COVID-19 POLICIES & PROTOCOLS
                             FOR THE ’21-22 SCHOOL YEAR
                                  December 10, 2021

Guiding Principals
Wellbeing: Our chief guiding principal is the overall health, welfare, and safety of our students,
the faculty and staff, and our entire Cristo Rey OKC community. This concern includes their
physical health as well as their educational development and emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
School authority: We will follow all federal, state, and local laws and mandates where
applicable; we will monitor the CDC, the state health department, and the city/county health
department, The Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, and any other authority providing guidance,
however, the final decisions of our policies and protocols are our own.
Vaccinations: We know the single best action an individual can take to safeguard themselves
and protect others from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. We strongly encourage all members of
the Cristo Rey OKC community – students and adults alike – to get vaccinated immediately.
Testing: Next to vaccinations testing is our best tool to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We
strongly encourage all members of the Cristo Rey OKC community to sign testing permission
forms and opt into school testing.
Flexibility: A lesson learned in the past year is that COVID is unpredictable, and flexibility is
key. With that in mind, all precautions and guidelines in this document are subject to change as
conditions warrant.

I. Vaccination & Vaccination Records
           • The best way to protect ourselves and our community is to become
           vaccinated. The higher the percentage of our vaccinated, the closer to normal” the
           school will be. Therefore, all faculty, staff, and students are asked to provide proof
           of vaccination for the school’s Vaccination Registry. A copy of the vaccination card
           will be required. Email a copy of your card to our school nurse at
           • The Vaccination Registry will be a controlled document with limited access.
           • While a vaccination is not required for a student to attend school, it is strongly
           • Many Corporate Work Study Partners are requiring vaccinations in order to work
           at their place of business. All students placed at a Partner business that requires this
           will be required to become vaccinated if they are not already.
           • For information on where to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in Oklahoma, go online
           to Also, most Walgreens and CVS pharmacies offer free
           COVID-19 vaccinations.

II. Masks & Face Coverings
•  Beginning January 18th, 2022, mask usage and face coverings will become
           optional for all faculty, staff, and students.
           • If you are having signs and symptoms of COVID, please stay home, get tested and
           wear a mask.

III. Social Distancing
             • We will continue to always encourage social distancing of 3 feet wherever
             possible. The school is in the process of acquiring new desks and chairs for the fall
             that will better allow this to occur.
             • When possible, teachers should consider placing a vaccinated student between
             unvaccinated students in the classroom seating chart to act as a buffer and without
             revealing any vaccination status to students.

IV. Contact Tracing & Testing
          • We will continue contact tracing when there has been an exposure.
          • Students and parents must report all pending and positive tests, close contact
          exposures, or COVID-19 symptoms to “”
          • Teachers will have seating charts. This will assist when needed to “trace”
          students who may have been directly and indirectly in contact with infected
          • If you have any reason to believe you may be infected with COVID-19 you should
          stay home and get tested. Information on testing and testing locations can be found

V. Quarantine
         • Vaccinated faculty, staff, and students, or faculty, staff, and students who have
         already had COVID-19 within the last 90-days, will not be required to quarantine.
         • Vaccinated individuals who have had contact with a COVID-19 positive person
             should wear a mask and get a test within 3 to 5 days after the contact. Email
             COVID results to Nurse Julie at
         • Unvaccinated faculty, staff, and students who have direct exposure with a COVID
         positive person and receives a negative COVID test after day 5 of exposure, can
         return to school or work after day 7, as long as they are symptom free. Day of
         exposure is day 0, day of return is day 8.
         • Unvaccinated faculty, staff and students who have tested positive for COVID
         must remain in quarantine for a full 10 days. Day of testing is day 0, day of return is
         day 11.
         • Unvaccinated faculty and staff who quarantine will be charged PTO.
         • See Appendix A for further quarantine guidelines.

VI. Travel Guidelines
•   The school reserves the right to require an out of school quarantine for faculty,
           staff, students, and families following any elective travel.
           • Families are required to notify the school of international travel plans, especially
           those families who are unvaccinated.
           • If you have traveled recently and believe that you might have come into direct
           contact with someone infected with COVID or have come into contact with someone
           that is awaiting COVID test results, please notify the school nurse or an

VII. When Sick
          • As with any illness, parents should keep children home if they are ill or display
          symptoms of COVID-19, including a persistent cough, fever greater than 100.0 or
          chills, a sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting, stuffy/congested nose, extreme fatigue,
          body aches, severe headache, loss of taste and smell, and persistent sneezing.
          • For more information on symptoms of COVID-19 and how to differentiate
          coronavirus from other ailments such as seasonal allergies, see Appendix B at the
          end of this report.
          • If a student displays symptoms of COVID-19 during class or a school function,
          they will be separated from others and their parents will be notified and it will be
          necessary to take your student home.
          • Rapid and PCR tests will be offered at Cristo Rey OKC for staff, faculty and
          students through the school nurse. Permission slips must be signed and returned for
          a COVID test to be preformed at school.
          • Parents must notify the school and follow the prescribed quarantine
          requirements if:
                   o their child becomes ill with COVID-19, tests positive for COVID-19, or has
                   a pending test
                   o if someone in the student’s household becomes ill or tests positive for

VIII. General

           • We will continue to work with OSU-OKC for heightened cleaning
           measures. Additionally, we have large quantities of disinfectant wipes and hand
           sanitizer for each classroom to use.
           • We will no longer take the temperatures of anyone entering
           the building; however, a list of symptoms will be posted at the entrances reminding
           people not to enter the building if they may be sick.
                                COVID-19 Quarantine Guidelines
Person A – Any Person Who Has Tested Positive For COVID-19
With Symptoms
Isolation until the following symptoms have been met.
    • 10 days since symptoms first appeared
    • 24 hours since fever broke (w/out the use of fever-reducing medication) and
    • Symptoms have improved
The 24-hour period without fever could occur in the first 10 days, or after the first 10 days.

Without Symptoms / Asymptomatic
Isolate for 10 days from the first positive test date.
    • Monitor self for symptoms, take temp 2x/day
    • Released from quarantine after 10 days as long as no symptoms have been present

Person B – Any Person Who Lives In The Same House As Person A
   • Quarantine immediately
   • Quarantine while Person A is ill & isolated
   • Quarantine for full 10 days or if no signs or symptoms of COVID develop you may test
      out after 5 days and return to school or work after 7 days
   • Quarantine can last 28 days or longer

Person C – Any Person With Close Contact to Person A
   • Quarantine for 10 days or testing on day 5, if test is negative may return to school or
      work after day 7 following last exposure date if no signs or symptoms of COVID develop
   • Contact the City/ County Health Department with any questions and further instructions
   • Monitor self for symptoms, take temperature 2x/day
   • If symptoms develop, notify your primary care provider.

Person D – Any Person Who Had Exposure to B or C Before Quarantine
No action or quarantine required.
From the Oklahoma State Department of Health

                        Assessing Symptomatic Persons for COVID-19
Checking students and staff for COVID-19 symptoms can pose challenges given the similarities
between certain COVID-19 symptoms and seasonal allergies; challenges with younger persons
recognizing when they are sick due to mild symptoms; and the fact that some persons may
have COVID-19 and not have any symptoms at all.
OSDH has developed a symptom assessment tool to help determine when someone should be
kept home or sent home from school and/or tested for COVID-19:
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