Prospectus Clarendon Sixth Form College

Page created by Patricia Lynch
Prospectus Clarendon Sixth Form College
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Prospectus Clarendon Sixth Form College
03   Message from the Principal
04   Choose a ‘Good’ College
05   Results day success
06   What courses are on offer?
07   Choosing your level and entry requirements
08   How to apply
09   Study programme
12   Study skills and independent learning programme
13   Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
     and Futures Programme
14   Student Hub
16   Dates for your diary
17   Travel and transport
18   University courses at Tameside College
19   A year in the life of...

Course Areas

22       Creative Industries
32       Business
36       Computing
40       English and Languages
44       Humanities
50       Science, Mathematics and Engineering
58       Social Sciences
64       Performing Arts
71       Sports Studies and Public Services

02 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
Prospectus Clarendon Sixth Form College
from the
Welcome to Clarendon Sixth Form
College. As a top performing college in            The academic and support
Greater Manchester for school leavers,             package to help students achieve while
we aim very high for our students. Our             studying is exceptional. It is personalised
students have outstanding success,                 to your needs and you will have access to a
with a 100% pass rate.                             range of first class support services at each
                                                   stage of your learning journey.
As a student, your career aspirations and
your college experience are very important         This support package enables our students
to us. We will ensure you have a fulfilling time   to operate successfully in the future stages of
with us by providing outstanding learning,         their career – whether that be at university, or
work experience, support and enrichment            doing an apprenticeship.
                                                   As part of ‘Vision
Our Ofsted inspectors recognised a strong
quality of teaching and the excellent high
                                                   Tameside’ strategy
grades our students achieve across our             in partnership with
A Level and Vocational programmes. Our             Tameside Council, we
teachers have a range of creative activities
that will help motivate you to learn something
                                                   have invested in a new
new every day.                                     state of the art sixth form
                                                   college building.
It is our role to prepare you for the best and
most competitive courses at top universities       You will study in a safe learning environment
and the most in demand apprenticeships with        in a state of the art building, accessible only
key employers. During your time with us, you       to our sixth form students doing A Level
will also have the opportunity to experience       and creative courses. We plan to ensure
days with both local and national companies.       the college is constantly updated, reflecting
We have high expectations of every member          the best on offer to school leavers. We will
of staff and student. We will work with you and    continue to provide the best environment for
your parents or carers to challenge you to         learning, using high spec industry standard
achieve beyond your potential, ensuring you        equipment.
progress at the highest level.
                                                   As a successful college with a long
                                                   standing tradition of A Level delivery,
                                                   Clarendon Sixth Form College was
                                                   established in Hyde in 1957 as Hyde
                                                   Grammar School. It became a Sixth
                                                   Form College in 1979, relocating
                                                   to Ashton Town Centre in 2015 as
                                                   Clarendon Sixth Form College.
Prospectus Clarendon Sixth Form College
Why choose Clarendon
Sixth Form College?
It’s Official
Clarendon Sixth Form College is a ‘Good’ college
 “The quality of teaching, learning and assessment are good,
  particularly at Clarendon.”
 “Teachers have developed creative activities that motivate
  and encourage students to acquire knowledge and skills.”
 “Achievement rates for students are high.”
 “Learners make good progress.”
 “Senior leaders and managers have created a culture of
  high expectations.”
 “Students respect people from different cultures and
  backgrounds and this contributes to a welcoming and
  friendly atmosphere in the college.”
 “Clarendon Sixth Form College has an ambitious
  vision to be an outstanding college, providing first-class
  education and training for the people of Tameside.”

Ofsted Inspection report: 24-27 April 2018

04 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
Prospectus Clarendon Sixth Form College
Results day                        Our top A level performers
success                            of 2020 are:
Our top performing                 Lewis Kelsall                Adam Kelsall
students have been                 A* - Business Studies        A* - Business Studies
                                   A* - Mathematics             A - Mathematics
offered places at
                                   A* - Physics                 A – Physics
top universities and               A* - Further Mathematics     A – Further Mathematics
schools including:
                                   Georgia Jones                Benjamin Whitmore
•   Cambridge University           A – Classical Civilisation   A* - Mathematics
•   Loughborough University        A* - English Language        A* - Computer Science
•   Durham University              A* - English Literature      A – Further Mathematics
•   The University of              Abbie-Jane Spicer            Casey Omeltschenko
    Manchester                     A* - Chemistry               A* - Biology
•   University of Nottingham       A – English Literature       A – Maths
•   Keele University               A – Mathematics              A* - Psychology
•   London Studio Centre
•   Liverpool Institute for
    Performing Arts                Our top Applied Science
                                   performers of 2020 are:
•   ArtsEd
•   University of St Andrews
•   University of York
                                   Chloe Pinder
•   University of Leeds            Zaina Siddique
•   The University of              Affaaf Fatima
    Liverpool                      Nabilah Bibi
                                   Saskia White
                                   Bernice Owusu
                                   Lina Saher

      2020                         These students all achieved triple

                                   ‘distinction star’ grades.

             with bLeevel
            eve r A
                                   Our top Creative
            high gr
                                   performers of 2020 are:
                                   Animation - Elliot Agger
                                   Art and Design – Samah Alom
                                   Graphic Design – Heather-Leigh Gallagher
    Wiktoria Rybak said:           Photography – Amy Edwards
    “ I am delighted with my       Fashion and Clothing – Hannah McLean
    results. I am glad I put the
    hard work in, it has really
                                   Performing Arts – Lewis Lloyd
    paid off. I am looking
                                   These students all achieved triple
    forward to starting at
    university.”                   ‘distinction star’ grades.
Prospectus Clarendon Sixth Form College
What courses
are on offer?

