably need to stick around for         people deserve communication just as           volatile it has ever been this year. However,
                                                   a fifth year.                                   much as they deserve space. I learned          because of all of you, I have also felt the
       One of my favorite views in Peoria              While failing calculus twice and CS 102     that it’s okay to ask your friends for help    most love I have ever felt.
   is coming down the hill on I-74 during          once should have told me this, it turns         when you need it; that’s literally what           Like many of you, my time at Bradley
   sunset and crossing the Murray Baker            out I wasn’t cut out for computer science.      friends are for. Finally, despite all of my    has not been easy. This school has given
   Bridge. There’s something about seeing          However, because of scheduling conflicts        insecurities in these areas of my life, I      me countless headaches, but I wouldn’t
   the sun sinking behind the Twin Towers          with classes, I would still need an extra       started to learn that I am worth it.           be the journalist or the person I am today
   Place downtown that just brings me so           year.                                               With that said, soon, a sunrise will       without it.
   much joy.                                           Now as the sun sets on my fifth year        come where I am no longer a student on            Our lives are filled with thousands of
       I remember being at work last year          and given how this school year has played       the Hilltop.                                   sunsets, some in the sky, others in our
   when plans for the seven-month Murray           out, I can’t help but ask myself, “Was this         My college experience obviously            careers and relationships. Sometimes you
   Baker Bridge shut down were announced.          year worth it?”                                 goes beyond my fifth year, but this year       can expect them at the end of the day.
   I thought to myself, “Good thing I won’t            Before the pandemic hit, I justified        has been so consequential to who I am          Other times you can’t expect them, like the
   be around then.”                                taking this extra year by looking at the fact   becoming. I don’t regret the victory lap       last goodbye to an old friend.
       Funny how that worked out.                  that I’d get an extra year of the “college      one bit.                                          When you come across one, be sure to
       In high school, I thought I wanted to       experience.” Coupling that with taking              In my closing weeks on campus, I           take a moment and admire it.
   study computer science and applied to           classes that I knew I’d love and reigniting     can’t help but be nostalgic over all of the
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