Creating a Garden for Birds

Page created by Clayton Bradley
Creating a Garden for Birds
Creating a
        for Birds

                                                                             White-breasted Nuthatch and suburban garden

Few things are as interesting and beautiful as songbirds. They brighten up the darkest days of winter, adding
music and color to our lives. What can we do to repay them? For starters, we can make our yards more bird-
friendly. Never before has suitable habitat for birds been in such short supply. Urban areas are expanding
constantly, altering or destroying natural areas. By creating bird gardens, we provide oases for birds in the
heart of our cities­. Not only the birds benefit. If you make your yard more attractive to birds, you’ll have the
pleasure of seeing an increasing number and variety of birds there.
Creating a Garden for Birds
The first step in designing a bird gar-   Plan Ahead
den is to evaluate your yard from a
bird’s perspective. Does it provide
the basic necessities—food, water,
                                          W      hen you’re designing your
                                                 yard, consider how large each
                                          plant will be when it matures. Re-
shelter—that birds need to survive?
                                          member that a lovely little tree that
If not, which are lacking? If there’s
                                          you plant today may become a giant
a shortage of food, you can hang
                                          behemoth that hogs your entire yard
up bird feeders, but also consider
                                          in a few years.
planting some fruit-bearing trees or
shrubs. Plants that hold their fruits     Before you start digging up plants and
through the winter provide a vital        rearranging your yard, you’ll want to
food source for nonmigratory birds.       try out your garden design on paper.
Add variety to the kinds of food you      Draw a map of your property, show-
offer, and you’ll attract a wider vari-   ing the location of your house and
ety of bird species.                      all the trees and other major plants.

           With a little effort,                                                   Serviceberry

         you can easily turn your
           yard into a welcome
          haven for songbirds.
A good water source will draw birds       Then place a sheet of thin tracing pa-
like a magnet. Even just a common         per over the map and draw your rede-
birdbath purchased at a garden sup-       signed garden, indicating where each
ply shop will do. Some people hang        new plant will go.
a plastic bottle or jug of water with a   Avoid straight lines or rows in your
hole in the bottom over their birdbath.   plantings. Create a meandering line
The motion and sound of the dripping      where two kinds of habitat, such as
water is irresistible to many birds.                                               Dogwood
                                          shrubs and lawn, meet. These edge
Does your yard have an area of dense      areas provide the widest variety of
thickets that birds could use for nest-   perching places, nest sites, and food
ing, secluded perching, or escape         types. Develop secluded areas of
cover? If not, then plant some shrubs     shrubs, conifers, and mixed plant-
or make a hedge. Consider growing         ings. Take note of the areas in your
some vines up the side of your house      yard that receive sun or shade, and
or along your fence. Try to create        choose only plants that are appropri-
lush, wild growth in a few places to      ate for each lighting situation. Leave
simulate a natural environment. You       dead limbs and even entire dead
might attract cavity-nesting birds by     trees where they are (unless they’re
putting up a nest box (see BirdNotes:     dangerous to people or property).
Selecting a Nest Box).                    The insects tunneling under the
                                          bark are an important food source
You should be able to find some ex-
                                          for birds such as chickadees, wood-
cellent plants for your garden in a
                                          peckers, and nuthatches.
nursery—either local or mail order.
Do check to make sure that the plants     Furthermore, old hollow trees are be-
you select are hardy and native to        coming increasingly scarce, and are
your region.                              often taken by nonnative species such    Wild Grape

Creating a Garden for Birds
Bird-friendly Plants
Check with your nursery to make sure that the plant species you select are native to your area.

Deciduous Trees                                 Coniferous Trees                                  ers in spring, followed by red, yellow, blue,
                                                                                                  or black berries. Birds eat the berries and
Mulberries (Morus species) The berries          Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) An at-           find cover in the branches.
produced by these trees in July and August      tractive cone-shaped tree, offering cover,
are a favorite food of more than 40 bird        nest sites, and winter fruit for birds. Usually   Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinque-
species. These wide-spreading, medium-          grows 50 to 90 feet tall.                         folia) A tree-climbing vine that produces
sized trees grow 30 to 60 feet tall.                                                              small blue berries from August to February.
                                                Spruces (Picea species) The cones of these
Dogwoods (Cornus florida and other spe-         trees produce seeds that birds eat in fall        Wild Grapes (Vitis species) These climbing
cies) An excellent choice for birds and         and winter. Spruces also provide cover and        vines provide superb fruit, eaten by more
people, this well-known ornamental tree is      nest sites. They may grow up to 150 feet          than 50 bird species. The vines also provide
covered with white, pink, or red flowers in     tall.                                             excellent cover and nest sites.
spring and red fruits (birds love them) from
August to November. Grows up to 40 feet         Shrubs and Vines                                  Herbaceous Plants
                                                Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina) This shrub          An herbaceous plant has flowers as well
Crab Apples (Malus species) Many bird spe-      has brilliant red fall foliage and clusters of    as soft, green stems instead of woody
cies eat the flower buds, flowers, fruit, and   hairy red fruit that persist throughout winter    branches. They can be annual, biennial, or
seeds of these trees, which also provide        and are eaten by many bird species.               perennial. The best herbaceous plants for
good cover and nest sites. Usually grows to                                                       birds produce edible seeds. For example,
about 20 feet tall.                             Northern Bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica)           it’s hard to go wrong with sunflowers which
                                                This semi-evergreen shrub grows berries           produce large seeds with lots of fat content
Serviceberries (Amelanchier species)These       which stay on the plant year-round and are        and most birds love them. If you are hop-
are medium-sized trees, 25 to 60 feet tall,     a preferred food of Tree Swallows, catbirds,      ing to attract hummingbirds, go for color-
that grow masses of white or pinkish flow-      bluebirds, and many other birds.                  ful, tubular flowers, such as salvia, foxglove,
ers in spring. Fruits appear in the summer.                                                       morning glory or bee balm. You’ll probably
                                                Viburnums (Viburnum species) A large ge-          attract some butterflies, too!
                                                nus of easy-to-grow shrubs with white flow-

Mulberry                                                                                                                       1
                                                                                                        5   4



                                                                      Plants shown on front cover
                                                                      1. Virginia Creeper                       4. Spruce
                                                                      2. Crab Apple                             5. Red Cedar
Northern Bayberry                                                     3. Staghorn Sumac                         6. Viburnum

Creating a Garden for Birds
as European Starlings and House                branches about two feet deep, then             The illustrations in this issue of BirdNotes
Sparrows. Native cavity-nesters, such          add a few feet of thinner branches on          were created by Reyn Ojiri, a Bartels Sci-
                                                                                              ence Illustration Intern. Please visit
as bluebirds and woodpeckers, are              top. Over that, add some thin conifer
                                                                                     to see more of Reyn’s
having an increasingly difficult time          branches.                                      work.
finding nest sites. A dead tree can
                                               With a little time and effort, you can
look attractive in a garden, particu-
                                               easily turn your yard into a welcome
larly if it has ivy growing up its trunk.
                                               haven for local and migrant song-
Use dead branches that fall from your          birds.
trees to start a brush pile. It will af-
ford protection to the birds from
harsh weather and predators. To start
your brush pile, lay down some thick

                                                                                                             American Goldfinch
                                                                                                              on lemon queen

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    © 2012 Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, NY, 14850 • 607-254-2473 •

Creating a Garden for Birds Creating a Garden for Birds Creating a Garden for Birds Creating a Garden for Birds
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