   A           A Level programmes

Art and Design                  Extended Project          Law
Biology                         Qualification (EPQ)       Mathematics
Business Studies                Film Studies              Media Studies
Chemistry                       Further Mathematics       Philosophy and Religious
Classical Civilisation          Geography                 Studies
Computer Science                Government and Politics   Physics
English Language                Graphic Design            Psychology
English Literature              History                   Sociology

   V           Vocational and Blended
               A Level Programmes
Animation and Game Design       Dance                     Creative Digital Media
Applied Law                     Drama                     Photography
Applied Science                 Engineering               Public Services
Core Maths                      Fashion and Textiles      Sport
Criminology                     Health and Social Care

  L3           Level 3 programmes 3 A Level equivalent

Acting                          Dance                     Musical Theatre
Animation and Game Design       Fashion and Clothing      Photography
Applied Science                 Graphic Design
Art and Design                  Media Production

  L2           Level 2 programmes

Art and Design                  Creative Digital Media
Applied Science                 Performing Arts

06 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
Prospectus Clarendon Sixth Form College
Choosing your level and
entry requirements
To support you in making the best choice for your individual needs, we
offer various levels of qualification at Clarendon Sixth Form College,
meaning there is a level for everyone. To ensure that our students are
successful in their studies, we require them to meet our entry requirements.
Some courses may also have additional entry requirements, which will be
outlined at interview.

   A         A Levels                     V         Vocational
                                                    A Levels                   L3         Level 3

• Traditional academic                 • A Level equivalent qualifications   • Level 3 qualifications provide
  qualifications which give in depth     which give in depth knowledge of      routes for students wanting to
  knowledge of individual subjects       individual subjects                   progress onto higher education
• A Level assessments are by           • Assessed by coursework and            or employment
  formal examination and in some         examinations                        • Level 3 courses are usually taken
  cases, coursework                    • Vocational A Levels can be            over two years and are
• Choose a combination of three          blended with A Levels                 equivalent to three A Levels
   A Levels

5 GCSEs Grade 4 or above,              5 GCSEs Grade 4 or above,             4 GCSEs Grade 4 or above,
including maths and English            including maths or English            including maths and/or English
                                                                             at Grade 3 or above
Dependent on your GCSE grades, you may be advised to study a
blended programme of A Levels and Vocational A Levels.

  L2         Level 2
             qualifications             GCSE        (resits)

• Level 2 qualifications provide       • GCSEs are well known
  a good foundation for students         qualifications, which at college
  wishing to follow a specific           are taken over one year
  vocational route                     • Mathematics and English GCSEs
• Courses run for one year and           can be taken alongside any of our
  allow progression onto Level 3         courses
  qualifications or apprenticeships    • Students who gain grade 3 in
• Students are assessed by               maths and English are expected
  assignment and practical skills        to resit as part of their study
                                         programme, which is a
3 GCSEs Grade 3 or above                 requirement for university

Prospectus Clarendon Sixth Form College
How to
You can apply to the college in one of two ways:

  1       Online:
                   Application process

          Paper based                                1      Submit completed
                                                            application form
 2        application

                                                            You will receive an
                                                            acknowledgement letter/text
                                                            from the college

                                                            You will be invited into college
                                                            for an informal interview or
                                                            be interviewed in school

                                                            Complete your interview at
 Application dates
 September 2020                                      4      your allocated interview date
                                                            or time, either in college or
                                                            over the phone
 You can apply to Clarendon Sixth Form
 College for the academic year 21/22
                                                            You will be offered a
 The earlier you complete an
 application form, the more likely it is             5      conditional place at the
 you will secure an interview and place
 for your chosen course(s).

 February 2021                                       6      You will be informed of
                                                            college news and events
 You should aim to have your
 completed application forms returned

 to the College.                                            Applicants who have been
                                                            offered a place will be invited
                                                            in to enrol in August 2021
 Ask your school careers adviser for
 support in completing the form, if you         Once you have applied to Clarendon Sixth Form
 require it.                                    College we will keep in regular contact with you,
                                                via newsletters and other communications.

08 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
Prospectus Clarendon Sixth Form College

          CHOSEN                SELF-STUDY

                          ASPI ATI


 MATHEMATICS                              EXPERIENCE AND

                       OF STUDY
               HI G





        TUTORIALS               ENRICHMENT

Prospectus Clarendon Sixth Form College
             ASPI ATI                 Study



          OF STUDY
  HI G

                                      When you come to college we will create
                        O             a study programme specifically designed

              PE C TA                 towards supporting you and your individual
                                      learning needs.

          YOUR                                                                     WORK
         CHOSEN                             SELF-STUDY                         EXPERIENCE AND
         COURSE                                                                    SKILLS

Choosing courses can be               Self-study plays an important      Gaining work experience whilst
overwhelming after studying           role in your college life as       on your course is essential to
so many different subjects at         you are expected to manage         learning employability skills such
GCSE. We’ll give you the help and     your work load outside of the      as communication, teamwork,
support you need to find out what     classroom in order to develop      problem solving and decision
you enjoy, what existing skills you   your own learning techniques and   making that will help you progress
have and what career ideas you        independence.                      from college into the working
have so you pick the right course                                        world.
for you.                              Evie Craik -
                                      Media                              Alex Scanlon -
Codi Mitchell -                       Studies;                           Graphic
Level 3 Media;                        Former                             Design;
Former                                Great                              Former
Droylsden                             Academy                            Audenshaw
Academy                               Ashton pupil                       High School
pupil                                                                    pupil
                                      “We are encouraged by
“My course has really helped          our teachers and our study         “I completed work experience
me progress with my passion.          programme to complete              for Ashton Medical Group. We
I am looking forward to going         independent study.”                had to design their new logo. It
to the University of Salford.”                                           was an amazing experience.”

10 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
From helping you choose the right course to getting the right
support through your mathematics and English classes, Clarendon
Sixth Form College is here to help you through your college journey.

      ENRICHMENT                         TUTORIALS                             AND ENGLISH

There’s more to college life than    As part of your study programme     A basic knowledge of both
studying. Make the most of your      you will be assigned a progress     mathematics and English are
time by learning new skills and      tutor who will make sure you        essential for success in any career
making new friends through           stay on track whilst studying       and especially progression to
our wide range of enrichment         and help you settle into college.   university. All full-time students
activities such as sports, fitness   Your progress will be reviewed to   are required to take English and
and volunteering.                    make sure you are achieving your    maths in their study programme
                                     full potential and to assist with   if they haven’t achieved at least
Mariam Ali -                         choosing your next move.            a grade 4 at GCSE or functional
Creative                                                                 skills level 2.
Media;                               Soulomon
Former                               Hashmi -                            Alex Fernley -
Fairfield                            Photography;                        Maths and
High School                          Former                              English
for Girls pupil                      Wright                              alongside
                                     Robinson                            Media;
“I completed voluntary               College pupil                       Former Hyde
activity at CBBC TV studios.                                             Community College pupil
It was really fun working with       “My tutorials have really
newsround and Ninelives              supported my progress at            “Completing functional skills
Media.”                              college. They have been very        maths and GCSE English
                                     fun and helpful.”                   alongside my course will help
                                                                         me to progress in my future
Study skills and independent
learning programme
Clarendon Sixth Form College has designed
a variety of study skills and independent
learning programmes that all students
undertake to ensure academic success in each
and every subject area they are studying.

These courses are in addition to the existing
timetable and are delivered to all our A Level
and level 3 students by a subject specialist to
ensure all students have specific study skills
that include:

• Time management during term time and before exams
• Effective note taking and mind-mapping
• Using ICT to maximise your studies in each subject
• Responding to feedback on mock papers and assignments
• Deconstructing key terms in exam papers for specialist subject areas
• Bloom’s higher level thinking and challenging every learner
• Understanding mark schemes
• 1:1 support
• Approaching exam questions in specialist subjects

12 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
We offer the Extended Project               Candidates can produce a range of
Qualification (EPQ) alongside your A        outcomes for their project ‘product’.
Levels. The EPQ is valued by universities   These are:
and will attract UCAS points, as it         • a research report (e.g. a written report
demonstrates your extended academic           of length appropriate to the level of
writing skills.                               project – including scientific based
Your EPQ can be focused on one
                                            • a production (e.g. charity event,
of your interests. Perhaps you have
                                              fashion show, sports events etc)
always wanted to find out more about a
                                            • an artefact (e.g. a piece of art, a
subject such as quantum physics, global
                                              computer game, a realised design).
warming or child psychology; the choice
is yours.

Futures Programme
Our Futures programme offers                • Medical, dentistry and veterinary
additional support and opportunities          workshops, guest speakers and
to students who achieve high grades at        coaching
GCSE and aspire to attend prestigious       • Opportunities for work experience
universities.                               • Additional careers and UCAS support
                                            • Test mentoring and mock interviews
Along with a £750 bursary, the Futures
                                            • Access to Russell Group and Oxbridge
programme supports students with
                                              summer schools
experiences including:
• Bespoke tutorial programme with
  extended one-to-one support
• Mentoring from college senior
  leadership team and governors
• Oxbridge coaching and mentoring
   from Oxbridge graduates
• Nuffield mentoring/placements
• “The Brilliant Club” projects and

Learning support
                                            We offer a range of support
                                             to meet your needs if you
                                             have a difficulty, disability
                                            or medical condition. If you
                                            have a specific disability or
                                             difficulty our professional
               Wellbeing                       team will support you
                                                to make sure you are
          Whether they are big or                successful on your
          small, sometimes, we all             course and at college.
        face difficulties. If you have
          problems, or are feeling
         stressed our professional
          team is here to help you
         manage. We also support
          learners with COVID-19
           linked support needs.

                                               Financial support
                                             We are a great starting point
                                               if you need some help or
                                             support but aren’t sure who
                                             to ask. We can help you find
                                              the information you need
                                              and the financial support
                                                      you require.

14 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
Progress tutors
      Our progress tutors provide you
      with support and guidance on a
   range of subjects through our tutorial
     programme. They will review your
    progress and keep you on track with
    your course. They will also help you
   reach your potential and support you
            with your choices for
                 the future.              Work experience
                                      Work experience and
                                    enrichment activities help
                                   you build the skills you need
                                     for a successful career.
                                     From taking part in work
                                      placements or being a
                                   member of a college sports
                                   team, there are lots of ways
                                    to widen your experience.

       Next steps
Our professional team is on
 hand throughout the year
to provide you with the right
   careers advice for your
    future; whether that’s
 continuing in education or
  looking for employment.

Dates for
your diary

        Open Event Launch

        Open Event Launch
        Monday 9th
        November, 5pm

 For full details visit

                                                Book online today

16 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
Travel and
Clarendon Sixth Form College is at the heart of Ashton town centre,
so it’s easy to get to by all forms of public transport. Only seconds
from Ashton’s transport hub, Clarendon Sixth Form College is accessible from
various locations across Manchester.

           By bus:            Free bus travel for 16-18s with “Our Pass”

           Ashton bus station has numerous services that run frequently,
           operated by Stagecoach and First Manchester. Many of the routes
           have buses running every 15 minutes. Our Tameside One campus
           is in the centre of Ashton-under-Lyne, with our Beaufort Road
           campus just a ten-minute walk away.

           By train:
           Trains run frequently between Ashton-under-Lyne and
           Manchester, with the journey taking around 15 minutes.

           By tram:
           Trams run every 12 minutes from Manchester to Ashton. The
           direct line from MediaCity, passing through Piccadilly, takes around
           40 minutes.

           Ashton town centre has a two cycle hubs which can
           accommodate over 80 bicycles. The hubs are operated by secure
           automatic doors and CCTV. Use of the cycle hub costs £10 per

University Courses at
Tameside College

Many students progress to university after sixth form
college. Do you want to stay local and still study a degree
or higher education qualification?

Tameside College offers                          The college advisers or your progress
Higher Education in:                             tutor will also be able to help you
                                                 apply for universities via UCAS.
•   Business and Management
•   Computing and IT                             You can also progress into
•   Early Years                                  employment in the relevant fields,
•   Engineering                                  see course details for progression
•   Sport                                        routes for particular courses.
•   Teacher Education
                                                 We also offer a range of Access to
You can apply to university or                   Higher Education courses, such as
Tameside College via                             Nursing/Midwifery and Social Work,                             which prepare people for study at
(fees apply)                                     university.

If you need support in
completing an application
for Tameside College’s HE
courses, visit either Tameside
College or Clarendon Sixth
Form College careers advisers.

18 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
A year in the life of ...
                                                    Ex-Fashion student,
                                                    Olivia Wallis has
                                                    work showcased at
                                                    New York Fashion

                                                    Classics student,
                                                    Connor Irving wins in
                                                    the final of prestigious
                                                    Lytham St Annes’
                                                    Classics competition

                                                    Nyall, Tyler and
                                                    Catherine accepted
                                                    onto ‘Being Human’
                                                    study programme
                                                    with Oxford

                                                    student, Hannah
                                                    Tyler has been
                                                    accepted onto the
Clarendon Sixth Form College
Camp Street                                         OxNet programme

              Follow us on social media to keep up to date with college activities and events   19
A year in the life of ...

Art students
take part in the
Tameside Council
Lantern Parade

Fashion students
create ‘eco-friendly’
designs with
donations from

Megan Bond visits
Hits Radio to
learn more about
journalism and
radio careers.

Media production
students help create
promotional film
for Australasia,

20 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
A year in the life of ...
                                                    Classics students
                                                    do escape room
                                                    and revision day at
                                                    Stockport Grammar

                                                    Performing Arts
                                                    students celebrate
                                                    sold out Christmas
                                                    show, Cinderella

                                                    students visit
                                                    Berlin and Paris

                                                    Graphics students visit
                                                    Northern Quarter’s
                                                    street art and murals
Clarendon Sixth Form College                        for research project
Camp Street

              Follow us on social media to keep up to date with college activities and events   21
Greater Manchester is the UK’s second largest
creative and digital hub, with strengths in broadcast,
media production, animation and games design. Producing
the finest animated content for over 40 years, it is evident that
Greater Manchester’s economy is growing. Home to over 5,000 creative and
digital companies, big industry names include: BBC and ITV, which are based
at the biggest creative and digital hub in Manchester, MediaCityUK. Brands
such as Boohoo group, In the Style and Pretty Green are just a few of many
renowned Manchester born fashion brands, with Northern Quarter offering a
place for independent business owners to kickstart their brand.

Your unique experience                            Progression
• An insight into the industry with visits from   • Progress onto university to study degrees
  industry professionals                            such as: media and communication, video
• Experience days at some of the top creative       production, fashion marketing, computer
  companies including:                              animation and more
  BBC                                             • After further education, careers can include
  Manchester Digital                                job titles such as: community arts worker,
  IKEA                                              illustrator, director of photography, set
  Hits Radio                                        designer, videographer, multimedia artist,
  ITV                                               and teaching
  Channel 4                                       • Top universities for creative studies include
  Five Live                                         Falmouth University, plus University of Arts
• Exhibit your work at Manchester Museum            London, Goldsmiths University of London,
• Display your work at fashion shows and art        Bath Spa University and Arts University
  festivals                                         Bournemouth
• Links with local companies for live project     • Ulster University in Northern Ireland is also
  briefs including; NHS and Tameside Council        a top choice for creative industries, offering
                                                    courses such as broadcasting and media,
• Learn in our state of the art facilities
                                                    animation, fashion and photography
• Use our high specification equipment and
                                                  • After university, a popular option for those
                                                    in the creative industries includes
                                                    freelancing, from graphic design, to

22 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22

                Name: Courtney Bradbury
                Previous school:
                Wright Robinson College
                Fashion and Textiles, Photography,
                Performing Arts
                University of Leeds to study Fashion
                Grades achieved:
                Triple Distinction*

                        I enjoyed Clarendon Sixth Form
                        College because the small class
                        sizes and tutorials mean more
                        one to one time to discuss my
                        work and any support I needed. I
                        was always being stretched and
                        motivated to do my best.                                        23
Creative Industries

A Level                                              A Level
Art and Design                                       Film Studies

Duration 2 Years                                     Duration 2 Years

About the course                                     About the course
This A Level encourages creativity,                  A Level Film Studies will not only
sustained investigation and analysis,                change the way you watch film, but
experimentation and design and                       more importantly it will challenge you
making as a means of developing                      to think in new ways and question
technical and expressive skills.                     or change your perspective on a
Art and Design is traditionally known                whole host of issues, for example,
for painting and drawing. You will be                representation of race or gender.
given the opportunity to discover                    Studying film will allow you to
ways of working in these areas but                   understand important issues and
this A Level also includes printmaking,              developments within history, society
3D and 2D methods, digital media,                    and culture, using this medium to gain
mixed media and installation art.                    a greater insight and appreciation into
From suggested starting points                       film. You will be able to put what you
and workshop delivery you will be                    learn into practice by making short
encouraged to develop as a high                      films and writing screenplays.
level thinker and creative interpreter.
Underpinning your work will be the                   Progression to:
development of vital drawing skills                  On successful completion of this
and the appreciation of a broad range                qualification, you can progress onto
of other artists work.                               higher education, where you can
                                                     expand your theoretical and technical
Progression to:                                      skills. Future careers include:
After completing A Level, Art and                    filmmaking, directing, producing,
Design students go on to university to               editing, broadcasting, journalism,
study in this area. Following graduation,            teaching and education or an
students enter a range of employment                 internship.
opportunities such as: multiple design
fields, photography, artist, printmaker
or set designer or an apprenticeship.

24 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
Creative Industries

A Level                                   A Level
Graphic Design                            Media Studies

Duration 2 Years                          Duration 2 Years

About the course                          About the course
A Level Graphic Design is an exciting     Covering nine different disciplines
and creatively challenging course         within A Level Media, you don’t
which gives you the opportunity           just learn to analyse texts, you also
to learn with a range of creative         get to make them. Starting from
concepts, techniques and ideas.           magazines straight through to TV
You will develop various skills and       dramas and video games, you will
outcomes including online and social      learn about the industries of each and
media content, logos, branding,           how this then shapes the products
illustrations and animations,             and the audiences they reach.
magazine designs, posters, web and        Taught in a fully equipped Mac suite
app designs. The course is designed       and film/TV studio your sessions
to introduce you to a wide variety of     vary from theoretical sessions
media and techniques, whilst using        focusing on analysing historical and
software such as Adobe Photoshop,         contemporary examples to recreating
Illustrator and InDesign. You will also   them on industry standard software.
develop skills using traditional art      Along the way there are trips and
materials and techniques as you           guest speakers to colour the course
draw, paint, craft and create a broad     and offer you opportunities to
range of outcomes.                        experience the industry first hand.

Progression to:                           Progression to:
You can progress onto a range             On successful completion of this
of creative degree courses at             qualification, you can progress onto
university, including graphic design,     university to study the subject at a
photography, architecture, animation      higher level, including more tailored
and illustration. You may also gain an    degrees such as broadcasting studies
apprenticeship within the creative        or screenwriting for film and tv. Future
industries or employment within the       career options include marketing,
creative industry, including graphic      education or journalism. You could
design, social media, web design,         also progress onto an apprenticeship
drafting or multimedia creation.          in this field.

Creative Industries

Vocational A Level                                   Vocational A Level
Animation and                                        Fashion and Textiles
Game Design
                                                     Duration 2 Years
Duration 2 Years
                                                     About the course
About the course                                     Throughout the course you will cover
During this vocational A Level you will              specialist skills in fashion, such as
explore cutting edge techniques for                  design, pattern cutting, garment
animation and games. This will include               construction and manufacture
reality capture for virtual reality,                 as well as textiles skills, such as
traditional animation styles using                   printed and embroidered textiles,
modern animation methods and set                     fabric manipulation, decorative
design for animation and games. You                  surfaces and wearable design. All
will also learn about concept art and                of this will follow contemporary and
character design and will design, build              historical research, analysis and ideas
and animate a 2D game character.                     generation, allowing you to build on
Learning about game design will                      your creativity whilst also developing
involve how to code for games, as well               your critical analysis and thinking
as combining all of your previously                  skills. You will develop a range of
learned skills to create a gaming                    design skills through the completion
experience for mobile devices.                       of various design and production
                                                     projects which will include the
Progression to:                                      construction of different garments
The aim of this programme is for                     such as skirts, trousers, tops and
students to progress to university,                  dresses.
or an apprenticeship and to develop
careers in the animation and games                   Progression to:
industry. Career options include                     Higher Education or an apprenticeship
multimedia specialist, game artist,                  within fashion. Degrees include fashion
VFX artist, concept artist.                          buying and merchandising, jewellery
                                                     design and fashion design. There
                                                     are also options to enter a range of
                                                     employment opportunities such as
                                                     garment design and manufacture,
                                                     costume design fashion retailing and

26 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
Creative Industries

Vocational A Level                         Vocational A Level
Media Production                           Photography

Duration 2 Years                           Duration 2 Years

About the course                           About the course
This course in Media will give you the     This course provides an opportunity
skills and knowledge that you need to      for you to explore traditional and
get into the media industry. If you’re     contemporary photographic
set on a career as camera operator,        materials, techniques and processes.
sound recordist, vision mixer, editor,     Investment in digital technologies has
director or anything to do with            meant that you will have access to
television production, corporate           vital state of the art digital equipment
video production, film, music              and training. You will be encouraged
video, marketing, page layout or           to develop your own unique style
photography then this is the perfect       with emphasis placed on the
course for you. This course will build     development of your appreciation of
your confidence and motivation to          photography as a method of visual
sell your ideas to the most influential    communication and expression. The
media companies and your skills            photography department consists
will be to a professional standard.        of a professional standard traditional
From planning and research to              darkroom, studios and digital
bringing your ideas to life in a variety   darkroom facilities.
of creative work this course offers a
unique experience. Throughout the          Progression to:
course, you will learn how to plan and     On successful completion of this
storyboard, shoot and edit video and       qualification, you can progress onto
photos to industry standard.               employment within the creative
                                           industry, gain further qualifications
Progression to:                            via an apprenticeship or continue to
Study of media related subjects at         study at university. 87 universities in
university at degree or HND/C level.       the UK offer 174 photography related
You could undertake a higher level         courses for you to choose from.
media apprenticeship or work within
the media industry. With Media
City right on our doorstep, future
careers include content producer, TV
production assistant, video editor and

Creative Industries

Level 3                                              Level 3
Animation and                                        Art and Design
Computer Game Design                                 (3 A Level equivalent)
(3 A Level equivalent)
                                                     Duration 2 Years
Duration 2 Years
                                                     About the course
About the course                                     This two year course is designed
Learn, develop and use a broad                       for those who are highly creative
range of industry standard skills                    and enjoy producing art and design
and techniques to explore areas of                   work. The course explores a range
visual recording, ideas and concepts,                of new, traditional and creative ways
communication and contextual                         of using materials, techniques and
influences, 3D modelling, 2D and 3D                  processes, some of which you may
game design, 2D and 3D animation,                    have never experienced before.
concept art, virtual reality and story               Over the course of two years you
development for computer games.                      will work in painting, drawing, life
Our new virtual reality equipment will               drawing, print, design development,
support your experience and bring                    sculpture, digital processes as well
your own designs to life using cutting               as contextual studies. There is also
edge technology such as Oculus                       the opportunity to explore design
headsets and drones. You will develop                disciplines. You will be introduced to
your skills through undertaking a                    a variety of media and techniques
broad range of projects which will                   that will broaden and strengthen your
include game art and character                       knowledge and understanding within
animation. You will be working with                  this creative sector. You will develop
high specification resources and will                your own practice as an artist and be
have access to industry standard                     encouraged to investigate new ideas
equipment in our fully equipped                      and processes.
Apple Mac suite.
                                                     Progression to:
Progression to:                                      This course provides a supportive
After completing this course,                        transition from further to higher
students continue their studies                      education within art and design.
in animation and computer game                       Following on from this, students enter
design in higher education facilities.               a range of employment opportunities
Some choose other routes,                            for example; multiple design fields,
progressing into employment,                         photography, artist, printmaker or set
choosing higher level apprenticeships                designer. Some also progress to higher
or become self-employed.                             level apprenticeships too.

28 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
Creative Industries

Level 3                                    Level 3
Fashion and Clothing                       Graphic Design
(3 A Level equivalent)                     (3 A Level equivalent)

                                           Duration 2 Years
Duration 2 Years
                                           About the course
About the course
                                           Are you a creative person in love
This two year course aims to provide       with design? Do you want to do and
you with the vital skills and techniques   learn more? On this course you
required for a career in fashion and       will work on a huge range of design
clothing. Throughout the course            projects such as illustration, logo
you will cover specialist skills and       design and branding, promotional
aspects such as; contemporary              campaigns, album artwork, website
and historical research, analysis,         and app design, magazine spreads,
ideas generation, exploration of           animations, packaging, fashion and
materials, design, pattern cutting,        photography. The graphic design
garment manufacture, marketing and         two year course is an in depth and
communication. You will also develop       creatively challenging course which
a range of design skills through           gives you the opportunity to explore
the completion of various design           all aspects of design, learning the
and production projects which will         tricks of the trade as you experience
include the construction of different      and practice with a range of creative
garments including; skirts, trousers,      techniques, processes and ideas.
tops and dresses. You will be working      You will learn how to use software
within a professional design studio        such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator,
atmosphere with access to industrial       InDesign, After Effects, Animate and
and domestic equipment, tools and          more. All this will allow you to generate
machinery.                                 a huge body of work and create a
                                           portfolio tailored to your progression
Progression to:                            goals.
After completing this course,
students go on to higher education         Progression to:
or an apprenticeship with a range
                                           Following this course, you can
of fashion and textiles related
                                           progress onto a range of creative
subjects. Students also enter a
                                           courses at university. Course choices
range of employment opportunities
                                           include graphic design, photography,
such as multiple design fields,
                                           architecture, animation and
costume design, fashion retailing and
                                           illustration. You can also progress into
                                           employment or do an apprenticeship.

Creative Industries

Level 3                                              Level 3
Media Production                                     Photography
(3 A Level equivalent)                               (3 A Level equivalent)

Duration 2 Years                                     Duration 2 Years

About the course                                     About the course
This two year course in Media will give              This two year course provides the
you the skills and knowledge that you                opportunity for you to explore
need to get into the media industry.                 traditional and contemporary
If you’re set on a career as camera                  photographic materials, techniques
operator, sound recordist, vision                    and processes. You will be
mixer, editor, director or anything                  encouraged to develop your own
to do with television production,                    unique style with emphasis placed on
corporate video production, film,                    the development of your appreciation
music video, marketing, page                         of photography as a method of visual
layout or photography then this is                   communication and expression.
the perfect course for you. During                   Housed in a purpose built space; the
the course you will use the latest                   photography department consists
industry standard digital equipment                  of a professional standard traditional
to produce your work. Throughout                     darkroom, studios and digital
the course, you will learn how to plan               darkroom facilities. The course will
and storyboard, shoot and edit video                 culminate in an end of year exhibition;
and photos to industry standard.                     this will give you the opportunity to
Our facilities boast a TV studio, radio              celebrate what you have achieved
facilities and a large collection of                 but also exhibit your work to a
digital equipment, including a range                 professional standard.
of high end DSLR cameras. Lessons
are delivered in Mac Suites equipped                 Progression to:
with editing and digital manipulation
                                                     Our students have made excellent
software and double monitors.
                                                     journeys following on from the
                                                     successful completion of this course.
Progression to:
                                                     Most students choose to go onto
Some of our students go straight into                further study at university, others
the media industry. Others go onto an                choose to go into employment or a
apprenticeship or higher education                   higher level apprenticeship.
courses such as media production,
radio production, graphic design or
film production.

30 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22
Creative Industries

Level 2                                  Level 2
Art and Design                           Creative Digital
                                         Media Production
Duration 1 Year
                                         Duration 1 Year
About the course
This course is ideal for those who       About the course
don’t have a great deal of art and       This one year course is designed
design experience and wish to            to introduce you to the world of
develop their practical skills and       theoretical and practical media work.
knowledge further or for those           You will complete the units through
who require a portfolio of work in       a number of hands on projects
order to progress onto one of our        including music video, documentary
Level 3 courses. You will have the       and advertising. You will learn to
opportunity to explore your creative     script, shoot and edit video and
responses through paint, drawing,        create page layout using the latest
printmaking, sculpture, photography      digital media technology. This course
or digital media through a series of     gives students an overview of the
art and design activities. You will be   different areas of the media industry.
introduced to a range of specialist      Each unit will require research skills,
areas such as graphics, fine art,        planning and practical hands on
textiles, fashion, photography, print-   media production. You’ll develop
making and 3D work.                      writing skills alongside your creative
                                         technical skills, like camera work and
Progression to:                          computer based editing. The course
After completing this course, you may    encourages creative ideas which you
go on to one of our Level 3 courses in   will develop into real video or print
creative studies. Others may progress    design pieces.
into other subject areas, higher level
apprenticeships or employment.           Progression to:
                                         After successful completion of this
                                         course, students go on to a variety of
                                         Level 3 courses in creative studies.
                                         Some may progress into other
                                         subject areas within the college,
                                         higher level apprenticeships or


Greater Manchester has a proven track record for
attracting, supporting and sustaining businesses. It is
home to large companies such as, Etihad Airways,
Worldpay, Betfred, RBS and HSBC, all of which are major
employers. Technology in the business sector is growing rapidly, with
Manchester showing strengths in payments, platforms, and software.
Manchester is an ideal location for the business sector to grow, with a range of
companies collaborating with each other across fields such as financial and
advanced manufacturing. More and more companies are choosing to relocate
to Manchester from London.

Your unique experience                           Progression
• The opportunity to take part in our Futures    • Progress to university to study courses such
  Programme to become an entrepreneur              as: HR, business and management studies,
• Pitch some of your business ideas to big         marketing and economics and more
  brands                                         • After completing your degree, career
• Take a trip to New York to see how brands        options include paths such as HR manager,
  such as Macy’s operate                           financial analyst, social media and marketing
                                                   manager and business owner
• Work with charities and the local community
  whilst understanding event planning            • The best UK universities for business
                                                   and management include: University
                                                   of St Andrews, Cambridge University,
                                                   Loughborough University, Lancaster
                                                   University and Leeds University
                                                 • Postgraduates can continue their studies via
                                                   courses such as an MBA
                                                 • Completion of MBA’s can mean a bigger
                                                   salary, whilst expanding your network and

32 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22

                Name: Lewis Kelsall
                Previous school:
                Co-op Academy Failsworth
                Business Studies, Mathematics,
                Physics, Further Mathematics
                Cambridge University to study
                Grades achieved:
                A* A* A* A*

                       The small class sizes, engaging and
                       supportive teachers and access
                       to lots of resources have allowed
                       me to achieve my best whilst at
                       Clarendon Sixth Form College.                                          33

                                                     A Level
                                                     Business Studies

                                                     Duration 2 Years

                                                     About the course
                                                     Business is the study of organisational
                                                     management within an economic
                                                     context. The course covers a wide
                                                     range of topics including the major
                                                     functional areas of businesses
                                                     and organisations, with a theme
                                                     of analysis and strategic decision-
                                                     making, running throughout. You
                                                     will learn the basic principles of how
                                                     the UK economy works and how
                                                     organisations succeed.
                                                     This includes tactical approaches
                                                     towards leadership and management,
                                                     business marketing, operations and
                                                     finance, as well as Human Resources
                                                     (the management of people). You
                                                     will deepen your understanding
                                                     of business management through
                                                     exploring strategies. This course will
                                                     help develop your analytical skills,
                                                     financial and numerical acumen, as
                                                     well as building the knowledge you’ll
                                                     need to succeed in the working world.

                                                     Progression to:
                                                     This qualification will allow you
                                                     to further your study through an
                                                     apprenticeship or degree level study
                                                     related fields including: accountancy,
                                                     business management, international
                                                     trade, commercial law, marketing,
                                                     finance and more.
                                                     University subjects include such
                                                      as HR, business and
                                                     management, marketing
                                                     and economics.
34 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22


Businesses that operate in Greater Manchester rely
on technology and computers for their everyday working.
With the growth in Manchester, now the second biggest UK
city for tech after London, it is no surprise that the tech industry currently
employs around 52,000 people. It is averaged that there will be an additional
6,000 jobs between now and 2023, with an average salary for a computer
scientist being £57,500. Self employment opportunities are also popular in this
sector, as people learn the growth of IT and the digital economy. As a pioneer
of computer science, Manchester sits at number one in the top ten UK cities to
start an IT career.

Your unique experience                           Progression
• Learn from industry experienced teachers       • You will have the option to go into higher
• Use the latest technology and software to        education to study a range of courses, from
  support your studies                             computer science, to information
                                                   technology and information systems
• Links with Google Expeditions
                                                 • The best universities for various
• Compete in the annual Tameside Youth
                                                   computing courses include: The University
                                                   of Manchester, University of Edinburgh,
• Clarendon Sixth Form College will be Greater     King’s College London and The University of
  Manchester’s regional hub for computing          Warwick
                                                 • Careers include: cyber security analyst, data
                                                   scientist, web developer, software engineer
                                                   and more

36 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22

                Name: Benjamin Whitmore
                Previous school:
                Wright Robinson College
                Mathematics, Computer Science,
                Further Mathematics
                The University of Manchester to study
                Computer Science and Mathematics
                Grades achieved:
                A* A* A*

                       The teachers at Clarendon
                       Sixth Form College were really
                       supportive, helping me quickly
                       understand everything they were
                       teaching me and pushing me to
                       achieve high grades.                                      37

                                                     A Level
                                                     Computer Science

                                                     Duration 2 Years

                                                     About the course
                                                     You will learn through a variety of
                                                     teaching methods which will aim to
                                                     meet the needs of each individual
                                                     and accommodate different learning
                                                     styles for example, case studies,
                                                     assessments, group work, practical
                                                     work, projects, extended writing and
                                                     interactive activities. The focus of
                                                     your studies will be on two major
                                                     components; computer systems
                                                     and algorithms and programming.
                                                     Further to this, you will study app
                                                     development in Xcode to prepare
                                                     you for developing an iOS app as
                                                     part of your final year project. You
                                                     will become familiar with programme
                                                     language during your studies as
                                                     well as expand your knowledge of
                                                     programming progresses, you will
                                                     then move onto reverse engineering
                                                     techniques and malware analysis.

                                                     Progression to:
                                                     On successful completion of this
                                                     qualification, you can progress onto
                                                     a university course at undergraduate
                                                     level, an apprenticeship or
                                                     employment within the computing
                                                     industry. Junior software developer,
                                                     data scientist, cyber security
                                                     professional, or network engineer
                                                      are just a few of many
                                                     examples of careers you
                                                     could do.

38 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22

English and
Whilst studying English literature or English language
 with us, you will learn skills that can be used within many
careers including: education, publishing, marketing, journalism,
public relations, editing and more. As Manchester is the leading destination
for businesses with over 105,000 employers, there is no shortfall in the
opportunities available to you across various sectors. Many students with this
qualification progress into teaching, where there are over 5,000 educational
establishments, providing English studies to over 500,000 students. Skills
learnt from English language and English literature can also be put to use in
higher education; with work experience opportunities to write for your local
newspaper or radio’s scripts to boost job prospects.

Your unique experience                           Progression
• The opportunity to meet editors and            • After completing your A Level you can
  journalists, including those from Tameside       further your skills in higher education English
  Reporter and About Tameside                      and languages
• Take part in masterclasses                     • Other degree options cover combined
• Regular trips to top universities                courses such as English and history, and
                                                   English and drama
• Be involved in the debating society
                                                 • The best university options to study English
• Use our fantastic college resources to
                                                   courses are: University of York, Durham
  improve your writing and research skills
                                                   University, Cambridge University, Oxford
• Take part in career events to understand         University and University of St Andrews
  more about the industry
                                                 • Some postgraduates choose to work
                                                   abroad for a year, teaching English as a
                                                   second language to schools

40 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22

                Name: Georgia Jones
                Previous school:
                Werneth High School
                English Literature, English Language,
                Classical Civilisation
                Durham University to study English
                Literature and Classical Civilisation
                Grades achieved:
                A* A* A

                        Before I attended Clarendon Sixth
                        Form College, I had never heard
                        of ‘Classics’ as a subject, but the
                        teachers encouraged me to study
                        it. I cannot thank the teachers
                        enough for developing my passion
                        for the subjects I love.                                           41
English and Languages

A Level                                              A Level
English Language                                     English Literature

Duration 2 Years                                     Duration 2 Years

About the course                                     About the course
This A Level encourages you to                       This course will encourage you to
present informed, personal and                       present informed, personal and
creative responses to language                       creative responses to literary text by
texts by engaging creatively and                     considering the ways in which writers
critically with a wide range of texts                use and adapt language, form and
and discourses. You will create                      structure in texts; the interpretation
texts and reflect critically on your                 of texts by different readers from
own processes of production, while                   different historical periods; how texts
analysing the texts produced by                      relate to one another and to literary
others. You will explore the study of                traditions, movements and genres;
English language both as a medium                    the cultural and contextual influences
of communication and as a topic in                   on readers and writers. You will also
its own right, with an emphasis on                   read and study a variety of literary
the ability to pursue lines of enquiry,              texts including, novels, drama, prose
debate different views, and work                     extracts and poetry whilst getting the
independently to research aspects of                 opportunity to investigate one pre
language in use.                                     and one post 2000 prose text of your
                                                     own choice where you will investigate
Progression to:                                      connections between different
Future study and career pathways                     writing, genres and authors.
include teaching, journalism, creative
writing, law, broadcasting, marketing                Progression to:
branding or copywriting. You may                     Future study and career pathways
also choose to do an apprenticeship,                 include teaching, journalism, law,
gaining more skills whilst learning on the           broadcasting, publishing, editing
job.                                                 or digital copywriting. You may also
There are over 100 UK universities                   choose to do an apprenticeship,
offering English language and literature             gaining more skills whilst learning on
based courses, many combined with                    the job.
other subjects such as drama, creative
writing and history.

42 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22

                Name: Megan Bond
                Previous school:
                Copley Academy
                Fine Art, Sociology, English Literature
                University of Salford to study
                Journalism (Broadcast)

                        Megan did work experience
                        with Hits Radio

                        The visit to Hits Radio was a great
                        opportunity to find out more
                        about journalism and radio. I have
                        learnt a lot from this experience
                        and hope that I can build on this in
                        the future.                                            43

There are many choices for those who choose to study
a humanities course, including civil service jobs, librarian
occupations, law services and museum sectors. If you
choose to continue into higher education, there are options to
combine humanities courses at university with subjects such as English
language or literature. Whatever career you want, be it museum curator or
lawyer, you will continue to build on existing skills and not be short of options
in the public or private sector once you complete your course. During your
studies, you will also learn about issues with the environment, cultural
diversity and more.

Your unique experience                           Progression
• Visit historical points of interest            • There is a vast range of choices for higher
• Trips to museums to understand ancient           education depending on which humanities
  history                                          A Level you choose, these include
                                                   humanities and social science, education
• Geography students visit Scotland
                                                   and history, classics, liberal arts and more
• Students visit New York
                                                 • Popular university choices to study
                                                   humanities courses for undergraduates
                                                   include: University of Derby, University of
                                                   Strathclyde, University of Essex and Cardiff

44 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22

                Name: Macy Hall
                Previous school:
                Harrytown Catholic High School
                Classical Civilisations, English
                Literature, Religious Studies
                University of Edinburgh to study
                Philosophy and Theology
                Grades achieved:

                        I like that Clarendon is a smaller
                        sixth form college. The teachers
                        are always willing to help on a one
                        to one basis.                                           45

A Level                                              A Level
Classical Civilisation                               Geography

Duration 2 Years                                     Duration 2 Years

About the course                                     About the course
You will develop a number of skills                  During this A Level you will learn
which will be applied to the classical               through a variety of teaching
world. This will include written and                 methods which will aim to meet
literary stimulus supported by                       the needs of each individual and
archaeological evidence. Throughout                  accommodate different learning
the course you will study the following              styles for example, case studies,
topics: The world of the hero, where                 assessments, group work, practical
you will explore what it meant to                    work, projects, extended writing and
be a hero in the ancient Greek and                   interactive activities. Throughout the
Roman world; Greek theatre including                 course you will study 4 components
theories to why it’s so important for                in total. These will include the topics:
the Greek people; and the Greek                      changing landscapes, changing
philosophy and religion as to why                    places, global governance, global
Socrates was punished for his                        systems and other optional themes.
religious sacrilege really.                          The topics covered are relevant and
                                                     link to many topical news issues. The
Progression to:                                      nature of the subject is dynamic and
This course can lead to an                           requires an up-to-date interest in the
apprenticeship or university degrees                 world around us.
in classics or ancient history. Following
this, a whole host of employment                     Progression to:
may arise in, law, journalism, archiving,            On successful completion of this
marketing, teaching, public relations or             qualification, you can progress onto
work on heritage sites.                              an apprenticeship or go to university.
25 universities include over 200                     Further geography and environmental
Classics courses, some combining                     science are just a few of many
other subjects such as history and                   subjects you will learn in higher
archaeology.                                         education.
                                                     This course also provides you with
                                                     useful and transferable skills, which
                                                     can be appropriate to many other
                                                     areas of study, work experience and

46 Clarendon Sixth Form College Prospectus 2021/22

A Level                                    A Level
Politics                                   History

Duration 2 Years                           Duration 2 Years

About the course                           About the course
During this A Level you will have the      This course explores Germany’s
opportunity to develop knowledge           political history, the lancastrians ,
and an informed understanding of           yorkists and Henry VIII, where we will
contemporary political structures          go back to the fifteenth century to
and issues in their historical context,    examine the relationship between
both within the United Kingdom             crown and commons during
(UK) and globally, as well as the          England’s most significant civil war.
influences and interests which             You will also learn to explore a period
have an impact on decisions in             of history that interests you and
government and politics. You will          develop your extended essay writing
also develop a critical awareness of       skills. Finally we will look at the Viking
the changing nature of politics and        age as we go right back to the eighth
the relationships between political        and ninth centuries as we examine
ideas, institutions and processes as       the Viking invasions of Britain and
well as develop knowledge and an           consider the legacy they left.
informed understanding of the rights
and responsibilities of individuals and    Progression to:
groups. Finally you will develop the
                                           On successful completion of this
ability to critically analyse, interpret
                                           qualification, you can progress onto
and evaluate political information to
                                           higher education degree level study.
form arguments and make judgments
                                           Subjects include history and law, art
whilst engaging with contemporary
                                           history and more. Others choose to
                                           continue their studies and complete
                                           a master’s degree.
Progression to:
                                           You may also wish to progress into
An A Level in government and politics
                                           employment or an apprenticeship.
can naturally lead to further studies
at university, including degrees
in politics, history, economics,
philosophy and law. Those who
have studied this course have often
progressed onto careers in law,
advertising, the civil service, police,
armed forces or education.

You can also read